View Full Version : Irredeemably bad anime

2008-03-25, 07:57 PM
You know you've watched about twenty episodes of something and realized during the last credits that it was absolutely horrendous. I got about 10 episodes through Eureka 7, a shameful 50 episodes of Bleach, and the whole of Trinity Blood before I learned my lesson. What have you really regretted watching? Was there a specific moment you realized that the plot was trite or the characters were two dimensional and undeveloped or the theme had been mauled?

Wolf Rain would have made it onto the list, but it had one saving grace that it killed everyone in the last few episodes. Most impressively, that annoying Ts-something kid.

Innis Cabal
2008-03-25, 08:04 PM
Mermaid Scar....Peace Maker, Crono Crusade.

2008-03-25, 08:12 PM
4Kids dub of One Piece, need I say more?

The Japanese version is amazing tho.

Innis Cabal
2008-03-25, 08:13 PM
4kids anything honestly

2008-03-25, 08:14 PM
English versions of Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon.

2008-03-25, 08:19 PM
I would say Dragonball, Pokemon, and All That Crapy Things They Show In Polish TV ( I don't even know names). :smallannoyed:

Generally, I'v seen only bad anime in my life.

2008-03-25, 08:21 PM
An art style in which people's eyes are the size of grapefruit will always be irredeemably bad for me. So that's pretty much all anime.

2008-03-25, 08:24 PM
When I was in my early teens, I watched nearly an entire season of Yu-Gi-Oh before realizing how badly it sucked. This pretty much turned me off of anime entirely until well into college. At around the same period, I attempted to get into Dragonball Z, but fortunately, it was near the end of the series and almost totally incomprehensible by that point, so I never really got into it.

Oh, and I watched Pokemon for a couple weeks when I was 10, then lost interest and went back to playing the actual game.

2008-03-25, 08:28 PM
princess mononoke (spelling?)
theres more I'm not thinking of I'm sure, i watch a lot of anime...

2008-03-25, 08:30 PM
Too late on the troll, there. Dragonprime beat you to it.

2008-03-25, 08:34 PM
I shall amaze you all with the horrendous

Crest/banner of the stars!

blue seed (made the mistake of buying this piece of trash)

galaxy express 999

2008-03-25, 08:36 PM
An art style in which people's eyes are the size of grapefruit will always be irredeemably bad for me. So that's pretty much all anime.

Err. Grapefruit-sized eyes in Ghost in the Shell (http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/images/gits-sss.jpg)? Gurren (http://www.gurren-lagann.net/chara/images/lordgenome.gif)-Lagann (http://bignanime.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/interstellar-badass-simon.jpg)? Countless other anime don't have the huge eyes. Huge eyes were very common in the 90s, but art direction has mostly gone away from that direction except where it applies. (Magical girl anime and shoujo stuff, mostly.)

Anyway, irredeemably bad anime I've seen: Shin Hakkenden. It had every anime cliche in it, ever. The characters were all cliches. There's the holy goddess-empress and her evil twin. There's the liberal references to Japanese mythology without really explaining why they're called as such. There's the main character, who looks like Ranma.

Girl-type Ranma. (http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/hakkenden/images/06.JPG)

And he's male.

2008-03-25, 08:45 PM
There's still the fact that is someone has a nose that isn't a tiny bump on their face, it's so huge it's funny. Then there's the hair. The thing that really annoys me in anime. Either people are naturally born with green, blue, purple, and orange hair, or the hair-dye industry in the anime worlds has to have enormous profits.

2008-03-25, 08:54 PM
Hm. Well, everyone in Cowboy Bebop looks pretty realistic, except for the main characters' and one villain's hair (and Faye's outfits). Still stylized, but not ridiculous. I believe Ghost in the Shell is known for realistic character design, but I've yet to see any reasonable amount of it. TTGL as mentioned is pretty good except for some hair colors. And Attenborough. What the hell is up with Attenborough?

Of course, it's all down to a matter of taste. I don't see anything wrong with Japanese cartoon conventions, any more than I have a problem with how The Simpsons is drawn. Of course, you do get anime that looks terrible because it's cheap and shoddily drawn, like my aforementioned example of Dragon Ball Z. I could overlook that mediocre art too, except that that's also terribly written and boring.

2008-03-25, 08:59 PM
Dragon Ball Z and any anime that can be summarized as "Dragon Ball Z except with <insert difference here>". Naruto is Dragon Ball Z with ninja. Inu Yasha is Dragon Ball Z for girls and with demons. Yuyu Hakusho is Dragon Ball Z except with psychics and ghosts.

Innis Cabal
2008-03-25, 09:05 PM
Its.....drawing.......you dont like it.....dont watch...it?

Forgot to add Cyborg 009

2008-03-25, 09:09 PM
Of course, you do get anime that looks terrible because it's cheap and shoddily drawn, like my aforementioned example of Dragon Ball Z.

Don't say that! Sasuke can see you. (http://aslancross.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/poster-sasuke.jpg)

Its.....drawing.......you dont like it.....dont watch...it?

Forgot to add Cyborg 009

I thought Cyborg 009 was okay. Not particularly awesome, but it was fun in any case. I didn't get to watch all of it, though.

2008-03-25, 09:10 PM
FLCL, for me. Sure, I know it's supposedly really popular. I just never liked it. Also, just the theme song from GetBackers. It's long enough to count on its own.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-03-25, 09:10 PM
Super Milk Chan. It was only about six episodes long, but at least half of every single one involved the same routines and animation. For a show that had "Extreme Randomness" as its premise, it got extremely predictable...and when it was random, it wasn't funny.

Renegade Paladin
2008-03-25, 09:10 PM
Any and all anime I've been forced to sit through.

2008-03-25, 09:12 PM
All right guys, I dare you to watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGMfb60lc14) all the way through. Go on, do it, and you'll realize how irrelevant your pitiful Dragonball Zs and Sailor Moons are in the face of truly mind-rapingly bad anime. It's less than 4 minutes long, see how long you can stand it. Watch it, and regret.

2008-03-25, 09:13 PM
Ironically the only ones on you tasteless Schlubs lists I can't argue with (besides "anything made by 4kids) are anime I've never SEEN. :smalltongue:

Can't really think of any. There'll probably be one or two, but I generally purge such terrible things from my mind, and the rest aren't totally irredeemable (just so-so to bad)

2008-03-25, 09:17 PM
There's a lot of anime that I just don't watch at all, but there aren't many I just stop watching outright (as opposed to losing interest in). Hell, I'll even keep up for a while with shows I know are bad, like Inuyasha and Bleach, because they're not quite bad enough, just not very good.

The only show I can remember ever having stopped and said "DONE" with would be Grenadier. I'd read some of the manga and it didn't look as if it would be bad when my flatmate bought the series, but I guess sometimes we all make mistakes.

2008-03-25, 09:17 PM
Any and all anime I've been forced to sit through.

Any particular reason why? And What shows did you see? I was pretty down on anime for a while, but I'd really only seen Salior Moon/Dragonball Z/Naruto, which are hardly considered the best it has to offer.

Rogue 7
2008-03-25, 09:18 PM
Aside from the standard 4kids trash that I casually watched earlier in life, the worst recently is probably the Rurouni Kenshin movie. (Not Trust & Betrayal, let me make that abundantly clear- that's possibly one of the best things I've seen in recent memory). The actual thing billed as the "Movie" was really not much more than a long, glorified filler episode. They could have done well animating the Jinchuu arc, but instead we got that, and it wasn't even good. Makes me look back and realize that I actually didn't really like the anime that much (Love the manga, though)

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-03-25, 09:19 PM
Magikano was train-wreck funny... until it train-wrecked in the last two episodes in such an egregious fashion that it killed any prior enjoyment derived from the show. Sadly, it was the best thing on that season :smallsigh:

Reimuro Senkitan made more sense when I finally realized it was adapted from an H-game... but it didn't make it any better. I watched all of it, and sadly will never get those hours of my life back.

Made it 18 episodes into Heroic Age before I finally admitted that it somehow managed to suck the soul right out of what should have been an exciting epic space opera meets superheroic mecha series, and was never going to get better.

2008-03-25, 09:20 PM
Any and all anime I've been forced to sit through.

Try Read or Die the OVA. It's what convinced me anime wasn't all bad, at least.

2008-03-25, 09:22 PM
Any particular reason why? And What shows did you see? I was pretty down on anime for a while, but I'd really only seen Salior Moon/Dragonball Z/Naruto, which are hardly considered the best it has to offer.
Can we please just leave them to their opinions? It's so much simpler and less likely to breed irritation.

I'm going to say Demon City Shinjuki. Irredeemably Bad means it exists to MST right? That's the worst that I personally witnessed.

2008-03-25, 09:22 PM
I'd have to vote for "Cat Soup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_soup)." Surreal crap, it can only be enjoyed on an aesthetic level. Unfortunately, it's hard to enjoy something just because it's arty and looks like the guy animated random images he had while dreaming or high.

Since we're sharing clips here is what I THINK was the Japanese trying to localize Gundam for an American audience link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8um1N78AhY). Be warned it's horrible, worse than Saban's Sailor Moon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1JmUcC9rss).

2008-03-25, 09:23 PM
I remember liking one anime that was adapted from an H-game (and managing to not be very ecchi at all and actually a pretty good anime in the process) it was about how gates to the world of gods and demons both opened up on earth, and how this one god-chick and this one demon-chick wanted to get engaged to this one human-dude.

2008-03-25, 09:29 PM
I remember liking one anime that was adapted from an H-game (and managing to not be very ecchi at all and actually a pretty good anime in the process) it was about how gates to the world of gods and demons both opened up on earth, and how this one god-chick and this one demon-chick wanted to get engaged to this one human-dude.

Sounds like Shuffle!

2008-03-25, 09:30 PM
I remember liking one anime that was adapted from an H-game (and managing to not be very ecchi at all and actually a pretty good anime in the process) it was about how gates to the world of gods and demons both opened up on earth, and how this one god-chick and this one demon-chick wanted to get engaged to this one human-dude.

I believe that's called Shuffle. Yay, simu-ninjad by a blue haired chibi...

How can the abject lack of quality that is 'Prince of Tenis' not have been mentioned yet?

2008-03-25, 09:30 PM
Sounds like Shuffle!

That was it. The ending sorta surprised me, and it kind of annoyed me when I figured out that it was only one of a few possible endings (from the H-game) and I wish they would have added different endings.

2008-03-25, 09:31 PM
I have no idea what you lot are going on about with FLCL. It's all subtext, the entire plot is a surreal coming of age that takes place in the form of warped symbolism. It's a fabulous little series.

Gurren-Lagann was a really fun because it was overtly stupid and cliche on purpose.

Crest of the Stars had a decent premise, it was just butchered with the crappy pace and timing of the dialogue. The characters spoke with the life of a simulated voice on a decade old computer. Banner of the stars was done much better, though it still was far from perfect.

4kids needs to die, HARD. One Piece was supposed to be a quirky punkfest with more blood than Alucard in a blender, now it's lolipops and hugs.

2008-03-25, 09:32 PM
That was it. The ending sorta surprised me, and it kind of annoyed me when I figured out that it was only one of a few possible endings (from the H-game) and I wish they would have added different endings.

Law of Galge/Eroge adapations: The adaptation will always follow the author's favourite path, which is of course the one with the Mary Sue so everyone else hates it.

Since we're sharing clips here is what I THINK was the Japanese trying to localize Gundam for an American audience link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8um1N78AhY).

You bas-, mean person, you literally made me cry with that.

2008-03-25, 09:35 PM
Since we're sharing clips here is what I THINK was the Japanese trying to localize Gundam for an American audience link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8um1N78AhY). Be warned it's horrible, worse than Saban's Sailor Moon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1JmUcC9rss).

See, this is the kind of stuff I was hoping to see from a thread titled 'Irredeemably bad', not more of that stupid eternally pointless 'Your animu doesn't fit my tastes!!' stuff. If it were produced more recently, I would swear the 'Doozy Bots' clip was a deliberate joke with how many tropes it cheerfully abuses. Instead, it looks like it was just made back when the Powers That Be were even more clueless.

2008-03-25, 09:35 PM
You know you've watched about twenty episodes of something and realized during the last credits that it was absolutely horrendous. I got about 10 episodes through Eureka 7, a shameful 50 episodes of Bleach, and the whole of Trinity Blood before I learned my lesson. What have you really regretted watching? Was there a specific moment you realized that the plot was trite or the characters were two dimensional and undeveloped or the theme had been mauled?

Personally I think Bleach is very good for a Shonen anime until after the Soul Society Arc. Episode 50 sounds like you stopped right before some of the best stuff. I was also rather fond of Trinity Blood.

Anways, here's me list:
2 episodes of Pokemon
1 episode of Yu-gi-oh
The entire series of Dragonball Z
1 episode of 4kids One Piece
The entire series of Big O (If you like batman and the giant robot he never had...)
I was going to keep going, but this list would be so large that I would become depressed about how much crappy anime I've seen.

2008-03-25, 09:36 PM
That was it. The ending sorta surprised me, and it kind of annoyed me when I figured out that it was only one of a few possible endings (from the H-game) and I wish they would have added different endings.

Well, the fan translation for the original computer game is in alpha, so you can always just play that and just skip past the ero scenes.

2008-03-25, 09:40 PM
The entire series of Big O

I.... I LOVED Big O, and I will forever damn Adult Swim to hell for not going through with the final season that was supposed to make sense of the ****ty madcap ending.

2008-03-25, 09:41 PM
I have to disagree with the mentions of FLCL because it has some charm just as a nonsense comedy, while also still giving a certain thought and appreciation for this small town life that's suddenly ripped to shreds with a young boy caught in the midst of it. But eh. Different strokes and such.

Anyway, other mentions that I have to give a nod too, well, small nod at least, is Peacemaker. At least for me, while there's not anything particularly wrong with it, there's not anything particularly right with it either. On top of that it can't quite seem to decide if it's a comedy or a suspence drama and doesn't do very well mixing these without it seeming like the characters suddenly have different personalities.

Also, in general I don't enjoy many of the standard fighting anime (Bleach, Naruto, DBZ) simply because, let's face it, we really don't want to see fights that take that span several episodes. That said, I did rather enjoy the manga for Bleach and Naruto, probably because You can skim over the fights so much quicker.

Adding my own to the thread, Wild Arms. I realized by the start of the second episode that I shouldn't have wasted my money on it (oh foolish me, and buying the whole season too). Specific reason why was
At the end of the first episode, the cast is essentially stuck on this floating prison island that only comes to a 'port' where you can get onto the mainland once every...two Years I think? Anyway, a reasonably long time. Second episode, they're off the island. They're seperated. They're already doing stuff. And no explanation whatsoever about an island escape. I know some anime can be episodic but...TWO YEARS!?
Anyway, overall the anime's jokes fall flat, much of it's 'plot' is revealed in disjointed pieces that just don't make sense, and though stuff happens you really don't get a sense of why or how. Just that it did, and the anime expects you to be happy with that. Also, the WORST opening and closings I've ever seen/heard.

2008-03-25, 09:45 PM
See, this is the kind of stuff I was hoping to see from a thread titled 'Irredeemably bad', not more of that stupid eternally pointless 'Your animu doesn't fit my tastes!!' stuff. If it were produced more recently, I would swear the 'Doozy Bots' clip was a deliberate joke with how many tropes it cheerfully abuses. Instead, it looks like it was just made back when the Powers That Be were even more clueless.

You want bad clips? Ok. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJGDGOIZnfw) But you asked for this.

2008-03-25, 09:45 PM
I'm actually amazed at myself. I can half remember a ton of really bad anime, but succeeded in succesfully blotting out the titles.

2008-03-25, 09:47 PM
All right guys, I dare you to watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGMfb60lc14) all the way through. Go on, do it, and you'll realize how irrelevant your pitiful Dragonball Zs and Sailor Moons are in the face of truly mind-rapingly bad anime. It's less than 4 minutes long, see how long you can stand it. Watch it, and regret.

I managed to do it.

it actually cracked me up...

... and i just realized my life will never be the same.

2008-03-25, 09:47 PM
You know, I fail to see how that Doozy Bots thing is related to Gundam at all except for a couple of the robots looking like chibi-Gundam stuff.

It's still probably the worst cartoon I've ever seen, mind.

2008-03-25, 09:50 PM
This one counts as some suckass series made by the guy who did Lupin III. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYkDP5xDoO8)

People say that Americans ruin things with localization... Here's the reverse... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO26Jn_bFkI)

2008-03-25, 09:54 PM
Here we go.... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzMKxdSI7lk)

2008-03-25, 09:55 PM
People say that Americans ruin things with localization... Here's the reverse... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO26Jn_bFkI)Actually...that doesn't look too bad (as a kids' series, anyway). At least not compared to the Ninja Turtles one. Or maybe I'm just too amused by the fact that the Professor is apparently Phoenix Wright.

Or maybe the OP doesn't convey the true horror.

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-03-25, 09:56 PM
This one counts as some suckass series made by the guy who did Lupin III. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYkDP5xDoO8)
You know, I had successfully blocked this series out of my mind. I didn't even have to start the clip for it to come back. :smallyuk:

People say that Americans ruin things with localization... Here's the reverse... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO26Jn_bFkI)
The real problem with Dema****aa Powerpuff Girls Z is that it's played straight, and so suffers greatly from being compared to the original, which tends to very genre savvy and subverts, parodies, or lampshades a lot of stereotypical child superhero tropes. If it wasn't supposed to be Powerpuff girls, it would probably be much less aggravating.

2008-03-25, 09:56 PM
PowerPuff Girls Z makes perfect sense as a Japanese take on the show, really.. at least, I don't find it to be the same 'WTF is this crack??' as the TMNT clip or the Doozy Bots thing. Although it does have massively excessive transformation sequences.

2008-03-25, 09:58 PM
I'm glad that I didn't see any REALLY bad anime. I liked Naruto. Heck, I even liked Dragonball Z. I definitely liked Bleach and I still watch the newest episodes from time to time. I don't understand people who put FLCL on this list - it's brilliant! Even Earth Maiden Arjuna (brief description courtesy of TVTropes: Captain Planet, with the captain replaced by a magical girl and less obvious, but still anvilicious aesoping) was okay for me. The only anime I didn't like was Elfen Lied, but I do not consider it irredeemably bad. Just normal bad.

2008-03-25, 10:04 PM
You know, I fail to see how that Doozy Bots thing is related to Gundam at all except for a couple of the robots looking like chibi-Gundam stuff.Not Gundam, but the spin off franchise Super Deformed Gundam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Deformed_Gundam).

EDIT: Just watched the TMNT clip... I think it beats anything else here... :smalleek:

2008-03-25, 10:08 PM
Oh god. That brings G Gundom to mind. I wanted to hunt down and slay everyone who worked on that project if they meant for it to be taken seriously.

2008-03-25, 10:15 PM
Oh god. That brings G Gundom to mind. I wanted to hunt down and slay everyone who worked on that project if they meant for it to be taken seriously.

Shwartz Brewder? Who is that guy?!

gosh that show cracked me up.

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-25, 10:19 PM
Huh. Strange. I didn't think that Irredeemably bad anime existed until I saw that Mario anime clip.

2008-03-25, 10:20 PM
Not Gundam, but the spin off franchise Super Deformed Gundam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Deformed_Gundam).
I figured as much. I don't think I'm going to watch SD Gundam now, just so I can pass that Doozy Bots clip off as a horrible dream.

Oh god. That brings G Gundom to mind. I wanted to hunt down and slay everyone who worked on that project if they meant for it to be taken seriously.I think you're safe there. I have a hard time seeing anyone taking G Gundam seriously. Doesn't mean it's not awesome and something I need to sit down and watch, though.

2008-03-25, 10:21 PM
Oh god. That brings G Gundom to mind. I wanted to hunt down and slay everyone who worked on that project if they meant for it to be taken seriously.

Super Robot Anime isn't to be taken seriously. The creators compete to produce the greatest work of Camp humanly possible. It's like Sentai and Tokus. I'm sure there's a few Marks out there who take it seriously in some fashion, but they're not worth the anger.

2008-03-25, 10:26 PM
The only thought that went through my mind upon watching the finishing move... was the idea of a proctologist chanting the pre-attack lines as he hastily dons his latex glove. :smalleek:

2008-03-25, 10:28 PM
The only thought that went through my mind upon watching the finishing move... was the idea of a proctologist chanting the pre-attack lines as he hastily dons his latex glove. :smalleek:...I'm never going to the doctor again.

2008-03-25, 10:29 PM
Oh yeah, the shining finger…. That spawned all sorts of jokes

I think its worse when he gets it upgraded to



for all to see (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VevP_MB6O5A&feature=related)

Raging Gene Ray
2008-03-25, 10:29 PM
Shwartz Brewder? Who is that guy?!

gosh that show cracked me up.

The best part was the CLOWN episode.
The American Gundam Fighter (whose name alone is pretty funny...Chibobee Crockett) is acting strangely after finding out that his next opponent is a Portuguese CLOWN, who seems to know something about his past and frequently taunts him. The Japanese fighter's assistant is concerned (they've built up one of those friendly-rival-type relationships) and investigates.

The American confesses that he has had a fear of CLOWNS ever since he went to the circus as a child, and a CLOWN killed his mom.

I just had a fit of hysteria from typing that.

Anyhow, he asks her to sing a song that his mom used to sing...a song he likes a lot...the Japanese fighter now starts listening in on the conversation and hears his mechanic crooning:

O beautiful for spacious skys
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountains majesty....

Just typing that synopsis brings to my grizzled old innards a laughter I have seldom known.

Innis Cabal
2008-03-25, 10:30 PM
I can list off alot of manga that make me cringe in terror and fear for the lives of the children, but as far as anime go i tend to avoid it all unless i hear stunning reviews about them.

A couple others i thought i forgot, american translation Sailor moon, well sailor moon in general other then its filler season, and Orphan's amercian sub

2008-03-25, 10:32 PM
power puff girls z taught me about rule 34.
this thread just brought back that long buried memory.
MAKE THE BAD IMAGE GO AWAY! *runs screaming into a wall*

2008-03-25, 10:37 PM
Neither of the TMNT anime adaptations (yeah, there are two, or at least two episodes so distinct they seem like different series) are irredeemably bad. Truly "irredeemably bad" would imply that it's not even So Bad It's Good, and they totally fit that aspect.

Renegade Paladin
2008-03-25, 10:38 PM
Any particular reason why? And What shows did you see? I was pretty down on anime for a while, but I'd really only seen Salior Moon/Dragonball Z/Naruto, which are hardly considered the best it has to offer.
I don't know; it's been a long time since someone managed to force me to sit down and watch the garbage. Naruto was in there, but there was a wide variety of stuff of varying degrees of bad production quality, horrible acting, and worse English grammar.

2008-03-25, 10:39 PM
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!
It's burning grip tells me to defeat you!
Take this! My Love, my anger, and ALL MY SORROW!

Here I go!
This hand of mine is burning red!
It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory!
Erupting! Burning! FINGER!

:smalleek: Yeah...
I'm sorry doc, I'll stick with the colon cancer. Thanks. :smallannoyed:

Edit: I didn't care too much for the series, but I loved the mummy and Joker-eqsue villians from the parts I did see of Big O. The Joker one in particular was done very well in terms of appearance and portrayal of personality.

Well... insofar as one could manage with what there was to work with anyway.

2008-03-25, 10:42 PM
Ah almost forgot Nkojiru Gekjiou (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=5550). Allow me to summarize a clip. Cat family owns a family of Pigs (they're all sentient). One day the mother cat decides to have port cutlets for dinner, while a piglet wonders why they're considered inferior to cats. The father cat kills the angsty pig and the kittens give a piece of pork to his younger brother who happily eats it while the adult pigs screw in the background. To a certain extent the show makes the likes of Elfin Lead seem happy and bouncy by comparison.

Rogue 7
2008-03-25, 10:43 PM
I don't know; it's been a long time since someone managed to force me to sit down and watch the garbage. Naruto was in there, but there was a wide variety of stuff of varying degrees of bad production quality, horrible acting, and worse English grammar.

So I assume that you probably watched a fairly low-quality dub? Naruto's is decent, as things go, but enough of the voices get on my nerves that I prefer the sub. Voice-acting and the like varies greatly in quality. If you're looking for a good dub, I've always been a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist.

2008-03-25, 10:44 PM
I don't know; it's been a long time since someone managed to force me to sit down and watch the garbage. Naruto was in there, but there was a wide variety of stuff of varying degrees of bad production quality, horrible acting, and worse English grammar.

Wow, Naruto. That's some QUALITY animation there. Truly, it shall be remembered for it's QUALITY plot and QUALITY acting.

Look, just watch this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxKn5AwOTis

Rogue 7
2008-03-25, 10:48 PM
Hooo-eee that looks amazing. 'course, comparing Naruto to that is like comparing something like "Fairly Oddparents" to something like "Finding Nemo", but the point still stands- Naruto is fairly LCD-ish, shonen fighting anime that's not meant to be taken too, too, deeply. Don't get me wrong, I think it's good, but it's still pretty shallow.

2008-03-25, 10:52 PM
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!
It's burning grip tells me to defeat you!
Take this! My Love, my anger, and ALL MY SORROW!

Here I go!
This hand of mine is burning red!
It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory!
Erupting! Burning! FINGER!

:smalleek: Yeah...
I'm sorry doc, I'll stick with the colon cancer. Thanks. :smallannoyed:

I don't know, G-Gundam was fine. I really didn't take it seriously since the initial shock of "Gundams with martial arts!" was enough to disabuse me of the notion that "this anime has a serious anti-war message."

2008-03-25, 11:01 PM
Ah almost forgot Nkojiru Gekjiou (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=5550). Allow me to summarize a clip. Cat family owns a family of Pigs (they're all sentient). One day the mother cat decides to have port cutlets for dinner, while a piglet wonders why they're considered inferior to cats. The father cat kills the angsty pig and the kittens give a piece of pork to his younger brother who happily eats it while the adult pigs screw in the background. To a certain extent the show makes the likes of Elfin Lead seem happy and bouncy by comparison.

I watched it, all 6 episodes. It was disturbing. Whoever made this atrocity to the fine art of anime should be beaten. This is sick.

2008-03-25, 11:08 PM
Once upon a time, there was an Otaku by the name of Haruki. It wasn't his real name, but let's pretend it is.

His friends were all so very interested in one Animé, but he felt too lazy to watch it. Over 200 episodes! Why is tha worth it? But they said, "It's totally worth it!"

So he started. He watched one episode and thought, "Well, it's not so bad. The Kid has a Demon Fox sealed inside him? Interesting."

He watched 5 episodes. "Oh, well.... the plot is only starting right?#

13 episodes. His friend told him, "Dude, skip to Episode 20, that's where it actually starts." So he did, skipped to episode 20 and went on. He thought "Well, this is the beginning of the story arc, it's got to be slow."

The story arc went on, and on, and on. The young Otaku started to get tired of it. But his friends urged him on. 50 shameless episodes it was. He kept going, his friends kept saying, "It has a good story! It has a great plot! You just gotta wait for it! It'll start! You'll see!"


"Dude! It's a good animé! It has a good plot!"

General Pop-culture 101: If an Animé takes 80 episodes for the plot to start, it's NOT A GOOD ANIMÉ!

Naruto sucks.

2008-03-25, 11:21 PM
Hooo-eee that looks amazing. 'course, comparing Naruto to that is like comparing something like "Fairly Oddparents" to something like "Finding Nemo", but the point still stands- Naruto is fairly LCD-ish, shonen fighting anime that's not meant to be taken too, too, deeply. Don't get me wrong, I think it's good, but it's still pretty shallow.

TV shows don't have trailers that I can easily link too to show off the animation.

2008-03-25, 11:33 PM
I don't know, G-Gundam was fine. I really didn't take it seriously since the initial shock of "Gundams with martial arts!" was enough to disabuse me of the notion that "this anime has a serious anti-war message."

G-Gundam falls neatly into the "its so bad its good" category.
Take for example the gundam from Neo Holland, it has a giant windmill built into it, and he has to spin it with his hands to even operate its special attack.

or the special attack from Neo France, hundreds of fly rose buds that shoot lasers out of them...its called rose bits.

you just can't take this seriously.

2008-03-25, 11:58 PM
Bah, all your clips pale in comparison to the horror that is the QUALITY VAN (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7fDTd4tWrE)!!!

It's a Where's Waldo of goofs and physical impossibilities.

2008-03-26, 12:06 AM
Once upon a time, there was an Otaku by the name of Haruki. It wasn't his real name, but let's pretend it is.

His friends were all so very interested in one Animé, but he felt too lazy to watch it. Over 200 episodes! Why is tha worth it? But they said, "It's totally worth it!"

So he started. He watched one episode and thought, "Well, it's not so bad. The Kid has a Demon Fox sealed inside him? Interesting."

He watched 5 episodes. "Oh, well.... the plot is only starting right?#

13 episodes. His friend told him, "Dude, skip to Episode 20, that's where it actually starts." So he did, skipped to episode 20 and went on. He thought "Well, this is the beginning of the story arc, it's got to be slow."

The story arc went on, and on, and on. The young Otaku started to get tired of it. But his friends urged him on. 50 shameless episodes it was. He kept going, his friends kept saying, "It has a good story! It has a great plot! You just gotta wait for it! It'll start! You'll see!"


"Dude! It's a good animé! It has a good plot!"

General Pop-culture 101: If an Animé takes 80 episodes for the plot to start, it's NOT A GOOD ANIMÉ!

Naruto sucks.
Let me say the two big misconceptions about naruto.

#1 It involves Ninjas
#2 It does not involve magic.

I have known Naruto Fanboys (Stage 3 or so) who have tried to support both these things. But wearing an orange jumpsuit and never showing any steal skills does not make a ninja. Also, If your throwing around fire and illusions that is magic, I don't care what you call it, It is magic.

2008-03-26, 12:22 AM
Blood. Blood? Blood! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdRAN5S7rv4&feature=related)

2008-03-26, 12:24 AM
.hack//Sign. The experience is comparable to watching paint dry.

"So ... is something going to happen? Ever? And why is the main character such a whiny bitch?"

And in all of Naruto there is only one truly great episode: when Zabuza kills his boss wielding a single ... knife, I guess ... in his teeth. And even that episode turned up the level of homoeroticism to 11. :smalltongue:

(Why do they even use weapons in Naruto? Virtually every powerful technique involves energy balls or hypnotic gazes or some other crap.)

2008-03-26, 12:26 AM
I have known Naruto Fanboys (Stage 3 or so) who have tried to support both these things. But wearing an orange jumpsuit and never showing any steal skills does not make a ninja. Also, If your throwing around fire and illusions that is magic, I don't care what you call it, It is magic.

Depends on the definition of 'magic'. It's superhuman, certainly, supernatural, yeah, but 'Magic' can mean an awful lot of things.

2008-03-26, 12:26 AM
The worst anime ever. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpG1hWQwulA&feature=related)I'd watch Doozy Bots rather than this. I'd watch Saban Sailor Moon. The .... pain....galrlge..

EDIT: They couldn't afford SimCopter... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJxPjUo5-cI&feature=related)

2008-03-26, 12:30 AM
Depends on the definition of 'magic'. It's superhuman, certainly, supernatural, yeah, but 'Magic' can mean an awful lot of things.
It can, and it most certainly means what they do.

Punching a guy= not magic
Punching a guy through several walls= proably magic.
Useing intrinsic power to make the laws of physics sit down and shut up= Definetally magic.

2008-03-26, 12:40 AM
By your definition, yes.

Alternately, you could take another definition of Magic. Perhaps asking the spirits that exist in everything isn't Magic, because it's just using laws and contracts that are just as important as physics, but aren't recognized.

You call that magic, someone else may not, and I really couldn't care less, I'm just trying to poke some conception of subjectivity into what is a ludicrously (And unfortunately, perhaps) subjective concept.

2008-03-26, 03:53 AM
And in all of Naruto there is only one truly great episode: when Zabuza kills his boss wielding a single ... knife, I guess ... in his teeth. And even that episode turned up the level of homoeroticism to 11. :smalltongue:

This is quintessential proof that Manga is always better than Anime. In the Manga he beheads the man, and the homoeroticism of that scene was the best part.

Seriously, I read Naruto faithfully for millions of years, but the anime is awful, and it actually killed my enjoyment of the Manga as well. Crest/Banner of the Stars is a joy to read in Manga or Light Novel form... the Anime is awful. I read up to issue 300 of Bleach in pretty much three days and was only moderately miffed at some points, I've heard the anime is terrible. The Manga of Nausicaa is reportedly one of the best things ever, but I actually rate the Anime as Miyazaki's worst work (making it extremely watchable)

As for anime I watched and thought was awful... god, my memory is failing me right now. I hated Starblazers... I remember when I was a wee lad being introduced to Anime for the very first time with Evangelion and Ranma 1/2 and Slayers (three anime still in my top 5), and one incident that sticks out in my mind was watching Here's Greenwood, which I will remember forever as the first anime I saw that I didn't like. I also didn't like Boogiepop Phantom, but that was because it wasn't "for" me, not that it was low quality. Oh! Betterman! That's an anime that sucked unequivocally.

2008-03-26, 03:54 AM
I'm glad that I didn't see any REALLY bad anime. I liked Naruto. Heck, I even liked Dragonball Z. I definitely liked Bleach and I still watch the newest episodes from time to time. I don't understand people who put FLCL on this list - it's brilliant! Even Earth Maiden Arjuna (brief description courtesy of TVTropes: Captain Planet, with the captain replaced by a magical girl and less obvious, but still anvilicious aesoping) was okay for me. The only anime I didn't like was Elfen Lied, but I do not consider it irredeemably bad. Just normal bad.

Oh yeah? Don't tell me you already forgot about Ninja Scroll: the anime that's supposed to be for adults, which translates to lots of stupid violence, disturbing and tasteless villains like a stoneskin-covered giant of a man raping the female lead, woman who can pull snakes from her *ahem*, and the bee-man that makes you want to take a shower and drink mind bleach. As well as an extremely generic protagonist and a plot that can be described as Conan in feudal Japan. At least the blind samurai and the only guy in the whole series who can be described as ninja were kinda cool... It's weird that this atrocity was made by the same people who also made the very good Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.

And I disagree with Elfen Lied: it wasn't brilliant, but wasn't horrible either. You should probably watch it to the end, brudda.

2008-03-26, 04:05 AM
Well agree with the 4kids need to die. Of course, there is what they have done to Naruto and the stupid «believe it» but the only thing they really changed is the voice actors (really bad voice actors, but still just voice actors) and censored the blood and the vulgarity. Thats bad, but not as bad as what they did to One Piece. They give it the worse opening ever, the worse voice actor ever, change one of the bloodiest anime ever in a cartoon where being impaled by a sword doesnt make you bleed, delete lots of important episodes and dialogue (and no, the episode they delete arent even actually fillers), twist pretty much every words the characters said in the japanese version and, worst of all, THEY GIVE SANJI A FREAKING LOLLIPOP INSTEAD OF HIS CIGARETTE! Seriously, its just ridiculous how they just dont want anyone to smoke.

I never saw an anime in his original version that was irredeemably bad though. But most anime just arent as good as their manga, especially long anime like Naruto and Bleach since they end up with lots of fillers.

2008-03-26, 05:13 AM
Naruto isn't done by 4Kids. One Piece is now done by Funimation and is no longer done by 4Kids, so there's some hope in that.

Manga Shoggoth
2008-03-26, 05:55 AM
You know you've watched about twenty episodes of something and realized during the last credits that it was absolutely horrendous. I got about 10 episodes through Eureka 7, a shameful 50 episodes of Bleach, and the whole of Trinity Blood before I learned my lesson. What have you really regretted watching? Was there a specific moment you realized that the plot was trite or the characters were two dimensional and undeveloped or the theme had been mauled?

I had three anime that were thrown out of my collection in disgust. Only one of them could loosely be described as a series:

1. Ultimate Teacher. Bad dub, nonsensical plot (even allowing for the fact that I didn't have high expectations).

2. Odin: A space exploration story that was so dull and slow that I knew that I would never watch it again.

3. Colorful. Again, with the subject matter I wasn't expecting much, but I didn't even finish watching the second "episode". Only one decent scene (Actually a running joke in one episode), the rest being offensive mindless drivel.

Even the worst examples in my collection have some saving graces. I couldn't find any in those three.

2008-03-26, 06:01 AM
Oddly enough, I thought that the Lollipop was even more badass than the cigarettes. But other than that what happened to One Piece is something that will rank amongst humanities worst crimes.

2008-03-26, 06:17 AM
Wow, Naruto. That's some QUALITY animation there. Truly, it shall be remembered for it's QUALITY plot and QUALITY acting.

Look, just watch this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxKn5AwOTis

Or just as well, watch this Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8SPcvMW-00&feature=related).

As for terrible anime. Simoun.

Robots powered by lesbian kisses? WTF?

Actually, I can accept that. It's just that the series is really, really bad.

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-26, 07:48 AM
You know...I think that One Piece (dubbed) is saved by two things that make it watchable.

1) the occassional villain that becomes so much cooler than...anybody else. I didn't see much, but both Captain Kuro and Arlong redeem most of the rest.

2) Roranoro Zolo.

2008-03-26, 02:26 PM
oh how could I have possibly forgotten about

fist of the north star (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsrE7y7jqYk)

2008-03-26, 03:01 PM
Leave Fist of the North Star alone! I don't care how bad it is, it was my first anime.

I always figured that was why it felt awkward and left me feeling unforfilled afterward. :smalltongue:

2008-03-26, 03:44 PM
All right guys, I dare you to watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGMfb60lc14) all the way through. Go on, do it, and you'll realize how irrelevant your pitiful Dragonball Zs and Sailor Moons are in the face of truly mind-rapingly bad anime. It's less than 4 minutes long, see how long you can stand it. Watch it, and regret.


Man i dont think that was all that bad.. in fact it was hilarious. I had no clue this even existed.. no wonder TMNT were so popular.

I want to see this now just because!

2008-03-26, 03:50 PM
oh how could I have possibly forgotten about

fist of the north star (http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsrE7y7jqYk&feature=related)

You are already dead.

2008-03-26, 05:34 PM
You are already dead.

in how long?

2008-03-26, 05:46 PM
in how long?

In ten seconds. I will count it down for you.


an kobold
2008-03-26, 07:15 PM
It's been a real long time since I've seen it and the title might be a little off, but I think it roughly translated as "The Lugubriousness of Hairyhu Mimeasaki." It made FlCl seem coherent:smallyuk: .

2008-03-26, 07:24 PM
It's been a real long time since I've seen it and the title might be a little off, but I think it roughly translated as "The Lugubriousness of Hairyhu Mimeasaki." It made FlCl seem coherent:smallyuk: .

You best not be dissin' what I think you be dissin', or you cruisin' for a bruisin' that you sure to be losin'.

In all seriousness: Really? Or is this an attempt to get a reaction?

an kobold
2008-03-26, 08:11 PM
You best not be dissin' what I think you be dissin', or you cruisin' for a bruisin' that you sure to be losin'.

In all seriousness: Really? Or is this an attempt to get a reaction?

Naw, it's just a joke. I'm not that suicidal.

In all seriousness, I have a weeaboo problem. FLCL (why you no like awesome show?), Azumanga Daioh, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Paranoia Agent all top my awesome show lists. But I could quit if I wanted to. Yeah. Quit.

Well, here's a serious suggestion I'm not sure if it's irredeemably bad, but the context of my viewing has made it so for me.
Wicked City
A beautifully thought out setting and background is raped as it's used as an excuse for all sorts of human on demon, tentacle on demon, etc. sex. The wikipedia article on it is literally nsfw.

2008-03-26, 08:27 PM
Hey, I like stupid shonen anime. Dragonball Z is fun if you don't expect plot or characters. Bleach is similar, except less stupid. Trinity Blood is great except for how freaking irritating the hero's fake-wimpiness gets.

I dunno, I've never seen anime that I completely hated. Well, maybe Neon Genesis Evangelion, but that's because I already knew what the ending would be.

2008-03-26, 08:38 PM
oh how could I have possibly forgotten about

fist of the north star (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsrE7y7jqYk)
I should make your nervous system explode for such a blasphemy.

2008-03-26, 09:11 PM
Yu-gi-oh, Naurto, Peacemaker, Dragonball

I'd say one piece but it view it as a parody so...

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-26, 09:49 PM
Speaking of parody, has anyone else seen the pilot for Elf Princess Rane? The whole show is parody...it's freaking hilarious that way, but yeah, pretty bad.


2008-03-26, 10:33 PM
All right guys, I dare you to watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGMfb60lc14) all the way through. Go on, do it, and you'll realize how irrelevant your pitiful Dragonball Zs and Sailor Moons are in the face of truly mind-rapingly bad anime. It's less than 4 minutes long, see how long you can stand it. Watch it, and regret.

Trust me, that's nothing. Frankly, aside form the song, and the Sentai style "Super Mutation" gimic, its alot like the american 80s/90s cartoon. Especially when you watch the whole 2 episodes.

For example, classic Toon Ninja turtle villain reaction (a bit more animated shredder, but hey)

as Krang plots to destroy earth. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMRTpIP61c4&NR=1)

2008-03-27, 01:53 AM
Don’t get me wrong, I liked the Fist of the North Star, but still it’s pretty bad, particularly the American dub.
(Did anyone else notice a stunning similarity between kenshiro, shin and Ryu and Ken from street fighter fame?)

Heck I even liked DBZ, a lot of people think it’s a serious action anime, but its not. It’s a action-comedy, its made to be laughed at. Though it’s still lousy.

I HATED Azumanga Daioh in fact I’ve dubbed it: “Awfulmangadienow”.

2008-03-27, 02:05 AM
I HATED Azumanga Daioh in fact I’ve dubbed it: “Awfulmangadienow”.

I should make your nervous system explode for such a blasphemy.

2008-03-27, 02:17 AM
Any and all anime I've been forced to sit through.

If you don't like anime, there really is no reason for you to take part in a discussion about anime. That would be like me butting in on a conversation about the Red Sox, and how they are a travesty to basketball fans everywhere, to proclaim that I don't really like sports, really. Why bother saying anything at all in that situation?

Anyway, I don't see how Bleach qualifies as irredeemably bad. I've seen the first few episodes, and they were pretty good. I've heard it goes into a death spiral of declining show quality later on, but that would just make it bad, not really, really, bad. Wouldn't it?

As for anime I've seen more than I would care to have:
Dragonball. My roommate for a year and a half was obsessed with the series, as were most of my circle of friends at the time, so I wound up watching most of the series. It nearly turned me off from anime all together. Then one of my gamer friends showed me some actual good anime. I forget what the first anime that was good that I watched (and recognized as anime, I saw Valley of the Winds when it came out in the US).

Sailor Moon: Which I'm not fond of as an anime. Growing up my sister watched in on cartoon network all the time, so I've seen most of it. She put up with Lois & Clark (the thing I liked that she didn't), so I can't really complain. And Sailor Moon had its good points.

Kiddy Grade, Second Half: The story ended on such a beautiful tragic note, and then they kept going. GAH!

Tenjho Tenge (probably misspelled): Great anime. Great plot. Series doesn't end, it just stops mid plot-arc. GAH!

Apart from that, I have a friend who screens for me. He is a major anime nut, so before I buy/rent from Netflix an anime, I ask him if it is any good. Most of the time he is right.

2008-03-27, 03:44 AM
For my part, I can't say I'm fond of Lucky Star. Can't see the appeal behind it apart from the Jailbait and the oh-so-adorable characters that can give a random watcher diabetes.

2008-03-27, 05:19 AM
Sailor Moon: Which I'm not fond of as an anime. Growing up my sister watched in on cartoon network all the time, so I've seen most of it. She put up with Lois & Clark (the thing I liked that she didn't), so I can't really complain. And Sailor Moon had its good points.

you mean when they transform and is naked?

ok, sorry, perv-jokes on me.

2008-03-27, 05:26 AM
For my part, I can't say I'm fond of Lucky Star. Can't see the appeal behind it apart from the Jailbait and the oh-so-adorable characters that can give a random watcher diabetes.

You're probably just not otaku-ish enough to get all the references that make it enjoyable. Don't worry, barely anyone in the western world is.

But even thinking about Lucky Star in terms of jailbail should be a crime. :smallyuk:

And yes, I did get diabetes from watching this show. But I don't really regret it.

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-27, 07:43 AM
You're probably just not otaku-ish enough to get all the references that make it enjoyable. Don't worry, barely anyone in the western world is.

But even thinking about Lucky Star in terms of jailbail should be a crime. :smallyuk:

And yes, I did get diabetes from watching this show. But I don't really regret it.

Uh oh...is only seeing two episodes enough to get diabetes?

an kobold
2008-03-27, 10:34 AM
I should make your nervous system explode for such a blasphemy.

I'll throw in with you on this.

2008-03-27, 11:18 AM
You're probably just not otaku-ish enough to get all the references that make it enjoyable. Don't worry, barely anyone in the western world is.

But even thinking about Lucky Star in terms of jailbail should be a crime. :smallyuk:

And yes, I did get diabetes from watching this show. But I don't really regret it.

To the first point - not really. I am not exactly very knowledgeable in anime and such, but I found it unbelievably fun. It just requires a bit of ability to understand how other cultures work, and in eight chapters you're starting to get things and laughing your ass off. An empathic sense of humor also helps a lot :smallwink:

Second point - QFT. Massive squick there, man.

And third, LS is adorable enough that by all logic it should give you diabetes (I am not usually one for the cute, but Tsukasa is just so goddamned huggable it felt like a physical compulsion - the fact that she's freaking identical to my little sis didn't help matters, either), but in my experience it's a kind of sugar that is metabolyzed easy and doesn't cause the typical overly-cutesy-caused diabetes :smalltongue:.

2008-03-27, 11:31 AM
Nearly all animes that last 2x more than their natural life span, or more.
Dragonball would have been a nice thing to watch in 1\10 of the episodes, and stuff like Virtua Fighter or Street Fighter would have been also nice in one third their episodes. They get so awfully boring and repetitive, with "power up" scenes that occupy a whole episode, or close ups of the main hero´s eyes thinking about his ancestors or just gnawing their teeth. Yeah, to sum it up, those three sucked big time

Raging Gene Ray
2008-03-27, 11:39 AM
...and stuff like Virtua Fighter or Street Fighter would have been also nice in one third their episodes. They get so awfully boring and repetitive, with "power up" scenes that occupy a whole episode, or close ups of the main hero´s eyes thinking about his ancestors or just gnawing their teeth.

I remember watching only a few episodes of Street Fighter, solely for riffing purposes. What sticks out in my mind is a scene that had Ryu powering up a fireball...then it cut to M. Bison laughing maniacally...then it cut back to Ryu...then to M. Bison...on and on, each time more ludicrously drawn out than the last.

There are also the end credits that inexplicably show pictures of Ryu and Ken window shopping, sipping coffee and eating petite cakes at a street cafe, riding together on a bicycle built for two, and other traditionally doubleplus unmanly things. I liked those; they gave the comforting message that the people who make this don't take it too seriously.

2008-03-27, 12:29 PM
You're probably just not otaku-ish enough to get all the references that make it enjoyable. Don't worry, barely anyone in the western world is.

But even thinking about Lucky Star in terms of jailbail should be a crime. :smallyuk:

But Konata makes jokes about it in the actual show.

2008-03-27, 12:58 PM
If a fictional character makes jokes about you, it's one more reason why you should stop what are you doing.

2008-03-27, 01:21 PM
I should make your nervous system explode for such a blasphemy.

Just because i didn't like it doesn't mean you have to. if you like it, that's great. but personally i didn't. i guess its a case of different strokes for different folks.

obvious pun
2008-03-27, 01:31 PM
Anything 4kids gets there curs-ed hands on. Are they deliberately trying to ruin anime? To quote TvTropes wiki: One Piece drowned in a sea of its own digitally erased blood. Thankfully they no longer dub One Piece, but the damage they've done already may never be reversed...

2008-03-27, 01:40 PM
Just because i didn't like it doesn't mean you have to. if you like it, that's great. but personally i didn't. i guess its a case of different strokes for different folks.

I don't really care, I just wanted to imitate Nevrmore.

2008-03-27, 01:40 PM
Just because i didn't like it doesn't mean you have to. if you like it, that's great. but personally i didn't. i guess its a case of different strokes for different folks.I'm almost positive bluish_wolf was joking since exploding biomatter is a major part of "Fist of the North Star." It's a bit like saying "you will be assimilated" to an anti-Star Trek fan imo.

2008-03-27, 02:14 PM
Yeah, I kinda figured. But I thought I’d head off any potential problems before they arise (some times you never know).