View Full Version : Doves and 21-Gun-Salute: Could this possibly happen?

2008-03-25, 08:10 PM
http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Comics/Matt/again-this-took-entirely-too-long-to-draw.png (http://www.explosm.net/comics/1216/)
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net (http://www.explosm.net/)

Could this ever happen?

2008-03-25, 08:17 PM
Congratulations, you've started the most worthless topic ever.

2008-03-25, 08:25 PM
Could this ever happen?

No, because in real life, bullets don't magically target things. You have to aim your gun. And I doubt they would be aiming at the birds.

Stuff like this makes me fear for humanity.

2008-03-25, 08:30 PM
Yeah, this is a stupid topic.

I guess it could technically happen.

If we had like, auto-targetting magic bullets that always hit things.


That wouldn't be good.

2008-03-25, 08:42 PM
While I enjoy Cyanide and Happiness, I think the shooting of the doves isn't the only thing that doesn't make sense.

1. Yeah, I count 18 guns short of the mentioned salute.
2. M16s are not used to give salutes.
3. Doves are not generally released at military funerals
4. Judging by the pew and pulpit, they are apparently inside a church. Firing weapons and releasing live animals who cannot survive in the wild.

'Could they hit the birds' is but a runner up.

2008-03-25, 09:00 PM
Don't forget, the doves were the cause of death, so they were aiming!

Oh, wait, nevermind...

2008-03-25, 10:52 PM
I think that it was suffering from a severe lack of mudkipz, which is one of the main reasons that it just isn't made of epic wins.

2008-03-25, 10:56 PM
While I enjoy Cyanide and Happiness, I think the shooting of the doves isn't the only thing that doesn't make sense.

1. Yeah, I count 18 guns short of the mentioned salute.
You do realize that in a full 21-gun salute, there are only seven shooters, right? They shoot their guns three times in succession.

Therefore, how many times would three gunmen shoot their guns? Eh? Eh? Come on, you can do it!

2008-03-25, 10:58 PM
Gosh, I know this one...


Okay, let's see...

21 skittles given to 3 kids...




2008-03-26, 07:40 AM
While I enjoy Cyanide and Happiness, I think the shooting of the doves isn't the only thing that doesn't make sense.

1. Yeah, I count 18 guns short of the mentioned salute.
2. M16s are not used to give salutes.
3. Doves are not generally released at military funerals
4. Judging by the pew and pulpit, they are apparently inside a church. Firing weapons and releasing live animals who cannot survive in the wild.

'Could they hit the birds' is but a runner up.
1. 21 gun salute commonly have a smaller number shooting more then once for desired effect.
Such as 3 gunners, 7 shots each.
2. M16 can be set to single shot. But yeah, not a ceremonial gun per se
3. Perhaps, but the strip would lose out on something if we skipped the doves.
4. Doves do survive in the wild well enough (rat bastards) although the mad numbers they multiply into near retired people who feed them so they can crap salmonella all over the place is a man-made environment. not helpless in the wild, though it is a nice thought.
No furniture visible that cannot be placed outside for a ceremony.

2008-03-26, 09:09 AM
I guess my thread wasn't that dumb after all...

2008-03-26, 10:23 PM
No, it couldn't happen, they use blanks in the guns.

2008-03-28, 04:57 PM
1. 21 gun salute commonly have a smaller number shooting more then once for desired effect.
Such as 3 gunners, 7 shots each.

Right, but There are only three *BAM*s in the picture.

For all of you who seem to think I'm retarded/unable to count/ignorant of how a salute is done- they had three guns, one shot each, which is 18 guns short of a 21 gun salute. They may have been intending to fire off more rounds, but they didn't.