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2008-03-26, 04:38 PM
To those who are probably a little more familiar with the crunch of some of the more obscure rules in D&D, I have a quick question I hope someone might be able to answer.

Is it possible to combine VoP with the Incarnum classes (namely Totemist for a bit of combat capability), with the aim of supplementing the VoP bonuses with the various soulmeld/chakras. I had a quick look at the description for VoP, and I can't decide whether it is actually allowed for the soulbinds to work with it. Do soulbinds/chakras count as magic items for the purpose of VoP?

Additionally, how feasible does this idea sound? The character will be level 6 to start, and the group isn't massively over-optimised. Am I creating something significantly underpowered?


2008-03-26, 04:41 PM
1) No, they don't count as magic items. If you can manage to RP an Exalted character, your Vow of Poverty Totemist is good to go. I think.

2) Vow of Poverty is generally viewed as a bit weak, anyway. I don't think you'll be particularly underpowered, or exceptionally overpowered.

2008-03-26, 04:44 PM
It's a good idea, I'd say that's legal. Soulmelds aren't actually physical items, and they have no gp value, so I don't see a problem.

As to how powerful it is... well, it does get more mileage out of VoP than most other characters can get (except Druid19/Monk1 cheesefests, of course), but the bonuses are of different types and on the whole I think it's a good idea for a Medium-High power game, where all the players are veterans and have some idea how to make strong characters. I wouldn't recommend it around beginners though, because it does have a vague scent of cheddar, especially if you're not familiar with how Incarnum works.

2008-03-26, 04:50 PM
Well the party currently consists of a Cleric/Crusader/RKV, a Druid/MoMF (Who went MoMF after his animal companion was slain recently), a Warblade and a Warlock. Additionally, we have a part-time player running a Wizard (Conjurer specialist).
As far as I can tell it seemed relatively balanced to me, but I wanted to check the ruling.

Thanks guys.

2008-03-26, 05:04 PM
As long as the warlock isn't having a hard time, you'll probably be okay, since that's the approximate power level you'll be at.

The rest of the group does have potentially much, much more powerful characters, but whether that's a problem depends on the group. Again, the warlock is your best barometer here, if he's not getting marginalized there shouldn't be a problem.

2008-03-26, 05:12 PM
Actually, ironically enough, the only character to have suffered a death (and subsequent resurrection) was the Warblade, but that was because he charged into battle with only 20% hp against a shambling mound (he was level 7 at the time, and the corridor was not wide enough for anyone else to fight effectively). The Warlock has actually been doing pretty well, though the DM has given him leave to take Hellfire warlock later on in the game.

Thanks for the input. I'll have to pick my soulmelds wisely since he will have little other combat options with only access to simple weapons.