View Full Version : lolcats on my jones soda?

2008-03-26, 04:50 PM
Well, it seems the soda company Jone's Soda is getting in on this interbutts thing and putting lolcats on their soda bottles. Linky (http://www.webware.com/8301-1_109-9902737-2.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=Webware)

My thoughts on it? As amusing as it would be to see them as I drunk my fufu berry, or as I call, my FABULOUS berry, it just seems a bit of an odd marketing ploy.

As to how much I care about this, actually, it's not that big on my list of things. I don't complain about much. Just thought this would be interesting to share.

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-03-26, 05:16 PM
You know, I'm not sure whether this is a win or a fail either.

If they just went ahead and did it with no fanfare, and completely replaced the normal logo with a lolcat, I think it would be a win. As it stands now, I think it just seems like a publicity stunt to me.

It's kind of neat and if I see it somewhere I might pick one up, I just think it could have been cooler. Oh well. :smalltongue:

2008-03-26, 05:17 PM
I love the idea. MEMEs are the celebs of the modern, intertube, era. Jones is by FAR the best soda brand out there that doesn't cost you your first born to get ahold of, and part of that comes from the charm of the company itself. They do interesting things, and they are fun.

-of course, the use of cane sugar as opposed to artificial sweeteners helps a lil too.

2008-03-26, 06:22 PM
The rant in the last comment on that site is pretty amusing, especially when he talks about the lolrus. You'd have to be plain stupid to confuse an elephant seal and a walrus... :smallamused:

As for the issue at hand... why not? Lolcats aren't going to lose them any sales, and might be pretty intriguing to the uninitiated.

2008-03-26, 07:22 PM
I love Jones but lolcats are a bit played out in my opinion.

As long as they don't break rules #1 and #2, I could care less about their meme labels.

Best soda company ever tho. Cane sugar in a world of High Fructose Corn Syrup makes them gods among men.

2008-03-27, 04:59 PM
The rant in the last comment on that site is pretty amusing, especially when he talks about the lolrus. You'd have to be plain stupid to confuse an elephant seal and a walrus... :smallamused:

As for the issue at hand... why not? Lolcats aren't going to lose them any sales, and might be pretty intriguing to the uninitiated.

I enjoyed the comments as well.

As for them using lolcats, I think in terms of the quality of their product, their sales will stay the same as well. It just feels odd if a bit forced to start using memes for labels.

2008-03-27, 05:56 PM
I think some higher-up decided to do it both to boost sales (someone finally noticed how popular internet memes are) and for his own amusement - because if I owned a soft drink brand, I'd do something like that too.

Dave Rapp
2008-03-27, 07:49 PM
They should put other memes on there too...



"I just don't quite see the connection between LOLcats and the soda buying community"

Where has this guy been? Last time I checked, geeks and nerds loved junkfood. That includes overly caffeinated carbonated sugar-fluid, AKA, soda! I becha' this guy had no idea what lolcats was until he wiki'd it. Friggin' n00b phails at life, lulz.

2008-03-27, 09:43 PM
If they just went ahead and did it with no fanfare, and completely replaced the normal logo with a lolcat, I think it would be a win. As it stands now, I think it just seems like a publicity stunt to me.

If they were going to pick an Internet Meme to stick on the bottles without telling anyone, wouldn't Rick Astley (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0) be the Meme to pick?

2008-03-28, 12:53 AM
Damn. It.

This internet phenomenon has just about run its course. Way back when, cat macros were esoteric and usually pretty funny. Then, like all good things, the whole idea was "discovered," mass-produced, and now it's being used to make money. What was once a fun inside joke is now a tiresome cultural staple that's well on the road to being put down like ORLY? and the Hamster Dance.

At least no one can say that nothing productive ever came out of 4chan.

2008-03-28, 01:08 AM
As long as they don't use the same three or five pictures over and over, it would at least make reading the bottles more entertaining. At the same time, it feels a bit like adults trying to be "hip" to the lingo of the youngsters, which is always cringeworthy at best; I've always found manufactured "cool" to be a bit distasteful, in whatever form.

Speaking of which, what the heck is Jone's soda? I have never heard of it.

2008-03-29, 01:54 AM
Kitties AND my favorite soda :D

life is good

2008-03-29, 02:36 AM
As long as they don't use the same three or five pictures over and over, it would at least make reading the bottles more entertaining. At the same time, it feels a bit like adults trying to be "hip" to the lingo of the youngsters, which is always cringeworthy at best; I've always found manufactured "cool" to be a bit distasteful, in whatever form.

Speaking of which, what the heck is Jone's soda? I have never heard of it.

Doesn't seem that way to me because Jones Soda is so crazy...

I don't know much about it, except that they seem to be making flavors almost for kicks.

Here, have some (http://www.ironstomach.com/videos/show/609444)videos (http://www.ironstomach.com/videos/show/647553)of people trying out two of their holiday packs.

2008-03-29, 03:26 AM
of course, the use of cane sugar as opposed to artificial sweeteners helps a lil too.It concerns me that this is a novel concept to you. :smallconfused:

2008-03-29, 07:23 AM
I should find someplace with that soda pop. High fructose corn syrup gives me the skitters.

2008-03-29, 08:10 AM
Wait, you actually don't have soda with normal sugar in it over there? Damn, I pity you.

The Extinguisher
2008-03-29, 08:14 AM
Love Jones soda, and lolcats are mildly humorous.

I like the idea. As long as they don't do it exclusively, and keep some of the other pictures as well.

2008-03-29, 11:09 AM
Wait, you actually don't have soda with normal sugar in it over there? Damn, I pity you.

USA has import restrictions on sugar, so all we have is expensive sugar from sugar beets, and high fructose corn syrup.

Our white sugar costs about 4x the average world price.

2008-03-29, 11:24 AM
USA has import restrictions on sugar, so all we have is expensive sugar from sugar beets, and high fructose corn syrup.

Our white sugar costs about 4x the average world price.

this is because corn farmers are whiny, greedy bastards.

2008-03-29, 12:51 PM
I love Jones but lolcats are a bit played out in my opinion.

As long as they don't break rules #1 and #2, I could care less about their meme labels.

Best soda company ever tho. Cane sugar in a world of High Fructose Corn Syrup makes them gods among men.

I hope they at least mention 4chan though. 1+2 only applies to /b/.

Where has this guy been? Last time I checked, geeks and nerds loved junkfood. That includes overly caffeinated carbonated sugar-fluid, AKA, soda! I becha' this guy had no idea what lolcats was until he wiki'd it. Friggin' n00b phails at life, lulz.

Read the rest of the paragraph.

2008-03-29, 03:13 PM
this is because corn farmers are whiny, greedy bastards.

And what really sucks is that I'm told that sugar can be broken down anywhere in the body, but high fructose corn syrup can only be broken down in the liver. Supposedly if you chug it all your life, by the time you get old your liver is just as bad as if you were a dedicated alcoholic.

2008-03-29, 03:20 PM


Those are mine...