View Full Version : Jedi vs Sith

2008-03-28, 11:02 AM
Ok pick a Jedi from any era vs a Sith of any era and say who you think would win and why?

I'll kick off with a familiar couple.

Darth Tyranus/ Count Dooku vs Qui Gon Jinn

2008-03-28, 11:08 AM
Not a specific, just a general observation.

It seems to me that *as a rule* in any 1v1 between a Sith and a Jedi, if the skill levels are equal, the Sith will usually win.

However, the Jedi rarely fight alone. Instead, they fight in pairs. By contrast, it is rare that the Sith fight together ... even when more than 1 Sith is present, usually only one will fight at a time ... unless the other is looking for the opportunity to betray the first, in which case it might be a 3v1 in favor of the Jedi side.

Thus, I would say that *typically* the Jedi will win overall, because they will work together. By contrast, although the Sith are individually more powerful they will still lose because they are each an island unto themselves, sometimes putting more energy into fighting each other than fighting the Jedi. They lose for the same reason woolly mammoths lost to Neanderthal humans. Individually superior, but when the humans hunt together as a pack they can defeat any mammoth. So the Jedi hunt the Sith.

And that's why the Jedi win.

Presumably, that's why the 'rule of two' was instituted in the first place. If the Sith were immortal, presumably there would be no need for an apprentice, and thus there would be the rule of one.


Brian P.

2008-03-28, 11:21 AM
Revan. Game over.

Pendell's right, though, most of the Sith Lords were immensely powerful, almost always more so than their Jedi opponents. The basic formula plot structure dictates that they have to be unbeatable until the climax, at which they suddenly lose their mantle of badass and get completely trashed. So, until a Sith's time is up, they're more or less untouchable.

Now, the real challenge would be to pit the greatest Sith against each other. Especially since the "modern" Sith are little more than bullies with lightsabers.

2008-03-28, 12:08 PM

Well that guy is just pure class through and through lol.

Both very good points about the styles and approach of both Jedi and Sith.

The Greatest Sith fight for dominance now that is interesting.

Tulak Nord
Ludo Kressh
Freedon Nadd
Exar Kun
Arjunta Pall
Naga Sadow

I'd also include Darth Bane as a personal choice coz I just like him lol.

Revan I'd put as the exception to the rule as he saw the Sith as more of a tool to his ultimate ends rather than a calling.

I would also put Sidious there as I think he'd be more than able to hold his own in the company listed above.

2008-03-28, 12:33 PM
You forgot Marka Ragnos, but other than that, the list looks pretty good. Palpatine, though, I'm not big on him. He's just too inconsistent--one film, he beats Yoda in a lightsaber duel, and then he gets thrown down a reactor shaft. Then he comes back with a clone body and destroys an entire fleet with the Force only to be put down again by the New Republic. Like nine times.

2008-03-28, 01:15 PM
Revan. Game over.

Revan vs Revan. It's a tie.

2008-03-28, 04:29 PM

Could Revan beat Yoda?

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-28, 05:01 PM
Revan vs Revan. It's a tie.

"Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb." Evil Revan wins.

Mace Windu vs Lord Kaszim.

2008-03-28, 05:59 PM
Darth Nihilus vs anyone in the entire Star Wars canon except for the Jedi Exile.

Moff Chumley
2008-03-28, 06:13 PM
Thrawn vs. anyone. "Ysalamiri, punk. Game over." Hehehe...

2008-03-28, 06:24 PM
Right.... and then they go: Hey blue punk, can your lizard stop bits of rock from crushing you? no, ahhhh sorry.

2008-03-28, 06:52 PM
Ahem, a Reading from the Book of Rowan:

"And so it shall be that no versus thread shall involve any characters of the same universe."

2008-03-29, 02:04 AM
Overall, Jedi win...because they always do! They've remained as a more-or-less cohesive force for all twenty thousand years or so the Republic was in existence, and even on occasions where they're defeated, they just pop up and reform a few years later. Heck, they're worse than cockroaches!

Emperor Ing
2008-03-29, 06:38 AM
Revan is a PC.
AAND, He has HK-47 on his side

If HK47 and Revan walk into a bar, the whole city explodes, because that level of awesomeness can't be contained in one building, and the resulting explosion destroys the whole city. If only enviroments werent indestructible. :smallfrown:

2008-03-29, 10:15 AM
Darth Caedus vs. Jaina Solo would be an interesting match.:smallcool: