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View Full Version : 4.0 Mage

2008-04-01, 07:13 PM
As I understand it, in 4.0 they're combining wizards/sorcerors into the "Mage" base class. This mage class would have more staying power in that he wouldn't run out of spells; there would be spells you can use at will, spells usable once per encounter, and spells usable once per day.

I'm wondering how they might make this work, and whether or not they would change the magic system in general to make it fit better.

What I ask is for someone to come up with a caster that has spells at the unlimited/per encounter/per day system, but built for 3.5, with the typical mage/sorceror spells.

2008-04-10, 11:03 PM
I have a whole system designed for this with currently 4 base classes and 1 prc
and a ton of feats and other junk but its mostly unposted and what is posted is dead but i'll post it here for you

Soul Walker
HD d8
Skill points 4+int
skill list as ranger plus knowledge souls

Soul Walker
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Soul Speak, track

+3|soul blast 1d6

+3|Soul Shift 1/day

+4|soul blast 2d6

+4|bonus feat

+5|soul blast 3d6 soulshift 2/day


+6|soul blast 4d6

+6|soulshift 3/day

+7|bonus feat soul blast 5d6


+8|soulshift 4/day soul blast 6d6


+9|soul blast 7d6

+9|bonus feat Soulshift 5/day

+10|soul blast 8d6


+11|soulshift 6/day soul blast 9d6


+12|bonus feat Soul blast 10d6[/table]

Weapon and Armour Proficiency:
a Soul walker is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light, medium and heavy armour, and shields including tower shields

Soul Speak: this ability allows a soul walker on a dc 20 knowledge soul check to use there soul to speak with any creature despite any language barrier this ability only works on creatures with an intelligence score of 1 or better

soulshift: as a full round action you transfer your soul into another creature gaining control of it will save negates willing creatures can choose not to bother saving the save = 10+wisdom Mod+Soul walker level. when You gain control of it your body falls limp and useless every 5 rounds you posses a unwilling creature it gets another save the soul of the possessed creature remains in its body fighting for control when You have control of the creature you are the creature you can do anything I could do if it makes its save your soul is trapped in its body while it keeps control every five round it has to make another will save when You are in control you can drop your soul out of the creature and return to your body as a free action

Soul blast: as a standard action you channel your souls energy into a blast dealing damage to the creature you focus on touch attack for damage you can use this 5 times per day+ wis mod+ soul walker level You can apply any metamagic feat you posses to this ability for every metamagic feat you have the dice goes down one level eg. (a quickened soul blast at 20th with no feats would be 10d4 damage as a free action) only quicken spell, maximize spell and empower spell can be used this way.

track: as the feat

Bonus Feats: has to be one of the soul walker feats detailed below

Soul walker feats

Soul blast mastery
requirements: soul blast class ability
effect: increase the # of times you can use soul blast by 1 per day
special: you can gain this multiple times its effects stack

Imp Soul blast mastery:
requirements: soul blast mastery,soul blast class ability
effect: add One dice to your soul blast
special: you can gain this multiple times its effects stack

Greater Soul Blast mastery:
requirements:soul blast mastery,soul blast class ability
Effect: Increase the damage dice of your soul blast ability by 1 level eg.(D6-d8)

legendary soul blast mastery
requirements: soul blast mastery,soul blast class ability,Greater Soul Blast mastery
Effect: Increase the damage dice of your soul blast ability by 1 level eg.(D8-D10)

epic soul blast mastery
requirements: soul blast mastery,soul blast class ability,Greater Soul Blast mastery,epic level
Effect: Increase the damage dice of your soul blast ability by 1 level eg.(D10-D12)

epic Imp soul blast mastery
requirements: soul blast mastery,soul blast class ability, epic level
effect: add 2 dice to your soul blast
special: you can gain this multiple times its effects stack

soul mage prc
Skill list: as soul walker
skill points 2+int

Soul Mage
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+3|armoured mage light, level 0 spells

+3|level 1 spells

+4|2nd level spells

+4|3rd level spells, armoured mage medium

+5|4th level spells, armoured mage heavy, +1 soul blast dice

+5|5th level spells

+6|6th level spells

+6|7th level spells

+7|8th level spells, soul shape

+7|9th level spells,+1 soul blast dice[/table]

soul shape: as a standard action you become incorporeal and can pass through objects and like but you can attack and be attacked like a ghost when you leave soul shape (as a free action) your body transports to the position your soul is at and you regain control of it

your soul mage level counts for # of uses per day of soul blast and dc for soulshift.

Spell casting: a soul mage can cast spells from both the druid and sorc list
and soul mage instantly knows all spells on this list when they gain a new level. They can cast any spell they know spell infinite times per day with no preparation required. However every spell cast leeches away at a soul mages personal life force. Casting a spell as a soul mage deals damage to you based on this chart

{table=head]Spell Level | Damage Taken
0| 2
1| 8
2| 16
3| 24
4| 32
5| 50
6| 58
7| 66
8| 74
9| 148

mind you the soul walker base class is poorly developed and i forgot to post the req. for the soul mage but the soul mage has my spell casting system the soul mage is a prc btw. enjoy hope this helps. ...... I'm working on another encounter based spell system I'll post it for you when its done ok