View Full Version : Worst April Fool's Day Ever

Mr. Friendly
2008-04-02, 06:55 AM
Personally, I always used to love April Fools. Pranks are spiffy and somehow the magical "fog of war" always closes over people as April 1st approaches, always forgetting that pranks are coming. This year though, this year seemed to be the year of the bitter and jaded spoilers.

These sad, sad people seemed to have nothing better to do yesterday than being buzzkills and spoiling pranks for everyone. Also, whining and complaining about everything and everyone. (pranks not good enough; more often though, pranks not funny because it was done by someone they dislike)

It was just a very disappointing day all in all and really killed my enjoyment. I'm not so much a prankster myself, but I like being pranked (to a certain extent) and enjoy watching pranks unfold.

This year though, the people who hate fun, jokes and pranks were out in full force, everywhere I turned it seemed. Why can't people just have fun?

Tempest Fennac
2008-04-02, 07:00 AM
How exactly were people spoining pranks? I think part of the problem is that some people just don;t like pranks (I hate them personally).

Mr. Friendly
2008-04-02, 07:12 AM
Just, y'know, something like:

Person A: Hey, Person B; have you ever gone on a Snipe Hunt before?
Person B: No. What's that?
Person A: A very rare, very valuable creature. If you can catch one (prize).
Person A/Person B: (back and forth about how Person B can catch the Snipe)
Spoiler: Shows up and tells Person B there is no such thing as a Snipe and Person A is just pranking them. Tells Person A he is stupid for doing the prank; tells Person B he is stupid for falling for it. Acts smug. Listens to crappy whiny music and cuts himself. In a perfect world, would be beaten with rubber hoses by Persons A and B on general principle.

Tempest Fennac
2008-04-02, 07:15 AM
Thanks for clarifying. Technically, wouldn't beating people with a hose for doing that be as bad as what they are doing due to it stopping them from having fun? (I'm assuming they do it because they enjoy doing it).

2008-04-03, 12:40 PM
Rubber hoses? :smalltongue:

2008-04-03, 02:20 PM
they reputedly leave no telltale bruises.

Jack Squat
2008-04-03, 02:22 PM
Just, y'know, something like:

Person A: Hey, Person B; have you ever gone on a Snipe Hunt before?
Person B: No. What's that?
Person A: A very rare, very valuable creature. If you can catch one (prize).
Person A/Person B: (back and forth about how Person B can catch the Snipe)
Spoiler: Shows up and tells Person B there is no such thing as a Snipe and Person A is just pranking them. Tells Person A he is stupid for doing the prank; tells Person B he is stupid for falling for it. Acts smug. Listens to crappy whiny music and cuts himself. In a perfect world, would be beaten with rubber hoses by Persons A and B on general principle.

Actually, Snipes exist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snipe). The word sniper being used for precision shooters comes from the fact that these birds are incrediby fast, as well as being small. Because of this, it took great skill to successfully hunt for snipes.

V I'm a fan of pranks and don't interfere with them unless major physical harm (anything that either results in moderate-severe bleeding or a trip to the ER) will be a result, so I (biasedly) think I don't.

2008-04-03, 02:54 PM
Actually, Snipes exist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snipe). The word sniper being used for precision shooters comes from the fact that these birds are incrediby fast, as well as being small. Because of this, it took great skill to successfully hunt for snipes.

I can't decide if you count as the spoiler person in this thread.

2008-04-03, 03:58 PM
He's talking about the Snipe Hunt prank. Describe a fictious animal and invent a stupid method of catching it. But I do not think you are unaware of this, since it is in the same article you fluanted at him.

Jack Squat
2008-04-03, 04:05 PM
I know about the prank, and plan on pulling it when I run into someone who looks fresh out of the city. I know around here the "stupid method" of catching it is give them a shotgun/rifle that's empty/loaded with dummy rounds in it, and ditch them for a couple hours in the middle of nowhere.

My point was more that the "spoiler" would be wrong; because there is such an animal as the snipe.