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View Full Version : Advice needed in coming up with flavor text for a modified wizard class.

2008-04-02, 11:48 PM
I'm making quite a few flavor and rule changes to the wizard class. One, wizards are magical scientists, inventors and philosophers. They obtain their magical powers from understanding of the physical universe and psychology (mind effecting spells only). In fact they require the knowledge skills in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3268187), with mind effecting divinations moved under Knowledge (psychology), to cast their spells. Second, wizards don't have spells per day. Instead they have a small number of spells memorized. If given one minute per spell level of each, a wizard can prepare or memorize any spell that they and can cast. The number of spells memorized that wizards have is the same as the number of maneuvers a warblade can ready at any one time. This spells may be replaced any time the wizard has at least one quiet minute to sit down and examine his or her spellbook.

2008-04-03, 03:59 PM
Just one little reply. That's all.

2008-04-03, 07:40 PM
Perhaps they're waiting for some sign of the kind of assistance you're seeking? As it is, you haven't done anything but explain what you're doing up to this point, and the information provided thus far hasn't been very fleshed out.

Let us know the kind of response you'd like. :)

2008-04-04, 01:11 AM
Mostly I want help with the flavor text in between the class quote and the "Making a Wizard" section, as well as some flavor text directly beneith the heading. See the archivist (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) exerpt for an example. I want wizards to have a strong scientific bent for flavor.

2008-04-04, 03:34 PM
So you see class, once you realize that the nervous system of a ogre can rely not upon stimuli from the brain but from the stomach you can restart that system like so... observe the creature sit up. Watch as it crushes Sallys familiar. From this we determine that despite the reset to the beasts system, it has not suffered any significant reduction in strength.

-Jebziren, Necromancer and one time only Guest Lecturer at Leomund Academy.

2008-04-04, 03:36 PM
If you're asking someone to write it for you, I won't be able to be of much help. (I've got enough flavor text writing to do for my 4e campaign setting to make my head spin.) But here's some brainstorms that I use to write these kinds of descriptions:

* What does a [class] do?
* How does a [class] utilize their abilities?
* What (if any) power source do they use?
* To what goal does a [class] use their abilities?
* Why would someone become a [class]?
* How are [class] perceived by others in society?
* Are there any other factions in society that [class] naturally like or gravitate toward?
* Are there any other factions in society that [class] naturally shun or stay away from?
* How do [class] interact with others of their kind?
* Are any races more likely to be [class] than others?
* If I were creating a character to become a [class], what should I focus on?

The answers to these questions, obviously, will have to come from you, the creator, since you'll be making them up. Hope that helps!

2008-04-18, 10:56 PM
So how about this?

The wizard

* What does a wizard do?

A wizard uses scientific methods and knowledge to produce effects upon the physical universe, including the senses and thought. They also amass and defuse knowledge, as far as it suits their purposes.

* How does a wizard utilize their abilities?

Through scientific study of the matter and forces of their universe. Wizards then use this scientific knowledge to develop formulas, i.e. “spells”, to be recorded for use at a later date. To cast these “spells“ a wizard must bring each formula he or she wishes to use to the forefront of his or her mind through rigorous study. Spells are cast using this scientific knowledge to directly produce physical or mental effects. Doing so removes the formula from the wizard’s active memory. A wizard may retain only a small handful of “spells” in the front his or her mind at any one time. However, a wizard may refresh the active memory of his or her “spells” be reading over that spell or spells for one minute per level of each spell selected.

* What (if any) power source do they use?

Wizards are arcane spellcasters who’s power is derived from scientific knowledge and their own keen intellects.

* To what goal does a wizard use their abilities?

To pursue and apply scientific knowledge through magic.

* Why would someone become a wizard?

Curiosity and an interest in applying their magical skills via knowledge into practical endeavors.

* How are wizards perceived by others in society?

It depends upon the society. In some cases wizards might be declared heretics and burned at the stake for their “blasphemous writings”. Other societies might instead revere wizards and them hold second only to their priest hood in importance. For example, specialized dwarven necromancers known as varð-lokkur or “caller of spirits” are second to priests in social status. The Rikr Varð-lokkur, or “Great Caller of Spirits” is second in religious significance to their high priest. The elves, among whom wizardry is common, view it as a natural extension of science and learning, which are both strongly encouraged and practiced by their druids. Halflings typically view wizardry as both boring and terrifying. Boring because most extensive book learning tends to put halflings to sleep, they’d rather be cooking, fishing, playing ball games, eating, telling their fellow halflings stories and smoking pipeweed. Halflings find wizardry frightening because of the fact that it involves manipulating the building blocks of the universe, even though lighting a fire also involves manipulating the building blocks of the universe, just much more indirectly.

* Are there any other factions in society that wizards naturally like or gravitate toward?

Fellow, even non-magical, scientists and engineers are viewed favorably by wizards. This is also true about inherent sorcerers. This is mostly because wizards want to know how the hell they do it. Often times a wizard will go to their sorcerer friend or friends and request a small “donation”, in the form of a blood sample. From this, the wizard can isolate the portion of genetic code needed.

* Are there any other factions in society that wizards naturally shun or stay away from?

Anti-magic or anti-science demagogues and clergy members. Wizards also tend to view non-inherent sorcerers as intellectually lazy and reckless, unless of course they have the aptitude for wizardry, i.e. a high intellect.

* How do wizards interact with others of their kind?

Help needed on this part.

* Are any races more likely to be wizards than others?

Help needed on this part.

* If I were creating a character to become a wizard, what should I focus on?

Help needed on this part.

2008-04-18, 11:06 PM
Reminds me of Technocracy, which uses Magick by scientifical means.

2008-04-19, 12:25 AM
Reminds me of Technocracy, which uses Magick by scientifical means.

Except not as bigoted or narrowminded as usual. In my mind a wizard, especially a non-Evil one, would try scientifically understand magical creatures such as unicorns and fey instead of trying to destroy them out of preconcieved notions of reality.