View Full Version : The first of Lharvion

2008-04-04, 03:32 PM
Nearly an hour ago Harner Brevis, a leader of the New Cyre Militia who was put in charge of safety during Lharvion, gave you a map and your instructions. "Go to the businesses marked on that map, some bakeries and a forge, and make sure they are in compliance with our fire safety code. Once that is done, head out to the fields. As you are no doubt aware, New Cyre can literally not afford to lose the farmland." Since then you have visited most of the bakeries and the forge, all of which were in compliance. At each stop one Militiaman, who had been ordered to do so by Harner, separated from the group to stand guard over that location in case the precautions fail.

The militiaman who is supposed to be guarding the final bakery has fallen behind, but not far. The baker allows you inside and begins reciting the precautions. "I have plenty of water right over there, I need it anyway, no unnecessary flammable materials within ten feet of my ovens, the ovens have all been cleaned out..." he mentions a few more regulations, and opens up his ovens so you can see for yourself.

Suddenly a small flame escapes from one of the ovens, somehow moving as if it had a will of it's own, burning without anything actually being lit on fire.

roll initiative.

2008-04-04, 04:03 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Bastiaan doesn't seem nearly as bothered by the heat as the others. Glad to have finally started the patrol, he walks with a comfortable grace, secure in the knowledge that he's working to protect the citizens of New Cyre. He smiles and nods to each person he sees, saying their names in recognition as he'd met nearly all of them at some point when they had arrived.

When the oven opened and the fire actually leapt out, Bastiaan arched an eyebrow and drew his rapier, ready to defend the baker from the newly birthed fire.

How's my formatting, iceddragons? Acceptable?

2008-04-04, 05:04 PM
Chiron found himself giddy and drunk on anticipation today like a little child as the legendary plane eclipsed theirs. The flame, its magic its symbolism and its warmth, have always been something important in his life. Even the felfire that he saw falling over Cyre as his elder sister dragged him away from the burning border... today he could still not be certain whether it was a dream or something out of his rampant imagination.

Today, having carefully washed himself with mineral oils, donned his finest arms and trained in his most familiar persona, Chiron looks forward to seeing the events. Fire is not his enemy and it does not harm him - in fact he hopes to learn much from today and see the elements in their purest form... or at least so he hopes as the runaway ember rolls across the floor and suddenly...

Flame's Blessing is active for Fire Resistance 5

2008-04-04, 06:24 PM
Rhabin sighs as he follows the militia group through the town. He makes a strange figure, wearing bleached leather armour and blue silks wrapped over his head and face so only strange pink eyes stare out. His delicate hands clasp a silver medallion portraying a beautiful woman on one side, and a silver dragon on the other.

Rhabin fidgets with his holy symbol and wipes at his brow again, cursing the heat under this breath. What a goddess forsaken time this is. Idly he considers casting a spell to help keep the heat away, but holds off knowing that if he does it will only last for an hour, and the day will be long.

Not until the noon, when the sun will be at its worst.

He promises himself.

As the morning continues he stares listlessly about, bored out of his mind, and wondering why humans are so disorganized and chaotic about things. Back home no one would have to send troops to check if precautions had been taken, the honour of a household would never allow such carelessness for self or others.

As they inspect yet another bakery his thoughts wander to Aurilae, his Mistress of Cold, and wonders where she is now, or whether he will ever make it to Metrol where his dreams promise he will meet her.

But suddenly he senses something...different. The fires here are not simply those of nature, and as he looks to inspect the flame it comes alive.

Initiative: [roll0]

Moving forward towards the animate flame, blocking it from moving forward into the bakery he calls on the power of the Lady of Winter to repel the creature back into the furnace.

I abjure you Flame to return from whence you came from! The Lady of Winters demands it!

Turn Fire Creature.

Turn Check: [roll1]
Turn Dam: [roll2]

2008-04-04, 07:19 PM
Seeing the fire spark to life, Merash draws his rapier, and mutters under his breath;
Ok, time to save the day.


2008-04-05, 03:50 AM
Hammer is an imposing sight- over six feet of steel and wood, he follows the rest of the Militia, watching out for any danger.


2008-04-05, 11:09 AM
Khurr awakes to the raw, earthy smell of hay and horses and fresh feces. She stretches languoriously, blinking in the golden glow of the dawn.

After spitting on her hard black nails and scratching herself through her coarse leathern garments, the shifter gets up and dunks her head into a nearby water trough, taking the opportunity to guzzle maybe half a gallon in that same motion.

She then stands and gives herself just one shake, knowing that she'd need to keep extra cool at this time of year. Her thick mane of auburn hair plasters itself against the bronzed flesh of her neck, shoulders and back; the cool water therein trickling all over her body and making her skin bump up.

Her ablutions done, Khurr coos and croons to the beasts in the stables of New Cyre's Militia. Taking a broad brush, she fastidiously grooms the animals--- be they mighty warhorse, humble drafthorse or lowly donkey. To her, they are all equal. In that time of day, while tending to her beloved beasts, something comes upon Khurr, a power beyond naming. It is a feeling that is mightier than the moon, a sensation that engulfs every fibre of her being.

And then her sensitive ears catch some gravel-grinding, leathern footfalls approaching the stables. She hears the clink of mail, the thok-thok of a scabbard on a yet-unsecured swordbelt. A gangly, pockfaced youth in the arms and livery of a Militiaman ambles in and blushes at her dripping condition. The youth stutters, "M-Mistress Khu-u-urr... I... eh... S-Sir Harner Brevis c-ca... um... summons you for... the... um..."

Flashing a fanged grin at the rookie guardsman, Khurr winks at him as she dons her suit of toughened hide armour. Stowing away the horse-brush, Khurr shoulders her satchel, grabs her shield and snatches up her quiver of shortspears and strolls past the gawking youth, slapping his posterior of the way out.

"Close yer bloody mouth afore flies come in. What, ya never seen a daughter of beasts and moons before? Ah, Cap'n Brevis, eh? Go on back to him, tell 'im I'll do my duty as village healer while on patrol, right? Hey, it's just makin' sure them folks've got stocked water 'gainst Lharvion's heat, yeah? After all, what could possibly go wrong--- a mad mugger with a buncha torches in broad daylight?", she says over her shoulder.

At the gates of the stableyard, Khurr turns back and whistles loudly then calls, "Goldfang! Come, boy, come!"

On her command, a massive mastiff, his rich coat gleaming golden in the morning sunlight, gives a couple of thunderous barks then bounds across the yard toward her. At the rookie guardsman's yelp of surprise at the sudden blur of canine muscle and fur, Khur snickers then scratches her dog's nosebridge.

Ducking into the stableyard's gatehouse, she quickly retrieves the green-and-gold Cyran militiaman's cloak and throws it over one shoulder. Now having all she needs for the patrol, she sets off down the path towards the Militia's primary compound to rendezvous with the rest of the patrol.

As the patrol sets off through town, checking bakers' and blacksmiths' establishments, Khurr keeps dropping back and trying to help the people. At one street she gives some teabags to an old woman complaining of a headache. On another bend, she races up to a great old tree and binds the gashes of a boy who had fallen while climbing the gnarled branches in bandages of clean linen after telling him to be more careful. She then put him on Goldfang's back and made him ride the big dog so that he could have a good tale to tell his friends and wouldn't have to strain himself too much. At another bend in the patrol's route, there is a maiden to whom Khurr profers a cooling ointment for hot flashes.

At the last bakery, there suddenly comes upon her a feeling of unexplainable dread. She feels like a wolf caught in a brushfire. And then as the tired baker recites his regulations and opens his oven, an ember leaps out and burns and blazes without the slightest trace of fuel.

Hardly has she realized this when she blurts out, "WHAT IN BLIGHT?!" Her instincts tell her to strike immediately and skewer it but then she pauses in thought. It's a beast of flame... what if I call on water to quench it? But... if I understood Sir Brevis, we're still to patrol out in the fields after doing the runs of the town. I can call upon water only once today... I think I'll save that power for later... Reaching her decision, Khurr heaves up the shortspear that she'd been using as a walking stick then hurls it at the flaming entity...

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] attack roll
[roll2] crit threat
[roll3] damage from shortspear

...but in her haste, the weapon flops impotently from an overeager hand.

((Yech. Fumble))

2008-04-05, 12:56 PM
As Rhabin produces his symbol, the creature of flame retreats into the oven it had escaped from. The Baker, shocked by the appearance of the flame, looks between the members of the militia for almost half of a minute before muttering "Must have missed something. Thanks for getting rid of that." He retrieves two of the buckets of water he had indicated earlier to partially extinguish the fire in the furnace below the oven.

The militiaman who had fallen behind arrives, and the rest of you head for the fields. Some farmers can be seen working, but the fields are otherwise empty for now.

2008-04-05, 06:50 PM

Chiron instinctively reaches for the living fire as it retreats, honestly a bit saddened that he has not had the chance to study it before it was banished. "Amazing!" he exclaims simply, not clear if he meant the elemental or Rhabin's feat. The changeling's black eyes sparkle with excitement as he tosses back his shoulder length ebon hair. Reassuringly clasping the disturbed baker's shoulder he sheathes his scimitar back to where it was and exits the place.

In the farmlands where plants are being worked on the soil he often researched for curiousity and helping the farmers get a better yield, everything seems peaceful enough. Despite exposure to the sun, he still doesn't have even a drop of sweat on his forehead. "I wonder what could go wrong here? Surely the crops are not dry enough to let the sun lit them itself. What should we watch out for?" he asks others, trying to pass time as well as remain alert as they walk around.

2008-04-05, 08:18 PM

dripping with sweat merash looks around the field and then at Chiron well, it could be more of those fire creatures, but the one earlier seemed easy enough to deal with, but then again the problems could come form a more domestic source, not everyone in Breland likes having us here after all, and of course; when the temperature rises emotions can run wild...

2008-04-05, 09:44 PM
Rhabin stares forelornly over the fields of wheat. He is glad the crops are good this year, the village will eat well if the crop remains safe to be harvested. But he can't help longing for the biting chill in the air and rock and cold spray of theLazzarite Principalities. He idly thinks how odd it is that in a mere dozen years or so it became home to him instead of the tropical Aerenal where he was born.

"I wouldn't count on future creatures being so easy. That went well because I could drive it back into the furnace. If I tried such a thing here, it would hold it at bay, but it could send it fleeing through other fields and destroy the crops. We will have to be very careful. Such a bonfire would be displeasing indeed to Mi'lady

He wipes the silks of his veil absently across his sweating brow, and his gazw wanders again to the Northwest, lost in the distance and his thoughts.

2008-04-06, 06:27 AM
"Right you are, Master Whitecloak-Firelord..." Khurr drawls in reply to Rhabin's words.

Biting back the self-deprecating scowl at her earlier fumble, she continues speaking to the black-cloaked cleric. "Ya smell like a priest, Firelord. Well, good sir, which of the cosmic powers is your patron? Mayhap you have a prayer for water in this season of fire... 'cause, as we all know, water beats fire right darn easy..."

Her momentary melancholy bled off in her speech, the shifter slaps an arm around Rhabin's shoulder and punches him on the arm. Baring her teeth at him, she says, "Hey, sorry if I didn't call ya by yer right name. I'm Khurr, healer o' these 'ere parts. Sorry if I didn't catch yer name or if I don't show up much at militia meetings. See, I'm usually at the stables, a-tending the animals or wand'rin' 'round town, helpin' whoever needs it. Yep-yep, what's your right good name, Master Firelord?"

2008-04-06, 02:21 PM
Hammer stands straight again, moving out of his fighting crouch, before he follows the others.

"An impressive feat, Lady. Tell me, is there some significance to your choice of words? You place the responsibility not at your own hands but those of a patron- the Lady of Winters?"

2008-04-07, 02:59 AM
((Sorry. I'll blur the IC/OOC line, here, I'm quite confused. Which indeed was Hammer addressing--- Rhabin, or Khurr?))

"Hey Metal-Man!" Khurr calls out, smirking at the warforged. "Hammer's yer name, right? Far as I know, there be only one 'Lady' in this 'ere party an' tha' be yours truly..."

Looking askance and slightly offended at Hammer, the shifter druid continues, her indignant voice growing slowly into a snarl as she rants, "Not meanin' no disrespection, sir Fistfighter, but were ye speakin' ta Master Firelord over there? If so, I say ye need ta lie so more so't ye can grow a nose! Sir Whitecloaked Flamesfoe over there is a man--- I could smell that even through all those cloaks and scarves! Oh, and 'impressive', ya say? What's so impressive with friggn' droppin' a scat-scurvyin' spear?!"

2008-04-07, 04:38 AM
((Oops. Wrong pronoun.))

2008-04-07, 08:23 AM

Looking at the shifter with amusement Merash says;

Give the big guy a break, not everyone has your sense of smell, and besides it would be just as hard for you to tell the difference between a newblood half-elf and true born khoravar

2008-04-07, 09:10 AM
"Eh, good point..." Khurr mutters, slightly abashed for losing her temper.

With her wolvish ears twitching, she heaves a sigh then slaps one of Hammer's heavy shoulders and says, "Yo, Metal-Man. Sorry 'bout losin' my cool on ye. I'd offer ta buy ye a drink 'xcept that, well, ya don't drink, 'less i be mistook..."

Ambling over to Merash, she then propounds, "So... Merash's yer name, ain't it? Care ta enlighten such a swampborn iggeramus as meself 'bout these 'ere Khoravar?"

2008-04-07, 10:34 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

With a grin, Bastiaan turns to the priest and offers a gloved hand in friendship. "Rhabin, was it?" he inquires. "That was well done at the bakers. And I'd agree with you, should we run into something in the fields, it might be best to try and surround it and hold it rather than simply driving it off to the horizon." He offers the suggestion in a friendly manner, making it is obvious he intends it as a good-natured poke rather than a command.

"For those who don't know me, I'm Bastiaan Ventre. I know your names," he says as his grin widens. He nods to each in turn. "Khurr. Hammer. Chiron. Merash. And Rhabin," he says finishing the roster of those present.

He stands just under six feet, with a lean, willowy build. Black hair hangs to his shoulders, framing a lightly tanned angular face. Piercing hazel eyes adorned with flecks of reddish gold gaze out at the world. A rapier is sheathed at his right hip, ready for a crossdraw should the blade be needed. Opposite the blade a sap hangs from the belt. Once the group clears town, Bastiaan carries a shortbow with an arrow nocked but not drawn. Studded leather armor and soft boots complete the young man's ensemble.

2008-04-07, 11:25 AM

The Khoravar, born from the bloodlines of both Aerenal and the lands beyond the sunset, are are the Children of Khorvaire, although it can be used as an alternate name for any half-elf, but while a half elf is simply the child of a human and elf, the parents of a true born Khoravar are half-elves and as were there parents before them, and so on, leading in the case of the house Lyrandar leading all the way back to the firstborn who were inspired by the gods themselves to lead our race to prosperity

2008-04-07, 01:44 PM
((Hey, I just realised it's totally in character to get pronouns wrong! Hooray!))

"I am sorry, Lady and sir. I should perhaps spend more time studying the ways of society alongside my more martial practice..."

2008-04-07, 08:07 PM
Rhabin is a little overwhelmed at the banter back and forth in the group, and snaps out of his melancholy, to actually pay attention to those around him.

He smiles at Khurr.

My name is Rhabin. Just Rhabin....my last name would be...complicated for you to deal with, though those on my ship called me "Stormluck", so I suppose that will do as much as anything.

As for my patron, well her name is Aurilae, and she is the Lady of Winter, Calmer of Storms, and The Shroud that Covers the Land. She comforts the land in its loss, and prepares it to live again. I am her servant, and while I can drive off creatures of flame, I am not their Lord. I simply reminded them of the balance. What powers that I have, they are granted by my Mistress, I merely serve her.

My powers are modest, for I have only served her few decades, though I seem to be gaining in her favour of late. I can repel creatures of flame, and control those of cold. I can cast some minor defensive and healing magics, and if absolutely necessary can call upon cold to freeze weak creatures blood.

Smiling at Bastiaan Rhabin reaches forward and grasps his forearm, rather than his hand, and raises his other hand beside him.

Well met Bastiann. I wish you fair winds, and easy raiding. I bring no concealed weapons to your ship! Are you to be our captain?

After moment, and Bastiaan's blank stare Rhabin quickly apologizes...

Oh I got that wrong didn't I? Human customs are so strange...it seems everyone I talk to has different ones. Was I supposed to spit in your hand? Are we sealing a deal?

((And just so you know...my cloak and armour are bleached leathers, which means they are actually white...))

2008-04-08, 05:02 AM

Chiron patrols in peace through the growing fields, looking around vigilantly though a bit withdrawn and slumbering in spirit. He gives the shifter a visible smile as she speaks but doesn't say anything except when Bastiaan mentions him. "Indeed, Chiron. I cannot presume that everyone here knows me, but I have always been part of New Cyre and grew up as a ward of many here. Well, at least since the... you know, the c..." the young changeling bites back the word describing disaster. "Since I have been studying Desert Wind of late I cannot help but be interested by all that is going on while our planes cross each other... but when this is over I look forward to... I will return to my studies and assisting healers. All our people still need to be vigilant and hold together and I hope I can assist that effort," he explains his motivations.

2008-04-08, 08:10 PM
You begin to hear shouting coming from the town. As you turn, you see something which appears to be little more than a small cloud of sooty smoke moving swiftly across the ground toward the fields. Behind this mysterious cloud runs a heavily armored militiaman. When he sees you he shouts "Ventre!... Stop that thing!" It seems clear that he is exhausted.

2008-04-09, 06:16 AM
Khurr mutters her thanks to her companions as they enlighten the swampborn shifter of life beyond the Marches.

When the militiaman erupts from the foliage, Khurr sprints towards him and takes him in her arms. Easing him onto the ground, she murmurs, "There now, easy, easy... there's a good fellow..."

Once there, she pops off the cap of her waterskin and holds it to the man's lips. "Lightly now... Sip, man, don't guzzle--- ye'll just choke away like that..."

Reaching into her healer's satchel, she produces a wad of herbs, a piece of clean cloth and a small wooden cup. Taking two small purple leaves of cleanvein, a rosepetal and a blueberry, she crushes and grinds them into the cup using a wooden spoon that she always has with her. Pouring some water into the vessel, she stirs it then gives it to the exhausted militiaman. "There, drink that. 'Twill do ye a world o' good..."

Before she stands, she soaks the untainted linen--- it was supposed to have been a bandage, really--- with water and then gives it to the stricken man. "Here. Hold it to yer mouth and nose... methinks things're about to turn hot..."

She then puts her things back in order then stands and rejoins the group. Looking at the cloud of smoke, she says worriedly, "Aye, make ready to run and tell folk to get out of the way, this looks big..."

[roll0] Heal check...
((Prepare to cast Create Water))

2008-04-09, 08:55 AM
((Do I sense a roll initiative coming?))

Rhabin notices the smoke and calls to his companions.

Quick, we are needed again

Drawing his bow he runs to see what it happening.

2008-04-09, 09:26 AM
Checking if her spears are in place, Khurr hitches up her coarse leathern skirt with her right hand and hurries to follow the others. Every so often, she snorts and sneezes and spits as the foul smoke irritates her sensitive nose...

((Initiative roll, if needed... [roll0]))

2008-04-09, 10:03 AM
Hammer gazes at the cloud, his glowing eyes trying to discern what lies beneath the smoke- what, if anything. He moves into an Undying Way defencive stance, ready to fight if needs be.

[spoiler]Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2008-04-09, 11:42 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

"Hope you folks're ready, 'cause we're about to be in it!" Bastiaan calls to his companions as he notices the militiaman as well as the apparent reason for the commotion.

He moves quickly to intercept the smokey form, pulling the string on his shortbow back as he moves, prepared to fire as soon as possible.

If needed-Initiative: [roll0]
Also, try to identify the form headed for the fields:
Knowledge (arcana): DOH! See OOC.
Knowledge (dungeoneering): DOH! See OOC.

2008-04-10, 04:00 AM

What is that?


2008-04-10, 04:48 AM
"What is this?" Chiron peeks suspiciously at the cloud while moving towards it carefully. "Good call, Khurr. Do not let it stray into the fields! We cannot contain it there!" he calls out. With his scimitar and light mace drawn, the changeling warily approaches, seeking to cut off the strange creature.

Flame's Blessing active; for simplicity's sake in Play-by-Post, just assume my counters are used at the first opportunity (Counter Charge)

2008-04-10, 04:18 PM
As the cloud of smoke comes closer, you begin to see a rodent-like form behind the smoke. Apparently taking no notice of your group, it attempts to run straight toward the fields behind you. Some of the farmers seem to notice the smoke and run toward the far-edges of the fields.

For GimliFett
You recognise it almost instantly. The creature is known as an ash rat, a pest which occasionally shows up in civilised areas. While it is rather weak physically, it is treated as a major threat due to it's immense body heat which can ignite nearly anything it touches.

To anybody who hasn't done so yet, roll initiative.

2008-04-10, 04:59 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Continuing his intercept course, Bastiaan calls out to the others. "It's an ash rat. Trouble and then some!" He huffs as he fires of an arrow at the creature. "They spit fire, have burning skin and the smoke protects them somewhat!"

Spend 1 Inspiration Point for +Int mod (+2) attack.
Attack: [roll0]; if I can move to within 30' before shooting, PBS comes into play: +1 more to hit.
Crit: [roll1]; if I can move to within 30' before shooting, PBS comes into play: +1 more to hit.
Damage: [roll2]; if I can move to within 30' before shooting, PBS comes into play: +1 more to damage.

iceddragons:If I've overstepped the bounds of information I got from my knowledge check just let me know and I'll edit. :smallsmile: Will you be making the concealment rolls for our attacks? If not, here's mine: [roll3]

2008-04-10, 10:06 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Running forward Rhabin attempts hit the creature with an arrow.

To Hit: [roll1] (+1 if in 30ft)
Conceal: [roll3]

2008-04-11, 03:10 AM
double post

2008-04-11, 03:12 AM
drawing his crossbow merash fires a bolt towards the ash rat

if in 30'[roll4]

2008-04-11, 06:46 AM
"Grandmother Wolf!" Khurr swears as sees the unearthly form of the ash rat. Hissing through clenched teeth, she hauls back on her spear, taking a bead on the grey grubber .

Her eyes burn with a fierceness born of an almost beastly protectiveness of those she had grown to cherish. "Ya bloody bugger! Ya ain't burnin' nuthin' whilest I'm around! Have at ye!"

While her eyes track the sharpened shaft of ashwood sail through the air toward the brimstone-scented beast, her supple legs take her hopping backwards a couple of feet. The bare, hardened soles of her feet scrape against the hard-packed, dusty ground as she draws another spear from her wooden quiver.

[roll0] attack roll
[roll1] crit threat
[roll2] damage

2008-04-12, 11:49 AM
Hammer moves immediately into action, running towards the beast to try and stop it getting any firther. He throws a quick punch, but concentrates mainly on protecting himself from its attacks.

Move and fight defensively. Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-04-13, 03:55 AM

Chiron, deciding that anything actually named "Ash" would not be the best thing to fight with fire (despite the old saying), approaches in a wary stance. With a decieving change that one would expect from his kind, the last few steps he surges forward, ducks and cuts from below, positioning the blade to pass through his own shadow where it will gain the energy needed to strike the beast and disorient it.

The creauture, if it is hit, must make a DC 14 Fortitude Save or suffer a 20% miss chance on all attacks for 1 round.
HP 10, AC 18, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5, Fire Resist 5

2008-04-13, 06:24 PM
I need to make a few rolls first...


Ash rat-[roll3]

The rat attempts to run past all of you, but Chiron quickly strikes it with a nearly fatal blow, and the attacks that follow manage to slay the unusual beast. About a minute later, the militiaman approaches your group. Thanks for stopping that rat. it showed up near the forge, where I was stationed. I tried to stop it myself, but it was too fast." he explains.

2008-04-13, 10:08 PM
It seems the forges and ovens are acting as portals. We may have to shut them down for a time or we will soon be overrun. Rhabin muses. But the town can not go without fire for long. People must eat afterall.

2008-04-14, 09:52 AM
Hammer replies, "We can set guards on the ovens and forges- Warforged best, we need no sleep or food."

2008-04-14, 10:03 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Bastiaan beams at the armsman, clapping a friendly gloved hand onto his shoulder. "No worries. It's what we're here to do!" He draws another arrow and nocks it on his bow. "You'd best return to your post. Which reminds me. Maybe we can get whistles for those posted indoors? It might help." He pauses a moment, closing his eyes and enjoying the breeze that tosses his wavy hair about. He opens them up again. "Maybe we should check with Brevis on that before something else occurs? If nothing else, maybe things can be set in motion to get the whistles sooner rather than later."

2008-04-16, 07:12 PM
The guard adresses Rhabin "That may be the case, but I doubt that was what happened this time. It wasn't in the forge, just near it." When Bastian suggests he return to his post, he nods and says "You're right, If I stay away too long some other problem may arise." He begins to walk back into town.

Noticing that the smoke has died off, the farmers who had run return totheir fields.

2008-04-17, 12:42 PM
well, in any case we should prepare for what may come through anywhere nearby

2008-04-18, 02:23 AM
Goldfang bounds forward but slows warily as he nears the grey-gutted beast. Finally steeling his nerve, he lunges and wrenches his mistress' spear from the smouldering carcass and bounds back to her, presenting the weapon like an oversized stick--- which it actually is.

Khurr pats the dog affectionately and sheathes the weapon in her back-slung wooden quiver. Turning to the others, she snorts and says, "Ya know, mebbe 'tis a good idea ta make some way o' gettin' water quicklike ta these 'ere places? Water allus beats fire, y'know..."

2008-04-22, 11:42 AM
Chiron, untouched by his part in slaying the runaway elemental, or at least outwardly so, takes a moment to regain his technique. Lowering the blade to reflect the sun back into his own shadow, he slowly edges it around until the sunlight passes across him and disappears on his feet like an eclipse. Satisfied with the small ritual, he looks to the group to make a decision. "This one came in from the inner circle," he comments. "Perhaps we should stay in the fields some more unless we have other orders, to make sure none come in from the outside."

using Adaptive Style to "recover" Shadow Blade Technique, all other maneuvers the same

2008-04-22, 11:50 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Nodding, Bastiaan turns back to the others as the guard departs. "A couple of buckets of water aren't gonna do much, I don't believe. We're better off patrolling the edges of the fields for runaways. Although, the more I think of it the better I like the whistle idea for those within town. Maybe we can pop in to see Brevis when our rounds take us near there?" He draws another arrow from his quiver and nocks it, but does not draw the string back.

2008-04-30, 12:03 PM
Khurr sighs wearily then spits at the sun-cracked ground. She whistlingly beckons to Goldfang then sets off again, trudging along with the rest of the patrol. "Hoy, Bastiaan. Um, yeps, here I arsks again... can we eat them rats... er, ash-rats? Are they already cooked inside?"

2008-04-30, 12:15 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Bastiaan stares at Khurr for a long moment, before blinking twice and grinning at the shifter. "Probably not a good idea. I think they're elemental-based, so no real innards or meat to eat, as I understand it." He shakes his head. "You're welcome to try and skin it or check it out, just make sure it won't set fire to anything as you do."

2008-04-30, 02:29 PM
Hammer speaks up, asking, "Do you need food now, or are you checking for the future?"

His features express little, but he does seem to be holding up to that promise to pay more attention to social matters...

2008-04-30, 04:19 PM
Well you know shifters they'll eat anything and there always hungry...

2008-05-01, 01:46 AM
"Hey! I heard that, bucko!" says Khurr in indignation. Coming up behind Merash, she half-punts, half-pinches his posterior using her foot. "I resent that! It's not just food we're hungry for, ya meaty Merashee..." Flouncing forward, her skirts swaying with her hips, she throws a wild wink at him then shakes her head, making her still-wet hair whip about.

Chuckling softly, she reaches Hammer and Bastiaan and says to them, "Naaah, methinks I'll pass on that one, thankee. I likes me meat rare, not charred. But yeah, when's lunch? If'n we ain't a-stoppin', well, who wants some milk..."

Reaching into her satchel, she brings out the ever-so-lightly roasted milk snake. "...snake?"

2008-05-05, 04:34 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Blanching just a bit, Bastiaan shakes his head. "No thanks," he chuckles. "I had a full breakfast. Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner. That's what my dad always said." The young man seems to drift off for a moment, deep in thought.

2008-05-06, 09:26 AM
Hammer looks confused. "Logically, would it not be better to eat like a king at every mealtime?"

2008-05-06, 12:26 PM
Still refusing to wither under the sun's glare, Chiron knows that wandering aimlessly around the fields will provide them with little useful work to do. He feels somewhat out of place with a company like this, though he can't say whether it is out of a sense of superiority or inferiority. Why should of all the people he be thinking that anyways? He tries to shake off the uncomfortable thought and smiles at Hammer's comment. "Logically, indeed. But we are erratic creatures... and I would do just the same about meals."

2008-05-06, 12:38 PM

Catching up with the rest of the party just in time to hear hammers statement, merash turns to the warforged and says

And besides if everyone ate like kings all the time how would the kings eat?

2008-05-06, 12:46 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Shaking his head as if to clear it, Bastiaan looks back at the warforged. "Logically? Hmm. We're not exactly logically created, as far as I've ever seen. We're not very efficient, generally. See we need the most sustenance at our peak performance times, basically throughout the day. Overeating leads to sluggishness and other issues, in my experience, and eating too much before bed usually leaves me feeling...off in the morning." He shrugs and leads the group onward.

2008-05-07, 09:28 AM
Does a note of humour enter Hammer's voice? "It stands to reason that you created us, then- it looks to me that the Warforged are far more effective than you born races."

2008-05-07, 09:36 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

The young human scowls as he looks back at the warforged. "More effective at killing perhaps. And maybe other things. But what do you know of love? Of a good wine?" Bastiaan snaps at Hammer, then seems to return to himself, smiling once more. "Sorry about that. Really. Heat's making me irritable, I guess."

2008-05-07, 04:09 PM
Time passes, and eventually Brevis leads a group of other militiamen to the fields. "You've been out here for a while. Kell and his partners will take your place." After the militiamen take their positions, Brevis continues "I've heard you saw combat today. Would one of you mind giving some more details?"

2008-05-07, 04:45 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13

Bastiaan nods to Brevis. "Nothing serious. A fire elemental of some sort escaped from a baker's oven. Rhabin turned it back before it could take more than a couple of steps," he smiles broadly with a nod to the priest. "Our second encounter was with an ash rat. We made short work of it."

After a quick look at his companions, Bastiaan continues. "I think it might be wise if we were to give the guards inside whistles in order to draw quick responses without having to leave their posts."

2008-05-12, 08:14 AM

Well whistles could be useful, but for now I need a drink or two...

2008-05-12, 08:25 AM
"Damn straight them whistles'd be good! Yep, an' don't forget them buckets o' water, chief" Khurr interjects.

Suddenly, she wraps her right arm around Merash's shoulders and pulls him in tightly, shaking the poor man a bit. "Yeah, he's right, fellas! Who's up fer some lunch'n drinks, eh? The milk's on me!"

2008-05-12, 09:47 AM
"I hope that was a metaphor, Khurr," Hammer adds.

Joking? Perhaps. It's hard to tell...

2008-05-12, 10:30 AM
Grinning impishly, and rolling her eyes, she retorts, "Of course! What I meant was, I'll bring the pitcher of goat's milk... that is, if ye boys want it..."

2008-05-12, 05:08 PM
"Oh of course. A pitcher would be great," Chiron agrees heartily, hiding a cackle on his face. It was not the sun and heat that were draining him, but rather the weight of arms and armor; the changeling was born frail and while through training he had overcome his weaknesses, it was still prudent to rest when possible. "Are we we dismissed for now or there is something else we should do, Captain?" he asks Brevis anxiously.

2008-05-12, 06:17 PM
Rhabin looks up at the sun. It is nearing noon. He decides it is time and he can finally call upon his Lady to help him bear the worst of the sun's heat.

He whispers, holding his holy symbol.

((Casting Endure Elements))

As the prayer ends he feels the burden of heat slip away, and he sighs contentedly. He only wished the spell would last longer, but knows that with time and faith his power will grow.

Turning back to the group he rolls his eyes at the double entendres and shakes his head.
[COLOR="Blue"]I think I would be just fine with simple water. And some food would be good to I think.

2008-05-13, 09:47 AM
Hammer offers, "If you are weary I can fetch something for you- we do not feel the heat as much as you."

2008-05-20, 02:35 PM
Brevis nods at Bastiaan's suggestion. "That could help. I'll see if we have any whistles. The six of you are dismissed. Meet me at militia headquarters the same time tommorrow."

As you walk into town, you notice a man standing outside a small artifice workshop, arguing with its owner about an eternal wand which appears to have a damaged crystal. Two more men sit nearby, speaking with a shifter while eating lunch. Suddenly you hear a shout from a short distance away and smoke soon begins to rise from the same general direction.

2008-05-21, 03:36 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; AC 15, t12, ff 13
"By Khyber!" Bastiaan mutters as he hears, then sees the situation arise. "It seems our duties are not quite finished! Shall we?" He asks with a thin smile before sprinting for the smoke and nocking an arrow to his bow.

2008-05-22, 09:36 AM
Hammer pounds along, his heavy form treading hard on the ground. "Lharvion does such things to the Militia..."

His face as impassive as always, he concentrates on the rhythm of his feet against the ground, racing towards the smoke.

2008-05-22, 02:46 PM

It never ends...

2008-05-23, 01:35 PM

"I would ask what in the blazes were going on there, had it not been such a real smoke," Chiron quips as he leaps to his feet, abandoning his eavesdropping on the conversation between the artificer and his customer. Stretching his legs to get ready for the frantic movement that will no doubt ensue, he hurries after the group and towards the smoke.

2008-05-25, 07:49 AM
((Yey! It's still alive!))

Khurr lopes alongside the others, readily keeping pace. She lengthens her stride, her hardened feet leaving dusty furrows in the heat-broken soil. The sound of the swishing of her skirt mingles with the tinkle of her spear as it trails in her wake, battered by bits of gravel that fly up as she passes...

2008-05-27, 01:22 PM
As he get closer to merash tries to see through the smoke
what is that?

2008-05-27, 03:05 PM
((I'm going to assume Rhabin comes along with the rest of you))

The shout was from farther away than it seemed, and the source of the smoke seens to be mobil. Reaching the point where it apparently appeared, you can see a trail of steaming objects which had likely been ignited and doused. You come across small groups of people caring for those who appear to have been recently burnt. Eventually you catch up to the source of the flames.

It looks similar to the creature which escaped from the baker's oven, but instead of a shapeless flame, it takes a nearly humanoid form. The heat from its body blurs the air around it. As you approach it, it takes note of your presence and moves slightly closer.

roll initiative.

2008-05-27, 03:34 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; [roll0]
AC 15, t12, ff 13
Bastiaan holds up about thirty feet from the humanoid flame. "Whoah! You're a hot one, hm?" he says as he keeps his bow readied.

What'sit?!? :smalltongue:

2008-05-27, 06:37 PM

strange looking thing isn't it.

2008-05-28, 01:07 AM
Khurr skids to a halt before the beast and recoils in horror at the waves of heat radiating from its strange form. Goldfang growls and barks with hackles raised but is forced backward by the unrelenting fires.

"Blighter!" Khurr curses then spits out words of magic that she herself little understands.

[roll0] Intiative check
Cast Create Water right over the blazing blighter.

2008-05-28, 04:55 AM


Hammer halts and glances round his allies to see what they are doing about it.

2008-05-28, 01:58 PM
Chiron pauses in front of the creature, surveying it with a passive expression. At last, raising his scimitar and mace, he points at the burning thing and speaks a few words in Ignan: "Revered one, I respect the fire that consumes and gives way to rebirth. But I cannot let you endanger my home," he says determinedly.
When he looks back to the burned victims and property and sees the creature approach, the Changeling grits his teeth and goes out to meet it. Once again, his slash passes in a practiced arc through his own shadow and collects its dark essence to strike at the fiery thing.

[roll0] move and attack
If hit, target must make a DC 14 fortitude save or suffer a 20% miss chance for 1 round.
Flame's Blessing is active as usual for FR 5.

2008-05-28, 02:00 PM
The strike proves to be as much of an art as the form of war; as Chiron lunges to meet the creature, his blade seems to flow with uneering accuracy, as he perhaps draw strength from fighting on his home ground and for the land he walks every day.

[roll1] - Clinging Shadow Strike dmg can't crit

2008-05-29, 05:04 PM
Chiron's strike seems to heavily injure the walking flame while the sudden fall of water seems to barely annoy it, mostly evaporating before it hit. The creature extends it's arm of fire toward the group and a cone of flame extends from it, reaching the entire group. the only person still nearby screams and runs away from the flaming figure.

Bastiaan has no clue what it is he's looking at.

I made the rolls in a sepparate topic so I wouldn'y have to edit anything in.Take 7 damage from the fire spray, reflex save DC 11 for half.

2008-05-29, 10:00 PM
Hanging back Rhabin observes the flaming creature. He thinks about calling on his lady to turn the creature, but the hesitates, fearing to do so would send it fleeing through town where it would do more harm.

He attempts to identify the creature


Then he notchs an arrow to his bow and taking careful aim he shoots at the creature.

Lady of Cold may your north winds guide my arrow true.

Rhabin would have stopped 30 ft back. Is he still in range of the spurt of flame?

If yes Reflex:[roll4]

2008-05-30, 04:17 AM
I'llpost the actions once I know the results of all this dodging. [roll0]

EDIT: OK then...

Hammer is too slow to dodge out of the way of the creature's flaming breath, but makes no sound- instead charging otwards it and laying a heavy blow from his metallic arm, trying to smash into it with all the force he can muster.

[spoiler]Charge if possible (if too clos, subtract 2 from the attack roll). Attack: 1d20+3
Damage: 1d6+1

2008-05-30, 04:30 AM
[spoiler]Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


2008-05-30, 07:01 AM
trying to evade the cone of fire merash draws his crossbow and fires a bolt towards the creature


2008-05-30, 07:56 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9; Init: 5
AC 15, t12, ff 13
Bastiaan tries to duck away from the burst of flame, then rights himself and fires an arrow at the creature. "I'm sorry, sir. By the authority of Prince Oargev and New Cyre, I'm going to have to ask you to cease and desist all burning activities within town limits!"

Spend 1 Inspiration point for Int Mod to save: [roll0]

2008-05-31, 04:46 AM
Chiron attempts to leap away from the flame. However, more than the actual movement he is protected by the sudden mental barrier he can put into being. If the fire is just an element, furthermore an element that he is also made of as all others are, then it should do him no harm. The burning touch should graze lightly along his arm as the breeze rattles the fields, leaving them unharmed. And most importanly, it does not even burn....burn....burn...

Regardless, as soon as Chiron descends from his jump of avoidance, he lunges in and strikes at the creature with a flurry, slashing with his scimitar and following up with a low mace smash.

Using Wolf Fang strike to attack with both weapons at -2 penalty
[roll0] Subtract 5 from final result because of Flame's Blessing

2008-05-31, 09:04 PM
Reflex save [roll0]

"AAAGH!" Khurr tries to throw herself aside but leaps too late. She yowls in pain as the flames wash over her, blistering flesh, singing fur and scorching leather. Panting with a sudden shortness of breath, she limps aside then snarls in rage...

2008-05-31, 09:47 PM
The flaming creature manages to dodge Hammer's fist and Chiron's weapons, but the arrows manage to strike their target and Merash's bolt appears to do the same. The strang creature attempts to strike Chiron before attempting to move out of close quarters.

(assuming no AOOs drop it) The humanoid flame moves surprisingly fast, certainly faster than an ordinary human.

2008-06-01, 04:15 AM
(Assuming we get AoOs)

Hammer lunges as the creature tries to escape.

[roll0]- attack
[roll1]- damage

2008-06-01, 06:44 AM

2008-06-01, 06:46 AM
Unharmed by the fiery burst (though anything stronger than that short gout of flame would have overwhelmed him just as easily as others), Chiron uses the opportunity to strike at the fleeing elemental. If that scimitar slash doesn't drop it, he lets go of his mace, draws his dagger and throws it despite the long distance involved.

No clue what went wrong with my last post...
5-foot step before attacking with the dagger, 4 range increments I think (or more if the creature is faster than I think, +3-4x2)

2008-06-02, 10:22 AM

Snarling and hissing in pain, Khurr stumbles beneath the suddenly blistering sun and shambles forward, wracked by agony. Huffing and short of breath, she lobs her short spear at the fire-creature but its flint-carven head sinks into the dust a foot away from her target.

((Khurr barely succeeded on her reflex save earlier... what's half damage of 7? 3 or 4?))

2008-06-02, 12:31 PM
Rhabin moves up gracefully and attempts to put another arrow in the creature.


2008-06-02, 12:46 PM
Still singed from the fiery cone Merash Quickly reloads his crossbow and looses another bolt at the flaming creature.
[roll0] [roll1]

2008-06-05, 02:20 PM
Both Chiron and Hammer fail to strike the walking flame. Chiron's dagger nearly falls straight to the ground after leaving his hand. Khurr's spear falls short of the flaming creature, but Merash's bolt appears to hit the creature and Rhabin's arrow flies straight through it.

The humanoid fire falls to the ground, beginning to diminish. Other militia members arrive at the scene shortly, wondering what had caused all the chaos. The once animate flame extinguishes, leaving behind an unusual pearl-like object nearly the size of a human fist.

2008-06-05, 02:29 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 9/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
Shaking his head, the young man strides over towards the large pearl. "Well, there's something you don't see everyday," he says with a grin for his companions. "Any ideas what it is?" he asks as he bends down to get a better look at the item.


2008-06-05, 02:42 PM
While inspecting the "pearl", Bastiaan notices etchings which he easily recognizes as magical writing. Thinking about it, he has heard about similar objects being found in the remains of other creatures, and wizards and artificiers are often eager to acquire them.

2008-06-05, 02:55 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 5/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
After a brief puzzled look, replaced with one of understanding, Bastiaan picks up the lump and holds it out for the others to see. "I think it's akin to a scroll. I don't know of what, but if it could be deciphered, I'm sure a few of us could utilize it."

2008-06-05, 07:57 PM
can I cast read magic on the pearl to understand what it is?

Also, can I make another knowledge check to identify the creature?


2008-06-06, 10:33 AM

Looking with interest at the pearl, Hammer tries to dredge up his memories of this sort of object.

Know: Arcana: [roll0]

2008-06-09, 03:31 PM
Rhabin casts a spell and instantly becomes aware of the meaning of the "pearl"'s etchings. They discribe the process of casting a spell to speed up the targets, including all of the components, but it is clear that the "pearl" itself does not hold the power of this spell.

As Rhabin inspects the pearl, an irritated halfling, easily recognized as the healer Oscar D'Jorasco, approaches from the direction the flaming humanoid had come from. "Militia all over town and of course they frget to be where the problems actually happen. Did you at least stop it before it made my job harder still?" Some of the militiamen who had approached from the other direction slowly retreat in the same way, while others make excuses to leave. The halfling's eyes soon settle on Khurr. "Ah, Khurr. Glad to see somebody on the militia who knows more than how to harm others. Would you mind helping me with the ones that thing hurt before you showed up?"

2008-06-09, 10:28 PM
Rhabin bristles at the halflings words.

I suppose you expect us to be in all places all the time then. It is hard enough trying to keep these damnable creatures down as they pop up all over town without you adding criticism. This is the third one today all in different parts of the town. You should focus on the fish on your own line before trying to clean your neighbours. With that said, if there are injured perhaps I can be of help. My Mistress has granted me some measure of power in healing.

2008-06-11, 06:47 PM
Chiron walks back to pick up his dagger, though he stays away from the pearl. He didn't really enjoy fighting fire creatures, at least not those that he drew his powers from. But with the safety of the town at stake, there would be no choice in the matter. "We're following orders. If you have a complaint, you're free to complain with Captain Brevis," he answers the halfling in a strange mixture of stern and haughty tone.

2008-06-17, 02:49 AM
"Hoy Jorasco!" Khurr calls out, smiling despite her pain. Patting out the last remaining fires on her leathern dress, and retrieving her spear from the dust, she uses it as a walking stick and hobbles up to the halfling. Looking at the little man and where he came from worriedly, the shifter druid asks, "Who's hurt, and where?"

Flashing a wan smile at Bastiaan, Khurr says, "Hey chief. Don't worry. Mehopes this won't take long but I'll be back, donnayewarreh!"

2008-06-17, 10:32 AM
Bastiaan VentreHP 5/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
The young man smiles at the shifter. "Of course, Khurr. Do what you must. We're off the clock anyway. Shall we rejoin for dinner and ale when you finish?"

2008-06-19, 03:46 AM

That sound like a good plan there, we'll all go our separate ways for now and then meet up later for something to eat, well unless andother one come through before of course

Just before he turns to go, Merash looks at the halfling and says
Some people might say that speaking ill of thopse charged to protect you could lead to problems, especially when, like you said, they knopw nothing but violence and death. But then again those that would say that are usally the sort that you may need protection from in the first place.

2008-06-19, 09:01 AM
Leaning on both her growling dog and hobbling on her spear, Khurr glares at the halfling and says, "Well, be folk hurt or not? Be we goin' a-healin' an' helpin' soonwise? And listen to 'em, li'l man... they gots good point'n wot they's said"

Giving a wan wink to her comrades, she calls over her shoulder, "Back at the tavern at after twilight, eh boys?"

2008-06-19, 06:44 PM
The halfling nods, clearly slightly upset. "I know I shouldn't be yelling at you. I was just angry." Oscar admits The Healers' Guild wasn't expecting much trouble on the first day of the month, and we had the same expectations on where the problems would begin as Brevis did.".He stops for a moment, evidentally attempting to calm himself down. Eventually he looks at Khur and begins to speak again, "The injured are this way. The ones who weren't immediately killed aren't in much immediate danger, but I could use help tending to their burns and making sure the heat doesn't do them in." Turning to look at the rest of the group, the small healer adds, "I'd appreciate that help you offered elf. Also, it would be nice if somebody were to inform other members of The Healers' Guild that their help is requested."

((Would everybody not helping the injured please post what they plan to do before meeting back up?))

2008-06-23, 09:26 AM
Heal checks! (I mean, seriously, I don't think these things only apply to stabilizing the dying!)


CLW! [roll3]

"Killed? That burning... thing took folk out?" Khurr blurts out before she reins in her tongue. Gasping from her own burns, she quickly amends, "Then again, I came close to the brink too, that blighter near made a roast of me!"

Hissing and spitting but otherwise bearing her pain stoically, she follows the Jorasco halfling to where the injured lie. There she takes out her bandages and her poultices and fixes them up as best she could. At one point, when she encounters someone gravely burnt, a fresh wind suddenly stirs the air and a power from Eberron itself flows through her hands and knits the wounds back together, turning charred flesh into naught but pink scars.

2008-06-23, 06:46 PM
Rhabin goes with the halfling to where the wounded have been brought. Moving quickly among them he looks for who is most wounded, and then uses his remaining Cure Light Wounds on them, following with a SMW on 3 others in need.

From there he uses his healing skill to try to care for others.

2008-06-24, 04:19 AM
Hammer goes with the healers- not because he has any skill of his ownthere, but because it is the position at the most risk if attacked, and the healers will surely be preoccupied.

2008-06-24, 03:29 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 5/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
Bastiaan shakes his head as a few of the group join the healer. He winces slightly as he turns to walk back home to freshen up before rejoining the others for dinner and drinks. Those burns kinda sting. he thinks to himself with a chuckle.

2008-06-24, 04:31 PM
"I see..." Chiron says, nodding seriously as he thinks about the dead. May the gods of the night give safe passage to their eternal souls. "Don't worry about it, you have every right to be angry. I will go with you and see if I can help the wounded in any way that I can. If that is fine with you, Khurr," the young man adds.

Assisting where he can, changing bandages and employing what little of ground herbs he has in his backpack, he spends as much time as needed to make sure the wounded are taken care of. Mentally scolding himself, he feels a bit guilty, even ashamed. This was a war after all, not a stage, and where he saw beauty in the dancing flames, others saw only the terrible, burning death. "It's all wrong," he thinks aloud, to no one in particular.

OOC: take 10 on heal to aid Khurr with treating the wounds (result of 17)

2008-06-24, 05:06 PM
For Breten, Nexus, KIDS and MorkaisChosen:
"Yes, unfortunately three were killed before anything could be done for them." notes the halfling grimly. Thinking for a moment, he adds "What worries me most is that one of the dead ones wasn't burnt at all. Something else must have killed him."

Thanks to Rabin and Khur's help, most of the injured civilians regained conciousness quickly, while the rest got through the worst of their injuries. Somebody hands Khur a few gold pieces, but she can't tell who it was. Afterward, Oscar shows them the one he had mentioned, A human male who seemed to be almost completely unburnt, save for two spots on his side.

Nothing attacked, sorry MorkaisChosen.

For GimliFett

Bastiaan doesn't see anything interresting. Sorry.:smallbiggrin:

I wonder what Rumda will have Merash do...

2008-06-25, 07:35 AM
No worries, just covering the bases- efficient, logical and in-character was the idea...

2008-06-25, 07:59 AM

As Merash walks away form the healers back home wincing a little from his burns, he suddenly stops and begins searching his pockets, finally withdrawing an old looking piece of paper, which has been miraculously escaped damage from the flames of the creature, sitting down in the shade of a building he begins to read it.

2008-06-29, 10:35 PM
Nothing interresting happens to Merash. Sorry.

Unless somebody wants to say something, let's skip ahead to when they meet back up afterwards.

2008-06-30, 03:31 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 5/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
Bastiaan waits in the tavern for the others to arrive. Freshly washed and cleaned up, there are still obvious signs of the earlier tussles the group faced: bright pink skin, with a few burn blisters here and there.

2008-06-30, 05:21 PM
Chiron is still more than a little depressed about the visit to the injured (though he still holds it was his duty) and gives the uninjured man just a passing gaze instead of asking questions. Privately, he wonders - completely unburnt much like him - but where did those other spots come from? By the time he finishes wondering, it is very much too late and he finds himself on the way to the tavern to meet with everyone else. "Hey, Bastiaan! You look entirely new; if I weren't there, I would never guess what you went through," he subtly compliments his little combat scars.

2008-07-09, 01:25 PM
Khurr stumbles into the tavern, leaning on her dog and her spear. Plonking herself onto a barstool, she growls dejectedly at the barkeep and beckons for her usual rounds of goat's milk. After downing one cup in a single slurp, she lets half the second cup drip onto a nearby coconut husk where Goldfang can lap and then finishes off the drink herself. The third she sips slowly, her head already bobbing from the fatigue and the drowsiness induced by milk.

2008-07-09, 02:04 PM
Bastiaan VentreHP 5/9;
AC 15, t12, ff 13
"May not look too bad, but it sure stings. I can feel it. Probably gonna feel worse tomorrow. That thing sure got me a good one," the young man says with a smile.

He waves to the shifter to join them at their table. "Khurr! Over here, girl!"

Sorry, KIDS! Don't know how I missed your post same day as mine! I apologize!