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View Full Version : Comfortable with your Alignment? Guess what? I'm Not (EPIC spell)

2008-04-06, 08:07 PM
The Six Mighty Words. Words filled with such amazing Arcane power that they can warp or convert the minds of men and monsters alike. Such words would be a great Bane or Boon, a weapon that makes great heros, or vile villains.

The Six Words

Word of Sublime Logic

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Law)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V, 20k Exp.
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 2,115,000 Gp, 43 Days Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright opposed to normal actions +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a Single Word of Power, entwined with the purest of Law, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Law/Chaos scale becomes Law.

Word of Eternal Chaos

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Chaos)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright Change to Alignment +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a single Word entwined with pure warped, twisted Chaos, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Law/Chaos scale becomes Chaos.

Word of the Purest Good

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Good, Exalted)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright Change to Alignment +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a single Word entwined with pure singing, blissful Good, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Good/Evil scale becomes Good.

Word of Vilest Evil

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Evil, Vile)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright Change to Alignment +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a single Word entwined with pure hateful, dark, choking Evil, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Good/Evil scale becomes Evil.

Word of Groovenest Funk

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Funk)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright Change to Alignment +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a single Word entwined with pure Bouncing, fashionable Funk, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Funk/Square scale becomes Funk.

Word of Drabbest Square

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Square)
Spellcraft DC: 235
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Free Action
Range: 300 Square Feet.
Area: 200 ft. Radius
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: Seed: Compel (19 Spellcraft DC)
Factors: No Somatic Component: +2; Quickened Spell +28; Range +300% +6; Change from target to Area: +10; Change area to 20 ft. Radius: +2; Add 500% to Area: +20; Permanent Duration: x5 Spellcraft DC; Outright Change to Alignment +10; Force Alignment Change: Ad hoc +20; Burn 20k Exp: -200.

With a single Word entwined with pure drab, boring Squareness, a caster can target a 200 ft. Radius circle within 300 ft. of himself. Every creature within the radius must make a Will save, or their alignment on the Funk/Square scale becomes Square.

Not exactly really creative with the others, but still. Although a low level caster making a 235 Spellcraft DC check is not very likely, I can see this spell as being casted in a Ritual instead by a TON of weaker mages, turning the tide of an entire battle with a singe WORD.

2008-04-06, 08:46 PM
Not exactly really creative with the others, but still. Although a low level caster making a 235 Spellcraft DC check is not very likely, I can see this spell as being casted in a Ritual instead by a TON of weaker mages, turning the tide of an entire battle with a singe WORD.

How exactly would this turn the tide of an entire battle? A change of alignment doesn't change a person's allegiance. A Lawful soldier of X country whose in a battle with the army of Y country, who then becomes Chaotic isn't suddenly going to switch sides.

So, really, either the spell is going to be used on NPCs or PCs. In the former case, the difference isn't going to be very big on the ethic axis, and the effects of the moral axis, while greater, wouldn't accomplish more than a simple save or die epic spell. An Evil villain trying to take over the world who is suddenly turned Good would still want to take over the world, but maybe for less selfish reasons. Maybe they would suddenly think they'd be helping the world because the current leaders are corrupt, but their actions wouldn't be too effected.

In the latter case, you're forcibly, permanently, and arbitrarily forcing your players to play characters they don't want to play. Whether that sounds like a good thing is a matter of opinion, I suppose.

2008-04-06, 08:50 PM
The only way I could see any of those spells helping is casting Groovenest Funk of a legion of bards/sublime chords/seekers of the song for epic, epic win.

Fiery Diamond
2008-04-06, 08:55 PM
I agree with your comment on the Law-Chaos axis, Xefas, but you are dead wrong on the Good-Evil axis. If you are fighting versus many evil people, (say, an order of Lawful Evil, trying to accomplish some vile goal), changing the alignment to Good would automatically make them change sides. On neutral people, it wouldn't make as much difference, but changing Evil to Good, especially if the Evils are Lawful, will make a huge difference.

-Fiery Diamond

2008-04-06, 08:56 PM
This song could be very very useful in alignment restricted games. If you are fighting a legion of paladins and make them all chaotic. Or some othe rclass that has an alignment restriction, they lose all of their powers and become uttterly useless. Well not useless, but deffinatly alot easier targets.

2008-04-06, 08:58 PM
The only way I could see any of those spells helping is casting Groovenest Funk of a legion of bards/sublime chords/seekers of the song for epic, epic win.

Do you realize what that would do to society? It would break it down.

2008-04-06, 09:15 PM
I agree with your comment on the Law-Chaos axis, Xefas, but you are dead wrong on the Good-Evil axis. If you are fighting versus many evil people, (say, an order of Lawful Evil, trying to accomplish some vile goal), changing the alignment to Good would automatically make them change sides. On neutral people, it wouldn't make as much difference, but changing Evil to Good, especially if the Evils are Lawful, will make a huge difference.

-Fiery Diamond

Alignment is neither allegiance nor goal.

If I believe with all my heart that the Baron who murdered my wife needs to die, then it doesn't matter if I'm Good or Evil. If I'm good, I'm doing it because I think he is evil and my cause is righteous. If I'm evil, then I'm doing it because I want to make him suffer like I have suffered.

If I'm a cultist trying to summon a Pit Fiend to usurp the King, then it doesn't matter if I'm Good or Evil. If I'm good, I'm doing it because I'm a better leader than the King and the land will prosper because of me. Anyone who tries to stop me is hampering the greater good and, while I will explain to them my reasoning, if they are mad enough not to listen, then they must be dealt with for the greater good. If I'm evil, I'm doing it because the King is a fool and if I can usurp him, then I deserve his power. Anyone who tries to stop me is a jealous dog who can either apologize and swear his loyalty to me or be cut down. Either way, summoning a Pit Fiend to do your bidding is not inherently an evil act, as the Malconvoker and similar classes can attest to.

etc etc.

I, for one, will be glad when 4th edition comes out and we can throw alignment, for the most part, out the window. If you actually play a character with beliefs and goals (I adapted a little of the Burning Wheel system to my game, in that regard), then it has so little effect that it is simply a nuisance to be overcome.