View Full Version : Unique Prom Gifts

2008-04-08, 03:17 PM
So after I skirk out of my prom due to not being able to find a date for it, and two years of college under my belt, I find myself dating someone who will be coming to my college in this coming fall.

Me being two years older than her notwithstanding, she tells me no flowers, no corsage, nothing for the prom, and so being the stubborn person I am, I'm going to bring her something anyway.

So I found myself getting a bit creative with a gift in that case, and I remember that she loves to play her guitar. So I can't decide whether or not to get her a pair of guitar pick earrings that are the same color as her dress to wear if she so wants, or to just get a single pick and get it engraved. What do you think about those?

Anyone else given a unique prom gift?

2008-04-08, 03:52 PM
I think the guitar pick idea is great. :) Make sure they're really high quality picks, though, so they don't look cheap with the dress. You could always go the engraved-pick route and put it on a necklace for her to wear.

That said, I wasn't aware that you were supposed to give/get gifts for prom. :smalleek:

But then, I didn't go to mine. My boyfriend at the time lived several states away and, even though all my friends were going, I decided I didn't want to since I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. I still have the dress (I'd had a ticket and everything before deciding to sell it to a friend).

I don't regret not going. The me now would love to go and be able to get all pretty-fied and dressed up and dance. But the me then would have spent the whole night talking with friends and not dancing. So yeah, no point for me to go.


2008-04-08, 05:26 PM
If she's seen the Broadway musical "Cry-Baby" (which everyone who ever liked Grease or any other movie/show that takes place in the 50s/60s era should see), the engraved pick might seem a bit unoriginal to her. Otherwise, totally go for it. If someone got me an engraved guitar pick, I'd probably marry them.

2008-04-08, 06:03 PM
Just get a single pick and get it engraved.

This is a great idea, but I've played the guitar in the past and those picks get LOST. I mean totally disappear with no earthly reason. We're talking while you are playing you set them down and they are gone. Maybe I lose things easily (I don't think I do.), but this is a great idea right up until she loses it. If she's anything like me it will gone be very soon, which is too bad because I really liked this idea.

2008-04-08, 06:16 PM
she tells me no flowers, no corsage, nothing for the prom, and so being the stubborn person I am, I'm going to bring her something anyway.

Yes!! Get her a gift! When a woman says "Don't get me anything." It is a trap. Always, always, ALWAYS get the woman a gift. Flowers/corsage wouldn't hurt either. Maybe even a basket full of puppies (well that may be too much).

2008-04-08, 06:53 PM
Yes!! Get her a gift! When a woman says "Don't get me anything." It is a trap. Always, always, ALWAYS get the woman a gift. Flowers/corsage wouldn't hurt either. Maybe even a basket full of puppies (well that may be too much).

Just a teensy bit TOO enthusiastic there buddy. I dunno what she means to you, but in your shoes, I agree with the pick idea. It's practical, sentimental, and there are a lot of ways to make such a simple little thing your own.

In your shoes (depending on how I felt about the person) I'd do something along the lines of getting one of her favorite type (I know squat aside from the fact that some are hard, and some are soft) and color, shaping it into a heart (cliche I know, but I really am like that, so that makes it okay in my book), and slipping it into a card that says something that captures the meaning of the gift as I intend it. "If you are going to go through all the toruble of taking my heart, you might as well put it to good use." -or something equally as hammy/sarcastic sounds like something I'd spout.

That's just me though, the best gifts are the ones that genuinely reflect how you feel. I get the impression that she might be like me, and not feel comofortable with gifts in general. If that is the case; keeping it simple, thoughtful, and practical will make her a lot more comoftable and happy than something expensive and shiney.

2008-04-08, 09:03 PM
Yes!! Get her a gift! When a woman says "Don't get me anything." It is a trap. Always, always, ALWAYS get the woman a gift. Flowers/corsage wouldn't hurt either. Maybe even a basket full of puppies (well that may be too much).





There's a classic issue with these things, which is that you know her, and we don't. While this certainly plays into things, I will assure you, you cannot go wrong with buying a corsage. If it is a test(I won't say trap, but test is approriate) you have passed. If it isn't a test, and she really didn't want one, you've just done something really sweet.

It's a win-win, unless she has issues with thinking you don't listen to her, or she takes really serious offense at you being sweet, or she reads these posts. All of which seem unlikely to me.

IMO, it's her senior prom. I went to two proms, screwed up the junior one but really nailed the senior one(I swear those sexual terms just occurred by accident, nothing is meant by them). Prom is the night where all but the most "different" girls are "girly." Especially senior prom. So "go big." You're really not going that big by just buying a corsage. It's not like you're getting a limo or anything.

2008-04-08, 10:01 PM
First thing's first

Things women say #346:

"You don't need to get me anything"

Lies, filthy lies. Get her a corsage for the love of Ghandi, but don't do the pick thing unless you've known her for a while, as jewellery is a very strong statement of commitment that may be intimidating early on. The whole USA prom thing is already over the top as-is, so don't bother splurging for a limo or anything. A simple gesture pulled off well should be more than enough to woo your fair lady.

2008-04-08, 11:01 PM
I know her well enough by now that when she says no something, she really means it. She tells me that the corsage will make her wrist itch all the time while she's there and flowers don't last long enough to justify spending the ungodly amount that they go for during prom season.

So, I think the pick thing is a really neat idea. I've gone against the idea of getting the jewelry and going with the pick is a swell idea. Now if I can figure out how to find a turquoise heart-shaped pick, I'd be in business.

Any ideas about where one can go to get a pick engraved?

2008-04-08, 11:19 PM
I know her well enough by now that when she says no something, she really means it. She tells me that the corsage will make her wrist itch all the time while she's there and flowers don't last long enough to justify spending the ungodly amount that they go for during prom season.

Yes, but the "shoulder corsage" is more traditional, more elegant, and much more likely to get you slapped by your date's mother if you screw up the pinning. Plus, it won't make her wrist itch(altho, her shoulder might have to take the bullet...).

I miss the proms I went to. :smallfrown:

2008-04-08, 11:58 PM
I know her well enough by now that when she says no something, she really means it. She tells me that the corsage will make her wrist itch all the time while she's there and flowers don't last long enough to justify spending the ungodly amount that they go for during prom season.

So, I think the pick thing is a really neat idea. I've gone against the idea of getting the jewelry and going with the pick is a swell idea. Now if I can figure out how to find a turquoise heart-shaped pick, I'd be in business.

Any ideas about where one can go to get a pick engraved?

No idea how to engrave it, but shaping it could be managed by hand easily enough. If you aren't a carver, there is always the option of an online store. I dunno how much time you have though.

2008-04-09, 12:13 AM
Any ideas about where one can go to get a pick engraved?

My advice is to ask a jeweler, and they may be found at jewelry shops. They tend to be at least somewhat helpful in getting delicate things crafted pretty-like, and uniqueness is also in their portfolio. Also, a music shop. Music shop owners always amaze me with how much they know about, like, anything related to music in any way. It's mind-blowing.

Jack Squat
2008-04-09, 12:15 AM
One way to engrave it is those etching kits you can get at craft stores...they'll either be a spray can that has a bunch of tiny grit in it or a chemical of some sort. If it's the former, you can double up some masking tape and cut the design out with a razor, or find a place that does commercial etching, if you want to go the more expensive, but much, much easier route.

Unless you like cutting out small designs in masking tape, I'd definetly look for a commercial etcher in your area, a jeweler would probably know where to point you.

2008-04-09, 09:57 AM
Being the kind of person who can't read their own handwriting, I'm going to pass on doing the engraving myself. I think I might have found a music shop that sells heart-shaped guitar picks, which will save me a lot of grief later. I'll go to a jewler and see if they can point me in the right directions.

2008-04-09, 02:03 PM
Disgraphia sucks, expecially since people only seem to acknowledge it's cousin: dislexia. Best of luck.

2008-04-09, 06:26 PM
i know you said turquoise, but there's a site with some other colors if that helps

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pickworld.com/images/specialshape_picks/heartblack.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pickworld.com/special_shapes.htm&h=93&w=85&sz=2&hl=en&start=45&um=1&tbnid=kGrfJTuqy2m-jM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=73&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dheart%2Bshaped%2Bguitar%2Bpick%26star t%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

i play guitar myself, and i would definitely recommend figuring out what kind she likes to play with: light, medium, heavy, or extra-heavy. (the difference is thickness and hardness of material)

other than that, this sounds like a really cool prom gift! good luck dude! :smallsmile:

2008-04-10, 07:49 AM
Thanks, but holy craps can you put the link in a spoiler or with link tags or something? It stretched the whole page!

Anyways, I'm hanging out with her again tonight so I'll be able to figure out what kind of pick she uses and we'll go from there. More information as I get it.