View Full Version : Stress and anxiety and yours!

2008-04-08, 07:13 PM
So, pretty self-explanatory. Stress and how to deal. Talk about yours, get advice, whatevskis. We're all nice here, RIGHT? :smalltongue:

Oh except hey..I can't.
..No, seriously.
My come-and-go situation:
I am sure, by now, it has been made clear that I'm more than a little comfortable with myself and my life. I've noticed especially, as of late, I have gained a true apathy about peoples thoughts on me. That's to say that peoples words don't..upset me anymore?? Or make me particularly happy, for that matter. Whether somebodys excessively nice or mean to me just doesn't change anything. Which is chill, I guess. I've always KINDA been that way..just, not to any extreme. (And there are people whose words effect me, they just happen to be far and few.)

so yeah thats cool im cool, whatever. I love my life. I can't think of anything that bothers me or that I'd like to dramatically improve/change. (okay that was a lie but it's only that ONE THING and its out of my control.)
But within the last ehh..lets say two weeks..I've woken up with rather sore teeth and an extremely tense jaw. Which, I can deal with, as long as it goes away soon. See, I have more than a few.....anxiettyyyy issues... and things tend to get more extreme. Last time I started teeth-grinding in my sleep I had chewed up my cheek so bad you could literally see a white layer of tissue and I can still feel the bumps of the scar hahahah. I dont think thats supposed to be funny. whatever.

I was ignoring it up until yesterday when I seemed to develop an eye twitch. That's actually never happened to me before. Its EXTREMELY irritating...and even though I know you cant see it unless you STARE at my eye, it's embarassing. I can't control it, yknow? Hate things I cant control.

And just ten minutes ago I was watching my dogs frustrated panting, and her breathing was irregular and I started to feel like my breathing was irregular and that my heartbeat was irregular and it nearly brought on a panic attack. WHICH I DO NOT LIKE they are not fun for me.

but fdkafda. dood. what can I do? Im not stressed out, I dont feel it. Nothing is wrong to me, not obviously. I'd like to know what the hell my subconcious is getting all this bull from, but then again do I REALLY? Im pretty content right now, Im not sure how much I want to challenge my own happiness for this other anxiety crap. Really, knowing would seem to only intensify it.

I don't think theres anything I CAN do. Once again, out of my control and its pissing me off. but maybe has some individual remedies for each of those little quirky issues, ehh??

I'm wondering when somebody is going to notice that my threads are all questions..
heh but seriously..I've been compared to a five year old in the amount of questions I ask. :smallfrown:

2008-04-08, 07:30 PM
...umm...I'll try to follow this?

I've been somewhat stressed recently due to the fact that I'm behind on schoolwork, and my TAC is not letting me take leave to go to an orientation I have to go to in order to attend the college I'm transferring to, and I'm still afraid of what I'll find when I come back home.

...and I had another panic attack yesterday, which sucked.

...and I really, really, really want to pick up self-harm again.

...rawr. *sighs* ...is that the kind of stuff I was supposed to talk about?

2008-04-08, 07:37 PM
right, well for one, questions are good, they are the only way to find out what you want to know, unless you go somewhere where they are supposed to talk about what it is you want to know, also, they help others get to know you, and help you ^^. now on your original topic, perhaps it could be that while conciously (pardon my bad spelling, I try) you don't think you have a problem with what people think, you're subconcious does, and because you keep not addressing it, it's making you react the way your body is. also, if something is bothering you, or is not "normal" when it comes to bodily/mental functions, even if you think you are happy, those will bug you, or won't leave you alone entirely at the very least. try thinking about all the things that have been going on in your life, think about the things that would normally bother people, then figure out a rational reason for not caring about them, such as...."to each his own" or something like that, to put your subconcious at ease. hope that helps!

2008-04-08, 07:40 PM
School seems to be a huge factor for stress for many people, and I would rank among them, finishing Uni while doing well enough to get one of the most competitive positions in all of academia adds to it for me. How do I deal? Well I bottle up anything bad and never talk about it. But, its probably more to do with the fact that I have a good life, and know who I am so things don't get to me. I'm really laid back and maybe because of that a little lazy, but generally I don't need stress relief because I have such a type B personality. Well, either that or I will snap one day and take it out on the closest person to me.

2008-04-08, 08:36 PM
*sighs* ...is that the kind of stuff I was supposed to talk about?
Yessir. considering thats basically what I talked about, take away the SI bit.
They are for seriously the worst, though. Panic attacks, I mean. Aside from the whole omg-im-flipping-dying thing, it's pretty embarassing in public...

Desgardius, I have fairly rational reason for not caring. I was never somebody who can just think or act some way without having it fairly planned out. Giving a reason wouldnt change things, I don't think. Im not even sure that it has ANYTHING to do with peoples thoughts on me, that was just a connection to how apathetic Ive become to my surroundings. Naww, I'm positive it's something else. My mind is way too tricky for that, it's made sure I know at least THAT much.. Im really not sure. I doubt that anybody could guess it from online, anyways. Considering Im not even sure my close friends could tell me.. more, I was looking for keys to stop eye twitching and relax jaw muscles and the like. Why fix the root of the problem when you can murder the symptoms?! :smallamused:

Well I bottle up anything bad and never talk about it = Well, either that or I will snap one day and take it out on the closest person to me
Been there, pulled that. You'd be shocked at how quickly people are willing to give up on you. More importantly, how quick you're willing to give up on yourself.
It's one thing to choose to be alone, another entirely to be forced into it.
yes, im being obscure but I was thinking of a past incident (years back) that may or may not be relevant.

2008-04-08, 08:49 PM
Did you know it's totally possible to be in denial of stress? No, really! I was surprised too!

Life is hard, no matter how good you think you have it. If your life seems to be going great, you're just bottling up all the bad. You know what that does? It makes your subconcious take all the problems into hand. You start grinding your teeth, and have impulses you shouldn't. It slowly wears away on your psyche.

Now, you don't need an actual psychologist to do this the right way. Sit down on your couch and talk to someone or something about your life. Everything. Full disclosure. A good listener is best, because they will ask leading questions and get you to divulge more. One of you will hear the real problem area(s). If you want to AIM me or something, I can play shrink just fine. Seriously, though, you aren't as happy as you think you are, even if you are happy. Life has problems. Don't ignore them; it'll make you crazy.

On the note of my stress, I'm really busy this quarter. Full courseload and the approach of Faire and a comic mean I have to do a lot. Yaaay...

2008-04-08, 08:56 PM
Well the snapping is in complete jest, but I am a really private person and tend not to talk about things going on with myself at all, even to my friends. (And I have a lot of friends, a lot who I consider real close to) I have an incredibly strong sense of self, and don't really need to talk about things to anyone because I have gone over them a million times before.

2008-04-08, 09:03 PM
People whining at me (last I counted it was 4, all girls) and me, being the kindhearted soul I am being compelled to help them (as opposed to take advantage of their insecurities, stupid morals) sort of suppress my own problems. Which is fine, I guess, until they'll inevitable jump up and kick me inna nards.

2008-04-08, 09:19 PM
Brick, so like you to play cap-i-tan obvious. My whole point was that by subconcious mind was so off of my concious mind. But, right-on you are.
Thing is, I'm not knowingly repressing any of this. There is a reason it's happening beyond my control. If I didnt already mention, Im not sure I want to know. The point is, I FEEL happy, regardless of these bits and pieces of anxiety. And knowing whatever is making me anxious won't make them go away. They'll, most likely, intensify in the most overwhelming of ways.
naw, directing solving that would be too easy. :smallamused:
And I'm not a talker. In fact, when I do take the time to communicate with others, I'm mostly listening about their problems. Old habits die hard, nay?
I appreciate the invitation, but even if I was more open than I ACTUALLY am, I can't say a convo with somebody I dont know would help.

It wouldn't be a risk, of course..but Im a firm believer that genuine security is the direct result of risky situations.

2008-04-08, 09:30 PM
Ah angst I know thee well. We gout out and have coffee on Wednesdays.

Mine is mainly derived from situations with me developing small crushes on people then over thinking them and things of that nature. I never get stressed over school, almost exclusively "romantic" stuff.

2008-04-09, 02:12 AM
Err... I need to get a B in A2 Physics or else I can't go to university this year. Does that count as stress? ...No, I guess not, since I'm not stressed about it. Hmm... Maybe I'd be more stressed if I knew how to be.

Stay mellow, people.

Hell Puppi
2008-04-09, 03:02 AM
Stress and anxiety...yup, been there.

Like tonight. My husband was getting an award (he's in the military) and I'm the only civilian there. Then everyone stood for about an hour straight. I'm not even joking. I felt completely out of place.
I sometimes freak out if I have to go somewhere new or talk to someone I don't know.
The best way I've found to deal with it is something like mediation. Think about things, put it in perspective, think about "what would be the best way to handle this"? Imagine someone that's strong, capable and without fear and how they would handle the situation. I don't know if that'll help you, but it's worked for me (most times).

2008-04-09, 07:00 AM
go for a bike ride, works for me :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-09, 07:38 AM
Stress....most that's stressing me at the moment would be my acting. >.< I've taken on too much, and I'm suffering - lines are crap, homework is going downhill, and procrastination has got much much worse.

*sigh* I will do this though. I will. I may be stressed, but I'll get to the end of these parts. I'll do them all. I'll learn the bloody lines. I WILL do this.

<.< >.> *poof* *gone*

2008-04-09, 09:01 AM
Listen to Reggae. Best stress cure in the world. Try Lucky Dube if you don't have any.

2008-04-09, 08:19 PM
School seems to be a huge factor for stress for many people, and I would rank among them. *snip* How do I deal? Well I bottle up anything bad and never talk about it. *snip* Well, either that or I will snap one day and take it out on the closest person to me.Story of my life... snapping not in jest. Been there, done that. :smallannoyed: And the problem is, I don't have any reason in particular to be stressed for school--I'm pulling straight A's right now, etc. Actually, AP exams are coming up, and I'm having other issues... screw that... I know this sounds really spastic, I am not having a good night.

2008-04-09, 08:47 PM
Stress factor: I have a new job as a car sales representative. I'm really NOT a people person. I also hate using the telephone.

As it turns out, if you want to be successful in car sales, you need to be a people person who likes to use the phone.

Exercising and meditation are good, but they're just not bringing the balance. I'm thinking of taking up smoking and heavy drinking again. Not that I actually plan to, but I sure do think about it a lot more than I used to.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-09, 09:47 PM
Stress factor: I'm failing college and my parents have found out about my grades, my neurologist ALSO found out about my grades, she says I need a shrink for my self loathing problems, and up my medicine 250 mg. Oh, and my best friend has started really pissing me off.

Piano helps, reading helps, GITP helps
These things don't help in the long run, however, since I really should be working on not failing instead of trying to keep myself from snapping. Which is why I tried to give up GITP, but after 9:00 I get too tired to do homework but too awake to go to sleep and then I have nothing to do. So I either practice piano or come here.

2008-04-09, 11:08 PM
I have an extremely high stress job... no I won't tell you what it is, but let me put it this way.

1) Everyone wears a suit
2) We tend to use lots of jargon like SOTP, CAGR, ALPHA,TSR
3) I "handle" significant amounts of wealth
4) The definition of significant is more than 50M and less than 1B

Stress is defined as the worst stock market correction since the '87 crash.

I laugh at your pitiful small stresses. Ha Ha HAR.

@ everyone. Stress tips....

1) Diet. Yup diet has for some strange reason a significant effect on your stress levels. A lack of B vitamins in your diet makes you MORE stressed. If you eat right (and maybe take a supplement) you are at least giving yourself the best chance that your stress is mentally caused rather than being exacerbated by the physical. (Jae - a lack of potassium and zinc can also cause restless leg syndrome and eye tics. Go eat some banana's and strawberries every day for a week and see if it goes away. Dr Jagg's orders.)

2) Rest. If your sleeping patterns are snafu - your ability to handle stress is severely weakened. Temptations are to watch T.V. play on interweb, listen to music etc etc etc. Go to bed instead.

3) Exercise - I know lot's of people have mentioned this one, but I would suggest that certain types of exercise are better than others when dealing with stress (although all exercise is good). Boxing training (not necessarily beating someone up) is particularly good at relieving stress. Just working with a bag and gloves for as little as ten minutes a day...makes you tired/relieves frustration/gives you great upper body strength/is fun.

4) Um...for those you who are legal/married/have a significant other/or know what that Divinyls song is talking about....you know what (:belkar: Aww yeah) relieves all kinds of stress. :smallbiggrin:

5) positive reinforcement - Finding a support network of friends and family who you can ring up and complain about your life is important and also reduces stress.

6) Enjoy the small things in life and celebrate your successes (and even your failures).

This list is bigger but I'm outta time


2008-04-09, 11:27 PM
I never get stressed over school, almost exclusively "romantic" stuff.
My heart goes out to you, zer. Unless Im in a relationship gone REALLY bad, I scarcely have to stress that kinda thing.

go for a bike ride, works for me
:smallfrown: I can't ride a bike. I disproved the "it's like riding a bike, once you learn you never forget" theory. Seriously.
And I had to DRIVE today. Dude. I hate driving. even an automatic. And I had the most chill driving instructor ever, and I could tell when he was mad. He said "please" in the most condescending manner, although I dont think he was trying. It was like "Stop, please." and then let-me-lecture-you.
Funny thing is, he asked me about 100 times if that fluttery feeling had gone away yet and I kept saying "no" but that was a total lie. I never had it to begin with. Sounds like a ridiculous thing to lie about, I know, but considering how tense I was it would make sense that I was nervous or stressed. I wasnt feeling it, though.
If I wouldve said I never had the feeling, he would've taken me for a cocky teenage liar. I didnt want that. *IRONY*

Enjoy the small things in life and celebrate your successes (and even your failures)
haha I am so that kind of person, too. The kind that is content to spend an hour laying in the grass and will feel happy all day in seeing one kind act from another human being. Really, I think I tend to be kind of laid back.
Just, y'know..laid back and twitchy. with sore teeth.
im a contradiction

Hell Puppi
2008-04-09, 11:52 PM
haha I am so that kind of person, too. The kind that is content to spend an hour laying in the grass and will feel happy all day in seeing one kind act from another human being. Really, I think I tend to be kind of laid back.
Just, y'know..laid back and twitchy. with sore teeth.
im a contradiction

I'm a walking contradiction, with my head held high

2008-04-10, 11:39 PM
I deal with stress by reading or by playing solitaire. Both seem to work well to help me 'check out' for awhile. The trick is that I have to be near whatever I'm supposed to be doing, that way part of me still thinks I'm about to do it, any moment, rather than when I leave for a day, which leads to me thinking guiltily about everything I should be doing.

I also use mindful breathing meditation...although not often. But I should. I'm doing my thesis on stress reduction in medical students and mindful breathing and visual journaling are showing to really help.

I'm constantly stressed. I didn't used to be, I don't think. I mean, I know I worry a lot in general, but I don't think it was ever constant before. I used to be happy and optimistic all the time.

This semester, however, things are really weighing me down. I've only 3 weeks of school left, which is good, but I've so much crammed into those 3 weeks that I can hardly breathe. The other day, my to-do list was at 50 items. Yesterday, I'd crossed off 30, I had 48 left. I'm not sure how it keeps multiplying, but it does and I never seem to be making any headway. On top of the ending of school....I am planning a wedding, or my family is, which is frankly, at least as stressful as planning it myself. I mean, yes, I have someone else calling and comparing dj prices for me, but I am getting 6 phone calls a day asking me to make decisions and I hate making decisions. Also, I have to find a job. And I haven't, and haven't been looking. Don't even know how to start looking for what I want and its making me very nervous, because I need that income. And on top of that, I've bought a new house and am having to continually travel between there and my apartment (4 hours) and never have what I need at the place I need it. Have so much to unpack and have no idea where it goes and it overwhelms me. Plus I have gotten a new demon dog who chews up everything and is obnoxious as hell. And I'm sick and it's making me more whiny and crabby than usual.

2008-04-11, 12:32 AM
What I do against stress?
I lie in bed trying to get my heartbeat to a normal rate for about an hour per night. Or pass out, yeah, that works very well.
Also, I'm getting anti-depressants that also work against anxiety as of yesterday. Slept over them, though. :smalltongue:
Playing, reading or similar usually don't work for me, since few games don't bore me, and I'm currently having a hard time getting the concentration to keep on books.