View Full Version : The Crusade Against the Shade [IC] (GROUP 3)

2008-04-09, 01:18 AM
Welcome brave adventurers to The Crusade Against the Shade. The fate of the world Rests on your valiant shoulders, good luck!

You are: Group 3

You are currently in: New Hope, capital of Argoth

You were last in: Nothingness

Your Destination is: Unknown

Your Current Task: Defeat Goblins

Battle Grid/Initiative Order

Rigel Cyrosea

World Map (as you know it)

Coming soon!

2008-04-09, 01:55 AM
In the harsh, battle-prone lands, New Hope stands as one of the last beacons of safety. That is not to say the city has not seen war, black, scorched walls, and 2 to 1 ratio of weapons to people show that the people are not soft. In fact, the city is safe because everyone is ready to fight. For now though, the people are at ease, from the smallest goblin, to the largest Orc.

New Hope is the Capital city of Argoth. Even though Dwarves and Elves do not usually head this far south, the city has the largest diversity of peoples of every city in the Realm, slightly more than half the population comprised of Humans, while the other half being an even distribution of goblinoids (redeemed from evil), Half-Orcs, Halflings and Gnomes. The area is also most prone to attack, the evil bands of monstrous humanoids to the south constantly trying to upset the balance of good and law.

2008-04-09, 12:02 PM

Vardin is beginning to wonder if leaving the caravan in New Hope was a good idea. Yes the trip down had been more arduous than most, and they had to fight off many more bandits than usual on this trip. But it was a job, something to keep him busy. Absentmindedly the Elf stopped at a bakers' One Pie.

Finishing his transaction, he continued on, still lost in thought. It wasn't that there were not things he could do here. For certain the local police would take him on, his prior service in that role, and years of guarding the caravan would open that door quite quickly. As he passed by a tailors shop he examined himself in the tall stand mirror sitting outside. Nothing too flashy, his clothes were clean but not flashy. Simple traveling clothes, no armor nothing that marks him out as spectacular.

His pie gone, Vardin decides to try and find what entertainment is happening in the city at this hour.

Hi Y'all. I would like to post Vardins speach in Teal.

Looking forward to playing with you.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-09, 12:04 PM
"And so, our heroes traveled far across the great desert, into the very heart, where mortals rarely venture. There, they sought an audience with one known as Hephaestus; a sinister red dragon of awesome stature and fearsome might! Our two heroes arrived to find it sleeping, although, it woke up when approached. And it did not like that. One. Bit."

"'Thieves!' the dragon cried out, his very voice shaking the stone chamber. 'You have come to steal the treasure of Hephaestus. You have prepared the proper spells, and wear itmes of magic that you consider powerful, but are you truly prepared? Can any mortal truly be prepared to face the awful splendor that is Hephaestus?'"

A great struggle then commenced. The great wyrm had every intention to kill, yet our heroes could not. They needed the dragon's mighty breath for one last task. The same breath that could roast you in mere seconds, and not leave a single trace that you were ever alive. But in the end, our heroes succeeded. They cast the evil Crenshinibon into Hephaestus' fires, and rid the world of a power that would seek to destroy it."

"And as they left, as the assassin said to the drow as the dark one slipped on his wide-brimmed hat: 'Where will your antics take us next?'"

"And that, my friends, is the tale of Entreri, Jarlaxel, and The Servant of the Shard."

It was his favorite tale, and no matter how many times he told it, it never got old.

Altair Silverbrook stood in a ring of people made up of any who had the time for a tale of adventure. Using a wide brimmed hat of his own, he caught whatever coin his audience saw fit to throw to him. With a quick flourish, he pocketed the coins, and flipped the hat onto his dirty brown hair.

'Yup' he couldn't help but think 'This is going to be a good day

By the way, that was a short re-telling of Servant of the Shard by R. A. Salvatore. I make no claim over his novel or characters.

2008-04-09, 12:43 PM
An unusually large weasel emerges from the wood line outside of town. Atop it rides a male halfling of average size. The only odd thing about him, besides that he is riding a weasel, is his almost feral nature. None of the halflings usual jolliness can be seen in his eyes.

Oh how I loathe the city. Why do I feel drawn here. Why must I expose myself to their ridicule. None understand my life. But it was my choice. I chose to live alone. Why must they pursue me so.

As the odd pair near town Rasta observes an orator as he completes his tale. "Come, Runt. Let us get this over with." The weasel adjust it's course heading towards the storyteller.

"Hail there, orator. A fine tale. Were you a participant in the dragon raid or did you make it up?"

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-09, 02:07 PM

Lexus walks the streets of the city, observing. He watches the people of the city; many watch him back. They see an ageing man, gray in every possible capacity, marked a wizard by his robes and his stern expression.
When he passes the orator, he stops to listen. When the tale is finished, he pulls a couple of coins out of his purse and tosses them to the orator, though he says nothing. He starts to move on, but decides to stay and listen when the feral-looking halfling accosts the orator.
Good to be getting started. Just a note, Lexus keeps the Spiderwalk and See the Unseen invocations constantly active, so we don't need to worry about anything invisible.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-09, 09:52 PM
"My thanks, good gnome; but that tale was handed down to me from a much more traveled person then I. It could be mere fiction for all I could ever know.

He lets a smile onto his face in thought. "But never the less, it is one of my favorites to tell. You never know though; there could be at keast a small inkling of truth to it."

2008-04-09, 10:53 PM

The halfling's face grows angry as he replies, "Careful who you call a gnome, orator. I may not look like the rest of my people, but a proud halfling I am." He shakes his head scattering a cloud of dust from his unkept hair and visibly calming. "I'm sorry, I have been too long from civilizations. My name is Rasta Donkin. And indeed it is a fine tale. Perhaps their are others that know it's origins better."

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-09, 11:16 PM
"My apologies" he says, his grin turning sheepish, "You would think that traveling around so much would make race more apparent."

"I am Altair Silverbook, wayward traveler. Like I said, it is truly one of my favorites. What has kept you from the city If you don't mind my asking.

2008-04-10, 07:46 AM

Rasta's eyes narrow to slits as he seems to become lost in his own memories, "The story if long, far too long to be told in a single sitting. But the short version is Personal Preference." Rasta reaches down and gently rubs the flanks of the weasel he is riding. The creature emits an almost catlike purr and leans slightly into the hand. "Anyway, I am in need of some assistance. I feel compelled to come to this city, yet cannot discern why. Would you care to assist me, or you, elder. You have seemed quite interested in our conversation." Rasta turns and faces the aged man nearby.

2008-04-10, 11:15 AM

As he walks the city, Vardin sees a ring of people around a slightly disheveled looking human. By the looks of things the human has just finished some kind of performance, as people are flinging him coin.

The elf decides to loiter at a distance to see if the entertainment resumes.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-10, 12:18 PM
"A mystery indeed." Altair nods to the halfling, "And I suppose a bard is as good as any to help with it. Very well, you have me. Now just let me say a few more words to my audience here."

"My friends" He turns back to the crowd, "I'm afraid that this is where I must cut myself off. But if I am still in town tomorrow, feel free to seek me out, and I shall start up once more!"

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-10, 06:28 PM

Rasta's eyes narrow to slits as he seems to become lost in his own memories, "The story if long, far too long to be told in a single sitting. But the short version is Personal Preference." Rasta reaches down and gently rubs the flanks of the weasel he is riding. The creature emits an almost catlike purr and leans slightly into the hand. "Anyway, I am in need of some assistance. I feel compelled to come to this city, yet cannot discern why. Would you care to assist me, or you, elder. You have seemed quite interested in our conversation." Rasta turns and faces the aged man nearby.
Lexus replies, in a bland monotone, "What assistance do you require? I may be able to provide, or find someone who can provide."

2008-04-12, 12:27 PM

Vardin is disappointed when the story teller claims to be done for the day. He notices, however, that the entertainer and 2 others have entered into conversation. Because nothing else is catching his interest, he moves in a bit closer to see what is going on.

2008-04-14, 08:49 AM

The halfling shifts as he notices he has sprouted a crowd of his own. This much attention is most assuredly not what he wanted. "Um, well, I've spent most of my life alone, avoiding civilization, for my own reasons. Yet lately I've felt drawn to return to civilization. I'm not totally comfortable with this, but so far I haven't gotten anyone killed...." The halfling abruptly breaks off as he realized he's said more than he wanted. "I just need someone assist me with the social graces. I don't need to be able to perform an audience with an emperor, but I'd rather not raise my right hand when I should be tapping my left foot and thus cause a war."

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-14, 09:41 AM


The halfling shifts as he notices he has sprouted a crowd of his own. This much attention is most assuredly not what he wanted. "Um, well, I've spent most of my life alone, avoiding civilization, for my own reasons. Yet lately I've felt drawn to return to civilization. I'm not totally comfortable with this, but so far I haven't gotten anyone killed...." The halfling abruptly breaks off as he realized he's said more than he wanted. "I just need someone assist me with the social graces. I don't need to be able to perform an audience with an emperor, but I'd rather not raise my right hand when I should be tapping my left foot and thus cause a war."

"I am not the best person to help you with that. My own background lies outside this society. I can inform you of the laws, but not of social graces."

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-14, 03:50 PM
Altair grins, amused at the halfling's reason. "Good thing you ran into me then. After all, who better to handle things like this than a bard?"

"Although, your predicament brings up a few questions in my mind. You have no idea why you came here?"

2008-04-14, 04:04 PM

From where he is standing, Vardin can hear snippets of conversation between the the bard, the odd halfling, and the old man. "compelled", "drawn" could this halfling be under some kind of geis? He hadn't realized that he was moving towards the small group at the time, and that he was thinking out loud in a voice that could be heard by the others.

2008-04-14, 04:12 PM

"Honestly I don't know. Perhaps I am tired of isolation and don't realize it. It has been quite a long time since I left my village."

As he is speaking the halfling has been petting and stroking the fur of the weasel he sits astride. The beast has been calm, but appears to grow gittery as the crowd thickens.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-14, 04:32 PM
"A geas? It could be." The bard says, seemingly un-bothered by Vardin's eavesdropping. "But usually people know that they are under that kind of a compulsion, so I'm going to have to say that it isn't very likely.

Seeing the crowd's effect on the weasel, Altair jumps up on the box he had been sitting on. "My friends, please! he calls to the crowd, Some privacy, please. There's nothing more to see here!"

2008-04-15, 11:17 AM

With a start after he realized that his thoughts were heard, he responds to the half elf. Friend, in my day I have dealt with a few who could place a thought in your head without you knowing. I personally do not posses the skills to manipulate another's mind, but make no doubt that there are those who can.
He prepares to step away from the group.
Regardless, it was simply an idle thought.

After the bard asks the crowd to disperse.
You realize that this is a public place? If you wish to continue your conversation in private, perhaps you should adjourn to a more quiet place.

Sorry, not trying to make Vardin seem contrary, but we are essentially standing on a street corner.

Honestly, the geas was just a comment, I don't really think that he is under one. It was just a way for Vardin to make contact with the rest of the group.

2008-04-17, 01:59 PM

After weeks of travel a lone figure appears on the horizon near the gates of the city and as he draws closer the guards grow steadily more anxious as they can more easily notice distinguishing features of this lone man. After careful scrutinization by the guards an elf with a very dark complexion, long silver hair with bangs that come down the front over his dark cloak, red eyes brandishing a rapier that is currently sheathed in it's scabbard enters the city and with purpose in his step walks down what seems apparently as a main street. People can be seen to give him looks of suspicion and fear some of hate as he continues through the city. Spotting a halfling on a weasel, and the crowd that is apparent around him a smile comes to his face and from a distance he watches the small crowd as they talk lighting up a pipe and beginning to smoke casually.

2008-04-17, 07:09 PM

As the group discusses the halflings plight, Vardin notices the drow approach and take up a position watching the group.
This day is turning quite odd indeed. This halfling is strange enough, but a drow showing up here on the same day, could be more than coincidence.

Realizing that he is in a conversation but has not yet been introduced. He offers his hand to the bard
I am Vardin. I am sorry that I missed your presentation earlier. I will look forward to seeing what you have to offer tomorrow.

2008-04-17, 07:57 PM

Rasta continues to sroke the weasels back as the crowd thins, "Thank you for this. It is obvious that you are going out of your way to accommodate me, and we have only met. This is far different than the last ti....." Again the halfling trails off as he speaks. "Anyway, I would appreciate the company. To have those who are being nice to me around is far better than my usual greeting."

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-17, 11:11 PM

"You can call me Altair," the bard says, shaking Vardin's hand. "Hopefully I will still be here to speak of another adventure. But I go where and whenever the wind decides to take me, so there's always the chance that I will be gone tomorrow."

Altair sees the drow and stops from letting a confused look cross his features. 'A drow walking around so openly in a city like this? Perhaps I shouldn't have spoken of Jarlaxel today.'

"It looks like our elven friend is right," he says, returning his attention to Rasta. "Perhaps we should continue this talk in private. Head to the Blind Eye in the merchant's district. I'll be right behind you."

With that, he weaves through the crowd to the pipe-smoking crowd, doiung his best not to draw attention to himself.

"That is a fine looking sword you carry at your belt." he says when he reaches the drow.

2008-04-18, 02:32 PM

Calmly he watches as the bard approaches with his greeting. "It was a gift that the elves gave me." eyeing altair's appearance then a quick look over his shoulder to his former company. "Are you an entertainer? I have just newly arrived and am looking to offer my own services to those who might be interested." Inhales on his pipe lightly and blows the smoke out the side of his mouth away from his new guest.

2008-04-18, 03:30 PM

This odd group that seems to gathering has piqued Vardins interest. He says to the human and halfling The Blind Eye, I know where that is. Follow me if you care to.

He will then turn and make his way to the blind eye, at a pace that is comfortable to all.

Once at the inn, he will dins a seat and order a glass of wine.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-18, 03:49 PM

"Among other things." the bard replies. In fact, I just got finished telling of 'Jarlaxel and the Red.' Perhaps you've heard of it?"

"And just what would these 'services' be, if you don't mind my asking?"

2008-04-18, 03:51 PM

Rasta continues to pet the weasel to calm it as they enter town, following Altair to the end. Rasta continues to ride the weasel as they enter the inn and move to sit with Altair. Only then does Rasta dismount and hop into the chair. The weasel curls at his feet.

2008-04-18, 10:00 PM

Pondering for a moment he thinks on the name. "yes I have heard the tale before. Now as for the services I offer, I offer my steel and the ability to wield it as an extension of myself to protect and to serve so that I might hone my skills through the blade." leaning back on the wall the half-drow inhales again this time a little more deeply than the last and looks pensively at the stranger. "You know you are quite bold to come and speak with me, most people retract hand or foot when they see me approach or lock eyes with the fuel of hate in their hearts. You have spirit and with that I offer my hand and my name." Puts out his sword hand.... "my name is Lethaniel and what might yours be?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-20, 08:14 PM

"Altair Silverbrook, duelist and orator extraordinaire. he says, shaking Lethaniel's hand. "At your service."

"What most people fail to understand is the reason why I tell the tales that I do." he smiles as he goes off on a tangent. "They think that I do this to entertain and to earn some easy coin. Well I assure you that it is in no way easy, and it is not the only reason."

"I do it to inspire and teach. Things such as, 'A small group have the power to change the world', 'Diplomacy can go a long way', and 'To judge a being by their own deeds, not that of their race.'"

"And in spirit of these teachings," his grin seems to grow a little wider, "I must ask if you'd be willing to share a drink with me."

2008-04-20, 11:31 PM

"Well Altair I might have a tale or two for you to spread." shaking altair's hand "Seeing that not many of my kind share my spiritual views, I look to spread good will to all the surface dwelling races specifically my cousins for Eilastraee has commanded me to do so. But perhaps this story should be shared over some elvish wine." Waits for Altair to lead to a tavern.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-21, 01:41 AM

"I know of just the place, too. The Blind Eye!" he gestures, leading the way. "I am meeting some acquaintances there. Hopefully they won't have the reaction that I expect them too."

When they finally make it to the tavern, he enters and sits down at the table with the others. "My friends, this is Lethaniel; far from his home, and looking for work. Lethaniel, this is Rasta and Vardin." he gestures to each of them. "Also far from home."

2008-04-21, 01:02 PM

taking another puff on his pipe he follows Altair to the blind eye tavern. He walks up to the table on que with the introductions that Altair is giving and slightly bows "Greetings to you all." giving a warm smile he sits down and orders some elvish wine.

2008-04-21, 04:04 PM
When Lethaniel enters the tavern, the dull roar of the filled tavern diminishes, all conversations halted mid-sentence. The only spoken words now were mutterings of fear, and outward disdain for drow that had entered their midst. In fact many patrons decide that they've finished their meals, and storm out into the streets. This caused the usually-passive barkeeper to glare at him, but not to do anything yet.

2008-04-21, 04:28 PM

When Altair and the drow enter the Blind Eye, Vardin is a bit surprised. He gives a glance to both, and a questioning look to Altair before nodding to Lethaniel.

It is hard not to notice the difference in the atmosphere in the room as the duo enter. Vardin makes sure that he is in a location that is defensible in case the crowd takes it's prejudices a bit too far. Although he is not immediately accepting of the drow, he has been around enough and in enough positions to judge people by their actions and not where they come from.

2008-04-22, 07:53 AM

Rasta waves to Lethaniel as he enters. As the inn's patrons react to his draw companion, Rasta looks about, wondering why so many decided to leave food on their plates.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-22, 11:11 AM

"Well, I'm not about to let good food go to waste." Altair says, grabbing a plate of biscuits from a nearby table and offering them to his companions.

2008-04-22, 03:14 PM

Looking around it becomes clear that lethaniel is not going to be served so he promptly excuses himself and walks over to the bar and asks for some elvish wine as he places a couple pieces of gold on the bar. Reluctantly the barkeep takes his gold pieces and gives him a goblet that he fills up. Satisfied with getting a goblet of wine lethaniel returns and sits back down. Leaning close to Altair he whispers "I shouldn't stay in one place to long for I don't want him to appear and cause trouble, though I am rather certain I had lost him the last time I cannot be entirely sure." Takes a drink of wine and puffs on his pipe.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-22, 03:33 PM
Biting into a roll, Altair asks, "Maybe this is the wrong time to be asking this, but who is 'him'?"

2008-04-23, 11:20 AM

Accepting the offered biscuit, Vardin takes a bite as he listens to the others around him.

It seems that today is shaping up to be quite an interesting day after all. We have our halfling friend who has felt compelled to join us here in ....civilization; and now one of the cousins from below has decided to visit. I believe there are two interesting stories here.


2008-04-23, 11:43 AM

"Trust me. My story is far less interesting than you would think. Also I have to desire to tell it at this time." The halfling again gains a far off look momentarily as he drifts into his thoughts for a moment.


2008-04-23, 02:30 PM

Sighs, then takes another puff on his almost spent pipe. "A creature that lives below the surface like my kind does, I haven't had much exposure to his particular species but in the drow communities they are called grimlocks. More than likely he has been dispatched to eliminate me for 'betraying' my people. The seem to have a single minded focus when it comes to tasks, especially when it comes to hunting. That is why I don't stay in one place to long." Ponders for a moment while he takes another drink from his goblet.

2008-04-23, 03:40 PM
OOC: alright, Encounter has started. If anyone was going to do anything within like, 5 seconds of Armyveteran's last post, you can post it at the begining of your next reply, otherwise, we're in combat.

Initiative and Battle Grid have been updated
You can assume there are more attackers, and there are people in town fending them off, but for simplicity, these are the number you have to worry about.

Since only Rigel is actually in a position to be "in combat", you can all feel free to post several rounds worth of turns to speed things up, as long as your actions don't depend on others' actions. (For example, you have to run out of the tavern, then run out of the city, then you attack, depending on your speed, that may take 2 or 3 rounds)

GOBLINS!! The shout rings through the entire town, and the town erupts in a flurry of running bodies, and shouting people. The few people that are left in the tavern all scurry away, most of them heading to the back, but some heading out front to meet up with their families.

"Yeh bastards better get up or get out, 'cuz I'm shuttin' this place" The bartender growls as he runs out from behind the bar.

OOC: For Rigel, and you're first for initiative.

After the shout, everyone that was outside, immediately runs inside. Within seconds, only a dozen or so people are left, and they're still running like mad to their destination. The only people left are a score of warriors at the gates.
"Close the gates!" The order is passed along the guards, who set about running to the edge of the large, wheeled gates. The other warriors either with bows drawn climb over the gate, or with sword and axe rush out the gates to meet the intruders head on.

After the shout sounded, a score of goblins leapt out of the light brush a couple hundred feet away, and have begun to charge the city.

2008-04-23, 04:09 PM

Upon hearing the shout he immediately springs to his feet drawing his prestine looking rapier and runs out of the tavern with lightning speed. A steely gaze can be seen on his face as he races out the door.

I double move out of the tavern and towards the gate which is a total of 80 feet.

2008-04-23, 05:00 PM

Hearing the call of battle, Rasta hops aboard his weasel companion and hurries out of the inn. He stops the weasel just before the reach the gate. "You know what to do my friend." As Rasta dismounts he casts a spell on his friend, before moving near the gate.

You can have this take as many rounds as you deem necessary. Stopping 10 feet from the gate to dismount and cast Greater Magic Fang on the dire weasel.

2008-04-23, 06:09 PM

Years of guarding others takes the question out of Vardin's actions. Grabbing his quarterstaff, he immediately exits the inn to discover what is going on, and offer his aid. He will join the others moving as quickly as he can towards the gates. Once in site of the danger, he will pause and perform a small chant.

Moving towards the gate. As soon as he sees uglies, he will cast mage armor on himself.
AC = 18 for 5 hours.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-24, 12:22 AM

Altair was into his second biscuit when he hears the call to arms, he quickly bolts for the door along with the others. While running to the gates, he grabs the crossbow off his back and swiftly loads it. Spilling blood certainly wasn't his idea of a good time, but like hell as he about to let anyone in the city get hurt.

"I was witness to an attack like this when I was young." the bard says once he reaches the gates, "It was stopped by a single man, not unlike those of us who stand here right now. Only when he stopped the attackers, he only had some fishing line and a rusted sword. With us as defenders, we should suffer nary a scratch!"

Altair will stop next to Rasta, then use his Inspire Courage on his allies.

So thats +1 morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls, so remember to factor that in, guys.

2008-04-24, 04:34 PM
Alright, Rigel doesn't seem to be responding, so I've moved initiative up 1, doing the actions you've said. Altair hasn't reached rasta, so he'll use bardic music next round, and rasta hasn't cast magic fang yet, so he will too. Vardin could see the goblins after only a move, so he's done his action.
What this means is Lethaniel is a go, then Vardin, Then I'll go through with the other two's actions, and goblins. After that we'll move on, I'll NPC Rigel until he posts something.

Through the Raging battle between archers, goblins and brave warriors, a large group has broken off, and started rushing the gates. More shouts of "CLOSE THE GATES" Ring out, despite how clear it is they won't be in time to stop them.

Your turn Lethaniel

2008-04-24, 05:26 PM

Continuing to run, sword drawn lethaniel looks for the first available goblin and with a flouish of his rapier he will strike when one comes into striking distance.

move 40 feet and strike any nearby goblins if there are any nearby, I should be right up at the gates by this time.

2008-04-24, 05:59 PM

As he rushes towards the gate, Vardin realizes that the goblins will make it in before they will get there. Concentrating for a moment, he mumbles a few syllables and thrusts his arm out as if he is throwing something. Instantly a sticky web appears just outside the gates, trapping any that may be in the area.

Those won't hold long. Get those gates closed.

He will continue on towards the battle, but will stop about 20' from any opponent that is not engaged.

Still moving towards the gate. Cast web just outside the gate. Will last for 50 minutes.

Of course, if Lethaniel is outside the gates, I will try something different. The idea is to get the gates closed with all the "people" inside and only block out goblins.

I like the map. Is there a way that we can get the rows and columns indexed. Kinda like a spreadsheet. That would make it easier to say, I cast a web centered on b5 or something. Either way, this works for now.

2008-04-24, 07:51 PM


2008-04-24, 07:52 PM
I'm sorry, my redo-ing of the map didn't work correctly the first time, it should be up and fine now.

Vardin can cast web and get a lot of goblins and leave lethaniel out of it.

Great idea, I will work on it and upload a new map with chess-like markings within a few hours. For now i'll just put the web in a convenient spot, but you should be able to later.

2008-04-24, 09:40 PM
A few goblins make their way through the gates, one of them meeting directly with Lethaniel's blade and falling to the ground. Vardin finishes his spell, webs sprouting forth from the open walls, barring passage and entangling one goblin. Ellas meets up with the others, telling his tale to all that will listen. Rasta dismounts, and casts his spell. The one goblin breaks free of the web, and the only goblin on this side of the web both turn and rush Lethaniel, one nearly tripping over his own foot, but the other landing a deft blow on Lethaniel's arm.

While the guards slowly start to close the gate, the rest of the goblins come up to the web barracade, and a few of them start to look through their bags.

After the goblins assault Lethaniel, Lexus holds out his arm and sends forth a blast of raw magic, that flies right by one of the goblin's head, crashing harmlessly against the ground.

Lethaniel downed the goblin he attacked, Vardin's spell created a web wall that blocks passage. The goblin that was entangled passed his reflex, then broke out. Lethaniel takes 4 damage from the strike.
Lexus used an eldritch blast, but missed.

Your Turn Lethaniel

2008-04-25, 01:36 PM
Seeing that he has two goblins attacking him lethaniel smiles and swiftly rotates his stance to regale the assaulting goblins and he quickly makes a lunge at one of them with lightning speed.

I'm in the punishing stance which affords me an extra 1D6 damage. Roll to hit is [roll0] damage is [roll1]

2008-04-25, 01:47 PM

Hoping to give whatever aid to the drow as possible, while keeping himself at a safe distance. Vardin once again chants a few phrases and points at the goblin that Lethanial does not attack. An icy ray shoots from his finger towards the goblin.


2008-04-25, 03:25 PM
Vardin's attack streaks by the group, the ray hitting the gate and causing a small cluster of ice to form. Lethaniel thrusts his rapier forward, and as Altair's tale catches his ear, it inspires him to push forward his attack catching the goblin in the heart as he tries to jump aside, and he lets out a scream, falling to the ground.

Vardin Missed, but you can try again next round.
Lethaniel, you hit, but only because of the +1 bonus to attack from Altair's bardic music. You should add that in next time.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-26, 02:09 AM
Ending his tale and running over to the wall, Altair throws his crossbow over his shoulder and climbs up to the battlements.

Climb: [roll0]

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-26, 12:55 PM
HP: 14/14
AC: 13
Spells Sustained: 1/2
Rounds untill Spellcasting Available: 2

Seeing the crowd of goblins on the other side of the web, Lexus takes the opportunity to make a large number of them ineffective combatants. He waves his hand in the direction of the goblins, and a burst of bright golden dust appears.

Sorry for not posting earlier. I had some other stuff to do yesterday and didn't check GitP.
Casting Glitterdust at the bottom right of II27. It's a 10ft burst, DC16 will save or blindness, and -40 to hide checks regardless of save. It lasts 5 rounds.

2008-04-27, 05:47 AM

After downing one goblin lethaniel quickly strikes the other goblin with deadly precision.

to hit: [roll0] and damage is: [roll1]

2008-04-27, 03:18 PM
Lethaniel downs the other Goblin, the only ones left being on the other side of the web. The ones next to the web finish pulling out torches and flint from their bags, and start to light them up.

They all failed their saves

As the burst of golden dust shoots out, all the goblins near the web scream out and scratch at their eyes, dropping their equipment. Some of the other goblins run up and shove them aside, picking up the equipment to start lighting again.

2008-04-27, 05:09 PM

I think I can again so I'm posting more actions. If not then...guess I'm still ahead of the curve.

With his dire weasel friend enchanted, he points to the gate. "Protect!" He then chants again as a ball of flame appears in his hand.

Free action to command companion to defend the gate. Casting Produce Flame to give Rasta some ranged ability.

2008-04-27, 05:16 PM
OK, to clear up any confusion, everyone is caught up, and can take their actions during their initiative. Currently it is anIceFan's turn, then Ellas, then Kyroswolf (with a new action, the one you just posted was last round).

2008-04-29, 11:05 AM

Although he would love to kill some goblins. Vardin knows that the main goal should be to protect the populace.

Get that gate shut! Those webs wont last forever.

He will move in closer to the gate opening. If any of the gob's look like they are going to have success getting through, he will get at an angle where he can hit the most, and color spray them.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-30, 12:31 AM
Pulling himself over the edge of the wall, Altair quickly gets to his feet and pulls his loaded crossbow out once again while moving to the other edge. Taking aim at the goblins trying to burn through the web, he lets a bolt fly.

Aiming for the easiest goblin to hit among those trying to burn through the web.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-04-30, 10:41 AM

Rasta eyes the goblins trying to light the web. "We can't have you getting in here can we?" He hurls the ball of fire in his hand at the goblins, a fresh ball of flame appearing as soon as the first leaves his hands.

Attacking one of the goblins that are trying to light the torches.
[roll0] Racial +1 for thrown weapons and +1 from bards song included.
[roll1] +1 from Bard song included.
Weasel is continuing to guard the gateway.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-30, 02:38 PM

Lexus fires off another bolt of energy, then moves forward and takes cover behind the gate.
Eldritch Blast at the most wounded looking goblin.
Then moving to FF26.

2008-04-30, 02:55 PM
(Just a quick note while I'm reading this, I'll actually post what happened when I have a little more time)

Rigel: Technically you're first in initiative, so you should be waiting for what happens with the goblins before posting.

Kryoswolf: The goblins are on the other side of a web, throwing a ball of fire at them would hit the web, it'd still hit the goblin, but it would start to singe the web every time you threw one.

2008-04-30, 03:27 PM
To me the ball of fire would be above the web and not close enough to light it since it is being thrown. Only of the goblin struck was in the web would it light. That is my opinion. If you don't agree would you allow me to edit my actions? Say, climbing to the parapet then throwing the ball from above?

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-04-30, 08:01 PM
(Just a quick note while I'm reading this, I'll actually post what happened when I have a little more time)

Rigel: Technically you're first in initiative, so you should be waiting for what happens with the goblins before posting.

Kryoswolf: The goblins are on the other side of a web, throwing a ball of fire at them would hit the web, it'd still hit the goblin, but it would start to singe the web every time you threw one.
OOC: Yes, I do realize that. Unless something extremely drastic happens, I'm pretty sure that's still what I'm going to do. I'll wait till after the monsters in future though, if you'd prefer.

2008-04-30, 09:43 PM
Kyroswolf: you can do it, but because you'd have to lob it instead of throwing it reguarly, it'll be harder to hit, like having cover, the bonus doesn't make your attack miss though. If you want to negate that, you can try climbing up the gate next round.

anIceFan: Color Spray has a 15ft range, and you're more than 45ft away from the goblins, you couldn't reach the gate and cast the spell in the same round, so you need to chose a different action.

Altair clambers up onto the wall, and lets the bolt fly, and it heads straight for a goblin, and flies straight through the edge of it's armor, not even hitting the actual goblin.

The ball of fire flies from Rasta's hand, arcing over the web and hitting a goblin right on the chest, burning through his armor and causing him to fall back screaming, his torch falling to his side.

The remaining goblins finish lighting their torches, and toss them onto the webs. The ones in back push onward, while the blinded ones continue to scratch at their eyes and wander blindly.

After they drop their torches, Lexus fires his blast of energy, dropping another goblin, but just too late to stop him from lighting the torch.


All of the torches hit their mark, starting to light the web up.

Your go Lethaniel

2008-04-30, 11:35 PM
Sorry, I was thinking he moved closer. My intention is for him to move within 15 ' of the gate. So we can replace that action with a move. But still call for the gates to be closed.

Is anyone trying to close them?

2008-04-30, 11:48 PM
Sorry, I was thinking he moved closer. My intention is for him to move within 15 ' of the gate. So we can replace that action with a move. But still call for the gates to be closed.

Is anyone trying to close them?

Yeah, the gates will be 5ft more closed next round.

2008-04-30, 11:51 PM

Stepping back as not to impede the progress of the gates closing lethaniel positions himself to assault any goblins that might break through. ready an action to charge and strike any goblin that makes it through the web

2008-05-01, 11:07 AM

Vardin steps up close to the gates and watches their progress. He is prepared to sow mayhem on any goblins that begin to come through the web.

Ok, so last rounds move action should put V' close enough to color spray any gobos coming through the web. He should be at a spot where he can cover the most area without hitting any good guys. Unfortunately, I can't access the updated map at work.

As long as the web is holding, Vardin will just watch. If, however, the web fails and goblins start to come through, V' will color spray them.

2008-05-04, 05:32 AM
Altair is taking too long to respond, it's your go Rasta.

2008-05-04, 09:24 AM

Rasta slaps himself in the forehead as he realizes the mistake he almost made. "Oih, I almost lit the web. Defend!" As he redoubles the command to the weasel, Rasta head up the wall. Once their he hurls another ball of flame at a goblin.

Free action for commanding companion. Moving up the wall and attacking if their is enough movement left.

[roll0] racial and bard bonus included.
[roll1] bard bonus included.

2008-05-06, 04:49 PM

Large burning holes start to burn in the webs, and the goblins make their move. They rush forward, and Vardin casts his spell, colorful sparks flying from his fingertips at them, one of the goblins falling to the ground, staring blankly.

Two of them rush in, one swinging his mace at Vardin, missing, while the other rushes through the flames and slams his shoulder into the sorcerer, drawing up all the strength in his tiny frame to push him away from the web, and another goblin rushes through the flames behind them and rushing at Lethaniel, missing his swing as Lethaniel runs forward.

Lethaniel charges at the goblins running through the web on his side, striking one of them in the shoulder, tearing the muscle and sending him falling into the web, burning up with it. Another tries to run past as he's distracted, but Lethaniel strikes again, stabbing him in the ankle, and causing him to trip and fall into the flames as well. Another one leaps through the flaming death-trap, but ducks out of the way of Lethaniel's blade, rising up behind him and striking him in the back (2 damage).

Lethaniel and Vardin have both acted this round, so Lexus, Rasta and Altair, feel free to post without waiting for them. I do not know if Lethaniel will be able to post soon, so I rolled his Attack and AoO for him, but Vardin, you can roll your own AoO against any of the goblins that are next to you on the updated map. I rolled your strength check for the bull rush to make things quicker, sorry it didn't roll well.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-05-06, 06:04 PM

Lexus turns and runs quickly up the gate and onto the walls, then fires another blast down at the goblins.
Spiderwalk allows me to walk up the walls. Eldritch blast at the nearest goblin.

2008-05-08, 09:14 PM

Rasta mumbles a silent curse as the goblins begin to burn through the web. "I really hope my flames didn't help them. Weasel, Attack!" The little halfling follows his words with actions as he throws another ball of flame at a goblin.

Can't see the map at my home comp. I may edit in exacts tomorrow. For now Attacking the nearest goblin, and the weasel will attack the nearest goblin, attempt to attach, and blood drain.


If the attack succeds, Weasel is attached and Blood Drain deals [roll4] Con Damage.

2008-05-11, 03:56 PM
Anyway, because of the readied actions, initiative has moved around, I'll fix it when I update the map.
Right now Lethaniel can't post, but I know what he'll do, so I'll NPC him when I post for the Goblins.
Right now it's Vardin's turn, you've got about a day to post, if not I'll move on.

2008-05-12, 12:49 PM

As the goblins rush through the web and push at him, Vardin takes the opportunity to strike at one with his staff.

next round
Using his staff to fend off any goblins, Vardin does his best to keep the gate free to close.

Sorry it took so long, I keep meaning to post, and other stuff comes up


next round

2008-05-12, 07:30 PM
[roll0] Lethaniel Attack
[roll1] Goblin attack
[roll2] Lethaniel Damage
[roll3] Goblin Damage

Note to self, 15 Goblins does not equal CR 5 XD

In the midst of the heated battle, the webs burn down, the sinewy fibers smoldering on the ground, but no longer creating a barrier. A few goblins remain outside the walls, scratching at their eyes, another simply crumpled on the ground, drooling as he stares at the sky. The goblins behind the gates though are dripping far more vital fluids, and the last of them let out their screams as they are striken down various ways.
This is no time for cheering though, for when the last goblin slumped to his knees at the base of Lethaniel's blade, the world goes dark, swirling blackness moving about you, the sun blotted out to little more than a sparkle in the sky
"I'M BLIND!!" one shout rings above the others, and moments later you all year a dull thud.

Alright, everyone feel free to make spot, and listen checks, this is before everything went black though, so don't feel like it's worthless.


2008-05-12, 07:47 PM
sorry for the re-post, I messed up on the rolling

EDIT: Oh, and Initiative is now

Lethaniel and Altair (I'm NPCing them until they start posting)

Feel free to post out of initiative order for things like conversation, but any actions should wait until your turn.

2008-05-12, 08:20 PM


2008-05-13, 10:49 AM

Vardins relief as the last goblin falls is short lived.


Does V' have any clue of what caused the darkness?

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-05-15, 06:03 PM

Lexus shows no emotion at the conclusion of the fight, nor as the world goes black. He simply stands and observes the phenomenon as best he can.
Does See the Unseen allow me to see anything? It's basically See Invisibility plus 60ft darkvision.

2008-05-17, 03:37 PM

[roll0] spot and [roll1] for listen

2008-05-18, 04:19 PM

Lethaniel is hit for 18 points of damage, you're allowed another spot check at a +20 modifier.

"Keep closing the gates!" the shout rings out, and soon you can hear the scraping of the wood against the dirt.

Out of nowhere though Lethaniel is attacked, a spear scraping his arm, and as he turns to see who threw it, another grazes his leg.

2008-05-19, 07:38 PM

Spot and if I can attack him this is my to hit roll, I would move in range if necessary to hit [roll] 1d20+10 and damage 1d6+4 If I can't spot whatever hit me I use a full retreat to run out of the darkness.

2008-05-20, 03:19 AM

**OOC sorry about that**

this is to hit [roll0] and damage [roll1] otherwise I move out of the darkness.

2008-05-20, 03:21 AM
Sorry, I guess I didn't mention it, Initiative has 'reset' so we're going in order of who's on the top of the list

and Lethaniel, you didn't see your attacker, but you do know the direction (left, right, front, back), so you can chose which direction to run in relation to that.

Is anyone else going to post?
(btw, no-one saw or heard anything, you're just in darkness, not complete darkness, you can see anything within 5ft, and any light sources)

2008-05-27, 02:55 PM

In the darkness, Vardin can see that the guards pushing on the gates have stopped and are stunned, rubbing at their eyes.
Push on those gates! You don't need to see to do that. If those goblins get inside this gate we are all dead.

He will move over and start helping the guards on the side nearest to close the gate.

2008-05-27, 04:59 PM
(alright, I'm moving on)

Vardin runs off to help the guards start pushing again, and Lethaniel runs out of the darkness.


Rigel, on the gates, lets out a scream as he's attacked (12 damage), and Vardin, you hear and see a hard object fall from above and land a few feet away.

2008-05-31, 04:23 PM
Anyone can post...

2008-06-01, 04:47 PM
Alright, well it looks like this group is dying down.

Anyone who's still paying attention, you get an action.

Also, if you guys know anyone who may want to take part in this game, tell me, because from my count, there's only 2 active players, so we need to recoup our losses.

2008-06-01, 08:07 PM
I'm still here, but apparently my 22 spot didn't allow me to see anything. And I haven't seen any posts that I can react to.

2008-06-01, 08:38 PM
well, you could hear Rigel as he got hit, you could grope around, or just run in a random direction.

2008-06-02, 01:30 AM
Updated Map


Rigel Cyrosea
2008-06-02, 01:25 PM
{OOC: Woah, people have actually been posting this whole time.:smalleek: I hate how buggy the subscribed threads thing is! :smallannoyed: This thread hadn't shown up on it for weeks, I assumed the game had died off until it suddenly appeared again today.}

HP: 2/14
AC: 13

Lexus, still reeling from the pain of his recent injury, takes a few, faltering steps back out of the darkness, then topples over the side of the wall.
Moving 10ft left, then falling over the town side of the wall. The fall is just a bluff to make whatever it is think Lexus is dead- going to use spiderwalk to hold onto the wall and not actually fall all the way.

2008-06-05, 02:42 PM

I slash at the goblin next to me to hit 1d20+10 damage 1d6+4

2008-06-05, 02:44 PM

To Hit [roll0]

2008-06-05, 06:14 PM

Vardin will continue to push until the gate closes, or he is interrupted.

Sorry for the delay, I thought I sent this a couple of days ago.

2008-06-06, 12:30 PM


2008-06-06, 12:33 PM

Everyone can hear Rasta's Weasel let out a quick, growl-like sound, and then quickly after, it lets out a squeak, and a whimper [20 damage]

Another round for everyone.

Rigel Cyrosea
2008-06-06, 12:51 PM
HP: 2/14
AC: 13

Lexus remains hanging on the wall, deciding that there's no point attempting to fight something he can't even see. He gets ready to let loose a blast of energy at anything hostile that comes out of the darkness, however.
Readying an action to use Eldritch Blast at any hostile creatures that come out of the darkness. Rolls if necessary:
[roll0] (Ranged Touch 60ft)

2008-06-06, 01:04 PM

Hearing his friend sqeal, Rasta lets out a cry, "Weasel!" He hurries toward the sound, forgetting about his flames, Rasta leans into his movement. His body elongates as his arms and legs become shorter, until finally he has fully transformed into a snake. His tongue flicks from his mouth, tasting the air for the assailants.

The vengance is on. Weasel only had 10hp. so she is dead dead dead.

Undersized wild shape into a small viper. They have the Scent ability. Dunno if that will help pinpoint the assailants location.

2008-06-06, 01:25 PM
If you wish, you can make a spot/search check.

2008-06-06, 01:36 PM

2008-06-06, 01:43 PM
Your scent ability allows you to catch the scent of something unlike a normal human or humanoid scent. You follow it, and right next to the fallen body of your weasel, stands a vaguely humanoid creature, built more like an orc than a human, but because it's shrowded by the darkness, you can't identify it clearly. It stands there holding some sort of long-hafted weapon, and it whiffs at the air, and turns away from you.

I can't access Rasta's Character sheet. Tell me the AC of your animal companion, to be sure it wasn't higher than I thought

2008-06-06, 03:29 PM

Vardin will continue to push on the gate. If he sees any uglies, he will focus on them and cast color spray.


2008-06-17, 01:53 AM
(OK, I'm going to try and keep things going, Altair (if you post soon) can get an action for this last round, and one for this next one. Everyone else can post again as well)


[roll0]Concealment, 5 hits
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Fort save (for the enemy)

[roll3]Concealment, 5 hits
[roll4] Attack
[roll5] Fort save (for the enemy)



(I'm sorry, this is happening in every one of my games, I roll much better than the players, even when I roll for the players.)

Rasta coils up and strikes at the figure, his teeth failing to sink into it's rough skin. The enemy then turns to look at him with distaste, and backs away into the darkness, leaving Rasta another opportunity to attack, but this time he fails to even touch the creature. Then, as he recovers from the strike, a spear flies from the darkness and strikes him along the back (12 points)

2008-07-21, 02:36 PM
if there is anyone still paying attention, please let me know, I'm going to be joining groups together to make up for the massive losses in players.

2008-07-21, 03:46 PM
uh Hi, I am here.

2008-07-25, 02:30 PM
(Alright, from the looks of it, there's only a couple of people still active in each group, so I'm thinking of merging them all together into one group of 6, which should actually be a nice party, with a sorcerer and a cleric. I have to figure out how I'm going to merge the players, and the storylines.)

2008-07-25, 02:58 PM
Well, this thread didn't go to far. If the one you finally end up on is in a city or a town, Vardin can either happen to be there, or arrive at the right time.

2008-07-26, 02:23 AM
I wish it had, it's really too bad that your group just died out. Right now I'm trying to figure out whether or not I'll pick the first or second group's storyline to follow, or to combine them. If it's the second one, you can be in the city, it's easy. If it's the first though, it might be harder. So I'll try to decide soon.

2008-07-28, 02:19 AM
(ok, I'm trying to get the groups together, so I'm going to end the combat, since you're the only one left)

After a couple of minutes, the darkness thins, and falls to the ground like dust. Although a little panicked, the city looks fine, the gates are closed, and the goblins have abandoned their raid. The guards look around at the area which was just recently covered in darkness
"That was very odd, what caused that darkness?"

2008-07-28, 06:00 PM

Vardin is almost disappointed when the darkness goes. He hates when a puzzle goes unsolved, and he was unable to locate the source of the darkness. Taking stock of his surroundings, he looks around to try and determine his next course of action.

2008-07-29, 12:38 AM
Although there is no trace of what caused the darkness, what you notice is that the drow is missing, and the druid's companion is dead on the ground. The other adventurers are wandering about, busy with their own thoughts (feel free to post again, but for now they'll be NPCs).

Before too long though, one of the guards up on the wall shouts "Goblin! If you come in peace, stand your ground!

2008-07-30, 04:09 PM
"Open the gates" you hear the guard say, and the others push the gates open slowly. Shortly after, one of the guards leads a goblin in through the gates, followed by an entourage of armored humans.

2008-07-30, 06:34 PM

As the gates open, Vardin stands prepared. He doesn't know if he can trust these humans if they are entering with a goblin.
He has a color spray prepared if any of them make an aggressive move.

2008-07-31, 03:19 PM
Most of the humans continue to speak with eachother, ignoring you. One may though back at you and trots his horse a bit closer.
"What ho, good sir. You wear a strange expression for nothing more than a group of righteous knights passing through..." He takes a small swig of his silver flask.

2008-07-31, 03:28 PM

Vardin does his best to look relaxed talking to the night.
No harm intended good sir. I am a stranger to this city. I helped them to repel an attack from goblins a short time ago. I think you will understand that I would be a little distrustful of goblins and those who associate with them.

He still has color spray ready though :)

2008-08-04, 09:24 PM
The Knight takes another swig from his silver flask and points at you with a bit more volume to his voice, "Well listen good, that goblin's good folk. His friends may have been no gentlemen but he's a good man!" He blinks and sways a bit on the back of his horse.

2008-08-06, 05:04 PM
Are you still there?

2008-08-06, 05:30 PM

Vardin does his best to keep his face still as he responds. As you say good knight, so it must be.

He will then make his way back to the tavern. Where he will keep an eye on these newcomers as inconspicuously as possible.

Oh yeah, and until he is well out of range, color spray is prepared.

2008-08-08, 07:24 PM
You make your way to the tavern without incident. After a minute, the knights come in to the tavern, a few of them talking to the innkeeper, ordering some rooms, while another goes straight to the barkeeper, ordering some ale.

2008-08-11, 05:34 PM
Are you still there?

2008-08-11, 06:02 PM
I am. Don't worry, I won't go away. It might take me some time to respond at times. I kinda have a lot of stuff going on RL right now. I will try and be more prompt with this, I know you are trying to get me into the regular game.

I am not sure where you are going at this point, so you might need to nudge a little more. I will try and get a real IC post up in a bit.

2008-08-11, 07:25 PM
Well, let's just get this over with.


that's group 2, the group I'm trying to combine you with.
Krimm, his character Argus, is the guy your character was talking to before you went to the bar. Right now they've all gone to bed, so you're free to post a reply to them for the next day, just to get you in the game.

2008-08-11, 09:21 PM
OK, Vardin watches the group. He has trouble reading them, the one is obviously a drunkard, but the others seem to carry themselves well. Satisfied that they mean no harm, he orders supper and a room for the night.