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Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-09, 07:04 PM
When The Avatara Walk the Earth: A tale of epic valor and ancient magic

It is noon at Acritov Adrian, Jewel of the twin empires, and center of the world. Having arrived earlier today, you have spent your time looking for a suitable place to reside and marvelling at the gigantic city and its sights. From Pyramids to floating towers, the Jewel of the Empires always has something to interest a traveller with.

You are going about, minding your own business....


A tremendous explosion can be heard coming from the eastern side of the city. So powerful an explosion, that you find it hard to keep standing for a few seconds, though the shockwave soon subsides.

((And here you make your great entrance, guys. What you do is up to you. Feel free to take time to prepare a proper introduction.))

The Necroswanso
2008-04-09, 07:26 PM
Uranus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=48403)

Uranus had been walking through the city, she was originally just passing through. The slender woman, wearing a body suit that left little to the imagination, wasn't so much marvelling at the floating objects so much as simply making a mental note of them. Yes it was amazing, truly a great step in the arcane and blah blah blah. It was all so boring to her. If a man could make a building float, then why was she wasting her time walking when she could be transported by some floating object?
Temperance, her old master would say. Walking is the key to understanding the world. For a walk is slow, and slow life can take in blah blah blah. Something about taking time to smell the roses. Something or another.
He strange clothing was beginning to draw some attention to her. One brave man decided he was going to treat her like some common street walker. He walked up to her, called her, "babey", placed his arm around her, asked her,"how much", found the flat of her palm shoved into his nose. It was all happening so slowly, she became aware of her surroundings, she recognised this as what her old master called a "battle clarity", something only a true warrior exhibited. Meaningless...
The man landed on his back, shouted some obscienity, and watched as she raised a glowing hand. She was going to end him, and he knew it. He began to beg for his life, offering her some stupid monetary gain or something-


It knocked her on her hands and knees, she lost the spell, (1 use of burning hands). She stood up, pulled her shortened hair from her face, looked in the direction, smiled, a knowing smile.

"You've been sparred, for now."
Uranus began to slowly make her way over to the source of the explosion.

2008-04-09, 07:52 PM
Sslag (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=48564)

Sslag was perched on a tall building overlooking the city marketplace. It was a slow day. By now, he should have interrupted at least three attempted robberys by now. Was it his job? No, not really, but the local authorities were too stupid to figure out what was going on in their very own city, right under their noses! Meh, maybe would-be cutpurses had wisened up to his pressence, but that wasn't important. What was important was that he was bored! Something had to happen soon, or he would snap.


And there it was. He needed no further motivation. He leapt from the edifice, spread his wings and made a course east.

2008-04-09, 08:14 PM
High noon on a sunny day is there any better thing to do than sip a drink and read a book. Finishing his page Thufir stretches “is there any better way to spend your -
...retirement” closing his book and finishing his drink he sighs, “dam it”.

2008-04-09, 08:31 PM
"What am I doing here again?" Gars muttered to himself as he walked through the crowded, smelly city. Full of chaos and noise far less pleasant and predictable than that of his native woodlands, he felt distinctly out of place. This feeling was increased by the fact that he'd had to leave Shkan on the roof of the low, broad building near the edge of the city. City-dwellers were not happy to be around a tiger...and Shkan didn't like being around that many people (the city "stank").

The ground shook. Gars stayed on his feet, but many around him did not, and he had to dodge quickly as a small pyramid of performers toppled to the ground. As people picked themselves up, he heard a little girl ask "Mommy, what was that?"
"Oh, probably just an earthquake or thunder."

Gars knew this was no earthquake or thunder he'd ever caused or experienced. Looking to the north, he reached out with his mind, telling Shkan to cross rooftops and join him near the site of the explosion, and then started into a fast but paced jog, casting Barkskin on himself as he prepared himself mentally to find anything from a portal with a horde of creatures, to a firey explosion, to a sinkhole, to... pointless. Focus. Read the patterns and become the leaf.

Will update char sheet to show Barkskin cast.

2008-04-09, 08:50 PM
John Doe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=48887)
As he grew bored of sleeping in a small tent half a mile away from the gathering place of humans, watching from afar their giant camp, John decided today he would venture into the city and find out more about their peculiar ways. Within an hour he had returned all the elements of his campsite back to his bag and redied a new more "presentable form" image to put on himself. He used a former image of the one who had trapped him in that small barred room for weeks. (Disguise self used -1st level). He looked at his new image, a taller man with a black beard and wearing an odd uniform with metal chain armor. He walked slowely toward the city, keeping off the odd warn away paths that had many many people always walking on. And made his way to the side of the city that was on the side of the rising sun. as he walked into the city he was amazed by just how many people there were, thousands and thousands all running about. He started to sweat a little scared that someone might notice him, but no one payed any attention at all
BOOM!!! he was blasted off his feet onto the ground and the ringing sound prevented him from all hearing he his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy and unable to move his eyes around.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-09, 10:22 PM
Sasach the Wild (http://www.dndonlinegames.com/view.php?id=67542)
Criu (http://www.dndonlinegames.com/view.php?id=67762)

Sasach and Criu looked dreadfully out of place in the middle of this oh-so-civilized city. The pair were walking, with Sasach on Criu's back, still strapped in for flight. Sasach was clad in his chainmail, golden feathers woven into his long brown braids, and his head adorned with a silver helmet, stylized as a screaming hawk's visage, his face protruding from it's open beak. Criu's feathers were preened and brushed until they shown, gleaming in the city sunlight, and a similarly gleaming chest-plate hung loosely off her body. The expression of wonder on Sasach's face didn't really help the image, either. He'd never seen such marvels! The city was completely alien to him. Back on the island, they had no cities. Just tribes constantly wandering from place to place.


The shockwave snapped him from his thoughts as Criu got back to her feet. "Fliege!" Sasach commanded, and Criu let out a piercing cry, spreading her incredible, gleaming wings, and took to the air, soaring over the rooftops and gaining altitude constantly. Sasach guided her gently towards the source. What could make such an incredible explosion so as to be heard throughout the city? He drew out his bow, just in case.

2008-04-09, 10:46 PM

Garris the hunter was sitting in one of his favorite spots when he visited the city. The Lions Head Inn. He had put the lion's head on the wall, years ago. He was enjoying a drink and spinning an arrow around his thumb as usual.


Spilling his drink he stands up. By the gods! What is it now? Derin, hold my room I'll be back. Garris grabs his bow from behind the chair and steps out into the street where he looks to the east. He begins jogging down the road before leaping onto the roof of one og the nearby buildings. From there he runs and leaps rooftop to rooftop to locate the source of the boom.

My jump roll is 36. Thats 30+ feet horizontally and 10+ feet vertically.
Moving at about 100+feet per round.

Duke of URL
2008-04-10, 06:21 AM

What a fascinating place... The pixie looked around the city and allowed herself to relax. This looks like a fine place to rest for a while, although trouble always does seem to find me... or do I find it? Hmmm... an interesting question...


... though pointless to ponder for now. She sighs. Here we go again. The pixie winks out of view and speeds off toward the source of the sound.

Unless there's a good reason not to, always assume that the See The Unseen invocation is in effect.

2008-04-10, 08:03 AM

Having just arrived at the city, Jaras spend the next few hours wandering around the streets and ramparts checking out the security in the area. as well as the beggars and homeless. Over the course of the day Jaras has taken several homeless and beggars and brought them a nearby inn, and supplied them with new clothes, and a little bit of money to try to find there way back in life. He has also paid for a months stay in a room, nothing special, but someplace for them to call home while they get resituated.

He was on his way back to another inn when...


Turning to look towards the noise Jaras get's blown off his feat as does his newly found friend. wh wh wh what was that???, he proclaims.

Getting up, Jaras hands a handful of coin to the man he was with, this should get your situated, Goto the Majestic Unicorn, and tell them your one of Jaras's friends. and with that he takes off in the direction of the blast, shield in hand, sword at his side with a hand resting on the pommel

2008-04-10, 08:17 AM
Othar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=48719)

The half-ogre had been waiting for hours to get access to the library. At the last moment the scholars had wanted to forbid him the entrance, but Othar remembered them of those of their order he had rescued from the bandits, and in the end they couldn't but yield.

His small red eyes gleamed with expectation looking at the knowledge congregated in the vast halls, and all the novices, erudites and students in the room looked at his towering figure with his clunky equipment and the constant rattle of his armour and weapons as he walked by.

The bulky figure was hushed away by the angry scholars, but he just went deeper into the ancinent tomes of the library. Othar had to walk sideways to fit between rows of shelves, but he showed unexpected skill to avoid knocking them off. Wandering around, he stopped in one of the shelves, picking a book for closer study.

He briefly searched in his haversack and picked a small pair of glasses, which looked ridiculous above his large nose. Wow, can this be?? A first edition by Felwarp himself!!?? he exclaimed excited. He lowered his voice, wondering if he had disturbed the scholars of the order yet again. When noone appeared to hush him he sighed with relief


Dozens of books fell from the shelves upon Othar's head, nearly burying him alive and tearing the book out of his hands. The half-ogre coughed due to the clouds of dust that the books had gathered along the years. He searched blindly for his reading glasses, but they were broken, now only a set of wires and broken glass. Is everyone ok? his voice thundered in the library.

A couple of accolytes needed to be rescued from below shelves, but Othar effortlessly pushed them aside. "We thank you for your assistance" said meekly one of the scholars. I'll come for fees later! he shouted as he bursted out to the streets to see what had caused that explosion.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 09:13 AM
After some walking you arrive at what must be the site where the explosion or whatever it was took place, a commercial plaza. It seems as if a Titan had decided to drop the proverbial Gargantuan Adamantine Hammer, as there is a gigantic, perfectly circular crater. Many people are starting to congregate around it. One of them, an elderly man, takes out a rope, sets it, and starts to descend towards the bottom of the crater, a good 110 ft below.

2008-04-10, 09:29 AM

Bounding to a halt at the edge of the crater he looks down into the depths. He looks to the person next to him You see what did this? Where'd it go? He pauses, sniffing the air for a moment looking around at the surrounding people.

Duke of URL
2008-04-10, 09:31 AM

Taia hovers over the gaping hole, attempt to discern any trace of magic.

detect magic in the direction of the crater

H Savvy
2008-04-10, 09:41 AM
Tahlin Ryavain was back in Acritov Adrian, and truly, the city was a marvel he never wearied of. A true pinnacle of civilization, the city was a glorious place in the world, and it cheered Tahlin somewhat to be back inside its walls and among its wonders.

Elves draw little attention in the metropolis at the center of the world, but one dressed as fine as Tahlin always turns at least a few heads. His outfit is stylish, but tasteful: a white silk shirt with fine silver embroidery up the sleeves and clean, well-kept black silk pants. His cloak is vibrantly purple and shimmers slightly as it sways with his stride. He had clearly been no stranger to money in his life, and this message was received by many would-be thieves, but the elf's easy grace and well-worn kukri-hilt sent another message to any potential robbers: warning, extremely dangerous man, proceed with utmost caution.

Of the few that made attempts, they found him infuriatingly difficult to get close to, as he would subtly shift this way or that, seemingly just always out of reach. He caused no scenes, feeling avoidance is best.

He was walking through the Upper Section of the city, on his way to a fine Inn he had stayed at the last time he was in the the Central Metropolis when


His vision seemed to vibrate into doubles and his ears rang. Tahlin rose from the light defensive crouch he had intuitively dropped into. It seemed the inn could wait. He was tempted to leave the mysterious blast to the proper authorities, but his curiousity got the better of him. Adventure awaited! His hand reached down and caressed the worn hilt and pommel of his razor-sharp kukri. Its familiar heft and shape comforted and reassured him as he hurried through the streets, fighting the flow of people fleeing the blast like a salmon swimming upstream.

Running into a large courtyard, Tahlin stopped suddenly at the edge of a mammoth crater. What could possibly have caused such devestation? And with no sign of it remaining? This boded ill for the great jewel of the empire...

He saw an old man lower a rope and begin to enter the crater. The tall, thin grey elf waited and watched, wondering what would happen next, not yet willing to enter the crater until he knew more.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 10:20 AM
The old man finishes his descent, and walks towards the center of the crater. Suddenly, however, he turns around, looks up, and starts yelling at the crowd: Hey, LOOK! I Found a golden bag here! There's valuables to be picked up!

In a matter of seconds, the plaza is empty, the people having ran to their homes to get rope, eager to obtain anything valuable that could be found in the crater. The old man, meanwhile, resumes walking towards the bottom of the crater, his eyes very aware of his surroundings...and of any potentially valuable item to be found.

2008-04-10, 10:24 AM
Sslag could see it. Perhaps today would be interesting after all. He folded his wings and dove toward's the center of the crater. Part way down, he spread his wings and maintained a hovering position, looking intently at a patch of air. He scrutinizes the spot before continuing down to get a beter look at the crater.

When he saw the old man, he stopped. This guy was either stupid, or he knew what he was doing. The fact that he had a rope suggested the latter, but maybe this old man was one of those 'always be prepared' opportunists.

Sslag continued to hover, waiting to see what happened next.

Sslag's blindsinse detects the pixie, even if he himself cannot see it.

He can hover due to 'good' maneuverability

The Necroswanso
2008-04-10, 10:34 AM
Uranus shouted at the old man, he was either a fool, or suicicdal.
"Put that down, it's a trap!"
She closed her eyes a moment and focused on all she had learned, focusing deeply on her shadowblade stance.
Kneeling down at the edge of the crater she placed a hand on the wall. It fealt natural, it called out to her. She readied to lower herself in incase of trouble.

Using Dance of the Spider stance to climb walls 20ft per round, in case there's something to kill of course.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 10:43 AM
Wouldn't it be better to just slow fall down, Spider walk a little bit mid fall, and re-slow fall?

Mais non, nothing odd happens. The old man just shoots you a curious look and keeps digging with a small shovel (Where the hell did he get that from?).

2008-04-10, 10:43 AM

Watch out, old man! he shouts when he sees the old man descending. However, he knew his words would be ignored. Greed had grasped the man and he didn't realize that what caused the explosion once could happen again. Othar studied the surroundings looking for the cause of the explosion or any strange item, but he had never been too good at finding things.

The half-ogre walked to the old man's rope side Grasp the rope! he yelled. I'll lift you back here! He offered. The half-ogre wasn't really sure that the old man would comply, but surely he wouldn't think him a robber with so many people around, would he?

Othar observes others approach the crater and express the same feelings, so he only sighs as more people venture into the hole.

:smallsigh: ok, spot and listen rolls... like Othar can find something without his glasses...
spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Actually a decent roll! I don't think he'll spot anything from above, but anyway, a 20!! :smallbiggrin:

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 10:52 AM
Once again looking up, the old man grins a toothless smile at Othar. Thanks, sonny, but I'm alright! What are the chances of whatever happened occurring again? C'mon, come down here, you can take anything you find! He says as he continues digging. WOW! A cloak! How could this have ended up here? Pity the poor guy who was carrying it...

Duke of URL
2008-04-10, 11:01 AM

What are the chances of whatever happened occurring again?

Knowing my luck, pretty good, I would think. She refocuses her efforts at magical detection on the old man. Something's not quite right with him...

2008-04-10, 11:05 AM
Wonderful, people were starting to go into the crater. Sslag shook his head and decided to confront this old fool.

He folded his wings and began a sharp descent downwards toward the old man.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 11:08 AM
As you focus on the old man, the only magical resonances you get are from the cloak and bag. It seems the old man is not hiding anything magical.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-10, 11:11 AM
((Don't have slow fall. Just have dimension door and other lesser spells of the sort.))

"Look you old bastard, something or someone caused that. And if you had half a brain you'd know that it's getting ready to do it again, it's just baiting the trap. So if you don't come out of there, you're going to be part of the next attack!"

((No way am I wasting spells to help andold dumabss))

Duke of URL
2008-04-10, 11:12 AM

The pixie moves down into the crater to investigate, using her detect magic ability to identify any strong sources of magic. This is probably a bad idea... but I haven't stayed alive this long by being timid.

2008-04-10, 11:20 AM

The bulky man frowns, realizing that the old man had almost read his mind. Grumbling, the giant picks an ugly and smelly rope from his backpack and orders it to grow. "Sonny"When it has reached the desired length, he cuts it and puts one side back into his backpack. I swear it to you, old man, if a purple worm comes out of that hole to swallow me...

The half-ogre picks the middle of the rope and passes it around a column, not really willing to test his knotting skills. I'm gonna bring you back up here before you hurt yourself. Othar begins to climb down, wary of purple worms.[Fatigated whisper]I'd rather hurt you myself...[/whisper]

Sorry, Duke! I hadn't noticed you already had picked blue! I changed my colour.

climb: [roll0] (I hope this counts as a rope and a wall)

2008-04-10, 11:23 AM
Sslag landed by the old man. Instead of shouting like a ninny, he would try to reason with this guy.

"Ahem...Excuse me, but you must understand. Some of us are worried about your well being and that of others. People may hurt each other when they find out treasure is to be found...and this area may not be safe... underground cavern's, cave-ins, monsters, evil wizards, and more explosions namely, not to mention onery treasure seekers. Perhaps you should reconsider..."

Rolling for diplomacy
Bear with me, I haven't done this very often

2008-04-10, 11:49 AM

Garris looked down into the huge hole and pondered the actions of the other folk interfering with the old man. Ahh to hell with it. The first step is always the hardest, most of the time. Garris took a few steps back and with a short run, leaped into the crater. The falling portion looked slower than it should have but the hunter lands with a thump and a roll onto his feet. He looks a round warily, sniffing again.

Leap and then feather fall.

Same checks as before for the cause of this crater. Also looking for things, magical things.

Garris can see invis and detect magic, as well as blind sense and scent.

do I need new rolls?

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 12:35 PM
Nah, you don't need to roll.

Necro, Slow fall is a monk ability. If you are close to a wall or the like, you can slow your fall for up to X feet. I suggested it because it seemed to be useful.

The old man looks around at the group. Finally, he addresses Sslag. I wouldn't worry about that, friend. D'you have an idea of the kind of magical power needed to provoke such a huge crater in a place as heavily defended as here? It would be literally impossible to replicate if the wizard or sorceror responsible wasn't still around. If there was a magical loony around here, I'd be running away faster than a Dromite from the cold. So don't worry about me, and help yourselves to anything you might find. If somebody else comes here, we'll just retreat with what we might have obtained.

Can't wait for the others to enter the scene.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-10, 01:13 PM
((Thought you was talkin' about featherfall. I so rarely need to use slow fall that I forget about it sometimes.))

Uranus grunted, it was so hard to be the voice of reason, however rarely she was. She rolled into the pit, allowing herself to fall a short distance before stopping herself to a crawl, then letting herself fall again. She repeated the process until she hit ground level. She then ran over to the group shouting.
"Whatever caused this hole is big and I have no doubt it will return. The smartest thing to do is to get out now!"
When she reached the group Uranaus struck out at the man. Her palm was flat, like the head of a sepent, she struck quickly just below the man's shoulder, on a preassure point. She had learned to block natural chi in the body and paralyze subjects, it was about the only way to get the man out of the hole now anyway.

Charging stunning fist [roll0] DC 23. Dealing subdual damage and as little as possible. If it succesds and noone carries him I can use a spell to teleport out.

2008-04-10, 01:15 PM
When Jaras arrives at the large hole, he first attempts to study it inquisitively. he then proceedes to look for any wounded and the like.

Seeing everyone beginning to climb down into it, he yells out. At the moment i don't think it would be to wise to climb down into the whole till we figure out what made it, why they made it, and the reprocusion of it. And i especially wouldn't dig, what if there is a tunnel under where you are that b/c of the force is about to collapse. you could be severely hurt. i would suggest you come back up here and let us get someone to inspect this area first.

H Savvy
2008-04-10, 01:15 PM
Of all the cold, callous, ridiculous things...

The grey elf raised his voice into a clear shout, a surprisingly loud sound from one so fair and slight. "Ho there! All of you! That treasure is not yours! Old man, you will incite a riot! These are the belongings of VICTIMS, you understand? These may be items of great sentimental value that the respective families may wish returned to them! They do not belong to you, and I suggest you put them down! I'm sure the authorities will be here soon, at which point I hope they will proceed in a more cautious and understanding fashion!"

Diplomacy [roll0]

He shook his head at the greed and desire for material goods that seemed to have erupted in the crater and overwhelmed peoples' senses of right.

2008-04-10, 01:28 PM

Garris looks around at the scene in the crater and the growing crowd. Well, ya'll seem to have this under control and my stupid sense is tingling. I'll see you all topside. With that Garris turns and making a running start, leaps into the air. At its apex his brown leather cape flaps out into a pair of leathery wings which carry him to the lip of the crater. Where he circles above the crowd for a few moments.

Using one of my 5 daily uses of fly for 5 rounds to get back topside.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-10, 01:38 PM
Sasach steered Criu down in a descending spiral, landing in the middle of the pit and looking around. This did not seem natural. And why would their be valuables on the bottom of it? Still, never one to sneeze at an opportunity to add a bit of wealth to his pockets, he began to look for things on the bottom.

Spot :[roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2008-04-10, 01:46 PM

I concurr, we must leave. he says looking at the others. He puts a blindfold over his eyes, but seems to survey his surroundings nonetheless. Then, he gets on the move to get out of there.

Well, I'll be away from the keyboard from some time now, but if necro managed to stun the old man, Othar will pick the old man and climb out of the hole. If not, feel free to describe how he would try to do grapple the man and carry him out himself.

Othar can fly if needed be, but since his flight capabilities are limited (winged boots) he'd rather climb back and not waste magic.

Now if something strange happens, forget all of that and roll initiative for me! :smallcool:

2008-04-10, 02:07 PM
When Uranus struck the old man, Sslag gave a grunt of surprise, leapt, backwards, and with a powerful stroke of his wings, brought himself up into the air.

The bracers on his arms seemed to glow for a second before settling down. As he camled himself, he glared at Uranus.

Do what you must to get him out of here! I'll make sure no one else comes down

I would use detect evil, but that might ruin some fun that might be had.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 02:26 PM
"O, my children,
thou must not act so rashly,
for thy bring yourselves,
A doom most certain"

Dodging the blow with surprising ease, the old man stands straight. looking inquisitively at Uranus, he flashes a pleasant, charming, and toothless smile...

And he raises his head and emits a devastating shriek from his throat. Your head seems to crack open, and millions of tiny, sharp knives seem to tear your brain.

Waving his arm, the old man then changes shape. Where once stood an old, crooked, toothless man, now stands a young man, dressed in a brilliant purple robe. However, far more interesting than his clothes are his looks. Tall, 6' 4'', his blue eyes make Blue Ice pale, and his hair forms a comet-like spike that drops to his ankles. Smiling as he flies up from the crater, he speaks:

Hook, line, and sinker. I tried to avoid dealing with you dolts, but I guess now it's time to blow you to bits.

And with that, he closes his eyes as he becomes surrounded by a glistening substance, and array of mystical defenses encircle him. He seems to blur, air seems to form an armor around his body, and he becomes slightly translucent.

Three words, m'friends: Roll. For. Initiative.
Initiative: [roll0]
Additionally, everybody at 15' or closer from the old man, roll Will saves to avoid taking damage from an Ultrablast: [roll1] :belkar:

Duke of URL
2008-04-10, 02:37 PM

The pixie reacts quickly, and sends a blast of eldritch energy at the now-revealed enemy.

[roll1] (if necessary)
Unless failing the Will save, using Hellfire for +4d6 to eldritch blast, take 1 CON damage (skip if damaged by the ultrablast)
Using Noxious Blast essence (Fort DC 28)
[roll2], [roll3] + [roll4]
Fly to position 60' away.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-10, 02:42 PM
First round action: casts Form of the Threefold Beast, transforming into a chimera with a Blue Dragon Head for 10 rounds.
If I become targeted within the first round I'll be using my Invisible Fist ability to become invisible as an immediate action. If I am targeted, at the end of the turn I am targeted in I cannot become in visible for 2 more rounds.

2008-04-10, 02:45 PM
OOC: Okay, then. That means Uranus and Sslag and possibly criu and sasach get hit

Admiral Squish
2008-04-10, 02:53 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Criu spread her wings, and in an instant, is 90 feet above the lot of them, and Sasach's bow twangs all the way, a hail of arrows flying forth towards the transformed and cackling man.

Attack! Warning: Ridiculous amount of dice following
Attack roll:[roll1]
Bow damage:[roll2]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll3]
Attack roll:[roll4]
Bow damage:[roll5]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll6]
Attack roll:[roll7]
Bow damage:[roll8]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll9]
Attack roll:[roll10]
Bow damage:[roll11]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll12]
Attack roll:[roll13]
Bow damage:[roll14]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll15]
Attack roll:[roll16]
Bow damage:[roll17]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll18]
Attack roll:[roll19]
Bow damage:[roll20]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll21]
Attack roll:[roll22]
Bow damage:[roll23]
Shock, frost, flaming:[roll24]

2008-04-10, 03:08 PM

Flying above the crowds head Garris says to no one in particular I knew my stupid sense was tingling for a reason. Time to take this ashole down. Drawing an arrow he knocks and flies into range of the mage. Loosing his arrow before swooping back away. The arrow flies at the mage, glowing green with a twist of blue.

Fly (4 rounds left) towards the left side of the mage to 30ft away if possible, shoot then rest of move away.

Initiative [roll0]

AC: 33 w/ 50% miss chance for ranged attacks
HP: 110

To hit [roll1] +1 if within 30ft
CC [roll2]

Damage - add 1 of with in 30ft
Arrow [roll3]
Cold [roll4]
Skirmish [roll5] if within 30ft
vitriolic Blast imbued into the arrow (No SR, acid damage) [roll6]

2008-04-10, 03:33 PM
Sslag, swoops down to where his blindsense, not his eyes, tell him where the being is. The bracers on his arms glow with a bright orange light and Sslag's wings, claws and tail burst into flames and tounges of fire lick his mouth.

He spirals down and swings with his tail

Attack Roll [roll]1d20+19[roll]
Tail with power attack[roll0]
fire damage[roll1]

2008-04-10, 03:54 PM
initiative: [roll0]

Thufir walks casually along the street towards the crater in the ground seeing the old man transform into a creature of evil, he prays to the god for extra speed he dashes the remaining 60ft to the crater(free action), there he unleashes a hail of shuriken of his unsuspecting foe.

note: My ring on invisibility is active as is my ring of arcane sight.
attack rolls

damage rolls:
Yes, I have 18 attacks.

2008-04-10, 05:01 PM

will post when i arrive home..

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 05:08 PM
To clarify, Stup, you go before my mob.

2008-04-10, 06:11 PM
"I knew something was unnatural!" Gars tells Shkan to stay back away from the fight. The crowd gives Shkan a wide berth as they begin to flee the area.

Seeing the mage surrounded by magical defense,s Gars decides to aid those fighting him by attempting to blast away some defenses.
Casts Greater Dispel Magic
DC is 11+ enemy caster level.

2008-04-10, 06:35 PM
Detect Evil

if evil:
It seems that Evil has befallen this town, and of course my god has guided me here to stop it.
i will burn a smite attemp to holy wrath him for [roll0] 1/2 electricity, 1/2 holy. he may make a reflex save DC 22 for 1/2

if not evil:
I do believe that we may have a mis understanding here. tThis is notthing that sitting down over a nice refreshing meal and drink won't fix. Please.. come down and let's discuss things in a civilized matter.

The way i see it, there was no reason you should have done this, motioning towards the crater. and for that you should be punished. but there is no reason we need to resort to violence, especially in a town of this size, there could be casualties..

and if he attempts to do anything aggressive i will do my holy wrath listed above...

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 06:51 PM
He doesn't show up as anything, stup. You take the smite or the diplomacy?

2008-04-10, 07:09 PM
well if he doesn't show up as evil.. the diplomacy with that redied action of smite.. as stated.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-10, 07:23 PM
Actually, he didn't show up as jack. The Detect Evil failed, that's what I mean.

H Savvy
2008-04-10, 08:29 PM
Fools. So easily led astray. No discipline. Taken in by their greed, led astray by the simple face of an old man. The elf shakes his head at it.

Why the mystic was here, and why he saw fit to pose as the old man had yet to be seen, but it could only lead to no good. Tahlin draws his kukri, letting the familiar heft of it settle in his palm. It's you and I again, old friend. he thinks fondly at it. Blade in hand, he quickly heads towards the nearest rope into the crater.

Double move towards wherever the closest rope into the crater is, either the half-ogre's or the old man's, or if there is another I missed.
Init [roll0]

2008-04-10, 10:15 PM
diplomacy, then smite as ready

2008-04-11, 02:35 AM

The half-ogre just growls when he is hit by the strange figure's shriek. Othar's nose bleeds slightly and he spits on the floor, but it seems like he is otherwise unharmed. Reacting with surprising speed, he grabs a heavy chain and whirls it around his body. Stupid, stupid old man... he says, frowning and visibly angered.

Ok, move action to get his chain. (Let's assume Othar is 15 feet away, so he doesn't need to move. If he was closer he could've attacked the wizard before he cast his spell, unless it was quickened, and if he was farther away he wouldn't have been affected.)

Then greater insightful strike (standard action) the stupid, stupid young? man:
If hit:
damage:[roll1]<-- multiply x2 for a total of 82
Free trip, touch: [roll2]
Trip roll:[roll3] vs his strength or dex check.

Othar has blindsight, and thus is immune to concealment. Also, he can get an attack of opportunity at +33 in the following cases:
-he stands up (If tripped)
-he moves (even a 5 foot step)
-he casts a spell (can't cast defensively due to mage-slayer feat).

Readied crusader maneuvers: [roll4]
3-Mountain hammer
4-Defensive rebuke
5-Revitalizing strike

Gah, I forgot spellcraft and the same maneuver turned up twice! I'll roll again OOC.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 08:55 AM
Letting loose with another shriek (I'm at 40' of height. I believe Sslag and Uranus are the only guys close enough), the "Old man", once again flies up. Assesing the situation, he decides not to do anything.

Ultrablast again. Yay for quickening! Roll: [roll0]
And readying an action.

Duke of URL
2008-04-11, 08:58 AM

Let's get this out of the way before I post an action: [roll0]

Duke of URL
2008-04-11, 09:58 AM

Unless the prior spellcraft check tells Taia that this isn't pointless...

Use Hellfire Blast again (take 1 CON damage), Eldritch Blast + Noxious Blast Essence (Fort DC 28): [roll0] (ranged touch), [roll1]

Move to a random new location 60' away from target

The Necroswanso
2008-04-11, 10:40 AM
Save time: [roll0]

The Chimera rears it's dragon head back, it roars and unleashes it's breath attack.
40Ft line of lightning. [roll1]
Next available breath attack [roll2]

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 11:07 AM
Concealment rolls: (1d100) [22]

(1d100) [88]

If the Noxious Blast hits, Here's the save: (1d20+18) [31]

Does the breath have a save? If so, Reflex: (1d20+16) [26]

In any case, shave off 5 points off the attacks from DR. Also, doesn't the line need an attack roll?

Also, guys, wait 'till J-H posts. It's his turn after mine. Speaking of which, I need to compile an Init list.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-11, 11:23 AM
Save is DC 23, why don't I get good rolls?

2008-04-11, 11:24 AM
OOC: Bear with me, internet is being stupid on this side.


If it doesn't show up, the save was a 31

I hate confusion caused by double posts.

2008-04-11, 11:26 AM
Ooh, boy! Another save!


Sslag immolates the air around the being with his 60 ft. fire breath DC34 6d8 damage


Breath weapons are area affects, not rays, so they do not need attack rolls and are not subject to concealment as long as the path is clear.

Sslag is also flying upwards (15 ft due to gravity)

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 12:57 PM
"Shlag, criu!" Sasach called as his fingers worked his bowstring in a blur. The huge eagle spilled air from her wings, and raked her talons forward. She screeched, a terrifying, soul-gripping sound, and struck out with her claws, moving past in a rush as the arrows of Sasach poured forth all the while. As soon as she was clear,

I end up 40' away from him, straight up. I loves perfect maneuverability. No AoO's from improved flyby.

Criu's attack
Sasach's arrows

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 05:32 PM
((And the prepared action kicks in.))

Just before Sasach can react, the "Old man", who had previously refrained from taking action, sees a hole in his defenses, and raises his hand. A vortex of air seems to generate from it, and heads for the halfling. Then, as it reaches him, it explodes into a fierce tornado, which rapidly disintegrates, but not before causing catastrophic devastation.

Tornado blast for those that made the spellcraft check. Empowered tornado blast, at that.

Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]

If it hits, Sasach takes this damage: 42 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1560387/)

Plus, Criu, Sslag, and Sasach must make a Ref save against this damage: 99 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1560388/)

And they're shoved 60' (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1560389/) in a random direction. Roll 1d9 and and 1d3 to determine where, with the 1 being the front, going clockwise to the front left, the 9 being the square you are at, and the 1 in the 1d3 being up, the 2 being down, and the 3 being straight. If you roll 9 and 3, reroll until you hit a 1 or 3 on the second die.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 05:40 PM
You are a very not-nice person. I mean, seriously. You are SATAN.
I messed up my rolls here. I'll redo 'em.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 05:41 PM
Reflex, Sasach: [roll0]
Reflex, Criu: [roll1]

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 05:47 PM
Ouchie. Criu bit the dust. Good thing Sasach made the saves.

Since a Readied actions goes first...it'd mean that Criu goes Black Hawk before the whole massive attack, and Sasach falls with 'im. Hmm...what penalty shoud apply because of falling down and hitting the ground?

And as for the bad person thing...worst thing is, wait 'till you see what I do to the other guys next round. If I make it to that, I mean.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 05:59 PM
Well, he does have a ring of feather fall on. In theory, would it not be plausible for Sasach, an expert archer trained to ride eagles and fire from all positions said eagle is in, to squeeze off his attack while drifting down with minimal penalty? Heck, he'd even have less trouble since he wouldn't have to counteract the motion of his ride on his aim.

2008-04-11, 06:01 PM
Eeyouch! Poor Criu! This guy is throwing level 9 manifestations at us!

Reflex [roll0] Natural 20! that means 51

Direction: [roll1] To my left

Up, Down, or Level[roll2] Level

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 06:16 PM
Hmm...let's say...-4? It's not a massive penalty, since you're hitting with just about everything anyway. Now, as for damage...

(1d4+4)[3](7) -5
(3d6)[1][1][4](6) -5 = 3
(1d4+4)[2](6) -5 +
(3d6)[2][3][5](10) -5 = 6
(1d4+4)[4](8) -5 +
(3d6)[1][6][4](11) -5 = 9
(1d4+4)[1](5) -5 +
(3d6)[4][5][3](12) -5 = 7
(1d4+4)[3](7) -5 +
(3d6)[2][2][1](5) -5 = 2
(1d4+4)[1](5) -5 +
(3d6)[6][4][5](15) -5 =10
(1d20+18)[9](27) +
(1d4+4)[1](5) -5
(3d6)[2][3][2](7) -5 = 2
(1d4+4)[2](6) -5 +
(3d6)[5][1][5](11) -5 = 7

So... 45 damage. Mean thing.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 06:33 PM
DR doesn't apply to energy damage, you know. That takes energy resistance of the appropriate type.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 06:51 PM
And which part of it is the energy damage?

Admiral Squish
2008-04-11, 06:57 PM
And which part of it is the energy damage?

the 3d6. Fire, frost and shock damage, in that order, if you want to be specific.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 07:15 PM
Ouchie, then, you do... a grand total of 9 points of damage, plus I get unmanifested pretty light.

2008-04-11, 08:27 PM
my readied action from the previous page takes place. since he refused to talk and attacked someone.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 08:47 PM
You can fly, right?

2008-04-11, 09:21 PM
me? nope.. i can't

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 09:23 PM
...Ouchie. Can you make a 20' jump?

2008-04-11, 09:39 PM
lol nope.. he's a melee guy, if he can't reach you he hits you with his wraths...

don't forget my holy wrath, he can only ahve resistance to 1/2 of that damage, the other half is holy.. so at least he took a decent portion of damage....

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-11, 10:09 PM
D'oh. Can you throw a shield?

Pleasebeabletothrowashieldpleasebeabletothrowashie ldIdon'twantauselessPCwho'sreallyniceandhasanexcel lentfix.

2008-04-11, 10:53 PM
lol nope.. and i took the flaw that gives me negatives to ranged attacks..LOL

2008-04-11, 11:01 PM
"When Captain America hurls his shield, all who oppose his shield must yield!"

You should be ashamed AK!

Lay on hands? Some of us (namely me) are getting pretty badly bruised here.

Ready an action to try and disrupt his manifestations?

Taunt him? (actually might work if you use diplomacy. Need to be creative. Throw a few insults as a standard action to try and disrupt him)

Throw a rock or a clod of earth at him? Surely there are some of those in the crater.

2008-04-12, 12:25 AM
Gars raises his hands and sways, his eyes half-closed as he mutters. Suddenly, they open, blazing light. "Fall!"
He extends one glowing palm towards the mad psion, and a column roars down from the heavens, bathing the flying man in glowing flame.
Gars extends his other hands, and a second column of flame descends.

Flame Strike, half of the damage is divine and thus NOT subject to energy reduction.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:33 AM
What was the level of flamestrike again? In any case, it reflects to you. Save, please.

((Told you, guys. Either use Physical damage or dispel the heck out of the clown.))

2008-04-12, 12:33 AM
Dunno whos turn it is, just posting to get mine in for the day.


Garris continues to circle the villain. Watching for his opening. Suddenly he sees one and lets fly with another arrow.

Moving to 30 ft away, shooting, then back out staying 60ft away. Keeping as far as possible from the other people attacking him. At least 25ft if not more, from Garris to the closest other PC.

Fly 3rd round
AC :34+50% miss for ranged
HP: 110

Using a Seeker Arrow -ignore all miss chance from cover or concealment at the cost of 4d6 EB damage- see the PrC you approved in my sig

To Hit- [roll0] - MWAHAHA! Thats 2 Nat 20 attacks in a row! :smallcool:
CC: [roll1]

Damage- This counts as a single source- also due to Transmuting property it ignores all DR
Arrow [roll2]
Cold [roll3]
Skirmish [roll4]
Vitriolic Blast [roll5] Acid damage no SR

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:35 AM
Then, that's 21 plus the arrow damage. Finally someone makes a dent.

Edit: Wait, extras from the critical. How much fo a multiplier does a bow have?

2008-04-12, 12:37 AM
Do I get the crit?

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:38 AM
Yeah. How much of a multiplier?

2008-04-12, 12:40 AM
Comp Longbow crit is x3

2008-04-12, 12:40 AM
Level 12 flame strike.
Save DC is 23
Save roll [roll0] I also have Evasion so if I succeed I take no damage.
Gars pulls out his bow and prepares to fire a volley of arrows into this...entity.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:41 AM
Shave off the seventysomething, then. Meanwhile...Ouch. That crit hurt. Good thing I get timeless if I make it to the end of this round.

2008-04-12, 12:43 AM
Caught in the middle of drawing his bow, Gars emerges from the flame doubled over and gasping for pain. When he can move, a blue aura surrounds him, and he straightens up, feeling better.
[spoiler]Round 4 action. Cure Critical Wounds [roll0]

2008-04-12, 12:43 AM
Depending on how you do crits that puts him over 50 in a single hit. Do you use massive damage rules?

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:44 AM
Round three, you mean. I got a surprise action, and everyone responded, so we're at the third round once everyone posts.

Edit: Nah, no massive. At this level, it means too many saves, and with the forum roller working as it does, it means one fo the future encounters drops half the team on a single round.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-12, 01:12 AM
Uranus prematurely ends her spell transforming back into a human.
She waves her hand, and holds her it out, palm flat, firing 5 balls of force.

Magic Missile

(seriously, unless you guys stop by me for buffing, I can't really do much if he's reflecting energy attack.)

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 01:28 AM
Sasach, kneeling over the tattered corpse of his beloved steed, snarls through the mist in his eyes, and draws back his bow. This bastard had so many layers of magical protection, it would take a week to figure out how to work around them. He had one option: To punch through them, and pray the filthy bastard died.

I'm taking a full-round action to ready a precision shot, using your rules. Action is delayed until said bastard starts to cast something. Use these rolls for it:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Energy: [roll2]

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 01:29 AM
Oh, wait, does splitting double that, or is it just another attack?

2008-04-12, 08:25 AM

The half-Ogre swings another time trying to get the Psion, and he profits to ready his maneuvers to deal with him for good. Then, seeing an opening as his opponent focuses on dealing with the archers, Othar lets loose his chain again.

These are my third round actions. Move closer to him, so that he's better within reach. Swift action to change/recover warblade maneuvers followed by a single attack as standard action (using power attack for 4).

damage:[roll1] (Piercing, it overcomes DR as adamantite)

Attack of opportunity:
damage:[roll3] (Piercing, it overcomes DR as adamantite)

2008-04-12, 10:48 AM
With a bellow, Sslag streaks towards the psion. With both of his claws he strikes.


If it hits


and rend, which is not subject to damage reduction or concealment because it is added to the claws.


Added 2 to attack bonus for charge and put 4 points into power attack

He uses his 5-ft step to drop down 10 ft and in range of the rest of the party.

Healing and buffs would be very appreciated

2008-04-12, 12:25 PM
if anyone requries aid come to me, as i can't get to him., the best i can do is to assist those who can.

ready action to heal who ever is closer and needs healing the most...

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:48 PM
The magic missiles reflect off the "Old man", and back at Uranus.

Concealment rolls, if all hit the guys in a pretty tight spot...: Sslag: [roll0]

Sasach: [roll1]

Othar: [roll2]

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 12:59 PM
While magical attacks reflect off the "Old Man", he is not so lucky against a physical onslaught. While he manages to superhumanly dodge Sslag's attacks, he is not so lucky against Othar and Sasach. In whatn seems to be thousands of years but are actually just a few seconds, he falls to the ground. However, before he hits the ground, a smile appears in his lips...

And then, he combusts.

Used a Moment of Prescience, Psionic to dodge Sslag's attack, but I wasn't so lucky with the others. And for anyone who read the XPH, don't worry, that's not a fiery discorporation.

Instead, it's a big, bad explosion. Will saves to make it to the celebration, guys, to take half of [roll0].

Everyone, add 3000 to your XP. Victory! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c2Vb7CqTdc)

2008-04-12, 01:04 PM
Will Save [roll0]

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 01:07 PM
People who have to make the save: Sslag, Uranus, Othar, Sasach, Taia. Everyone who got 50' or closer to the psion, in other words.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 01:23 PM
I do not want to be royally pissed. If I die, I will be very royally pissed.

Will save: [roll0]

2008-04-12, 01:44 PM

Flying just out of reach of the explosion Garris lands next to the fallen body and looks at the others gathers and says Well done folks. Everyone okay?

Yay for Shot on the run. 60ft away.

2008-04-12, 01:58 PM

Will save: [roll0] *burning moment of perfect mind to save* and level up time!! :smallsmile:

The half ogre emerges of the smoke and dust lifted by the explosion.*cough* only bruised, burnt and angry... replies Othar, not too badly damaged although that last explosion charred him quite a bit.

The half-ogre turns and lifts his blindfold to have a true view of the others that helped in the fight. He smiles when he sees all the heroes congregated around the hole. Well, it seems that that maniac is no more... he says with relief. I'm Othar he introduces himself. Allow me to invite you to a good drink and meal to thank you for your help he offers. Only then he notices the downed eagle lying on the floor, and his smile disappears. Oh, sorry... he says, slowly. Perhap's not the best moment to celebrate...

H Savvy
2008-04-12, 01:59 PM
God damn flying bastards. Tahlin slides his throwing daggers back into their sheaths. He glances around and spots the dwarf on the edge of the blast-hole. Strange company... but at least he wasn't the only one land-bound in this ridiculous flying escapade. He walks over to the dwarf and greets him, none of the pretension elves tend to display towards dwarves present in his voice.

"You seem of sound mind, friend. Perhaps you know more of this than I do." He bows his head slightly, in the respectful custom of a far-off land. It seems slightly out of place here. "I am Tahlin Ryavain, the great shortblade duelist. Perhaps you have heard of me? What happened here?"

Duke of URL
2008-04-12, 01:59 PM
People who have to make the save: Sslag, Uranus, Othar, Sasach, Taia. Everyone who got 50' or closer to the psion, in other words.

Taia was at 60'. Or do you mean at any point?


Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 02:30 PM
((Hmm...60? Then you don't have to make the save.

Everyone made it, thankfully. Good thing this works as if it were a 0 level power, else...*throat slit*.))

As everyone recovers, walking can be heard. Tap, tap, tap...it sounds like high heeled boots.

Nice way of dealing with that guy, people. Now, would you care to come with me for a little chat?

Looking up, you see what seems to be an army of knights or other heavily armoured soldiers, brandishing all kinds of weapons, from exotic thinblades to mighty greatswords. It's a wonder they managed to get to the crater soundlessly.

Among them, stands out a blonde man. Of average height, he has a mischievous grin on his face, a lute on his back, and an estoc between his hands. Clearly, the man is a bard, almost fitting the stereotype to a T.

With a pirouette, the man jumps down at the crater and somehow manages to land without breaking any bones. Walking towards the place where once stood the "Old man", he picks up the cloak and golden bag from before the battle started, and stuff them into a pouch on his belt.

Now, do you need help to climb up or can you do it yourselves?

Now, can you climb up or

The Necroswanso
2008-04-12, 02:46 PM
Uranus braced herself against the blast.

She looked up at the newcomers, how had they managed to sneak in so quietly, and why hadn't they Even tried to help?
"And just who might you be?"
Though the look she gave the man was cold and biting, her voice was soft and formal.

((heh, I could have failed the save and lived.))

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 02:55 PM
Slightly widening the smile, the blonde man twirls his hand a bit. Small orbs of coloured light appear and blow up as he bows and says:

Karden Mekraan, at your service, my ice cold lady. So, are you willing to come with me and my men to have a chat?

And what about you, friends? He says as he sharply turns around to look at the other combatants.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-12, 02:59 PM
"A chat about what, might I ask?"
She didn't like where this was going. One of two things was going to be discussed. Either their punishment for attacking some foreign dignitary, or there were more people like this...

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 03:02 PM
After a moment of trying to regain his senses, his breathing ragged, Sasach reaches down and takes the armor off Criu's body piece by piece, tucking them into his bag. Then, he checks along each wing, and pulls out the largest feather of each, tucking the hard tips reverently into a pair of slots on his helmet, behind his ears. After a moment of silence, he turned to the newcomer. "I would prefer some assistance. I did not survive that battle merely to miss a handhold and plummet to my demise. On a related note, some healing would be appreciated."

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 04:21 PM
Wordlessly, Karden hits Sasach with his estoc, using the momentum of the first swing to do another pair of attacks. Instead of wounding him, however, the attacks close any wounds Sasach has and revitalize him.

Aaah, good old positive energy. I can practice swordsmanship, AND I heal you.

Looking at the great downed bird, he adds, as he inspects it curiously, Hmm...was it yours? I can help you with him if you come with me. We've developed a procedure for just this kind of thing.

Turning back towards Uranus, he adds Make a guess.


That should do the trick. It's the amount healed. Plus, you regen 3 extra points per round for 10 rounds after that.

2008-04-12, 04:25 PM

The flying archer looks at the halfling I'll fly ya out. Then we can go chat with this guy and his army. Te collection of teeth at his neck rattle as he shakes himself a little and the picks up the halfling and with cloak/wings flapping he swoops up to the top of the crater where he set the halfling down. Alright then.

H Savvy
2008-04-12, 04:39 PM
Tahlin notes the arrival of the newcomers. Excellent, just what he had been asking after. "Nevermind, my stout little friend. I shall seek my answers from.. another source."

He walks to the bard, clearly the "face" of this newest group, and bows deeply. "Sir, I am called Tahlin Ryavain. I am a master of combat with the short blade and duelist of no small renown or travel. Perhaps you have heard of me, I am no stranger to this city. I must admit, I am quite curious as to what this," he gestures at the hole, "was all about. It would be my pleasure to accompany you, if your invitation extends to me."

The Necroswanso
2008-04-12, 04:41 PM
"Great, more of them"
Uranus snarled.
"Fine, but let's get out of this damned hole." With a few motions and a step forward Uranus had moved from her spot to the city street level in an instant.

((Dimension Door, of course.))

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 04:46 PM
Tahlin? I believed you were in another zone of the city, Karden mutters, as he thoughtfully puts a gloved hand against his chin. I'll have to speak with the spymaster. He must make his eyes and ears keener. Looking at Tahlin's eyes, he says: Indeed, I have heard of you. You have been watched for quite a while. If we have time, I'll be very interested in crossing arms with you in a duel, he says. But for now, climb up and wait for me while I gather up everyone else. Looking around, he then mutters This could take time...

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 04:50 PM
"Thank you." Sasach replied, nodding to both the newcomer and Garris. His ears perk up as he hears Karden's comment on aid for Criu. "Will you need to bring the body, or should these be enough?" He asked, pointing to the feathers tucked behind his ears. He was going to send a message to Adlerheim to send a replacement, but such a thing was a mark of incompetence. To avoid it would allow him to save face in the eyes of his peers. What fortune!

2008-04-12, 04:52 PM
Sslag nods to Karden

I would be very much pleased to accompany you...More so if you have good food.

Sslag bowed deeply, and turned to Othar.

Can you get out ok, Ogre, or do you need a lift? Don't worry about the load, I can handle it.

He looked at Criu's limp form.

S'ppose I can take the bird too...

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 04:57 PM
Don't even worry about that. There's an easier way out, Karden interjects, taking one of the pouches from his belt and laying it one the ground. Touch this thing, and I'll do the rest. No need to take the bird, though.

2008-04-12, 05:29 PM

Well, well, it seems we all have another invitation says the half-ogre, hanging his chain to his back. And from a distinguished host, it seems he says, chuckling when he sees all the knights surrounding them. Pleased to meet you, Karden he says, nodding. And thank you for your offer, dragon-man he says to Sslag. I could've climbed up the ropes, but I guess there's no need he adds, looking at the pouch Karden put on the ground.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 08:06 PM
Just jump in. You'll find it pretty comfy.

2008-04-12, 08:32 PM
Sslag looks at the bag with a preturbed expression.

Mrrm...With all due respect sir, while I am certain this bag has some magical quality, I am not sure I am ready to trust you to stuff me into some extradimensional space, even for a little while. I'll get out the hard way.

Sslag turned and flew to the rim of the crater.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-12, 09:22 PM
If you think so. Anybody up for the ride?

Admiral Squish
2008-04-12, 11:03 PM
"I'm sure it's very comfortable, but most of us got hurt, some pretty badly, fighting a magician mere moments ago. We're collectively not in the mood to deal with magic right now, let alone trust it on the word of a stranger. Sorry, but I'd rather walk." Sasach explained as politely as he could.

2008-04-12, 11:54 PM
Gars saunters over to stand near the group at the top of the crater, followed by his very large tiger, and looks down at the...bard... who showed up after the fight was ended.

He coughs and clears his throat twice, then rasps out "Nice timing." Taking a swig from his watersack, he continues "So, who was that? And why are you taking the items he left behind? They are not needed as evidence against him, and should be used as weregild for those harmed. Including some of us."

Behind him, Shkan stretches, claws extended, and yawns, revealing a mouth of exceptionally sharp teeth.

2008-04-13, 07:49 AM

The half-ogre laughs loudly as he hears the others decline Karden's offer. I will follow the other's example he declares and walk by my own means he says, walking towards his rope. Not that I don't trust you or anything he adds, politely. It's just that our dragon friend reminded me of the dangers of mixing interdimensional spaces. Othar points at his backpack. He trusts Karden won't be so foolish as to risk sending them to the astral plane, but just in case, Othar walks too this time.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 10:14 AM
Meh. You lose out on it, people, the bard says, as he picks up the bag and proceeds to backflip up the wall of the crater. Looking towards the druid, he adds, with an amused look, Good things come to those who wait, my friend. Be not so greedy, lest Lucretia dominate you. And with that, he waits until everyone has climbed out of the crater, and proceeds to walk down one of the plaza's alleys.

Mini info tip: Lucretia means madness. You learn new useless things every day, don't you?

Also, is everyone okay with me jumping straight to the destination, or d'you want to banter a bit?

2008-04-13, 10:44 AM
"He speaks of greed, when he gathers where he has not worked."
Gars and Shkan follow.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 01:26 PM
Following the bard, you arrive at a small white marble house. Once again donning his grin, Karden enters and gestures you to follow.

Inside awaits a hall as big as a palace throne room. Hundreds of people are busily entering and exiting the hall through side doors, many of them with documents and manuscripts. Leading you to a stairway on the far right side of the hall, the bard walks to the fifth floor, and enters a small passageway which leads to a large room with an oak desk.

Sitting on the desk, the bard picks up a few documents.

Well, I suppose you want to know where you are, to begin with something. I present you the HQ of the Twin Empires' secret watch. We deal with any nationwide or global threat that might pose harm to the twin empires. Which leads us to the subject at hand...

A few days ago, a few hundred individuals appeared and starting wreaking havoc across the six empires. Using planar contacts, we ascertained they are an "organization" named The Avatara, citizens from the three great cities from before the empires were formed that have somehow come back to life. They've been causing all kinds of mayhem, from destroying mountain ranges to creating dead magic zones. We've got task forces dealing with groups of them, but we're short on people.

And that's where you come in. We were looking for employees, and we were informed of a disturbance at the plaza. Going there, we saw you dealing with that power mad psion, and found you rather fit for the task.

And before you ask, no, that psion was not one of the Avatara. He was just some kind of megalomaniac.

Now, the question is, would you like to accept an employment offer under the Secret Watch? You'd get financed by the empires, would be allowed to keep any item of power you found, as well as having several other minor advantages, such as free night on any inn of the twin empires and other stuff. The con being, of course, that you would be placed under jurisdiction, but that shouldn't be too constraining.

So? Are you interested in the job? He finishes, as he starts intently reading the documents, waiting for your answer.

2008-04-13, 02:07 PM

Garris considers a moment before saying Sounds like my kind of gig. Whats the time line? And can we leave the organization at anytime?

2008-04-13, 02:24 PM
Sslag noded and looked at Karden with an intent stare.

After a while he spoke.

Under any other circumstances, I would reject that offer and tell you where you could put it...however, if it a chance to protect those who would be unable to protect themselves from these avertarnies, you have my services.

H Savvy
2008-04-13, 02:41 PM
"It would be my great honor to conduct business for the Twin Empires, but while your synopsis sounds greatly appealing, I would prefer to know the complete details before I commit to anything. Who would I report to? Would we be working in groups, and if so, who would comprise them? You mentioned other minor benefits as well.. could you elaborate? Just how limiting... would this jurisdiction be?"

The elf pauses. "I apologize if I am being to forthright, but employment is a serious business, and I prefer to conduct such business seriously."

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 03:29 PM
Looking towards Tahlin, then gazing at every member of the group, the bard elaborates Well, you'd be under my command, and should you accept, you'd be free to leave as soon as you have finished with this assignment...though staying would be definetely encouraged, of course.

As for the issue of who you'd work, you'd be able to pick companions. I believe you'll prefer staying with the people you know, though.

The minor benefits...well, as I said, they'd be minor. For example, free stay at any inn, as I mentioned. The ability to requisition effectives from any constabulary you come across, though you'd need to inform me, and they wouldn't be able to leave their zone, for obvious reasons. Reduced prices on our purveyors of magical items. I think that's about it, though I might be forgetting something.

And on the subject of the jurisdiction, as long as you don't purposefully harm citizens of the empires, and you stay focused on the objectives, you'll have free reign on what you can do. I'll be in contact constantly, but you need only report when some kind of progress has been done on the assignment. Is that all you wanted to know? The bard says, as he refocuses on the documents, muttering and grumbling as he reads through them.

H Savvy
2008-04-13, 03:53 PM
"Indeed. That satisfies my queries quite satisfactorily. I, for one, will pledge my services to the Twin Empires and their Secret Watch. As for the others, I cannot tell you. As you said, I might 'prefer to stay with those I know', but, while I know many people from throughout the world, I'm afraid these are all strangers to me. Regardless," he says, dipping into a formal bow, "Tahlin Ryavain at your service, and the service of your Country. When do I start?"

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 03:59 PM
Tomorrow. Everyone who accepts will be given temporary quarters until I can brief you more thorougly and you can get moving. Here, Karden says, as he grabs a dorje and activates it. As he does so, Tahlin's mind is imprinted with the knowledge of where his room is, and how to reach it.

H Savvy
2008-04-13, 04:55 PM
"I suppose as my employer and superior it would be too much to ask you to stay out of my mind. I can accept that. I just can't promise to like it."

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 05:01 PM
Not a problem. We DO have to use telepathy to communicate over long distances, but we do it via devices. Just thought it would be far better to give you the information that way. And speaking of devices... Karden says as he rummages through one of his belt pouches. Out of it he takes a silver scarab.

Here. This is the device I was talking about. Just have it on your person and it'll work.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-13, 05:25 PM
Sasach frowned. There did seem to be quite a few bonuses, and not much in the way of restrictions. And they would be saving people (hopefully). Still, he was a Adlerjager, not a mercenary. But if they could help Criu... "If you fulfill your promise to help Criu, I will help your cause in return." He said, after a moment.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-13, 05:54 PM
Uranus grunted.
"I will help you, for now. And when it suits me, I shall take my leave. However I cannot be held accountable for anything you might come across while invading the privacy of my mind."
She thinks for a moment.
"In comprison to the psion, how powerful are these 'Avatara'?"

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-13, 06:47 PM
Giving Sasach a reassuring smile Karden says: We'll deal with that as soon as I know what everyone thinks, friend. You'll be more than satisfied by the outcome, believe me.

Turning towards Uranus, Karden gets serious again. Their level of power varies. Most are slightly weaker or at the same level as that guy, but some of them are...frightening. As I mentioned, one of them leveled a mountain range with a few punches, and another one has engineered a massive undead assault in the frozen coasts of the northeast. Thankfully, you won't have to deal with those. All in all, I'd say they're at about the level of our powermad friend.

H Savvy
2008-04-13, 08:09 PM
Tahlin takes the exquisitely wrought silver scarab brooch gingerly. With the utmost care he undoes the simple silver pin that holds up his cloak and refastens it with scarab pin. Dropping the other pin in a small pouch at his belt, he leans back against a wall to watch how the charismatic bard would win over the remaining few present.

2008-04-13, 09:59 PM
What do you know about their organization? Purpose? Objectives? Have they given any reasoning or goals?

2008-04-13, 10:28 PM

Well now hunting down big bads sounds like fun to me. Sign me up! The hunter must be insane he sounds actually excited to go hunting for death.

2008-04-13, 10:37 PM
Turning to Gars, Sslag spoke

I don't think that you quite understand, druid. Civilization does not break one's touch with the world. If anything, it is a tool to allow many different people live with the world. I lived, for half my life, in a backwards swamp. There was only mud, fish, and monsters. The other half of my life, I spent living in this city which I have grown to love. If there is any way that I may help people, here or elsewhere, that is reason enough for me.

If that isn't motivation enough, perhaps mountains being destroyed or forests being leveled would.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-13, 11:22 PM
"You got it backwards. It's forests being destroyed and mountains being leveled."
Her tone was sarcastic.

2008-04-14, 03:47 AM

Won't those benefits you forgot include access to libraries, by chance? inquires the half-ogre quite anxiously. Truth be told, the offer seemed generous, and although he wasn't eager to fight mad psychopaths like the psion they had fought, the deaths of innocents would be a heavy wheight in his conscience.

Hoping to receive a positive answer, and weighting pros and cons, he replies ok, you can count on me. But I'm slightly bruised, I'd rather get patched up before getting into another fight.

Duke of URL
2008-04-14, 06:49 AM

Sorry for the gap in replying... looooong weekend.

Taia uses her eternal wand of lesser restoration (UMD take 10 [deceive item] = 37 vs. DC 20) to heal the ability damage -- [roll0] CON healed (max 2), if 1, then use the second daily use to get back up to full CON. (Not that it'll appear to matter here.) Also, engages fiendish resilience to heal 1 HP/round for 20 rounds.

"Facing danger? Check. Financial rewards? Check. Having to report to you? well... I can live with that."

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-14, 07:05 AM
Turning towards Othar, the Bard smiles again. Why, the Secret Watch has a library only beaten in size by that of the Dal Schiran royal academy and a few private collections. I trust that you'll find it useful for any reading needs you may have.

Turning towards Gars, he assuages his curiosity. No, they haven't expressed any demands. They have just wrecked havoc across the world, with no apparent reason or rhyme. It's like dealing with a bunch of superpowered hooligans, really. However, we know they're split up in different "ranks" via our planar contacts.

The "lowest" rank is the Outer Clique. Most of them are powerful individuals, about as powerful as the psion, but they can be dealt with.

Then there's the Inner circle, the middle levels. They're extremely dangerous, and crack teams of operatives have been required to take them down. If you can deal with members of the Outer Clique successfully, you might be assigned to deal with a few of the Inner Circle.

And then there's the Avatara proper. They are far out of your, or my, league. The people who I mentioned earlier, the mountains and the undead assault? That was just a pair of them. Half the Watch is dealing with just a few of them, he finishes as he jumps down from the desk.

As for the wounds...

He slashes at everyone, the Estoc healing any wounds.

Consider yourself fully healed, guys.

2008-04-14, 07:13 AM
"Very well."

2008-04-14, 10:01 AM

The half ogre's eyes gleam when he hears Karden's description of the library. Not that he was a deep studious, scholar or wizard. However, being raised among books, he was fond of the stories of wonder which he dreamed of. Unconsciously, he moves his hand towards the pouch where his broken glasses lay.

The Bard's healing method is met with a raised eyebrow, but no other comments, particularly since it seems pretty effective. Othar whistles, though when Karden describes their opponents. Well, if the weakest of the Avatara are in the league of that mad psion, you'll surely need all the help you can get. he concludes. Count with my skills to oppose those beings. says Othar.

2008-04-14, 10:54 AM

Turning to Othar
You can read?

Realizing how rude that may have sounded, he speaks in a more subued tone.

Not that I meant to sound rude, but you see..erhm..how do I put this...Mrrmh...I can't...read. Not Common, anyway. I didn't think it would be neccesary, but most of the books are written in the common tounge....What I am asking is...er...Can I come with you?

It is quite apparent that he is very embarrased about this.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-14, 10:56 AM
Karden seems very surprised. You can't read? Hmm...that could be a problem. What would you say if I told you I could arrange it so you can quickly learn how to do so? It would require a psychic operation, but there's no risk in it.

2008-04-14, 11:11 AM
Sslag seems genuinely relieved.

You mean, you can teach me? Thank you. I would very gracious....This...'process'...doesn't put anything in my head, or take anything out, does it?

2008-04-14, 11:15 AM

Not offended in the least by Sslag's reply, the half-ogre replies Well, I can help you in a more mundane manner he says. It'll take more time and effort, but I can teach you to read and write if you so desire. Right after making his offer, he recalls his broken glasses. Well, I can't read very well right now he chuckles. but that'll improve as soon as I get these fixed he says reaching for the remains of his reading glasses.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-14, 12:27 PM
Sslag seems genuinely relieved.

You mean, you can teach me? Thank you. I would very gracious....This...'process'...doesn't put anything in my head, or take anything out, does it?

It's kind of complicated. While the process will affect your mind, it won't change memories or anything like that. What it'll do is simply grant you the capability to read, as if you had always had it. Is that okay with you?

Duke of URL
2008-04-14, 12:48 PM

The pixie raises an eyebrow. Awfully accommodating, isn't he? And eager to secure our services, too. I wonder if there's more than meets the eye going on here...

H Savvy
2008-04-14, 01:18 PM
The bard was well connected. There could be no denying that. At least, he seemed to be, if everything was on the level. Every question, every qualm, resolved, without even a bat of his blond eyelashes. He trusted the bard... thus far... as far as one can trust an almost complete stranger. But he would be wary of his charms and... diplomatic handling... in the future. Tahlin didn't mind acting as a pawn, so long as it remained acting on behalf of others. Being used riled him, and he was ever wary and conscious of others' motives and plans.

For now, though, everything seemed to be in order. He liked the bard, too, for he was a likable sort, and was looking forward to the proposed duel with rather some anticipation.

2008-04-14, 02:40 PM
Sslag thought for a moment. He didn't like mind-magic, but if he could read the books that had eluded him for so long, a way to finally pass the time when he would be idle...perhaps the gnawing bordom that he hated would be gone.

Do it.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-14, 04:12 PM
In a minute. First, perhaps you should all have this, Karden says as he throws everyone a silver scarab.
Now that's out of the way, I can impart some basic knowledge of the building, so that you don't get lost on your first day.

In the first floor, the left door closest to the exit houses the alchemical lab. In it you'll find many spells and spell reagents, as well as alchemical components, obviously.

Your temporary quarters are two floors up, the first doors on the left. Since they were crafted using a modified version of a microcosm that allows you to get out, you'll just have to concentrate on whatever you'll want, and you'll have it, for as long as you remain there.

On the ninth floor, which, by the way, is the top floor, you'll find the training arena. It is there, Tahlin, that we'll have our duel. Feel free to use it if you want to hone your skills a bit.

And that's all for now. You four, he says pointing towards Sslag, Sasach, Tahlin, and Othar, Should come with me. Since the you'll probably won't use the special facilities required much, and I have to supervise it anyway, it's best if I just guide you to the places you need to go personally.

And that's it, the Bard says as he opens the door. In military slang, you're dismissed. Now, come here, people, so we can do everything we have to do.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-14, 05:47 PM
Sasach pinned the silver scarab to his clothes, under his chain shirt. It was best not to advertise his involvement, after all. As he finished pinning it on, the halfling strode over to the bard, fidgeting impatiently.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-14, 07:06 PM
Uranus put the scarab in her bag and wandered off to the training facility.
For the first time, in a long time she was a little unsure of herself. The man they fought earlier seemed to be rather resistent to magic, and if they were going to be fighting more like him, then she'd have to rely on her physical abilities.
A little distraught that she'd found herself doubting her capabilities, Uranus simply took her rage out on a training dummy.

2008-04-14, 07:53 PM
Sslag looks at the scarab for a bit, then holds it up to his shoulder.

Fergis, take care of this, will you?

A weasel darts out from under his cloak, grabs the scarab, and retreats back within the folds.

Turning to the bard, he continues.

Fergis is better at numbers than I am and he has better handwriting. If there is any paperwork to be done, he will handle it.

OOC: Sslag can read and write in draconic just fine.

2008-04-14, 10:21 PM

Pocketing the scarab he stands and looks at the others and says Drinks on the house!
He strides off and makes his way up to his room where he enjoys a mini vacation, paid for by a demiplane. If anyone comes to find him he is surrounded by assorted bottles of alcohol and a pile of shot glasses. Hmmm...wash nexsh? Obviously drunk.

2008-04-14, 10:44 PM
Gars goes to his room and spends the night in meditation and sleep. Shkan spends the night chasing deer and sleeping after eating his fill.

2008-04-15, 03:29 AM

The tales of flesh-eating scarabs too vivid in his mind, the half-ogre puts the scarab in his handy haversack, not too far away, not too uncomfortably close. Then he walks towards his quarters, which he shapes as a very spartan room bathed in sunlight which opens to an open yard with cypresses and a fountain.

There he summons new glasses and the same book he found at the library that morning, and sits down in the clean bed to read some pages under the warm light.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-15, 07:04 AM
Taking Sasach, Sslag and Tahlin a few floors down, Karden leads them to a small room with six black marble colums. Inside is a brown haired man, dressed in what seems to be a scholar's robe. Seeing the bard, he speaks in a deep monotone.

Welcome, master. What is required of me?

Good to see you, Mrin. We need a psychic operation on our friend here, he says as he points at Sslag.

Very well. Follow me, Mrin says as he walks towards the right side of the room, to a stone table.

Lie down here, he orders. After Sslag complies, he says.

Now, close your eyes and relax. Just open up your mind, and I'll do the rest. What kind of operation am I required to perform, master?

Sslag can't read or write Common. We need you to implant the knowledge on him.

He can't read Common? Mrin says, a hint of surprise in his voice.

Very well. Then... he closes his eyes as the room seems to start vibrating. For a few seconds, the room seems to beat like drums, and then the beating stops.

It is done. Do you need anything else?

No, that's fine. Thank you, Mrin, the bard says as he helps Sslag back up.

And with that, the group leaves the room.

'Tis done. More coming in a few minutes.

Duke of URL
2008-04-15, 07:11 AM

Taia heads to her room and relaxes for the evening. Worrying about whatever was coming could wait, and was pointless for the moment. For now, she simply enjoyed the hospitality.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-15, 07:34 AM
Climbing three floor the Bard leads the now literate Sslag, Sasach, and Tahlin to a small chapel. Inside awaits a plump man, dressed in the garbs of a high priest.

Welcome, Karden. What'ya need today?

We need you to perform a resurrective job, Nemes. Sasach here lost his mount and need you to bring it back.

Pfft. Too easy. Here, young man, he says as he grabs Sasach by the wrist and leads him to an onyx altar.

The process is a bit uncomfortable and only works on animals and magical beasts, but we've found it to be singularily useful, he says as he picks up a silver knife.

Now, stay put. I'll have to slash both arms here, he says as he pokes the joint that connects the lower and upper parts of the arms, And I'll be able to bring whoever you need back. As soon as you hear me chanting something, start thinking of your mount and it'll be back.

Then he, slashes at Sasachs joints, and blood pours down his arms. The pain better be worth it, because it's not a nice feeling, at all.

Then, Nemes starts muttering what sounds like the beginning of a hymn. Sasach concentrates on Criu, feeling slightly weakened by the knife's cuts...

And then, there's the loyal steed, unsacthed and ready for action.

Taking a few seconds to employ his rather unorthodox healing, Karden bids farewell to the priest.

Looking at Sslag and Sasach, he says, Well, your business is done, boys. Unless you're very interested in a short sparring match, I'd suggest you go to sleep. If you forgot, your rooms are one floor up, the first doors on the left, he says as he repeats how to reach the rooms.

And now, me and Tahlin are going to and have our duel, just like I promised, he says as he heads for the stairs to the top floor.

And Criu's back. The only cost is 150 XP, 1/100th of the XP needed to level up. I believe the benefits outweight the costs, heh.

2008-04-15, 10:16 AM
That 'Healer Guy' was rather overzealous for Sslag's taste. Was slashing the Halfling's arms really necessary?...

He shook his head. What to do next. Training? No, he had done that plenty of times before. Sleeping? He had not needed to sleep for three years. Reading? Yes! That was it!

With his new-found literacy he made his way to the library.

EDIT: Fixed post, AK!

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-15, 10:41 AM
((Curse ye, being dazed and confused because of a night of frantic writing and nonstop listening to music to catch up! Corrected the post, can't believe a little goofup with a name caused THAT much trouble. Smiley, you can delete it now. BTW, the beast thing was referring to Criu. As I said, curse all nighters.))

2008-04-15, 02:01 PM
Sslag was having less luck in reading than he had hoped for. Applied Metaphysics, Botany, History, where was the interesting stuff? The stuff about heroes and monsters of old?

Frustrated, he closed the book he was reading, something about anatomy, and made his way to the training facility.

He didn't even notice Uranus was there when he located a training dummy. He began the draconic incantation, and a slick coat of grease covered the area around the dummy.

Carefully stepping onto the grease, he made his way to the dummy. He forgot about the troublesome books as he struggled to pummel the dummy and keep his balance at the same time.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-15, 02:18 PM
Entering the training arena, Karden lead Tahlin to the back. Knocking on one of the bricks that made up the walls, a small passage appears, which leads to a smaller arena. The place seems deserted and cleaner, and no training dummies are to be found there.

Grabbing Tahlin's Kukri and crossing the blade with that of his estoc for a few seconds, Karden then steps back and assumes a combat stance.

Now that I've made sure the strikes won't be lethals, shall we start, with three strikes to determine the winner?

And until H answers, that would be the last move.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-15, 05:13 PM
Sasach's face lit up and he was about to give the bird a hug when he realized he'd get blood all over her feathers. He softly stroked her gleaming feathers as he led the bird out of the room and up to his quarters, where he took out his brush and began to brush and clean his mount's feathers, straightening them at the same time. It was a long process that spoke more between them than any amount of words, even with magical translation, and when he finished, Criu practically shone. He smiled and stroked her head, then put her to bed. As she drifted to sleep, he was still wide awake, thanks to his ring. He willed the space to produce for him an archery target and spent the evening plugging away at it from every angle with arrows willed into existance by the space.

H Savvy
2008-04-15, 10:06 PM
Silently, Tahlin followed the bard on their tour through the compound. Glad he was to be along, witnessing with his own eyes the power and connections the Organization possessed. More than this, though, the elf studied Karden very carefully, noting both his manner and speech as he interacted with his subordinates and the way the bard physically moved, trying to read his movements and forsee his abilities before either of them ever crossed blades.

Eventually, it was that time, and he and the bard were met in one of the large training rooms housed in the Organization's facilities. He stripped to the waist, and after his new employer ensured that this was to be a friendly and safe match, he took his kukri, feeling its familiar weight and balance, letting its presence in his hand take him back through the decades he had spent with the blade as his primary companion.

He stood still for a moment, letting his mind attune to the coming battle, and then turned slightly, lifting one foot and planting it firmly behind him, arms up and ready as he entered the deeply rooted stance. He noted a hint of surprise and a gleam of something else... excitement?... in his opponents eyes. "I take it you have not often encountered martial artists from some of the further reaches of the world. This form is based on the Northern Mantis school of martial arts, learned from the time I spent in their monastery. Though the mantis style lends itself most to the katar, a weapon I am also well versed in, I have brought in elements from both the Hung Kuen and Baguazhang styles to better suit the attack patterns of the kukri, my weapon of choice.

Hmm... perhaps I had better just... show you."

2008-04-16, 06:24 PM
(I notice a distinct drop in momentum, so I'm going to try to get some inter-character dialougue on while Tahlin and Karden hit each other with sharp bits of metal)

Sslag overreached on one of his strikes, slipped on the grease, and fell on his back. Only then did he see he was not alone in the training facility.

Oh, hey there!

He slowly stood up and made his way over to Uranus.

Well, it seems we all go clumped together into some big mess. I figure I should know your name, otherwise I might just call you 'that cranky lady' all the time and neither of us would like that.

I am called Sslag, brother of Sslar from the brood of Burz from someplace that I can't remember the name of, and you?

The Necroswanso
2008-04-16, 06:42 PM
Uranus shuddered as Slaag approached her.
The less you know...The better.
"Uranus. I have no parents and no siblings. I have no problems being known as 'cranky old lady' and it's probably best you view me as such."
She struck the dummy one last time, this time it eminated a small electrical surge. She paused a moment, before spinning and swinging her leg in a wide arc striking the dummy high.
"Why would you want to read common? There's never anything interesting in the books. Just needles arcane theorisms. You're better off reading dwarven."

2008-04-16, 07:26 PM
Sslag shook his head and chuckled...

Why would I want to read common? It is more than just books that I want to read. You wouldn't imagine the inconveniences that arose. Trying to find services within the city is a pain, landmarks on maps were near impossible to tell apart...not to mention the embarasment from knowing less than my familiar about languages.

Sslag watched the psychical display with interest.

From that battle against the psion, I thought you were a caster.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-16, 09:14 PM
"I am."
She said casually.
"But I am a warrior first. I have developed a style that allows me to use the arcane arts with my martial, however against flying opponents, you can see it rather fails. And with someone who becomes rather immune to elemental energies...Well it only gets worse from there."
She swung her right arm in a swide arc hitting the dummy with with her wrist, which had ignited mid wing and severed the dummy's "head". Sweat began to run down her face and neck as she moved to the next.
"Tell me, Slaag, what are you capable of?"

2008-04-17, 10:25 AM

Relaxing as his environment is, Othar can't but visualize the fight with the psion, recall how easily he was fooled by the aspect of the "old man", and the destructive nature of his powers. Looking at his old chain, resting besides him, he decides that it'd be better to sharpen his skills than to idly sit by.

Refreshed by the bard's healing and the good rest (its effect multiplied by his useful ring), he decides to visit the topmost floor and practice his martial prowess.

When he reaches the training room he finds the dragon-man (who had seemed quite reasonable before) and the young woman speaking. Hi he simply says, trying not to interrupt, and heads towards one of the dummies, lowering his blindfold over his eyes as he gets close.

2008-04-17, 10:58 AM
Sslag seems amused by this question.

What am I capable of? Well, I fly around and hit things until they stop being a problem. Sounds silly when I put it that way, so maybe I should just show you.

He made his wayover to an undamaged dummy, seemed to brace himself, and proceeded to tear and rend the hapless target into a mangled pile of splinters.

I quackulated the minimum damage from a full power-attacking all-hitting strike to 175 damage. A precision strike with the tail would have probably done more, but then poor Sslag would have to pick splinters out of his butt all night.

Now, the idea is to keep the target from moving long enough to do that. I didn't even touch the guy we were fighting.

Seeing othar, he straightenes up and smiles.

Oh, hello Mr. Ogre man!

OOC: I also wouldn't consider uranus to be an 'old woman' seeing as she is 26

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-17, 10:58 AM
((Thanks guys. Can't thank you enough for keeping the thread up.))

As Tahlin speaks, an almost mad gleam flashes through Karden's eyes. He seems about to say something, but he closes his mouth and simply smiles.

A very dangerous looking smile. One that can easily make hair stand up, and which bodes nothing good.

It is true that I do not know of that style, he says as he starts jumping on his left foot, the estoc high up, higher than his head.

But then again... he says as he starts tumbling back and forth, spinning the great blade in a way that defies logic (It is a very big weapon. HOW can he be moving it as if it was small and weightless?), ...You probably do not know..., he whispers as he suddenly starts swaying side to side like a pendulum, the blade now at his back and pointing against him, About THIS! He finishes as he makes a horizontal cut, as he abandons the previous position.

First one to get three hits in wins. And here's the first strike, no need to roll damage, the estoc has temporarily granted the healing property to the kukri.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Dozzat hit?

2008-04-17, 01:53 PM

Finding once again that drinking alone is boring, Garris decides to go looking for entertainment. Digging in his pack for a moment for for his orb and rod of restoration he activates them clearing his disabilities from strong liquor. He would still have a bear of a hangover, but he was clear enough to walk around and be personable. He meanders up stairs to the exercise room Hey all, how's it going?

The Necroswanso
2008-04-17, 01:58 PM
"That indeed represents a problem."
She spun around and flung her heel into the dummy.
"How the hell are we supposed to take out these other people? We barely survived this time as is.
What are they expecting of us?"

H Savvy
2008-04-17, 03:51 PM
The wiry elf is caught somewhat off-guard by the bards sweeping blow, but only briefly. Using the momentum of the swing, he bends back and to the side into a handplant and swings his body around and behind his attacker. Back on his feet, the lithe bladesman strikes twice at the bard's back, taking advantage of his opponent's momentary distraction.

A bard with +50 to attack? Cripes! What have I gotten myself into? Yeah, it hits. (jeez, even with combat expertise and fighting defensively my AC seems to max out at 51... so there's not much point in doing either of those... better hit fast and often)

OOC: Tumbling through opponent's square (DC 25 tumble check), using the Acrobatic Backstab skill trick to render the first attack (of the (unorthodox) flurry) flatfooted. Using a feint attempt to try and render the other one flatfooted.

Tumble: [roll0]
Feint (taking 10): 37
Flurry 1: [roll1]
Flurry 2: [roll2]

H Savvy
2008-04-17, 03:56 PM
Wasn't thinking and previewed post. Rolls:
Tumble: [roll0]
F1: [roll1]
F2: [roll2]

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-17, 05:18 PM
Karden manages to dodge one of the blows, his strange combat stance saving him from it. He is not so lucky with the other attack, which hits him at about lung level. Quickly recovering, the bard spin around, the whirling blade turning with him.

Snowflake Wardance, I wuvs you.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Admiral Squish
2008-04-17, 06:36 PM
After a bit of target practice in his room, he became annoyed. The arrows never ended, but the target kept moving in front of them. It was no fun if there was no chance to miss. He sighed and left the room, careful not to wake Criu, and headed down to the training area at a brisk pace, hands in his pockets, in full battle gear.

2008-04-17, 07:39 PM
How do we take out these poeple?

Sslag smiled.

We get better. This first time, we were caught off guard and were disjointed. Even though I doubt that these Avatara will be exactly like the psion, they may employ similar tactics.

Sslag flew up about 20 ft.

Now, let us say that I am a flying caster. Now these...

Some crude clay lumps form in his hand

These are spells. How do you think you could best handle this situation. Remember what did and did not work.

Presto to create fragile clay blobs

Admiral Squish
2008-04-17, 08:06 PM
Sasach arrived just in time to hear Sslag's explanation. A game? HE was always up for a challenge... He willed the energy-powered properties off his bow, and and un hooked it, taking it to a ready position. "Well, I'd focus on precision to punch through your protections, considering that's the sort of shot that finally put him down." He commented as he approached the group.

H Savvy
2008-04-17, 08:16 PM
Tahlin grimaces as another blow of the estoc connects. But that grimace is replaced by a wan smile as he begins his counter. This was an extremely difficult duel, and he had taken some rather significant risks thus far, but his opponent had made one crucial mistake. He had put all of his focus on one attack, leaving him open for the elf's retort. Tahlin's weapon-hand is a blur as he attacks in a wild and rapid flurry.

Flurry of Blows, each as a feint (free action) DC 37

2008-04-17, 08:32 PM
Well, not all of us are blessesed with bows and flying mounts. From what I can gather, everyone in this room can reach me when I am up here in some way or another.

He looked at Uranus when he said this last part.

Magic didn't seem to work in that battle. However, if we had managed to disrupt his protection somehow, we could have taken him out in under ten seconds.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-17, 08:53 PM
As the attacks hit time and time again, Karden smiles.
Well done. Well done indeed. This teaches me not to EVER drop those protective magical defenses I have. I considered you an easy fight, but I was proved wrong. I concede defeat, he says as he takes a bow.

I hope that, once the more immediate threats are handled, we will be able to have another duel, Tahlin. Now I must head back to the office to deal with the gigantic pile of work that has surely accumulated, but I would like to thank you for giving me the most entertaining duel I have had in weeks.

Getting a small bag out of one of the bigger belt pouches, Karden throws it at the elf. Eternadust. A delirious and insane idea I had a few years back, and of which there is little in the world. When applied to a weapon, this magnificent thing has two powers. First, it will harden it a little, which is always useful when someone tries to destroy your weapon. And second, For a few seconds after it's applied, you can concentrate on your weapon to give it...powers. The range of those powers is almost limitless, with only truly incredible effects like disintegration being out of reach. Use it wisely.

And with that, the bard turns around, and heads for the entry wall, opens it, and enters the bigger arena, stopping only a few seconds to stare at the group before resuming walking back to his office.

Add 150 XP. Also, add three doses of Eternadust to the inventory.

As Karden said, use it wisely. I wasn't joking when I said it's powers were great.

Also, guys, take your time to discuss battle plans. It's fascinating. Once you're done, just tell me and I'll move it forward to the emergency.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-17, 10:06 PM
Uranus smiled.
"Well, is said psion were able to be reached by me I probably would have employed a different tactic. Something along the lines of-"
As she spoke her body slowly shifted, and at the end of her statement she had become entirely invisible. Just as quickly a strange light flasshed behind Slaag and an invisible attacker wrapped around him.
Touch attack, she's invisible due to her shadowblade boost so you're flatfooted, AND it's a touch attack. [roll0]
She then grapples him. Wether or not she helps exceed his maximum load is subject to question. Initiate Grapple: [roll1]
If she fails she simply falls to the ground, assuming I'm close to a wall she takes no damage.

((GAH! worse than my real dice.)))

During the attack however she found herself quickly out of her element and fell to the ground.
"Or maybe not."
She said exhasperatedly.
"Unfortunately I'm not very good at counterspelling either."

((Why does the board roller hate me? -10 to the grapple check due to natural 1.)))

2008-04-17, 10:41 PM
Actually, Sslag decides to auto-fail the opposed grapple check.

Ooh, now we're getting somewhere...I screw up my theoretical 'summon dire moose' spell I was preparing to drop on the halfling. I wonder, can you climb on other people to do that?

Also, If I am not mistaken, you can shift forms into something more fitting for the job. Say, like that winged three headed monstrosity?

The Necroswanso
2008-04-17, 10:47 PM
((Oh yay, then assume I heald on.))

Uranus quickly fades back into view.
"I can, as a spell. However in said form I am unable to cast spells. Atleast, I've never been able to that I know of. I can fly, however when flying I can only use my breath weapon. As a chimera I can only attack a gounded opponent."

((Unless a chimera can speak, which I should probably research.
Okay, they can speak draconic, but can you cast spells if you only speak draconic? Or are verbal components not language specific?))

H Savvy
2008-04-17, 11:55 PM
Tahlin exhales and relaxes. Hearing the bard's praise and concession, the elf bows his head in deference to his opponent.

"I am flattered and honored. It was no easy match, Karden. At the beginning I thought you might have had me. It was indeed entertaining, as you say, and most exhilarating. I look forward to when we may spar again."

Upon receipt of the Eternadust, Tahlin is somewhat lost in contemplation of the marvels of the powder. That was quite a gift the bard had bestowed upon him!

"Your headquarters are truly a place of marvels, Karden. I have some few questions I should like to ask you, but you are busy, and I would not keep you from your work. They can wait until the briefing. Until then, good night."

The elf bows again as the bard turns and departs. Taking a moment to straighten himself up and don his shirt and cape, Tahlin leaves the small training room and enters the training arena proper. He heads over to where the others are sparring and discucssing technique.

He watches with some amusement as the woman in black, apparently possessing some sort of sorcerous power, vanishes and attempts to tackle the flying lizardman. Not wishing to interrupt, he waits for a better opportunity to become acquainted.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 12:07 AM
Seeing the elf Uranus becomes a little concious of how goofy they must look.
"Help, I've flown and can't get down.
Perhaps we should take this to one of our rooms, where we can create terrain and actually attempt to build fighting tactic.
And, by the way sir elf, since we are all apparently getting to know each other, I am Uranus, I'll leave the others to their introductions but if you'd like to join in on the fun of combat you can."
She tried to move Slaag.
"You too sir Ogre and other new compatriots.. unfortunately I beleive we have much to cover."
Nothing like a good fight to prepare oneself for trouble ahead.
Uranus was audibly getting excited.

(With that in mind is it possible to have the rooms work so damage, even magical is subdual?)

H Savvy
2008-04-18, 01:37 AM
"Well met, fair Uranus. I am Tahlin Ryavain, a world traveller and collector of martial knowledge. I am delighted to make your acquaintace. Indeed, fair greetings and well met to you all. It seems we are to be comrades-in-arms, at least for a time. I shall try not to disappoint."

2008-04-18, 01:42 AM

Well, I'm Garris. My job will be to find these arse's for us I think. I'm a tracker and sniper. I mix eldritch power with a bow and the skills of a scout to do this. I got a few other tricks up my sleeve but they are for special occaisions. I can hit nearly anything, and if I can hit it, I can hurt it. Fire, acid, ice, and or pure eldritch energy are mine to use. Mobility is the key for me, And I can hide from anything. Use me as you will tacticians, but basically my job it to shoot it and shoot it big.

2008-04-18, 02:20 AM

The half-ogre smiles, seeing Uranus climb to the back of the dragon man. Well, as I tried to say when Karden arrived, my name is Othar he punches himself on the chest, which makes his black and silver chain shirt tinkle. Father raised me to be his bodyguard, so that's what I learnt to do. Othar unfurls his chain. I'm good at hitting things with this, and do it once and again until they don't move anymore. he says, reducing his practice target to splinters. He moves closer to see Uranus and Sslag flying. Also, since father didn't want his enemies to reach them he explains I practiced to prevent them from moving, or from casting spells if I'm near enough. he adds, knocking aside one of the blobs of clay out of Sslag's hands from quite far away.

(OOC: Othar's reach currently is 25 during his turn and 20 the rest of time, thanks to his brand new stance :smallsmile: )

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 03:22 AM
"Sasach, Adlerjager. I can hit a foe from a thousand feet away with a dozen arrows at once, as easily as if he were standing next to me. A foe that flees is as good as dead, and Criu, my mount, can outrun any pursuit. I can see the color of a man's eyes before most of you could even notice him." Sasach explained to the group. "On a slightly less serious note, stop walking so fast, I hate jogging to catch up with the group." He added, hustling a few steps to catch up with the rest of them, then slowly falling behind again.

2008-04-18, 03:34 AM

Garris chuckles at the halfling. You shoot them alot, I'll shoot them once. Either way they die. Except when I skin them it looks nice with only one hole in it. The bug hunter chuckles winking at the Sasach.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 04:20 AM

Garris chuckles at the halfling. You shoot them alot, I'll shoot them once. Either way they die. Except when I skin them it looks nice with only one hole in it. The bug hunter chuckles winking at the Sasach.

"One hole, lots of holes, dead is dead. And more of the things I shoot at actually die, thanks to all those extra holes." He added.

2008-04-18, 07:03 AM

Not that you'd get a lot of money from that psion's skin he adds. After a bit of reflexion, though, the half-ogre puts a face showing disgust Well, maybe there's a market for things like that but,ugh! Othar shivers unvoluntarily at the thought.

2008-04-18, 07:22 AM

Garris saunters along with the group No skinning people's now, that sick. Normally fuzzy or scaly beasties. Sometimes feathered ones but its been a while since I was hired to do anything but bring in the head of something.

H Savvy
2008-04-18, 07:36 AM
"I must admit I feel a touch out of place amongst so many specialists in ranged attacks. My particular area of expertise is close-range combat, particularly with the short blade, but I also excel at avoiding ranged attacks until I can get into range."

2008-04-18, 10:22 AM
Sslag settles down and adresses the others.

And I am Sslag, brother of Sslar from the brood of Burz.

He scooped up the halfling and set him on his shoulders.

And I take that claim as a challenge, halfling. I know a bit about flight myself.

OOC: And Necro, I did a bit of searching around. Draconic is a perfectly viable language for arcane verbal components and, due to the articulation of the dragon's hand (draconomicon somewhere, they can even use wands with their hind feet...) somatic component's shouldn't be a problem, at least not with a proper concentration check.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 11:47 AM
((Cool. Fireball spitting chimera, who'd've thunk it. though I don't have fireball, yet.
For the purpose of this exercise I think it's okay to assume this room allows us to treat all damage as subdual.))

Uranus didn't respond to the other introductions, she wasn't one for social niceties. As they arrived at her room she opened the door to a vast stone structure. Somewhere around 300 feet wide, by 300 long, with about 800 feet of height.
"I guess I'll be target number one. Just give me a moment to prepare."
Over a short period of time Uranus doubled in size, her physique filled out quite a bit and several images of herself began to appear.

Mirror Image, Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength and Enlarge person.

2008-04-18, 12:48 PM
Sslag looks amused, and settles Sasach down.

I take it that this is a challenge? For every defense, there is a variable that is overlooked

Sslag lobbed a dirt clod at the real figure.

These images sound and look like the real thing, but only you have an odor.

Hooray for blindsense!

Sslag took a running leap and streaked towards the now-large Uranus with a flap of his wings.

OOC: Untrained grapple check provokes an attack of opportunity, but not before the AoO provoked from entering through the large-creature reach

Grapple Attack: [roll0]

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 01:32 PM
((****ing blindsense.))

(Using Invisible Fist to become invisible as an immediate action until your turn ends. [roll0] If you are still subject to flat-footing from invisible attackers, well you get the point. Not really sure how blindsense works, I'll have to look it up. SRD says you should have 50% miss chance and no dex to AC.)
Uranus swung at Sslag.
[roll1] If hits [roll2]
If that fails then I'll take my second AOO (combat reflexes) for the untrained grapple. If possible it will be a stunning fist attempt.
[roll3] for damage [roll4] Fort save DC 24

2008-04-18, 01:37 PM
OOC: Nice...both strikes hit, due to flatfootedness and the attack fails.

Blindsense can tell which square you are in (hence being able to tell which of the images are false, but cannot see invisibility or sharpen blurred, concealed targets.

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 02:04 PM
((Yeah like you weren't going to save for that.))

2008-04-18, 02:24 PM
There is still a five percent chance that it works, though...

So, end of my turn and Uranus becomes visible again, if I read that correctly.
your turn!

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 03:27 PM
((My turn then everypone else can take their turns.))

Using invisible fist again. (considering it a new round, she took her spell actions, then you attacked and it came back to her, if we're not going to count it that way she'll use her shadowblade boost to become invisible as a swift action instead.)
Using stunning fist attempt (leaving 7 for the day, one just now, one for this action, and once against the psion) to engulf her hands and feet in flames. Two Weapons fighting reduced the extra attack penalty.

[roll0] if hit [roll1] and fire damage [roll2]
[roll3] if hit [roll4] and fire damage [roll5]
[roll6] if hit [roll7] and fire damage [roll8]
[roll9] if hit [roll10] and fire damage [roll11]

2008-04-18, 03:49 PM
((I thought it was a duel, but If anyone else want's to come in and join, sure..)

The flurry of blows connects, but the lizardfolk seems to shrug off three of the impacts. (AC 26 flat footed) Also, the fire licks his flesh and does nothing. (Fire immunity due to brass dragon apotheosis)

Total damage taken so far: 59 points.

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 04:46 PM
The halfling set himself down in a steadied position, at first aiming for the copies, aiming to dispel them to determine the real, but seeing one turn invisible and Sslag's attacks connecting led him instead figure out which was the right, and focus his attacks there.

The d20s are attack rolls, the d4s are weapon damage, and the d6 are energy damage. 50% miss chance even if I aim for the right square, right?

2008-04-18, 05:05 PM
50% miss chance even if I aim for the right square, right?

Depends. If you wait for her to attack, then the invisibility ends. She used it to attempt to deny Sslag his dexterity bonus.

As for Sslag's action, his limbs burst into flame as he begins his onslaught.

2 claws
[roll0] Damage [roll1] Fire[roll2]
[roll3] Damage [roll4] Fire[roll5]
Rend if both hit. Damage [roll6]

2 wings
[roll7] Damage [roll8] Fire[roll9]
[roll10] Damage [roll11] Fire[roll12]

Bite and tail
[roll13] Damage [roll14] Fire[roll15]
[roll16] Damage [roll17] Fire[roll18]

OOC: Oh my, what crappy rolls!

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 05:08 PM
Good point. She just attacked, so Ignore the d100s.

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 05:34 PM
((Actually it's not invisibility as the spell. Using my stance I am invisible until the end of the round regardless of attacks. So when my turn comes back around I will again be visible. Unless I am mistaken but that is how I was able to dictate it. BTW: Mirror Image says that if I levitate or turn invisible, my copies do aswell, same with casting spells, it appears as they are casting as well. So, when I turn invisible so do they.))

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 05:51 PM
((Actually it's not invisibility as the spell. Using my stance I am invisible until the end of the round regardless of attacks. So when my turn comes back around I will again be visible. Unless I am mistaken but that is how I was able to dictate it. BTW: Mirror Image says that if I levitate or turn invisible, my copies do aswell, same with casting spells, it appears as they are casting as well. So, when I turn invisible so do they.))
((Well, his attacks connected, and mirror images dissipate on a successful attack. Not to mention his verbal pointers.))

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 06:01 PM
((Two of your rolls beat the 50% miss chance, now you have to roll another percentage, for my four images, forgot to roll, so 3 for 10th level caster. Only on 75% or higher will you actually hit me. If you hit the other one, then they'll disspate. But so far only two of your atacks connected and now you gots to roll to see if you hit the right person. Unelss you have true seeing or blindsense.
I love stacking odds.))

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 06:07 PM
((Two of your rolls beat the 50% miss chance, now you have to roll another percentage, for my four images, forgot to roll, so 3 for 10th level caster. Only on 75% or higher will you actually hit me. If you hit the other one, then they'll disspate. But so far only two of your atacks connected and now you gots to roll to see if you hit the right person. Unelss you have true seeing or blindsense.
I love stacking odds.))

((If you'll remember, Sslag pointed you out by scent, and by action, and since I mostly trust Sslag, I'll go for that one. It's not a random feature, I'm allowed to pick my targets among your illusions.))

2008-04-18, 06:07 PM
Pity that there aren't any area affect doodads we could use. Those would clean up the mirror images pretty quickly.

Ooh, these stances make my head hurt.

Just be glad that I don't have damage reduction or fast healing (not yet anyways).

And make sure you don't pincussion Sslag's arse, Squish! :smallbiggrin:

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 06:10 PM
((If you'll remember, Sslag pointed you out by scent, and by action, and since I mostly trust Sslag, I'll go for that one. It's not a random feature, I'm allowed to pick my targets among your illusions.))

((Sslag poitned me out by scent, that does not grant you the ability to discern my location, no matter what he says; it gives HIM the ability to pinpoint my location. Also, read the description for Mirror Image, the images don't stand still, they move inbetween the squares we take up so you CAN'T pinpoint one. That is why you have to roll a percentage based on the number of images. Scent grants the PC with it to pinpoint, which only works for him.
Much like an animal companion can tell you which square an invisible foe is in, but you still take the miss chance.))

2008-04-18, 06:17 PM
((I think I see the problem being addressed. All sasach knows is that the real target is in the squarew that Sslag is attacking. However, he still cannot see the target and gets the 50% miss chance applied. Also, let us take this to the OOC thread for this. I also read on your char sheet that the Shadow Stance as granting invisibility "until the end of your turn as an immediate action". I am not sure how many times a day you can use stances, but I am pretty sure your turn ends at the end of your last attack or action. Otherwise, you have effective pixie invisibility. ))

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 06:20 PM
((agreed, but you've got it right.))

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 06:23 PM
((Sslag poitned me out by scent, that does not grant you the ability to discern my location, no matter what he says; it gives HIM the ability to pinpoint my location. Also, read the description for Mirror Image, the images don't stand still, they move inbetween the squares we take up so you CAN'T pinpoint one. That is why you have to roll a percentage based on the number of images. Scent grants the PC with it to pinpoint, which only works for him.
Much like an animal companion can tell you which square an invisible foe is in, but you still take the miss chance.))

((The point is that he acted on the scent-based discovery that only he knew. He acted in a way we could all perceive, revealing the one he's striking as the real one. It's not like I can't see where he's attacking, or see him react to your blows.

And it says you CAN move in-between the squares to re-disguise your identity against foes who've learned it through sight and sound, but even that wouldn't help, since you're invisible. We can't see the rest of your images, so how does it help?

The rolling randomly applies generally, against NPC foes without strategy, not to foes who've ID'ed you, or even have a hunch.))

The Necroswanso
2008-04-18, 06:58 PM
((That is true but so far you have now ay of IDing me, sayign Sslag found me, doens't mena you automatically do. ))

Admiral Squish
2008-04-18, 09:56 PM
Alright, for two arrows passing the 50% mark, randomization rolls on targets. Highest


The Necroswanso
2008-04-19, 12:38 PM
Okay, so it looked like I was hit for 16 and you took out one of the images. That correct?

2008-04-19, 05:38 PM
Yeh, that looks about right.

I'll take my turn now, considering I don't know the order we are going in and I will take some time getting back to you.

Precision Strike: Tail (6 attacks, so x6)
[roll1] and fire[roll2]

The Necroswanso
2008-04-19, 11:19 PM
(I'm still confused as to how the precision strike works, is it damagex6?)

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-19, 11:44 PM
((Gah, this happens when I miswrite something. The precise attack can do up to your normal BAB attacks in multiplying. Essentially, it's better if either you risk missing on your lesser attacks, or a single attack with a multiplier would be more powerful than many attacks, which doesn't apply in certain cases, such as SA pumped attacks.))

2008-04-20, 10:25 AM
I thought it was overpowered...

Ok, that means x3 then for BAB of 11 for three attacks. 75 damage is still good, but not as nauseating as 150. Thanks, AK!

The Necroswanso
2008-04-20, 12:32 PM
((So, Apparently half of my myth-weavers sheets went missing including this one, so it'll take me a day or two to rewrite all my sheets up.

Most of it's done, I just have to fix up spells and skill points. I had my equipment and stats on another sheet already.))

2008-04-21, 12:14 PM
Sslag stood up.

Well, then. That was invigorrating, but I believe we have a busy day tomorrow. I'm going to get something to eat.

With that, he strode out of the room leaving Sasach and Uranus.

(yet another shameless attempt to the story moving along, since we hit a road block, it seems. And yes, I know Sslag has a ring of sustenance, but he likes to eat anyway.)

H Savvy
2008-04-21, 12:34 PM
Tahlin smiles at the show the others put on, an entertaining bit of playfighting, and fairly informational about each of their strengths... and weaknesses.

The winged lizardman gets up and announces his departure, and Tahlin is quick to take the opporunity to retire as well. He turns to walk with his reptilian comrade, falling in step just beside him.

"Tell me, my lizard friend... Sslag, was it? Of the brood of Burz? Tell me, where and what do you plan to eat? I may have a mind to join you. It has been a long and... busy day. A bit of evening repast has a rather enticing sound to it."

2008-04-21, 03:15 PM
Sslag pulled out his scarab.

From what I can gather, I go where this bauble tells me to go for food.

He placed it back under his cloak, and retrieved a small eliptical object easily recognizable as an ordinary egg.

Mostly, I wan't to stock up on these.

He poped the whole thing, shell and all, into his mouth and chewed excitedly.

How I lived without these things is beyond me. They're much better than the roots, fish and bits of crocodile hide I grew up on.

H Savvy
2008-04-21, 05:12 PM
The elf smiles as he walks.

"I have also rather broadened my horizons since I was a child, but travel tends to do that. You're right about the eggs, though. Eggs are real marvels, and I likely would have missed out on them had I never left the High Forest. ...though I prefer mine a little more ...well-done.

...Did you say crocodile skin? I don't believe I've ever tried that..."

2008-04-21, 05:34 PM
Nor do you want to. The stuff tastes like an old boot that's been soaking in a mire for a few decades.

Popping another egg in his mouth, he continued.

Do elves really live in trees like everyone says?

H Savvy
2008-04-21, 06:40 PM
The elf laughs; it is a bright and merry sound.

"I suppose there are some who do. It really depends on how you define "in" trees. In the village of my birth the people live in elaborate tree-homes, buildings constructed against the very trunk and branches of the great old trees that comprise our forest-home... they are buildings in a fairly similar fashion to the human mode, really, but built into the forest, rather than on land cleared barren. To some, I suppose, it is living in trees, though I feel that makes elves sound a bit more... feral.. than they are.

So, Sslag, where did you grow up?"

2008-04-22, 12:32 AM

Garris follows along humming along some inane tune to himself. Listening tot he others. He is twirling an arrow on his finger as he walks, occassionally it is a drumstick other times it just spins around his finger.

2008-04-22, 09:26 AM
Othar stretches and looks at the others depart. He decides to stay in the training room, then seek Karden for more information on the Avatara they will have to fight and where they currently are.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-04-22, 10:41 AM
((Oky. Fast forward, then. Fasten your seatbelts, gentlemen, 'cause here we goooooooooooo.....))

The day passes peacefully. Apparently, the Avatara are under control, and nothing new has occurred. You all go to sleep (Or rest, for those that need not embrace Morpheus). Morning comes. All of you are already up and perfomring some kind of activity...when you hear Karden's voice thunder through your head.

TEAM! To my office, now! We've got an emergency!

Arriving at the office, you see Karden, changed. His hair is dishevelled, his skin very pale, and he seems to be shaking slightly. After everyone arrives, the bard speaks, in a low, shaky voice.

We've...we've got a report about a new Avatara who has appeared, in Greenleaf county, a nearby artist town. Consulting planar contacts, we have discovered his name is Isadore Ausphex, a swordsman of tremendous reknown in ages of old. He invented quite a few famous tricks, like the blindsider's gambit or the butterfly attack.

But that matters not. He's appeared, and he's wreaking havoc, so I want you to stop him, quick.

Now...the problem is how. Scrying has revealed that... The bard trembles a bit.

He can clone himself! he can split into clones, and they're not illusions or diminished parts. We don't know how he can do it, but...what we know is that his power is multiplied immensely by being able to perform that feat.

You'll probably need some help here...

So it's time you learn about this, he says as he holds up a strange silvery coin, which seems to have a small liquid silver wave moving on one side, not a drop falling down from it.

Coins to the Mercane market, the best source of equipment in the multiverse. We've loaded about 30 thousand gold pieces to your accounts, though you can opt to store them for later. Here, he says as he throws everyone a silver coin.

Now, you have 5 minutes to buy anything you want to with that money, or you can keep it if you want. But finish up quick, because I'm getting you teleported as soon as you're done.

Duke of URL
2008-04-22, 11:44 AM

Money? Excellent. Action? Also excellent. Our host's ragged appearance? Danger sign. She hurries off to go shopping.

Shopping List:

18,000 Amulet of Health +4
12,000 Lenses of Clarity

H Savvy
2008-04-22, 12:17 PM
Spending 16kgp on Crystal of Elemental Assault (greater) (acid) and Crystal of Mind Cloaking (greater). Other 14kgp in Bag of Holding.

"Before we depart, I have two questions, Karden. Number one: how do we stay in contact with you, to inform you of developments as they happen? Number two: As we are now in the employ of the Secret Watch, I assume it is an affiliation that does not get widely broadcasted. How will we identify fellow members of the Watch, and how should we signify this to others?"