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2008-04-10, 04:40 AM
has anyone got a link to the welath by level guidelines/table?

i can't find it on the srd and my googlefu is weak.

2008-04-10, 04:45 AM
It's not on the SRD. It's one of the few things that is not OGL. I don't even remember if there is a formula, but I think that if there is, telling that would probably be legal.

2008-04-10, 04:50 AM
It's not OGL. Buy a DMG.

2008-04-10, 04:52 AM
the DMG gives a rough idea on NPc money-equip bla bla bla dunno if that is what you are looking for though :) Table 5-1 :D

2008-04-10, 04:54 AM
DMG page 135. Failing that, just google "wealth by level" or something. It's not hard to find.

2008-04-10, 04:57 AM
In any case the DM can specifically designate the ammount of cash or use the above table named 3 times now :smalltongue:

PS Thnx 4 the warning m8 had no idea...

2008-04-10, 04:58 AM
Take it off before a mod bans you, that's illegal.

2008-04-10, 06:19 AM
thankye kindly. i'm at working, so consulting my dmg is probably not the best option right now. guess i'll have to reign in my character writing for the day

2008-04-10, 06:07 PM
Take it off before a mod bans you, that's illegal.
It is?:smallconfused:
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
How can you copyright a list of numbers (that have almost certainly been done before)?
I've also heard the xp table is copyright. Does that make the equation "xp for next level=1000*level" illegal due to the DMCA?:smallconfused:
Praise the lord I don't live in the US.

2008-04-10, 06:26 PM
It is?:smallconfused:
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
How can you copyright a list of numbers (that have almost certainly been done before)?
I've also heard the xp table is copyright. Does that make the equation "xp for next level=1000*level" illegal due to the DMCA?:smallconfused:
Praise the lord I don't live in the US.


All information nowadays is digitally published and just numbers anyway.

2008-04-10, 06:30 PM
Does that make the equation "xp for next level=1000*level" illegal due to the DMCA?

My impression (and I Am Not A Lawyer) is that is not NOT copyrighted - it's an algorithm, and algorithms are not subject to copyright under US law (but they can be patented).

2008-04-10, 06:38 PM
Does that make the equation "xp for next level=1000*level" illegal due to the DMCA?Nobody really knows what exactly the DMCA implies (it's a horrid mess of legislation, framed by people who didn't understand the subject, under the guidance of highly biased parties), but under the ordinary copyright laws, the formula is probably OK.

It's debatable whether the copyright laws allow reproduction of the tables, but if you do reproduce them, you give up the right to reproduce all of the other portions of the SRD (since the OGL, the license under which the SRD was released, explicitly prohibits the reproduction of non-OGL material).

Kurald Galain
2008-04-10, 07:15 PM
You know what's also OK? Making up numbers that sound reasonable.

1 -> 500 gp
2 -> 1200 gp
3 -> 3000 gp
4 -> 5500 gp
5 -> 8500 gp
6 -> 12000 gp
7 -> 20000 gp
8 -> 28000 gp
9 -> 37218 gp
10 -> 50000 gp

Ta dah! Wanna bet you can play with that and be just as much balanced as with whatever the actual WBL numbers are? (which is to say, not particularly well, but that's because of the class disparity <g> )

2008-04-10, 08:07 PM
Google "Wealth by Level". It's the first thing that shows up.

2008-04-11, 12:49 AM
Nobody really knows what exactly the DMCA implies (it's a horrid mess of legislation, framed by people who didn't understand the subject, under the guidance of highly biased parties), but under the ordinary copyright laws, the formula is probably OK.

It's all irrelevant - the reason non-OGC material can't be posted on these boards isn't copyright law, but the board rules.

Jack Mann
2008-04-11, 02:03 AM
Indeed. You have to remember that the Giant enjoys a mutually beneficial relationship with Wizards. It would hardly be in his best interest to antagonize them, or to allow us to do so. He wants them to think of him as a stand-up guy, a fellow they can do business with. You'll notice he doesn't use a lot of non-SRD material (though this is becoming less true), even though, as a work of parody, his strip has more protection than a Trojan factory. Certainly, one might be able to take them to court, argue the point, and perhaps win. But would they want to work with you after that? A rather hollow victory, that.

2008-04-11, 06:22 AM
You know what's also OK? Making up numbers that sound reasonable.

1 -> 500 gp
2 -> 1200 gp
3 -> 3000 gp
4 -> 5500 gp
5 -> 8500 gp
6 -> 12000 gp
7 -> 20000 gp
8 -> 28000 gp
9 -> 37218 gp
10 -> 50000 gp

Ta dah! Wanna bet you can play with that and be just as much balanced as with whatever the actual WBL numbers are? (which is to say, not particularly well, but that's because of the class disparity <g> )

Your 5th, 6th, and 7th level Wealth is too low, but other than that pretty decent randomized numbers.

2008-04-11, 04:26 PM

All information nowadays is digitally published and just numbers anyway.
I say that anything that is automatically copied by that biological computer known as a brain can later be mentioned.
This keeps software, books and music safe (unless you have a very very unusual brain) but means that telling your friend the WBL table or quoting the mechanics of a single feat won't get you arrested.