View Full Version : SoD Spoilers: How Xykon found redcloak

Alex Warlorn
2008-04-13, 06:41 PM
I ask you. How, when Xykon said "I hate happy ending," Did he find redcloak? Simply scying? Or did someone tell him where redcloak was?

I say, THE DARK ONE, told Xykon where Redcloak was. Why would the Dark One do that? Because Redcloak was giving up on the PLAN!

The Dark One regardless of origins is now a god, and except for things on that same level (like the Snarl and that directly related to it, or other gods), he is no longer bound by time/space. So he foresaw how Redcloak was going to ditch The Plan, so he gave Xykon the information he needed to track Redcloak down and get his most powerful cleric back on track!

Recloak: My TRUE Master! I present to you the gate that shall turn us from free XP into a race of our own.

Xykon: Hey I know that big purple goblin from... somewhere...

Redcloak: Huh?

Xykon: Right after I decoded some of the journal, got home and found you guys hadn't been keeping house for me, and bingo, this purple guy shows up and tells me where you are. He was a lot smaller then though, and wasn't glowing.

Redcloak: Wha-wha-what?! Master?!

Dark One: If you hadn't tried to betray the Plan, betray ME, betray our race, then I wouldn't -have- to send a magicially animated piles of bones to get you back on track, blame yourself.

2008-04-13, 08:13 PM
Scrying, torture, minions, the whole 9. If The Dark One wanted Redcloak to do something, he wouldn't have to use a lich to get his point across. He could just tell him himself. Direct communication between a god and his high priest can't be all that unusual. Of course, if The Dark One knew Xykon was coming anyway, and bent on getting the plan back together*, he might be content to let it happen.

* Sorry for the intended pun.

David Argall
2008-04-13, 08:25 PM
The timing is wrong for one thing. Redcloak was working on the plan only moments before Xykon finds him. So the Dark One would have had to tell Xykon long before Redcloak started thinking about a less vigorous following of the plan.

Perhaps more serious is that the gods have shown very little interest/ability in taking part in the mortal world. The gods are apparently doing nothing about the gates for example. So for some reason or other [The world is a giant RPG for the gods and using their power in it is cheating?], the Dark One can't/won't make a contact like this.

We also don't need such a theory. Redcloak is not hidden, certainly not from the sources Xykon would use. [If nothing else, he goes to each goblin village and offers them a chance to work for him, or to amuse him with their death throes. It should not take him much trouble to find a solid lead.
And of course we have the theory of drama, which says people will automatically appear at the dramatic moment. Haley reaches the throne room just in time to stop Elan from touching the Gate. Your "dead" wife shows up at your wedding just as the preacher is about to say "I now pronounce you...". Etc, etc. So Xykon shows up right when it is most inconvenient for him to show.