View Full Version : True Path of the Destined (IC)

2008-04-14, 05:38 PM
Bhaltair Blackwood
It has been a long day for you. Waking up early has made your trip this week not much easier. The line's minute crawl forward over hours of waiting seems to bring you never closer to your goal. Another step is taken forward is a ray of hope yet only to stop again for another wait. The man in front of you is practicly bouncing up and down with exctiemtent. Clearly an out of towner. The old man behind you seems half awake, lurching forward with each step. His jaw slack and strangely moaning a bit.

At least it's a nice day.

Erin Longwind
Today has been busy but nice. Lots of excitement around as well as curiosity with a hint of joy. So far you've only had to break up one fight over the price of a "love potion." What some people won't do.
Before long on your casual stroll through the streets you hear a familiar call "Erin! Hey Erin!" says a young man waving two slips of paper your way. You easily recognize him as Bernard. You can get the feeling of his tiredness and joy "I...I..." he pauses to catch his breath "I got two...Tickets." he shows them to you "To Vanessa's show." He takes a deep breath in and lets it out "Front row. Dead center. Camped out all day yesterday for them. What do you say. Just you and me?" His eyes are hopeful

Erion of the Hammer
After this morning at the temple you were told to go out and do good works in The Purest's name.
In the backalleys of the town's industrial section, you find yourself bringing food to the downtroden and poor. A family thanks you kindly for the meal you lay before them. There's many more to feed yet you find yourself running out of food to give. Of the people around you there's a family of halflings you know who work for the local smelter (a kind man, but poor as well). There is also an orc man and woman who keep to themselves, fending off of street animals to proud to accept your help. And a bizzare sight for human lands: A little elven girl, orphaned and abandoned.

Your resturant is a bit fuller than usual, but not unmanageably so. Not like it is on one of the halfling holidays. You have a few usuals in, and a few who wandered in from The Kings Walk hearing about your food. Among the oddest of the group is a wizardly looking human fellow robed in green and what seems to be his henchman or bodyguard in a golden breastplate with red padded armor beneath it. They sit down at a table and pick up a few menus and there is some low chatter between them as they wait to be served.

Edward Jeltz
Business could be going smoother to say the least. Very few people seem to be taking your pitch. At best, all day you've gotten is a "Maybe I'll check it out next time I'm in town."
"I don't need anything right now"
"I want to keep the trip back light"
"No, thank you"
At least they are all polite in their refusals. Just as you begin to think it hopeless an orcish woman approaches you. She doesn't have the demeanor of the usual orc and seems rather comely and friendly. She examines you and says "So, kid, what're ya sellin'?"

2008-04-14, 08:12 PM
Alfred makes his way around the tables, discreetly eavesdropping on anyone interesting, particularly the wizard.

2008-04-14, 08:37 PM

Ed examines the orc before replying "Madam, Davis, Davis and Jeltz are purveyors of the finest selection of products in the whole of Leona. We carry grains, fabrics, foodstuffs, and anything we don't have, we can procure given enough time. What is your fancy?"

2008-04-14, 09:20 PM
Erin Longwind

Erin's face lights up, her delighted grin breaking through her impassive "City Guard" expression. The crowd was humming contentedly, if loudly enough to almost drown out the high chimes of Bernard's excitement, and had been almost without exception all morning. Realizing there is no reason to linger, Erin nods enthusiastically, laughing. It was the wide, open-mouthed laugh that exposed her strangely tongueless throat, the laugh only Bernard had ever been able to coax from her in public.

2008-04-14, 11:08 PM
Bhaltair Blackwood

Bhaltair mumbles a curse under his breath--as much interest as he has in seeing Nerral perform, there is little more bothersome than being kept waiting. Turning his head slightly to catch the beady black eyes of Icarus, his raven familiar, Bhaltair begins whispering in Draconic--

"What do you say we cause a little stir? It's always led to fun in the past. Might finally get me somewhere in this city."

Icarus squawks back agreement in broken Draconic, and Bhaltair gives a little smile. Making sure that his cane thumps against the ground imposingly so that every eye is on him, Bhaltair makes his way to the front of the line and looks into the eyes of the ticket seller.

"Excuse me, but I've been waiting in line all day. I'm not accustomed to waiting. Do you know who I am?"

2008-04-15, 09:40 AM

Erion looks around before walking over to the Elf girl- the others all have someone, but she is alone, he thinks. Taking her hands, he kneels in front of her and says, "Child, how have you come to be abandoned here?"

His voice is soft and quiet, with overtones of compassion but a faint hint of consuming grief.

2008-04-15, 10:32 PM
Bhaltair Blackwood
"Bhaltair Blackwood..." says the woman behind the counter with an air of mystery in her voice "hmmm" she pauses, thinking for a moment. "You're that famous jester, right?" she suddenly shouts out with excitement. "You must be the way you're dressed. I'm a big fan of tomfoolery." She laughs, then she lowers her voice a bit "meet me when I get off in 15 minutes. I can get you a backstage pass..." our of the corner of your eye you see a pale man robed in black rush to the spot where you were standing. He says something you can't hear to the old man that was behind you and the old guy limps off.

Erin Longwind
Bernard is ecstatic. "Oh wow!" he gives you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tonight then. I can't wait!" and he runs off nearly tripping over himself as he disappears into the crowd.

Erion of the Hammer
The elf girl looks at you with a scowl as she pulls her hands out of your grip. "I don't need your sympathy, human!" she sticks her tongue out at you. "I don't need to answer to you! I'm older than you and I'm much more refined than a rude, smelly, dirty human. The day any human pities me is the day that I grow wings and fly" Though rude and poor this child still has the grace and poise about her of an experienced noble.

The guest chatter back and forth about the weather and such. The wizard and his companion have a much more interesting conversation
"Well, Damian," says the wizard "That old man better have been right when he said this was the best restaurant in the city. What was his name, Zergest?"
"Zagat," replies the man in armor "And he's supposedly eaten everywhere"
The mage shrugs "Whatever. If it's as good as he says, it may make the trip to the town worth it"
"But we're going to see the show tonight! That's the real reason we came, Gabe."
"Oh yeah, about that. I forgot to mention" The magic-user replies somewhat deviously "And I managed to get us backstage before the performance to meet Miss Neral"
"Oh wow!" says Damian a little loudly "You're the best boss ever!"
"I know." Gabe says flatly. He spots you out of the corner of his eye and gives you a glare "I'll have the veal. and a bottle of blueberry wine for the table. And I don't appreciate the eavesdropping"
"I'll have the catfish" says Damian cheerfully.

Edward Jeltz
"Hmm" Starts the lady orc. "I would like to order five barrels of the strongest liquor you've got delivered to the back Gork's Flaggon before next dawn. And I don't mean that cheap dwarven stuff either. I want the really strong stuff. The kind that bursts into flames if you bring a torch within ten feet of it." She looks you over "And a place where I can reach you...personally." she winks.

2008-04-15, 11:18 PM
Bhaltair Blackwood

Although he is slightly perturbed by the jester comment and Icarus shrieks a comment about skinning people, Bhaltair shrugs it off and grins widely. "Yes, that's me." Then, giving a wink, he continues. "Could you meet me at the Corner Bakery? It's a restaurant in the Hearth's Home, I see it every time I walk around there but I've never gotten around to eating there. Food's on me for the trouble of walking."

Before he leaves, he casts prestidigitation to create a cartoonish looking image of a dove, which flies into the air and sticks its tongue out at Icarus, who shrieks bloody murder and dives at it fruitlessly--the dove dissipates into a burst of pink light with a "FREEEM!" sound as soon as Icarus makes contact. Bhaltair mutters, "good show," to Icarus who perches back on his shoulder. As Bhaltair turns away to start walking towards the Corner Bakery, he catches a glimpse of the man in black and makes a note to remember him.

2008-04-16, 09:51 AM
Erin Longwind

Erin smiles as she watches Bernard run off. He always has been loud, impulsive, and exciteable - nearly Erin's polar opposite - but they have been friends for as long as either of them can remember. They haven't spent as much time together since she left the City Guard, so Erin is looking forward to this evening as she sets a meandering path toward the ticket booth for Vanessa's show. They would probably run out of tickets relatively soon, and someone ought to be there to ensure no disgruntled would-be listeners caused trouble.

2008-04-16, 10:25 AM
Erion of the Hammer

Erion smiles. "You have spirit, I grant you that- but you must admit your situation is not as good as it should be.

I don't expect you to answer me- that isn't what I'm here for. If you want any help, I will give it- even if you just want someone to talk to- I would be glad to give it. If not? Travel your own path, but do not expect me to give up on the work of the Purest so easily..."

2008-04-16, 06:06 PM
"Catfish and veal it is then good sirs." Alfred tacitly avoids the eaversdropping charge by simply ignoring it. "Any appetizers? I'd recomend the onion soup, we had some sourdough left over from this morning that we've melted some cheese over. Very good."

Once Alfred has his answer he leaves to the kitchen, and sets about making some dishes for the usuals as his assistants do the rest.

2008-04-16, 07:41 PM

"I will check with my sister about our stock of liquor, and if we have it, it will soon be in your hands. I, however will most likely be at the shop tonight doing paperwork. If you come by later, we can arrange a price on the liquor, depending on the vintage and origins." He says handing the orc a card with the shop's address. "My name is Edward Jeltz, and yours is?" he says, extending a hand.

2008-04-19, 10:13 PM
(Yeesh Sorry for taking so long, I'll have the next post up in a few hours time. College is a bitch)

2008-04-20, 11:18 AM
Bhaltair Blackwood
A little while later at the bakery the girl behind the counter comes running up. After formalities you find that her name is Colette. She's a shy and bookish girl with red hair, freckles, and brilliant green eyes. After some smalltalk she says "Oh! The backstage pass...well...um...I suppose if you go with me, You'd be allowed backstage"

Erin Longwind
You approach the ticket booth and there doesn't seem to be any trouble at all. The people mostly seem tired more than anything else. A minute later two rather large men step out from the ticket booth (knowledge(local) DC 15) {these two men are half-trolls of orc heritage} The larger of the two speaks "Awright! We gots only a few tickets left. So we gotta get some ground rules down." The other speaks. His voice is deeper, rougher, yet somehow more intelligent "We will now be instating a one ticket per person policy, so if you're buying tickets for your date or something, better luck next week" the larger one speaks "So anybody behind da guy in da black robe can get da 'ell out!" First the crowd reacts with anger but quickly thinks better than taking own the two. You get a strong feeling of joy, elation, and thankfullness from the guy in black.

Erion of the Hammer
The elf girl laughs in a hautily "Humans, so simple, so dull. They see a child alone and they think that they have to rescue them." she scowls "You apes can just run off and disappear from the planet for all I care." She turns away and walks down an ally leaving you with with the other homeless families.

The kitchen rushes around as the meals are prepared. The pitter-patter of halfling feet sounds as they rush about their jobs. The waiters bring out the dishes to the customers and they all enjoy their food very much. The waiter who comes back from the table with the wizard and his bodyguard approaches you. "That Damian guy seems perety nice, but that Gabe, guy? He gives me the creeps."

Edward Jeltz
"Luthic" she says with a smile "but you can just call me Lulu" she outstretches her hand. "One more thing, The green district is having a...celebration tomorrow night. And I'm going also need a barrel or two of alchemist's fire. My grandpappy's recepie for fireworks calls for a lot of it and It will be a party that no orc will forget"

2008-04-20, 11:48 AM
Yeah, yeah. But if they don't start any trouble... Anyway, did you get them the wine? Was it the Anabor or the local vintage?

2008-04-20, 12:17 PM
Knowing from bitter experience that the half-orcs will not accept his offers of aid, Erion crosses over to the halfling couple and greets them, "Are you well? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

At the back of his mind, though, is the elf girl- later, he may just find her and try a more subtle form of aid...

2008-04-20, 12:40 PM
Bhaltair smiles widely. "Well, thank you very much, Colette. If you ever need a ticket to one of my shows, I'll be sure to save you one. I suppose we've still got some time before the show. Food's on me. Excuse me, waiter? May we have a bottle of wine and perhaps some bread and soup?"

2008-04-20, 09:27 PM
"Well, Luthic, I'm pretty sure we have Alchemists Fire, but, again, my sister minds the warehouse, I only make the arrangements. Do you want to Alchemist's Fire delivered to the same ale house?" Upon receiving the answer, Edward takes his leave, and heads to his shop in the industrial district.

2008-04-21, 03:26 AM

Erin lingers until the angry buzz of the people left without tickets fades out entirely. Then she nods to the guards at the ticket booth, giving them a small, professional smile. Assuming no one addresses her and nothing else catches her attention, she follows the flow of the crowd and continues to keep aware of any possible trouble brewing until it's time to meet Bernard for the show.

2008-04-21, 09:14 PM
((Shall we skip, then, to the concert starting, with Bhaltair watching from backstage?))

2008-04-22, 04:54 PM
And Alfred crawling in through a window with a pretty lass in tow?

2008-04-24, 08:34 PM
((Just posting to say that my posting will be minimal if existent at all this weekend. I'll be in San Francisco, and away from my computer.))