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View Full Version : Puzzle Quest

2008-04-15, 07:53 AM
It sounds dumb. I know it does. But my 360 auto-downloads all of the new arcade games, and I hadn't cleared them out in a while, so I fired this little game up while trying out about 40+ or so arcade games last night. This game turned out to be one of the most addicting little boogers I've ever played. It's just complex enough to really shine as a gem in the Arcade, as well as have an absolutely huge amount of DLC for it if you so choose.

The gameplay is like Bejeweled (you play one you play them all) but instead of you surviving for a certain number of turns, you battle another character. Clearing certain colors of gems on the board gives you mana to cast spells that do things like doing damage to your opponent to changing gem colors to blowing up sections of gems all at once. It's really quite fun, and it was surprising.

It does cost 1,200 points, though, but I caved in and bought it anyway. Upon doing a little more inspection, I discover that this game is on PSP, DS, and PC as well. Which is awesome! When/if I get a DS this will be a must-get.

In any case, if anyone wants to play me over XBL, I'll be glad to. Just add me (RanisTheSlayer) and tell me you're from GITP so I don't decline the friend request.

2008-04-15, 08:14 AM
I have the DS version of this game and it is indeed awesome. Simple enough to understand it, but complex enough to keep you hooked. I love it!!

2008-04-15, 08:19 AM
My brother (which, by extension, means I) has this game

2008-04-15, 09:40 AM
There's a fabulous demo of Puzzle Quest (http://http://www.infinite-interactive.com/puzzlequest/demo.php) for the PC that will let you experience this title quite effectively. You'll know in a hurry whether you don't like it, or whether you are desperate for more quests, items, and stuff to do. :)

Be warned though: the resolution of the PC version is so much nicer than any of the various console versions that playing the demo may spoil you for other versions. ;P (There is a full blown version for the PC though.)

2008-04-15, 09:49 AM
Hmm, can you play with people online on consoles and stuff with the PC?

2008-04-15, 10:04 AM
Be warned though: the resolution of the PC version is so much nicer than any of the various console versions that playing the demo may spoil you for other versions. ;P (There is a full blown version for the PC though.)

My $1200 32" HDTV with 1100:1 contrast ratio would like to disagree with you there.


2008-04-15, 10:35 AM
Ahh, puzzle quest. Tried it almost by chance, loved it, got the DS version... and now pretty much half my family is basically addicted to the stuff. One of the best puzzle games I have played in ages.

2008-04-15, 10:53 AM
Last October, I went on a three-week-long trip to Japan with some friends. I bought a DS a week before leaving, mainly for the 13+ hours of flight. And, since I had tried it before and it seemed like a nice little timewaster, I got Puzzle Quest with it. Best decision ever.

One of my friends had also brought the same DS-PQ combo, and we spent all those long bullet train rides competing to see who would finish it first (I won, whee!). The rest looked, pointed and laughed. "It's just a bunch of coloured balls, how can you play this?". Well, three of them came back from Japan with a DS, and all three were hooked same time the following week. The disease keeps spreading :smallamused:.

I'm tempted to buy the PC version on Steam, only for the additional eye candy. Also, that final fight was a huge pain in the rearside. So... many... hit... points...

2008-04-15, 01:54 PM
You people got me intrigued...could this really be more than another random casual game?

*checks some videos*

Ooo, nice fantasyesque drawings in between missions. Flashy graphics. Looks promising, I'll check up on it.

2008-04-16, 01:44 AM
I've heard about this vaguely before. Glad to hear there's a version for PC...so I'm downloading the demo now.

2008-04-16, 02:36 AM
You people got me intrigued...could this really be more than another random casual game?

*checks some videos*

Ooo, nice fantasyesque drawings in between missions. Flashy graphics. Looks promising, I'll check up on it.

Indeed! The battles themselves may look like a casual logic game, but there is plenty of side-quests in between them, and a story of a real roleplaying game. And lots of possible grinding if that's your kind of cake.

2008-04-16, 03:46 AM
Great little game, I got the full Xbox download of it and got thoroughly addicted for a mionth or so. It's now available on DS and Wii too, so I guess more people will get to give it a try.

Love it, though sometimes a few random hits will take you out of the game through no fault of your own.

2008-04-16, 03:59 AM
I'd wait to get the Sci-Fi themed sequel, myself. Better graphics, fewer bugs, and spaceships instead of classes? Yes please!

2008-04-16, 09:06 AM
I really have no clue how they managed to pull this from Warlords, but it's still a decent game nonetheless. A very original concept, at the least.

2008-04-16, 06:53 PM
Downloaded the demo, played for like 30 minutes, decided I'd probably buy it. I've always liked the leveling aspect to rpg games, and happy to find this was one. Little worried though to find that it is $20 off Steam...how long is it?

2008-04-16, 07:36 PM
If it's as long as the 360 version, I've been addicted all week (aka since last Friday) and I'm almost level 25, halfway. Beaten one big boss.

2008-04-16, 07:57 PM
From the look of the map it is pretty big, assuming you get all over on it.