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View Full Version : Has this been done before? [Originality Check on Aisle 3]

2008-04-15, 04:38 PM
I was playing around in GIMP, working on a logo for one of my projects in progress and I got the feeling that I've seen something like this before...


I don't want to end up putting this out there if it's like another work, so a cookie to anyone who finds an pre-existing image I might be impeding on.


[Insert Neat Username Here]
2008-04-15, 05:07 PM
I don't know if it's been done before, but it looks great.

2008-04-15, 08:31 PM
Grr. I have to resize it though... To 7.5" x 7.5". Hmm. It'll be cover art.

I can remake it, but the sphere isn't coming out right because I was just screwing around with that. And then I took a polar coordinate of it to make the sphere.

2008-04-16, 12:11 AM
You mean a circle with a name on it? Doubtless.

However, I don't remember ever seeing one exactly like yours, I think you're good.

2008-04-16, 06:22 PM
Another picture:



2008-04-18, 05:16 AM
The similiarity is to the logo of the London Underground (http://www.socialist.net/images/stories/london_underground_logo.jpg), a word bisecting a circle, and red. "Nocturne" is a word overused in some circles, but it's the shape which caught my eye, not the word.

Dear gods, zombie Civil War soldiers! Have you poked around in my nightmares, where the necromancers surged northwards from Florida and Louisiana, uprooting graveyards all along the Mississippi River valley?