View Full Version : In His Glorious Majesty's Service

2008-04-18, 06:14 PM
Allright, let's hit the ground running. Pick a color and let's go.

You are roused from your slumber by a loud and irritatingly impersonal knocking at your chamber door. Reluctantly leaving the warmth of your sheets for the cold stone floor, you hasten to get dressed. Upon opening the door, you find a letter addressed to you, bearing the royal seal. You pick up the letter, and read the brief note:
You are to report to His Majesty’s meeting hall in promptly one hour.”
In place of a signature, a stamp of a Magic Circle-the official mark of the Binders-is placed. Nothing else needs to be said, you have a mission to do.

2008-04-18, 06:26 PM
Wiping the haze of sleep from his eyes, Kabrain dons his shiftweave clothes and heads to wherever he can get a decent breakfast. He'll be ready and reporting for duty in the meeting hall about ten minutes early.

Edit: ((I'll take Indigo))

2008-04-18, 06:37 PM
(Ok I pick silver.)

Ryu Prays, has breakfast, Grabs his gear and goes to the meeting hall.

The Boyce
2008-04-18, 06:52 PM
Belmund awakens an cleans his garments with the powers of his birthright. He smiled upon reading the note, "It is time to expunge more demons from this world!" He had no need for food, his ring made sure of that, so he gathered his belongings and strode to the meeting hall.

2008-04-18, 07:01 PM

Nodding as he reads over the note again, Tero folds it up neatly before pocketing it. He steps back into the room and closes the door behind him. He washes his face and runs his hands through his hair in an attempt to tame it. There was only so much he could do for it, but at least between now and the time it dried it would stay out of his face.

He slips on his chain shirt and makes sure that the small crystal encrusted in its chest was secure before putting on another shirt above it along with his cloak. He puts a full looking haversack onto his back with one quick motion before heading off to a chest by his bedside and opening it. He straps a quiver at his left, a longsword at his right and lastly takes out an intricate looking bow with a crystalline grip and rest. He takes out a small, pure white opal from his pocket, attaches it to the bow's back and smiles as he puts it away in the quiver.

Taking a deep breath, he heads to the meeting hall.

(Color will be Dark Green)

2008-04-18, 09:29 PM

Violet takes the note and places it on her desk. Today's color was going to be...dark red. She placed her finery and was sure that her fine porcelain mask fit snugly over her face, obscuring her entire face save the eyes and mouth. She straps on the sheath to her belt, the thin blade already in place, slides on a comfortable pair of soft boots and a forest-colored cloak. In her hair, she tied in a single ponytail, held in place with a tie and a tiny purple flower. She made sure to wear her flashiest jewelry, only the finest for saving the Kingdom. She made sure her headband sat just so, under the mask, framing her face, if it could be seen to be framed.

Her breakfast is simple, no need to overindulge until the return trip. She gathered all her materials and headed to the meeting hall, on time.

OOC: Dark Red is all mine

2008-04-18, 10:29 PM
After praying for a while to the Sun rising outside his window, Vorelm slips on his glistening chainmail, and then pulls his travelling clothes on over the top. His clothes are clean and well-made, but careworn; he can afford better, but why bother? A magical amulet goes around his neck, although he is careful to place Pelor's holy symbol in greater prominence, and two rings rest on his fingers, one of which meaning he doesn't need to stop for breakfast. He fastens on a cloak, and then slings a large wooden shield over it. Then comes an elaborate mace, adorned with symbols of the Sun, carried at his left hip, and a small stick of wood at his right.

Briefly scanning the note again, Vorelm sets out for the meeting hall.

(DarkSlateBlue looks appropriate.)

2008-04-19, 12:17 AM
You begin to arrive in the Hall one by one. This chamber was designed to impress any visitors the king may have, and it does not disappoint in the respect. Banners of the past exploits of the Royal Task Force and others hang from walls that seem to reach so high, you wouldn’t be surprised if small clouds formed near the roof. As the last of you arrive, the herald’s trumpet sounds the approach of His Majesty. Stepping through the ornately gilded double doors on the east wall, King Leopold Virancies III moves across the hall towards his throne on the opposite side of the hall. He steps with a grace and poise that seem to contradict his wizened features. Indeed, some rumor that Virancies has turned to magical means to extend his life, though there is no proof to back such claims. Settling himself into his throne carved of cold iron, you kneel in respect to your ruler. Virancies bids that you rise, and begins;

“Binders, you all know why you have been summoned, so I will cut to the chase. The Force’s Eyes have discovered another Helltomb. As usual, we have very little information we can give you, but consulting the records of the Old Force has yielded this: The tomb is situated on what was once a temple to the God known as Zouken, a human who ascended through the power of his mind. Perhaps Tero here has some more information, but the history of Zouken is not the matter at hand. The other bit of information we have gleaned, however, is far more troubling. The Eyes claim to have observed non-Daemonic entities existing near the Helltomb. Whether they are worshipers, slaves, or both is unclear now, but be prepared. When you are ready to depart, travel to the Scrying Gate in the Eyes’ tower to be teleported to the Eyes in the field. From there you will receive more information. Good luck, and may Divine Judgment smite the unholy. Dismissed.”

2008-04-19, 05:26 AM
After the king dismisses the Binders, Kabrain heads back to his chambers and grabs a bag from a table, gathers a few items into it that he thinks he might need, and then back down and into a courtyard. "You there!" he shouts at a squire that he spots standing around looking unimportant. "Some help with my armour, if you're not too busy." He pulls a suit of shining plate-mail out of the magical bag, and dons it with the squire's help. He then stops by the royal stables to make sure Greyfeather, his griffon, is well fed and cared for, before going up the steep stairs of the Tower of Eyes.

If any of his comrades are late, he will chat with Tero, who the king mentioned might know more of the god named Zuoken. "A mortal ascending to godhood, was he not? Not something that happens every day. What were his worshippers like, or his temples?"

2008-04-19, 10:50 AM

"Zuoken, my mother spoke of him at times. She was a worshiper, big on personal discipline and knowledge. Cogito Ergo Sum, strength of body and mind, reaching the pinnacle..." He looks down as he tries to dig through the memories. "I think his symbol was a closed fist. We didn't really have much time for theology."

"Still, I'm more worried about the other entities. Zuoken ascended though the mind, his temples were like beacons for psionics. Sadly, there are some rather nasty things that could find such a gathering attractive. If deamons aim for the body, these things would aim for the mind." He shrugs, he may have taken his predictions a bit too far with too little proof. "We won't know until we get there though, they could also be survivors."

2008-04-19, 12:24 PM

Violet spends her time productively checking all of her equipment. In particular, her lockpicks had to be kept in perfect condition. Having them break would be a terrible travesty, especially if the prize laid beyond a single door. She tried to size up each person that they would be working with, most of them appeared much stronger and tougher than she, but she doubted they had her repertoire of tricks. Such as it always was.

She also made sure her bag was secure, in case they needed to transport anything. She had everything she needed. Tent, spare masks, spare tools, rope, extra arrows. All she needed for the group was to be equally prepared.

When she arrives, she immediately ducks out of sight, looking to give the next person who arrives at the place the fright of their lives.

2008-04-19, 08:00 PM
As Ryu wakes to the stables the people he passes either saluted or bowed to him as he waked by. When he got to the stables Ryu started to pet Gottfried [his mount (a Dragonnel)] starting from the head and going to the back , after a few minuets of that he checked his food and water. Then He goes back to his room Where He puts on his armor and double checks his equipment after that he goes to the tower where he hears the majority of what Tero says.

2008-04-19, 09:07 PM

Violet sneaks up behind Ryu, using her skill in hiding to her fullest advantage. Upon sizing him up, the much shorter human stands on her tiptoes to whisper to him, as she is quite sure he had no idea she was even there. "It's not polite to eavesdrop."

OOC: Taking 10 on hide, for a total of 38.

2008-04-19, 09:53 PM
"Whowhatwhenwherewhy!?"......."Oh it’s you. I'm like two feet away from them, they know I was there!...............I think?" Sounding unsure of himself.

2008-04-20, 06:50 AM

"Eavesdropping is listening, not hiding." She states rather matter-of-factly. Finally, she tops it all off with a silly little laugh, making everyone wonder how deeply sane their teammate was.

2008-04-20, 07:33 AM
"Actually, Violet, it was you we didn't notice," Kabrain says as he turns towards her and Ryu. "You shouldn't sneak around like that all the time. Save it for the enemy." He turns back to Tero. "Yes, those other things the Eyes claim to have seen worry us all, I think," he comments. "I hope they have more details for us when we arrive. Now where are our two holy men? We need to get going."

2008-04-20, 07:42 AM

Almost as if realizing she had a new target, Violet turned her attention away from Ryu and towards the boring Kabrain. "Why not? You practice your magic all the time. Why can't I practice?" Violet sounded as if she was close to tears.

2008-04-20, 07:51 AM
Knowing all too well the girls' tactics from their previous collaboration, Kabrain sighs but indulges her nevertheless and puts an armoured arm around her shoulders. "Just meant you gave us all a spook there, that's all."

2008-04-20, 08:02 AM

As he touches her, she noticeably tenses. Her innocent and childlike demeanor is cut in two for a brief moment with her icy tone. "Don't touch me!" She moves away from his hand, and then turns to face away from the group for a second.

When she turns back, she has a smile on her masked face. "Fooled you, fooled you! Shame on you for making it so easy!"

2008-04-20, 08:11 AM
Kabrain doesn't respond to Violet's all-too expected backlash but lets out a low chuckle and shakes his head slightly at her capriciousness.

The Boyce
2008-04-20, 09:30 PM
Belmund considered this new information with a grimace. He could deal with demons and the like with relative ease, he had been training for such fights his entire, when he was actively doing so, but these other being worried him. He would have to come up with a new set of tactics.

He stood and considered his course of action. He decided to write a short letter to his uncle, it was little more then notice that Belmund was going out on another mission. He then walks to the Eyes' tower, having already gathered all he needs.

2008-04-21, 12:01 AM

Only a few minutes behind the rest of the Binders, Vorelm enters the chamber with a grim face. He's always been serious about what he considers his 'calling', of course, but the presence of non-daemons at a Helltomb worries him. "Ah, we're all here already? Let's go, then."

2008-04-21, 07:16 PM
Your conversations are abruptly interupted by the sound of a large concussion, followed by smoke escaping from one of the adjacent rooms. As the door swings open, you see a Gnome covered in soot and burns. He stumbles and trips to a nearby drawer and removes from it a vial of silver liquid. Imbibing the potion leads to the the noticeable rapid mending of his wounds. He looks at the parchment on the test, and scribbles on it, muttering:
"Type: Fire Elemental. Energy Potential: 9. Controllability: 1. Risk/Reward: 5.
Completing his note, Davielli, High Artificer, turns to greet you.
"Binders! Sorry to keep you waiting, I was experimenting with new sources to power the Mover. Now, if you're ready, yes, would you be so kind as to stand in position.
You take your places along the far wall, enscribed with ornate and complicated runes of teleportation. Davielli moves to the opposite side of the room, removes a stick of chalk from his apron, and writes on his blackboard:
Binders on way out. Request 10% lowering in sheild effeciancy for approx. 5 min.
When he is done, the chalk fades away, and is soon replaced by:
Acknowledged. Satisfied, he turns to address you again.
So, ah, yes, as usual, you should arrive at the Eyes' location, and they'll direct you from there. Well, good luck, and drop some of those Sons-of-Succubi for me, yes?
With that last request, you feel the runes around you glow with power, and you feel thousands of minor static shocks along your body. Suddenly, you feel yourself being yanked from every point on your body at once, and you are struck by a flash of light. When your vision clears, you are standing in an oddly similar room, though in place of the Gnome is an Elf. Lanky for even her kind, she steps forward to greet you.
“Auryalle Greenstrider. I’m in command here. Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll fill you in on what we’re dealing with.” She turns and begins to ascend a flight of stairs to your right.

2008-04-21, 08:33 PM
Ryu Starts walks beside Greenstrider turning his head and says “we heard a little bit about non-Daemonic entities If you know anything about that I would appreciate it if yoU started wih it.”

2008-04-21, 09:52 PM

Tero simply watched Violet's charade with a small smirk. He'd resigned to never quite understanding what went on behind that mask, but he had to admit it was much more enjoyable when he wasn't the butt of the joke.


Once the group arrives, he follows behind Auryalle, paying little attention to his surroundings, his mind else ware. However, his focus returns when Ryu speaks the question in his mind. He draws closer to the pair. "The doubt is mutual actually."

The Boyce
2008-04-21, 10:22 PM
Belmund found Ryu's question a little premature, she had said she'd explain things after all. He simply shook his head and began climbing the stairs, focusing his attention elsewhere. He started mentally preparing himself for the coming battle, and his face slowly hardened into a grim facade.

2008-04-22, 01:07 AM

Notably nimble on the stairs, Violet takes them two at a time, her arms spread out like a tightrope walker or a ballerina. "I can fly. I can lay eggs. Sitting on eggs takes lots of time. Time, lime, rime, crime. Impatience is a crime, and rushing will make your hair grey." She points to Ryu's head, poking his silver hair as she says this. Once she sees the top of the stairs, she will make sure she is the first on top of them, standing with a victory pose and stating: "I'm first!"

2008-04-22, 08:48 AM
Kabrain greets Auryalle with a quick nod and then falls in line behind her with the rest of the group, eager to learn more about their mission. His mithral armour clanks softly as he ascends the stone stairs.

((Guess I should have mentioned it earlier, not that it has mattered so far, but I'll have my Senses and Presence draconic auras active, giving y'all +3 to Spot, Listen, Search, Intimidate, Bluff and Diplomacy.))

2008-04-22, 03:23 PM
When Violet is poking Ryu’s head he begins lift his hand up slightly to reach for his sword, but lets out a sigh and puts his hand back down. He then turns his head back to Auryalle “so seriously about those non-Daemonic entities?”

2008-04-22, 08:22 PM
Auryalle spent a moment to wonder about these Binders. The first impression she received about the group was from the unsubtle silver-haired human was not positive. How had one so impatient as he managed to learn the art of merging Spell and Sword, and at such a juvenile age? Far more disconcerting was the inclusion of a Nostrask among the group. What was the King in Cyrae thinking even allowing one such to live? Was it possible he didn’t know? No, it was far more likely he knew of circumstances she did not, and so she let the matter drop from her mind.

Steeping past the masked woman, Auryalle stood in front of the single door at the top of the stairs.
“While we’ve placed to proper runes of nondetection, I would appreciate it if none of you decided to take a free shot at their guards.” Opening the door, Auryalle steps out on the top of the tower, and you all hasten outside. The all too familiar scent of sulfur and burning flesh assaults your nostrils. Along the parapet are two more Eyes, a stout Dwarf, and either a very tall Gnome or a short Human, you can’t tell. Both are looking off into the distance through spyglasses. As you approach, they turn and hand the telescopes to you to pass amongst yourselves. As you look out on the landscape, you locate what appears to be the Temple. The entire temple is built in the middle of a field, and you can’t seem to find any good place to sneak up from. A single story building surrounds a courtyard of ash and refuse. Inside the courtyard stands a tower roughly seventy feet high. The most unusual feature, however, is the two guards set at the single entrance. Noticing your confusion, the Dwarf speaks up.
"I see ye’ve noticed the area o’ concern here, lads." ”Concern” is putting it mildly. The left guard is a hulking beast of a creature. Sanding on its hind legs, it is covered in rust-red, unkempt fur. Its head looks nothing more than like that of a hairy bull, though its eyes gleam with savage intelligence.
The other guard is even more disturbing. The creature has the body of a lion, but the wings of an eagle and the head of a wizened man. Even from this distance, it seems to give of an aura of corrupted purity.
“The one on tha’ left is a Minotaur. Nasty creature, a Minotaur is, and willing to tear just about anything limb from limb. The other one…well, the other one I took to be a Lammasu, but that don’t make much sense, seeing as the Lammasu is supposed to be a paragon o’ virtue and such. Your guess is good as mine, but ah don’t like whatever would make one side with those Daemons.”
Chiming in, Auryalle says, “While your mission is still the closing of the Helltomb, knowing why such creatures are siding with Daemons would be invaluable information. As such, try to glean what information you can. The mission is in your hands now Binders, may the Gods of Light guide your path."

2008-04-22, 10:02 PM

Tero didn't really find the smell as offensive as he felt he should. he didn't exactly like it, but he had had enough time to get used to it as a kid. Passing the telescope to someone else, he looks towards the temple off in the distance for a few seconds before turning back to the Eyes. "It might be doing it against its will, but as you said, its just a guess. We'll make sure to get a concrete answer." he seemed pretty usre of himself as he said this last part.

He turns to his fellow Binders "So, unless we do something about it, they'll see us coming. Think a few illusions would do it?"

2008-04-22, 10:29 PM

"Shiny, shiny, shiny." Violet points to each of the group wearing metal armor. "No cover. Hard to not see. Hide the metalmen in a bag, hope they can hold their breath." Violet waves a cloth sack in Tero's face for a second. "Play pretend we belong? Or wait until the sun hides it's eyes."

Violet takes the spyglass and looks around, searching to see if perhaps the field has enough tall, dead grass or rock cover to approach the building. She would prefer to sneak in the building it if it was at all possible. She was better at hiding than she was at talking.

2008-04-22, 11:32 PM
Ryu raised his eyebrow questioningly at Violet then turns to the creatures and tries to judge the distance between himself and the temple.

2008-04-23, 05:01 AM

Ignoring the enigmatic Violet, the priest of Pelor frowns at the distant tower. "Are they controlled? Deceived? Perhaps insane? ... Well, we shall have to offer them redemption, or execute them. We can't have anyone allying with the daemons."

2008-04-23, 06:06 AM
"I think our best bet would be to charge right in and take them out quickly, before they can alert the whole place that we're here," Kabrain says after looking through the spyglass. "Their position does not allow for much of a stealthy approach, it seems. Unless one of you has a way of making us all invisible and silent. Better yet, make us invisible and them silent, so they can neither hear us approach nor call for aid," he adds and looks around at the group.

2008-04-23, 08:34 AM

"Hi, Mr. Guard, you look missing or dead." Violet waves to the air. "Everyone notices, everyone fights. Hard to close bad place. Make me invisible, I can sneak in. You can hide in here!" Violet holds up her sack again.

The Boyce
2008-04-23, 09:09 AM
Belmund considers the situation at hand, the mission, and the realities of getting back out of the building. Having done so he decided to speak, "Sneaking by them could be a very bad idea, because if they are working with the demons, or are under their control, they could be alerted to our presence after we have gone by them and come in after us. If they don't then we'll probably have to deal with them anyway, on our way out. That said, we have two options kill them or talk to them; while killing them could be the simpler route it doesn't make it best. We do not even know if they are evil, and I would rather not soak my hands in the blood of innocents. We should at least give them a chance to explain themselves."

2008-04-23, 05:52 PM
Ryu (sill trying to judge the distance) rises his left hand with an extended index finger announces “killing them is a bad idea think how much we could learn. Like for example, do they work for the demons if so is it willingly or not? And what if they aren’t working for them then why are they here? Knowing the answers might help us in the long run.”

2008-04-23, 06:31 PM

"You know, the sack could work. At the very least it would give us a way of approaching without raising too much alarm. I don't think they'd get the entire temple moving just for an individual at least." He pauses here, visualizing the encounter in his head. "Once we can talk to them we'll have a better idea on how to deal with them. Best case scenario, they're not actually with the daemons, worst case we have to fight our way through. Even then, I'm sure I can take care of the Lamasu without having to kill it. We can just take it back as a statue."

2008-04-24, 04:11 PM

"I like playing pretend!" Violet dances around a bit. "Does anyone walk in or out? People maybe? Prisoners? He would make a good prisoner." Violet points at Belmund. "No suit made of metal!" Childlike glee follows her every word. "And I can use the big ones to hide from the bull-man!"

2008-04-24, 07:08 PM
Ryu turns around and sighs, apparently giving up on his idea. “ I highly doubt it is a prison camp.” He then sits down, pulling out a board and begins to make a sketch of the two creatures.

2008-04-24, 08:31 PM
Auryalle turned to adress Vioilet,
"A prison camp is possible. We have observed other creatures, also non-daemonic in origin, enter. But the few glimpses we caught of them moving through the courtyard seem to indicate they are there of their own free will."

2008-04-24, 10:12 PM

If Violet was supposed to be deterred from the dismissal, she certainly didn't show it, her childlike enthusiasm stronger than ever. "Then so must we! Pretend to be demon friends and the door opens for us. No need to touch the knob! Just walk right in!" This time, she moved forward, ruffling the closest hair she could find. Finally, to end things on a matter of confusion, she seemed to straighten up and deliver a clearly worded response. "If subterfuge is called for, we might try to intercept and interrogate a group as they leave, outside the daemonic telepathy zone. Direct combat is only going to attract attention, and any daemon worth his salt can teleport in and we'd be overwhelmed before we knew it." Back to child-Violet again, she opened and closed her hands repeatedly. "Poof, poof, poof! Hundreds and thousands!"

2008-04-24, 10:27 PM
“That could work, but we should think some more for umm about umm Ten minutes more yeah that sounds about right.” Still working on his sketch.

2008-04-25, 05:00 AM

The paladin turns to the masked woman at last, his look thoughtful. "Yes, that certainly could work. If there are some non-daemons in there, why not add more? I don't like it though - it's dishonourable, for one, and pretty risky, for another..."

The Boyce
2008-04-25, 11:27 AM
Belmund smacked himself in the head and let out a small laugh. "There is a much easier solution, I'm ashamed I hadn't thought of it before. I can turn myself or any of us into one of them, or something similar for a short time. That should allow for some reconnaissance."

2008-04-25, 01:13 PM
"Hmm... I still think killing them both quickly and silently, before they have a chance to alert others of our presence is the best tactic." Kabrain says, folding his arms. "If we use a disguise of any sort to get closer without alerting them, the better, but I doubt anything significant information is to be gained from talking to them. If they're standing guard outside a Helltomb I think it's fairly obvious that they're in league with the daemons. Why they are here is irrelevant, and even so, we might possibly find out inside the temple anyway. We are Binders, our task is to seal Helltombs and destroy or banish all who stand in our way - not gather intelligence, for that is the job of the Eyes."

2008-04-26, 09:03 AM

"Very good point... I'm sure the path will be clear once we meet them face to face." He's choosing his words carefully, most of his mental efforts working elsewhere. "How easy is it to go in and out of the sack anyway? Would you be able to hear everything that's going in outside?"

2008-04-26, 10:41 AM

"I never went inside. We can try right now." Violet places the bag on the ground, beckoning Taro to climb in. She opens the bag of holding as wide as it will go. "Daemons inside their minds, instant alarm. Best security. Unless we poof in, the daemons know. Major badness. major badness. Scary scary, not want to fight entire temple of daemons. Make us go SPLAT!"

2008-04-26, 11:07 AM

"Oh, you mean you've never..." Tero looks into the dark hole on the ground quizzically. After a second or two of hesitation, he shrugs and steps forward, starting his descent.

One leg aready in he stops and considers a story he once heard. Before going any further, he unfastens his quiver and leaves his haversack on the "edge" of the floor. "Better to be safe then sorry." The deed done, he disappears into the bag.

2008-04-26, 03:07 PM
Kabrain considers Violet's point for a moment, then addresses the group as a whole. "Do you think luring them away from the entrance and killing them outside the range of the daemon's telepathic communications might work? Do we even know the range of those abilities?"

2008-04-26, 05:31 PM

Inside of Violet's bag of holding is a wealth of things. Clothes of all sorts of different colors for all sorts of occassions, lovingly painted and organized porcelain masks similar to the one she wears currently, some of which painted slightly differently to show emotions like joy or sorrow. It looks like the backstage of a theater.

"They see dead people!" Violet cheerfully answers, giggling. "But not always right away!"

2008-04-26, 06:49 PM

Vorelm frowns at Kabrain. "I doubt it. Even if they could be lured, they could easily tell their masters that they were leaving their posts."

2008-04-27, 12:09 PM
Kabrain shrugs. "Just an idea. Anything that keeps the whole Helltomb off our backs while we do what's needed is a good thing, but I still think that, as Belmund pointed out, if we sneak past them they might come up behind us when we're inside and fighting something even nastier. We need to kill those beasties."

2008-04-27, 06:42 PM

"Why don't we just sneak in at night? Plenty of shadows and then I can climb in through a window! Lower rope and let you all in! Ir lets light and thieves in!" Violet is now preoccupied with juggling some of the fancy jewelry she is wearing. Any woman of generous means would have a heart attack at how callously she treats such expensive material.

2008-04-30, 05:52 PM
Ryu puts his sketch away with a big smile on his face. He stands up and his smile disappears, replaced by a look of seriousness. In a much deeper voice than before he announces“Does anyone have any sort of spell that can find out if there’re being mind controlled or not?” Also looking at the Eyes while he says it. And no, I’m not getting in your bag because if I do my spikes will pierce it and I will be stuck in the alternate dimension.

(OOC: I took 20 on the sketch.)

2008-04-30, 10:28 PM
Auryalle turns to glare at the duskblade, “Why, no! Odd…in all these years, we have never thought to bring any spells that can see in to minds. Of course we have scrying spells, you Bahrhen! What, do you think we are a couple of fools who just like to take in the scenery?! Our inquiry failed to yield any evidence of mind-tampering, but that could just as easily come from an incredibly powerful and subtle spell.”

2008-04-30, 11:30 PM
Angered Ryu retorts “Then why did you not say anything when I said and I Quote “killing them is a bad idea, think how much we could learn. Like for example, do they work for the demons, if so is it willingly or not? And what if they aren’t working for them then why are they here? Knowing the answers might help us in the long run.”

He rests his on right hand, with his left hand out to stop Auryalle from replying“You know what I don’t care.” Turning back to his group he states “Lets take a vote we can,

A: kill them.
B: Sneak in I don’t see how though.
Or C: Reason with them.
Personally I go for C”

2008-04-30, 11:53 PM

Violet creeps up to behind Auryalle. A tender hand rests on her angered shoulder. She leans close to her to whisper something in her ear.

"Patience. It is a troubling time for us all. Please be calm. He doesn't appreciate the sacrifices the Eyes make." Her tone is suprisingly clear and free of childlike whim.
"As swift and quiet as a shadow am I. The night sky hides all." Violet turns to face the group. "Too risky to talk, too visible to fight. I'm a work of art and don't like getting hurt."

2008-05-01, 09:11 AM

After spending some time in the sack, Tero climbs out of the "hole" as efficiently as he can. While listening to the others argue above, he'd had plenty of time to get a decent proposition together. "Then how about we risk something that doesn't care if he gets hurt?"

He continues talking as he puts on his pack and secures his quiver. "We don't know how this pair will react to strangers showing up. They might reason, they might not, lets just cut to the chase and find out." He walks to an area where he can get some space. "We send them a decoy and watch how they act." He closes his eyes and visualizes a human in pain as some invisible monster grabs hold of him. A slick looking translucent substance seems to start sprouting before him, growing. When he opens his eyes the now large blob takes the shape of the man he visualized, only now in life size and as a wooden statue.

"I'm sure you all remember those demonic machines that scour the wastes. Large, spider like and and they have a stare you don't want to meet. Anyway, they grab hold of their prey like this guy here shows and drag them kicking and screaming, if they're lucky, to wherever the being that ordered the retrieval is. Now, how about we see how these guards react to having one of them pass right by the entrance. If they're under a spell that orders them to attack any trespassers, they should get rid of them quickly. Negotiation's probably useless there. If they don't jump at it immediately it would mean that they either had to think about it or saw through it. It means we might have a chance to reason with them. if they just ignore it, well then sneaking in suddenly becomes much more viable, no? If we can get a better view..." Here he turns to the Eyes, "...then we might even be able to get a better idea of their allegience depending on how they deal with it." He pauses here to catch his breath and look at his companions. "What do you say, yea, nay?"

If the idea is well accepted:
The statue was made with Minor Creation. From there he'll manifest Astral Construct to create a a 5th level one that looks like a large Retriever (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG47.jpg)
and another Minor Creation, this one used to create a large amount of Hematein, a natural dark brown dye, above it to cover up the silvery astral substance that makes it up.

"Retriever's" stat blocks is as seen here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/astralConstruct.htm) for a 5th level construct and using the Claw (claws instead of slams, from constructor, Menu A), Celerity (+10ft speed, Menu A), Extra Attack (3 claws, Menu B), and Improved Grab (Menu B) menu options.

Extended Construction makes it last for 12 minutes. Spending one on its paint job, it should have 11 minutes to reach the temple's front gate. Should be doable if it double moves or runs all the way. (it would move either 1000ft or 2000ft per minute if it runs)

It'll first move in front of them. If there is no response, it'll drop the statue and try to enter the temple.

2008-05-01, 09:46 AM
Kabrain starts to nod slowly as Tero speaks. "I think you might be on to something. I agree with this plan."

2008-05-01, 06:45 PM
With a small smirk on his face Ryu replies “Clever, no flaws that I can see. Let’s do that.” The smile growing larger while he says it.

2008-05-01, 11:10 PM

"Made of nothing, but amounts to everything! A wheel within a wheel. Not a plan, but a test. Hope it works, give a prayer." Violet walks over to Belmund, as he does not wear heavy metal gauntlets, and crosses his fingers.

The Boyce
2008-05-02, 01:29 PM
Belmund gives Violet an amused smile as he pats her head with his free hand. "That'll do little one, that'll do."

2008-05-02, 05:27 PM

"No touching!" Violet slapped his hand away violently. Indeed, the only thing that seemed to be the same from mission to mission was that Violet never liked to be touched by other people, and that she always wore a mask. "Violets are flowers." She scolded the much larger Belmund. "We understand the garden is lovely this time of year. But please do not pick the flowers. They need to bloom."

The Boyce
2008-05-02, 11:29 PM
Belmund laughed at his companions slap, "Oh little one you do brighten these days. I too agree with this plan, now then let us not tarry with its enactment." This he says with a look and nod at Tero.

2008-05-04, 06:26 PM

"Alright then, It'll be up in a second." Tero closes his eyes as his hands begin a series of motions, as if holding a glob of putty. His movements as precise, carefully shaping the invisible sculpture and as before, a silvery glob seems to begin to for on the ground before him. It grows much larger then the statue before it and slowly takes a large, monstrous shape. When Tero opens his eyes again, the construct seems to shiver and come to life.

"A bit smaller then they usually are, but it'll do. Now to fix the color..." Once again, Tero starts concentrating, but this time the glob forms around the silvery spider. It glows darker then before. With a noticeable jolt, the second silver layer snaps off, leaving a dark brown coating on the retriever look alike. After a deep breath, Tero turns to his creation. After a few awkward steps, the construct picks up the wooden statue and gets moving into the wastes. Tero moves to the edge of the wall and watches it attentively, controlling its every action like a puppeteer.

As before, the Retriever's stat block is that of a fifth level Astral Construct (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/astralConstruct.htm). Menu options are as follows:

Claws (claws instead of slams, from constructor, Menu A)
Celerity (+10ft speed, Menu A)
Extra Attack (3 claws, Menu B)
Improved Grab (Menu B)

PP used so far:
1 (Minor Creation for the statue)
9 (5th level Astral Construct lasting 12 minutes)
1+1 (Ectoprotection with a linked Minor Creation for the paint job)

He'll take ten on the Craft sculpting check for 18 total so it should be recognizable as a Retriever

2008-05-05, 10:26 PM
You watch is silence as the construct scuttles towards the guards. As it aproaches, the minotaur steps forward to halt it. The beastman and the construct stand in silence for a good minute, but to those watching it feels like strained hours. Suddenly, and seemingly without provocation, the minotaur lets out a roar of fury and draws its weapon, as the Lammasu takes flight.

Tero: Roll for the construct's initiative.

2008-05-05, 11:50 PM

"They paused beforehand, good sign, no?" Tero draws closer and closer to the edge of the wall, trying to get a better view of what's going on.

Construct's Initiative [roll0]

2008-05-06, 08:18 AM

Violet digs around in her bag for her own custom-built spyglass. "I see, I see, I see! Words of steel and wings of flight! Speak not, words get in the way of our love!" She states rather perplexingly as she watches the battle unfold.

2008-05-06, 07:12 PM
Before the Construct can react to the shift in the situation, the Lammasu is on top of it, its claws gouging holes in the automaton that ooze a toxic green ectoplasm.
Astral Construct takes 25 Damage. Astral Construct's turn.

2008-05-06, 09:26 PM

"The Lammasu is quick, it looks like the it's pretty fierce too." Tero makes the Construct try "attack" the Lionesque beast before fleeing from it. He knew the construct was lost, but he wanted to see how long it would take them. "Wonder if they'll go after it."

Tero will command it to try swing its claw at the Lammasu, not in hopes of harming it, just to make it look like its fighting back. Afterwards, he'll have it run, struggleing to move and ending its move within 80 ft from the minotaur.

Standard: Swing a claw at it with no intent on hitting (taking 1 on the attack roll?)
Move: Move away from the Lammasu (provoke an AoO) and end its move some 80ft from the Minotaur.

HP 43/68, AC 23

2008-05-06, 10:05 PM
As the construct flees, the Lammasu slashes at its backside, but misses. It takes a moment to glimpse back at the minotaur, who nods. Returning the gesture, the lammasu makes a flying pounce on to the astral golem.

Construct takes 38 poits of damage.
BTW Ryuuk: We're using armor as DR, so the Construct has 21 AC and DR 2/-

2008-05-07, 05:55 AM

"Interesting, it won't last much longer now, but what if..." As its probably death throes, Tero has the construct fight back. It turns back to its pursuer and flails its claws at it.

Full Attack:
Claw 1: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2: [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Claw 3: [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

HP 5/68, AC 21

2008-05-08, 02:08 PM

"Shadow or blood. Pretty knights attack while blossoms removes the bars? Or carried on flower petals when the moon kisses the sky?" Violet turns to face a random person in the group, more than likely Belmund or Tero, who have played along with her well enough in the past. "Sneak or slay, decide soon."

2008-05-08, 10:07 PM
"I know enough; slay."

2008-05-08, 10:40 PM
The Lammasu rears back at the strike, howling and cursing in a tongue that assaults your ears even at this distance. Though you can't understand it, the very sound conjures images of Hellfire and bloody damnation. Coming down on the construct, the Lammasu rends the last traces of "life" from it. As the ectoplasmic jelly spills fom the wounds of its slain foe, the Lammasu flies into the courtyard, and enters the tower, leaving the minotaur as the sole guard.

The Boyce
2008-05-09, 11:24 PM
"Well now we have only one guard to deal with, perhaps a sudden and overwhelming strike is in order." Belmund strokes his chin thinking of the best option.

2008-05-11, 03:09 PM

"Well, the lion left, perhaps they aren't in line with the daemons, otherwise the telepathy would have been enough to warn them, no?" He draws his bow and tests the string before continuing. "You're right though, there's only one guard, now's our chance. Lets just get down there and take things as they come. At the very worst case scenario, those of us that can't hide can act as a distraction while those that can just sneak in and get the job done."

2008-05-12, 01:46 PM
"I agree - if we are to charge, now is the time," Kabrain says with the sudden calm of a man who knows he is about to enter battle, and draws the massive two-hander from the sheath strapped to his back underneath the billowing cloak.

Change Presence aura to Power. Activate the Marshal auras Motivate Care and Demand Fortitude when everyone is ready to charge in, before Initiative is rolled.

When all my auras are up, you all gain the following benefits:
+3 Initiative, Listen, Spot, Damage
+6 Fortitude Saves
+1 AC.
All unnamed bonuses, so they stack with everything.

2008-05-13, 01:50 AM

Pelor's priest merely nods, gripping his blessed mace. "Slay," he confirms in Violet's words.

2008-05-14, 10:48 PM
Seeing that you've come to a decision, Auryalle adresses all of you.
We should be able to give you concealment for the first four-hundred or so feet, leaving you with another three hundred to cross on your own. Best of luck to you, Binders.
Bidding farewell to the Eyes, you make your way to the exit of your tower. Despite Auryalle's assurance of cover, you find it prudent to attempt a stealthy advance. You halt at what you guess to be one hundred feet short of the concealment's range, you'd rather not risk Auryalle overestimating the range at your expense. Unsure as to whether the concealment entends to sound as well as sight, you speak in low whispers.

The Boyce
2008-05-14, 11:04 PM
"From here I can cleanse him with potent fire, though that may be t far for the rest of you too strike, though I may be able to get off two before he has a chance to react." Belmund says with a fire in his eyes and voice.

2008-05-14, 11:20 PM

Violet looks for the most ideal method to approach the building. The blighted, blasted landscape might not be good for cover, but she wanted to see if there was a method for her to remain hidden. Notably, her longbow is ready if she needs to strike from a distance. But she wanted not to attract attention just for the sake of not fighting the entire temple.

If Violet can find enough cover to remain relatively hidden, she will make her approach under stealth. If not, she will be using the rest of the group as the cover she needs to infiltrate.

2008-05-15, 01:32 AM
Xion turns to Belmund and questions “You can not possibly k….” He then remembers the last time Belmund cast the spell and the amount of time it took to get the ash out of his armor and clothes, and shuts up. “So do you think your spell will be enough or should I get ready to charge”

The Boyce
2008-05-15, 01:58 AM
"While I would like to think he will be incinerated immediately, I shall make no guarantee. If nothing else he should be quite injured by the blast." Belmund's eyes begin to glow with fire of their own as he begins to call forth his power, he will not do so quite yet as he wants the rest of the team to weigh in.

2008-05-15, 07:15 AM
"Go ahead, if you can char him a little before we close feel free," Kabrain confirms to Belmund. "No need to spend your best spells on it though, I'm sure we can take it down fairly quickly up close."

((Just use the Orb of Fire, an Empowered Fireball against a single target would be a waste.))

2008-05-15, 07:47 PM

While Tero decides on whether to blast the minotaur away or not, Tero crouches down and pick up a pinch of dirt. Mumbling to himself, he lets it drop slowly, grain by grain. As he lets go of the last batch, it seems to get blown away by a strange breeze, which seemed to start and end by Tero's person.

Once done, he concentrates, closing his eyes for a brief second. When he opens them again, he's seems to hold his bow slightly differently, as if he'd found just the right amount of grip for the current conditions. "It's just one guard to our six, he won't last long regardless of how you look at it. We'd just better act quick though, we don't know for how long the lion's going to be gone."

Cast Longstrider (+10ft landspeed, 5 hour duration)
Manifest Offensive Precognition (4pp, Expending focus to Overchannel and increase my ML without injury, +2 insight to attack rolls, 14 minute duration)

The Boyce
2008-05-16, 03:31 PM
"Then let us start." Belmund says with barely restrained excitement as he begins to feel the euphoria calling forth his power brings. "First I think we had better speed things up!"

As he says this each of his companions can feel warmth creep into their bodies and can now move quicker than before. Then he focuses on calling forth his more destructive powers and his eyes burn and his hair ruffles from the power he call forth. His hands meet, outstretched before him and a beam of blue launches forth, it meets the minotaur and explodes.

Casts Haste which lasts for 11 rounds effects all in party

Also casts empowered fireball which deals [roll0] damage and has a DC of 20

The Boyce
2008-05-16, 03:48 PM
((ooc: Hmm I guess you can't preview posts when rolling, how annoying [roll0]))

2008-05-16, 10:51 PM
Before the beast has even a moment to react, it is engulfed in Belmund's flames. It's fur vaporizes instantly, and the smell of burning flesh reaches your nostrils. The fire having sucked away all the air, the Minotau cannot even scream as it is quickly reduced to a pile of ashes and charred bones. For a brief moment after the fire dies down, you see what appears to be a large foating jellyfish, its membrane contorted in to a sneer of malevolance. Just as soon as you notice it, however, it vanishes from sight.

2008-05-17, 02:07 AM
Ryu massages his temple in thought for a few seconds, then drops his hands, his jaw falls open and his pupils dilate. He then shakes his head and regains control.

“Guys, that was a dybbuk. A dybbuk can inhabit and animate dead body, and it’s immune to acid electricity and fire. Killing its host doesn’t do a thing to it, it can, however, be forced out of its host by spells that have a banishing effect. Oh, and by the way, its touch is fatal.”

2008-05-17, 11:08 AM

Violet frowns. "They know. Through horn and fur they hide, and now they see us before we see them. Bad plan." She admonishes those who were so eager to give away their position, before hiding so she wouldn't get attacked in the conflagration that came.

2008-05-17, 12:08 PM
"At least we can agree that there's no point in sneaking in now, eh?" Kabrain remarks with a grim smile on his face. He holds his sword ready and starts walking steadily towards the temple, wary of anything that might emerge from the compound. "Frontal assault it is, then..."

The Boyce
2008-05-17, 01:27 PM
"Well then next time I will have to use divine fire, I doubt they are immune to that. Besides, now we know what we face and can adjust to face it. So lets hurry up and get in there." Belmund pulls out his sword as he says this and begins to run towards the entrance.

2008-05-17, 05:45 PM
Ryu slaps his forehead. "I forgot to mention it resistant to cold, and I think it may even be able to kill through its hosts hand. So one, charging in there may be a bad idea, and two if you see a jellyfish-like or non-demonic creature, run. Ryu then notices the Belmund is gone and yells at him to come back.

2008-05-17, 06:42 PM

Watching his team members go, Tero closes his eyes and focuses. Off ahead, a large glob of ectoplasm seeps from the ground and bursts into a swift looking silvery humanoid. "They know we're here, either way we have to get in there. At least let him go first, it'll run into anything we'd rather not." Gripping his bow, he follows the others.

Manifested a 2nd level construct, traits being Deflection (+1 Def to AC), Celerity (+10ft movement) and Mobility (gains the Mobility feat)

2008-05-17, 07:52 PM

Eager to be inside the gates of the temple at last, Violet approaches under stealth, using the extra speed to her fullest advantage. Not at all worried about being found magically, the only thing she worried about was an especially astute demon, to which their predilection towards chaos meaning that they would make poor guards. Once she gets close enough, she will start looking for an entrance that looks relatively easy to break into. Walking in through the front door was suicide.

2008-05-18, 11:24 PM
You reach the front gate, meeting no further resistance. The Gate is a 20 foot tall double doored portal, and is sealed tight. In in the middle of the doors and five feet above the ground, there is a metal engraving of a single eyeball, perhaps the locking mechanism.
Violet: Make a search check to see if you find any other entrances.

2008-05-19, 12:45 AM

Violet's Searching For Secret Doors/Accesible Entrances:[roll0]

(results or lack thereof will be edited in here as appropriate)

2008-05-19, 11:05 PM

"The path of brambles." Violet exclaimed rather inappropriately, before moving off toward a brick on the western wall. "To a shield of a shadows." Violet stares carefully at this brick, studying it intently.

Taking 10 searching the brick, for a 34.

EDIT: After a minute, Violet returns to the group. "Shallower than it should, or water deeper than the lake? Thin borders make for no borders." She giggled, as if laughing at a joke only she was aware of. "Only the impure need fly." Violet proceeds to climb up the ruined stable on the eastern side, to see if there was a way in.

Taking 10 on the climb check, also taking 10 on any balance checks I may need to keep me from falling or the stable from collapsing. Both results are 33. Violet, in total with equipment, is probably around 160.

2008-05-21, 10:57 PM

Why didn't I give you wings, it would have been so much more... with a sigh, Tero turns from his now still construct and to the large metallic engraving. He tries to find a way to get past the mechanism, but in a worse case scenario he could just take Violet's route. You know, if we were all in the sack then...

Knowledge Psionics: [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcane: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2008-05-22, 09:10 PM
To Tero:
Searching the engraving, you find that the pupil of the eye is actually a cyllindrical hole that goes roughly two inches into the door. Further probing in the hole reveals that the wooden doors are wooden only for about the first half-inch of the hole. The rest is cold and smooth to the touch, and your knowledge of Psionics allows you to realize that it is crystal, a natural conductor of Psionic energy.

To Violet:
Peeking over the edge of the wall, Violet observes several types of humaniods and other assorted creatures moving about. They seem to be preparing for your intrusion, setting barricades to hinder your advance from the main gate. As you observe, you attempt to keep most of yourself concealed behind the wall. (Made a hide check.)

2008-05-22, 10:46 PM

Violet keeps to the shadows as best she can, trying to avoid attention to herself as the flimsiest member of the group.
Hide Check:[roll0]

2008-05-24, 03:55 PM

Remembering the crystal that runs through his bows shaft, Tero comes to a colcusion about the door. "I might be able to open it, there's chance the gate workd on the same principle as my bow. At the very least, something should happen if I try and channel some energy through it."

Given that this was the front door to what culd currently be considered an enemy keep, Tero doesn't do so right away. "We might regret doing this. As long as you all are willing and ready to, I'll give it a try though."

If there are no objections, Tero will reach into the hole and with his hand firmly on the crystal surface, he'll start channeling energy into it, just as if it where deep crystal.

2008-05-27, 06:10 PM
To Violet:
If any glances were directed your way, they did not spot you. The different creatues seem to be finished with their preparations, and begin deploying. The majority of the force is placed at the main gate, while other, smaller parties move to secure the walls. As you see a few humanoids moving towand you, you decide now would be a good time to regroup with the others.

2008-05-27, 07:10 PM

Violet drops behind the wall and begins to climb down the wall, jumping if it's less than 30 feet, tumbling to an impressive landing. She goes over to Belmund and Taro, finding them the most fun today. "Hark, the shadows lurk as the wicked approach."

2008-05-29, 06:57 PM
Ryu turns to Violet and asks, “Did you happen see any dybbuks in there? If not, we could just charge in there.”

2008-05-30, 12:58 AM

"Dib...yuk?" Violet asks, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Dibyuk? Dip yuk? Not tasty!" She makes the universally understood gagging gesture with her finger.

2008-05-30, 02:48 AM

The paladin grins at Violet's mime, then, as it seems the problem has been solved and they will be entering directly, he faces to the great door.

He touches his holy symbol, murmuring a prayer to the dawn, and readies his god-touched mace. "Well, if the 'shadows lurk', this won't be too easy."

2008-05-30, 10:28 PM

With a fond smile, Tero gets back to the gate. His attention on the door, he begins to concentrate and starts channeling energy into the crystal. They already know we're here anyway.

2008-06-02, 11:11 PM
You hear a soft scraping noise as the door swing away to reveal the resistance meeting you. You spy two creatures, half serpent, half man positioned behind pavises with crossbows trained on you. Two lions, their forms grown hideously out of proportion by dark energies, flank them. Most terrifying of all, however, is what takes up point. It’s nine heads roaring in fury, the hydra advances towards you.
Tero: Subtract one point of power for opening the door.
Everyone: Roll for initative.

2008-06-03, 01:01 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2008-06-03, 02:42 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

((Note that Kabrain grants everyone a +3 bonus to initiative. I think Xion must have factored it in since he had a +5 total modifier, but if not then he should raise it.))

The Boyce
2008-06-03, 08:01 AM

(Question: How close together are our enemies?)

2008-06-03, 08:24 AM

Initiative: [roll0] (+4 Dex, +5 Warning property, +3 Aura)

2008-06-03, 09:26 AM

"And you'll be a coat, and you'll be shoes, and I will be the hat!" Violet giggled again as she pointed to the enemies.

2008-06-03, 11:36 AM
Thanks Swooper, I didn't, so 21.

2008-06-03, 04:03 PM
"Pelor help us," whispers the paladin as the hydra advances.


2008-06-04, 04:28 PM

(As I seriously doubt anyone is going to go before Violet's 31 initative)

Violet Harane
76/76 HP, Initiatve: 31
AC: 28 (30 against the hydra)
Conditions: None

"Straight ahead! On his side, be my mirror and be my white knight!" Violet draws her splendidly ornate rapier as she moves to the side of the now opened door, using the wall as cover against the massive hydra. Artfully balancing her sword-hand forward while her empty hand was positioned behind her, keeping her balance, she readied to strike the first enemy to come within reach of her cold iron blade.

Declared Actions: Move action to draw blade and move to the side of the door, standard action to ready an action to strike the first baddy that shows up through the door, fighting defensively. If someone states that they'll be giving Violet the flank, then I'll belay striking the first enemy in favor of striking a flanked foe. Free action to declare the hydra as my dodge target.

(If one of you guys'll take the other side and give Violet the flank, it's much appreciated)

2008-06-05, 08:39 PM
One of the Dire Lions makes a running leap to come to bear against Tero. As you spend your effort to avoid its gaping maw, you are caught off gard by its front claws, only to be painfully reminded of their existance.

Dire Lion did not move through Violet's threatend square.
Tero takes 17 points of damage.
Initative is as follows:
Dire Lion A
Dire Lion B
Yaun-ti B
Yaun-ti A

P.S. Do any of you know a good online program for creating a grid for battles?

2008-06-06, 05:23 AM
((One of my DMs uses MapTool (google it), another uses a grid made in MSPaint (or it looks that way). Neither are online though, so you'd need to upload a .jpg to a hosting website. I'll update this post with my action tonight, can't now since I'm at work.))

Update: Ok, since we don't have a battlemap I'm going to need to put a lot of conditionals in this one. Bear with me. Hope you don't mind if I reuse some rolls across the conditionals.

AC 19, HP 110/110, DR 4/-.
Auras: Power (+3 damage), Senses (+3 Initiative, Spot, Listen), Motivate Care (+1 AC), Demand Fortitude (+6 Fort Saves).
Conditions: None.

IF (Dire Lion is within 10 feet)
With a quick mental command, Kabrain sics his loyal shadow companion on the great lion and past as it comes charging at Tero through the gate. When it approaches, he is ready with his wicked twohander and as slashes at the feline daemon and draws blood, the draconic runes along the blade flare red. While combating the lion, he takes note of the greater threat of the hydra following behind it. "May your teeth rot and fall out! - Your skin grow frail! - Your necks tangle!" he shouts at the nine-headed behemoth in between blows as it lumbers closer.

No action: Move Dark Companion next to Dire Lion, behind it if possible, giving it a -2 to all Saves and AC.
No action: 5' step next to the Dire Lion
Full round action: Full attack, Power Attack for -5/+10.
Attack Rolls: 1d20+10=22, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+0=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618011/)
Damage: 2d6+15=23, 2d6+15=21, 2d6+15=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618015/) Forgot to include Power Aura, so +3 on each hit.
Additionally, each hit deals 1 CON damage.
Swift action: Curse the Hydra. Will save DC 23 or take -4 on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls for 1 hour. Should it succeed, I do not expend a use of the curse for the day.

ELSE IF (Dire Lion is within 40 feet and can reached in a straight line)
With a quick mental command, Kabrain sics his loyal shadow companion on the great lion and past as it comes charging at Tero through the gate. He then sprints towards the feline himself, raising his wicked twohander high for a massive blow. The draconic runes along the edge of his blade flare red as it draws blood. While combating the lion, he takes note of the greater threat of the hydra following behind it. "May your teeth rot and fall out! - Your skin grow frail! - Your necks tangle!" he shouts at the nine-headed behemoth as it lumbers closer.

No action: Move Dark Companion next to Dire Lion, behind it if possible, giving it a -2 to all Saves and AC.
Full round action: Charge, doing a long jump when 15 feet away and power attacking for -8/+24.
Jump check: 1d20+13=29 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618034/) vs DC 10 - Success.
Attack Roll: 1d20+9=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618039/)
Damage: 2d6+32=38 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618041/) + 1 CON damage.
AC reduced by 2, to 17.
Swift action: Curse the Hydra. Will save DC 23 or take -4 on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls for 1 hour. Should it succeed, I do not expend a use of the curse for the day.

ELSE IF (Dire Lion cannot be charged, but can be reached with 20' move)
With a quick mental command, Kabrain sics his loyal shadow companion on the great lion and past as it comes charging at Tero through the gate. He then moves past his allies to engange the feline himself, raising his wicked twohander high for a massive blow. The draconic runes along the edge of his blade flare red as it draws blood. While combating the lion, he takes note of the greater threat of the hydra following behind it. "May your teeth rot and fall out! - Your skin grow frail! - Your necks tangle!" he shouts at the nine-headed behemoth as it lumbers closer.

As above, but move next to Dire Lion instead of charging it and then attack. Reduce attack roll by 2 and damage by 8. AC not reduced.

ELSE IF (Dire Lion cannot be reached with a move action && it, the hydra and at least one more target can be hit with a 60' line)
With a quick mental command, Kabrain sics his loyal shadow companion past the great lion on the hydra as the lion comes charging at Tero through the gate. He takes a quick look at the advancing monsters and makes a decision. He manoeuvres a few steps while raising his wicked twohander and muttering something in the ancient draconic tongue. He stops with the sword raised high above his head, and when he mutters the last syllable of his incantation he throws the blade with full force and it is enveloped by a purple glow as it leaves his hands. The sword whirls through the air past his companions, slashing at the creatures caught in it's path. Before it strikes the hydra, he shouts a potent curse: "May your teeth rot and fall out! - Your skin grow frail! - Your necks tangle!" he shouts at the nine-headed behemoth as it lumbers closer.

No action: Move Dark Companion next to Hydra, giving it a -2 to all Saves and AC.
Move action: Move into position to catch three or more targets with 60' line.
Swift action: Curse the Hydra. Will save DC 23 or take -4 on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls for 1 hour. Should it succeed, I do not expend a use of the curse for the day.
Standard action: Cast Whirling Blade (SpC 238), which strikes all hostile targets (not allies) in a 60' line. Power Attack for -3/+6. I'll roll 5 attacks just in case, use in order as appropriate:
Whirling Blade attack rolls (1d20+12=13, 1d20+12=26, 1d20+12=14, 1d20+12=15, 1d20+12=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618059/)
Whirling Blade damage: 2d6+14=18, 2d6+14=20, 2d6+14=20, 2d6+14=21, 2d6+14=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1618061/).
Additionally, each hit deals 1 CON damage.

((Reserve right to add more conditional in case none of those applies. This was the most complex combat round I've ever posted, can we please get a combat map soon? 0_o ))

2008-06-07, 01:21 AM

Tero stumbles back, gritting his teeth as he tries to ignore the wounds left by the lion. Slipping out of the beast's reach, his muscles grow tense as he prepares for what's to come.

His bow glows as three arrows fly from it simultaneously, each one resonating as they fly towards the lion. Before they reach their target, Tero's hands become a blur. As they did with the fake retriever back at the fortress, they seem to sculpt something out, but the speed at which they move is unatural. In only a fraction of a second a silver droplet forms, grows and burst between the archer and the lion. The end result looks like a combination of the two, a large alien looking centaur with an empty stare. One of its arms seems to hold some kind of bow, although no arrow string is visible and it seems grafted onto the arm. It crackles like thunder at the subtlest motion.

Now behind his creation, Tero seems to sigh in releif, as if a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders. It seems to still have some lingering effects, his movements less sure then before.

Alright, mechaincs look something like this:

Move: Tumble 30ft back, away from the Lion [roll0]
Standard: Manyshot, three arrows and channeling them through the Deepcrystal in the bow.
Attack and Damage:Attack[roll1]
Damage: Arrow 1 [roll2] + [roll3] Deepcrystal
Arrow 2 [roll4] + [roll5] Deepcrystal
Arrow 3 [roll6] + [roll7] Deepcrystal

Note: I'm note sure about the bonus damage from the Aura, if it isn't melee only, and the attack roll hit, it's +9
Swift: Temporal Acceleration
->Full Round Action manifesting a 7th level Astral Construct, Overchanneling for a ML of 14
Menu Options: Concussion (Menu C), Energy Bolt: Electricity (Menu C) and Extreme Deflection (Menu C)
Free: Direct the "Swift", 4th Level construct to flank with violet if need be, the 7th Level "Centaur" construct will act next round

End Result: 30pp spent, 3 normal arrows fired, an Astral Construct standing between him and the Lion.

AC 20, HP 64/81

2008-06-07, 10:31 AM
((Sorry - yeah, that's melee damage only, sadly.))

2008-06-12, 09:31 PM
Kabrain's baleful energies lash out at the hydra, but have no discernable effect. His strikes against the lion prove far more effective, however, as large rends in its flesh open. The creature remains eerily silent despite it's grievous wounds.

59 Damage to Dire Lion.

Folowing on the heels of its partner, the second Lion moves to engage Kabrain in support.
Kabrain takes 17 points of damage and must make a grapple check.

Let me see if I can give you a verbal description of the map. The gate is 30' wide, 40' high. 60' away is the hydra, 20' behid that arethe snake-people. Everone except Kabrain is unengaged.

2008-06-12, 10:27 PM
Ryu pulls out a small wooden target and a white light appears. He then puts the target back in his pouch and moves towed the other lion, while tacking his sword out.

I cast “Sure Strike” as a standard action. And move within charging Distance of the lion that is not grappling Kabrain while taking out my sword as a move action.

2008-06-13, 05:52 AM
((Grapple: [roll0]

See, this is why I usually don't use the forum roller...))

The Boyce
2008-06-15, 09:57 PM
The air around Belmund flares with light and fire as energy swirls into his open palm, coalescing into an orb of golden fire. He growls as he hurls it at the lion not grappling his friend. "You will find this fire much more painful demon!"

Belmund casts a Celestial Orb of fire

Ranged Touch roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] Half of that is divine

2008-06-16, 01:41 AM
HP 94/94, AC 22, DR 2/-

The paladin hesitates a moment as the two sides crash together. The others can deal with the lions... The snake-things will be bothersome, but they are at the rear where we can't reach them as easily, he notes. My duty, then, is to hold the beast.

His decision made, Vorelm charges directly at the hydra, shield ready and mace swinging.

A nice simple one. Full-round action: charge 60ft to the hydra.
[roll0] (edit: +2 from charge)
[roll1] - physical (edit: +3 from Power aura)
[roll2] - holy

2008-06-18, 10:41 PM
Kabrain is pinned between the vice-jaws of the Dire Lion, and held to the ground the the lion's unnatuaral weight.
Yeah, you're pinned.

One of the man-serpents launches a crossbow bolt at the unengaged Ryu, though it just barely manages to wound you, and slithers around the pavisse to draw nearer to you.
Ryu takes 1 point of damage.

Belmund's sphere of flames strikes the the lion, and it falls to the ground as its very bones are charred. Left standing, however, is the translucent visage of a dybuuk.

The second sepent follows it's twin, sending another bolt at Ryu, barely managing to do any more.
Another2 points of damage.

Ryuuk, since the Lion is dead, could you change your action?

2008-06-19, 02:30 PM

OOC: His action will remain as is, except rather then using manyshot against the Lion, he'll manifest an 11pp Concussion Blast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/concussionBlast.htm) on the Dybuuk with the standard action.

No attack roll needed, but it does take into account power/spell resistance. The check would be made at +12

Force Damage: [roll0]

Recap: Move action to tumble away (check above)
Standard action to manifest Concussion Blast
Swift to manifest Temporal Acceleration
Full Round to manifest an Overchanneled Astral Construct

Currently shaken and with 5 pp less then before (didn't use 6 in the manyshot, but used 11 on the force damage)

2008-06-27, 12:24 AM
The force of Tero's blast slams into the lion, and the crack of shattered bones is audible, though it has no visible effect on the combat effectiveness of the creature.

Vorelm's charge is not without results, as skin and bone break under his mace. Interestingly, the hydra screeches in pain, the dybbuk inside hurling abyssal blasphemies against you all.
The nine heads of the beast flail at Vorelm in a snapping maelstrom. While his skill with the sheild is able to deflect most of the heads, a few heads evade his defenses to sink their teeth into his flesh.

Vorelm takes 17 points of damage.
Turn: Violet

2008-06-28, 12:12 PM

"No one lets me play." Violet sighed to herself. Violet tumbles moves into a flanking position of the hydra if she can do it in one turn, otherwise, she'll flank with the construct at a bad guy and show it what it means to defy Violet.

"I am the path of no beginnings or endings!"

Attack Roll: [roll0]

2008-06-28, 12:14 PM
Roll to confirm threat: [roll0]
Weapon Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

Fighting Defensively, +4 AC, +2 Dodge against the enemy I'm facing

2008-06-29, 06:12 AM
AC 19, HP 97/110, DR 4/-.
Auras: Power (+3 damage), Senses (+3 Initiative, Spot, Listen), Motivate Care (+1 AC), Demand Fortitude (+6 Fort Saves).
Conditions: Pinned at the start of the round, none after taking the standard action.

"Ryaaaaaaargh!" Kabrain yells with surprise and anger as the wounded lion pins him to the ground. His face, sweating at the sudden rush of adrenaline from the threat of death, twists into a wicked grin. "Thought you had me, didn't you!?" he shouts at the lion's beastly visage mere inches from his face. With an effort, struggling to keep the creature's teeth away from his throat, he manages to click the heels of his enchanted boots together and disappears from the lion's clutches with a puff of caustic smoke and a wild cackle.

He reappears instantly a stone's throw away, disoriented for a split second by the world shifting around him, but quickly gains his bearings and, hefting his blade, runs a few paces before quickly sending the greatsword hurtling through the ranks of his enemies with a single word of power. The sword, powered by the spell, slashes at several of them before returning to it's owner's hands.

Standard action: Activate Dimension Stride Boots, using one charge, to move up to 20' (at least 10' from the lion).
Move action: Move up to another 20' if necessary to get to the most advantageous position for casting Whirling Blade
No action: Move the Dark Companion next to the most threatening foe I can catch in the line effect. Preferably the hydra if it's included in the spell, if not then one of the yuan-ti, if not then have it stay with the lion. If I can get more than one adjacent to it, then do that instead. Any enemy adjacent to the Dark Companion takes -2 to saves and AC.
Swift action: Quick-cast Whirling Blade (SpC 238), targeting as many enemies as possible in a 60' line with those 10-40' of movement, preferably catching at least three of them. Power attack for -3/+6. No allies are affected as per the spell text. I roll five attacks in case I can get them all, use as needed in order of rolls.
Whirling Blade attack rolls: 1d20+12=13, 1d20+12=13, 1d20+12=24, 1d20+12=27, 1d20+12=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1643796/)
Whirling Blade damage rolls: 2d6+14=22, 2d6+14=25, 2d6+14=18, 2d6+14=21, 2d6+14=19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1643799/)

Even without massive conditionals, posting combat rounds for this guy takes a while... :smalleek:

2008-06-29, 09:54 PM
Violet's tumble puts her in postion to flank the revealed Dybbuk. Her rapier strikes true through the membrane of the Daemon, but if it had any effect, the Dybbuk did not give any indication of pain. Rather, it simply rotakes in theair, its neblous sneer directed at Violet. The strands at the end of its body reach out to assault Violet. The tendrils slip easily through parrying sword and armor alike, and pain courses through Viloet's body as it seems as though her very innards are turned to glass.
Violet takes 5 points of Con. damage.

The Dire Lion looks around in what can only be assumed to be surprise as Kabrain disappears and reappears at a distance. The confusion is only intensified as Kabrain's blade travels past both Lion and Dybbuk, hitting neither.
OOC: Two ones in a row? Bad luck, man :smalltongue: .
The confusion is swiftly replaced by rage at the realization that its prey had been lost. It turns to once again face its target and bounds once again at Kabrain. However, the repeated action proved to be a blunder, as Kabrain was able to anticipate and sidestep the pinning attack, though watching the teeth led him to take the claws.
Kabrain takes 11 points of damage.
Turn: Xion

2008-06-30, 07:09 PM
Ryu charges at the hydra. When he gets close he jumps up in the air and slashes downwards at the hydra.

Charges at he hydra. At ten feet away he jumps.
As a swift action he castes “Blade of Blood.” Taking the -5 to hp for + 3d6 to damage.Power Attack 12

Jump: [roll0]
To Hit: [roll1] (Fiendslaying +2, in case it matters.)
Sword damage: [roll2] (+7 so 18)
Blade of Blood: [roll3]
power attack: 36
Fire: [roll4]
Electricity: [roll5]
Fiendslaying: [roll6] (Again in case it matters.)

Also my combat awareness, combat vigor and combat focus are now active.

2008-06-30, 07:25 PM
Sorry for double posting. [roll0]-Holy

2008-07-01, 08:51 PM
The Hydra's nine heads screech in unison as Ryu's massive blade plunges into its hide. Carried by his downward momentum, the sword opens a wound all along the creature and is soon followed by the stench of the blood pouring out onto both the ground and Ryu. Despite the grieous wound inflicted by the knight, the hydra fights on, propelld by the unholy energies of its host. Ryu has little time to ponder the intricaies of a hydras ciculatory system, however, as he is soon bludgeoned from behind by the burning mace of one of the Yaun-ti.
Ryu takes 29 points of damage (22 Bludgeoning+7 Fire)
Turn: The Boyce

The Boyce
2008-07-04, 09:57 AM
"You should have ran when you had the chance demon! For with no host you now feel the full wrath of the Divine Flame!" Belmund yells even as his power surges once more. His right hand fills with a flame, one glowing with holiness. He launches the blessed incendiary straight at the Dybukk.

Ranged Touch attack:[roll0]

Orb of Fire damage: [roll1]

Half of that is divine

2008-07-07, 05:32 PM
HP 77/94, AC 25, DR 2/-

The warpriest continues to attack the hydra, bludgeoning its skulls and ribs, preferring to focus its attention with blows rather than letting it run amok while he casts spells. His mace shines with every strike.

Ryuuk/Tero is away, according to his sig, so I guess we'll be skipping him or he'll be NPC'd... which leaves me.

[roll1] melee [roll2] holy
[roll4] melee [roll5] holy
[roll7] melee [roll8] holy

2008-07-07, 10:47 PM
Tero (I'll post when possibly, but there may be some delay)

Struggling to steady himself, Tero readies his bow. His latest creation seems to do the same. He moves back and draws a series of arrows from his quiver, one after another, each marking a different target.

The centuar seems to be a bit more focused though. After moving across the battlefield, it aims its "bow" at the dyubyuk standing against Violet. A sudden blast of force seems to assault it before a large bolt of lightning flies though it, like an arrow.

Tero: Rapidshot, hitting as many enemies as possible. Each hit would result in the target being flanked until Tero's next turn, or the first attack against it.
Arrow 1 [roll0] (Closest Enemy)
Damage [roll1]
Arrow 2 [roll2] (2nd Closest)
Damage [roll3]
Arrow 3 [roll4] (3rd Closest)
Damage [roll5]
Arrow 4 [roll6] (4th Closest)
Damage [roll7]

Astral Construct: Move to a position in which the Dyubyuk fighting Violet and any other target are in a line with no friendlies in the way. The Dyubyuk takes a Cuncussion Blast ([roll8] Force) as a free action and afterwards is pummeled by a DC 15 Reflex, Electric Energy Bolt ([roll9]). The bolt should, hopefully, go on to hit additional targets.

2008-07-08, 02:10 PM
In case Violet is in the collateral damage area, Reflex: [roll0]

2008-07-08, 09:30 PM
Belmund's sphere of holy fire launches at the Dybbuk, and scores the ground below the Daemon. The second of the Yaun-ti moves to trap Vorelm between itself and the hydra. Taken unaware by the flanking manuever, Vorelm is struck between the shoulder blade by the Serpents mace.
Vorelm takes 10 points of damage (6 reg. + 4 fire)
P.S. Shouldn't that put your health at 67, since you took damage already?

Tero's volley scores hits on the Dybbuk, the lion, and the Hydra. His ectoplasmic minion's bolt strikes the Dybbuk, and the arc of lightning travels onward to strike the Hydra. While the electricity left the incorporeal daemon untouch, the electrical current arcs through the monster and arcs of energy visibly leap in the wounds of the creature. Unable hold controll of its puppet, the Dybbuk is forced out into the open between Tero and Ryu.
The Hydra is dead (duh). Naleh, would you rewrite your action?

2008-07-09, 05:27 AM
HP 67/94, AC 25, DR 2/-

The priest staggers forward, taken by surprise. Instead of retaliating, though, he drops his mace and gestures at the revealed Dybbuk. "Feel the flames of Pelor!" he bellows, casting a spell he learnt on his last mission with Belmund. Holy fire roars down upon the newly revealed dybbuk.

Whoops, sorry about the HP. Fixed.

No Action: 5-foot step away from the yuan-ti, so I'm not provoking AoOs.
Free Action: drop mace to get a free hand.
Standard Action: cast Flame Strike on the ex-hydra dybbuk. Will include another foe in the blast too, if that's possible without threatening allies. [roll0], half fire and half divine. If I'm still in a position to provoke AoOs, cast defensively: [roll1]
Move Action: retrieve mace.

2008-07-26, 02:45 PM
Sidestepping his opponent, Vorelm drops a column of holy fire on bothe the Dybbuk and the Yaun-ti. While both manage to avoid the brunt of the attack, you hear a psionic hiss of pain as they are still caught in the fire. The dybbuk responds by diving back into the broken body of the hydra. To the horror of the mortals watching, the hydra begins to rise once again. The holes and rends in its body begin to knit themselves together, and a roar of renewed fury emanates from its throats.

Violet's turn.

2008-07-27, 06:08 PM
"You should ask a lady to dance!" Violet complained about the reaching tentacles, and then proceeded to slice her magical cold iron blade, the Dancing Demon, at the incorporeal flesh of the dybbuk while maintaining a narrow profile, making herself a nigh-impossible target to hit. Her motions were fluid, her form perfect. Her long legs balanced her wiry body gracefully as she sliced once, twice, three times in a perfect crescent pattern, spinning at the end with a graceful bow.

Flank with the construct, and tear into the demon, defensively.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]
Incorporeal Miss Chance:[roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Sneak Attack: [roll6]
Incorporeal Miss Chance:[roll7]

Attack 3: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Sneak Attack: [roll10]
Incorporeal Miss Chance:[roll11]

I forget if we are hasted. If we are:

Attack 4: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]
Sneak Attack: [roll14]
Incorporeal Miss Chance:[roll15]

2008-08-26, 07:47 PM
The Dybbuk lets out a shriek as Violet's blade strikes true, severing hunks of ectoplasmic flesh from the daemon. The shriek quickly dies away like a gust of wind as the shreds fall , evaporating before touching the ground. All that remains of the dybbuk is the faint smell of formaldehyde.
OOC: Sicarious, since I had your AC down wrong for the last attack against you, you should have only taken 3 points of Con. damage. Also, since I saw your miss rolls before I had decided how to apply the miss chance, I rolled them again to avoid personal contamination.

2008-08-27, 03:07 PM

"Life is beauty, dance with me!
Let me swim in your crimson sea."

Violet sings an almost sadistic song as she punctuates the flesh with her rapier, moving as befitting a court ball rather than a deadly fight with a demon.

2008-09-04, 10:20 PM
Ok, after the chaos of first week back at school, here's the map you've all (Swooper) have been clamoring for:

http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5608/mapdk4.th.png (http://img515.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mapdk4.png)

Ryu: 10A
Tero: 8J
Tero's Summon: 11K
Vorelm: 12A
Belmund: 9J
Kabrain: 10L
Violet: 13K
Ignan 1: 10B
Ignan 2: 13A
Dire Lion: 10K
Hydra: If you can't find it, please leave.

Turn: Kabrain

P.S. If you have a picture you would like to use for your token, go ahead and PM it to me. (Except you, Naleh. Vorelm is stuck as Jesus :smalltongue: )

2008-09-05, 08:17 AM
AC 19, HP 97/110, DR 4/-.
60': Power (+3 damage), Senses (+3 Initiative, Spot, Listen)
30': Motivate Care (+1 AC), Demand Fortitude (+6 Fort Saves).
Conditions: None.

Kabrain sidesteps the lion, using the distracting ectoplasmic construct to his advantage as he slashes at the great cat with great sweeping strikes. While still fighting the lion, he shouts a new curse, directed at the dybbuk possessing the hydra, who simultaneously feels the chill presence of Kabrain's shadowy companion: "Begone back to the pit whence you came, hell-spawned spirit!"

No action: 5 foot step to K9.
Full round action: Full attack the Dire Lion. +2 from flanking with the construct. Power attack -3 for +6 damage.
Full attack vs. Dire Lion, PA 3. (1d20+14=17, 1d20+9=23, 1d20+4=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1720772/) (Damn, IC seems to hate this character)
Damage (2d6+11=19, 2d6+11=20, 2d6+11=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1720779/) +3 damage on each hit, forgot my own aura. Also 1 CON damage for every hit.
No action: Command the Dark Companion to move adjacent to the hydra and Ignan B, square A9. This gives both a -2 penalty to AC and saves.
Swift action: Greater Hexblade's Curse at the Hydra. DC23 Will save or take a -4 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

2008-09-07, 12:38 AM
Realizing his mistake, Ryu turns around and slices three times at the Yaun-ti.

Casts Blade of blood and takes 5 points of damage. Power attack 3.

Attack 1:

Attack 2:[roll1]

Attack 3:[roll2]

Damage 1: Sword:[roll3] Shock:[roll4] holy:[roll5] Fiendslaying:[roll6]
Blade of blood:[roll7]

Damage 2: Sword:[roll8] Shock:[roll9] holy:[roll10] Fiendslaying:[roll]2d6]

Damage 3: Sword:[roll11] Shock:[roll12] holy:[roll13] Fiendslaying:[roll]2d6]/roll]

2008-09-07, 12:47 AM
Edit:+1 damage to each attack. 2nd Fiendslaying:[roll0]

(If 10B becomes open I take a 5-foot step to it.)

2008-09-10, 10:32 PM
Kabrain's strokes cleave the massive lion in three, severing the hind from the fore, and the cranium from the head. Meanwhile, the aural manifestation of Kabrain's curse sails at the Hydra, but a baleful stare from the beast signals the curse's failure to take hold. Revealed from its armor of flesh, the Dybbuk lashes out in retaliation. A hole opens in its membrane, where a mouth could be considered to be. From this tear emanates a cloud of black smoke. To Kabrain, it appears as the summation of every horror, every daemon he had banished. The malice of the slain washes over Kabrain, sapping the very life from his body.

Take a Will save and a Fortitude save.

Ryu whirls on his feet to confront the smaller of his two foes. The creature hasn't the time to react before it is severed at the waist and the neck. Crumpling to the ground, the Dybbuk remains floating.

Vorelm continues to engage both the hydra and the Yaun-ti, though the occasional blow from the serpent's fiery mace manages to evade Vorelm's stalwart guard.

Vorelm takes 17 points of damage (13 normal, 4 fire)
Turn: Belmund

Map: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/3864/maprg2.th.png (http://img151.imageshack.us/my.php?image=maprg2.png)

2008-09-11, 05:30 AM
Fortitude Save (1d20+22=32) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1727335/)
Will Save (1d20+10=25) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1727337/)

((If those are Fort/Will Partial, then they count as Fort/Will negates for me because of Mettle. If they count as spells or spell-like, I get a +6 not included in the rolls above from Arcane Resistance.))

The Boyce
2008-09-11, 09:33 PM
"Let us try this again!" yells with slight indignation. A small orb of golden flame appears in his hand as he flings it at the dyubukk.

Belmund casts a Celestial lesser orb of fire

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

1/2 divine

2008-09-15, 06:13 PM
The Dybbuk notices Belmund's casting and lashes out in an attempt to break his concentration. As it's tendril reaches into Belmund's body, he must summon his willpower to maintain the spell over the pain of his weakening body.

Belmund takes 1 point of CON damage and must make a DC 12 Concentration check.

2008-09-19, 11:30 PM
Standing fast against the assault on his very life energy, Belmund unleashes a shpere of holy fire, scarring the Dybbuk. In response the daemon begins to channel dark energies to itself. Noticing this, Kabrain, Belmund and Tero attempt to disrupt the creature's casting.

Attack of Opportunity for Belmund, Kabrain, and Tero's construct.
Be sure to roll 1d100 for miss chance (1-50=miss, 51-100=hit)

2008-09-20, 01:25 AM

As if he were standing next to the Dybbuk, Tero swings his bow at the air. The The large construct moves just as he does and tries to slam at demon with its larger bow-like arm.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Miss Chance: [roll2]

Tero gives the Dybbuk a las glance before dashing off. Crouching as he runs, he rushes through the gates and pulls three arrows from his quiver. As he gets within range of the Hydra, he stops, and fires them together.

Move to E10 and use Manyshot aginst the Hydra.
Attack [roll3]
Arrows [roll4]+[roll5]+[roll6]

Once again, the construct seems to follow its master's movements. It gives the ghostly demon apenetrating glance, which seems to shake it much more then its creator. Afterwards, it moves forward reaches to wear its quiver would be and pulls its limb back from the "bow". Instead of an arrow, a current af pure energy is emerges from it and swiftly flies towards its target.

It'll use Concussion to to hit the Dyubyuk with [roll7] Force damage. Afterwards it'll move to E11 and fire another electric Energy Bolt for [roll8] (DC 15 reflex half) at the hydra.

2008-09-20, 02:35 AM
HP 50/94, AC 25, DR 2/-

The dybbuk dives back into the hydra, which rises again. Vorelm groans deeply.

Then the paladin is caught across the back with a flaming mace again. Frustrated, he lashes out with his own mace.

Full attack the ignan at A13. If by some miracle he kills it with attacks to spare, they'll roll over to the hydra.

[roll1] melee [roll2] holy
[roll4] melee [roll5] holy
[roll7] melee [roll8] holy

Vorelm's mace gets +2 attack and +2d6+2 damage against evil outsiders. I didn't include that last time he melee'd, because hydras aren't outsiders... but on the other hand, dybbuks are. So does he get that bonus, retroactively or otherwise?

2008-09-20, 11:59 AM
"Oh no you don't!" Kabrain shouts as the dybbuk begins channelling energy and brings Heartreaver down upon it's transparent form with a mighty swing.

Attack of Opportunity (still Power Attacking for -3/+6 and still flanking for +2: AoO on Dybbuk (1d20+14=29) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1738477/)
Miss chance (1d100=98) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1738478/) = Hit
AoO Damage (2d6+14=23) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1738485/) + 1 CON damage as usual.

Damn, I can't activate Sudden Stunning now or I would. Can't take Swift Actions not on my turn, can I?

2008-09-20, 06:25 PM
Ryu stares at the dybbuk when something seems to click in his head. “Guys I think we need to cut the heads of or the dybbuks will just crawl back in.”

The Boyce
2008-09-23, 04:46 PM
"Not so fast! Belmund cries as he thrusts his sword at the monstrosity before him.

[spoiler]Attack" [roll0]

Miss: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Electric: [roll3]

2008-09-25, 09:36 PM
The strikes landing on the Dybbuk serve to break its concentration on the spell, and the dark energy gather diffuse as little more than foul-smelling smoke.

Meanwhile, Tero's arrows strike true into the hide of the nine-headed beast. His construct send another wave of disrupting energy through the Dybbuk before launching an attack on the hydra. The lumbering body of the beast is too slow to react, and the Hydra is hit with the full force of the electric arrow.

Vorelm's rage is not without results, as blow after blow crush the bones of the man-snake, and holy energy leaves its scars on the flesh.

Realizing the danger presented by the knight and his great sword, the Hydra devotes all its heads to rending Ryu's body. Avo's Tear, though a formidable offensive weapon, proved far too large and unwieldy to deflect the heads, and Ryu is sent to his knees by the ferrocious onslaught of fangs.

Ryu takes 52 Points of damage.
Turn: Violet

Current Map:
http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6624/mapkc1.th.png (http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mapkc1.png)

Tero > E10
Construct > E11

2008-09-29, 04:16 PM

Having no targets that presented themselves for the carnage, Violet patiently waits.

Delaying action.

2008-10-01, 11:14 AM
AC 19, HP 97/110, DR 4/-.
60': Power (+3 damage), Senses (+3 Initiative, Spot, Listen)
30': Motivate Care (+1 AC), Demand Fortitude (+6 Fort Saves).
Conditions: None.

Kabrain has no intention of letting the dybbuk possess the lion again. He makes calculated, wide swings with Heartreaver, using no more force than necessary, while circling the fiend.

No action: Five-foot step to L10. This gives Belmund the chance to five foot step into a flanking position if he likes.
No action: Call the Dark Companion back to his side, giving the Dybbuk a -2 to saves and AC.
Full action: Full attack the Dybbuk, no PA. Attack rolls: 1d20+15=19, 1d20+10=16, 1d20+5=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751569/)
Miss chance: 1d100=41, 1d100=75, 1d100=48 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751573/) = Miss, hit, miss
Damage: 2d6+8=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751583/) + 1 CON damage
Swift aftion:IF (this attack hit)
{Kabrain whispers a word in draconic and activates the Sudden Stunning property of Heartreaver. The dybbuk has to take a DC22 Reflex save (note the penalty from the Dark Companion) or be stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned) for 1d4+1=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751587/) rounds.}
{Kabrain curses out loud as his swings fail to connect with the elusive fiend's transparent flesh: "Back to the hellfire chaos that spawned you, daemon!" - DC23 Will Save (again, with the penalty) or take -4 to mostly everything for an hour.}

2008-10-06, 05:10 PM
The Dybbuk begins to make what could only be construed as a chuckling sound as Kabrain's strikes pass through its body. The chuckling grows to a roar of mocking laughter as it shrugs off the effects of Kabrain's curse. The daemon is still cackling as its tendrils invade Kabrain's body, crippling it from the inside.

This is just not your game, is it Swooper?
Kabrain takes 7 points of CON damage and must take a fortitude save against crippling pain.

http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/9731/maptj7.th.png (http://img375.imageshack.us/my.php?image=maptj7.png)http://img375.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

2008-10-06, 06:24 PM
Fort Save vs. Pain (1d20+20=25) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1758796/) +6 more if this is a spell or a spell-like ability.

2008-10-07, 07:43 PM
Ryu grabs his chest in agony. He then flexes his fingers, his hand glows blue and in a split second he disappears and reapers in the middle of the room. He then moves toward Tero leaving a trail of blood behind him.

Casts dimension hop on the defensive. [roll0]
Moves to 8I

The Boyce
2008-10-08, 07:56 PM
Seeing an opportunity to damage and perhaps dispatch the foul demon, Belmund steps forward and unleashes a trio of strikes at the creature.

"Be STILL!" he yells.

Takes a 5 foot step to flank and performs a full attack

Attack 1: Miss: [roll1] Physical: [roll2] Electric: [roll] 1d8

Attack 2: Miss: [roll4] Physical: [roll5] Electric: [roll] 1d8

Attack 3: Miss: [roll7] Physical: [roll8] Electric: [roll] 1d8

2008-10-13, 06:31 PM
As if in resigned compliance, the Dybbuk falls silently to the earth, where it dissolves to nothing.
Losing track of its quarry, the other Dybbuk turns to engage the archer, gliding up to Tero noiselessly and sliding a tentacle into his abdomen, sapping the strength of his body.
Tero takes 1 point on CON damage.
Turn: Tero
Map: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/1073/mapnf1.th.png (http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mapnf1.png)

2008-10-13, 11:18 PM

Tero grits his teeth as he moves away from the Dyubyuk's reach. With a quick gesture, he hits the demon with a sudden blast of force. Before it can recover, a second blast hits it from behind, coming form the construct. After wards, it continues to focus on the hydra, launching another bolt of lightning.

Tero moves 10ft to the left, tumbling to avoid an AoO and hits the Dyubyuk with a Concussion Blast (7pp for 3d6 force), the construct does the same and manifests another electric energy bolt on the hydra (DC 15)

Tero: [roll0] Force
Construct [roll1] Force
Bolt [roll2] Electric

2008-10-23, 02:58 AM
HP 50/94, AC 25, DR 2/-

The priest feels no fear for the beast, but nor is he suicidal. He witnesses the hydra's beating on Ryu, and he knows that he cannot stand against that many heads alone.

Carefully watching both opponents, Vorelm gives ground, zigzagging back to Tero's line. "Ryu," he calls, because he is a healer in his spare time, "are you alright? Or right enough, for someone in mortal combat?"

Full-Round Action: Withdraw to E12.

2008-10-29, 11:31 PM
The hydra charges after Vorelm in an attempt to catch Vorelm as he retreats, but its fangs meet the unyielding enchanted wood of his shield.

Turn: Violet

2008-11-11, 12:01 PM
Violet needed to get closer, but she was setting herself up for a huge crushing and painful attack if she charged the hydra. She moved to where she could hide, and then blended in with the darkness to give herself an entirely new edge of fighting.


2008-12-01, 10:10 PM
Violet noticed that the large open gate left a gap between the door and the wall she could squeeze through to get closer to the combat without being noticed. It looked like a tight fit, though...

Make an Escape Artist check.
...and buy me a cattle prod for myself.

2008-12-01, 10:27 PM

Deftly contorting herself with the skill of a master escape artist or a exotic dancer, Violet compresses herself as small as possible to get through the hole.

Escape Artist: [roll0]

2008-12-04, 11:02 PM
Violet manages to get about halfway through before her buckler catches against an outcropping of rock, halting her advance. The shape of the gap prevents her from going backwards. It would take a superhuman feat of flexibility to reach back with her free hand to undo the clasp. On the other hand
pun not intended :smallredface: .
these walls have been crumbling for the past half a century. Perhaps a liitle bit of force is all that's required to break the buckler loose...

2008-12-04, 11:51 PM

Violet attempts to free herself.

[roll0] - Escape Artist for flexibility
[roll1] - Strength Check

Doing them in that order

2008-12-08, 10:51 PM
Reaching over with her free arm, Violet strains at the limits of how far she can stretch. She can feel herself forcing the arm out of its socket. Over the pain, she continues to force her arm that extra centimeter, that extra hair's breadth needed to reach the clasp, until she can feel the opposite end of the metal plate holding her other arm. With the clasp in her grip, Violet merely relaxes her stretch, and the buckler loosens, falling off her arm and to the ground.

Meanwhile, the Hydra trundles forward to re-engage one of its foes. Its warpath takes it directly into contact with Tero's summon. The un-living hydra attempts to wrap its many heads around the unnatural centaur, and constrict it to "death".

Tero: Make a grapple check for your construct.