View Full Version : Warcraft Campaign

wrath hammer
2008-04-19, 12:57 AM
Warcraft Campaign

Four years have passed since the battle that all the mortal races of Azeroth (http://www.wowwiki.com/Azeroth_%28world%29) stood together against the might of the Burning Legion (http://www.wowwiki.com/Burning_legion), but now, all the bonds made between these races is nothing but dust. The world suffered many changes, some for good, and some not so good.
Now, the Horde (http://www.wowwiki.com/Horde), formed by Orcs (http://www.wowwiki.com/Orc), Trolls (http://www.wowwiki.com/Trolls) and Tauren (http://www.wowwiki.com/Tauren) are entangling their roots on the new continent, with the exception of the Tauren, who already were living there.
And the newly formed Forsaken (http://www.wowwiki.com/Forsaken), now residing in the remnants of what before was the powerful kingdom of Lordaeron (http://www.wowwiki.com/Lordaeron_%28kingdom%29). From Undercity (http://www.wowwiki.com/Undercity), the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner (http://www.wowwiki.com/Sylvanas_Windrunner) leads the Forsaken against the Scourge (http://www.wowwiki.com/Scourge) and the new and most close menace, the Scarlet Crusade (http://www.wowwiki.com/Scarlet_Crusade), an order of human (just humans are allowed) zealots who despise the undead, no matter if is Forsaken, Scourge or whatever.

Tal Rasha

After the clash between the two parties, Tal Rasha and his companions scatter themselves along the Burning Steppes (http://www.wowwiki.com/Burning_Steppes), a wasteland made of rock and lava troughout the mountains. Hikku Steeledge, a skillful blademaster says:
"We must get back to the coastline on the emcampment before more of those dammed pinkskins (humans) find us!!"


Riding along the Barrens on his kodo, Kozug reachs on the Crossroads (http://www.wowwiki.com/Crossroads), an wealthy outpost where the the Gold Road (http://www.wowwiki.com/Gold_Road)and the road that links the Stonetalon Mountains (http://www.wowwiki.com/Stonetalon_Mountains)and Ratchet (http://www.wowwiki.com/Ratchet)meet themselves. Kozug heard rumors of a party that has been sent back to Lordaeron for negotiations. But they did not return any sign of life. As Kozug walk with his kodo along the crowded square, he can see many groups speaking, selling, buying and making others comercial activities.

Grae Woodshade

As Grae Woodshade prepares himself to shoot the skull (used as target) at the archery range, he is interrupted by some of the guards from the military quarter, (http://www.wowwiki.com/War_Quarter)Grae is informed that some of the bastard crusaders (aka Scarlet Crusade) are pushing toward Undercity in these last weeks, their fanatical order seems to don't know any boundaries for this mindless extermination. Grae is ordered to be at the military quarter at the dawn, where he will be a part of a assassins force intending to strike the crusader encampment.

Just to say, I intend to put these links in every keyword or place that you can have doubts, so you can know what are you doing or where are you going.
But I ask you to be careful, and not use information that your characters were not supposed to know (a Tauren for example, knows very little about Lordaeron and its history, so he can't know about the life of King Terenas (http://www.wowwiki.com/Terenas), unless someone tells him).
That's just this that I wanted to say.
Good Adventure!! :smalltongue:

2008-04-19, 02:51 AM
His tongue danced across his lips.

"I'll take dat'n, then."


Kozug took the sizeable slab of meat away from the goblin merchant, placing a coin into his hands as payment.

He paused for a moment, glancing around. Crossroads was as lively as ever - Tauren, Trolls, Orcs, and tons and tons of goblins.

As usual, being among multitudes of people left him longing to be riding alone with Meter. But no, that was not why he was here - that was, in fact, the opposite reason.

Walking back, he placed both hands on his Kodo's neck, massaging the tough hide in a clockwise motion, elicting a comforted sigh from the beast. "A little longer, brother." The orc said to the Kodo. "I will have you fed."

He shifted aside, for an instant - that was the third or fourth time he'd heard Lordaeron mentioned.

Impulse, once again, was to not get involved - it involved neither he nor Meter. Kozug shook his head to clear it, stepping forward towards one of the people around he'd seen mention it. "Ey... what was dat about Lordaeron?"

It was an orc he'd spoken to, who turned to glance at him. Nodding, Kozug added, "Brother."

Kozug was slightly below average in height for an orc at 6'4, but he was very muscular as most orcs were. Surprisingly, he had a somewhat sleek build, showing his physical dexterity. His tusks were extremely thick, a major source of pride along with his soft red eyes.

He didn't wear a shirt - the only adornment which existed above his torso was a single strap over his left shoulder, somewhat like his pants had a single overall. Said pants were brown chaps - he wore a blue loincloth-wrap as most beastriders did, with chaps to help protect his legs. He did not have any dangling fabric thereon - all that offered was handholds. Blue fingerless gloves completed his attire. He did have a chain shirt he wore when in dangerous areas, but this was not one of them.

Even as he spoke to the other orc, he could not help but take a glance at Meter, the black kodo he rode. Meter had brown splotches on his sides, but otherwise seemed to be a fairly normal kodo - it had the typical level gaze most seemed to have.

Crossing his arms, Kozug awaited the orc's response, holding his meat loosely in one hand. If Meter had to wait, so would he.

2008-04-20, 10:17 PM
Krae lowers his eyes at the new orders. The scarlets just don't know when to quit, do they... Ignorant fools. Krae acknowledges the orders by the soldiers, and sends them on their way. He focuses his attention back onto the archery training for a period more, before moving off to prepare for the mission briefing.

Later, satisfied with the practice, he moves over to his own quarters to pack. While there, he looks at his bow and pauses for a moment. Once... But he shakes off that train of thought before completing it. Dedication. And a bit of resignation. If this is the call of the Lady, he will follow it.

2008-04-21, 05:19 PM
Tal Rasha

He looked at the ground for a short time and said:

You are right, but how we can arrive in the encampment without the humans see us, this is a very dangerous way. Maybe we can... Wait!
He thinks that he hear something them he put his ear in the ground to hear better someone approaching them.

sorry, I forget to put the bonus, but I added him here.

Listen check:
(1d20+8) = 28

wrath hammer
2008-04-22, 10:48 PM

As the orc turns himself to see Kozug from top to toe, afterwards he takes a quick look to the kodo, apparently very quiet.
After evaluate both companions, the orc says:
We were discussing about a group that we sent some weeks to Lordaeron, our supreme warchief Thrall wanted to convince the orcs of the Blackrock Clan to stop fighting the human, he really believes that he will bring peace to this world. Whatever, what matters now is that the expeditionary forces that we sent didn't send any response, and we are organizing a second force to cross the sea.


Later that day, in the military quarter, Krae, along with others archers, assassins and so on are reunited in a secluded room to receive the instructions.
The room is fully closed, and in every corner have one royal guard holding a polearm and a cap hiding their putrid faces (not meaning this is uncommon among undeads)
As the commander of the Sylvana's most loyal generals Tristam Swiftedge enters the room, after a brief silence, he starts the briefing putting a map on the wall.
He explains that Krae's force will be responsible to set the emcanpments on mess, killing guard, setting fire and every manner to put chaos on the outpost and distract them, simultaneously, a platoon will move foward and charge them while they try to arm themselves.
In the end, the general was very emphasic saying I WANT NO PRISONERS.

Tal Rasha

As the muscular tauren pay more attention to the strange noise, Hikku now is also aware of the growing shake on the ground, it becomes very apparent that some kind of troop is getting closer, against his warrior instinct (and a little constrained to be obliged to do so) he run to the nearest stone, measuring around 7 feet. As the orc hastes to the back side of the rock he urges the tauren.
Hurry!! It looks like that we aren't finished yet!!
And the noise and the shaking on the ground start to become really threatener.

Hi, I hope that everybody is enjoying the campaign, you know that I'm accepting any suggestions and comments.
But the real reason that I'm writing this, is for a warning
In Ninjatoman first post, I realized that for some unknown reason, he started to pay attention to some supposed noise, but I didn't reported him of anything like this. So I understood it for godmodding.
For those who don't know, godmodding is when a player tries to put elements on the adventure that aren't players responsibility, like invent phrases said by NPC's, noises, among other thing.
So, I'm writing this post to assure that you should only take the actions of your characters, the rest is up to the DM.
For now, I want you to know that you done really good posts, very interesting actions. Congatulations

2008-04-22, 11:24 PM
Tal Rasha

He stand up from the ground looking to the direction of the noise and run near the stone that was Hikku and said:

I think we will need to fight again my old friend. We will show to this vermins the might of the Tauren and the skill of the orcs. Let's kill them for our brothers.

2008-04-23, 04:37 PM
The blackrock clan...

Kozug ran his tongue along his lips. So an expedition had been sent out, and it hadn't returned.

Honestly, he wasn't sure what he thought of the clan. They didn't listen to Thrall for seemingly no particular reason, which was already significant points down in Kozug's book. Regardless, his opinion up until now had been to let other people handle things, which is precisely what he wished to avoid.

So he nodded. "Let Meter and I help." He glanced at his Kodo for a moment, then continued, "I'm sure we can."

He ended his statement there, awaiting a response.

2008-04-23, 08:36 PM
I want no prisoners. A long time ago, Grae might have objected to that a bit. But now, as Krae, he has no objections at all. And besides, they're xenophobes. If it's someone they should be hunting, it's the Scourge. As usual, those short-sighted humans fail to impress, alive or in undeath.

He thinks over the battle plans again, trying to think about possible ways that things can go wrong. Which are plenty, in a battle. The whole thing could be a trap. But Krae also knows that overanalysing can lead to hesitation, a very bad thing on the battlefield. He looks through the plans one more time, before moving over to join the others in their discussions, and awaits the orders to move out.

wrath hammer
2008-04-27, 12:15 AM
Tal Rasha

Now, hidden behind the stone, the noise and shaking are revealed to be made by a very large group of dwarves, but these ones were different than those who came with the Alliance to Kalimdor. These, had a darker skin, as they were meant to match with the landscape of this place.
Even being a great swordsman, Hikku was very experienced warrior, and he knew that it was a loss of time fighting a losing battle and advice the mighty tauren.

(whispering) Be careful, my friend, these are the Dark Iron dwarves (http://www.wowwiki.com/Dark_Iron_Dwarf), do not make any foolishness.


Hearing Kozug's response, the orc (again) appraises their bigness, and finally answering.

Fine, Both you are in. Our next ship is being prepared at Ratchet, and with you, our list is finished, so now we can depart to Ratchet, when we reach there everything will be ready to set off to Lordaeron. Lok Tar Ogar, my friend.

The orc indicates to Kozug a great barn with a fenced field in the back, where he can give a break to his kodo and give some grass to refill the enormous beast so he can be prepared to travel the long journey o Ratchet.


After the briefing, all the assassin force is dispatched to the crusader's encampment, northward, near Brill (http://www.wowwiki.com/Brill) where many Forsaken used to be. The so-called Undead Commando is instructed were instructed to obey the comands of the local resistence leader Executor Zygand. Together with him commanding the soldiers, victory is the least outcome.

2008-04-27, 10:12 AM
Tal Rasha

"I think you are right, there are many of them and my problem is with the Humans, not them. It is better we stay quiet and they don't see us."
Saying this Tal Rasha picked his haldberd just for precaution and stay hidden together with Hikku looking the Dark skins pass.

Hide check:

2008-04-28, 06:16 AM
As he listens to the briefing given to him and the rest of the Forsaken by Zygand, Krae sizes up the Executor. He seems competent enough, but I wouldn't put all my trust into him. Azeroth is not as forgiving as she seems, and in particular here. Krae's undead eyes do a quick flash over his surroundings. Brill. Where one of the greatest betrayals in recent times took place. The betrayal that started this chain effect of events that led us into this never-ending spiral of death. How ironic. That we'd be back here, the birthplace of our death and life. And today, only we will be the victors. Krae's hand tightens just slightly around his bow.

2008-04-29, 07:51 PM
Kozug nodded, and after a brisk reply, he was again seated on his Kodo. Meter munched the grass happily, as the orc glanced at the meat.

"As you have." He stated, opening his mouth wide. Slowly, he shoved the entire object into his mouth, relishing in the lump it made on its way down his throat. He licked his tusks, relaxing as he felt his kodo munch beneath him.

"Hm. I should get some claws.. but later."

He leaned back, lying down on his kodo's back. "Next, Lordaeron..."

wrath hammer
2008-04-29, 11:42 PM
Tal Rasha

As the Dark Iron dwarves passed by, Hikku carefully watch every side before standing up. And soon they began their rush back to the ships to deliver the failure message. After 2 days of almost incessant hike, Tal Rasha and his friend reach on the mountain chains, the final barrier before the shore, where the encampment is set.
Where are almost there, now we have to go down these mountains. I hope you are not tired, big one!!!


After the mission explanations, the Undead Commando presents themselves to Zygand, moments before the beginning of the battle, the moon is hidden by the clouds arranging the perfect scenario for a stealth action. The commandos are instructed to assume positions around the scarlet emcampment, each one is instructed to snipe a guard designated for each shooter. Krae's positions is located at northwest side of the emcampment. Krae is ordered to proceed with extreme caution, kill the watcher designated to him (like the other commandos, in others positions) and infiltrate the emcampment in the middle of the night, set fire to the more scarlet tents as possible, and when the chaos be set over the emcampemnt, Krae is ordered to shoot a flaming arrow (given to him) to the skies, to signal the platoon to move foward, aftwards join them in the battle.
All commandos are dispatched to their positions.
The bloodshed is about to begin.


At the crack of dawn, Kozug and Meter are already prepared to depart to Ratchet, from where the ship will set off, after 2 days of extreme march, the whole group reach on Ratchet, the city is bursting with activity, the sun is at his peak, and as the brave group, formed by warriors, mercenaries, some shamans and others adventures, reach on the harbor, they find not a ship, but a fleet of orcish warships ready to go, and even more warrior, ready to put their axes to work. And on the lead of this group is nothing less than Garrosh Hellscream (http://www.wowwiki.com/Garrosh), son of Grom Hellscream (http://www.wowwiki.com/Grom_Hellscream), one of the greatest warrior from the Horde, best Thrall's friend and redeemer of the orcs, who valiantly gave his life killing the mighty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luuUE0x7-TY) Mannoroth (http://www.wowwiki.com/Mannoroth), demon of the Burning Legion who dammed the orcs so long ago.
As Garrosh approach, he explains that Thrall decided to send more troop, so they could make just one more trip, rather send some few ones again and take the risk of lose more lives.
And quickly every ship of the fleet is loaded and depart. Now the great fleet scars the ocean, heading to the distant land of Lordaeron, across the Maelstrom (http://www.wowwiki.com/Maelstrom).

2008-04-30, 04:53 AM
Krae eyes his prey, standing there. Not a very wise choice, to make yourself so visible. But he waits some more. The commandos have planned for the strike to occur exactly as the cloud covers the moonlight, and there are still moments before that will happen. Despite being undead, Krae remembers the feeling of adrenaline as it rushes through his body, and at this moment, a very faint memory of it returns. For the Lady. He draws an arrow. For the future. He notches it on his bow. For Krae Woodshade. The time is right: his arrow flies towards his target.

I'm not too sure what else you'd want me to roll besides attack and damage, so I'm just including all these as well.

Initiative [roll0]

Attack [roll1]
Additional +1 if you determine that my sniping distance is within 30ft.
Damage [roll2]
Additional +1 if you determine that my sniping distance is within 30ft.

Listen [roll3]
Spot [roll4]

Stealth [roll5]

EDIT: Oops, bad attack roll. Well, if you could kindly describe it not as a miss but as some sort of good luck on the part of the guard... :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-03, 04:49 AM
Kozug was a little suprised by the sheer quantity of creatures he noted in Ratchet. With this many people, he found himself withdrawing more and more - even as they approached.

Thus, he attempted a different tactic. He watched them move, watched how they practiced. He found himself more and more impressed by their combat prowness - that was more he could learn.

As the ship moved, he spent a majority of the time with Meter as usual. This time around, the Kodo didn't seem to mind sailing - there were times that the kodo would revolt against any and all ocean travel.

Kozug spent the rest of his time looking out over the open ocean.

wrath hammer
2008-05-04, 01:17 PM

As Krae's arrow pierce the air, it hits the crusader, unfortunately, it did not went deep, just pierced his armor, scared with that, the crusader look at Krae, who now is not concealed anymore. His eyes burst with hate when he sees the undead, and with the most pure angry when he draw his sword and prepare to yell to the other crusader.
But, in a matter of seconds, he just open his mouth, without pronounce a word, he stops walking toward Krae, and void fulfill his eyes. As the crusader kneel, and afterward fall on the ground, becomes visible an arrow that hit him in the back, just under his head. And one of Krae's comrades with his hand in his bow, as he has just shot an arrow(and he really did it).
Now, with all the sentinels down, their mission consists in do the most possible mess in their camp, so the Lady's troops can finish their job.

It's been a long time since Kozug went aboard in a ship, when the Horde made its Exodus to Kalimdor. And now, Kozug was coming back to Lordaeron.
Now the sun is about to set, and the stars begins to appear in the sky, and the starts to take the suns role at night. Garrosh Hellscream was solving strategic issues with some generals about the landing on Lordaeron. After their discossion, Garrosh gets near to Kozug, on the border of the ship.
It's you the owner of that kodo in the cargo hold?

I was passing by to say that I'm having difficulties with battlegrid, I've found a battlegrid made in excel, I was intending to upload the screenshots to the forum, but I can't, so if someone knows a program/software or any tool that could help me, I'd be very glad

2008-05-04, 01:25 PM
Tal Rasha

Tal Rasha was very tired because the long travel to the encampment. Two days have passed and no one of the two slept or ate. They arrived to the mountain chains with difficult. He almost was defeated by the fatigue, but listening Hikku's words, Tal Rasha could have some "good news" since the ambush. He filled that he could finish the travel, he smiled and say to Hikku:

"I think you don't know the Tauren, my friend, we are very resistant."
Then he looked to the encampment direction and could see the huge Ocean, he enjoyed his beautiful for some time and after start go down with the orc.

2008-05-04, 07:54 PM
Kozug watched the stars for a time, tracing out mental patterns therein. The constellations he invented weren't in any way official - odds were, in fact, nobody else saw them - but he spent a lot of time looking up from the back of his kodo, at the stars.

The voice caused him to jerk a bit, shaken out of his thoughts... to see Garrosh Hellscream - definitely an orc he'd recognize. He nodded respectfully, as Garrosh was a chief.

"Yes, Chief, Meter is - " He paused, and tensed, urgency jumping into his voice. "Is something wrong?" He asked, with more emphasis - only the fact that he was speaking to someone interfered with his rushing to check up on Meter.

After a little glancing around WoWWiki, I can't figure out quite what words to use to a chief - just call him 'chief'? Say 'sir'? Either way, if I'm doing something wrong it's unintentional, so feel free to tell me and I will correct it

wrath hammer
2008-05-06, 12:45 AM
Tal Rasha

As Tal Rasha, and Hikku finally reach on the base of one of the mountains. Hikku hinder the march for a minute so they can retake some breath, as Hikku briefly rested upon his kness, he looks many footmarks on the sand (they are on the shore) on the same direction of the landing point. Taking a better look he realizes that these foots were a bit more little than of the orcs, and as he to analyse, his eyes his eyes wide, as if something struck his mind.
Imediately he looks to his comrade and says.
Prepare yourself, old friend. It's look like that you are going to use that halberd.
And hurries following the footprints.


No, I was just going to say that he is very imposing, it's very hard to find ones like him, you should be very proud. And he is the first kodo to step on lordaeronic lands.

Kantolin, there isn't a specific word to define an word for a leader in orcish (like Shan'do in Darnassian(night elves language)), but is very common among their military leader of "Warchief". I'm glad to see that you are paying attention to these details.:smallsmile:
I don't know if have already seen this page (http://www.wowwiki.com/Orcish), but here you will find many common quotes in orcish, that are often used.


Serow, here is the battlegrid (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ) of your situation, I've put the Scarlets sentinels, but now, that they are already sniped, you should disconsider, I just put so you could have some idea of the scenario.
And I forgot to put, but the dark green squares represent forest, were the commandos and you are conceived and the four squared areas represent their tents, which are full of them.
I'm still learning the controls, so if YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE don't understand something, let me know.

2008-05-06, 09:24 PM
Kozug exhaled - the fear, however momentary, that Meter was in trouble was troublesome.

Of course, the overly frantic response was part of why he was on this trip in the first place.

This was when what Garrosh had stated registered, as Kozug stood just a hair taller with pride. "Meter is very strong. He likes eating things greatly, I's sure he'll like da new tastes of Lordaeron."

He paused. "Warchief, what d'ya expect is awaiting us in Lordaeron? A vicious 'welcome party'?"

2008-05-06, 09:33 PM
Tal Rasha

As Tal Rasha finished go down and reached on the base of one of the mountains, he feels happy with the possibility of rest and eat in peace on the encampment with his friend Hikku.

He smiled during all the course going down the mountain until the base, but after his friend tell the bad news his face turned sad and cold, this hitted him as a arrow. He started think that cross the Maelstorm wasn't a good idea.

He slowly drawed his Haldberd while he said:
I am tired of run, I will get my revenge against our enemies.

Then he picked one of his axes in the other hand and started to follow his partner across the shore, running in a blind rage.

2008-05-07, 09:41 PM
Krae gives a quick hand motion sign, signifying his thanks to his fellow commando. There is only that much luck you will have, and you had better pray that luck grants you all a swift death tonight. Krae keeps his bow at the ready, as he sneaks into the encampment. He knows the commander's tent is in the centre, judging by the bigger size of it. But the commandos' mission tonight is to create enough of a mess for the main force to move in, and not assassination per se, though that also works. Krae moves towards the tent nearest to him, and prepares the torch to set the tent alight. Again, he waits for the correct moment, looking at the moon and the clouds.


Sneaking - [roll0]

wrath hammer
2008-05-10, 01:23 AM

No, I think not, we will land on the same site as the first expedition landed, if they are still alive, I know that enemies will be kept at bay.
It's just to pray that they are fine. But I recommend you to start preparing your axe. (all weapons among the orcs are generalized as axes, even if they are not)

Finishing his phrase, Garrosh is required to the cabinet, where he must prepare the tactics for the expedition.
And Kozug spend the rest of the afternoon looking to the horizon.
As the sun starts to set, the night start to appear, and unfortunately with it, a storm.
Soon, all the fleet is being ravished by the waves, with times, growing more and more big, winds take control of the ship (http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/d/d4/Tide_Razor.jpg), and the rudder loses control.
Everybody is running to everywhere in a endless chaos.
And as it were not enough, Kozug hears some serpentine noises, nothing like he ever heard before, amidst all the mess one orc went to the edge to see what was doing this, as he bend on the handrail, he is pulled by something from the ship and thrown in the depths of the raging sea.
Imediately, serpentine monsters with draconic faces bearing tridents board the ship. Realizing the raid, Garrosh rushed from the cabinet and shouted
NAGAS (http://www.wowwiki.com/Naga)!!! Lok-Narash, my brothers!!!

The red areas represent the masts and handrails on the ship, so you cannot walk over them.
Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg)

Tal Rasha

After a long run, both friends reach on the landing site, and have one the most tragic visions in their lives, all the ships are in wrecks, everybody is slaughtered. There are many corpses laid on the sand, other floating on the water, stained with red from the blood of the fallen.
Despaired, Hikku run to the wreckage in the search for survivors. Sad with the loss of his comrades, Hikku take some black dust poured on the sand, and after take it close his noise he says to his friend
This.......is powder!!! Those blasted dwarves, it's them, I know it.
And shaking his hand to the skies he yells


Silent like the wind blowing on the forest, Krae approaches the Scarlet's tent, synchronized with the others commandos, now, with all the sentinels dead(and maybe at their side in the future) the encampment is defenseless, like a duck in the pond. As Krae gets near to the tent, one of his fellows joins him.
(whisper)These Scarlets are going to regret for trying harm our loved Dark Lady!!(Sylvanas)

Here is the current scene (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ).
I decided to put diffenrents commando types, remembering that they should be a mixed force, rather just rangers/scout. Their datas are written in the Characthers tab. Check it out.

I'm starting to use these battlegrid, so there are some things that I'm still learning. My last change was put the numbers and letters on the edge, so you can inform the coordinates of the square that you are going to go.
But if you see something that's not right, let me know.
I hope you enjoy

2008-05-10, 09:53 PM
Tal Rasha

When he saw this terrible scene he feel very scared. He walked a long journey, but don't matter where the two go, look like that the death follow them. At this moment Tal Rasha lost his head and looking to his furios friend he said:
They are the last comrades that we will lose, we won't let this happen again.
Looks like that the death are following us, then we will take the death to our enemies!!!!
Saying that he looked to the dark powder on the sand and said to his partner in a desperate try of think about a little hope:

I think that they won't kill the leader, maybe they took him as prisioner and we can save a life. Maybe we can follow them.
Saying this he started looking around for some trail, maybe some footprints or powder on the sand that show them the direction the dwarves went.

Survival check(track)
1d20+4 = 19

2008-05-13, 02:19 AM
As was the norm, Kozug's first impulse was to Meter - he'd avoided harping on the Kodo during the storm, and was worried. Reason, however, forced him to halt - the Naga were coming from outside the ship, and thus the internal portions of the ship would be safe.

With that, he gave an orcish growl, as his glaive slipped into his hands. He dashed ten feet towards the bow of the ship, spinning the glaive over his head as he did so. He shifted his weight as he swung, giving a strong overhead cleave - as if he was reaping wheat with his glaive.

Loudly, he shouted to the orc he saw in front of him "Ta me, brother! Let's focus on one o'dem at a time - get around'm!"

He licked his tusks, bracing himself as he slid into a combat pose. It wasn't the same without Meter, but he forced himself to not think of his kodo for the time being.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll (If the attack hits): [roll1]
Movement: Moving 10ft to the right of the map, to T-9, utilizing his weapon's reach to strike the naga at T-7
Trying to get the orc (Who is at S-3) to help flank.

wrath hammer
2008-05-14, 12:54 PM
Kantolin, I'm writing because there are some things that aren't clear for me in your last post.
1. You wrote that attacked the naga with your glaive, if it's the naga on T7, you were supposed to be in T8, rather T9, in other word, you are one square below the one you were supposed to be to engage into melee combat.
2. Who exactly is the orc that you spoke to? The one in S3?
3. You wrote "cleaving in a diagonal fashion towards his left leg." is that leg from the naga?? If it is, remeber that naga haven't legs. For further question about them, there is a hyperlink on Garrosh's speech.

2008-05-14, 02:01 PM
1. I did mean to move to T9 - Glaives are reach weapons, so I can attack things with them from two squares away. Therefore, from T9 I should be able to attack the naga at T7.
2. The orc I spoke to is indeed the one at S3.
3. I meant towards Kozug's own leg, swinging in a reaping motion. I will edit the post to clarify this - that was mostly to be descriptive, not to imply that naga have legs.

I apologize for being confusing.

wrath hammer
2008-05-15, 10:34 PM
Tal Rasha

No, our warchief is floating in the water near those wrecks. (and pointed to something that one day was a mast)

As Tal Rasha easily some footprints in the sand, slowing being erased by the waves, were taking to a far side of the beach. Both comrades followed it under the guidance of the moonlight high in the sky. They reach in a cavern, hidden in the rocks at the foot of the very same mountain chains that they descended, but from a very far extremity aside.
It should be from here that they were able to move so fast from the upper side and the shore. Conludes Hikku.
The cavern is tottally blacked out from inside.


With the battle raging inside the ship, and the storm raging outside it, Kozug draws his glaive cunningly and striking the invasor(10 HP) deep in his shoulder, injuring it. With a intense scream of pain, and in a mist of suffering and rage, the Myrmidon press the grip of his trident and attack Kozug in blind rage.
With the rest of the ship in battle (including the one who Kozug asked for support, he couldn't ignore one of the foes right at his side.

Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg)
Attack Roll: 7

Kantolin, in first place I'd like to say that I'm sorry for my confusion, I thought your weapon was another kind of glaive, very common in Warcraft.
But I also am writing to say that for some reason, I cannot access your sheet.

2008-05-15, 11:08 PM
Kozug ducked his head and swayed backwards, evading the poorly aimed swing. He gave a thin smile. "Was dat all?" He taunted, trying to keep the naga angry.

Still, the naga was now too close for him to effectively use his spear. Swaying back, he instead lashed out with a fierce kick - one aimed with the intrinsic savagery of the orcs, certainly one no less deadly than his glaive's swing.

Movement: Moving 5ft to the stern of the ship, to S9. Attacking the same Naga.
[roll0] ~ To-hit Roll, unarmed attack used (I do have improved unarmed strike)
[roll1] ~ Damage, if it hits.

Huh, it seems that Campaign-blog is temporarily down. O_o It was up this morning. That causes problems for several of my characters.

Either way, if it's not up soon, I will check my notes to see what I have of him thus far. Curses, I always promise myself I'll save all the 3eprofiler files to my computer in case of such an emergency.

2008-05-16, 05:08 AM
"That's right, they will. With their blood." Krae notches his arrow, and prepares to step through and target anything in the tent. He looks at the other Forsaken, who seems ready. Together, as per planned, they quickly open the side of the tent and launch their deadly assault. For the Lady.


2008-05-16, 09:31 PM
Tal Rasha

As he saw the warchief's floating body in the water, he fell sad for the idea of nobody have survived. Then he come back to track the footprints and started to follow the with Hikku, feeling the wish of revenge growing inside him each second. They followed the footprints very far until they arrived to a cavern in the rocks that look like to be a dwarf's shortcut.
Then he said to Hikku:
You are right Hikku, we need to go inside the cave to be able to follow these vermins. But we can't enter into this darkness ,we need iluminate our way in this maze.
Saying this he started to search some thing that he can light as a torch, maybe some wood piece or something like this.

search check = 17

wrath hammer
2008-05-21, 08:31 PM

On the other side of the ship, Kozug barely sees his warchief easily taking down one of the creatures, filling his father boots. Kozug cunningly hit the naga(4 HP) with a kick which connected in his abdomen, but it's look like doesn't care much. Just made him even more angry, even with several punishments, the naga stood (not much) firm on his foot (or tail). In response, the mighty creature returned a blow with his trident, in a second attempt to hit the one who dares to stay in his way.

Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg&gid=2)
Attack Roll: 2


Assaulting the tent, both undead faced two crusaders that were not fully asleep, with the surprise, they instinctively rolled, as Krae's arrow just whized past his head, leaving a cut on his cheek, in that mess, their tent fell over them, entangling them under it. One of the others went out to see what was that, and saw all the commandos preparing to attack, and with a scream that exhausted his lungs he alert the other
Imediately, many crusaders (but not all of them) got out of their tents, and their eyes gleamed with the rage that they feel for the undead, and now they were about to express this hate.

Brill (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ)

Tal Rasha

Tal Rasha made a bare torch (1/2 hour duration) using some dries branches from the trees that were hiding the entrance, very ironic, those same trees that hinders the other of getting into, was now helping them to enter the dark cave. Hikku also made his, and they entered. A very thin place for someone to Tal Rasha's size, but afterwards the cave got wider, and they reach on something like a round chamber were they find a fork.
Now they must choose one of the two ways.

I'm sorry for my retardation to post, I experienced some problems with my login, and others personals problems that contributed to my delaying.
I hope you understand.

2008-05-21, 09:01 PM
Tal Rasha

As he entered in the little space he fell that the enviroment is colder then outside. Then they reached to a wider space and fell better but they faced a new problem: A fork. Them he said to the orc:
"We got a new problem my friend."
Then he go next to the wall, looked to the floor and start thinking about how could be the correct way.
After some minutes he talked to his friend:
"How can we follow them? Do you have any idea of some track that they could left? Say me old friend, you know them better than me."

2008-05-22, 09:43 PM
So the plan went wrong. A pity, but Azeroth never claimed to be the perfect lady. Now, to make the plan go back on track! Krae takes a step away from the collapsed tent. Should I alert the waiting teams now? Or later? This question presents itself over and over again in that brief moment. Just a moment more, Krae decides.

OOC:Taking a shot at the nearest visible enemy, since I can't quite make it who's where and what under that tent.

wrath hammer
2008-05-22, 10:25 PM
You are not inside the tent.
I, at least, thought that you shot them in the tent inside it, but without getting in. Therefore, you are outside it.:smallsmile:

2008-05-23, 06:23 AM
Kozug took another step in the same general direction, now again in correct range to utilize his Glaive. Licking his tusks, he took a powerful swing.

His step, however, was calculated - as he glanced for an instant at the orc behind him. One more repositioning...

Movement: 5ft step to R-8. Continuing to swing at the same naga.
[roll0] ~ Attack roll
[roll1] ~ Damage roll

Bothersome... I'm not seeing any explanation as to why campaign-blog went down, nor any ideas on whence it shall return. I also don't have notes on it... I will attempt to retro-engineer the character if this seems like it will continue

2008-05-23, 06:24 AM
Hey, natural 20! That makes the damage 21, as Glaives are X3

2008-05-23, 08:09 AM
Oops. I read "entangling them under it" as entangling me and the other commando. So, should I redo the post? Or make a new one?

wrath hammer
2008-05-24, 08:28 PM
I think there is no need to make another, just edit yours.

wrath hammer
2008-05-31, 04:48 PM
Tal Rasha

Yeah, I know them a little, and yet, I see no best choice, we'll have to guess.
So, let's try here through the left.
As Hikku walked toward the left hallway, a massive steel door just descended in the middle of the passage, trapping both friends on each size of the cave.
And as it were not enough Tal Rasha hears voices.
Didn't I told 'ya, boss??
We were being followed.
And with the bare light of his torch, Tal Rasha see shades coming closer, and revealing themselves to be the dwarves which Hikku spoke of.

Don't forget that you are holding a torch, and speaking of which, the yellow squares represents the area illuminated by the torch, so, you can't see any enemies or things alike farther on.
Cave (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAsRGkg6JFY6fw)


Showing impressive fighting skills, Kozug, after evade the second attack from the naga, he made his final blow, thrusting his spear through his jaw, traversing his skull and reaching amongst the eyes of the creature with the peak of the glaive. Without take further actions, the creature fall inert on the deck.
And from the other side of the ship, Kozug hears Garrosh
Great skills, kodo rider, why dont you show to our comrades how to fight??

Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg)


Now, everyone is aware of the whole picture, the crusaders starts to engage their sworn enemies. Krae's arrow flies towards the crusader, but he, showing some evading skills, dodge it. And furious, go around the messed tent to engage Krae. But for his misfortune, one of Krae's fellows put himself between the dark ranger and the zealot.

Brill (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ)

2008-06-01, 04:14 PM
Kozug bristled with pride at Garrosh's statement, both in the words and the title - being known as the 'Kodo Rider' was great for both he and Meter.

Still, there was a time for pride - and that time was not now. The tide had turned against the naga, but they were still present. Kozug shifted his position to one where he would make it difficult for the naga to defend against his swings, swinging the glaive in a sweeping motion.

Moving to R-6
Attacking the Naga in P-8 with Glaive (Giving me flanking with the orc in O-9)
[roll0] ~ Attack Roll (+2 for flanking)
[roll1] ~ Damage Roll

2008-06-02, 05:44 AM
Tal Rasha

As he wasn't with his friend anymore and don't seeing any other way, he say to the dwarves with a smile in the face:
You got me, I can't escape. But you will have to kill me if you want catch me! - He say with a intimidating voice that sounds far in the cave.
Saying that he picked his haldberd and with a great shout he run to the dwarves in a crazy rage saying:
Come on vermins, you will pay for the life of my friends!

RAGE Activated( 9 rounds )

move to: D4
Attack: E4
Attack: 1d20+9 = 24
damage: 2d6+10 = 21 (Power Attack -4 BBA, +4 DMG)

I would like to say that my character isn't LARGE, he is medium in the rulebook that I used and occupe only one square.

You can see my rage improved abilities in my character sheet, in
"Condition and Effects"

2008-06-03, 09:03 AM
We work as a coordinated team, and that is just one of the most basic things in combat. You fanatics only dream of ridding the world indiscriminately of us, yet you don't put your heads to it. And that is why you fail.

Krae steps away from the tent and onto the other side of his fellow commando, aiming to shoot at the crusader.


OOC:Sigh. I always portray him as so cool and deadly, but NONE of the rolls go right. Maybe if I start RPing him as the bungling idiot I'll get natural 20s all the way...

wrath hammer
2008-06-08, 12:30 PM

After (easily) taking down the dephts beast, Kozug heads to help his comrade, struggling to parry the naga's´poweful blows. Kozug's swing cut hard his back, the beast(12 HP), realizing that he is in trouble shouts, no word come out from his fiendish mouth, but roar, or some kind of whistling (similar to the snakes). Imediately, more of them come from the front deck.
And with it, he thrusts his poweful trident, seeking Kozug's body.



Tal Rasha

Tal Rashas's fiery blow hit the dwarf(26 HP), even a little intimidate by a beast of pure might, bearing such an weapon with such ease, they don't retreat, and together, they attack the creature.


wrath hammer
2008-06-08, 01:17 PM

After (easily) taking down the dephts beast, Kozug heads to help his comrade, struggling to parry the naga's´poweful blows. Kozug's swing cut hard his back, the beast(12 HP), realizing that he is in trouble shouts, no word come out from his fiendish mouth, but roar, or some kind of whistling (similar to the snakes). Imediately, more of them come from the front deck.
And with it, he thrusts his poweful trident, seeking Kozug's body.

Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg)
Here is a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENnl4ShIXkU) from Warcraft showing a little of naga "conversation", so you can have a better concept of what I write when they speak Nazja(their language).

Tal Rasha

Tal Rashas's fiery blow hit the dwarf(26 HP), even a little intimidate by a beast of pure might, bearing such an weapon with such ease, they don't retreat, and together, they attack the creature.

Cave (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAsRGkg6JFY6fw)


Krae's fellow, cunningly hit him with the sword, and as the crusader bend down due to the slash, Krae's arrow just whizzed where his head were supposed to be, if he were straight. Furious with such insolence, the crusader unite all of his forces to get on foot and slashes the commando over his entire chest, taking him down. And acroos the emcampment, more and more crusaders starts to go out of their tents, with eyes gleaming in rage, driven by insane hate and a thirst for death to the dead.

Brill (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ)
Indeed, your rolls aren't helping much, but I, for one, like the way you describe your actions, I know that luck will come to you soon.

2008-06-08, 06:42 PM
Tal Rasha
As the dwarves attacked him with their axes, he could only stop one of the hits and shout in pain, dropping the torch on the floor, after he deliver another great blow in the same dwarf with all his strength and angry in response to his injury, don't being intimidated with the courage and greater number of the dwarves.

RAGE Activated( 8 rounds )
(Two Hands now)

stay in: D4
Attack: E4
Attack: 1d20+9 = 20
damage: 2d6+20= 27(Power Attack -4 BBA, +8 DMG)

when you put my Current HP in the battlegrid, don't forget about my DR 1/-

2008-06-12, 09:02 AM
As the commando's body begins to fall, Krae's thoughts spin into ultra fast motion. The sounds of battle are ringing louder and louder. I hear the screams of the dead, the dying, and the undying dead. The crusader's screams roar into his mind, and the body of his companion falls onto the ground. Krae's hands move to the signal flare he kept strapped. Now? A moment more? Krae hesitates. But as his companion's hand touches the ground, and the head with its open eyes turn to look at Krae, Krae decides now. Krae yanks the signal flare and ignites it, sending its light bright into the sky. May the Lady's fury come upon you tonight.

2008-06-14, 02:58 PM
Kozug shifted as he heard them whistle for more. Growling for a moment, he shifted himself (again for a flanking position) as he swung his glaive in a slightly defensive arc.

Moving to R-6
Attacking the same Naga (At Q-8)
[roll0] ~ (+2 for Flanking)

And huh, I apologize - apparantly when I attempted to post before, it didn't take. o_o I thought it had.

wrath hammer
2008-06-16, 10:16 AM
Tal Rasha

Enraged by the dwarves insolence, and badly wounded, Tal Rasha's throw his torch on the humid floor of the cave, and now, with both hands free to fight, he shovels his halberd on the dwarf's side, releasing much blood and gore. Just more enraged by the loss of their fellow, the rest of them attacks the tauren.

For each turn that the torch is laid on the ground, one square of its radius is lost, and can't be recovered if you take it back.

Cave (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAsRGkg6JFY6fw)
Attacks: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628765/)
1d20+9 → [16,9] = (25)
1d20+9 → [9,9] = (18)
1d20+9 → [1,9] = (10)
1d20+9 → [17,9] = (26)

Damage: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628769/)
1d10+3 → [2,3] = (5)
1d10+3 → [6,3] = (9)
1d10+3 → [7,3] = (10)


Krae's flare illuminate the skies, even for a flaming arrow, it was much light, probably, the arrow was imbued in magic for this effect. That meant hope for them, and certain death to the crusaders, whose attention was in obliterating the invaders. Their commander finally goest out of their tent, which reason for the retardation is unknown. Wearing a crimson armor that shines with the flare's light, he for certain, seems much more intimidating than his grunts. He look at Krae which was in the same direction of the tent's exit. As he order to two of their men to charge him.
Maybe he, was the strategy that is lacking on the crusaders

Brill (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ)
Attacks: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628799/)
1d20+5 → [8,5] = (13)
1d20+5 → [20,5] = (25) (critical)

Damage: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628800/)
1d10 → [7] = (7)


Kozug's attack hit hard on the naga, who bent down, and quickly, the orc which Kozug was supporting finish him with a swing from his axe, that hit him hard on his nape, making much blood spill from it. More naga come from the front side, and their charge to their enemies

Kantolin, I still can't see your sheet.

Sea Battle (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAtEjGFxJeqEQg)
Attacks: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628803/)
1d20+4 → [17,4] = (21)

Damage: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1628804/)
1d8+1 → [5,1] = (6)

Don't forget that you owe him an opportunity attack.

By the way, do not forget to look your status on each of yours battle sheets

2008-06-19, 06:15 AM
Surrounded! The battle against the crusaders was not going well at the moment, but tides are fickle and the Forsaken are always to ride the waves. Because we have to.. Krae eyes his two opponents, trying to make a split decision. The tactically inclined would choose to draw his bastard sword, as a bow's greatest advantage of range is practically negated in melee. As Krae is about to draw his sidearm, the commander's roar of KILL THAT SOULLESS CORPSE rings in his ears, and anger springs up from within. But quickly replacing that anger is another sense of commitment, that every moment is a test of his dedication to his chosen arts and his Lady. Thus, Krae, holding on to his bow, quickly sidesteps and rolls, before bringing up his bow to fire. Our soul is our dedication, so like yours, yet so unlike your soulless dedication.

Tumble [roll0] to D1.
Attack C1 [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2008-06-26, 04:07 PM
Kozug's glaive swung swiftly, slashing through the encoming naga at a spot of said naga's lowered guard. He spun his glaive as he repositioned himself, bringing it down for his actual swing at that same naga.

-Attack of Opportunity-
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

-Kozug's Turn-
5ft Step to Q-8
Attack the Naga in R-7
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Grumble. I was hoping campaign-blog would show up again - I apologize, I was holding off on trying to remake my character sheet out of hope that Campaign-Blog would either reappear or at least let people get their files from it.

Grumble again. From now on, I keep a copy of all my characters on my hard drive somewhere.

I will work on recreating my character sheet, and will then send it to you. Sorry for the delay.

2008-06-30, 06:37 PM
Tal Rasha

As he suffered so much injuries from the dwarves, his angry only grow each time more strong, and with all his strength he tried to deliver another blow, but he fell on the ground letting his haldberd fall, and stopped fight, suffering with the hurts the dwarves have done to him and seeing no victory. Thinking: "I hope Rikku was better than I am."

RAGE Activated( Finished)

wrath hammer
2008-07-10, 07:54 PM

Now, being charged by two crusader, Krae cunningly rolled, dodging one of the attacks, but the another unfortunately connected, doing little damage. Albeit the undead have frail bodies, one advantage is that they don't feel pain (as well as sleep, hunger, cold and others). The slash just made a little cut in Krae's abdomen, past his armor. If he was living, maybe it would be worst, but now that doesn't matter. The crusader which was the victim from his arrow also didn't seem very touched(36 HP). Across the encampment, all the Commandos, now without their cover, were being slaughtered, and if this continues, Krae will have their same fate.
But it seems that Krae will die(again) another day.
Infected bodies rain on the emcampment, destroing some tents. Ghostly forms rise from the deep forests, beauty once elven faces, but with screams that are able to make anyone deaf, huge rotting beasts come from the wild, bearing cleaver, chains and a putrid smell.
The reinforcements have arrived!!

Brill (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pwn7eGK9sNAuRTiw7yMFeCQ)


Again, proving his value in battle, Kozug pierce right in the belly of the charging naga, and after, taking some retreat, finish him with another thrust, right in his chest. The naga made his last shout, before joining his comrades and enemies laid on the deck. Garrosh also killed another one, shoving his sword in the skull of one of them. Witnessing the prowess of those mighty warriors, the naga began to retreat, and the few survivors proceeded to the edges of the ship and came back to the depths, from were they should have never came from.
The storm, which attacked the ships also faded away, and the night fell over the fleet. Now with two ships missing probrable they went to same place of the naga. Garrosh rallies the crew, and ordered them to separate the (corpses) orcs from the beasts.

Tal Rasha

Tal Rasha, seeing the clear fate of the fight. Broken, and now unarmed, the massive tauren laid on the ground was sure of his fate. The dwarves moved foward to terminate with this battle, with eagerness to show to their fellows, the victory over such a mighty beast.
And suddenly, the cave starts to crumble, the dwarves who so much wanted to take the huge beast as a trophy complained, but quickly decided to leave him there to die and escaped. The earthquake grows more and more, and the cave is driven to it self-destruction.

2008-07-24, 09:53 AM
The brief distraction caused by the rampaging reinforcements bought Krae the time he needed to recollect his actions and to... pause. He stands there, looking at the rampage. So this is what it comes down to in the end. Always the same. Never ending. Death and destruction. People say life is the greatest beauty there is. I say death is the only beauty there can ever be. Picking up his bow, Krae moves away from the clashes, trying to find a way into the centre of the encampment. Cut off the head, and you have nothing left.

wrath hammer
2008-07-26, 12:36 AM
Krae, always very cunning, took advantage of the distraction provided by the coming of reinforcements, and circled the encampment, in the search for weak spots, thing that was a very interesting aspect on strategists.
In the middle of the fight, is very easy to see a space between two burning tents, which made some smoke and could provide a safe cover from the rest. And after this smoke screen, is possible for Krae, to see the figurine of the commander, busy trying to reorganize its his soldiers, but it seems that (what have been proved in the very beggining of this battle) that they were nothing more than grunts. Little thinking and a bit of strategy was enough to dismantle them.


Everybody, I'm going on a trip this week, and I'll be absent until August 4th, so, put here your posts and in time, I'll answer them.

wrath hammer
2008-08-13, 02:07 PM
------------dead Thread----------