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View Full Version : Blood-red Sandman

2008-04-19, 06:27 AM
So I'm presently working on a villain, a human Bleakborn, with some heavy mirrors for the villain described in Lordi song "Blood Red Sandman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkw4jhDE1eQ)".

So far, I have a Bleakborn Swarmshifter (sand, though I might change aesthetic to ash with the background). I considered Blood Magus for the "Blood Red" portion but I noticed as an undead he'd lose most of the abilities (Having no blood).

Baldur Rohit Sturn was rarely a pleasant man. He lived and toiled in the small village of Lordurn as a porter. He lived with a few staff in his small house on a hill just outside of the village. Seventeen years ago, in the dead of winter, he was discovered as a serial killer named "Smiling Jack" by brief eyewitnesses, and "The Leather Apron" by his surviving witnesses (Largely small children, though adults also perished), as he wore one visible in the stripes of light to keep blood off of his normal attire.
He fled the village to escape the resulting angry mob, eventually freezing to death in the cold. When his body was found a week later, it was cremated and sealed in a box from his own carriage. The box was eventually lost to records, few wanted to keep him in their memories.
Recently however, the box was unknowingly found and opened. Finding only ash and a few child possessions, the discoverer left it alone. But the heat of their blood drew something back from the ash, Baldur.

Baldur is back as rumours flit about the village of lights at his old home. A few people have gone missing, but not children yet. He is using his old staff (Now zombified) as a workforce under the cover of night. Smiling Jack is whispered in the tavern, but no-one is daring enough to seek out the truth from the horse's mouth.

clockwork warrior
2008-04-19, 07:50 AM
oh man, i love lordi ( thats what attracted me to the title...)

but if he is undead, he can still have blood in him, it just might not be his own... ( if you catch my drift)

2008-04-19, 03:14 PM
Let's see...his saving throws (Like the one for his all-important Heat-draining aura) are Charisma-based, so a Charisma-based class seems like a smart move, which means things like Sorcerer and Warlock.