View Full Version : Rise of the Benediction (NotD)

2008-04-19, 10:21 AM
You set sail mid-day after your meeting with William Tether, a portly human who was hired by the kingdom of Tanzan to explore the wastes of Shello. The waves churn the ship uncontrollably as you drift through the dense fog. For a moment you feel as if the ship is about to capsize, but the crew keep her afloat. After staring into the white for what seems like an eternity, you start to see something off in the distance. The captain plummits down a rope from the crows nest bellowing in a deep monotonous voice.

Land! Men, throw down the anchor, this is as far as we go. You six, we have three small vessels that you will be using to make it the rest of the way to shore. You will have to row to shore yourself, we don't know whats on that coast, and frankly, we don't want to. Best of luck men, and may the Ancients walk with you always.

You step into the three small boats and the crew lowers you down into the rough sea. As you make your way towards the shore, you realise the waves are beginning to settle.

Set up of Boats:

Boat 1:

Boat 2:

Boat 3:
Jarelk's Tiger

Please roll an Intelligence check and a Strength or Dexterity check whichever is higher.

2008-04-19, 11:51 AM
"Hmph, ancients" scoffs Flaw as he steps into the boat.

Dex Check: [roll0]

2008-04-19, 12:15 PM
oops forgot the Int check [roll0]

2008-04-19, 12:59 PM
Koros steps on the boat, looking around to see the sorroundings and the people nearby.

Int Check [roll0]
Str Check [roll1]

2008-04-19, 03:17 PM

A tall figure completely covered by a cape, and a mask on his head rows the vessel. The only thing visible are the hands, which are those of a lizard, with sharp talons.
The tiger that accompanies him, growls nervously.

*sigh* I know. I feel nervous too.

Str: [roll0]

2008-04-19, 03:19 PM
(Oh, supposed to roll Int too.


2008-04-19, 11:15 PM

A relatively tall orc steps carefully into the boat with Flaw. Maneuvering carefully to not disturb the orientation of the greatsword at his back, he takes a seat at the oars, as the metal man's form suggests little physical power.

2008-04-20, 04:12 AM

Sirax climbs down onto the small boat alongside Koros, standing up to help his younger cousin down.
''Uh, it's about time we reached Shello. I hate boats.''


2008-04-20, 09:59 AM

Elphin politely declines his cousin's help and slides into the boat.
"Agreed. They're unnatural."

Dex [roll0]
Int [roll1]

2008-04-20, 10:58 AM
(Forgot, is my tiger supposed to roll too? Anyway, here:

Str - [roll0]
Int - [roll1])

2008-04-20, 10:32 PM
All of the boats make it to shore with little trouble. Although, you are a far bit off from the rest of your party. As you pull the boats out of tides way, you realize that your footprints are not the only ones in the area. And off in the distance you see a large mound of what looks like humanoid bodies. The footprints seem to lead that way, and for some reason you all have already started walking.

2008-04-20, 11:09 PM

Raising his right hand in a fist, Elphin speaks up,

"Hold friends. It is not prudent for us all to rush ahead. I am an accomplished hunter, I know how to move without being detected. Allow me to scout ahead."

Before the others answer, Elphin kneels and takes a look at the tracks--trying to determine more precisely what left them and how long ago they were left.

Survival [roll0]
+4 if the tracks are of Undead, and +2 if the tracks are of a magical Beast.

Regardless of what the others say concerning his scouting, he immediately passes any information he can glean from the tracks on to the group.

2008-04-21, 05:17 AM

''What do the tracks tell you, Elphin? Is there something dangerous about?'' Sirax stops, and considers his words, and breifly looks around at the hodgepodge of allies who had gathered there. ''Are there any chances that whatever made the tracks might pose a threat to us?'' and with that, he looks nervously around for anything that might be preparing to come out of hiding.


2008-04-21, 06:17 AM
Without telling a single word, Koros just watches around, expecially on the pile of corpses, with his hand on the sword hilt.

Spot check: 1d20
I also use the detect evil ability to scan the sorroundings.

2008-04-21, 06:18 AM
rerolling spot: [roll0]

2008-04-21, 10:58 AM

Qespherix steps out of the boat and beckons Iraïlis to do the same. He draws his weapon and shield, readying for any encounter on this island, and proceeds to the mound of human bodies.
He readies himself to be prepared when something unexpected happens, and looks around carefully.

(OOC: Can you take a Ready Action to avoid being flat-footed? If so, I'm doing it. Else I just keep myself at a small distance, near the group, and do the spot check.)


EDIT: Iraïlis follows closely after.

2008-04-21, 11:01 AM
Iraïlis Spot Check:

2008-04-21, 02:06 PM
Flaw will approach the bodies until he is close enough to gaze upon the pile through his Goggles of Lifesight are they living, dead, undead, or neither?

Spot Check [roll0]

2008-04-21, 02:55 PM
Kiruuk sighs, but holds his ground, knowing from his experiences back home that it's unwise to ignore an experienced hunter. He crouches down to look at the tracks, and point out any features that the gnome might have missed.

2008-04-21, 05:04 PM
Elphin and Kiruuk see that most of th tracks couldn't have been made by anything larger than an average sized human. There are also small portions of decaying flesh and tufts of black fur. The tracks have been there for no more than 3 hours, and you can deffinatly tell, whatever left them walked out of the ocean, towards the land.

The mound of corpses is fully dead, but as you get closer, you realize they are not human corpses, but gnome. They have bee clawed at and bitten by what looks like zombies, or some similar undead creature.

As Caracol gazes at the mangled mass he sees that they are all radiating pure evil. It pains him to think it, but they must be destroyed.

2008-04-21, 05:33 PM
"Stand back, everybody. The corpses are corrupted by the Great Evil. They can't be saved."

Koros approaches the pile, looking for some sort of intelligent undead. The evil that emanates from it inspires hatred and rage in him.

"They died because they DESERVE it. Still, if my Protector left them here, is because wants to give me a sing. There must be some use for this corrupted beings before I burn them"

Search Check to recognize an intelligent form of undead in the pile: [roll0]

2008-04-21, 06:10 PM
Melodramatic fool thinks Flaw As Koros approaches the corpse pile. "Relax, they're dead, not undead. I'd know." I raises one finger to tap the Goggles of Lifesight in indication "a wonderful invention of a gnome I once knew quite well, if one of the living dead were concealed in that pile they would reveal it"

2008-04-21, 10:03 PM

"Perhaps not, but something made them dead. Recently too, within three hours I would say."

Glancing over at the gnome corpses an all to familiar sense of numbness sweeps through Elphin and he bows to the pile.Brothers and sisters, I will avenge you.

Straightening Elphin again addresses the party,
"These deaths must be avenged, but first we must take care of the bodies. As we cannot give them a proper burial, we must instead burn them. Sirax, cousin, would you be so kind? We must honor our dead, and ensure our own safety. Ashes do not rise up for war. After that, I will track down the slayer of these gnomes. We shall end it's accursed walk."

2008-04-22, 01:29 AM

After a moments silence, Sirax speaks.

''...dead within the past few hours...we could've saved them if we'd arrived quicker. Burning them is one way to stop them getting back up, and it's no honour to be forced back into life by foul magic. ''

And with those words, Sirax moves closer to the pile of the dead, and, standing close to them, he puts his hands together, mutters a few words in a dark tongue and a controlled burst of fire radiates from his hands for a few seconds.

Cast: burning hands, 15 foot cone, 5d4+5 fire damge if it's important. The dead get a reflex save for half damage :smallwink: But I'm going to work under the assumption that they'll burn.

''May fare better in the next world.'' Sirax mutters, watching the pyre with a sad fascination. Without removing his eyes, he speaks louder. ''Elph, the creatures that killed these people...how far away do you think they are?''

2008-04-22, 05:31 AM
Once Sirax's spell ends there is a moment of silence for the dead. This moment drudges on until it breaks and scars you forever. A bloodcurdling scream is heard. A pain like you've never witnessed in your life. The pain of burning alive. You must act quickly if you wish to save a life.

Spot checks please everyone.

2008-04-22, 05:43 AM
As Sirax casts the fire spell, Koros steps back, nervous and aggressive. He is about to question Sirax's action, as he perceives the scream. He draws his sword, observing the sorroundings.

Spot check: [roll0], detect evil always active.

2008-04-22, 06:48 AM

Spot [roll]d20+11[/roll

If he sees any hint of the live creature,

Elphin drops his weapons and removes his cloak before diving into the pyre and doing his best to pull the gnome out.

If not (and no one else does either),

Eyes flashing in rage, Elphin turns towards Flaw, "Whoever was just slain, the blood is on your hands. You said they were dead, that your magical goggles showed only the dead in that pile. If they have some flaw you should have told us. Come, let's do some good today." Elphin turns his back and begins to follow the mysterious tracks.

Track [roll0]

2008-04-22, 06:49 AM
Rerolling Spot:


2008-04-22, 07:21 AM
Kiruuk's eyes flare. He rushes into the pile of corpses, seemingly completely uncaring for the flames around him. He tosses the burning corpses aside, searching as quickly as possible to find the living individual still inside.

Kiruuk assumes the Flame's Blessing stance, providing him with 10 Fire Resistance. Hopefully, going directly into the pile will give him an easier time finding the (for now) survivor.


2008-04-22, 08:06 AM

At the scream, Sirax throws his pack to the ground and dives headfirst into the flaming pile corpses, seeing some of the others doing the same. Upon finding the individual (if he does), he will attempt to pull him/her out.


2008-04-22, 09:39 AM

Qespherix holds everyone back.

Spot - [roll0]

"Stand back. Unlike your frail skin, mine doesn't burn that easily. I'll fetch it out."

"Meanwhile, stand back. Assuming the Warforged's goggles are broken, it might be undead."

He drops his weapons and shield, trusting on his claws, and then looks for the source of the scream, attempting to get it out of the pile.

2008-04-22, 12:00 PM
Kiruuk brushes Qesphirix's hold aside, and keeps looking.

"You aren't the only one that can take some heat, and you aren't the best suited to fighting something off."

Besides, I've never heard an undead scream.

2008-04-22, 09:43 PM
Sirax, Kiruuk and Qespherix all dive into the flames and start shoveling out corpses. As you're teampature rises and your eyes tear from the smoke, you can't seem to find anything alive in this pile.

Everyone else looking around however, notice a green cloaked figure walk around the pile.

Haha! All of you beaters are the same. Cherishing life, and even risking your own to save another. Oh to the extent you people go. Oh don't worry, come out, there's no one in there.

He waits for everyone to get out of the pile before continuing.

Now, you skullheads need to get off these shores or we will be forced to make you join us. Consider this a free warning. If I see you again, i'll be forced to take drastic measures. And don't follow, it wouldn't be very wise.

The man begins to slowly but confidently back away from the group, never letting his eyes leave you for a second.

2008-04-22, 10:08 PM
Flaw's gaze silently searches the cloaked form for any details that might provide a clue about the stranger. Just what sort of deadite are we dealing with here?

Knowledge Religion: [roll0]

2008-04-23, 12:09 AM

''Life, above all else, should be treasured and honoured. Those that rise after death are the worst abominations the world has seen. As long as life isn't used to acheive unlife, it is worthy to be saved. Who are you to throw your voice around so easily?'' Sirax growls, as he aproaches the stranger.

Does Sirax recognise the man as an undead thing? If so, does he know what sort? [roll0] Even if he doesn't, he prepares to cast disrupt undead on the man, safe in the knowlege that it won't harm anything alive.

2008-04-23, 12:46 AM
Recognition flicks across Flaw's face as moves quickly to intercept the gnome, gesturing for him to stay behind him as he steps forward. "I'll tell you who it is" Flaw shouts in answer to Sirax's inquiry "It's the errand the boy... They're called Hooded Pupils, they're lured by the power the dead offer. It was once a Satyr." Addressing the cloaked one he concludes "Isn't that right, Goatboy? Are we supposed to fear you? Should we fear a puppet? No. Not me. So how about you tell us who's pulling your strings, who sent you here and who's running things in this area? Do that, and we'll let you crawl back to your master and tell him you've delivered your message! What do you say?" Lowering his voice and speaking to his comrades behind him he adds "if he attacks, cover your heart, be prepared for magicks, and steel yourself against his power.."

Knowledge check for Dark Knowledge (Puissance): [roll0]. Everyone gets +1 to their saving throws against this creatures attacks for the next 1 minute.

2008-04-23, 01:21 AM
With his sword draw and ready, Koros listens to Flaw's words. "Could he be right?"

Knowledge (religion) to recognize the figure as Hooded Pupil. [roll0].
detect evil on the cloaked figure to know his nature.

Keeping his sword with the left hand, Koros puts his right hand under his cloak, ready to reach his throwing axe or the potions in his belt.

2008-04-23, 01:53 AM

''He could be. You know what they say, don't kill the messenger. But if he's already dead...''

Flaw hears a familiar voice in his head: You seem to have experience with these creatures. I propose we milk it for information then destroy it. and then to Elphin: What worries me is that it knew we were here...serendipity, or something more omnious, I wonder?

2008-04-23, 09:10 AM

Elphin responds in kind to Sirax's silent question,

"He mentions the shores. Probably just a patrol. waiting for anybody to come around. We should kill it, I don't want it reporting back to its master."

In the same silent manner, Elphin speaks to Flaw,

"Flaw, you appear to recognize our 'friend' here. You know he can't be allowed to report back to his master. You have the lead; when ready mention the word 'bakery' and I will kill the creature. If you have a different plan mention 'controversy'. I cannot hear your thoughts, only make mine known. I will follow you."

As he sends these thoughts, Elphin bends and puts on his cloak and picks up his crossbow.

I'm readying a full attack using Rapid Shot on the Pupil at the word 'bakery' or if the Pupil appears to be leaving us. (I'm not sure of the legality of this, DM's discretion). Rolls are made assuming that a Hooded Pupil is undead.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Attack 2 [roll1]
Attack 3 [roll2]

Damage 1 [roll3]
Damage 2 [roll4]
Damage 3 [roll5]

2008-04-23, 11:08 AM

Qespherix calmly picks up his shield and weapon, not reacting to the man. Then he speaks:

"I see two options."

"One, we let you go since you are the messenger. Downsides are we might encounter you later, or you'll warn your master, but judging by your words they already know we're here."

"Two, we kill you, and before that use you for information. Downsides are you might be too powerful."

"But seeing as we outnumber you, that won't be much of a problem I guess."

He then looks to the others to see what they do.

If they decide to pursue and attack the Pupil guy, Qespherix goes with him, trying to not kill him unless the others do so. If the Pupil threatens to outrun us, Qespherix uses Wild Shape to change into a cheetah and sprint after+trip the Pupil. If needed, he'll grapple him after that if he threatens to still escape even though he was tripped.

2008-04-23, 05:42 PM
You dare threaten me you sorry excuse for a salamander. I'll teach you how to talk to people more powerful than you.

Qespherix's knees buckle as he doubles over into the sand. Your heart, you thought it was nerves, but this is something else. This hooded man is going straight to your source of life to end this quickly.

Now you stay down there until you've thought about what you've done. Now for the rest of you, if you try to hurt me I will make this worse for you. All of you, drop your weapons. Now, or he dies! I am just going to leave and then I will let him keep his life. I wasn't here to kill, just to warn you. You all don't want me to be destroyed here. I'm a welcoming party, they'll send an army if I don't come back. Did you hear me gnome! Drop the crossbow!

He stands perfectly still, waiting for your response...

Post what you do before looking in either of these spoilers. Then once you do, you are allowed to look in either.

If you drop your weapons:
Okay, good, I don't like killing when i'm not permited. I'll leave you now, and Flaw, good job with Nerim, I always hated him.

The satyr then walks away carefully and disapears in the distance.

If you do not disarm:
Fine, we'll have it your way, but before you could even touch me this reptile's heart will be crushed in my hand.

The satyr clenches his fist as it crackles with dark energy.

Roll for Initiative

Jarelk, I rolled your save just to speed things up, but you get a save every round, but you are paralyzed right now. You can talk, but not move, so you can say something then make a save depending on what your party does. I'll let you know when to stop making saves.

You take 10 damage.

2008-04-23, 07:41 PM
Flaw allows his spear to drop from his finger tips and holds his hands, palm out, towards the messanger. Inside his head Flaw's thoughts continue to assail the situation from various angles trying to divine the best course of action. Ok, this should buy some time, providing my comrades follow suit. What to do? I've heard of Hooded Pupils using the Clutch of Orcus before but my own research into the spell has never been this successful, was there something different about it?

Spellcraft Check: [roll0]

Whoops, forgot the synergy bonus for knowledge arcana, that should be two higher. So 22.

We have a tracker, if we let him go perhaps Elphin could follow it back to it's lair, assuming it leaves sufficient sign. Either way this goes I need to be prepared. Flaw begins to silently reherse the gestures and incantations to call forth his vengence on the hooded pupil should the need arise...

2008-04-23, 10:15 PM

Already balanced on a hair, the instant Qespherix began to hunch in pain Elphin fired.

Can I keep my old rolls? If not:

Attack one [roll0]+2 if creature is undead
Attack two [roll1]+2 if creature is undead
Attack three [roll2]+2 if creature is undead

Damage one [roll3] +[roll4] if undead
Damage two [roll5] +[roll6] if undead
Damage three [roll7] +[roll8] if undead

and Initiative [roll9]

2008-04-23, 11:30 PM
Realizing that the die has been cast, Kiruuk draws his blade, and rushes toward the corrupted fey. His sword is raised high over his right shoulder, granting him much room to swing, but not a great deal of protection. His left upper arm covers his heart.

If the fey is within 40 feet: Kiruuk reaches the monstrosity more quickly than most would be capable, his blade whirling in a brutal arc. Moving up next to the fey, assuming Punishing Stance, thus activating his sword's full power, then performing a regular attack. (I should really pick up Quick Draw ASAP, so Kiruuk can perform a charge even if his sword starts in the sheath.)

If the fey is further out: The fires of the sun glint on the edge of Kiruuk's blade. It glows hotter and hotter, until suddenly bursting into white-hot flame! With a flick of his wrists, the orc sends a searing gout toward his opponent.
Performing the Fan the Flames maneuver after getting as close as possible. Also, as he moved forward, Kiruuk assumed the Punishing Stance.

2008-04-24, 12:28 AM

Seeing Qespherix falls, Sirax knows what's happening (roughly, at least), as his cousin fires the bolts, Sirax delves into his own mind, back into the details enbroiled in the spellbook in his pack. Unbidden, the image of an atractive halfling rises in his mind, only to be pushed out of the way. With a simple hand gesture, and a few muttered words, Sirax holds his hand out, and a pair of firey ray shoot forth towards the hooded figure.

''Korventaminen Rausku!''

Cast Scorching Ray at the Satyr. Ranged touch attack (x2): [roll0]
If I'm more than 40 feet away, I move within 40 feet of him and then cast, if I can't get within 40 feet with a single move (20 feet), I get within range with a double move and cast next round.
If he has spell resistance: [roll4]
He does not get a saving throw if the rays hit him.

Edit: initative (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4237069&postcount=28).

2008-04-24, 04:39 AM
Koros just charges to the satyr, with his sword lift and ready.

If less than 60 ft distant and the path is clear, I charge the satyr and attack him.
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack roll: [roll1](+2 for charging, power attack -5/+5)
Damage roll: [roll2](+5 for power attack, + 9 for smite evil Edit: the bonus to the damage should be +22, so 30 damage)

If is more than 60ft, I run towards him to be the nearest possible.

2008-04-24, 04:50 AM
WOW! natural 20 on intiative AND attack roll! What are the odds?

I still haven't understand if this fella is undead or not, but I'd better roll the critical.
If threathens: [roll0]
Total damage: 51(smite evil should not be doubled, I think, but if does the total damage is 60)

2008-04-24, 07:07 AM

(You haven't told me what kind of save to make. Also, Qespherix is masked AND cloaked, so he shouldn't have been able to see he was a Sporaxune.)

Qespherix seems fine, but you think you here a muffled groan.

"Don't listen to him. I'm fine..."

He growls.

"But I wouldn't mind to see you caring about my life a little more."

Will - [roll0]
Reflex - [roll1]
Fortitude - [roll2]

2008-04-24, 07:27 AM

"There's nothing I could've done to help you," says Sirax, concentrating on his spells, "So I worry about the things fightin' first! No sense being struck down like that while we tend to you!"

2008-04-24, 10:04 AM
Two of Elphin's bolts drive straight through the fey's flesh and out the other side.

Ow, you little halfpint. His death will be on your hands.

The man quickly realizes he is still in danger as a Kiruuk's sword swings down at him. He seems to shift out of the way as only his cloak is touched.

Haha, you're not even a true orc, your stupid, and you can't fight!

He then leaps into the air dodging both of the flaming rays shot at him.

You'll have to do better than that smallfry!

As the satyr comes down from his jump he is met by Koros's sword to his gut, and blood begins to gush out of the wound spattering the sand around him.

Uhg, oh, so that's how you want to play! Alright... No! The spell, I forgot!

As the satyr screams the black energy leaves his hand, and his grip on Qespherix's heart is severed.

No I will not lose!

A blade made of skulls and teeth is instantly summoned into his hand. It begins shreaking as soon as it is conjured.

Qespherix, sorry, it was a Fortitude save, not that is matters anymore. Also, forgot about the mask and cloak, so yea my bad, everyone disregard and reptilian style comment, also disregard what he said the post before he got shot, Lepre cut him off before he finished, but i like the looks of it and want to leave it all. Anyone who hasn't rolled initiative roll it in the OOC thread, i'll post everything there once everyone has rolled.

2008-04-24, 10:31 AM

''Curses...'' mutters Sirax, and decides upon a slightly different aproach:

He dives to the side to get a clear line of path, claps his hands together before holding them out in front of him and shouts ''Salama Ahmaista!'' as a bolt of lightning flies from his hands, striking the Satyr before continuing onwards.

If I have clear line of sight, and won't hit anyone else, I cast Lightning Bolt for [roll0] points of damage, with a reflex save DC 22 for half damage.

If not, I cast Ice Knife with an attack (normal ranged, not ranged touch) of [roll1] for [roll2] and 2 points of dexterity damage. A DC 19 fortitude save negates the dexterity damage. If the attack misses, it explodes in the square it hits, in a 10 foot radius burst, dealing [roll3] points of damage to all in the area. Oh, all damage for Ice Knife is cold damage, if he's immune to cold damage, he's also immune to the dexterity damage.

Also, could you please tell me which of these I did, either on the OOC or a PM so I can put in a bit of flavour text, please?

2008-04-24, 11:31 AM
Your corruption won't help you. Only the righteous will stand at the end of this fight.

Am I noticing something in particular? Only phisical attacks affects him? Is he under some sort of magical effect? Spellcraft check, although I doubt I'll know something useful. [roll0]

Anyway, I attack him with my sword.
1st Attack: [roll1] (-5/+5 power attack) Damage: [roll2] (+5 power attack, +9 smite evil)
2nd Attack: [roll3]Damage: [roll4]

2008-04-24, 11:40 AM
Another critical, and an another attack that is almost critical. I swear I've never had such rolls in my entire DnD career.

I don't still know if I'm really hitting him or not, but let's try to hurt this goat.
Confirm critical: [roll0]
Damage: 47 (if smite evil doubles it's 56)

2008-04-24, 01:11 PM
So much for cooler heads prevail. thinks Flaw as he lets fly the spell he'd been rehersing. Witness the power of an awakened self!" As he speaks a crimson bolt of energy leaps from the palm of his hand unerringly striking the creature with tremendous force.

Flaw casts Deific Vengence.
Damage: [roll0] DC 16 Will save for half.
Damage if the Satyr thing is undead: [roll1] DC 16 Will save for half.
What do the Goggles of Lifesight reveal? Is it undead?
Also Flaw will attempt to determine the spell the creature cast and what he knows about it: Spellcraft [roll2]

Edit: Ok here's hoping its undead since 31>8

2008-04-24, 01:26 PM

Qespherix quickly stands up. He is trembling slightly, whether because of anger or something else.

"Power? You think you have power?! You foolish, ignorant, pathetic piece of undead!! I'll show you power!!"

He charges towards the Puppet, casting Flame Strike before cutting him in ribbons.

Again, if the guy threatens to outrun us, Wild Shape, cheetah, trip, grapple.

Attack roll - [roll0]
Attack roll - [roll1]
Attack roll - [roll2]

Crit - x2

Damage - [roll3]
Damage - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]

Because the Puppet is undead, my Bane Sickle deals extra dice damage and I get a bonus on attack roll.

2008-04-24, 01:33 PM
I seem to have forgotten my Flame Strike damage roll.

Also, I have one potential critical. Nice.

Flame Strike Damage roll - [roll0]
Reflex Halves.

Half is Divine Damage, other half is Fire.

2008-04-24, 05:25 PM
The satyr tries to parry Koros's strike but it is to no avail. The sword in his hand is shatered as Koros's continues through his heart. Just as he begins to try to pull himself off of the blade he see's Sirax run and dive sideways while chanting a magical phrase. As he finishes speaking lightning bursts from his hands and covers the fey's body. He falls off of the sword, still shaking from the energy. He groans in deep agony.

How did you defeat me so easily? Oh no, master will not be happy about this.

He then looks up one final time and glances at the party.

No, it can't be... Hmm, maybe, this might be interesting after all, to bad I won't get to see it.

With those final words his body falls limp in a pool of his own blood. Then dissipates, leaving only his cloak behind.

2008-04-24, 06:22 PM
Flaw stoops to retrieve his spear. "Strange," he mutters as he wanders over to poke at the creature's cloak a bit with the tip of his spear "He was among the living, a willing servant most likely, if he was truly dead his remains should still be here." He lifts the cloak from the ground with his spear looking for any clues beneath it as to what happened to the Satyr.

"Oh, of course!" Decries Flaw, clanking one metal hand against his equally metal forhead, making a strange clunk. "The fey, upon death, are returned to their plane of origin."

2008-04-24, 09:07 PM

Upon seeing the satyr vanish, Elphin disarms his crossbow and puts away the bolts, ensuring they're properly stored and won't break. He then walks over to Qespherix.

"You alright, friend?"

Slinging his crossbow over his back, Elphin continues, "I'm sorry that I had to shoot at him when you were endangered. He was a servant of some sort of undead, I wasn't willing to trust him to let you go. I didn't want them to have some sort of permanent link to our party, and I certainly didn't want him to kill you and then raise your remains. The only way to ensure all of this was to kill him."

2008-04-24, 10:09 PM
Not a true Orc...

Kiruuk smiles quietly to himself.

It takes a lot of chutzpah for the dead to insult the living.

Looking up, he calls to the others,

"If he was telling the truth about the army, or even if his masters would send a patrol to check on him, we'll probably want to leave as quickly as possible."

2008-04-25, 01:12 AM

''It's not safe to stay here, I also think we should leave immediatly. And I'm sure our firey ally is unharmed, the magic probably didn't cause any harm, only pain. So we may as well grab our things and set off.'' Sirax says, calmly, although a worried look at Qespherix belies his calm feelings.

2008-04-25, 02:17 AM
Flaw looks at Qespherix and then Sirax and then back to Qespherix."The spell he struck you with is called the Clutch of Orcus, I can cast a version of it myself. Though I've never seen it be so effective so quickly. He wasn't able to maintain his grip for long. If you're strong and in good health you should recover. For what its worth I think you'll be fine."

Flaw shoulders his spear and quickly checks his gear.

"I agree we should leave this area" He turns to Elphin "Little hunter, can you search about for any sign. Something sent him here, I for one would like to know where that something lives."

2008-04-25, 02:43 AM

''Should recover? What harm can the spell actually do?'' Sirax frowns slightly, as if unsure about something.

2008-04-25, 03:03 AM
"What the spell can do is leave a smoking hole in a man's chest. In this case it likely placed a fair amount of stress on his heart, but like any muscle, given time, it should heal. A day, two at the most." Flaw begins to walk up the shingle away from the waterline, and adds without turning to face his companions "Provided we live that long."

2008-04-25, 05:40 AM

As you get near Qespherix, you hear a soft constant growling.

"Shame I didn't end it."

He sighs before he answer Elphin

"No... I am not alright. I'll never be."

"But I am not hampered. I agree with Sirux and Kiruuk, we should leave."

2008-04-25, 06:44 AM

Sirax picks up his pick and walks over to where the cloak fell, and prods it. Then he picks up the cloak that the satyr had been wearing, and rolls it up. ''Anything that a mage carries might be magic itself. And even if it's not, we could use it later, either for a firestart, or a disguise.''

Assuming Elphin proceeds to search for tracks, Sirax approaces to help out. ''I don't know what's worse, the dead walking or the live raising them. It pains me to know that there are those alive who willingly join with such creatures. The dead fighting the living, I can understand. The living fighting the living too, but when the living ally with the dead to fight the living...''

Aid other if Elphin makes a survival check: [roll0]

2008-04-25, 09:16 AM

"Well friend, so long as you're not hampered we should move out."

Elphin then turns towards Flaw, "Large mage, do NOT mock me or my kin for our stature. Gnomes are a hearty people and we deserve the same respect you grant other tallfolk."

Turning away from the warforged, Elphin heads to where the hooded pupil fell and began to search for tracks. When Sirax approaches to aid, he responds bluntly,
"There will always be creatures who act foolishly out of fear. The only thing to do is to send them to their gods and let the gods sort it out."

Survival [roll0] +2 if a fey counts as a magical beast.

2008-04-25, 09:38 AM

''It's the fact it, well...you know I've never felt comfortable killing the living. The living dead, they're unnatural, but those that raise them are seldom dead themselves. That it should fall to us. We couldn't retake Shello with an entire army all those years ago. Only a few of 'em survived, and now we're back. With what? A tin man, a giant lizard, a paladin, an orc, and a tiger. I guess I'm still used to working without much company. Do you think we'll actually be able to make a difference when an entire army couldn't stop them?'' Sirax sighs, and continues, more to himself than anything else. ''The lust for power, or the fear of the unknown can corrupt even the purest soul. We haven't been here more than a few minutes and we've already been tricked and attacked. I fear that this doesn't bode well for us. Those corpses were fresh, and a lone satyr didn't kill them all, not when we defeated him that easily. Too late to turn back. Too dangerous to stay here, all we can do is go on, on into the unknown, killing those we can't save. And then we kill again. To live a life of killing...but never enough. We strike, they get up, we move, they chase, we hunt, they run. What a life. But I fear I won't be able to stop, even if I could. I've grown too used to it, if you can get used to a life on the run.'' Looking up, he starts following the tracks. ''Ever onwards. What a life.'' And then, finally, he turns and smiles a small smile at the rest: ''Come, friends, adventure awaits,'' he says, with elements of both sarcasm and excitement carefully weighted in his voice, ''Adventure, and glory.'' and finally, he turns, and begins to walk onwards, the pile of corpses burning behind him.

2008-04-25, 09:59 AM

A joyless smile flits across Elphin's face, "You're always thinking of the big picture, cuz. Can we retake Shello with just the few of us? No, certainly not. We're not an invading army, we're a strike force. Armies just feed the undead, each untrained farmer who dies rises again as a thoughtless killing machine with no regard for it's own 'life' or safety."

Scratching his nose, Elphin continues,

"That's their advantage. 'course, their downside is that if you take out the people in power, lots of their armies go with 'em. We're just going for the head of the snake, leave the body to others."

2008-04-25, 10:04 AM

(OOC: Okay, how many times do I have to say no one knows I'm a lizard? I'm masked and cloaked. Now, to make it extra clear:

You can't see I'm a Sphoraxune, or even a lizard)

Qespherix listen to the conversation between Elphin and Sirax.

"It sounds to me like you're losing hope. Hope of a future. Understandable. Your kin has been nearly extinct, and you lead a life full of danger and adventure, which, and I speak from experience, can be a terrible burden."

"I have my experiences too. I felt, and sometimes still feel, like I have no place in this world. The humans, gnomes, and others have all rejected me. The elves have been kinder to me, but I cannot feel much at home there."

He suddenly stops in his words, feeling he shared too much. He puts a claw on Sirax' shoulder, which kind of stings.

"Don't worry too much. What we're currently fighting for is the future. If we were to stop, then all hope would be lost."

2008-04-25, 11:32 AM
OOC: We've been on a long boat trip together, however long that took, I just assumed that we (the PC's) would've known by now. Earlier you said that the Satyr couldn't know, but I assumed that we did. My appologies.


''Hope. Yeah, I've lost hope. But it's not my hope I fight for. It's not my beleifs I fight for. Which is a good thing. My beleifs aren't very good ones. I beleive that we're here on a suicide mission. I beleive we're all going to be killed, and, possibly raised as undead abominations. I beleive we're here for our 'famous last stand''' Sirax laughs emptily. ''It's hope I fight for, not mine, but other people's. Elphin beleives we can do this. He hopes we can. I fight for his hope. There are those back home who beleive we can do this, I fight to proove them right, and to proove me wrong. I don't beleive we can do this. I've lost hope. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up, oh no. I'm going to give the best I've got until I fall, or until we win. I'm going to fall, but I'm damn well going to take a lot of them with me! It's the stuff of legends, a small band of stalwort adventurers, out to defeat a great evil against impossible odds. The difference...this is reality, and the good guys don't always win.''

2008-04-25, 02:39 PM
Flaw looks to Elphin It wasn't my intention to mock you. It was a statement of fact, you are little and you are a hunter, there wasn't any value judgement implied. I believe wholeheartedly that both your skills and your stature will serve us well in the task at hand."

Listening to Sirax Flaw frowns slightly and places a hand on the gnomes shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry your life has been hard, and I'm sorry to tell you that if you wish to end your life you should find a dagger and be done with it. I very much intend for all of us to survive, amongst mortals the pursuit of survival is second only to the pursuit of power, and where there is a will there is a way." Flaw removes his hand from the gnomes shoulder before continuing.

"However, I fear if we are to survive, and perhaps more significatly if we are to win out, we will have to bring about great changes. You spoke of curruption, of the soul, of good guys and bad guys. These things are illusions that you and everyone else has allowed to limit their strength. It is not your fault my friend. You were born into a world hidebound by millenia of useless tradition and theory. A world that fears the realization of its own destiny, in place of that destiny they've created faiths which purport the supposed "Truth". That truth is weakness, that truth is turning away from power, that truth is unatainable by the mortal self, that truth is the subversion of will, and it is reason we have yet failed to rid ourselves of the dead. I believe that if we are to win out we must embrace a new morality. This new morality must be practical, it must be attainable, and it must be in harmony with our fundamental nature."

Turning from the lofty and theoretical to the immediate and more practical Flaw begins to outline his plan. "Elphin, your comments about the head of the snake are quite apt. You're all aware that when certain powerful undead slay the living that corpse rises up in the image of his murderer. Vampires beget vampires, shadows beget shadows, and so on. What you may not know is that this creation is eternally and supernaturally subject to the will of its creator. As I said the impulse to pursue power is paramount even before survival, in mortals this leads to infighting and derision. The dead, aided by this supernatural assertion of will, are unified under their creators in an unbreakable hierarchy. I believe this to be one of their chief advantages over the fractious races of Tanzen. However if the creator is slain the power of will and the desire for power are immediately returned to his creations. If we break enough links near the top of the chain of command I believe we can fracture the nation of the dead, turn vampire against mummy, Lich against ghoul, and in the confusion allow the armies of Tanzen to liberate Shello."

2008-04-25, 02:55 PM
Staying here babbling won't save our lives. Our actions and our faith can. So let's move on if we have to, or wait our enemies here if we have. We had a sign before. Gods are laying their blessings over us. Don't waste them.

Koros puts back his sword and start walking, asking Elphin and the others:What would be the best direction to take?

2008-04-25, 03:11 PM

Qespherix sighs, disappointed, and turns away.

"If such is your view of things, I fear the battle may already be lost."

He turns to Koros.

"Inland, of course."

2008-04-25, 05:38 PM
Kiruuk nods to Qesphirix.

"Agreed. We should move along the tracks that we've found. The satyr couldn't have laid them; he wasn't rotting. We should find and kill whatever undead made those tracks."

At this, he cracks a slight half-grin,

"Or, of course, we could sit around and discuss more philosophy."

2008-04-26, 06:26 AM
Elphin has a very easy time following the tracks. A small army of undead was walking and not trying to hide that. You follow the tracks for 6 hours and it is now dusk. As far as you can look on every side is just sand. There are no defining landmarks except a small puff of smoke from where you just came from. Everyone is starting to get strained from the heat but no one will stop. With the relaxing cool of night, comes the terrors of the dark.

2008-04-26, 07:08 AM
(OOC: DM, it's time to stop and camp or we can carry on walking? )

2008-04-26, 11:58 AM

As the sun slips below the horizon, Elphin stops bending over the tracks and turns back to face his companions.

"They're going to come out soon. We should keep moving through the night, we can rest when the sun comes up. It's too dangerous to stay in one place when they hunt, especially a place such as this with no cover. Either way, rest or no, we should certainly leave this trail. A path traveled by an army is not something I'm eager to be caught on when the army comes 'round."

As he speaks, he slips his crossbow off his back and preps it for combat. When the night comes there are always dead.

Telepathically to Flaw, "Friend, when we do rest we should take watch together. I wish to hear more about your new morality."

Weapon readied, Elphin waits to see what his companions say.

2008-04-26, 02:05 PM
Kiruuk nods.

"Which way do you propose we go, then? You know this land, which way has closer cover?"
It should be noted that Kiruuk, from this point forward, will be holding his sword in his hands, rather than having it sheathed, at all times that he isn't using his hands for something else.

2008-04-27, 10:43 AM

''It would indeed be wise to leave the trail. If the rest of you can keep going, then I say we keep going. If not, we rest.''

2008-04-27, 10:46 AM
Let's rest here. I can take the first watch. Who will stay awake?

2008-04-27, 02:08 PM

"No. It's wisest to move through the night. If you can't keep up, at least let us find a more suitable location to set up camp."

2008-04-27, 02:46 PM
"Moving through the night is safer? thinks Koros. That doesn't sound true. Could the spell that affected him have seed the corruption in him?"
Sense Motive check: [roll0] Whatever is the outcome, I still do what Qespherix said. EDIT: natural 1 for the win!
"Alright then. You seem a better explorer than me. Decide where to camp, I'm following you."

2008-04-27, 04:03 PM

"Koros, if we camp and we are found we are dead. We can not defeat an army of mindless, tireless automotans. Vampire's and some of the more powerful commanders can only appear at night. If we rest in the day, we rest free of these threats."

Glancing around to see if there is a clear advantage or travelling in any direction, Elphin finally decides and says,
"Come, this way friends."

The goal is too stay roughly parallel to the tracks in the best possible terrain. Out of site of the tracks though, or at least nearly. Here's a slew of rolls, I'll let you figure out which ones I'll need.

[roll1] Listen
[roll]d20+7 Nature
[roll2] Survival

Also...SoD...who was that telepathic thought to? I had spoken just to Flaw.

2008-04-28, 03:22 PM
Elphin see's a large set of dunes off in the distance and decides that is the best place. You travel about a mile to where the dunes are. Once on top of one of the dunes you see where you think the trail was. You begin to travel towards where you assume the trail is heading. After traveling for a few more hours everyone a yawn is passed through the group. You are starting to slow down from the fatigue of walking for about 10 hours throughout the day. As you are about to fall asleep you all hear something to your left but it is too dark to make it out. As it gets closer you see it, a large hulking figure barreling towards you full speed. It is bleeding profusely from every oraface. It groans as it draws closer.

Initiative Rolls

Sirax [roll0]
Enemy 19
Elphin [roll2]
Flaw [roll3]
Qespherix [roll4]
Kiruuk [roll5]
Koros [roll1]

Sucrose and Jarelk, I can't access either of your character sheets. If you could check if somethigns wrong then put the link in the spoiler of your next post i would be very thankful.

2008-04-29, 12:31 AM

Already worn out by fatigue, Sirax acts without thinking: he holds his hand out, gives a small wave and finally points with the four fingers on his hand, small glowing orbs fire, one from each finger, as Sirax speaks a simple word of magic: ''Taikuusohjus!''

Magic Missile: 4 missiles,

2008-04-29, 05:45 AM
The missles slow down the zombie, but it looks like he doesn't notice that there are small holes in his chest. As the beast comes towards Sirax it digs it's vile claws into him then scoops him up into his hand. You see the blood run from Sirax as this hulking zombie tries to squeeze the life out of him.

Sirax takes 38 damage and is now grappled. So you can cast spells but you need a concentration check of 20+spell level and have to do a grapple check every round. Don't forget your -4 for being small.

Remember, post in whatever order and i will sort it out. But only post once until everyone has posted.

2008-04-29, 07:07 AM

Seeing his cousin trapped, Elphin begins to instinctively seek the bear's destruction and immediately fires two bolts, trusting in his skill to not hit Sirax.LET HIM GO!



2008-04-29, 08:20 AM

His sword already drawn, Kiruuk twists it ever so slightly in his hands. As he raises it up into a familiar stance, it seems for a brief moment that the sun is once again burning over the dunes. His body and blade cloaked in flame, Kiruuk charges the brute, putting all his strength into killing it before it can harm his ally any further.

Activating Punishing Stance, then performing a Searing Charge.
If the zombie attacks him back, he'll be using Wall of Blades.

2008-04-29, 11:29 AM

With less granduer and gesticulation than Sirax Flaw will execute a quick and subtle pointing of his fingers at the beast and a series of whispered sylables and let fly his own spell. Four orbs of pure force leap from his outstretched hand and whiz through the air deftly darting around Sirax to target his assailant.

Flaw casts Empowered Magic Missle.
Missle 1: 1d4+2d6+1*1.5=
Missile 2: 1d4+2d6+1*1.5=
Missile 3: 1d4+2d6+1*1.5=
Missile 4: 1d4+2d6+1*1.5=
huh those dice rolls didn't work. I'll try again in another post.

2008-04-29, 11:46 AM

(OOC: I have the same problem too sometimes, when I immediatly go to the link of the character sheet. I have to do it step by step to make it work. Anyway, here's a link (http://www.thetangledweb.net/ttw/addon.php?addon=Profiler&page=view_char&cid=11415) if you care to try again.

Also, you forgot my tiger)

That was not wise." Qespherix says, and he attacks the monster with his Sickle.

Attack Rolls

Damage Rolls

These rolls are in advance, to clear up any confusion that may still come.
Iraïlis will join the grapple and then rake.

2008-04-29, 12:05 PM
Missile 1: [roll0]+[roll1]*1.5= 7
Missile 2: [roll2]+[roll3]*1.5= 6
Missile 3: [roll4]+[roll5]*1.5= 7
Missile 4: [roll6]+[roll7]*1.5= 24

For a total of 44 damage.

Edited to reflect Dustfinger's re-interpretation of Undead Bane Magic, man 44 is way less than 82. Note to self: Empowered Magic Missile no longer worth the 4th level spell slot.

Edit again: Ok, to say not worth the 4th level slot was probably a bit extreme, after crunching the numbers the average damage for an Undead Bane Flamestrike is 31.5, and the average damage from an Empowered Undead Bane Magic Missle is 31.5. I guess its just no longer clearly superior, but an Empowered Undead Bane Scorching Ray still is, average damage 52.5.

2008-04-29, 02:53 PM
As the corpse is trying to focus on crushing Sirax, he is bombarded with attacks. A lone bolt goes deep into his chest cavity as you hear the sound of ribs shattering. Before the splintered bones could settle Kiruuk blade lops the arm off that was holding Sirax as the scent of burning flesh fills the air. Qespherix's sickle gets caught in the beasts side as he digs into it's mort flesh. When finaly Flaws bolts swoop around all of his allies and all hit the creature in it's head, causing it to shatter from the force. When the creature falls motion less onto it's back he makes a small crater in the sand. As Sirax finaly gets out of the large fist that held him captive, everyone lets out a yawn. Even the intensity of battle couldn't stiffle the lack of energy that is overcoming you. And finaly after what seems like an eternity, a bright light peeks up over the horizon...

2008-04-29, 03:46 PM

Qespherix watches the sunrise, and he keeps watching while talking to his companions.

"I believe that means it is safe to set camp."

2008-04-29, 07:27 PM

Elphin heads over to his cousin and leans in close, whispering, "You alright, cuz?

After making sure his cousin was alright, or at least, as alright as a gnome who had just been mauled by a bear, Elphin turns to his companions.

"We can rest now. I'll take first watch. Flaw, could you manage that watch with me?"

2008-04-29, 08:19 PM
"I do not require sleep, but I will need time later to regain my focus and discipline. Yes the first watch would be fine."

OOC: Dustfinger, in your opinion is keeping watch strenuous enough to keep Flaw from recovering his spells? If so I'll need to revise my offer.

2008-04-30, 12:39 AM

Kiruuk smiles slightly, and nods appreciatively to the other two.

"Well then, good morning to both of you. I'll take the next shift."

With that, he sheaths his sword, removes said sheath from his back, and hits the ground, one hand clasped tightly over his weapon's pommel. His old, weather-beaten rucksack apparently has nothing that would break within it.

In about a minute, he's sawing logs.

2008-04-30, 01:25 AM

Sirax gets up, wincing at the pain.
''Alright? Yeah, I guess, for someone who's just been mauled by a giant zombie. I just hope that his family aren't around. Still, a good days rest'll do us all good.'' Belying his words, however, he limps as he moves to unpack his gear, and tries not to put much pressure on anything. Still, before going to sleep, he pulls out the cloak that the satyr mage had been wearing, and lays it on the ground. His eyes flare for a moment, and he starts staring intently a the cloak.

Casting Detect Magic at the cloak. If there's an aura, I'm not making a spellcraft check for the school of magic, because I can't (no ranks, can't be used untrained).

2008-04-30, 09:01 AM
"I can take this watch, this fight didn't left me too tired. Sirax, let me ease your wounds before you go to sleep."

Lay of hands on Sirax, 14 hp healed.

"Now rest, we will guard."

2008-04-30, 12:21 PM

"I'll take the last watch."

He lays down his bedroll in the outer ring of the camp, and quietly lays down with his back to the others, keeping a watchful eye.

2008-05-02, 12:48 AM

''Thank you, Koros. No matter how often I've gotten injured, nothing feels better than some magic closing the wounds.'' turning to Flaw, just before going to sleep, Sirax hands him the cloak: ''You might want to have a look at this, see if you can tell what magic it holds.'' and finally, turning to the group as a whole: ''I plan on spending the day replenishing my spells, so forgive me if I let you guys stay awake. However, if need be, don't hesitate to wake me for something.''

2008-05-02, 08:53 AM

Glad to see Sirax on the mend under Koros's magic, Elphin responds to his cousin with a grin tugging at his lips."Don't worry Sirax, we understand how your magic works. Besides, we don't want to push you too hard after pushing off that bear's amorous advances. Their courtship rituals can be quite strenuous."

The grin fades as he turns to more serious matters,

"Koros, thank you for aiding my cousin. You're a mighty warrior and a skilled healer, but we don't need you on our first watch. Flaw and I should be fine. Why don't you rest now. you can take the third watch with Qespherix, I'm sure he could use your aid.

No disrespect intended druid."

Lastly, once the others have gone to sleep Elphin walks over to Flaw,
"Tell me more about what you were discussing earlier. This new morality."

For the watch:
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
and, heck,
Hide [roll2]

I figure I don't particularly want to be seen by whatever I might see.

2008-05-02, 12:22 PM
"Its quite simple really, this world has developed a system that forces individuals, in order to be accepted by society, to defy their fundamental natures. All life, by its very existance seeks greater power. Living beings, desire to continue living, to make their lives easier, and to satiate their desires. All of these things are natural, at the core of the mortal experience. However rather than embrace these traits, people have denied them, even created belief systems that denounce them as evil. There is evil in this world, but the pursiut of power, like power itself is a tool, and tools are neither good or evil, but can be bent to either purpose."

"The people of this world have, in practice, supplanted their own power with a divine surrogate. They create an imaginary intermediate between their true nature and themselves to explain the parts of the world they don't understand and to broker their own power back to them in managable peices. To that I say bollux. It is not wrong to seek power it is natural it is our destiny. By embracing these creator myths and denying our fundamental nature we cripple ourselves and deny ourselves the ability to achieve our potential."

"I whole heartedly believe that the defeat of the Dead is within our means as mortals, if we have but the will to reach out for our own power. However if they wish to remain couched in the bed of ignorance they have made for themselves, I alone will not be able to turn back the tide."

"That is the message I need to get to the people, to help them realize their potential, unite under one banner, and sweep the dead from the lands of Shello. All I ask is that you think about this, search your feelings and you will know it to be true, your people can again have a home if they will but reach out for the power to claim it."

Before meditating flaw will cast one of his prepared detect magics on the cloak and focus on it for a moment.

Spellcraft check: [roll0]

When he rests Flaw will swap out Empowered Magic Missle for Empowered Scorching Ray.

2008-05-02, 01:39 PM
As Flaw begins to speak, Koros sets up the camp to get some rest.

As soon as I finish to prepare the camp, I start too sleep. I don't take out my cloak or the mask. My armour is considered light, so I sould be able to sleep without penalities.

2008-05-02, 03:11 PM

After he heard Flaw's words too, he turns around on his bedroll.

"The Warforged is quite right. That is why I am an atheïst."

"But I doubt people tried to create boundaries and traditions to undermine their own power; I think they meant to get more power.
But don't forget; sometimes, ignorance is bliss. It is foolish, and ironically, ignorant to remain ignorant, but sometimes it's easier to follow the herd."

2008-05-02, 08:38 PM

"Your words make sense, friend. We should not make excuses for power. Strength is necessary for survival. I have seen that far too often to believe otherwise."

Nervously Elphin continues,

"Still...you don't deny the God's do you? I have seen their magic. They are real, Koros is a servant of one and through his god he healed my cousin."

2008-05-03, 03:05 AM
"Koros did heal your cousin, but the power to do so belonged to Koros, not to some distant deity. Of course, Koros believes that power comes to him through a deity, but that is not a sign that his god exists, merely a sign of his bondage to a broken system. There are things that Koros would never do, things that are probably quite natural, that would ease his life grant him strenght, and aid us in our quest, yet he would never do them because it would defy his 'god'."

He pauses for a pondering second, choosing to come at the question from a different angle.

"When children are born, they look to there parents for everything. Not only food, sustainance and shelter but also for an insight into a world which scares and confuses them. However as they age children realize that their parents do not know everything, and must strike out to learn their own way. To answer your question, yes I do deny the Gods, however even if they exist it is time we rise above their influence and dwell no longer in our parents house."

"Your cousin has powers, does he believe as Koros does? That his powers spring from a font of the divine? Is that what you believe? Or perhaps its only the powers over health and well-being that you believe divine? I possess healing abilities not unlike Koros, but without any proclimations of righteousness, or religiousity. If it will aid in your awakening I will demonstrate such godless power when you wake at sunset."

Flaw will swap one Deific Vengence Spell for one Cure Moderate Wounds when he meditates for spells later.

2008-05-04, 08:25 AM
As time passes Flaw's speech causes everyone who is awake to tremble at the thoughts that they might be wrong. As he finishes, the watch is coming to an end, luvkily it looks as if you have hidden your prescence for a while. But what will the next watch unfold?

2008-05-04, 12:03 PM

"I...I will think on this friend. But now I must rest. You should get some sleep as well."

Elphin heads off and wakes the next watch before sinking into a troubled sleep, haunted by the godless wastes of the unliving.

2008-05-04, 02:12 PM

"Ugh...already time? ...Fine."

Blinking groggily, Kiruuk forces himself to get up, then takes a small handful of water from his waterskin, and splashes it over his face.

Without any sleeping structures to take down, Kiruuk immediately sets to waking up more thoroughly, going through his ritual sword forms, as he does at the start of every morning.

When his body has been cared for, he then looks to his blade, taking a whetstone from the top of his rucksack, and slowly sharpening the edge that had been slightly dulled from his attack on the zombie. As it was but a single stroke, this doesn't take long.

Afterward, he sits cross-legged, watching the sands for any movement.

2008-05-06, 08:56 PM
The day passes uneventfully in all acounts. As you all wake up you realize that you just slept until night. This odd feeling subsides as you notice a group of... something off in the distance. Running along the trail that you left baren just a few hours ago. It is running from the direction you came from and is moving faster than you've seen anything move before.

Okay, sorry for the delay everyone, i though there were 2 people on 2nd watch and was waiting for another person to post. My fault. Also, spot checks all around.

2008-05-06, 11:33 PM
Flaw, who spent the whole night save the time to prepare his spells sitting queitly pondering his unique position amongst the party, and amongst mortal kind in general. When his eyes see movement along the parties backtrail, he will squint to try to make something out through the darkness.

Spot Check [roll0]

2008-05-07, 12:34 AM

''What the...those things better be friendly,'' Sirax mutters. ''it's far too early to fight.''. Sirax tries to blink the sleep from his eyes, as he stares at the creatures moving up.


2008-05-07, 12:44 AM

At least you got a straight day of sleep; I'd forgotten how miserable middle watch is.

Kiruuk peers through the evening light, his grip on his sword tightening. With a wry grin, he replies,

"Are you sure? I could do with a little morning exercise."


2008-05-07, 01:50 AM
Already awake since the beginning of his watch, Koros does a quick prayer to his protector before drawing his sword and preparing for an early fight.

Spot check:[roll0]

2008-05-07, 01:51 AM
Rerolling spot... [roll0]

2008-05-07, 08:51 AM

Elphin slips out from his blankets and looks at whatever is approaching. "Ah, don't worry cuz. Maybe it's just some natives bringing us breakfast in bed."

Still, despite his attempt at a 'joke' he immediately loads and preps his crossbow.

Spot [roll0]

2008-05-07, 12:16 PM

Qespherix stands up, wakes Irailis and stares at the group approaching, while slowly drawing his sickle and shield.

"More likely these natives want to turn us into breakfast."

Qespherix Spot - [roll0]
Iraïlis Spot - [roll1]

2008-05-07, 04:25 PM
None of you can quite make out what the beings running are. They continure running and dissapear off in the distance.

Maybe I wasnt clear, they're not running towards you. They were on the large trail you were following the day before.

2008-05-07, 05:27 PM

"...Of course, it might not be our problem. So, it seems this trail's pretty heavily traveled. We'll need to stay cautious. Shall we be off?"

2008-05-07, 07:06 PM

"After those things? Well, I suppose why not? It's not as if we have anywhere else to be."

With that, Elphin heads back and begins to follow the trail. Crossbow out and ready for any foe.

2008-05-07, 08:14 PM

Kiruuk nods in agreement and follows, his blade likewise prepared.

2008-05-07, 11:53 PM

''I guess that direction's as good as any,'' he agrees, and draws his pick, stifling a yawn. ''Just as long as we're following them and not chasing them.''

2008-05-08, 12:24 PM

"So... Should we follow them?"

You said that they were coming from the direction we came from, moving along our trail. I though that meant they were coming for us. But that might be because I have no idea what "left baren" means. Unless you mean "Barren"... but then I still wouldn't know what you meant.

Anyway, maybe we should erase the previous conversation.

2008-05-08, 12:27 PM
"Before we get underway, there is something I must attend to. Elphin, the demonstration I promised is delivered" Flaw places his hand on Sirax's shoulder and speaks a few hushed sylables in a rushed cadence.

Cure Moderate Wounds on Sirax: [roll0]

2008-05-08, 01:17 PM
Koros puts back his sword, and then prepares his equipment to leave. "I agree, let's follow that thing. It's the only path that we can do by now, and may the Righterous One guide us."

2008-05-08, 06:00 PM
You all walk back to the trail and begin to follow it further. You travel for about 5 hours before off in the distance you think you see something. A cave? No it's too well made. A fort maybe. Whatever it is you see a camotion outside it. A few scores of creatures moving around outside. You can't quite make out what theyre doing. But by the looks of it, this is what you were searching for.

2008-05-08, 06:10 PM

"Well, this bears investigating."
Kiruuk peers intently toward the fort, hoping that his superior low-light vision will let him see what's going on.

If he can detect nothing more than he sees already, then he starts walking quickly toward the aperture, muscles tensed, ready to counterattack at a moment's notice.


2008-05-08, 09:53 PM

Back at the camp:

"This is indeed impressive, Sir Flaw. I just don't see how you being able to do something means that something else couldn't do it. Still, it is...troubling. I had been given to understand that the gods alone could grant that sort of magic. I will think on this. For now, we hunt."

After five hours of tracking:

Elphin turns to Kiruuk,
"Yes. Everyone wait here, I'll sneak ahead and see what I can find out."

That said, Elphin leans forward straining his well-trained eyes for any hint as to what they're looking at. Seeing nothing, the gnome hunches and moves forwards slowly, but deliberately, darting from shadow to shadow. Keeping to whatever cover there is within the wasteland.

Spot [roll0]

Failing that,

Hide [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]
Spot [roll3]

I keep moving forward until I can see what's going on.

2008-05-09, 12:14 AM

Telepathically to Elphin: Elph, if it seems safe inside, I could light up the area for a better look. From here, it doesn't sound safe, but you know as well as I that looks can be deceiving.

2008-05-09, 01:01 AM

"W..wait? ...Very well; be sure to scream if you need help."

Kiruuk slows to a stop, and grudgingly steps aside to let Elphin go alone.

2008-05-09, 01:42 PM
As Elphin moves closer he notices large amounts of undead being fought back from a fort. No one seems to notice you as you sneak up for a closer look. Zombies, Vampires Skelatons and other various types of undead are trying to take this fort, but you can tell they are vastly outskilled. The number of undead is dropping by the second and you have seen but one person holding the fort fall. The men on the fort look like were-wolves in a hybrid form, although slightly differant. The men varry in sizes from about your height, to the size of an average ogre. All of them are gaunt and very agile. Within another minute all of the undead have been killed.

2008-05-09, 03:59 PM

Elphin's eyes grow wide as he takes in the carnage, By the gods! I have never seen the undead fall so easily."

Telepathically to Sirax, Cuz, you won't believe what I just saw. There's some sort of creatures in this fort. Look to be werewolves. Maybe Ogre werewolves. I'm going to try and found out more. See if anybody in our group knows anything about them and keep me posted."

His message delivered, Elphin closes his eyes and begins to concentrate, reaching into the energy that is his by birthright. Pulling forth a small horn from his pouch, Elphin leans towards the fort and listens.

Clairaudience at the spot where the largest gathering of the creatures appears to be after the battle.

2008-05-10, 12:22 AM

Siraxs eyes open in surprise.
''Elph says that he could see werewolves in there, but far too large for human werewolves, he says that they might be ogre werewolves. What do we know about ogre werewolves? I don't recall hearing about werewolves on Shello, does anyone know what they're doing here?''

While he's speaking, he sends back: Elph, if they look hostile, if you think anything could go wrong in there, get out, or get me in., whilst thinking about what spell would be the most use against giant wolfmen.

2008-05-10, 11:22 AM

"Should we talk to them...? After all, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. But they might just go ahead and eat us."

He turns his head back to the fort, and pulls on his cloak to cover him more tightly.

"Or perhaps it's better if we find out who they are before we reveal ourselves."

2008-05-10, 12:12 PM

Kiruuk nods.

"The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy; nothing more, nothing less. Until we know that these ogre werewolves can be trusted, we should assume that they can't."

Turning to Sirax, he replies,

"I've no idea why they're here; that's worth finding out."

2008-05-13, 01:56 PM
Elphin closes his eyes and see's himself float across the open air and land near the mass of wolf like figures. All of the noises are dulled and muffled but you can see perfectly the differant sizes of these dark furred humanoids. They are all sharpening their swords, talking and walking back into the fort which you can see has a small mansion in the center. One of the smaller of the creatures points off into the distance but you can't tell what he is pointing to. The creatures look concerned, but not too troubled.

2008-05-13, 02:24 PM
Flaw thinks back to all his time in that dank basement library in Dawn of Glory One of that bastard gnome's books must have had something to say about werewolves. What would they be doing here? They've survived at least one assualt by the dead, and logic dictates more than one. How might they be useful? With his last musing Flaw rises from the squat he'd taken up to wait out Elphin's report and begins pacing back and forth, his capable mind assessing the angles and formulating a next move.

What does flaw know about werewolves, especially werewolves in Shello, but also about werewolves in general?

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

What can he assess about the design of the fort from this distance? How accessable is it? How large is it? Does it appear to have accessable sources of food and water inside?

Spot: [roll1]
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): [roll2]

2008-05-13, 10:00 PM

Elphin frowns at the image he had not meant to witness, I had meant to listen in, not watch. I'm out of practice.

Concentrating, Elphin tries to take in the direction the wolfman is pointing and any other useful information that he can before breaking the spell.

Spot [roll0]

Assuming I can tell which way he's pointing, when I break the connection I look towards that.

Spot [roll1]

Either way, I relay everything on to my dear cousin to inform the rest of the party.

2008-05-16, 10:32 AM
Elphin- As you brake your concentration and look towards where the wolfman was pointing, you see the rest of your group standing there waiting. You turn back to the fort and you see a group of 10 wolfmen jump down off the wall and start walking towards the group. They seem to be in a bit of a hurry.

Flaw- You have never heard of werewolves being in shello. At least not in the deserts. Werecrocodiles maybe, but never werewolves. These had to be something completely differant. As for the fort, the outer walls are about 30 ft high and seem to be fairly thick. You see a few green leaves coming out towards the center of the fort so you assume there has to be a decent amount of water to keep all of the plants alive.

Everyone (except Elphin)- You see a group of dark figures jump off of the fortress and start coming towards you quickly. As they grow closer you can see that their weapons are away and they don't look very threatening.

2008-05-16, 10:47 AM

Seeing the wolfmen approaching the party Elphin telepathically launches a warning to his cousin, Heads up, cuz. You've got some ugly lycanthropes heading towards the group. They look like they might want to talk, I'm going to position myself behind them stay ready to ambush them if it's needed."

His warning delivered, Elphin moves to a better location to attack the wolf-creatures.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

Ready an attack if anything violent appears to happen. I'll shoot for any perceived spell caster first. If I can't tell that, shoot at the leader.

Attack 1 [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3]

damage 1 [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]

2008-05-16, 11:02 AM
As some people in the party begin to grip their hilts the leader of the wolfmen begins to speak.

Wait. We mean no harm men. Our fortress here is a safe haven to anyone lucky enough to still be living in this land. Come inside, we will bring you to our leader. A feast is in order. Karnush, go tell the chefs to prepare a meal for our guests. Welcome to Caanus, I am high priest Ghell.

Ghell then bows and begins to walk back towards the fortress.

2008-05-16, 01:09 PM
Sense Motive check: [roll0] to see if the wolfman sounds convincing. Also, detect evil all around. My response will be determined by the result of the check and if these guys are evil.

EDIT: that's the 3rd natural one that I roll in a row.

2008-05-17, 01:20 AM

Elph, we've been invited inside, their high preist seemed respectful, from the way he acted, even bowing to us. A little too respectful, I fear, nevertheless...if being over polite is his game, I see his bluff...

Bowing in return, Sirax speaks, not rising until he finishes. ''Greetings in return, Ghell, or what should I call you? High Preist? Your Worshipfulness? Do you have some title, or honorific, that we should use? I wouldn't want to seem disrespectful to someone who's offering to help us. My name is Saraneth, and I hope that you don't need to go to too much trouble on our behalf.

Finally looking up up Ghell, Sirax asks, quite innocently: ''Forgive my memory, I tend to be absentminded to the point of a flaw. What god were you the high preist of again? Usually I would glance at your symbolic, uh, symbol, however, you don't appear to be wearing yours openly.''

If he is wearing one openly, and you didn't mention it, I'll scrap that last bit. Either way, [roll0] for if it's some obscure lycanthropic god, or to work out if the symbols a fake or something like that.

2008-05-17, 07:36 AM
Oh forgive me, I forget visitors nevver know of what we are. We are Marruspawn, therefor we worship our elder kin the Marru. We believe that some day they will return and help us claim back land that is rightfully ours. This plight of undead is a sure sign that says the Marru are coming soon.

Now come, you can eat then sleep and meet our pack leader when he arises, he will be glad to meet you.

2008-05-17, 08:13 AM
Thank you, but I should decline your offer. We are in great danger by now: and lowering our guard, even if your offer is sincere and without consequeces, is something that we can't do. Our fate is not certain, we must wait for a sign of our Protector before taking decisions.

This is my opinion, my comrades are free to do what the want. I could follow them if they decide to accept your ospitality, but I discourage them to do so.

Knowledge (Religion) check: [roll0], who is this Marru god are they talking about?

2008-05-17, 10:33 AM

Qespherix doesn't bow or greet. He simply stares at the Marruspawn. He mutters in a strange language:

"I don't trust these "marruspawn" at all. Then again, I rarely trust anyone."

(OOC: To the DM:
The language was Draconian. I don't know if any of my partymembers speak it, but if so, can you tell them they can hear it?)

2008-05-17, 10:43 AM

(Replying in Draconic) ''I don't trust them either. On the other hand, having allies to fall back on could be worth the risk.''

And in common, to Ghell: ''If you could be as kind as to excuse us? We cannot join you immediatly, and I'm sure that you would feel us fools if we did, entrusting you when we have no reason to do so yet. If you could allow us a few minutes in private, to discus our opinion? We shouldn't take too long, and that stops us from talking in secret languages. So, if you could be as kind as to offer us a few minutes out of earshot?''

And finally, to Elphin: Elph, what do you know about Marruspawn, and the Marru they worship?

Do I know about the Marru? [roll0]

2008-05-17, 12:39 PM

(In Draconic)"They seem to be enemies of the undead, but they might as well think of us as supper. And I didn't know you spoke Draconic."

2008-05-17, 12:43 PM
"I say we go with them," Flaw speaks up without waiting for the Marruspawn to excuse himself or leave the immediate area. "You're right, we don't know anything about these things, and if we don't go with them we never will." Turning back to the Marruspawn "Tell me priest, I assume you have scouts who keep you apprised of the goings on near your home, and you know this area well? Such knowledge would be helpful to us."

2008-05-17, 02:54 PM

Draconic: ''Indeed I do speak Draconic, in fact, it's a rare language I don't speak.''

Elph, it looks like we might be going in with these Marru creatures, at least, Flaw wants to barge in. Qespherix doesn't trust these creatures one ounce, Caracol seems reluctant, but he'll cave if we head in...I don't see any reason to trust these creatures, however, to refuse a potential ally could easily be our doom. Sadly, I fear that trusting them could provoke a similar result...

Sirax then mutters to himself, ''Heh, doomed if we do, doomed if we don't.''

2008-05-17, 08:23 PM

Dustfinger, may I have a Sense Motive check on Ghell? I have to ask, as if I roll it myself, I'll know how likely Kiruuk's hunch is to be accurate.

Kiruuk waits for Ghell and his followers to take their leave before breaking his silence. He nods at the concerns of Koros, but his face only registers blank incomprehension at Qespherix's foreign comments.

2008-05-17, 10:33 PM
Ghell looks at you oddly as you begun your secret discussion. He then mutters in fluent Draconic.

How dare you insult my intelligence? You think i'm not cultured because I don't live like you do?

He then reverts back to speaking common.

Fine, wait as long as you want and trust us or not, it's your lives, not ours. And yes we do have scouts about, but you have no business knowing what happens in this area, not anymore.

Ghell says a few words in a language none of you understand then all of the group of Marruspawn walk back towards the fort gates, leaving you alone.

You can still follow and talk before they get inside if you so desire.

Sirax- You dont really know anything about the Marru at all.

Kiruuk- Ghell seems like a nice trustworthy fellow. Albeit now a nice angry trustworth fellow.

2008-05-17, 10:43 PM

Frowning at this latest development, Elphin sends a silent reply back to Sirax,Alright, go in. If nothing else, they kill undead and I can respect that. We have no reason to trust them and no reason not to. I can wait outside of the walls, just in case. They don't need to know about all of us.

2008-05-18, 07:28 AM

Curses Sirax thinks, we can't afford to surrender a potential ally, and we especially can't afford to make a new enemy...

Thinking quickly, putting a thought into Ghells head, in whatever language he was speaking earlier: Giving these creatures a second chance may be in order, anyone in their position would be suspicious, and they'd be fools not to.

Implanting a suggestion, that's a DC 20 will save to negate it. If this is considered a very reasonable suggestion, the save is made at a -1 or -2 penalty, at the DM's discretion.

2008-05-18, 08:09 AM

His masked head turns to Ghell when he starts to speak Draconic.

(In Draconic)"It is not an insult to your intelligence, but in your society we might be the prey. Of course, I don't think I would--"

He quickly cuts himself off before revealing too much. Then he turns to the others as Ghell walks away.

(In common)"Alright, I say we go in. They seem trustworthy enough to not kill us at the least. But keep a watchful eye."

2008-05-19, 06:36 AM
Fine, come on, just hold your tounge's next time.

Ghell walks you inside the fortress walls and you finaly get to peer at the inside. Marble columns are holding up sandstone buildings. Wolf men of all sizes are marching around. There is a training area near the front of the fortress where all of the weapons are kept.

Well, here it is. It's no much, but until the Marru return and cleanse the undead menace, it's all we have.

He walks you into the palace doors and down a long winding hallway.

Here you go, these are your rooms. You should find them accomidating enough. If you would like to barter for equipment or if you need your weapons repaired, the merchants shop is the last door on your right down this hall.

Your rooms are filled with anything one might need in the dessert. You even have your own personal fountains in the corner. Each of you gets your own room.

Before I go, the feast will be held in about 6 hours, we will send someone to get all of you. Please don't come armed to dinner, our leader doesn't like it when visitors carry weapons to the table.

With that, Ghell quickly leaves as you all get settled in your rooms.

2008-05-19, 12:52 PM

The orcish warrior scans his room, somewhat shocked by the disregard for storing water there.

This must be an abundant oasis indeed... lucky dogs.

"Beyond their scouting and supplies, should we request anything?" he asks. While waiting for the others to reply, he walks into his room, acquiring however necessary a few strips of cloth to peacebond his sword.

2008-05-20, 09:01 AM

Qespherix goes into his own room, but turns to the others in the doorway.

"Don't come in, if you wish to keep your extremities."

He then proceeds to his room, preparing for the feast.

Eating. With a mask. This shall prove tricky to avoid...

Qespherix will take off his cloak and mask to take off his armor and weaponry. He will wear the cloak and mask to the feast though.

2008-05-20, 12:54 PM

Elph, we're in. That hooded fool nearly had us thrown out before we got in, but I managed to implant my own ideas into this Ghells head. I just hope they're as trustworthy as want us to think they are...I hope you're getting these details...

''Well. While we're here, I may as well see what the satyrs cloak was, apart from magic. If I get in trouble, you'll hear screaming.'' Sirax says and confidently walks off, calling over his shoulder: ''And it won't be mine!''

As soon as he's out of sight, he leans against a wall, massaging his temples, muttering to himself, changing languages every other sentance, a habit of his when he's feeling stressed about something. ''''I don't beleive this, we're back on Shello. We've barely been here two days, and already we've been attacked twice, once by the living once by the dead. And now we're trapped...and Elph isn't here...''

Hmm, I guess I should find some magician here...

Sirax goes off in search of a Ghell magician, still carrying his weapon (sheathed on his back). He will attempt to get the cloaks abilities identified.

2008-05-21, 03:45 AM
I have a bad feeling. We could have made a mistake accepting their proposal.thinks Koros,stepping into his room.
We need to use the hours left before the feast. We should try to find out some more about these creatures.

Koros take some minutes to rest in his room,then he walks out again, knocking at his comrades rooms, proposing them to explore the fortress, trying not to be noticed.

2008-05-21, 10:19 AM

Kiruuk's lip twitches slightly at Sirax's comment.

"Glad to hear it."

When Koros makes his request, Kiruuk agrees, then takes the cover off of the pillow in his room, wrapping it tightly around his sword in a peace bond.

That's as close as he'll come to unarmed.

"So, what do you want to inspect first? Escape routes?"

((Edit: Corrected name issue; sorry about that.))

2008-05-21, 12:02 PM
OOC: who is this Caracol are you talking about?:smallwink:

Koros nods at Kiruuk questions.I think we should explore the whole fortress, looking for everything could be unexpected or dangerous.
I would like to know more about this wolfmen. I don't trust them. They might look friendly, but nothing deserves trust if it doesn't serve the higher power of the Righterous.
I don't like to flee, but I could be the only way to keep our mission, if needed.

2008-05-21, 08:32 PM

Stepping outside and shutting his door, Kiruuk nods. As he begins walking toward the next door, he replies.

"I don't really care what power they serve. We just don't know enough about them to trust them.

I'll look with you into anything strange we may find, but knowing how to get out is paramount. We can't fight a city."

((I figure that whoever wants to post next is the next door that we visit, so please don't worry about responding.))

2008-05-22, 08:31 AM

Elphin see's the group depart for the citadel and begins to look for a defensible location to keep watch on the Oasis while remaining unseen. While he does this, he attempts to get in contact with his cousin,Alright, Seer (I assume tis pronounced Seer-axe?), stay careful in there. Check in with me when you get the chance, I need to stay appraised of the situation if I'm going to be of any use to you. I guess you knew that, good luck.

His message away, the ranger begins to dig in to his encampment setting up alarms for when he's forced to sleep. That done, he lies low and watches and waits.

I'm away from my book at the moment, can I use survival to set some sort of alarm to wake me?

Assuming so: Survival [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2008-05-22, 01:15 PM

You hear a growl and a loud movement from the other side of the door as you knock. When you explain your intentions you keep hearing a loud growling behind the door. Finally, Qespherix speaks.

"I have no intentions of petty sneaking! Do as you wish, but leave me alone!" He sounds very angry, but he speaks in a very quick and nervous manner.

2008-05-22, 07:46 PM

Kiruuk shrugs, genuinely noncommittal.

"As you wish. Don't count on us being able to fight our way back to you, should things go poorly."

He then begins to move on.

2008-05-27, 05:45 PM
Sirax- You wander around the fort looking for the magician. It takes you 20 minutes to finaly find which room is the one you are looking for.

Well well, this does seem like a very interesting cloak. A bit tattered and blood stained, but that doesn't make the magic lose potency. This cloak seems to blur your image when you are in darkness. Also, it has a small shield of energy around it that I assume is to deflect attacks of some sort. This could prove very useful indeed, if you are willing to sell it, I would pay you more than generously. Lets say 7,000 gold coins? The man hands you the cloak and stands awaiting a response.

Kiruuk and Koros- You both search the fort for any escape routes. You see that there are no doors leading to the outside besides the large ones you walked in. There are guards everywhere but you seemed to notice that there were two places where more experienced looking guards were placed. You caught a glimpse at one of the rooms and saw an enormous golden throne, but no one on it. The door to the other room never opened while you walked. After two hours of walking your body is beginning to lose it's energy.

Elphin- You dig yourself a small hole where you can hide from the people in the fortress. You set up a few alarm systems made mostly from sharps rocks. But you find a cactus that you know to explode if a good amount of pressure is put on it. You manage to uproot it and bring it to your encampment and cover it with sand. As far as you know, if something comes in and disturbs the cactus, you'll know and are in enough cover to not be harmed.

2008-05-28, 01:36 AM

''That seems like a fair price, however, I must see weather this could be useful for one of my companions. I'm not refusing to sell because of a low price, in fact, your price seems more than fair. But this cloak is not solely mine. Regardless, I will be back later, if I decide to sell it.''

Sirax then transmits a breif discription of the cloak to Elphin. What do you think, Elph? Any good for you?

2008-05-30, 05:05 AM
"I suggest to get some rest. We will be able to figure out the situation later: the Righterous will give us a sign about what has to be done." says Koros, heading back to his room.

2008-06-10, 04:57 PM
A loud gong is heard throughout the fort. Shortly following the gong, you hear a man outside your door. You open the door to see a wolf-man no smaller than a human adolesent standing in attantion waiting for you.
Excuse me, I was told to escort you all to dinner.

You follow the small man to the other side of the fortress to a pair of large double doors. As the doors open, music and light pours out, overwhelming your senses. This enormous room is lit up by crystals that are lining the walls and ceiling. A huge table is the rooms centerpiece, the table is about 30 feet long and 10 feet wide. The table is lined with an array of foods, all of which you have never seen before. The floor of this room is a mural and from where you are standing it looks to be of a white marrut fighting off a horde of undead all by himself. This could be of some importance seeing as all of the other marrut you have seen have all had black coats. The band playing in the corner changes songs as you enter and take your seats at the table. After about a minute you hear the double doors open again. You turn to see a monstrous marrut standing in the doorway. This Jackle-Like creature is no less than 12 feet tall and has shoulders as broad as a ettin. His white coat glistens as he walks towards the throne at the head of the table. Everyone in the room stops what they are doing, stands and salutes as he walks.

I am Berrok White-Skin, commander of this fortress. This place is a safe haven for everyone who sets foot in it unless they danger my people. Who are all of you and why are you here? No one wanders the wastes of Shello, there is nothing left in this forsaken continent but death and destruction.

As Berrok sits the music begins again and the saluting ceases.

Take and eat, you are welcome in my home.

As you all begin to eat, you find that despite the looks, the food is quite enjoyable. All you can hear is the music and chatter of the marrut until the merryment is disrupted. Berrok gets up and walks towards you, particularly Kiruuk. He pulls him up out of his seat and places him upright on the ground.

I believe it was said that there would be NO WEAPONS in my presence!

As you look around the room, you now notice that there is not one weapon in the room. All of the men at the table are unarmed, and the guards only have quarterstaves.

Leave the weapon at the door and continue with the meal, this is your only warning!

Okay sorry about the absence again, it's all explained in the OOC thread. Also, in responding to this post, give your introduction of who you are and why you are here, then say anythign you would have said during the dinner, then anything involving Kiruuk's weapon. Make sure to obviously seperate them.

2008-06-11, 06:15 AM

Qespherix immediately stands up and turns to Berrok, his cloak swirling around with his mask giving an intimidating look. He thinks fast before he talks.

"My friend Kiruuk is extremely sorry for this. Don't blame him, he's just very cautious, as would you be in our situation."

He turns to Kiruuk.

"Please leave your weapon outside, Kiruuk. We don't want trouble."

2008-06-13, 09:15 AM

Seeing the Marruspawn saluting, Sirax stands and salutes as well.

The affair with Kiruuk:

''Please, my lord, Kiruuk meant no harm. But if we don't know you, and, although we greatly appriciate this kind, generous offer, we would be fools not to have some way of escape or protection if we needed it!''

rushed diplomacy check: [roll0]

At one point in the night: Sirax approaches Berrok, and speaks, in Marruspeak, ''Lord Berrok? I was wondering if you could satisfy my curiosity on yourself and your offer? As you would have heard from your High Preist, we very nearly decided not to accept your offer, for understandable reasons. We don't know who you are, and for all we know you could be wolves in, aha, wolves clothing. However, consequently, we could also be a danger you've let in to your midst. As you have said, no one wanders the wastes of Shello, there is nothing left in this forsaken continent but death and destruction. Maybe we are here to bring death and destruction to your very room. Please, don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to threaten you, and I cincerely hope that we can be allies. I have merely been wondering why you decided to offer us shelter in these dangerous times, for the dead are not the only dangers here.'' While speaking to Berrok, Sirax shows all due deference, and tries not to look paticularly threatening.

I guess...diplomacy to convince him that, although bringing up this topic, we actually don't mean harm? if so [roll1]

2008-06-13, 09:19 AM

Elphin remains outside, watching the fortress (or resting if rest is needed).

Could I hear Sirax's last message?

2008-06-13, 01:32 PM

During dinner
Kiruuk takes small bites out of everything that is served to him before committing himself fully to any course. He also looks around casually to see as many of the exits as possible, and see which ones have the least obstructions from his place.

After Berrok's assault
Kiruuk's eyes blaze for a moment, but he calms at Qespherix's request.

"As you wish."

The orc makes no threatening movements, and slowly looks into Berrok's eyes.

He then calmly says,

"If you can't stand to see my sword, then I'll leave with it.

I won't insult your hospitality, but this blade has...importance to me. I'd no sooner leave it than my own arm."

Sorry that I didn't check the game before now; I'll try to keep up from now on.

2008-06-15, 07:18 AM

Qespherix nods to Kiruuk, relieved, and sits down to continue the meal.