View Full Version : Hmmm... It only rained once before...

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-04-20, 07:02 AM
Things didn't turn out so well...

But that was a sudden storm, all full of fury and bluster, while this is a softer, more soothing and comforting rain.

Is today's rain an omen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0199.html), or is it just rain?

2008-04-20, 07:12 AM
Can't be sure about the omen issue. But I have to say that O-Chul has certainly earnt more than a good omen. Poor bugger.

I DO wonder, though, about the whole point of showing a burgeoning friendship between the two. There HAS to be something in this, there really has. O-Chul can certainly arrange some 'fun trick' to play on the MitD's 'friends' with the connivance of the MitD itself - after all, surely O-Chul is cleverer than the MitD?

Or it is a huge, flopping red herring... :smallwink:

Tempest Fennac
2008-04-20, 07:22 AM
I'd assume it's happening for a reason.

SoD spoiler:

When Eugene met Right-Eye, it was raining as well. This is also the part where Eugene officially gave up on his BOoV completely, and RE left Xykon's employment shortly afterwards. I don't know if that could mean anything. (If nothing else, the scene lad to Eugene walking way from his responsibility to fulfill the Oath forever while RE decided to take responsibility for himself rather then sticking around to help with The Plan).

Ghastly Epigram
2008-04-20, 08:39 AM
Possible, but I think in all likelihood it was just adding to the whole "end of the day" motif of the comic, which provides the perfect place to switch to somewhere else. Hopefully to V and Durkon.

'Twas a lovely scene though.

2008-04-20, 11:01 AM
It certainly doesn't feel portentous.

The other times it has rained have been highly-charged affairs. This (so far) isn't.

(But really we need some cunning bard-sense from Elan to tell us what's happening.)

2008-04-20, 11:48 AM
Bard-sense from Elan ... I miss Elan. I want to see how he's doing, and see him singing an inspiring song. What is it by now? "Remain conscious! remain conscious! remain conscious! despite the overwhelming dehydration because we have run out of water on board ship!"

2008-04-20, 01:15 PM
Bard-sense from Elan ... I miss Elan. I want to see how he's doing, and see him singing an inspiring song. What is it by now? "Remain conscious! remain conscious! remain conscious! despite the overwhelming dehydration because we have run out of water on board ship!"

Can't V just boil sea water with a fireball and then collect the steam that is now salt-free?

David Argall
2008-04-20, 01:35 PM
I vote with those feeling it just marks a scene switch. My guess on that..
Back to Haley and friends as they arrive in Cliffport, complaining about what a tough journey it was, and possibly blaming each other for that. [Maybe Belkar bragging about all the monsters he killed and Celia grumbling about his killing some non-monsters.]

An alternative is starting with the Linear Guild as they just get out of jail [The judge finds their rights were violated in their killing of 406? people, maybe] and soon thereafter, they spot Haley coming into town.

Tempest Fennac
2008-04-20, 01:38 PM
Why would the LG be back at Cliffport? Even Nale should have ther sence to stay away from there. I'm assuming the scene will switch back to Durkon, V and Elan if I'm honest.

2008-04-20, 01:41 PM
Can't V just boil sea water with a fireball and then collect the steam that is now salt-free?

Wouldn't it be easier just get someone to cast Create Water?

2008-04-20, 01:44 PM
Wouldn't it be easier just get someone to cast Create Water?

Handy. What are the spell components for that?

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-04-20, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by bluish_wolf
Wouldn't it be easier just get someone to cast Create Water?
Handy. What are the spell components for that?

Actually it's a 0th level Cleric spell. If only there were a cleric present... :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-20, 02:00 PM
I vote with those feeling it just marks a scene switch. My guess on that..
Back to Haley and friends as they arrive in Cliffport, complaining about what a tough journey it was, and possibly blaming each other for that. [Maybe Belkar bragging about all the monsters he killed and Celia grumbling about his killing some non-monsters.]

An alternative is starting with the Linear Guild as they just get out of jail [The judge finds their rights were violated in their killing of 406? people, maybe] and soon thereafter, they spot Haley coming into town.

I like the sound of that. Also, maybe, for the whole big storm theory, maybe....dare I say it.....Miko comes back.

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-04-20, 02:36 PM
I like the sound of that. Also, maybe, for the whole big storm theory, maybe....dare I say it.....Miko comes back.

But it's not a big storm, it's a gentle spring rain.

If Miko were to come back during this rain it would mean she is returning as a kindergarten teacher.

The softer, gentler side of Miko.

2008-04-20, 03:10 PM
True, but maybe dying taught her something.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-20, 03:35 PM
I'm hoping that now that we've seen Team Evil we'll go back to Haley. Going back to the fleet and the Kubota plot would be ok too, but I'm more interested in getting Roy resurrected than what's happening to Hinjo and Elan.
Though maybe we'd see V finally making contact with Haley!

2008-04-20, 03:50 PM
I'm in the "rain as a scene change" camp. Preferably with the same rain falling down on someone else, someplace else..

Raging Gene Ray
2008-04-20, 04:39 PM
But it's not a big storm, it's a gentle spring rain.

If Miko were to come back during this rain it would mean she is returning as a kindergarten teacher.

The softer, gentler side of Miko.

Not having read SoD, I can glean that Right-Eye was a Good (in the alignment sense) goblin who was trying to establish a peaceful goblin nation through non-magical means.

Forget about will Roy meet Miko...will Miko meet Right-Eye? It would allow her to develop as a character, admit some of her faults...but still remain an antagonist for the OotS when she tries to stop them from slaughtering random hobgoblin guards.

2008-04-20, 04:46 PM
I'll go with the "switching sides" camp.
I also think that this shows some solace that O-Chul's found, even if it is with an immature monster in a box. If it is an omen, he deserves it.

David Argall
2008-04-20, 05:09 PM
Not having read SoD, I can glean that Right-Eye was a Good (in the alignment sense) goblin who was trying to establish a peaceful goblin nation through non-magical means.
Yes and no. Buy the book.

Forget about will Roy meet Miko...will Miko meet Right-Eye?
That does give me some ideas...

SoD We have speculated about Right-Eye's daughter quite often, and now we have a mention of Right-Eye. So it may be a suggestion she is about to come onstage. [Not with Miko, tho that might be a very good story. But I fear she is just too dead to appear again.] Now maybe Haley and party will be called on to rescue somebody during their trip, which will prove to be Miss Right-eye.

Grey Watcher
2008-04-20, 07:04 PM
Things didn't turn out so well...

But that was a sudden storm, all full of fury and bluster, while this is a softer, more soothing and comforting rain.

Is today's rain an omen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0199.html), or is it just rain?

To be fair, it isn't necessarily an omen. In 199, Elan just points out that it only rains when it's dramatically appropriate. In this case, it helps provide a nice denoument for the scene.

2008-04-20, 07:18 PM
Hmm, who controls the rain in the south? It's Drunken Thor in the North.

2008-04-20, 07:20 PM
Hmm, who controls the rain in the south? It's Drunken Thor in the North.

Isn't calling Thor drunk a little redundant? :smalltongue:

2008-04-20, 08:51 PM
I suppose so, but it's kind of like calling Athena "grey-eyed." "Grey-Eyed Athena" or "Pallas Athena." Redundant, but they still use it.

Morgan Wick
2008-04-20, 09:03 PM
I think it's a scene change but the rain is unrelated to it being a scene change - the longshot in the last two panels, not the rain, makes it appropriate.

2008-04-20, 09:03 PM
...Roy wakes up and everything since Miko is a dream. Then there is a lightning flash and we see our favorite paladin's silhouette in the rain...

2008-04-22, 05:24 PM
Can't V just boil sea water with a fireball and then collect the steam that is now salt-free?

Or Durkon could cast... Create Water.

2008-04-22, 05:25 PM
Isn't calling Thor drunk a little redundant? :smalltongue:

In Oriental myths, rain was often the work of dragons...