View Full Version : Hello I am Gokol!

2008-04-21, 04:40 AM
I will soon reveal something massive in these forums.
I am interested in getting to know all of you.
I am the biggest Manga/Anime Otaku you will ever see.

Zeb The Troll
2008-04-21, 04:49 AM
Hello, Gokol. Allow me to direct you to the official Hello Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49101).

Also, there are plenty of people around here that'll give you an argument about who's the biggest otaku/whatever thingie. That's a pretty bold statement. :smallcool:

2008-04-21, 04:56 AM
It's harvest time. Dibs on the heart!

2008-04-21, 05:00 AM
Lets see, I have heart, livers, kidneys... I think I'll take his eyes!

Oh! Welcom to the forums, by the way. You won't be missing your organs too much, won't you?

2008-04-21, 05:33 AM
I'll take.... hm... the brainstem.
Welcome to the forum

2008-04-21, 06:09 AM
Hello, Gokol. Allow me to direct you to the official Hello Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49101).

Also, there are plenty of people around here that'll give you an argument about who's the biggest otaku/whatever thingie. That's a pretty bold statement. :smallcool:

I just made bigger statement with my first town Character a modified version of a Dream Character of mine and I got another big statement in the works.

The Rose Dragon
2008-04-21, 06:15 AM
I want the spleen! And the tongue!

Oh, did the spinal cord get taken? Cause I want that, too!

2008-04-21, 06:22 AM
I'll take the feet! I haven't had a good set of feet in what must... Gods! Nearly two days!

Welcome to the forums my about to be hollow new friend!

2008-04-21, 06:35 AM
Ok, this is just a clone ok... not the real thing?
Ok, who wants the wings? ..and how about the claws?

2008-04-21, 06:38 AM

Skin Skin

and HI!!!

2008-04-21, 06:40 AM

Skin Skin

and HI!!!
It's not too often some random cute girl licks me and the starts skinning me.

2008-04-21, 07:16 AM
*gets out his new organ-harvesting stuff*
Has anybody taken his Gall Bladder or spleen yet? no? Okay I'll take those.

The Rose Dragon
2008-04-21, 07:18 AM
*gets out his new organ-harvesting stuff*
Has anybody taken his Gall Bladder or spleen yet? no? Okay I'll take those.

I took the spleen. Sorry.

2008-04-21, 07:18 AM
Dibs on his brain and wishbone!

*gets out scalpel* Now don't worry, this won't be that painful...:smallamused:

2008-04-21, 07:18 AM

And I think I'll go for the pancreas and lungs. No one has claimed those yet.

2008-04-21, 07:19 AM
I took the spleen. Sorry.

Awww, okay I'll take the Gall Bladder and a kidney then.

2008-04-21, 09:55 AM
Ooh, noob-harvesting? My favourite! :smallbiggrin:

I call dibs on the left hand, since I scalded mine last week.

2008-04-21, 10:19 AM
Ears! I call ears! No one sees the potential in a nice pair of ears...

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-21, 10:33 AM
Cheekbones please!

2008-04-21, 11:01 AM
Dang, I always miss out on the good parts... lets see...

I'll have a thigh, and the small intestine... oh and that dangly thing at the back of the throat.

Welcome to the forum, what's left of you. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-21, 11:08 AM
I'm having his funny bone!

I really do need a new sense of humour.

Inhuman Bot
2008-04-21, 11:58 AM
WEEE! I call his feet. or fingers. Or whatever's left.

2008-04-21, 12:25 PM
I will take a knee cap and joints from the hand if they're not mangled! Mine currently are >.<

By the by, welcome to the forums mate!

2008-04-21, 12:36 PM
Can I have a bit of his calves?

2008-04-21, 12:51 PM
Are we going through EVERY body part? Because this could get... Nasty.