View Full Version : The Temple of Gokol

2008-04-21, 06:23 AM
I building that mysteriously appeared over night it looks like a collosal gothic cathedral from the outside (with Gargoyles guarding the roof.) but inside it's even larger. Holding massive staircases and many rooms and secret passages. The location in town varies and changes often and randomly(But still within town though the High Priest of Gokol can can manipulate the churches location at will and somtimes the dimmensions of the town will be temporarly messed up in the process. It can appear between buildings know matter how close to each other. The main room liked that of a traditional Catherdral only where the back wall was supposed to be there was a huge curtain. There where many side doors and towers, so inside it looked more chaotic then a normal chathedral. More detail will be added later.
The high Priest who just happens to be named Gokol for now and he appearence is in his bio.
Truesight makes a huge difference.

Currently there are no other members of the Religion in town, but I am looking IC.

Here are some homebrew Presiges classes I am looking for help with who can also refer to PCs of certain classes who worship Gokol.
Paladins of Gokol(Paladins)
Fists of Gokol(Monks)
Claws of Gokol(Rogues)
Priest of Gokol(Priests)

Gokol teaches that the world's not so black and white as most religions would want you to think and takes worshippers of any good alignment.
Gokol does not allow you to drink less it impair your judgement, but also belives in freedom. Renember this is a Temple to a Demigod which is why Gokol lives in this Temple as the Head Priest.
Oh, come on supporting me to Godhood comes with alot of Benifits.
We even have s Unique warforged weapon called The Forged Lion's Roar.
In it's normal state it's alot like a rip off Gokol's Legendary Weapon The Golden Lion's Roar, but I assure you it's so much more.
It comes with Four forms
Sword/Leonal Celestial Forged(Future Homebrew of mine)/and Lion Forged(Another Future Homebrew of mine)/ and the Forged Roar Cannon.
Each one has at least two different methods of attack.
We have another unique Lesser Warforged Item called The Wings Gokol.
Basically they grant a Warforged Light and durable Metalic Avian Wings.
Both Items work on all Warforged Types, but each form of them requires a certain amount of dedication to your god. Combined Together they can make a warforged resemble Gokol himself in his current state though they won't look a 100% like him obviously.
I got other unique stuff in the works and I am constantly looking for people to help me out, so please join.
New Rule: No Poison Use and/or Research with the exception of making antidotes for saving good people.

2008-04-21, 11:20 PM
((As you can see I updated the first post and am currently waiting for a certain something that will improve this thread by alot.))