View Full Version : Tag Test Game!

2008-04-21, 10:42 AM
Hi Lochar!

so, there they are, Skaveress and pixil looking at the room where they plan to carry out the entrance level tests. Do you think anyone will be able to catch you this year? asks the Astral stalker, skeptically. I guess you haven't rusted during the vacation period he asks, cueing his old friend to begin with their yearly ritual...

2008-04-21, 10:55 AM
"I haven't rusted, but how about your skills? Think you're capable of spotting me?"

Pixil grins mischievously, before taking a single step backwards and then vanishes.

5' step backwards, Ddoor 100' further backwards, Hide in Plain Sight check: [roll0]

Not invisible. LOL, doesn't matter with a 60 total roll.

2008-04-21, 11:01 AM
Also, [roll0] rounds until I can d'door again.

2008-04-21, 11:19 AM
Skaveress grins wide, showing a row of wickedly sharp teeth. You doubt it pixil? he says, although inside, he wasn't that sure. Many a time had foiled the little pixie his tracking skills. As always, the little sprite started upwind... he thinks, He's far too clever to allow me to follow his smell. His smile disappearing, the Astral stalker puts a crude blindfold with an eye painted in the middle.

Ready or not, here I go! he says, setting in motion. He stops where the pixie disappeared, and he seems to smell the air, but also to see beyond and through his blindlfold.

Skaveress tracks Pixil to the spot where he D-Doored (I assume he disappeared before the 5-foot step) Survival: [roll0]--> should this be an opposed roll with your survival to avoid being tracked or something?

It would make a good houserule: Use opposed survival to avoid being tracked. If the result of your check is lower than the standard DC, use the standard DC instead. :smallsmile:

He then moves to the spot where Pixil disappeared and tries to track his teleport (Astral tracking feat, DC30, he passes automatically)

That would count as his actions for the round.

So, there you went... he mutters

2008-04-21, 11:28 AM
Pixil grins as Skaveress gets close to him, the shadows around him whispering as they pull him further away. "You can track me, but can you keep up with me?" his voice whispers to him.

Behind Skaveress, a shadow rises up and runs from him.

160' shadow jump away, as dimension door. Shadow rises and runs in an attempt to distract Skaveress.

Again, the shadows envelop Pixil as he hides from Skaveress' sight.

Survival is to track someone moving, and as you can track my Astral movements, you can find me. You still have to spot me and tag me though. Since I can't move after a D'door jump, where ever the Astral track ends is where I'm at at that turn, you would just have to tag past my concealment in the shadows.

You're declared as my Dodge target, so AC 42, or Touch AC of 38, 50% miss chance once you know where I'm at.

Hide in plain sight: [roll0]

2008-04-21, 11:56 AM
The Astral Stalker opens wide his claws and roars at the shadow that rises behind his back... only to find that it was another trick of the mischievous fey. He chuckles and concentrates on the correct track. You know I'm quite fast when I want! he replies, enjoying the game.

Actually, the blindfold Skaveress put on last turn is a blindfold of true darkness, so he ignores concealment and invisibility in a 60' radius. I guess that both by smell and blindsight he could tell the Shadow wasn't pixil, but he doesn't like surprises, so I'd say he was initially surprised at the very least. That should use his standard action for the round.

Ok, now trying something more difficult. Tracking at full speed(+10), small target(+1), teleporting(DC30)... that would increase the DC to 41 which I can fail.
survival [roll0]

Then, as move action, shadow jaunt 50ft, and as a swift action, (burning the sudden leap maneuver and taking 10) 70 ft. Only 120ft, you're getting away!

Claws of the father! the little fey is fast! he thinks as he hurries to chase after Pixil. Hey, look, I was paying attention in your class! he jokes, using one of the tricks Pixil taught him. The Astral Stalker seems to blend in the shadows and re-appear far away, with a similar technique than the one used by the fey, but a much shorter distance. He then jumps at an incredible speed, landing more than 10 yards away.

2008-04-21, 12:40 PM
"Yes, yes, but how fast can you really move? Let's see your eyesight now!"

Knowing his hiding doesn't work against his friend's bandanna, a hole opens up underneath Pixil, pulling him out of sight once more.

Dimension Door, full range. 1160' away, behind Skaveress. So 1150' from his position.

Can you track from your position, or do you need to actually get to my point of jump?

[roll0] rounds until I can D'door again.

Once Skaveress has caught sight of Pixil, he grins and shouts out. "I've gotten better at my jumps, too!"

He does feel a little winded at jumping to his own extreme range, but knows he has a few moments to catch his breath.

2008-04-21, 12:53 PM
The astral stalker laughs out loud when he hears the pixie so far away. No way I can move so fast! he reckons, bowing.

I need to get to the spot where you teleported, so Skavress will, in fact, move away before closing in back again, and this time at his standard speed of 70 feet.

When he reaches the spot where Pixil teleported, Skaveress chuckles again when he notices how far the pixie is. I'm still not as good as you in the shadow stepping thing! he says, disappearing into a shadow and appearing quite far, but not nearly as far as Pixil.

Shadow jaunt 600 feet, and Skaveress can only do it once a day :smallsigh: nope, I can't keep up with that :smallsmile: the students are gonna have one hell of a time to catch you!

Skaveress may "touch" you if you land close enough (140 ft from his position, 210 if he has had time to recover his jump maneuver) but otherwise you are safe.

2008-04-21, 12:56 PM
Pixil blinks at Skaveress' jump. Hell, if we were just playing straight shadow jump, you would have caught me easily. You know I move with the planes as well as the shadow. I bow to your mastery of shadow walking."

Pixil bows back.

2008-04-21, 02:49 PM
I can't wait for the main game to start... I hope both of us get selected! :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-21, 02:52 PM
Agreed, ought to be loads of fun.