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2008-04-21, 03:14 PM
A small metal ball appears before you, either by magic or some other means, as you study and investigate what this could possibly be. It begins to open itself up and speak to you.

Your Presence has been requested to come to the Bloodied Kobold Inn in Tilverton, In the Providence of Cormyr. Upon Arriving at the inn show this item to the innkeeper behind the bar. Your assistance in helping right this wrong will be greatly appreciated.

At that point the ball closes back up, and falls to the ground at your feet. As you pick it up, you definately feel a pull towards the direction of Tilverton

OOC: Do anything you want to do while you are heading there, basically 1 introductory post. Your thoughts and feeligs about the ball you recieved, and what you are doing because of it.

I will try to let everyone post once, and the story will move on once that happens, or on wednesday. what ever comes first.

2008-04-21, 03:41 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas nods once at the small object, throwing his cloak about his shoulders to partially conceal his appearance from casual observers and setting out to find this Inn. Before he has a chance to ask for directions he notices the tug from the item.


And he begins walking at a much quicker pace in the direction of the pull.

2008-04-21, 03:54 PM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf Druid

“Well Lylas, what do you suppose we got ourselves in to?” She posed the question to her lupine friend in elven while they stopped for a rest. The wolf looked up at her and tilted his head. “You’re not the only one Lylas, that much I know.”

The trip was fairly uneventful to Tilverton and for the most part, Saevanna stayed in her wolven form as long as she could for most of the days traveling. They passed by a few orcs, goblins or other similar creatures along the way, but they usually left the two ‘animals’ alone.

“You better stay here while I go inside, Lylas. You may frighten a few people.” The elven bent down to give the animal a hug, “I’ll be back soon.”

Saevanna broke the cover the wood and entered the town to find the Bloody Kobold Inn. “With the Leaflord’s armour, I’ll probably spook them enough as is.”

2008-04-21, 03:59 PM
@Andreas Melot

While walking through the village of Tilverton, you definately notice alot of people looking at you. Quite a few times you meet eyes with someone, and upon doing so, they turn tail and run in the opposite direction. Though people are cautious of you, no one really comes up and approaches you, guards included, they just all seem to avoid your area.

Walking into the Bloodied Kobald, you see a middle aged man standing behind the bar. Human, prolly early 40's, maybe late 30's, Greying hair, long and in a pony tail. He looks up at your direction, only unlike everyone you have seen before, he doesn't give you a second notice.

As you approach the bar, he brings out a small piece of paper, glancing at it, and then back at you, he finally speaks. Andreas Melot, I assume? Not many could be mistaken for you. Before you even have a chance to speak, he motions towards the wall behind him, and it begins to open Go Ahead and head on in, your the first to arrive.

Behind the wall, you find a rather short hallway that leads to a larger room. In that room there is a large round table with 10 chairs.

2008-04-21, 04:14 PM
@Saevanna Amalith

Walking into Tilverton, you notice right off the bat, it's not like any city you have really visited, it looks more like a fortress. Walking through the streets, you don't even see any extra glances thrown your way. As you look around, you notice several groups of adventurers milling about and wandering the streets.

As you Walk into the Bloodied Kobold, you see a middle aged man standing behind the bar. Human, prolly early 40's, maybe late 30's, Greying hair, long and in a pony tail. He glances at you, and back down at a sheet of notes he has on the bar. Hrm..., he starts to shuffle the notes, and pays no mind to you, Figured you would be bringing your friend with you. I am guessing your Saevanna Amalith? Yes, yes, you have to be. the complexion of your skin, and the way you carry yourself says so.

Pondering how this man knows so much about you, since you have never meet him, and never really been down in this area, as you begin to react he cuts you off. Back there, he motions to the wall to the side of the bar and it starts to slide open. Your not the first here, but don't be to startled by the other person back there, He may look a little attrotious but looks can be deceiving.

2008-04-21, 04:30 PM
Garret Longstride-- Human Ranger and Sul--Hawk Companion (white, besides that your average hawk)

Garret eyes the mysterious hovering ball, then with a shrug pokes it with an arrow. After hearing the message, he glances at Sul with another shrug proceeds towards Tilverton. "Well, Shaundakul was never one for subtlety..."

After a few nights journey he arrives in Tilverton, and after asking a few locals he manages to find the Bloodied Kobold. With Sul still perched on his shoulder he enters the tavern..

2008-04-21, 04:51 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Lo-Vin Hammertouch Thuliaga holds the tiny sphere in his hand, it's insistent tugging guiding his steps. It's been a week that he has been following it's direction and this is the first time since he set out from his new tribe in the mountains that his steps have held any purpose. Taking a voluntary exile for the Kalloukia tribe was no particular surprise to any of the goliaths who know him. The wanderlust had always been strong in him, always one of the first to be ready to move along, higher into the mountains in summer, lower to the meadows in winter. He had taken upon himself a journey of discovery, so far months long, that had lead him in for no particular reason to the lowlands.

With an long, easy stride Hammertouch approaches the town apparently known as Tilverton. The hedgerow along the side of the road doing nothing to hide the town from view due to his prodigious height. Standing over seven and a half feet tall his bright blue eyes eagerly drink in the next wondrous sight over the top of the hedgerow. The lowlands have been fascinating. Hammertouch adjusts his hammer across his back before he arrives at the gates, it's never a good idea to be holding a weapon while trying to gain entry to a town he's learned. He smiles, showing off his bright teeth as he reaches the gate.

2008-04-21, 04:55 PM
Mo'riasti Tan-ormen, human cleric of Mystra

Mo'riasti was, as usual, casually uncomfortable and lost in his studies. Rummaging in a old scroll shop he had found something that looked interesting, and with a grunt he folded his slender legs and sat on the floor while he perused a grimy old scroll tied with a bit of ribbon.

He felt a presence near him and began to speak. "I say, did you know that at one time there was a school of thought that all birds were born -- Oh!" He pried himself off the floor and stared at the sphere floating before him. "What? What! What?" Astonished at the summons, he picked up the thing and began to peer at it, muttering to himself, "Ingenious." He stuffed it into his pouch and began to gather his things, suddenly noticing the clerk covertly watching him.

"Bother! What are you looking at?" Mo' snarled,"Here, you, I won't be buying this after all." He swirled his cloak around his shoulders and stalked out, following the pull of the sphere.

2008-04-21, 05:11 PM
@Garret Longstride

The whole way as you traveled to Tilverton you feel the pull of the small metal ball in your pouch/pocket. Arriving at the border to the town, you feel the pull getting stronger and more directional. As you go to start asking directions, each time you stop the pull strengthens, as if it doesn't want you to talk to anyone.

Opening the door to the Blooded Kobold, almost instantaneously, a piece of raw meat goes flying by your eyes and lands in Sul's mouth. Kinda stumped at how that happened, you look up to see the innkeeper smiling. A human in his early 40's, maybe late 30's, looks at you with a grin Nice catch Sul, Well, Garret there are a few people already here, just go on back and have a seat.

And with that the wall next to the bar slides open, and a hallway is visible.

2008-04-21, 05:18 PM

Reaching the game, the two guards, try to avoid eye contact with you at all costs. Goliaths are known down in these parts at all. Most stay in the mountains to the far north. As you are following the directions of the small metal object you do see a few dwarves milling about town, and upon seeing you, and your obvious hammer on your back, each one salutes you and bows.

Finally arriving at the Bloodied Kobold, you duck to enter the building. The man behind the bar, has a rather large smirk on his face as he sees you. I wondered what a Goliath looked like, Well Hammertouch, hope you were well accepted at the gates, and the guards didn't give you to much trouble. He kind of snickers at that point. Well... if you want to head on back to the meeting room, it's starting to fill up. Make sure you take the larger chain in there, that is a little thicker in the legs, as i don't want to have to replace them, they get expensive.

You see as he motions, The wall to the side of the bar slides open revealing a long hallway.

2008-04-21, 05:25 PM
@Mo'riasti Tan-ormen

Arriving at the town of Tilverton, the first thing you notice, is it's a rather frontier town. All sorts of people milling about, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, and all sorts of gods represented on there chests. Although there are no temples of Mystra here in town, you would assume at least 1-2 others you have seen also worship her.

Following the beckon of the sphere, you arrive at the Inn, afore mentioned. Opening the door, you see a human male behind the bar. As you enter he pulls out a mug and plate and hands them to you. Mo'riasti, may Mystra watch over us. Enjoy this food and drink, and please go back to the meeting room. It's through that wall here, and as he motions it begins to slide open. Enjoy yourself, and if you desire more food or drink, just ask.

2008-04-21, 05:29 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas stands in the corner of the room, attempting to partially conceal himself in the darkness around him, in hopes of not scaring off the people who are to join him. As each enters the room, he silently appraises them with his haunting raptor gaze.

Hide Check

2008-04-21, 05:35 PM
Garret Longstride---Human Ranger
With a raised eyebrow and a slight nod he enters the hallway. He enters the room nods at those present and takes a seat facing the door. After a short appraisal of Saevanna he asks, "Are you a nature priest of some sort?"

OOC:Forgive the rude question, but charisma and all...

2008-04-21, 06:08 PM
Unfortunately for you Andreas, there really is no where to hide. picture a 30x20 room, 1 door, a table in the center, and there are permanent heatless torches lining the wall and a few "candles" of them on the table.

2008-04-21, 06:11 PM
Well then, I look I'm -trying- to hide in the corner, no matter how ineffective.

2008-04-21, 06:15 PM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf Druid

As the Elf entered the room, it was clear that she appeared somewhat nervous. Trying to hide her composure, she takes a seat and scans the other nine chairs in the room. “I thought the man said I wasn’t the first…” the woman said to herself in elven. She didn't bother searching the corners as the door opened again.

It was a human who entered the room but she stayed quiet for a moment. He must have meant this human. She shivered slightly as man examined her as if some kind of meal. “Yes, I –“. As she started to reply to him, she realized she was speaking elven. With a slight cough to clear her throat, she responded again in common. “Please have my apologies, I am not accustom to speaking common. And, yes, one could call me a ‘nature priest of some sort’. I am Saevanna Amalith, druid of the Leaflord and I am going to guess that you have no idea why you’re here either?

2008-04-21, 06:27 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"You've got that right. I'm sort of following a whim," he glances at Sul, "but I don't need much of an excuse to take a journey of any sort. With that said, I'm Garret and this is Sul, my latest whim.". Glancing at the shadowed figure in the corner Garret suggest, "Why don't you join us, friend?"

2008-04-21, 06:30 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas exhales quickly, as though he is giving in to the request with protest, lowering his hood to reveal his smooth red skin, crimson eyes and horns.

"As you wish." he says, taking the seat exactly between the two.

2008-04-21, 06:55 PM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf Druid

Saevanna pushed her black braided hair behind her ears as she finally took notice of the red creature in the back of the room. After starting to open her mouth, she quickly shut it. Asking any kind of questions about his appearance may be rude...or deadly...

She waited a few more moments before opening her mouth again. “If you didn’t hear before, I’m Saevanna. Am I to assume that you also received one of these metal balls?” As she was speaking, she removed the ball from her sashling and placed it on the table. Despite his appearance, a warm smile moved across her lips as she looked over at him.

2008-04-21, 07:06 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas locks eyes with the druid for just a moment giving a brief nod, then turns his attention to the door to continue to appraise the arriving masses.

2008-04-21, 07:07 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch flashes his toothy grin at the greying human behind the bar and ducks again to enter the passageway. Reaching the end he is able to stand straight. He steps into the room and looks around. He takes a huge hammer and longbow from his back and leans them against the wall behind the largest chair in the room. He pulls the chair out and sits at the table, placing his large hands in front of him. He looks around the table with a smile and says in a deep gravely voice, "My name is Lo-Vin Hammertouch Thuliaga. Please call me Hammertouch.

2008-04-21, 07:21 PM
Garret Longstride-- Human Ranger
Glancing at the redskinned creature and the large grey skinned creature Garret comments to Sul, "Well, it seems we will at least have some interesting companions on this journey." Garret rummages in his pack a moment before dropping the small metal sphere on the table, "I'm assuming we all have these?"

2008-04-21, 08:03 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch nods gravely and opens his fist dropping the tiny sphere onto the table in front of him.

2008-04-21, 08:51 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, human cleric of Mystra

When the door appeared, Mor'iasti smiled and walked forward. He stopped at the first empty chair and set down mug and plate. Seating himself, he nodded at the others and took a deep draught of the mug.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he burped slightly and muttered quietly, "Excuse me." He gazed around the room, staring at everyone in turn, stopping just short of outright rudeness -- or perhaps in some cases not soon enough. He cocked his head to the side rather like a curious cat and slowly looked Andreus up and down. "Have I heard of you? I am Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, a devoted student of the Mistress of Magic." Mor' looked around the room and laughed. "At the least we are an interesting group. Did the innkeep know you by name when you came here?" He suddenly realized that he seemed to be the only one eating. "Apparently someone is fattening me up for some reason. I can only hope I'll enjoy it," he said, stuffing a forkful in his mouth.

2008-04-21, 08:55 PM
Telari Lindar – Elf Rogue (looks like a woodsman as far as you can tell)

Standing motionless in the woods, Telari takes careful aim at the deer drinking by the stream. His is bow made of a wood so dark it’s nearly black is inset with silver workings that glow faintly and seem to shift, at one moment looking like starts, the next like some form of elven script. The gray goose feathers whisper against his cheek and the horrific burns that have covered his neck and head. No hair grows on the right side of his skull and those with the stomach to look would notice that where they would expect the up swept ear of one of his race his only the slightest remains of an ear.

Breathing in slowly he is about to release the bow when he notices some thing amiss in the forest and turns to face it. Scanning the brush he looks for the foe that would soon regret the attempt to sneak up on him. Hearing the deer take flight he curses as he notices the small sphere floating towards. As it begins to speak he lowers the bow and removes the arrow flipping it back into the quiver slung across his back.

As the message finishes he catches it almost before it begins it’s decent and studies it for a few moments noticing the compulsion to be moving.

“ Well thish is interesting ” the slight lisp in his voice is in stark contrast to its melodious tone. “Well I was heading in that direcshion anyway and the Bloodied Kobold sounds as good an inn as any other. Who knows the creator of this device may know something about the curse.”

Swinging the bow to his shoulder and picking up the brace of rabbits from his snares the night before Telari begins to move, his flowing gait and sure feet easing his way through the tangled undergrowth.

2008-04-21, 08:58 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"It is possible, devoted of Mystra. I would not be suprised that she may grant you insight. Perhaps salvation is at hand at last." He says cryptically, absently brushing his fingers across the holy symbol at his chest.

"We were summoned. Why?"

2008-04-21, 09:10 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"I don't know what attracted such attention, I was following a sign from Shaundakul when I happened upon the orb or it happened upon me as it were."

2008-04-21, 10:04 PM
@Telari Lindar

As you approach Tilverton, still somewhat aggitated that you didn't get the kill you were going for, you see that that the town is filled with those almost just like you. Adventurers looking for a place to belong, looking for answers, looking for others like them.

Arriving at the Bloodied Kobold you open the door and notice an aging human standing behind the counter. As you enter, before you are even able to get a word out, he begins to speak, Ah Telari, one of the last few to arrive, but most very important, according to my notes. Well before i take to much of your attention, please head into the door here.

And with a motion the wall slides open and a pathway exists behind it

2008-04-21, 11:09 PM
Telari Lindar – Elf Rogue (Woodsman)

Nodding to the barman Telari walks down the passageway and hearing voices he taps gently at the door before swinging it open.

He pauses for a moment, despite the depths of his hood he appears to be scanning the group. He is dressed in clothes that have seen a great many miles of travel but are well cared for none the less and the Starbow is slung across his back. The battered looking sheath of the short sword hanging at his hip and the hilts of knives visible at the top of his long boots suggest a life of hardship and challenge. He starts a little on seeing the Goliath and the as he looks at Andreas his hand jerks towards his blade then relaxes.

Pulling back his hood without concern for the groups reaction, he takes the sphere from a pouch on his belt beside which hang two gutted rabbits. He rolls it across the back of his hand then flicks it to balance on the tips of his fingers for a moment, then places it on the table.

“I guesh I was not the only one to receive this curious summons ”

2008-04-21, 11:11 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

"Don't thank me, but thank Kossuth, for it was his power that has granted me the strength to help you." The boy gives Bilken a strange look and then runs away. On the ground an orc lay dead. Bilken watches as the boy returns to town and then starts walking in the opposite direction.

Shortly thereafter the metal ball appears. Bilken watches it drop to the ground, and then looks up.

"Kossuth, is this what I'm here for? Is this my purpose?" he picks up the ball and feels the tug towards Tilverton. Then his eyes glow bright red for a brief moment and a grin breaks out on his face.

Finally he starts to make his way to the Bloodied Kobold, his spiked chain clinking against his armor as he walked.

2008-04-22, 12:01 AM
@Bilken Dessum

Arriving at the City of Tilverton, you dnotice that the guards really don't pay any attention to you, beyond the normal. Which is rather odd considering what you are. Heading into the city, you notice that the streets have quite a bit of people on them, almost all dressed in armor and weapons at there side. Not quite what you expect for a cormyr city.

Opening the door to the Bloodied Kobold, you see an aging, greying human male standing there. As you enter he shuffles a few pages of notes around, glancing up at you and back down towards the sheets. Holding his finger up at you, as if to motion "1 moment".

Finally he begins to speak Ah, there you are, Bilken Dessum, Right? Well only a couple more need to show up and things can begin. go ahead and head to the back room, and have a seat. And as he speaks the wall slides open, revealing a passage leading toward the back of the inn.

2008-04-22, 12:18 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch is not worried by the strange looks and stares he receives here in the lowlands. The last months of travel have taught him to expect it, although the generally warm response from the dwarfs is welcome, they are such a fine people, so talented at crafting.

So the start that is the newcomer's response to seeing him doesn't bother Hammertouch at all. Instead he looks over the new arrival realizing that he has obvious competence, despite his gory injury. He smiles welcomingly and gestures to the tiny spheres on the table in front of those that are already seated, a mute answer to the question.

2008-04-22, 02:34 AM
Ash Mythseeker- Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash trudged through the busy streets of Trademeet, and tried to squeeze her way between the bustling crowds of merchants and customers. In her arms she carried a large basket full of various food items; cheese, bread, vegetables, flour and fruits. She shifted the basket's weight from one arm to another as she makes he was down a short alley into a quieter street. On the corner she sat down, pulled an apple from the basket and watched the loud and busy stalls on the other side of the street. The day was warm and clear, with a few lazy clouds drifting through the sky like lost sheep. Ash munched on the sweet fruit and took a moment to reflect on the days ahead and the jobs she had to do before she will be able to have another relaxing moment like this.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a strange orb appeared in the air before her. Suprised, Ash almost choked on a piece of her apple and sits staring at the device.

Once it had relaid its message, Ash dropped the orb into her basket and walked home, thoughtfully. The idea of another adventure did not particularly appeal to her at this present time so she left the orb in the bottom of the basket and went about her daily chores. She stored the food, poked around in the herb garden, returning with several cuttings and haning them on small hooks in the kitchen to dry out. Then she saw to the bees, all the time enjoying the sonorous buzzing and then filled the kettle and prepared to make herself some tea.

Ash lowered herself into her large, comfy chair facing the fire while she waited for the water to boil. She sat in silence, glaring at the orb, which had now been placed in a small nook above the fireplace. She jumped as the kettle began to sing and cursed quietly. Look's like the bees will have to get along without me for a while. So she poured herself a cup of tea and set about getting ready to leave. She scrubbed the house from top to bottom, left a note with Goodwife Beatrice next door to tend to the garden, tugged her crossbow from it's home in the wardrobe and packed all of her travelling supplies and kit. By now it was dusk, but her sensitive eyes would serve her well this night and, after one fine check to ensure the house was left in a satisfactory state, Ash slipped out into the dark streets.

At the northern gate out of the town, Ash picked up a sturdy looking pony and headed north across the Giant's Plains. The night was clear and cold, but Ash was used to such situations and tugged her cloak closer around her and focused on the ride ahead. As she made her way across the silvery grasses, she reflected that less than 50 years ago, travelling across these lands was a perilous journey indeed. But the frontier towns marched ever further eastwards, leaving in their wake a land largely free of goblinoids and giants. She rode for several hours before stopping to rest. By the time the cold, thin mist drifted through the grasses with the dawn, Ash was away again and reached the town of Proe in good time to catch the morning ferry across the Lake of Dragons to Suzail and from there it wasn't far to Tilverton. And before long, we find her entering the town.

Ash stabled her pony just outside the Bloodied Kobold and walked around to the front door, giving the wolf outside a wide bearth.

2008-04-22, 08:57 AM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken gives a nod to the man behind the bar and enters the room.

"I did not expect quite so many people here..." he says as he scans the various occupants in the room, "can somebody tell me why we are here?" Bilken remains standing about five feet to the side of the door, waiting for an answer.

2008-04-22, 10:19 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit was sitting enjoying a nice loaf of bread and a smooth cheese he was spreading with a small knife when the strange metallic ball floated up to him. He popped the last bit of the slice of bread he was eating and scratched at his chin pondering the strange device. When it began speaking he went through a couple gestures, searching it for magic.

Cast Silent Detect Magic.

Just as he was about to project his thoughts at it, it stopped talking and fell to the earth. Standing up from his little picnic, he looked around to see if anyone was around. Prodding the ball with his foot a bit, he kicked it around his small campsite before finally picking it up and lightly tossing it in the air, gauging its heft. He noticed a very odd sensation in that the ball seemed to want to go in a certain direction. Shrugging to no one in particular, he popped the metallic ball into a pouch on his belt and gathered all of his things into his pack. Taking the ball out again, he turned in a circle letting it get its bearings again. Once he felt the tug, he summoned a small pony and started his trek to Tilverton.

When he eventually arrived, he walked up to someone who might have been a guard and pulled a piece of paper out a scroll case. Unrolling it in front of his face, a voice came from the paper speaking in common,

"Hello good sir or madam. Would you please be kind enough to point me to the Bloodied Kobold Inn?"

Regardless of the man's response, the voice continues after 20 seconds

"Thank you very much."

The voice is coming from a Magic Mouth spell prepared ahead of time on the scroll. I added a few pre-cast Magic Mouth spells to a couple pieces of Rabbit's equipment and deducted the appropriate amount of gold for the castings. The specifics are listed in the details section of his character sheet.

Putting his scroll away, Rabbt smiles warmly at the man (assuming he gave him directions) and waves before heading off in that direction. Dismissing his mount in front of the inn, he pushes through the door and heads directly for the bartender. Climbing up onto a barstool, he fishes the item out of his pocket and holds it out towards the man, a friendly smile painted on his face.

2008-04-22, 10:39 AM
@Ash Mythseeker

I loved the opening post : )

As you enter the Bloodied Kobold, you see an aging man standing behind the counter. He tilts his head at you when he notices you, Sorry, we don't serve children here with out there....... Oh. I am so sorry Ash. I didn't realize it was you. Below his long white hair and pale skin, you begin to see the color reappear in his cheeks, obviously embarresed at that statement.

Well Ash i do apologize once again. Almost everyone is here, if you would like to join the rest of the group in the back, it's through that wall there. And with the mention of it, the wall begins to slide open, revealing a passage behind it. From back there, you are able to hear very distinct voices, several of them, maybe half a dozen.

2008-04-22, 11:01 AM

Asking for directions from the guard at the entrance to the gate, gives you a strange reaction. One you are all to familiar with. Knowing there is magic involved, but unsure of why you would use such a spell instead of speaking, the guard inquisitively asks, Directions to the Bloodied Kobold? Hrm? Yeah, just head towards the center of the town, you can't miss it, by the large fountain. Then turn north, and it's on the east side of the street. And once again, he just has this odd look on your face as your scroll speaks again, and you head off in the directions given.

Arriving at the Inn, you see a greying man standing behind the counter, he is definately eyeing you very carefully. As you approach the bar and sit down, a smile warms his face. Ah... Rabbit, glad I bit my tongue there, almost another mistake. Well you are the last to arrive, and I thought he sent yours out first to try to avoid this from happening. Well everyone else is already in the back, go ahead and head on back and have a seat, it shouldn't be to much longer.

As as you glance towards his hand motion, the wall begins to slide open reavealing a light passage, with voices coming from the other end.

2008-04-22, 11:11 AM

You can definately detect magic emminating from the sphere, but the precise kind you are unsure. It does have a hint of magic mouth feel in it, but it's much more powerful of a spell

Looking around the room you notice everyone seems to have the same puzzled look on there face, and also the same metal spheres sitting infront of them. The only person who doesn't seem like the rest, is a Human male sitting at the table who actually looks comfortable, and is enjoying a meal and drink. No one else, including yourself was offered one, or given the chance to order something. Of Course he could have just arrived really early to the meeting.

2008-04-22, 11:14 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

[[Following the arrival of the ghostwise halfling]]

"That's nine. Now let's have our mysterious benefactor show himself and take the tenth seat so that we can get on with things." Andreas says abruptly, cutting off any conversation that may have been taking place.

2008-04-22, 11:42 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch leans back comfortably in his chair causing it to creak alarmingly with his shift in weight. He remains silent but seems to be assessing the gathered group.

2008-04-22, 11:50 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit looks quizzically at the older man as he addresses him by name. He merely shrugs as the man seems concerned that it took so long for the halflling to arrive. He had been doing a lot of moving about of late, maybe the magical sphere had taken longer than anticipated to find him.

Fishing into the large pouch at his belt, the halfling produces a 3x3 small card with words written on it and holds it up before him, the words "Thank You" are visible facing the proper direction. ("Like: and "Dont Like" are written along the sides, and "Hate" is upside down on the bottom of the card.) Stuffing the card into his pouch, he hops down from his stool and heads through the passageway in the wall.

Moving cautiously, he enters the room and sees the gathered people there. He is just over 3 feet tall, a tiny wisp of a thing probably not weighing more 40 pounds. A short shock of curly brown hair sits atop his head, a golden headband with a small chunk of jade resting comfortably on his forehead above two excited, bright blue eyes. His lack of any visible weapons paints him as not a fighter, the pouches at his side and the 2 small rods thrust through his belt giving the impression he is a caster of some sorts. The belt itself is also a strange sight, bright orange cloth wound into a sort of rope and tied around his waist. The cloth is inset with some sort of red gem woven into the cloth. Besides that, he has simple traveling clothes and a pack slung over his shoulder.

His gaze lingers longer than most on the Goliath, the burned man, and the one with the horns. Once again shrugging to no one in particular, he hops up onto one of the open seats, standing so everyone can see him. Noting the collection of metal balls on the table, he retrieves his from his pouch and and places his fist on his breast and bows.

As he stands up fully, a voice begins emanating from his chest, though his mouth is not moving.

Spellcraft DC 17

The effect is a Magic Mouth spell.

"Hello, my name is Rabbit. I cannot speak, but I can speak to your mind telepathically. Please do not be alarmed, it is harmless."

Looking over at the empty plate and mug in front of the Mystran, Rabbit gently touches his mind and communicates with him,

Telepathy with Mor'iasti

"It is good to see a Dweomorkeeper here….am I too late for the meal?"

There is an enthusiastic grin on the little halfling's face as he looks expectantly to the priest.

2008-04-22, 11:55 AM
Spellcraft check


2008-04-22, 04:26 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, Human cleric of Mystra

Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Looking over at the empty plate and mug in front of the Mystran, Rabbit gently touches his mind and communicates with him,

Telepathy with Mor'iasti

"It is good to see a Dweomorkeeper here….am I too late for the meal?"

There is an enthusiastic grin on the little halfling's face as he looks expectantly to the priest.

Mor's eyes gleam with interest as he heard Rabbit's voice in his mind. "Fascinating! Can you hear me if I send thoughts back, or must I speak aloud? What an amazing talent!"

Whether or not Rabbit reacts to his thoughts, Mor'iasti will speak aloud, "I welcome you to our band of oddities. I could not say why I was provided with food and the others not, but I am willing to test the good intentions of our hosts." He chuckled drily. "If this is a 'last meal' I'm not sure you want to have a plate, however."

2008-04-22, 09:35 PM
Telari – Elf Rogue

Nodding to the Goliath Telari moves away from the table and leans against the far wall. As it seems their host has called together this assorted gathering he must be both knowledgeable and powerful and have some task for us he. Well never too soon to make friends if they must travel together especially given how difficult that often seems to be. The Goliath though friendly is an intimidating figure, the red skinned man too worrying, hmmm…

Drawing one of his knives Telari slices tender strips of lean meat from one of the rabbits and then approaches Garret.

“A magnificent hawk my friend, a dazzling plumage and a fine companion on the road no doubt. Perhaps he would care for a little shustenance while we wait upon our host?"

Telari holds out the strips of rabbit to the man not the hawk, knowing how careful one must be with such a bird’s diet.

2008-04-22, 10:20 PM
Garret Longstride-- Human Ranger
Garret Longstride nods for him to feed the strip to Sul. While the hawk eagerly takes the offered morsel Garret comments, "I appreciate the food, I'm sure it will save my pack from another clawing." He gestures at a rough patch that looks recently added to his pack, "Sul gets a little impatient if he feels I'm holding out on him and I didn't give him an opportunity to hunt before coming into the inn. I'm Garret Longstride by the way, and as I mentioned my fine companion here is Sul. Judging by your attire you are a fellow woodsman, but I know looks can be deceiving.."

2008-04-22, 10:52 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

A little overwhelmed by the collection of people in the room, Bilken decides to take a seat. He shuffles over, his heavy armor clanking as he walks He sits down and puts his helmet on the table, as well as the metal ball, adding to the collection.

"Bilken Dessum is my name. Which the man behind the counter appeared to know, yet I cannot recall meeting him. Does anyone else know him?" he says, looking at the plate of food being consumed.

2008-04-22, 11:30 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

After seeing Telari hand the meet to the hawk, Saevanna’s mind drifted off to the wood and Lylas. He still knows how to hunt for himself when he needs to. We must be waiting for an elf – a human would surely be here by now.

The druidess scans around the room to everyone thinking of the group that’s been assembled. The ranger, Garret, seems like a rather typical human – blunt, brash and crude. He also seems the most anxious to know what’s going on, which is understandable if you only live for a few years. Her gaze then shifts over to her fellow kin, Telari. A frown crossed her face as she glanced his way. It is such a shame to have been scared in that manner. Perhaps I can one day fix those.

She then quickly scanned the rest of them. A giant, a red skinned outsider, a telepathic hin, an odd gnome. A quick grin slid across her face as she thought how descriptive “odd” was for a gnome and then returned to scanning the room. Another red skinned man and finally a human. Could, whomever, have picked a more random group of people?

After a few more moments, she spoke up to the group. “Oloré and well met! It would seem that we have all arrived, so I thought it may be a fine idea for everyone to properly introduce themselves.” Saevanna gave a single wave and a warm smile before she spoke again. “My name is Saevanna Amalith of Cormanthor. Lived there my entire life, all one hundred and forty years of it. Lylas, my animal friend, found this metal orb on the ground and, as I’m sure you’re all aware, it led me here. I was surprised to see it was meant for me and not an adventurer passing through the area. At any rate, here I am and I’m sure by the looks of you all, there are far more interesting stories and an elven girl from the forest.” Her voice was loud but delicate at the same time. She was the kind of person that could make the rest of the world disappear and seem like she was the only talking to you in a crowded room.

2008-04-23, 01:45 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch listens to the small elf's words. She speaks so nicely in that musical lilt, it reminds me of the dawncallers waking us early in the morning. When she finishes he waits to see if anyone else will fill the pause she created. With no-one doing so right away he pushes himself up from the chair, standing to his full height, his head almost brushing the ceiling.

He starts in his deep voice, "I am Lo-Vin Hammertouch Thuliaga. I come from the mountains to the north. I also, was lead here by the tiny sphere, I don't know why. But it seemed as good a direction as any."

2008-04-23, 02:51 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash's eyebrow twitches with mild irritation at the old man's comment, but she says nothing, instead making her way down the revealed passageway. As she crosses the threshold into the main room, she takes a moment to consider the gathering chatting within and sighed to herself. Introducing herself to a large group was right up there in the List of Things Ash Hates Doing among breaking the spine of a book and tap dancing through a dragon's den. Rather than draw attention to herself, Ash simply makes her way through the room, offering nothing more than a silent nod to anyone who catches her down cast eyes and seats herself at the table.

Once there, she makes herself seem look busy, with an air of "leave me alone, I have things to do", by rummaging in her bag for longer than necessary to find her pad of parchment and a pencil. She pushes her fringe out of her eyes and begins to write across the page in a delicate, small script. Her uncomfortable state prevents her from writing anything meaningful and anyone daring to peer over her shoulder and see a few sentences of Gnomish.

2008-04-23, 06:49 AM
Garret Longstride -- Human Ranger

Nodding in greeting to the Goliath's introduction Garret introduces himself, "I'm Garret Longstride, a simple caravan guide who was wandering the fringes of Cormanthor when I came upon an old shrine to the Wind Rider. At the shrine I met my companion Sul, and followed him for days before crossing into Cormyr. On the border, I was found by the small sphere like everyone else here. Like our friend Hammertouch its direction seemed as good as any."

2008-04-23, 07:09 AM
Telari – Elf Rogue

Telari smiles at Garret’s acceptance, a good beginning, he is preparing to ask a question when the stunning moon elf begins to speak.

“I am Telari Lindar shometime guide, shometime scout. I was traveling towards Elmwood in search of some information. I was in the woods to the south when the sphere found me at a most inopportune moment” he then grumbles to himself before continuing. “I’d been waiting at that spot for half a day for that deer. Given the nature of the call it seemed important and I wondered if perhaps our host might have some of the knowledge I seek."

2008-04-23, 07:12 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"I am Andreas Melot. If you must know my skill so that you can feel better about your place in life, I hunt down and assassinate evil spellcasters." The tone of his voice isn't that of someone who is threatening, more that he is simply stating a fact.

"I do not think it needs to be said that all nine of us are in possession of the magical sphere. I can also safely assume that no one knows the bartender yet he knows us all by name." He pauses, as if unsure to say something, choosing not to.

2008-04-23, 07:35 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

"mmm ..." mutters the gnome absent mindedly, not taking her eyes from her page "Seems to me like we've been watched for sometime for this very purpose. I'd wager some powerful being wants us to do his bidding. That's my take on it." her voice drifts off and she returns to her writings.

2008-04-23, 08:13 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

The hin offers a friendly smile at Mor,

Telepathy with Mor

"I can understand your spoken words, but while I am touching your mind I can understand thoughts you send to me. Some take some time to understand how this is done, but you have taken to it masterfully. If you would not mind translating for me, it would be quicker than me writing it down or communicating with each person. I am only able to maintain contact like this with one person at a time.

I am called Rabbit, and I am from the Lluirwood. As unlikely as it would seem I am a Conjuror and an Illusionist. I too was found by the strange magical sphere and followed it here. As with the others, the old man in the inn knew me, but I have never met him before. I certainly could go for some food though, my road was long and my throat is also quite parched."

While sitting "talking" with Mor, Rabbit is listening to what the others are saying and digs into his pack. He pulls out 10 3 inch by 3 inch square cards with words written on each border as well as a small chalkboard and few pieces of yellow chalk.

At Bilken's question about knowing the bartender, he holds up a card so the word "No" is readable. When Ash offers her hypothesis, he nods vigorously and holds up the same card, but this time the word "Yes" is readable.

2008-04-23, 09:27 AM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

"Well, my name is Bilken. I lived most of my life guarding merchants and traders about the Lake of Steam. But through the will of Kossuth, I have found myself here." The Genasi proudly displays his holy symbol, a twining red flame tied around his right wrist.

Bilken nods as Ash poses her hypothesis.

"Any chance to prove my worth in the service of Kossuth is good enough for me" he says. With such stiff armor he sits fairly strait and rigid, but his bright yellow white hair continues to wave in all directions, as if the top of his head was on fire.

2008-04-23, 10:02 AM
Mor'iasti, Human Cleric of Mystra

The cleric was a tall slender man with wiry muscles, grey eyes and pale hair. Although he carried no shield, he wore a mithril shirt colored blue with the symbol of Mystra on the breast. A morningstar hung at his side, along with a pair of daggers. His crossbow was strapped to his back pack, which rested on the floor behind his chair.

Mor waved negligently from his chair. "I am Mor'iasti Tan-ormen. I was born in the Dalelands, but now I serve the Lady of Mystery. I was in Sembia following up a whim when I was summoned here."

He put down his napkin and gestured towards Rabbit. "This interesting fellow is called Rabbit. He can send and hear thoughts and has asked me to say that he is from the Lluirwood and is a Conjuror and Illusionist and is a bit peckish. The fellow at the bar said I could ask for more food and drink. Would any one else like me to see if I can drum you up a bite?"

2008-04-23, 10:27 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whipser Gnome Archivist

The gnome shakes her head silently in response to the human's question, still engrossed in her work. She then drums her fingers on the table, seeming stuck on what to write next. She sighs irritably and shoving the paper uncerimoniously back into her bag, no longer able to concentrate. She retrieves a small book from the bags recesses instead, opens the page at the book mark and falls silent again, instantly lost in her story.

2008-04-23, 11:04 AM
As everyone is sitting around the table taking turns introducing themself, two more people step into the room, One of them being the bartender you met as you entered the establishment. The other being a relatively young looking individual, late 20's, black hair and hazel eyes, rather well built. This individual takes the seat the last seat at the table, while the bartender stands near the door.

Sitting there listening to the person who was speaking and waiting his turn rather patiently. Finally once there is a break in the conversation he speaks up.

Ah, Glad to see you all have made it and rather promptly, I see. As you all are more than likely wondering who I am, as well as why someone has called you here, I may as well get to the point. My name is Renik Felter, and the man you met earlier is my brother Milos. I am a rug merchant here in Tilverton, many of my rugs are hanging through out the nobles houses in all of Cormyr. The most talented and profitable in the area.

That is, until recently. You see, about 3 months ago my caravans have been getting attacked while on the road to here from the south. They are only attacking my caravans and stealing my rugs. We have sent guards along with the caravan but they haven't fared so well. Also about the same time a new run merchant has moved into Tilverton. His name is Sali Al'Zumar, he is a merchant from Calimport. Now as I can not prove anything, he is the only one that would stand to profit from this turn of events.

While I have sent numerous people into his shop, none of my rugs have ever been seen in there. Now I know this doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I am recieving complaints across Cormyr, that his products are shoddy, and my reputation is being ruined.

Now, while it may seem that this is beneath yourself, just think of Cormyr as a whole, and assume it is a request from the Nation. I will be able to pay you handsomely, 2,500 gold pieces each. I have a shipment of rugs just yesterday that was attacked and stolen not more than 1.5 days south of town. That should give you a lead if you seek that way.

If you shall need anything, or need to contact me while you are on the road the small orb will serve as a beacon, just hold it up, and state my name.

If there are no questions I will take my leave.

And as he turns the floor back over to the people in the room, Milos exits, and Renik begins to head towards the door. Pausing just long enough incases questions are answered.

2008-04-23, 11:28 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Quirking his head to the side, the halfling sends his thoughts to their strange benefactor,

Telepathy with Renik

"Sorry to bother you, and please do not be alarmed as this is the only method I have of communication. I promise it is completely harmless. But, I think I have a pair of questions. How and why were we all singled out for this little job of yours? And what exactly are you going to be paying us to do? Finding out who is taking your rugs, stopping them, getting back your merchandise? Well, OK it seems I had more than 2 questions. Please feel free to answer aloud so the rest can hear also, I would wager they are thinking many the same things."

2008-04-23, 11:51 AM
Turning back to the group with out anyone having said a word to him, Ah Yes, Wonderful questions.

Well you see, As I said it was magic they you were told to me, it was also magic that you were chosen. I created these 10 small spherical balls, and sent them out to find there owners. They chose you. The tenth, however, came back to me after a few hours and was no longer active, as for what happened I have no idea.

As for what I would like you to do for this payment? What I was hoping was you would be able to find and stop those responsible for the theft of my rugs and return them to me.

It should be a reletively simple job for beings of your abilities.

2008-04-23, 12:03 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas nods at the answers once, stands and begins to walk towards the door.

"No time to waste." He says simply.

2008-04-23, 12:34 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch is amazed by what he has heard, magically chosen? Answering questions that where unasked? Goodness, but these lowlanders are a talented bunch.

He shrugs at the request made of him and the others, being nomadic and currently without purpose this task is one he can support. Seeing Andreas preparing to leave he stands, retrieves his bow and hammer and makes to follow him out the door, happy to be on the move again.

2008-04-23, 12:44 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken couldn't help but look disappointed upon hearing their mission. He had come expecting something more heroic, something more befitting his quest to prove himself in the eyes of Kossuth.

But as he thought about it, he realized that it was his own journey as a merchant guard that had led him to where he was today. Indeed, if he hadn't taken that last caravan, he might have never discovered the divine power that Kossuth had given him. Perhaps this was all part of his plan?

"Very well. I'm in. First I must ask, what sort of attackers did your mercenaries report of? Any description of what we might be facing could prove invaluable." As Bilken retrieves his metal ball and stands up to follow the rest out, another thought occurs to him.

"There wouldn't happen to be something, magical, about these rugs...would there?" he asks, looking at the metal ball he was holding.

2008-04-23, 12:52 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch reaches out a big hand to lay it on Andreas' shoulder to gently slow him exiting the room. "Let's listen to questions, an idea of what we face is prudent." he rumbles.

2008-04-23, 12:57 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas inhales sharply, looking towards the big hand on his shoulder. After a tense half-second, he relaxes and nods to the Goliath. Focusing slightly on the people around him, he slowly casts Detect Magic and gazes at his new employer.

2008-04-23, 01:01 PM
Of course, that is why they are worth so much to me. They are magically preserved, and also enchanted to periodially change there color's upon the request of the owner.

As for who i could assume would be responsible. No one made it back alive. Since the rugs did not show up this morning, we sent a rider south to find the spot of there demise. And that is how we know this information.

If I was to fathom a guess, The only thing in this area that could do this would be goblins and orcs.

2008-04-23, 01:17 PM
Garret Longstride -- Human Ranger
Garret nods his approval at Bilken's prudent questions. Garret adds, "Have all the attacks been around the spot in the caravan route? If it is in the same area maybe we can narrow down the location of their camp."

2008-04-23, 01:21 PM
With in 1 mile or so of that area, yes. As I have said I have hired people before to deal with this, but no one them successful

2008-04-23, 01:26 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna thought on the words of Renik, Magically chosen? But for what end? The answer to those questions were far more important to the elf than the offered coin. The wood will have to wait. I do hope that Lylas doesn’t take it too harshly.

The lithe druidess offered a warm smile to Renik before speaking. “Excuse me, if I may, Mister Felter? I think I can speak for everyone when I thank you for being a gracious host this evening and please excuse any rudeness as it is a bit unnerving to be called into a foreign country to assist in the search of tapestries that many of us do not have vested interest in. That being said, I would offer like to my services in the search, as the means we’ve been chosen and the amount you know of us is rather, uh, well, odd.”

“As to your assessment of the goblins and orcs attacking your caravans, that seems rather unlikely. That is, I guess, if they were acting alone. Perhaps this ‘Sali Al’Zumar is behind these attacks or perhaps it is someone else, but I have a feeling that we won’t find the answer we’re looking for until we begin moving south.”

2008-04-23, 01:30 PM
Ah, No need to apologize, I quite understand the point that you were called out of your homes, or the area's you are familiar with to assist me. If I had any choice in who would be chosen, I would have tried to keep it more local.

But once again, I do thank you so much for accepting this and offering to help me.

As Saevanna Amalith just said, time is off the essence, in order for you to track there trail from the attack.

If nothing else, I bid you all good luck.

And with that, He walks out the door and out of sight.

2008-04-23, 01:34 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret pauses long enough for any other questions then asks, "So shall we procure mounts or use our own gods blessed feet? I don't mind the walk, but perhaps some of you would prefer to ride."

2008-04-23, 01:38 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"Purchasing mounts will only slow us down. Obtaining 9 horses.. one of which would need to be quite large.. is no small feat, especially in the corrupt merchant district. We go by feet. Try and keep up." Andreas pushes his way forward and out the door, not waiting for more discussion.

2008-04-23, 03:10 PM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

As the man heads out the door, Rabbit again reaches into his mind,

Telepathy with Renik

"Sorry for the intrusion again, but I have a fwe more questions this time. Is there some way to definitively identify the rugs as having been your property? I would hate to accost some orcs or goblins onlyy to find out the have proper receipts for the rugs in their hovels. Do you have a map of the area where the attacks have taken place thus far? You see "the south" is a lot of places from here, and again I would hate to bother the wrong brigands. And lastly, what are these wonderful magical spheres? Did you make them? Ooops, I guess that was the last one."

Rabbit tucks his cards back into his belt pouch and merely shrugs to any looking his way when talks of mounts begins. When everyone eventually makes their way to the door, grabs his metallic orb before hopping off his chair and then climbs into Mor's and looks on his plate for any scraps, grabbing a little something to nibble on as he leaves.

2008-04-23, 03:15 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch follows Andreas out of the room and out onto the street.

2008-04-23, 03:24 PM

All my rugs will have a magica inscription in the corner on the bottem, with my initials, as you can detect magic, you should be able to identify my rugs.

As for a map, no i do not, but it is 1.5 days south along the road. You will see rubble and wagon parts where the attack took place. I am sure you could buy a map of the town, possibly the surrounding area from a vendor here tho.

The metal sphere's? Yes I created them. They let the person who they are assigned to 1 time contact me through a message spell.

They are attuned to the person who recieved them.

2008-04-23, 04:50 PM
“Thank you, Mister Felter. Luck may be just what we need!”

As the outsider and the giant left the room, Saevanna gathered her things (staff and orb) and followed the two. Just before she went through the door, she turned back to speak to the room, “What do you all say we catch up with the other two? If we’re a day and a half away, it’ll be a grand chance for us to get to know one and another. Now, my companion is waiting for me outside of the gates, so I’ll meet you all out there. Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet.”

2008-04-23, 04:57 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Nodding again Bilken puts his helmet on and follows the group outside.

"A day and a half is not far. Let us examine the site of the attack and go on from there. Does everyone have enough supplies to make the trek?"

2008-04-23, 05:08 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"Indeed lets be off, I've got what I need for the journey," he wiggles a ring on his left hand, "a magical trinket that eliminates the needs for trail rations and such, most useful for a traveler such as myself."

2008-04-23, 10:16 PM
Telari – Elf Rogue

Telari picks up his sphere from the table and puts it back in his belt pouch.
“Curious, I think I may have seen the wreckage on my way here, but I was hurrying to answer this Renik’s call and did not stop to investigate. Well let us be on our way."

So saying Telari heads towards the door.

Given the notes his brother had on each of us and knew our names this story of us being ‘magically chosen’ without him knowing who seems suspicious to Telari.

Sense Motive against Renik [roll0]

Because of this Telari is hyper aware as he leaves the inn. Spot and listen checks for someone watching the group and/or trailing them.

Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

Finally Telari will fall behind the group as they leave town, find somewhere to hide and wait for half an hour to watch for anyone pursuing them.

Spot [roll3]
Listen [roll4]
Hide [roll5]
Move Silent [roll6]

2008-04-24, 12:33 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit sent along his thanks telepathically to Renik and left the room with everyone else.

Once out in the main room of the inn, he again hops up on a barstool and asks Milos,

Telepathy with Milos

"Well Milos, though we werent actually properly introduced it is a pleasure to meet you. I was wondering if I might trouble you for some breat and dried meat for this journey we are undertaking for your brother? Also, I was curious if perhaps you might know anyone else besides this Calimport chap who might wish ill for your brother and his business?

2008-04-24, 01:15 AM
Milos looks down up you as you hop onto the barstool. With your request, he reaches behind the bar and pulls out a tray of dried meats and bread, and slides them across to you. These are on the house, since you are helping out family. As for who would want to hard his business, he is well respected throughout all of Cormyr. I don't know anyone who doesn't respect him and his skill for his craft.

There is enough meat and bread for six meals.

2008-04-24, 02:06 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Gnome Archivist

Ash breathes a sigh of relief at the proposition. This should not take too long after all. As she leaves the room, she shakes her head at the merchant's clear sense of his own self-importance. Creating magic orbs that find a random person to make him seem like a weaver of fate and mysterious benefactor in the stories of old. Some people's ego's are really a marvel of nature, she reflects. Once she has exited the building, she dashes around the side to retrieve her pony and rejoins the group. Ash mounts up and looks around at the assembled party, sweeping her fringe out of her face with one hand, she addresses the group in general: "As you can see, I have come prepared. My name is Ash Mythseeker. I suppose if we are all working together, you should at least know my name. Right, now that's done, let's go."

2008-04-24, 07:54 AM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, human cleric of Mystra

Mor'iasti sat for a moment, staring in astonishment at the flurry of activity, his head whipping from side to side as the others leapt into action. "I fail to see the urgency. You are hurrying off to save a rug merchant's wares without even stopping to eat? There is not enough time to bother to get horses? Our proposed employer claims he made a magical floating sphere to find "its owner" and we were "randomly" chosen, yet he knows us by name and description? One of our group, a stranger to us all, announces we must leave now without thought of preparation, and you want to race to catch up with him? Have you all been enspelled to lose all common sense?"

"You may all yearn for the opportunity to waddle off after caravan thieves. I am going to get my horse and ride. I will catch up before nightfall." With a bemused look, Mor' grabbed his backpack and went to collect his horse from the stables.

He tipped the stablehand a silver and explained, "Yes, yes, I will be leaving again. Don't stare -- you look like a fish. Come along, horse. We have a mystery to solve." Checking to see if his saddlebags were as he left them, Mor'iasti stuck the sphere in one, climbed up on his warhorse and joined Ash and whoever else might be gathered there. "Is everyone ready? I have what I need, but Rabbit was complaining of thirst."

2008-04-24, 07:58 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas leans against the wall just outside the inn awaiting all 8 of his companions to arrive so that they can travel together as a group.

"Who here is skilled at tracking in the wilderness?"

2008-04-24, 08:15 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit clapped excitedly as the tray is brought out before him. Gathering up the breads and meats he thanks the man telepathically before hopping down and heading towards the door, somewhat burdened by his bounty.

For the DM

Per Sleight of Hand roll in the OOC thread, Rabbit slipped a gold under a towel, or a cup somewhere on the bar that Milos will likely find later.

As the halfling exits the inn, he is still stuffing all but the heel of one of the loaves into his pack. The heel is half sticking out of his little mouth, which is in constant motion gnawing on the bread a bit.

He offers a smile to Ash as she introduces herself and send his thoughts into her mind,

Telepathy with Ash

"One good thing about being mute is that I never have to worry about talking while my mouth is full."

An impish grin splays across his face as he finishes packing he bag and rips the unchewed hunk of of bread and continues chewing.

When Andreas asks about tracking, the halfling offers,

Telepathy with Andreas

"I cant track, but I brought my own mount, so dont worry about my keeping up."

With that having been "said", the halfling pulls a bit of horse hair from his belt pouch and weaves it through the air in a grand gesture. Those who cast spells recognise the motions, but you would normally expect words of power to accompany these things.

Spellcraft DC 16

He is casting Mount

When he is finished, a small pony appeared in front of him with bit, bridle, and saddle already fitted to it. The pony was a bit larger than what he normally summoned, so he would need help getting up there. Walking over to Hammertouch, he tugged at the Goliath's breeches and held his hands up in the air, like a child looking to be picked up.

Once again, he sent his thoughts to the reclusive gnome,

Telepathy with Ash

"I made one a little big for me, so it could support us both if you didnt want to walk"

2008-04-24, 08:27 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whipser Gnome Archivist

Ash turns to Mor' after his outburst and says "The last thing I fancy doing at the moment is chasing down goblins that have a gaudy sense of taste. I've got a holiday to enjoy, hence the rush to get back again" Turning to the disturbing red-skinned fellow, she answers "I'd far from call myself an expert, but I know how to follow a huge hole in a bush covered in goblin footprints post-pillage. I doubt it'll be that hard to find them." Ash rolls her eyes at the mental intrusion. "I've got a horse thanks, and I pray that by the time we break bread again, your table manners match your ability to irritate me. I'd prefer to eat my own meal without watching your's going around and around that great, silent pie hole."

2008-04-24, 08:41 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas studies Rabbit as he is casting, nodding at his telepathic message. He then turns to Ash.

"Very well. You lead us to them."

2008-04-24, 09:53 AM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"I shouldn't have any trouble tracking the attackers back to their campsite. Did Rabbit say he had some skill at tracking ? ", Garret looks back and forth between Rabbit and Andreas.

2008-04-24, 09:56 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"No, it was Ash who mentioned it. I assume it was an attempt at either sarcasm, humor at my expense or generic impoliteness." He pauses, eyeing Garrett "Yes, you do look as though you are equipped to be our guide. Lead on, Ranger."

2008-04-24, 10:22 AM
Ash Myseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash stares into Andreas' eyes for a long moment, beaten but trying to save some face. Then a slow smile crosses her face as her brain beings to tick over. "Scampering around on my hands and knees in the dirt isn't my idea of fun. If I want to find something, I just follow the clues. Here's what we have, a merchant with a motive from Calimport. Goblins and other creatures suspected to be responsible for the robberies. Think about it, where would an Orc or a Goblin be able to sell something like that? There must be someone behind the scenes. I'd be interested to see where this Sali Al'Zumar's trade routes are to see if any are close enough to off load the merchandise onto his agents without looking suspicious. Being from Calimport, it would not suprise me if Sali Al'Zumar has more than one point of trade. On top of that, I have my own suspicions about our benefactor. 22,500 gold pieces is serious money for a man losing his business. Now, the trail is still warm given the recent robbery, but I'd wager that the trail will lead right back here. I'd be more inclined to have a look around the town, talk to people, check out Sali Al'Zumar's store and find out a little more about this rug rivarly. On the other hand, following the trail from the source is a sound, if more dangerous proposal and we may be able to eliminate the robberies themselves before we find the ultimate culprit, which would benefit our benefactor more I feel. We have to consider our priorities: Stop the robberies so the business can prosper again, then catch the bad guys" She allows herself a self congratulatory smirk before continuing. "So, in order to get the best picture of events, I put it to you that the Elves should do the tracking, then leave me to do the urban investigating."

2008-04-24, 10:50 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch looks down at the small guy knocking on his leg and realizes he's looking for help. He reaches down with a hand and gently lifts Rabbit onto his conjured pony. "The other little guy sure talks a lot doesn't he?" he says.

In-spite of his comment Hammertouch is keen to be off, but lets the others do all the talking and planning. He just wants to be on their way.

2008-04-24, 11:00 AM
Ash Myseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

"She is ..." Ash sighs heavily and rubs her eyes beneath her glasses. The journey had been long and the stress of meeting new people was getting her down. All she wanted to do suddenly was just be left alone to sleep "... in need of some time to think. Lead on, good ranger." she turns to Andreas "Perhaps a spot of travelling will make me more tolerant of you." she says. As close as an apology Ash is likely to give.

2008-04-24, 11:06 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"Tolerance I can deal with. I'd hate to have to kill you, seeing as you seem like a mostly good person, but I will not have your antics get in the way of my salvation." Again, Andreas does not look or sound as though he is threatening anyone, merely a factual statement said in a matter-of-fact tone.

2008-04-24, 11:06 AM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

As the rest of the group started to speak in rude tones, it did not make Saevanna any more interested to stay around and talk. Relaxing at an inn full of staring people and eating ‘human’ food was the complete opposite to her. Saevanna’s original plan was to wait with Lylas outside the south gates and find some plants and berries to eat. If it was going to be something meaty, it would be something that her and Lylas had killed – not something bred for consumption.

“Looks like we’re going south, Lylas,” she said in elven to the wolf as he emerged from the bush. “It seems a group of us were magically determined to help a trader, so I have agreed to help. There should be eight more soon enough. Now, what do you say we find some food?” Lylas prowled deeper into the nearby wood, while Saevanna stayed near the fringe to search for food so she could keep an eye on the road for the rest of her group.

To search for food and for a weather check: [roll0]

2008-04-24, 11:11 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Surprised at Ash's outburst Hammertouch leans closer, "Oh, Sorry. My mistake." He turns back to Rabbit on his pony, "The other little one sure talks alot doesn't she?" he asks with a grin.

2008-04-24, 11:20 AM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Rolling his eyes at the party dynamics Garret Longstride says, "Alright, if everyone is ready lets head out." With that Garret proceeds to lead the party south.

2008-04-24, 11:36 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit's features scrunch up in what could only be called in between confusion and a pout. He opens his mouth as if to say something, closes it, opens it again...and finally closes it, shaking his head slowly.

Hoping for a nicer reception, he sends his thoughts over to the Goliath,

Telepathy with Hammertouch

"She sure does talk alot. It wouldnt be so bad if what she was saying was very nice, or even polite. So where does a big guy like you come from?"

2008-04-24, 11:59 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Lifting his huge weapon and resting it across his shoulder Hammertouch falls into step beside Rabbit's pony as the group makes it way south. "I come from the Spine of the World mountains." He explains, "my tribe lives in the mountains, we move around with the seasons but prefer the colder climate. It's very warm in the lowlands, a little too warm for comfort."

Edit: Adding survival for foraging food.
Survival for foraging food and water 1d20+9

2008-04-24, 12:13 PM
For the group OOC

please conitnue the talking and heading south, there will be no encounter on the way there, and you have all made the relevant rolls. i don't think you need me directing you south, as it's more RP then anything.

if all mounting it will take till the end of day today, if not mounted it will take till tomorrow afternoon.

i will interupt the story where needed for DM input : ) but go ahead and draw most of your own story here.. that's the best way to play

Just a few minutes before the parties emerger from town, Lylas emerges from the bush with two squirrels in his mouth. While he was on the hunt you did find a couple of berry bushes that were edible.

2008-04-24, 05:51 PM
Telari – Elf Rogue

During the discussion Telari stood to one side half listening to the talk, but his eyes scan back and forth. He nods as Mor'iasti speaks, echoing his own suspicions.

As the group leaves Telari trails behind a few steps. He does not have a mount and does not seem concerned by this. Seeing the wolf return from hunting with such meager fare he slides up next to Saevanna. Pulling out the two rabbits he holds them out to her

“The hunting so close to human settlements is usually poor. The are fresh caught yesterday. I had thought to shell them, but as we are on the road perhaps Lyas might like them?” Reaching into his pack he also pulls out a portion of trail bread wrapped in cloth and tied with plant leaf. “Trail bread from my village might shuit you better.”

2008-04-24, 07:50 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
He asks the group as they walk along, "So our sponsor seems a bit suspicious to me, do you really think he is paying so much just to save his reputation? Or do you think this plot is deeper than it appears?" As he walks he releases Sul to hunt and stretch his wings.

2008-04-24, 08:20 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken falls in behind Garret, keeping an eye out for enemies, but mostly focused on getting to know the people he would be working with.

"In my experience, anyone willing to pay that much to protect their business has something to hide. But unless he's trying to hide the fact that he's part of a demon worshiping cult and plans to sacrifice us all in some bizarre ritual, his ulterior motives do not matter much to me." He looks over to Andreas.

"You wouldn't know anything about demonic cults, would you?" he asks half-seriously.

2008-04-24, 08:46 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas almost misses a step at the question, eyeing Bilken curiously. "Not particularly. I'm more experienced with the Arcane. There weren't any cults in the part of hell where I was sent."

2008-04-24, 09:06 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"I've never been to another plane, but it sounds like it would be a interesting journey. Although, I don't know if the hells would be such a fun journey."

2008-04-24, 09:09 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"It wasn't a vacation. Mystra granted me reprieve to try and make amends for my terrible crimes. Do not ask what they were. I don't have any recollection.

Hell is not a place you want to visit."

2008-04-24, 09:13 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch continues to walk along beside the little halfling on his pony listening to the others talk. He's completely baffled by the conversation and alternates between humming a tune to himself and talking half to himself and half to the pleasantly quiet little guy. "Planes? Hell? Repreive? Astonishing! What an interesting company I have fallen in with. Whatever could be next?"

2008-04-24, 09:15 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"Hmm, well I don't see myself running off to the planes just yet. I still have a few places in Faerun I want to visit."

2008-04-24, 09:21 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken nods as Andreas explains his past.

"Kossuth embraces a similar philosophy of renewal, of purification through fire. Indeed, it would be an honor to help you in your quest, Andreas." Bilken looks to the sun as he finishes, his thoughts drifting off to his own path of renewal.

2008-04-24, 09:30 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"So Bilken did you say you were in the caravan business? I've been known to guide a few for spare coin, what about yourself?"

2008-04-24, 09:51 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

"Renewal through fire?" Hammertouch rumbles, "No thank you, fire is too hot, blech!"

2008-04-24, 09:55 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

"Fire doesn't renew, it just hurts..."

Mumbles Telari

2008-04-24, 10:29 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna make sure to only take enough berries to fill her for the day before returning to the road as the other were emerging from the town. “Lylas, wait here for a moment,” she said to him in elven. The elf gave a wave to the group as they saw her. “I don’t wish anyone to be alarmed later, so I am going to introduce you to my companion. Do not worry, he will not harm you.” She switched to speaking in elven for a moment to call the wolf, “Lylas, here.”

“Everyone, this is Lylas. You can trust him as much as you can trust me, which may be of varying degrees seeing as how we don’t really know one and another,” she said in a reassuring voice. The wolf looked at Hellbeing and started to growl lowly, however, he was quick to stop after Saevanna gave him a sharp glare.

“The hunting so close to human settlements is usually poor. The are fresh caught yesterday. I had thought to shell them, but as we are on the road perhaps Lylas might like them? Trail bread from my village might shuit you better.”

Saevanna nodded once with a smile as she put a hand on the scarred elf’s shoulder. “You are very kind, Mellonamin, Lylas and myself appreciate your offer.” The druidess took the offered rabbit and then bent down to hand it to the wolf. She then motioned with her head towards the wood and Lylas darted off with his new supper. “As for the bread, again, that is a very kind offer, but I have already filled up on the local fauna.”


When the outsider began to speak of the Hells, Saevanna took a closer step into the wood so that she was just off of the trail. “Andreas, I apologize for the earlier sounds Lylas was making towards you, he – we, are a little uneasy around a creature such as yourself. Frankly, and again, I mean no offense, but your story is hard to believe.” She frowned at her own words of distrust before her warm smile once again crossed her face, “ Perhap one of the rightsized have heard tell of a similar situation to set my – our minds at ease?”

2008-04-24, 10:58 PM
After a full day of both questions and travel. Your group of adventurers settles into a nice place to break for camp. The few trailing behind you that were loking for suspicous activity, saw none. No one trailing you, no keeping an eye on your group, no one even paying attention to you, more than normal.

Breaking for camp, you hear the sound of drums in the far distance.

2008-04-25, 12:36 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch hears the sound of drums, he feels his blood quicken at the ominous sound. "Drums," he states. "Wardrums?"

2008-04-25, 02:47 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash, now returned to her quiet, less irritated state turns her head to the sound and marks the beats down onto her paper, for reference later. "Could well be, we had best take greater care from here on."

2008-04-25, 08:51 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit kept to himself during the day's travelling. The gnome's apparent disturbance at his communications making him shy to use to often with the others, though the goliath seemed friendly enough. He bounced along on his conjured steed to the hummed tune and occasionally asked questions about this Spine of the World, interested in new places.

His eyebrows rose a few times during the discussion, he had some knowledge of the planes. When they broke camp, he tried to remember if he had learned anything about situations like Andreas was describing.


In the morning, Rabbit greeted the morning with a jaw cracking yawn and some new concerns. He considered discussing them with the goliath, but instead decided to talk to Mor about them.

Telepathy with Mor

"So I have thought about a couple things. A man with the means to create these wonderful orbs, and pay each of us 2500 pieces of gold should have no difficulty tracking down some goblins, or perhaps divining the truth behind the robberies. On top of that, why wouldnt he have gone to the local authorities?

Rummaging through his pack, he pulled out some bread and some dried meat, and made a point of taking small, manageable bites while perusing through his spellbook.

The sound of drums, and the rumbling from the goliath drew him from his concentration. Silently sighing, he thought to himself "Well, this is certainly starting early."

Putting his book back into his bag, he fished for a piece of cured leather in a pouch and ran through some arcane motions with his hand, again the lack of any chanting strikes odd with those familiar with arcane spells.

Spellcraft DC 16

Casting Silent Mage Armor, duration 5 hours.

Offering his opinion to Andreas, he shoulders his pack and finished up his bread.

Telepathy with Andreas

"Well, orcs and goblins have certainly been known to use drums. And they usually mean they're going to attack something. Let's hope it's not us and see if we can help whoever they're planning on ambushing."

2008-04-25, 08:57 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

(In response to Sae)
"I take no offense. I am an unnatural abomination and expect treatment as such."


(After the drums)

"Rabbit thinks that it could be Orcs or Goblins up ahead. Keep your eyes sharp and hope those war drums aren't for our benefit. Let's go make sure." He loosens his mace and lets it dance between his fingertips, raising the hood of his cloak over his head. His posture is recognizable of that of a hunter out for blood, a predator that has just become aware of his prey.

2008-04-25, 10:01 AM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken unhooks his spiked chain and looks towards the sound of the drums.

"We're still half a day away from the site of the attack. Perhaps the raiders have traveled this way, or perhaps it is something entirely unrelated. Either way, there's only one way to find out." Bilken takes a few steps forward, then stops to observe the rest of the group before continuing.

2008-04-25, 10:22 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch stands aside from the rest of the group making some space for himself. He grasps his large hammer in both hands and goes through some limbering up exercises to warm up his muscles, just in case like.

He is ready to get started, taking only a few minutes to pack up his light load. His crystalline blue eyes seem to take on an extra glow of excitement. He moves to stand near Bilken, ready.

2008-04-25, 11:58 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Wisper Gnome Archivist

A grim business ahead ... Ash gathers her papers back into her bag and loads her crossbow, hoping that she will not have cause to use it. Resting the stock above her hip, she flicks through a small, but very book with her left hand. Satisfied she has found the right entry, she places her thumb between the page, ready to look up an entry at a moment's notice.

2008-04-25, 12:07 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

As the group broke camp, Saevanna quizzically looked over at a Lylas who had started a low growl. A few seconds later, she had heard the sound of the drums as well. “Yes, I hear it too. You’re right, most likely goblins or orcs,” the druidess said to her companion in elven.

“We believe the rightsized one is right. We best make sure to ready for combat.” Saevanna checks her armour and picks up her staff. “Perhaps Telari could go ahead to scout for us?” The elf has a calm, if not concerned, demeanor. Unlike a number of the others in the party, combat is something she tries to avoid.

2008-04-25, 01:24 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

As the drums begin Telari's eyes flick open and he smothly rises from his meadative pose. Swiftly stringing the Starbow he nods to Saevanna's comments.

Leaving his pack and sleeping roll he immediately slips away from the camp towards the drums moving quickly. His foot falls are silent and he disappears from sight as he nocks an arrow to the string.

Move Silent [roll0]
Hide [roll1]

2008-04-25, 04:13 PM
Upon listening to them, and also heading into thier direction, you can immediately tell they are about 2-3 hours away. You are just hearing the faint echo'ing of them.

A few minutes after they started, they fall silent again.

The location you chose to camp at, was just off the road maybe 200 feet. behind a small patch of tree's to block the view. Around you are sparatic patches of trees, but otherwise plains is everythign west of the mountains..

[OOC] does everyone know what the map of this are actually looks like? i will also try to scan my map of tilverton for when you arrive back there. [OOC]

2008-04-25, 10:16 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

As he moves away from the camp and away from the movement and chatter of his companions Telari quickly gains a sense of the distance of the drums.

Sweeping the area around the camp Telari tries to get a fix on the direction of the drums before returning to the group.

Not sure what skill for figuring out the exact direction of the drums so guessing survival [roll0]

2008-04-26, 12:11 AM
The drums you heard were coming from the north by northwest.

Area of Cormyr Map


on that map you guys camped where the mountains hit the plains. just south on the road out of Tilverton

City of Tilverton Map

coming soon : )

2008-04-26, 12:47 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Looking distastefully in the direction of the drums and the hot plains, Hammertouch grumbles with discontent. He doesn't like hot plains at all.

Shaking off the sour look he brightens as he turns to Bilken, the member of the group who looks most like he'll engage in up close and personal combat, and says with an anticipatory grin, "If we find enemies to fight, I bet that make more kills than you, Bilken Dessum."

2008-04-26, 08:29 PM
Garret Longstride-- Human Ranger
"Well, the drums seem to be a bit away, but everyone be on your guard just the same." Once everyone is packed Garret proceeds to lead the others South.

2008-04-26, 10:36 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, Cleric of Mystra

Mor'iasti spent much of the trip south lost in thought. He knew little of the rug merchant business in Tilverton, and less of Renik or Milos Felter, but that would not stop him from pondering the whys and wherefores of this mission. He listened to the other's conversations, not bothering to hide his eavesdropping, and occasionally breaking into a conversation with a comment. He would stop talking just as abruptly, as another thought occurred to him.

With the others, he set up camp. Courteously refusing food, he explained he had magical sustenance to provide him with nourishment. He fed and watered his horse, and set up his bedroll after negotiating his part of the watch schedule. At moonrise, he prayed to the Lady of Mystery for guidance on this quest, and then enjoyed a restful two hours of sleep. He reviewed his spells, deciding not to change any without more information, and spent the rest of his free time examining the metal sphere, contemplating the variety of his companions, questioning the true motives of his employer, enjoying the night air, and listening to the distant drumming.

Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard
In the morning, Rabbit greeted the morning with a jaw cracking yawn and some new concerns. He considered discussing them with the goliath, but instead decided to talk to Mor about them.

Telepathy with Mor

"So I have thought about a couple things. A man with the means to create these wonderful orbs, and pay each of us 2500 pieces of gold should have no difficulty tracking down some goblins, or perhaps divining the truth behind the robberies. On top of that, why wouldn't he have gone to the local authorities?

Telepathic response
"Oh yes, my new found and interesting friend, all is not as it seems. We have a mystery, and I love a good mystery." Mor' grinned at Rabbit, and gestured at the circle of stars embossed on his armor.
"Although I don't need to eat breakfast, I always like to start the day with a good cup of tea. Would anyone like to join me?" asked Mor', pulling a small kettle out of one of his saddlebags and setting water to boil at one corner of the fire.

Once he had drunk his tea he cleaned up his gear, packed up and was ready to go almost quickly enough to please the impatient section of the party.

Garret Longstride-- Human Ranger
"Well, the drums seem to be a bit away, but everyone be on your guard just the same." Once everyone is packed Garret proceeds to lead the others South.

"So, let us hope that whatever is behind us does not catch up during the day. Perhaps someone not easily distracted," Mor' said with a cough, his face blushing with embarrassment, "might keep an eye on things behind us?"

Once on the road, Mor' rode over towards Rabbit. "Can we have a 'chat'?," he asked, "either out loud or silently, whichever you prefer..."

If Rabbit acquiesced, Mor asked, "So, could you tell me more about your telepathy? Are all your people telepathic? Does no one speak aloud? Did you ever have a voice? Have you always been able to cast spells without verbalizing? Is this an innate ability, or are you blessed with some sort of magical aid?" Mor continued to quiz Rabbit about himself until shushed by one of the others in the group or rebuffed by Rabbit himself. He was clearly fascinated by the halfling and his magic.

2008-04-27, 08:55 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Having returned to the group Telari packs up his gear. Hearing Garret's comments Telari walks over to him.

"Mor'iasti makes a good point, I will trail our party keeping watch for trouble as you lead them shouth towards the wreckage. I will catch up every two hours to confirm our trail is clear. If you do not shee me assume I have found some difficulty, but allow me an extra hour before coming to look for me...hmmm I wonder if that halfling would be able to keep us in contact."

Breaking off his comments Telari moves to over to Rabbit interrupting Mor'iasti's questions.

"Mor'iasti's shuggestion is a good one,"
Telari gives a curt nod at the cleric.
"I will be trailing the group to look out for trouble. You have the means to talk mind to mind, could you keep me in contact with the group?"

Telari will either be returning to the group or communicating with Rabbit every two hours. Basically he is looking for anyone following the group or any threats that may appear.

Move Silent[roll2]

2008-04-27, 09:10 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken grins widely at Hammertouch's claim, his eyes brightening slightly for a moment.

"You think so? Well try to keep track my friend, and we'll find out who's the most adept combatant. It'll be our friendly contest" he finishes, as his eyes slowly resume their normal hue.

2008-04-27, 10:30 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch grins happily holding out a huge hand to Bilken.

2008-04-28, 08:01 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"Garret, wait a moment. Let's see if I can assist you with your scouting duties."

Andreas begins unrolling various scrolls from his scroll case, finding the one he was looking for and scanning it with his goggles. As he reads it, the runes on the goggles begin to glow slightly as he starts chanting.

DC 21 Use magic Device.

Spellcraft DC 16

Once the spell complete, he reaches out to place a hand on Garret's shoulder. Garret's form seems to slowly fade into the background as his coloring changes like that of a chameleon. "Perhaps now you will have more time to warn us."

Garrett (and DM):
+10 to Hide for 1 minute

2008-04-28, 10:36 AM

Ok, well everyone meet the posting guidelines for last week. so everyone get's 50 bonus xp. I really like the pace this story is moving, and that everyone is posting regularely. I was going to try to wait for a few more posts before i advanced, but nothing really came saturday/sunday, so going to advance, if you want to post in reguards towards what was done previous, as long as it's not story effecting please be my guest.

As dawn breaks, the sky is still slightly shadowed by the mountains. Everyone follows there morning routines, Praying for spells, Meditating, Studying there spell books, or just making breakfast for everyone else.

A few conversations about the drumming noise that was heard last night take place, and it is decided that Garret will see if anyone is following, or if the people responsible for that noise is coming the way of the group. Before he is able to fall back into his stalking position, Andreas decides to give him a helping hand. A magical spell to assist him in hiding, BRILLIANT!! Upon doing so, Garret is almost all but invisible. Happy with the almost transparency of himself, he trots back a littleways. Unfortunately for him, almost immedately upon leaving the group his transparancy fades away. The magic of the spell is to quick to really be considered useful.

The group takes position on the road, and heads in the southernly direction once again. It takes not even 2 hours, before they come upon some "wreckage". Definate signs of battle strew the road. A few dead bodies here and there, some blood, and a few scattered items of all different sorts.

2008-04-28, 11:20 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Seeing the carnage on the road before her, Ash manages to hold down the gasp of horror. Pushing her emotions aside, Ash goes through the mental processes and surveys the scene methodically and logically. Saying nothing, she carefully picks her way through the wreakage and begins examining the corpses, looking for some means of identifying the poor souls and to determine the cause of death.

Search [roll0]

2008-04-28, 12:18 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

As the group approached the wreckage, Saevanna called out to Lylas in elven, “Lylas, find which way they went.”

Saevanna also went over to look at the bodies, first to see if any were alive then to see how they were killed. After that, she went to look through the wreckage as well.


“We likely won’t need to, but if it is necessary, I will be able to ask these trees what happened. The Leaflord only grants me this blessing once per day though.”

2008-04-28, 01:22 PM
Ash begins doing her investigation of the area, Saevanna attempts to help, although she isn't as good as Ash. Luckily tho she has Lylas to assist when needed.


while searching you do find alot of pieces of wood and metal, looking at the amount you could assume almost a full wagon worth strewn about a wide range of land. You find some daggers here and there, and some broken bows also. The bodies, if you could call them that, are destroyed. They are in pieces, and some of the pieces are missing. you estimate about 1-2 bodies total here.


While searching you notice that there are alot of odds and ends of wood and metal lying around, in addition to body parts. Unfortunately you aren't able to tell exactly how many dead bodies, and what the wood and metal belonged to. You are sure that no one here is still alive, as you don't see any "whole" bodies"

After about 2-3 minutes of sniffing around and running back and forth Lylas let's out a yip and runs over to Saevanna. Tugging at your clothes, and yipping at you, he is trying to pull you away from this location.


Sneaking up to the groups position, you notice to the north maybe 150-200ft off the road, a small figure crouching behind some bushes watching them. From the distance and the fact that he has pretty good cover, you aren't able to make out to many details about him. He does look like he get's a little jittery when he hears Lylas yip. After the 2nd Yip he stands up and begins running to the north. Finally you are able to tell that it is indeed an orc, you can also tell he is looking over his shoulder watching to make sure no one is following him.

2008-04-28, 01:36 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

"I wonder if we stumbled upon this on purpose. Perhaps a warning?" Andreas follows the lead of the two before him and begins searching the area thoroughly for any clues.


2008-04-28, 02:12 PM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit seemed more than happy to oblige Mor's curiosity,

Telepathy with Mor

"The ability to speak without sound is something all of my people have the ability to do. We also can communicate verbally, but I was given a vow of silence by my village elder when he sent me on my Ritual of Change. My wanderlust and short attention span were deemed…inappropriate and as a penance my voice was taken from me. So now I am on a journey to sate my thirst for adventure and exploration. Once I have satisfied these needs, I will once again find my voice and be able to return home. As for the magic, it is a skill I was taught by my first mentor. If one harnesses the power of a higher tier spell, and channels it into a lesser spell you can circumvent some of the normal components required in the casting. In this manner, I avoid the necessary verbal components most spells require. Also, if one devotes significant extra study to a particular school of magic it is possible to master the art of ignoring these components without needing to harness extra energy. But this is an advances technique that took me many years to master."

After this, he pats the rod at his side under his belt and winks,

"I have also been able to acquire magical items that help replicate this method of casting."

Later, when Telari asks about his telepathy, the halfling shakes his head sadly and responds mentally,

Telepathy with Telari

"I'm sorry, but I can only communicate like this within twenty feet or so"

Rabbit does not bother to summon his mount this morning, seeing that others do not have them either and are weighed down by armor so he will not be keeping the pace slow due to his size. As they come upon the scene, the halfling reaches down his collar and retreives a symbol much the same as those displayed by Mor and silently sends his prayers up for those who have been lost here.

Once finished, he also begins poking through the wreckage looking for clues.


2008-04-28, 02:19 PM
Andreas may read the spoiler for Ash

Rabbit may read the spoiler for Ash and Telari

2008-04-28, 03:07 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Seeing the figure watching his companions Telari strings his bow and nocks an arrow, but without certainty of what is watching them he holds his position, ready to take a shot if the figure is hostile.

Hearing the wolf yipping he sees the figure move and recognizing it as an orc.

Sweeping back the string to his ear he lets fly, feeling the Starbow grow warm, eager to strike the foe it was designed to destroy, he hopes to bring the scout down with one clean shot.

Attack [roll0] (+9 with -2 for range)
Damage [roll1], plus Starbow vs. orcs [roll2]
Ps. I hate this dice roller

Seeing the shot go wide Telari lets out a low hiss, then moves forward looking for another shot.

2008-04-28, 08:13 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch walks with the group, if it looks like Rabbit is falling behind he'll reach down to pick the little one up and place him on a shoulder.

Arriving at the site of the attack he joins the group in looking for clues.

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2008-04-28, 08:58 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
After returning from his scouting mission Garret helps search the area.

Taking 20 on search(+7), spot(+10), listen(+8), and survival(+10) (+2 for favored against orcs)
Anything I can't take 20 on I take 10 on.
If I get back in time to assist with the orc I will. Either way I plan to track it.

2008-04-28, 09:32 PM
Telari -Elf Rogue

Not sure how you want to handle this, but Telari will continue to move forward and take another shot as his next action - the orc should still be within 220 feet I assume (so still a -2).

Initiative (in case it is needed) [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Crit (if needed) [roll2]
Damage [roll3] + [roll4]
Crit Damage (if needed) [roll5]

2008-04-28, 10:54 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken looks around and observes the others searching for clues here and there. He decides to kneel down in front of one of the most intact body pieces and offer up a short prayer to Kossuth.

"This is horrible" he says simply. "Could there have been survivors?"

2008-04-28, 10:56 PM
well i tried to post earlier but the forums ate it i see


Getting the jump on the orc, Telari get's one more shot off, this one driving home, and dropping the orc in mid step. Falling over the body goes limp.

If you beat DC 15 spot, you saw the orc.
If you beat DC 15 search, you can read the spoiler for Ash above.

Garrett, as for tracking, you can not take 10 on it. so if you wish to find the tracks and follow them, i will need a survival roll from you.

2008-04-29, 04:15 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash turns over a piece of carrion with with her boot, her face a mask of distaste. She mutters a short prayer to Oghma as she does. "Doesn't look like it. And no sign of any cargo either, so this might not even be our wagon. Garrett, what do you think? Any tracks that suggest the attackers were carrying anything heavy?"

2008-04-29, 07:06 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

After picking through the remains, Andreas looks around at the various members of his group, "It looks as though there were two people involved in this attack. The way they are in pieces, though, is quite worrisome." He looks sharply towards the arrow flying through the air and becoming more alert of his surroundings. "Trouble?"

2008-04-29, 08:23 AM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Seeing the Orc fall Telari swings his bow to his back and draws his sword before moving up to the body Taking a few moments to check it is dead and that others are not nearby he finally re-sheathes his blade and moves to the corpse.

Taking his time he checks it for clues to it's tribe or any markings or possessions that might indicate an affiliation as well as anything of value.

Spot (any other Orcs nearby) [roll0]
Search take 20 or [roll1]
Arrow recovery (less than 50 means intact) [roll2]

Finding the arrow that missed the target he examines it for flaws and sees that the shaft had split, stripping away the flight feathers as it left the bow. He will definitely be talking to the bowyer who sold him these arrows about the quality, but for now he checks the rest of his quiver he finds the other arrows all in good order.

2008-04-29, 10:06 AM
Scanning over the scene, Garrett spends a few minutes walking to and fro, Finally after much examination, he is able to find some tracks and a trail. Following the trail slightly to the north, off the road and a little ways through some shrubbery, Garrett finds signs that an ambush took place. People were waiting in hiding at this position for at least a day or two. And yes, they did have a large cart with them. The trail headed off to the north.

Searching the body Telari discovers that this orc is definately scouting. Watching those who travel the road, mainly those who are after information about the caravan. He has a small parchment in his hands. Unfurling it, you are unable to read it's writing. The orc also has a small dagger, and 3 gold pieces in his sock.

While examining the area, Garrett is also able to tell that the tracks on the road leading to this area, from what he can assume, had numerous other people, that just the 2. He would estimate at least 10-15 people. But that doesn't fly with what is seen here, now.

2008-04-29, 10:23 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit had been poking through the wreckage when he spotted the being watching them. He had begun to wander in that direction a bit in his searching when the wolf began barking and apparently spooked whatever had been watching them.

Breaking out in a run, the halfling drew a dagger from up his sleeve and had brought it to his mouth when he heard the tell tale *TWANG* of a bowstring and the creature fell to the ground. Hurrying to the scene as fast as his little legs would take him, he arrived while Telari was examining the body.

Telepathy with Telari

"We were lucky you were watching our backs. Excellent shot. If no one can find the orc's tracks, at the very least we know which direction he was headed in."

2008-04-29, 11:15 AM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Nodding to Rabbit Telari waves to the first arrow.

"My first shot went wide, damn human fletchers can't make decent arrows. Still the second was a clean strike. He didn't have much on him, clearly he was keeping watch for a larger group. Any chance you can read this?"

Passing the note to Rabbit Telari puts the few gold in his pouch and the dagger in his pack.

2008-04-29, 11:59 AM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret approaches the two searching the dead orc, "That was a good shot Telari," he then explains what he has found to the group.

"I think we should follow the heavy laden cart, it most likely has the rugs and any survivors with it."

2008-04-29, 12:18 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, Cleric of Mystra

Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit seemed more than happy to oblige Mor's curiosity,

Telepathy with Mor

"The ability to speak without sound is something all of my people have the ability to do. We also can communicate verbally, but I was given a vow of silence by my village elder when he sent me on my Ritual of Change. My wanderlust and short attention span were deemed…inappropriate and as a penance my voice was taken from me. So now I am on a journey to sate my thirst for adventure and exploration. Once I have satisfied these needs, I will once again find my voice and be able to return home. As for the magic, it is a skill I was taught by my first mentor. If one harnesses the power of a higher tier spell, and channels it into a lesser spell you can circumvent some of the normal components required in the casting. In this manner, I avoid the necessary verbal components most spells require. Also, if one devotes significant extra study to a particular school of magic it is possible to master the art of ignoring these components without needing to harness extra energy. But this is an advances technique that took me many years to master."

After this, he pats the rod at his side under his belt and winks,

"I have also been able to acquire magical items that help replicate this method of casting."

"Ah," said Mor' with a mixture of satisfaction and disappointment. "I see. I use similar techniques to allow my spells greater power. I had hoped that perhaps you or your people knew another method, one with less cost to it. Oh, well."

Mor' continued to travel, enjoying the trip and watching the antics of his colleagues until he came to the site of the ambush.

Mor'asti hissed in dismay at the sight of the destruction. He made a quick survey to see if he could spot the center of the chaos. Picking a spot which would have most, if not all of the wreckage in the area of effect, he called upon the gift of his mistress to allow him to see the power that is Magic.

Spellcraft DC 14
Detect Magic.
Question: house rules differ on this one. Can he turn his focus while he scans? In that case he would pick a spot and slowly rotate, stopping if he actually detects magic to concentrate on the details. Duration 6 min
Once finished studying any magical auras, and the items that produced them, the priest began sifting through the wreckage for any clues, whipping out his magnifying glass to take a closer look at anything particularly interesting. Something had turned a wagon and an indeterminate number of persons into bits of trash, but what was it? Further, he began a systematic attempt to identify the number and races of the dead. One? Two? More? Human? Elven? One large wagon? Several small carts? Horse drawn? Mules? Manpower?

He looked for size of timbers used, any wheels or axle hardware, harness leathers, etc., to guage the wagons. He also looked for any clues to the cargo carried, especially to confirm or deny if this was the missing caravan.

Mor'iasti crouched on his heels and looked over the wreckage. In a distracted voice he asked, "Garrett, did you see any animal tracks? Do we know if they had any animals pulling this wagon, or was it manpowered?"

He then turned to the bodies, and began to gather the pieces for burial, looking at each carefully for evidence as he did so. He also mentally counted off body parts: heads, hands, feet, etc. Once done, he began to prepare the service for the dead, trusting to someone else to have a shovel and begin digging a grave.

Mor' never noticed the excitement with the orc scout, as he was too intent on the task as hand to look up.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Knowledge? (see OOC)

2008-04-29, 12:51 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken follows the group to the dead orc, ready to initiate battle. He slows down to a trot as he realizes that the danger is already averted. He looks in the direction that the Orc was facing.

"I agree," he says to Garret, "Let us hurry before this Orc's friends start to wonder where he is."

2008-04-29, 03:19 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch follows the group to investigate the tussle and the dead scout. He nods his agreement with the plan to follow the tracks right away.

2008-04-29, 04:11 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, Cleric of Mystra
Mor'iasti crouched on his heels and looked over the wreckage. In a distracted voice he asked, "Garrett, did you see any animal tracks? Do we know if they had any animals pulling this wagon, or was it manpowered?"

Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"It wasn't being pulled by any beasts, it seems it was pulled by humanoids so they couldn't of gotten far."

2008-04-29, 05:50 PM
Telari - Elf Scout

Moving away from the corpse as the others approach Telari looks towards the ambush sight. Seeing Mor'iasti working with the bodies Telari walks over.

"An unpleasant way to die and if this wasn't orcish brutality after they had been slain, something far stronger than the average orc hit them. I know that in general your people place far more importance over the bodies of the dead than my own, but at most a quick cairn is all we can afford to give them. I killed a scout" Telari waves to where the others are gathered "and while orcs are not known for their discipline he will be missed or replaced at some point."

2008-04-29, 08:01 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

After barking a few times, Lylas took off into the woods after the orc. Saevanna, with the others, followed him into the woods and came upon Telari. She smiled slightly after seeing the elf had already stopped the threat. “Solonor himself would have been pleased with that shot, mellonamin.” Lylas imediatly went over to the dead orc and picked up its scent.


2008-04-30, 02:07 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash nods slowly at Mor' and Garret's exchange, then adds, "Hmm ... true, although I'd be wary of something larger than orcs dragging those carts, judging by the way these poor souls were brutally killed. I'd wager we might have something like Ogres to tackle as well, alliances between the two are not unknown. Either way, we'd best get a move on and catch them."

2008-04-30, 08:52 AM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Rabbit chews his lip thoughtfully as most of the group moves to the dead orc's position and discusses moving along. Standing up on his tiptoes, he counts heads and notes a couple of people missing.

Telepathy with Hammertouch

"It's probably a good idea to follow now, but I see that Mor also has something that needs to be done. These other fellows seem better suited to sneaking up on some orcs than us, and I'm betting holes would get dug a lot faster with you and me helping. Maybe you can ask them go follow the tracks, and we can catch up to them after we help Mor with the fallen."

Compassion is welling deep in the silent halfling's face as his thoughts are sent to the Goliath.

2008-04-30, 08:58 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas looks to the horizon, then down to each of his companions and finally to the dead. Noting that Mor is the only one performing last rights he begins to move things around, loading the parts of the bodies onto the cart.

"No time to bury them properly. It would be best if we burned the cart and bodies, we wouldn't want all of this to be seen by any passer by."

2008-04-30, 11:47 AM
with Mor'iasti busy doing funeral rights on the bodies, he misses seeing everyone walk away from him, and north towards Garrett. Realizing they left the Cleric along, Rabbit heads back to assist him with the burials.

Andreas not seeming in his right mind suggests loading them on the cart and burying them at a later time, Although when he looks around, there isn't a cart here.

With everyone else suggesting to head on, as time is of the importance, Mor'iasti and Rabbit suggest they are going to stay back to bury the dead.


i need a count on who's staying behind, and on who's heading on.

atm everyone is going forward but those two.

also are you doing normal tracking or rushed tracking, remember normal is 1/2 speed.

2008-04-30, 12:08 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Seeing Mor'iasti and Rabbit hanging back to bury the dead, Bilken decides to stay and assist with the digging.

"You all go on ahead. We'll follow you soon." Bilken then takes out one of his wands. After a short magical flourish he summons a celestial badger and orders it to start digging. A short while after it disappears he summons another and has it continue where the other left off.

I realize the badgers don't last too long and as such this isn't the best method to dig, but I wanted to anyways =P. Bilken will only use up fifteen charges before he finishes the work himself.

2008-04-30, 12:44 PM
I said burn the bodies on the wreckage. Not bury them later... When you said wreckage, I assumed you meant wreckage of a cart/carriage...

2008-04-30, 01:31 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret returns to the wreckage and mutters a quick prayer for the dead, but he leaves the burial detail to the others.

"I'm going follow the trail of the orc scout, I'll be tracking so anyone staying behind shouldn't have any trouble catching up with me. So whoever wants to come lets move out, silently if you can. Good luck and hopefully see everyone soon."

2008-04-30, 03:22 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna noded to Garret. “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll stay behind and help with the others and Lylas and myself will be able to track your path. Quel marth, Garret.” [Good luck in elven]. “Come Lylas, we need to return to the wreckage,” she said to her wolven friend in elven as they turned back towards the road.

When they arrived back at the road, Saevanna said a quick prayer to the Leaflord then helped with the cleanup however they wished it to be done.

2008-04-30, 05:10 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

"You are right Rabbit, I will help bury the dead." Hammertouch responds to the telepathic message from Rabbit. He heads back to join the burial detail since he is not particularly stealthy anyway, there's no point in putting the tracking party in jeopardy.

2008-04-30, 05:47 PM
Mor'iasti, Cleric of Mystra

Realizing that time was a concern, Mor'iasti worked quickly to prepare the pieces of body. He looked over at Andreas and commented, "If the goal is to hide the scene, burying the pieces would be far more effective than building a fire, even if we had the spare wood. I suggest two graves, one for the slain and one for whatever 'evidence' of the ambush you wish us to conceal. I will give a short service, and not wait for the moonrise to welcome them. I am sure My Lady will understand the urgency." Mor'iasti gave a slight grimace of embarassment and quickly shed his armor, preparatory to donning the vestments he carried with him at all times.

Ten minute service at most.

2008-05-01, 02:12 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archvist

Sure that there is not much left for her to do here, having paid her respects and confident that the poor souls will have a decent enough burial, Ash annouces that she will accompany Garret in tracking the scout and hurries quickly and quietly after him. "Lead the way, I'll keep a look out for trouble"

2008-05-01, 11:04 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

After looking at the Cleric inquisitively, he nods once before falling in behind Garret and activating Detect Magic.

Since Garret is moving at half speed, I will maintain concentration on detect magic and move with him

2008-05-01, 11:25 AM
As Ash, Garret, Andreas, and Telari proceed to head off on the trail following the orc. Moving at half speed and keeping an eye on the surroundings you are pretty sure you will get the jump on them before they get the jump on you.

Telari trailed behind and to the side of the small group, as if to keep an eye on them.

Everyone else stayed behind to assist and participate in the funeral arrangements of the victims. After 10 minutes, you prepare to head out and begin to catch up. Upon leaving it seems rather easy to catch up as Garret has left trail markins for you to follow. After 20 minutes of walking you are approached by Telari

We will keep the trail markings up, try to stay a little behind them, that way we can try to get the jump on anyone we find.

and with that he fades back into the bushes. Slowing your pace to half speed you travel the rest of the day following the markings, and finally catch back up with the group at a spot found for camp.

everyone roll me 4 d20's and go about your night, set up watches and rp it up...

2008-05-01, 11:58 AM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas looks over the camp, assessing the perimeter.

"I will take watch in the middle of the night. Those of you who can't see well in the dark best take watch now or at first light." He then finds the best place to watch the entire camp as well as its surroundings, and lays down to sleep there, without so much as a bedroll or tent.


2008-05-01, 12:37 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch adds to Andreas' comment "I also see fairly well in the dark so I can take a watch in the deep night"

Hammertouch has darkvision 60'/

4 d 20s

I am not clever enough to state the rolls in one line :smalleek:

2008-05-01, 12:45 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

"I will take a late night shift as well" says Bilken, who attempts to find a comfortable spot to put down his things. After he finishes removing his armor he takes out his tools and combs over his spiked chain, ensuring that it is still in top working order before finally settling down to sleep.

Bilken will ask whoever wakes him up to help him don his armor before starting his watch.


2008-05-01, 02:18 PM

"Well, then I suppose I will take an early shift," said Mor' with a smile. "I don't need much sleep, so I will probably wake early to meditate. I am ... troubled by what we saw today." He turned to Garrett and Telari. "I don't need supper, either. Once I settle the horse down for the night I can start watch. Where do you want me?"


edit: Well, isn't that special. Something tells me Mor is about to become jullienned cleric:smallamused:

2008-05-01, 02:47 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
"I'll take first and last watch when there is a bit more light. I don't need much in the way of food, drink, or sleep with my ring. Well, I'm going to watch from a concealed position in the brush, so don't put a arrow in me." With that Garret heads out of camp.

I'll take 20 (or 10 if 20 isn't possible) on hide in whatever cover is available . I'm trying to position myself between the camp and the direction the Orc came from in case they decide to send someone looking for the dead scout. Also Garret will sleep in his armor.
EDIT: this dice roller hates me... thats why I try to take 10 on everything lol

2008-05-01, 07:21 PM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna nodded to the group as she moved towards a nearby tree. “I wouldn’t mind taking a short rest. Just wake me up if you feel you need to be relieved. And remember, staying up all night because you’re stubborn to ask for help isn’t proving your strength, just that we can’t trust that you’ll stay away all day – but I’m sure everyone knows that. ” She looked back and flashed a smile before continuing to the tree.

“Come Lylas, it is time to rest.” The wolf was quick to follow and curled up in a ball at the base of the tree. Saevanna laid her head on top of his stomach and drifted off to reverie.

I’m going to start using a different colour for speaking in elven, Lime

Spell changes:
Purify food and water to Dawn
Wall of Smoke to Rapid burrowing
Woodwose to Entangle
Barkskin to snake’s swiftness, mass
Briar web to Flame blade
Vine mine to Plant growth

Use a to have each roll display.



2008-05-02, 02:24 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

"I'm happy to watch at any time, though I'd like a little time to flick through my texts before it gets too dark."

Ash unrolls her bed roll and sits, cross-legged in the middle of it. She then pulls out several books from her bag and flicks through the pages, then laying each one carefully open around her. Referring from one book to the next, Ash begins jotting down notes and other musings as the books' inspiration guides her creative mind. After a time, she pulls out a dry, sweet biscuit and munches quietly, re-reading her page of small, neat writing.

2008-05-02, 09:10 AM

Rabbit sullenly helped with the process of the digging. He frowned a bit at the obvious waste of magical energy being expended in the process, but said nothing. Reaching under his shirt he brought out his symbol of Mystra when Mor said the rites for the dead, silently mouthing the bits he knew.

He plods along with Hammertouch, and will happily accept the shoulder ride if it is offered while catching up to the others.

4 d20's


When the others are discussing the watch, he keeps silent. He liked his sleep, and would need time to read his spellbook.

[ooc] Spells page updated with current memorized spells.

2008-05-02, 09:27 AM

OOC - Sorry! forgot my d20s [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]

2008-05-02, 10:20 AM
Coming to a decently hidden area, surrounded by rocks, you settle into a small indent into the ground, more or less covered by the rocks and very few sparatic bushes.

Each person settles into there spot, under rock formations, next to them, or just right smack dab in the middle of the plaines. Taking turns taking watches, Mor'iasti, Garret, and Telari take the first. Andreas, Hammertouch, and Bilken take the second, and Finally Ash, Saevanna, and Lylas take the third.

Throughout the night you do hear every once and a while low drum sounds, tho they definately sound closer than they were before. They are also coming to the north, the direction your heading. First and second watch go by with out any problems at all. During the third watch, before the sun has fully had a chance to rise something spooks Lylas. He slowly picks his head off the ground, the fur down his back starts to slowly rise, and his hears perk up. Though the only one who notices that is Ash.

As this is happening Ash out of the corner of his eye notices something moving in the distance. An animal, a person, focusing in on it, and looking more closely you see a small group of five Orcs that are sneaking up on the group. They seem to be only a mere 15-20 feet out from Mor'iasti and Saevanna. Looking at the group, other than Lylas being somewhat on edge, no one else seems to notice anything.


Time for Combat!!!
Suprise Round
Regular Round
roll initiative

2008-05-02, 10:33 AM
Mmm sleeping....

Assuming I get woken up, My Initiative will be...


2008-05-02, 10:34 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Initiative [roll0]

2008-05-02, 10:58 AM
Mor'iasti, Human cleric

Mor', lost in thought, sat meditating on the events of the previous day and the peculiarities of his current mission.

Initiative: [roll0]

2008-05-02, 10:59 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Crap! ... Gesturing to Saevanna, Ash points out the oncoming threat and holds a finger to her lips. Then she moves about the camp shaking as many people awake as possible, as quietly as possible.

If there isn't time to wake everyone quietly and buy us all a few moments to prepare for battle, I awake Hammertouch, Rabbit, Andreas, Mor', Garret, Telari and Bilken in that order.

2008-05-02, 11:13 AM

Initiative, sorry.

2008-05-02, 11:27 AM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

Upon seeing the orcs, Lylas started to growl lowly and he moved over to Saevanna, but finally started to bark loudly.


2008-05-02, 11:55 AM
Ash proceeds over to wake Hammertouch up, trying not to be noticed while doings so. During the same time Lylas decides to take command of the situation, moving towards Saevanna with a low growl on his lips, alerting her to danger, finally once next to her he starts to growl and bark louder and louder.

Everyone but Garret, Telari, and Bilken are woken up through there actions.

Seeing this, the orcs give up there stealthy attack and close in around the camp.

The first two close in around Mor'iasti, fortunately for the cleric Mystra was watching over him, and both of them miss. The next two form around Saevanna, the first one strikes down right next to her and misses, unfortunately she isn't so luckily with the second axe. The second orc taking closer aim where the first one missed, brings his axe across the front of her chest leaving a large gashing wound, 10 points of damage. The last orc growls back at Lylas and cleaves his axe down upon the wolves right hip, inflicting 7 points of damage.

[ooc]once all rolls are done, i will post initiative order[ooc]

2008-05-02, 12:46 PM


Obviously we will not have any new spells memorized, but did we get our 8 hours?

2008-05-02, 01:09 PM
yes, it was just as dawn was breaking, so you guys are coming up on the 8th hour.. so it's close enough.

2008-05-02, 01:35 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Turning on his side, Bilken lets out a loud snore, oblivious to the ensuing combat.


2008-05-02, 02:54 PM

OK map is updated.

your colors on the map coordinate with your posting color.
Posting Initiative, we will wait for Garret to roll his before any actions are done, but this way you can see where you lie in the order.


as i said i will fit Garret in here once he rolls, please no actions till then. just plan it : )

EDIT: Garret, take your action as you should be awake..

2008-05-03, 11:21 AM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret continues to snooze peacefully..

2008-05-03, 11:55 AM
Saevanna Amalith – Moon Elf, Druid

“Lylas! Wake up Telari!” The wolf barked once and took off towards the elf. Saevanna then withdrew towards Bilken and ran over to him. “Wake up!”

Saevanna: Withdraw – double move (60’), no AoO
3W + 1NW + 1N = 25’
Wake up Bilken

Lylas: Withdraw – double move (100’), no AoO
10W = 50’
Wake up Telari

Dawn has too short of range to be useful in this situation

2008-05-04, 07:53 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Opening his eyes slowly, Bilken suddenly becomes aware of the sounds of battle. Grabbing his chain and jumping to his feat, Bilken gets ready to defend himself.

I'm going to wait to see what everyone else does before I send Bilken over to attack the Orcs. Otherwise he'll ready an action to trip any Orc that comes toward him. I'll make the appropriate roll when needed. <.<

2008-05-04, 08:05 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

((OOC: I was waiting for Ash to post in this round but I am not sure whether she acted so in hte interests of not holding up based on me...))

Hammertouch woken by Ash roars a deep warcry and charges the orcs in the space left by Saevanna and Lylas moving. He swings his mighty hammer in a wild arc attempting to blast the sneaky orcs.

Charge attack to the orc in M8.
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

He has the cleave feat if this is enough to fell the orc.

2008-05-05, 11:07 AM
[Ash has till the end of today to post her actions, from now in, in combat, you will have 48 hours from when the person before you posts there actions, till you are required to post yours. else you will take the non posting penalty. Also please post in Initiative order:smallsmile: Also please when you move, put the square you will be ending in. so that way i can track movement better. with out having to do calculations. but calculations of movements is really nice when dealing with AoO]

Saevanna and Lylas both go and wake up Bilken and Telari Respectively. Garret rouses himself awake at the sounds of battle (sorry, i will remember the ring)

Taking the advantage Hammertouch charges the orc that Saevanna just left. Brining his hammer down upon him with extreme force, Almost knocking the orc back on his ass. Barely able to maintain his balance, the orc counter attacks back at Hammertouch widely missing. The second orc taking advantage of Hammertouch's focus on the first, connect with his greataxe, cleaving into the goliath's leg for 9 points of damage. The orc that was attacking the wolf also takes advantage of the goliath's focus elsewhere attacks him, but isn't able to do anything look incompetant.

The remaining two orcs continue to attack the cleric that they have been focusing on. The first one isn't able to connect as he misjudges the rock and almost his his elbow on it. The second one tho is able to connect rather easily. Hitting Mor'iasti with his axe, almost slicing his armor clean off his body, he hits Mor'iasti for 11 points of damage.


Rabbit your up.

2008-05-06, 08:58 AM

Seeing the number of creatures threatening his friends, Rabbit decides to bring some additional help from the celestial realms.

Moving to H8, then casting Silenced Summon Monster II choosing to summon Celestial dogs from the Summon Monster I list (1d3 resulted in 2 in OOC thread).

Summon is a standard action instead of full round due to Rapid Summoning class ability.

When the mute halfling is finished waving his small bag and candle around, two silver-furred dogs appear behind the orcs threatening Hammertouch and Mor.

Celestial Dog1 appears at N7 and attacks the orc at M7 with Smite Evil

Celestial Dog2 appears at O7 and attacks the orc at O8 with Smite Evil

2008-05-06, 02:11 PM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen, Cleric of Mystra and chronic daydreamer

Mor' scrambled upright, almost tripping on the small rock he'd been using for a chair. "Mystra help us!," he cried, his voice a full octave higher than normal. The vicious slash of the orc's weapon did not improve Mor's mood, and he stuttered in agitation. Taking a deep breath, Mor' called on the power of his Lady, and begged her to Bless them in this encounter. He could only hope that the sudden appearance of more allies behind the orcs would distract the enemy long enough for his spell to work.

Risking the AoO here, since he's in a bit of a panic but doesn't quite want to flee, er withdraw.
Concentration check for the AoO was a four (see OOC thread)

2008-05-06, 02:20 PM
Andreas Melot - Hellbred Spellthief

Andreas' eyes dart to the approaching threat. He notices the cleric being cut up and quickly moves into action. He moves as the hunter, driven with purpose and a thirst for blood, eyes cold, devoid of emotion. Appearing next to the frightened cleric he brings his light mace down upon one of the orcs muttering... "Get behind me."

Move to N-9, attacking the Orc at N-8 (who is flanked by the summoned wolf at N-7)

Attack: +2 for Flank, +1 for Bless [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2008-05-06, 04:48 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

A wide grin appearing on his face, Bilken moves into combat with the orcs, clad only in the garments he was sleeping in.

Moving towards the group, he swings his chain around in the air before sending it flying towards one of the Orc's legs.

Bilken will move to K8 and attempt to trip the Orc at M8. Also his AC is only 11 =(.

Bilken's Melee touch attack:

Strength check to render the Orc prone if that hits (+4 for Improved Trip, +1 for Musclebound trait):

Attack against the Orc if Strength check beats Orc's Strength/Dexterity check and is rendered prone (attack +4 for the Orc being prone):


2008-05-06, 07:36 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret dashes from his weedy bedding, drawing his handaxes as he goes. He tries to help hold the line with Andreas.

Garret will move to M9, drawing his two hand axes on the way. Then I'll attack the orc in M8 (N8 if the M8 orc dies) with the magical hand axe for:

Attack [roll0]
Crit. Confirm (in case) [roll1]

Damage [roll2]
Crit. Damage [roll3]

2008-05-07, 11:35 AM


Seeing the two dogs appear behind them, does seem to suprise the orc, but more so from a combat point of view. We...Eat...Dog...When...You...Dead. Unfortunately for the dogs, neither of them is able to break past the armor on the orcs. As the orcs look back at the dogs that poofed in, Mor'iasti attempts to take advantage of this opportunity to cast a blessing of Mystra on all his new allies. Just as he is about to finish his spell, one of the orcs spots this. Motioning to his friend, they both take up there axes in an attempt to interupt. The Vigilant orc is the only one able to connect with his axe. Bringing his axe down on Mor'iasti he deals 7 more points of damage.

Seeing the cleric take another nasty blow Andreas get's a worried look on his face, and charges over to protect him. Unfortunately for him, he isn't able to connect on the orc he swings at, his weapon glancing off the orcs armor. Bilken getting a big grin on his face as combat hsa finally shown itself to him, moves up in support. With his big spiked chain he attemps to trip one of the orcs. Things just are going in the way of the group, as the orc outright resists the trip attempt. Maybe Bilken still was half asleep. Seeing the opening next to Andreas, Garret darts in and catches the orc by suprise. Connecting on the orc for 8 points of damage, the orc let's out a growl, and focuses his glare at Garret. It appears that a large gust of wind would knock this orc over at this point.


Try to do your combat posts
{Name} Link to your sheet
Hp: current/total
AC: current T: current F: current

blah blah blah

2008-05-07, 02:23 PM
After waking those in the group up, Saevanna moves to take cover in a tree. She reaches over to touch the bark and says in elven “Leaflord, I call upon your energy of the earth to heal my wounds”. The blood of the wound turns green and quickly seals itself.

Lylas darts over back in front of the elf, waiting for her next order.

Move: 1NE; 4E; 4NE; (end on K3)

HP - 23/30
AC – 17/13/14
F/R/W – 7/7/2

Saevanna ( http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=3791)
Move: 3NE (end on K2)
Cast: Cure light wounds [roll0]

HP - 18/28
AC - 17/13/15
F/R/W - 3/3/8

2008-05-07, 04:52 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

(After Ash)

The cut received from the sneaky orc pushes Hammertouch into a raging frenzy. He roars his displeasure and swings his hammer at his first foe, and attempts to connect with the next one on the back swing.

Initiate Rage (+4 str, +4 Con, +2 Will save, -2AC) for 3 + 6 rounds.

To hit Orc M8 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If Orc M8 dies Cleave:
To hit Orc M7 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Square: Remain in L7
HP: 45/(54)
AC: 15-10-13
F/R/W: 10/3/5

2008-05-08, 01:55 AM
Ash (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=40207)Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Ash dashes across the campsite, tugging forth a simple, white wand from her belt as she does, a look for fear and grim determination on her face. Remembering the state of the caravan crew they had passed yesterday, she was suddenly struck with a fear of the Orc's savageness.

Double move to K9
HP 19/19
AC 18/13/16

2008-05-08, 10:55 AM
Seeing the situation the group is in, Saevanna heads north and takes up position in the bushes, calling Lylas to her side. While there she decides that she needs the Leaflords blessings and uses the power of her deity to help heal her wounds.

Ash jumping into the fight now that she sees everything that's going on, get's a look of terror and rememberance on her face. Remembering the brutality she saw at the caravan she get's ready for anything, charging forward and drawing a wand, she readies herself and prepares for her next move.

Hammertouch get's a large smirk on his face as he brings down his large hammer on the beaten orc infront of him. Smashing the orcs bones beneath the hammer, he takes the opportunity to bring his hammer up and nail the orc next to him in the jaw. With the force of the hammer that orc is flung into the air and lands on the ground where he once stood, no longer conscious. (cleave 2 if you have great cleave).

The orcs seeing what just happened no longer look as confident, but they turn there focus to the big threat now, Focusing on Hammertouch the first one is able to bring his greataxe down with such force it staggers Hammertouch for a second or so. The problem is that although he hit with alot of force he didn't have much to back it up, only 6 damage. The one that was attacking the cleric, turns his attention to the rather large goliath. Stepping over his friends he is thrown partially off balance and isn't able to connect with his weapon. The last orc still focused on the cleric takes a step forward to attack him again, unfortunately for Mor'iasti this orc is rather skilled and is able to connect again, dealing 9 points of damage.

on the picture, technically Mor'iasti and the orc on him, are down 1 square each, per post in OOC.

2008-05-08, 01:21 PM
Hit Points: 26/26
Armor Class: 18, Touch: 14, Flat-Footed: 14
Fort: +3, Reflex: +5, Will: +5

The halfling does a little spinning hop in the air with his fist raised at the spectacle of the goliath's actions.

Telepathy with Hammertouch

"Great job, but it looks like Mor could use help if you could manage to make it near him"

Dog1 switches its attention and attacks the orc in M8

Dog 2 continues to attack the Orc harassing Mor
[roll2] (if Mor is threatening, add +2 for flanking)

Taking his own advice, Rabbit moves closer to the combat and summons a globe of acid to lob at the orc attacking Mor.

Move to L10, attacking orc in O8 using Acidic Splatter.

[roll4] (-4 for firing into melee already accounted for)

2008-05-09, 09:02 AM
Mor'iasti Tan-ormen (http://www.thetangledweb.net/ttw/addon.php?addon=Profiler&page=view_char&cid=11712), Cleric of Mystra

Hit Points: 12/32
Armor Class: 16, Touch: 11, Flat-Footed: 15 (not including Bless)
Fort: +4, Reflex: +2, Will: +8

Heart pounding, Mor summoned his Grandfather's Wand from the magical backpack he wore. Snarling in a combination of rage and fear, he called on the power of the magic and sent a stream of missiles at the Orc chasing him, and then moved back.

Wand of MM: 3 missiles [roll0] at the orc in O9
If the orc falls, Move to K11. If the orc is still standing, take a 5' Step to O11

2008-05-09, 09:14 AM
HP: 33/33
AC: 17, Touch 13, FF 14
F: +3, R: +4, W: +4

Andreas takes advantage of the flank provided by Hammertouch to finish off the Orc between then, then he tumbles backwards to protect Mor.

Attack: [roll0] +2 for Flank
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

Tumble Check: [roll3]

Moving as close to Mor as I can get, depending on where his move action leaves him.

2008-05-09, 10:08 AM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Seeing the Orc resist his trip attempt, Bilken lets out something like a snarl, but smiles as Hammertouch eliminates him.

"I suppose that's two for you" he says as he starts to swing his chain around again.

Bilken Dessum
HP: 31/31
AC:11 T:11 F:11

Bilken will attack the Orc at M8, unless Andreas disabled that Orc in which case Bilken will move to M8 and attempt to trip the Orc at M6 (he thinks he can get away does he? :smallbiggrin:)

Attack and damage vs. Orc at M8 (if he's disabled, I'll just use these rolls as the free attack I get against the Orc at M6 if Bilken trips him):

Touch attack and strength check to trip the Orc at M6 if the Orc at M8 is disabled:

2008-05-09, 10:50 AM

((after Saevanna, sorry im in a rush :smallfrown:))

Move up behind Mor' and jab him with my wand
Heal! [roll0]

2008-05-09, 11:16 AM
Saevanna - Moon elf, Druid

Together, Saevanna and Lylas rush towards the nearest orc with Lylas trying to take a bit and the elf swinging her staff.

Move: To a square to attack an orc [I'm not sure whats alive]
Attack: [roll0] (+2 STR + 3 BAB +1 WF + 2 Flank + 1 bless)
Damage: [roll1]

HP - 23/30
AC – 17/13/14
F/R/W – 7/7/2

Saevanna ( http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=3791)
Move: To a square to attack an orc [I'm not sure whats alive]
Attack: [roll4] (3 BAB +1 Weapon + 2 Flank + 1 bless)
Damage: [roll5]
Should be +1 to damage from weapon being +1

HP - 28/28
AC - 17/13/15
F/R/W - 3/3/8

2008-05-09, 08:50 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Caught up in the rage of battle Hammertouch is oblivious to Rabbit's telepathic communication. He strides towards the nearest Orc and swings his huge hammer in a wide arc attempting to connect.

HP: 39 / (54)
AC: 15 / 10 /13
F/R/W: 10/3/5

Move to nearest live orc:

To hit [roll0] +8str+4bab+1MW+1Bless+2flank
Damage [roll1]

Cleave attempt if applicable:
To hit [roll2] +8str+4bab+1MW+1Bless+2flank
Damage [roll3]

2008-05-10, 08:51 AM


Rabbits dogs once again attempt to sway the fight in his favor, but only 1 is successful, and does very minimal damage. The other one growls at the orc he has missed again. Rabbit attempting to help Mor'iasti, throws a small glob of conjured acid at the orc after the cleric. Unfortunately he also misses that orc and the acid eats away quite a bit of the rock located behind him.

Falling back again Mor'iasti whips out his wand. Pointing it at the orc that has him fighting for his life, he lefts out a blast of force energy. Striking the orc dead center in the chest, it slows him down a little and let's Mor'iasti put a few feet between him and the orc.

Andreas seeing that the orc next to him is distracted by Hammertouch he attacks from behind striking the orc directly in the hamstring. These orcs are definately tougher than any Andreas has fought before, and have battle training, otherwise that strike would have surely dropped him where he stood. Bilken winding his chain for another strike, brings it down upon the same unlucky orc. But by this time his luck has changed, and he is able to dodge the chain solely because he lowered himself slightly to grasp at his punctured hamstring.

Actions to come


Together, Saevanna and Lylas rush towards the nearest orc with Lylas trying to take a bit and the elf swinging her staff.

Move: To a square to attack an orc [I'm not sure whats alive]
Attack: Attack - (1d20+9)[13] (+2 STR + 3 BAB +1 WF + 2 Flank + 1 bless)
Damage: Damage - (1d6+3)[7]

HP - 23/30
AC – 17/13/14
F/R/W – 7/7/2

Move: To a square to attack an orc [I'm not sure whats alive]
Attack: Attack - (1d20+7)[25] (3 BAB +1 Weapon + 2 Flank + 1 bless)
Damage: Damage - (1d6)[6]
Should be +1 to damage from weapon being +1

HP - 28/28
AC - 17/13/15
F/R/W - 3/3/8


Move up behind Mor' and jab him with my wand
Heal! (2d8+3)[14]


Caught up in the rage of battle Hammertouch is oblivious to Rabbit's telepathic communication. He strides towards the nearest Orc and swings his huge hammer in a wide arc attempting to connect.

HP: 39 / (54)
AC: 15 / 10 /13
F/R/W: 10/3/5

Move to nearest live orc:

To hit (1d20+16)[26] +8str+4bab+1MW+1Bless+2flank
Damage (3d6+12)[26]

Cleave attempt if applicable:

To hit (1d20+16)[30] +8str+4bab+1MW+1Bless+2flank
Damage (3d6+12)[20]

2008-05-10, 11:19 AM
Telari – Elf Rogue

Having woken from his meditation some hours earlier Telari had left the group scouting, the reason found nothing but his bedroll and discarded backpack earlier. With nothing at that time in the north he had swung south before retuning to the group. Hearing the clash of arms Telari quickens his pace, but stays hidden so that he can survey the situation before acting. As he comes round a rock he sees the blood on Mor'iasti and chooses his target stepping out of the shadows bow drawn.

HP: 22
AC: 20 T/F: 15
Character sheets in signature

Initiative [roll0]
Sneak to O4 (assume rocks give enough cover to give me the drop on the orc at O9)
Hide [roll1]
Move Silent [roll2]
Attack – orc in O9 [roll3] (BaB +8, bow magical+1 - not sure if I get other boosts)
Crit – orc in O9 [roll4]
Norm [roll5]
Bow (special) [roll6]
Sneak [roll7]
Crit [roll8]

2008-05-10, 11:25 AM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret seeing that Hammertouch seems to be handling the orc well enough, Garret moves over to help Andreas. Attacking with both handaxes he lunges at the orc..

Attack bonuses: 5 ranger, 4 weapon finesse, 1 magic/mw, -2 for TWF, +1 bless
I forgot to add the +2 dmg for favored enemy orc, so add that if I hit please

Critical rolls (in case)


5 ft step to H9. Full attack on Orc 11 (if one of the attacks kills it before I attack the second time divert the second attack to Orc 9.

2008-05-12, 11:57 AM
Garret stepping over to help out Mor'iasti takes two really good swings at the orc in from of him and after the second chop with his handaxe, the orc falls over clutching his wounds. With in a few seconds the life fades out of him.

Jumping from the bushes with a renewed vigor Lylas and Saevanna charge and attack the nearest orc in M6, Saevanna being the only one that is able to connect, does do some damage. Unfortunately it isn't enough to drop the orc. Hammertouch fixes that problem, as in 1 giant swing he drops both orcs he is standing next to.

Ash finally makes it over to Mor'iasti and pokes him for 14 points of healing with his wand.

With all the orcs dead Telari makes it back just in time to see the last blow be had.

2008-05-12, 12:51 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

With the last orc falling to his blow Hammertouch ends his rage. Breathing hard, he turns towards Bilken with a wide grin, "That's 4 for me, Bilken Dessum. You lowlanders breed tough orcs."

2008-05-12, 12:57 PM
Andreas Melot

Satisfied with the results of the fight, Andreas begins going from corpse to corpse searching them with little regard for personal safety.

Search: [roll0]

2008-05-12, 01:03 PM
Searching the bodies you notice they do not have much of value. Each has a greataxe of sub optimal quality, and a damage chain shirt. There is a total of 12 gold 17 silver spread over all the bodies. Nothing else is located on them.

2008-05-12, 01:05 PM

"Nothing but coins." Andreas says, tossing them carelessly into the dirt at the feet of his compatriots.

2008-05-12, 01:07 PM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken grins at the goliath, despite being unable to be of much use himself in the battle.

"Indeed...but don't count me out yet, I'll get a few more under my belt before long I'm sure" he says looking out towards where the Orcs came from.

Finally calming himself down enough, Bilken examines the party around him.

"So who needs to be patched up today, hm?" he asks.

2008-05-12, 04:26 PM
Mor'iasti, Cleric of Mystra

"Well, that was interesting," said Mor' with a bit of a shudder. Taking a deep breath, he bowed to Ash. "My thanks, mistress, for your timely aid." The cleric turned toward Bilken and answered, "I am somewhat injured, but Mistress Ash has helped me. Hammertouch, you seem to be in need of the most aid. Mistress Saevanna, will you care for your companion? I have magic available if he needs it."

Walking over to the goliath on slightly unsteady legs, Mor' looked up at his huge companion and grinned. "Any fight you walk away from is a good one, eh? So, think happy thoughts." Placing his hands gently on the barbarian's wounded leg, Mor called on the power of his Lady to cure his wounds.

Spontaneous Casting: Augury -> Cure Moderate Wounds on Hammertouch

If I read things right, this is the status:
Andreas: 33/33
Ash: uninjured
Bilken: 31/31
Garret: uninjured
Hammertouch: 39/54 (-15) 52/54 (-2)
Lylas: 23/30 (-7)
Mor: 26/32 (-6)
Rabbit: 26/26
Saevanna: 28/28
Telari: 22/22

2008-05-12, 04:36 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch smiles his thanks to Mor'iasti as he is healed. He rumbles his response, Indeed, every fight is a good one. Especially when one can contribute well. I am glad you are not hurt too badly. Thank you for your care." He turns to address the rest of the group, "If these are anything to go by, those drums mean more danger than we might have thought at first. We should be careful. Now perhaps we come to understand the high price we're to be paid for our help."

2008-05-12, 07:24 PM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna scanned around the group with a slight frown. "Good work everyone. I appoligize for being unable to warn everyone in advance - it seems my mind wandered for a moment. I am glad that everyone is alright."

The elf nodded to Mor'ia before turning her attention to her companion. "Stay still Lylas, this will just take a moment." With her hand against a tree and a hand on the wolf's wound, she called out to her God, "Leaflord, I call for your power to heal this child of nature as you have healed me." The briar vine around her neck appeared to twist, but it didn't seem to affect the druidess.

Cure light wounds [using pearl of power] [roll0]
Instead of it being a pearl, I thought to make it the briar vine that she wear around her neck. I don't mean it to be anything but an RP change so I wasn't meaning for it to take up a amulet slot.

The wound on the wolf sealed from the spell, and with using a couple of damp leaves, Saevanna cleaned the blood from his fur around the former wound. As she cleaned she nodded along with Hammertouch. "Yes, you are quite right. The only way we're going to get an advantage is with more knowledge and," she looked over to Telari and Garret, "Scouting is likely the only way to obtain that. While I myself can scout ahead, remaining hidden is something that Telari or Garret could probably preform better." She glanced at the two again and offered a warm smile.

2008-05-12, 07:46 PM
Garret Longstrider--Human Ranger
Garret nods at the compliment.
"I believe I can manage some scouting"

2008-05-12, 08:09 PM
Hammertouch Goliath Barbarian

"We should not waste any time. Let us break camp while the sneakies go ahead, we will follow, but do not get too far ahead, these orcs are strong, be careful not to get caught in a bad spot."

2008-05-12, 08:20 PM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Lowering his bow and removing the arrow Telari's shoulders slump.

"While attempting to ensure our trail was not being followed I misshed the action here. My apologies to all that my bow was not at hand to strike down this scum. My rangings took me far to the east and I only heard the commotion as I returned.

Garret, we should move out immediately to enshure no other foes remain and perhaps gain the upper hand against them if we approach their lair."

Quickly stowing his gear Telari moves to the north.

2008-05-13, 01:56 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

"I agree, we should head out as soon as we can." Ash studies Mor' critically, eying his still sore wounds and says "One moment, Dweomer Keeper, I'm not done with you yet!" grinning impishly, she jabs him softly in the ribs again with her wand. "If you're going to be playing with Orcs like that again, we'd best have you at full strength." she remarks with a smile.

Heal! [roll0]

2008-05-13, 10:15 AM

As the orcs fall, Rabbit calls his summoned dogs over and scratches them both behind the ears before releasing them to their homes. The disappear in small puffs of light blue mist.

Sending his thoughts out to Hammertouch, he begins gathering his things,
Telepathy with Hammertouch

"I will need some time to prepare the rest of my spells before continue our journey. I would imagine that Ash would likely need similar time. Plus, I wouldnt mind getting something into my belly before we go trudging off after some nasty orcs."

Once his gear is stored, the little halfling plops himself on the ground and pulls out a large leather-bound book with a blue spine. While reading and flipping through the pages, his hand occasionally darts into a pouch at his side and comes out with some combination of nuts, berriers, bread crumbs, and strips of dried meat that get unceremoniously stuffed into his mouth each in turn.

2008-05-13, 12:29 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Now that he is not caught up in a battle rage Hammertouch is more responsive to the telepathic communication from Rabbit. He turns towards the camp as the two scouts leave saying, "Rabbit and Ash might need time to prepare spells, do that while I pack up camp."

2008-05-13, 12:34 PM
Garret Longstride--Human Ranger
Garret nods at the group then heads off following the fresher trail from their Orc attackers.

If the tracks don't come from the same general direction as the scout's tracks I will continue to follow the older scout tracks.
I'll follow the same procedure as the day before as far as movement and hiding (take 10 on both). How many survival rolls do I need to make?

2008-05-13, 03:32 PM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf, Druid

"Before you two leave, would you allow me to refill any wineskins you require. It might not have the same taste as natural water, but incase you don't find any, you can drink it."

Saevanna moved towards the nearest tree can called out to her God. "Leaflord, we are in need of your nourishment for the day. From the roots of life, we ask that you provide for us as well." Water began flowing from a small hole in the tree. "Hurry everyone, there will only be 10 gallons."

Casting Create Water with some creative licensing.

"Now, I believe you two are ready to depart. I'll track your progress after we've eaten and the other have readied their spells." She looked to Telari and said, "Quel fara, mellonamin.". After speaking elven to her kin, she turned to Garret, "And good hunting to you too."

Quel fara, mellonamin mean Good hunting, my friend in elven.

[roll0] to track Garret and Telari.

Lylas will aid another with tracking by scent. [roll1] (if greater than 10, Saevanna gets a +2 to her result)

2008-05-14, 11:11 AM
[OOC]ok moving forward[OOC]

The group spends just over an hour packing the camp, eating there breakfast and memorizing there spells for the day. While this is happening Telari and Garret both head off to scout ahead. Following the trail of these orcs is alot easier because it is fresher, and it would seem they are both heading in the same direction. Tracking them for almost 3 hours you finally arrive at what seems to be the outside of a camp.

You see two tents set up flanking an entrance into the mountains. There are a few orcs milling about, that seem to be on guard.

You have 3 hours till the group will arrive.

Picture coming in a few

2008-05-14, 06:10 PM

Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

"I agree, we should head out as soon as we can." Ash studies Mor' critically, eying his still sore wounds and says "One moment, Dweomer Keeper, I'm not done with you yet!" grinning impishly, she jabs him softly in the ribs again with her wand. "If you're going to be playing with Orcs like that again, we'd best have you at full strength." she remarks with a smile.

"I was getting to it!" Mor reacted grumpily. He took a deep breath and sighed in frustration. "My apologies. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated. I ... I seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bedroll." He reached towards his backpack, and with a twitch summoned a thin silver wand. "I have one of my own, although not as powerful as yours."

Since he had already performed his morning ritual, Mor spent some time cleaning his armor and clothing of bloodstains the old fashioned way with a bit of water and something to scrub with. He gratefully refilled his waterskins with Saevanna's bounty.

"May Mystra bless your steps and help you learn many interesting things," he murmured as the two scouts moved out.

2008-05-14, 09:06 PM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch works diligently to clean up the campsite, he takes advantage of the water summoned by Saevanna with a smile of thanks and fills his waterskin.

When the camp is packed and the group is ready he lifts his hammer to one shoulder, scoops up Rabbit onto the other and sets out following Saevanna ((who I understand is tracking the scouts for us.))

2008-05-15, 07:22 AM
Bilken Dessum - Fire Genasi Fighter/Favored Soul

Bilken quickly packs up his own things and tries to pitch in with taking down camp.

While the casters take time to memorize and prepare their spells, Bilken wanders off towards a wide open space. There he begins to practice, twirling around his chain every which way.

2008-05-15, 07:24 AM

Andreas stands off to the side of the camp a bit, maybe 20' out, eyes watching every little movement.

Spot: [roll0]

2008-05-15, 09:35 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

Once she is ready to leave, Ash, collects her things, sticks close to Hammertouch, in case of further Orc attack and begins to read her book while she walks, expertly navigating the trail using only her peripheral vision and keeping close to Hammertouch's bulk.

2008-05-15, 10:55 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Noticing that Ash is walking rather than riding Hammertouch slings his hammer across his back and lifts the little lady onto his other shoulder, opposite Rabbit, in order to make better time.

2008-05-15, 11:11 AM
Saevanna Amalith - Moon Elf, Druid

Saevanna lead the group through the woods with Lylas slightly ahead of her. She tried to keep a watchful eye on the surrounds as she moved through the woods.

If needed:

2008-05-15, 01:11 PM
Rabbit - Ghostwise Halfling Wizard

Once again, Rabbit will gladly accept Hammertouch's shoulder-hospitality, but when he sees the Goliath reaching down to grab Ash, he offers a quick word of caution.

Telepathy with Hammertouch

"Ooooh, I'd be careful with that one my large friend. She may look small, but she's got a bark I would have expected from one your size. She looks pretty interested in her book there and them bookish types dont usually take well to bein' interrupted when they're readin."

2008-05-15, 05:45 PM
Telari – Elf Rogue

As they move away from the others Telari studies Garret, his surety of movement and the ease with which he keeps his presence discrete. Pleased to have a companion on the trail who matches his own temperament, they set a good pace, following the signs of the orcs passage back to its source.

A few hours later a breath of wind crosses Telari’s face and taking a deep breath he confirms it. Orc scent; an acrid musk in the air, foul and unpleasant, looking over he sees that Garret has noticed it as well and they both smoothly lower themselves to the ground. Inching forwards they reach a point where they can see the orcs, the tents and the entrance to a mountain path. Watching for a few moments Telari signals and they move back out of sight then he speaks in a hushed tone

“One of us should return to the others. The other should find a place better hidden, from which to obsherve and strike when the others arrive sowing confusion among the orcs. If shomething should go amiss for the one who remains we must agree a signal that will alert the other to danger. Friend Garret you have shown yourshelf a skilled traveler, I would defer to you the task you desire.”

2008-05-16, 01:48 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

As she is hosited into the air, Ash's eyebrow twitches with mild irritation, but she says nothing. After a few minutes she lowers her book and peers around at the higher scenery I am to be Huginn or Munin, I wonder? she thinks to herself with a wry smile before returning to her book.

2008-05-16, 09:43 AM
As Garret and Telari discuss what to do, Garret decides that he is going to head back and lead the group here. I will be back with them shortly.

After about an hour and a half walk you spot the group heading your direction, and you can tell that Saevanna easily spots you, as you weren't trying to hide yourself. Knowing the direction to go, it doesn't take you but 45 minutes to get back to the location.

While watching the camp Telari, you notice that orc's 1 and 4 are making small loops around the camp area. The other orcs are barely paying attention. You have not seen anyone enter or exit the cave.


2008-05-16, 10:08 AM
Ash Mythseeker - Whisper Gnome Archivist

((I wont be able to post till saturday afternoon, so I'll speed things up my rolling my initiative now :smallsmile: ))


Thoughts of mythical birds are pushed aside as Ash realises that battle is nigh once more. Hopping down from Hammertouch, she inwardly curses her lack of knowledge on such a common subject as Orcs and wishing she could do more. Drawing her trusty book and wand, she prepares to do what she can.

2008-05-17, 06:03 AM
Telari - Elf Rogue

Taking a few minutes to study the patterns of the orc guards Telari takes a piece of chalk and leaves the group a quick map indicating his intentions. Then moving with care, an arrow strung to the Starbow, he moves forwards seeking a hidden spot where he can strike at the orcs to best advantage.

Telari is basically looking for a spot from which he can sneak attack with his bow and hopefully obtain surprise for the group.

Take ten if possible on both of these otherwise:
Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]

Initiative [roll2]
Hp: 22
Ac: 20, F/T: 15

2008-05-17, 10:36 AM
Garret Longstride
Garret smiles at the Druid, "We've got the orc camp located. Telari is there now so be ready."

2008-05-17, 10:58 AM
Hammertouch - Goliath Barbarian

Hammertouch smiles in greeting as they find Garret. That smiles widens to a grin at the mention of an orc camp. He gently lowers Rabbit to the ground to join Ash who climbed down earlier and unslings his hammer. He stretches out his muscles as they continue to walk on preparing for battle.