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View Full Version : Two Spells, Inspired by Fable

2008-04-22, 05:06 AM
Fine-tuning the power of Telekenesis, the Guild teaches these effective combat spells to those with enough experience to handle the raw power. By concentrating telekenetic power, a burst of palpable pressure radiates instantly from the caster, sweeping aside all in its path. Combining this force with evoked flame creates an effective attack for any wizard caught surrounded by foes.

Burst of Will (evoc)
Level: Wiz/Sor 5
Casting time: standard action
Range: Burst 10ft + 5ft / 5 levels, centred on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex (see text)
Spell resistance: Yes
Comp: VSM

A wave of telekinetic power bursts from you, effectively Bull Rushing all in a 10 ft + 5ft / 5 levels radius burst, possibly dealing bludgeoning damage. The telekinesis automatically pushes opponents as far as possible within the burst radius (possibly knocking the opponent up to 5 feet out of the radius). The strength score of the telekinesis is equal to 10 + caster level + ability adjustment (INT or CHA, by class), and may be considered Medium in size. For every 5 feet a character is pushed back, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage (with regards to Damage Reduction, the bludgeoning is non-magical). A Reflex save negates this damage, but does not change the effects of the Bull Rush.
Material Component is a tiny vessel of Bull's blood, smashed to the ground on casting.

Fire Burst (evoc)
Level: Wiz/Sor 6
Casting time: standard action
Range: 10ft burst, centred on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex (see text)
Spell resistance: Yes
Comp: VSM

A wave of telekinetic power and elemental fire bursts from you, effectively Bull Rushing all in a 10 ft burst, and dealing fire damage. The telekinesis automatically pushes opponents as far as possible within the burst radius (possibly knocking the opponent up to 5 feet out of the radius). The strength score of the telekinesis is equal to your caster level + ability adjustment (INT or CHA, by class), and may be considered Medium in size. All characters in the burst radius (other than the caster) take 1d6 fire damage per two caster levels. A Reflex save halves this damage, but does not change the effects of the Bull Rush.
Material Component is a tiny vessel of bull's blood and alchemists' fire, smashed to the ground on casting. The alchemists' fire deals no damage.

2008-04-22, 10:29 AM
Usually spell effects like this are expressed as range equal to the radius, and Area: XXXX radius sphere centered on caster.

Edit: Also, I would increase the strength score this mimics for the bull rush... 10+CL+casting stat modifier sounds about right to me.

2008-04-22, 04:14 PM
I did draft these with higher STR scores - exactly as you just described... but then I read Telekinesis, which can be used to Bull Rush opponents using only INT (or CHA) plus the d20 check, so I nerfed it.

I guess I should have gone with my first thought, yeah?
I'll edit them to be d20 + 10 + CL + INT mod. Fire Burst should still be weaker, though - it does way more damage.

lord of kobolds
2008-04-22, 05:24 PM
These Are Fine Spells For A Spellcaster Who Is Surrounded.
Great Job!