View Full Version : The burning Lands IC

2008-04-22, 09:17 AM
You all stand in a small group, at the north east edge of what was once the Forest of Magic. It has been less than two hours since the blaze burned, and looking back all you see if floating ash where once proud and majestic trees once stood.

The fire burned everything in it's path. Trees hundreds or even thousands of years old, mighty oaks full of life, burned as quickly as if they were dried kindling.

Even the heat from the fire is gone now though. The ash that still drifts is cold, just like the land. Grass just inches from where the forest ended still grows, oddly enough, and small bushes and other things that extend along the grassy plains ahead of you still live. Whatever the fire was, it only burned the forest and stopped at the very edge of it, not even scorching the land around it.

You all know that somewhere north is a town of the humanoids, those who work the land to be what they need, instead of living with it. West, through the ashed forest are the mountains, and following the mountains north there is claim of another group of humanoids living there.

As to what happened, none of you know where the fire originated from.

2008-04-22, 09:38 AM

The tiny figure darts forward from the landbound group as the edge of the forest comes into view. Sooty and bedraggled, mighty coughs wrack her thin frame. Once clear of the trees, she darts up, up, a hundred feet up, in search of air.

And looks back to see the burning. All the burning.

There, where the most magnificent copse of dahlia was due to burst into flower in about twenty days. There, where the Grumpy Oak had stood for three centuries. And over there, where she had shared a home with a most accommodating owl.

Jax swooped back down, as fast as she dared on her singed wings. And alighted softly on Anagorax' mighty back. Now past the initial rush of needing to survive - at least for a few moments - tears threaten to overwhelm her.

It's as bad as we thought. Just as bad.

2008-04-22, 12:14 PM

Xal raises a massive claw and wipes a single tear away that slowly runs down her cheek. She then swallows a second tear and with a face full of sadness she looks at what was once her home.

The large woman squats down and draws patterns in the sand with her fingers just so she has something else to do besides feeling worse then ever. The sound of a small voice makes her raise her head and she sees a small figure covered in soot. Quickly she rises to her feet and with a step or two she stands next to her.

"Oh, sweetheart. Are you okay? I've never heard such a small creature cough that hard."

2008-04-22, 12:42 PM

The petal puts on her bravest face as she looks up at Xal.

Just the smoke, I guess. I'll be...I'll...

Lurching forward impulsively, the petal streaks across to the big woman, nestling for comfort in the crook of her neck.

2008-04-22, 01:10 PM

"Dead, all dead, no more lupic" mutters jirono, as he stares at the ash.
The last lupic drops to the ground, hugging himself as he realizes that his entire race is wiped of the face of the earth, maybe a few insane ones are out there, but probably not.

He came to his senses and stood up, one can never let his guard down, constant attention is the key to survival, he knows it, it what jest saved him. with constant attention the lupic race might be saved, he heard before on halfbreeds, creatures that have two different parents, maybe a lupic is fitting with another race? or maybe he could find the heretics and return them to right?

There is still hope, as long he will always pay attention.
He looks at his new companions, they don't looks like much, but if they survived they are probably quite good. he should learn the skills of each, their weaknesses and their strengths, anything.
After a short moment he says "My name is jirono of the silverfur, who are you?", first in lupic, then in common. hoping they know one of the two.

2008-04-22, 04:16 PM

Standing mutely at what once was the forest's edge, the centaur waits for a feeling to come, but there is nothing. Not even the black bear nuzzling his flank can break through, only as he feels the tiny fey flutter from his back does he turn his head, turning to watch her depart, sudden distress etches itself across his face. And it comes, the deep, full sorrow that chokes back tears. Turning back to the scarred landscape he seems to return to himself. Turning out the contents of a pouch hung round his neck Anagorax drops a small collection of rings, gems, and keepsakes, to the ground. Stepping forward he carefully makes his way to the edge of the burn line and bends low, knees millimeters from the soot, and collects a large handful of the ash, filling the pouch with the remains of his home.

Stepping back again, Anagorax looks out over the barren expanse again, breathing deeply and allowing the grief to come. Fingers picking their way through the bear's fur with a practiced ease, he does his best to soothe his companion.

At the sound of other voices, he turns to the others, eyes taking a while to focus on them. Recognizing other survivors, he comes to himself with a rush. "I... I'm sorry, are any of you injured?" Quickly taking stock of their state, the centaur answers the lupic, "I am Anagorax, healer and sometime defender of... What is No More." Pausing, he lets the statement settle home. "And this is Euripedes," he states, gesturing to the bear.

2008-04-22, 05:50 PM

A faint smile appears as the tiny fey almost floats over to her. Xals claw moves over into her hair only to find not a single flower in her hair. Oh yes, the last one, a beautiful blue flower that she did not even recognize. It fell on the ground when Xal ran from the fire and she did not have the nerve to get back for it. Now she was flowerless, well...in a certain way.

Her eyes scanned along the other survivors, a group like any other she had ever layed eyes upon. She squated, but did it slowly this time for the sake of the winged fey. Her eyes stared of into the blackened distance that was once home and she felt tears rising again. Just in time to keep her mind of the fire were a few words from one of the creatures by her side. And then a few words more. Looking still into the nightmare that became reality she speaks.

"I am Xal Darra. I am able to treat wounds a little if I had my herbs. But they were there when I ran and I suppose they are gone now."

Slowly she raises a finger and points into the general direction of the barren wasteland which was the forest.

"Right about there was my little home. Somewhere off in the distance."

Slowly she moves her eyes away from the forest and to the rest of the group.

"Do you think there are other survivors?"

2008-04-22, 06:52 PM

The large black mass of fur and muscle known as Svartroxi stood staring out at the carnage that lay before him. For miles the earth was blackened and not a single thing still stood amongst what had once been his home. The great beast stooped down and sifted the charred remains of the Magic Forest through his fingers.

After a time he stood and looked out beyond the charred ruins of the forest. Hoping to see some other survivors along the fringes. Spying what appeared to be several shape in the near horizon Svartroxi took his leave of the forest and made his way toward the other shapes making sure to keep out of the remains of the ex-forest.

As he approaches the group he hears the hag ask if there might be other survivors. Approaching the company Svartroxi speaks.

"I saw none escape other than myself from the infernal flames. I am surprised to see that you all made it out as well." The black giant looked over the group with great sadness in his blood red eyes. "I am known as the Black Ox, Svartroxi in the tongue of my people."

2008-04-23, 12:01 AM

One last tree remains standing, just beyond the edge of the forest. It takes a few seconds to realise it isn't a tree at all, but a woman, bark-skinned and leaf-haired, with a sapling entwined about her body. The woman sobs, looking and sounding like a small tree creaking in the wind.

Eventually, she seems to come to herself. No amount of tears will reverse what has happened. Slowly, gingerly, she approaches a few other creatures which have gathered on what used to be the Forest's edge. She listens to them all introduce themselves - Jirono, a lupic; Anagorax, a centaur; Euripedes, a bear; Xal, a hag; and Svartroxi, a minotaur - before she speaks herself. "I am Saedew, and this is Aili," she says, although she is apparently alone.

2008-04-23, 01:25 AM

"What do we do now?" asks jirono, more speaking to himself then expecting an answer.
He decides that danger might be out here, maybe whoever made the fire is following, he attempts to listen and look for anything and anyone suspicious, that fire was not natural, it was too fast, and nothing around the forest got hurt.

It takes his a moment to realize that he missed someone, then he asks "Who on earth is Aili? I don't see anyone."

2008-04-23, 05:03 AM

"Aili! The oak I saved!" replies the sapling-entwined dryad, disbelievingly. "Who else could I be talking about?"

2008-04-23, 07:23 AM

"Perhaps You had an invisible freind with you, I could not have known. In any case you manged to save a part of the forest, for that alone I am in your debt. I should note myself that dryads name trees, new knowledge is a blessing in any situation." says jirono, clearly impressed by the fact a dryad managed to save a tree from the demonic flames.

Jirono pauses, listens to the wind again, in search for anything strange, then he adds "We need to find food and water. anyone ever been outside?"

2008-04-23, 07:36 AM
Jirono can hear nothing on the winds that would be strange to him, beyond the fact that he no longer hears it moving through the trees and leaves.

2008-04-23, 11:31 AM

Jax sits forward on Xal's shoulder.

And I'm Chrysanthemum, but everyone calls me Jax. And I'm SO happy that you managed to save your tree, Saedew. Maybe, with one strong tree, a forest can live again.

She glances down at her perch at Jirono.

Outside? Oh, of the forest! No. I could go looking for food for you? But you...probably don't eat past-their-prime stamen, do you?

She looks cautiously from Jirono to Svartroxi and Euripides.

Erm. What do you eat?

2008-04-23, 12:48 PM

Xal looks up from her crouching position at the towering, massive form of Svartroxi with a look of awe in her eyes. A smile took form on her face as she heard a tree had been saved. Slowly and steadily Xal stands up and turns around to look up to or down at her companions. Not seeing where Jax looks at she answers her question.

I eat whatever nature throws in my lap that day. I wonder how I will come through the day today.

With her claw she strokes on her chin as if she was thinking.

And I haven't been outside of these woods before now. But I am sure there are food sources out here somewhere.

2008-04-23, 01:34 PM

Smiling, if somewhat ruefully, at the tiny fey's question, the centaur pets his animal companion roughly, tugging at the fur around the bear's neck, "Euripedes here? Oh, he'll eat pretty much anything, berries, roots, mushrooms, fish, freshly caught as well as several days old, and probably some past-their-prime stamen, though I'm not sure he'd appreciate it as much as you might. Don't worry 'bout him, he'll have an easier time finding food than the rest of us, I imagine."

Addressing the group as a whole, Anaxagoras' posture straightens and he nods, "What do we do? Well, I suppose we'll have to move on, we can look for a new home and try to rebuild what we had here, though that will be difficult as we've lost so many of our friends. We can also try to find out what caused this fire, as it doesn't seem natural in the least. While creating a new nest is noble and worthwhile, I cannot see myself finding rest until I know what caused this... this... horror. I had imagined I protected this place before, and now I must at least protect its memory. For those of you who wish to settle, I wish you luck, but I cannot follow, that it, unless, you ask it of me Saedew. I am bound to protect you and your charge." Turning to look at the waste, the centaur inhales deeply, "There is one thing I might do, though I do not know what may come of it, one last thing to hurry the re-birth of this forest." Stepping from the group, Anaxagoras makes his way back to the edge of the ashes and stops. Eyes closed, he raises his hands and begins to sing in a deep, rumbling voice, swaying slightly. After a few moments he stops and opens his eyes, "It is done. Whatever healing is possible will have been sped up, though I will have to return in at least a years time to see it along. Now," his eyes seem to snap, if this fire was set by any enemy of the wood, they must have left a trail. If we are to hunt them down, we should look for any traces they may have left in their clumsiness."

2008-04-23, 02:56 PM

Trying to get into the spirit of the exercise, Jax leans forward on Xal's shoulder.

Right. Well, first, we don't know what part of the forest the fire started in. Well, I don't, anyway.

I guess we could start to trace the borders of the forest, looking for signs of someone coming in or out. But if it was a dragon or something like that, that won't help. They'd have just swooped down or something.

But if it wasn't something like that, I'd have figured that the druids would have found a way to put it out. If they couldn't, it might have meant there was a LOT of whatever it was that made the fire happen.

And I don't really want to go looking for a lot of whatever would want to set fire to our beautiful forest. I mean, it's not like finding them is going to bring our forest back. All it does is put us in danger.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, all things considered, it might make a lot more sense for us to try to find some food, and maybe try to find a new forest, right?

2008-04-23, 04:55 PM

Jirono stares at the ground as he says "Well, my kind usually eat other animals, lesser ones. rabbits, squirrels, and such. but we can feed on berries for a few days."

He thinks for a little and says "Perhaps we should look into the humanoid settlement? we might find something useful in there, information or supply. I know there is one somewhere around here."

2008-04-23, 09:51 PM

The dryad smiles gratefully at Jax and Anaxagoras. She hadn't thought of it that way; Aili is now the last tree of the Forest.

She whispers a little to her honoured sapling, before replying to Jax. "I agree that we should find food, and water, and a new forest if there is one... Somewhere new to lay our roots - metaphorically, in your cases... But we can never forget what happened here today. And," she adds, her mind wandering to all the other precious trees who she couldn't save, "if there is vengeance to be had, I will have it."

2008-04-24, 12:20 PM

"While I agree vengense is a good idea, I do believe that you should keep away from it" says Jirono to Saedew "Risking the last tree for mere satisfaction of our anger would be wrong."

2008-04-24, 12:24 PM

It might be just possible to do all of those things at the same time. We could move along that side of the forest...

Xal points along the 'forest line' going somewhat to the north.

...and we could reach that settlement you talked about. There we could ask for food and water and a place to make a home. And maybe on the way we will find some trails we can follow to find...

Xal clenches her fist, but then relaxes her muscles and smiles.

It is worth trying, wouldn't you agree?

2008-04-24, 12:25 PM

Jax stood up on Xal's shoulder.

All right, then. Food and water? From the stories I've heard, these humans don't sound all that friendly, but maybe once they see how nice we are, they'll share.

There is no trace of irony in her face or voice. Jax flits up a couple hundred feet or so to see if she can see any signs of humans, and then darts back down to report.

2008-04-24, 12:32 PM
To Jax's eyes, the land outside the forest seems to go on forever, a sea of grasses, with the occasional tree the only break. From the distance in the air she climbed, even those below her seem to be as small as she normally is to them.

With a spot modifier of 0, you're not really going to pick up anything hiding, but you do get a general sense that there's nothing big moving out there.

2008-04-24, 01:02 PM

"I am sorry that I must mistrust your eyes, but I favor looking for myself." says jirono, as he goes to look, from a safe distance.

2008-04-24, 01:13 PM
Where do you want to look? It's a quite open grassy plain, with only the occasional tree or bush breaking the landscape.

If you're looking for tracks, how far are you going to range out searching?

2008-04-24, 01:28 PM
looking till several hundred feet away from human settlement, or till I see some, whatever comes first. (not rushing.)

2008-04-24, 01:33 PM

Shrugging at Jirono's comment, Jax explains:

Nope. Nothing but lots of rolling hills and flat plains. They'd be very nice, if only they had a few more trees and flowers.

Hmm. Well, we could just start walking, away from the fire. And by walking, of course, I mean riding. Well, for me. But don't worry, I'm light!

2008-04-24, 02:10 PM

As jax answered me before I went scouting I answered "You are welcomed to ride me, I run pretty fast."

2008-04-24, 02:25 PM
You can run for hundreds of yards and not see any sign of a human settlement, although the further you get away from the woods, you do start to occasionally see signs of humanoids. Bootprints instead of animal prints, horseshoe marks instead of hooves, etc.

2008-04-24, 05:49 PM

At the suggestion of turning to the distinctly foreign settlers, Anaxagoras raises an eyebrow, nostrils and lips quirking into a distinct expression of distaste, "Beg the others for food and water? What do we need that nature can't provide? I am still able to call forth enough fresh water from the ground to slate our thirst. Though this is not what we're used to, I'm sure we can easily find food enough, could things really be that different outside our preserve?" Looking to the others the centaur shrugs, "Unlike most of you, I have had some contact with those of the outside, and it has not been good. For the most part it came in defending our forest from their loggers and thieves. I do not know if this is representive of the whole of them, but the admittedly few interactions I've had have left a bad taste in my mouth." Nodding to Saedew and Aili, he continues, "We do need shelter and a time to rest and grieve, but I am not certain the help of the humans or even worse, goublans would be advantageous."

2008-04-24, 07:25 PM

"I have to agree with the horse-man. I know my people are generally seen as murderous beasts to the outsiders and I am fairly sure that the hag and the wolf wouldn't get much better reception. Nodding his head he continued. "No, our best bet is to get out of here and look for somewhere to settle, or at the very least rest ourselves until we can figure out what to do. If we absolutely have to go to the outsiders for help, our best bet would be to send the small one to get a good look at the people there and maybe make first contact. She is after all the least likely to be noticed. But I say we save that as a last ditch effort.

2008-04-24, 11:37 PM

Shrugging, Jax settles onto Jirono's back, twining her toes in his fur for purchase.

If you say so. Oh, and I think I can help us with shelter. Some long runners, or braided fur if it comes to that, should be all I need to take us up to a special hidey-hole.

She glances over at Anaxagoras.

And I bet I can plant it low enough that you can just jump in, if you have to.

2008-04-25, 04:13 AM

Xal turns almost a shocked face over to Anagorax and Svartroxi. She then looks over at the centaur again and asks if pure confusement.

They have loggers? And thieves? They are savages...I didn't know there were even races that hosted many of those. And if I may ask, what is a Goublan or a Human for that matter?

Then she turns to the Black Ox and with a slight tremble in her voice she speaks.

But Hags aren't murderous people! Right? We just all do what I generally do....did in a day. I helped those in need. That is what Hags do, right?

Almost hopefully she looks up at the massive form of the Minotaur and speaks again.

Whatever is the case, now we can't risk going to those outsiders. Maybe one of their loggers even put the flame to this forest. They wouldn't get any wood then though. But then we must find a new place to go and a forest it must be. For Aili's sake.

2008-04-25, 04:45 AM

"As far as I know humans are some pink-skin dryad that don't like the forest much." says jirono "But some of them are pretty good, I saw one once that was almost as tree-loving as you." he says to seadew.

"As for our reception, I know that humans do have wolf-like creatures that live with them, so I think I'm ok, but I don't know about Xal."

((I don't have a clue what a werewolf is in-game, you can't blame me for this. as for the human I "saw", a random druid, safe to assume there was one once that at least visited in the magical forest.))

2008-04-25, 10:48 AM

Jax repeats the words dreamily.

A pink-skinned dryad. What a funny thought! Sort of like a flower, but all over. Yes, I must see one of those for myself!

Oh, and Xal, you said that you lost your bag of herbs. Maybe we can start to keep an eye out for some, to replace them, you know?

2008-04-26, 07:37 PM

Raising his eyebrow, the centaur looks over to Xal with a cruel grin on, Euripedes also bears his fange"Well, they used to have loggers. Or at least less now," the grin fades, "but now we need to move out. We've spent too much time in the open. If this fire was set by enemies they may come back to make sure nothing remains. Thanks to Saedew, with Aili we can start again, but we have to go now."

2008-04-26, 11:00 PM

"Yes, we should move" says jirono "But where?"

2008-04-26, 11:12 PM

The petal shook her head, her hair continuing to wave for several seconds afterward.

When you don't know your destination, where seems to matter less than when. I say we go straight away from the forest, rather than following its boundaries. If we find a stream and follow that, it'll mean we won't be lacking for water, and might find more friends along the way too!

2008-04-26, 11:23 PM

In response to Xal, Svartroxi shrugs his shoulders, "From what I have been told, anything not human or humanlike in appearance is considered a monster."

Looking out across the field Svartroxi speaks again, "The small one is correct, where does not matter. I have no intention of going to the human settlement so if you wish to follow me you are all welcome, if not good luck in your venture." With that he turns and starts walking out into the field not in the direction of the human town.

2008-04-27, 03:58 AM

"Crap, we cant split up." says jirono "Seems like svartroxi is leading the way", then he follows, but keeps his eyes open and his ears searching for any sign of trouble.

2008-04-27, 06:15 AM

Xal nods slightly to Jax and answers with a faint smile.

Thank you, Chrysanthemum, it would be great to get my hands on some herbs.

And then she turns and walks alongside Svartroxi and Jirono and thus also Jax.

2008-04-27, 09:33 AM
The six of you wander away from the burned forest, moving in a generally eastern direction for several hours. As you get further away, the taste of ash in the air fades and the smells of nature return. The grass and trees of the area beyond the forest don't look much different, but there is the difference of having never seen these particular trees before.

Between Anagorax and oddly enough, Saedew, you are able to find enough food and water for the day, but you do not find a stream. As you travel, several of you are able to run down a small deer and several rabbits for meat. Xal can find growing a few herbs and plants good for poultices and other medicinal uses.

Assuming you stop an hour after the sun leaves the sky, you've traveled for about seven hours, with only a few hints of other sentient life. It seems the direction you're traveling in is more virgin land than cultivated land.

2008-04-27, 12:56 PM

Through the travels, Jax tends to alternate darting up and forward to check on the landscape ahead, and settling onto the broad back of Jirono or Anagorax. She does her best to help Xal in the gathering of plants, but does nothing to help in the hunt - in fact, she seems a bit unsettled by the process, but says absolutely nothing about it.

As the night approaches, Jax glances at the sun disappearing quickly behind them - it's light replacing the now-dead glow from the burning forest.

Um. Back in the forest, I could use runner plants to help me bring in a hidey-hole, but I haven't seen those kind of vines out here. Any of you know how to weave grass? Or...well, I suppose we could just sleep out here.

Edit: Better info.

2008-04-27, 01:01 PM
But especially Jax.

The forest is completely burned down, and the fire is out.

2008-04-27, 03:46 PM

"My appologise, but I have not listen in sewing lessons. only in combat training." he says, clearly regretting his past actions, combat alone will not lead to survival. "I feel I should also appologise for the hunt, but my kind need to eat meat to survive jest as a plant needs the sun."

2008-04-27, 05:07 PM

The centaur shakes his head, "Do not apologize for what you cannot control, my friend. Predator and prey have an intimate relationship, one that strengthens each of them. As long as you take sparingly, only what you need, and give thanks to the spirit of your prey, you do only what nature commands of you. In taking the slow and weak, we make the herd strong, breeding will increase amongst the strong, and their species will evolve more rapidly. However, that does not mean," the hunter's tone turns somber, "we have to enjoy it. This is what separates us from the savages that live under hewn branches. As for the cord you need, would hair suffice? If it will keep Aili safe, you may have locks from my hair, or if that will not work," Anagorax grimaces, "You may have some from my tail, though I would ask that we find a blade of some sort, first."

How did we eat the meat, anyway? Fire? Raw? Does someone have a knife, or did we just rip it open?

2008-04-27, 05:58 PM
Unless someone has a spell for fire, you'll eat it raw. Jirono has claws, which do quite well in slicing meat.

2008-04-27, 06:56 PM
I don't know if we'd trust a fire after what just happened...


The dryad seems repulsed by what she sees as the murder of innocent animals, but, having lived her life caring for the trees, she knows the meaning of necessity and says nothing.

Saedew shakes her head to Jax's question. "I have never had to change the nature of plants - except sometimes to keep a foe out, and I doubt I have enough control to make a shelter like that."

2008-04-30, 06:16 AM

Xal does participate in the hunt, but as soon as the prey is indeed taken down she turns away with a face full of disgust.

I do not know how to weave grass, Chrysanthemum, but I am sure in due time I can find out what is the best way. That does not help us now though. But I suppose we could sleep out here, we have not seen that many creatures around here anyway.

Then the hag thinks back to the fire and with a sad face she speaks again.

But maybe to be on the safe side we should take turns to stay awake and guard the rest. You know...just to be safe.

2008-04-30, 09:58 AM

Jax snuggles further into Jirono's fur for warmth. She speaks, a bit sleepily.

That sounds smart, Xal. Wake me when it's my turn.

Unless the wolf seems to object, she drifts off to sleep.

2008-04-30, 10:07 AM

"I would not recommend sleeping in my fur" says jirono "We lupic tend to roll around when we sleep." they he lies down, starting to sleep.

2008-05-02, 01:58 AM

The dryad smiles sadly. "Good idea. As Aili is my charge, I shall take first watch." Without another word, she places herself in the centre of the group, spreads her arms and closes her eyes, and becomes - quite literally - a tree.

Aili still twists around her roots, quite dwarfed by the larger oak.

2008-05-02, 07:54 AM
The night passes quietly, without any interruptions as you changed watch shifts.

The next morning, the sun rises and there is dew on the grass around you. The sun shines brightly in the east, and promises a warm day. There are a few puffy, white clouds across the sky, and the smell of ash from the forest is completely gone now.

There is enough meat and other items to feed you all for the day, but water will need to be found again, as none of you have anything to keep water in.

2008-05-02, 08:06 AM

Jax rises from a tufted mound of grass, somewhat the better for a night's rest. She quickly surveys the other five, finding all either sleeping or up and well.

She smiles briefly at the warm sun on her face, then chastises herself for doing so. Who was she to grin like a simpering idiot, with almost all of her friends dead behind them?

Ah well. Even after the world is destroyed, the sun rises the next morning. Jax began to use her magics to clean herself of the last vestiges of ash, and does the same for Xal, and anyone else who she thinks won't mind.

Once the others were up and about, she finally speaks.

Shall we continue on? I'll keep an aerial view - it shouldn't be too hard to spot any streams that we pass near. My throat is still sore from the smoke, and a little creek-water would go a long way to helping.

2008-05-02, 02:38 PM

Shaking his mane of hair with pleasure, the centaur admires his fresh coat, swishing his tail back and forth in excited contentment. "By all means. We should find a glade where we can make a more permanent camp. Security and a measure of privacy are too easily taken for granted, but sorely missed when gone

2008-05-05, 04:43 AM
She nods with a faint smile at Jax as she cleans her. A while Xal just sits there staring forward, but eventually she rises to her feet while grabbing something to eat.

Then I say we go and find a more suited place for us. But Chrysanthemum is right, we have to find water sometime soon.

2008-05-05, 10:10 PM

As the motley band set out again, Jax spent more time in the air, seeking out brooks and ponds that might have clean water for them.

2008-05-06, 06:52 AM
You all continue traveling in a generally eastern direction for another three or so hours. By this time, Saedew can feel the roots of Aili starting to edge into her skin, drawing moisture and nourishment directly from her. It doesn't hurt, just makes Saedew even more thirsty than she already was.

A half hour after this, Jax manages to spot from the air a small lake somewhat to the north and probably another half hour's walk. She can't tell from this distance if there is a stream or river feeding it though, or what might be around it.

2008-05-06, 08:27 AM

Jax darts down to about 10' up to report:

Hey! There's a lake off to the left, and further ahead. Looks good, but I'll go take a closer look. See you there in a few rabbit hops.

Having nothing further to report, she darts back up to about 60' up and zips ahead towards the lake. There, she'll do a quick circuit of the shoreline to see if there are predators there drinking, or perhaps some of the fabled Pink Skinned Dryads.

2008-05-07, 09:30 AM
As you get closer, you see a few buildings huddled around the north edge of the lake, and a small stream running from the north into the lake.

There is a single 'Pink skinned Dryad' at the edge of the water, doing something that you can't see without getting closer.

2008-05-07, 10:11 AM

"I can outrun the treeless if necessary. I vote for capturing it, killing it might lead to trouble, and if it runs to his friends it might mean even more."

2008-05-07, 11:59 AM

Wanting to have something more concrete to report, Jax hides herself away from eyes, and darts down to float about 30' above the exotic creature. After watching for a few seconds, she will beeline back to the group to report.

2008-05-07, 01:37 PM
It is a blond haired, fair skinned creature, whose facial features show nothing but a smile as she plays in the water. The creature is shorter than Saedew by about half, and probably around three times Jax's own height.

2008-05-07, 03:31 PM

Jax zips back to the others, becoming visible only as she gets quite close to them.


She settles on Xal's shoulder to chat.

There's some kind of big boxes over by the edge of the lake, with openings in the sides. I'm sorry, Saedew, but it looks like they're made from dead trees.

There's a straw-haired pink dryad playing in the water. She's about this big.

She flits down to about mid-thigh on Xal, indicating about 3 feet in height.

I think we should go say hello and see if they're friendly. What do you think?

2008-05-08, 12:33 AM

Frowning skeptically, the centaur shrugs. "If you think we wouldn't be putting Aili in danger, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Perhaps they can provide us with an idea of the surrounding countryside."

2008-05-08, 03:01 AM

But Svartroxi said they don't really react that well to me or him or Jirono. Maybe we should stay back here and let you three do the talking. Or if I can get closer and see what she looks like I can look a bit more like her.

Xal nods contently.

2008-05-08, 04:56 AM

As anticipated, the dryad stifles a whimper as Jax describes the houses. Nevertheless she suggests, "We should go closer and speak to it. It couldn't do much harm, and could do a lot of good. And if it is dangerous, the local plants can hold it at bay." She scratches her skin, where her beloved plant begins to dig into her. "Besides, I'm parched. Aili and I need water. So we'll have to go to the lake anyway."

2008-05-08, 07:33 AM

"Whatever happens, it must not run away to his friends. but we should not kill it either."

2008-05-08, 08:52 AM
((So who all is approaching?))

2008-05-08, 09:56 AM

Jax purses her lips.

Maybe, Xal, if you just look a bit more like you're her size, the pink-and-straw dryad won't be as scared of you.

She looks for a moment at Jirono and shrugs.

And, I don't know. I'm not scared of you, Jirono, but if you think she might be, okay.

Well, I definitely want to go say hello. But if you think it might get tricky, I guess I should put on my petal armour.

She utters a few quick syllables, and it does indeed seem, briefly, like she is wrapped in petals. The image fades in an instant, though.

Anyone else need petal armour before we go meet the big scary pink thing?

She holds up a hand, offering.

Casting Mage Armour.

2008-05-08, 03:57 PM

"No tnx" says jirono to the offer, he still does not like magic.
"I'll approach, as the fastest runner and an expert at stunning the opponent Its best I'll have a good line to her, in case she runs away. if she wont-we will talk, but if she runs we must capture her, and I believe I am the best at that."

2008-05-08, 04:01 PM

Her hair waving slowly in the faint breeze, Jax flits down close to Jirono. She looks puzzled, because she is.

Um...why do we have to capture the pink dryad?

2008-05-09, 03:38 AM

"We just don't want it running for other pink-skins, that's all," explains the dryad. "If it does see us as monsters, its pack might try to attack us." She is slightly concerned that Jirono focuses so much on combat tactics, but at the same time, she is very grateful that someone does.

"I'm certainly going to speak to it... but for Aili's sake, yes, I'd better have petal armour."

2008-05-09, 04:30 AM

From here she is not that scary.

Xal mumbles the sentence and then mumbles a few words after that and suddenly her appearance changes. Her skin color changes to pinkish and she looks not like an old hag anymore, but like a young woman. The tattered rags she had are replaced by a long dress of many colors. She is not even eight feet in height anymore, now she is seven feet tall.


She adds with a smile.

Disguise Self

2008-05-09, 09:02 AM

Absorbing new concepts, Jax absentmindedly wraps Saedew in petal armour too.

But...if the others pink dryads find out that we captured this one, won't they be angry? And wouldn't that make us look more like monsters?

Jax shrugged. Trees were smart. If Saedew said that this was the best way, she'd try it.

Xal's transformation delighted the petal.

Xal. You look beautiful, even in pink.

Jax can wait no longer to say hello to the pink dryad, and darts forward.

2008-05-09, 09:16 AM
Jax darts forward, her flight allowing her to go straight over the lake while the others will have to go around the small lake.

As Jax approaches, the small 'pink skinned dryad' looks up, hearing the buzzing of wings. "Oh cute!", a childish voice says loudly, and she stands up from the water, looking at Jax.

2008-05-09, 09:31 AM

Glancing along the shoreline at her approaching companions, Jax is suddenly a bit nervous. After befriending a wounded black bear, why would such a soft and friendly-seeming thing shake her?

Well, at least the thing spoke in a civilized language.

Smiling extra wide, Jax nodded to the pink dryad.

I was just going to say the same thing about you, my dear! And then, because we are both most polite ladies, I would follow it up by saying hello, and introducing myself.

She slowly flitted down to other's eyeline, a few feet away, and extended her tiny hand.

My name is Chrysanthemum, but my friends call me Jax. Who are you?

2008-05-09, 10:08 AM
"I'm Sheela! Nice to meet you!" Sheela follows Jax's glance and sees Xal and Jirono moving down the lake edge. "I'll be back, I gotta tell Momma strangers are coming."

Unless stopped, Sheela will go into one of the buildings.

2008-05-09, 10:57 AM

Okay! Tell her we're just walking past, and wanted to say hello.

Jax follows behind the girl, floating up about 10' off the ground. As they get closer, she is curious to see the insides of the dead-tree boxes.

2008-05-09, 11:20 AM
The dead-tree box is relatively large, and as Jax follows Sheela in, the girl shouts out loud enough for the now coming up others to hear her.

"Mommmm-ma! Strangers are coming. And I made a new friend!"

A woman comes through a hole in an interior wall of the box, startling at Jax. "Oh, hello." She looks to Sheela, shaking her head. "Don't bring strange creatures into the house, dear." 'Momma' shooes at Jax, attempting to get her to leave the house.

2008-05-09, 11:26 AM

Jax is fascinated by the cramped and strange conditions of the interior of the box, but is of course far too polite to enter without an invitation. As soon as the mother speaks of her as a "strange creature", she darts out of the house, several feet away, and waves.

My apologies. I have just met Sheela, and thought that she wanted to introduce us. My name is Jax. This is a very nice box that you have here. Who are you?

2008-05-09, 11:37 AM
The woman startles again, looking at Jax, before sending a bemused glance at Sheela as she steps out of the house. "And here I was just complaining about you bringing toads in."

Sheela grins at her mother, before looking past her mother and points. "Strangers too!" she giggles.

"I'm Mileena..." the woman says, her voice trailing off as she gets her first look at the strangers, her eyes landing on Jirono. "Gods above, a monster!" she whispers, grabbing Sheela and backing up into the box, closing a wall that seals the box from easy entrance.

2008-05-09, 12:00 PM

Following Mileena's gaze, Jax looks back at Jirono and smiles. A temporary setback. Her voice is soft and encouraging.

He's not, really. His fur is very soft, and he's very so brave. He helped us escape the fire.

2008-05-09, 01:42 PM

The centaur looks skeptically at the wolf-man's slight frame and two legs as he boasts of his running prowess. "We won't be taking anyone captive here, as Jax said, it will only harden their impression of us as monsters. We can use our spped to retreat, if necessary. I'm able to carry one or two should flight be our best option." Prevented from saying more by Jax's quick departure, Anagorax follows cautiously, Euripedes at his side. Aware of his companion's fearsome appearance, he stays back, ready to dart forward and hurry Saedew and Aili off to safety.

2008-05-09, 02:12 PM

"Well, that went great. told you we should not have been so trusting. these pink-skins would probably attack us at night. we should have talked to the girl alone." mutters jirono, clearly displeased on how the adult talked to him, then he calls to milleena, hoping that she can hear inside the box "Is there a way for us to prove we have no mean intentions?"

2008-05-10, 05:44 PM
"Back up to the water's edge!" Mileena's voice comes from inside the box. "All of you, stay at the water."

The water's edge is probably sixty or so feet from where the entrance to the box is, but easily enough visible.

2008-05-10, 09:03 PM

The dryad stops in her tracks, disappointed by their less-than-warm welcome. She turns to look at the lake, then shrugs and moves down to the water's edge, where she drinks deeply.

2008-05-11, 11:03 AM

"In the water? It makes no sense." says jirono to his companions in a low voice, hoping for the pink one not the hear. "Its safer in the water then outside of it. fire cant touch us."

(You are aware that 60 ft. is about what the average dude walks in 12 seconds? it would have been very disturbing if we could not see.)

2008-05-11, 12:56 PM
OOC: Yes, I realize that, but more of meant it that there wasn't anything blocking the view between the house and the water's edge, meaning you could see if/when the door opens.

2008-05-11, 10:56 PM

Okay. But we really did just want to meet you, and say hello. I'll just be over here.

She obediently drifts over to about 10' above the surface of the water.

2008-05-12, 08:04 AM

Disappointed at how they are greeted, she slowly moves back to the waters edge and waits there.

2008-05-12, 08:54 AM
Once everyone has moved back, the cover on the box opens slightly, and you see Mileena's face peer out.

Seeing you a decent distance away, she steps out, keeping close to the entrance back into the box.

"But Momma, Jax said his fur was really soft! Please, let me go out there too!" Sheela's voice can be heard.

Mileena closes the box up again, not answering her daughter. "What do you want?" her voice is loud, shouting at you, trying and failing to hide the uneasiness in her voice.

2008-05-12, 09:07 AM

Jax risks floating a bit closer, slowly, and stopping if asked to.

We apologize for startling you, Mileena, especially since Sheela was very polite and nice. My name is Jax, and these are my friends.

Maybe you saw the light of a big fire aways over to the west? Well, that was our home. Now, we're going to look for a new home. We were looking for a place to get some water, and maybe something to carry the water in, if we can. Oh, and some string or twine or something, maybe. And if there's something we can do to say thank you, and sorry for scaring you, I'm sure we'd help, right?

She looks back at her companions for reassurance.

Anagorax is awful strong, and I'm pretty good at getting things down from high branches. Maybe we can help each other?

2008-05-12, 11:47 AM
"Apperantly I am now a rug." mutters jirono in agony.
Then he turns to Mileena saying "Can I PLEASE come out of the water? I really hate getting wet, takes hours to clean my fur after that."

2008-05-12, 12:03 PM
Mileena looks at you all, before turning back to the box. "Sheela, go get some towels!" After a moment, the little girl walks out of the box with an armful of cloth. Mileena takes them from her and motions for her to stay there, before turning and walking closer to you all.

She sets the cloth down about ten feet from you all. "I'm sorry, I just meant to stay at the edge of the water, not in the water. Although, I guess that does mean you listen. I did get closer and you didn't attack, after all." She steps back. "Dry off with these, and then I'll see what I can do to answer your questions, I guess. I did see the fire."

2008-05-12, 12:52 PM

Not wanting to ruin the other's hopes of peaceful encounter Svartroxi keeps his thoughts to himself having heard nothing positive from his brethren about these pink-skinned dryads. Due to the circumstances at hand, Svartroxi was also hopeful that things could work out peacefully, but being wary of his size and stature decided to stay back as the others went forth in an attempt to make contact.

Watching from afar Svartroxi sat keeping low to the ground so as not to betray his presence to anyone looking. Things over by the boxes seemed to be going as he had figured from what he could tell, until it looked like the pink-skinned dryad came out of her box and approached his comrades.

"Well, look at that. I suppose now is as good a time as any to make myself known....I hope this doesn't mess things up."

Svartroxi stands to his full height as begins to make his way to his companions .

2008-05-12, 01:04 PM
With another approaching easily, and that large, Mileena's eyes widen as she looks to the others. "Please, please, please, tell me the one coming up is nice? Please?" She gets fairly skittish, taking small steps backwards, her eyes glued to Svartroxi's form.

2008-05-12, 01:30 PM

Oh, Svartroxi is EXTRA nice. And he's really handy to have around when you get lost in a new part of the forest.

Forest! That's what you could really help us with. Do you know of any forests near here? Aside from the one that way.

She points to the west, a bit sadly.

2008-05-12, 02:33 PM
"My gratitude" says jirono as he takes a towel, making a small bow, his sighting of humanoids led him to believe this is a sign of respect.
Jirono cleans himself up a bit, then when svartroxi comes up he says "Nothing to worry, he jest chose to stay behind as he thought his appearance would be scary. and we have no interest in intimidating these who we wish to be friends with."

Jirono suddenly feels he forgot the lesson he learned too hardly a mere day ago, and he starts to sweep with his eyes for anything in the distance, looking for possible treats. "Constant attention, last time I forgot it cost me everything." he says quietly, speaking more to himself then anyone else.

2008-05-12, 03:26 PM

Tight-lipped, the centaur forces a grimace into a smile. "Yes, I am able to do complete strenuous tasks for you, as well as provide healing, cure disease or bless your crops so they grow faster and yield a larger harvest for a full year, though perhaps you have another task we could accomplish? Was your home, too, threatened by the fire?"

2008-05-15, 09:33 PM
Mileena shakes her head. "No, the fire didn't harm us, beyond putting a layer of ash over things. The wind finally blew it all away." She looks at Jax, rather having her eyes on the small creature than some of her larger friends. "You all don't need to do anything for us, that's alright. North of here four or five days is a town, lots of people there. They probably know where a good forest would be."

She pauses, looking behind her, to find that Sheela has crept out of the house and is now hiding behind her mother. "Momma, can I touch his fur? Jax said it was really soft. Please?"

Mileena sighs at her daughter. "Mr. Jireno? was it? Could she? I don't like to deny her much, since her father died."

2008-05-16, 08:06 AM
"I don't see a reason why not." says jirono "though please don't pull it, that kina hurts."

2008-05-17, 09:26 PM
Sheela steps around her mother, fearlessly approaching the group. She reaches a small hand out and tentatively touches Jirono's fur. She then giggles and looks to Jax. "You were right! It is soft!" She runs her hands through it a few times, before patting Jirono. "Thank you!" She smiles at Jirono.

2008-05-18, 04:37 AM

Jax glances at her companions, soliciting input, and then back to the big pink dryad.

Well, that's a beautiful thing. Now, Mileena, we are very very grateful to you, and to your daughter. I'm a bit confused about this tawn thing, though. What does such a thing look like? And doesn't it mind having so many, ah, things in i at once.

And, erm, is there any chance of getting some twine?

2008-05-21, 07:41 AM
I'm trying to let others make some sort of posts, which is why I'm slow to update this guys. Anyone besides Toli want to take initiative?

Mileena tilts her head at Jax. "Umm, towns have a whole bunch of buildings. Bigger than my house." She waves her hand at the box of dead wood behind her. "They're made of stone or wood. I don't know how they'll react to you all." She picks Sheela up, hugging her daughter. "Probably not well, though."

2008-05-21, 09:57 AM
((not really, nope. got nothing to add at this point.))

2008-05-21, 12:44 PM

"We appreciate your help, now, unless there is any way we can assist you we should probably be off," the centaur inclines his head and shoulders in a quick bow, then looks to the others for their assent.

Kinda unsure of what else needs being done here. Ready to get goin' unless a plot hook crops up.

2008-05-21, 12:46 PM
Mileena shakes her head. "Unless you're going to go to town and shop for me, I don't think so."

2008-05-21, 02:12 PM
So that was a "no" on the twine? It's really the only material she needs for her spell set.

2008-05-21, 02:24 PM
Sorry, missed that request.

Sheela smiles at Jax. "I can get you some twine, Jax!" The little girl runs back into the house.

With Sheela now away from the group, Mileena looks to them. "I would ask that you do leave today, I have water pouches if you need them. My girl has an active enough imagination, and I know you all will be all she talks about for days to come."

2008-05-21, 03:14 PM

Jax smiles hugely as the girl runs inside. Her enthusiasm reminded Chrysanthemum of her fellow petals. Soon it would be the time that they'd be helping the flowers prepare to...

No. It would never be that time again.

I - all right, Mileena. Well, thank you. A few pouches of water would be very helpful, thank you.

2008-05-22, 03:16 PM

"Actually the waterskins will do fine, we can come by our own water easily enough. I'd hate to see you go through trouble to help us with such an easy task." Stepping forward, Anagorax will accept the skins, slinging them across his back like saddlebags.

2008-05-22, 03:30 PM
Mileena somewhat smiles at Anagorax. "You're welcome." she says.

About this time, Sheela comes running out of the house at full tilt. "Jaaaaxx! I've got some twiiiine!!" Indeed, in the girl's hands trails a probably four or five feet worth of twine, a bright blue color. The little girl stops and grins. "It's some of my favorite color too! Is this enough? Will you come back and play with me, Jax?"

2008-05-22, 04:28 PM

The pixie spirals down to come to rest on Sheela's hand. Her face becomes unusually sombre.

Sheela, I'd like to play with you, very much, but I can't. It's very important that my friends keep walking, and they'd be just lost without me.

But I want to thank you very much for your kindness, and I will never forget that the first Pink I ever met was such a brave and polite young lady.

She pauses, and reaches up to pluck a few hairs from her actively waving mop. She places them in Sheela's palm, and gently lifts the blue twine.

I thank you very much for this beautiful, beautiful twine. It's my favourite colour too.

Rising up, Jax calls back.

Now you keep that hair, and remember as you get older, that even if you stop believing in faerie, there's one that is going to keep believing in you.

Smiling owlishly at Xal and the others, Jax drifts up and away from the house, before she becomes foolishly emotional.

2008-05-22, 04:35 PM
Sheela looks down at the hairs in her hand, before nodding. "Okay." She says to the floating away Jax. "I'll always remember you, Jax."

2008-05-23, 05:14 AM

Waving farewell, the centaur shepherds their motley group after Jax. "Well that was painless enough," the centaur intones, matching pace with Svartroxi, "though the mother's reaction is telling. I wonder how a tribe of those creatures will react to us." Anagorax looks over to Saedew, a resolve stiffening his posture. "Lets just hope this grove isn't too far off."

2008-05-23, 11:52 AM
Jirono says only one thing as they get out of hear-distance, directed at jax. "Showoff."