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2008-04-22, 02:51 PM
Our band just got our first demo CDs in the mail last week :D We recorded it this January but we had troubles with the cover and pictures for the booklet etc...
We had a gig this saturday, got to do two encores and play 10 minutes into another bands set and sold over 20 demos after the show. Music is awesome :D

2008-04-22, 03:08 PM
I've got a band, sort of. Our name is Ruckus & Fray (I've posted about this band before). We play a pretty eclectic mix of music, but if I would call us a folk-rock band if I had to pick a single genre. Everyone's too busy at the moment to do much in the way of performing, but we did record an entirely self-produced album and have played a bit around and about in the past. Maybe in the next couple of months schedules will calm down and we can try for more shows.

Here are some links to a few songs:
Ruckus & Fray on MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/ruckusfray)
Ruckus & Fray on PureVolume (http://www.purevolume.com/ruckusfray)

2008-04-22, 04:12 PM
I'm in two bands at the moment but I havn't gigged for a very long time now. One of my bads is like a pop-punk/hardcore with a bit of funk thrown in. The other one just does covers of like alternative rock and funk and blues and stuff.

2008-04-23, 04:52 AM
Australian Army Band Tasmania.

At least, I used to be, and will be again next year (got me a discharge for a year-strongly recomended for re-enlistment though).

That and I'm looking to start a jazz quartet or quintet when I get back home.

2008-04-23, 04:56 AM
I have a solo project, but I have at least six other musicians contributing to it currently. It's a combination of twee pop, post rock, and northwest sound.

2008-04-23, 06:05 AM
Not me personally, but a couple of classmates have one. They're pretty casual with it and only do shows in the local area, so it barely counts anyway.

Plus it's screamo music. Gross. :smallyuk:

2008-04-23, 06:29 AM
I'm in an a cappella group--sort of. It took a one-year hiatus because three of its nine members went abroad, but it'll be restarting this summer.

2008-04-23, 01:30 PM
I sort of have one, I'm still in need of a good metal drummer though. And in a city Like I live in I have a feeling it will be hard to find one.

2008-04-23, 04:20 PM
Rock Band counts, right?

Although we have had some drama so may not be able to play publicly for a while. The guitarist had this huge fight with our drummer, and just as that was sorted out, our vocalist decided to pursue a solo career on SingStar. :smallfrown:

2008-04-23, 04:31 PM
I"m to be starting a 3-man band soon enough I've jammed with them befor but were actually gunna start playing now. Anyway We're going to playing a sort of Alternative rock. But, I can't myself ever actually getting any gigs, because I'm not nearly good enough.

2008-04-23, 05:02 PM
I used to have a band called Raskolnikov Axe, but it turns out that all of us were tonedeaf.

Well, at least the lyrics were pretty good (in my not-so-humble opinion). Although we split the lyrics-writing duty, which ended up being a nightmare, because we had completely different lives, angst sources, and musical influences. If we ever cut a record it would have been the first inanimate object diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. All of my songs were like "War in Chechnya gave me PTSD/And I starved on the Soviet streets/Well, not "Soviet" streets exactly/I mean, I'm only in my teens" whereas all of his songs went "I really want to bed/indie girls who wear thick glasses/I wonder if I can seduce them/By referencing The Decemberists."

I think I might still have mp3s of two of our covers. I wanted to cover this war song in Russian that started out like "Boys died terribly/Boys died simply/And not all of them were beautiful on the outside/And not all of them were tall" and grew exponentially more depressing as the song went on, and he wanted to do something perky by The Dave Matthews Band. :smallsigh: Totally hopeless, the both of us.

The Extinguisher
2008-04-23, 05:20 PM
So, I'm kind of in a band. We're called Kids in the Other Room and we're a post-rock band, but so far there's only myself possibly on guitar or vocals and a friend on the internet, and I don't know what instrument he plays. And we also have an offical roadie slash cowbell player.

Our first album will be called "The Hourglass Slowly Fills Itself with the Sand of the Dead Sea" and it will awesome.

2008-04-23, 05:28 PM
Heh, quite a few post rock fellows on here. I'm part of a mainly acoustic post rock/pseudo contemp. classical project myself, called "Untitled". Do some solo stuff but mostly just for school and playing with my home recording system. Also have a weird duo thing going on in which we're composing/playing/recording the soundtrack for a film short. That one's called "When We Were Kids" or sometimes "The Omelette Dreamers" depending on when you ask us. XD

@ rubakhin: lol, i wanna meet your friend XD

2008-04-23, 08:04 PM
Well I'm in a ska-punk band, though my I prefer more emphasis on the ska sound.

I normally have to ask this in real life; Does anyone actually know ska?

Myspace of my band (you can download a song or three I think!);

2008-04-23, 08:19 PM
I'm in a comedy duo, Cactus Inc. We've done a few shows around school, but we don't really spend as much time on the music as we do the comedy. The unfortunate thing is that we couldn't possibly expand as we are two white male New Zealanders who write funny songs, and apparently there isn't room in the world for two of those groups. Fizzbitch.

2008-04-23, 08:47 PM
Well I'm in a ska-punk band, though my I prefer more emphasis on the ska sound.

I normally have to ask this in real life; Does anyone actually know ska?

Myspace of my band (you can download a song or three I think!);

I do. It's ridiculously popular here among certain circles, although I don't like it much. Just rubs me the wrong way I suppose...

Metal Head
2008-04-23, 08:54 PM
I'm in a band. We're too lazy to actually figure out a name for ourselves. I'm the lead guitarist. We mostly do heavy metal.

2008-04-23, 09:58 PM
I'm kinda sorta in a band. Me and a couple friends have been trying to put one together since summer, but since we all do multiple extra-curriculars already, its hard to find time. Also were still looking for a guitarist... Originally we were called "For Right or Wrong", but i dont know if were keeping that.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-23, 10:34 PM
There's a band on my campus whose music consists of 3 chords and drums, with a guy whining generic lyrics about his girlfriend. SO boring, SO generic. And when they play, they play RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW BECAUSE I LIVE ON BALL CIRCLE! :smallannoyed:

As for myself, I have a band on guitar hero called Rotating Fixator. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-24, 05:41 AM
I do. It's ridiculously popular here among certain circles, although I don't like it much. Just rubs me the wrong way I suppose...

Blimey where do you live? I need to move there!

2008-04-24, 06:08 AM
No band, but play the piano. So if I use the computer and a synth then I can, in a way, be the band. Hardly professional grade, but I enjoy it.

2008-04-24, 06:29 AM
I like to think of myself as musically challenged... have never been able to get my head around music or languages (other than english or course), and my hand-eye co-ordination leaves something to be desired.
I LOVE music though, and surround myself with it and musicians.

My little brother's been in several bands. At the moment he's a one-man band, playing drums, bass, guitar, keyboard and vocals (which makes live shows impossible at the moment).
Maybe it's just because he's my baby brother, but i really, really love what he does.

this is his myspace if anyone want to check him out http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=363814743

2008-04-24, 06:39 AM
Aww, that's sweet, Agamid.

I'm not in any band, and I don't even play an instrument anymore. I really need to find time to pick up and practice again...

...this summer. I'll do it this summer! >.>

2008-04-24, 06:42 AM
I'm in Metal Heads band. I do the singing. You would not believe how much strain Judas Priest songs put on my throat.

2008-04-24, 07:26 AM
Will you be my Turbo Lover? :D

2008-04-24, 07:42 AM
Please...anything but that :smalleek:

I'm da Rogue!
2008-04-24, 08:14 AM
I'm in Metal Heads band. I do the singing. You would not believe how much strain Judas Priest songs put on my throat.

You-you can sing Judas Priest songs? I mean, properly?
If you can do that, then you got a kick-ass voice, sir.

I was in a band, but am too lazy to keep up.
I mean, very lazy.

2008-04-24, 08:25 AM
No... but I used to go out with Swino from Woven Fear (http://www.wovenfear.com/framed.htm)... >.>

I'm da Rogue!
2008-04-24, 08:31 AM
I went out with Duncan Patterson from Anathema. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-24, 08:35 AM
You-you can sing Judas Priest songs? I mean, properly?
If you can do that, then you got a kick-ass voice, sir.

I can in fact sing Judas Priest. While I'm obviously no Rob Halford, I do have a good singing voice/ Judas Priest puts an incredible amount of strain on my throat because of all the different pitches that have to be done. So I generally go with Iron Maiden. Honestly, the worst part of singing Priest songs is that sometimes you have to say a ton of words really fast while singing them well. Screaming for Vengeance is a perfect example of this.

2008-04-24, 08:36 AM
I play in a hardcore band called Stand to Reason, we are recording our 2nd full length right now, though we have run into some issues and stuff and everything is on hiatus. Check it out: www.myspace.com/dimensionx

Metal Head
2008-04-24, 08:43 AM
I can in fact sing Judas Priest. While I'm obviously no Rob Halford, I do have a good singing voice/ Judas Priest puts an incredible amount of strain on my throat because of all the different pitches that have to be done. So I generally go with Iron Maiden. Honestly, the worst part of singing Priest songs is that sometimes you have to say a ton of words really fast while singing them well. Screaming for Vengeance is a perfect example of this.

At least you don't have to play the guitar for Judas Priest. Do you know how long it took me to learn the solo from painkiller?

2008-04-24, 08:52 AM
You still don't know it. You keep screwing up the ending.

2008-04-24, 02:04 PM
I sort of have one, I'm still in need of a good metal drummer though. And in a city Like I live in I have a feeling it will be hard to find one.

Have the same problem. It's so frustrating.

Rubakhin: what kind of genre?
I'm asking because I have a plan on covering some songs by Vysostkij and maybe write some songs myself to, and record them (with programmed drums, and some orchestral arrangements programmed to). Maybe you could contribute (simply record wherever you are, and send to me on email) if you have access to recording equipment and cubase / protools or other recording software.

I used to play in a band called "Paladins Of Truth". It was to be the heaviest powermetalband ever (you need to be heavy with a name like that) but we managed only to record one song (you can hear in on my myspace) and then the studio closed down. The band was allready falling appart, but some of the songs I have carried to my current project (which I sorely need musicians for) at present called Dreamslain. The music is more progressive / melodic death metal now.
I'm also involved in a AOR project where I play lead guitar. Hopefully we'll be recording this summer, and I'll post some songs somewhere then.
At present I'm planing to record and program a blues and heavyrock project with songs about myself and my lifetroubles. I need suggestions for a name.
Lyrics on one of my songs for an idea what it's about:

Sitting all alone, with my blue guitar
Sitting all alone, playing my blue guitar
I'm asking why I'm here: but no ansver I can find.

Went downtown to ease my worries, drown them in some cheap vine
Went downtown to spend my money, met some girls and bought them vine
But we've got nothing to talk 'bout -they don't care about my mind.

I said "I want to change the world: there's to much suffering going on!"
They looked at each other and said:
"we like to go shoping"
So how can I find myself a girl that will make at ease my mind?


Sitting all alone, with my blue guitar
Sitting all alone, playing my blue guitar
No body to hold my hand, no! Nobody to make at ease my mind

Now, the song sounds a bit emo, but a lot of it is about the performance as well. Imagine it played citybues-vice, with heavy guitar and lots of fill ins, like Gary Moore plays.

2008-04-24, 03:47 PM
At least you don't have to play the guitar for Judas Priest. Do you know how long it took me to learn the solo from painkiller?

hehe that solo is pure wankery imho! I like maidens (adrians and dave at least... lets not talk about janick) solos better. ^^

2008-04-24, 04:08 PM
Rubakhin: what kind of genre?
I'm asking because I have a plan on covering some songs by Vysostkij and maybe write some songs myself to, and record them (with programmed drums, and some orchestral arrangements programmed to). Maybe you could contribute (simply record wherever you are, and send to me on email) if you have access to recording equipment and cubase / protools or other recording software.

Vysotskij! No kidding? Which songs? I love all of that bard stuff.

I'd record something, but, well, I can't sing, and I don't play any instruments. (Therein lay the problem with my band.) At some point in time I played saxophone quite well, but I haven't so much as thought about it in years. I don't think I could even read sheet music anymore.

2008-04-24, 05:30 PM
Vysotskij! No kidding? Which songs? I love all of that bard stuff.

I'd record something, but, well, I can't sing, and I don't play any instruments. (Therein lay the problem with my band.) At some point in time I played saxophone quite well, but I haven't so much as thought about it in years. I don't think I could even read sheet music anymore.

Well if you can play saxophone no matter how badly, then it sounds like ska might be for you! theres some awesome ska metal bands kicking round.

2008-04-25, 08:11 AM
ska metal?
That's like an all african :roy: viking metal band

2008-04-25, 09:41 AM
Haha, how do you mean? It really works, I PROMISE!
Let me try and find some links....

http://www.myspace.com/onceover - Awesome. All you ever need for ska metal.

Actually I can't think of any more off the top of my head... I'll think of some more I'm sure!

2008-04-25, 10:09 AM
I'd have to agree with Narmoth. Ska metal just sounds absolutely messed up.

2008-04-25, 10:38 AM
But in a good way right? Go on, theres a part of you that likes it!

Don Julio Anejo
2008-04-25, 03:34 PM
A friend of mine is a Trance DJ (he makes his own remixes and stuff too). I'm trying to get him to teach me how to do techno beats (I want to make techno/trance remixes of songs). So far he makes up excuses :angry:

2008-04-25, 05:30 PM
But in a good way right? Go on, theres a part of you that likes it!

No. I would rather say that Judas Priest sucks.

2008-04-25, 05:34 PM

Just because one can play ska metal, doesn't mean one should.

2008-04-25, 05:37 PM
Well I'm in a ska-punk band, though my I prefer more emphasis on the ska sound.

I normally have to ask this in real life; Does anyone actually know ska?

Myspace of my band (you can download a song or three I think!);

:smallbiggrin: I'm a huge ska fan, it's pretty much one of the three total music genres I like. I know both Vaynor and Catch on here are fans as well. I'll check out your band when I got on a computer where myspace isn't blocked. And what instrument do you play?

2008-04-26, 04:28 AM
:smallbiggrin: I'm a huge ska fan, it's pretty much one of the three total music genres I like. I know both Vaynor and Catch on here are fans as well. I'll check out your band when I got on a computer where myspace isn't blocked. And what instrument do you play?

Awesome thanks! I play bass with the band but I can play guitar too! Its always nice to find ska fans, like needles in haystacks!

2008-05-01, 08:36 PM
Who found a drummer? ZER FOUND A DRUMMER! woot! break out the cheap booze, and party mixes! :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

Darth Mario
2008-05-01, 10:31 PM
A few of my friends have been trying to get a band together, but we play weird instruments.

I play keyboards, and we have a drummer. That's where the normal stops. Electric Harp, Electric Cello FTW!