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2008-04-22, 10:11 PM
A couple of days ago, each of you received a message while you slept: "Your help is needed. Please come to the town square of Terrelton in two days' time; the need, and our gratitude, is great." Something made you listen, be it the plea, the 'gratitude', or the seal of the Lord of Brindol at the bottom. Two days' hard travel later...

It's a sweltering day in Terrelton; the heat of late summer, combined with the smell of the town's tanneries, is enough to keep the faint of heart indoors, where there's at least some shade. A crowd of a few dozen people, seemingly from all walks of life, has gathered at the town's central square; a few of them are in conversation, but for the most part, they're looking around at each other.

A woman in chainmail steps out from the nearby town hall, and approaches a raised platform in the center of the square. Her short blond hair is stirred by a welcome but all-too-brief breeze as she turns to face the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming. As you've probably heard, there have been steadily increasing rumors of more, and more aggressive, hobgoblin attacks in the western half of the Vale for several months." Most of the crowd nods. "What you may not have heard is that six days ago, they started attacking every caravan entering the valley along the Dwarfroad. At least three merchants, one who was traveling with nearly two dozen guards, have been ambushed and slain." The crowd falls silent; clearly, most of them didn't know this. "Captain Soranna of Drellin's Ferry would ask you all to help find the marauders' base and deal with them. The local militia is barely able to protect the townsfolk as it is. She has promised the gratitude of the town, as well as a substantial purse, to anyone who can put a stop to these attacks. If you are willing to help, please, come speak to me in the hall and I'll tell you what more I know - which isn't much." With that, she bows to the crowd, and then steps down from the platform and heads back over to the building she came from. The crowd seems to look at each other, noone wanting to be the first to move.

2008-04-22, 11:09 PM
After awakening from the fitful bout of sleep in which he had recieved the message, Galadren spent the rest of the night wide awake. Could it have just been a dream? Or was it real? Bah, it didn't really matter, it wasn't like he was in the midst of important heroics at the moment so Galadren put getting to Terrelton in two days' time at the top of his to-do list.

Sure enough, the dream proved to be real, and Galadren could feel the anticipation building in the air around the town square as people began to gather. Some, judging by their garb and weapons, were definately adventurers, although Galadren did not recognize any of their faces. Not that he knew many bonafide heroes besides himself, anyway, so not recognizing anyone was hardly shocking. But it was oddly comforting to know that there were other adventurers here. That meant the dream was probably important.

A few minutes later, and all of Galadren's desires were confirmed as the woman steps onto the small platform in the center of the square. She talked of brigands, goblinoid brigands, like the ones Galadren had put down in defense of his home, and thanks to some trainning from his older brother and other members of the Forest Watch, had learned how to put down even better since then. Here was once again the chance to do something important, and be recognized for it: to be a hero.

As the woman stepped down to return to the coolness of the interior of a building, Galadren actually risked a small smile as he looked around at the assembled crowd. Surely, there would be a great rush towards the militia barracks, to be the first to participate in this historic undertaking? But no, no one moves but instead mills uncertainly about, like frightened sheep. Galadren's smile quickly fades as he realizes that instead of being energized by the news like he was, a great many of the assembled crowd were afraid.

This would not do.

In situations like these, people often needed a hero to rally behind. And as the only real hero that Galadren knew here, it was his duty to be the one everyone else would rally behind. Smiling again at the thought of leading the whole crowd down to the militia barracks, Galadren pushed his way through the crowd, hopping up onto the small platform where the woman had been standing a moment before.

"Attention! Attention my good fellows!" The scrawny elf calls out, waves his hands up into the air and jumping up and down several times so that even those in the back would definately see him and take notice.

"My name is Galadren "Swiftbow" Tatharanc, Hero of Ashdale! And I have come up here to tell you that it will be an honor to save you all! Yes, an honor to save you all, because clearly none of you can do it for yourselves! Unlike me, you're all too scared to see the good fortune in this news! Didn't you hear what the lady said!? We could all be heroes! All we have to do is have the strength, and the courage, to go down to that militia barracks and talk to this Captain Serrina! And then we go, find this brigand scum, and kill them! Now how hard can that be?"

Although perhaps a few in the crowd may be enjoying his caustic speech, Galadren could hear more than a few angry shouts and catcalls from the back, and he could tell that it was time to go. Much longer and he could very well have an angry mob on his hands, which although meant he could indeed probably lead them all down to the militia barracks after him, it would probably not be appreciated by this Captain Saron.

"I swear you to right now by the hairs on my head that this bow slung across my back has claimed many a brigand's life, and if these hobgoblin brigands choose not to surrender, then they too shall be added to the tally! So I'm not afraid of some brigand scum, and neither should you! Now, I'm going down to the militia barracks, and any of you with any strength of character should come too! It would be an honor to save you, but it would be a privilege to fight beside you, and live on forever in the stories of legend! Good-bye for now, and may our next meeting be joyous!"

Tossing a quick salute to the crowd, Galadren hops off of the platform on the side with the fewest people, quickly making his way towards the militia barracks and not stopping to look back.

2008-04-22, 11:44 PM

Garret made an easy journey to the town on the back of his trusty steed. He listened to the speach that confirmed his suspicions on why they were called here in the first place. He had already helped many of the homes neighboring his forest fend off similar raids by these goblins and had first hand experience in there ruthlessness and cunning.

After the woman finished her speech, Garret began to head towards the hall that she indicated, but stops when he notices someone else climbing the podium. After the first few sentences Garret realized that this was a man who was interested in hearing his own voice and not someone who was giving out needed information. Garret stopped by a stable before he headed into the hall and made sure that Magnum was well taken care of, not many stable were used to catering to the needs of dogs. After taking care of his companions needs he heads into the hall to see where the whole web might lead.

2008-04-23, 12:04 AM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

Laurel awoke in a start from the dream. She quickly turned on the lamp and scanned the room. Must have been a dream. But was it really from the Lord of Brindol? Must’a been – so it wasn’t a dream. She shook her head. I’ll have to find out for sure. This could be a chance for redemption. Terrelton in the morning then. Laurel drifted back to sleep for the rest of the night.

She arrived in the city a day early, so she spent the time to repair her equipment to make sure it was in the best condition – just in case. The next morning, she made her way to the town square. The dream turned out to in fact be real as the square was crowded with people looking like adventurers.

When the woman went to the stage and started to speak, Laurel knew she was in the place. Finally a chance to get back at those damned bleedin’ goblins. As the woman finished her speech, she watched as the crowd went silent until an elf saw fit to jump on stage. She moved to towards the front of the stage and her eyes widened as the elf began to speak. The scrawny elf’s goinna get himself killed.

When he finally finished he unappreciated diatribe and left the stage, Laurel hopped up on the stage and quickly followed in his direction. She caught up to him and placed her hand on the elves shoulder “You got quite the little fire in ya, I give you that, but how’s about we pick up the pace and get into that barracks before I’m taking you to the temple instead, hm?”

2008-04-23, 06:50 AM
Galadren and Laurel

As you walk past the crowd, you overhear a couple of things along the lines of "Who was that crazy elf?" and "That guy seriously thinks he's a hero?", but you also see one or two faces look like they might be taking your words seriously...maybe.


As you enter the hall, you notice that it's a little bit cooler than outside - but only a little. You also notice that you're apparently alone; the hundred or so chairs in the main area are all empty, and the chairs at table at the front of the room is too - though there are several papers scattered about its surface. From a back room, you hear a voice call out "I'll be out in a moment." It's the voice of the woman who addressed the crowd.

2008-04-23, 07:30 AM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Hopping down from the platform, Galadren starts making his way through the crowd. When someone's hand descends upon his shoulder, he represses the urge to start screaming for help like a little girl. Instead he shrugs off the hand and half-turns, raising his hands in a defensive gesture. The urge to start screaming like a little girl returned when he saw who had grabbed his shoulder: a human woman a head taller than he was and with muscles that made his look like a child's. She was also clearly one of the adventurers, and Galadren mentally prepared himself for a humilitating beating by a woman.

But then she started speaking to him quietly, and Galadren noticed that instead of anger, her face seemed to be one of concern. Relaxing only just a little, as that humilitating beating could still only be one wrong word away, Galadren nodded.

"Truer words have not been spoken, milady. I take it I can count on your strong arms in the coming adventure?"

Hmmm, I think that came out wrong. Maybe I should just keep walking and my mouth shut instead of probing this woman's intentions. She might decide to show me how strong she really is, and that would be bad.

Not waiting for an answer, Galadren turns back away from the lady and starts hustling towards the militia barracks. He had an appointment with destiny to keep, and a severe beating, from angry crowds or insulted adventurer women, to avoid.

2008-04-23, 09:56 AM
West, Human Fighter/Rogue

West awoke two days ago with a hangover and a crazy urge to go to Terrelton. He had never been much of a drinker, but his old captain Thorn had a birthday and 50 years was quite an accomplishment for an adventurer. Plus Thorn had bought the drinks... so many that when West woke the next morning, he couldn't even remember the name of little town they all had ended up in. He just knew he needed to head east.


West arrives late, just in time to see the woman in chainmail step off the platform and the elf get up. He chuckles at the Swiftbow's speech, the elf looked scrawny but there was some real steel there too. This could be fun. Slipping into the crowd, West follows Swiftbow and the woods woman who joins him. He steps through the door of the building just moments after the two.

"My name is West, I am here to fight for the hero of Ashdale." There's a twinkle in West's eye as he introduces himself to Swiftbow, "You must be Sir Swiftbow. I have to confess to you sir, if I am to be your companion, that I once had a fling with Ms. Ashdale too. A fine lass that one, but a real handful too, she kept screaming 'My hero! My hero!' all the time... I thought for sure her husband would wake up. Of course at the time I thought she was talking about me, but now I know the truth. I am honored to meet my better." He thrusts his hand out in greeting.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-23, 02:53 PM
Sithi - Grey Elf Beguiler

In attendance is an elven woman, notable for her long white hair--she has neither wrinkles, nor the dimples of elven youths, making her age nearly impossible to determine. She wears smoke-grey traveler's leathers of the highest quality, subtle silver jewelery accented with some sort of green stone, and a long knife at each hip; she's leaning on a smooth wooden staff, and continues to put her weight on it very slightly as she walks.

If that kid gets sent off, I just hope he doesn't get himself killed. Awfully eager given the proposition. She herself wouldn't be here if not for a message from the Lord of Brindol. Someone, at least, has heard of her.

She heads off to the hall, her staff tapping against the floor, to meet with the chainmailled woman.

2008-04-23, 03:23 PM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Entering into the building, Galadren hears someone enter immediately after him and his would-be rescuer/pummeler. Thinking it might be an overly-incited member of the crowd, Galadren turns with a worried frown but quickly brightens again when he sees its another adventurer-type. This one, a human man, quickly introduces himself as West, and unexpectedly lavishes praise upon him. Most of it is of the backhanded variety, of course, and the comment about Mrs. Ashdale confirms West's mockery.

For a moment Galadren is insulted, but before he can grow angry he brightens again. Here, at last, was someone who was fun, and would hopefully balance out the apparent seriousness of the Female Mauler [Laurel].

Struggling to keep his face straight, Galadren puts his hand in West's offered one, giving the man a good shake but not trying the old-fashioned trick of squeezing his hand, as that was a contest he would surely lose. Instead, he prepared to continue the battle of wits.

"You wouldn't believe how often I've heard that - trust me, there's no shame in it. Many know me beyond Ashdale - from North to South, and from East to . . ." Here Galadren pauses slightly to burst from his neutral expression into a mischieveous grin. "West."

Extracting his hand from the human's, Galadren nods at the seating in the room and the Female Mauler [Laurel]. "But while I would be happy to teach you some of the finer point of Life, business before pleasure they say. I expect some would strongly prefer to get started on this heroic venture right away." Here Galadren tips his head several times in the direction of the Female Mauler [Laurel], hoping West gets it before she came back over to pound some seriousness into them both. "So why don't we go find someplace comfy here to sit so we can get on with it already."

2008-04-23, 03:54 PM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

As Laurel entered the building, she walks over and plops down on a chair in the front row. She doesn’t take much notice in the two behind her. Eventually she raised her voice to speak aloud without turning around, “Name’s Laurel Evenwood, by the way.”

2008-04-23, 04:14 PM

West's face splits into a broad smile and he shakes the elf's hand vigorously. It wasn't a new joke... in fact by West's standards the play on his name was an ancient one, but the fact that Swiftbow responded with a joke says a lot about him, at least to West any ways.

Still smiling, he turns away to walk up to the front row, finding a portion of the wall to lean against.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am." He replies to Laurel's introduction.

[OOC: Pasting West's description from his sheet below]

A dark-haired lean man of above average height, West looks the scrawny kid that spent years packing on muscle. Short hair and a black beard cropped short, West favors dark clothing to match his complexion, while also helping him slip easily in and out of shadows.

Hefty Lefty
2008-04-23, 08:13 PM
Katenka, Human Cleric

As she tosses and turns in her sleep, a young human woman hears the voice of her most praised diety calling her. I must go to Terrelton, she thinks, clearly Fharlanghn has a mission for me. As the sun rises, so does she. She dons her robes, and her armor, before setting out. Can't ever be too careful.
As she travels down the road she sees a large crowd assembling before a stage. She reaches the back of the crowd just as a woman begins speaking to the crowd. Sure enough, the woman speaks of needing not only heroes, but protectors of the roads. The aforementioned girl tries to make her way to the front of the crowd, but the mass refuses to budge. Her quiet "Excuse me," and "Pardon" stand no chance of being heard over the cursing and critiquing some other speaker she couldn't hear. She finds a side route around the path, however, and enters the hall the first speaker directed volunteers into.
She held her shining helmet in her arm at her waist as she approached the crowd, already making acquaintances with each other. Her golden blond hair rests just above her shoulders as she makes her way to the chairs set up for the brave few. She sits down next to another human woman like herself.
"Is this where the adventurers are to gather?" She barely stammers out her question. It wasn't really a question; she knew full well this was the correct place, she was just too shy to think of any better way to introduce herself. Her faith in humanity has seemingly been lost ever since the dwarven attack. I pray these people are more welcoming...

2008-04-23, 09:14 PM

Never one to feel comfortable in the confined spaces that man made building had to offer Garret made his way to stand off to the side of the room. When a human female plopped down on a chair in his vicinity he just assumed she was talking to him. "The names Garret, ma'am. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He meets her eyes for a moment but then shifts his gaze. Too many years alone in the woods had left him a little uncomfortable with social situations.

2008-04-23, 09:16 PM

"Well, ma'am, this is where we five are at least.", West says from his perch by the wall. He smiles and steps forward, bowing a greeting to both her and the halfling, "We each just got here too, and I think we're waiting for someone to tell us what we're needed for."

Pointing to himself and then the others he gives introductions, "I'm West, the competent lady by your side is Laurel Evenwood, and the elven hero is Sir Swiftbow... though he might have a few spare names he prefers. There was a speech you see, with lots of words, some big, some small, some rather long, and I'm almost positive some of those words were names."

2008-04-23, 10:25 PM
While you wait, the door opens twice more; the first time, a very attractive elven woman, wearing a loose brown dress, enters. She sits quietly in one of the back corners of the room. The second time, a pair of seemingly drunk young human men enter; their armor clangs loudly as one of them stumbles into the other. The two of them could practically be the same person; they both have short-cut brown hair, matching suits of scale mail, matching swords at their belts, and matching shields on their backs. Before taking seats at the front of the room, one of them looks around and says, "The rest of ya could probabably just go head back home now....me 'n' Theolen here can take care of whichev- whatever this problem is."

After a couple of minutes, during which the sounds of rustling paper can be heard, the woman enters the main hall from a door at the back. She is carrying a single, fairly large scroll, as well as a small bag that clinks as she walks. She places these items down on the table and looks quickly around the room. When her eyes fall on the two armored men, she says coldly, "Leave. Now. This is far too serious for you two to be involved in." The two of them stay put, but her glare eventually penetrates their calm and they get up and head for the door.

Once they leave, she takes a bit of a longer look around, making eye contact with each of you in turn.

"Hmm...most of you I think I can name...but for those of you who don't know me, I am Leille Andoven, of the town council here. Thank you, again, for coming; Captain Soranna is a friend of mine, and she is badly in need of help." She lays the scroll out on the table; it's a large, and old, map of the valley. She waves you all to come up and gather around the table.

The Map:

"As you know, Drellin's Ferry is the only way for traders to enter this valley from the west; the Elsir River can't be forded for more than a week's travel in either direction. In the last week, there have been at least three caravans that have been attacked along here", she says, indicating the section of the Dwarfroad that runs through the forest along the western edge of the map. "The survivors who escaped reported that the attackers were hobgoblins, but well-armed and well-coordinated; one moment, nothing, and the next chaos on all sides. There are also two other traders who are past due, but noone's heard anything from or about them; we're afraid the worst may be happening. There have also been several raids on farms on the west bank of the Elsir; the local militia will be trying to convince the farmers to come stay in the town as we speak. Captain Soranna would like you to head into the Witchwood and try to put a stop to the attacks. From the sound of things, it won't be easy." She pauses, and looks at each of you in turn again. "Will you help? If you've got any questions, I'll answer as best I can, but we don't have a whole lot of information."

2008-04-23, 10:58 PM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

Without taking long to think on the woman’s words, Laurel spoke up. “So, we’ve heavily armed hobgoblins, which are more than likely being lead by someone far more intelligent than your average ugly, killin’ innocents and stealin’ their goods, eh? And we’ve gotta go in, save any prisoners, locate the caravan’s goods and slice up those uglies. Sound like a find plan to me. I’ve a debt to collect with the Vale’s demi-humans. Count me in, an’ I know ol’ Swifty’ll be in as well. How’s ‘bout the rest of ya?” When she finished, she scanned around to the other six in the room to see their reactions.

2008-04-23, 11:27 PM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Ah, so that's the Female Mauler's name: Laurel. I better make sure to remember that so it doesn't get tattoo'd on my face.

"Um . . . pleasure to be formally introduced to you, Laurie." Normally Galadren would offer his hand as well in friendship, but the woman kept her back turned.

Hmmm. Looks like it'll be a toss-up between her freezing or beating me to death first. Oh well, at least West has a good sense of humor.

At this point, another human lady came clattering in, looking somewhat uneasy despite the heavy armor she was wearing. Sizing her up from his seat, Galadren figured that they would probably be able to see eye-to-eye if he stood on his tiptoes, but the ease with which she was wearing that plate mail implied she'd be able to give him almost as sound a beating as Loreal.

A few moments later the halfling who had been standing off to one side previously came over to join their merry band, and West handled the introductions.

"Please, call me Galadren. Swiftbow is simply a nickname I picked up after others saw my skill at archery. But I'm not sure I caught your name, milady?" Galadren asked, addressing the armored human woman who had just joined them.

Suddenly, the door at the back of the room swung open, revealing a pretty elven woman who captivated Galadren's attention for the next several seconds.

Mmmm, now that's more my speed than someone who could beat me senseless without effort. Then again, since she's here and not carrying any obvious weapons she's probably some kind of wizard. Could probably turn me into a frog or something. Hmm, might be worth it though.

Smiling pleasantly, Galadren nods at the newest arrival, and then forces his attention back onto the group. "Now, as I was saying?" But Galadren didn't have time to complete his thought, as a few more arrivals, town drunkards by the looks of them, appeared, followed a few minutes later by another woman who finally started the meeting in earnest.

Walking up to the table holding a map of the valley, Galadren listens intently as the council woman speaks. This was important, and out on the field of battle Galadren couldn't forget or garble a single piece of information like he typically did with names. People could die - would die, if you could call hobgoblins and other raider filth people.

Finally, it seemed that it was time for questions. "Excuse me milady, but I indeed have many questions. I do not know if you can answer many of these, but anything you could tell us would be helpful. First, let's talk about the caravans. How large were these caravans typically? Were they small family business affairs or large merchant house-funded caravans? Is the loss of these caravans a significant portion of the weekly number that pass through here? Do the caravans have anything in common - belonging to the same merchant house, flying the same banner, that sort of thing. Also, have we sent out any merchant caravans out over the past week, and have we any news from them? And finally, has the town militia considered the idea of baiting a trap for these raiders? Filling up a "merchant caravan" with several wagons full of militiamen? I think that's all my questions about the caravans themselves."

Galadren allowed himself a small smile, before turning his attention back to the map, tracing the path of the reported caravan attacks with his eyes.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-23, 11:55 PM
Sithi, Grey Elf Beguiler

The white-haired elven woman drifts up to the back of the group, only the tapping of her staff announcing her presence. She shifts so that she can see the map through the wire-rimmed spectacles perched on her nose, but doesn't squint at it.

"If there are raids on farms, young man, the militia will be needed to protect them and the town, not to risk getting themselves pumped full of arrows during an ambush attempt. It sounds like these brigands try to kill everyone, rather than simply robbing them. That's bad business if you're out for profit, and they're well-organized, to boot. Suspicious, don't you think? We could cetainly try and ambush the ambushers, though, once we have more details from this Captain Soranna."

2008-04-24, 06:47 AM
Leille addresses each of the questioners in turn. To Sithi, she says "You clearly understand the situation well; as you said, the militia is quite busy trying to protect the town, and doesn't have the manpower to spend combing a forest, or laying traps." Turning to Galadren, she says "The three caravans we know are lost were of a decent size; a half-dozen or so wagons, and five to twenty guards each. The two who are overdue were smaller, probably only one or two wagons, and possibly unguarded; 'small family affairs', as you said. We haven't heard anything about the last couple of caravans heading west." Finally, she turns to Laurel and bows slightly. "I'm grateful for your help."

"Do you have any further questions? Will you help?"

2008-04-24, 07:44 AM

West looks thoughtfully at the spectacled elven lady, "When you describe it that way, ma'am, these raids sound like war, not robbery. At least in my experience. Now for helping some fat caravans, that would take a reward, but for war on the valley..." West turns to Leille, "Are the caravans the only one's getting hit? Is anybody else making it through?"

2008-04-24, 08:18 AM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Galadren looks up as another elven woman joins them, tapping her staff on the floor. Her hair was white and a set of spectacles were perched on her nose, giving her a very mothery appearance. But Galadren was intimately aware how long elves lived, and she didn't really look like any of the elderly elves he had seen - shriveled from several centuries of life. Still, mother was the first thing he had thought of, and he still didn't know this new arrival's name. Looking up briefly from the map at her, Galadren grins.

"Of course, mother, I just wanted to examine the possibility of lying an ambush for these ambushers, and the six or seven of us are hardly a large caravan."

Shifting his eyes over to the counciler, Galadren changes his expression to a sincere smile. "You had me at "trouble", ma'am. Heroism is it's own reward, although some money eventually to cover expenses would be appreciated. But let's not worry about that now."

Returning his gaze to the map, Galadren continued. "Now then, how about some more questions. These would be about the survivors. First, how many people overall got away? What sort of people were they: children, caravan hands, guards? How did they get away: did the hobgoblins not somehow catch them, did they play dead, or did the hobgoblins actually let them go, as a warning to us? And do they remember anything about the attack in which they were involved: How many hobgoblins, did the scum have any insignia on them, were there other creatures with them? What was the terrain exactly like where they were ambushed: woods along the road, a small hill on one side, a dry stream bed nearby that the hobgoblins could hide in?"

Hefty Lefty
2008-04-24, 04:40 PM
Katenka, Human Cleric

"My name's..." she almost utters her true name, but stops. New name she remembers, I'm not Natalia anymore. Upon realizing her drifting off, she realigns her eyes with the elf. "Katenka." She clears her throat as she attempts to brush off the pause. She whips her hair from in front of her face. "Katenka."
As the adventure is discussed for the group, Katenka is shocked at the questions being asked. Where did they come from? Of course they don't know. Were the caravans large or small? What's the weekly percentage of caravans lost? As the small elf to her side spews questions from his mouth, Katenka wonders if he is actually listening to anything he's saying. Mother? A mother/son adventuring team? The words fly from his brain as soon as they appear, and soon Katenka can no longer take it. "Who cares?!" She stands up from her seat and raises her voice for the first time all day. "People are dying, and the town needs our help." The young lady flicks her head to the right sharply to move her hair from her eyesight, and calms herself down. "All your questions can be answered by going to the area and examining the scenes. Galadren, if you're as brave as you claim you are, you and your mother will stop this massacring no matter the situation." There's nothing more convincing to these types than questioning their masculinity and bravery.

2008-04-24, 04:59 PM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Galadren looks up in surprise at Katenka's outburst, although he barely manages to restrain himself from bursting out in laughter after her mother-son assumption. Forcing the laughter back down his throat, Galadren sighs and rubs at his right temple.

"Miss Katenka, I think you have made a few incorrect assumptions about me. First, Mother is a, ahhh . . . general term of respect elves sometimes use. I keep forgetting that it implies familial ties in Common. I have never seen this woman before today. Second, I have already sworn several times that I would help. However, I can't help anyone if I go and get myself killed because I didn't know what I was looking for. It's going to take time to go out to these ambush spots, and it's going to take time to search through them. If I can get the answers I need right now from the councilwoman here, it saves valuable time that I can instead use finding and killing these brigands. They're clearly not just disorganized scum, which implies there's reason behind what they're doing. And it's possible that this reason has left behind a pattern in their attacks that will help us discover what's going on. Surely you would rather not just stumble about blindly in the woods until we blunder into an ambush that gets us all killed?"

Without another word, Galadren turns his attention back to the map. There had to be something going on here that he wasn't seeing. Maybe he would need to go out and collect more information personally before the picture became clear, but the more time he spent running around looking for clues the more time the raiders had to prepare their next strike.

2008-04-24, 05:03 PM

Garret stay squite through the intitial back and forth of the discussion, but when the map is unfurled he drags a chair over and stands up on it to get a good view. He thinks about what he know of the terrain and how these raids and attacks fit in with the ones he has seen as well. When one of the women speak about going and checking out the ambush site he finally perks up.

"There's not much me and Magnum would let get past us if we get a first hand look at the site. I'm sure I can track down what hole these creatures are hiding under between attacks. But these attacks sure do seem to be more than just regular brigands...." Garret trails of as he looks at the map more closely.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-24, 05:04 PM
Sithi, Grey Elf Beguiler

Sithi laughs. "Katenka, any son I raised would chatter less and behave better. She's right, though, young man; we'll get better information closer to the attacks. Panicked runners wouldn't have much that's useful to say."
She turns to Leille. "With the need so dire and the reward so readily offered, of course we'll help. What's our most direct route to Drelin's Ferry?"

Hefty Lefty
2008-04-24, 07:33 PM
Katenka, Human Cleric

Initially, Katenka's pale skin blushes as she is turned down by the elf. How am I supposed to know ridiculous elven customs? Her head sunk down and she shifted her feet, getting ready to sit back down. However, her head shot up when she heard the small halfling speak in her favor. She smiled, and it only grew as the older elven woman also stood in her defense. Katenka looked back at Galadren with a wry smile, feeling good about her tiny victory. As soon as she made eye contact with the elf, she breaks it and awaits the word of Leille.

2008-04-24, 10:02 PM
Leille opens her mouth to reply, but before she does, the other elven woman cuts her off, speaking in a high-pitched voice. "You are probably right; there would be more information to be had closer in. I would add one question first, however; you mentioned raids on farms near Drellin's Ferry. Were these just on the side of the river closest to the Witchwood, or have these raiders crossed over the river somewhere?"

When the elf is done, Leille begins answering the myriad questions posed to her. "Madam, you are correct again; those who escaped could tell very little, other than that there were hobgoblins. Galadren, of the three who've gotten away, one was fortunate to be carrying an invisibility potion; the other two were part of larger caravans, and it seems the hobgoblins couldn't track down all those attempting to flee. The witchwood is dense right up to the road for its entire length along that stretch; there wouldn't be much need for additional cover to hide an attack. And no, there have been no reports of anything unusual on this side of the Elsin River."

She pauses here, and empties the contents of a bag onto the table. A dozen medallions fall out; each one bears the image of a yellow lion, rampant, on a blue-and-white striped background; the emblem of Brindol. She picks five of them back up and places them back in her bag. "Take one of these, if you're heading to the Ferry; these indicate that you're acting on Lord Jarmaath's behalf, and among other things, if you show them to the stablemaster at the west end of town, he'll provide you with a good horse. The best way to the Ferry is just to follow the road out of town to the west; it'll take you until an hour or so after nightfall to get there, if you leave now." She begins to roll up the map as she asks, "Is there anything else I can answer for you?"

2008-04-24, 10:08 PM

Garret takes the medallion when offers but replies, "I won't be needing a horse but thank you for the offer ma'am. I'll do my best to make sure these creatures are found and dealt with, you have my word." If no one else has any important questions, Garret heads out to get Magnum out of the stables and ready to travel so the others aren't waiting on him.

2008-04-24, 10:11 PM

West picks up one of the medallions, saying"No ma'am, that's probably enough to get us started. My own horse is at the stables already, but I'm not sure it would be wise to approach an area in the dark that has already seen its fair share of ambushes. The gobbies certainly have much better eyesight than I do any ways."

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-24, 11:06 PM
Sithi, Grey Elf Beguiler

Sithi takes the medallion and dons it, but tucks the pendant itself under her vest.
"I have my own horse, but this will doubtless come in handy. And from the looks of us, we can slip into the woods a lot more easily than armored hobgoblins. Well, most of us."

2008-04-24, 11:19 PM
Galadren picks one of the remainning medallions up, slipping it into one of his cloak's pockets.

"I agree with West here. Other than myself and mother, once night falls everyone's going to be virtually blind. That's already a big advantage for our darkvision hobgoblins, and our human companions lighting up torches to see is practically shouting out into the woods "Hey, we're over here! Come bushwack us!"

Galadren shakes his head.

"Unless there's an actual building out by Drellin's Ferry for us to take shelter in, setting out now would be unwise unless we want to deliberately provoke a band of hobgoblins strong enough to bring down a caravan with twenty guards, [i]and[i] give them the advantage of surprise. We should sleep now, set out shortly after nightfall, and so arrive at Drellin's Ferry just after dawn, giving us maximum daytime for our search. At least then the odds will be slightly more even as everyone will be able to see.

Galadren turns back to the councilwoman. "One final set of questions. You said that the farm attacks have so far only occured on the far side of the river. I assume they started around the same time as the caravans' disappearance, and you believe the same group to be responsible. So, my questions are as follows. Has there been a pattern to the farm attacks so far, say systematically sweeping in from outside towards the Ferry, maybe as if gearing for a push across the river? Have those farmsteads that have been hit been burned to the ground with, forgive me for the gruesomeness, the heads of the farm owners sitting on pikes outside the burned ruins? Or have they simply been plundered, and the people just gone, taken away as slaves, perhaps? Any markers left behind by the raiders, banners planted or sigils burned into the ground? And judging by the timing of the attacks with the caravan attacks, as well as the distance between these farmsteads to the caravan ambush spots, does it seem likely that its just one big roving band? Or is it more likely that there are two seperate heads to this monster, as neither group could cross such distance to strike both places at once?"

Galadren takes a deep breath and wryly smiles. "I know I said one more set, but I'm not quite done yet. A group this organized has to have some sort of nearby base. Do you know of any ancient ruins or cave systems within the Witchwood that they could be using? I've found goblinoid scum to prefer using already existing fortifications whenever possible, instead of making their own camps. Also, while I hope that this is not a particularly long campaign, is there somewhere here in town or nearby where we could withdraw to resupply if necessary? I'm talking about magic, of course: potions and the like. Finally, while I'm sure the situation is dire if adventurers are being called in, and I very much appreciate the support you have given us so far, how much support and back-up do we have? Is there anyone else who could prove helpful to us, or are we it? Once we find the hobgoblin base of operations, should we report back to you to have the militia sweep in, or are just the seven of us expected to kill them all? And -"

Galadren makes an unpleasant face, as if he had just swallowed something bitter. "And, should the unthinkable happen, and we somehow fail, what's your back-up plan?"

Briefly, Galadren turns his attention from the councilwoman to the pretty elf lass who had only just now started speaking. "Excuse me miss, I don't recall you introducing yourself. Is it your intention to travel out hobgoblin hunting with the rest of us?"

[Whew, what a mouthfull!]

2008-04-24, 11:53 PM
Laurel Evenwood – Human,Ranger

Upon being offered a medallion, Laurel scooped one up and slid it into her pocket. “The steed’ll be appreciated. “

“Well, maybe we could wait until tomorrow, but seein’ how it’s only mid day, seems like a waste of time. If ya really want to maximize daylight search time, we’d be better off leavin’ now and spending the night in Drellin's Ferry, then gettin’ up early.”

She crossed her arms and let time for the extra verbose Swifty to, no doubt, respond.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-25, 01:04 AM
Sithi, Grey Elf Beguiler

"The young woman is exactly right. If we don't make too many stops, we'll get there before sundown--it's, what, about forty miles ? A good horse should be able to do that in seven hours or so."

2008-04-25, 07:02 AM
The elven woman replies to Galadren, "I apologize for not introducing myself; My name is Serah. And no, I do not think I will be joining you in your hunt; I would be worse than useless in a fight. I can, however, offer you these," she says, pulling a pair of potions out of a fold of her dress, "and prepare a few other useful things for later, should you need to return here. Those will turn you invisible briefly."

Leille draws a deep breath to answer Galadren's torrent of questions. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew this, but Drellin's Ferry is a town in its own right; there'll be plenty of places there for you to rest. As for the farms, they've been attacked and burned; the bodies have been just left there. I don't know about the timing, as the burned farms aren't being reported by the survivors - there aren't any."

"As far as ruins go, there's Vraath Keep, of course; aside from that, there's not much there that hasn't already been reclaimed by the forest. You'll find most of the towns in the area have an apothecary, or similar; I believe there's a druid near the Ferry who occasionally sells potions to the townsfolk."

"And for the moment, you're it. Brindol's army was mostly at home for the season, helping prepare for the harvest; Lord Jarmaath is recalling a couple of the battalions, but armies being what they are, it'll be a couple of weeks before they could get here. If you find something you don't think you can handle, don't get yourselves killed, but you're the best chance we have."

To Serah, she says "I understand; thank you for this, and anything else you can provide is welcome as well."

Leille offers the party a deep bow, and says "May the hand of St. Cuthbert guide and protect you in this."

2008-04-25, 07:17 AM
Galadren broke into a wide smile as Serah produces the pair of potions.

Useful as well as pretty! This could be the start of a beautiful relationship!

"Yes, the potions will prove most useful, thank you. Does anyone in particular require either of these?" Galadren asks, turning back to the others.

"And Ehlonna watch over us all. I am unfamiliar with this area of the Vale, but since you say Drellin's Ferry is an actual town in its own right then I agree we should immediately depart. Once we get there we can spend the night, and then in the morning start our search for these raiders in earnest. It seems at this point that our best ways of finding the base are checking out this Vraath Keep, following the road until we discover a raiding party that we can interrogate/follow back, or just stumble around in the Witchwood until we eventually come across their camp. Anyone have any preferences as to which method to try first?"

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-25, 07:23 AM
Sithi, Grey Elf Beguiler

Sithi waves the potions away. "I want to be invisible, I'll be invisible. You take'em. We should set out right away to get there before dark. We'll figure out a course of action, although I'll wager that if we travel the road and go into the wood, they'll come to us. I'm Sithi Similirillilei, by the way. Don't sprain your tongues, Sithi will do. I'll get your names on the road; plenty of time to chat. Six or seven hours 's a long ride; hope you're used to it."

With that, and no longer leaning on her staff, the white-haired elf sets off towards the stables, humming a tune.

2008-04-25, 08:03 AM

West accepts one of the potions and puts it in his haversack. He then puts his arm around Galadren's shoulders and points to the door, "Shall we, Sir Swiftbow?"

He smiles, while beginning to guide his new companion outside, "I must say, your stamina is quite impressive. I have never known anyone before that could do so much on so little air. And with her love of underwater games, it's no wonder Ms. Ashdale could only think of you..."

ooc: assuming that in addition to introductions on the road, some tactical discussions take place, at least in the sense of who's capable of what...

2008-04-25, 11:02 AM
[Sounds good to me, I'm ready for fast-forward unless there's any more important town encounters.]

"Alright. I'll take the other potion for now, but if anyone proves to have a need for it on the road, it's yours. And I do believe it is time for us to depart, so farewell, milady."

He offers an elegant bow to Leille.

"And you as well, milady. I do hope we have occassion to meet again, even if it is merely for the purpose of purchasing supplies." Turning to Serah, Galandren again offers an elegant bow, but as he comes up out of it, he also extends a hand towards her. If she offers a hand of her own, Galadren will raise it to his lips for a quick kiss on the back of her hand. If she doesn't, Galadren will simply make an elaborate good-bye wave with his hand.

After saying goodbye to the two, Galadren turns and makes for the door, on the way to the stables to collect his horse. He grins as West catches up and guides him out the door. "Yes, being able to hold one's breath is a very useful talent. I imagine you'll be wanting to take a look at the horses now? I'm sure you'll be able to pick out an exceptional pair of horses for us, you seem the type to have a taste - er, I mean, eye, for such things."

2008-04-25, 03:09 PM
Serah meets Galadren's extended hand with one of her own, and blushes slightly at the kiss before saying, Thank you, and good luck."

((Nope, nothing else significant in town. Those who need them can get light horses and saddles at the stable, along with a week's feed. See the OOC thread about marching order.))

Hefty Lefty
2008-04-26, 12:42 PM
Katenka, Human Cleric

In a quick puff of smoke, Katenka disapears. As the crowd looks around at the spectacle, they are blinded by a light. They completly forget the puff of smoke, or that Katenka ever existed in their life at all. Life continues as normal.

2008-04-26, 10:05 PM
After the cleric (what cleric? You don't remember any cleric...) vanishes, you feel a momentary sense of ... apology? ... flow from the road into your body. You feel slightly heartened...

((OOC: Fharlanghn has cast aid on the party, since his representative was so abruptly taken; you each gain 10 temporary HP, and are blessed. This will last through the upcoming...))


The sun is almost touching the horizon when you come over a crest in the road, and stand at the lip of a broad, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse can be made out through the trees on one side of the road. There's nothing apparent that distinguishes this from a dozen other farms you've passed already, but it feels...off, somehow. As you look around, a glimpse of steel in the trees tells you what's wrong - it's an ambush!

Map and some crunch:


You're each on there according to your speech color; the red circles are all hobgoblins, currently wielding bows.
Assume that your horses (not shown - I'll add them next round) occupy your square and the square south of you.

Initiative order:

No surprise round (that's quite a bundle of Spot checks you all have), so y'all get to go first with a full-round action apiece.

The woods here are moderately thick; it costs 2 squares of movement to go 1 square on any fully-wooded tile, and it provides concealment (20% miss chance).

2008-04-26, 10:30 PM
[*grumbles very loudly about the "no sneak-attacking on targets with concealment" rule*]

"Company. Both sides of the road." Galadren grunts, as he grabs onto the saddle and pushes himself up, attempting to leap off the back of the horse.

Ride Check (Rapid Dismount, DC 20 - Free Action) [roll0]

2008-04-26, 11:00 PM
Unfortunately, at the last second Galadren's foot gets tangled in one of the stirrups, and he stops himself just in time to avoid leaping off and potentially breaking his ankle. "I hate horses." Galadren grumbles, kicking his leg free and swinging himself off of the horse's back normally (Move Action).

Once his feet touch the ground, Galadren is immediately moving, dashing for the far side of the road and the woods beyond. As he moves, he unslings his longbow from its place across his back. Reaching the edge of the road, Galadren hops over a set of roots sticking up out of the ground from a nearby tree, and then he is gone. (Standard Action, Drawing Bow as Part of Movement)

Galadren's Starting Position: Across 15, Down 19
Moving To: Across 11, Down 21 (First Full-Tree Spot from bottom edge, directly Below Garret)
By Way of:
Diagonal Movement to Across 14, Down 20 (5')
Across Movement to Across 13, Down 20 (5')
Across Movement to Across 12, Down 20 (5')
Across Movement to Across 11, Down 20 (5')
Down Movement to Across 11, Down 21 (10')
Total: 30'

If Across 11, Down 20 counts as a fully forested spot, Galadren ends his movement there.

Hide Check (As Part of Movement upon entering Woods thanks to concealment, if I'm being watched I"m screwed, but it can't hurt to try, -5 Penalty from moving at greater than half speed) [roll0]

[Technically, the Hide skill mentions that moving above half-speed but below full speed at a -5 penalty. I do not know if the intention therefore is that my speed is capped at 25', just below by maximum full speed, or what. It does not mention a penalty for moving at your full speed, so I don't know what the penalty involved for moving at 30' and trying to Hide would be. Assign whatever additional penalty beyond -5 you feel is appropriate. Of course, if the first square that Galadren moves into is actually a forested square, then he has to stop there as it costs double movement anyway and he's at 25' moved, which solves the Hide issue. And of course, if he's being observed he can't Hide at all, which renders the whole thing a moot point. :smallwink: ]

[Also, if nothing else, at least Galadren now has that delicious 20% concealment bonus against the hobgoblins' arrows. So neener-neener. :smalltongue: ]

2008-04-26, 11:47 PM

Garret momentarily surprises by the attack doesn't take long to regain his focus. He guides Magnum towards the nearest hobgoblin and begins casting a spell himself. As he finishes his spell Garret smiles as a loud roar echoes through the forest.

Ride:[roll0] DC5 guide w/ knees
Concentrate:[roll1] DC 13 cast a spell

Attack for dog:[roll2]

Trip if hits:[roll4]

Casting Summon Natures Ally to Summon a lion

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-27, 01:19 AM
Sithi, Grey Elf Awesome

Sithi makes the Ride and Concentration checks involved automatically.

Her mount (with horses being Large and D&D not having facing anymore, mounts take up four squares rather than two, incidentally) moves to beside the middle hobgoblin on the left--the horse's NW square is the square SE of the hobgoblin.
Sithi casts Color Spray, catching the two upper Hobgoblins on the left, the ones with a 5' diagonal between them; they need to make a DC 18 Will save (they're flatfooted since they haven't gone, so they're subject to Cloaked Casting) or be subject to Color Spray. I don't know their Hit Dice, so you can roll the necessary durations on the effects. Then Sithi's mount attacks the nearer hobgoblin, whether it made or failed its save: [roll0], with the Aid effect--plus the ones for unconscious, prone, blind, stunned, whatever. It does [roll1] damage.

Sithi's AC is 20; her mount's AC is 18 (it has Mage Armor cast on it).
Sithi also makes a Spot and Listen check as free actions, to see or hear any more ambushers:
Spot - [roll2]
Listen - [roll3]

If any enemy attacks Sithi, she'll cast Stay the Hand on them as an immediate action--Will save, DC 19.

Sithi notices the hobgoblins' attempt at an ambush quite casually, even picking out their individual locations and gauging distances; "Ambush!" she snaps, nudging her horse (a handsome dappled grey creature) with her heels and guiding it with her knees, and it rushes up to one of the hobgoblins on the road's left side.
Her bow is in one hand as if it had never been on her shoulder; she doesn't nock an arrow, however--instead, she speaks a series of liquid words and levels a hand. A cone of whirling colors so varied and bright many of them are impossible to describe erupts from her hands, sweeping over two of the hobgoblins. On cue, her mount rears, one of its metal-shod hooves coming down hard on the hobgoblin in front of her.
The warm smile is entirely gone from the elf's face.

2008-04-27, 08:25 AM

Seeing the flashing metal, West spins his horse around and drives it towards the nearest hobgoblin, swiftly driving his rapier into the goblin's chest.

Quick Reconnoiter checks for other enemies

Move 10' west and attack gobby in forest. With Ride 10, West makes checks too.

West's attack
[roll2] (bless + mounted)

Horse's attack

OOC: Will fill in fluff text soon

2008-04-27, 08:26 AM
Galadren: You manage to reach the underbrush, and try to hide within it; you're uncertain as to how well you're actually hidden, however.

Sithi: as the whirl of colors fades, you watch your horse's hoof, on its way up, connecting soundly with the hobgoblin that was on its way down. The crack of the hoof striking his helmet is followed rapidly by two loud "thumps" as the two hobgoblins hit the forest floor. You glance around quickly to see if there are any attackers you haven't noticed yet, but you don't see anything.

West: you guide your mount over to the hobgoblin, and your rapier finds a chink in his armor; No sooner do you pull your blade back than he falls to the ground, bleeding profusely.

Garrett: Your dog's bite is ferocious, and it looked to you like he struck home, but he comes away with nothing more than a mouthful of vegetation. ((failed the miss chance roll. Also: where do you want your lion to appear?))



The two hobgoblins marked with a 'U' are unconscious as a result of Sithi's spell. The one with an X was dropped by West.

2008-04-27, 02:24 PM
I'll summon it on the highest hobgoblin on the screen since we are more concentrated to the left right now.

And my dog is only medium sized so I think he only takes up one square.

2008-04-28, 06:47 AM
Laurel dismounts her horse with practiced ease; racing forward, she draws her axes and lands a powerful blow on one of the remaining hobgoblins.

The hobgoblin that Garrett attacked steps away, drawing an arrow and firing it at the druid as he does so. His aim is good, and the arrow leaves a gash in Garrett's leg. The one next to Laurel likewise backs off and fires at his attacker, but the pain from his wound causes his arrow to veer off wildly, thudding harmlessly into the dirt. Both of these then drop their bows and draw longswords. Meanwhile, the third hobgoblin cries out "Uth-lar! Eghat azan batul!" before aiming at Sithi. For some reason, he is unable to focus on her, and instead he looses his arrow in West's direction, but his aim wasn't quite good enough and this arrow, too, falls to the ground uselessly.

From around a corner of the farmhouse, another hobgoblin appears; this one is wielding a pair of shortswords. He pauses to assess the situation before running up to the edge of the woods; behind him, a pair of large red mastiffs with black brindling appear, bounding forward towards the party.

Crunch and the new map:

Laurel hit her target for 11 damage. Garret takes 4 damage and needs to make a DC 14 concentration check to not lose the summoning spell. Sithi cast Stay the Hand on the northmost hobgoblin; his yell was "Uth-lar! We need help here!".


On the map, the two orange-and-black circles are the dogs, which those of you with ranks in Knowledge: Nature or Survival recognize as hellhounds; the red circle with an S is the new hobgoblin.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-28, 07:01 AM
Sithi, Grey Elf Win

Horse attacks the hobgoblin: [roll0] (+4 for prone) for [roll1]. I can't see a blind, stunned, unconscious hobgoblin having much AC, so it'll probably hit.
Edit: crit threat! Crit confirm; extra damage (1d20+9=25, 1d4+3=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1580318/)
Total of 14 damage, that's got to gib him.

IF that kills him, the horse moves so its NW corner is in the square SE of West's horse.

If that doesn't, hoof 2: [roll2] for [roll3], and, just in case, bite: [roll4] for [roll5]
Then the horse 5-foot-steps to the East.
Either way, Sithi casts Haste, catching everybody plus Sithi's horse (but none of the others--one target/CL). +1 AB, AC, Ref saves, attack on a full attack, 30' enhancement to move speed.

AC 21, horse's AC 19. As an immediate action, Sithi will use Halt on Uth-lar when he comes into view a square where the party archers can get a clear shot at him but he can't attack anyone, extending it with her lesser rod (two-round duration). Will DC 19.

As the hobgoblin falls, unconscious, Sithi's horse rather methodically brings a hoof and most of its weight down on its head. The elf levels her bow at the other hobgoblin, but the arrival of more enemies makes her reconsider; she nudges her horse, which avoids a tree and comes out onto the road beside West, speaking that arcane tongue again. Green sparks sizzle in her hand, a single spark dancing above each of her allies for a movement as their movements quicken.

2008-04-28, 07:10 AM
From within the forest, Galadren smiles as he hears the goblinoid shout for "Help!". Clearly, these hobgoblins were not prepared for encountering a band of heroes, although it was worrying that this battle was taking place before they even got to Drellin's Ferry. Had that town already fallen to this hobgoblin onslaught? Galadren hoped not as he moved off deeper into the woods, preparing to circle around and start picking off any surviving hobgoblins as they attempted to flee.

Galadren Double Moves (Move Action + Standard Action)

Galadren's Starting Position: Across 11, Down 21
Moving To: Across 6, Down 18 (Square to the direct left of the dead hobgoblin)
By Way of:
Across Movement to Across 10, Down 21 (10')
Across Movement to Across 9, Down 21 (10')
Diagonal Movement to Across 8, Down 20 (10')
Diagonal Movement to Across 7, Down 19 (20')
Diagonal Movement to Across 6, Down 18 (10')
Total: 60'

Hide Check (-5 from moving greater than half speed): [roll0]
Move Silently Check (-5 from moving greater than half speed): [roll1]

2008-04-28, 09:45 AM

Feeling suddenly constrained on the back of his horse, West pulls his legs free of the stirrups and rolls off of his mount's right side, landing lightly on his feet. He then dashes across the road and into the woods, passing Laurel to attack the hobgoblin nearby.

Rapid Dismount
Ride Check (1d20 10=25) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1580390/)

West's getting himself into position near Laurel and hopefully freeing her up to take on the hound and the dual-blader... with West flanking. With haste he should be able to make it to the bottom right corner of the goblin she attacked (2 east and 1 north of Laurel... any chance you can number the map?)

[roll0] (Bless + Haste)

HP 50, AC 22

Edit: that's a crit on the rapier!

2008-04-28, 11:07 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel will move: 1NW/2N to be in front of the hellhound

To determine what kind of creatures they are: [roll0]

Laurel will attack the hellhound as a standard action.
[roll1] (+1 haste, +1 bless)

Laurel’s AC – 21 (+1 Haste)
Laurel’s HP – 69 (10 Temp)
+4 Damage/spot/listen/survival against Hobgoblins

Laurel moved carefully towards the hellhound after West moved up to cover the hobgobin she hit already. She narrowed her eyes upon seeing the hellbeast, "Hellhounds!" she shouted out. [I'm assuming that a 28 is a success] As she reached melee range, she fluidly drove the small axe deep into the skull of the beast.

2008-04-28, 10:05 PM

Garret winces as the arrow pierces his leg but continues casting his spell. He directs Magnum to attack the goblin again hoping for him to grab more than leaves. He directs a spell at the only goblin not involved in combat hoping to distract him enough to prevent him from shooting any of his companions.

Concentration:[roll0] for Summon Spell

Lion: HP: 42 AC: 15 (next to hellhound above me) H10

Attack1(claw):[roll1] Damage:[roll2]
Attack2(claw):[roll3] Damage:[roll4]
Attack3 (bite):[roll5] Damage:[roll6]

If both claws hit-Rake:[roll7] Damage:[roll8]

Magnum(dog) HP: 46 AC: 22


Casting Flaming Sphere on Goblin above Sithi H5
Damage:[roll11] reflex for half DC 16
Concentration:[roll12] I thought I needed this but I checked and as long as the dog wasn't vigorously moving i should be fine, but it's the DM's call

2008-04-28, 10:07 PM
Galadren: with a few seconds to gather your bearings, you feel much more stealthy as you slip through the forest, finding a good vantage point to observe the action.

Sithi: You hear a vaguely unsettling crunch as your horse's hoof lands on the collapsed hobgoblin; you get the distinct feeling he won't be moving again. As your spell takes effect, you and the rest of the party notice everything slow down - you could watch the individual leaves rustling on the trees, if you weren't preoccupied with the fight around you.

West: you drive your rapier into the gap between the hobgoblin's helmet and armor; blood begins to spill, the color drains from its face, and it falls before you.

Garrett: A smile comes to your face as your lion appears, and promptly catches the hellhound with its bite and one of its claws; that smile fades, however, as Magnum's attempt to bite the hobgoblin breaks your concentration, and his teeth fail to penetrate the evil creature's leggings.

Laurel: your blow is well-aimed, and the creature's head becomes partially detached from its shoulders; a black ichor pumps out of the wound as the beast collapses.

The lone remaining bowman looses an arrow at Laurel; it smacks her square in the chest, but fails to do more than cause a light bruise. Garrett's foe lashes out with his sword and leaves a long, ragged cut along the druid's arm. (2 HP damage). The other hell hound leaps into the forest, closes on both Laurel and the lion, and lets loose with a belch of fire. (11 damage each, reflex save DC 13 for half). Uth-lar steps in alongside the hound, and stabs at Laurel with one of his swords; she neatly parries this blow with her other axe.

Map - now with coordinates!

Not much else to add, really; y'all are mincing these guys up at a pretty good clip. Waiting on Garrett's action until tomorrow morning heh, posted while I was writing this. Additional update incoming!.

Sithi, I don't think Uth-lar ever got in range - should be 40' for Halt, right?
Garrett, your dog lunging forward and biting sounds like it'd be pretty violent to me, sorry.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-28, 10:36 PM
(I forgot all about Garret's dog! Can I make that the last Haste target, rather than my horse? that'd give it an extra attack right now. Also, yes, Uth-lar was out of range.
As to Garrett's concentration check, however, I think you're wrong: a galloping horse is DC 15. I think that the dog's attack would put it at "vigorous motion", DC 10, at best.
Also, you forgot to reposition Uth-lar on the map.)

2008-04-28, 11:32 PM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Continuing to make his way through the woods, Galadren tries to keep relatively parallel to the road. As he gets close to where the path branches off to lead towards the "abandoned" farmhouse, Galadren steps out from around a tree to find a hobgoblin lying unconscious on the ground in front of him.

Unlike the previous two he had passed moments ago, this one appeared to be in relatively one piece, and Galadren stiffled a curse as he pulled back around the tree. Out of sight of the currently-unconscious hobgoblin, at least for the moment, Galadren turns his attention back to the fight taking place on the other side of the woods. He nearly cursed again as he realized that a majority of the fighting was taking place on the other side of the road, in the dense stand of trees where he didn't have a clear shot.

On the plus side, Galadren was now in a position to cover the intersection between the main road and farmhouse, and anyone coming into clear sight on the road would be sure to recieve an arrow between the eyes for their trouble.

Galadren Double Moves (Move + Standard Action)
Galadren's Starting Position: R6
Moving To: N2 (Square directly south of unconscious hobgoblin)
By Way of:
Diagonal Movement to Q5 (10')
Diagonal Movement to P4 (20')
Diagonal Movement to O3 (10')
Diagonal Movement to N2 (20')
Total: 60'

Hide Check (-5 from moving over half-speed) [roll0]
Move Silently Check (-5 from moving over half-speed) [roll1]

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-28, 11:39 PM
Sithi, Grey Elf Avatar of Coolness and Style

Free-action spot/listen for anything relevant: [roll0] Spot and [roll1] Listen.

Sithi's horse moves forward so she's within Close range of Uth-lar. Then Sithi hits him with a Suggestion to fight for us and turn on the other hobgoblins; up to you if it deserves the "reasonable" DC increase. Will DC 20 without that.
If it succeeds, Sithi has her horse move back behind the two riderless horses--directly behind one of them, tis time. If it fails, Sithi will hit him with a Hesitate as an immediate action right before the start of his turn.

Sbodd, let me know if it makes or fails the save next time you see this, before the next update--it's something a caster knows, and it'll let me shout something like "Leave him alone, I've enchanted him".

Sithi nudges her horse forward as Uth-lar and a hellhound join the battle; she levels a finger at Uth-lar and murmurs a short phrase, then calls out to him in the goblin tongue.
"Uth-lar, I am an agent of your master! You're under my command now--obey my orders, hmm?"
And then she adds coolly, "Kill the rest of your group. Hounds first."

"Leave the one with two blades alone for now--I've got him," she calls to her allies.

2008-04-29, 12:40 AM

Seeing the druid struggling with his foe, West steps in and attacks.

Now it takes 2 steps to make 1 step in the woods, but since he's hasted, I'm assuming that 1 square is the equivalent of a 5' step and he can full attack. If not, he'll move around to flank the hobgoblin and go for sneak attack damage (2d6) [roll0]




By the way, the monster locations seem to be a little off on the map, how did S attack Laurel from far away?

2008-04-29, 07:39 AM

Frustrated at having lost his focus, Garret urges Magnum to attack again with force. "Come on boy, it's just one lousy goblin," he says as the dog attempts to bite the goblin again.

The lion dodges the main blast of the hellhound's breath and roars a challenge before attacking again with force.

Lion HP:36 AC:15
Attacking the hellhound

Reflex:[roll0] I'm at work and don't know a lions reflex save bonus

Attack1(claw):[roll1] Damage:[roll2]
Attack2(claw):[roll3] Damage:[roll4]
Attack3 (bite):[roll5] Damage:[roll6]

If bite hits he will grapple: [roll7]
If grapple works he will rake: [roll8] Damage:[roll9]

Magnum: HP: 46 AC: 22 (assuming he is hasted)

Attack1(bite):[roll10] Damage:[roll11]
Attack2(bite):[roll12] Damage:[roll13]

Garret will sit out this round unless the goblin in front of him is still up. If that is the case he will draw his spear and attack, but hopefully that does not happen.

edit: two quick questions-Am I the "G"? And do I lose the spell I was trying to cast or did it just not go off?

2008-04-29, 05:36 PM
Laurel managed to jump behind a tree as the the flame breath shot out from the hellhound, but the heat was enough to give her a moderate burn.

Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

[roll0] (+1 with haste)

Laurel will move: 3W, 1NW

Laurel will attack the hobgoblin in G6 as a standard action.
[roll1] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll3] (+4 against FE goblins)

Laurel will move: 1W – only if this is included in the full round action [not sure with the 10’ movement for each forest space] if that is not possible, she’ll stay where she is.

Laurel will attack the hobgoblin in H9 as a full round action.
[roll6] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll8] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll11] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll13] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll16] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll18] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll21] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll23] (+4 against FE goblins)

Haste Attack
[roll26] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll28] (+4 against FE goblins)

Laurel’s AC – 21 (+1 with haste)
Laurel’s HP – 69 (5 Temp)
+4 Damage/spot/listen/survival against Hobgoblins

Laurel darted out from behind the tree towards the Hobgoblin striking it in a furry of blows.

2008-04-29, 10:19 PM
Galadren: As you stare down the road, you're not quite sure, but you might see something approaching.

Sithi: As your horse pushes between the two others, you murmur the words of your spell; your mind's eye sees the hobgoblin, and you know how to bend him to your will.

West: Of your three quick blows, only one manages to do more than glance off the hobgoblin's mail; that one, however, deals a nasty blow that leaves him off balance and bleeding.

Garrett: Your lion's claws rip into the hellhound; the infernal beast struggles for a moment, but the lion's attack practically tore its front legs from their sockets, and it collapses. Your dog, meanwhile, delivers a bite that sends the hobgoblin in front of you to the ground as well.

Laurel: Your axe strikes deep into your foe; the hobgoblin's arm falls to his side, useless.

As Laurel closes with the last remaining bowman, he drops his bow and pulls his sword. In spite of his now-useless off hand, he moves surprisingly quickly; he brings the blade around, driving it heavily into Laurel's midsection. (8 damage)

Uth-lar, meanwhile, growls "Yes, mistress. It shall be done." He looks at the fallen hellhound, turns, and races towards the last other hobgoblin, shortsword held in front of him. The force of his run drives the blade home - straight into a tree.

As Uth-lar begins to pull his sword free, Laurel sees a hint of glitter around him, and hears three unfamiliar words; meanwhile, Sithi's sense of the hobgoblin's mind evaporates, and another hellhound appears just a few feet from her. This hellhound lets loose with a blast of fiery breath, scorching Sithi, her horse, and West's horse. (3 damage, reflex 13 for half.)


I've been giving the hobgoblins 5' steps in the brush; no reason you all can't take them as well. (I don't see anything in the PHB that says you can't take 5' steps in rough terrain.)

bchilders - you're the yellowish circle (per your speech color) currently in N14; the one with the G is Galadren. I labeled Galadren and Sithi because their two colors were hard for me to tell apart at a glance.
Also, your Flaming Sphere was lost to a failed concentration check, so it's gone. (My take on it: your steed, from stopped, lunging forward 5 feet and then stopping and attacking would probably be more disturbing than riding a horse at a consistent gallop, so the "violent motion" DC applied.)
Also also, in the MM/SRD a lion has 32 HP, so your summoned one should be down to 27, yes?

Sithi, you can tell that something happened that either suppressed, overrode, or cancelled your suggestion, but you're not sure which.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-29, 10:36 PM
Son of Edit: putting up actions in case I do and in case I don't pinpoint.
Before I do anything else, Spot: [roll0] and Listen [roll1]--trying to pinpoint what seems to be an invisible caster.
Edit: bah, that's not gonna do it.

Sithi also spends her move action trying to pinpoint an invisible enemy. Roll's in the OOC thread. I'll edit once I Sbodd gives me the results.

From the OOC thread: Sithi gets a 13 Ref save, her horse gets 12. She loses 1 temp HP, it loses 3. Sithi's Listen check to pinpoint the hobgoblin is 26, which should do it.

If it doesn't, Sithi casts a Glitterdust at the intersection of lines between E-F 6-7. 10'-radius spread, Will DC 19, that should catch the two hobgoblins but not Lauren.
If it does, Sithi aims it at the invisible cleric, and will catch Uth-lar and the other hobgoblin if possible.

Then Sithi will move around the hell hound (so as not to provoke) and 80 feet forward down the road, which will unfortunately put her off the map.

"Damn! Two-blade's free, take him down!" Sithi calls to Lauren; as the hell hound appears, she nudges her mount, which rears, avoiding most of the low-aimed blast of flame. The elf's cheek goes a bit pink, but she escapes any real damage. Her mount steps around the hell hound and keeps going down the road; as it does, Sithi pulls something from a pouch and claps her hands together.
Two stained-glass humming birds appear, weaving and twisting--and then fly straight at each other, smashing into each other behind Uth-lar and the other hobgoblin and erupting into a spherical spray of colorful glass dust.

2008-04-29, 10:57 PM

Garret patts Magnum on the side in congratulations of finishing off the goblin and directs him to meets up with the lion at the newly arrived hellhound.

Both attacking the new hellhound

Lion: HP: (37 has more because of Augment Summon feat) AC 15
(not that it matters but he is large as well)
Attack1(claw):[roll0] Damage:[roll1]
Attack2(claw):[roll2] Damage:[roll3]
Attack1 (bite):[roll4] Damage:[roll5]

If bite hits he will grapple: [roll6]
If grapple works he will rake: [roll7] Damage:[roll8]

Magnum: HP: 46 AC: 22

Attack(bite):[roll9] Damage:[roll10]


2008-04-29, 11:12 PM
Peeking around the tree to see that the hobgoblin's current catatonia was, at least, a very deep one, Galadren felt encouraged. Swinging out from around the tree, Galadren moves past the unconscious hobgoblin and sets himself up on the creature's other side. As before, he does his best to position a tree between himself and the hobgoblin before turning his attention back to the road.

What he saw was shocking and disturbing, for he looked out on the road again just in time to see another hellhound appear next to Sithi, blenching flame at her. Impulsively, Galadren raised his bow, but halted as he judged the distance to be a bit too far for a precise shot. Besides, the beast's sudden appearance was clearly magical - either some sort of Invisibility or Summoning effect. Which meant that there was probably an enemy spellcaster nearby as well.

Turning his attention away from the current battle on the road, Galadren continues scanning the road for viable targets.

Move (Move Action)
Galadren's Starting Position: N2
Moving To: L1
By Way of:
Diagonal Movement to M1 (10')
Upward Movement to L1 (10')
Total: 20'

Spot (Standard Action)
Spot Check: [roll0] (+2 Extra if Goblinoid)
Hide (-5 Penalty): [roll1]
Move Silent (-5 Penalty): [roll2]

2008-04-30, 01:28 AM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

The hobgoblin's sword hit her in the stomach, drawing some blood and sending her back a few steps. She managed a slight grin as the other hobgoblin tried to attack his ally. After Sithi called out, Laurel yelled back. "Ain't have to tell me twice." She unloaded a 5 quick swings of her axes toward the hobgoblin with two weapons.

Laurel will attack the hobgoblin in G7 as a full round action.
[roll0] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll2] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll5] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll7] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll10] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll12] (+4 against FE goblins)

[roll15] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll17] (+4 against FE goblins)

Haste Attack
[roll20] (+1 haste, +1 bless)
[roll22] (+4 against FE goblins)

Laurel’s AC – 21 (+1 with haste)
Laurel’s HP – 63/69
+4 Damage/spot/listen/survival against Hobgoblins

2008-04-30, 05:32 AM

Seeing the new hellhound, West quickly scans the area for its source [fails in OOC]. Dashing in and out of the woods, West moves to engage the hellhound. West's horse manages to dodge most of the flames [success in OOC].

West moves to attack the hellhound. I'm not sure where Magnum and Lion are, but West will delay his final move and attack until he can move and have the hellhound flanked.

Attacks HellHound with rapier.

2008-04-30, 08:51 PM
Galadren: You don't see anything initially, but...

Sithi: You were paying close attention when your spell failed, and you noticed a faint flicker of motion where there shouldn't have been any; as your hummingbirds burst into dust, the glistening particles settle, outlining the two hobgoblins you already knew about, and the third one you were certain was there. As you crest a hill, you see a thin cloud of dust raised by a breeze, but nothing else.

Garrett: Your lion clears the forest, bounds over to the hellhound, and, with a swipe of its claw, tears a substantial chunk out of the beast's hind leg. Magnum, unfortunately, doesn't fare as well; his jaws fail to catch anything but a bit of fur.

West: With your current unnatural speed, you are able to dash around to the far side of the hellhound, move in, and strike; the force of your blow sends the hound to its knees, but it doesn't quite appear to be finished off yet.

Laurel: Turning, you set upon Uth-lar; blind as he is, three of your blows cut straight through his armor before he can bring his swords up to parry. He wavers, but does not fall.

Uth-lar shouts "Betath! Kalden udvanath!" (Flee! Head to camp!), and he and the other two hobgoblins turn and run, their feet stumbling occasionally over the uneven ground. Laurel seizes the moment and takes a swing at Uth-lar as he flees, but an inconvenient branch blocks her overhead swing. As the hobgoblins flee, the lone remaining hellhound makes a feeble attempt at attacking Garrett, but Magnum easily keeps his rider out of harm's way.


The hobgoblin marked with an M is the one that was invisible. All three of them are off the top of the map; the one without a marking is 45' (nine squares) off, Uth-lar is 85' (17 squares) off, and the one with the M is 55' (11 squares) off.

2008-04-30, 11:17 PM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Seeing the trio of hobgoblins flee, apparently heading back to camp, Galadren sighs in irritation. Those seemed to be the leaders of this band, which undoubtedly meant that they knew the most about what was going on. It also meant that once they got back to camp, they could very well have enough pull to have said camp moved, and then Galadren and the others would never find them again.

Although the fleeing hobgoblins were too far away for precision shots, Galadren nonetheless knew that his time had come. Stepping forward out of the forest and onto the road, Galadren draws an arrow and nocks it, pointing it at the back of the fleeing one know as Uth-lar. Adjusting for the far distance now between them, Galadren shifts his aim slightly upwards before releasing, immediately drawing another arrow and firing again.

5' Step (Free Action)
Galadren's Starting Position: L1
Moving To: K2
By Way of:
Diagonal Movement to K2 (5')

Rapid Shot - 2 Arrows (Full Round Action)
(Uth-lar is ~160' from Galadren. Range Increment on Longbow is 100'. Therefore, firing at a -2 Range penalty - already included.)
(Edit: +1 Bless Bonus - Now included)
To-Hit[roll0] + 8 = 16
Normal Damage [roll2] (+2 from Favored Enemy)

To-Hit[roll4] + 8 = 24
Normal Damage [roll6] (+2 from Favored Enemy)

[Edit: I removed the critical hit rolls to reduce the clutter. If you want in the future I could put them in a spoiler tag at the bottom or something so we don't have a "post roll count doesn't match" error.]

Rachel Lorelei
2008-04-30, 11:46 PM
Spellcraft on the Suggestion suppression effect: [roll0]. Edit: that should get it ("20 + spell level: Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect.")

Sithi's horse moves up so it's within melee reach of the two closer hobgoblins. Sithi casts Color Spray on both of them, Will DC 18 thanks to surprise casting (now that they're blind). If Uthlar survived the bowshots despite having taken a bunch of damage and having no dex and -2 AC, she'll use a rod-extended Halt on him before his turn starts, Will DC 20.
Concentration for Color Spray: [roll1].
Return of the Edit: Wait, Color Spray? *looks something up* Hunh, yeah, Color Spray should work on a blind creature. "A pattern spell creates an image that others can see, but a pattern also affects the minds of those who see it or are caught in it." It's visible, but it also hits the mind directly, which is why it's Mind-Affecting while Figments aren't.
If you rule that it doesn't, however, IMO that's something Sithi would know; replace Color Spray with Slow, Will DC 20.

If one of them made it, Sithi will nudge her horse so it tries to grapple that one (trained warhorse must have a command for "sit on him!"). If they both made it, it should grapple the spellcaster. If they both failed... it'll just try to kick the spellcaster in the head.
Touch Attack: [roll2] - Son of Edit: damn, that looks like it'll just barely miss--10 dexless touch AC, -2 from blindness, makes 8.
Grapple Check: [roll3], for a possible [roll4] damage.

Possible kick in the head: [roll5], for [roll6]

Sithi, Grey Elf Delicious Cake

Sithi nudges her horse again, turning it in the fleeing hoboblins' direction; she's not that worried about Uth-lar at the moment, but as she rides up to the other two, she releases another blast of whirling colors. The hobgoblins may be blind, but they can still think, and the spell works on the mind. Her first instinct was to let one flee and track it to its camp--but once they've captured one, she can get the information out of it. She glances at Uth-lar, checking to see if he's down, as (with a command from her) her horse tries to get one of the hobgoblins in a position where it can kneel on him.

2008-05-01, 06:45 AM
Galadren: The sight of your arrows streaking upward, flattening out, and then gently curving back towards the earth....it's a pleasure to behold. Especially when they both hit Uth-lar squarely in the back, pinning him to the ground. (He's dead.)

Sithi: As your horse races towards the fleeing hobgoblins, you pause for a moment, and focus on what happened to your mind's connection to Uth-lar; you feel that it was still there (up until he died just now), but suppressed by a protection spell. (Protection from Good) As you close on the fleeing hobgoblins, you cast your spell; the one with the sword drops just as the other two did earlier, but the spellcaster just keeps on running.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-01, 06:53 AM
(I'd like to use Halt as an immediate action before the cleric can take a step away, if possible--Will DC 20. Either way, Sithi will delay until the rest of her allies have one but before the cleric.)

2008-05-02, 12:51 PM

West concentrates on bringing down the hellhound.

West will attack, but if Garret or the lion brings it down first, West will dash after the fleeing hobbies instead, using a double hasted move.




Will roll crits separately if needed.

2008-05-02, 03:21 PM
OOC: Assuming West took down the hellhound, if not the lion will finish him off

Seeing the last hellhound brought down by his companion and the others head off towards the fleeing goblins, Garret gets the lions attention and together they both dash towards the fleeing enemies.

Full move towards the remaining goblins.

Question: If I have the ability to ignore movement penalties due to brush, but I figure that doesn't apply to my mount as well. Let me know if it does.

2008-05-02, 04:37 PM
Garrett: you command the lion to finish off the hellhound, as you turn Magnum and tear off to the north. Unfortunately, the hellhound manages to evade the lion's claws, and takes a swipe at you as you ride off; fortunately, the hound misses you.

West: taking advantage of the distraction provided by Garrett, you unleash a flurry of blows upon the hellhound....which promptly disappears after your first blow, leaving just a few glowing wisps in its wake.


Garrett: by my count, that was exactly 70'; you can take a standard action still if you want to.

2008-05-02, 04:46 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

After seeing the two handed hobgoblin go down to an arrow shot, Laurel darted off towards the caster hobgoblin.

I'm not sure if haste is still active or not? If it is, then I can move 60' in one action, right?
Double move action - 4 N + 1NW towards the hobgoblin (Moving 35')

[roll1] +4/w FE:goblin

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-02, 04:49 PM
As the hobgoblin cleric tries to keeps running, Sithi decides to let the others handle him. She casts a quick glance about, to make sure she hasn't missed anything.

Halt, Will DC 20, as soon as the cleric starts moving again.
Never mind that, not worth it. I'll save my delicious spell slots..
Spot: [roll0], Listen: [roll1].

2008-05-02, 04:58 PM

Riding along at full speed, Garret narrowly avoids the claw of the hellhound and draws his spear as Magnum and he run straight toward the fleeing goblin.


Attack: [roll0]


Spear Attack:[roll2]

2008-05-02, 05:07 PM
Smiling as his own two arrows lay Uth-lar low and Sithi drops another fleeing hobgoblin with a barrage of spells, Galadren advances up the road. At the intersection of the main road with the small farmhouse road, Galadren turns and runs alongside the narrow road, approaching the sole remainning hobgoblin that was standing.

Granted, he was invisible, but the glowing dust clinging all over his body gave Galadren enough of a silouette to target. Stopping just shy of the unconscious hobgoblin, Galadren pauses momentarily in his dash to bring an arrow up to his bow and let fly.

The arrow quickly flies towards its target, a spot along the neck just below the jaw, where a hobgoblin's viens were typically closest to the surface.

(I don't know if the invisible cleric-guy is a goblinoid or not, or even if Galadren gets his damage bonus unless he can make a positive identification. Up to you: if no, subtract 2 from the damage roll).

Move (Move Action)
Galadren's Starting Position: K2
Moving To: F4
By Way of:
Upward Movement to J2 (5')
Upward Movement to I2 (5')
Upward Movement to H2 (5')
Diagonal Movement to G3 (5')
Diagonal Movement to F4 (10')
Total: 30'

Shoot - 1 Arrow (Standard Action)

To-Hit[roll0] + 12 = 14
Sneak Attack[roll2] (Applicable only if he's still Blind)

Crit Rolls


2008-05-02, 10:43 PM
As the party members close in on the lone creature still standing, their attacks all fail to hit their mark. The party hears, "Takpath edanna Durkanos Regana! Exhat abanos uhl evitor!" as the figure steps away; those close by see its weapon swing around, hear Sithi's spell, and then its arm stops inches from its head, quivering. ('All hail the Dark Queen! With my last breath, I serve!')

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-02, 10:56 PM

Sithi acts quickly as the cleric invokes his goddess--the cleric would probably know more than the others.
"Oh no y'don't, you bloody--"
Sithi breaks off as the cleric's mace comes up, and she brings a hand up with a sharp gesture and a sharper Word.

Why you hittin' yourself, huh? Why you hittin' yourself?
Immediate-action response to his attempt at suicide: Hesitate! Will DC 21.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-04, 05:04 AM
(I think that puts it back around to our turn!)


With the cleric's suicide prevented, Sithi unleashes another blast of whirling colors, careful to avoid hitting any of her allies. Her horse, once again, tries to bring its weight down on the hobgoblin.

"Take him alive!"

Color Spray, Will DC 18.
If that fails:
Horse's touch attack: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1], for [roll2] nonlethal.

If that misses, next touch attack: [roll3]
2nd grapple check (if the first or second touch attack hit): [roll4] for [roll5] nonlethal

Third touch attack in case the first to missed: [roll6]
If that or any of the others hit, grapple check: [roll7] for [roll8] nonlethal.

2008-05-04, 10:54 AM
Galadren: Your arrow flies far, far off the mark.

Sithi: The cleric seems to be unphased by the blast of colors; your horse tries to pin him down, and it looks for a moment like he succeeds, but the cleric wriggles free at the last possible moment.


Your horse only gets one grapple attempt; using multiple weapons doesn't grant extra grapples, and your horse's extra attacks per round are from multiple natural weapons and not BAB.

2008-05-04, 01:58 PM
Stepping a few feet closer to the swirling melee around the single remainning hobgoblin, who apparently was a fanatic as he was now trying to commit suicide, Galadren brings another arrow to his bow. As he moves, he lets an arrow fly. He waits to see if this will be the attack to bring the cleric down, and if not draws another arrow to fire. "Easier said than done with a fanatic."

5' Move (Free Action)

Galadren's Starting Location: F4
Moving To: E5
By Way of:
Diagonal Move (5')
Total: 5'

Rapid Shot: 2 Arrows (Full Round Action)

1st Shot:
To-Hit: [roll0] + 6 = 19 (+1 Bless, -4 Soft Cover)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

Confirm: [roll3]
Extra Damage: [roll4]

2nd Shot: (Taken only if hobgoblin is still up)
To-Hit: [roll5] + 6 = 21 (+1 Bless, -4 Soft Cover)
Damage: [roll6]
Sneak Attack: [roll7]

Confirm: [roll8]
Extra Damage: [roll9]

2008-05-05, 01:14 AM

West turns to aid his companions, using his extra speed to reach the last standing enemy.

With 12 movement West should be able to move around the trees to flank the caster.

Trying for a non-lethal strike, with non-lethal sneak damage...


2008-05-05, 06:39 AM
Garrett, Magnum, and West all encircle the caster, but though the glowing dust outlines it, it makes it hard to spot his vulnerable points, and their blows all land harmlessly on armor. Laurel, however, carefully watches their blows - and then manages to land three blows with the back of her axe blades, and the cleric falls unconscious.

(Taking over for Garrett and Laurel there; Laurel dealt enough subdual damage to bring the cleric down.)

(Edit to add: combat's over - the remaining hobgoblins are all out for at least a couple more rounds, or dead.)

2008-05-06, 12:48 AM

"Laurel, can you give me a hand?"

West heads into the woods to drag the unconscious hobgoblins out to the road next to the downed caster.

2008-05-06, 12:54 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

The ranger nods and heads into the woods with West. "Some's gonna have to stabilize that caster before keeps his secrets to himself.

2008-05-06, 01:24 AM
"I'll help with that. Let's make sure these guys don't wake up for another couple hours, alright?" Galadren says, moving to help West drag the unconscious hobgoblins out onto the road next to their fallen leaders. Before grabbing each of the two hobgoblins by the legs to drag them along, however, Galadren kneels down and jabs his fingers into the side of their necks. With a sharp twist, he uses the pressure point there to ensure that the hobgoblins will remain unconscious for a number of hours instead of seconds (Subdual damage with an unarmed strike, essentially).

Confident that none of the hobgoblins would be capable of fighting again for some time, Galadren begins to move amongst the bodies of the dead and the unconscious, searching them for any items of note: money, items, scraps of paper, etc. Any weapons that he finds he deprives the hobgoblins of, bringing them back to pile up in a small stack of weapons in the middle of the road. If possible, he will also examine the arrows that the hobgoblins were using, and if they prove servicable Galadren will replenish his own quiver with them.

"Now, while I imagine our intention will be to interrogate these fellows, their leader has already proven himself to be a fanatic. It's possible that he may still find a way to deny us information, or simply stall us long enough that his own information becomes outdated and therefore useless. I think we should have a backup plan: one of these two fellows may do nicely." Galadren nods at one of the two fallen hobgoblin archers.

"Unless these guys are as dedicated as their boss, it's entirely possible that they will try to join up with their fellows rather than commit suicide. So, I say we make it look like we stripped them and their fellows of anything useable, and then moved on. The hobgoblin wakes up, thinks we simply overlooked the fact that he was alive, and then likely does one of two things. Either he's the paranoid fanatic and kills himself, or he's a reasonable chap that doesn't want to die, and being alone will attempt to travel back to the main camp to rejoin his fellows. If he's a fanatic we'll have only lost a little bit of time, and if he's reasonable we should hopefully be able to follow him discretely all the way back to wherever he came from. That's assuming of course their boss proves unhelpful."

Looking down the narrow side road to gaze at the nearby farmhouse, Galadren continued. "I also definately think we should check out the farmhouse before we impliment either plan. Clearing the building shouldn't take particularly long, and it may provide some clues as to why these jerks are past where the council said they were. Either this is a raiding party that just managed to slip across the river, or - Here Galadren pauses to make a sour face before voicing the worst case scenario.

"Or these guys have managed to conquer Drellin's Ferry and their little army has already pushed farther inland than the council feared."

Search checks for the hobgoblins:
Archer #1 [roll0]
Archer #2 [roll1]
Archer #3 [roll2]
Archer #4 [roll3]
Archer #5 [roll4]
Archer #6 [roll5]
Uth-Lar [roll6]
Invisible Caster [roll7]
Hellhound #1 [roll8]
Hellhound #2 [roll9]

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-06, 06:44 AM
Sithi relaxes, stroking her horse's neck and feeding it a slice of apple she'd been keeping in her pack, wrapped in waxed paper.

"Some of them are just unconscious, and it won't be more than a minute before they wake up--knock them out, will you? We only need the priest and one other. Oh, and if someone could check whether Uth-lar's still alive? If he's not crow food, he'd be the best to question."
The elf runs a hand through her hair to smooth it down and adjusts her spectacles.

"It's not a bad plan, young man," she tells Galadren, "But between the priest and one of the others, I should be able to get absolutely everything they know whenever they get around to waking up. Plenty of spells that'll do the trick. We don't need to follow them, and I doubt a single unarmed hobgoblin would get through the Witchwood at any rate. I don't think we need to worry about Drelin's Ferry being taken, either; they could've come through the woods.
By the by, I can understand taking to the woods when ambushed by archers, but... where were you, great hero? Didn't see you until the end. --I'll check the house," she adds, turning her horse towards the little house off the main path, then dismounting and entering.

(Taking 10 on Search for 26.)

2008-05-06, 07:16 AM
Galadren et al: you're quite confident that neither of the two unconscious archers will be waking up for a few hours, at least. It's also readily apparent to you that the other archers, the hellhounds, and Uth-lar won't be waking up again on this plane. The archer's gear is mostly unremarkable; their swords are of decent make, and each of them carries a single potion. Uth-lar's swords are excellently made, and his armor is also quite nice. The cleric's a bit tougher to search, since he's still invisible; as you pull things off his body, they become clear, including a couple of potions, a scroll, and a good-looking mace. You also find what seems to be a holy symbol, with five dragon heads in a circle. Without some help, you won't be able to remove the cleric's armor to look at it.

Sithi: Inside the farmhouse, the first thing you see is a pair of bodies; it takes you a moment, but you are able to recognize them as the drunkards that briefly attempted to answer Leille's call for help. Clearly, there was a good reason she refused them. Aside from that, it's apparent the hobgoblins were intending to be here for a while; there's a campfire, a couple of bedrolls, and a pile of (thoroughly unappetizing) rations in one corner. You also find a pouch with 355 gp in it.

The potions are of Cure Light Wounds, and there are 8 of them, total. The scroll is of spiritual weapon. Assuming Sithi will cast Detect Magic, Uth-lar's swords and the cleric's armor (banded mail) are magical. Aside from that:
6 composite (+1 str) longbows
6 masterwork longswords
6 suits of chainmail
6 heavy steel shields
1 suit masterwork studded leather armor
1 light steel shield
1 masterwork heavy mace

from the bodies inside the house:
2 suits of scale mail
2 masterwork longswords
2 masterwork light steel shields

and the 355 gp inside the house.

Also, 1380 XP for everybody!

2008-05-06, 10:28 AM
"Already done with knocking them out. And while I agree following a lone hobgoblin through the Witchwood, armed and armored or not, is probably not going to succeed, it's probably our best back-up plan. I'm sure your magic will prove effective on them, but the invisible one at least is a fanatic. He very well might just inform us very politely that we're all going to die and there's nothing he can do for us because it's his god's will."

Galadren smiles as he answers Sithi's question as to his whereabouts. "That's the general idea. If you can't see me, neither can the enemy. Although I must admit, I did make an error. I was expecting the reinforcements to come down the road, which would have let me ambush them. As it turned out, much of the fighting took place in the woods, and the reinforcements immediately ran in there from the farmhouse. So just like the hobgoblin archers, my shots were blocked, and instead of risking hitting one of you I waited until the survivors started to flee. They may have been able to outrun all of you, but they couldn't say the same for my arrows!"

Seeing Sithi head towards the farmhouse, Galadren starts to move after her. "Wait, mother. There may still be a few cowards hiding inside, and desperation will give them strength to wield their weapons against a lone opponent."

(Since that's obviously not the case, we can just skip over figuring out who searches the farmhouse other than Sithi. :smallwink: )

After everything seems to have been discovered except who these hobgoblin raiders were and how they got here, Galadren nods. "Ok, I think we should bury the bodies of our fellow adventurers: even if they were idiots as Liene said, they deserve that much. The dead hobgoblins can be left for the crows. I think since we have horses, we might as well make use of them to carry all of their equipment back to town - we can give it to the militia if nothing else. We could also stay the night inside the farmhouse if we don't want the annoyance of dragging the unconscious hobgoblins with us - and dealing with the good folk of Drellin's Ferry who might be in the mood for a lynching right now."

2008-05-06, 11:36 AM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

”Aye, excellent work there Swifty. Next time I’ll be saving ya a place up here with me.” Laurel laughted then adjusted her armour. She slid her hand underneath and pulled out a hand with a few drops of blood. ”Nothing ta worry ‘bout, just a flesh wound. Yer not gonna faint, eh?”

[The Farm house is examined]

“Aye, good idea to burry’em,” Laurel shook her head, “Times like these, I wish I had a badger with me.”

A loud “CAW” screeched out from over head as a hawk landed in a nearby tree. “Hells Astor, it was a bleedin’ joke. But, he does bring up a good point. I ain’t want ta violate some religious rituals that these people’s families have. We could send Astor back with a message to Liene that they’re here. She’d handle bringing them home – or even raisin’ if the families afford it. That’ll let us get to the Ferry by nightfall.”

“Either way, I ain’t got a shovel an’ Astor ain’t much of a badger.”

2008-05-06, 11:37 AM

"Good work crew, though I have to agree with Sithi, Sir Swiftbow, waiting to shoot goblins in the back wasn't quite what I expected... but if that's your game, I'd say less talk and more arrows."

"This is an advance unit. There will likely be runners coming to carry messages from them back to the main camp, and probably reinforcements. We should truss up the survivors and take them into Drellin's Ferry. The bodies of those two idiots too. It's not safe here."

If necessary, West offers to trade off running alongside the horses, with the horses carrying the corpses. He's adamant about not leaving the two young men's corpses behind, but is open to sending word to someone to come get them.

West pulls some rope out of his pack and begins tying up the captives. Seeing Laurel's wounds he asks, "Are you all right to make it into town? We can probably find a priest there."

2008-05-06, 05:10 PM

Upon seeing Laurel bleeding Garret rushes over and hold out his hands, "Do you mind, milady?" After he gets a response he will call upon the powers of nature to help restore some of her vitality.

"Between me and Magnum, we could probably track our way back to the main group if you want. Saves us the trouble of having to let one of these buggers lose. I'm for sending a message back to the councilwoman so that she can come deal with these bodies and colloect the equipment for the militia. No disrespect to the dead, but the more time we dally the more of these raids will be pulled and the more dead bodies we will be dealing with." After Garret expresses his opinion he looks around outside to read the tracks of this group of goblins. Mainly to see if he can follow back where they came from, but also to see if there were any that escaped the skirmish that just occured.

Cure Light:[roll0]

Survival Garret:[roll1]
Survival Magnum:[roll2] +4 if he can catch any scent

2008-05-06, 05:58 PM
Garrett: As you check the area out, it's easy to tell which direction the hobgoblins came from - north. You follow the tracks a little ways, and they veer towards the northwest before you're more than a quarter-mile away.

(In case it matters: it's currently getting late, about 7 o'clock, and you're about 3-4 hours from Drellin's Ferry proper.)

2008-05-06, 06:06 PM
Laurel Evenwood – Human, Ranger

“Bleedin’ Hins! Ain’t never listen. Ha. “ The woman coughs a moment before continuing, “Ah, just kiddin’ there. I’ll take yer spell, just promise if Swifty twists his ankle later this evenin’ you’ve another to cast on him. Thanks Lad.”

“I can help ya track’em too if we need it. But then again, since it’s gettin’ dark now, we might as well stay the night. I’ll send Astor in the mornin’ if we still need to.”

[roll0] +4 vs goblins

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-06, 11:03 PM
"Anything I can't get out of'em today, I'll find out tomorrow," Sithi suggests. "Including the way to their camp. Hey, Laurel? If you can speak with your feathered friend, you might send him on to Drelin's Ferry, to ease Galadren's fears.
We can bundle up what's worth selling, here; leaving it by the road just means it'll end up missing. Finish of one of our prisoners, tie the other two over the backs of our horses... it's getting dark, but we're not too far from the town, we might as well continue and sleep in beds tonight. I'm partial to a good bed."

She considers a moment. "Actually, give me a moment and we won't even need to tie them up." Standing over the unconscious hobgoblins, she invokes a spell on each.

Charm Person on each hobgoblin until he fails. Cleric first. Will DC 19.

2008-05-07, 06:48 AM
Laurel: you check the area out, and come to the same conclusion Garrett did - the hobgoblins came from the northwest, either yesterday or the day before.

Sithi: You find it very, very difficult to exert a hold over the unconscious cleric's mind...but you do eventually succeed. The archer also proves more difficult than you'd expect.

(The cleric made his first 5(!) saving throws, and the archer made two - so nine castings total. For some reason, your character sheet seems to be missing a lot of info right now, including spells/day, but I think you're going to have to burn some second-level spell slots to reach that total, yes?)

(So: your plan is to tie 'em up, sling them over the backs of your horses, and keep heading for the ferry?)

2008-05-07, 11:52 AM

West finishes tying up each of the hobgoblins and improvises a gag for each. He then drags the archer over to his horse, "Laurel, can you take the caster?"

Yes, plan is to head back to the ferry I would say.

I'm going to be on the road for the next several days and may not have access to internet, so feel free to NPC/ignore West where necessary.

2008-05-07, 12:12 PM
"Hmm, are you two confident in your ability to follow these tracks back to their source even if the trail grows cold by another day? Or should we follow them immediately for the best chance of following them back? If you are confident then I don't see the problem with traveling into town save for the townspeople's reaction to bringing two hobgoblins into their town. Some of those people are going to be from the farmsteads that are still in danger of being attacked, and they aren't going to look kindly on captured hobgoblins. You have a plan for dealing with a lynch mob?"

Galadren finishes reloading his quiver with arrows taken from the hobgoblins' supply, and then collects his riding horse.

2008-05-07, 12:48 PM

"I know you mean well Galadren," West says softly, using his companion's name for the first time, "but you're making a lot of assumptions about people you don't know. People aren't stupid, not in the face of this kind of warring. If these are just minor raids, then like you said, tracking the goblins to their camp would be the best bet. This is a lot more than that though, and the militia needs to know what these goblins know, which means we need to head to Drellin's Ferry. We can play hero later."

West throws the hobgoblin on the back of his horse and gets on behind it.

2008-05-07, 12:53 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel give West a nod and picks up the heavy cleric and drops him on the horse. She takes out her rope and secures it to the horse and the goblin.

I don't think it requires a check when binding someone, just when they try to escape.

"To be honest with ya Swifty, my eyes ain't worth as much as Garret's in the dark. That dog of his might still keep the trail with just his nose though. I ain't mind if we keep goin', you elves just best be for keepin' some sharp eyes."

2008-05-07, 01:06 PM
"Mmm, perhaps you're right. I'm said my peace, wherever you want to go next is fine by me and - stupid horse!" Galadren exclaims as he puts one foot in the stirrup, preparing to life himself up into the saddle, when the horse moves several feet forward, dragging Galadren hopping along beside it. Finally managing to get a good grip on the reins to hold the horse steady, Galadren swings his other leg up and around, settling himself firmly in the saddle. Coughing as he feels his cheeks start to turn red, Galadren tries to pretend nothing had happened. "So then, shall we move on?"

2008-05-07, 09:41 PM
As you ride along, the sun gradually sinks below the horizon; you see lanterns in the windows of some houses as you pass, but no one is outside. Gradually, the lanterns start disappearing too, as the moon rises. Your captives emit an occasional groan, but never wake up.

Hours later, you crest a hill and can see starlight reflected in a river's water; scattered silhouettes of buildings dot the area between you and the river, and the road runs down between them. As you approach the town, you notice a few figures along one side of the road; one of them steps into the road and says, "Halt, strangers, and state your business."

2008-05-07, 10:55 PM
Relieved to see the welcoming sight of the small town in the moonlight, and that his worse-case scenario had simply been idle fearmongering, Galadren allows himself to relax. Hopefully within the hour or two he would be in a nice soft bed, with visions of naked elven maidens dancing through his head. As such, his tone was its usual flippant self when not on a mission.

"Well, I would say that our business is taking a nice evening ride through the woods, enjoying the pretty moonlight and warm air. And now, it is my intention to make my business traveling into your fine town and purchasing one of your comfy inn rooms for the night. Would one of you strapping young gentlemen wish to join me?"

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-08, 02:24 AM

"Don't flirt with the guardsmen, Galadren," Sithi murmurs with a hint of a smile, before nudging her horse forward and raising a hand in greeting.

"We're in the employ of the Lord of Brindol. We came here to investigate the hobgoblin attacks, and got jumped ourselves; as a result, we have a couple of prisoners. Don't raise a cry, please; it's late and there's no need to wake everyone. Could you hold them for us? We want to question them tonight and tomorrow. One of them at least is a fanatic who'll seek death, so manacles would really be best. If you could take them off our hands and point us at the nearest inn, we'd be delighted to meet with your mayor and militia leader tonight or tomorrow morning."

(Did we do anything with the loot?)

2008-05-08, 07:40 AM
The guard pointedly ignores Galadren; at Sithi's comments, he moves closer and inspects the bundles on the back of the horses. "Well, I guess that answers the question of why nobody came along this road yesterday. Damn. This means they've crossed the river." He looks up at Sithi. "Good work, and thank you. The jail's in the old tollhouse; it's that large building over there by the river, just head down the road and cut across the green. I'll send Metson ahead to wake the Captain." He jerks his head, and one of the three behind him takes off running down the road. "For an inn - you'll pass the Green Apple on the way to the tollhouse; it's a good place. There's also the Old Bridge, a little to the south of the jail; if you're the type that needs a feather bed and such, you'll want to head there." He bows. "Welcome to Drellin's Ferry, by the way. Anything else I can help you with?"



You're currently at the '1' along the eastern edge of the map (the northern one); the jail is the number 8, the Green Apple is the 4, and the Old Bridge Inn is the 10.

Also, you collected all the loot, and it's on the horses that aren't bearing hobgoblins.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-08, 09:51 PM
"I sleep by the side of the road often enough to take a soft bed when I can get it, young man." Sithi peers at the guard over the tops of her glasses, and smiles.
"We'll just drop off our packages at the jail, then. Come, let's go." She motions to the party and nudges her horse along.

2008-05-09, 09:00 AM

Garret stays quiet and heads with the rest of the group toward the jail, feeling the normal unease he always feels when leaving the comfort of the wilderness.

2008-05-09, 10:47 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Naw, that's it lad. Thanks for the welcome." Laurel gave him a nod and headed off in the direction of the jail.

2008-05-09, 12:30 PM
The party rides down towards the river; when you arrive at the jailhouse, you're met by a woman in heavy armor, standing in front of a half-dozen men wearing lighter leather armor. As you approach, she steps forward; even in flickering torchlight, it's clear that she's been having many sleepless nights of late. "Hello; I'm Captain Soranna. You're the ones who captured the hobgoblins?" She waits for a confirming nod before continuing. "Good job, and thank you. I'll have my men take care of securing these two. Once that's done, would you all follow me to the Old Bridge? I know it's late, but the town speaker and I would like to talk to you tonight, if possible." She waves a hand, and the six others come forward and remove the still-unconscious hobgoblins from your horses.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-09, 02:49 PM
"We certainly are. One of their leaders didn't make it, but we've got these two. Careful of that one--he's a cleric, so make sure he can't cast, and something of a religious fanatic to boot. Tried to off himself. I've got a Charm on both of them, mind, so try not to treat them too badly, yet--I'll need to talk to them tomorrow morning."
She brushes a strand of long white hair out of her face, and peers at Soranna over her spectacles. "You certainly look competent, young captain. I'd be glad to leave them in your custody. Lead on."

As they go, Sithi briefly elaborates on the circumstances and details of the attack.

2008-05-09, 03:50 PM
Following along with the rest of the party, Galadren takes in the sights of the small town as they move along towards the jailhouse. He tries to see if there were any interesting shops along the road: high-quality blacksmiths or apothecaries that might be interested in the more valuable goods they found on the hobgoblin raiders.

Reaching the jailhouse and the waiting squad of militia, Galadren smiles. "Share a drink with a pretty lass in the tavern while discussing how best to bring an end to this raider filth? Certainly!"
Continuing to follow along with the rest of the group towards the Old Bridge Inn, Galadren allows Sithi to recount the details of the hobgoblin ambush. When she's finished, Galadren adds "These raiders had a lot of good equipment on them - better than what most such filth have. Which means they were either an elite squad, or this group of raiders is very well funded and equipped. In any case, most of their equipment is not that useful to us - perhaps we could discuss turning that equipment over to your militia at this meeting?"

Galadren's expression turns serious as he addresses the next topic. "One more thing to add. When we searched the farmhouse the raiders were staying in, we found the bodies of two local adventurers. I trust we can arrange a decent burial for them?"

(I don't know if we brought those two's bodies along with us or left them at the farmhouse.)

2008-05-09, 11:58 PM
It only takes a minute or two to walk to the Old Bridge inn; Captain Soranna listens intently to Sithi's description along the way. (Galadren: you don't pass anything that looks like a shop, but then, you aren't really passing any other buildings between points A and B.) As you arrive, you note that the inn is quite large, three stories tall and probably with 40 or 50 rooms, judging by its size. Three halflings are waiting there to take your steeds to the stables; they lead your horses off as you enter the inn's common room. The room is fairly empty at this hour; there's a lone halfling standing behind the bar, and no more than three or four people scattered around the thirty tables in the room. Soranna leads you to a table with one man sitting at it; he's old, maybe fifty, mostly bald, with a fringe of hair around his head and a short beard both starting to turn grey, and is wearing a bright red robe.

Once Sithi and Galadren have finished, the man introduces himself. "My name is Norro Wiston; I'm the town speaker of Drellin's Ferry. It sounds like you already know the kinds of trouble we're having - are you the ones Leille was able to recruit? Good. We're desperately in need of the help."

The barkeeper comes over and takes your drink requests; when he leaves, Soranna resumes talking. "I'll send out a squad right away to retrieve the adventurer's bodies; your encounter is the first attack we've heard of on this side of the river, so hopefully they should get there and back safely. If the hobgoblin's gear is as good as you say, that's very worrying; we've already figured out that there must be a lot of these hobgoblins, and that they were working together far better than their kind typically can; it's even worse if they've got decent weapons and armor to use. "

Your drinks arrive; Captain Soranna pulls out a map of the local area, and starts pointing at a few locations. "As best as we've been able to tell, the caravan attacks we know of have occured here, here, and here. There have also been attacks on farms all over the west bank of the Elsir. If you've never been in the Witchwood, I can tell you it's about as dense as a forest gets; there are only a few paths through. The two biggest ones cross here", she says, pointing at a spot a bit south of the center of the map, "and anyone trying to get through the woods in a hurry would almost have to come past this spot. There used to be a keep there, years ago, but it's long since fallen to ruins, and I've heard tell it's haunted. Never seemed like it the couple of times I've been past there, but...in any case, that may be a good place to start looking. If you've some other idea about finding them, of course you should feel free to pursue that."

Norro adds, "As for the gear, we'd certainly appreciate it. The Captain's guards are reasonably well outfitted, but as you've probably noticed, a number of the militia are in fairly poor armor. The town treasury's fairly empty with all the trouble we're having, but think I could persuade some of the merchants to offer you some of what they have left - potions, scrolls, that sort of thing. Regardless, your stay here is paid for. Thank you again for being willing to help - as I said before, we're getting desperate here. If you need any help, let us know."



The three attacks occured: just south of the Skull Gorge Bridge; halfway between the bridge and the keep; and just north of the Swift Creek crossing.

2008-05-10, 01:03 PM
Grayven Lodai
Human Warrior Priest

He rolled up the page and replaced it in the leather case attatched to his waist.

There had not been much to write. His methodical investigations in and around this town of 'Drellin's Ferry' had revealed litte of note. Rumors mostly, but enough coroborated with what he had already heard to warrant further investigation into the nearby ruins.

He would leave at Dawn.

He sipped his mint tea slowly. The weather had remained cool enough in the evenings to be tolerable, although still far too humid for his personal tastes.

He was impressed by the size of the 'Old Bridge' though. It spoke of a once booming trade that had now been nearly extinguished by the recent attack by savage humaniods.

Due to them, the trip to the ruins would be risky, as he had heard these hobgoblin raids had occured all along the main road, but, as there were no seasoned individuals in the region willing to risk such a venture without pay, he would simply have to take the risk.

He noted the presence of an important looking elderly man in red robes sitting alone at a rather large table. He seemed nervous, despite his air of authority.

The front door opened then, and a rather ragtag group of individuals filed into the common room, led by the local militia captain.

Aside from the prim but exotic looking female elf in grey and the darkly dressed and complected human man, they appeared to be inclined to the outdoors in one way or another, and all appeared to experienced in the ways of combat. Even the halfling appeared dangerous.

Perhaps the goddess had different plans for his travels on the morrow.

His interest was piqued further when, after brief pleasantries and the groups ordering and serving of drinks, the captain produced what would appear to be a map, and began pointing to different areas upon it.

A swirl of questions arose in his mind as he watched them from his shadowed corner of the room, his silvery armor gleaming in the dim light.

2008-05-11, 01:33 PM
Entering the inn, Galadren immediately goes over to the table that they were all starting to gather around. Slinging off his pack of gear with a weary groan, Galadren plops himself down into the nearest seat.

"I'll have a Honeymead, thanks." Galadren says, before leaning in close to the barkeep to whisper with a wink while discretely pointing at Norro Wiston, "And it's on his tab."

Waiting for his drink to arrive, Galadren looks down at the map as the captain points out where the attacks had occured, and mentions the by-now familiar name of Vraath Keep. "Leille mentioned this Keep as well. I imagine that this is our best lead as to the location of the hobgoblin base camp?" Galadren leans in close to the map, peering at the area surrounding the keep.

"Hmmm . . . they're going to have lookouts watching the major roads, hoping to spot incoming caravans if nothing else. With so many well-armed hobgoblins, surprise is going to be our only advantage. I'd recommend trading speed for discretion, cutting through the forest rather than using one of the main roads. How about these footpaths, Mr. Wiston? Are they well-known and obvious, or would they be a discrete way of approaching the Keep?"

2008-05-11, 06:26 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel followed the elf's lead to the table. "Ah," she exclaimed after plopping down on a chair and stretching her legs out, "Feels like it's been forever since I've got to relax." She turned towards the bartender and called out, "I'll have an ale, hells, make it one for the entire table." A smile slide across her face as her attention turned towards Galadren for a moment. "We're goin' to have him drink a man's drink tonight!"

While waiting for the ales, Laurel scanned over the map. The keep was the most likely position for a group of hobgoblins, but there were a few other possibilities. "Including the keep, there's some other places that offer terrain advantages. At least this'll be givin' us a few options if they ain't at the keep."

As the ales arrive, she hauls a large chug from the mug and wipes her mouth on her sleeve while listening to Galadren. "Now, yer idea does have some merit, but there might be another option we can use. What if we'd just disguise ourselves as a caravan. We've got the horses, just be for needin' a cart or two. Option's a little more riskier, but we'd at least be able to travel faster than foot trails through the bush - since we likely ain't able to bring our horses on those foot trails. Now, I know this ain't without risk, but I doubt the group they'd been usin' would be ready to take on outfitted adventurers. Once we'd sent'em for a dirt nap, Garret and myself would just track'em back."

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-11, 06:52 PM

The white-haired elf slips one of the stablehands a pair of gold coins, promising two more if her mount receives especially good treatment. As she steps onto the threshold to the inn, she makes a gesture, speaks a short Word, and the dust and sweat of the road slough off her as though shoved outwards, forming a corona before settling down onto the ground. It is replaced with the faint but present scents of lily and honeysuckle, and Sithi herself looks as though she's freshly dried after a bath.

She accepts an ale without comment, and sets to work on it with thoroughly un-dainty swallows.

"We'd be delighted to trade in their gear for potions and the like. I think the keep is, most likely, their gathering-point as well, but we don't need to wonder: as soon as they're awake, I can question our prisoners and learn absolutely everything we wish to know. After that, the question is what to do: head towards their base and skirt the corners, sneaking around the woods and picking off patrols? Wading in with the advantage of surprise and taking them out group by group? This will quite naturally depend on how many there are and how they're organized."

(Prestidigitation, yay! While I'm at it I'll also use it to make my ale taste like the finest elven wine.)

2008-05-11, 06:59 PM

Garret waves off any drink offered, but asks for water when the waitress comes by. He listens intently as the captain speaks and stands up on his chair to get a good view of the map when it is unfurled on the table. When Laurel acknowledges his ability to track, he will graciously nod his head and with a smile respond, "I think Laurel and I are more than capable of tracking any force that we encounter on the road, and I know that Magnum and I would have no problem traversing through the forest." Garret pauses for a moment as if in deep thought. "I generally tend to avoid confrontation if it can be helped, and I am confident that with the two of us in the lead," Garret motions towards Laurel, "we can find a path through the forest to the keep without alerting their forward scouts. I also don't like leaving an enemy alive behind me, so I see merit in both ideas." After speaking Garret looks expectantly to the rest of his group to hear their opinion on the matter.

2008-05-11, 11:00 PM
Galadren smirks at Laurel's comment about manly drinks. "Certainly, we have such manly drinks as ale where I come from. But generally that's for the children - adults tend to prefer something, ah, a bit stronger?" As if to prove his point, when the round of ales come around along with his Honeymead, Galadren takes both drinks. "A toast! To everyone's health!" He raises the mug of ale up over his head, and then brings it back down to his lips, taking several swift swallows. Slamming the now half-full mug of ale back down onto the table, Galadren grimaces and coughs slightly.

"That may be *cough* a bit stronger *cough* than I remember." He mutters, now raising the glass of honeymead to his lips, taking a sip and swishing it around in his mouth a bit before swallowing.

Setting both glasses aside for the moment, still occassionally coughing, Galadren re-examines the map. "We *could* pretend to be a caravan, and that would certainly lure in one of their ambush teams. However, given that these groups are also apparently capable of taking out large caravans escorted by 20 guards with apparently little effort or casulties, I'm hesistant to allow such a group to ambush us along with all their other current advantages. There's also the fact that destroying their ambush squads will only be a temporary setback - this level of organization and equipment is not common for such hobgoblin filth. Which means there's somebody with brains and resources organizing all of this, and if they have any wisdom to go along with their brains, they're probably staying back at the hobgoblin base camp where it's "safe". Those important people are who we have to kill - as long as they're alive they can just find more hobgoblins to train and start all over again."

Pausing for a moment, Galadren reaches for his glass of honeymead, but then smiles at Laurel and instead reaches for the ale. He takes a more moderate gulp of it, again grimacing slightly, before setting the mug back down and continuing.

"Right now, surprise is our only real advantage. And once their patrols and ambush squads start disappearing, the survivors are going to become more alert and it's less likely we'll be able to take the main body of hobgoblins by surprise. So, we should try for one hard sucker punch and cut off as much of the head as we can with surprise, and then resort to attrition and picking off patrols if there's still too many for us to deal with in a follow-up attack. That's also why going up the main road at all is a bad idea - too many places for a lookout to hide and sneak off undetected to inform the main camp. And, even if we do encounter and overcome one of their main caravan ambushes, the Witchwood is dense - we may not be so lucky as to catch all the runners as we were last time. All it takes is for one hobgoblin to get away from us and back to the main camp to ruin our element of surprise."

Galadren thinks a moment, and then adds, "Oh, and thank you for the offer to speak to local merchants on our behalf. I"m sure with caravans disappearing money is tight, and since your militia can make better use of most of the hobgoblin gear than we can, I think we all would prefer to see it put to use, with or without actual payment. Supplies, however, are always welcome."

2008-05-11, 11:54 PM
Human, Warrior Priest

He noticed that several of them seemed to all be rather prolific drinkers, particularly the mouthy Elf male.
The elf female suprised him by not seeming to have issue knocking the cups back either.

Not exactly what he would consider the optimal group to assist him in his endeavor, but, as his mentor had once said, the wise hermit takes what company happens to come to him.

Quaffing the last of his tea, he stood, and approached the large table, stopping at respectful distance as the longer winded elf finished speaking, and introducing himself.

Extending a gauntleted hand, festooned with what appears to be the ritually desecrated remains of unholy symbols of various evil diety's he begins, speaking in a calm gravely voice.

"Greetings travelers, and well met. I am Grayven Lodai.
Graciously pardon my intrusion, but I could not help but over hear you mentioning of the ruined keep that is in this region.
It was my intention to travel there tommorrow to investigate the ruins, and expunge it of evil if necessary, as I have heard rumors that it is indeed haunted.
Perhaps our efforts could be combined if your intentions were to travel there as well. What say you all?"

He puts his hand down as he concludes, looking around to each person seated at the table, crossing his mailed hands in front of his waist, one hand grasping the other's wrist, patiently awaiting a response.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-12, 12:29 AM

Engaged in drink and conversation, her guard down, Sithi doesn't, for once, notice the approaching stranger. When he starts speaking, the bespectacled elf--her back to him, due the location of her seat--twists in her chair like a cat, one hand rising in the start of a gesture, the other dropping low with a flicking motion. Something gleams in her hand for a second, then just as quickly, she makes it disappear and relaxes.

"Grayven, huh? You look tough enough. I doubt you'll find any actual ghosts. What you will find, it looks like, 's hobgoblins. Can't say I'd mind havin' a big steel plate between myself and them."
She gives him a look-over, then glances up over the tops of her spectacles. "A warrior, hmm? Tried your luck with hobgoblins before?"

2008-05-12, 11:45 AM

West takes a sip of his ale, but then leaves the rest untouched, walking around to get a better look at the map. "There are a lot of tales about Vraath's Keep, the most common of which is that it's haunted. It's also said to be in total disrepair, with half of its walls crumbled. Which if true says to me that no one that felt they needed real fortification would be there, which in turn would mean either lots of confidence or stupidity."

"We still don't know what we're up against in numbers, and goblins tend to have bigger friends... they say giants took down Vraath's Keep to begin with. So we should be sneaky, look for information first. Plus, it's good to know the size of a head before you try cutting it off."

To Grayven he responds, "Well, I guess I know less about you than Sir Swiftbow here, but you don't look like the type to hide behind a tree at the first sign of danger... so, sure why not?"

2008-05-12, 09:38 PM

"I agree that speed and surprise should be our foremost concerns. If on our way through the forest we find tracks of scouting parties, we should deal with them first before moving on," looking at the captain and Norro Garret asks, "Is there anyone in the town who would be familiar with the smaller paths that would get us to the keep?"

At the arrival of their new guest, Garret inclines his head in greeting but continues his conversation with the captain and town speaker.

2008-05-13, 12:22 AM
Human, Warrior-Priest

His eyes narrowed and he gave the elven woman a long pointed look, waiting patiently until her hand came down, and her blade was put away, his only outward reaction being the clenching of his steel encased right fist.

His jaw muscles flexed once, and he raised an eyebrow at the dark males off hand comment, flicking a glance in his direction before returning his gaze to the Elven woman.

"You are in no danger here lady Elf, I assure you. Although, perhaps you might wish to pace your consumption of alchohol this eve. I have heard that the ale in this region can be particularly strong".

The faintest of smirks pulls at the right corner of his mouth before he continues, running his hand absently over the gleaming silvery plates of metal he openly wore, "I might add that this is no mere steel m'lady. As such, it is far more suited to my purposes than any common breastplate, as I am a Warrior-Priest of Istus, and therefore far better suited to my divinely appointed tasks than any common warrior".

Giving a curt bow in conclusion, he then moved around the table, the sound of his exquisitely crafted armor barely audible, coming to stand behind the only remaining empty seat at the table and looking down at the map curiously.

After a moment, he glances around the table, listening to the continued discussion and waiting for a pause before speaking once again.

,"Well then, it seems Fate has deigned that our paths cross this night.
Whatever infests the ruins, or the surrounding environs, be it living, or unliving, I care not. Evil is evil, and it will be eradicated by whatever means necessary.
Hobgoblins are simply the lesser of the two".

Noticing the halfling, he returns the silent greeting, then focuses his attention once more on the map laid out before him.

2008-05-13, 11:49 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Ha! Good on ya, Swifty!"

Laurel narrowed her eyes at the man, "Warrior priest, eh? Hm. So, if you were plannin' on findin' the source of these attacks, would you rather have'em come to you and meet battle head on then track'em home, or would you rather - I don't know - sneak through the bush towards a place you ain't sure is really their base?"

She waved her hand dismissively, "Ah, Hells do I know. I'm sure that -" she looked off into the distance for a moment, before looking back to the man, "What was it again, Gravel? Spike? It was Spike, right? You look like a Spike. Spike it is. Anyway, I ain't got no problem goin' through the bush, the rest'a'ya just need to be keepin' up."

"Eh, Tender! We need 'nother ale fer ol'Spikey here. Even though you ain't got cause to celebrate our last victory, we can just be for gettin' an early start on the next celebration." She grined to the table before turning to the balding man. "So, Norro, hows about that scout"

Scout referring to someone as asked before who knows the woods and and trails of the area.

2008-05-13, 11:33 PM
Human, Warrior-Priest

Looking up from the map, he opened his mouth in preparation to answer the rugged looking woman's question, but closed it as she continued on.

Looking across at her with a deadpan expression as she unceremoniously christened him "Spike", he waited patiently until she finished.

"My answer would depend greatly on the details of the particulars, which I do not currently possess, but generally speaking, I am one in favor of the most direct rout, destroying any oposition that stands in the way of our destination or goal being reached or achieved".

Looking in the bartenders direction, he calls out in his deep gravely voice, "Cancel that drink order good sir, with my thanks".

In explanation he says, as he leans back in his seat "I avoid anything that would impede my ability to execute my duties, no offense of course. I am, in fact, gladdened to hear of your success, so by all means, enjoy it as you will".

Looking around at the other faces present at the table he says,"Although I have my own concept of sound tactics, I am willing to work with any reasonably well organized plan, provided that we are able to reach and search the ruins".
Looking over at Sithi, he continues,"If you, lady elf, are in fact correct, then our mission should prove fairly straightforward. These raiders, despite being slightly more organized than most of their repugnant kind, are still far from being a threat to a band as well equiped as ours.
Although, as any good adventurer is aware, things are rarely that simple. In which case, we will simply be forced to adapt to the new demands of the unforseen situation".

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-14, 01:00 AM

"Don't you worry; I've learned to handle drink," Sithi murmurs, examining Grayven again.
"A warrior-priest, eh? As long as you're content with worshippin' your god and the rest of us not, you're in. But I don't think it'll be simple; there's more to this than there looks to be, their gear screams it. Still, cutting off the head's like to be our best bet."

2008-05-14, 02:06 AM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

Reaching over to pick up the ale for another sip after his latest verbal barrage, Galadren also doesn't notice the armored figure approaching at first. When he finally does, he is in the middle of taking his latest sip - as a result, Galadren's initial reaciton to the newcomer's presence is to attempt to inhale. Being in the midst of drinking, this naturally results in some of the ale going down in his windpipe.

Busy choking and sputtering to himself for the next several seconds, Galadren is too preoccupied to gather much of the details of the man's introduction, beyond the fact that he was some kind of priest-warrior. He also picks up on Laurel calling him Spike, which was an admitedly strange name for a priest-warrior, and the fact that Sir Spike didn't seem concerned about these hobgoblins.

Finally finding his throat clear, Galadren takes a deep luxurious breath of fresh air, and then is immediately talking again. "Forgive me, Sir Spike, but I don't think you fully understand the situation yet. These hobgoblins have apparently managed to intercept every caravan passing through - did I get that right Mr. Wiston? - and some of these caravans had upwards of twenty guards. And those hobgoblins are presumably similar to the well-equipped ones we ourselves ran across - which are pawns for whoever is organizing this. As West just pointed out, they could have just about anything guarding their base camp. Surely the wise warrior scouts ahead and determines his enemy's strength before meeting him in battle, hmm?"

Suddenly, an idea pops into Galadren's head, triggered by his "know your enemy" argument. "Sir Spike, you seem to be the type who has encountered your fair share of the various dark gods this sort of filth tends to worship. Just before he tried to off himself, the fanatic leader of the hobgoblin band we defeated shouted something: "All hail the . . ." anyone else remember what he said? Dark Lady . . . Black Queen . . . Dark Queen? Dark Queen, that's it! You ever heard about a Dark Queen in your adventures, Sir Spike?"

2008-05-14, 07:08 AM

West nods at his companion's question about the Dark Queen, "He had some sort of symbol too, with dragons on it. Do you still have it Galadren?"

2008-05-14, 01:30 PM
To Galadren's initial question, Wiston replies "The footpaths are just that - little more than the trails animals leave. Some of them can be quite hard to spot if you don't know they're there."

"Thank you for the gear - as the Speaker said, we're in need of quality craftsmanship and this'll be much appreciated. I'll talk to the merchants first thing in the morning."

When Grayven introduces himself, Captain Soranna and Speaker Wiston both look pleased. "Thank you, sir, for your help as well."

To Garrett, the captain replies: "Most of the townsfolk don't spend much time in the Witchwood. There's a druid near town who ventures out there occasionally, and one old man - Jorr's his name - who lives right here, just inside the Witchwood proper. " She points to a spot just after the main road enters the Witchwood. "He probably knows the woods better than anyone alive...I hope he's okay; we sent a patrol out to his house yesterday, and he wasn't home. As for the caravan suggestion - there are several merchants here in town, waiting for the roads to be made safe; we could probably persuade one of them to offer a wagon or two and some goods towards one, if you think that a good plan. That seems to me to be inviting more trouble than you have to, right now."

2008-05-14, 06:37 PM
Human, Warrior-Priest

Grayven inclines his head in a slight nod as the man in red offered his thanks, eyeing the sputtering and coughing elf momentarily, as the bespectacled lady elf, who seemed older and more mature despite her ageless appearance, spoke up.

Nodding another bow, this time deeper and more deferential, in response to her first statement, he replied "Undoubtedly, and I sincerely beg your pardon...m'lady. I have no doubt that those quick reactions have saved your life many a time, and will undoubtedly prove invaluable upon the field of battle".

The faintest trace of a smile appeared momentarily at her mention of his diety, disappearing as she finished on the subject of their enemy.

"Your personal beliefs are of course your own, it is not..."

Before he had a chance to respond further, the rambunctious elf had begun again, having now managed to clear his throat of his miswallowed ale that suprisingly seemed to not have impeded his tendency towards prolific speeches.

Rankling at each mention of "Sir Spike", but supressing any outward reaction as best he was able, he stared a hole into the table as he waited, resisting the urge to interupt.

But, at the mention of "Dark Queen", his eyes suddenly shot up, locking onto the Elf's fiercly, his brow furrowing and his eyes narrowing in intense curiosity and concentration.

"First of all Sir Elf, I recognize the need for knowing the field and the enemy, and expect that proper measures will be taken so that both are known.
But what I do know is, your group of five managed to eliminate an entire raiding party single handedly, without, I would venture to guess, the aforementioned knowledge. Forgive me if, with the addition of myself, I am confident that we are more than sufficiently prepared to handle and adapt to any threats we might encounter."

The faint smile returns briefly once more as he says "Until then, I fervently look forward to the opportunity to quash any lingering doubts that may still remain.
Now, show me this device, if you still have it in your posession, I may yet be able to ascertain which diety it represents".

[SPOILER] Knowledge Religion check (if seeing the symbol helps, add any applicable bonuses): [roll0] [SPOILER]

2008-05-14, 11:07 PM

"I would say we check with both the druid and this Jorr to see if they have any insights into the ways of the Witchwood," Garret says. He tilts his head towards Sithi and comments, "And you'll be wanting to question the prisoner too before we leave, right mi'lady?"

2008-05-15, 05:24 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel took one last drink of her ale before she stood from her chair. "And I'm sure that ya'll get plenty'a chance to 'quash' those doubt, but in the morning. As fer me, I'm gonna catch some Z's before I end up drinkin' all night. Tell me if ya get anythin' out'a that symbol come mornin'."

She started towards her room and stopped to lean down to whisper to Galadren.

"His name, it's Grayven. Seems to be the type that might not be appreciating nicknames."

"Have a good night everyone." Laurel made her way to her room, and readied herself for the night.

2008-05-16, 12:53 PM

Nodding a good-night to the rugged outdoorswoman, he waited patiently with his hand out as he looked at the elf expectantly, waiting for him to produce the symbol for his inspection.
Listen check to catch what she whispered to him, inquisitive minds want to know [roll0]

After diseminating as much information as he recalled on the diety in question, he rose from the table with a slow resignation.

"I believe that the young woman has the right idea. We would all be wise to get proper rest tonight.
If her skills are as sharp as her tongue, I'll happily take all the jibes she can muster".

Here, at dawn then? Perhaps proper introductions can be made then, when everyone has had some rest, as I have no doubt that you are all weary from recent victory and travels.
I bid you all good evening".

Pausing for a brief moment to regard each person still present with his intense platinum eyes, and listening politely to any last words of farewell, he then heads for the stairs and his room.

He locks the door, jams it with a chair (if available), closes and locks the shutters, removes his armor, but sleeps with his weapon within easy reach on the floor by his bed.

2008-05-18, 05:09 PM

Garret spends a little while longer looking at the map as the others head off. He thanks both the captain and the speaker for their help and hospitality before he heads out the the stables to check on Magnum. He sets his bedroll up next to his companion and informs the stablehand (if there is one) that he will spend the night in the stables, always one to prefer the smell of animals to the sterile smell of an inn. He speaks a little to Magnum before heading to bed to make sure that the dog is OK after their fight.

Casting Speak with animals to talk to Magnum before turning in

2008-05-18, 08:41 PM
Grayven recognizes the name, and the symbol, as belonging to Tiamat, the goddess of the chromatic dragons, and a generally powerful evil deity. The symbol is clearly meant to evoke Tiamat herself, with one dragon head in each of the five chromatic colors.

As the party disperses, the Speaker and the Captain rise, bow, and take their leave. Captain Soranna promises to send a messenger once the prisoners have awakened.

The stablehand gives Garrett an odd look, but doesn't seem inclined to argue the point.

You are able to rest without incident; as morning comes, a messenger knocks on Sithi's door: "The prisoners have awakened, ma'am; Captain Soranna sent me to fetch you." He then moves on and informs the rest of the party similarly.

The druid is often found in the grove at '19' on the Drellin's Ferry map.

If you want to do any shopping, there are merchants scattered around town; you can buy (for normal price) any gear from the PHB, as well as:
scrolls of bless, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, lesser restoration, resist energy, invisibility, fly, mage armor, and web
bracers of armor +1
ring of protection +2
potions of barkskin, lesser restoration, invisibility, and fly
You can also commission any 3rd-level or lower scroll, but they won't be available for 24 hours.

Captain Soranna has arranged for the party to get up to 1500gp of goods (total, not each) for free.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-19, 06:36 AM
Sithi's already up and about, and she heads straight for the prison. When she's admitted to see the two hobgoblins, she gets straight to work, targeting the weaker-willed with a Suggestion to tell her everything she wants to know, honestly and without holding anything back; she follows that up with a Detect Thoughts spell, asking questions of both hobgoblins, focusing on what doesn't get said as much as on what does.

I don't want to steal the spotlight and slow the game down with a length interrogation; you have Sithi's bluff/diplomacy/etc, she has spells, she pumps them for everything she can get out of them. Let me know what she learns. :smalltongue:

Suggestion, DC 21, on the regular hob; Detect Thoughts, DC 19, to catch both of them. If the first Detect Thoughts doesn't work on the cleric, she'll drop it and try a second. I'll edit in my shopping later; how much "credit" do we have, thanks to the stuff we brought back?

2008-05-19, 07:57 AM
Even with magic, it's a long, painful conversation to learn what the hobgoblins know, filled with threats (from both of them, but mostly the cleric) of pain, destruction, and 'a day of ruin'. You learn that they are part of a group calling itself the 'Red Hand'; they are working out of an old human fort (after you describe the image in their heads, Captain Soranna confirms that that sounds like Vraath Keep); that there are a lot (probably several hundred) of hobgoblins in this force, led by someone named 'Wyrmlord Koth', who's a magician of some sort. Most of the hobgoblins are usually off causing damage, sent out in groups of 5-20 to burn, pillage, etc.

You get the distinct feeling that there's more going on than just this (a couple of hundred hobgoblins, even with hellhounds and the like, would be hard pressed to actually "ruin" Drellin's Ferry), but neither of these two seem to actually know anything.

Good call on keeping it short. The first detect thoughts worked fine. As a party, you've got 1500 gp (total) of 'credit'.

2008-05-19, 11:14 AM
With everyone starting to break up to go to bed, Galadren says his good nights to everyone, including Sir "Grayen". However, he remains in the tavern for a little while longer, finishing off his ale and Honeymead and lost in thought. He tended not to need much sleep (Ring of Sustenance), a fact that served him quite well while traveling and having to keep watch.

But he often didn't get the chance to sleep in a nice soft feather bed while traveling, either. Still, sleep came difficult to Galadren - his body had grown used to his usual diminished sleep cycles and so wasn't tired, and his mind gnawed at the issue of the hobgoblins and their worship of Tiamat, the goddess of evil dragons and usually not goblinoid filth. Eventually, however, sleep stuck with him when he closed his eyes, and he dreamed of nonsensical heroism - of sliding down a steep set of stairs on a tower shield, and sliding down the trunk of a hairy beast after killing it with a barrage of arrows.

In the morning Galadren leaves the interrogation of the hobgoblins to Sithi - perhaps they would be more talkative with only one person they "trusted" in the room. His scrawny elf body also wasn't particularly intimidating, although he happily imagined nocking an arrow and shoving the readied bow into someone's face would improve his image drastically.

Instead of joinning Sithi then, Galadren walked around town, speaking to the various merchants and seeing if any of them would also be interested in purchasing any of the magical gear they had found off the hobgoblins:

8 Cure Light Wounds potions
1 Scroll of Spiritual Weapon
2 Magical Short Swords
1 Magical Suit of Banded Mail

(That's all there was, yes?)

Finished getting any offered prices from the merchants for such gear, Galadren then heads down to the militia building to check on the recovery of the two drunkard's bodies and meet with Sithi following the completion of the interrogation.

2008-05-19, 06:37 PM

Garret rises early a little before the sun, always prefering an early start because it makes hm feel more productive. While he declines on going to the prison to participate in the interrogation he decides to head to the druids grove to see if he can answer any questions.

If the druid is not there he will speak to some of the animals about his whereabouts.

I plan on changing my spell selection for this day but I haven't gotten to it yet. Should be up tonight.

2008-05-19, 06:42 PM

West follows Sithi to her interrogation, not so much to lend much aid to the formidable enchantress, but to hear firsthand what was going on.

Afterwards he comments to Sithi, "It looks like Vraath's Keep is where we'll need to go next... and quietly. Several hundred hobgoblins isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but they're certainly enough to blunt our blades."

We still don't have any wands of CLW yet, right? Would make for a good purchase. By the way, Sbodd, what kind of swords are those magical swords?

2008-05-19, 07:59 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel woke up early and started into her normal morning schedule of getting ready for the day including eating, cleaning and a prayer to Ehlonna among other things. Like Garret, Laurel declined going to the prison as well and instead opted to go with Garret to speak with the druid.

Someone should get a CLW wand for Garret.
I'm changing calm animals to longerstrider.

2008-05-19, 09:51 PM
Galadren: After visiting most of the local merchants (and paying for the cost of a couple of identify spells), you manage to sell your goods for 2736 gp for the lot. The men sent to retrieve the bodies haven't returned yet, but that's not terribly surprising.

Garrett/Laurel: As you enter the clearing at the center of the grove, a man wearing a red-and-brown robe looks up. He seems to recognize you, and introduces himself as Avarthel. He isn't able to add much to your knowledge - he knows that there are a lot of hobgoblins in the Witchwood, moving about in every direction, but that's about it. "I did try to slip into the woods once, almost a week ago - it nearly ended badly. I had to become a serpent to get away, and I'm lucky I did at that." He pulls up a sleeve, and you see a scar where an arrow clearly hit him recently. "There is one other thing - several of the local birds have been chattering about some large new creature in the sky. Large to them, of course. I haven't been able to figure out what they're talking about, though."

The short swords were +1; if any of you want to keep 'em, subtract 1000 per sword from the above total. The banded mail was also +1.

2008-05-19, 11:06 PM
(I'm not sure about selling the CLW potions, considering we have very little consumable healing at the moment. I'd say invest our earnings so far in some scrolls of Cure if we can't get our hands on a wand, and maybe some potions of Invisibility for everyone to actually sneak into the fortress. Perhaps Grayven could also make use of the magical banded mail or the Scroll of Spiritual Weapon?)

Galadren smiles at the sight of West and Sithi as he finds that he's arrived shortly after the interrogation was complete. "Ah, Mother and the man named after my favorite direction! How are you two today? So have our new-found friends revealed where we can go to make more allies out of once enemies? I wouldn't mind being showered with some more of their magical equipment - some of the merchants I talked to this morning have offered a good bit of coin in exchange for what we've already been given."

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-20, 07:32 AM
Sithi finishes up with the hobgoblins, asking them some more questions.
"They're in Vraath keep, like we thought. Under the leadership of a 'Wyrmlord Koth', a sorcerer."

-Is there anything besides hobgoblins at Vraath keep?
-What's the strongest spell you've seen Wyrmlord Koth cast?
-What's the layout of the keep and surrounding area? (Get'em to draw a picture.)
-How many hobgoblins are usually at the keep at once time?
-Do you watch for people coming to the keep? Where are the watchmen?

2008-05-20, 09:18 AM

Garret listens intently to all the druid has to say and thanks him for the help he has offered. He asks if the druid knows anything of the disappearance of the man named Jorr or where we might be able to find him and gives him assurance that the root of the problem will be discovered soon.

2008-05-20, 11:40 AM
Garrett: Avarthel replies, "Jorr? I hadn't heard anything had happened to him; he was at home when I passed by on that last trip to the Witchwood. Why do you ask?" After hearing what Soranna said, he replies, "Ahh, I'm sure he's fine - probably just went out hunting. If you're going to look for him, I can tell you exactly how to find his cabin." he then sketches a quick map in the dirt showing how to reach Jorr's cabin.

Sithi: You find out that neither Koth nor his chief lieutenant are hobgoblins (Koth's a bugbear, and his lieutenant is a minotaur); the hobgoblins have a number of worgs and hellhounds under their command, but neither of them have any idea how many of those would be at the keep (the cleric thinks most of them are likely to be 'on assignment', as it were). Koth dispatched nearly all his hobgoblins to scout around; there weren't many (a dozen or so) who didn't get those orders, but some may have returned - the group that ambushed you had been away from the keep for several days.

Keeping the CLW potions will reduce the gold piece total by 200. Noone in town has any wands of healing, unfortunately.

I'll post a sketch of the keep tonight, and update the Witchwood map with Jorr's cabin's location.

2008-05-20, 07:31 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel thanked Avarthel for the information then returned to the town to look for the others.

2008-05-20, 09:04 PM

Garret heads back with Laurel to find the rest of the group. Once they are all reunited he informs them of the birds reporting large flying creatures and where Jorr's cabin is.

2008-05-20, 09:30 PM
Galadren - Elf Rogue/Ranger

"Hmm, so we *are* dealing with an army here." Galadren says after the entire party meets back up and all the various gained information (Avarthel, Hobgoblin, Selling Magic Gear) has been shared.

"This Wyrmlord Koth sounds exactly like the head we need to cut off. Hopefully with most of his men out raiding the countryside it won't even be especially difficult: it sounds like they aren't anticipating a serious threat showing up unexpectedly on their doorstep. We should sell the magical armor and weapons we got from the hobgoblins, use the proceeds along with our credit Captain Soranna got us to purchase some additional curative potions and scrolls, collect Sir Grayvein if he wants to help us purge the Keep of these "haunting" hobgoblins, and then set out. We can pay this Jorr fellow a visit first, but if there's hobgoblins swarming the Witchwood and they're willing to take potshots at a druid, I can imagine how they'd react to finding a hunting cabin and it's not pleasant. Still he's our best bet at finding the best of these game trails, and using them to slip up to Vraath Keep without having to barrage though a bunch of wandering patrols looking for their next victim."

2008-05-20, 09:31 PM
(So: what do you all do next? Also - is anyone buying anything?)

New maps:


A sketch of Vraath Keep from the hobgoblin. The main entrance faces west; the Dwarfroad is about a 5-minute walk away down a path.


Witchwood map; Jorr's hut is marked with a C.

2008-05-21, 12:08 AM
Warrior Priest

Barely noticing the knock at his door, he continues with his meditations, all his armor and equipment in place and at the ready, kneeling lost in contemplation and ritual chant.

Several minutes later, he broke his fast in the common room, noticing that the rest of the group were not present.

It would seem I spent more time in prayer than I had planned.

After finishing his hearty meal of fruit, poridge, and honey bread, he departed the Inn, being careful to leave a note just in case, he eventually caught back up with his new traveling companions.

Seeing that such pleasantries as formal introductions were not soon in coming, he respectfully, but decicively, requests the all of his new companions names.

That small business resolved, he informs Galadren that the scroll of Spiritual Weapon would indeed be useful to their cause and agreed that keeping the potions of Cure would be most wise.

Have we all officially reconviened? Where would be best? I'll hold any further response until we get some difinite posts from the rest of the party.
As it stands, Grayven knows nothing of Sithi's captives or her interrogation. Regardless, unless further RP is desired, or believed to be necessary, Grayven's ready to head off to Vrath Keep, ghost's or no ghosts.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-21, 06:38 AM
(Sithi will buy a potion of Fly, out of the party's credit if no one objects, and commission two scrolls of Entangle and two scrolls of Grease, paying in advance, to be picked up when she comes back.
Oh--did either of the hobgoblins know what spells Koth uses?)


Sithi eats a hearty breakfast, managing to eat almost daintly but nevertheless quickly. Between bites, she fills the party in on the details the hobgoblins spilled.
"Let's go find Jorr, then. He should be able to lead us through the woods."

2008-05-21, 09:21 AM

"Sounds like a plan."

2008-05-21, 10:59 AM
Galadren, Elf Rogue/Ranger

(Breakdown of money in spoiler below - I assume we're just dividing everyone up evenly between party members, and not counting Grayven for this since he joined after our hobgoblin encounter.)

Money found in Farmstead: 355 GP
All Magical Gear Sold: 2736 GP
- 8 CLW Potions: - 200 GP
- Scroll of Spiritual Weapon: - 36GP(?)
Real Value of Gear Sold: 2500 GP
Total: 2855 GP

3 Identify Spells (2 swords, 1 armor): 330 GP
Total: 330 GP

Total: 2855 GP - 330 GP = 2525 GP
Members of the Party: 5
Individual Total: 2525/5 = 505 GP
Store Credit: 1500 GP
Members of the Party: 5
Individual Total: 1500/5 = 300

(Everyone has 505 GP & 300 GP of "Store Credit" to play with, except Grayven. He just gets the Scroll of Spiritual Weapon as a "Welcome to the Party!" gift. :smallwink:)

As the party assembles for breakfast, Galadren decides that no one particularly wants the magical gear they captured off the hobgoblins, save for the consumables which almost always prove useful. He therefore takes the two +1 Short Swords & the +1 Banded Mail and sells them, making 2500 GP off of the deal, after paying for the three necessary Identifies from the gold they also acquired from the hobgoblins. He has this money, along with the handful of gold coins left from the farmstead, loaded into five seperate sacks.

Shouldering one sack with considerable difficultly, Galadren realizes he'll need help with the other four sacks, and hires a porter to help him carry the other sacks down to the inn where the party has assembled. He pays the man 5 SP out of his own pocket for his time, and together the two of them stumble their way through town until they get to the inn, where they both happily relieve themselves of their burdens on the floor next to the party's table. Galadren thanks the man, pays him the 5 SP, and then waves him off saying that his services are no longer required. He then turns back to the party with a grin.

"Well! That certainly was a profitable endeavor!" Galadren says as he plops himself back down in his chair before nodding at the sacks. "Sack of gold for each of you, from selling the hobgoblin equipment. What you do with that sack now is your business, because I certainly am not carrying those heavy things around anymore! Er, well, except for my own sack I guess." Galadren says with a sheepish smile.

"In any case, there should be 505 GP in there, and combined with the roughly 300 GP credit we each have with the merchants, assuming we'll divide that up evenly as well, everyone should be able to buy themselves something nice before we set off again. Oh, and Sir Grayvan, here is a little "Welcome" gift for you - that scroll of Spiritual Weapon we found." Pulling the scroll out of his belt, Galadren hands it across the table to the man.

"So, after we finish breakfast, off to the merchants, and from there Jorr's cabin and Vraath Keep?"

Galadren also slides the 8 vials of CLW that they found off the hobgoblins onto the table, before taking two of the vials and slipping them into his backpack. "Rest of you should take those other six, I can't carry much more without difficulty."


Just before the party sets out, Galadren returns to the merchants with his heavy sack of gold, using it along with store credit to buy a Potion of Barkskin +2 and a Potion of Invisibility (300+300=600). (600 - 505 GP = 95 Store Credit used, 300 - 95 = 205 Store Credit left).

He'll then offer his remainning 205 Store Credit to the "Sithi wants a 750 GP Fly potion" fund (:smallbiggrin:), in return for the promise that she'd do him a similar favor in the future.

2008-05-21, 11:30 AM
Warrior Priest

"My thanks friend, this will undoubtedly be a great help in a battle to come", he says, his steel encased hand enclosing the small piece of parchment and depositing it smoothly into his scroll case.

"I am prepared to begin our journey, and am eager to see what challenges our enemy will try to bring against us. Just say the word". he says, looking about with the cold fire of determination burning in his bright platinum eyes.

On second thought, I'll buy a scroll of Silence, 250gp before we leave, it might come in hands against enemy casters. Also, Sbodd, if I can retcon a nonmagical weapon (War Mace) from the Complete Warriors guide, I'd really appreciate it. I'll PM you the details (or RL will just ninja me :smallwink:).

2008-05-21, 12:33 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Ah, coin, good on ya Swifty. I'm ready to be settin' out. Just let me go grab couple'a potions."

"Sithi lass, did ya find any magic 'round those gobbies? You know, like mind control stuff? Seems odd'at a whole army'a gobbies be able ta be organized 'at quickly. Oh an' anyone care to share 'bout this Tiamat person. Dragon of some sort, or wot?" She looks to Garret "Maybe this be wot the birds are talkin' 'bout. They's said there's somethin' new'n big in the sky.

After Laurel finished her breakfast, she made her way to the potion merchant to buy two potions before setting out to Jorr's cabin.

Laurel will buy the same (Potion of Barkskin +2 and a Potion of Invisibility) and leave 205 to Sithi for the fly potion.

2008-05-21, 04:25 PM

Garret politely refuses the offered potions, figuring he can handle his own healing himself. He asks around about finding someone to fit barding to Magnum, but doesn't purchase anything as of yet. Garret stays quiet through the rest of the morning finding a place to meditate and prepare for the coming challenges and then readies himself to journey into the woods.

I'll buy a potion of invisibility and give my the last 40gp that Sithi needs to get the fly potion

2008-05-21, 05:41 PM

West buys some supplies, a few things that may come in handy, while letting Sithi use the rest of the credit.

1 Tanglefoot bags = 50 gp
3 Smokesticks = 60 gp
1 Thunderstone = 30 gp
5 bags of caltrops = 10 gp
Total = 150 gp
Leftover for Sithi = 150 gp

If possible, he'll change his 500 gold into platinum.

2008-05-21, 10:19 PM
Garrett: The local smith says he could probably create some armor for Magnum, but you'll need to bring him some metal to work with - his available stock's been depleted making gear for the militia. The local livery has a suit of scale horse barding for sale that'd be sufficient; it'll take 4 days and cost you 40 gold, plus the cost of the horse barding (200 gp).

(One last question I should've asked earlier - are you heading there via the Dawn Way, taking the footpath, or cutting straight through the forest? Avarthel would've given you directions good enough to find the footpath.

Also also - marching order?)

(Grayven: Hit me with the stats on a warmace and I'll let you know.

Just to make sure I've got everything:
Grayven: -250gp, scroll of silence
Galadren: Potions of barkskin and invisibility, no gp
Laurel: Potions of barkskin and invisibility, no gp
Garrett: potion of invisibility, 505 gold
West: misc supplies, 505 gold
Sithi: Potion of fly, commissioned scrolls, 505 gold, 50 credit

Also, as far as money goes - don't worry about the weight; assume that if you're carrying more than ~3000 around, you've got about 10 pounds total of gold, platinum, and small, valuable but easy-to-trade gems.)

2008-05-21, 10:29 PM
(Well, when you have a Strength 9 character that has to wear armor, weight is a *big* concern. :smallwink: I can barely make room for 1 Pound, let alone 10! :smallbiggrin: )

Galadren would prefer to use the footpath, as it would presumably be quicker and easier than cutting straight through the forest, but at the same time would not (hopefully) be as heavily watched by the hobgoblins as the Dawn Way. If possible and since we're on foot, Galadren would also prefer to move ahead of the party and slightly off to one side of the footpath, so that he can sneak along and play scout for the rest of the party. Unless, of course, someone else would prefer to play sneaky vanguard, and have Galadren take up the rear or something.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-21, 11:50 PM
(The footpath, I think. But not mounted? Aww. Mount double-move and spellcasting go together like delicious cake and my mouth.

I recommend against the Warmace. Suffering an AC penalty for a little bit more damage? Lame!

As for party order, Sithi will be somewhere around the middle.

Don't worry about giving me gold, guys, I've got enough of my own to cover the potion. I'm not sure what "505 gold, 50 credit" means here. Is that my share, how much I'm spending, what?)

2008-05-22, 06:27 AM
(I think what it means is that with everyone giving you their store credit, when combined with your own that gives you 900 GP worth, 150 after the Fly potion. And then Sbodd is figuring 100 GP for those comissioned scrolls? :smallconfused: )

(I also just assume that since it's a footpath we wouldn't be able to ride mounted - I could be wrong though! Also, my current idea is to have Galadren advanced a couple rounds ahead of the party - enough that he should hopefully see an ambush before said ambush sees the rest of the party. In the event that he does, would it be possible to arrange a bird call with Laurel, something not native to the area that she would recognize, but not necessarily stand out as strange to someone who's not a woodsman (like your average hobgoblin)? This would be the signal to stop, after which Galadren will fall back to the party to describe what he had seen. Would something like that work, or should I just not worry about it and we just all blunder ahead like one big mass, dealing with ambushes as they come up? :smallbiggrin: )

2008-05-22, 11:04 AM
All that OOC stuff:
Are we not using the other thread anymore? :smallsmile:
Warmace stats-
25gp (325 masterwork)
Damage: 1d12 (med.)
Crit: 20/x2
Wgt. 10 lb.
NOTE: -1 AC penalty when wielded, can be used one-handed without penalty with Exotic Wep. Proficiency Feat, otherwise, wielded two-handed as Martial Weapon.

Ok, so I'm spending 250gp for the scroll of Silence, plus 325gp for the mace, which would add up to 575gp spent in total.

I think that's it.

PS See the OOC thread!


Noting Garrets refusal to take the offered potions Grayven says "If I may be so bold, I would be willing to carry them.
I would, of course, use them first on other members of the party".

Glancing at Galadren he mentions "I think it most wise if I were to take lead as we travel, aside from forward scouts. I am well protected, but not as sharp of eye or ear as some".

2008-05-22, 06:18 PM
(OOC stuff in the other thread - moving right along...)

It's a pleasant enough day as you work your way along the path. The trees are thick and close in, so the late summer heat is cut by the shade. The sun ascends, and is nearing its peak by the time you reach the old, split tree that Avarthel told you to keep an eye out for. Garrett and Galadren head off the path, and soon come to the edge of a small clearing, about 50' across. Centered in the clearing is a small cabin; its front porch shows evidence of many years since its construction, and is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. Behind a screen of trees on the far side you catch the occasional glint of sunlight on water; there's an old boat lying just this side of the trees. A thin wisp of smoke is rising from the stone chimney. Beneath the porch you see three large dogs, lying sprawled out and panting heavily. They don't seem to have seen you yet.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-23, 06:16 AM

As the group approaches the cabin, Sithi produces a long, wide strip of jerky from her pack and tears it in half. She uses a quick prestidigitation to endow the dried meat with the flavor of a nice steak--and the smell, too. She tosses the meat out towards the dogs.

2008-05-23, 10:51 AM

As Sithi moves to give the dogs some food, Garret dismounts and leaves Magnum behind to close in towards the dogs as well. As he approaches he will speak soft reassuring words hoping to make sure the dogs understand that they are not threatened.

Wild Empathy:[roll0]

2008-05-23, 02:49 PM
As Sithi approaches, the three dogs seem to notice you; they get up and run over towards you, barking fiercely. With Sithi's offering and Garrett's manner, they seem to calm down somewhat; they continue to growl at you, but they look somewhat less likely to attack at a moment's notice.

After a few beats, the cabin door opens, and a tall, lean human steps out. He has a seamed, leathery look to his face, and a large curved knife in a sheath sits at his thigh. "Don't get many visitors here, but you seem to get along with m'boys better than the last one." His voice is raspy. "Who are ya, and what'd you want with me?"

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-23, 03:03 PM
"Master Jorr, I take it?"

Sithi puts her hood down, favors him with a warm smile, head tilted to the side, and brushes her white hair out of the way. She's turned her dark-grey cloak inside out, in the woods, and drawn it about herself; the side that's facing out now has a mottled green-and-brown leaf pattern typical of elven wood gear--quite pretty up close, but blending into the woods very nicely.
"The short version is, we're here to deal with the hobgoblins in th'forest and we heard you know all the trails, so we'd like your help. The longer story, well, we're workin' for the Lord of Brindol, indirect-like. We're sent to Drelin's Ferry t'look at what's goin' on; On th'way, we got jumped by hobgobs; we took a couple prisoners and questioned'em a bit. Turns out there's quite a number of'em, and their leader's holed up in Vraath Keep--they're not all there at once, so we figured we'd cut of th'head. We'd like t'come at it all quiet-like, without letting'em know we're comin'; reckon y'could help us out?"

As soon as she starts speaking to Jorr, all traces of the upper class disappear from her accent, leaving clipped words and rougher tone. It doesn't seem to be an affectation any more than her more usual voice did, though.

([roll0] - Aid another, quick! :smalltongue:)

2008-05-23, 03:28 PM

West steps up next to Sithi and says, "Pleased to meet you sir. I'm West, the lady is Sithi, and these are our friends Galadren, Laurel, Grayven, and Garret... Magnum and Astor too." He points at each companion (or animal) in turn.

After Sithi's summary he adds, "From all we can tell these aren't normal raiding groups, more like war bands, and at least some of them seem to be worshipping a dragon goddess named Tiamat."

And a fumble...

2008-05-23, 06:58 PM

"We were told you know the woods better than any man, by so we come hoping for an unknown way to Vraath keep. Both the City speaker and the druid Avarthel speak highly of woodland knowledge," Garret adds hoping a little flattery will go a long way.


2008-05-23, 11:29 PM
Stepping forward with the rest of the group, Galadren silently nods when introduced, but otherwise keeps his mouth shut. Although he tended to have a witty rejoiner for everything, right now was serious business, and he didn't quite trust himself not to say the absolute wrong thing and get them all thrown out.

2008-05-23, 11:31 PM
Jorr turns and spits as Sithi mentions the goblins. "Bloody brutes - woods've been so lousy with 'em of late that a man can't let his guard down for a moment. Yep, I'm Jorr all right. If you're here to try an' get rid of them, you're all right by me. I can surely help ya get to th' keep, if tha's where you gotta go. Jus' give me a minute here..." He ducks inside the cabin, and returns a few moments later with three slabs of meat, as well as a large bow slung across his back; he tosses one slab to each of his dogs, then turns and faces Sithi. "If y'all are ready, let's go; we can get there a li'l after dark if we move quick-like."

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-24, 12:28 AM

The elf offers Jorr her hand, and clasps his in a firm handshake.
"That'll be just right. I'm Sithi, like he said," her thumb indicates West. "Lead on."

2008-05-24, 03:42 PM

West readies his longbow and waits for the others to pass by, taking up position at the rear of the group.

2008-05-24, 05:20 PM

Garret moves back and mounts up to join the rest of the group as they head off. As they move through the woods he focuses hard and where they are going in case he needs to bring them back without the woodsman.

2008-05-24, 07:58 PM
"Do you feel confident in your ability to lead us undetected with the hobgoblins swarming through the forest, or would you prefer for us to clear the way?" Galadren asked, already moving towards the edge of the forest again, preparing to take point for the others.

2008-05-25, 12:21 AM
To Galadren, he replies "I can get us there - paths I'll be takin', even that one" (he points a thumb at Garrett) "wouldn't think a rabbit could follow, much less us. Only tricky point'll be crossin' the road, but even that shouldn'a be too bad. Jus' try to keep up!" With that, he plunges ahead into the woods, leading you in a generally westward direction.

(Anything else y'all want to ask as you travel, or can I proceed directly to the next point of interest?)

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-25, 02:00 AM
(Go ahead, I'd say!)

2008-05-25, 11:11 AM
It's a long day; Jorr's path is, as promised, virtually invisible to anyone who hasn't seen it before, and quite hard to traverse. There are frequent pauses to check and make sure none of you got lost. It's also apparently successful; you don't see so much as a single hobgoblin as you make your way through the woods, first west, and then north.

Night has fallen by the time you arrive. The ruined keep sits atop a small, rocky hillock. The gatehouse is partially collapsed, as it a part of the southern wall; the rest of the walls are about 15' high, save for a two-story tower at one corner. A small wooden building sits near the structure, near a path that leads to the northeast down to the Dawn Way. A sickly greenish-yellow light flickers inside a window of the second floor of the tower, and a faint, unearthly moan can be heard coming from within. Aside from that, there's no evidence of any activity in the keep.


You've arrived from the south; the forest covers rows Z and AA (good cover, slows movement), and the ground from there to the base of the keep is a gentle upward slope. The forests wrap around the keep at a similar distance on any side, but the path to the northwest is easily visible from the keep. It's about 9:30 at night; there's enough moonlight to make some things out, but only the elves can see well, everyone else can only make out shadows.

Go ahead and roll initiative, but there's no need to be in order quite yet; I'll let you know when it becomes important.

2008-05-25, 11:36 AM
Reaching the edge of the forest line with the keep's walls dead ahead, Galadren waits for the others to slowly move up to join him. As he waits, he scans the top of the wall, looking for any sentries, which Galadren knew would not be nearly as hampered by nightfall as the humans. (Shall we say, just for the sake of giving Galandren a square, Z11?)

Hide Check: [roll0]
Move Silent Check: [roll1]
Spot Check: [roll2] +2 vs. goblinoids

As the others get close, Galadren tries to whisper his plans to them. "Based on that crude hobgoblin drawing Sithi obtained, the leaders are probably in a building at the base of that tower. I think we should try to go in through that crack in front of us. If we spot any sentires, we should try to have our sneakiest members drink Invisibility potions and advance to deal with them before the rest of the party tries to cross the clearing over to the shelter of the fortress. If we had a Silence spell, we could also ensure that the main block of the party is also Silent, and hopefully will carry the added benefit of masking the sounds of combat once we're all inside and dealing with the leaders. Sir Jor, perhaps you would like to remain behind to cover our retreat and lead us back down this secret footpath once we return? I'd rather not stumble around trying to find it with any surviving and very angry hobgoblins chasing after us.

2008-05-25, 11:38 AM
(stupid forum roller)

Hide Check [roll0]
Move Silent [roll1]
Spot [roll2] +2 vs. Goblinoids
Listen [roll3] +2 vs. Goblinoids

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-25, 01:08 PM

"One moment," Sithi murmurs. She goes through the tell-tale motions of spellcasting, and then her voice whispers softly but distinctly in the ears of those with her.
"I've connected us with a Message spell; just mouth the words and we'll hear them. I'll go invisible and check out the keep, if no one objects, unless someone else wants the spell. Best to know what we're dealing with."

2008-05-25, 01:54 PM

Garret listens to the ideas presented and nods along, but when Sithi suggests going into the keep he interjects, "My lady, if you don't mind I can get a view into the keep rather easily and check things out. If for nothing else it will save you a spell."

Without waiting for the lady to respond Garret will turn into a small owl and glide towards the keep wall, perching for a moment scout out what is inside.

Move silently:[roll0]

Question: The advancement entry for an owl says 2HD(small)...does that limit me from assuming the form of a 6HD owl? I have always been questionable about his, because it says that most owls don't progress past
2HD, but I don't know if that limits what I can turn into. Let me know what you think. I ran the stats as a 2HD owl either way.

2008-05-25, 11:49 PM
Neither Garrett nor Galadren spots any sentries; from Garrett's perch on the wall, he can see into the keep's courtyard. Nothing seems to be moving, but there's a tiny bit of light escaping from a gap in a wall of the building on the left, and there's a hole in the roof of the building on the right. The outlines of several large boulders can be made out in the courtyard below. Garrett hears, faintly, the sound of a hushed conversation, but can't tell where it's coming from.

Jorr nods at Galadren; "I can do that - our way out'll be waitin' for ya."

Rectangles are doors; the little bit of light can be seen through the gap at rows Q and R, lines 9 and 10. The jagged line at P13-Q14 is the hole in that building's roof; you can't see anything inside.


Wild Shape discussion in the OOC thread.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-26, 06:30 AM
"Wait, save that for combat--you can't go inside that way," Sithi whispers through the Message, but it's too late.

"Do we want to strike now? Or in the early morning, when we can see but they're mostly sleeping?"

Then Sithi herself goes invisible. "I'm going to go check it out, too."

Invisibility, extended with her Lesser Rod. Getting as thorough a view of everything and everyone as possible without getting within, oh, 15 feet of anyone if possible. Moving very Silently; taking 10, I guess. Making spot/listen checks all the time thanks to Quick Reconnoiter.

2008-05-26, 10:10 AM
"Wait! Are you sure you want to go alone?" Galadren hissed at the shadows a moment after Sithi disappeared, but then he remembered the message spell.

"Alright, go ahead, just let us know if you get spotted: we'll come running. Dawn would probably be best to strike, unless perhaps an ambush patrol is coming back soon and there will be significantly more hobgoblins to deal with at that point. Keep us informed of what you see."

2008-05-26, 10:24 AM

Garret listens intently to try to discern the location of the conversation and if he can he will find somewhere to eavedrop. If not Garret will move to the gap in the building to the left and observe what he can. After staying there for a minute or so she will move to the hole in the building to the right.

Move silently:[roll2]

2008-05-26, 01:51 PM
With a little more focus, Garrett determines that the conversation is coming from the large building on the left. He flies over to perch above the hole in the wall as Sithi slips up to the hole and looks inside the room. This room is wide open and fairly large; in a couple of places, remains of what used to be dividing walls can be seen. Two large boulders sit on the floor to the south, near the hole in the wall. At the north end of the room, a crude fire pit (not lit) has been formed from bits of the rubble. In the middle, a crudely stuffed owlbear stands; against the west wall are four double bunks, and to the south is a single much larger bed, partially hidden by a screen. Seated around the firepit are a quartet of heavily-armored hobgoblins; in the southwest corner a large minotaur stands, watching. The hobgoblins appear to be playing some kind of game involving dice. The room is dimly lit by a few hooded lanterns.

The voices you heard were the hobgoblins; they're (quietly) wagering on their game, and making crude jokes about elves.


2008-05-26, 01:57 PM
Laurel, watches the keep with the rest of the group that stayed behind. "Aye," she says quietly, "Dawn would be for bein' the best. I ain't got elf eyes to see in the dark, but those gobbies can."

The ranger took a few moments to turn her attention behind her. She was trying to find a space that would provide good natural cover for a bit of rest. After spotting an acceptable area, she turned back to the group, "Well, if ya'll got to wait 8 hours or so, I be for grabbin' my two hours'a sleep now. Wake me if ya anythin' changes."

Laurel has a ring of substance so she only needs 2 hours of sleep.

Potential Required Rolls:
[roll2] (add +4 vs. Goblins)
[roll3] (add +4 vs. Goblins)

Take 10 on any of those rolls if possible.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-26, 02:52 PM
Sithi takes in the scene in the room and quickly moves on, backing up to try and look through the keyhole of, or under, the door of the building across from the room with the minotaur and hobgoblins. Then she moves across the keep's grounds, to see what's in the other building, reporting what she's seeing and doing via the Message spell as she goes.
After that, she casts a spell silently, and starts to move along the stone, sticking to it with one hand, to peek into the towers.

Going to R12, then to H6, to see what I can see.
Also, what's the thing at L-M 8? A closed door? A window (with or without glasss)?

Then, casting Silent Spider Climb, since we're not attacking until after we sleep, and looking in all the tower windows and stuff. Basically, scouting as thoroughly as possible, recasting Invis (silently) if it starts to run out.

2008-05-26, 03:19 PM

Garret makes a pass through the rest of the courtyard to look between all of the rock before checking out the hole in the roof on the building to the right.

2008-05-26, 04:21 PM

It had always been the anticipation of righteous combat that he found difficult to deal with during his long treks between locations infested with evil, and this trip was no exception.

But, he had endured stoically, only nodding in greeting to the woodsman, and staying silent, watching and listening, learning as much as he could of his rather unusual traveling companions.

Now, looking over the moonlit landscape, the Vrath Keep before them like a slumbering great elder beast of old, save for the window of the tower, like a flickering half lidded eye, and the strange noise that emanted from within, like the breathing of the noxious creature at rest.

Grayven felt his pulse quicken in anticipation at the nearness of the moment of truth.

Drawing his weapon, the vicious looking, exquisitely crafted combat-chain slithering from around his waist, he watched as his companions began moving silently into the Keep, the inevitable chaos of an unplanned approach, combined with the eager and individualistic dispositions of such individuals as were his new companions, quickly emerging.

He only hoped that their combat prowess, combined with the element of suprise, would outweigh any lack they might have in strategy.

Being generally familiar with the Elf's spell, he whispers,"I will wait here for now, but my first priority will be the investigation of that tower, and the meaning behind that light and sound", he said, pointing at the tower's second floor window.

As she disappeared from sight, he watched and waited like a taught mithral coil, intoning the words to a spell rarely granted by a divine patron, his left hand glowing with a dull grey light.

Casting and holding Cat's Grace (2nd level Celerity Domain spell)

Glancing at Laurel as she looks and mentions sleeping, he takes a deep calming breath before whispering "We should wait until the others return before making such considerations, we have no idea how skilled their watch, or how thorough their defenses, might be".

2008-05-26, 09:32 PM
Sithi: Try as you might, you can't see anything beyond the door to the southeast room; there's no light in there. You move across the courtyard to the gap in the northern wall; looking in, you find yourself about fifteen feet away from a large worg that's sniffing the air and growling. Its head turns toward the hole in the wall...as it does, you notice out of the corner of your eye a large, flying creature swooping (somewhat unevenly) across the courtyard.

Garrett: As Sithi's making her way across the courtyard, you quickly flit around it, checking behind each of the boulders in turn; you don't see anything of interest. You land on the lip of the building, peer in, and are taken quite off guard by something that comes up at you...something large, with wings, and claws, one of which snatches you as it rushes past. The creature then wheels around to the right, clutching you tightly in its claws.



Only the flying creature got to act in the surprise round. Garrett has been grappled and is being held; he takes 8 points of subdual damage. Sithi doesn't see what happened to Garrett, only the large flying creature moving past. Those of you outside the keep can make a DC 20 Listen check to know that something happened, but you can't see anything - the wall's in the way.

Also - the rectangles at M8, G13-H14, R6, J15, M15, and O-P16 are all doors.

2008-05-26, 11:10 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Completely unaware that the party's two scouts are about to get eaten and their entire plan blown apart by a giant flying lizard, Galadren continues watching the fortress.

"Go ahead Laurel. I'll keep watch, and then take a two hour rest myself."

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-26, 11:42 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Quick Reconnoiter:
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]


"Damn! Worg. Something just flew by, too; anyone see it?"

With the Worg apparently smelling her, Sithi beats a hasty retreat back towards her allies.

2008-05-27, 12:33 AM

"Is the beast on to you?" he whispers harshly in response to Sithi.

Just as I suspected would happen, I pray this does not mean the end to our element of suprise...

Without wasting anymore time, he stalks forward to the very edge of the treeline, hoping to get a better look inside.

Initiative: [roll0]
Listen (Passive): [roll1]

I guess, as it looks, I'll have to do the following when my turn comes up...

Moving to Y12, at half movement (yes, my normal speed is 40') while attempting to Move Silently [roll2], and keep hidden in the treeline for now [roll3].

Spot: [roll4]
Listen: [roll5]
(both passive)
I'll also use my free action to bestow my held spell if it appears combat is immenent (an enemy appears, the alarm is sounded, Sithi comes running into view with a Worg at her heels, etc...)

2008-05-27, 01:47 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

She dismissed Sir Spike and made her way through the bush, "Yeah, yeah..." Once she reached the spot, she had just settled down before Sithi's voice echoed in her head. Curses. Can't even catch a bleedin' two hours'a sleep.

First, Laurel motioned to Astor to fly up to the top of the trees to give warning if it sees anything else. Then she made her way out of the bush back to where the others are and readied her axes. "Sir Spike, hope ya ain't mind a bit'a blood dirtyin' up'at armour of yers," she murmured quietly as she made her way near the war priest.

Ignoring my listen check.

Half move action to Y14. [2NW]

If needed:
[roll3] (add +4 vs. Goblins)
[roll4] (add +4 vs. Goblins)

2008-05-27, 08:28 AM

West had been waiting calmly with Laurel, listening to their scouts' reports, but Sithi's urgent message sends his eyes sweeping over the keep.

"Sithi, Garret, you both ok?"


2008-05-27, 05:05 PM
At the whispered message, Jorr unslings his bow and pulls out an arrow, adding his eyes to the rest of those scanning the buildings. Sithi quickly crosses the courtyard, making it almost back to the hole in the wall. The winged beast maintains its grip on Garrett as it turns back around and heads back to the hole it came out from, landing briefly on the roof. Glancing around, Sithi observes the worg emerging from the northern building; it's sniffing around the area where she just was, still growling. She also hears noises from the western building; a hobgoblin appears in the doorway, looks around, then says "Bah, just that blasted manticore again." in goblin.


Sithi's moved next to the doorway to the eastern building; the flying beast has landed on the roof, just east of the hole in the roof, and is still holding Garrett (9 more subdual damage). Garrett's turn.

Hobgoblins, worgs

2008-05-27, 09:30 PM
Startled by Sithi's sudden report of danger, Galadren's hands snap up to his bow, drawing it from his back along with an arrow. He scans the tops of the walls again, searching for any sign of this winged creature, but failing to see such a thing.

Spot: [roll0]

"Sithi? Have you been discovered? Do you need us to come in for support, or will you be able to withdraw? I don't think any of us saw that flying creature you just mentioned. Are you sure you saw one?"

2008-05-27, 09:51 PM

Garret calls out for help but all that is heard is a loud screech from the owls throat. Deciding that staying in the clutches of this beast is not the best situation to be in Garret decides to transform into an animal that might fare a little better in a fight. His body begins to expand in size as his feathers shrink turning into a thick fur and both of his wings elongate into legs and claws. With his new form he tries to flee off the roof towards his companions.

Wildshaping into a Leopard and attempting to flee from the creatures clutches. I figured doubling in size and increasing weight by over 10 times might loosen me a little from his grip.

Either way hopefull you guys heard the screech:smallbiggrin:

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-27, 10:21 PM

"No, but one of the worgs is supicious. Yes, a flyer; one of the hobs just came out and said 'that blasted manticore again'. Garrett, along the message spell, two hoots if you're--"

Then Garrett's shriek fills the air.
"Manticore must've grabbed him! Sod-all, Gare, this's why y'let the professionals do this! I'm on my way; try and get loose. The rest of you--wait. They're not onto us yet; might be able to salvage this."

Garrett, in leopard form, lands on the ground before she can start to spellcast. She pauses, considering the situation.

2008-05-27, 11:11 PM
Garrett's sudden transformation forces the manticore's claw open, and he takes the opportunity to get away while the getting's good. Unfortunately, the claws cut into his skin in the process, further wounding him. After a rough landing, he keeps his feet and is able to get outside the keep's walls...barely. The hobgoblin's jaw drops open; "uhhh....guys....you seen any big, spotted cats around here? 'cause one just ran by..."


12 subdual damage healed from Wild Shape; 12 normal damage taken from the claws, and then another 2 subdual from the fall.

Grayven/Sithi, if you want to change your actions, feel free. (Grayven's next, followed by West, Jorr, then Sithi.)

Rachel Lorelei
2008-05-28, 12:16 AM
(Edited post. Sithi casts Glibness, and also moves to, let's say, O14.)

2008-05-28, 10:33 AM

Hearing the piercing screech echo through the night he peered around the trunk of an old fir at the forest's edge, watching as a great-cat, that appeared to be wounded, ran out of the keep towards their position.

Clutching his holy symbol to his chest for a moment, bestowing the quickened reflexes and agility of his spell, enjoying the tingling sensation as his nerves became three times more responsive, he hissed, as quietly as he could as Sithi's words filled his head, "Is that beast running towards us one of Garrets? What is a Manticore, I've only heard tales"

Glancing over at Laurel for the briefest of moments, he adds, in the same harsh whisper "I welcome such a baptism"

Same actions essentially, but if the green area signifies the edge of the tree line, I'll adjust my movement to Z12, no need to repost the Init order.

2008-05-28, 10:51 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Batiptism. Ha! Ye sure gots a way wid words ol'Spike." She let out a bit of a laugh while staring at the Leopard. "Wot are the chances ya suppose 'at is Garrett? Lets say good." She nodded to herself then looked up in the sky at the sound of Astor's caw.

Her attention shifts around, trying to find what her companion was signifying. While still scanning the sky, she said loud enough for the group in the trees to hear. "Ner 'eard of a manticore befer, eh? Okay, well picture this. Take one part lion, mix one part dragon, 'n dash one part porcupine. So, a flying lion wid spikes. First thin' ya want to do is not picture 'at night'a bliss in yer head. Second, would be ta grab cover when it shoots those bleedin' porcupine spikes. Times like this makes me wish 'at I'd'a brought a damned shield."

I'm assuming that Astor can see it up there - if that's wrong, I can change my post.
Second, since Graven didn't jump out of the bushes, she'd stay in there too at Z14 if that's okay.

2008-05-28, 11:04 AM
(Alrighty - Grayven moves to Z12. West is up next - round 2 start!)

Yes, row Y is in front of the treeline - no cover there.

I forgot to move Laurel on the map in round 1 - sorry; she should already be at Y14. However, she's hidden well enough that nothing is likely to spot her there.

Just to clarify, everything y'all have posted so far (except for Sithi's glibness spell) has been (by my reckoning) your round 1 actions. So, the next few actions are:
Jorr (who will probably ready an action to fire an arrow if the party ends up in combat)
Sithi (currently moving to O14 and casting Glibness)

2008-05-28, 11:26 AM
"I think a bow and some arrows would be better for this situation. If it comes into sight, we should try to knock it down from the sky with a volley. I'd imagine it would be more willing to negotiate with us, or at least a good bit less dangerous, with its wings clipped."

2008-05-28, 04:55 PM

West takes another quick scan of the area, then draws and arrow and steps behind a tree.

"Any way we can silence the sound of this? A screaming porcupine will bring the keep down on us."

West does a quick reconnoiter, then attempts to hide, waiting to release an arrow from hiding at any spikey things that come within 30 feet (other then Sir Grayven that is).




2008-05-28, 09:32 PM
West and Jorr both pull an arrow back in their bow, scanning the outlines of the keep for anything large and spiky. The manticore leaps up onto the outer wall of the castle, and the two archers react. The two arrows fly true and strike the manticore squarely, even as its tail whips around and fires a volley of spikes at Garret. The manticore screams in pain as the druid collapses. Meanwhile, Sithi ducks back into a corner and casts her spell.


Garret takes 20 damage (one of the spikes criticaled - ouch), assuming I've got his AC right (should be 16 - a Cheetah normally has 15, but adding the 4th HD stat point to Dex would get you +1 more.) By my count, that should knock him out - 32 total normal damage, plus 7 nonlethal. The manticore takes 14 from West and 5 from Jorr.

Next up: Laurel and Galadren.

2008-05-28, 11:35 PM
Galadren winces in sympathy as the manticore makes an appearance, releasing a hail of tail spikes at the fleeing leopard even as West and Jorr's arrows fly into the air heading in the opposite direction. The arrows wound the beast, but the spikes nearly annihilate the leopard, several burying themselves into the creature's flanks and back. As the giant cat collapses to the ground, either barely alive or dead outright, Galadren's expression hardens.

"And that, Sir Greyspike, is why manticores are unpleasant to deal with. Assuming that poor leopard is Garret, perhaps you could go out and retrieve his body while the rest of us deal with the beast? I suspect if he isn't dead he is in severe need of healing."

Nocking the arrow to his bow, Galadren sights along the shift, waiting until he is sure that the beast is staying long enough for his shot (i.e. after Laurel's initiative and assuming she doesn't somehow kill it) to hit. Then he fires, immediately drawing a second arrow from his quiver by reflex and loosing it to follow after the first.

(Sneak Attack for the first attack only, since after that it's probably aware that I'm here. :smallwink: )

(Point-Blank Feat gives me +1 To-Hit and Damage as it's *just* within 30feet :smallbiggrin: )

Full Round Action: Rapid Shot

First Shot
To-Hit: [roll0] + 10 = 21
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]
Total Damage: 6 + 7 = 13

Second Shot
To-Hit: [roll3] + 10 = 13
Damage: [roll4]
Total Damage: 2

Potential Criticals:

First Shot
Confirmation: [roll5]
Critical Damage: [roll6]

Second Shot
Confirmation: [roll7] <---- Why didn't you roll that on the to-hit roll? :smallfurious: :smalltongue:
Critical Damage: [roll8]

2008-05-29, 11:57 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Aye, 'at sounds like a fine idea, Swifty."

As the beast came into her view, she dropped her hand axes and drew her her bow that was around her body. While she kept an eye on the creature, she grabbed an arrow from the quiver and and let an arrow fly.

[roll0] (6 BAB + 3 DEX + 1 Masterwork)
[roll1] (+4 Strength from bow)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but because I said she readied her hand-axes, taking out her bow and dropping her axes to the ground would be a full round, right?

I stupidly forgot about her taking out a bow.

2008-05-29, 12:12 PM
Galadren and Laurel both send an arrow flying at the beast; moments later, Galadren's second shot goes wide. Even as it's in the air, the watching hobgoblin calls out: "Arrows! Someone's here!" A louder, deeper voice comes from inside the building; it barks out a short sentence ("Ebenum uldar? Atah!") that none of you understand, and then three more hobgoblins come rushing out. The four hobgoblins gather at the hole in the wall, searching the trees for the source of the attacks. Meanwhile, Sithi sees a minotaur leave the same building; it grabs up a smallish boulder and flings it at the northern building, where it crashes into the wall with a resounding thud. The minotaur then yells, in that same deep voice: "Atah! Odorum bendat!" A couple of seconds later, Sithi sees a second worg join the first, followed by a pair of goblins ducking around the corner.


The manticore takes an additional 25 damage from Laurel's and Galadren's attacks. The hobgoblins in front have drawn swords, while the two in back have drawn bows; the minotaur is wielding a very large axe.

Laurel: Dropping the axes is free, so drawing the bow is a move action and firing once is standard. Picking the axes back up will be a move action each.

Next actions, in order: Garret (unconscious), Grayven, Sithi, West, Jorr (West and Jorr are now after Sithi due to readied actions)

2008-05-29, 02:16 PM

Reconizing the leopard as his master, Magnum runs from the woods and stand protectively in front of the unconcious feline.

Moving to U11 and attacking the goblin directly in front of him.


2008-05-29, 02:17 PM

2008-05-29, 10:06 PM
As Magnum closes the gap with the hobgoblins, he opens his jaws and strikes with a low bite, nearly pulling one of the hobgoblins to the ground before his grip is shaken loose.


2008-05-30, 11:22 PM
(Bump? Still need actions for Grayven, Sithi, and West.)

2008-06-01, 10:11 AM

Only glancing for a moment at the unconscious Druid as he lay guarded by his faithful companion, he saw that his purpose, and the greatest threat was clear.

"Cover me, and behold my baptism", he said, rushing out from the treeline a moment later, his chain hissing through the air as he ran straight at the wall, ignoring the bewildered humanoids on his left.

Reaching the wall, he continued upwards, running up the wall several steps before leaping off, his body and weapon seeming to blur through the air with inhuman grace and power, both twisting in the air in perfect syncronicity, his chain whipping towards the beast perched above in a vicious, glittering arch.

Move: Z12-U12(1, i.e. verticle 1 square), total 35' (counting the return movement to the ground).
Yes, you can make jump checks as part of a move, provided it doesn't exceed your max movement rate.

Would go to 13 to avoid any question of AOO's, but I didn't get any answer on my question regarding the rock/boulder in that square :smallconfused:
I'd rather avoid balance checks.

Regardless, AOO's can't be taken around corners, so I should be fine.

Jump (should be DC 10, as I'm only trying to jump 5ft upwards to get the Manticore within reach of my Chain, I have +4 to my jump due to my increased movement rate BTW): [roll0]

Attack (Charging, Pwr. Attk. 4, using Divine Might): [roll1]

EDIT: ok, I'm going to use luck Domain to reroll that attk.
Damage: [roll2] +4 (forgot to factor Str. and Magic Wep. damage in! :smalleek:

2008-06-01, 04:31 PM
Luck Domain Reroll and note:
NOTE: I was thinking about it (while I was at work today), and I believe that my first attack would have been invalid anyway, since the change in direction would prevent a Charge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#charge).

If I'm incorrect, then let me know.

Attack w/ charge (reroll): [roll0]

Attack w/out charge (I'll take it as a reroll to be fair, but of course I wouldn't mind retaining my reroll...it looks like I really might need it): [roll1]

2008-06-01, 04:44 PM

"If that cat is Garret, we need to get him out of there."

Still hiding in the tree line, West draws another arrow and fires it at the manticore.


2008-06-01, 09:47 PM
Grayven's attack, though remarkable for its gracefulness, is sadly ineffective, as the manticore moves its leg out of the way. West's arrow likewise flies wide of the mark. Jorr steps slightly closer to the party, launching two arrows as he does so; the first one flies very wide, but the second one slices near to the creature's neck. It lets out a horrible scream; whipping around, it launches another array of spikes upon the party, and then takes off to the northwest, flying clumsily over the keep. Even in the pale moonlight, the blood dripping from its wounds as it flies off is obvious. Jorr, West, and Galadren each feel two of the spikes biting into their flesh.


Jorr deals 15 to the manticore; from the spikes, Jorr takes 5; West takes 8; and Galadren takes 15 from two hits apiece. (That's one really lucky manticore.)

Delaying Sithi's turn for another few hours; I'm not really sure what Rachel would want to do here, and nothing she did would be likely to affect the other actions so far. See upcoming post in the OOC thread.

Next: Laurel and Galadren, then the hobs.

Edit to add: The manticore is flying fairly low, and is therefore out of sight to everyone except Sithi.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-06-01, 10:25 PM

Sithi hurries away from the hobgoblins, getting some cover in one of the crumbling structures on the east side of the keep; then makes the gestures--still invisibly--of a silenced Message cantrip, connecting herself to the minotaur without its awareness or will.
"This is Koth," she snaps in goblin, her voice gone commanding, and as guttural as possible, the fact that it's a whisper making the deception easier. "The worgs and goblins have betrayed us. Kill them all."

Sithi moves to ~L18, where she should be able to get a little cover--and hopefully hide--but still see at least part of the minotaur.
And she puts her hood up and wraps herself in her cloak as she goes.

Feel free to roll Hide for me, in case I can.

2008-06-01, 10:44 PM
The minotaur pauses, then replies to Sithi, "What? No understand. Madorum gobili elanda kon. Utara kono mebora?"

Sithi's now at L18; there's not much to hide in there (some rotting wood on the ground, but not much sticking up), but the boulders provide adequate cover from the courtyard.

Laurel and Galadren, you're up!

Rachel Lorelei
2008-06-01, 10:53 PM
Damn it, I figured...
"I'm too busy for this," Sithi hisses back along the spell, in common this time. "This is Koth! I'm busy with important magics. The goblins and worgs betrayed us. Kill them for me. Now."

2008-06-02, 01:04 AM
Galadren grimaced as one of the Manticore's spines struck a glancing blow, ripping a jagged line across his left bicep, followed by a second spine hitting him in the side. This second one penetrates even the tiny links of his chain shirt by several inches, drawing a significant amount of blood. Snarling, Galadren tears the spike out of his side and throws it angrily to the ground. He nocks another arrow to his bow, scanning the keep's roof for the Manticore, but it has disappeared. As he switches his aim to the wall of hobgoblins, Galadren vows to hunt the miserable freak of nature down and skin it for a rug. As before, he releases one arrow, followed swiftly by another.

Full Round Action

1st Shot (Against Hobgoblin #1, who is wounded and has cover relative to Galadren, but is also within 30' for Point-Blank Shot - in-melee penalty ignored due to Precise Shot)
To-Hit:[roll0] + 6

If Galadren's first shot misses or the Hobgoblin remains standing, Galadren mutters under his breath and fires again. If the Hobgoblin falls, Galadren shifts his aim just slightly upward as he releases his second arrow, aiming for the archer (#3) standing directly behind the fallen hobgoblin.

2nd Shot (#1 and #3 both have cover against Galadren regardless. Subtract one from Galadren's to-hit roll if he's shooting against #3 - #3 is outside Point Blank Shot bonus)

If Laurel takes out Hobgoblin #1 first, Galadren will simply pump both arrows into #3.

Potential Criticals:

1st Shot
Extra Damage:[roll5]

2nd Shot
Extra Damage:[roll7]

(I *really* hate online dice rollers, btw. :smalltongue: )

2008-06-02, 09:32 AM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

"Well, better be for gettin' in there." The woman slung her bow back over her back and grabbed the axes from the ground before taking off toward the hole in the wall of the keep.

Laurel will pick up the axes on the ground and sling her bow across her back. Then she will move to U10 [from Y14] and over the rock. Don't know if a roll is needed for that.

2008-06-02, 10:00 PM
As Laurel crosses the open ground, Garret's arrows both go wide, one of them nearly striking Laurel. The first hobgoblin pries himself loose from Magnum's jaws, and ducks back behind the wall; meanwhile, the other one lunges forward with his sword, striking Laurel a heavy blow along the left arm. The other two hobgoblins split to either side; Laurel can plainly see the one in front of her climb the wall, but loses track of the other one. Behind the hobgoblins, the minotaur stomps back to the large western room; Laurel and Grayven both hear his voice over the sounds of the fight, apparently in conversation with someone else.


Laurel takes 5 from the sword blow; hobgoblin number 3 has climbed up the wall at S 9/10, and must be somewhere near there, but none in the party can see where. hobgoblin number 4 is somewhere on the eastern half, but again, none of you can see where. None of you saw or heard from the goblins or worgs at the north end.

Next up, in this order: Garret/Magnum, Grayven, Sithi, West, Jorr, Manticore, Laurel, Galadren, monsters

2008-06-03, 08:22 AM

Staying in front of his master, Magnum lashes out at the goblin to his left.


Trip: (forgot this last time)
If it hit, he will attempt to trip (I don't have my books at work, so if you want to roll for this it would be much appreciated:smallbiggrin:.

2008-06-03, 04:30 PM
The hobgoblin sees Magnum tense before he lunges, and is easily able to deflect the blow. Meanwhile, Grayven drops his chain from his right hand, grabs a wand off his belt, and fluidly turns and invokes the wand's powers on the still-unconscious feline; aside from a brief glow as the spell takes effect, there's no immediate change.

Thrall, it wasn't clear to me from your OOC post where you were moving to; pick any location within 5' of your starting point, although you don't have to move at all to zap Garret.

Next: Sithi, West, Jorr, manticore!

2008-06-03, 07:33 PM

Gritting his teeth at his attacks failure to connect, he lands gracefully, rapidly reasessing the situation.

As the druid continued to lie unconscious on the ground, he knew what he must do, despite his strong desire to continue to press the attack, he drew his wand instead and invoked it's power.

Move action-Draw wand of Lesser Vigor CL1

Standard action-Use wand on Fuzzy Lumpkins a.k.a. Garret

Free action(s)-Drop wand and regrip weapon

5' step- V12


1. Are you using the "bodies (wether allies or not) are considered difficult terrain" rule?

2. Are you using the "attacking with reach weapons through friendly squares incurs a -4 penalty" rule?

I've "heard" that there's an errata on Wizards about the second question saying that it doesn't, but I wanted to ask before the situation arose (anymore than it already has of course :smallsmile:)

2008-06-03, 09:52 PM
Okay, Thrall's at V12. Bit pressed for time, so no map update.

1. As far as I can tell from the SRD, only Large or larger bodies present obstacles. ("You can move through a square occupied by a helpless opponent without penalty. (Some creatures, particularly very large ones, may present an obstacle even when helpless. In such cases, each square you move through counts as 2 squares.)")

2. Unless you can show me the errata, yes - your ally provides soft cover to your foe, giving him a +4 AC bonus (and blocking AoO's). From the SRD: "When making a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks." and "Creatures, even your enemies, can provide you with cover against ranged attacks".

Sithi and West next!

2008-06-03, 10:36 PM

West draws an arrow and steps back into the woods, attempting to slip into the shadows behind a tree. For a moment his eyes flash back and forth from the horizon to the melee in front of him, but then he aims and fires his bow.

West is going to step back 5' then move back up to Z12, Hide, and delay an attack to see if the Manticore shows up, if he doesn't (on his initiative count) West will shoot at the nearest threat.

Quick Recon:



Rachel Lorelei
2008-06-04, 06:44 AM
Sithi gives voice to an incantation; for a moment, the elf becomes visible, but then all the colors leech from her body. She fades to monochrome, and then vanishes from view entirely once again, as the colors hurl themselves at the manticore.

Blinding Color Surge, extended with lesser rod. Will DC 19 or blinded for 2 rounds; either way, Sithi gets invisibility for 12 rounds.
Moving to O14.

2008-06-04, 11:29 AM
As Sithi gradually fades from view again, Jorr launches a pair of arrows at the goblin swordsman; the first one flies wide and strikes the side of the castle, while the second one streaks past Laurel's ear and clips the goblin's arm. West gets a glimpse of the manticore continuing to fly away to the northwest, and brings his aim down, threading his arrow between Magnum and Laurel to strike the same goblin.

No new map (sorry) - I'll post that this evening.

Sithi's invisible and at O14; the spell worked, and the manticore is now blind. The manticore has flown off the map to the northwest (100' NW of its current position, so its bottom-right corner would be at A/-6). Hobgoblin 2 takes a combined total of 7 damage from the two hits (by my count, West is still 5' out of sneak attack range.) West has moved to Z12. Jorr stayed at the same spot.

Next: Laurel, Galadren, monsters!

Question, since I don't have the spell description: is Blinding Color Surge visible to anyone other than the caster and target? From the name it sounds like "yes".

2008-06-04, 12:07 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

With a furry of four axe blows, Laurel strikes at the goblin. "Payback time!"

Laurel is attacking the goblin1 who attacked her.

[roll0] (BAB[6] + STR[4] + Masterwork[1] + WF[1] -2 TWF)
[roll1] (STR[4] + Magic[1] + FE:Goblin[4])
[roll2] (BAB[1] + STR[4] + Masterwork[1] + WF[1] -2 TWF)
[roll3] (STR[4] + Magic[1] + FE:Goblin[4])
[roll4] (BAB[6] + STR[4] + Masterwork[1] + WF[1] -2 TWF)
[roll5] (STR:Offhand[2] + Magic[1] + FE:Goblin[4])
[roll6] (BAB[1] + STR[4] + Masterwork[1] + WF[1] -2 TWF)
[roll7] (STR:Offhand[2] + Magic[1] + FE:Goblin[4])

Crits on 20s


2008-06-04, 02:51 PM
"Now that the entire keep has been alerted to our presence, are we standing to fight or fleeing?" Galadren asks as he fires another pair of arrows at the only hobgoblin currently in sight.

Full-Round Action - Rapid Shot

(Targeting Hobgoblin #2 with both shots)

1st Shot

2nd Shot

5' Step to Z10.

Potential Crits

1st Shot
Confirmation: [roll4]

2nd Shot
Confirmation: [roll6]

2008-06-04, 05:03 PM
Try though he might, the goblin isn't able to deflect all of Laurel's blows, and the axe in her right hand bites deep into its ribcage. Galadren's first arrow comes close, but firing into a melee is tough and his shot doesn't quite hit. The goblin in front of Laurel, bleeding heavily and with one arrow still embedded in him, backs away carefully, then ducks around the eastern building, nearly (although he doesn't know it) colliding with Sithi. Laurel and Grayven hear the others moving around above them as the minotaur turns, yells "Badanirae! Vicosar!", and then steps over towards the hole in the wall, bringing a giant axe around and landing a solid blow that leaves her staggering. Grayven notes a gentle shimmering in the air around the minotaur's body.

West and Jorr each hear an arrow thud to the ground near them; scanning the outline of the fort, they note two of the hobgoblins have positioned themselves behind the crumbling crenelations atop the keep walls.

Meanwhile, Sithi sees two goblins, each riding a worg, heading over to the main gate of the keep. One of them rides out at full speed; the other rider looks concerned as his mount stops, then turns and heads in Sithi's direction, sniffing and growling.


Laurel lands one hit for 13 on the goblin. The minotaur hits Laurel for 16 (no side effects, the "staggering" was flavor for a heavy hit). Hobgoblin #2 withdrew to O13; Hobgoblin #1 is out of sight of the party, and #s 3 and 4 have both moved to the roof to rain pointy but ineffective death back at the party. One worg rider is somewhere outside the keep to the east, and the W near Sithi is another worg rider.

I think I got everyone's position right, but if I've got you wrong, correct me and feel free to start your next move wherever you should be.

Upcoming turns:
Garret/Magnum, Grayven, Sithi, Jorr, manticore, West, Laurel, Galadren, monsters.

(The manticore's fleeing the scene, and won't show up again unless y'all go hunting for it, so everyone can go ahead and act.)

2008-06-05, 06:47 PM

Moving to stand over Garret's fallen form, knowing that it would take some time for his comrades wounds to heal with his spell alone, he focuses on the next course of action, even as the huge axe-weilding Minotaur deals Laurel a vicious wound.

Suddenly, the shimmering about the horned man-beast catches his eye.

Spell Craft: [roll0] I'll hold off on my action until my roll is resolved, as it may very well affect my decision.

2008-06-05, 07:28 PM
About all you can tell is that it's probably some magical effect.

Rachel Lorelei
2008-06-05, 10:24 PM
Cursing the worgs' keen noses, Sithi casts another spell, and scampers up the wall, her hands sticking to it easily. Perching on the roof of a building, she glances down at the minotaur.
"We need Garret up and casting. Can you do it?" her voice whispers in Grayven's ear.

(Spider Climb! Moving to... S13. Spellcraft: [roll0])

2008-06-06, 07:03 AM
Magnum growls at the minotaur, and tenses briefly, but doesn't actually spring forward. Sithi scuttles up the wall and across the roof; as she makes her way across, she spots the other wounded hobgoblin, also on the roof, tossing a vial down at its feet. Staring down at the minotaur, she also observes the faint shimmering around its body, and instantly recognizes the spell as mage armor.


None of the party outside the keep can see hobgob #1; he's crouched behind the wall.

Still need actions from Grayven (which will technically happen before Sithi's turn), then West, Laurel, and Galadren. (Jorr's action, before West, will most likely be to fire a couple of arrows at the minotaur.)

2008-06-06, 10:52 AM

Grayven gritted his teeth again as Sithi’s “request” quietly entered his ear.

Not that kind of Priest

But, assessing the situation, he conceded that reinforcements at this juncture would be useful, if only to distract the enchanted Minotaur long enough to strike him a telling blow…and to get overzealous Druid’s pet out of direct danger before it was hewn in twain.

Drawing a scroll, whipping open single-handedly and resting it and his hand on the catformed halfling, he completed the spell, his hand glowing briefly as the magic flowed out from it into Garrets body.

CLW (Scroll): [roll0]

Regripping his weapon, he moves forward saying "I think it supremely wise if you were to clear the field” muttering immediately afterward loud enough that only Sithi could hear “By Istus, I hope you were right about that”.

Move-Draw Scroll
Standard-Cast from Scroll
Free-regrip and speak

2008-06-06, 11:54 AM

West fades back into the woods, stepping past another tree, and slipping forward to fire at the hobgoblin on the wall.

West steps back into the woods, attempts another hide, coming out again at Z14 to fire at the archer T14. If necessary to be within range, he an step to Y14, out of the treeline.



2008-06-06, 12:41 PM
Laurel Evenwood - Human, Ranger

Laurel steps forward to attack the minotaur with her axes.

Move to T10

Full Attack Action:

Check for Crit


2008-06-06, 02:54 PM
As Grayven's spell finishes, Garret's consciousness returns, though he's still prone. Grayven stands protectively over Garret as the party continues to attack. Jorr fires twice at the minotaur, but the first arrow falls short, and the second one is deflected at the last moment, seemingly by nothing at all. West launches an arrow towards the hobgoblin, but his aim is slightly off, and the arrow thuds harmlessly into the stonework. Laurel unleashes a flurry of blows at the minotaur; the last one finally connects, leaving a nice gash down its right leg.


By my count, the CLW should heal all of Garret's nonlethal damage (he still had 7; one this round from the lesser vigor, and the other 6 from the CLW) and he's still got 25 lethal damage (32 total taken, minus 1 from the vigor and 6 from the CLW.) Welcome back!

Laurel's last hit struck the minotaur for 9.

Also, just in case I didn't mention this earlier - hobgobs 3 and 4 currently have cover from the party's archers; they're standing on a ledge behind the wall, taking advantage of what's left of the original crenelations.

Still need a move from Galadren, and then it's their turn.

2008-06-07, 12:55 AM
Whirling back into the forest, Galadren swiftly moved around in the dense stand of trees directly behind Jorr. Shifting around behind the woodsman, Galadren approaches the edge of the treeline again directly opposite his hobgoblin rival crouched down behind the roof's ledge. Whispering a prayer to Ehlonna, Galadren nocks another arrow to his bow, this time carefully aiming at where he thought the hobgoblin would pop up. Hopefully the hobgoblin didn't see him in time, as the next time the hobgoblin leaned up over the ledge to fire down onto the party below, Galadren's arrow flashed up from the treeline at his neck.

Move Action: Moving to Z8.
Starting Location: Z10
Moving By Way Of: AA9 (10' due to difficult terrain)
Z8 (10' due to difficult terrain)
Total Distance: 20'

Hiding/Move Silent as part of movement

Move Silent:[roll1]

Standard Action: Fire at Hobgoblin #4
-4 due to Cover, +1 due to Point-Blank Shot
To-Hit:[roll2] + 8 = 23 (First good roll this fight. Eat it, hobby!)
Sneak Attack:[roll4] (If Applicable)

Potential Critical


2008-06-07, 09:12 AM
There's not a whole lot of hobgoblin to be seen atop the walls, but Galadren spots it, takes careful aim, and sends his arrow screaming upward. There's a quite pronounced "clang" as it hits the unfortunate hobgoblin's helmet. Sithi sees the hobgoblin next to her pull itself up onto the ledge, and then the hobgoblins return fire; one arrow strikes West in the leg, but the other two stick harmlessly in a tree trunk. Meanwhile, the minotaur takes two great swings at Laurel with his axe, which she easily dodges; she doesn't, however, notice the beast lowering its head in time. As it strikes with its horns, she takes that blow solidly across her chest. Two worg riders appear from around the east side of the fort; one of them heads down towards the forest, while the other sprints along the wall towards Grayven. In his haste, the rider leaves himself and his beast open. Both Grayven and Magnum strike, and in the blink of an eye, the worg is a bloody mess. Its attack (and that of the rider) both fail to do any damage to Grayven.


The minotaur deals 11 more to Laurel; West takes 6 from the goblin's arrow. Grayven, I rolled you a normal attack of opportunity against the worg as it left V13; if you'd rather target the goblin, it'll take your damage instead of the worg. If you want to use a different action (trip/disarm/etc), go ahead and roll it during your turn and I'll come back and change this. Magnum I treated as having a readied action, hence his attack; for simplicity's sake, this doesn't affect his initiative and he's still on Garret's turn. (Grayven dealt 10 damage, Magnum did 11; the worg looks pretty thoroughly beaten up.)

If it matters, the worg riders are wielding scimitars.

What else...
The party's archers can see hobgoblin 1 now.

Garret, as you get up, Grayven's presence constitutes cover for you - the worg/rider won't get an AoO. You will have to move out of that square to do anything, though. Also, you'll regain 1 more HP from Vigor, which should put you at 10 HP.

Y'alls turn: Garret/Magnum, Grayven, Sithi, Jorr, West, Laurel, Galadren!