View Full Version : Terenea

That Guy
2008-04-23, 03:06 PM
Sleeping soundly in your bed, you dream of the coming competition inside the Academy's colosseum. A small draft blows through room from an open window and the sounds of birds flapping awake you. Stretching and looking to your right, you notice a strange device in the middle of your expansive room, it looks like a giant test tube big enough to fit a person in. Inside the tube however is a mass shimmering colors that is in the shape of an ooze you have seen in your text books. On the table next to it are 2 books, one with a black binding, the other with a blue binding. You quickly surmise that this is something your father has probably brought you for your birthday present and that reading the books will probably provide an insight as to what the object in the tube is.....

2008-04-23, 03:18 PM
Taking up the mantle of his simple, but well crafted, arcanist robe, Servius removed the fog of sleep from his eyes and the stuper from his mind. Walking barefoot towards the desk and laxly picking up the manuscripts and flipping through them. Used to his father's mannerisms for the dramatic his mind raced over the hunderds of possiblities of the tube. What in the Nine Hells is it this time. Eyes rushing over the text within.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 03:24 PM
The cover of the black book reads in draconic "Instruction Manual" while the blue book contains more draconic that refers to some manipulation of spell energy, it looks like the blue book will take some time to study so instead you read the black book. In it contains a passage about completing the spell that was previously started by your father, whatever it is, casting it seems to finish the process in the tube, reading further it appears there are other commands that appear to be useable after the previous one is complete.

2008-04-23, 03:44 PM
Servius lets out an esaperated sigh and taked both books back to his bed. taking out a chair and sliding it across the hard floor before flopping down in it, resting his feet on the corner of his bed. Picking up a piece of dried meet he hadn't finished last night before further exaiming the black book. As much as the ways of his father annoyed him at times, he to give it to man, he loved to figure out how things worked. His curiosity drove him to dive straight into the details of this contraption. Dired meet resting lazily in his mouth as he zoned on the book.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 03:47 PM
It doesnt take you long to memorize the completion spell into one of your "slots", along with the other completion stage spells either, the spell appears to randomly determine an aspect of whats in the tube while the others are smaller but you have more control on that aspect. Whatever it is, your father has really outdone himself this time....

2008-04-23, 03:52 PM
Hmmm.... time to play mage I suppose. Picks his feet off the bed and non-chalantly walks over to the tube, book closed and chewing ont he last of his 'breakfast.' Servius begins to cast the main completeion spell upon the tube, childlike curiosity driving him to see what happens. (( uh.... do I need to roll something? ))

That Guy
2008-04-23, 03:54 PM
Completing the spell was rather easy and after having done so the shape in the tube begins coalesce into something else.


That Guy
2008-04-23, 03:59 PM
The shape in the tank coalesce's into a vauge human like shape for a couple of seconds before completely forming a human female. At the back of your mind you begin to feel the connection of a familiar, the empathic link though it is currently devoid of any feeling. You realize that the other stage spells determine the hair color and eye color of the familiar. You also determine that the 4th stage spell is a simple detection of the abilites of the familiar.

2008-04-23, 04:21 PM
Orucs' Ass! Quickly wiping his eyes of any remaining sleep in them and looking down at his book, up, book, up. Huh. Quickly he finished the rest of the completion spells. His father had truely outdone himself this day.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 04:24 PM
You get to pick the color of her hair and eyes

2008-04-23, 04:41 PM
Being a wizard does not make one the best at coming up with solutions on the fly, otherwise he would've gone the route of a sorcerer. He simply took the image of one of the women that had trained with him during early acadmey years. Sealing off that the familiar would have brilliant green eyes and light blonde hair. Then, eager to find out the implications of having a humanoid familiar, Servius quickly finished off the forth incantation to determine it's.. her.. capabilites.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 04:46 PM
The spell reveales to you that you familiar excells at fighting with dual rapiers and speed. As you contemplate this, a knock on your door startles you, "Young master?", sounds like one of the maids...

2008-04-23, 04:50 PM
Uh, just one second. Raising his voice loud enough for the maid to hear outside. Taking one of his spare robes and tossing it at the familiar. (( assuming it didn't get summoned with gear )) then walkking over to the door and cracking it open enough to peep his head out. Mornin'

That Guy
2008-04-23, 04:55 PM
((Your familiar is still "asleep" in the tube)), when you open the door, the maid standing there has a plate with a large sack on it. "Your father forgot to give this to you" she says with a smile. Taking the bag you shake it a bit to hear the sound of metal, there is a small note attached to the bag. The maid gives you small curtsy before leaving...

2008-04-23, 05:01 PM
Whoa, too offerings from my father in one day. I'm astonished. not one for conventional courtesy, Servius gave her a quick, but well-mannered, wave of the hand. Thanks much Clsoign the door and returning to sit on his bed he read the note before despensing the contents across the bed.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 05:09 PM
The note reads "My son, no doubt you have seen my latest creation, i hope that you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed creating the spell for it. It is one of my greatest achievments, the money in this bag is for your new familiar, be sure to equip it too meet its abilities. You make me proud my son, I hope you will one day become a great master of the arcane and i wish you luck in todays tourney." Spreading out the money, you count out around 5000 platinum pieces.

2008-04-23, 05:17 PM
At about this point the curiosity careened into the preverbial 'cliff.' I could buy a greater rod of... No no, as nice as that would be he couldn't just screw his familiar out of what was rightfully it's, hers, gods he would have to get used to this. Then again... if I only used half on her.... Looking voer at hsi shoulder as though he were waiting for his conscience to suddenly appear and tell him that it would be wrong. No, bad Servius, bad. That is a lot of platnium though... it really is... He knew he had to take his mind off of the greed. I wonder if it has free will. With that question came a stream of others, more like a torrent. Walking over to the tube he knocked his fingers on it as if to try a awake the incarnation. In the very back of his mind a 'thank you father' rose and sat there for a while.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 05:23 PM
Tapping your fingers against the tube causes your familiars eyes to open, the empathic link is still devoid of any feeling. She simply stares at you, in your head a small voice resounds the word "Master".

2008-04-23, 05:49 PM
Hmm... Do you speak at all? He'd never bothered dealing with familiar's before, they were on his list of 'doesn't blow the crap out of things.' (( partialy true in my case )) I've need to get you geared up for some tournaments that are goign to commence shortly. Sorry for the suddeness. He wondered if the familiar even understood basic emotions.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 06:02 PM
"speak?" resounds in your head, "I speak" she says in a rather strange language, though it seems you can understand it. The familiar looks around in her watery tube before swiftly reaching out and grabbing the edge and hauling herself out. She lands on her feet gracefully, "I am here to serve you and only you", standing around 4 and a half feet, she doesnt fit the fighting type very well. She also appears to be wholly unconcerned with her appearance or lack there of. . .

2008-04-23, 06:07 PM
Ugh... Scratching his forehead and taking a robe from the large wardrobe in his room and tossing it to her. Goign over to his speelbook and quickly flipping through the pages. Detect Magic... Detect Magic... ah! (( ok so i haven't prepared spells yet but just amuse me )) With a few quick incantations and a gesture of the hand he cast the spell upon the familiar.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 06:12 PM
Once you complete the spell you seem to understand the concepts of the familiar's abilities.Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis, 10, Cha 12,
Weapon Finesse
Exotic Proficiency (Thinblade)
Weapon Focus (Thinblade)
Weapon Specialization (Thinblade)
Improved Critical (Thinblade)
Single Style Master (+1)

2008-04-23, 06:18 PM
Listen we don't have much time before the tournament starts... ((....I think.... )) I've got to get you some gear capable of fighting, take some platnium adn get yourself geared up.... Wait, did she even know how to purchase items... On second thought give me a moment and i'll go with you. Servius then spends the required hour to prepare his spells for the day before heading off.

That Guy
2008-04-23, 09:49 PM


2008-04-23, 10:28 PM
Servius finished up his daily routine of spells and quickly finished up his remaining breakfast. Taking up his outerrobe and fastening the darker red sash firmly he picked up his 'going into town' gear. Mostly just his haversack and a few other things. Time to go shopping, from what I hear girls enjoy that, gods know why, the haggeling seems a bit onesided in my opinion. Do you know what you'd like to get? He looked over at her. Better question, do you have a name?? he motioned for her to follow as he started out the door.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 03:12 PM
"What I would like to get??" speaking again in that strange language, she seems puzzled at what it really means. "Name?? I am your servant, I serve only you Master" she states flatly.

2008-04-24, 04:06 PM
Alright now that's just wierd. I can't have you constantly calling me master, it's just... wierd. This was like pulling out his teeth with a balor's talons. Never being huge on the social scene Servius now was left with a being whose human interaction was nil. Likewise, I can't call you servant. There's laws and fromalities against that. Fearing he'd just hit another mental-social conumdrum he decided to test if the familiar could make basic distinctions. Alright, listen... Walking over to a bowl of fruit in his room. If I were to tell you you could have one of these. Holding up an apple and an orange. And that it was souly up to you as to which one you revieced, which woudl you pick? I will not pick for you, nor will anyone else. It is your choice.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 04:16 PM
She stares at you for a moment before looking at the apple and then looking at the orange, "Apple??", confusion fills your empathic link, "Orange??".

2008-04-24, 04:22 PM
If in someother univerese, within the great expanse of existence, there was an action the would signify the utter mindsnap that incurred. (such as suddenly reversing gravity and crashing into the floor) Ok.... remind to severly hurt my father next time I see him. He put the fruit down. Hmm... take a bite of each. Waits for her to do so. Which did you like more than the other?

That Guy
2008-04-24, 04:32 PM
She grasps the apple and sniffs it before turning it over and over, curiosity fills the empathic link, she hesitates for second before taking the biggest bite she can. She continues to stare at you while chewing on the apple. After she finishes, she takes another bite of the apple and continues to do so until it is entirley gone. She then takes the orange does the same thing, sniffing it and turning it over and over before biting into the orange. After a short while, she completely devours the orange, she stares at you quizzically.

2008-04-24, 04:36 PM
... alrighty then. He picks up his bag and simply walks outside into the hall thinking of exactly how he could cause the most pain to his father. Come on.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 05:10 PM
She follows you obediently, as you move through the rather large mansion, the maids seem to wink or smile at you as you pass them by. The large city of Terenea is a metropolis, perhaps even the largest city on the continent of Jeirun. The colosseum and Arcane Acedemy's central spire can be seen easily in the distance along with the royal palace built like a pyramid but with the tip flat. It doesnt take you long to get to the market center as it is the largest section of the city. Your familiar follows behind you looking at all the various sights, and probably smells. As usual, your empathic link is filled with curiosity.

2008-04-24, 05:20 PM
Purposefully avoiding eye contact with the maids he quickly went his way out into the city. As they headed for the trading kiosks huddeled around the district Servius tried, both in attempts and patience, to explain to her some of the things she saw. As they walked his coin purse was kept very close, it wasn't often he walked around with too many valuables out int he open. When they finally reach a reputable dealer he went over the specifics he memorized about his familiar. I'm in no mood to abrter and I have a very long list of thing I need from you. Starting with the basics, I'll need some decent heavy armor preferably made of mithral, some items for protection, menatlly and physically, and let me look at your weapon stock

Going for:
Mithral Chain Shirt +2
Shocking Thinblade +1
Ring of Protection +2
White Finger Gloves of Dexterity +4
Ring Of Resistance +2
Golem Bane Scarab
Regal Blue and White Battle Dress
Masterwork Light Plate Boots

That Guy
2008-04-24, 05:30 PM
After some time sifting through the various armor and weapon shops you find what you were looking for, though playing dress up with your familiar wasnt something you expected to do, especially when the staff for that particular store couldnt stop giggling at your presence. Two hours later and your familiar was all dressed up and looked like large doll.

2008-04-24, 05:36 PM
As he thought about the many ways he could invoke pain upon his father he made short leave of the shop. There were only two hours left before it was his turn in the tournament and he had to go prepare for that soon, his father could wait. After parting with the necesarry platnium they headed back off for the mansion. On the way, probably to the distaste fo hsi snaity, he tried to start conversation. You really do need to start thinking fo something to call yourself, you do understand what a name is right? Like for instance, my name is Servius... He swore on Weejas' testicles that this was harder than trying to talk to a child.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 05:40 PM
"I am a servant and you are the master", she seems lost on your words again.

2008-04-24, 05:43 PM
No.. ugh... from now on you will either refer to me as Servius, or sir, which ever you prefer. No more of the 'master' horse****, it creeps me out. As they pass by a maid he motion for her to follow. My.. uh, familiar needs some help with her garb, will you attend to that for me?

That Guy
2008-04-24, 05:51 PM
"Familiar?!" exclaims the maid, "She is your familiar??"

2008-04-24, 05:58 PM
Yes, though I still think it's just an illusion my father conjured to annoy the nine hells out of me. He continued on to his room. This day could best be described as a hangover enthralled nightmare for his health and sanity. I've no time to worry about playing doll with her, hurry up. Not normally as curt as this, but hey, who could blame him?

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:04 PM
"A..Alright", the maid turns to your familiar "come this way dear", the maid leads your familiar away and into a small side room.

2008-04-24, 06:14 PM
After going to his room and closing the door he contimplated why couldn't just gotten a raven or owl as his familiar, his mind would've thanked him for that. Going over to his bed and flinging himself down onto it. Today was goign to be a very long one... Father, if you're scrying me right now I'm going to have a very long word with you after the tournament.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:21 PM
A small sliver of blue light appears in your room, you recognize it as dimension door and before you can attempt to even dispel it, your father hops through closing the portal behind him.

2008-04-24, 06:24 PM
Rolling up his yes for a brief moment. What is it now, another gift, cause honestly I think I'm about to find a barbarian and have him rend my skull. Sitting up one the corner of his bed.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:27 PM
"Ah my son, you shouldnt spurn your father so, but im intrested in the results of my little experiment", he looks around the room, he looks back at you "Did it work??"

2008-04-24, 06:28 PM
Servius half wondered if a fireball might improve the decor of his room. Define worked..

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:29 PM
"Well it was supposed to make a humanoid of some kind that followed your every command, why the perfect servant if i do say so myself!"

2008-04-24, 06:32 PM
Gods you truely are selfimposed Standing up from his perch and walking over to the water pot and trying to rinse away past few hours of mental mutilation. In that you did accomplish your goal. Truely mindless. But with enough self-knowing to concider the 'servitude' inhumane in my opinion.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:39 PM
"Pah they may as well be a construct, it has no soul mind you"

2008-04-24, 06:42 PM
I could say the same. Looking up from the wash basen and whipping his face clean. Listen, I haven't had much time to try and figure out what you've made, I'm more concerned with today's events. We can talk about this later. Hmm, maybe not a fireball, too messy, powerword pain on the other hand.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:48 PM
"Nonsense!" Your father sniffs in dismissal at your souless statement. "You need not be concerned, im sure you will do excellently today!"

2008-04-24, 06:52 PM
Oh, I didn't mean to sound worried, I've every intention of destroying the first few rounds. I just wish they'd give me the regulationals soon, it's rather annoying just sitting here and waiting for a messenger. Having nothing better to do the anxious mage took up the blue book hsi father had left before. Listen father, I need to know more about this 'construct' and I've little time to read through this. Plopling the tome back down on the table.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 06:59 PM
"Oh ?? First you were berating me for making it and now you want me to tell you all about it?!"

2008-04-24, 07:03 PM
Of course I am, purpose set aside, I'm still obliged to take care of 'it' and what have you. And by the way, she seems to have some sentience to her. Not sure if that was in your plan or not.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 07:19 PM
"Yes well they do have intelligence but not sentience in the true sense that we have souls and they do not, A female you say?" He seems to be contemplating this.

2008-04-24, 07:23 PM
Oh Gods! I thought might've rigged it like that just for your amusment. This isn't a game to me you know. Used to the antics his father usually had, the maid staff had complained several, several times. So how does it work?

That Guy
2008-04-24, 07:24 PM
"Hmph!, didnt i give you an instruction manual ??"

2008-04-24, 07:25 PM
That's exactly why I'm asking you instead.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 07:28 PM
"Ahhh but half the fun is finding out all the little things you can make it do!",with that your father casts dimension door and does his little hop into it and disappears in a bright blue flash.

2008-04-24, 07:30 PM
Servius takes in a deep breath, walks over to his door, looks at it for a long moment, and enbeds his forehead into the door. A very long day....

That Guy
2008-04-24, 07:33 PM
Conclusion of intro!
+10 xp for reading part of the instruction manual.
+2500 xp for making your familiar.
+50 xp for strange conversation with father.
+5 xp for trying to teach your familiar something.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 07:37 PM
Chapter 1: Colosseum Magic and Mayhem

As you embed your forehead into the door, a small bird flys in and drops a scroll case onto your bed before hastily exiting...

2008-04-24, 08:13 PM
Huh? Oh that ust be for the tourney. After vigorously rubbing his forhead he went over to the scroll case. Picking it up and examining it for a moment before open it up adn carefully reading the contents. Blowing the holiness out of somethign was just what he needed after a morning like this.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 10:15 PM
The scroll reads "Hail to thee of magic and mayhem, here are the current rules for the entry level bracket, 1 No Wands, 2 No Staffs, 3 No Death Spells or related effects such as Disintegrate, 4 No Potions, 5 No Scrolls, 6 No Familiars, 7 No Rods, 8 No wondrous items. Included is your ticket, Your first opponent will be Jaxis Feiridis."

You recognize the name as one of the graduates in your class a year back, he was a specialist in transmutation though you dont remember what schools he forgoed. The small silver ticket falls out of the tube and into your hand, probably magically connected to prevent false contestants.

2008-04-24, 10:22 PM
They might as say 'no magic what-so-ever.' Looks like it's all about tricks this round. Rolling the scroll up neatly as he thought about how to overcome scuh a dramatic set back. resting down in his chair and flipping through his spellbook. This'll be very interesting indeed. A grin crossed his face as the deep parts of his mind manifested a nice little plan for the transmuter.

That Guy
2008-04-24, 10:33 PM
You can feel your familiar moving but it seems as though she is lost perhaps or maybe exploring though there is no emotion in the empathic link, once you prepare your spells you will have about an hour to make it to the colosseum before the entry matches begin...

2008-04-25, 02:07 PM
Servius quickly came up with his plan for the upcoming bout and started to memorize the required spells. Taking a moment away from his studying to request his familiar return to his room. Then diving back into his spell book. If it was just a magic against magic duel he had a better chance than most of the members of the academy. He'd exceled in almost every field he could study.

prepared spells:
ray of frost
ray of frost

mage armor
ray of enfeeblement
silent image
magic missle

see invis
fox's cunning
tasha's hideous laughter
scorching ray

fire ball
dispell magic

globe invul, lesser
invis, greater
wall of fire

trans mud-stone
trans stone-mud

That Guy
2008-04-25, 03:57 PM
The maids quickly find your familiar and escort her to your chamber. When she enters, you are awed by how much effort the maids went in to "dress" her up. Her long blonde hair was done up into a bun, her neck had a small choker with small red gem attached, the blue and white dress with puffy shoulders and long sleeves covered much of the mithral chain underneath, the metal boots and white golves glistened in the sunlight. Strapped to her side was the magical thinblade....

2008-04-25, 04:02 PM
Thanks very much for helping her. His nose still burried in his spell book. Reaching over to replace the gnarled peice of deeproot he'd been meticously chewing on during his spell preperation. In so, his gaze looked up for just a moment. Whoa, uhm, that's more than expected... Atleast he could say this, even a psuedodragon couldn't pull off that dress. ... uh, thank you very much.

That Guy
2008-04-25, 04:04 PM
The maids giggle before leaving, you estimate that you have about 30 mins before the match is to start....

2008-04-25, 04:11 PM
Turning back to his spell book and closing it smoothly, leaving the silk page marker where it lay. The feeling of upcoming battle already filling his veins with tantalizing electircity. The feeling was like a high he'd not had in far too long. Anticipation manifesting in him as his actions became more-or-less jittery. Listen, uhm, we really need to name you, one of the rules of my upcoming duel is specificaly that no familiar's may interfere. do i have your word you wont violate that rule?

That Guy
2008-04-25, 04:31 PM
The familiar gives you a blank stare before responding "Master will you be....not in danger??"

2008-04-25, 04:53 PM
In definition of danger I will be certantly disposed to it. Though measures are taken to prevent lethality in the lower brackets, accidents are always bound to occur. Walking over to his wardrobe and taking off his protective items, placing them neatly on the dresser adjacent to it. Then opening up the wardrobe to choose a simple, red, robe that he didn't mind scorching. But again, if you violate that rule of the arena I'll be immediatly eliminated, so I'm ordering you not to interfere.

That Guy
2008-04-25, 04:57 PM
"Yes Master I will not interfere"

2008-04-25, 05:07 PM
Alright then. But hey, if you need something to do, start thinking of a name for yourself while you watch. He realized he'd been pacing back and forth. Come on, let's start this thing. Or is that concept still lost to you? Atleast the small, one-sided, talk helped the nerves.

That Guy
2008-04-25, 05:42 PM
The familiar still gives you the blank stare, perhaps you should name her instead....

2008-04-25, 05:45 PM
Servius simply shrugs and starts walking out of the room. And again, stop calling me master, either Servius or Sir, anything but master. Tipping his brow at a maid before heading out the manse on his way towards the collesium.

That Guy
2008-04-25, 06:27 PM
The Colosseum is a massive structure capable of supporting around 45000 spectators, It was recently built by the Academy's Tower Master to host games such as the one you are about to participate in . . . Entering through the north entrance you hand your ticket to the receptionist who leads you to a waiting area. You decided to leave your familiar at your room with a bunch of books in the hopes that she might learn something.

2008-04-25, 07:08 PM
Now, just put father's face on this guy and it'll be a sure thing. He motions to the receptionist. Are they doing anouncements or can I go ahead and walk in? Taking a moment to look around and see who was about the place and how many observers had shown up for the day's events.

That Guy
2008-04-25, 09:51 PM
The receptionist informs you that the waiting area is where you wait before they call you out, she points to two large barrels, "When you want to recall your spells, those are pearls of power, when your done, place them in the barrel next to it".

2008-04-25, 10:00 PM
He looked over at the barrels and became wide-eyed at such an amount of wondorous items. Whoa, hey, i tell you what, help me make off with those and I'll split them with you. Kidding. ... Though that would be truely tempting to do. Thanks for your help. He takes his leave of the waiting room. The tension in his muscles building up over the fight just minutes away.

That Guy
2008-04-26, 04:34 PM
Another receptionist comes in through the arena door and announces your name, looks like you are up...

That Guy
2008-04-26, 04:38 PM
Another receptionist comes in through the arena door and announces your name, looks like you are up...

2008-04-26, 04:40 PM
Finally. Servius comes to and proceeds to wlak towards the door. He can feel the arcanic power coursing through his viens. Taking his time to keep his restraint he walks casually through the door to the arena.

That Guy
2008-04-26, 04:50 PM
Striding confidently onto the arena floor with thousands cheering, eager to see the coming spectacles. Ahead of you is Jaxis in a nondescript red robe similar to yours, his hair is brown and cut short, at about your height he probably makes an even match. Another figure catches your eye, standing atop the throne platform, you recognize him as Maladras Rei the Master of the Academy and one of the most powerfull wizards in existence. A few feet in front of him is the Master Staff of the Magi, its small ruby focus shining in the midday sun. As you focus your view back on Jaxis, you glance at the floor and realize that a layer of glass is above a layer stone that makes up the majority of the rest of the structure. Another man in the same non descript robe reads off the list of rules before pausing. After a few seconds he yells "Begin!" and gong is rung signifying the start......

2008-04-26, 07:32 PM
intiative [roll0]

blah blah

That Guy
2008-04-28, 03:09 PM

Jaxis's grow furrows as he reacts faster than you, casting his spell he appears to immolate himself with blue fire.

2008-04-29, 02:00 PM
Finally! Some inner voice yelled out, drowning out the crowd of spectators. Servius had seen that spell many times before but knew several ways around it. His eyes glowed with arcane might, his outer most appendages likewise coursing with the power. After saying the activation words and gestures, and a wink and finger snap, he vanished into the air itself.

casting Invisibility, Greater. also,
spellcraft check [roll0] on the spell he just cast, though I'm pretty sure it's mage armor.