View Full Version : Serenity: Telemachos

2008-04-23, 07:56 PM
Okay folks, where we left off, Lyman (can't remember his last name) picked up his space monkeys and dropped off some credits. You're headed toward Persephone, and assuming y'all don't have any particularly interesting conversation needs done aforehand, we'll say you arrive within a week's time.

Some basic stuff in forum posting (replace all <> with [] in application)
creating a spoiler tag: <spoiler>spoiler text</spoiler>
roll dice: <roll=checktype>1d10</roll>
effect - [roll0]
or, you can roll your own dice and just report results here, either way
with the forum roller, it's kind of a one-shot thing, you can't edit a post and make a new roll, so don't get too frustrated if it doesn't work at first.
also, you can choose a color to represent character speech, might help sort out who's who (e.g. yuliya red, serenna blue, etc.)
any other questions?

2008-04-23, 07:57 PM
see, i accidentally hit the back button mid-post, so the roll didn't work.

effect - [roll0]

2008-04-23, 08:38 PM
yeah, you can either use spoilers for out of character, or else just say ooc: before anything...i don't really care, personally though.

it definitely would be helpful to do a - charactername: - before speech, but you can use color as well, it helps specify that the text is spoken. Also, people generally use italics to indicate the the text is just something the character thinks to his/herself.

2008-04-24, 09:08 AM
As you leave the ship, you see an incredible cultural milieu sprawled out amidst the area. People from every walk of life seem to be engaged in some fervent activity or another. You notice several bystanders gazing admiringly at the ship, its pristine build and obvious quality; some throw similar glances of admiration at the ship's captain. Two children who pass by argue with each other - "That ship's gotta cost at LEAST fifty hundred credits." "No way! You could buy a whole MOON with that much."

The docks are in the southerly portion of Eavesdown. To the northeast lies the market/commercial district, which is already creeping out from that direction out into the docks. One could find all sorts of valuable (and not so valuable) things in the shops there, as well as some of the more shady meeting places. Further north of the market district will be the residential slums. To the north of the docks lies the center city, with its administrative buildings, public services and utilities, fire dept. police dept., and some artistic venues. To the northwest of the docks lies the upper class residential district, where they like to have fancy get togethers (and sometimes sword duels). They have some nice parks to walk through, if'n you enjoy carefully designed scenery.

2008-04-24, 09:10 AM
ooc: bah, it double posted that for some reason

2008-04-26, 09:12 AM
As Jim and Geoff make their way through the market district, they are beset on all sides by a grand cacophony of merchandise. Street vendors hawking jewelry and produce, old fashioned boutiques and hat shops, gawdy, neon-lit "specialty" stores, and all manner of entertainment-related clubs and stores simultaneously fight for attention as they travel to the machine shops further on. It's kind of like a mall, really. Once they arrive there, they are able to purchase some new parts to replace some that are worn, and refueling expenditures, for about 50 credits. Jim also decides to spend another 150 credits on random junk, somewhere in the marketplace (you can decide what he buys, if you like).

Yuliya is able to find some bathhouses without too much trouble, traveling northerly. Center city is an impressive, if somewhat awkward, cultural mishmash in architecture, color, and scenic design. The city hall building attempts to stand alone as a modern skyscraper, but falls considerably short of the task. Instead, oriental trappings and pagoda-style additions form around the base, to make it wider. The building layout of center city seems to be trying to both square up in a checkerboard grid, and haphazardly scatter around all at once. One oriental tea and bath house, relatively close to city hall, seems rather welcoming and high quality. The name, translated, is "Beneath the Willows."

2008-04-29, 01:26 PM
Jim knows of a few pubs in Eavesdown that might be worth dropping into. “Lightning Bob’s” was a relatively cheap place to get sloshed, shoot pool, and strictly enforced their “no weapons” rule in brawls. “Phinny’s Wines and Grill” has some of the more potent alcohol refreshment, including an 85 proof special home brewed whiskey. He also used to have some buddies that frequented the “Lonely Cellar” on Sullivan and Barnes.

Geoff can easily find a few specialty and/or comic stores in the market district where he could hunt down some of that F’lark memorabilia.

As Yuliya enters, a subtle aroma of herbs and spices immediately refreshes her. The lounge area is dimly lit with Chinese lamps, and decorated in dark reds and oranges. Floral arrangements adorn the walls, and a running rock waterfall fountain stands as a centerpiece to the room. A few tables are occupied with assorted, well-dressed patrons drinking tea, some reading newspapers. An attendant approaches, empathetically looking over Yuliya's slightly worn and dusty clothes. Brightening up, she gestures for Yuliya to follow her downstairs, and begins walking in their direction.

As Serenna, Arthur and Toni walk through the market district, they notice more detail than Jim and Geoff had while buzzing through on the skiff. The cultural cacophony becomes somewhat more orderly and segregated. A right turn down the street would lead to an area with a Turkish bazaar, while a left on the same street will take you to a line of department stores, clothiers, and old fashioned saloons. A shady looking fellow makes a bee-line toward the innocent-looking Serenna, then takes a sharp detour when he notices Arthur’s cold glare fixed on him. The streets are very busy with pedestrians, and Toni has difficulty seeing anything below the second story of buildings around them.

It doesn't matter to me how you guys post. I'll probably be using color if/when we get to important NPC types though.

2008-05-01, 07:44 PM
As Yuliya walks downstairs, she feels the air get warmer, and the smell of steam and clean things wafts about. The baths are sectioned off by gender. The attendant pulls aside a silk-screen door to your right, hands you a robe and three towels, and mentions that a girl will be in to take your clothes to the wash shortly. Please enjoy yourself. The bath itself is not unllike a standard jacuzzi, about six feet in diameter, but without water jets. There is a pail next to the tub, and bars of wrapped soap in a nearby bin. Oh, and no one else is in the room at this time.

Geoff sifts through a few comic stores until he finds one called "Cardinal Nick's Trading Booth," which had a big poster of F'lark on the front window. The clerk there doesn't know much about F'lark though, he's too young to have gotten into the stride of the show's cult following.

Italics is great for thinking. Geoff can make a search check to see if he can find the 14th episode in this store. It's up to you if Jim and Geoff take the skiff back first...I would say "probably," you wouldn't just want to leave it laying around someplace. Also, edited out the "frolicking," since it was a...problem....

2008-05-03, 05:50 PM
As Jim enters the tavern, the musty (yet familiar) smell of cigar smoke and body odor greets his nose. The Lonely Cellar welcomes all types, including those that have some discreet conversing to accomplish. Five or six patrons sit around the bar, sipping on various brown liquids, some staring absently at a video display rolling over head, showing recent news, sportscasts, and old movies depending on where you're looking. A few folks are having a nice chat over by the corner, and one or two other tables are occupied by folk chewing on some kind of meal or other. The bartender looks up and gives Jim a nod.

Once Serenna, Toni and Arthur head indoors, the temperature and volume of the bustling marketplace outside subsides somewhat. They can see row upon row of fine cloths of various colors and decorations, for various purposes. Most of them seem fairly gaudy, but some are rather tasteful. As you go further in, the inventory shifts to more eccentric fare, along the line of love potions, prayer charms, and various unlabeled plant and animal substances (including eyes, forelimbs, tongues). Finally, nearest the back, you can find strange liquids in vials. An old woman with an eyepatch comes out from behind a curtain and greets you. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for, travelers?" It seems you inadvertently stumbled into an apothecary of some sort.

2008-05-05, 07:12 PM
A gruff looking elderly woman enters the bathing room, quickly snatches up Yuliya's clothing, and barks "You want your tea here?" in Chinese.

After a good deal of digging around in the archive section of the comic store, Geoff manages to find the fabled 14th episode...unfortunately, it's vacuum sealed together with episodes 50, 58, 59, and 60, and a special edition F'lark's father action figure, as a bundle pack, "Best of F'lark's father" series. Geoff already has the others (including the figure), and the bundle costs 75 credits.

oh, if you're rolling real dice, then you don't have to format it like that, you can just say "search check, got a 7."

2008-05-12, 10:53 AM
The woman carries off Yuliya’s clothes. After about half an hour, she returns and deposits them, in a slightly less orderly fashion than she found them. They look good as new, even the tears and bullet holes have been mended and sewn expertly.

The man at the counter frowns to himself at Geoff’s question. “I don’t think I can do that…my manager will be in around 5 o’clock tonight, you could come back and ask her then, if you wanted.” He smiles nervously.

As Jim enjoys his liquor, a man comes up from behind him and gives him a friendly slap on the back, taking the seat adjacent. “Hey, old man, I thought you were still diggin’ up junk on Beylix! It must’ve been what, 5 years since I saw you last.” Jim recognizes this man only by his tag, “Turkman,” which is probably descriptive of his ethnic lineage. Jim ran a few jobs with Turkman back in the day (usual as a getaway driver), no special kinship involved. This degree of friendliness probably indicates he wants something.

The old woman speaks slowly in response to Toni’s inquiries, showing her various potions she claims can cure ailments, elevate the senses, and do other things Toni is relatively sure they can’t. Toni does recognize a concentrated form of peyote among the miscellaneous ingredients, that the woman claims grants awareness of future events (35 credits per dose - chewable twig). Also, there is a refined mixture of ingredients in one potion which are designed to heighten mood for prolonged periods of time (ooc: benefit – Toni can take a dose of this substance and be independent of pot for a week without penalty). The woman calls it “qaraqci,” and sells the recipe for 15 credits, ingredients (per dose) of 50 credits, include a badger’s paw, distilled pomegranate extract, and a touch of Burmese python venom. She also sells regular pot at the regular price (30 credits per monthly dosage).

I should make another note – to speed things up a bit (potentially), you can describe environmental stuff and NPC actions to an extent. For example, if you want to go to a bank for whatever reason, you can (if you want to) describe the bank in some or much detail, and report realistic NPC interaction with you, rather than being severely limited in what you can post about. Serenna’s description of what she finds in the small shop is a good example of this. If I have additional stuff, I’ll post it afterward, using your descriptions as a base point. The exception to this rule, of course, is plot-centric stuff.

2008-05-12, 09:46 PM
A serving girl brings Yuliya a steaming teapot, and a teensy tiny cup, and a napkin. She fills the cup and waits a few moments, leaving only when she's certain she's no longer needed. She bows politely several times throughout this process. Looking around, Yuliya can see several patrons, and one in particular catches her eye. After a while she recognizes his face from a news vid or two following the Miranda exposure incident. This is Dr. Jerome Mendel, one of the lead developers of the Pax! An aging man (say, mid 60's), his story was that he never intended to see the virus implemented so early, without so much as cursory testing. He was shocked that the Alliance ignored the majority opinion of the development team and pressed ahead. He'd won several awards in neuroscience prior to the incident, a foremost scholar and researcher, but afterward slipped entirely out of the public eye. What he's doing here on Persephone is anyone's guess.

The attendant at the comic store gives Geoff an apologetic grin and shrug, and thanks him for his patronage.

While observing Serenna, Arthur's well-trained perceptive abilities draw his attention to a dirt-covered paper flyer of some sort lying on the ground in a corner of the store. He can read a small part of it from where he's standing - "MERC-------


2008-05-19, 08:11 PM
Turkman noticeably lowers his voice. "Figured you got sails if'n yer out in this ol' dump." He takes a quick and nonchalant glance to the side. "There's a parcel, and it's priority, follow?" He takes a swig of his drink - looks like a whiskey sour to Jim. "I don't even know details, but meet me at the place, between eleven and twelve." He raises his voice then, "Well, have a nice trip, tell the old woman we miss having 'er round, eh?" He proceeds to slam the rest of his drink on the counter and walk out of the bar, wobbling from side to side a bit.

The old woman closes her eyes and appears to fall asleep after Toni's remarks. After a few moments, however, her eyes open and she regains composure. "Ahhhh. This medicine interests you, yes?" She picks up the concentrated peyote and turns the small glass canister in her hands for closer observation. The twig inside is about 2 inches long. "This is not for idle curiosity, though. Very dangerous. Thoughts should not be pushed forward in time, or they might return heavy. Too heavy." She pauses to frown, looking off into space somewhere. "I will not reduce price, but this one I will gift to you. Perhaps you will have a great vision?" She places the canister into Toni's hands. Her eyes shift past Toni toward the front of the store. "I think your friend has left...."

Serenna slips outside and into the bazaar. Things are much as they were before entering the shop. Bustling foot traffic, vendors offering assorted shiny and colorful merchandise. Serenna's translator intermittently picks out particularly loud, recognizable strands of human speech, such as "only 3 platinum!" and "I'm not pushing, YOU'RE the one that's pushing!"

Chinese for friend is "puhn yoh." Serenna, make an agility + covert/stealth check, Arthur make an alertness + perception/sight check + 1 step (since he always tries to keep an eye on her). If Arthur's check is higher, he sees her leaving the store.

2008-05-23, 09:55 AM
It’s 6:33 (or whatever the Persephone equivalent thereof) when Jim looks at his watch.

After handing the drug to Toni, the old woman smiles and slowly walks into the back room behind a violet curtain.

Geoff eagerly watches half of the episode (with such great lines as “The power to shape your destiny lies within you, son.”) before the disc spazzes out. The other half of the episode is unsalvageable.

Yuliya sees Dr. Mendel sitting beside a young woman she is fairly certain she doesn’t recognize. They are speaking to each other in hushed tones while idly sipping tea (OOC: Yuliya can make an alertness + perception/listen check to try to hear what they’re saying, or sight instead of listen to read lips)

Arthur walks out into the street and sees throngs of people everywhere. It’ll be almost impossible to find the girl in this crowd by sight.

yes, Jim knows where "the place" is, it's an old warehouse in the poor residential section (north of the market district).

do most bodyguards have to worry about their wards sneaking away from them?

2008-06-03, 01:57 PM
Geoff finds the store’s cortex site, and finds it to be of exceptionally low quality. It’s apparent that no one gets paid to maintain it. The site contains an address and a picture of the store from the outside. There is nothing in the way of contact information apart from the store’s phone number. The name Albert Hesh is given as the store’s owner and founder.

Yuliya can hear the conversation quite well, amidst the quiet music and voices of the tea house. For the most part, Dr. Mendel is the one talking, or perhaps commiserating, about “the project,” which is doomed to failure without military support. The young woman seems to agree with the doctor on nearly every point he makes, though she seems slightly more interested in drinking tea than he is. She points out that they might hear from some other mercenaries now that the bulletin had been put out, but this does not seem to comfort the doctor much. The two former Independents that responded so far don’t seem very trustworthy to him. The conversation lulls, and eventually they prepare to get back to “work.”

Arthur finds some high ground to get a good look around him. Serenna might have ducked into a shady alley or into one of the nearby buildings, but she is not immediately apparent in the marketplace crowd, or further down the street.

Serenna can access the cortex for 2 credits per hour (or for free with a 6 int + tech/hackery check). An administrator account can check usage logs, remotely access other terminals in the bar, access the cortex, etc.

Yeah, you can manipulate random NPC's as long as it makes sense. As far as the little chase scene here goes, you might want to discuss together how it should resolve, prior to playing it out, so it doesn't become unduly awkward...but you don't have to. There are just sometimes unwanted consequences to PC's having directly opposing goals that can't be resolved with a die roll or two. You can obviously work it out as free form roleplay, but it helps to be on the same page meta game. Just my two cents.

2008-07-28, 10:30 PM
As Yuliya mentions the Dr.'s name, he starts in surprise, then quickly regains composure. "Ah, yes, I am. What can I do for you miss?" The woman with him eyes him questioningly and Yuliya suspiciously, but says nothing.

Arthur spends some time looking around fruitlessly for Serenna, but finally stumbles upon the goth coffee shop.

Arthur appears at the shop about fifteen minutes after Serenna arrives there.

2008-08-16, 10:46 PM
Dr. Mendel looks Yuliya over for a moment. His eyes widen slightly. "You're....freelance, are you?" He frowns. "Well...yes, I don't see why I shouldn't allow it. We have a facility on the second moon of Persephone which may be of much interest to you, miss. Come to these coordinates, and bring your people. We'll talk there." He scrawls some numbers on a scrap of paper and hands it to Yuliya. "If you'll excuse us, we really must be getting on our way now." The woman continues to cast suspicious glances at Yuliya as they turn to leave.

Arthur sees Serenna sitting at the cortex terminal...?
was mainly giving the "fifteen minutes" for serenna's benefit, if she wanted to do anything else within that time frame *shrug*

2008-09-16, 09:26 AM
Serenna snoops around for information. She finds out that Rigel Hennoth is a bigwig Blue Sun executive, who used to be with Alliance Special Forces during the war. He was given an honorable discharge from service well ahead of schedule for undisclosed reasons. Nothing particularly new or interesting can be found about Bryce. While searching about her father, she finds that he was included in a special Blue Sun project known as “Project Phoenix,” though further investigation into this reveals only HEAVY security blocks, and a lot of corporate glib on the surface. “Energizing new solution-focused boundaries to enhance quality and customization processes,” and the like. Serenna’s father appears in the backlogs of the main site, from about seven years ago, along with another name she might not have expected – Mark Walker.

Jim finds the casino where he remembered it. It has a few slots, but the primary business of this little seedy spot is cards. Jim recognizes the fellow running the blackjack table – Leonard, was it? - but no one else seems familiar.

Jim can make an intelligence/gambling check, and specify how long he's playing, and I'll calculate whether he makes any money or not.

Toni feels right at home in the crowded, noisy, odorous market. The intriguing blend of pleasant and awful fragrances alone is a very endearing trait of this area of town. Within walking distance there are shops that sell just about anything, and a few platinum in the right hands will get you the location of anything that you can’t find out in the open.

2008-09-26, 10:35 AM
Yuliya can find a cobbler in town without too much trouble. The local shoemaker/fixer runs a dusty shop in the old section of the market, though folks vouch for his abilities. Alternatively, there are plenty of cheap to upscale shoe stores where she could find replacement boots.

Geoff finds nothing terribly eventful in his search. Mostly info about his store, and that he has a passion for nerd memorabilia. He cites F'lark as a favorite comic/show, interestingly.

The collective attention of the coffee shop turns to Arthur and Serenna as he unceremoniously hauls her away from the computer area and out of the door, back into the street. Some male patrons start as though to intervene, but decide better of it when they notice Arthur's (albeit muted) weaponry and physique.

2008-10-16, 03:40 PM
Yuliya enters the old, dusty workshop and sees an elderly man behind the counter, perhaps 70 plus? He seems to be intently studying a smallish sneaker, which seems to be mostly disassembled. When she speaks to him, he takes a look at her boot and frowns. "That's quite a bit of wear, miss. I can have it fixed up fer ya by tomorrah, say 11 o'clock, I reckon." He spit polishes a nearby wedge-shaped tool and starts to pry at the sneaker.

2008-11-25, 02:59 PM
The shoemaker lifts one eyebrow quizzically at Yulia’s comment as she leaves the shop.

Jim plays for a few hours, finally managing to scratch a few credits from the house after bad luck at the start –must have been a little rusty (Jim gets 15 credits from gambling). The evening has worn on to about quarter of 10 (in Jim’s subplot). He was told to go to the old east dock warehouse between 11 and 12.

Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever and a half. I guess we can work out the details of keeping track of expenses and whatnot. I'll post some prices for food and give a general cost of an "average" trip between planets, and somebody could keep a ledger or something.

2008-12-02, 03:31 PM
Yuliya and Arthur (and Serenna) can read the crumpled note. It seems to be an ordinary flyer someone might have put up on a wall in the market district somewhere. The contents of the flyer are odd for such a venue, however.
Highly skilled professional services required for special scientific, military experiment. High level of personal risk involved. Compensation for services rendered. Please contact Dr. Chang for details.”
It provides a contact number.

Toni is greeted by a smiling waitress, garbed in a green apron and sporting a headband. A short while after ordering, she is treated to a sumptuous, steamed eggplant casserole, with marinara sauce and a slice of whole wheat bread on the side. It is quite tasty. The establishment is mostly clean, but the patrons are not.

2008-12-04, 03:18 PM
The comforting hum of the ship's generators floats in the background - status quo.

Arthur finds the kitchen better stocked than when he left it (especially for those who like herbal tea), thanks to the shopping done by Toni, Jim and Geoff.

yay postings! I'm still waiting for what Jim is doing about the mysterious parcel before we flip over to tomorrow.

2008-12-18, 08:40 AM
Arthur waits a few seconds before the image of a neatly dressed woman in her mid-30’s pops up in front of him. “This is Dr. Chang’s office. Ummm, I take it you’re calling about the mercenary job flyer?” Without waiting for a response, she continues. “You’ll need to be at the location I’m sending you for the orientation meeting at 0800 hours. Do you have any other questions?” She turns a somewhat tired glance at the screen. It’s likely very late where she is as well. The coordinates entered indicate a location perhaps three or four time zones away.

After much deliberation, headaches and costume changing, Jim, Geoff, and Serenna head to the warehouse at the lower end of Eavesdown. Anyone can tell at a glance that this is NOT a place where you want to hang around at this time of night. A single, unshaven but well-dressed man is standing at the entrance to the warehouse, smoking a cigarette. You don’t doubt that he’s armed.

You guys can keep posting about the conversation about the costume if you want, I'm just putting this up so you can interact with it when you're ready.

2008-12-19, 04:31 PM
"Specific details will be given at the briefing. The job is a delicate, special ops affair. Specialization in covert and military tactics is preferred."

oh, and I'm giving Geoff a plot point for being hysterical.

2008-12-20, 03:52 PM
"It's likely the operation will require more than one team of specialists, but you'll probably be working independently."

2008-12-21, 04:22 PM
She tells Arthur "We have a very large budget on this project. I understand the price can be negotiated, based on a number of variables, such as swiftness and competence of completion. But have no worry about our ability to repay your services well."

The man at the door is clearly bemused by Jim's companions, but makes no move to stop their progress into the building. The warehouse is dimly lit, with empty crates strewn throughout. A group of men are gathered in the center of the warehouse, seemingly in conversation. Turkman is among them. When you enter, they turn their attention toward you, and Turkman says "See, here he is now" to the others. "This is the fella who can get yer cargo to Boros. Best pilot in the sky, and squeaky clean record besides." He gives an expectant, and a little nervous, look at Jim. Another man comments "Well if he brings purdy little girls to places like this, I'd hardly call that responsible." This provokes laughter among some of the others.

2008-12-22, 12:03 AM
The group of men seem to ignore the interjections of Serenna and Geoff, but Jim can tell that he's losing esteem because of them. A third man addresses Jim (there are four, besides Turkman). "Your friend here already promised us two pilots who never showed, our employer is getting impatient. As for the job, it's 1500, 500 up front. If you're actually clean, which I doubt, then you'll no doubt want to know that taking the 500 without showing up at Boros, you won't get the chance to enjoy whatever you spend it on. The package needs to be checked in three weeks and two days from today, shouldn't be a problem, unless you're flying a piece of feh wu lao. Package and creds are ready to go right now, if you are. Oh, you don't ask what's in the package, and you DON'T OPEN IT, dohn-ma?"

make an intelligence + piloting/astronomy or astrogation check. also, an alertness + perception/empathy might help to get a feel for things.

2008-12-23, 03:15 PM
Jim and Geoff can make a rough estimation that it would take about two weeks to reach Boros from here. Additionally, Jim gets the sense that 1500 is a good bit more than the job ought to be worth, even as far as illegal cargo goes. Jim and Serenna can both tell that the guy talking is a little bit anxious.

Yeah, the next step up from d12 is d12+d2, so you'd roll both a d12 and d2 in that case.

2009-01-07, 04:29 PM
(oh hey, I forgot to answer Arthur's question)

The woman replies, "1-3 weeks, depending on which task you are assigned. At least, that's how the timetables read. Mercenary work never works out exactly as planned now, does it?"

The front man responds to Jim matter-of-factly, "See look here, uh, Mr. Irresponsible. The package comes with coordinates, names, and contact info. Roughly, you're going to the Brighton colonies. Yeah, it's clear of Ares, if that's what you're worried about. Not that they give a good gorram who comes and goes nowadays. Who do you want to avoid? You want to avoid anybody who gets nosy." He hesitates a moment. "I'll be up front. There's a distinct possibility you might run into some nosy folks with this job."

Serenna peers into the darkness. There's not much, plenty of wooden crates stacked around. There's also a large box shape covered by a tarp, roughly the size of a VW Beetle.

2009-04-23, 08:49 AM
“Yes, of course.” The woman replies to Arthur. “You have the meeting time and place, we of course hope that you and your crew are available to assist our endeavors.” The woman smiles winsomely as the connection is broken. The ship is unusually quiet without most of the crew present.

The man seems to ignore Serenna, but one of the cronies behind him sneers at her. “How you do your job is none o’ my concern, eh? Just be aware that time is an issue and more putzing around means more chance of running into trouble. I’ve had this crate a day and a half,” he says, indicating the crate Serenna indicated, “and I’m already feelin’ a bit pressed down upon. Get your mule in here and we’ll truss up the cargo, you’ll get your 500 up front and we can all be happier folks.”

2009-04-23, 10:40 PM
Turkman's face sinks as the head goon gives him an expectant nod. He gives Jim a pointed you did that on purpose look, and hands over 200 of his own credits. The head guy hands Jim a smallish case, which presumably has the other 500 plus contact info, and motions to the others to load the crate onto the mule, which Geoff manages to maneuver into the warehouse. The group, including the guard outside, takes their leave swiftly. Turkman eyes Jim warily, and comments, "Yeah, I know, I owe you one. But on the bright side, you just earned some serious karma today. Don't spend it all in one place, friend." Turkman turns and leaves (unless Jim has anything further to say).

There's a big crate on your mule. It's pretty heavy. Jim, Geoff and Serenna can all fit, though it's a bit cramped now.

2009-05-20, 10:51 AM
So yes, Serenna, Jim and Geoff safely arrive at the Telemachos, none the worse for wear. Serenna finds nothing clandestine or otherwise in the crates. Most are empty, some have termite residents.

y'all can assume nothing weird happens through the night and into the morning, but feel no rush with the roleplaying stuff.

2009-05-21, 02:23 PM
The Telemachos isn't really built to be a cargo vessel, and the crate is rather large. Using a dahli (or however you spell it), Jim and Arthur manage to position the crate - sideways - partway behind the stairwell, and cover it up with a nondescript green tarp. There's really no good way to get it upstairs intact into the "cargo" rooms for more thorough concealment purposes.

Really? No one's curious about what's in the crate?

2010-04-27, 10:43 AM
So a lot of what's going on here is character stuff, and you guys will need to figure out who's going where tomorrow morning, but I feel like reintroducing the game after almost a year(!) of no posts deserves something, well, dramatic.

As Yuliya and Serenna finish their conversation, you hear loud pounding and muffled high pitched screams coming from below deck.

2010-06-02, 02:30 PM
The yelling and thumping continues as everyone gathers around the recently stowed crate, weapons at the ready. It sounds like a female voice, interchanging curses and cries for help in English, Chinese, and some other eastern language, probably an Indian dialect.

2010-06-02, 09:13 PM
As Arthur pries apart the wooden crate, it reveals a kind of pewter strongbox, large enough to hold a person but not especially comfortably. It looks old and functional, with sharp edges, dents, and a bit of rust here and there. It has a fussy looking maglock, but before Serenna can dive in to take a crack at it, Arthur finds a keycard in a small pouch hanging from the lid.

Toni reaches out to sense the aura of this strange traveler, and primarily reads indignation, desire for vengeance, maybe a smattering of fear, but not a lot.

Toni's thing activates when you say it does, and basically just provides an "aura" like the above. You can then use your impressions to better guide conversation with the individual or what have you.

2010-06-03, 07:25 AM
The maglock itself is of insufficient size, Serenna determines, to hold any functionally sized transmission or explosive devices. The keycard is a keycard. Within the box though? Who knows?

The screaming and pounding stop suddenly. Toni still feels a prominence of rage coming from this individual, but also a tinge of curiosity. Perhaps she is trying to listen to your conversation?

2010-06-03, 01:06 PM
The lock disengages and the lid clicks open. Instantly, it flies upward as the woman inside kicks it. She bolts upright and scans the room in a crouch. She has a middle eastern ethnicity and there's something vaguely familiar about her. She's wearing a violet skirt with a blue jean jacket over a white tank top. Her hair is a mess, and so are her eyes as she warily glances over the various arms trained on her. Her eyes settle on Yuliya and go wide. "What? Where's that luh suh Bonsa? Why are you here?"

Jim supposes she's referring to Bonsa "The Bull," a big player in the Persephone criminal underground. Think one or two tiers above the likes of Badger.

2010-06-03, 05:29 PM
She regards Jim coolly, but largely ignores him. "The Bull's the one who's in trouble, Paco. Y'all don't know who I am? You just happened to be taking on this particular smuggling job? My brother will laugh his head off, if he isn't behind it. Anybody got a cigarette?"

She goes to sit at the edge of the container.

No one recognizes her, she just looks sort of familiar. You can make an alertness + intelligence test to see if you can narrow it down

2010-06-03, 07:32 PM
She lowers her guard a bit and looks around at her surroundings. "I'm Elhonna, folks call me Ellie. As to what I'm doing in a crate bound for...." Her face scrunches up a bit in thought. "Alright folks, two things. First, we CAN'T go to Boros right now. Second, I've got a Go Neong Yung Duh* of a headache, and I really need that cigarette. Also, a change of venue and a comfy chair would be nice." She smiles impishly.

*: son of a b****

Yuliya and Arthur see a facial structure vaguely similar to that of Bryce.

2010-06-03, 08:44 PM
"Are you the...doctor?" Ellie looks dubiously at Toni's "handwritten labels." "I'll be alright, just a little jolt after the Bull's drugs wore off. I imagine they were s'posed to keep a little longer. Gimme a cig, Jimbo, I'm unarmed obviously."

2010-06-04, 07:18 AM
Ellie gives Yuliya a wry grin, mischief in her eyes. "Surnames. They always do seem to get the likes of us in trouble, don't they, Walker? Kithart?" She glances at Serenna. "I am, of course, the maiden daughter of Illyrio Ombrest Sherpak, the White Hand. Heh, maiden. To be honest though, I really don't feel like indulging you all with my life story while sitting in this cramped cargo bay with guns pointed at me."

Some of the crew may know, the Syndicate is rumored to have three major personages strictly "in charge" of the operation - the White Hand, the Black Hand, and the Grey Hand, each tasked with running specific areas of interest within the organization.

2010-06-04, 12:35 PM
The crew carefully conveys this potentially very dangerous woman up to the middle deck in the kitchen/dining area. She helps herself to a protein pack before sitting down.

“I bet y’all are tired. We could just as easily do this tomorrow…. No? Alright then. The skinny version. Bonsa’s a big time gangster on Persephone there, as you may or may not be aware. Well, he’s been doing a little skimming, scheming, what have you under the Syndicate’s nose – not especially smart. Dad sent me to investigate, and maybe put on a little show of intimidation, except it backfired. Bonsa’s gone way over his head on this. What’s more, if I’m right, he’s trying to send me to Mullen's man Rigel on Boros. If Mullen had a hold on me, he could use it as leverage on my father. But I would never have suspected either Bonsa or Mullen to actively provoke the Syndicate like this….Are y’all keeping up here?” Ellie chews thoughtfully on her protein bar.

Jim knows a little more about Syndicate higher-ups than the rest of the crew. The White Hand is in charge of their white collar ops, stuff like extortion, seed corporations, lawyers, working with corrupt officials in the government etc. The Black Hand is in charge of the gritty stuff - murder, kidnapping, retribution, drugs. The Grey Hand is in charge of internal affairs, tech ops, communication, and espionage.

2010-06-04, 04:36 PM
"I'm pretty sure they gave me a sharp smack on the back of the head, couldn't tell you beyond that. Feel free to run a diagnostic."

Toni senses quite a bit of anger, still, but it's very tempered over with a confidence, really an all out swagger. This overlay seems to be Ellie's standard modus operandi. She gets the sense that Ellie isn't playing all her cards, but what she says is truthful enough.

Jim can't tell one way or the other if her story rings true.

Serenna's box search reveals nothing out of the ordinary. This is a shipping container seemingly repurposed into a personnel storage box, something criminal organizations might use to dispose of bodies discreetly. Through cursory inspection, she can't tell if there are any hidden transmission or explosive devices.

2010-06-04, 09:41 PM
She smiles at Toni. "You're very kind, miss." Ellie downs the capsules and water. "Let's see, Walker, I know you because my bro has a bit of a crush, you know? Like, I see your pictures all over his office." She affects a sly grin. "Kithart, well...her pa's in deep with all this hubbub with Mullen, so we oughta be keeping tabs, don't you think? Also, shouldn't y'all be a little more discreet in your secretive communications? I don't know sign language, but there are plenty of folks that do, I should think."

Geoff sees nothing particularly troublesome thus far in his vigil.

Yes, Toni is significantly better at reading people than anyone else in the group because of her talent.

Regarding the drugs/head hitting thing, it is as it stands, though I don't think it's necessarily an inconsistency. She might just be assuming drugs were involved, based on the circumstances.

2010-06-05, 08:39 AM
Toni takes a quick blood sample, finds traces of both a metabolism-slowing solvent used to keep people in deep catatonia (like Tracey in "The Message"), and also a dopamine compound which might act as a delayed antidote for the above, also producing effects of temporary adrenaline rush and euphoria. Toni theorizes that Ellie is likely to pass out soon when her body runs out of energy.

"We have a winner." She claps several times in Serenna's direction. "Geez, didn't Bryce tell you guys anything? Probably some chauvinistic nonsense about trying to keep us girls 'safe,' right? Anyway, this is all his pet project, I only know the rough details. Can I use a comm? I need to get in touch with my father."

Toni should roll alertness for medical related stuff, and use the natural medicine. Even if it doesn't always directly apply, her knowledge of drugs and healing techniques tends to generalize well with more scientific applications.

According to my timeline, Yuliya's dad died in 2511, and today is 2518.

2010-06-05, 11:20 AM
Ellie's eyes flutter a bit, but she remains composed. "The scoop on PAX is...an issue. Mullen's been pouring money into it, looking for different strains with different effects. I don't think all that's related to you guys anyway, and none of us know what his goals are exactly. I suspect he's trying to make some sort of combat enhancer. Seems far fetched...Sure I can't use a comm? I've got...calls to...." Ellie faints abruptly, sprawled across the kitchen floor.

Ellie is my expository device. I've been keeping entirely too much of this plot to myself. Also, she seems pretty cool.

2010-06-05, 04:56 PM
Jim is unable to find any weapons on her person. He does find a peculiar and tiny indentation at the base of a fingernail, from which something may have recently been removed.

Toni prepares a tea which with anesthetic properties, which normally keeps a person in a relaxed state of sleep for about 16 hours upon administration. She feels relatively confident that it will work successfully on Ellie, and pours it into her mouth carefully.

2010-06-06, 10:23 AM
Serenna chews the twig, and experiences an almost immediate sensation, like a memory or a song stuck in her head. It urges her to relax, to calm, to sit still and let her subconscious wander. She closes her eyes and sees amber lights dissolve into shapes and images, shadows of things without purpose or identity. Serenna's mind fills in the gaps. She sees her father, a meek and pliable figure, transform into a monster, a reaver. He protects Serenna from her enemies. She sees Telemachos, a small and dull star in the sky, become the largest star in the 'verse. She sees images of explosions, lots of explosions and gunfire. She sees her past, her accident, vividly drawn out, but then replicated as 'yet to come' with another person she can't quite make out whom or why. Then she sees an army, thick and terrible, it devours everything in its path and is headed directly for her, growing larger, larger, more terrifying. As it reaches her, her vision vanishes, and she wakes up about six hours later. The twig is gone.

The night passes for the crew uneventfully (except for Serenna). Ellie lays unconscious, Geoff's sensors remain undisturbed, no comm traffic. There's a lot to do today: meet with Chang's group, meet with Mendel, figure out what to do with Ellie. A lot of promise but also a lot of danger.

Let's see, first off, there's nothing to apologize for for long posts. I love them! Long posts mean more of your characters being awesome, which they are. On the flip side, of course, posts don't always have to be long.

Umm, Geoff sets up those kinds of things routinely, so I'll interpret it as the equivalent of "taking 10" in DnD.

Telemachos has a scanner jammer, I think, or something that fuzzes them out on a radar.

It's totally cool to give stuff to your characters on the fly. Manipulate the world around them, create the story, I'm all for that. You don't have to tell me the contents of Yuliya's box unless you want to, I think it's great regardless.

Finally, the crew has a sheep as long as it's interesting, amusing, or convenient for the crew to have a sheep.

2010-06-06, 09:15 PM
Geoff sends a wave ahead to let Mendel's people know they're coming. It is gratefully accepted.

Toni applies a caffeine stimulant to expedite Ellie's revival. She wakes up under supervision and gives everyone a suspicious look. "Where am I? You didn't take me to Boros, did you? You know my father will pay better for my safe return than whatever's coming to you on that rock."

2010-06-07, 07:37 AM
A look of relief. "Oh, good. I guess...if you could set me down at the docks in Nike, I could make do, and much obliged to ya."

The crew sets down in Nike - named after a Greek God or an old Earth shoe conglomerate, nobody knows anymore. Nike's generally known as the "upscale hotel" town on Persephone, for rich tourists and the like. Persephone's not too far out from Bellerophon, after all. Ellie says her goodbyes and well-wishes as she disembarks, and you can't help but think maybe she does mean to wish you all well.

Regardless, y'all don't have aught to do in Nike, and it's like to have triggered some kinda flags in Bonsa's radar that y'all turned around and set back down, so up'n off you go again to hit this station and meet with Mendel. It takes about 2 hours to get there without using hard burn, and so you set eyes on the place around noonish. The station itself is pretty spare, newish and clean. You dock at a lower arm, once cleared for identification. Stepping out of the airlock, you can tell that this place is pretty busy, with plenty of hallway traffic. The carpet and walls are a bland beige color, sterile and without trappings. The people in the hallways are dressed in assorted lab attire, some have suits, a few are even armed with sonic guns, with Alliance uniforms. A security guard with such uniform and armament meets you at the door and offers to escort you directly to Mendel.

I took the liberty of posting details which cover a lot of ground. Feel free to jump in at any point in the above and retcon or interject. If anybody wanted to ask more questions of Ellie, for instance, that's shiny.

2010-06-07, 10:57 AM
The guard leads you to an elevator nearby, and up to the 2nd floor of the building (out of 3). As you walk down the corridor, it's obvious this is the main experimentation area, as you note glass walls conaining various animals, lots of chemistry equipment, computers and Hazmat suits abound. Scientists and other personnel wander about purposefully.

You are led directly to Mendel, who is eating something chow mein, and concentrating on a rapidly scrolling field of holographic data passing in front of him. He turns toward you, hastily finds a tabletop to hold his meal, wipes his hands on his coat and gives you a nervous smile. "Hi, welcome. This is the, uh...the lab. I told William to escort you here when you arrived. Unfortunately, we're in a bit of disarray right now, but it's good you're here." He looks over the group, and his eyes tend to unconsciously linger on Yuliya. "Is there anything you wanted to ask me before we get started?"

2010-06-07, 04:09 PM
Serenna scans the data. It concerns biochemical formulas and test readouts, reports from various lab experiments, some successful and some less so. There's a great deal of info concerning trials of substances referred to as PA8 and PA9.

Mendel is taken aback by Toni's tirade. "Umm...I am...in charge here. I mean, I'm the lead researcher." He waves his hand around his head uncertainly. "I apologize if any of our methods offend you miss, but I assure we are following...well...we're following government regulations concerning the treatment of all nonhuman test subjects." He smiles nervously. "We're trying to help people, and you know, the animals are well fed...." He looks appealingly at the other crew members.

For the record, I don't think empathy...works that way. Influence is the skill for, you know, influencing people. Points for creativity though.

2010-06-07, 10:10 PM
Mendel recomposes himself after the verbal assault. "I'm no stranger to angry tirades, unfortunately, but thanks for the intervention. I tend to get flustered easily. " He adjusts his glasses. "Let's see...will you three accompany me then?" He turns eastward and walks down a lengthy corridor.

As you follow him, you notice scientists engaged in varying levels of experimentation with flora, fauna, injecting needles and looking through microscopes. "This facility is Alliance funded. You're all aware, I'm sure, of how PAX works. It affects the amygdala, a sort of control valve for human emotion. We designed it as a dampener, a pressure chamber if you will, so people would never 'lose control' and do things in anger that they might regret later. Unfortunately it was put into implementation much too early, and so many people lost their lives. For my part, I renounce the entire endeavor, I know it's too little too late....Anyway, we're working on something now, that could help correct past mistakes." He opens a door that displays a prominent label: WARNING, NO UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY! EXTREME DANGER!

He leads you inside with the sights and sounds of people in varying states of terror, confusion, trauma, anger, sounds of banging on glass walls, enraged incoherent shouting and sobbing. People in straitjackets and manacles. People with scars and terrifying lacerations. People in pain. "We've been working on a cure for PAX. No, that's not quite right...more of a supplement to counterbalance its effects. It's a virus, you see, selectively breaking down the neuropeptide inhibitors present in the PAX inoculation, while simultaneously affecting those in the hippocampus. You see, once the amygdala functions normally, the patient must be made to lose their accumulation of long term memory entirely, or else...well it's not pretty. Suicide, mostly." He gives a sad shrug.

"The Alliance is willing to destroy all evidence of its folly at any cost, but they're trying to fight a war and can't spare any soldiers to deliver my virus to Miranda for implementation. That's where you all come in."

Super long post!

Let's see...Influence/leadership is like, "join me, and we'll fight off the oppressors!" Discipline/leadership is like "I know you're wounded, but get back on the line and fight those darn oppressors s'more!"

Serenna can tell that the doors in this complex have standard looking deadbolt locks, for the most part. Some of the fancier, Authorized Personnel doors have maglocks.

Empathy is useful for sensing how people are feeling, and combined with Toni's reader trait gives her a pretty spectacular ability to figure people out with a minimum of fuss or speculation. She can then use that info to increase any conversational abilities she may have, or pass it onto someone with high skills in such if she likes.

2010-06-08, 07:28 AM
Mendel sighs, obviously quite vexed by the situation. "You're well within rights to be concerned. Here, let me show you something." He leads you into a contained chamber, lined with padded walls and one-way glass. It's soundproof as well, so the horrors of a moment before are all-of-a-sudden washed away by a scene of tranquility. A twenty-something man sits serenly in a bed, his face covered in stitches. He is reading a comic book version of what looks like Victor Hugo's 'Hunchback of Notre Dame.' A scientist is attending him, running various tests. Mendel smiles warmly as he introduces you to him. "This is Victor. Victor, these are guests of our facility." Victor smiles amicably. He pulls the crew aside. "When Victor came here, he was under the influence of the PAX, violent and uncontrollable. He's been stable for six days now, although as I've said, we had to completely wipe out his ability to retain long term memory. Otherwise he might remember the things he's done. Do you see? This is a mission of mercy."

He goes on to explain, "You know, I presume, that Miranda's orbit is maintained by Alliance military at present, and that the so-called 'mindless' reaver hordes have withdrawn into the deep structures of the planet, in order to fight a war of attrition. We've discovered the primary water distribution reservoir that they're likely to be using to stay alive down there. If enough of the viral compound is dumped into this reservoir, it will grow and expand until all the drinking water becomes contaminated, and the reavers will turn into normal people again, like Victor here." He sighs and wipes his brow. "And then maybe my personal nightmares will end as well."

As Toni finishes her letter and begins to calm down, she suddenly realizes that it wasn't the animals' fear, loathing, hatred that she felt in that lab, it was more complex, more human...more specific about the kinds of things they wanted to DO to the other humans around them.

2010-06-08, 11:03 AM
Mendel looks about uneasily. "Victor was our first real success. The brain is a complex thing, and too much or too little application of any neurochemical intervention will cause unpredictable results. However, once made, the changes are permanet, unless someone administered additional PAX in his system. The PA8, in a specific, tailored dosage to Victor, rendered him back into the man he was prior to PAX, I don't see how this is a bad thing. The PA9...well so far, we've treated a dozen such to almost universal success." He looks uncertain. "Victor can go on to lead a good life, albeit handicapped. He has no idea what his life as a reaver was like. He has vague memories of who he was 20 some years ago. If we can make a man into a monster, why can't we make a monster into a man?"

2010-06-08, 12:23 PM
Mendel frowns as he listens to Yuliya's words. He points his eyes downward and says "Perhaps I'm speaking the wrong language here then. My project has a rather large budget. We're able to pay your crew 50,000 credits for the successful completion of this mission. If you have some particular moral objection to saving peoples' lives on at least a short term basis, then perhaps you could point me in the direction of someone or some group of individuals with fewer such qualms." Mendel has the tone of someone who's spent a large portion of his life trying to win people to his way of thinking, and failing.

If there's something in particular Yuliya would like from Mendel; to win him to her point of view for example, she could roll an influence check, persuasion or debate or the like.

2010-06-08, 02:18 PM
Maybe it's a residual effect from the peyote, maybe she didn't take her medication this morning, but Serenna starts hearing heartbeats around her. Heartbeats from everyone as her eyes are closed. Several hundred of them, at least, all carrying different tempos and ferocity. They increase in volume and pace, and the amber swirls come back, reciting a brilliant symphony of images and colors in the back of her skull, trying to claw their way out from the inside. Her father, stumbling about drunkenly from wounds, a key that opens a portal into the past, dark clouds that gather together, making connections between each other, and threaten to blot out the sun.

2010-06-08, 04:01 PM
"My understanding is that the Alliance will construct a care facility for any of the cured individuals who are stable. They go on from day to day, only remembering the past five minutes of their lives. There are worse ways to live, surely? Please take whatever time you need. I'll have William escort you back to your ship." Mendel leads you back into the other lab area, where William proceeds to lead the way to Telemachos.

2010-06-09, 11:38 AM
Mendel boggles as Yuliya sets her conditions. "Look, if it were up to me, you could have the blasted moon we're on, if you finished this job. But I can't very well hand over 42,000 credits to someone I met two days ago, on the off chance they might be good to their word. I'll give you 10,000 up front of my own money, with your remaining 74 upon completion and safe return. Again, IF the mission is successful, and you all were to tragically perish, I can send the rest of the money wherever you like. I think suicide mission is a bit pessimistic. We have detailed maps and appropriate equipment for you. Also, Miranda orbital space is secured by Alliance military, and much of Miranda airspace as well. If all goes according to plan, you won't even see a reaver."

He explains the basic plan. You take several large cannisters of PA9 down to Miranda's surface, find some way into the underground tunnels above the water reservoir (explosives may be helpful, he adds). Dump the virus into the reservoir and get out. There's a military surveillance and group support mobile unit located two miles east of the reservoir site which may be called upon for help if necessary. Also, he warns you to wear the bio-suits if you're near open cannisters. The substance is water borne, but will spread with contact, and none of you want your long term memory functions to be vaporized. He agrees to pay for some modifications to the Telemachos, such as stealth upgrades and small munitions upgrades if requested.

2010-06-09, 08:52 PM
There are numerous topographical and geological maps and schematics of the excavated caverns holding a water reservoir some 100 ft underground, beneath a rather unassuming agrarian landscape. There are entrances to these caverns at various points along the surface, the nearest within 1.5 miles of the reservoir. Another option would be blowing your way through the ground more or less directly above the reservoir, with one weak point showing 25 ft. depth and then a 50 ft. drop to the cavern floor below.

Reavers inhabit the caverns, but there's no way to ascertain their movement patterns and so forth, but the nearest estimated reaver habitation site is no closer than 10 miles from the reservoir.

PA9 containers are safe to handle unsuited, but suits should be worn when safety locks are disengaged for pouring of material.

Also, Mendel sent you a wave that he will put you in contact with a mercenary "demolitions team" to assist in the endeavor, at your convenience.

Best guesses from sources on Miranda indicate reavers can zero in on grounded aircraft, possibly due to seismograph equipment, but not necessarily craft that don't touch ground. Also, they make air sweeps around their controlled territories, but the reservoir lies more or less in Alliance controlled airspace.

2010-06-10, 07:43 AM
Yuliya fathoms a winch and pulley system hooked up to Telemachos's hangar bay that would hold significantly more weight than what is required.

There are three cylindrical canisters, each weighing about 40 lbs, at 4 ft high and 1.5 ft diameter. There is a code lock on each, with a fail-safe shutdown programmed in if incorrect codes are entered. The canisters are relatively impervious to external damage (they were made by Blue Sun, point of interest).

Telemachos can hover fairly well as is, but she might do with some specialized weight compensation thrusters to make tricky maneuvers like that go more smoothly.

Also, it's feasible to mount another cannon up front, or maybe a few side turret machine guns with automated targetting, but too much more than that will be problematic because of Telemachos's size. Also, even that much would stand out like a sore thumb in any civilized area (her tail gun, if you remember, has a storage unit that's used to camouflage when docking). Of course, you're going to Miranda....

2010-06-10, 12:04 PM
Serenna knows that such is possible with the right equipment. There are "digger bombs," colloquially, that turn hard rock into loose sediment. From there, the earth can be moved either manually (as with a backhoe or other large hammering device...theoretically it might be possible to move it by landing the ship on it) or with the application of more, directional explosives. The second set can be placed in advance (very carefully)for increased speed once the booms start. Other than that, it shouldn't make the rest of the job much more difficult. Jim could outfit the ship with two side turrets, which could theoretically be retractable in atmo, but it would pretty much kill Telemachos's current cargo capacity.

2010-06-10, 02:20 PM
Jim knows that machine guns can be rigged with electronic targetting devices which follow movement and heat within programmed specifications. Also, such guns could be manually controlled from the cockpit. Geoff could manage two of these side guns while Serenna operates the mounted rear cannon from the gunner seat.

Serenna waves the demolition team, and a man who calls himself Twitch agrees to meet at Telemachos to load their supplies and get acquainted.

About an hour later, he pulls up in a mule with another fellow and a large load of crates and other equipment. "Howdy miss. I'm Twitch, and this is my brother Lem. Right pleased ta meetcha." Lem is chewing on some straw. Both brothers are wearing brown trenchcoats as per the style of Independents during the war. Lem has a rather dour, suspicious look on his face, while Twitch sports a broad, sly grin that indicates the only person he's truly pleased about is himself. He tips his hat to Serenna. "We kin set up jes' about anywhere ya like, if'n ya lead the way, thar."

2010-06-10, 04:18 PM
Twitch looks a mite offended. Lem looks downright murderous. "Now now, young lady, no need to make a fuss, we's jes' simple, law abidin' folk now, same as y'all. No need ta squabble over who fought who such a long time ago, when there's all these reavers ta worry 'bout, right missy?" Seeing no budge room in Serenna's glare, and him on the wrong end of a rear cannon, Twitch frowns and pulls Lem aside for a brief conference, their backs to Serenna. After some heated conversation, probably whispered, Lem stalks off in a huff and Twitch turns back around with a pedantic smile. "Alright then, we've no wish to make such a pleasant young lady as yerself fret now." And he removes his coat.

Jim works his magic over the course of four days, with one or two supply runs to Persephone. Toni makes sure her med bay is stocked to her satisfaction.

2010-06-10, 09:42 PM
Twitch cheers up in pace with Serenna, though Lem remains surly as he returns coatless. As they store their various explosives on Telemachos, Twitch recites some needless warnings intending to impress Serenna with how dangerous these boxes are "Careful now, ya don't want ta get too close ta these'uns." Then when she asks several specific questions about their type and quantity he sobers up. "Well ah'll be. Seems I'm talkin' to a reglar bomb guru now, aint'cha? He continues to grin pedantically as he confirms they have more than enough for the job on hand.

Jim can do an int + mech engineering check/repairs is close enough to modifications

2010-06-11, 08:12 AM
It's a two-week trip to Miranda. Twitch and Lem move their stuff into a cargo room, and set up bunks there. Twitch ambles around the ship as the crew makes their preparations, offering "helpful" tips to Jim and Geoff working on the modifications, and tending to cast rather hungry glances at Yuliya under a veneer of politeness. He avoids Arthur as much as possible. Lem keeps to himself for the most part but wanders into the mess every now and again. He gives everybody dirty looks, but near breaks into a brawl with Arthur once, over a matter of the last cherry cola.

Once all preparations are complete, the Telemachos lifts off. Geoff puts the finishing touches on his compensational reprogramming, as the ship breaks atmo, and a course is set.

I'll stop here for now, but there's more I need to post about two days into the trip. Also, Yuliya...doesn't have 74,000 c to leave to her brother, cuz it's split amongst the crew. Geoff doesn't roll d20, it goes from d12 to d12 + d2, etc up to d12 +d12 and then repeats. Also, to get from d12 to d12 + d8 (effectively 20) it would cost 68 points. Does that seem right? I thought Geoff would put some points into agility too, since it affects piloting.

I think Jim's talent adds 2 steps so, if it's already d12 + d2 it would become d12 + d6, two dice increments. No need to reroll anything though, we'll use the numbers as is.

Short range comm pack is planet-wide, long range is system wide.

2010-06-11, 01:04 PM
Twitch and Lem bide their time for two days out in the black, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. When it seems just about all the crew are sleeping, Lem makes his move. Quickly and quietly, he carries his parcel to the engine room....

Secret GM rolls...

Can Jim give me an ale + perception/listen roll, and I'll let you guys pick one other crew member to do another alertness + perception/whatever to account for posting watches and general restlessness. It's hard to find a time when everybody's asleep, so to speak. If Jim rolls 9 or higher he catches Lem in the act of trying to rig explosives to the engine. If other crew member rolls 11 or higher, that crew member detects Lem skulking around.

2010-06-11, 04:31 PM
Lem starts as Jim snorts in his sleep. He seethes a moment, waits for the steady breathing to continue, and silently approaches the cot, a glittering object in hand....

this is the part where someone might interrupt him.

2010-06-11, 10:19 PM
Lem gives off a hissing intake of breath and steps back, hands in the air, the glinting object no longer visible. He mutters "Alliance whore...." under his breath and spits in Yuliya's direction.

At the same moment, another clicking sound is heard across the hallway, as Twitch levels his gun in Yuliya's direction. "Now now, cap'n, we don't wanna go an' do anythin' hasty. Poor ol' Lem don't want no trouble here, do ya Lem? Now you just put that gun down nice an' easy...."

Jim wakes up to the sound of voices around him.

2010-06-12, 10:30 AM
Twitch's eyes betray a touch of uncertainty, but he holds his ground. "Way I see it sweetheart, even if we both fire, I'm goin' ta be the one still standin' and armed at the end of it, don't ya reckon? Then, I might be liable to turn the barrel on your runt doctor thar, in a fit of grief, eh?"

folk could perceive/empathize with the fellow to get a better read. Also, if you'll recall my ship diagram, I see Yuliya standing just outside the door to the engine room, Twitch is at the bottom of the starboard aft (right back) stairway, so pretty much just starboard of Yuliya's position. Toni is nearby somewhere. No one's talking loud enough for the other crew to hear in their sleep from the other side of the space ship, especially over the white noise of the engine. You could yell...but I don't think Twitch would like that much.

2010-06-12, 11:11 AM
Yuliya senses that he's bluffing; she thinks he'll sooner put his gun down than let Yuliya kill his brother.

2010-06-12, 05:49 PM
Beads of sweat start dripping down Twitch's face as he considers Yuliya's confident tone. Is she bluffing? How good a gambler are ya, sweetheart?

Serenna stalks down the hallway quietly and spies Yuliya pointing a gun at Lem's head, glaring stonily to her left.

Toni reads Twitch's resolve slowly fade away, and fear take its place. Lem on the other hand, only grows more and more restless....

A moment passes. An eternity passes.

Lem shouts "NO BRO! Shoot her! Alliance scum'll kill us like dogs!" He rushes forward toward Yuliya, knife suddently in hand!

2010-06-13, 09:38 AM
Serenna rifles through the dead man's pockets. She finds a few assorted tools like bolt cutters and copper wire. As her hands and feet soak in blood, Serenna's vision gets a little blurry. He seems to whisper to her softly, "It was hidden. They found it but it was hidden. It was hidden in his heart...."

Toni gets the the sick bay and washes the blood from her hands and arms. She dons a new pair of sterile gloves and approaches Yuliya. She sucks in her breath as she examines the wound. Broken collarbone. On top of that, the bullet is deep. She takes a deep breath. She has to drown out the well of sorrow emanating from Twitch, unconscious on the other table. She crushes together some exotic leaves into a paste, and applies some to Yuliya's wound, and more in her mouth, and instructs her to chew. After a few minutes, Yuliya's senses dull, her awareness becomes more of an outside entity, looking in on herself from afar. Toni injects a biochemical compound into her shoulder to slow the blood flow there. Toni crosses her fingers and slowly pries the bullet (or most of it) out of the wound. Blood pours out anyway, and Yuliya can feel a wash of pain, but feels as though it isn't real and present, it's far away, like watching a movie. Toni clears as much blood as she can...no arteries affected thank goodness. She uses a suture to pinch the flow of blood further, and deigns to apply a fancy newtech bone mender to the broken area, though she's not sure exactly how well it'll work. After all this, Toni cleans off the wound and sews Yuliya up.

Yuliya can effectively erase 3 wound points. Also, she should make an endurance check (vitality + will), her target is 7.

2010-06-13, 01:13 PM
Yuliya is out for a good 4 hours. Her brow is feverish and Toni worries about infection. She shifts fitfully and mumbles. Twitch, on the other hand, seems stable. The knife managed to miss a lot of important stuff in there. Toni estimates he'll be awake as early as next morning on his own, but she prepares a sedative to keep him under longer. When Yuliya wakes up, she can't really move much, she's sweaty, has trouble breathing, feels like she's been hit by a mack truck. At least one, maybe two. She has barely enough strength to get a meal down and change bandaging, and it's back to slumber land probably for another 8 to 12 hours.

Arthur makes sure Twitch is securely fastened to his table.

Yuliya's 4 stun damage goes away, but she's gonna have to wait another day before she can start to get better.

2010-06-13, 02:52 PM
Serenna almost supernaturally zeroes in on the bomb, hidden in the drive shaft of the engine. It wasn't armed, but it looks light Lem was trying to make it as unobtrusive as possible. It can be removed safely, with little more than wrench work.

Toni did her best, have no fear. Circumstances as they are though...it's kind of a waiting game. The rest is up to Yuliya's immune system.

2010-06-13, 09:39 PM
The guys do their best searching the ship for anything suspicious. They're tired, stressed, and distracted by the injury and death around them, but press on to leave nothing undone. Arthur finds some stray bomb-making materials in the cargo room the brothers were staying in. Jim finds nothing but the munitions stockpile in the cargo room.

Toni finds that Lem was killed from blood loss. She finds nothing...unusual about his corpse.

2010-06-14, 07:32 AM
After a few minutes, Twitch's eyes flutter open. He surveys his surroundings, tries weakly at his cuffs, and turns his head to see Yuliya there. "You're still alive, huh? I must be slippin' in my old age. Glad ta see I didn't muss up yer purdy face none, though." He coughs and then winces in pain. His face darkens. "Where's Lem? What'd you ruttin' bags of luh su do to 'im?"

Serenna inspects the bomb. It's a focused type, probably meant to disable the engine, rather than say, blow up the ship. She doesn't see anything else that's missing from their original stockpile.

2010-06-14, 11:29 AM
Twitch gives Yuliya a hard, teary-eyed look. "Before anything could be done fer 'im? How like a ruttin' purple belly to say so. Like it's his fault you shot him, cut my belly open and what generous creatures you are, I oughta be kissin' yer gorram feet you tried so hard to help poor Twitch an' Lem." He tried to hide that he's crying. He resumes talking after a few moments. "Look, lady. We weren't never gonna hurt you folks. A man name of Chang hired us'n ta nab that virus y'all're totin', that's all. An' now...little Lemmy ain't never goin' ta git ta that moon o' Greenleaf, start 'is farm an' raise a family...." He begins crying in earnest.

Toni senses he's feeling real grief, real indignance, and real anger. This is no act he's putting on.

2010-06-14, 12:45 PM
Twitch doesn't respond. Toni reads anger gradually drowning out the other emotions in the man.

Geoff calculates a populated rim planet, New Florence, is en route, about a day and a half out from your current locale.

2010-06-14, 02:18 PM
Despite herbal painkillers, Yuliya can't help but feel the intense aching throb of her injury with every heartbeat. It's not the worst pain she's ever felt, but it's pretty durn close. Fortunately, her fever's started to subside and her head feels clear, if a little drowsy from the medicine.

There's two main sources of propulsion aboard any long-range spacecraft. I don't have my book with me, but the one is meant for within atmo and short range travel (like, to a nearby moon). These engines are thrusters, and Telemachos has them fore and aft, and new stabilizers on either side of these. The primary propulsion would have been affected by the bomb, which allows intergalactic travel. Assuming Jim couldn't fix it with parts on hand, the day and a half trip to New Florence may've taken more like 4 months with just the thrusters.

2010-06-15, 12:45 PM
Twitch doesn't take the painkiller.

After another 12 or so hours, Toni pronounces that Yuliya's looking better, and consents to letting her leave the med bay, first putting her in a rather confining neck/shoulder brace, with her left arm in a sling. Twitch seems to also be recovering at a quick rate, about as well as a stab wound can. By the time the ship reaches New Florence, Yuliya's feeling a lot better. The crew sets down on the planet's "largest port," a dinky pile of dust and scraps they call Lennardstown, which don't have a hospital proper, but the place is big enough to have a doctor at least.

Yuliya can recover 1 hit point by the time you get to New Florence. She still has to wear her cast and sling though.

2010-06-15, 03:30 PM
Twitch doesn't move. "Go hump yerself. Yi dwei da buen chuo roh."

chinese: big stupid pile of stinking meat

2010-06-15, 06:44 PM
"What's a matter, patsy? Didn't kill enough of my lot in the war, you gotta knife me while I'm helpless? Doesn't surprise me. What's wrong, are you scared of an unarmed browncoat? Do it already!" He does his best to spit in Arthur's face.

2010-06-16, 07:36 AM
Twitch comes along easily enough. He doesn't seem to care what fate awaits him. Jim, Toni and Yuliya lead him to the mule and take him to the nearest doctor's office, second floor of a two story building on the corner of what looks like the town's only crossroad. The first story is the post. A few folks in brown coats walking along the street regard Twitch and his wound sympathetically. The doctor says he'll see him to good health and set him up with a place in town to stay a while. He's a mite curious about how the wound got there, but Yuliya manages to explain it away.

Serenna and Arthur walk along the dusty road. Several folks are wearing brown coats, they notice. Not enough to make a fuss, but...Alliance don't reach out here anymore, it's plain. There are a few shops, some souvenir shops nearer the port, a general store, a place that sells wicker furniture and one that sells knit clothes, blankets and the like.

In lieu of a detailed account of what was in the box, if Serenna was wanting something in particular, she could make a difficulty 7 alertness/perception check for it to be there. Unless it's like a nuke. There's no nuclear weaponry in the crate.

2010-06-16, 02:23 PM
The shopkeep looks at Serenna mistrustfully. "You folk oughta be careful round these parts. Town don't take too much a likin' to highfalutin' strangers. I kin take that knife off yer hands, give you 2 platinum fer it, if ya like. Or maybe a crate of turnips."

2010-06-16, 03:44 PM
The shopkeep frowns at Arthur. "Well now...oughtn't she just have bought the turnips with those platinum from the get-go? I'll give it back to ya fer 5. That's about what them turnips 'us worth." He makes the exchange. "Y'oughta keep a good eye on her, she ain't exactly right, is she now? Well don't leave her alone boy! Go on, git!"

2010-06-16, 09:39 PM
Serenna finds Twitch in a side room of the doctor's office, furnished with a couch, two chairs, and blue stripe wallpaper. He's talking with a tan old fella wearing a wide brim hat and suspenders. Serenna hears "I just hope they git what's comin' to 'em...." before they turn and spot her there. The elder gentleman steps forward to offer a hand to Serenna. "Well howdy thar stranger, do you need somethin'?" Twitch just contorts his face in a puzzled look.

While Geoff is cooking in the galley, he hears a chime from the nearby control panel which indicates something's in need of attention on the bridge. When he gets there, it seems another ship is like to dock real soon at the same port.

2010-06-17, 07:23 AM
Geoff runs a quick scan of the new ship and determines it's Berringer class freighter, seems to be running pretty hot, as though she'd gone a decent way at hard burn. Geoff can only speculate why somebody would be going hard burn through this system and lang here on New Florence. It'll touch down in about five minutes.

Twitch takes the knife. "What, is this supposed to mean we're even?" Twitch asks. "You see fit to not steal somethin' that's rightfully mine, and I'm to forget about all the other stuff? It don't work that way girly. I'm of a mind to pay you back in kind...but you ain't the one that killed my brother after all." He looks at the knife for a moment, unwraps it, tests the weight. "Git outta here. You don't belong here."

2010-06-17, 10:48 AM
Shortly after Arthur and Toni leave, the Berringer sets down near enough Telemachos. The doors open and a group of eight armed people disembark, start heading toward Telemachos, then veer off toward town apace.

2010-06-17, 02:41 PM
As Arthur and Toni ride along, they get suspicious looks from the towns residents. Why are folk ridin' through town so armed in such a hurry? Don't bode well. They arrive at the doctor's office just as Serenna is coming out the door.

Toni is picking up a smattering of surprise, confusion, worry, and a touch of angry here and there. Also, there's some joy and some sadness, but it seems unrelated to anything.

As Yuliya and Jim hoof it toward town, Yuliya's shoulder aches like nobody's business.

2010-06-21, 07:31 AM
As Yuliya exercises her limbs to gauge her abilities, she shortly begins feeling a dull, hollow ache along her shoulders and her left arm, like a stubbed toe only everywhere. It tells her 'something's wrong, and there's nothing you can do to fix it,' although Yuliya knows better, and she takes some medication after finishing her exercises. Not bad actually, she determines she has the strength and endurance necessary at hand to fulfill her part of the operation, and she knows she can push through the pain.

2010-07-05, 01:27 PM
The Telemachos shudders briefly from some mechanical aftershock as she leaves Miranda's orbit, as if glad to shake the dust from her feet. She makes her way back to Persephone with scanners alert for trouble. The crew has 8 days of quiet, peaceful travel, allowing the wounded to recuperate, and the well to keep the ship up.

Mendel sends a wave 2 days from Persephone. "Glad to hear you all are still in one piece! We'll have to wait and see what the results of your mission look like, I suppose. If you can meet me at an administrative location in Dionys to finalize some reports and paperwork, then we'll have your payment ready for you." There are coordinates for a meeting place on Persephone.

2010-07-06, 08:08 AM
As the ship hits the docks at Dionys, a short-wave voice recording starts playing. "Hey ladies and gents, this is Ellie. I hope this message reaches you...things have been pretty gorram hectic around these parts since y'all left three weeks ago. Hennoth's in town and he's got your friend Mendel. You're walking into a trap. I can't tell you any more here, it's not safe enough. Make some noise in town and I'll find you."

2010-07-06, 11:07 AM
Dionys as a city is larger, if not as diverse and sprawling, than Eavesdown. Once Persephone's capital site, it has three main north-south roads that lead to and from the capital complex. Along the main roads there's a lot of commercial space, a few factories and mostly office buildings (more than one abandoned by its initial owner to be taken up by squatters), but once you get deeper into the network of the city you find bazaars, street-malls, and arcades of varying quality and apparent safety.

Meanwhile, port authority (i.e. a balding man with a clipboard) is giving you something of a hassle for your ship's obvious and plentiful armaments. You might be able to offer an "incentive" of some sort to let it slide.

2010-07-06, 02:21 PM
He frowns and tells Yuliya that the guns had better be gone one way or another by 7 o'clock tomorrow, making no objections about being 10 C richer.

2010-07-06, 09:34 PM
Serenna dances over the keyboard, following the flow of data through its channels. She traces Mendel's wave back to Dionys, approximately at the location given to meet. Examining the texture of the voice and background sounds, she determines that Mendel's affect was a little off. There is an ambient sound of a flickering halogen bulb in the background, suggesting a poorly lit room, not specifically appropriate for a functional building with many people working there.

Ellie's recording was set to trigger when the Telemachos's ID signature came within 20 miles of Dionys port space. It originates from an underground beacon just southwest of the docks. It seems as though no one has heard the recording prior to your landing. Someone listening in on the specific frequency may have been able to pick it up at that time, however. Ambient noise from the background suggests Ellie has people with her.

2010-07-07, 07:18 AM
When Jim used to work Persephone, back in the old days, on the occasion they would frequent Dionys they'd hit up a bar called Enlightened Cowhands in the seedier side of town. The barkeep was a good bloke name of Frank. They had a very fine cream ale with a sweet, crisp aftertaste.

2010-07-07, 02:33 PM
It's about 3 pm Dionys time as Yuliya and Jim hit town. They notice a remarkable devaluation of property as the turn down Clementine. This street holds more opportunity for vices than you can shake a stick it, if you know where to look for 'em. Call girls and booze hounds are only just getting warmed up for their evening rounds as they enter the unadorned pub. The Cowhand features greasy wooden stools and top shelf liquor that most folk leave under the counter. Frank's cousin has his own still up in the western hills and isn't shy to put anything and everything into his tonics. Most taste like boiled leather one way or another, though.

Jim orders the cream ale and advises Yuliya to do the same. Frank looks a lot older. More tired, down on the ol' joie de vivre Jim used to expect from him. He gives Jim a warm-but-sad smile and his eyes light up with memories of old times. He pulls two mugs and fills them. "Now there's got to be a good story about why an old bag of bolts like you is walkin' into my joint with a fine lookin' lady like her." His smile suggests he may already know the story.

2010-07-07, 04:32 PM
Frank pours a drink for himself and comes around the bar. "Well well...Catholic Jim, it's been awhile. I heard you hit Eavesdown a few week ago, caused a bit of a stir with Bonsa's crew. Seems somebody's axed him. Dunno who, but Badger's taken the biggest cut of his business. Ah, you know Badger? He used to be a smuggler in ol' Blind Abe's gang? Boy has a talent for going up in the world. Or down, case may be. Folk cowtow to him now, any such. As for me, I've got aches and pains I don't remember having last we spoke. Got shot in the leg, but put the bugger in a casket for it." He sighs heavily. "Little Jarl died of the dropshakes a few year'n back. My wife Suzie never truly recovered. Ah, but how 'bout yerself? Mechanic eh? That's gorram near respectable, I should say!"

2010-07-08, 07:21 AM
Frank screws up his face a little. "Mullen? Can't say as I know of any Mullen around here. Leastaways not in 'business.' 'Course, I'm not always on top of everything any more...the folk used to frequent my place are either dead or big chuffers now, drinkin' finer whiskey than I serve, and the young folk like their clubs and discoes. Word hits my ear every now and again, but you know how it is." He stares into his beer. "I heard Turkman's met an untimely end as well. Strung up by his toes, and that may be all that's left of him. I'm a mite surprised to see you in one piece after snubbing his job...there was wailin' and gnashin'. You didn't kill the Bull, didja?" He grins at the thought.

Yuliya doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. A few people are drinking at a table, playing some kind of card game.

2010-07-08, 04:45 PM
"It was Bonsa that did for Turkman. A few days later, though, Bonsa turned up dead and Badger wasn't answering questions about how, just givin' orders. Badger don't ask for y'all, if that's what yer wonderin'. In fact, nobody's talkin' 'bout you folks since Bonsa croaked....And you don't have to tell me twice, Jim, I know a thing's too heavy and well enough to stay clear. Though, I won't turn down an old friend in need, neither."

2010-07-09, 07:39 AM
With some digging, Serenna finds that the meeting place Mendel told you about in his wave is actually owned by Blue Sun. She pulls up a schematic from public records. It looks pretty normal, but there are three basement levels, in addition to three stories above-ground.

Jim does note one of the men at the table who follows Yuliya with his eyes.

"Mendel...you don't mean that PAX guy on the news? 'Fraid I ain't heard one way or another 'bout him. Didn't know he was holed up in these parts. Once you start talking 'corporate' and 'Alliance,' it gets a little over ol' Frank's POV, if ya follow. Plus, those folk keep things hush hush. I can ask around for you in a few places, but it's like your man...or the ones got 'im, know how to keep quiet."

2010-07-09, 11:11 AM
"Sherpak....why does that sound familiar? If she's half as pretty as you, miss, I'm sure I haven't seen her around here lately. I can ask around about her too, if you like...?"

2010-07-09, 01:32 PM
Frank furrows his brow. "Fellow with the scar? That's Petyr 'Bloody' Tarvek. He's a reg'lar. If he has troubles, though, he don't bring 'em to me none. Somethin' about him catch yer eye?"

Petyr is stealing glances at Yuliya here and there, trying not to be obvious about it and failing.

2010-07-10, 09:42 AM
Arthur and Serenna circle the building, looking for relevant information. It's inconspicuous, three stories above ground with solid tinted windows and door. A sign above the door reads "Gen-Tech Pharmaceuticals Administrative Complex," but there's something off about it...Serenna can't quite put her finger on it. Also, unlike the other buildings on the street, no one is coming in or going out of this one, as though it were frozen in time. It seems she would have to either go inside or ask somebody to learn more about it.

Subsequently, a woman (wearing a brown coat), after staring intently at Arthur for a few moments, wanders up to him and says "Call me an unfaithful gilly, but I swear I've seen you somewhere before, but can't place it. Could I know your name, friend? Mine's Calliope Welsh."

2010-07-10, 02:17 PM
Calliope starts at the name Cohen. "You're...Richard's little brother?" She reaches halfway down toward her gun belt. "The one that...fought in the Unification War? You sure look like him." She regards Serenna suspiciously. "That building's been there for a long time, but it's only been 'GenTech' for about a few days. You with him?" She points to Arthur.

2010-07-10, 05:40 PM
She regards Arthur with steely eyes. "Hera, point of fact. I served there with Ricky. We were friends. And you know, now I think back on it, not a day went by in those times when he wouldn't tell me what a hwo gai traitor his little brother was. So I was always interested in knowin' just what kind of yi dwei da buen chuo roh would turn on his own family and why?" She steps forward toward Arthur until she's face to...well...chin anyway.

Serenna sneaks around the building.

chinese: deserving of bad fate; big stupid pile of stinking meat

2010-07-11, 09:20 AM
Calliope tries to punch Arthur in the face, and proceeds to try to tackle him to the ground, right out in the middle of the street. "You lily-livered, purple belly whore! Your brother died because your friends killed him! Because of you!"

Serenna spots a few weak points, but notices many inconsistencies between this building and others along the street. This building does not have, for instance, accessible air vents, windows, or back doors. Serenna does pick out an underground ventilation access about 10 ft away from the building, and it seems like it would be easily scalable with the right equipment. Other buildings nearby are spaced between 40 and 60 ft away, so probably not a matter of simply jumping from one to the other.

Calliope punches at an 8. Arthur can try to dodge the punch with agility, or agility + athletics if he's putting all his effort into dodging this round, or strength + unarmed if he's actively trying to fight back.

2010-07-11, 12:11 PM
Arthur nimbly dodges to the side and counterattacks, knocking Calliope back a few paces. She shakes it off and charges, howling, bending forward and aiming for Arthur's midsection.

She attacks at a 7, same deal as before.

2010-07-11, 07:20 PM
As Calliope rushes in, Arthur plants his feet and brings his left knee up to meet her gut, then lets gravity do the rest. She staggers and falls, coughing. She stands up after a moment and shouts "You ruttin' swine! You'll get what's comin' to you!" Holding her stomach, she half runs, half hobbles away down the street. Some pedestrians have noticed the fracas and gathered around.

Serenna examines the vent. It's not much, just a metal grate in the ground, that leads down, about 20 ft into darkness via an aluminum tube with a 2 ft diameter. She notes a few nearby buildings which could be used as sniper positions.

2010-07-11, 09:52 PM
Random passerby: "The uh...records building? You mean the municipal building for the city? You go down Founder's Street and it's smack dab in the middle of the city. 8 or so blocks that way." He points northwesterly.

2010-07-12, 07:37 AM
Serenna convinces the dubious clerk, who after a few minutes proceeds to dump a great pile of paper documents on the desk counter. Serenna sorts through these and comes up with a few relevant pieces, including blueprints and copies of building permits for the building in question. There is no GenTech listed on any forms, and Blue Sun has their markings all over, including being the company that made the blueprint paper.

2010-07-12, 02:28 PM
It seems from the blueprints that the 2nd and third basements are only accessible via a centralized elevator. It would be difficult for someone to enter or exit these floors without access to the elevator. The ventilation access, however, looks to be connected to the 2nd basement. It would be a very tight squeeze, but a body could fit if it wanted to bad enough. The aboveground floors appear relatively normal on this blueprint, with stairs on either side of the building, and multiple elevators going up and down in the middle.

Afterward, Serenna digs up info on GenTech, which is an Alliance contractor dealing ostensibly in pharmaceuticals. This seems to be the company Dr. Mendel has been working with recently. There's a lab on Persephone's moon, but no record of other facilities in the area.

As Serenna and Arthur reach the docks, they are waylaid by a group of five individuals (three, including Calliope with coats of that lovely burnt sienna), all with holstered weapons, and looking for a brawl. "There's the turncoat purplebelly!" Calliope cries.

2010-07-12, 02:56 PM
A short aside...

3 days ago:

Rufus Kithart is a man accustomed to fine things and deferent people. Cashmere sweaters and yes men. Therefore, as he is led through a dank hallway by strongarm thugs with a burlap sack over his head, he can't help but feel things are out of place. He finds himself after a few moments handcuffed to a chair - a hard, iron chair, no mahogany with leather cushions. The sack is removed and he looks up into the eyes of an old acquaintance.
"Mullen, so good to see you. I must admit I felt bad about dropping you from our Christmas card list."
"What do you know about my ship, Kithart?"
"Well, I've designed a lot of ships, I don't know if I could tell you about any one in particular...."
"I've got Hennoth out there looking for Walker's daughter, with orders not to kill yours. Should I change them?"
Kithart stares solemnly at the ground for a few moments. "I won't help you."
The hood goes back over his head, and he's led to a rather uncomfortable cell, without any kind of Sleepy Dream Comfort(TM) mattress on the bed.

2010-07-12, 05:25 PM
Yuliya, Jim and Geoff investigate the beacon. They find a small transmitter dug into the ground, it's actually pretty high quality stuff, the sort of covert ops equipment Yuliya worked with in the military. After a bit of jiggery, Jim unlocks a written message on the display screen. "Hi, if you're still wondering where I am, maybe you should check the mess? As in mess hall? On your ship?" At about the same time, they notice a group of five folks shouting and preparing to attack a lone man who look like Arthur. Hard to tell from this distance though.

Toni hears the airlock doors open. Probably the others back early.

Serenna ducks back before Calliope's friends get a solid look at her.

Calliope and her friends attack Arthur, saying things like "legitimate government? More like legitimate tyrants!" and "You shame the memory of your brother!"

five separate attacks coming at you. You can take a defensive stance and try to defend against multiple attacks (agility + athletics/dodge), try to escape, try to incapacitate one of 'em with a strong hit, without worrying about defense, or try and counterattack one of them as before with just Calliope (str + unarmed). The attack values are 11, 8, 5, 5, and 4.

2010-07-12, 10:29 PM
It is not a fair fight, of course. Arthur does his best to furiously ward off blows, but they keep coming, harder and harder. a knee to the ribs, an elbow to the back, a kick in the back of the knee, and he finds himself on the ground, twisting and writhing in the face of the onslaught. He is bleeding profusely from the nose and lips, and has certainly accumulated a regular caravan of bruises.

Fortunately, they back off at the sound of a gunshot and the commanding voice of Yuliya. They look surprised, and after a moment, the big one on the end with a prominent coat and a shock of red hair shouts "Lily?! Is that you? You're alive!" Yuliya recognizes him as "Big Ben" O'Grady, an Independent who served in the platoon she infiltrated. He was there at the last battle she ever wore the name Lily Wu.

Serenna comes upon the ship, which is sealed up after Toni shut the door. Nobody's around that she can see from outside.

Toni hears people tromping around inside the ship. It would seem they've settled inside the mess hall.

Arthur takes 15 stun damage from the rain of blows.

2010-07-13, 08:03 AM
"You know her, Big Ben? Why's she truckin' with that weasel?" Calliope asks.

Ben furrows his brow, ponderously. "Yeah...." He manages after a few moments. "Maybe she don't know, right? Lily, that fella's a purple belly! Cal knowed 'is brudder, who was wid' 'er platoon on Hera. 'E's the shame of tha fammly, that 'un. Went to fought fer th'Alliance! 'E's tryin' ta hornswaggle ya!" He looks fit to charge at Arthur in retribution for this new outrage.

Toni hears a rap on the door to the bridge. Ellie's making faces at her through the window, and gesturing for her to come out. She reads amusement, and a tinge of worry, from Ellie, and a range of emotions, mostly to do with grudging complacency from the others. It's hard to tell how many others there are, but she'd guess maybe five or six? Either way, they all have a certain edge - the kind that marks people who are willing and able to kill if necessary.

Serenna climbs on top of the ship via an access ladder, but it's hard to get a good view of the inside, due to tainted windows and their locations respective to the ladder. She climbs down a maintenance chute leading to the starboard aft cargo room, and creeps toward the door. Looking out into the galley, she sees four hard-looking men with sonic rifles in hand and regular old killin' pistols at their sides. They're intently observing their surroundings.

2010-07-13, 12:16 PM
The browncoats' faces read shock and disgust. Trucking with such a one! An' she fought for independence? An' her folks murdered by Alliance? Big Ben looks abashed. "Ya doan need the likes o' him, lass! I can take 'is place an' do ten times the job. Your own kind are starvin' an' need tha work, en'nit so?"

Ellie smiles cheerfully. "Hi Toni. Sorry for the uh...abruptness of my social call. Last time I was here it was decidedly not on my terms, and I'm just a little more comfortable having a few bruisers around, all of whom I'm sure wouldn't be welcome even if I'd asked your captain nicely. It's cliche, I know, but I'm here to make you all an offer you can't refuse."

2010-07-13, 02:16 PM
Calliope and the other three lose interest and decide to wander off, and Ben brightens up at "Lily's" offer. "Aye, me an' the gang tool aroun' The Florentine, up Scarborough and farteenth. I'd be more'n happy ta share a drink ta ol' times and catch up wit' a good ol' comrade in arms." He gives a slight bow to Yuliya, shoots a glare at Arthur, and wanders off after the others.

Ellie replies to Toni, leading her into the galley where the other four Syndicate personnel stand at attention. "Well, let's just say I'm allowed to use carrots and sticks as per my own discretion. But we'll wait until the others get here to talk business. How are you doing, dear? I heard about your latest mission and it musta been pretty gorram rough out there, ground zero and all. How's everybody holdin' up? Got any tea, by the way? I'm parched."

2010-07-13, 03:46 PM
"Rooibos is great. So yeah, I guess Hennoth came from Boros when he found out his plans went bottoms up. I don't have enough people to take him out though, and Syndicate...well, I don't have enough people."

there's short wave frequencies all over. Someone could hear you if they broke your encryption, and pin down your location if they really wanted to, and had a few moments to track the signal. It's relatively safe to send short messages though.

2010-07-13, 09:21 PM
"Things get complicated sometimes." Ellie sits down and motions for Toni to do the same. Shortly, Yuliya arrives on the scene. "Ah, Yuliya. Good to see you again, so sorry for the intrusion, but I feel this is one of the safer places to be having this conversation. My dad wants to talk to you, and preferably Serenna, if she's around? Where are the other crew, anyway?"

2010-07-14, 07:41 AM
Ellie tosses a small device onto the dining table and presses a button on it. A holographic image of an elderly man wearing a stark and serious demeanor appears above it. The face of a professional. "Yuliya, dad. Dad, Yuliya."

"Thank you my dear. Ms. Walker, it is a pleasure. Is Ms. Kithart unavailable? That's unfortunate, I have news of concern to her. Regardless, let me begin. Ellie has told you that Mr. Mullen and Mr. Hennoth are searching for you. They have been redoubling their efforts recently, and have agents in every colonized system now. Sooner or later, they will catch up to you, and bear more force than you can handle. That said, I propose you come to be my personal guest for a few months, while the issue with Mullen is sorted out. What do you say?"

2010-07-14, 11:06 AM
"Would that I knew, it would make things much simpler." Between the lines, Yuliya figures he's saying "then we'd know whether to just kill you or not." He lets out a sigh, betraying a hint of fatigue. "Allow me to illustrate the precariousness of your current position. You have no allies. The Alliance will not help you, because the military is wiping out the reavers, and afterwards will likely be trying to take back control of the rim in another full-blown war effort. Aside from this, Mullen is on the Council. The Syndicate is having some internecine problems. I am loath to bring this in front of you, but I do not wish to treat with you unfairly. The other Hands wish to join in Mullen's enterprise, for he promises much wealth to be had. Lastly, it is no longer even possible for you to turn to Serenna's father for assistance. We think Mullen has managed to capture him, though we are unsure. You cannot be allowed to fall into his hands."

2010-07-14, 02:48 PM
Toni finds that her empathic abilities are significantly dampened when the contact is not in person, but she gathers that Sherpak is telling plenty of half-truths. Yuliya's safety is at least relatively important to him, she thinks.

"I'm opposing Mullen largely because I find his methods reprehensible. It may sound odd to you, coming from someone in the crime business, but nonetheless I am morally opposed to his idea to create an army of monsters out of normal citizens. It also allows him and the Alliance too much power. There should be more balance in these things, and it would ultimately be bad for our business. The others disagree. We do stand to make a lot of money supplying them with indentured slaves. As for Kithart, he and Mullen worked together years ago on some project...something about a very large space ship. I assume there is some unfinished business between them. Unfortunately, I have other pressing matters to attend to, so I must leave you in the capable hands of my daughter. I look forward to hearing of your decision soon." The holograph disappears.

Ellie finishes her tea and looks up, apologetically. "Dad's a bit stuffy...."

Sure, Serenna has those things available.

2010-07-14, 09:08 PM
"Bryce? He's doing what he can to be a thorn in their side, I guess. Right now he's working on how to spring Kithart out of Ares. Here's the deal, friend. You tell me what we can offer for you to come along willingly - is it money? Information? My resources are theoretically at your disposal. Or, if there's nothing I can offer...well, we can always drag you along kicking and screaming. Not my first choice, certainly." She gestures toward the nearest sonic rifle.

2010-07-15, 07:29 AM
Ellie turns on a very sober demeanor. "Agreed. I can give you the intel en route. I don't think Hennoth cares about your crew, but we'll have people watching him. As to contact between you all...we can certainly arrange something. We'd have to outfit the ship here with the latest tech in secure transmission hardware, though. My father will not risk any breach in security when dealing with his home. In the meantime, feel free to pack up, and let me know when you're ready to leave."

2010-07-16, 08:01 AM
Jim finds that nothing strange has been done to the engine room.

Toni finds nothing broken and no internal trouble. Arthur will be fine by tomorrow. He'll still be black and blue and sore, but he'll be in operable condition after a night's rest.

Ellie grins sardonically at Yuliya's farewell conversations. "That's kinda creepy, with Serenna I mean. Is she like, watching us with hidden cameras, or something? Well anyway, shall we go? I'll have my tech people come outfit your boat with those communication security platforms within a few hours."

Yuliya packs her things and they leave Telemachos. It strikes Yuliya as a little funny, but she can't help but feel the ship itself doesn't want her to leave. The feeling passes, and the group makes their way quickly and quietly down to a back alley where an old mule is parked with a driver and side passenger. Ellie and Yuliya get on, and Ellie gives the original four men a few hand signals, and off they go. They make their way west to the outskirts of the city, and past a few miles before reaching a solitary building and landing pad in the middle of nowhere. On the pad looks to be Ellie's personal cruiser, a sleek number, painted all black, about half the size of Telemachos. This is the kind of boat that rich people take to visit their grandparents a system away, but Yuliya suspects it's probably a bit more dangerous under the surface. The four in the mule - Ellie, Yuliya, and the two others, make their way to the ship, apparently called "Shivan."

"This is my baby, make yourself at home. You quarters are top deck port, across from these two. Jerry here will accompany you anywhere outside of your room." She indicates the henchman with glasses and kahki overalls. "You understand, you agreed to come under duress so I can't just trust your word you won't make a fuss. Don't worry, he's friendly." She claps Jerry on the back, who looks uncomfortable about it.

Shortly thereafter, Shivan takes off.

If Geoff would like to follow unobtrusively, he can make an agi + stealth check at ob 7 to remain unseen. If he fails, they notice him following and shake him from pursuit.

2010-07-17, 03:33 PM
Yuliya investigates the ship under Jerry's supervision. It's got two decks, top deck houses bridge, engine room, two bunks one on either side. Downstairs is Ellie's room and galley. Yuliya is to be sealed into her quarters during the night, and she isn't allowed to enter the engine room or Ellie's quarters without permission from Ellie herself, according to Jerry. He's a professional, but smooth around the edges. The galley is very well provisioned, with fruit, veggies, and a variety of spices and cured meats. Ellie apparently doesn't need to skimp on the luxuries.

Three techies arrive at Telemachos to install the new comm equipment after a few hours. They take about an hour to do it, having to trace all the feeds back to the cortex line, jump up the connectivity, and then reprogram the systems to accommodate the new hardware. They get in and get out with minimal communication with the crew. One of them explains the basic operation of the new equipment, but it's pretty rudimentary for the tech-inclined crew members. Works pretty similar to the previous stuff, with a bit more polish.

2010-07-18, 02:46 PM
The technician replies to Serenna "Well...I'm afraid you can't contact them, it's only one way with that. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll hear from your captain either today or tomorrow."

Serenna examines the new equipment. It seems that any and all communications coming in and out of the ship will be nigh untraceable. The encryption technology is more advanced than anything she's ever seen, top of the line military grade stuff all the way. Unfortunately, being unfamiliar with the protocols, she isn't able to detect the tracking beacon hidden within the folds of the signal transmitter, let alone reroute it to determine a fix on where said beacon is being read or projected to.

Jim makes his way to the Florentine. It's about 8 pm. The Florentine is a dive bar located in the cellar of an old, hollowed-out government building. There are neon signs and posters on the stone walls, and it seems very independent-friendly (ironic considering the location). The fellow they called Big Ben is sitting at a table over a pilsner. He looks up and projects a look of unmitigated surprise as Jim walks into the room. "You runnin' with Lily boy-o?" he says conspiratorially as Jim approaches. "You ain't anuther 'Liance rat-fink, ar'ya?"

Toni makes her way down to Geezer's tea shop. "Shop" may be a bit strong of a word, as the place is about a 10' by 20' hole in the wall, with cushions strewn about haphazardly. Grows his own tea leaves in a small plot out back, and with some magic manages to make tea out of 'em that tastes pretty good. Mostly though, the shop is a forum for struggling artists to exhibit their potential, and a side operation for the information trade business, which Geezer used to be one of the best around town. Geezer himself looks not a day over 35 despite the name, and he greets Toni warmly as she enters. "Why if it ain't little Toni! Far out! Come in, sweetgrass, have some tea and tell me a story or two!"

Geoff looks at the shipping manifest, and after a bit of head-banging (bureaucracy and all), he narrows it down to a list of half a dozen ships which have taken off in the time frame he's looking, and seem about the right size for such a venture. Remembering somewhere (oh right, episode 132, when Sera tries to scam a variety of religious factions into thinking she's converted and then robbing their coffers) that Shiva is an Indian deity, he makes particular note of a ship with a similar name. Getting a flightplan for such a ship would require a bit more...technical expertise than Geoff can manage himself.

So if Yuliya wants to check the nav chart, she'll have to make a agi + stealth test at ob 9 to do so unobtrusively. If she fails though, she'll be confined to her room for the rest of the trip, and she won't be allowed to contact the crew until tomorrow night.

2010-07-19, 01:15 PM
Ben shakes Jim's hand with an iron grip. "Bennigan. They call me Big Ben, on account o' me size." His tone is without irony. "If ya say true that Lily be snatched up, then ye'll have me help, no questions. Was it that wretched Cohen fella tha' done it? I'm sure I can get the gang together for some more violence." He stands and shouts to the other bar patrons, "WHO'S UP FER SOME VIOLENCE?!!" and a healthy cheer erupts from all corners of the room.

Geezer fixes a brew of rainbow mint, just the way Toni likes it. "Well I get news here and there. Mostly on about how this or that talent scout is in town, but something interesting once in a while. I hear there was some kind of gang war, but it didn't even touch the streets, like it was all underground. Oh, I don't know if you remember Dr. Mendel, that PAX researcher? He's apparently gone missing. It's a hush-hush affair with the authorities, but maybe it's tied in with your captain thing?"

Serenna bypasses firewalls and ICE with diligent expertise (and a lot of good code). She gets access to the entire port authority database, records, etc. without so much as leaving a trace behind. She finds the destination logs of the ships on Geoff's list, including the Shivan (which is headed toward Sihnon for the record), and uploads them to the onboard terminal for leisurely review.

Yuliya subtly directs Jerry's attention away for a few seconds and interfaces with the console, quickly enough to pull up a course heading and then make it disappear. Seems she's headed to somewhere on Sihnon. Coordinates aren't ones she's terribly familiar with. Presumably a private dock.

2010-07-20, 07:52 AM
"Aye, Alliance makes a new deal with the devil e'ery fortnight. Dunno no Mullen though. I'll ask the boys." He stands up again and shouts, "HEY, ANYONE KNOW A PIKER NAME O' MULLEN?!" The cry is met mostly with negatory rumblings. One person pipes up "I knew a Mullen once, died of the greymouth." Ben sits down and shrugs. Intelligence gathering is evidently not Ben's forte. "If there's anythin' else I can do ta help, just send me a wave. I'll tell Charlie about ya."

Geezer ponders a moment. "Mendel has been doing some shady research on a moon around Persephone, subsidized by the Alliance, but some Blue Sun honcho has him now, it seems, holed up on the outskirts of the city. Nobody knows why exactly, but it's been said he's bait for somebody. Anyway, I understand he's locked up in the basement, and the building has a lot of personnel inside - like security personnel ready for a fight. I'm guessing whoever they're baiting is in for a lot of trouble. As for the Alliance, I heard a bit of a rumor - mind you they've been saying this for months - that the reaver war is coming to an end. There's been a battle on Miranda very recently which the Alliance conclusively won, and made headway into the underground reaver territory. My source says that some reavers weren't even firing back. Might be some kind of long term aftereffect of PAX? Who knows?"

Despite Serenna's unfamiliarity with the new comm system, she manages to stumble across the tracking beacon by mere chance. It's also top of the line, and nigh undetectable. Serenna can do nothing with it but remove it or turn it off, if she likes.

Ellie tells Yuliya she's allowed to contact her crew once for a period not to exceed 15 minutes this evening, under Jerry's supervision.

2010-07-21, 07:20 AM
Ben replies, "So ya want fer us to be causin' commotion? Just name the time and place, boy-o."

Geezer replies with a wry smile, "One can only speculate about the grander motives of Blue Sun. Tell you what, if you learn anything else, let me know, and I'll see what I can dig up on it in the meantime."

2010-07-23, 07:38 AM
Although Jerry is watching her closely, Yuliya doesn't see any sign that he acknowledged her signal to Serenna.

About an hour after the call, Ellie comes into Yuliya's bunk with three encrypted data pads. "This is about everything I can dig up on your problems. Explore at leisure, and I can probably answer questions if you're unfamiliar with anything in there. I'm also entirely willing to play some board games or cards or something. We'll be another 4 days to our destination."

At first glance, the info on the data pads is pretty comprehensive, including breakdowns of personnel, equipment, and budget for Project Phoenix. There are also intelligence reports on key figures like Mullen, Hennoth, Kithart and...Mark Walker. Another data pad contains some of Bryce's own intelligence reports for the Syndicate. They aren't comprehensive, but he's clearly investigating Mullen's operation in an attempt to foil it. It appears he isn't making much headway on that score, mostly just delaying the inevitable. He has apparently been working with Kithart to expose Mullen's plans in a fashion similar to the PAX broadcast. His latest report details the abduction of Kithart, pretty much right from under his nose. Yuliya looks up from reading and realizes that it is very late.

2010-07-26, 07:22 AM
Arthur and Jim enter the front door of the "GenTech" building. There is a sort of lobby, with hallway to either side. There are a three people milling about, whom Arthur can sense are likely trained gunmen posing as office workers. There's a receptionist, who looks slightly uncomfortable. She smiles and asks for names and if you have an appointment.

Serenna removes the grating and attaches a hook to the outside of the vent. She slides down a nylon rope attached to the hook, and reaches the bottom about 20 feet down. It's a tight squeeze, but she can make it.

Ellie eagerly accepts and breaks out the nearest chess board, an ornately crafted marble furniture piece with English dragons being chased around by knights on horseback, woven throughout the base.

Okay, so either Arthur or Jim should make a will + perform or influence check to convince the people here that they're buying into the situation. I'll call it obstacle 7.

Serenna should make an agility + covert/infiltration check obstacle 11, failure means she stumbles across a guard when she emerges from the vent.

For the heck of it, Yuliya can make an int + alertness check to see if she beats Ellie at chess. We'll call it obstacle 9. Of course, if you want to have a pointed conversation with her, we can postpone the check until you deliver a biting point or something. Also, that could merit a bonus to your roll due to willpower.

2010-07-26, 02:30 PM
As two "employees" move to block the door, and the receptionist is mentioning something about 'down the hall, fifth door on the left,' Arthur's gaze lingers a bit too long on gun-shaped bulges in coats. One of the door guards lifts his collar and, pretending to speak to the other, says "I had a great time at Brownstone Cliffs last weekend." Ten armed and armored guards pour out of doors on either side of the lobby, and the receptionist ducks down below the counter. Fortunately, at that moment, the doors burst open as a group of six browncoats charge in. A fight ensues!

Serenna slinks through the vents and reaches her destination. Unfortunately, she has a narrow view of the floor below, and distracted by the abrupt noise and violence coming through her comm from above, she falls almost directly on top of a gun-toting goon!

Ellie takes advantage of Yuliya's 'weaker' opening by pressing a strong defense and relentless, patient advance. "Bonsa was handed me on a silver platter by the Black Hand. I thought he was working for 'us,' but 'us' had just become two separate entities all of a sudden. Not even dad suspected a trap, and we'd be in a fine pickle if you hadn't intervened. I'm sure it's a very comforting thought to you right now." She gives an embarrassed smile and shrugs.

Arthur, Jim, and Serenna can give me initiatives if they're fighting, or whatever they feel like doing.

2010-07-27, 09:13 AM
Arthur and Jim make their way toward the central elevator.

Serenna slams down on top of the guard, knocking him to the ground. She tries to fire her sonic pistol, but he shoves her hand away, and attempts to push her back and stand up.

Ellie laughs. "The Sherpaks have been in the Syndicate since before it was called the Syndicate. Bryce started doing runs at 16. And perhaps you are wise not to trust us. It's hard to say at this stage of the game whether we deserve your trust or not." Ellie remains constant, vying for steady progression of the board, taking a pawn instead of the vulnerable knight, while fortifying against all avenues of attack.

Right...Serenna doesn't hear...but maybe she picks up some random words coming through her text box that sound like a fight's brewing. I dunno.

So Arthur and Jim (interchangeably) can do a quick linked-test for me. I need 1 agility + athletics/run test to run from pursuing guards, 2 agility + gun tests, and 1 int + tech/security, in that order. We'll say obstacle is a static 7 per test, and success on one means +2 step on the next, failure on one means -2 step on the next. Also, once you reach the elevator, where are you going?

guard's push attempt: [roll0] + [roll1]

Yeah...he remains flat on his back for the next initiative pass.

2010-07-27, 02:22 PM
Arthur and Jim move swiftly and surely, a clear grasp of the building's layout in mind. They each bring a few guards down along the way (Jim making some excellent non-lethal shots). Jim snags an key card from a downed guard and uses the cryptography to unlock the security protocols of the elevator, while Arthur covers the entrance. Within a few minutes of entering the building, they are able to descend to the basement where Serenna had presumably entered. The doors open into a steel enforced hallway, pocked with secure containment cells. Apparently this is building is a Blue Sun prison through and through. Serenna should have come in a ways down the hall to the right, and Jim hears faint sounds of a struggle of some sort.

Maintaining leverage over the stronger guard, Serenna brings her gun down again and pulls the trigger. At point blank, it does its work. The guard, reeling, decides to try and grab Serenna and roll over on top of her.

"From your perspective I took away your freedom. From another perspective, not necessarily mine, I saved you and your crew. We're going to my father's house. It's in a secret place, however, and you'll be confined to quarters before we get to any significant landmarks. Don't worry, you'll have all the comforts of home once we get there. Aside from the freedom to leave, of course."

Serenna damage [roll0]
guard grapple [roll1] + [roll2]

Serenna can try to resist the grapple with strength or agility + athletics, but if she can't beat a 7, she's at -2 steps for any action she tries to perform while grappled.

2010-07-28, 07:21 AM
The guard grabs Serenna's arm and the shot goes wide. He then hits her hard with the back of his hand. He pulls out a gun and readies it just as Arthur sweeps in (heroically) and slams him in the back of the head with the butt of his gun. The guard is out cold.

"Hopefully not too long. Just until we either foil Mullen's plans or figure out why he needs you...." Yuliya finds herself in check, in a tough corner between knight and bishop.

guard smack [roll0] + [roll1]

yeowch, Serenna takes 7 stun damage.

2010-07-28, 02:00 PM
This floor holds around 40 cells, and it is possible to look into them. There's also a control room on the floor which should have a computer terminal, as well as access to electronic locks on the cells. There's not much time, obviously, as the entire building is quickly becoming alert to the presence of intruders. There are security cameras, Serenna thinks she can mostly evade their line of sight if she walks carefully.

"We'll release you into the wild? We'll ask you not to cause us any trouble with the knowledge you've gained? I'm not sure what I can tell you that you'll believe." She ignores the pawn, and slides her queen forward to protect her knight. Yuliya could take the queen with her own (which would in turn be taken), but it would leave her extremely vulnerable.

At this point I'm almost wishing we were playing an actual chess match....

2010-07-29, 07:25 AM
The two guards have been alerted of your proximity and are ready for the assault, with guns drawn and partial cover taken.

Ellie takes the queen and proceeds to move rooks into position, so that she controls about 80% of the board.

initiative [roll0] + [roll1]

2010-07-29, 07:31 AM
The guards open fire.

using Arthur and Jim's initiatives of 8 and 6 from before. Serenna has 15 if she's participating.

attacks [roll0] + [roll1]
[roll2] + [roll3]

I'll say everyone involved here has 5 points of cover, so if you want to avoid a hit, you can roll agility flat or Arthur can roll agility + athletics/dodge and still fire a round, since he has the fightin' type trait. Either way, you need to get 5 to avoid getting shot. One shot to Arthur, one to Jim.

2010-07-29, 11:14 AM
Arthur quickly ducks behind the doorway to avoid getting hit, but when he tries to return fire, his gun jams! What awful timing!

Jim takes a bullet to the gut, but shrugs it off and fires a round into the sternum of the guard on the left.

Serenna jukes into position and...shoots at someone?

guard damage [roll0]
jim damage [roll1]
Serenna can roll just her agility to make a shot, you don't need any dice in the skill.

Jim takes 5 stun and 1 wound
guard takes 3 stun and 2 wound

2010-07-29, 11:16 AM
Ellie leaves her rook vulnerable, but presses in with the other rook to trap Yuliya's king.

oh right, guard defense [roll0]

2010-07-29, 11:28 AM
oh I see, you chose only to be dodging, so you wouldn't take a penalty to both actions. That's fine. Also, you roll agility separately for each check you make. Also also, what are AEDs?

2010-07-30, 07:19 AM
The guards send off another volley before Arthur and Jim move into the room to get a better position. Arthur drops his jammed gun and pulls his second, hitting home on the left guard.

attacks [roll0] + [roll1] at Arthur
[roll2] + [roll3] at Jim
defense [roll4]
Arthur gun damage [roll5]
One shot to Jim, one to Arthur, make those defense rolls please.
left guard takes 2 wound, 5 stun. Still up, but badly shaken.

Ellie maintains frustrating consistency, as though she just refuses to make any mistakes, and finally presses Yuliya into checkmate. She lets out a deep sigh, saying "That was the best game I've played all year. We'll have to do it again before we reach home base." She looks at a nearby clock. "Chow?"

2010-08-02, 07:26 AM
More shots bounce off cover as the firefight continues. The guard on the left fires and his gun jams too! Sloppy maintenance all around. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't have any extra arms, and he'll have to spend some time trying to fix it.

Arthur's last shot there is for the next initiative pass. Which is happening now.

guard shots [roll0] + [roll1]
[roll2] + [roll3]
guard dodge [roll4]
Jim damage in unlikely event he hits [roll5] No dice

Arthur doesn't even need a dodge this round.

2010-08-02, 04:44 PM
With one gun out of the picture, Jim and Arthur have leeway to make their shots count, and bring down the guard on the right as he gets one last shot off. Meanwhile, the other guard throws his jammed gun away and puts his hands in the air.

Arthur needs to dodge at a 4 or better to avoid being hit, but the combat is over.

2010-08-03, 07:29 AM
Arthur puts the guard to sleep with a sharp blow to the back of the head.

Serenna takes a few moments to orient herself to the OS, and proceeds to quickly and efficiently bypass the security. She pulls up Mendel's location, as well as a cell release override. Also, there are a few files which may be of interest that she pulls into portable storage. Serenna is able to lock down the elevator temporarily before her access is cut off from an outside source.

Meanwhile, Jim monitors the comm system, picking up the various frequencies. They use a non-specific code language for many things, but it sounds as though the browncoats have been subdued, and a force of twenty or so are trying to gain access to the basements to trap you in.

2010-08-04, 09:29 AM
Arthur and Jim make their way down the hall to Mendel's cell and open the lock. Aside from a bandage around his head, he doesn't look too much the worse for wear. His face lights up with alarm as you enter, but then realizes you aren't prisoners, but here to rescue him. "Was the mission a success? Did you deliver the PA17? I've been locked up for the past four days and haven't heard anything!"

Serenna knows there's not much time before they'll regain control of the elevators. It's currently on the floor above you.

Guards are each carrying a standard pistol and stun batons, as well as wearing ballistic mesh.

Serenna recalls only the two exits from this floor - elevator and vent.

2010-08-04, 08:22 PM
Serenna and Jim's attempts to hack back into the system are met largely with frustration. The AI security is pretty tight, and they must have a few tech people hooked in and putting up countermeasures. However, Serenna has a few tricks up her sleeve, and manages to get the elevator ready, and a quick camera feed before she's cut off again. There are seven more guards in the elevator, looking confused about why it's stopped suddenly and the doors won't open.

Mendel struggles into a mesh jacket and holds the pistol awkwardly. "You point and pull the trigger, right? I don't have much experience with these...."

2010-08-05, 07:26 AM
Serenna sets the doors to open after a certain interval, and runs to join the others, who are positioned and behind cover. When the doors open, two guards quickly step out to assess the situation. Five more await inside.

Serenna is quite sure that if the concussion grenade were to explode in the enclosed space of the elevator the results would be rather thorough...and messy.

We'll call it an agi + throwing ob 4 to get a grenade inside the elevator, for what it's worth.

2010-08-09, 04:52 PM
A frenzy of confusion and violence ensues. Serenna rushes forward and chucks a knife into the arm of the guard on the left. He screams in pain as the smoke grenade goes off, choking him into unconsciousness. The guard on the right, quickly becoming less visible, is shot by Arthur before bringing his own weapon to bear, and manages to put a bullet into the bench Arthur is using as cover. Shortly thereafter, the remaining guards begin plowing out of the elevator in a daze, distractedly searching for targets and coughing up a storm. Jim aims at the wounded guard and manages to bring him down, despite the intervening smoke screen.

alright, Serenna and Arthur still have actions this round. If you want to post ahead further than that, that's fine. My posting may continue to be sporadic as frequent Jersey trips occur this month.

side note: concussion grenades aren't quite as gruesome as I was thinking. While the guards in the elevator might have died from one thrown in with them, it wouldn't be bloody much, just force trauma. Now a frag grenade would produce soup in such circumstances.

remaining guard damage taken: 8 stun

2010-08-10, 03:50 PM
Serenna gets a clean knife hit on the leftmost guard as she takes a forward position. As the guard is reeling, Arthur puts him down with a quick shot.

As the remaining four begin to recover and look about, Serenna pulls her sonic pistol and shoots one into unconsciousness, knocking him two feet off the ground before landing. Jim easily brings down another, leaving two. Arthur shoots wide as the two regroup and take action.

One heads toward Serenna, shooting wildly. A bullet clips her, hard, in the mesh, but enough pain to put her out of commission. The other tries to get around Arthur's cover, but Arthur manages to juke to the side and bring his martial prowess to bear, quickly turning the guard's gun arm to the side and slamming his head into the wall.

Jim fires and misses through the smoke at Serenna's assailant, who in turn fires a solid shot back, which hits home. Pain courses through Jim's body, but the mesh stopped any serious injury. The final note of the firefight comes as Jim rushes forward and plugs the guard point blank, sending him flying against the wall behind him and onto the ground.

As the smoke clears, Arthur hurriedly hefts Serenna's unconscious form over his shoulder and they head into the elevator. He checks Serenna for wounds as Jim disables the camera and begins working on the elevator. After a few moments of uncertainty, his jury rigged hack kicks in and they make their way to the 2nd story.

Serenna takes 1 wound, 6 stun. Jim takes 7 stun.

2010-08-11, 07:31 AM
Arthur manages to wake Serenna back up while Jim is hacking the elevator. She's still in bad shape but she's able to hobble around of her own volition. The crew reaches the roof without incident, but when they arrive, Rigel Hennoth himself is waiting, with a cadre of 7 well armed Blue Sun employees. "Drop your weapons and surrender, you have no chance of escape." He sneers at you, full of his superiority.

Just at that moment though, a giant WHOOOOSH, filled with sand and other random debris, plows into Hennoth and his troops, as Geoff buzzes the building. The sound of Hennoth shouting about the stationary guns is drowned out by Telemachos' engine as Geoff touches down like a hummingbird, picks up the stragglers, and soars off again.

2010-08-12, 07:17 AM
Mendel blinks. "Um...oh of course. If we can get back to my lab, we should be able to get your payment taken care of."

Just then the comm on the bridge crackles to life. "This is the police. You are flying in an unauthorized residential/commercial zone. Please land at the docks immediately and await further directives. Thank you for your cooperation."

2010-08-23, 08:02 AM
"I was on my way to the tea shop where I met your captain, actually...I suppose they injected some kind of gas into the cabin...." He follows Jim up to the med bay.

The moon laboratory is a relatively short distance away for Telemachos, and Geoff sees no sign of pursuit as the ship leaves atmo.

2010-08-24, 01:44 PM
"I'm uncertain, but I can only surmise I was taken to get at you. They made me record a message against my will...I'm glad you saw through the ruse."

Serenna pulls some relevant log files from the information dump she acquired. A brief skimming of its contents shows that Hennoth's orders include finding and capturing Yuliya Walker unharmed (noting that the remaining Telemachos crew are expendable, though capturing Serenna Kithart is preferable to termination). Also, he's ordered to capture Yuliya's brother unharmed, and to terminate Brashim "Bryce" Sherpak on sight.

The ship reaches the moon laboratory after a few hours travel.

Yuliya finds herself mostly left alone in her room throughout the day. She has access to a pretty high quality media library through a holographic interface, with her pick of videos, digital books, etc. Also, the chess and several other games have player vs. computer modes.

Is there any specific information Serenna might be looking for here?

2010-08-26, 07:35 AM
The reports speak of the moon of Boros - Ares - as the base for Project Phoenix and its subsidiary projects. Point of interest, it looks like Rufus Kithart is being held there somewhere.

From what Serenna can deduce from the reports, Mark Walker stole something from the facility that was vitally important to the project. They refer to it as a "key," but whether that's a physical piece of equipment or some kind of encryption device is unclear. Mullen believes one of Walker's surviving family has what he's looking for.

It's still in Hennoth's orders to capture Pyotr, so they don't have him yet. It's high priority though, so Hennoth might go straight to Ariel, or they may have a team closer by.

Geoff could calculate that Ariel is about 3 days out, hard burn. It's also relatively close to Sihnon.

Ellie stops into Yuliya's room for lunch, which happens to be a delicious serving of real chicken sandwiches with chicken gravy. Near the end of the meal, she flippantly mentions, "Oh, it seems father's going to invite your brother to stay with us too, so you'll get to see him after all this time. Isn't that exciting?"

2010-08-28, 09:13 AM
"Oh, you know. It seems that he's also in danger from Mullen. He needs to be kept out of Mullen's reach. You understand, don't you?" Ellie looks meaningfully at Yuliya. "I probably shouldn't even be telling you about it. I just thought you might want to prepare for seeing him shortly. On another note, I really like your ship. How fast can it go at hard burn, do you think?"

2010-08-29, 10:07 AM
Yuliya lunges over the breakfast table, spilling orange juice and coffee, and meets Ellie's disappointed grimace. She's ready for her, and pulls her gun free, aiming. Yuliya ducks forward and pulls back, kicking the gun from Ellie's hand in a brilliant stroke. The gun clatters across the deck. "Come on now...no need to get emotional. Use your head, girl!" Ellie brings her own martial skill to bear, attempting to knock Yuliya off guard. "BOYS!!!"

Geoff knows the limits of the ship, and Jim knows them even better. Getting there in less than three days would put a lot of wear on some expensive things, but it's possible.

Yuliya has fightin' type, so she can block this attack and make her own attack (or other action) at no penalty. Block uses agility instead of strength, plus unarmed skill. The attack is 10, so if you roll less, you can take the difference in stun damage. You have about two rounds before the others show up.

2010-08-29, 07:37 PM
Yuliya deftly turns Ellie's attack, shoving her off balance away from the direction of the gun. Yuliya takes advantage of the situation and dives for the gun, snatching it up before Ellie can intervene. Footsteps can be heard from down the hall.

2010-08-30, 03:58 PM
Ellie's eyes betray a hint of worry as she puts her hands up. "You heard her boys," she says as the others rush into the room, hands at their sides but haven't drawn yet. They hesitate. Ellie looks Yuliya square in the eye. "Looks like I miscalculated a smidge. Seems to me you've got two choices, Yules. Shoot me, and then my boys will make you wish you hadn't, or you can put the gun down, we'll forget about this...conversation, and make sure you get a nice chunk of private discussion time with your crew tonight. What's your play?" She takes a step forward, lowering her hands slightly.

2010-08-31, 02:45 PM
"Yes. The game certainly has changed, but we're all reasonable peo-GET HER!!" Ellie dives for the nearest piece of cover (the table) and the two henches go for their guns.

Yuliya gets one free round before everyone else. It should be noted that all three of them are wearing mesh armor, and Yuliya is not. You can fire multiple times per round, at a -1 step skill penalty across all shots for each shot after the first.

2010-08-31, 09:41 PM
Yuliya moves faster than the eye can see, fire deep within her soul, and shoots with precision and grace which poor Ellie had never seen the like of before. If this woman were more than her match hand to hand, she was certain such gunmanship impossible to replicate. Swift and sure, Yuliya dropped one, then the other looming Syndicate bodyguard before they could even draw, without the slightest err. Leg wounds all around, probably not even lethal with quick medical intervention. Still, they were out cold from pain. Ellie gapes at Yuliya from behind the table. Mullen actually wants to try and corner THIS CREATURE??? She quickly activates the signal on her bracelet, and awaits what judgment might be rendered upon her.

Sometimes, the dice just play into your desires perfectly. To be honest, I truly expected you to at least get horribly wounded in this fight or have to face some kind of ramification, but you didn't even kill either of them!

2010-09-01, 07:59 PM
Ellie laughs nervously as she stands. "Hey, no hard feelings, Yules. Why don't we, uh, get these boys taken care of and then, I'm open to suggestions as to how to conduct the Shivan's business?" Ellie will get some medical supplies and bandage the wounded, assuming Yuliya has no objection.

The tracker on the Telemachos would function as a radar, it wouldn't send trajectory coordinates. Also, a course change is usually a time consuming process. For the Telemachos it would only take a few hours, as opposed to some ships which would take half a day or longer to turn off the pulse drive, set thrusters to accommodate a new position, accumulate speed and turn the pulse drive back on.

2010-09-02, 04:43 PM
Yuliya is able to make contact with the crew without excessive difficulty.

I'm hearing a lot about nitrous oxide and borrowing from Mendel, but I have no idea why any of it is important. What is the ultimate goal of all that? You want to make the ship go faster, but to what end? What's the intention?

2010-09-03, 03:54 PM
Mendel is dropped off and thanks the crew again for bailing him out of a tight spot...that their connections were ultimately responsible for. Still, great work has been done! And they are paid accordingly. 60K in the bank. As soon as that's accomplished, Jim reroutes the pulse compensators to give Telemachos extra speed for one trip through. After that kind of roughhousing, though, the drive core will either need to be completely replaced or overhauled something fierce. Should shave 7 or 8 hours, maybe as much as 10 with Telemachos's kick. Jim suspects she's got more than a few tricks below the surface. Around the time Yuliya hits Ariel, however, Geoff picks up a familiar ship tailing them. Looks to be Bryce.

Yuliya sets course for Ariel, meanwhile. It takes about a day from her current location, before she sets down on Burgess, the whirling, panoramic city-scape where Pyotr's culinary school can be found. Core worlds, of course, have rather strict docking schedules and regulations, and you have to have paperwork in triplicate to do anything.

Give me a willpower + influence/persuasion ob 11 to avoid the suspicious bureaucrat ordering a full hold search on the Shivan when you land.

2010-09-07, 10:58 AM
Sorry, Mendel actually transfers 74K (I get fuzzy with details).

Yuliya manages to sweet talk her way through port authority without a hitch. She is a war veteran after all, as well as a lonesome soul who depends on the kindness of strangers. She heads straight away to Pyotr's culinary school (I assume), the W.C. Albrecht school of culinary arts, a short taxi flight away. As she enters the building, she is of course confronted with a variety of delicious smells that set her stomach rumbling...she didn't really have a lot of time for meal preparation lately, between trying to keep watch on her captives, run the ship, and communicate with the Telemachos crew. Either way, the school staff confirm that Pyotr is a student there, and a thorough search of the premises reveals he is currently attending a class in which souffles are being prepared.

As Arthur says "he can ask," the comm flicks on. Bryce's usually calm, even voice comes through cracked and tired, "If miss Kithart is present, tell her that you all must come with me, now, if she wants to have a chance at saving her father's life."

2010-09-07, 02:44 PM
Bryce's ship, the Eye of Ganesh, merely banks away, and sets a course virtually in the opposite direction of Ariel.

Pyotr spends a few moments with a shocked expression on his face as Yuliya pulls him away from his class. "Sis? What...what are you doing here? Did someone die?" He looks at Yuliya suspiciously. "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

I was pretty close to making Pyotr's culinary academy a front for some spy organization, but I like other plots better.


2010-09-07, 09:03 PM
You can get Bryce's plotted course/destination, and yeah, the ship probably wouldn't be much more screwed up by changing course than by continuing on. Maybe a bit more.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone. Unscrupulous people? What are you talking about? You don't talk to me in years, and now you're dragging me into the same twisted secret ops bullsh*t that got mom killed? I refuse! You can go right back where you came from and take your mysterious problems with you! I've got a normal life to live." He storms off back to his class.

2010-09-08, 07:24 AM
"Just great. You know, back then, when mom died, that's when I needed you. I needed you and you disappeared. I had to build everything back up from scratch in my life, and you want me to just flush that down the toilet on a whim? Just what the heck are you fighting for anyway? I've got friends here...I'm engaged, you know. I would've called you, but hey, Yuliya Walker is unlisted. And what galls me is that you can't even take the blame for your own problems, but you have to lay things on dad. Now let me go."

2010-09-09, 09:13 AM
Yuliya jots down the Telemachos's wave signature for Pyotr, and watches him turn his back and go, unsure of the fate which might befall her shrinking clan. She returns disconsolately to the spaceport - amongst crowds, massive domes and tinny voices blaring over speakers, only to find that the Shivan is no longer there...and on top of that, a couple security-looking types catch sight of her and start heading her way, hands ready at the holster! Senses alert, she also notices a few other plainclothes individuals pointedly following behind her. It's a trap!

Jim cringes a bit as the engine shudders into work. Geoff sets coordinates for Ares post haste. Shortly after taking off, the comm crackles to life. "You do me honor in accompanying me. This is a tricky situation, and I had no where else to turn. I'll try to lay easy on the whole 'setting you all up for betrayal' business this time. The truth is, Ares is a fortress, nearly impossible to get in or out. It was originally an Alliance military ship-building site, but long ago Mullen co-opted it for his Project Phoenix efforts. I don't know exactly what's there, but we have to deal with incredible security measures before we can even worry about that. Fortunately, much of Mullen's manpower is otherwise occupied right now, so the bulk of our obstacle lies in automated systems, with which...I understand a few of you can rightly claim proficiency? Either way, our time window is very short. Kithart can't possibly hold out much longer than he presumably has already, and they will kill him when he's told his story."

2010-09-10, 02:21 PM
Surrounded, with five sets of eyes locked on her position, Yuliya gets her game face on. She veers to one side, upends a trash can, spilling the contents across the marble floor. As a small semicircle of spectators forms to observe the mess, she deftly ducks between two people, swiping the overcoat of one and the hat of the other, putting them on while making a sharp left around a new couple. She then makes a beeline for a nearby coffee kiosk, noting that all but one of her pursuers have been stymied by her ruse. Noticing a few teenagers sitting around at baggage claim playing portable video games, she slips coat and hat on one, grabs another by the arm with a winsome smile, and dons his baseball cap. She notices the lone pursuer rush toward the newly attired teen and turn her around before dashing into a nearby restroom. So far so good.

"I'm hoping we can find him somewhere in the underground constsruction complex, where I assume their giant ship is being kept. He designed the ship, so that's where he would be of most use. The plan is to get through the automated defenses and get inside the complex, just for rescue, unless other opportunities present themselves. If you all have a preference for either stealth or shooting our way in, I can adapt. I'll send you structural scans of what we have on the complex, if you want to do some planning of your own."

2010-09-10, 10:10 PM
Yuliya, roll me a strength + unarmed check, target is 11.

Bryce nods in agreement and turns off the comm. Shortly thereafter, the crew receives a feed from him containing 3d holo scans of the Ares construction complex. Meanwhile, Geoff sends off a message to the Shivan, letting "Yuliya" know they're heading the opposite direction and why, unaware that Ellie is the one to receive the message.

2010-09-13, 08:14 PM
Yuliya waits patiently by the restroom doorway for ten minutes. Finally, one of the tailers peeks her head through the door. Yuliya quickly strikes out, but finds her opponent to be somewhat tougher than she anticipated. Yuliya finds herself being kicked through a stall door and twists her ankle before recovering and wrestling the woman into an incapacitating headlock. A quick clothes swap and Yuliya walks out inconspicuously, hiding her newly acquired limp.

Bryce acknowledges the plan and suggests they drop off his ship at a private garage on Boros. After two more days of travel, the crew arrives at Boros and invite Bryce aboard the ship. Bryce seems to be bandaged and recovering from some kind of chest wound.

2010-09-21, 09:30 AM
Bryce shrugs noncommitally. "They managed to have me...distracted, while they kidnapped your father, Serenna. I appreciate your concern, of course, but I would not worry overly much." Nonetheless, Toni can tell Bryce effectively tried to bandage the wound himself, and has probably lost a lot of blood in the meantime. She manages to clean him up a bit and rebandage more effectively, with a bit of numbing agent lining the wrapping. Toni senses a lot of uncertainty coming from Bryce, under his mask of confidence and pride.

After that's taken care of the crew sets off for Ares. Jim works on his EMP generator.

Yuliya pulls out a handful of about 50 credits, photos of herself and her brother, and a small piece of paper with two symbols, one like an inverted Q and the other a scale balance suspended under two wavy lines. She manages to find a cortex terminal relatively quickly, but feels the pressure of pursuers nearby. There are flights leaving Ariel to just about any destination. The further into the rim, however, the seedier the transport. One goes all the way to Whitefall, but the ship sounds like a junker, and the captain's commentary is frought with punctuation errors. Either way, Yuliya sends off a wave to the Telemachos. It may get to them in a reasonable amount of time.

Alright, I need, presumably, an int + create mech device check from Jim, and a piloting check from Geoff to start with. And for the heck of it, we'll also do a hacking check from Serenna for once they get inside.

2010-09-23, 09:21 AM
Yuliya spots a likely vessel - the Fare Whether - which is headed to Bellerophon, a two day trip away. She finds the ship and its owner straight away, a burly fella with a wide, crooked grin stapled to his face named Satch. He welcomes her enthusiastically after verifying she can pay the passenger fee. The ship is an older model Falcon, maybe a GT 40. Yuliya figures if it's been running this long, it may not fall apart for the next couple days yet.

"Why was I watching him? Because it was what he paid me to do. I'm not seeing how this information could jeopardize your well being, however."

2010-09-23, 01:44 PM
Passenger quarters are, essentially, a set of bunk beds in the cargo room aboard the Fare Whether. Satch, Kaz, and Gunny finish loading up, setting some foul smelling crate not 4 feet away from Yuliya's bunk. On top of that, a fouler smelling (mostly of gin) co-passenger with an excessive quantity of facial hair, goes by the name Glum Seth is occupying the top bunk. Shortly after the cargo's loaded, the ship shudders into motion and takes off in a manner reminiscent of a rock crashing through a window.

Bryce blinks a few times after Serenna leaves. "Guess she's angry...bit of a potty mouth."

Well, everyone hit 11 or higher, which was my arbitrary mark of how difficult the checks would be, so I'll let y'all describe how this complicated plan of yours actually goes down, eh?

2011-01-12, 10:32 AM
quick recap...gang breaks into base, rescues Kithart, Bryce and Jim go off to sabotage the giant ship, Fenrir in the bunker, Jim finds the lab area to try and free the prisoners before they get experimented on, arrives a shade too late.

"Wave for yeh," Satch says to Yuliya, his crooked smile feeling more like a hyena's than a man's. Yuliya sits down in front of the ship's rusty, out of date terminal and listens to the message.

"Ms. Walker." It sounds like Hennoth. "If you want to see ksssht alive again, you will meet kssht rue de St. Clair, Keplerville when you arrive at Bellerophon. If you do not show yourself, alone, at precisely kssht he will die then and there." Transmission ends.

Captain Satch sucks in his teeth. "You sure got some problems, missy. Wonder if that fella would offer a reward for...." His grin turns sly, and he reaches behind his back for a nearby wrench.


The hollow, enraged face of Big Ben stares at Jim through the reinforced glass. Impossible anger, yet calculating malice, resonates from him. Jim realizes with a start that even now, Ben is trying to figure out how to get through the glass and kill him. There are others behind Ben, some from the group of brown-coats who helped them rescue Mendel and get paid. The lucky ones likely bought it back there and then.


Telemachos's sensors tell Geoff that the entire stations has gone into high alert. Not only that, but the Fenrir itself has begun its power-up process. Mullen means to launch it, and soon.

Several scout vehicles comb the exterior grounds for the base. They'll find the Telemachos before too much longer.


"Serenna," Kithart says, sweat pouring from his brow. His emaciated form struggles to stay alert after the sudden exertion. "I'm so sorry to put you through all this. Mark and I, we got dragged into this mess, and we put it all on you to get us out of it." He coughs. "We only wanted to make sure Mullen didn't go too far, to see how deep the corruption went. But after the Miranda incident, it hardly slowed him down at all."

2011-01-13, 02:03 PM
Captain Satch puts his wrench back down, his crooked grin wavering. "Hey, now, don't go gettin' the wrong idear." Sweat pours from his forehead. "I'd never hurt a passenger, now. No need to fret."


Jim turns back to the hangar bay to find scores of Mullen's personnel heading toward the Fenrir. Mullen himself is there, on a raised dais, overseeing the process. Bryce is nowhere in sight. He can try and make his way back to the Telemachos without Bryce, or wait to see further sign of him.

If you want to book it back to Telemachos without Bryce, that's fine. If you want to do anything else around here first, you'll have to beat a sraight agility + alertness test of 11 to get back before the ship is found by security.


Kithart recovers somewhat under Toni's administrations. "Yuliya has the key, or at least she might. The key to starting the war against Earth."

Kithart takes a sip of herbal tea. "I'll start from the beginning. I built the Fenrir because I wanted to go back too, to Earth that was. Mullen said we'd be the first to find out what really happened in five hundred years. When I found out he was building an army of reavers, I tried to get out, but Mullen showed me first-hand what he could do to me. He had the Syndicate kidnap you. I had no choice but to continue my work.

However, I had Mark Walker secretly transferred in to work as Alliance security detail on the project. I knew he would do the right thing, and yes, I used him and his family to keep you safe. I built an encryption program into the Fenrir's nav computer, and gave Mark the key code. He transferred out of Ares again and tried to hide.

We were going to come back to the Fenrir when Mullen ran out of friends, money...but he found out about Mark. He had him killed, along with his poor wife. Tried to kill Yuliya. I've allied with the Sherpaks to try and stop him, but things haven't been going well lately, as you can see."

2011-01-16, 10:28 PM
Satch lets Yuliya send a wave. Satch lets Yuliya do whatever she wants, because the edge in her voice holds so very, very many dangers. Presumably, the ship reaches Bellerophon in circa day and a half.


Jim makes his way back toward the Telemachos alone. He can't tell for sure where Bryce is, or if he armed the explosives.


"The Sherpaks have Yuliya? Good. Then Hennoth can't get to her after all."

Toni senses that Kithart aches with fatigue. He's been through some harsh treatment, and it's had a rather damaging effect on his overall psyche. He never wanted to put his daughter in danger from this information, but he realizes it's too late to keep it all from her by now. He needs her help to make things right.

What is your vision of the father-daughter interaction, beyond what we've discussed? Serenna doesn't trust his motives, and thinks he's been working with the Syndicate, which is mostly true. This is what he's saying, but whether he's a super reliable witness....what are your opinions?

2011-01-19, 03:21 PM
Keplerville is a sort of housing development on Bellerophon. Like the many private estates which dot the landscape, Keplerville stands high over the ground in its architectural grandeur, but it functions more like a housing organization. A neighborhood. Rue St. Clair is a cross street between two private homes, each sporting a whirling plasma fence. As Yuliya walks down the lane, Hennoth's voice echoes from somewhere nearby.

"You're early. Good. You'll be happy to know your brother is still safe, as long as he's useful to us. You know, I've waited a long time for this." Hennoth chuckles. A light skiff comes into view from behind one of the homes. A slight 'click' sound alerts Yuliya to the presence of two snipers locked onto her position, one the roofs of each building. "You see, Walker, I've got a bit of a grudge. Every time I tried to excel and prove myself at Academy, you had to step in and do one better. You got the assignments I wanted, you got the honorable discharge I deserved. If we had switched places back then, you'd be the one forced to detonate those independent civilian transports. You'd be the one kicked out in disgrace. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, for what you've done to me?"


The Telemachos breaks through the sensors, paying no heed this time to staying quiet. Alarums sound throughout the Ares complex, and assorted short range gunships set off in pursuit.

"Ksssht...Telemachos, this is Bryce, I couldn't...ksssht...the explosives. Ksssht...pinned down, and Fenrir is departing. ksssht...Where are you?" Muffled sounds come from the comm, followed by the sharp crack of gun fire. Then static.


Kithart coughs fitfully. "I'm not even sure myself what the key might look like. It's just data, but in what form? Walker kept it to himself, and it may be he never even passed it on. If the Fenrir leaves the bay, though, it surely means he's acquired it somehow himself."


The Telemachos receives a recent wave from Yuliya as they pull out of Ares' transmission jamming zone. She is headed to Bellerophon. A quick course calculation indicates the location can be reached within two days, possibly a day and a half at hardest burn. Also, gunships are firing at you.


Another ship leaves Ares, heading toward Londinium. It looks like a lab ship. Perhaps they're going to deliver the new PAX drug to the Alliance for mass production?


Finally, the great and terrible juggernaut makes its way out of the hangar bay. A few explosions at the hangar doors slow its momentum, but the ship staggers on, unstoppable in its girth. Full to the brim with half-mad super soldiers, it lurches toward Bethlehem. I mean, Earth that Was.

Geoff, make a pilot check to evade/destroy gunships. Target is 13. Failure means you take damage, and the next trip you make will be the Telemachos's last.

2011-01-20, 11:49 AM
Geoff pumps the Telemachos hard, hurtles through space like a homesick weasel. The fuel gauge visibly decreases as they go. After a day and a half, the crew hits orbit. Yuliya is already down there, and who knows what kind of trouble she's gotten into by now?


"You'll see Pyotr all right. No, you see, the only reason you're alive right now, Yuliya, is because I wanted to see the look on your face as I finish off the Walker line." He emerges from the skiff, pushing Pyotr in front of him like a shield, gun pointed at his head. "Mullen ordered it done, but I was the one who put a bullet into your father. I set the fire that silenced your mother. I'm the one that found your brother after you so kindly led me to him. And now that we have the code, and don't have any reason to keep your accursed family alive, my revenge is almost complete." Hennoth grins ear to ear.

Pyotr looks pleadingly at Yuliya.

Yuliya has one chance to do something, violent or otherwise, before Hennoth pulls the trigger.

Telemachos can break docking laws (relatively serious offense) and swoop in immediately after Yuliya's next action, or can follow legal procedures and dock normally, but arrive at the scene after any battle or negotiation that might take place there.

2011-01-20, 05:11 PM
Yuliya's life flashes before her eyes as the bullet she fired spins unerringly toward her target. Hennoth's eyes widen almost imperceptibly at his fate, written on the ammunition. Yuliya senses the snipers on either roof taking careful aim at her head. She hears something strange, something out of place. The engine of her ship, perhaps?


Geoff turns off the comm and flies past the legal perimeter of Keplerville. The sensors pick up Alliance patrol ships rerouting to intercept, and soon. The station must be nearby.


Serenna sees the scene of Yuliya's standoff through the gunner display. Hennoth has a gun pointed at Pyotr. Yuliya fires at him. Two snipers on either side go to shoot. She can blast one or the other to smithereens, with the entire domicile along with him. But should she? She'll only protect her from one possible shot that way, and who knows if there are civilians inside? If the crew is in trouble with the law now, how much more if they're responsible for property damage? Murder?

Serenna can blast one of the snipers, and the house with it. Otherwise, Yuliya is getting shot from two separate angles. It very well might kill her.

2011-01-20, 08:52 PM
That's well and good, but I'm afraid there's no time for buzzing before the snipers fire. It's either take the shot, or watch the two snipers hit Yuliya. If Serenna chooses to avoid potentially hurting civilians, then that's perfectly fine, and buzzing can occur after the shots are fired. If Yuliya survives. As for Kithart, he's told you pretty much everything he knows. He assumes the ship headed toward Londinium is carrying the new PAX prototype, for Alliance use and distribution. They can reform the rebellious Independents by turning them into productive soldiers! Everybody wins! Kithart would have been in favor of catching that ship, rather than coming after Yuliya.

2011-01-21, 09:58 AM
Pyotr ducks out of Hennoth's hold and dives to the ground, opening Hennoth up for the bullet to enter his throat. He claws at the wound as he falls, hatred warring with fear for prominence on his face.

The snipers take their shots at Yuliya's unarmored torso, rending painful holes, and knocking Yuliya to the ground, where her vision fades out on Pyotr scrambling over to her side, and the Telemachos landing next to her.

Arthur and Jim rush out while providing cover fire at the sniper who still has a bead on them. With Pyotr's help, they scoop up the captain and drag her aboard. They take off in great haste, as Geoff takes turns worrying about the fuel gauge and the Alliance patrol headed their direction. One more planet they won't be welcome on again anytime soon.

Yuliya takes 15 wound damage, and 5 stun. Toni can make her surgery check normally to fix her up.

2011-01-26, 10:42 AM
"I...sure, I used to watch that show sometimes," Pete says, clenching and unclenching his fists. "I never expected to live it, though."

Pete sits down and gazes out the window at the stars. He sips at his water, trying not to let the events of the past two days overwhelm him.

"Do you know what's going on here, Mr. Cohen? That man in the med bay. He said he killed my parents. Is that true?"


Rufus Kithart senses that everyone on board is busy doing something or other, and decides that now would be a good time to contact Ilyrio Sherpak. He finds the ship's cortex hub and sends a very low-stream wave to Sihnon. "Plan jeopardized, Fenrir launched, Telemachos en route to Boros."

2011-01-26, 12:16 PM
"I'm a student at the Shingsai Culinary Academy. I guess I missed some classes, with all this."

Pete chuckles nervously, staring into his hands.

"That insane man...if anything happens to my sister, I don't know what I'd do. We haven't been close, but I still care about her, you know?"

2011-01-27, 09:57 AM
Pete rushes to the med bay as soon as he hears the news that Yuliya is awake. He stands nervously in the doorway, straightening his hair. "Sis, I'm really glad to see you're okay. When those people shot you, I thought you were done for." He sighs and turns his gaze to the floor. "Dad always wanted you and me to be in each other's shoes. I was supposed to be the soldier, and you should have been a chef, or an artist. Something safe. Look, I guess I'm trying to get around to an apology, but it's hard. Serenna? Umm, Toni, is it? Can you leave us alone for a few minutes?"

2011-01-27, 03:01 PM
"No, I do. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you warned me about danger. I'm sorry I didn't listen to dad and take that disk full of gibberish he gave me to Mr. Kithart afterwards, and I'm sorry I let this murderer," he rips the curtain aside to reveal Hennoth shifting from side to side in the bed, still unconcsious, "get a hold of it instead." He puffs up with a sudden rage, takes a nearby scalpel into his hand, and stops just short of plunging it into Hennoth's heart.

"I'm sorry," Pete says, "that I can't even bring myself to kill the man who killed our parents." He drops the scalpel. It clatters on the ground, ringing loudly in Yuliya's ears. Pete slumps to the ground, his back to the wall, and sobs into his arms.

2011-01-31, 05:08 PM
Everyone bunks down for the night. Hennoth and Yuliya are separated. Hennoth opens his eyes once or twice, but can't speak yet due to throat injury. Pete stays in Yuliya's room and Kithart sleeps in the cargo bay.

In the wee hours, when Jim is on the bridge manning the post, he sees a blip on the radar. A good ways off to the side, some debris that looks like ship wreckage floats out there, traveling slowly toward Bellerophon with whatever residual momentum it has. Infrared detects a very faint heat signature, not from propulsion though. Maybe a survivor or two?

2011-02-01, 10:55 AM
Fuel isn't an issue here. Headed to Bellerophon, from Boros or near enough, since you're passing it en route. I'm not sure a clever plan is necessary...you can just say you approach it cautiously, which would work well enough for any general trap-like stuff. I mean, I'd make you roll to circumvent trap-like stuff, but you know. As for boosting sensors, all you can really get is that the debris might be a ship, doesn't seem like it's functional or running any systems. The heat signature is very faint, like a human body or two might produce.

2011-02-02, 03:46 PM
So the Telemachos approaches the debris. In visual range, it looks like a small, wrecked ship, blown open by one or more instances of cannon fire. The heat signature comes from a single space suit, propped up in the cockpit. The ship, and it's occupant, bear Alliance markings.

And all the fangirls hoping that Arthur and Serenna (or "Arrenna") end up together go "Aiieeeee!!!!llama!!" The rest of us feel...unsettled.

2011-02-03, 12:52 PM
Jim gets drafted to go out into space and bring the suit in. When he moves it, it twitches, which creeps Jim out to no end. Once they're both aboard Telemachos, Jim removes the helmet to find Bryce, pale, sweaty, unconscious. It smells like dried blood.

If it makes Arthur feel any better, there are way more "Yulither" fan-girls than "Arrenna" fan-girls. They wage bitter war against each other.

Bitter war.

So anyway, Bryce is dying. Ale/Surgery test of 13 will save his life, otherwise he will be awake for one last conversation with Yuliya, then pass on.

2011-02-04, 11:46 AM
The Telemachos arrives on Boros, sets down on the border world without much trouble. Y'all can fuel up, rest for a day or so, get a few conversations in with the wounded folk. Bryce, by the way, had three bullet holes in 'im, and shy a pint and a half of blood where he oughta be. Toni had to take a loooong sleep after all that doctorin'.

Anyhow, about a day after you land on Boros, trouble will happen in the form of Syndicate. Characters don't know that of course.

2011-02-15, 02:44 PM
Bryce struggles to sit upright, but ultimately lays back down, breathing hard from the exertion. "You know what I like best about you? You're such a dazzling conversationalist." He sighs. "I've enjoyed our adventures together, you know? I'm also very glad to see you safe and sound.

I expect you wish me to divulge my secrets, yes? Not much to tell. The Syndicate is at war with itself, you should know. White hand against Black and Grey. My father wished for Mullen to fail, and PAX to be destroyed. His peers wanted to profit from the Blue Sun and Alliance monies for trafficking human subjects and soldiers. You remember our little soiree with the Mining Consortium? Way back when? Good times.

I have failed my mission, to keep Mullen occupied, away from you and your brother. The Alliance likely has the PAX by now, and soon, they'll use it to conquer the 'verse again. The people won't even be wary of them, now that they've won the Reaver war. Did I miss anything?"

Bryce coughs and cringes from the resulting pain.

2011-02-15, 04:35 PM
Bryce glowers at Yuliya's scathing words.

"Yes, perhaps I am slipping. The Bryce my father raised would have left Kithart for dead, and killed you and your brother while he had the chance. Shame he isn't around. Most of us would have been much better off, I'm sure."

2011-02-17, 11:42 AM
Bryce looks at Yuliya, a touch of curiosity crossing his face. "No. How could I? You are a rose in the desert. And your heart is good, however much you'd like to pretend otherwise."

He touches the bandages covering his stomach.

"Perhaps I did all this to protect you. More likely, to impress you. Something I've never been very good at, eh?"

He tries to laugh, but ends up coughing instead.

2011-02-23, 11:30 AM
Bryce shakes his head.You have choices. My father will be looking for me. The Alliance will try to mobilize their army to reconquer the 'Verse. You need to decide what to do with Hennoth, and if it's worth pursuing Mullen. You should be able to count on Rufus Kithart's support, and my father's to some extent. On the other hand, you could take it easy, back off from this fight. No one has a stake in you or your crew any more. You won't be hunted if you walk away now."

2011-03-14, 10:39 AM
Kithart frowns at Arthur's question. "I'm sure there's research evidence of the PAX experiments on the Ares base, or in Blue Sun headquarters. Trouble is, once you get your evidence, who do you show it to? Most news networks are owned in part or full by the same people your evidence would discredit. You might find some sympathetic voices on the council now, but if you bring further scorn upon the Alliance, you'll only meet a wall there. Do you folks have any contacts in the Alliance? Mine are all dried up or dead."


Bryce shakes his head in response to Yuliya. "You're talking about a hopeless mission. If you leave now, forget about helping the people, you can live free for a few years at least before the Alliance botches yet another plan for peace. The only way to stop them would be to mobilize a second Rebel army now, while the Alliance military is still weak, but we'd only have a few weeks at best."

He pauses to consider. "If you could get your evidence, we could sneak into Blue Sun and use their advertising network against them to send messages directly to the people. The rim worlds would be lost, but perhaps the border planets could respond. My father could arrange weapon distribution and Kithart could supply some quantity of space vessels...I have to speak to my father."

He tries to rise, and manages to get to a sitting position before Toni forces him back down.


Geoff notices a large, heavily armed cruiser coming into Boros airspace above them, and the hailing frequency opens up.

"Hi folks," Ellie's voice rings out. "B'lieve me an' your captain have a score to settle."

2011-03-22, 02:47 PM
Bryce ponders the question a moment. "Honestly, you'd be better off telling her I'm here."

"Nothing but the best for daddy. Now be a good boy and set a spell while we land and seize your ship."

The vessel, a Leo class fightin' ship named the Brahman, prepares to dock.

I suck at posting timely!

2011-03-24, 01:42 PM
The Brahman sets down next to Telemachos.

"Sure thing Yules, we got all kinds of reasonable. Regular, extra crispy, jalapeno...."

A harsh voice cuts her off.

"You have Brasheen? What are your intentions?"

I'll say have Yuliya make a will + persuasion or intimidate along with her response to this, depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Target 10. Failure means the Sherpaks will try to get control of your ship.

2011-03-25, 09:09 AM
Comm silence for a few moments. "Very well. We will come aboard and have a polite conversation."

Shortly thereafter, Ellie and Illyrio Sherpak board the Telemachos. They are unarmed, aside from a sturdy cane that Illyrio would not be parted with. The crew, Kithart, and Bryce gather to meet them in the mess. Ellie remains standing.

"First, allow me to say I am pleased to meet you at last, Miss Walker. Miss Kithart, you may not remember me, but we have met a long time ago, back when your father still worked for our organization."

Ellie begins to wander around the kitchen, rummaging through the pantry.

"Time is short, so I'll be brief. I understand that Mullen has a functional virus, and the Alliance has its hands on it. The other Hands believe the Syndicate will profit from this, from trading slaves to the Alliance for their forces. I believe the Syndicate will be targeted early by the Alliance for eradication. Mullen will stab us all in the back when he no longer needs us.

Our only chance at this point is to mobilize an army and strike the capital on Londinium. Destroy the Alliance before it can even act. If this is something you are willing to become involved in, then I can use your help."

y'all heal I think 1 hit point. I'll say you can get up and walk around, but Yuliya probably can't be up and about for more than an hour or two per day at this point.

2011-03-29, 01:21 PM
Sherpak nods. "Ever since the Miranda leak, former Independence rebels have been gathering together, talking in secret, or in the open, about taking up the old standards. Some of the rim worlds are entirely Alliance free, of course. Our potential army is already armed and ready for conflict. If Rufus can supply vessels to transport troops, we can bring our fight straight to the capital. However, the browncoats, such as they are, would not agree to launch an offensive without a very compelling reason. They primarily want to protect their home soil. I need you and your crew to deliver the compelling reason. How you go about doing this is up to you. You have demonstrated great resourcefulness in the past, and I feel your abilities may be adequate for this task. I will put a leader into place to rally the troops, and move once the word is out."

Bryce has a look on his face that reads to Yuliya "How is he always one step ahead of me?"

Arthur thinks that Ellie may or may not be surreptitiously placing electronic recording devices in the pantry.

2011-03-31, 11:03 AM
Sherpak considers the captain. Wounded and haggard, but still poised, articulate, sharp as a tack.

"Perhaps you would like a more direct role in the strategic process? When we convene a group of military tacticians to discuss the attack, I would like you to join us. I'm sure both your information, and your expertise, will be invaluable. In the meantime, I leave you to pursue whichever course of action you deem worthwhile. Brasheen will come with me for additional treatment and recovery."

Ellie gives Arthur a suggestive half-smile. "I dunno, should I be?"

The Sherpaks prepare to leave Telemachos.

2011-04-01, 08:41 AM
Would've been about 15 years ago.

2011-04-11, 12:57 PM
The Sherpaks leave Telemachos, including Bryce. He gives Yuliya a tired smile as they roll him out on a wheelchair. Rufus Kithart decides to go along with them as well.

"These kinds of grandstanding adventures aren't my thing," he tells his daughter as they reach the airlock. "You have my full support, sweetie. If you need anything - money, information....If you need anything."

The airlock door shuts behind him as he leaves.

Throwing it back in your court. You don't have to do anything in particular, but let me know what you might want to accomplish and why, before the Browncoats meet with Sherpak to talk strategy.

2011-04-12, 02:08 PM
Serenna will roll, I guess an alertness + tech/devices roll against Ellie's agi + covert/infiltration. Which I'll roll here.


So...yeah, 6. Ellie sucks. Or maybe...she WANTED you to find THAT one....No, most likely she's just pretty blase about it all.

2011-04-21, 10:43 AM
Serenna finds a cleverly concealed audio transmitter device in the pantry. She might presume that the Sherpaks wanted to hear any discussion taking place right after they left. Presumably, nothing significant was overheard, as Serenna had her "meltdown" in the cargo hold. On the other hand, sound does carry a bit on the ship....

2011-05-14, 01:31 PM
Sure it's on. You can turn it off too, if you're so inclined.