View Full Version : well, looks like its back into the bomb shelter

2008-04-25, 12:10 AM
speed racer movie (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=tO2jcwgIi8o&feature=related), should we run for the hills in unison or at out own pace?

2008-04-25, 01:29 AM
"You think you can drive a car and change the world? It doesn't work like that!"
"Maybe not, but that's all I know how to do when I gotta do something."

Now, I may not be that much of a polymath, but solving all your problems by driving a car is just ridiculous.

2008-04-25, 02:19 AM
i gotta go see it. if only for nostalgia. It's probably going to be bad because it looks like they are trying to play it straight.

2008-04-25, 08:57 PM
Yet another proof that The Wachowski Brothers can't write movies if they don't have enough violence. Speed Racer has NO violence, and is terrible, and Matrix 3 had minimal violence and was bad. Seriously, V for Vendetta? Great, lots of violence, Matrix 1 and 2? Great, lots of violence. Matrix 3? Cooperation and talking, no violence, terrible.

2008-04-25, 09:28 PM
Speed racer has a good amount of potential as a movie. but they need to write it like an actual racing movie. According to the commercials that I've seen, it looks like a kids movie. In which case, its going to fail.

sad ain't it.

2008-04-27, 12:15 AM
Yet another proof that The Wachowski Brothers can't write movies if they don't have enough violence. Speed Racer has NO violence, and is terrible, and Matrix 3 had minimal violence and was bad. Seriously, V for Vendetta? Great, lots of violence, Matrix 1 and 2? Great, lots of violence. Matrix 3? Cooperation and talking, no violence, terrible.

Speed Racer has violence. Not R rated over the top violence, but there is violence. If it is anything like the cartoon (and it looks like it is to at least some degree), he will have to deal with ninjas, assassins, and other drivers trying to kill him. I am guessing they aren't going to just try and poison him and instead will attempt something more violent. The races look fairly violent (sure it's in a CGI not really happening kind of way, but you gave the Matrix a pass so this should be fair game).

V for Vendetta was not a heavily violent movie. There is one big action scene (the end), the glimpses of torture, and a few shootings. Matrix 3 has 2 beaten in terms of violence. 2 has the giant fight in the weapons room and the car chase, Trinity trying to save Neo towards the end, along with the giant CGI fest that was the Neo/million Smith's fight. 3 has the destruction of Zion by an army of killing machines (this gets far more points than anything in 2), Neo dealing with the defense grid of the machines in the real world, the battle to get into the club, Neo getting blinded, and Trinity getting impaled.