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View Full Version : Slacker Druid

Citizen Jenkins
2008-04-25, 05:45 PM
Most of the duping tricks I've seen depend either on high level psionic time warping or PaO abuse with oozes and Protean Scourges (http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=587555) when really, any 12th level Druid can clone himself easily.

1. Be a Druid
2. Be 12th level
3. Having a decent Knowledge (nature) roll may smooth things along

1. Wake up
2. Wild Shape into a Burrow Root (MM V)
3. Suffer damage equal to half your overall hit points (Friends are helpful but spellcasting or Animal Companions can also work).
4. Using the Burrow Root's Split ability, you should now have a fully functional clone.
5. Shift back to human
6. Heal yourself
7. Talk with your new, fully functional clone.

Why we use the Burrow Root:
First, it's a plant so any Druid of a certain level can wildshape into it. Second, the problem with using oozes and other creatures with (Split) or (Self Spawn) abilities is that the text is vague. It could legitimately mean two identical creatures based off the original or two new creatures typical of the type (ie generic oozes). Burrow Roots gets rid of that because the helpful people at Wizards added a sentence clarifying that the new root's game statistics are identical to the parent (which clarifies that the parent still exists). Sure, you're limited to doing it only once a day but at level 12 this will only eat up a few low level cures, it wont even prevent you from being wildshaped all day.

Typical exponential growth tricks. Sure, you're limited to doing it only once a day but your dupe can still carry out the same trick so eventually you'll still be able to achieve world conquest. By my estimation after a month you'll have 1,073,741,824 clones. Not exactly going to beat the record of three and a half minutes for world conquest but not shabby.

Some people work really hard to break the game. Some people have exotic builds with 12 exotic feats, 5 prestige classes, and use 3 insanely broken spells. Then some people just wake up one morning, have a nifty idea, and shatter the game with the equivalent of a 5 minute morning exercise routine. This trick doesn't require a build, doesn't require complicated magic trickery, you just wake up, clone yourself, and then presumably go back to sleep.

Moff Chumley
2008-04-25, 06:58 PM
So, kinda like Punk Rock to Pun-Pun or the Terminator's Epic Prog? I say Pun Pun is Yes and Terminator is ELP. one keeps trying to kill the other, and always fails because of the coolness disparity. Meanwhile, Tippy's stuff is like King Crimson, attracting a cult following and being vastly more awesome then the other two, but never achieving mainstream popularity.

Spoilered for YOUR sanity!

Very cool. I'll see if I can use it at some point. I like the frenchophobia lack of cheese inherent in this trick.

2008-04-25, 07:02 PM
I agree. This looks fun. Is there a way to polymorph hostile creatures in such plants?

Then you could have some... elaborate tortures.