View Full Version : The Mighty Threat of Tourism!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-04-26, 07:36 PM
What are your views on Tourism? Do you find it an annoying pest? Or do you not mind? Do you wish all those pesky Japanese Tourists will stay home? Or do you welcome their contributions to your local economy? Discuss.

And yes, I know I started this thread for that reason.

Da King
2008-04-26, 09:48 PM
It helps the economy. I don't think many people want to go to Nova Scotia very much though, we play the bagpipes too much. And why do so many Japanese tourists come to Canada? Are they trying to steal our maple syrup? *hides in bunker with 2000 liters of boiled tree sap*

2008-04-26, 09:57 PM
It helps the economy. I don't think many people want to go to Nova Scotia very much though, we play the bagpipes too much.

My brother did the tourist thing there. Mind you, I think he also visited PEI and Newfoundland. What is in Nova Scotia that's sort of touristy? I once contemplated a cross-country trip in my misspent youth, but I couldn't think of a good reason to visit there. :smalltongue:

And why do so many Japanese tourists come to Canada? Are they trying to steal our maple syrup? *hides in bunker with 2000 liters of boiled tree sap*

Lower population density, I think. Plus, we're not Americans. :smalltongue:

Tourism is a weird thing. Most people want it, but everybody hates it. People sneer at tourists, but some communities can't survive without them.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-26, 10:06 PM
We actually tried to plan a trip to Nova Scotia one summer, but it didn't work. I can't remember why.

I have no problem with tourism. Tourists can be annoying, but whatever, they have money.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-04-26, 10:11 PM
I did a pan-western Canada last summer- Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC.

We skipped northern Ontario and Manitoba because my mum did the same thing when she was a child, and she was positively bored of endless trees. Manitoba we didn't go to mainly because it was a bit out of our way.

2008-04-26, 10:18 PM
I personally like tourism, it brings people around the world together to see other cultures. I think actully expirencing others living conditions is the best way for us all to understand each other, and it is a great chance to meet someone from somewhere else. But that's just my opnion.

Da King
2008-04-26, 10:19 PM
There's lots of great stuff in Nova Scotia actually. Citadel hill in Halifax, Apple Picking in the Annapolis Valley, lots of great beaches, (VERY COLD though, the atlantic ocean is freezing) The busker festival in Halifax, Hiking trails all over the place, especially the Cape Breton Highlands, Skiing, (not very large ski hills though), the weather is usually nice, lots of bagpipe music, whale watching, and the list goes on and on. Nova Scotia is a really nice place to visit, I reccomend going here sometime.

Raiser Blade
2008-04-26, 10:30 PM
When I first seen this I thought it said "The Mighty Thread of Tourism". I was amused at the thought of tourism having its own thread (A mighty one at that).

Then I went to post and saw that it was in fact the "Mighty Threat of Tourism" which is also amusing in its own way but not relevant to my interests.

So yeah.

2008-04-26, 11:29 PM
i don't mind tourists, so long as they realize they are in someone else's home and treat it as such.

2008-04-27, 05:28 AM
Tourism is a good thing, so long as its respectful. A key part of this is (within reason) not changing the places that are visited for the worse.

Take the south coast of Spain, destination for millions of British holidaymakers each year; it has basically become a second England with English food, English bars, and so on, with the only exception that it has more sun. :smallyuk: The incomprehensible thing for me is that it draws people back because it is so Anglicised. Personally, if I go abroad on holiday I expect, nay, demand that my destination be different to where I've just left.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-04-27, 07:29 AM
Tourists: can't live with them, can't live without them.

Like Gwyn_ap_Nud, I live in Toronto, a city that attracts (even though it doesn't exactly rely on) many tourists. On one hand, tourists annoy me. On the other hand, they're great for the local economy. Then again, they really annoy me. Then I remember that I also become a tourist when I travel, so I forgive them for a little while. Then the cycle starts again.

2008-04-27, 11:54 AM
I don't mind tourists. They bring money to the most unlikely of places.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-27, 11:56 AM
When I first seen this I thought it said "The Mighty Thread of Tourism". I was amused at the thought of tourism having its own thread (A mighty one at that).

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78927 :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-27, 12:28 PM
I don't mind the Japanese tourists. It's all the idiots from Bakersfield that I can't stand.

2008-04-27, 12:32 PM
Various pros and cons

Tourists place a greater strain on natural resources and services - often in places which have a very fine ecological balance. Tourism encourages more people to fly - which places another strain on the environment.

Tourists can be very annoying - I used to live just off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh so throughout the entire summer it was impossible to pop out for a pint of milk without meeting 2 marching pipe bands, 4 tour groups trooping after their flag-waving guides, and some Japanese people (yes, that's a stereotype) taking photographs of the postbox.

However, as has been noted above, there are many parts of the world which wouldn't have an economy without tourism, and there are many traditional arts and crafts which would have gone extinct without the support of tourists.

2008-04-27, 12:40 PM
It lets me keep my industrial spending at or near 100% while still keeping the Approval Rating pretty high, and avoid the big 40% approval hit that I get when I go from 74% to 75% taxation. Now if only that rival planet would listen to all the propaganda from my starbases and surrender to me... damn large populations making invasion difficult :smallannoyed:

Wait. Real world tourism? No opinion :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-27, 12:44 PM
It lets me keep my industrial spending at or near 100% while still keeping the Approval Rating pretty high, and avoid the big 40% approval hit that I get when I go from 74% to 75% taxation. Now if only that rival planet would listen to all the propaganda from my starbases and surrender to me... damn large populations making invasion difficult :smallannoyed:

Wait. Real world tourism? No opinion :smallbiggrin:

Are you playing Galactic Civ?

Gem Flower
2008-04-27, 12:55 PM
Tourists? There are almost none in my neighborhood and the surrounding ones. Personally, I don't mind them at all.

2008-04-27, 12:56 PM
I live near in the just south of Daytona Beach, Florida. Indeed you could north up our beach, swim 100 feet across the inlet, and be there. We see a lot of tourists to the area because of the obvious reasons (beach, Florida amusement parks) and our area also hosts numerous motorcycle rallies and racing events, most notoriously Bike Week and the Daytona 500 respectively.

Around here tourism is a necessary evil, and I'm personally feeling the effects of how that works right now. I work in a pizzeria on the beach and my schedule has dropped down to one 4-hour day a week, leaving me with no money. I'll get more hours when the tourists come back after labor day. As much as we hate them around here, my town would shrivel up and die without them.

And we rarely see the Japanese in my parts. Guess they have beaches at home. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-27, 01:01 PM
Are you playing Galactic Civ?

Indeed. And, before everyone tells me, I suck at it. But what's new there? :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-27, 01:07 PM
i hate being a tourist, i don't mind them as such because of the cool accents some of them have, but i cant stand being one.

2008-04-27, 05:54 PM
There are these two people I perform wth often who are brother & sister, and a small group of japanese tourists hired them to show them around the local area.

The problem was, the tourists seemed completely convinced that the two were dating each other, no matter what they said.

That, my friends, is the mighty threat of tourism! They will trick our youth into commiting incest! :smallwink:

EDIT: Oh, and from time to time some very lost-looking people will ask me where they can find some highly visible place like Main Street, or the theatre, or the museum.

2008-04-27, 07:45 PM
I enjoy tourists only because they pay me money to give tours. See, I live in Lexington. Not Lexington Kentucky. Lexington Massachusetts. This is the place where the first battle in the war for America's independence occurred. It's quite a historic place, so we usually get a some tourists. And they're always willing to pay me to give a tour. I just take them around the center of town (which is pretty small) and explain where all the interesting stuff is, such as the old graveyard, the statue of Captain Parker (referred to as "the minuteman." Almost no one knows his actual name), the place where the first shots were fired, the place where Samuel Adams was staying the night before the fight, where Paul Revere stopped, and other stuff. I can make $200 on a good weekend. So yeah, tourists are good.

2008-04-27, 11:32 PM
I think tourists are responsible for half our economy. Coming to see clean green New Zealand is apparently quite popular. We do have some japanese tourists, but actually... most of them are asians. It's kinda creepy. They ask me for directions, like I know how to speak asian or something. :smalltongue:

2008-04-27, 11:39 PM
I think tourists are responsible for half our economy. Coming to see clean green New Zealand is apparently quite popular. We do have some japanese tourists, but actually... most of them are asians. It's kinda creepy. They ask me for directions, like I know how to speak asian or something. :smalltongue:

My wife and I are actually trying to emigrate there right now...

2008-04-27, 11:50 PM
My wife and I are actually trying to emigrate there right now...

Oh, really? From where?
I don't know anything about immigration in New Zealand, but I hope it all goes smoothly for you two. It's nice here. Best of luck!

EDIT: @v: Oh, come on, surely Auckland is the only place to be! :smallcool:

2008-04-28, 02:39 AM
@Crow: Do you know which city you're going to emigrate to?

2008-04-28, 09:28 AM
Moving to New Zealand... That's cool, I've heard it's got really beautiful scenery. So you won't be a tourist then, just a foreigner.

Tourists do keep a lot of places' economies going, but they're so [I]annoying![I] Example: My city has a fair amount of tourists. My mom and I were in an extremely touristy area, where I was taking pictures for my application to art school. This couple approaches us and asks where the Christmas light display is. We'd never heard of such a thing, and said so, but they wouldn't stop badgering us. Finally we said that we weren't natives either (which wasn't really a lie, neither of us were born there) which got them to go away. Haven't they ever heard of a map?

2008-04-29, 09:59 AM
I live in an old steel town. No one visits us. They say we stink. I shower every day, though, honest! :smallfrown: