View Full Version : Divinus Profile : The New Awakening

2008-04-27, 06:15 PM
Grex begins to remake the world, Amon begins to once again send the Spirit Kingdom to the other side, all of the gods appear. The new world is beginning to slowly form itself.

2008-04-27, 07:28 PM
In the jungles of this new world, a crash is heard deep in the jungles. Cerus' temple now sits under a great waterfall. Water flows through the holes in the ceiling, cleansing the temple of the blood. As the few remaining Keidran awaken, all their knowledge or what was once their past is gone. All that remains of the Magitek are books washed away in the current. Reverting to their somewhat primal society, they once again begin to hunt.

Returning with the temple are Cerus' towers now spread throughout the jungle. The god of war sits slumbering in his temple.

2008-04-27, 07:45 PM
OOC: The Old World remains(if the players didn't destroy it. I may have misread the posts.)but is an Old World now.

2008-04-27, 08:57 PM

"Oi," Vakira says simply, rubbing his temples as the desert god speaks. Finally, he resorts to the oasis and runs a hand across its glassy surface, forever connecting it to the Great Southern Banyan.

In the Afterlife

In Mehswif's Afterlife, Vakira plucks a star down from the sky, a tiny grain of light, and breathes into it. He lets it go, and it glows green. Gently, he sets it down and conjures phantom vines to wind themselves into a living brazier for the growing star. Spirits who wish to return to life are drawn to the star, which serves as a gateway to reincarnation.

2008-04-27, 09:06 PM

Vaera looks interestedly at Vakira, as he once again cocked his head to the side (stupid freaking language filter blocking out the "now" version of that word) What are you doing there? Change is good, but some are better than others.

2008-04-27, 09:30 PM
The skys above the new world are always bright. Night never descends upon the land.

2008-04-27, 09:46 PM

Vaera, while waiting for a response, looks up. The heat is beating down on the desert, and he realizes, it has been day since he got there. Thats pretty samey, not very interesting is it? Lets... change that shall we? His cloak billows out into massive wings, and he flies high into the sky, bringing his condors with them. He changes his condors, one of them turns into a fiery bird of light, and he sent him off. He turned the other into a bird of pearly luminescence, and he said Wait for many hours, but no more than 12, and then follow after him As the first bird passed, light spread over the lands far below him, and when the second bird passed, his light too spread over the land, but it was far lesser, and there was a time of "night". That will do, for now at least

Vaera returned to the new night, and felt the cold on the land and smiled. He turned to Vakira and spoke So... where were we?

2008-04-27, 11:02 PM
In The Nightmare Realm

Ok, Yawn did that. Check it off. I thought I would never get that one done. On well. Time for next one. Which is "rest from all the work of doing the things above.
Xlyte puts down a piece of well, it looks like paper.
Ok Random you can do about anything you want now. I am going to bed in the box, and taking about the whole of the realm with me for a feedbackloop rest. See you in about 500 years.
Xlyte climbs in a large rune covered box, that has a bed in it. And closes the lid. With it closing. The whole realm gets a little brighter, and some how more resting and asleep. But also with the closing a small wind blows the paper out of the Nightmare Realm as Random steps out a portal to see the new world, and do only what he wants to. Which is it looks like right now, just sit in a Beach chair and sunbaven. The paper on the other hand blows around in world, in the jungle.

2008-04-28, 08:32 PM
It is time Grex places his mirror and the voidshards of glass on a grassy plain. Throwing a bright spark up to the sun, Grex goes to Arcadia. Then he places a scroll on Vakira's desk. Taking the broken pieces of the dreamcatcher, Grex opens a portal to someplace else. On the scroll are the words: The last will and testament of Grex.

2008-04-28, 09:55 PM
A star falls somewhere on the planet. Not a true star, but a god. He strikes with titanic force, releasing a blast of energy seen and felt for hundreds of miles. From the rubble a silver skined four-winged angelic being steps, naked and confused. He begins to walk, unsure of his location or bearing. He has with him only three items. A book ((on of the ones Lacrimosus used his tear to create)), a rusty longsword ((-1 longsword in combat)), and a case of scrolls.

2008-04-28, 10:29 PM

Growing tired of waiting for a response from the oddly stressed out god, Vaera is delighted when he feels the presence of another god-being, a change of pace is always good. His feather cloak once more lifting him into the air with the beat of its magical, ever shifting wings. He lands before the newcomer, his avian features bright and he speaks in his clicking voice excitedly, as the bird-skull on his staff rolls its non-existent eyes. Greetings newcomer, I am Vaera, lord of change, master of the shifting sands, and king of the Rulers of Sky. Who are you, and what strange and new changes will you gloriously bring to this world? His eyes sparkle as he speaks, and genuine delight is plain in his features.

2008-04-28, 10:35 PM
The Temple

The Temple of Cerus had fallen into disrepair. The 4.5 million screams of pain and suffering still linger in the halls as Cerus drudges through his broken home. His followers too afraid of the screams to even enter, they build their society around his temple, leaving offerings outside. Their prayers go unanswered as cit is depicted by the mounts of wilted and rotting flowers at the foot of the temple steps.

Rising From the Ashes

As the blood is washed from the temple, it travels a great distance before pouring into a basin on the far side of the world. Here lies a great red crystal with a pulsing life force coming from it.

2008-04-28, 10:36 PM

I...I am Stormthorn. This was where i fell, for long i looked for the land of my father, and i grew weary. I am pleased to meet you, though i know not where i am. I need some place to rest.

With that the sky-clad angel turns and waves his hands. A large stretch of land lifts up on pillars of stone, providing more than a square mile of coverage from the elements. Stormthorn walks under the "awning" he has made.

((Note: Stormthorn has a muli-layered voice. The primary layer is soft, honost, and a little bit sexy. The underlying voice, while not as noticable, is primal, bitter, and wise.))

2008-04-28, 10:44 PM

Vaera gets a distant look as he stares up at the night-sky as he answers. I'm a newcomer to this land myself, just recently I created this worlds first desert- Zenn, and its first inhabitants, the Hawkor, the Ravenas, and the Vulcura. I have brought the blessed gift of change, and I hope you will do so as well... He goes quiet for a moment then speaks again, but this time its more of a whisper, almost to himself but not quite Its like... Its like the night... its almost like I can FEEL it, BREATHING, but... almost imperceptibly, like its.... like the night itself is asleep... an odd thought, I suppose. He is clearly awaiting a response, while simultaneously keeping the distant look while staring up. To an untrained eye he might seem rude, but to this god of change, such an attitude was... common.

2008-04-28, 10:46 PM
"Ah, new world to conquer. Stupid Xlyte messing up my plans. Well I suppose I should send out messages to all remaining gods and see who's left."

With that Ero sends out a call to all gods regardless of alignment asking of thier well being and who is still here.

2008-04-28, 10:47 PM
From Cerus, Ero hears a broken voice annoited by a million screams.

2008-04-28, 10:50 PM
Stormthorn to Vaera

Change. Yes, i will change things.

He chants softly for a moments, calling upon magic formed at the birht of the universe. Magic he can see and speak and feel. The land for several miles around dies and the ground becomes fine black sand. The "awning" above him reshapes itself into a tower hundreds of stories high made of black marble. Several phase spiders are briefly seen on the walls of the tower.

Change. I made change. I built my own small desert in the middle of this forest. Now...am i...home?

2008-04-28, 10:56 PM

The goddess's body relaxes as the other presence intervenes. Indeed, it seems to relax a little too much; she sits listlessly now, staring off into nothingness.

Outside on the plains stand two figures: Mara and Drowned Seamus. The palace is nearly invisible, so well do the walls reflect the landscape, especially now that the shivers have subsided. "Time for us to go back in, I think," she says softly. "Now that things have quieted, and she will not order us from her sight, she may be in need of help." The other semideity nods, and the two reappear within her halls.

But neither can find Lilith or her throne room; the darkened hallways lead in endless patterns, but never to Lilith. Ero's message goes unanswered.

At Cerus's Temple

A presence has lingered here faintly, for a long time. Not Cerus, but something brought by his guilt, and by the memory of the suffering souls.

And after a long time, the god realizes it is not simply an echo of his own sorrow. "I don't believe any of you has ever called me in this way before," a voice whispers faintly. Lilith's voice.

2008-04-28, 10:56 PM

The goddess of dew goes through the star of rebirth. Though she remains largely the same a seed of thought is born in her mind. The mortals are so much at the whim of the deities. They need some form of ritual, however small to protect themselves.
With this sentiment she changes her form from a beautiful woman clothed in a gown of mist and frost to that of a mist of divine essence. This essence searches out unborn children in every culture and infuses itself in them. And so Tayla sets about learning the traditions and superstitions of the cultures, as well as guide them in subtle ways.

PS: Ero gets no response from Mehswif or Nehswur.

2008-04-28, 11:09 PM

Vaera smiles, as does the mysterious bird-skull on his staff, though its smile is far more condescending. Ah, friend, home is merely what you make of it, if this feels like home to you, then home it is. He looks back toward the sky, then back at the god, a curious "smile" comes to his beaked face, and his cloak turns once more into two glorious shifting wings. He beats them and rises in the air, before turning back and hovering over where he was standing a moment before, a taloned hand extended to the god Come along my boy, I have a task I would ask you to help me with, it requires your special brand of skills. And then he lifted once more into the air. Whether or not the young god followed did no concern him. Once he was in the night sky, he reached out with his consciousness, probing the reaches of the night for the essence he had felt, throbbing like a background noise in the crisp air. Is anybody there? Or have I truly begun to go mad? His mind-voice echoes throughout the night, reaching the breadth of the darkened skies, both divine and mortal alike, though mortals not attuned to his divine presence would not have realized that is what they heard.

2008-04-28, 11:10 PM

Cerus limps into the main chamber of the temple."All my fault...my fault...five million" Among the screams, quiet prayers can be heard, begging for Cerus to return to his people. He looks at Lilith"I could do nothing...I... killed them, all of them."

2008-04-28, 11:32 PM

"Yes. You did," Lilith's voice replies out of the air, although the goddess isn't showing herself. If she is physically present at all. "I felt it. But what are you mourning? Them? All of your shattered little playthings and children?" Her voice turns cutting and harsh.

2008-04-28, 11:48 PM
They were never playthings! They gave their lives to me and all they asked was my protection, and yet it was me who extinguished them.

2008-04-28, 11:55 PM

As Vaera reaches into the sky he has a hard time feeling the divine essence. It's almost like the only reason he knows its there is that he knows it should be. Its absence is proof of its existance.
At last in the black sky lit by the sun he grasps something. It is a shard of metal, black yet reflective, like an onyx mirror.

2008-04-28, 11:59 PM

As Vaera grasps the object, he pulls it back and stares deep into it. As he incorporates so much of birds, he is enraptured by it Ahh, shiny, I like shiny... He looks up, snapping out of it, as he feels a pulse deep within. Whats this? The source of this odd presence? Well... lets find out. He reaches deep inside it with his mind, attempting to draw out the essence within.

2008-04-29, 12:15 AM

"Weren't they? Why did you make them, then, if not to protect them and war with them? Was there ever any more point to their lives than reflecting your own image back at you? Than making you more of what you already were?" Her voice echoes, coming first from one direction and then another among the screaming souls. "Was there a point, Cerus?"

2008-04-29, 12:18 AM

Vaera stares deep into the piece of glassed metal. As he tugs at the power within. It begins to glow. Softly at first but brighter as he continues. Then just as he thinks the power is about to manifest it flares with white hot illumination.
A metal cry of pain burns through Vaera's mind and continues through the void. So intense and unexpected is the pain that Vaera instictively withdraws and the shard goes dark again.

2008-04-29, 12:24 AM

As Vaera regains his wit he looks deep in the piece of glass and thinks. This... this pain, is not my forte. I require the aid of another more... experienced, mind He sets his hawk eyes upon the land, searching with his divine presence. His minds eye settles on a temple, filled with the screaming of thousands of lost souls. Ahh, there we go, a more experienced being For a change of pace, in the temple of Cerus feathers "bloom" from the ground until turning into wings, wrapped around a form, as they unfold they reveal Vaerus, and then the wings meld once more into his cloak. In one taloned hand he grips the long Featherwood staff, and in the other he grasps the black-mirror. He speaks to both figures, his squawking voice carrying over the temple Greetings, I have been led to believe by the screams echoing in this place, that one of you might know something of mental anguish. I would ask for your aid in pulling the essence, from This He holds up the black glass, reaching into it lightly, so it glows a little.

2008-04-29, 12:24 AM
"And what would be the point of anything? Mortals ask gods for a purpose, gods cannot give an answer and are then compelled to ask themselves for a purpose only to find out that one must find their own purpose. My purpose is to teach mortals to protect themselves while they search for theirs."


Caught on the line between the material and celestial realms, the emple appears bare to the feathered god (hes on the material side). From the waterfall in the temple, a glass-winged humanoid steps out, appearing to be made out of infinitely clear glass.

2008-04-29, 12:29 AM

"A fine job you've done," Lilith says, but the biting tone is gone from her voice, replaced by bitter sadness. "Did any of them ever really find their purpose, Cerus? Between this god and that, constantly molding them and destroying them?"

2008-04-29, 12:33 AM

Vaeras beaked face smiles when he sees the wings on the beings back, and his smile broadens when he sees the black glass. He presents the glass further and speaks Greetings, you seem like you might know what this is. Perhaps you could help me bring whatever is trapped inside out... He looks around This looks far too... barren, from what I saw in my mind. Perhaps there is more to this place than I can see from here... is this true? He addresses the being before him, both questions floating in the air.

2008-04-29, 12:36 AM
The Glass Beast

As the creature's glass darkens, the voices heard in the temple become quieter until all that can be heard is the raspy breathing of the beast as it hobble towards Caera and reaches at the orb.


"Good question. How my people define their reason for life is up to them. What about you? Have you found out why you exist?"

2008-04-29, 12:41 AM

Vaera's features are trusting in the extreme as he extends his taloned claw with the glass object in it. The odd avian skull however, is full of suspicion. Even as he put forth his clawed hand, the staff began to take shape, before turning into a massive reptilian/avian form. It has four heads on long necks, and massive feathered wings, along with four taloned claws. It has 3 minor heads, now proportional to its body, the skulls of the Raven, Hawk, and Vulture, as well as the odd avian skull. It has a strange bluish green fire that constantly warps in its eyes. It makes no threatening movements, but you can tell its ready to strike at any moment. Vaera himself seems unaware of this bizarre transformation, as he extends the glass object toward the glass creature.

2008-04-29, 01:02 AM

As the creature grasp the strange orb, Vaera can once again hear the shrill cry as the orb is absorbed. The beast's form begins to shift wildly until it shatters, sending massive crystal shards in all directions, some of them piercing straight through the walls of the temple.

On the ground lay two orbs, one of a blinding white and one black as the void. The white orb is picked up, the one holding it stands bearing some features of the people gathered outside the temple as well as red crystal wings. I'm...back. The crystals in the walls turn to a bloody substance and form around Garrus he bursts through the roof towards the north.

The black orb still remains on the ground.

2008-04-29, 01:10 AM

Vaera shifts on his talons, grasping his now-staff, and he bends over and picks up the original orb. He reaches inside and feels the same presence. He looks around the room, and then looks with his gods-eye, and sees a very different picture. He shifts into the divine realm, and he presents the orb once again, parroting his earlier question for help

2008-04-29, 01:23 AM
Feeling the presence of Garuss again Ero sends a message to him, "Would you like to take up the offer I extended to you earlier?"

After saying this Ero teleports to the material plane above an ocean. "This looks like a suitable base for my peoples." Grabbing a large chunk of the sea floor Ero creates an island ringed by impassable reefs. On this island Ero creates buildings to house his armies and worshippers, but at this time the buildings lie dormant and unused. "That's better, now I have a place to put them."

2008-04-29, 01:25 AM
"Should I know you?" Garrus' arm encases itself in razor-like crystal spines which begin to twitch.

2008-04-29, 01:27 AM
When Vaera touches the essence inside the black metal shard to make it glow, the energy feels different. Before he had felt a mixture of emotion besides the pain. Now the hurt only mingled with hate and vengence.

2008-04-29, 01:35 AM
Lilith- with Cerus

"Purpose?" An eddy of something swirls around Cerus, carrying her voice with it. "I don't have one. I AM suffering. I am a reflection, a manifestation, of anguish, despair, sorrow. Which, in its purest form, is pointless."

"Let's try again. Why did you create them in the first place? What did you think you were doing then?"

With Garrus

"No," a voice whispers in Garrus's mind. Lilith has heard his name. "There is no reason you should know him. Perhaps you can answer me now! WHAT are you? Still a fool?"

2008-04-29, 01:38 AM
"Yes, you should know me. Put away your weapon for I mean you no harm. I was going to reveal who you are to you. Did you forget who you are again? It seems to be a pattern."

2008-04-29, 01:39 AM
In Lilith's mind

Am image of Garrus appears in Lilith's subconscious, the white half of the orb embedded in his crystal arm as he raises it at her."I am what I decide! Begone! A mental blast and horrid scream are sent at Lilith.

With Ero

Funny, I dont remember you. What is it that you think you can offer me?

2008-04-29, 01:47 AM
"I can offer you the knowledge of what you once were. After I give this knowledge to you, you are free to do as you please. I will not bind you to me in any way. There are other ways of finding this out of course but they might come with stipulations. I offer you free information for the price of nothing. Consider this well for I will not extend the offer again if you refuse.

2008-04-29, 01:48 AM

Garrus' arm jerks uncontrollably in the moment just before he tries to use the pain of the orb against Lilith. Pieces of flesh replace the crystal in his arm only to be shredded by his glass form and futilely healed again. This all stops instantly once he disconnects his mind from the piece of white glassed metal.

2008-04-29, 01:49 AM
"It doesn't matter. The past wont bring me any more power so what use is it?" Garrus grits his teeth for a moment as a bit of blood drips off his arm.

2008-04-29, 01:52 AM
"Well if it's power you want I can offer you power. The control of my armies if you wish. The place of my right hand man with near unlimited personal power. Think on this.

2008-04-29, 02:01 AM
Garrus's Mind

Garrus gets the ghostly impression of a smile, though there isn't anything that can be truly seen in a mental link, and faint laughter; whether it is mocking or genuine delight is impossible to say. The mental presence vanishes.

Emperor Demonking
2008-04-29, 09:47 AM
In the sea, fish grow bigger, then they grow weaker, then those with poison in them disapear and finally they grow to become adicted to biting hooks. Well some of them grow weaker, their are those that mantained an improved strength and they were put to sleep. Their were also ones that we're incredibly large those too fell asleep.

Then as some fish fell upon the sandy beach, they gained the ability to breathe water and then they started to gain a more humanlike figure and they were born with the knowledge of how to created nets, rods and boats.

100 fishmen
500 hibernating dire fish, sharks and the like.
10 kraken
Most fish are of a larger size.

2008-04-29, 01:16 PM
With Ero's call Random takes off the odd black glass things that he was wearing on his eye's.
Well this is interstading. More new people, both mortal and divine. Well may as well go and say hello.
He stands up, snaps his fingers, and the beach chair, vaiseds. And opens a portal and goes to Cerus's temple.

The paper finally stops blowing around, in the black desert.

2008-04-29, 02:52 PM

Vaera looks intrigued, and he speaks to the two gods in the temple. This seems a place of great pain, could one of you help me bring what dwells in this stone into reality?

2008-04-29, 06:41 PM
Vakira, in Zenn

Appalled by the efforts of Vaera and the newly-fallen god, Vakira appears in Zenn. He steps out of a great orange cactus and for the first time in ages, he is wearing his beastly form: unclothed and on all fours, with a great mane of wispy mist. His footsteps herald his coming as the sand beneath his feet changes to water. In the center, he howls madly, dangerously, and the skies begin to darken over the desert, filling with rain and lightning.

He leaves as unhappily as he came, stalking slowly through the Rootway as he steps into his human shape again.

Vakira's Children

Centuries after the creation of the Sanctuaries, and now tenfold more exist on this new world. Vakira descends to each in turn, and while many are empty and still unclaimed, several hundred have become attuned to various creatures. Each of these creatures is ultimately mortal, but they hold in them the potential for great power. With some talking, he begins to convince those empowered by the Sanctuaries--a group who has taken to calling themselves the Worldblooded--to join him. He offers them succor in the paradise of Arcadia in exchange for their service as his first mortal priesthood. In gruging remembrance of his promise to the dead Void God, however, he does not order this: he offers each a position, but the Sanctuaries remain, ultimately, for the betterment of mortals.

Nearly two-thousand various mortal creatures stumble through the Rootway for the first time and the Thousand God Bureaucracy rejoices their coming.

Vakira, in the Great Northern Banyan

Vakira notices Grex's Will for the first time: in the rush of his work in settling the New World--which would be needing a name very soon--he was overtaxed. The divinus of nature examines the will carefully...

2008-04-29, 07:30 PM
Zenn Condor

Sensing the disturbance in the desert, a colossal Condor from the Featherwood Tree lifted up and flew to the location of the nature god. After squawking around and beating the clouds away it landed heavily on a dead tree near the Nature God To what end do you bring such glorious but disastrous change to the desert? Change is good, but change must be monitered, less it cause irrepirable damage to the world and those who inhabit the lands. If you are looking for the master, he is predisposed at the moment After finishing its announcement in a strangely clicking and rasping voice, he awaits a response from the nature god, not moving, not even blinking.

2008-04-29, 07:38 PM

Vakira howls at the condor and conjures a squall to knock it from the sky the instant it bats at his clouds. The divinus' eyes glow with a strange gray light as he causes the storm to strengthen: it is now a divine rain, not just a natural one conjured by divine means.

"Your master came from nowhere to hollow out my flesh. Your master came from nowhere to cover this land in sand and stones. From nowhere, and to nowhere he'll return. I've seen enough worlds destroyed for one eternity. I felt so much death here when whatever hit hit. I don't know what your master is planning, consorting with that rapacious little fallen star, but I won't stand for it."

2008-04-29, 07:43 PM
Guardians of Zenn

As the Condor is knocked down, yet more come and bat at the clouds. As the squall knocks down more, dozens more arrive, all from the huge Featherwood Tree. That is between you and our master. We are the Guardians of Zenn, and just as our masters actions may have angered you, so your actions anger us. Would you see the life of this desert destroyed, merely to placate your anger? Bah! This desert, Zenn, is alive, and just as any living being, you will treat it with respect More Condors arrive, like a murder of crows before a death, they alight upon anything they can, or just landing on the ground and walking around. All who are still stare at the nature god.

2008-04-29, 07:50 PM

The god of nature's anger is visibly growing, and any semblance of composure he had is gone.

"This is not life! Your master destroyed a great deal of my own flesh to shore up the foundations of his desert, and I will have recompense. Rain! Rain! A thousand year's rain, ever harder and cold as distant ice! Let it rain until every offensive stone has worn down into his beloved sand, let it rain until the deep green, bruised and buried, devours this loathsome waste!"

2008-04-29, 08:00 PM
Cerus looks at Vaera slightly suprised. "What is this? Another new divinus? Or just another unwelcome guest?" By now the halls have gone silent of the souls of the dead. They seem to have just been...taken away.


Garrus crosses his arms and thinks for a moment. "If power is the result, fine, I'll join you."

2008-04-29, 08:00 PM
Zenn Condor

Dozens upon Dozens of Zenn Condors arrive, until the trickle becomes a mighty river, and the skies fill with flapping wings. Though they are mere mortals against a god, the Zenn Condors fly at the god, their suicidal rage carrying them against the god, scratching biting and beating with their wings, while many in the sky beat at the clouds. Thousands now, they fly at the god. As the fight goes on, and their blood soaks the desert sands, the desert itself comes alive. The Condors chant one phrase again and again Our lives for Zenn! Our lives for Zenn! Our lives for Zenn! mouths open up in the sands, screaming against the violation, and the Featherwood Tree itself, the very heart of the desert, aids in the defense. The trees massive roots permeated the desert, and massive bone-like roots in the shapes of claws and talons reach up to grasp at the nature god and a massive echoing voice comes across the land. We... Are... Zenn... the voices of the thousand screaming innocents who are dying in the floods caused by the torrential rains fill the nature gods ears, as the desert itself rails against him.


Vaeras staff, sensing the disturbance as well, hastens to the desert. when he arrives the staff is in its fully transformed stage, but pure rage and hatred in burning in its movement and eyes. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ZENN?!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR DESERT!?!?

2008-04-29, 08:04 PM

Vaera, seeming to not notice the absence of his staff, speaks to the divinus on his throne I am indeed a new divinus. I come to ask for assistance, in drawing the pained essence in this obsidian mirror. It seems to contain the essence of a being of the night, and I would see him released. What a glorious change of pace that would be.

2008-04-29, 08:05 PM
The will reads: To the mortals of the world, I leave a new place of safety. To Garrus, I leave me collection of strained glass windows. To Vakira, a glass model of the old world and the new one. To the new sun, I leave almost everything else. And to Xylte, I leave a great big explosion!

Grex teleported himself to the nightmare realm. After sending some of his divine power back to the sun, Grex explodes, adding a massive blast to the cycle Xylte set his realm into.
(OOC:Grex gave up three levels for the new sun god, (new character of mine) The remains levels are used up to create a explosion when Xytle comes out of the box, it should wreak his realm.)

2008-04-29, 08:13 PM

Vakira is angry, Vakira is taxed, and above all else Vakira is careful to preserve life: his squals are simple, his storm is a thick, hard rain but little else. He repels the condors, but does not kill: it is not his nature. He brushes the staff and the claws of bone and considers carefully, taking in the sad scene of it all with a practiced sort of air. He stands swiftly, and his form becomes vaguely human, swaddled in storm-silk. For the first time, a three-ringed halo rests behind his head, rimmed with green and blue and burning-whitish gray.

"This is not the end. Of anything."

Vakira's words echo as he disappears into a nearby cactus. The rain halts, but the thick clouds remain overhead, dark and persistant. If batted away, they reform with equal speed. Heat washes Zenn from behind the gray curtain, and the desert fills with a tense humidity.

2008-04-29, 08:23 PM

The sand where the battle took place is permanently stained with blood and soon the scavengers are upon the corpses of the condors, including their fellows- even the roots of the great tree itself pull the corpses below to feed itself. The Staff- The Birdking, stalked the land until it came upon the Great Featherwood Tree. Laying his hands upon its trunk, he willed it to change. A massive stalk formed above the clouds, and when it bloomed into a massive eye with a burning fire inside that gazed upon the tops of the clouds. The clouds parted under the piercing gaze and could not reform. Soon hundreds of these stalks were returning the desert to its hot-dry form.

2008-04-29, 08:33 PM
To Garuss, "So be it, welcome to the fold. My army waits upon my plane ready for action. It's your call... General.

Teleporting to Cerus's temple Ero arrives to see other gods standing there. "Well what have we here. And who is this new divinus? I've never seen you before, by what are you called?"

2008-04-29, 08:39 PM

Vakira watches the Birdking in gossamer spider webs, letting the image play through a thousand drops of beaded dew. He isn't angry anymore, he isn't passionate: he is cold. He scribbles furiously, sending memo after memo throughout Arcadia. Entire departments in the Thousand God Bureaucracy are reassigned to task forces and committees dedicated to dealing with the desert and its patron.

"Don't you think this is a bit much?" Alrael asks as he watched from a balcony in the mirrored Nothern Banyan. "All this, I mean?" Below him, hierarchs mill about, moving offices and reestablishing duties. The newfound mortal inhabitants of Arcadia flit about, exploring the desert at Vakira's behest.

2008-04-29, 08:45 PM

The Birdking, Avius, after bringing heat to a village that was caught in a flood turned, and seemed to look straight at Vakira, and a moment later he was standing next to him, he speaks, as if to explain himself. I could feel your presence in the desert, through the roots of the Featherwood Tree, we- Vaera and I -can feel all things in the desert. He stares coldly at the nature god, one of his long four arms' talon taps a beat on something in its other claw. It speaks once more What do you hope to accomplish?

2008-04-29, 08:54 PM

"Your master has injured me with his ignorance, and now his defilement has inspired others. I am not blind, I am not weak. I am what remains of an Old World. I am that which does not diminish. I will not be made less so another may be more," Vakira says, and with a gesture of his hand he banishes the Birdking from his realm.

2008-04-29, 08:58 PM

Bristling with rage for this offense, Avius goes forth and finds the mortal creatures which explore his Desert. When he finds one, he jumps it, and easily overpowers it. He stares deep into its eyes and commands it Find the others like you. Tell them to leave... NOW! And tell that bastard you're working for to either TRY and be rational, or stay the hell out of MY desert! with that he lets it go, and it scrambles to do as he commanded. He merely sits there, staring at Vakira across the world.

2008-04-29, 09:04 PM
The Nightmare Realm
The box flips around, around, and finally landing on its side. Xlyte toumbling out of it.
Ow what happend? My Home! My Realm!
Xlyte's plance is in ruins, The Nightmare Realm is almost destoried. They is barly anything left.
Ann man, this will take forever to fix. Hey where my list of things to do go. It was right here.

Cerus's Temple
Random steps out of the portal and covers his head were most people would have ears.
Woh it is noisy in here. Hello who are you? He asks Stormthorn.
Something moves in the temple. Something near inpossable to see. It drops down by Random and just stands there.
Huh, so that is were it went. Well that helps tell why this place is the center of misoury and sadesn.

2008-04-29, 09:06 PM
In the Depths of Arcadia

In the deepest depths of the Arcadian mirror of the Southern Banyan, the god of nature paces, unattended by any hierarchs or mortal servitors. He walks the edge of a strange pool, letting his shadow spill over onto the water. There, it mutates and changes and becomes a complete image: Arikav.

"This can't be tolerated. He shows up from nowhere, he changes my flesh. I felt it, you know? I felt every single fiber of my green world as he changed into sand and rock. It was like loosing a limb. And then, he was imitated. He's not just a nuisance, he's a danger: he's inspiring others to do so much to harm me."

"Us," the shadowy thing in the pool corrects. "And you are right, he must be stopped."

"There's been too much violence over it already, though."

"You insist on softer tactics still, Vakira? Even in the face of diminishing?"

"I insist on upholding what I am. To do otherwise is to diminish."

"Your optimism will be the end of us," Akirav replies.

"Will you help me?"

"I suppose I've no choice, but I do have an inkling of inspiration: say it with me now, Vakira. The Emerald Plague."

2008-04-29, 09:10 PM

Sending a pigeon, divinely gifted, Avius seeks to contact the Arcadian Council. He makes sure his pigeon goes unnoticed by the Nature god, and it falls into the hands of the hierarchs. The message reads as thus:

"We must speak. We must put an end to this bickering. You're masters dismissing me and ignoring me is not helping to solve the problem, merely to aggravate it. I hope I can count on some of you to be level headed where your lord is not. If you wish to speak with me, meet me in my realm, inside the massive Featherwood Tree"

2008-04-29, 09:10 PM
"Random, what are you doing here? You should know I have a vendetta against your master. If he shows his face outside of his plane I will destroy him and if your not careful I will destroy you as well."

2008-04-29, 09:13 PM
A Hooded Figure

A hooded figure clad in green and smelling sharply of every herb, even the new breeds birthed by the desert, appears beside the Featherwood Tree. Where his feet tread, sprigs of mint thrust through the sand only to wither instants later. This figure enters the tree slowly with the pigeon in hand, stroking its neck softly.


2008-04-29, 09:15 PM
I don't reminber anyone saying to me that I can't go where I chose too. You should know that loyality is not only good manores, but is something one should try to do. As being unloyal is a death sendend. Besides, Xlyte is a sleep, the last time I checked, planing to stay that way to for about 499 years, unleast something wakes him up.
Randam says while he rubs his hand on something that is hard to see.

2008-04-29, 09:18 PM

A figure stalks from the corner. It appears far more humanoid than before, but it is clearly Avius, his four heads all turning to the newcomer. I'm glad someone responded. I was beginning to fear all the gods of this world were irrational. We must discuss how your master has reacted to my creating this desert. I am new to this world, and indeed, new to life. I and Vaera came to be as one when this world was forged, and I was unaware that we were not allowed to create here. And still, when I try to treat and speak with your lord, I am sent away as though I had come with nothing but anger and bitterness as he had. How can this be resolved without all this pettiness?

2008-04-29, 09:22 PM
"I said nothing of your ability to go where you pleased, I was simply informing you of the fact that if I see your masters face I will destroy it." After saying this Ero says to the empty temple, "Thank you for the use of your temple Cerus. Goodbye." With this Ero teleports to Vaera's desert. Spotting the giant tree Ero walks to it and spots a mortal creature. "Little being who controls this area? I wish to speak to them."

2008-04-29, 09:26 PM
Zenn Condor

One of the massive condors looks toward him, not coldly or angrily, just bored, and gestures toward the door, it then continues to stare at Ero, and soon he can feel the stares of the countless hundreds of massive Condors who have made their homes in the colossal branches of the Tree.

2008-04-29, 09:27 PM

The figure lowers its hood to reveal a handsome man's face. His hair is tinted green and as he lowers the hood, the chamber fills with a thousand scents: cinnamon bark and wet grass, thick mint and heady sage.

"My master suffered a great deal very recently. He felt the deaths of millions. This world is new, birthed by my lord Vakira's own powers. It is one plant, one great incomparable plant. And you hollowed it out. You turned some of its flesh to sand, and then someone else followed your example. It caused him a great deal of pain. He is not normally an unreasonable god, but he has not allowed himself to feel it yet, the deaths. There are other reasons, as well. He's in turmoil. He's not thinking. My lord Vakira would never act this way before, but now...I don't know how to reach him."

2008-04-29, 09:28 PM
Cerus' eye twitches in annoyance. ..."Is anyone else gonna barge in today!? Perhaps a half-dragon clown that shoots radioactive tacos out of it's ass? I have a door for a reso..." He looks over to see the door turned to gravel in the doorway. "Grr..."

2008-04-29, 09:30 PM
"Thank you little being." Walking into the tower Ero says to the echoing silence, "Hallo! I wish to speak to the master of this Tree."

2008-04-29, 09:33 PM

Two of Avius's heads craned toward the door Who are you and what do you want? The other two continued to speak to Alrael I sympathize, I really do, but I doubt him killing the innocents in this desert, or starting a war with me and Vaera is going to help. He will listen to all of you, I have seen how many there are of you. If you band together, not even he can ignore you. He obviously places merit in your words, if you all came to him with the same voice, it would definitely help to make him think,

2008-04-29, 09:34 PM
"I simply wish to know who you are and your motives. Nothing too prying."

2008-04-29, 09:41 PM

The two heads- The hawk and the Raven, respond in their squawking voices We are Avius, our other half is Vaera, Together we are the Featherlord. We are lords of all beings feathered or avian, masters of the desert. We are here to protect these lands and to bring glorious change to all. Who are you to ask this of us?

2008-04-29, 09:45 PM

"I'm the only Hierarch who'll dare this," Alrael admits woefully. "Among us all, only myself and Ten-Rays are given much credence. And she feels as he does. A great many of us do. We felt the Old World die. We felt what you did. He will not be convinced by my words or any other Hierarch's. But you said there was death in the desert? That he killed? That is literally impossible. He can not kill, at least as most know it. Those who die by his divine efforts are not sent to tarry in the cold afterlife. They pass immediately into the Emerald Star to be reborn."

2008-04-29, 09:47 PM
Woh it is noisy in here. Hello who are you? He asks Stormthorn.

Stormthorn walsk through the doorway into his tower, beings springing to life all around him in the sand and magic darting chaoticly overhead.

I am Stormthorn. I am Arcana.

With a wave of his hand he brings to life a small band of beings that are similar to Erinyes' but aligned differently. They sing out in chorus as Stormthorn shapes his tower to be more and more inhumanly massive and beautiful.

((This (http://youtube.com/watch?v=fvn9DGb6m9U&feature=related) is what they sing. And the tower is large enough right now to house 500k humans at its maximum capacity.))

2008-04-29, 09:48 PM
"I am simply curious. Thank you for telling me this. I will be leaving now unless you have something else you wish to say." Teleporting away Ero leaves a scroll that he can be reached with on the ground. He doesn't teleport to his plane he teleports to Stormthorns tower. "Hello, who be you and what do you do?"

2008-04-29, 09:51 PM

The two heads facing Alrael shake woefully When the protectors of this desert, the Guardians of Zenn, the great Zenn Condors who are as much a part of this desert as the sands or the rolling dunes, and who feel the pain of this living desert that is tied to this tree which is its heart, attempted to reason with him as he cast great rains which caused floods which killed a great many of this desert he buffeted them away. As more came he refused to listen to reason, and to protect this desert a great many threw themselves upon them to stop his destruction their beloved home that was entrusted to them. He slaughtered many, their blood sinking forever into the sands, and their spirits returned to the Featherwood Trees to be reborn. It was only as he heard the screams of the thousands of innocents dying in the floods he had caused did he appear to snap out of it, and by then the damage had been done. He refused to disperse the cloud, and the heart of the desert had to change to bring dry warmth back to the desert.

The two other heads spoke to Ero Yes, who are you, and do you know the god known as Vakira?

2008-04-29, 09:56 PM
Speaking through a small portal Ero says, "I am known as Ero. My ultimate goal is the conquering of Creation. Yes, I know Vakira, I have the feeling that he is going through a horrible time. He was intimately intertwined with the old planet and so felt its destruction acutely. Is this what you wished to know?"

2008-04-29, 09:59 PM

The two heads shake once more We were wondering if you could help us with something. Our other half, Vaera, created this desert. We are new to these lands, and unfamiliar with the history of the other gods here. Vakira has banished me from his realm, and we need him to see reason. It will not help him or this world you wish to conquer if he gets into a war with us over a simple misunderstanding. You must find Divinus who can reason with Vakira, lest this world suffer the fate of this... Old World.

2008-04-29, 10:03 PM
"I will see what I can do." Ero sends a message out across Creation, "Come all gods we must have a meeting to discuss this new planet. There must be a semblance of order or all shall be lost as it was with the Old World."

2008-04-29, 10:06 PM
To Cerus. Well if you want one, I could random one here, but I am thinking your are kidding.
To Stormthorn You seem a little simmare to some one I meet a while ago. I wonder. No! I will not hang from the clefing with you. This is not the time. Random yells to something up there.
Sorry about that, I can feel the connection to Xlyte and so it wants to play with me, it is dumb not really thinking way.
To Ero {What are you trying to do with all the divine send outs. Do you want Xlyte wake already. That is the last thing this world needs, I want this one to last at least 50 years, but at the rate you're going and the newnes of this world it is going to be gone in far less time.}

2008-04-29, 10:15 PM
To Random, "I need to gather all the gods in order to speak to them. If Xlyte is sleeping he shall not hear them. And let him stick his ugly little face out for it will be destroyed."

((OOC: I feel this to be a pertinent time to mention that Xlyte is now Dvr 9. He was rank 12, then he burned 2 divine ranks with the "Death Star" and another 1 toshift his plane to the core of the Old World.))

2008-04-29, 10:18 PM

Vaera here's the summons and arrives with Avius as his staff, seemingly unaware of his lengthy absence. As he stands waiting he once more reaches deep into the glass stone, and Avius reaches inward also, their potent minds combining to their full power to draw out the power within the stone.

2008-04-29, 10:21 PM
"Welcome Vaera, we must wait for the others to appear before this meeting can start."

2008-04-29, 10:26 PM

Vaera nods absent mindedly, as does his staff both of their minds are deep in the stone. The stone begins to glow brightly and it burns white hot, but Vaera endured, searching deep within it, trying to pull out the essence within.

2008-04-29, 10:30 PM
Cerus arrives at the meeting supported by a Tiger in half plate and followed by a priestess. They help Cerus into a seat and take their positions beside him.

2008-04-29, 10:33 PM
"Welcome Cerus. It grieves me to see my greatest rival brought low by such treachorous means. May i ask who this is who accomponies you?"

2008-04-29, 10:36 PM
Stormthorn moves deep inside his tower, completly happy not to be bothered by any more strange gods.

((Im assuming all the gods know of his arrival, since it came in the form of several megatons worth of boom))

2008-04-29, 10:37 PM
The glowing bit of black surges with power. The bird god's mind, even combined, can barely control it much less pull it completely free. Flashes of hate, fury, pain and deep wilderness pierce through his thoughts. It takes all his attention and focus to make this effort and the essence remains inverted into the shard of void.

2008-04-29, 10:39 PM

With a cry of pain Vaera instinctively grabs Ero, pulling his mind within the shard as well, as he spirals out of control, he begins to screech in a birdlike voice, hitting a high note that causes even the other gods ears to bleed. Its clear he cannot control his actions, so enveloped is his mind in the shard as his fascination pushes him to draw the essence forth.

2008-04-29, 10:39 PM
"What is that you have there Vaera? If it is troubling you I may be able to help." Ero sends another message to Stormthorn requesting his presence at this rather important meeting.

2008-04-29, 10:41 PM
The Tiger lord stands straight, arms crossed, seeming to glare at the entire room at once. The young priestess is a bit more loose-tongued. "You'll have to excuse Mar, he isnt exactly the most sociable. I am called Tali, High Priestess of Cerus!" The excited fox girl's tail wags as she speaks.

2008-04-29, 10:43 PM

The skull on Vaeras staff speaks through gritted teeth. I... Need... Help... To pull... this essence.. from this stone... After that it falls silent once more, concentrating hard on the stone.

2008-04-29, 10:44 PM
Feeling his mind being drawn into the shard Ero puts up a shield of serene Law and grabs Vaeras mind as well. "We must think this through not just use raw power. Perhaps there is a sentience here that wishes to communicate. Stretching out his mind Ero searches for a sentient presence to communicate with.

2008-04-29, 10:45 PM

Avius pulls Vaeras mind out and nods. Vaera looks a little upset, but understands and nods as well, and they attempt to aid Eros message.

2008-04-29, 10:53 PM

Finally, Mara stands in Lilith's throne room once again; the goddess has relented in her solitude.

"You are-"

"No." Lilith smiles humorlessly. "I'm not. You expected to find me weepy and in pain over the old world, yes? And then you expected to somehow use its destruction as an argument that I am not right?" The angelic Hierarch looks taken aback at Lilith's abrupt verbal assault.

"Oh yes, use, Mara. That is what you'd be doing. Taking advantage of all those deaths and twisting it to your own end. But go on; I'm in a mood to listen. I don't think you'll sway me today."

With a deep breath, the white-shrouded Mara begins, "My lady, we worried for you. You felt what happened, closely, did you not?"

Lilith smiles once again. It isn't a pleasant smile; she is taking a grim satisfaction in shocking her Hierarch. "Yes. And what of it? Somebody else took the brunt this time. You've always tried to convince me I was such an empathetic person, Mara. Can you really be sure that I care, though? When I'm not forced to feel what is happening as if I were feeling it?

"I believe that you do, yes. And that your pain is making you lash out at me, because it hurts more if you admit you care. Stop running, Lilith."

Lilith looks annoyed. "Do you want me to disprove your little theory for you? I can. And it won't be pleasant for you."

"It wouldn't matter," Mara replies, looking up to meet her mistress's eyes. "You would still only be trying to convince yourself, and me. It would be painful for both of us, in the end."

Lilith's mouth thins with displeasure. "You're walking a thin line, Mara. I think I will have a task for you soon."

Cerus's Temple

Lilith's voice remains silent as others congregate in the temple and the screams of pain vanish, but Cerus can still feel her presence, a melancholy blot in his realm.

The Meeting

Lilith fades into existence at the meeting just after Cerus does, a chair appearing with her. She is shrouded in gloom, and looks rather bored—though her gaze does slide sideways to Cerus on occasion.

2008-04-29, 10:54 PM
The Shard

Within the shard Ero can feel the mind of a diety. But any attempt to communicate is met with no response. The mind trapped within is a riot of shattered emotions. Pain, hate, fear, and cold consume the fractured thoughts within.

2008-04-29, 11:04 PM
"Vaera, I told you there is a mind here. We must attempt to bring order to it to communicate with it. Bending his will to the task Ero begins to try and order the conflicting emotions and memories found in th shard. "Vaera, I will need help with this."

2008-04-29, 11:12 PM

Vakira appears in a flash of angry lightning, finally answering Ero's summons. His face is flush and flustered, his hair has lightened into a disturbingly clean shade of white. Both Alrael and Ten-Rays appear at his side, and just behind him a train of fifteen other Hierarchs appear, each dressed in armor crafted from the finest materials: pearl, steelcoral, stormsilk, ironwood, golden ice, and stranger things still.

"Make it quick Ero," Vakira says as he glances at Vaera's apparent languish with a thin smile on his face. Alrael's eyes dart away.

2008-04-29, 11:17 PM
The Shard

Without the help of Vaera, Ero would likely be swept up in the ever changing tides of the tortured mind. Even with the assistance Ero finds it difficult. Many of the emotions seem deeply engrained in the nature of the essence inside and the mind itself is naturally chaotic. It is the overwhelming pain that causes the storm of mental confusion.
But as Ero tries to clear it away, he feels the essence reach out and fight against it. It claws to keep the anguish to itself, desperately trying to keep the sorrow from being siphoned off.

2008-04-29, 11:20 PM
In Grex's palace
The spark Grex threw, in addition with other divine energies form a new figure.
Where I am? When is this place?
(OOC:New god, Helx. Unlike Grex, Helx is very innocert and trusting. He doesn't quite know what he is supposed to do)

2008-04-29, 11:23 PM
Feeling the mind trying to pull back into itself and simultaneously fighting him Ero calls on raw divine power to draw away the suffering and anguish. With this act he also sends a mental call, "Let the anguish go. Come back to the world, mourn no more for it is doing you no good."

2008-04-29, 11:40 PM

Lilith glances at Vakira as he enters, but her gaze is drawn sideways irrevocably to the black disk as the others begin to probe it. She could feel what was there, now that they were interfering with it; something she'd been protected from, something that had been taken from her.

Half against her will, she reaches out, invisible tendrils of divine energy probing towards the black shard.

2008-04-29, 11:40 PM
The Shard

As Ero manages to pull away some of suffering he can make out some more coherent thoughts. This is not for the good of me.

I cannot fully protect her
No don't!
It could happen slowly

Too soon! Wait!

He's not here to guide me
At this thought Ero hears a chilling soft laugh run under all the other thoughts.

As Ero takes away some of the pain out of the shard, the Lady of Sorrow feels again some of the deaths the Star God spared her from.

Emperor Demonking
2008-04-30, 10:54 AM
The sea creature fealt the storm of the desert and frowned while it happened, as the creature created four incredibly large giants the work in the sea and attack the planet to create earthquakes and tidal waves. Though making sure that they would stay away from his fishmen.

He was proud of what he'd done, and then a large amount of sea water entered the meeting with sea and storm god in it.

2008-04-30, 02:49 PM
Vakira in the Meeting

Vakira snarls in pain as the Sea God appears, then doubles over clutching at his head and his lungs and his stomach in turn, caught in a terrible fit of pain.

"The pounding...the pounding...there will always be that pounding. Why? Oh god. TEN-RAYS! Thunder. Thunder through the oceans," he says as he stands, his eyes red and full of pulsing light. "Rush through the seas and slaughter the source of this!"

Vakira attempts to sit again as the hierarchs led by Ten-Rays disappear. Wounds open on his skin from his sympathy with the world, and divine blood pools around him slowly. He stares coldly, slowly through the room, glancing from Vaera to Stormthorn to the Sea God. At his feet, his shadow moves about and begins to slowly climb up the hem of his robes. Occasionally, his skin flashes gray and his mane turns green and fetid.

Ten-Rays and the Hierarchs

Sixteen divine figures rush through the new oceans of the world and converge on the first of four giants. Without a moment's hesitation or a thought of mercy, Ten-Rays orders the charge. Her own eyes flare with gold as she turns the primal screech of thunder into a physical javelin and hurls it. Among her retinue, a young Hiearch named Hidden Forbidden Darkwater rushes towards the injured giant and seals him deep inside the folds of the wounded planet, to remain there until he becomes a pocket of oil.

A waifish young demigoddess motions thoughfully as she examines the wound and signals for Ten-Rays to continue onwards. Gentle Lady of the Gardens remains to heal the wounds the giant's onslaught have left.

2008-04-30, 03:04 PM

Vaera, thinking quickly, gets an idea. Using a mote of his consciousness he summons the massive Condor that is night. He had created this being, charged with some of the divine essence of night to serve as the moon, watching over the slumbering world. The Night Condors mind reached into the shard as well, and tried to pull it out with the familiarity of night and darkness. As Vaera's attention was diverted, he saw Vakira. A strange look of horror and wonderment came over his face. He reveled in the glorious change, but he realized something was wrong. He had time only to screech a warning before the stone once more demanded his full attention. Somebody help him!

2008-04-30, 04:01 PM
The other gods’ attention diverted to other matters, they do not notice the twisting strands of power being extended by Lilith. Slowly, gently, almost hesitantly they reach towards the shard. As they brush against it, the moment seems to extend.
A whisper no others can hear echoes in Lilith’s mind. The voice is cold, ruthless and mocking. “I thought you might be drawn here. Come looking for your lost sorrow? You needn’t worry. I’ll oblige.” The sound of self-amused laughter fills her ears.
A “hand” seizes onto the power Lilith has extended. It grip tightens, freezing her from taking any actions. Through the connection comes flooding not only waves upon waves of pain and loss but hate and fear. The trapped divinus pulls on the threads of power, clawing his way out of the nonexistence he had become while dragging some of Lilith into it. For what might be the first time she feels pain that is wholly her own. The burning darkness of the night god and oblivion permeates her being. And still the pain she had been protected from rolls over her as well.
The shard glows hot connected by a beam of mystic force to Lilith. Slowly the inverted deity within begins to claw his way out.

2008-04-30, 04:13 PM

Seeing the being claw its way out, Vaera and Avius work ever harder, helping to pull the being out. The Night Condor feeds some of the energy of the New Worlds night into the god, attempting to bolster his efforts. They are all unaware of the transfer of agonies as they attempt to wrench the god from nigh nothingness.

2008-04-30, 05:14 PM
Also noticing the being climbing out Ero bends his will to helping the divinus escape the shard unknowing of the pain being caused to Lillith.

2008-04-30, 05:17 PM
Ero sends another message to Stormthorn requesting his presence at this rather important meeting

Stormthorn frowns upon recieving such a message. He finds cloths for himself, in cas ehe descides to go, but for for the most part isnt interested in what strange gods do.

What purpose do i have? Im a god. I suppose my purpose is to create things. To make things that are great and everlasting.

Stormthorn casts a mighty spell that drains life out of the land, causing the area of black sand to grow steadily larger, and he gathers the power together deep in his power. He will have to wait some time before it will serve any great purpose.

2008-04-30, 06:47 PM

Vakira's eyes widen as the first titan dies, but the whole of his face contorts into a snarl of rage and pain as Stormthorn drains evermore of the planet. The shadow pooling at his feet climbs more brazenly now, and the god of nature is covered in darkness from toe to sternum.

"You. All of you. All of you are killing me. Why?" he asks, now desperate, but there is still rage in his eyes. His breathing is heavy and labored. "I will not allow this rape to continue! Call on me only when these foul new children are as bloodied as I am, covered in their own ichor!"

He storms from the meeting in an angry plume of mist, leaving the distinct smell of rotting flesh and ozone.

Vakira's Garden

Deep in the Southern Banyan of Arcadia, Vakira sits beside a clear pool with a deep green ball of something beside him on a pillar. In the pool, his shadow contorts into a reflection of Arikav.

"They'll be the death of us," Akirav says, and his voice is as soft and flexible as a serpent, smooth as oiled scales. "They'll be the end of everything you made."

"They don't understand."

"They don't care to understand! They don't care how much they harm you. Have you issued the new orders to the Bureau?"


"Then it will be taken care of. We need only to finish it." Akirav's reflection gestures towards the pulsating tangle of green on the pedestal.

"I'm so tired," Vakira says, running his hands across the strange substance, changing it gently, carefully, reverently.

"I know you're tired," Akirav replies, and a very real hand emerges from the surface of the water, clutching madly. Vakira tries to resist but as Akirav emerges from the reflection, Vakira sinks towards it until he feels flat, simple, and so very tired.

2008-04-30, 07:50 PM
Helx,trying to find what he is supposed to do, has taken to wandering the world.

2008-04-30, 09:36 PM
Among his wandering, Helx encounters a winged humanoid half-made out of crystal leading a large army. This being eminates the slight aura of a sun diety.

2008-04-30, 10:11 PM
Who are you? Do you know what I am supposed to do? You seem familar. As Helx looks closer at the figure, there seems to be a figure in the crystal.
(OOC:Grex isn't completely dead, he can appear in reflective substances, but only to Helx)

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-01, 10:36 AM
The sea god looked around at what was happening at the meeting and created 10 metal dog like creatures that could call lightning and teleport to their master.

The sea and the sea god soon vanished into the sea, not caring about the fact that one of the great giants was killed, it looked like it had caused the nature god great pain. Maybe now he will think twice before making a mockery of storms.

2008-05-01, 12:01 PM

The dark god of nature sits in contemplation in the the Great Northern Banyan of the mortal plane, watching carefully as three more teams of hierarchs are dispatched to deal with the final giants. Even still, he is divided: to whom does he owe the most enmity? Relenting, he decides that Vaera and Stormthorn acted from ignorance, and so he turns his divine attentions to the unnamed god of storms and seas: he, most of all, has not only slighted nature, but has dared to claim domain over two of his most precious powers.

Eight-Legged Dagger, the Hierarch of Spiders, scuttles forth from the shadows beside his master.

"Take a message down to the Department of Air and Water. I want to hurt that storm god, and I've decided that the best way to do that is to ensure that there are no more storms. Instruct Blue Storming Princess to relinquish her duties as head of the department to Halcyon of Summer Days. I want the oceans smooth as glass, I want every cloud white and thin and rare."

With his edict issued, the Hierarchs set to work: the sea is still, the air is tranquil, and nowhere in the world knows the meaning of "storm."


Three giants remain, and sixty hierarchs have been dispatched to deal with them. Ten-Rays herself leads the charge on the strongest remaining giant and slaughters him with a flick of thunder. The remaining two engage troops of demigods are led respectively by Emerald Blade, the Hierarch of Brambles, and Cold Ivory, the Hierarch of Glaciers.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-01, 12:09 PM
( What DvR is Arikav)

The god of storm decides to create 100 human like creatures, who had the job of telling the other races about the wonder of the sea. The sea creature lurked in his tranquil seas with a smile. Cut off your nose to spite your face

2008-05-01, 02:32 PM

Loathe as I am to use the IC Thread for OOC banter...

Arikav is DvR 11+, and he has the service of 1,000 Hierarchs, DvR 0-3. He's a Sea God too, the original, so making the sea wonderful really isn't the best idea for spiting him. As a matter of fact, he's also a storm god. He covered a lot of bases when no one else would. Did you get approval from Armin? I didn't see him okay your application.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-01, 02:34 PM
He pm'd me with confirmation.

2008-05-01, 03:03 PM
A Girl in Red Appears to Cerus

When Cerus is next alone, a small sound like soft knocking fills his chamber. If he allows, a small girl dressed all in red with brilliant hair like fire enters. She's got a lotus in her hair, and she smells like cinnamon and warmth.

"Lord Cerus? I would seek your help. Do you remember me?"

2008-05-01, 05:24 PM
The mirror and the voidglass left by Grex have fused together, growing into a new sanctuary, similar to the Glasslight Sanctuary, but with two differences. One, it bells, made from the voidglass, the divine energies of the mirror, and iron. The second is that the whole structure acts as a well of healing energy, pouring it into it surrondings and the planet itself.

2008-05-01, 06:33 PM
"I remember you...but what can I do? My power has waned to the point where I am not stronger than most hierarchs.

2008-05-01, 08:04 PM
The Hierarch in Red

"That is why I could talk to you. I am not the same as the others who serve Vakira, my father. I am...the closest he may have to a daughter. He forbids the knowledge that he has a true heir to be imparted unto anyone save his Hierarchs. You were once his friend, and your strength diminished, and so I could tell you. I need your help because your words are still respected, because you are still loved among the great divinus. My father has fallen prey to his shadow, and I'm afraid that it doesn't bode well for his senses, his sanity. He will tear this world apart if this all is not stopped."

2008-05-01, 09:55 PM
Really, well that would be something great to see. Two worlds destoried in a row.
A ghostly figure of a small child dressed in black robes with short brown hair, and red eyes.
You really should be more careful. And Grex should have checked were I was before he expoeded, But that is life, I keep on doing it. And don't even bother trying to attack me, I am not here, this is just a master sending. A little magic trick I came up with. There was some damge to my realm and my nightmares, ok make that he killed about all of them, and almost destoried my home, but I rebuilt it and brought them back. So I and mainly back on track, with my plans. Well has soon as I find my list of thing to do.

2008-05-01, 10:33 PM
"Very well, I shall see what I can do." Calling in the head priestess, he assists her in teleporting the three of them to Vakira's realm. "Vakira! Are you here?"

2008-05-01, 10:48 PM
Vakira's Realm
Leaving so soon Cerus. Oh well. I can still make what I love and enpowers me. I love making things messed up. Time to go and say hello to Arikav. Hehhhheheaaahaaa!!!!!

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-02, 11:29 AM
The sea god lurked in the sea, keeping himself in the sea but sending one of his lightning dogs to find one of Vakira's servants. The sea god tried to make sure that storms were kept away.

If the lightning dog finds one of Vakira's servants, it says. "My master says sorry. He's a new god and has much power compared to other creatures."
It then tries to walk away.

2008-05-02, 11:46 AM

Lilith hisses mentally at the sudden flood of negative emotion. She is simultaneously fighting the waves of emotion flowing into her through the link, and draining them hungrily, making them into even more of a turmoil than they already are. The emotions of others she usually couldn't fight, and as painful as they were, they gave her power. Her own pain gave her none, and she fights this, seeking to repel it. "It was mine before, and will be mine again! You cannot take what I am from me. Nobody can!"

It begins to tell on her physically; her stare is locked on the black disk now, face twisted into a snarl, and she starts to twitch and sweat. Her half-attempt to fight the emotion is not working; between her sabotage of her own efforts and the other being's workings, she might as well be unresisting.

2008-05-02, 12:13 PM

"Vakira's not here right now," someone says from the darkness. A six-armed figure, lithe and gray and slick, emerges. He looks very much like something that was once Vakira.

"Can I help you, Lord Cerus?"

2008-05-02, 01:44 PM
"So thats the way it is... I have come to tell you to release Vakira!"

2008-05-02, 02:37 PM
The Shard

Even though the other deities help, the being seems to take great delight in using his connection with Lilith to pull himself out. He gains strength from whatever hate and fear roils in her mind.
With a final surge he yanks free of the void, sending the gods flying. The shard expands to become the cloaked Nehswur. But unlike his previous incarnations he lacks the shield of stars he normally carries.
Looking around he smiles a grin. It is good to be free. Thanks for your help. Turning to stare down at the shaking form of Lilith he does a mock bow. And I especially thank you my lady.
His laugh freezes the blood has it echoes through the meeting. Then he pulls the cloak round him and vanishes.

Arikav and Nehswur

The area around Arikav becomes darker. The foliage grows to wild and vicious forms. Thorns, burs, and poison hang from the branches.
In Arikav's ear a voice whispers. Hello my friend. I see you are beginning to see that restraint and reason will not always get you your goals. I am here to offer my help. I can inspire the world to fear you as they rightfully should. That the wilds are not to be used for the whims of others. I can help you regain control of the world you made. I can help against other gods who encroach on your domains.

2008-05-02, 09:29 PM
Arikav is DvR 11+, and he has the service of 1,000 Hierarchs, DvR 0-3.

((For those weak at math that means he has (assuming an even spread of hierarchs over their possible ranks) about 1511 total divine ranks worth of power. Not all in one being, but in the end it means Arikav is essentialy our overdiety. He is PunPun, with his power proxied out to his hierarchs too look at it another way. Most gods have 1-10 hierarchs, BTW. Lacrimosus had 1. Stormthorn has 0. Id otn think grex or the god of madness (when he was around) had more than one each either.))

Stormthorn stands atop his tower and commands it to grow downward, mirroring below the ground the same hieght as its uppward counterpart.
((It can now hold a million humanoids at max capacity))
Red glows can now be seen in the black-sand area, and no being may use magic within it without risking being "Repressed" by Stormthorn. Lightening storms continualy light up the sky for dozens of miles as the tower becomes the center of a storm of magic, a hurricane of arcane energy that warps power over a large section of the globe.

This is what it feels like to be a god. To secure my domain. This world is dangerous, i can feel it in the air. I must be ready to protect magic from the gods.

2008-05-02, 09:53 PM
In reaction to Stormthorn's tower growth, the bells of the new sanctuary start to ring, countering the storm from affecting the land around it.
(OOC: the bells' ringing damper divine energy, weakening it to provide protection for the beings near it)

2008-05-02, 09:54 PM
Stormthorn's Tower
Hey there, heard there was some one new around.
A ghostly figure of a small kid about 9 years old, with brown hair, black robes, and red eyes stands in the air before Stormthorn.
Bet you are wondering how I am using magic to talk to you, well two things one, I have been using odd, crazy and mad magic for a long, time and two I know alot of magic. So what is your name? And have you seen my new toy, I just made it. A little figure that when you pull this string falls to bits, and when you push on his head, he comes back together.

2008-05-02, 10:11 PM
Stormthorn glares down at the child as his face contorts in a violent paroxysm of rage never before seen upon the face of the young god.

((The new color indicates that his two voices have swapped dominance))
Or perhaps you talking to be because your the one that just weakened my SPELL STORM!

Stormthorn throws his arms our wide as five new pairs erupt from his body. The area around him blazes with a hostile aura and burning cinders being to rain from the sky, first over the tower and then outward over the sand, showing very few signs of stopping any time soon.

The room Stormthorn is in rearanges itself as his body swells to ten times its normal size and the four wings on his back begin to deform and peel apart, revealing a mass of writhing tentivles and fire.


((Did i warn anyone about his schismed personality? I warned Ero at least when i was making plans))

2008-05-02, 10:18 PM
Woo, over react much. Calm down dude. One I am not here, physically, just using a spell. And testing out my idea that it isn't not just power, but how you focus it, to get things done. You know, you look a little like someone I know.:smallconfused:

2008-05-03, 03:26 PM
"Well, it seems like meeting wasn't meant to be. Oh well. Now to find Garrus."

Teleporting to Garrus's current position Ero asks, "How do you find the army? Is it up to par?"

2008-05-03, 04:58 PM
Woo, over react much. Calm down dude. One I am not here, physically, just using a spell. And testing out my idea that it isn't not just power, but how you focus it, to get things done. You know, you look a little like someone I know.

Stormthorn hesitates in his rage for a moment.


2008-05-03, 05:15 PM
"They are now. I suppose their previous leader just wasn't up to the task. Right "General"?" He looks over next to him to look at the former leader of the troops. His body is emeciated with a large, crystal-lined hole in his chest. He opens his mouth and "speaks" with a raspy voice. MurrrrRrr! After a slight chuckle, Garrus begins to speak then suddenly looks at his crystalized arm. This power...so compatible...its perfect. Shek! You're in charge until I return. He shatters himself into dust and flies away. The former general stands there staring at Ero. Mrrr?


A slight aura of white fire begins to swirl around Cerus as his priestess look at him with concern and tries to pull the child hierarch away. "I will not ask you again. Release Vakira!

2008-05-03, 06:10 PM
Nevermind, I just be on my way. Helx starts running from Garrus's troops and Ero.

2008-05-03, 08:10 PM

As the night god goes spinning away Vaera has an almost comical look of birdlike curiosity on his face. How rude, he didn't even introduce himself With that Vaera lifts himself up on his cloak-wings, and follows the wayward night god, flocks of birds flying alongside him, his hawk-eyes ever searching for his quarry.


Vaera's "forgotten" staff once more turns into Avius. He looks around, his raptorian heads straining this way and that. Now, where were we?

2008-05-03, 10:58 PM
"Intresting. Zombie generals. i quite like it. Well then you other generals better pick up the slack or your next."

"YES, SIR!!!!"

2008-05-04, 12:47 AM
Some god named, Lacrimosus. Old God of Void, but he hasn't been see or heard of in years. You look a little like him.

2008-05-04, 12:21 PM
Nehswur, Arikav and Cerus

Nehswur remains hidden to Cerus while speaking into Arikav's ear. Release Vakira? This fool lacks understanding. Is your wisdom in becoming what you are to be doubted? This form is nessecity to protect your world.
Cerus would see it fall simply because he sees you as "evil". He sees you as nothing but a pale reflection or shadow In truth you are more powerful now than you have ever been, willing to take action and initative Vakira would have passed up. And I can me help you in your tasks. Cerus seeks to undermine your domain fit fit his self-righteous view.

Avatar of Night and Garrus

Flying through the night air Garrus sees in front of him a figure appear in the pale light of the great bird. But it is only a tempory construct with no real divine power held within it. A tool used only to speak and observe.
It give Garrus a smirking half smile. Hello Garrus. Let's talk.

Avatar of Night and the Nightmare God

A whisper reaches the mad god's ear. Hello, could I have a word with you privately? In the deep forest there is a piece of metal twisted into a form taken from one of you nightmares. You should be able to find it easily enough. I'll meet you there.

Four-Moon Glory and Vaera

Vaera is suprised by the results of his search. Absolutely nothing. It is more than the night god vanishing. The divine energies he should give off are no where to be sensed. As his search continues though he is approached by another god in the form of an owl winged stag.
What are you looking for? it asks in a far too innocent manner.

2008-05-04, 12:34 PM
You had better have a good reason for barring my path. The mass of crystal dust says as it forms into a large ruby dragon.

2008-05-04, 12:51 PM

Seeing the wings on the stag, Vaera squawks and eyes him with all the predatory skill of his raptorian godhood. It does not concern you, but if you must know I am searching for a rude god who didn't even introduce himself when I and another pulled him from his prison.

2008-05-04, 01:13 PM

"Release Vakira?" Arikav asks, coyly, as a smile slides across his face like a relaxed snake. "I am Vakira. And I am Arikav. I can no more release him than you can release yourself from your own power. And I am needed, now. He allowed his world to die. He allowed this world to fall prey to petty little godlings, newformed from the Aether. He hates them, you know. He hates very little, but he hates them desperately, madly. And I am here to save this world for him. Besides, you are no threat to me, Lord Cerus. I command Hierarchs by the hundred, and they are only a fraction less than you are now."

2008-05-04, 01:20 PM
"Really? And how exactly do you plan to do that?"


The massive dragon speaks in an angry, booming tone"You are trying my patience! Speak now or be destroyed."

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-04, 01:23 PM
The sea god, thought for a moment before creating two hundred sea elves and 10 sea trolls. The sea creature forced them to be peaceful with the fish men and take boats. They'd be a storm on the sea, though banned from visiting the fishmen again, the sea god smiled.

2008-05-04, 02:28 PM

Nehswur feels the rage of Garrus wash over him. But he doesn't shrink from it. He revels in it. It grants him power and influence. He laughs.
You are far too easily provoked, Garrus. But that is not why I am here. I am here to ensure that you contain the power the have consumed. Nehswur makes a casual gesture to the white glassed metal in Garrus' arm. I am here to make sure you can control it to the point where it does not risk escape.


Under the gaze of the bird god, Four-Moon Glory almost bolts. Not from fear but from anticiaption of being chased. But he can sense that Vaera would not pursue him if he ran. I know who you seek. He is in fact under my purview right now. I am the envoy to Mehswif, also known as Nehswur. It is he you are after.

2008-05-04, 03:01 PM
Huh, oh, well. Sorry looks like I have to go. Someone else on other line.
The ghostly figure of Xlyte disapress.
In the Nightmare Realm
So he wants to see me. Well I think I can do that but one thing first.
Xlyte takes off the arnor. Then he takes out from a hidden poket a small green slekal. He focusics on it a it becomes a key. He puts the key into thin air, turns it and opens a door that wasn't there before. Then he graps something within it so fast you can't even see his hands move. He strokes a large Black covered Book. Something is off about it. Something evil, something not right, something that doesn't fully belongs. It has one word on the cover.
Come on, my friend, we are going to go and say hello. Also you guys come along too. Shroud and BoggyMan and three pairs of eyes in the darkness. All together portal to the spot. Shroud looking with almost pure jeasursy at Xlyte holding the book.

2008-05-04, 03:10 PM
Then teach me another time, I am preocupied at the moment. He flies off and through a portal.

2008-05-04, 04:30 PM

Well then, he should have no problem introducing himself. It is only polite Vaera eyes the stag carefully.

2008-05-04, 04:41 PM

The slick, sinister god holds up a small tangled ball of green...stuff. It pulsates and moves a little under his touch, and he rolls it around in his palm playfully as he moves to circle around Cerus.

"The Emerald Plague. As we speak my Hierarchs are distributing this--" he nods to the tangled ball. "This is the Plague's incubating phase. At nightfall, it will activate and spread across the world from the ten locations I've chosen. Anything that contracts the plague will be slowly, painfully turned into a plant. Seems appropriate. I'll overrun these new gods and any followers they've amassed."

2008-05-04, 04:54 PM
Garrus exits his portal into Arcadia. It seems I've kept you busy long enough for help to arrive. Garrus I knew you'd come. As he turns to face his son, Cerus is met with a great crystal claw impaling him. "Lord Cer!"...hrk The young priestess recives a large crystal in her neck, fired from Garrus' wing. She falls to her kness with blood spilling out of her throat and onto the child hierarch she was trying to protect from Arikav.

Cerus is silent. A look of extreme shock shows on his face as he looks at his son. Slowly his power is drained from him. His flesh begins to wrinkle and cling to his bones. After a few moments, it is all gone. All that remains of Cerus, it his blade...and his bones. as well as the now dead priestess slumped against a tree.

2008-05-04, 06:33 PM
Some god named, Lacrimosus. Old God of Void, but he hasn't been see or heard of in years. You look a little like him.

Stormthorn says somehting to himself softly and then takes wing, his tower rearanging itself so that he can fly out its top. Once in the air he flies high in the atmosphere at several times the speed of sound, using his magic to guide him to wherever the bell that dimmed his spell resides.

My wrath will be terrible and swift.

Stormthorn begins to gather balls of destructive power in his many many hands.

2008-05-04, 10:14 PM
The bells ringing focuses, forming a shield around the sanctaury, protecting itself from Stormthorn.

Helx has wandered to Arcadia. Upon seeing the Emerald Plague and Garrus attack on his father, Helx realizes something which he is supposed to do. Stop harm. He rushs over to Cerus's remains, picking up the bones, he asked Garrus, Why did you do that? What reason is good enough to give you the right to kill?

2008-05-04, 10:21 PM
As Helx attempts to pick up Cerus' remains, he feels claws digging into his leg. The priestess lies on the ground in a pool of her own blood, squeezing the god's leg only about as strong as an infant squeezes it's parent's thumb.

The white fire now resonates throughout Garrus, combining with his own so that none is wasted. "This power...It feels amazing!"

2008-05-04, 10:25 PM

As Cerus life force is drained, Garrus gets a strange sensation. The white bit of god stuff in his arm calls to the essence of his father. It redirects the life force into the glass, protecting it from any abuse Garrus would inflict upon it or using it to do harm.
Nehswur's soft voice chuckles in his ear. "Will you now consider my offer of help? Or are you still too busy?"

Edit: Forgot Vaera

Yes I'm afraid his Nehswur aspect can be very frustating. While not all together unreasonable, he does delight in annoying other gods. If you truely wish to have him introduce himself I can arrange it. But I would ask something of you first. Vakira would wish the night god to be complete. Free the aspect of Mehswif and I will introduce you to Nehswur.

2008-05-04, 10:27 PM
"I got what I came for."He responds to the voice. Where shall we meet?

2008-05-04, 10:29 PM
Oh, you poor girl. Kneeling down, Helx passes a hand over the priestess, healing the damage caused by Garrus's attack.

2008-05-04, 10:44 PM

Got what you came for eh? Looks to me like the power has just as quickly left you to the void from which I was pulled. One of those cases of easily obtained, easily lost I suppose.
In any case an avatar still waits in the sky where we spoke.


In the dark glade surrounding the twisted rock Nehswur appears. Once again it is not the true god. Merely a hollow vessel, fit only to speak and observe.
Glad to see you arrived safetly Xlyte. One can never be too careful. Destroying a world garners you many foes.


May I make a suggestion Arikav? It is too simple a fate to merely transform your enemies. You must bend them to your will and have them fight and worship you. Do not destroy the consiousness of your foes. Bend it into an army for nature. Craft the infected into moving plants, shambling mounds, choking vines, or like the fairies and werewolves of our previous world.

2008-05-04, 10:47 PM
"Tch...Fine" Garrus teleports back to the avatar in the sky.

In arcadia, the priestess gathers up the remains of her murdered god and and looks up to Helx with tears running down her face. She speaks in a strange tongue but helx can get the gist of what she's saying.Take me home?

2008-05-04, 11:15 PM
I don't know if it is safe to take you there. There is a sanctaucy that will be safe, but if you want to go home, I will take you there. I will promise you, that I will try to learn how to undo what he has done.

2008-05-05, 12:24 AM
Having kept an eye on Garrus's exploits Ero has an uneasy feeling concerning Nehswur. Teleporting to Garrus's location Ero waits to hear what the avatar has to say. "This should be most intresting."

2008-05-05, 12:27 PM
I don't care, about them that much. It is far to easy to distartic them, to lead them away. Something else to take up their time. And being ready to get back to my home in less then a second helps. So what do you want? I do have plans and ideas to do of my own.

2008-05-05, 02:05 PM

Vaera eyed the owl winged stag warily, caressing the void stone from which the essence of Nehswur had been pulled. I see, and how would you suggest I go about this task? The last time it took both of my halves plus one to accomplish.

2008-05-05, 10:11 PM
The bells ringing focuses, forming a shield around the sanctaury, protecting itself from Stormthorn.

Snake. You think that will save you.

Stormthorn beings to bombard the area around the Sanctuary, reducing it to a burning waste in a matter of seconds.

No one goes in/No one comes out/Until the bells are choked/With the blood of the devout.

((Yes, Stormthorn intends of using the panic caused by the fires to generate riots in the sanctuary while simultaniously killing anyone who attempts to enter.))

2008-05-05, 10:16 PM
An image forms on one of the walls of the sanctuary. The image fades, but then steps off the wall. Floating over to Stormthorn the image speaks I wouldn't do that if I were you.

2008-05-05, 10:19 PM
Feeling a massive amount of energy being expended Ero speeds to the location of the energies release. "What is this? A new god testing out his powers? Or a god who needs to put down before we have a repeat of Xlytes madness?" Ero says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

2008-05-05, 10:23 PM

Avius appeared next to Ero, obviously having heard his remarks. I'd say the latter... whoever this "Xlyte" is. This god tempts the anger of Vakira, who is already sore with us new godlings for dealing harm to "his" world. I fear for my and my other halves continued existence, as well as the well being of our creations. They are innocent in this, and I would not see a nature god driven mad by anguish caused not of us destroy our creations for his own foolish grudges.

2008-05-05, 10:24 PM
Thank you for the advice, but im defending myself from the intrusion of the people below. They need to learn.

2008-05-05, 10:27 PM
"Well little godling keep your power under some kind of check. I and the other elder gods do not want a repeat of a god going mad and destroying a world. There must be some kind of order!"

2008-05-05, 10:29 PM
Hello Ero, I just want my sanctuary to be let alone. Leave now, or if you won't I take my sanctuary for now. In fact, I think I will do that any way. The sanctuary fades off the face of the world.

2008-05-05, 10:33 PM
"Take your sanctuary for i care not. You have no power to order me. I will go where I please. And last i checked i was not speaking to you." With that Ero sends a blast of seawater Helx's way.

2008-05-05, 10:36 PM
Hello Ero, I just want my sanctuary to be let alone. Leave now, or if you won't I take my sanctuary for now. In fact, I think I will do that any way. The sanctuary fades off the face of the world.

((I'm going to assume, out of the goodness of my heart, that to be fair your bells are no longer limiting my realms expansion now that they are not on the same plane of existance))

((Kinda sad you backed out because my next move against the sanctuary would have been a doozy.))

Stormthorn begins to slowly return to his normal size and shape.

2008-05-05, 10:37 PM
"There now see. No more mad god. What happened to spark this off?"

2008-05-05, 10:46 PM
There now see. No more mad god. What happened to spark this off?"

Stormthorn pivots in midair.

Are you addressing me? Whatever that place was, it was dampening my power as i attempted to build my domain.

2008-05-05, 10:47 PM
"Ah, quite good reason actually. I thought you were simply going berserk."

2008-05-06, 01:18 PM

The avatar hangs in the sky looking hurt and abandoned. The feelings are quite obviously fake. “So have you learned the value of patience or do you plan to leave again? I must say I feel very insulted by your sudden disappearance after my offer of help. I have begun to doubt whether it would be worth the effort to teach you some of my methods. Though there might be some things that could persuade me in your favor I suppose.”


“It took three actually but that is not important now. What fun is the hunt for something if you know how to trap it at the start? But I will give you two hints.
One you probably know. Garrus, son of Cerus, has the shard of Mehswif in his possession (using the term lightly of course.)
You also hold a method of granting his freedom in your hand.
Both paths are difficult and dangerous but both can achieve the same end.


“I seek a truce of sorts. The people of this world do not fear the night or the wilds. I seek to correct that. Craft your nightmares to inspire these fears and I will lend reality to them. As such they must not contain too much by way of madness and corruption.
"In exchange I will not bring my glimmerskins here. I will keep them in the old world and the sleeping minds of the new world will be yours to influence."


Cerus finds himself in a void, swirling turbulent darkness surrounding him on all sides. Wild grief and pain spin dangerously about the single spot of calm. It is barely large enough to hold both him and the figure huddled at his feet.

2008-05-06, 01:34 PM
Garrus chuckles at the thing's comment. "Quite the contrary. Should I have stayed and listened at that moment, this new power would have been destroyed. Or at least sent to where I could not retrieve it."

2008-05-06, 05:47 PM
That isn't very hard at all. I could do that in seconds. But I better leave pretty soon or I will get in trouble for messing up another planet.
The very ground the Xlyte is standing on is starting to look black and twisted.

2008-05-06, 09:34 PM
"I sense Xlytes twisted madness!!! Sending a cosmic yell across all planes of creation, "WHERE ARE YOU XLYTE? SHOW YOURSELF SO YOU CAN PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID! Ero begins to scour the planes looking for Xlyte.

2008-05-06, 10:14 PM
Stormthorn notes that this new god is distracted by somehting so he teleports back to his realm and resume the task of expanding his desert of black sand by wiping out the land at its borders.

The Razor Sea
In the desert of black sand a blade appears, sitting point down in the ebony grains. Then another, slowly seeping into existance. Then another, arriving equaly slow. Then another...and another...and another....

2008-05-06, 10:44 PM
Well, looks like it is time to go. Got to fix up a few old things, help out what left of my followers, take a little life from the sleepers of the world, buzy buzy.
Xlyte and about all of his followers disapree back into the Nightmare Realm. Expet one of the eyes in darkness.
Better see what Ero wants. I think he will like to see a new face.

2008-05-06, 10:49 PM
Still searching for Xlyte Ero feels his presence leave. "I knew he was a coward. When I find him I will destroy him!"

2008-05-06, 11:09 PM
The sanctuacy reappears, in a burst of positive energy, restoring the area around it.

2008-05-07, 06:13 PM
Oh, really Lord Ero. Tell me why it is cowardly to leave when one is stronger then the oppent?
A pair of flouting eyes covered in darkness asks.

2008-05-07, 06:32 PM

Well, you seem keen on his return as well, care to help me? Squawked Vaera, as he eyed the chunk in his hand. As he said this, a long, inhuman and un-birdlike tongue came from his beaked mouth, and slithered toward the stone. A moment before he licked it, Vaera thought better of it, and looked to his Night-Condor. Open wide said Vaera, and he chucked the stone in the Night-Condors mouth, who promptly swallowed it. Vaera chuckled and watched what happened to the dark feathered and massive bird.

2008-05-07, 08:13 PM
"I will destroy you for what you did Xlyte. Show your face to me and we'll see whos stronger. I'll wager I am." After saying this Ero hefts his swords meaningfully.

2008-05-07, 10:07 PM
Rrrreally. You would fight all by your self, Xlyte, Shroud and Boggey which have been granted a little divine power now, and all three of the Dark Eyes and the Book Nightmare all at once. Seems to be not that smart.
The Tear
{Well I have to say I am pleased with what the Hobgobblens have done here. They have built a stronger, harder curture. Sperd out around the Tear and build my B.O.B. Too bad it takes forever to get a good charge in it. Don't you say Shroud?}
Well yes. Why did you plan it to take that long sir anyway?
{Because I wanted it too. That is all the reason I need. Oh, I love life force but it doesn't love me,...}
Oh, great he is singing again. I so wish that I could stop my ears, but I don't have ears!:smallannoyed:

2008-05-07, 10:36 PM
"Did you forget Garrus? Did you forget my generals? Did you forget my weapons that can harm even the gods? Yes i have all these things but I would rather face Xlyte one to one. The honorable way, but Xlyte being the cowardly worm that he is would never do such a thing. So begone with your ego stroking. I care not for it. Tell this to Xlyte: Face me alone on honorable terms or do not show your face."

2008-05-08, 05:09 PM
Very Well Ero if a battle of Gods you want then you will get one but not on the mortal world or your Realm or mine. Too many things that would get in the way of the battle don't you say...

2008-05-08, 11:01 PM
"Fine, a neutral place. You versus me. NO lackeys or minions or crazy books. Just god against god."

2008-05-09, 08:59 PM
"Fine, a neutral place. You versus me. NO lackeys or minions or crazy books. Just god against god."

((You have both briefly met Stormthorn and he would be happy to host such a battle if asked.))

2008-05-09, 10:42 PM
Fine how about he ask Storm for a place, I am so glad that I decieded to wear these to today.
As Xlyte says that he looks at his hands, well where is hands would be but you can't see them because his slives are over them.

2008-05-10, 01:18 PM
“And you think you can retrieve it so easily? Mehswif can be very stubborn when it comes to protecting those he has taken as charges. He is still powerful despite his nonexistence. If you go too far it is possible for him to destroy you.
"But his not too subtle and that is one his flaws. Show restraint in your dealings with his power. Hide your motives from his mind. Set aside a portion of your mind behind barriers. Think where he cannot see your thoughts. This will help you much of the time. But it would be better to use his powers as they were meant to be used. Don’t try harming others with them. Heal your troops, grant them rest and protection. Avoid using his power for harm and he will have no reason to harm you.
"Failing that you can wear this.” Nehswur pulls from the air an adamantine bracer. “It will bind Mehswif more securely. It will prevent him from harming you if things get out of hand.”


“You seem to have the right idea. Strengthen the connection. But be careful or your hunt for him might become a hunt for an escape.”
The great bird squawked and flapped wildly as if possessed. Then without warning it swooped down and swallowed Vaera.

Vaera finds himself in a void of nothing. Here and there he senses the remnants of things, emotions, beings, minds. Only with his powerful eyes can he make out anything of substance besides himself. An impossible distance away is a light that holds traces of power from the sun.

2008-05-12, 08:22 PM
"Fine let us ask Stormthorn for a place to finish this."

2008-05-12, 09:02 PM

Vaera, seemingly unconcerned by this turn of events, speeds toward the light, his cloak-wings beating furiously. Arius, the staff, looked around suspiciously, searching for an exit with his piercing eyes. As Vaera reaches the light, he looks deep inside, and attempts to make a connection with the spirit inside.

2008-05-14, 12:46 AM

It's almost like the point of light leads into another void. Looking into the tiny point of light Vaera senses a whirl of distant emotion. The light actually comes from inside the circling feelings but the choas prevents any clear understanding of its source.
Arius can't seem to find an exit in the most basic sense of the word. All around is the feeling of nothing. Almost like everything apart from the bird god has stopped existing, or perhaps that he has. Studying it too closely sickens him. It gives him the feeling of being pulled inside out.

2008-05-14, 06:09 PM

Vaera seeks the emotion that is the cause of the light, his mind probing about the light and the area. Arius joins him, and soon they are scouring the space and the light, searching for the emotion source. When they finally find it, a "smile" cracks Vaeras beak, and he begins to attempt to bring the emotion back to reality.

2008-05-14, 07:03 PM
Sure, I see no reason not too. Race you!
Xlyte tellaports to where Stormthorn is.

2008-05-14, 09:36 PM
Stormthorn smiles to himself as a weaker god attempts to teleport into the tower and falls into a web of spell trapes, being magicaly held and shunted to a room where the floor is inscribed in powerful binding runes.

Stormthorn descends to greet the uninvited guest.
Hello. Who might you be?

2008-05-15, 04:57 PM
Oh, hi.spacingI was wondering?SpacingIf you wouldn't mindspacingIf Ero and mespacingCould duel here.
Said both Xlytes'. One in the runes and one standing outside them.

2008-05-15, 10:10 PM

I wouldnt mind at all. Not at all.

Stormthorn alters the focus of his binding runes. The god within the spell is struck by bolts of divine energy.

2008-05-15, 10:20 PM
Ero sends a message to Stormthorn, "Stormthorn, Xlyte and I require a place to duel to the death. Can you provide us with such a place? It must be cutoff from any outside influence."

2008-05-15, 11:22 PM
Vaera discovers that the emotion is not the actual cuase of the light, rather in emenates from within its vortex. He has a hard time pin pointing it through the storm of sadness and pain but he is finally able to be fairly certain he knows where it is. Pulling it through the storm could be damaging to the light though.

Cerus feels a power shifting through the waves and currents around the small space of calm he shares with the huddled figure. The power settles on his essence, studying it. He feels a slight pull come from it but it hesitates afterwards as if cautious.

2008-05-15, 11:37 PM
The power that pulls only succeeds in tearing off a piece the Cerus' soul, which, through recent events, had been broken in many places.

2008-05-18, 09:51 PM
Stormthorn speaks to all who with to hear.

The zeroth floor of my tower is a single great room with warded walls and floor and ceiling. Go their, and make your battles in that place. Xlyte, leave of of you behind so i can modify my spell trap.

2008-05-19, 08:48 PM
"Thank you Stormthorn." Ero teleports away to his plane quickly to grab his armor, then he teleported to the room Stormthorn designated. Arriving and not finding Xlyte there Ero creates a chair and sits down to wait. Tired of waiting after thirty seconds Ero decides to end it all. Channeling all the power in his godly body, the power of his swords, the power of his worshippers, the power of his generals, Khents power and Garrus's power, Ero launches a bolt of pure divine energy at Xlyte. This bolt is so powerful that there is no avoiding it and no way out. ((OOC: Effectively this is a DVR 15 attack directed exactly at a DVR 9 god. There is no way to weasel out of this. Bye all have fun!! Call me back if theres a new game, with new people. I'd be interested in joining.))

2008-05-22, 07:34 PM
One simple way for Xlyte to still go on. The bolt hits a Xlyte and that one is gone. But there a Xlyte behind Ero. 13 armed claws grap Ero and 4 for his arms, four for his legs, four for his sword and the last one at Ero's neck.

OOC{This will be more then just a simple I win fight. Sorry for not posting so much had finals and an Eagle Court of Horror and other things come up.)

2008-05-23, 06:41 PM
((I vote we overrule xlytes attempt to weasel out. He had two copies of himself and one of them is in a torture chamber that can hold a rank 11 god. The other was hit by a blast that could kill a rank 11 god. I think he's dead. So is Ero.))

2008-05-27, 12:17 PM
(Paradox, domian. Xlyte breaks the laws of phycis and magic a lot. Also how am I dead, if one of me is still alive in the trap room?)