View Full Version : Scar (FMA) vs. V (from and for Vendetta)

2008-04-27, 07:16 PM
Alright, terrorist vs. terrorist. Basically, we have Scar and V fighting to the death

The situation

In the two alternate worlds, V's world and FMA (just go with it) two different miltary regimes have taken over most of Europe. In one the Fascists of V's England have dominated Europe and the US in one world, while the Miltary State under Fuhrer Bradley has taken over a massive amount of its own world . Adam Susan of Britain has made an miltersistic alliance with the other nations ever since the two world became connected via the portal in Sealand. As of such, they dominate two different earths at the same time. that being said, two terrorists are detrimined to destroy these nations.

Scar and V. After fighting through hoards of fascist forces, the two find them selves facing off out side before being able to take on the true fascist leader (the Fuhrer).

And so the two agreed to fight to the death for the chance to destroy their hated rival.

The fight takes place in the place where Sloth died in the anime


Scar from the manga is being used, so he is a very good fighter and martial artist without his harm and more ruthless
Scar has his normal cloaths and his arm

V from the comic is being used
V has five knives, along with normal costume

who ever wins gets to take on King Bradely

Who do you think would win?

2008-04-27, 07:22 PM
When you say 'Scar's arm'.. you mean he's got his deconstruction alchemy thing going? How can you begin to consider that a fight? The only way V can win against that is by assassinating Scar before any combat begins. Otherwise he stabs Scar, then Scar grabs V's mask and explodes his face off. There's a major discrepancy in lethality here.

Rogue 7
2008-04-27, 07:30 PM
Agreed. Also keep in mind that I'm fairly sure that Scar would really want to take out the homunculi himself, so that's probably pretty powerful motivation.

2008-04-27, 07:31 PM
When you say 'Scar's arm'.. you mean he's got his deconstruction alchemy thing going? How can you begin to consider that a fight? The only way V can win against that is by assassinating Scar before any combat begins. Otherwise he stabs Scar, then Scar grabs V's mask and explodes his face off. There's a major discrepancy in lethality here.

Yes i mean the destruction arm

I admit it might be a bit slanted, but V has throwing knives, super althetic skills/strength and can punch through people's bodies with his fingers, so it isn't a total push over. That being said, i think Scar would win

2008-04-27, 07:35 PM
Agreed. Also keep in mind that I'm fairly sure that Scar would really want to take out the homunculi himself, so that's probably pretty powerful motivation.

lets say that if the Fuhrer dies, the English Fascist government falls apart so V has motivation as well

2008-04-27, 07:35 PM
It may not be a total pushover, but it still is a pushover. For better effect give V some guns.

2008-04-27, 07:42 PM
It may not be a total pushover, but it still is a pushover. For better effect give V some guns.

does he use guns? I don't have the comic so i recall rather little

Would movie V do better

Also wouldn't guns defeat scar. I mean he is fast and can avoid bullets to a limited extent, but V is pretty good

2008-04-27, 08:51 PM
Bullets = faster than knives.

If this Scar guy can dodge bullets, V stands no chance.

Don't get me wrong, I love V, but as far as superheroes go, well... I'm pretty sure Green Arrow could take him.

2008-04-27, 08:54 PM
Bullets = faster than knives.

If this Scar guy can dodge bullets, V stands no chance.

Don't get me wrong, I love V, but as far as superheroes go, well... I'm pretty sure Green Arrow could take him.

Scar bullet dodging abilities are questionable. He normally does so when he has the advantage of Distance, smoke screen, angle, cover, or the shoot isn't ready.

2008-04-27, 08:58 PM
Bullets = faster than knives.

If this Scar guy can dodge bullets, V stands no chance.

I think that's more in the moving unpredictably just long enough to get into cover school of 'dodging' bullets. He's not going to go bullet-timing his way through a firing squad. Letting V have firearms would let V win, because it would crucially give V a way to prevent Scar from approaching him.

The problem with restricting it to a melee fight is that Scar can win in one attack, and it really doesn't matter where that attack lands. If you can't match that lethality or negate the trick he uses, fighting Scar hand to hand is suicidal. V has neither; ergo, Scar wins. V can certainly do some damage, but 'some damage' doesn't stop a fanatic like Scar. V needs a deathblow or something massively crippling like amputating one of Scar's legs, and I'm pretty sure Scar is a good enough fighter to avoid having that happen.

2008-04-27, 09:00 PM
I think that's more in the moving unpredictably just long enough to get into cover school of 'dodging' bullets. He's not going to go bullet-timing his way through a firing squad. Letting V have firearms would let V win, because it would crucially give V a way to prevent Scar from approaching him.

The problem with restricting it to a melee fight is that Scar can win in one attack, and it really doesn't matter where that attack lands. If you can't match that lethality or negate the trick he uses, fighting Scar hand to hand is suicidal. V has neither; ergo, Scar wins. V can certainly do some damage, but 'some damage' doesn't stop a fanatic like Scar. V needs a deathblow or something massively crippling like amputating one of Scar's legs, and I'm pretty sure Scar is a good enough fighter to avoid having that happen.

could V simply keep scar from grabbing him (remember Scar needs to grap onto something for a few seconds before it goes boom) while slicing him up?

2008-04-27, 09:20 PM
Eh.. maybe with a proper sword and impeccable footwork. Most knives don't have enough reach to really control somebody who wants to close in; a knife-fighter is trying to use the other guy's desire to not get stabbed to make him keep his distance. Doesn't work on Scar because of the fanatic bit. He won't mind getting cut up a bit on one arm if it means he can get a grip with the other; after all, once he has that grip the cutting is going to stop shortly.

2008-04-27, 09:22 PM
Eh.. maybe with a proper sword and impeccable footwork. Most knives don't have enough reach to really control somebody who wants to close in; a knife-fighter is trying to use the other guy's desire to not get stabbed to make him keep his distance. Doesn't work on Scar because of the fanatic bit. He won't mind getting cut up a bit on one arm if it means he can get a grip with the other; after all, once he has that grip the cutting is going to stop shortly.

Remember Scar wants to live to kill Bradely however.

Doesn't V use a rapier at some point, or was that just in the movies

2008-04-27, 09:28 PM
Remember Scar wants to live to kill Bradely however.

Doesn't V use a rapier at some point, or was that just in the movies
He does, against a suit of armor while watching the count of monte cristo. It's not known if he is actually any good with it.

2008-04-27, 09:29 PM
In the movie he pretends to fight with a suit of armor as Edmond Dantes, I'm 99% certain he didn't do that in the book, I have it here but can't be bothered to check.

He didn't really seem to be very good with the rapier, I think he was just using it since thats was Dantes used in the movie, he was obviously more comfortable with knives. I doubt he would've minded looking silly carrying around a sword if he was any good with it.

I know nothing about this Scar dude, but he's from an anime and therefore certain to win against a character like V, especially if he's from an anime like Fullmetal Alchemist. Its just a higher powerlevel than V's world.

Mr. Scaly
2008-04-27, 10:46 PM
You know...I was going to say Scar hands down at first for a few reasons, including both the 'Touch of Death' and his own very formidable hand to hand skills.

Now that I think of it though V is pretty damn tough at hand to hand too. I've only seen the movie, but as I recall he massacred several large gangs of soldiers and thugs on his lonesome, and Scar's fight with Kimbly shows that he's not invincible at close range.

As for V, I think that he has an edge here. Knives and guns give him a long range edge. Scar may be tough but he's still made of scaleless flesh when you get right down to it.

Of course if he gets in to hand to hand his chances go up quite a bit but even then it's not a sure thing, though he only needs one hit to kill V then.

So to sum up: V has the initial advantage because of his mid-long range weaponry. If Scar gets in close he's got 'Touch of Death' and hand to hand skills to stack the odds in his favour.

2008-04-27, 11:31 PM
When Scar goes full out with his arm he's able to destroy quite a large area. Possibly large enough to even stay out of throwing knife range. Regardless of this, he's certainly not a melee only guy. How would V deal with a situation where scar just decides to blow up the ground in a 30 foot radius all around him?

Like has already been said, the power level difference is too big.

2008-04-28, 09:41 AM
In the movie he pretends to fight with a suit of armor as Edmond Dantes, I'm 99% certain he didn't do that in the book, I have it here but can't be bothered to check.

He didn't really seem to be very good with the rapier, I think he was just using it since thats was Dantes used in the movie, he was obviously more comfortable with knives. I doubt he would've minded looking silly carrying around a sword if he was any good with it.

Ah that makes sense

However in the comic books he punches through people's throats wish his fingers. No push over

does he even use guns?

I know nothing about this Scar dude, but he's from an anime and therefore certain to win against a character like V, especially if he's from an anime like Fullmetal Alchemist. Its just a higher powerlevel than V's world.
FMA, as far as animes go, isn't that high on the power level. They have WWI tech and alchemy. Powerful yes, but this isn't dragon ball Z here


2008-05-01, 10:49 AM
V never uses guns, as a point of personal style.

And as much as I love the theatrical bastard, he's totally out of his league here. V comes from a world where even being a mutated superhuman with assassin skills won't save you if someone points a gun at you cold. Scar, a normal human, basically dances around machine gun fire.

Unless V has time to rig up a trap, or prepare the field in some way, in which case the ground under Scar's feet probably explodes or something. V then goes on to his reward of being horrifically killed by the homunculus Bradley. Or Scar, if he wins, wouldn't fare any better.

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 02:29 PM
Yeah, Fuhrer Bradley could take them both with their hands behind his back.

I don't remember anything about Scar being bulletproof or knife proof actually. people just tend to miss him. Blowing up the room is a viable tactic but if memory serves me correctly he doesn't actually do that right off the bat. He could have blown Ed to bits in that way, but kept on trying to Touch of Death him.

2008-05-01, 02:38 PM
Maybe V has some kind of bomb, drops it, vanishes into the night and lets scar either go boom or go on a wild goose chase.

2008-05-01, 06:27 PM
Yeah, Fuhrer Bradley could take them both with their hands behind his back.

I think taht might be another thread actually, Saito, Scar, and V vs. Bradelyf

I don't remember anything about Scar being bulletproof or knife proof actually. people just tend to miss him. Blowing up the room is a viable tactic but if memory serves me correctly he doesn't actually do that right off the bat. He could have blown Ed to bits in that way, but kept on trying to Touch of Death him.
Scar tends to use rubble to make his enemies to miss

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 07:55 PM
I think taht might be another thread actually, Saito, Scar, and V vs. Bradelyf

Who's Saito?

Scar tends to use rubble to make his enemies to miss

Good call. Would it work on someone so obviously uber-human?

2008-05-01, 07:59 PM
Who's Saito?

From Kenshin, Saito Katamorai, i butchered the spelling

Good call. Would it work on someone so obviously uber-human?
V doesn't use a gun, but it screwed up hawkeye, through admittatlly at close range with her using a rifle.

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 08:41 PM
From Kenshin, Saito Katamorai, i butchered the spelling

He's an anarchist too I take it?

V doesn't use a gun, but it screwed up hawkeye, through admittatlly at close range with her using a rifle.

Hmm...Hawkeye is a good shot though.

2008-05-01, 09:27 PM
He's an anarchist too I take it?

No, total opposite, he follows the law to the letter. LIke Javert but cooler

Hmm...Hawkeye is a good shot though.

True, but is able to drive him back from killing Mustage, but didn't hit him

2008-05-01, 09:40 PM
I think V would win simply because Scar always fights hand to hand. V has super reflexes, strength etc so I don't see why he can't slice/stab Scar's throat as he comes at him or outmaneuver him. Attacking with a bladed weapon, especially a long one, could allow V to "instant kill" Scar just as easily as he can V with his power. If Scar does not have clearly implied/stated superhuman attributes then I wouldn't say he has them so V would could win by being able to outmaneuver him and still land blows. Sure Scar does dodge gunfire or whatever but it's usually for dramatic effect and the speed he may exhibit in certain situations will not always apply in others. V on the other hand is pretty clearly defined as superhuman inherently at all times from what I remember in the movie which I think has a decent depiction of his fighting abilities in the comics from what I've heard. He is allowed to defy realism for dramatic effect but he also naturally is unrealistically powerful at all times because it is clearly part of his character that he is superhuman and can do things even highly trained people cannot such as stabbing his hands through people. From what I've seen of Scar in the anime and manga he never did anything blatantly superhuman that wasn't open to interpretation as being for dramatic reasons other than using his hand power. As an example if he crushed a man's skull like a grape then I'd say yes, he clearly has superstrength but I haven't seen him do something like that.

EDit: Gee wiz I wrote total gibberish before.

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 09:44 PM
No, total opposite, he follows the law to the letter. LIke Javert but cooler

And Javert is...?

True, but is able to drive him back from killing Mustage, but didn't hit him

Hmm. Then he's likely able to dodge thrown knives too.

2008-05-01, 10:11 PM
And Javert is...?

From Les Mirsables. Basically, Saito believes in upholding the concept of law above all else. All those who pervent the system for their own advantage must be elminated. Super fascist, but he woudln't like Bradely

Hmm. Then he's likely able to dodge thrown knives too.

Yes but he was able to avoid the gun fire because he used the ruble to his advantage at clsoe range. Most of the time he avoids it through cover. He is really really fast however

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 10:16 PM
From Les Mirsables. Basically, Saito believes in upholding the concept of law above all else. All those who pervent the system for their own advantage must be elminated. Super fascist, but he woudln't like Bradely

Oh, him! Yeah, I know the gist of Les Miserables but i still have to read it. And no one but me and other oddballs seem to like Bradley.

Yes but he was able to avoid the gun fire because he used the ruble to his advantage at clsoe range. Most of the time he avoids it through cover. He is really really fast however

Hmm...and he's the sort to tear a room apart to give himself some cover. Thus comes the question, who is faster? Scar or V?

And the other question but much less relevant, what are their real names?

2008-05-01, 10:36 PM
Oh, him! Yeah, I know the gist of Les Miserables but i still have to read it. And no one but me and other oddballs seem to like Bradley.

1) The book is better in theory than in pratice.
2) Dude, Bradley is hte best character in the history of Anime. He is simply cool in every way. Except maybe Greed, but even they he is awsome. If i could figure out a way to have both the Emperor and the Furher in my Avater i would

Hmm...and he's the sort to tear a room apart to give himself some cover. Thus comes the question, who is faster? Scar or V?

And the other question but much less relevant, what are their real names?
1) He will only if he thinks his foe has an oppunity to hurt him.
2) I don't know. We should find out.
3) no body knows. For ether one. one of hte reasons why i picked them

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 10:50 PM
1) The book is better in theory than in pratice.
2) Dude, Bradley is hte best character in the history of Anime. He is simply cool in every way. Except maybe Greed, but even they he is awsome. If i could figure out a way to have both the Emperor and the Furher in my Avater i would

1) Probably for the best then...I got the summary from that DS9 episode where Sisko goes nuts hunting for the Maquis leader. :-S
2) Welcome tot he oddball crew then. Hehe. Seriously, I'm a big fan of all the homunculii. FMA had some of the best characters ever.

1) He will only if he thinks his foe has an oppunity to hurt him.
2) I don't know. We should find out.
3) no body knows. For ether one. one of hte reasons why i picked them

1) If they've both gotten through security, armies and alphabet soup organisations I think it's safe to say both will assume thatthe other can hurt him.
2) Speed chess solves everything.
3) Inciteful of you.

2008-05-01, 10:54 PM
1) Probably for the best then...I got the summary from that DS9 episode where Sisko goes nuts hunting for the Maquis leader. :-S
2) Welcome tot he oddball crew then. Hehe. Seriously, I'm a big fan of all the homunculii. FMA had some of the best characters ever.

1) Your better of
2) FMA is an amazing Anime and Manga. The writer is obviously a real thinker, not a hack like so many other animes

1) If they've both gotten through security, armies and alphabet soup organisations I think it's safe to say both will assume thatthe other can hurt him.
2) Speed chess solves everything.
3) Inciteful of you.
1) They don't know that however, each thinks that they allowed the other to life
2) We shall see how is stronger then through speed cheese
3) thanks you i try

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-01, 11:01 PM
1) Your better of
2) FMA is an amazing Anime and Manga. The writer is obviously a real thinker, not a hack like so many other animes

The Never Ending Story syndrome will eat away at anything eventually, but sometimes anime just isn't very good.

1) They don't know that however, each thinks that they allowed the other to life
2) We shall see how is stronger then through speed cheese
3) thanks you i try

1) Hmm, so each thinks the other is just the last obstacle before they reach their goal? How genre savvy are they then? Would they be likely to realise that said last obstacle is stronger than the previous ones?

V: *moves King's pawn up two spaces then hits his button at blinding speed, moving the turn to Scar*

Scar: *deconstructs the pieces, clock, table, and everything within thirty feet*

2008-05-02, 09:40 AM
The Never Ending Story syndrome will eat away at anything eventually, but sometimes anime just isn't very good.

I didn't catch that, explain

1) Hmm, so each thinks the other is just the last obstacle before they reach their goal? How genre savvy are they then? Would they be likely to realise that said last obstacle is stronger than the previous ones?

V: *moves King's pawn up two spaces then hits his button at blinding speed, moving the turn to Scar*

Scar: *deconstructs the pieces, clock, table, and everything within thirty feet*
1) They both aren't very Genre saavy, through V is slightly more so
2) i could see that

2008-05-02, 10:34 AM
scar is fast by (anime)realistic character standards. thats still nuts by every other standard.
If i recall correctly scar can destroy stuff at a distance by snaking the transmutation across a surface. i think that would be enough to keep V off balance. at least enough for scar to close. then its touch of doom or being knocked into unconsciousness. he might not get his favorite brain scramble, but he can blow off body parts instantly when the need arises.

Mr. Scaly
2008-05-02, 11:22 AM
I didn't catch that, explain

Well you know how some series just don't end and go on and on so long that what made them cool and interesting fades away?

Hmm...so Scar can make things explode from a distance, hmm? I remember something of that...so he's got long range attacks too.

2008-05-02, 11:39 AM
Well you know how some series just don't end and go on and on so long that what made them cool and interesting fades away?
Ah ok, like Death Note
The FMA manga needed about five more eps however to explain things

Hmm...so Scar can make things explode from a distance, hmm? I remember something of that...so he's got long range attacks too.

Not quite. He can't touch one thing, and something else explodes. Instead when he touches something, he can destroy all of hte ground between him and his target, so the person can avoid it

Count D20
2008-05-02, 10:24 PM
"So, are you going to kill me?"
V"I already have, thirty minutes ago."
scar meets him in a deserted alley way late at night. this is the night just before he is to assault the palace or whatever. he goes expecting he will have to destroy another abomination of an alchemist, when he gets there he finds...
Tea. a table, two chairs , very nice really. V leads Scar into a long,drewn out conversation which has them both explaining their idealogies. Scar finishes his by getting agravated and asking when the will fight like MEN! and then see above.

V wins hospitality.

2008-05-02, 11:11 PM
What we really should be pairing against V is another Magnificent Bastard.

Preferably another radical/terrorist who wants to subvert a corrupt fascist regime.

Lelouch as Zero seems like a more perfect match. They even tend to favor similar tactics:
- Outright assassination.
- Trapping their foes in elaborate machinations.
- Explosives.
- Doing it all with style.

2008-05-02, 11:14 PM
"So, are you going to kill me?"
V"I already have, thirty minutes ago."
scar meets him in a deserted alley way late at night. this is the night just before he is to assault the palace or whatever. he goes expecting he will have to destroy another abomination of an alchemist, when he gets there he finds...
Tea. a table, two chairs , very nice really. V leads Scar into a long,drewn out conversation which has them both explaining their idealogies. Scar finishes his by getting agravated and asking when the will fight like MEN! and then see above.

V wins hospitality.

Scar tends to simply kill first ask question later

I would call V a knight templar not a Maginifcent bastard


2008-05-03, 07:54 AM
I would call V a knight templar not a Maginifcent bastard


Anyway, V wins, by dint of being so superhumanly smart he planned out the overthrow of a fascist government down to the minor details, including a vast amount of unpredictable elements, and had it all go exactly according to plan, including and after his death.

Scar, by contrast, can blow up stuff. He'll be a dead man walking the moment V learns he exists (and learn he will - anything else is so ridiculous out of character you might as well remove his arms).

2008-05-03, 11:45 AM
And in any case, can Scar really match V's speed? V moved a space of several meters and killed a squad of soldiers before they could reload, and this was when he was full of bullets. And trained soldiers reload really fast. Actually, how fast do they reload? Is it 10, 15 seconds? Less than that?

In any case, V would probably toss a couple of knives through Scar's chest, and whether they hit or not, close in on combat. It would be easy to dance around Scar's blows, unless he possesses extraordinary speed - which I doubt, since what I've seen so far indicates that he actually doesn't dodge bullets, merely makes aiming too hard to reliably hit.

2008-05-03, 02:23 PM
The reload rate greatly depends on the gun so I'd think about that. Unless they had some real big awkward weaponry I don't see why they'd take 10 seconds. I would guess most stuff can be reloaded under 5 at least enough to continue shooting for a moment.

2008-05-03, 02:36 PM
I just watched the final battle clip again. I counted at one scene that there was at least 10 soldiers there, plus Creedy.

So that's, what, at least KPS* rate of 1 at least, 2 at best?

(*Kills per second)

2008-05-03, 04:47 PM

He lacks the chrisma of a bastard, and while V believes in this zealous approach, bastards tend be more aware of how bad they are

Anyway, V wins, by dint of being so superhumanly smart he planned out the overthrow of a fascist government down to the minor details, including a vast amount of unpredictable elements, and had it all go exactly according to plan, including and after his death.

In the comic that came because he had acess to the systems data base super computor.

in the movie, um, he just used basic logic and the power of the plot

Scar, by contrast, can blow up stuff. He'll be a dead man walking the moment V learns he exists (and learn he will - anything else is so ridiculous out of character you might as well remove his arms).
Condition of the fight if you recall

On note to V's Speed, he is very very very fast. To be fair however, he threw the knives to kill those men, and was wearing a bullet proof vest, but even then.

However, this is comic book v

2008-05-03, 05:47 PM
"So, are you going to kill me?"
V"I already have, thirty minutes ago."
scar meets him in a deserted alley way late at night. this is the night just before he is to assault the palace or whatever. he goes expecting he will have to destroy another abomination of an alchemist, when he gets there he finds...
Tea. a table, two chairs , very nice really. V leads Scar into a long,drewn out conversation which has them both explaining their idealogies. Scar finishes his by getting agravated and asking when the will fight like MEN! and then see above.

V wins hospitality.

I have to concur. V is very much a thinking character, able to plot his actions five spaces ahead; he almost certainly would have manipulated the Elric brothers- like scar, wrecking balls rather than thinkers- into fighting scar. Heck, even characters like Dante, Bradley and Mustang would be given a run for their money when it comes to convoluted schemes. IF Scar is overly powerful, V is ridiculously intelligent.

Come to think of it, why is V fighting Scar, when he could be manipulating him?

Oh, and EE, as I have read the book (whew!) and seen both the movie and the stage play; out of the three, the book is the most complex and rewarding, but the play is easily the most enjoyable.

And Saito Hajime would not last a minute against the likes of Scar. But I do love the character so. You know that he is an actual historical figure?

2008-05-03, 05:51 PM
I have to concur. V is very much a thinking character, able to plot his actions five spaces ahead; he almost certainly would have manipulated the Elric brothers- like scar, wrecking balls rather than thinkers- into fighting scar. Heck, even characters like Dante, Bradley and Mustang would be given a run for their money when it comes to convoluted schemes. IF Scar is overly powerful, V is ridiculously intelligent.

I think people overestimate V's intellegence. In this vs. thread it is a one on one fight, but V's super plan in the book took years of planning with inside knowlage. FMA is a pretty realistic setting as they go, and i am somewhat doubtful on what he could pull off

Come to think of it, why is V fighting Scar, when he could be manipulating him?
Because both of them are desperate zealots who need to fight

Oh, and EE, as I have read the book (whew!) and seen both the movie and the stage play; out of the three, the book is the most complex and rewarding, but the play is easily the most enjoyable.

There is a play? Really? Cool, i haven't read the book for a while, but i liked it and the movie. Through i don't really like the character V very much, more so in the movie because he is less fanatical,, but even so....

And Saito Hajime would not last a minute against the likes of Scar. But I do love the character so. You know that he is an actual historical figure?
Yes i did know that, didn't he vanish after the Meji restoration?

I'm thinking, Saito from Kenshin was pretty over powered, i wonder what he would do against Scar? I'd put bets on scar however

2008-05-03, 06:06 PM
Sorry- I meant Les Miserables, rather than V. My bad.

2008-05-03, 06:10 PM
Sorry- I meant Les Miserables, rather than V. My bad.

oh ok then, i would be very confused about a V for Vendetta play, Through it would be intersted

Did you confuse Saito with Javert? Because all of hte people mentioned could kill him sadly

2008-05-03, 06:34 PM
oh ok then, i would be very confused about a V for Vendetta play, Through it would be intersted

Did you confuse Saito with Javert? Because all of hte people mentioned could kill him sadly

While Kenshin was very much a superpower anime, the setting and feel was such that I just do not think the powers compare with that of FMA; most of the fighting tended to be between swordsmen. Against opponents capable of setting the air on fire on a whim (bear in mind that Shishi, the worst opponents that Kenshin ever faced, could not compare to Mustang's feeblest efforts) I think that Saito would be horribly underclassed.

Damn shame. Love the character.

2008-05-03, 06:42 PM
While Kenshin was very much a superpower anime, the setting and feel was such that I just do not think the powers compare with that of FMA; most of the fighting tended to be between swordsmen. Against opponents capable of setting the air on fire on a whim (bear in mind that Shishi, the worst opponents that Kenshin ever faced, could not compare to Mustang's feeblest efforts) I think that Saito would be horribly underclassed.

the thing with Kenshin is that, unlike FMA, it doesn't follow its own rules. So Saito and Shishio would have a chance against Scar or Lin because scar doesn't use guns, but against Mustange, Edward Elric or Envy, they would be in big trouble

Hmmmmm, i think Bradly would defeat Shisho.
Through ether one of them would make a cool OOTS avaters

Damn shame. Love the character.
I think Saito is the badass version of him

2008-05-03, 06:43 PM
Because both of them are desperate zealots who need to fight

I'd hardly call V desperate - he strikes me as a superhumanly patient man.

As for the bolded point - again, why? V has shown that he doesn't feel the need to strike the killing blow for revenge if it gets in the way of more important things - he'd be more likely to avoid Scar altogether, either using him to gauge the foe's power, or just using him.

2008-05-03, 06:46 PM
I'd hardly call V desperate - he strikes me as a superhumanly patient man.

in this situation he is against Furher Bradly and needs to take out this last "Defense"

As for the bolded point - again, why? V has shown that he doesn't feel the need to strike the killing blow for revenge if it gets in the way of more important things - he'd be more likely to avoid Scar altogether, either using him to gauge the foe's power, or just using him.
1) Same reason why LK and Sauron fight.
2) Scar however wouldn't like V's view however, Scar being a relgious terrorist. The point is, they are both fighting to kill Bradely