View Full Version : The Hair Thread

2008-04-27, 10:06 PM
I know I'm the newbie and all, but I have this problem that I need help with - And I'm not the only one, I know.


This isn't purely for my hair troubles, though - I know there are those of you, the shaggy and the bedraggled, the mangy and the dirty, who need help. And there are those of you that have ANSWERS. And then there are some with just awesome hair. And this is where you put that.

Back to mine, though -

This is the first time I've ever grown it out and it's just barely off my shoulders now, and it's there and I LOVE it now, but, what do I DO with it? I know to use shampoo. I even started using conditioner yesterday. But I just don't know what to do - I have no idea how to take care of it. It feels wrong, somehow, just letting it hang there now that I have so much, so long and so brown. (Pics may be forthcoming, somewhere!) I need some expert help.

Midnight Son
2008-04-27, 10:10 PM
When I had my hair that long, I went to a salon once a month for proper trimming, treatment and advice. Yes, it was a bit more expensive, but the ladies really dug it.

2008-04-27, 10:12 PM
Not this.


I let my friend do this at a DnD meeting. I didn't fully understand what she meant by "teasing it" when she started...

Probably not much help, but I just got this pic uploaded, I couldn't resist.

I have hair med-long hair (for a guy) before. Umm, wash it alot? That's pretty much all I did. I heard before that washing your hair with cold instead of hot water results in less split ends and generally better hair, but I didn't really notice any difference. :smallconfused:

2008-04-27, 10:13 PM
For the love of God, keep it brushed out. Knots are the worst things ever in long hair. I made the mistake of not keeping it completely brushed out and ended up with a big tangle so bad I had to have my aunt spend about an hour untangling it. Getting a trim every once in a while is probably a good idea, too.

For easy, every-day maintenance, I just use the black elastic hair ties and pull my hair back into a ponytail. (Unlike a true nerd, I'm not balding on the top of my head yet. :smalltongue: )

I'd post pics of my lovely locks, but I apparently don't have any good pictures of me anywhere on my computer or Photobucket.

For reference, my hair the first time I grew it out got to about mid-back, and now (the second time I've done it) it's about there or a little longer. If you get it cut off, do what I did and donate it to Locks of Love or whatever the program is called.

EDIT: Apparently there is one photo of me and my hair on Facebook, though it is from the end of last summer. I am, of course, the one on the right:


2008-04-27, 10:13 PM
I've been to a salon only once in the past year. It was a really... Harrowing experience. First time I ever had anyone else wash my hair, too, I had to bite my lip to stop from bursting out laughing, and it was a really silent sort of affair (except for the fact that now know FAR more than I wanted to about the lady who sat across from me.)

EDIT: And I've managed to avoid combing or brushing it too often, which is probably a bad thing - As a result it's a generally painful experience when I do do it, with many expletives and whimpering. Also, this is something I've been dying to ask forever but never managed for fear of embarrassment. What the heck is a split end?

Death, your friend the Reaper
2008-04-27, 10:17 PM
I just use shampoo and sometimes conditioner if it is there (I'm a real man and don't bother refilling the bottles of things after I used them, what are women for?:smalltongue: ), although the advice on getting it trimmed etc may be a good one, getting a lot of breakages in m hair, and it hasn't been trimmed for ages.

Would go out and get it done in a second, but girlfriend said she would hunt me down and kill me if I chopped it off without her knowledge.

So: Wash now and then, least once a month :smallwink: and trim it now and then.

2008-04-27, 10:47 PM
I just use that Johnson's Baby stuff. Simple, but smexy smelling.

2008-04-27, 10:58 PM
hello group, my name is Jae and Im a hair addict :smalleek:

haha okay so uhm I want to dye my hair so bad words cannot explain. at the same time I want my natural hair color back but it takes sooo long! dying is so quick!
and my hair is this really light red faded color even though I dyed it brown last time and its pissing me off and I think I am sick of being a red head, finally.

also I want to get it cut but idk howwww i want it cut :smallmad:

2008-04-27, 11:22 PM
hello group, my name is Jae and Im a hair addict :smalleek:

haha okay so uhm I want to dye my hair so bad words cannot explain. at the same time I want my natural hair color back but it takes sooo long! dying is so quick!
and my hair is this really light red faded color even though I dyed it brown last time and its pissing me off and I think I am sick of being a red head, finally.

also I want to get it cut but idk howwww i want it cut :smallmad:

Sick or not, you have damn pretty hair. *ruffles it*

...*rubs his own head a bit sadly*...I want more hair! The only thing mine's good for right now is being fuzzy! v.v

2008-04-27, 11:47 PM
hello group, my name is Jae and Im a hair addict :smalleek:

haha okay so uhm I want to dye my hair so bad words cannot explain. at the same time I want my natural hair color back but it takes sooo long! dying is so quick!
and my hair is this really light red faded color even though I dyed it brown last time and its pissing me off and I think I am sick of being a red head, finally.

also I want to get it cut but idk howwww i want it cut :smallmad:

I can't help with the colour. <---free extra 'u'!
If it's gonna be brown, either layered or side fringe, assuming it's straight? Pretty like that.
But if you keep it red, I think redheads look cool with a short hairstyle - like a bob, or something. It depends what shape your face is...
Actually, screw that, it all depends what shape your face is.

Oh, and with the long hair thing? I kinda find long hair easy cause I've had it for a long time... What I do is wash and condition every week or so, but my hair's low maintenance. Don't blow dry it, you get split ends. It also smells nice while it's drying :smallbiggrin: Oh, split ends? :smallwink: Finally, a question I can answer! It's when a hair splits into two (or more) parts at the bottom. It seems to go a little lighter, and is usually only fixed by trimming the affected hair. Usually caused by dryness.
And - i it's straight, fortheloveofxdon'tletitgetgreasy because it looks totally gross like that. Please.

Teasing hair: Don't let girls start on it if you don't know what it is. One messy detangling session later...

2008-04-28, 01:33 AM
Huzzah! One of these things i can be useful in!

@ Nano: In my year, there were 3 long-hairs. Out of those we had someone who washed and conidtioned his hair every other day (Me) and simply let it grow, cut occasionly, one who had it styled with highlights and stuff, but washed it twice a week, and one who barely washed it but kept it tied back to avoid grease. Out of those, my hair was apparently the nicest, followed by highlighted guy, followed by other guy. Therefore i recommend wash it every other day, and condition twice a week. The ladies love a guy with hair that smells of strawberries or coconut or whatever. Doing stuff wise, there isnt much guys can do. It really boils down to whether you tie it back or leave it. You could probably get layers put in, but you risk looking incredibally feminine if you get it done slightly wrong.

2008-04-28, 01:45 AM
Mine's all frizzy and curly and....and spaz. I can't brush it without it tripling in size, bu i wash and condition it every other day - rarely eery three days, if i've got a lot of work to do.

I sorta want to cut it, too. But i dont know how.

2008-04-28, 02:48 AM
Mine's all frizzy and curly and....and spaz. I can't brush it without it tripling in size, bu i wash and condition it every other day - rarely eery three days, if i've got a lot of work to do.

I sorta want to cut it, too. But i dont know how.

Your hair, tripling in size!? Pics, sir. Oh please, please, pics.

2008-04-28, 06:26 AM
I'm afflicted with long hair too. Annoyingly curly long hair at that. :smalleek:

My advice is to keep it trimmed and straighten it if it starts curling...not a look I would recommend. Also, don't wash it every day, otherwise you could well end up with a massive afro-style mane...nothing wrong with that in itself, except when you're not going for that look! As Onasuma said, every other day is probably best, it gives the long flowing locks time to calm down. :smallsmile:

2008-04-28, 06:41 AM
Long hair: brush it! But more important: use the right brush! Don't try one of those with sharp ends on the teeth, but preferably one with rounded ends, or with animal hair (depending on your hair type, ask a hairdresser near you).
I have curly hair, and yes, when I brush it good, it triples in volume. Can easily be undone by wetting it a bit.
Ow, and do not brush your hair when wet, it only breaks faster!

(am I only one of those rare girls posting here?)

2008-04-28, 06:55 AM
Long hair here.
Brush it once a day.
Wash it. BUT DRIP DRY IT AND DON'T BRUSH IT WET. When I do that my hair goes curly naturally with proper ringlets.
Condition it every other wash. Too much conditioner can make your hair greasy.

More later.
Off to class.

2008-04-28, 07:19 AM
Face shape is important for the haircut. Your hair type is also important. I have wavy thick hair. I have been told repeatedly to never brush my hair. All the salon people say my hair type and brushes do not get along.

I wash and condition it every other day. While conditioning, I run my fingers lightly through my hair to prevent knotting. I also keep it fairly short because the longer it gets, the bigger it gets.

Also, there is nothing wrong with "product". If you are having problems with tangles and breakage (split ends), use something like "No More Tangles" (Johnson & Johnson brand kid shampoo). Or a good tangle free shampoo and conditioner. Every bottle of shampoo will tell you exactly what it plans on doing to your hair. You just have to take time to read the bottle.

We tend to use Herbal Essences or Dove brands because they have good conditioners (and neither one of they has wax in it, which can make your problems worse. Pantene contains wax - just so you know.)

Summary. Buy really good shampoo and conditioner. Wash and condition 3-4 days a week. Remove tangles with your fingers gently in the shower while conditioning. Air dry.

2008-04-28, 07:22 AM
Long, frizzy, curly nightmare hair here.

Brush it once a day, wash it every so often. Pony tail = less tangles, but it goes *poof* for some weird reason. Doesn't go *poof* as much when it's just loose, but that makes my hair even more of a nightmare. So I rarely let it down, despite it looking way better down.

2008-04-28, 07:38 AM
My Hair is long(ish). Down to just below my shoulders.

I wash it every day... (w/ conditioner) but I brush it only twice or once a week :smalleek:. But I drip dry it, and only brush it in the shower.

2008-04-28, 08:58 AM
Yeah, like apparently a lot of others, I have wave/curly hair. The problem is that, when I wash or condition it too much, I end up looking like the chubby lost member of Poison. And I'm not talkin' cowboy-hat wearing "Rock of Love" Bret Michaels Poison - I'm talkin' late-'80s Poison (http://backintheday.blogharbor.com/80s/images/poison_80sbighair.JPG), but curlier.

2008-04-28, 09:49 AM
If the tangles start THAT close to your scalp, Nano, it might be better to cut it all off and start over*. Sometimes the hair just gets too damaged and re-tangles in a slight breeze. Still, pinch the hair you're going to be tugging the comb through, so the force gets stopped by your fingers instead of being transmitted right up to your scalp.

My hair is straight but rippled down the back with the bump it acquired when that particular length rested on my shoulders, and reaches to my waist. The bottom layers of hair are significantly darker than the top layers.

*I have not taken this advice personally, since the split, shredded, kinked, and otherwise abused locks in question are about four inches long. The cost? Picking out a snarl twice daily.

Ego Slayer
2008-04-28, 10:05 AM
You guys brush your hair? Freaks! :smalltongue: Srsly, I have hair down to 'bout the middle of my back and I haven't picked up a brush in years. >.> Whatever brushing I need can be done with my fingers. Brushes make it all poofy and terrible too anyway.

Poor brush-people.

Jae. I vote for natural hair colour. =P

2008-04-28, 10:10 AM
(am I only one of those rare girls posting here?)
And timing has it! TPBY, TPBTPBY and TPBTPBTPBY are all girls(Or women)

2008-04-28, 10:48 AM
I have long hair, and the texture is variously described as 'fine' or 'flyaway'. For me the important things are:
- don't wash it too often (every second day at most, unless the weather or pollution levels are unusually bad).
- the shampoo doesn't matter nearly as much as the conditioner. Experiment to find the one that works best for you (I didn't know about the wax in Pantene, Mountain Faerie, but I often use Timotei, and I've been impressed with the Aussie (http://www.aussiehair.com/products.do#luscious-shampoo) brand)
- avoid blow-drying
- (I have to comb my hair while wet or it'll dry in a mess) if combing while wet, be very very gentle to avoid breakages
- when dry brush about 2-3 times a day with a round-bristled brush
- get a regular trim (once every month or two).

2008-04-28, 02:29 PM
Here's the deal with how much you should wash it. Your scalp is supposed to be greasy. It produces grease. When you wash your hair, the grease is removed. If you wash your hair every day, your head goes into overdrive producing grease. Washing every other day will let your scalp produce the right amount of grease. The oil is good for your hair anyway, even if it starts looking nasty at 36 hours.

Don't fight with your hair too much. It just ends up lookin' fugly if you do. I wanted mine sleek and straight with a part in the middle. Its much too wavy for that so I ended up with hair that curled up and out at the bottom. It was hideous.

If you ponytail it, use a band that doesn't have a piece of metal. The metal will break your hair.

I wouldn't bother with a barber while it grows. It'll make it all take much, much longer. Once it's out to an acceptable length get it cut regularly. Freshly cut hair is always the nicest. I aim to cut mine every 6 to 12 months.

If you're worried about balding don't let it get too long. I try to keep mine around pony tail length and not much longer. Too long and it snarls too easily, and then I end up ripping out follicles when I untangle it.

Finally, I know it looks really badass when it gets crazy long. However you don't want to reach the point where you have to move your hair in order to wipe. Accidents happen. Let's just leave it at that.


Forgot to mention, if your hair is poofy or if you have stray hairs that wanna be as far as from your head as possible, watered down skin moisturizer seems to work the best for keeping them in place. Your mileage may vary though.

2008-04-28, 08:43 PM
I'm envious of you guys who don't have to brush. My hair is currently about two inches below my shoulder (at longest, it was below my butt), and if I don't brush it by Day 2.5 it's got Super Knot. Always right at the nape of my neck. Always. It is not fun.

And I can SOMETIMES go without washing every day. But it varies.

Darn my fine, bone straight, yet evidently thick (which you can't tell) hair!

Oh, and I'm getting my hair professional cut in the next week. Will post pics. :)

Good luck growing out your hair, Nano.


2008-04-28, 09:34 PM
I have longish hair (down to my shoulders. Its straight to my shoulder, then curls. I HATE that curl. All i do with it is wash every day (I'm Italian, I have an immense amount of grease on my head all the time), condition when its there, and i get it trimmed every so often to get rid of any dead ends, and because a trim will get it to grow a bit faster. I'll post a pic of my hair sometime, so you all can see it. I will occasionally put it into a ponytail for when i'm playing soccer or running CC, to keep it outta my face. my usual style is just a part down the middle.

As for brushes, I tend to brush it out with a normal brush with the round plastic ends, then (when it needs it) i use a smoothing brush (the horse hair bristle brushes)

2008-04-28, 10:02 PM
Thanks for all the help, guys. :smallwink: Even though I do so every day, people keep telling me to wash it, so I guess I do it too much. I'll try to let up on that. Annnnd...

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow so you can see what I'm trying to deal with, provided the accursed camera lenses don't break on my face.

The Extinguisher
2008-04-28, 10:31 PM
I have what my friends have dubbed "eternal sex hair".

It's pretty neat, because I never really need to brush it, and it grows just the way I like it. It grows up more than down and in piles, so I don't really want to see what it looks like when it's grown all the way down.

Eee :smalleek:

2008-04-28, 10:59 PM
Now would be a good time as ever to mention I want to sex up David Tennant's hair.

I mean, just look at it.


2008-04-28, 11:15 PM
haha okay so uhm I want to dye my hair so bad words cannot explain. at the same time I want my natural hair color back but it takes sooo long! dying is so quick!
and my hair is this really light red faded color even though I dyed it brown last time and its pissing me off and I think I am sick of being a red head, finally.

Oh, what a shame. Your hair color is really nice. Red hair is beautiful on a girl...Why would you want to change it? Yours looks nice.

2008-04-29, 04:45 AM
I have a longish (about one to two inches below my shoulder_ wavy hair that I must wash every two days with the right conditioner or it'll look rideous. :smalleek:

Washing it more often than once every 2 days also proves to be a bad idea.

2008-04-29, 05:54 AM
I've had my red hair really really short, and really really long...long as in down past my waist and my hair is very thick. I'm in the Air Force so I have to wear it up every day. I've found that wearing a braid is easy and it keeps my hair out of the way. I dislike having my hair in my face. If I want to go out somewhere nice? Then I wear it down, with a barrette holding it back, otherwise I keep it in a braid, keeps it from getting all tangled up.

2008-04-29, 06:14 AM
Nano--if you're washing your hair every day yet still looking 'greasy', then your washing technique is a problem. You're probably just slopping the shampoo on the top of your hair and hoping it soaks through when you lather, when it's not. This is confirmed if your hair looks fine when it's hanging loose, yet greasy when you try to pull it back into that ponytail. Your hands, think of them as garden forks. Shampoo on the fingers, splay the fingers, dive them into the hair from underneath. This will take more time than you're accustomed to taking in the shower. Some people flip their heads in the shower so that their hair is upside down and apply the shampoo that way; I haven't tried it. If that doesn't resolve the problem, then it's fit-of-giggles time as you report to the salon on a more than monthly basis to have your hair washed by someone who can see what they're doing with it.

[For all the folks standing there :smalleek: and wondering why I'm spelling this out--some of us do not "get it", no. Telling us "wash your hair" DOES NOT HELP and in fact makes us think you're the one being dense--after all, you're recommending what's already happening. Specifics! Cherish them!]

2008-04-29, 06:18 AM
By Steve, It's been so long that I forget other people still go to hairdressers.

And now, I present unto thou...
Felixaar's Ultimate Guide To Hair That All The Girls Love!
(Seriously, they talk about it behind my back. It's kinda creepy.)
1. Have naturally great hair due to genes from my grandmother.
2. Profit.
2a. I kid, I kid.

Anyway, I have naturally thick and curly hair due to afformentioned genes, and I havent had a hair cut in three years (count 'em, three). I quit using shampoo about half a year ago after it nearly killed me (true story, next time) so now I just use conditioner. I use it ever single time I have shower, which is usually about five days a week cause I only have 'em when I'm working. Comb it all out, and in about five seconds it springs back into ringlets.

I'll post some pics of my hair on vacation when I get my photos uploaded. At current rate of procrastination, it'll be a while.

2008-04-29, 08:31 AM
Good point on the washing technique, Quincunx. Some people have hair that is so thick, they have to shampoo twice in the shower to actually get their hair clean. Taking the extra time in the shower for your own personal soapy scalp massage should help. And if you don't feel it's clean enough, shampoo again. When you condition, start with the ends and work your way up towards your scalp.

I used to keep a wide toothed comb in the shower to help get the knots out (when I was allowed to use such things). Start combing at the ends of your hair and work your way towards the scalp. If you start combing/brushing from the top, your going to make the knots bigger and harder to get out. When you start at the bottom, you comb out each little knot as you go. It's a lot less painful.

Da King
2008-04-29, 08:55 AM
I had long hair, going down to my shoulders, but I had it cut and I'm still waiting for it to grow back. I can't seem to find the right kind of shampoo/conditioner, I have rather greasy hair and whatever I use I'm never really that happy with it.

2008-04-29, 05:33 PM
As promised...


The only one I could manage that didn't make my face look horribly misshapen, heh. That was before my last 'trim,' it's a few inches shorter now.

Hmmm, I tried to resize it, but that apparently didn't work. Funny.

Ahh, and for 'Aww!' value...


By the way, Quincunx, that's what I normally do - I usually sort of alternate between the head-hanging thing, and the first thing you recommended. I'll try shampooing twice next time, we'll see...

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2008-04-29, 08:21 PM
I have hair like slash, except brown.


2008-04-30, 06:49 AM
When you condition, start with the ends and work your way up towards your scalp.

I used to keep a wide toothed comb in the shower to help get the knots out (when I was allowed to use such things).

Right on with the conditioning techinque. But why, exactly, would you be NOT allowed to use wide toothed combs :smallconfused:

Anyway, I promised (or atleast hinted at the promise of) pics of my crazy holiday hair. So here they are! Curiously enough, these are the only pics I have of myself from this actual holiday.

In Progress (http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6001/img1733mx1.jpg), Lens Flare, Baby (http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2466/img1735fd1.jpg) and Oh Yeah (http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/2806/img1737wa5.jpg).

2008-04-30, 06:59 AM
I dunno. I just avoid cutting until about a week before I have to go do Army stuff. Right now, my last hair cut was sometime near like January? It's now past the collar in the back, just about the tip of my nose in front. Another month or two, and it will be long enough to tuck my sideburns over the ears without worry that they'll flop back in front.

PS. I'd sooner die than go bald without a choice.:smalleek:

2008-04-30, 07:26 AM
Just wanted to give the pointer that my stylist told me when my hair was past my butt---don't shampoo your hair, shampoo your scalp. Your scalp is what gets dirty/greasy. When you rinse your hair in the shower, the shampoo will sluice down your hair and remove any smell that may be lingering (smoke, grease, etc) towards the bottom. Unless you are rolling around in the mud, or pudding, your hair really shouldn't be getting that dirty if you wash semi-regularly.

Also, conditioner--only apply from the nape of your neck and down. (unless you tangle at the scalp) Conditioner settles on your scalp and makes your hair get greasier faster.

Having said that, if you get a huge amount of hair cut (10+ inches) donate it! Locks of Love makes wigs for children/adults that have lost their hair from chemo, disease, etc. I got 16 inches cut off in February and donated it. :smallsmile:

2008-04-30, 08:16 AM
I come with questions! It's easier asking you than trying to connect with the girls at the trinkets'n'accessories shops. Those short curved combs about two or three fingers' width wide--are they of any use to control the hair, or are they purely decorative? Also, on the reminder that I may be lopping some of this off come the autumn, when I can chop below the shoulder line and still have enough to qualify for donation, what can I do to hide my hairline that doesn't involve a fringe or a soft headband?

2008-04-30, 08:51 AM
I haven't shampooed my hair in nearly two years. Before anyone wigs out and says that's gross, let me point you to this picture:


*makes face at the haters*

Yeah. I do three things:

No shampoo. Ever.
Load up on conditioner. I go through about 2 bottles a month. That's 24 a year. That's a lot of conditioner.
No brush. Ever. I detangle with my fingers.

Curly hair is the driest hair type, which is why it's so easily frizzed. It NEEDS MOISTURE.

However, there is a problem. manymanymany conditioners have silicates in them that can only be washed out if you use shampoo - that's why some conditioners make your hair greasy. If you read the back of the conditioner bottle, anything ending in "cone" or "xane" should be blown off the face of the earth with a machine gun. No lie.

So yeah. Find conditioners without -cones or -xanes and you will do well. :smallamused:

*searches 'web*

This is basically what I do. (http://www.naturallycurly.com/curltalk/showthread.php?t=14702)

2008-04-30, 09:34 AM
Because I am this bored, here's me (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4253426&postcount=1104). Tell me what you think, I guess.

2008-04-30, 09:39 AM
I come with questions! It's easier asking you than trying to connect with the girls at the trinkets'n'accessories shops. Those short curved combs about two or three fingers' width wide--are they of any use to control the hair, or are they purely decorative? Also, on the reminder that I may be lopping some of this off come the autumn, when I can chop below the shoulder line and still have enough to qualify for donation, what can I do to hide my hairline that doesn't involve a fringe or a soft headband?

The combs can be used to control your hair. I use them to pull my hair off my face, hold part of it up, or wrangle it all into a bun. Don't go for the fancy ones, those are usually purely decorative. Check out the plain ones, either plastic or metal, for any sort of wrangling you want to do with your hair.

I don't understand what you mean by hide your hairline. Do you mean in the front at your forehead? If you don't want bangs, I would go for layering, either throughout your hair, or just framing your face. But my hair is all one length, parted in the middle all the time, usually in a ponytail/bun.

2008-04-30, 09:40 AM

I am so going to have to try that when I'm on holiday or something. >.> That hair is so gorgeous!

2008-04-30, 09:59 AM
I am so going to have to try that when I'm on holiday or something. >.> That hair is so gorgeous!

:smallbiggrin: Thanks! Go for it!

2008-04-30, 10:26 AM
I am so going to have to try that when I'm on holiday or something. >.> That hair is so gorgeous!

I'll be giving this a go too. Eventually. And yes; that is wonderful hair.

2008-04-30, 01:33 PM
I hate my hair.

Let me just get this out of the way.

My hair is thick (Annoyingly so, to the point where, as some PAM said it can take two shampooings to get it clean.) and wiry, like a jack russel terrier. It is brown, grows very quickly and is rather blah-ish and I find myself in a hair thread so I must ask: What on Earth and the skies above it am I going to do with it?

And to those who are far more fashion-savvy than I (which isn't hard), is the long, shaggy look out of style yet?

Mad Scientist
2008-04-30, 03:53 PM
I used to have hair past my waist. As far as hair care advice goes, my one addition is that to avoid tangles I would braid it every night before bed (if it's long enough). Really cuts down on the need to brush it so you get way less damage.

2008-04-30, 09:51 PM
Yeah. I do three things:

No shampoo. Ever.
Load up on conditioner. I go through about 2 bottles a month. That's 24 a year. That's a lot of conditioner.
No brush. Ever. I detangle with my fingers.

You stole my hairstyle! Except you've been doing it about four times as long as I have. I use a bottle of conditioner a week :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-30, 09:53 PM
As far as hair care advice goes, my one addition is that to avoid tangles I would braid it every night before bed (if it's long enough).

That reminds me - How do you do that? Braid hair, I mean!

2008-04-30, 10:53 PM
*Trog enters and fumigates the thread against lice*

Mah. You people and your hair.:smalltongue:


2008-05-01, 09:06 AM
You stole my hairstyle! Except you've been doing it about four times as long as I have. I use a bottle of conditioner a week :smallbiggrin:

Ah, but I don't rinse it out! :smallbiggrin:

[/wards against criticism]

What? it works! :smallamused:

2008-05-01, 10:14 AM
That reminds me - How do you do that? Braid hair, I mean!

I wondered that for the longest time.

Grab 3 locks(or bunches, whatever) of hair. Wrap each one around a finger a few times, in order to get the strands to sort of stick together(or at least all curl the same direction).

Now, we will call them "threads" A, B, and C. \ and / means the "thread" is on top of the one below it, and denotes direction. Z signifies that the "thread" went under.

\ Z | A goes over B.
B A C A goes under C.
| Z /
B C A Repeat the process with B.
\ Z |
| Z /
C A B Repeat the process with C.

And there you go. It helps to try it with three short ropes(those greenish plastic types, for example), preferrably of different colours, to get acquainted. I also saw a girl's toy that apparently can braid the pony(?)'s hair simply by attaching one end of each "thread" to a different end, then winding the thing like a mini-carousel. Don't really know how that works.

2008-05-01, 11:13 AM
I apologize for finding it funny that people don't know how to braid. :smalltongue: It's something that girls - almost all girls - just learn. Not everyone can French braid, but most people get the criss-cross.

A semi-helpful site (http://www.dreamweaverbraiding.com/braids/basic3.htm)
Slightly more helpful (http://gohairstyles.com/daily-hair/2006/12/23/basic-braid-how-to/)

I just asked my brother:
"Do you know how to braid?"
He said:

:smallbiggrin: THAT MAKES ME LAUGH! :smallamused:
I know how to "French braid", "Dutch braid", and herringbone, as well as a basic. When you're a little girl you practice on your dolls or your mother...and then when you get older you learn to do it on yourself...you just...DO.

*ponders gender differences*


2008-05-01, 11:24 AM
..What's a french braid? Never heard of it before...>.>

I know the normal three string one. <.< Worked out by myself how to do four string ones.

2008-05-01, 11:53 AM
Those who went to the chat may recall me mentioning braiding ropes in an attempt to make a net out of a single string.:smalltongue:

2008-05-01, 12:48 PM
Try a video-sharing site. I can't help but think that braiding is one of things which is better taught by being shown when you can't "just learn"*. As I was in elementary school during the trend of braided lanyards, 'most everyone of my age with proto-geek credentials (band members, I'm looking straight at you) should know how to braid anywhere between 3 to 8 strands. That spinning toy twists hair, which isn't braiding, and I've always wondered what happens to the twist once the TV commercial lets go of the end--does it just double back on itself as my hair does when I twist it manually, defeating the point of the twist? Thank you for the reminder about layering; I want to conceal the wispy parts of my hair, which won't grow out into a fringe but will frizzle and peek through any sort of fringe I tried to grow with hair further back on the scalp from that.

*Some of us forced our Barbie presents down upon younger sisters. Some of our younger sisters painted them with sharpie markers, chopped up their hair punk style, and then made them fight. *sniffle* I've rarely been prouder of her. :smallcool:

2008-05-01, 02:29 PM
How to French braid hair (http://www.ehow.com/video_17115_french-braid-hair.html).
I have to agree with Dragonrider that there is a definite male/female divide about braiding (or 'plaiting' if you're British). I also cannot remember a time when I couldn't do it, and was putting French plaits (braids) in my younger sister's hair by the time I was ten. (Poor sister. :smallwink:)

Nano: your kitty looks just like one of mine.

Atomickitkat: is that national service?

2008-05-01, 04:04 PM
Heck, I, the well known male person, cant remember a time I couldnt do it. There are people out there who cant? Weird.

2008-05-01, 05:57 PM
Oo-oo! I have hair! Do I win something?

I also find funny the abundant number of male playgrounders which are posting here. But then, I'm quite immature.

Also, just FYI, I wash my hair twice a day due to me being a compulsive... Person. I have the same haircut every six months and nerv comb my hair, because I'm that cool.

Zombie pixe
2008-05-02, 10:00 AM
hah! I had hair, I now have Alot less hair, but still more than your "average" :smalltongue:

Hair rocks, I miss mine. :smallfrown:

anyway, what was I supposed to say? :smallconfused:

2008-05-02, 12:28 PM
Dragonrider, I'm really curious as to what brand of conditioner you use that doesn't stay greasy when you leave it in. I have wavy hair, neither straight nor curly, and I've tried leaving it in before but my hair is always gross by the end of the day. Maybe I've just used the wrong conditioner though. I saw your earlier post about what to look for, but without that bottle in front of me I'm not sure if that was the issue or not.....

2008-05-02, 02:39 PM
Dragonrider, I'm really curious as to what brand of conditioner you use that doesn't stay greasy when you leave it in. I have wavy hair, neither straight nor curly, and I've tried leaving it in before but my hair is always gross by the end of the day. Maybe I've just used the wrong conditioner though. I saw your earlier post about what to look for, but without that bottle in front of me I'm not sure if that was the issue or not.....

Well, I don't know where you live so I don't know what's available...but I have used V05 and Suave Naturals conditioner. Right now I'm using V05.

It takes your hair a while to get used to the moisture. I'm not sure exactly why. Different people's hair works differently, as well. However, if you work up to leaving it in over a period of about a week, which is what I did, it ought to minimize the effects.

My hair process took some fiddling with before I got it to the point where it really worked all the time.

1) I take a shower as normal, getting my hair wet and everything but not putting anything in it.

2) I turn the water off. Then I flip my head upside down and squeeze some of the water out with my fingers. Then Idistribute a handful of conditioner through the length.

3) I comb it out with my fingers to get rid of tangles

4) I let it sit in my hair while I dry myself off.

5) squeeze out the water with my hands - not towel dry! The fibers on the towels make the frizz come out

6) get dressed

7) NOW I turn my head rightside up, find my part, and scrunch a little tiny bit of gel in

8) done!!!

2008-05-03, 10:10 PM
I have had long hair for the longest time. I only cut it shorter for baseball season (which is about a third of the year.)

Still, I have some of the longest hair in the class, maybe top 15. I don't think any of my friends can imagine me with short hair.

2008-05-03, 10:57 PM
I remember when I was 4, I didn't know how to braid, and I was pretty much the only girl who didn't know how to. Then I learnt, and all was okay.

Haha! French braiding being tricksy? I guess I never really noticed that gender gap before. As a girl, I just assume that every other girl my age can french plait her hair, or at least someone else's.
I think if any guy I know at the moment knew how to french braid, I would p*ss myself laughing. Does anyone notice that advantage of being a girl? You're not allowed to be mocked if you want to do/learn "guy" stuff, but guys who play jump rope or have tea parties are openly teased. Now I think about it, not so much, so ignore me.

2008-05-03, 11:44 PM
Yes, like others, mine is exceedingly thick and wavy and quite long (just below *chest*), and is rather hard to get right.

If I let it dry naturally without tying it up, BOOF!

If I leave it untied all day, BOOF!

I wash it once a week or if it needs it (I've gone swimming or similar), generally after my hockey games, and brush it every day because otherwise it tangles like nothing else I've ever seen.:smalleek:

I can't plait it now because of a hairdresser framing my face with shorter bits at the front; it looks awesome out, but it keeps falling out of anything I tie it up in, especially a plait :smallfrown: :smallwink:

2008-05-04, 10:08 AM
Atomickitkat: is that national service?

Yes. Contrary to whatever the gender symbol is below my avatar, I am usually male. Except for those times when I'm kicking ass. Then she takes over and does all the dirty fighting.:smalltongue:

2008-05-04, 10:42 AM
Confused at TPAM. But... Singapore? I used to live there :smalltongue: Ang Mo Kio.

2008-05-05, 11:24 AM
Confused at TPAM. But... Singapore? I used to live there :smalltongue: Ang Mo Kio.

I've been living in the West side(Jurong West, that is) since the mid '80s. As for the other part, she's the one who makes weird comments that leave my sexuality questioned, and is not above biting, scratching, and other "dishonourable" tactics in combat.

2008-05-05, 11:55 AM
The last time I've had a real haircut was... almost 4 years ago. From then on, since I had no idea what to do with it, I just let it grow, didn't brush it, didn't use conditioner and it was a tangled curly mass that ran below my shoulders. That I had this crazy idea to cut it a bit for my graduation (2 years ago), and since the lady who did the haircutting (of course) couldn't brush it, she had to use conditioner and at that point I was reborn. I really had no idea how it feels to actually be able to brush my hair with my fingers (not literally... just slide them through, I can't think of better expression right now), and it felt great. And I realised when I saw the pictures that my hair was too long. So know I wash it twice a week, cut it for an inch or two every 3-4 months for a final result of:


Attention: it's a bit tangled from the trip (driving around with an open window does wonders for entangling the hair)...

2008-05-07, 09:19 PM
Well, I don't know where you live so I don't know what's available...but I have used V05 and Suave Naturals conditioner. Right now I'm using V05.

No fooling. I use V05 (and live in Australia, so thats even creepier). And I probably would leave it in if I didnt have to tie it back for work.

2008-05-08, 08:38 AM
No fooling. I use V05 (and live in Australia, so thats even creepier). And I probably would leave it in if I didnt have to tie it back for work.

Good heavens! :smallbiggrin:

I had an overnight with my tennis team this weekend and one of the girls decided to straighten my hair. I, having never done it before in my life, let her. It was CRAZY!

a) I didn't look like me
b) it was like twice as long!

but I was really glad after I wet it and piled conditioner on. Because I don't think I like myself with straight hair. :smalltongue:

2008-05-08, 12:22 PM

*searches 'web*

This is basically what I do. (http://www.naturallycurly.com/curltalk/showthread.php?t=14702)

Lots of great info for people with curly hair. =)

Good for girls and guys alike.

2008-05-08, 01:11 PM
Good heavens! :smallbiggrin:

I had an overnight with my tennis team this weekend and one of the girls decided to straighten my hair. I, having never done it before in my life, let her. It was CRAZY!

a) I didn't look like me
b) it was like twice as long!

but I was really glad after I wet it and piled conditioner on. Because I don't think I like myself with straight hair. :smalltongue:

After seeing your hair before, I would love to see how that looked. Pics?

2008-05-08, 02:00 PM
I remember when I was 4, I didn't know how to braid, and I was pretty much the only girl who didn't know how to. Then I learnt, and all was okay.

Haha! French braiding being tricksy? I guess I never really noticed that gender gap before. As a girl, I just assume that every other girl my age can french plait her hair, or at least someone else's.

*Sobs* I can't do a french plait on any bodies hair *Sobs* Its a proper sore point too...

Nor can I curl my hair I can just about tie it up

*Cries about inability*

2008-05-08, 03:46 PM
Hm, the amount of male playgrounders with long hair is rather astounding. we should definitely NOT make a ‘long haired males ITP’ it would leave a small group of playgrounders feeling al lonely and left out.

Anyhow, I wear my hair long and straight, im happy that’s it naturally black so I don’t have to decide wetter or not to change it to black. My hair has a mind of its own and it seems to be punk, because it wont stay nicely lined up. There are always hairs standing out and up.
Btw, long being that the tip reaches below my shoulder blades. I haven’t had a haircut for some 3 years now and definitely need one, will probably be somewhere this month.

Em Blackleaf
2008-05-08, 04:40 PM
Pshh, I'm used to it. My brothers hardly ever cut their hair. Krimm hasn't cut his hair since he was like, eleven.

Nor can I curl my hair I can just about tie it up

*Cries about inability*
I can't curl my hair either. :smallyuk: Which sucks because I have a curling iron. So, all I can do with is straighten it, let it be lame and boring and wavy, and ponytails and stuff. I just have stubborn hair, while my mom gets to have wavy hair that curls properly that she'll never do anything with. So much potential- wasted. *Is over-dramatic*

2008-05-09, 02:42 AM
Speaking of my hair...


The girl I like said that my hair in this picture was pretty... :smallredface:

2008-05-09, 05:08 AM
Wow Krimm. You look a lot like me. Albeit with slightly more facial hair. Whether the outfit is similar or not is an entirely different matter.
As far as straightening goes, I wouldn't have let em do it (though, with them being girls, I probably couldn't have found the will to fight back much) but I too would be curious to see pics. My mate's gf has attempted to straighten my hair on numerous occasions. Here's a typical conversation.

"Aww, c'mon, let me straighten your hair."
"I'd rather go crossdressing with you than let you straighten my hair."
"I am not going crossdressing with you."

I did let her put it up in spikes though, as previously pic-posted.

and a "Damn long hairs ITP" would be ever so much fun.

2008-05-09, 05:21 AM
I have medium-long hair. Its so curly it won´t fall down... Yet.. Or I´l get a haircut.

Edit : And its NOT a afro...

2008-05-09, 05:26 AM
noooo! dont cut it! let your hair run wild and free!

*hums* gimme a head with hair, long beautiful haaaair...

2008-05-09, 08:58 PM
As far as straightening goes, I wouldn't have let em do it (though, with them being girls, I probably couldn't have found the will to fight back much) but I too would be curious to see pics. My mate's gf has attempted to straighten my hair on numerous occasions. Here's a typical conversation.

"Aww, c'mon, let me straighten your hair."
"I'd rather go crossdressing with you than let you straighten my hair."
"I am not going crossdressing with you."

Ha ha. Well, it's the first thing girls ALWAYS say. They're like

"I love your hair! It's so perfectly curly! ...Have you ever straightened it?"
"Ooh! Will you let me do it? Pleasepleaseplease?"

So this time I was like "what the heck". :smalltongue: Besides, I was kind of curious about what it would look like. I have a couple pictures on my phone but I don't know how to get them to the computer. :smallamused:

I don't really like that. I feel like it compromises my uniqueness. But...now I know. :smallsmile:

2008-05-10, 05:28 AM
Yeah. I can't really picture you with straight hair. I cant really picture you at all, but you know what I mean - you've got a curly hair personality (and its a good thing)

and yes, girls are scary with their fascination about messing up hair :smallconfused:

2008-05-12, 03:42 PM
So, keeping the thread alive, and a question i may as well ask here as anywhere else.
Im going cos-playing mid way into next month, and having tried my costume on i realise my hair is letting me down alot on the ground of size. So I went to buy some hair spray. Trying that it worked relitivly well, but seemed to flop away within an hour (not that i was expecting much, it was 1.50 from asda...). So really, im asking, all you people out there who use hair spray or gel, whats a strong or rather long lasting one that you could recommend

2008-05-13, 01:20 AM
Garnier Fructis Manga Putty managed to keep my hair up in 2ft high spikes for a few hours.

2008-05-13, 01:50 AM
Well I'm gonna buck trend here.

I have short hair. Short thick black wavy hair with lots of body that grows extremely fast to be precise.

I once tried to grow it out to find out what I would look like with long rock star like hair. I got it down to my shoulders (from a number 4 buzz cut) in about 12 weeks. Of course it was only down to my shoulders when I grabbed it and pulled it down to measure it. Otherwsie it ignored all the laws of gravity and made Albert Einstein look like a style king.

I've repressed those memories fortunately.

2008-05-13, 05:21 PM
Alright so I have a hair appt next wed. and I still dont know how I want my hair done..at ALL. As obsessed as I am with hair, ive ran out of original ideas. like..yeah.
and my mommy wont let me dye it anymore because I said how I want my natural color back and yeah. even though I say dumb things like that a lot shes now forcing me into it. whatevskis.

errr..my face. hate this pic but i guess it'll give off my face-shape

and this is my hair now, which (although curly naturally) i usually wear straight. unless im feeling lazy.

adviceadviceadvice suggestionssuggestionssuggestions

2008-05-13, 05:39 PM
So, keeping the thread alive, and a question i may as well ask here as anywhere else.
Im going cos-playing mid way into next month, and having tried my costume on i realise my hair is letting me down alot on the ground of size. So I went to buy some hair spray. Trying that it worked relitivly well, but seemed to flop away within an hour (not that i was expecting much, it was 1.50 from asda...). So really, im asking, all you people out there who use hair spray or gel, whats a strong or rather long lasting one that you could recommend

I don't use the stuff, but I keep on seeing adverts for L'Oreal studio indestructable gel. I imagine it's expensive though.

Anyway, I've gotten into the routine of straightnening my hair every morning now. I'm fed up of getting random waves and sticky out bits!

2008-05-14, 12:45 AM
Alright so I have a hair appt next wed. and I still dont know how I want my hair done..at ALL. As obsessed as I am with hair, ive ran out of original ideas. like..yeah.
and my mommy wont let me dye it anymore because I said how I want my natural color back and yeah. even though I say dumb things like that a lot shes now forcing me into it. whatevskis.

errr..my face. hate this pic but i guess it'll give off my face-shape

and this is my hair now, which (although curly naturally) i usually wear straight. unless im feeling lazy.

adviceadviceadvice suggestionssuggestionssuggestions

Well, although i dont know what looks good with what face shape, ive seen a very, very large quantity of girls i know go from long to a "shaggy" bob. Also, i recommend looking around the internet. Its really helped me when i wanted to change my hair. If not, just look at people in the street and think "oh, she has nice hair. I wonder if i could do that."

Anyway, I've gotten into the routine of straightnening my hair every morning now. I'm fed up of getting random waves and sticky out bits!

Story of my life.

2008-05-14, 06:09 AM
Alright so I have a hair appt next wed. and I still dont know how I want my hair done..at ALL. As obsessed as I am with hair, ive ran out of original ideas. like..yeah.
and my mommy wont let me dye it anymore because I said how I want my natural color back and yeah. even though I say dumb things like that a lot shes now forcing me into it. whatevskis.

errr..my face. hate this pic but i guess it'll give off my face-shape

and this is my hair now, which (although curly naturally) i usually wear straight. unless im feeling lazy.

adviceadviceadvice suggestionssuggestionssuggestions

Wow J, your cute. And to be honest I'd say stick with the hair you have now. But if you have to do something... then I have no idea.

2008-05-15, 08:24 PM
If not, just look at people in the street and think "oh, she has nice hair. I wonder if i could do that."

Oh, man. i have so many of those. thing is, they're always quirky and unique and like...nothing I could pull off at all haha.

Wow J, your cute.
Thank you very much :smallsmile:

2008-05-16, 03:35 PM
Well, if you want something unique looking, lop sided bobs pretty much always look nice, and are pretty easy to pull off. And later on, if you want to change your colour again, they loom greats with areas of different colours.

2008-05-17, 05:55 AM
errr..my face. hate this pic but i guess it'll give off my face-shape

I have absolutely no idea why; it's nice. And those curls are made of win.

Actually, come to think of it, I've a question myself. I've my hair cut kind of thick, but not long. I like wearing it messed around, what with bits sticking out here and there. I'm using some sort of texturising gum at the moment, but it just stops working after a while, at which point my hair flops down and I end up looking like something out of the goddamn Beatles.

Any recommendations?

2008-05-17, 04:18 PM
Generally, gums and waxss wont hold as long as hair spray or gel. So yeah, try one of those.

2008-05-18, 06:48 AM
Well, if you want something unique looking, lop sided bobs pretty much always look nice, and are pretty easy to pull off. And later on, if you want to change your colour again, they loom greats with areas of different colours.

Wow. I understood less than half the words in that sentence.

2008-05-18, 02:02 PM
Other than the one spelling mistake, i have no idea why.

2008-05-20, 01:38 AM
Mainly because I just comb out my hair and let it fall naturally into place, so have no idea on the concept of hairstyles :smallsmile:

2008-05-20, 08:24 AM
I hate my hair.

Let me just get this out of the way.

My hair is thick (Annoyingly so, to the point where, as some PAM said it can take two shampooings to get it clean.) and wiry, like a jack russel terrier. It is brown, grows very quickly and is rather blah-ish and I find myself in a hair thread so I must ask: What on Earth and the skies above it am I going to do with it?

And to those who are far more fashion-savvy than I (which isn't hard), is the long, shaggy look out of style yet?

You could try braids. (In face of cross-atlantic confusion, I'm talking about cornrow things, like afro braids) I had them last summer to tame my hair for work, they're tidy and low maintenance. However they do go... interesting when you take them out after four weeks in there with no washing or shedding!

Also, for hair like that occasional combing is sensible. I decided to brush my hair for the first time in months the other day after finding that it was trying to form itself into dreads. It came as a surprise, I've only been growing it out a year or so and it never did that before...

Though on balance, I'm not sure I'm in a position to give out hair tips, since I currently have a ginger 'fro....:smallbiggrin: