View Full Version : Escaping Purgatory IC

2008-04-27, 11:06 PM

You awoke disoriented in the dark...somewhere. You didn't know where you were, but it certainly wasn't home. You don't know how you got here, you don't even know where here is. You explored your surroundings and found others...some similar to you, others radically different, but all in the same situation, confused, disoriented, taken from their homes.

Somehow you all understood each other, and you were just starting to piece together your individual stories when the Orc slavers attacked. Unprepared many died, and many more were dragged off screaming in chains. You were one of the lucky, or perhaps resourceful ones who managed to get away.

You almost starved, scrounging through the strange caverns, before you were found by a patrol from Limbo, the Free City. They took you in and gave you a home. But you were expected to work...everyone must contribute in Limbo.
So you learned the ways of this strange new world, new skills, new powers, a new life. You learned the rules of this world, the leader of Limbo known as The Shepherd refers to as Purgatory. And you learned of The Presence. NO one knows who or what the Presence is...but something is watching everything that goes on in Purgatory. There are many theories on what the Presence is, and what it wants, but no one knows for sure.

Many people have settled in Limbo, married, even had children. The city competes with the Slavers and the Cannibalistic Maw Tribe for resources and the steady stream of new arrivals to Purgatory. They also fend of attacks from the Deathlords and their undead hordes.

It is a hard life, but some are content.

But you are not. In the year since you came to this place, your eyes have always been on the horizon. You want...no need...to get out of this place. Perhaps it is curiosity that drives you, wondering what the Presence is, maybe it is the memories of what you left behind, or perhaps a darker motivation...but you can't stay in Limbo any longer.

No one who has ever left Limbo has ever been seen or heard from again. But you don't care, you are willing to risk everything. There must be a way out of Purgatory, and you are going to find it, no matter what.

It's been over a year that you have been here in Purgatory, and almost as long that you have made Limbo your home. Nestled in a cavern well protected by a steep ascent along narrow tunnels well guarded from raiders by well armed and trained guards, the streets of Limbo is the closest thing to safe you have found in this strange new world.

The buildings around you, some built from stone, others little more than tents cured from Rothe hides show the markings of dozens of different cultures and races represented here. You walk through the streets with unusual energy and excitement, knowing it will probably be your last time doing so. You have made up your mind: you are leaving here, attempting to make your way back home, even if the attempt could very likely mean your death.

You walk through the cluttered chaos that is the streets of Limbo with purpose, heading towards the building at the heart of Limbo, both geograpically and emotionally: The Shepherds Tower. The name is somewhat of a joke, although it is the tallest building in Limbo, it is only 3 stories high, carved out of a huge stone column that runs from the floor to the ceiling. Some say it was once a stalagmite, but no one remembers for sure. The Shepherd has been here longer than any other living in Limbo. Some say he was the first being brought to Purgatory, but he has never commented on these speculations.

What is sure though is that the Shepherd is old, and powerful. His word is law in Limbo, though he is loath to act so autocratically. Perhaps that is why other love him so much. His hesitance to act directly is certainly not from lack of power. He is known to hold great magically power, and once beat back an invasion of the Deathlord's undead horde almost singlehandedly, though it nearly killed him to do so.

You make your way to the Tower, and then skirt the base of it to the Bowl. Here a deep depression in the rock of the cavern forms a natural amphitheater. This is where public meetings are held in Limbo. Today there are few people gathered. There are no debates, or citizenship ceremonies scheduled. Instead you find a small gathering of people, five other citizens, and the Shepherd.

The Shepherd does not look old. He appears to be a human in his late 30's, though when asked he simply replies that he is unusually "well preserved" He has neatly groomed wavy brown hair, and a well trimmed beard. He wears simple black pants and shirt, with a clerical collar at his neck.

As you enter, you are almost knocked over by an spectacle wearing gnome of middle years dressed in what some of you have come to recognize as victorian garb, complete with suit tails and a top hat. He has several books tucked speeds down to the Shepherd without even acknowledging you.

Excellent Bob, glad you could make it The Shepherd welcomes the gnome.

We will need an official recorder for this. Please make sure it is all written down and added to the archives if you would.

The gnome beams up at Shepherd, grinning foolishly. Ofcourse your holiness. And may I say that I am so honoured to serve!

Theh Shepherd sighs.I have told you before not to call me that. If you insist on a honorific Shepherd will do, or Father if you must. But i am just a being like you, no more holy than any here. And I am pleased that you can serve in this way. We all serve ofcourse, but good scribes can be so hard to come by here with ink in such short supply and so few who were literate here are used to writing with a feather pen.

Then, noticably switching to his "formal voice" the Shepherd turns to you. Well then, this is for the record now. Each of you has talked to me before, but please, at this time of parting we ask that you state clearly for the record your name, where/when you were from before coming to Purgatory, and why you wish to leave now.

2008-04-28, 12:16 AM
A tall, slim human steps forward. His blue eyes glance at one and then another of the assembly. He wears two six-shooters slung low on his thighs, a dark brown hat, a jacket, and a serape.

Hear me, I beg.

Jonah Morrok of Gilead, Mid-World that was; that's how I whish to be known. Jonah's good enough, sure.

I pursued a killer in the badlands north of the ruins of Gilead and stepped through a thinny, I reckon. I wound up here.

You know me, and you've fought alongside me. I'll carry my weight out there.

Jonah nods toward the exit.

I need to get back to the bones of my home so's I can kill him that killed mine.

That's all.

Jonah steps back to his place in the assembly.

2008-04-28, 10:33 PM
The small man steps forward and nods to those around him. Many of you have seen him before in the streets full of fever, zeal and passion collecting from the "faithful" wretches of purgatory. Without the persona of the preacher worn today, the man is unassuming, timid, and forgettable.

"Lenod, sir. I was born within the State of Missouri, US of A. We called our world Earth...seems kind of too general a name now," the man looks to the scribe to ensure the important parts were jotted, "And....and I suppose this place is just starting to get to me."

"It's not that I'm ungrateful for your help and donations to the "lord" it's just that I need more people, a big city, you know.No need to get home mind you...probly better if it's not...just, somewhere."

H Savvy
2008-04-29, 10:14 AM
A small figure steps forward. It is the strange insect-person many of you have seen tending to the ill and wounded around the Free City. It steps forward and brings its hands up before it, right hand clasped over his left fist.

"Sir," it says, bowing deeply. Its voice is quiet, but clear, and surprisingly soft, with only a slight nasal edge. "I am Initiate Shugenja of the Order of the Gentle Rain Sukarab Kato. Many years now it has been since I have seen or heard the fellow members of my Life Bond. I miss my family, sir, and I wish to return to my time, that I might regain the honor of my training, for I am but an Initiate, and there is only so much I can do here."

2008-04-30, 03:07 PM
A figure near the back speaks without stepping forward. "Unit 314. Threefo is nicer. They used "Mentat" for what I could do, before I got away from them. Where/when don't know. I think I was a someone before that. I want to find out what. I can't here. But you were all very nice to me. Thank...you.."
The inflectionless monotone trails off, the speaker clearly having exhausted his social capacity for the moment. He is of medium height and stature, and wears the rough garb common in Purgatory. He has deep gray eyes and brown hair, and is clean-shaven, and might be ruggedly good-looking if he were at all normal. The only thing that stands out, aside from the curious metal belt he wears, is his complete evenness. His features are perfectly symmetrical, his gait when he walks perfectly even, each step identical (though somehow not robotic). Throughout the exchange, he has made only fleeting eye contact with the Shepherd (and none with anyone else), an effect made eerie when he responds so tonelessly while looking completely distracted.

2008-05-04, 10:20 PM
((IFyou haven't posted your character intro yet, please do so, but we are going to move on))

Shepherd nods as each of you shares in turn.

Each of you has brought something to Limbo, and so in leaving we will be diminished. Kato your healing, and ability to sense water and minerals at a distance has been invaluable here and will be sorely missed.

Lenod your own healing gifts will be missed to, even if your other activites are somewhat....unorthodox.

At this he arcs an eyebrow, but says no more about the preachers crusades.

If I had my way, I would keep all of you. The Slavers and the Maw seem to get stronger all the time, and we need the help we can get. But we are all free here, and the charter of Limbo states that if you wish to leave, we must release you. We send you with our blessing, and one weeks rations and water each. To help you on your journey you will also need this:

He pulls out a small blue crystal, that seems to glow softly.

This is a keystone. To leave this level of Purgatory you will need 3 of them. They seem to grow naturally in the caves here. The blue ones grow in a cavern below Limbo. The red ones grow in a cave in Maw territory, and the cavern where the green ones grow is in Slaver territory. If you wish to leave Purgatory, you will have to collect a crystal from those two places. Perhaps you can sneak in, or perhaps you can trade for them. It is up to you. Neither group is known for their friendliness, so recovering them will be perilous. But once you have all three, the real danger begins. The only known way out of these caverns we live in, is through a portal. The portal is currently controlled by the Deathlords. You will have to fight your way through the undead caverns to the portal and use the three crystals to activate it to leave the caverns.

What lies beyond the portal no one knows. None who have gone through it return. Some say it will take you home, but I do not believe it. I think Purgatory is far bigger than many suspect, and that your journey, should you survive will be long.

I also believe it will not be opposed. I sense The Presence watching us, even now. It will not allow escape lightly. Perhaps in your quest you will discover what the Presence is. I know some scoff when I speak of it, and others worship the Presence as a God. But I feel it is real and watching. And I do not believe it wants for any of us to leave this place. Be on guard.

He looks over you, and smiles sadly.

That is all that I can give you, except for my blessing. But before I pronounce it, do you have any further questions?

2008-05-06, 06:32 PM
Lenod shifts uncomfortably at the mention of the Presence. He is still uneasy with a tangible God, or any sort of superior being, actually watching his actions.

"Ahh, no sir," trying not to look the man in the eye. Up until that comment he had thought his "activities" were well vealed. Definitely a good time for departing.

2008-05-06, 09:35 PM
The gunslinger inclines his head slightly.

We know the risks. Ka goes ever as ka must.

I do have one question though, Shepherd. You say we need three crystals. Is that three each, or three for the whole tet?

2008-05-06, 11:28 PM
The ghola hears the Shepherd's words clearly, but having no question to ask, says nothing. This chamber has a pleasing symmetry of mass distribution - uncannily accurate. Having placed himself in the center of mass of the room feels safe, somehow. Looking down, up, and anywhere but straight ahead, he nudges a pebble a foot or two to the side with his shoe in a movement that probably looks as queer and random as the rest of his demeanor to anyone watching. That's better - more balanced now, he sighs to himself, watching for the rest of his group to go so he can follow.

2008-05-08, 10:48 PM
OOC: Sorry 'bout the delay. I was busy with school and...


A tall, tan, slightly lanky young man shifts his weight uncomfortably back and forth. Talking to the undisputed ruler of Purgatory was not exactly a situation he was comfortable in. It wasn't that the fellow was frightening. Quite the contrary, he seemed a nice guy and under different circumstances, he would be happy to meet him. However, Crow was never good with formal occasions, people of authority, or having to explain himself. He was more comfortable in front of a raving audience than a man of great respect.

"Um, hi, my name is Crow... Crow Proofek. I was a musician... a bard. I sang and played and... well, brought music to people. I have some... unresolved business back home. I didn't always live a good life and I must make up for some things I've done..."

Crow listens quietly as the Shepperd explains the situation and what he must do. While the musician tries to keep his composure, a small chuckle bubbles from underneath. The collection of three different objects to open a portal sounded like the plot of a very cliched fantasy movie.

H Savvy
2008-05-10, 12:51 PM
Kato stares at the softly glowing blue crystal intensely, its faceted eyes shining. The dromite takes a small step towards the

"May... may I inspect the keystone... closer?" Its antennae twitch slightly in anticipation.

2008-05-10, 10:22 PM
The Shepherd holds out the crystal for inspection. It is about the size of his thumb, in width and length. It has six long facets, and glows softly from inside. Those sensing for it find a weak magical aura to it.

The shepherd shakes his head
I must warn you, I do not believe the placement of the crystals is random, or the fact that you need all three. It seems to be that the Presence has gone out of its way to keep the balance of power here. When one faction or another gets too strong, new arrivals seem to be weighted towards beings more inclined to a different one. Once, long ago Limbo was in another chamber, and it was overrun by the Deathlords. But when we escaped and began rebuilding here we found the crystals growing in a nearby chamber soon after. So it may be that by collecting the crystals you are doing the Presence's will in some strange way, though fathoming the will of the Presence is beyond my understanding. But I do not like it.

2008-05-11, 09:42 PM

Let's not delay this, then.

If ya will, speak yer blessing, Shepherd.

H Savvy
2008-05-13, 06:31 AM
Kato puts its face mere inches from the crystal, studying it intently. Its faceted eyes glitter and glisten, bathed in the soft blue glow of the crystal. Its subtly moving antennae stand on end and wave excitedly.

"I... I see. The crystal structure it is composed of is perfectly formed. It is a perfect crystal! Fantastic... fantastic..."

2008-05-13, 11:02 PM
((Anyone know where Snark is?))

The Shepherd shakes his head sadly.

Very well, if you be so eager to leave us. You have my blessing. You will be remembered in the book of records. Go in peace.

He raises a hand in a gesture, and then turns to leave.

The gnome scribe scribbles down the last few notes, and then looks up and peers at you all, almost as if noticing you for the first time.

Are you really going to depart? I can't imagine such a thing. I felt so lucky to be a citizen here. Where do you think you will go first? I don't know which is worse, the Slavers, or the Maw Tribe. It's a devil's choice, one will work you to death if the capture you, the other will kill you fast and eat you.

The gnome shudders at the very thought.

2008-05-13, 11:23 PM

The gunslinger glances around the room at his companions, and then back at the Shepherd.

I suggest the Slavers. Mayhap we could get something in the Slaver's land that would help us get past those cannibal savage Maw.

2008-05-14, 09:50 AM
The gnome adjusts his spectacles and flips through a folio of papers he has with him besides the book we was writing in.

Ah here we go. This is a map of Purgatory, as best we can make out so far. They had me scribing these for the war leaders a few months ago.

MAP HERE (http://bp0.blogger.com/_y9bNLN6jfhY/SCr60Kd466I/AAAAAAAAADQ/eVdGc_OBP00/s1600-h/DSCN2765.JPG)

It should give you a feel for where you need to go. I believe it has the crystal deposits marked on it. But if you are serious about venturing into foreign territory you should be prepared. If you are planning on heading into Slaver Territory I would suggest conversing with Edmund Beauregard, who leads the Freedom Raiders at Fort Michael. He would know all the ways in there by stealth or force...and if it is the Maw that you would brave then I suggest that you speak with Gate Warden Grunir at Fort Gabriel. He has been fighting the Maw longer than any I know. As for the Deadlands, which I venture you must brave bye and bye, only two men have walked those lands an returned. One is the Shepherd, and the other is the Hermit, though most say he is mad.

2008-05-14, 01:09 PM
"Fort Michael it is then. Ugg," the man says while glancing over the map, "this place is a lot bigger than I thought. Best get going then, or does anyone need to still grab supplies or say goodbyes?"

2008-05-14, 03:39 PM
I say the sooner the better. I'm ready.

Jonah looks around at the assembled group, then back at the scribe.

Anything else?

2008-05-14, 07:11 PM
((The Shepherd, like Elvis, has left the building))

2008-05-19, 04:48 PM

The blank young man stares as the information filters through his brain. Objectives line up against resources in unconsciously determined patterns, and the usual clear, bright line denoting an obvious solution emerges.
"Most efficient split information gather return" he says, to no one in particular. "Ready faster."

2008-05-19, 09:13 PM

I say Lenod, Threefo and I head out to Fort Michael to ken what we can from Beauregard about the slavers. What we'd know, we'd use.

The gunslinger walks out of the room without looking back.

2008-05-19, 09:53 PM
The preacher follows, he might be a nut with a gun, Lenod thinks to himself, but at least he has a gun.

They walk through the city toward the Fort and Lenod never misses an opportunity for business. He looks to see if there are citizen along the street and hopes to make a bit of a scene and flourish.

(( if there are people along the way Lenod is going to try and give a memorable last performance and collect a few silver along the way))

He walk dramatically a bit behind the gunslinger and Threefo with his collection plate on his hip and his voice clear to the crowds and passers by, "Yes dear Limbo, here we are....the final march. We brave few seek to blaze the way out of this life and seek freedom. May our efforts deliver more into this salvation!

((he is going to try and gather a crowd to his walking oratory performance and offer the collection plate as per a perform check [roll0] and if you will allow if mechanically to effect then he would even cast fleeting fame on himself for a further +2 (not a RAW usage). ))

2008-05-19, 09:57 PM
((I will hold off rolling cash until I see if the others want to help boost the performance and enhance it. Crow especially could likely help turn it into a Great Performance and make the audience more interested in helping us out.))

2008-05-19, 10:12 PM
Jonah pauses once he realizes that the preacher has decided to work the crowd. Jonah's arms are crossed, and he watches with some interest. He does not participate, but neither does he interfere.

2008-05-19, 10:53 PM
As you begin to do your thing a crowd begins to gather pretty quick. Limbo can be a dull, hard place, and so anyone drawing attention publicly can gather a crowd quickly. The crowd that gathers is diverse, humanoids of every size, species, race and apparent age you can imagine, and a few that are not even humanoid. For the most part it is the obvious humans that pay you the most attention, for they tend to have the context to understand your call. There is a handful of your flock, each still wearing remnants of their orignal clothes: several women in simple modest dresses, and men ranging from peasant clothes to somewhat worn and faded suits. There is a neo punk girl with purple hair and a nose ring wearing a cross around her neck, and even a young black woman in a nuns habit. The look to you with eyes of yearning, and an old woman wearing a black dress with corset and bustle and dark shawl.

Your going to find a way out of this hell preacher? Can such a thing truly exist?

2008-05-20, 09:05 AM
Crow Proofek

Crow was... impressed. The preacher certainly knew how to stimulate a crowd. Crow should know. He had seen himself do the same many times...

Inspiration, that's what these people needed. Such a grim place, Limbo, full of people separated from the worlds they once knew. Crow, through his music, had worked to lift the spirits of the people of Limbo, earning money but more importantly redemption.

One last performance for these people would do his heart good.

Should he simply interrupt the preacher, however? No, no. It would be better to accompany his words. Music had the power to supplement words, not only in song but in speech as well.

Something... stirring... something... heroic... yet spiritual... this is a preacher after all.

Crow gets out his guitar and begins strumming it. The music that comes from the guitar does not sound like any mundane one. It sounded harsher, stronger, more powerful. The tune, heroic and daring, was the perfect accompaniment to an inspiring speech. There was magic in the air.

OOC: Activating Crow's bardic music to Inspire Competence in Lenod. +2 bonus to his Perform (Oratory) check.

2008-05-20, 08:23 PM

Cocking an eyebrow, Jonah watches closely at the edge of the assembly. As the musician begins to strum, he finds a high point from which to observe the proceedings more easily.

He mumbles something uninteligible to himself.

2008-05-20, 10:10 PM

314 stares with a bit of confusion at the preacher, nearly falling over as people begin to bustle by him. He withdraws from the (to him) overwhelming hubbub, but pauses as the music strikes his ear. Unconsciously, he straightens, and for a moment looks nearly normal, the sort of fellow a girl might glance over more than once. The moment passes, and as he looks around, he catches sight of Jonah, watching and thankfully detached. After walking up next to him, there is a brief pause, which Threefo does not break. After a moment, he looks down and begins playing with his fingers.

2008-05-20, 11:12 PM

Jonah sees Threefo approach, and he attempts to nod at the boy in order to give some acknowledgment as to the strangeness of the situation. Threefo doesn't respond, but instead plays with his fingers.

Hopping down from his perch, Jonah speaks in a comforting low voice, "Now don't you fret, son. Little to fear and much to learn in a mangle of humanity like that one there. Good way for you to get a sense a what the Hell a human is, true."

If this were a boy from Gilead, he'd have put his hand on the boy's shoulder. But Threefo is anything but, so he didn't.

2008-05-20, 11:43 PM
As the music plays, and begins to pull on the heart strings of the crowd, more begin to gather. Soon there is over score people actively listening, and atleast as many more watching idly for entertainment value.

Another man steps forward, this one with a pronounced brow ridge and square jaw, (modern humans would recognize him as neandrathal) wearing jean overalls and a workshirt.

I know I have sinned Father! And that my time her is a deserved punishment. What must I do to be saved from this place?

2008-05-21, 06:14 PM
"Faith! And in faith support each other and support this blesse'e'ed expedition." the preacher exclaims to the people, adding a classic Missouri drawl. "Is there not always a way ma'am," he says to the old woman, "paid for by the sacrifice of another? This world or the next the faithful all have ONE place to go. This is unmistakable, but for now I speak of the mortal coil. How to revive our peoples and deliver us from suffering while still alive!"

"What we might have done, or what might have brought us here is in-con-se-quential in the face of our faith! 'Cause the time to support a cause is now, the Savior is with us and can you feel his power ma'am?" The preacher whips around to the old woman in black, "Can you feel the divine glory? Give her the glory Lord! Show her the wa'a'a'a'y!"

((He will hold up a hand to the old woman and call down Ray of Hope upon the woman for all to see and her to feel. Hopefully she will bask in it and help sway the crowds support. Old women are good at that...))
((To bolter the show he will throw in Profession(preacher) to gain a few more shillings [roll0] +music bonus +and other situational factors))

2008-05-21, 07:10 PM

"Now don't you fret, son. Little to fear and much to learn in a mangle of humanity like that one there. Good way for you to get a sense a what the Hell a human is, true."

Threefo nods for a minute, still glancing anywhere but actually at something. "True - yes. Lots of..people. Hard to think. Bumping. 'll be quiet on the road." But he does relax slightly, and even shoots quicks looks at Lenod's gathering once or twice.

2008-05-22, 08:54 PM

Jonah's eyes narrow, and his head nods in understanding. He doesn't speak. Instead he looks at Threefo for a moment, reaches his hand out to clap Threefo's shoulder, and then draws it back, tucking his thumb into his gunbelt.

Jonah levels a steady gaze at the preacher and the mini-revival going on in the street.

2008-05-23, 08:18 PM
Crow Proofek

Crow's mouth widens into a very toothy grin. He loves the adoration of a crowd and the opportunity to show off his skill as a performer.

Although it would be rather rude to burst into song in the middle of the preacher's service, Crow finds no fault in performing now for the sake of music rather than to simply enhance Lenod's words.

Rocking his head up and down, he strums his guitar with greater enthusiasm, placing greater skill into his music.

OOC: Making a Perform (String Instrument) check to make a seperate-ish performance.


2008-05-24, 03:36 PM
As the intensity builds a ray of light streams down on the woman. Suddenly she falls over onto the ground and begins twitching and babbling in tongues.

Ai neoad unbirto trafu. Frenng Tertitf Icollo Permethika SHAKA! SHAKKA! IWANAONDANOTTAHYUNDAIE

Others around begin crying and raising their hands praising God (or in a few cases the Goddess) Suddenly money comes pouring forth. There is little enough of it Limbo, but many give what they have. A shower of coins of various metals and sizes, even one that seems to be of crystal and a Single dollar Bill with a picture of King Washington the III on it.

Suddenly a piercing shrill voice screams over the music and the sermon.


You see a gaunt elderly man wearing black robes push his way through the crowd. He is nearly bald, with only thin wisps of grey hair forming the barest circle around the top of his liver spotted head. Around his neck he wears a large iron chain with a stylized open eye hanging from it.


2008-05-24, 09:16 PM

His hands hover over his guns.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2008-05-24, 09:56 PM
Crow Proofek

Party pooper. The people of Limbo had enough misery, enough despair, enough hopelessness without people like this trying to bring about more of it with ramblings about the presence.

Drowning out the son of a gun seemed like a good idea. Crow strums his guitar into a creshendo of sound and screams a great big...


Magic fills the air, and the sounds of drums, bass, and keyboards fill the air accompanying Crow's guitar.

OOC: Casting Ghost Sound to create the sounds of the aforementioned instruments. Since Crow has a CL of Three, the volume is equivalent to the sound of 12 humans.

2008-05-27, 08:03 AM

*fiddle fiddle twitch fiddle look in odd directions*

((Just making sure the DM wasn't waiting for my action to continue.))

H Savvy
2008-05-27, 12:56 PM
Kato approaches the crowd from the back, slowly. Seeing Threefo and the gunslinger standing off to the side it approaches them cautiously, head tilted to the side, antennae waving gently. The dromite is wearing a small traveler's pack on its back and an ornately decorated scrollcase at its hip that it did not have during the meeting with the Shepherd.

"What is it that goes on here? I was elsewhere, preparing. I am ready to go. Are we ready? Whofor do we wait?"

2008-05-28, 12:17 AM
((Actually I was waiting to see how Bene would handle things, since he is the one putting on the show))

The music swells and quickly drowns out the screaming old man. The crowd caught up in the moment begins to boo at the nay saying priest and yell at him to go away. Scowling the man turns on heel and storms away.

Finally a beautiful young woman with long hair white as snow and grey robes with white hand stitched into it steps forward.

I sense your journey will be long and fraught with danger. But you bring hope here. It has been long since any have sought the portal. Please take this. I have been labouring on it for days, and had intended to sell it. But I know that you will benefit from it more than I will.

She hands the priest a small white wand, apparently carved from ivory of some kind.

May the Hand guide you!

2008-05-28, 01:19 AM
Crow Proofek

Crow finishes his performance just as the woman comes up to the preacher. As Crow gives a bow to an adoring audience, his mouth twists into a somber smile. He saw the woman hand the preacher the wand and can just make out her words.

Crow disliked taking such valuable things from people, especially from cute girls like her, but he knew that it was not his choice to make and that the wand might well be needed on the road ahead.

2008-05-28, 12:08 PM
The preacher takes in the lass's beauty in a gulp of air that silences him for a moment. He bows with a nod and accepts the fine object.

"Blessings upon you lass," he man holds the wand across both palms, turning to the crowds, "For our Freedom!" He bellows while holding the wand up.

After a moment of revery with the peoples, Lenod turns to his associates, "Best get going or this crowd will hold us up all day with well wishes...and I don't fancy another meeting with that lunatic."

He places a hand on Crows shoulder as they walk off toward the fort and speaks warmly, "Nicely done man. Have you ever concidered playing in a choir?"

2008-05-28, 08:18 PM

(to Kato)
( Preacher raising funds for the trip. Crow turned it into a true prayer meetin'. Some "Presence" lover wanted to bust it up. Crow stopped him, sure.

Let's go.

Jonah walks quickly and steadily toward the fort.

2008-05-28, 10:25 PM
As the crowd begins to disperse you head out through Limbo's main gates. The heavy iron doors set in the stone are open at the moment, and ahead you can see large tunnel, atleast 50 feet in diameter stretching on ahead. This is the main passage through to the cavern that holds the Outer Gates and Fort Raphael. From there you journey onwards and slightly upwards towards the ruins of Old Limbo.

The cavern of Old Limbo is the largest and open of the cavern within Limbo's territory. As you enter the cavern, having passed through the Outer gates and the check point in the passage way you find yourself standing on the rim of Old Limbo. The cavern is like a giant bowl with the majority of the ruins in the lower section. But even here on the upper rim you the shattered ruins that were once buildings. The architecture here seems to be mostly dwarven, though there are elements of many races and culture. Yet everything here seems to have been more orderly and uniform than the hodgepodge of buildings that make up the New Limbo. Overhead the top of the cavern is lost in thick grey mist, but the cavern is well lit with the same strange diffuse light that illuminates most of the caverns here, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.

To the east you see the only major building still standing strong in Old Limbo: Fort Michael. It is carved out of the stone in the side of the cavern, and the road from where you stand now runs through it, then down into the bowl of the cavern, then back up on the other side.

As start towards the fort, along the road you are suddenly aware of the sound of hooves coming up behind you. You turn and see four figures robed in red riding black horses coming up fast.

2008-05-30, 11:58 PM
OOC: I assume that they aren't visibly armed?

Crow Proofek

Seeing the rapidly approaching horsemen, Crow reaches towards his belt for his dagger, but decides against it.

Instead, he pulls out his guitar and prepares to perform in the event of an attack to magically bolster his allies.

Move Action: Draw guitar
Readied Standard Action: Start Inspire Courage if the horsemen attack.

2008-05-31, 10:11 AM
"Four horsemen eh?" Lenod fidgets with his collar, "Not the most promising of signs. Please be friendly"

2008-05-31, 12:21 PM
You stare at the four for a moment, trying to figure out what is going on. As the ride closer you register two important facts almost simulatenously. The first is that the old man preaching about the Presence is in the lead. The second is that two of them have bows and are about to shoot!

Please Roll for Initiative!

2008-05-31, 12:51 PM
initiative [roll0]

2008-05-31, 04:28 PM


In the first free action he has (I don't know if he can speak now, or must wait until his initiative comes up:
Threefo immediately begins speaking in a swift, but clear monotone, almost like a recording. Ranged attacks to the back, stronger beings to the front. Spread out little so not all bunched up for easy shot. Flank and attack both sides if can. His movements are suddenly more fluid, unconsciously angling for the best position in the group.

2008-06-01, 10:56 PM
[roll0] Jonah draws his guns as he moves for cover (if any is available).

H Savvy
2008-06-01, 11:20 PM
Kato's antennae twitch. Things coming. Twitch. Animals. Horses. Twitch twitch. Peoples. More well-wishers? Must be going. Enough time spent in Limbo.

Soon after he catches the indication of incoming people, hoof-beats fill the air.

Coming fast. Riding hard. Odd. The little dromite turns to see who it was that was approaching. Noticing their grim expressions and weapons, Kato's body tensed, antennae waving wildly. Not well-wishers! Not good! Danger! Action! Danger! Protect colony!

Initiative: [roll0]

On Kato's turn it'll try to move into the center of the group, within roughly equal distance to everybody, in case anyone needs healing, and then will cast Bless on the group.

2008-06-01, 11:33 PM
((You rolled a 20 on initiative Savvy, so you get the bless off and then get another full action at the start of the next initiative round

I will have the battle map up tomorrow during the day sometime. ))

2008-06-04, 09:44 AM
Okay the Battle Map is HERE (http://bp2.blogger.com/_y9bNLN6jfhY/SEarjN3KqiI/AAAAAAAAAD8/oen-Qwl6mU4/s1600-h/DSCN2780.JPG)

The blue lines are the road, the Green line is the ridge of the cliff that drops steeply about 30 feet. (You are on the rim of the bowl of the cavern)

I didn't have a lot of minis of mounted characters so I had to break out some warhammer stuff. The knight with the sword on a chain and shield is actually the old man. The knight beside him has a bow. The one with a hawk is actually in robes and carries no visible weapon. The one with a lance actually has a bow.

Your characters are:

Crow:E29 (bard with lute)
Savvy:F29 (gnome illusionist)
Lenod:E30 (war weaver with shield and wand)
Threfo:F30 (Sage with staff)
Gunslinger:E31(Elven Archer)

2008-06-04, 02:17 PM

Jonah heads for the tree as he draws his guns (double move).

They mean us harm. I'll get the archers.

2008-06-04, 06:41 PM
The preacher reaches for his belt at the sight of the bows. "Oh please, oh God, please don't let the nut-case kill me." He whispers a bit moreso to himself than any deity and throws a Smokestick about 10' in front of the group. (E-F 27-28 ish).

((The 10' cube smoke should grant concealment to all on the road and hopefully distract them from seeing Jonah getting is position.))

2008-06-05, 01:07 AM
Crow Proofek


Crow draws his guitar and begins to sing quite confidently. He was quite sure his companions were going to "kick some ass" and he was going to give them an "awesome" theme song to do it to.

OOC: Inspiring Courage, +1 to Attack rolls, Damage rolls, and saves vs. fear and charm effects.

2008-06-05, 07:12 AM
Threefo, (init = 9)

Threefo immediately begins speaking in a swift, but clear monotone, almost like a recording. Ranged attacks to the back, stronger beings to the front. Spread out little so not all bunched up for easy shot. Flank and attack both sides if can. His movements are suddenly more fluid, unconsciously angling for the best position in the group.

Moving one square to the side, away from the group. My initiative is too far away to decide right now what else to do - will update post at lunchtime.

Update - If on my turn they're still charging and get within 30 feet, I'll throw a Psionic Grease right in front of the first two horses. If they're not still charging and within 30 feet, I'll manifest an Energy Stun in their midst.

If neither of the above is the case, I'll...do something else.

2008-06-05, 08:02 PM
Here is initiative order:


((H Savvy, we are still waiting on your second action. Bless was your surprise round action))

H Savvy
2008-06-05, 10:02 PM
((ohmy, I hadn't realized I was to take it immediately :P))

Training its gaze on the rider with the bow, Kato levels its crossbow and lets fly.

Move action: ready crossbow
Standard Action: Fire!

2008-06-05, 10:47 PM
The bolt flies true, slamming into the archer's shoulder. We weaves in his saddle for a moment, but clings to the pommel.

((Go ahead and roll damage at the same time as hit, its saves a lot of time

Lenod's go Bene))

H Savvy
2008-06-06, 06:34 AM
((Hahaha, I usually do, but this was right before I went to sleep and I was not thinking! Silly me!))

Damage: [roll0]

2008-06-07, 10:59 AM
((sorry, slightly confused with the surprise round and where we are...has Lenod already thrown the smokestick or would he be doing that now?))

2008-06-07, 08:47 PM
((he would be doing that now. Sorry I missed that you had already posted. Only Kato got the surprise round))

The billowing cloud of smoke goes up blocking the path, and line of sight between the two parties.

You hear the clatter of hooves at the horses stop and their riders dismount.

Do not think you can hide from the Presence! It is everywhere! Judgement will find you!

((Threefo's turn. I assume he shouts his orders, what else does he do?))

2008-06-08, 05:09 PM
((sorry...it's my turn already?))

In addition to the advice given earlier, Threefo will ready an Energy Stun (cold) to hit them if and when they emerge from the smoke. It does 1d6+1 cold damage in a 5-ft radius (he'll try to hit as many as possible), and forces a Fort save vs. 1 round stun, DC 17. Readied action will trigger on: more than one of them emerges from the smoke close enough to each other that he can hit both of them.

2008-06-08, 11:16 PM

The gunslinger draws back the hammers of both weapons and levels them.

He whispers to himself.
I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.

When his turn comes, and if he can see them clearly, Jonah fires both his guns at the first enemy/enemies he sees. If two enemies come into his line of vision simultaneously, he will shoot two enemies. If only one enters his field of vision, he will shoot both weapons at the single enemy.

Jonah's within 30 feet, so he's at +6/+6 to attack, and +1/+1 damage (point blank shot).

1st attack [roll0] 2nd attack [roll1]

1st damage [roll2] 2nd damage [roll3]

2008-06-09, 10:19 AM
((Jonah please make a hide check))

Crow begins to sing, and you all feel your courage soar as the music washes over you. Suddenly the raving religious lunatic seems a little less scary.

((Back to the top. Kato's turn))

H Savvy
2008-06-09, 07:37 PM
Enemies, yes. Group ready, yes yes. Smoke, yes. Fire, no. Hold fire until smoke clears, yes yes.

The small dromite readies his crossbow, aiming at the large patch of smoke, faceted eyes glittering, scanning for any sign of its enemies.

Delaying attack action until any of the riders are visible.

PS everyone remember that they have been Blessed (+1 on attack rolls and saves v. Fear)

2008-06-09, 08:10 PM
Jonah attempts to hide behind the tree in order to make the ambush more effective.


Please make his two attacks for this round an 18 and a 15, respectively, for the "blessed" condition. Thanks, Kato!

And here is Jonah's re-constructed character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=58398). I have a backup now, just in case.

2008-06-12, 02:04 PM
The smoke clears revealing the four assailants dismounted and moving slowly forward. (They are 10ft closer now)

((Delayed and readied actions go off. Jonah one of your shots hit, the other missed. Who are you firing at. There is the cleric, two men with bows and a woman who appears unarmed, but whom you are guessing is a magic user of some sort))

As the some clears Threefo sends a blast of cold from his finger tips which erupts around the red robed figures.


Shaking and frost covered the group are all standing, but the unarmed woman looks stunned and is staring straight ahead.

2008-06-12, 09:58 PM
The preacher breaks through the departing smoke and scatters to the southern flank. Not too close to that cliff now, dark visions follow the though of his mangled body tumbling down the side, Focus Fool! He chastises himself as he moves into position.

A rapier gets drawn but stops some 5' from the closest of the horsemen. The polished darkwood of his shield faces the quartet and over its rim he yells to them, "Tolerate this Bigots!"

From the polished face of the wood a glint of otherworldly light reflects of its surface. When the beam crosses the inset coin at its center the light flares. Searing light explodes across the four riders.

{{ Moved up, avoiding gunslingers line of fire, and drew rapier as part of the move. Once he gets close he unleashes the Blinding flash of the shield.

20' spread to catch them all and their horses. Reflect DC14 or be blinded for [roll0] rounds.}}

2008-06-13, 06:47 AM

The elan ghola moves silently toward the northern flank, mirroring the preacher's move. His rapid glances and ever-moving gaze have more purpose now, as he swiftly scopes out the field. Information pours through his mind, crystallizing into the mathematically correct solution. He raises a hand and makes a single swipe, as if wiping clean a tabletop, and the ground goes slick under their attackers. Not for the first time, he wonders vaguely how his intensely trained mind turned his knowledge of battle and tactics into such manipulative ability, but as always, he dismisses it to focus on the battle at hand.

((Casting Psionic Grease (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/greasePsionic.htm) on the ground under them, affecting as many as possible. 10-foot square, Reflex DC 15, lasts 3 rounds, among other things.))

2008-06-16, 01:53 AM
Crow Proofek

Crow rocks his head back and forth as he blasts his heroic melody.

(OOC: To the tune of Queen's "We Will Rock You")

Are tryin' to take us try to break us
Then come it bring on come on make our day
Let me make one thing clear:
We feel no fear
You guys gonna regret coming o'er here


Turn back now I warn you
Before you're torn in two!

H Savvy
2008-06-17, 07:36 PM
Kato's antennae wave to the beat of Crow's rockin' song. Mm... yummy vibration. Tingles in good way. Strong-making, brave-making.

2008-06-19, 10:00 AM
Jonah's bullet takes one of the archers in the chest and he falls to the ground dying. Threefo's grease then creates a slick puddle around the remaining archer and the cleric. The archer immediately looses his grip and falls, while the cleric desperately grabs the neck of his horse to remain upright.

(your turn kato)

H Savvy
2008-06-19, 10:32 PM
Kato considers its next shot as it reloads its crossbow.

Bad men on horses. Worse than bad men on feets. Horse-man is leader, too. Horse-man is source of anger. Angry at Universe. Angry at The Way of things. Ttt ttt. Horse-man is a bad man.

Having made its choice, the dromite lets fly at the cleric.

Move action: reload
Standard Action: Fire crossbow at cleric.
Damage if hits:

H Savvy
2008-06-19, 10:36 PM
I was a brainless git and forgot the whole "preview breaks the forum roller" thing. Which, really, is pretty dumb. Since it's a random generator anyway, you'd think randomly re-rolling them wouldn't be difficult... Anyway:

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-06-19, 11:03 PM
I do not shoot with my hand;
He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.

Jonah takes careful aim and fires both guns at the cleric clinging to his horse.

1st attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2nd attack [roll2] damage [roll3]

I included the boost from the rockin' song this time. :smallsmile:

2008-06-24, 09:54 AM
Lenod sees his opportunity and fires his hand crossbow at the man clinging to his horse. He can barely stand...so he cannot dodge this!

((Two things, one, sorry if I was the problem, I often find trying to keep to initiative difficult and end up loosing track. Feel free to give me a PM kick if ever needed.

Second, the other reason I waited was to see if the men looked blind or not from my previous action, couldn't tell if it was left out due to character perception or if it was forgotten.

The small bolt streaks to the fumbling man's exposed torso.

((to hit [roll0] ((if blind -2 to AC plus no DexAC, no DexAC unless 5 ranks in balance)) for [roll1] piercing damage + [roll2] sneak attack. Crit confirm on 19/x [roll3] ))

2008-06-24, 10:34 AM
The cleric howls as a a bullet and a crossbow bolt slam into him. Cursing loudly he pulls himself up onto his horse, and turns it to flee. Although the ground is slick and slippery the sure footed horse, picks its way through, and then begins to flee away from the group.

The wizard shakes her head, clearing away the stun effect and begins to cast a spell. Suddenly the area is filled with thick fog.

2008-06-24, 10:43 AM

Actually, I think we're waiting for Breten to come back and post what they do on their turn, but here's Threefo's action for whenever it's needed.

Leader threatened earlier useful for information kill if necessary. Threefo opens his mouth and utters mechanically but loudly, Leader surrender or will die! He waits, then.

((Readied action to Mind Thrust the leader if he takes any aggressive action, such as spellcasting or charging and attacking with a weapon. Mind Thrust does [roll0] damage if he fails a DC 16 Will save.))

Weee good damage rolls.

2008-06-27, 09:49 AM
((no idea where initiative is now...man I suck at keeping track))

Lenod circles north around the fog with rapier readied trying to catch anyone exiting the fog. "Lets try to catch them against the cliff!" he calls to the others while moving.

if he gets within 5' of enemies by turns end or their move = readied attack [roll0] piercing [roll1] crit 18+/x2 conf[roll2].

If they are moving by him then in case of AoO: [roll3] piercing [roll4] crit 18+/x2 conf[roll5].

Note: if he actually finds an enemy and the to hit roll is bad, using a luck reroll but only if he actually catches someone and the roll is bad.

2008-06-27, 06:41 PM
HEY EVERYONE! Sorry but I will be gone for the next month running a summer camp out in the hicks, and then on vacation in California. Regular posting will resume July 28th


2008-07-31, 01:33 PM
((I'm back! Regular posting will resume. Thank you for your patience))

You rush forward to try and capture them before they can escape. The thick fog makes it hard to see though. After a second you are able to make out the outline of a figure stumbling back down the road. Threefo's mindblast knocks the wizard out, and the fog begins to dissapate without the wizards will to guide it. But the cleric who led the attack is already well out of bowshot range and riding fast back up the ledge and out of site.

2008-08-06, 03:25 AM
Crow Proofek

Crow ends his song as the priest rides into the distance. He watches him flee with a sour look on his face.

Damn. We should have bought some horses when we left Limbo.

Crow pauses, as his brain makes a connection.

Ha! Limbo! Like that game with the stick and the bending and the line.

He looks around at his companions.

What? I just never realized that before. Its funny to me.

2008-08-06, 08:14 AM

There being little tactical nuance left in the situation, Threefo drops his arms to his sides, his former animation dissipating into his usual lassitude.

2008-08-06, 07:47 PM
Your foes vanquished you have the choice of continuing on to fort ahead, or taking time to question the unconscious wizard.

H Savvy
2008-08-06, 09:30 PM
Kato's antennae twitch slightly as he stares at Crow, head slightly cocked to one side. "Game? Maybe you can teach this game of line and bent stick sometime?"

2008-08-12, 09:43 PM
Jonah considers sending two more precious bullets after the cleric, but decides to send a curse after the fleeing figure instead, shouting into the surrounding darkness:

Come back and you'll taste more o' my lead, you leperous chit-dog!
He spits on the road and stares after his attacker, then Jonah reaches into his pack and pulls out a length of rope. He ties the wizard with several strong knots and slaps his face to bring him around, pouring a little of his water into the wizard's nose and mouth, if necessary.

2008-08-13, 10:29 PM

The preacher coughs lightly at the clinging smoke in his windpipe. He sheaths his rapier and finds a small handkerchiefs to wipe his brow as he finds the others, "Well I'll be," as he walks up to Jonah, "Seems we have a new associate."

He leaves the hard questions to the hardened gunslinger, but readies himself behind the wizard to strike with his sap, should they try any verbal spells.

2008-08-15, 08:07 PM
Crow Proofek

Crow has a mental image of the insectoid dromite trying to "see how low he could go"

"HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Yeah, sure, bug-eyes."

2008-08-16, 11:04 AM

The ghola trudges toward the knot around the wizard uncertainly, void of purpose now that the immediate conflict is over.

2008-08-23, 01:54 PM
Jonah leans over the sputtering mage and slaps her cheeks with a gloved hand to bring her to full consciousness. His voice is ice.

Why'd you and yer cowardly band follow, spell-slinger? Did you all harbor a death wish?

Jonah draws his heavy .45 and places the tip of the barrel between her eyes.

Answer me, or I'll put lead through yer skull, he whispers, pulling back the hammer until the chamber clicks into place.

2008-08-26, 02:05 PM
The wizard coughs as a little of the water runs down the wrong pipe. She sits up and weezing violently then looks around aware of her surroundings.

I have no death wise. I am trying to protect lives. The Presence is aware of you. It does not like it when some try to escape. It's wrath will be great. It will destroy limbo, many will die because of your selfishness. We though we could stop you. But we failed. You will not escape, and surely you will die anyways, but why should be die for your folly?

You wish to kill me? Go ahead. We are all dead anyways if you choose this course. What matters if I go now?

She sits there glaring at you with burning hatred.

H Savvy
2008-08-27, 10:44 AM
Kato speaks up suddenly, its antennae waving agitatedly. "Nono. No more killings. Enough death already. You should not listen to that bad-lady, gun-man. She is bad in the brain. She listened to the bad-man about The Presence. But if she goes back to city, you let her go?"

The little dromite turns to the wizard, antennae drooping. "Listen, wizard-lady. You want to do help for others? You want to protect lives? Go. Go back to city, protect lives there. We are outside city. We are gone.

You think this little colony already dead. Fine. Good. We all already dead. Good. You not need worry about this little colony again. We already dead. Now you go back to city, or gun-man will make you be already dead, too."

2008-08-27, 09:16 PM
The wizard stumbles warily to her feet, looking at the rest of the party, wondering if they are going to follow the bug things lead on this.

Thats it?She asks suspiciously. You going to just let me go if I return to Limbo?

2008-08-27, 09:36 PM
Yer fools, I say. To think you could whip us and save the world. Save yer skins? Hah. We'll all die. Ka wills it, it be done. Yer "Presence" be damned.

Jonah releases the hammer and holsters his gun, smooth as glass.

I'd not waste a bullet on ya, whelp. Begone.

A quick jerk, and the rope falls to the ground.

Jonah stares her hard in the face and waits for her to go.

2008-09-02, 07:48 PM
Hey everyone. I am really sorry to do this, because I really was excited about this story, but I have to face facts: I can't do this anymore. I work insane hours, flitting all over the country, and when I am home I run a youth group and try to spend time with my wife. I run one real life D&D campaign, and in all of that the energy to keep up with this has run out. I post sporatically, and it isn't enough to keep energy going. I would rather just be upfront than let this peeter out. You have all been awesome, and if life changes I would love to do something in the future...but I have to be honest. I am deeply sorry, I did not want to be yet another campaign that died....but here we are. Thanks for the fun times.

2008-09-03, 12:38 PM
damn. The nice part is that I was inspired by this campaign to do something a bit different with my own P&P campaign. It was a cool idea, Breten. Good luck to you, and good luck to you all.

H Savvy
2008-09-04, 12:17 AM
Awww... fudgicles.:(

2008-09-05, 12:05 AM
C'est la vie. Best of luck with everything!

2008-09-05, 12:28 AM
:smallfrown:, just :smallfrown: