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2008-04-28, 08:21 PM

My friend Devigod and I were working on this, but he seems to have forgotten it, so here I am with the stats I remember...

Hidden Blade
Exotic Light
1d4 piercing
350 gp

The Hidden Blade is a Masterwork Dagger attached to a bracer. With a swift action , the wielder may pull a trigger-ring on his or her pinky, releasing the blade. It can be stowed with a similar movement, as a free action. Due to the Hidden Blade's unique bracer design, it cannot be disarmed. Donning or removing the hidden blade is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. While retracted, others must make a DC: 10 (15?) spot check, or a spot check opposed by the wearer's Sleight of Hand check, in order to notice the weapon. Failure of this check results in an enemy losing his or her
Dexterity bonus to AC the first time they are hit with the Hidden Blade.

What do you guys think? As with my other homebrew weapons, I'm not sure about the price.

Any other ideas to mimic our newest favorite monster of a game?

Edit: Updated critical multiplier, price, added hiding mechanic.

2008-04-28, 08:31 PM
Nothing really wrong with it, although personally I would just have the bracer itself be a seperate piece of equipment that requires no special proficiency and allows you to draw the dagger as you have described.

Have it be 'loadable' with any normal dagger.

You would lose the x3 crit, but not have to waste a feat to have the 'cool' effect of the bracer-dagger thing.

2008-04-28, 08:47 PM
Would giving it a sneak attack bonus be too much?, it kinda goes with the assassin thing.

2008-04-28, 09:32 PM
@ Kizara: That's an interesting idea, I remember seeing something like that a while ago..I think it was an acronym of some sort (Gnomish Spring-Loaded Quick-Draw Device, or GSLQDD, I think).

@ LordRod-As in, a bonus to damage as per the barbed dagger? Anything more, I think, would up the cost too much. I'd like to keep it affordable at low levels.

Thanks for such fast replies!

2008-04-28, 10:15 PM
Also, I would have it cost a bit more to represent the masterwork craftmanship necessary to make something like that.

First, have it be a masterwork dagger to go with it. So thats +300 there.

Then I'd make it 1.5x to represent the added benefit and exotic masterwork construction of the bracer itself, so about 450 total.

Finally, since it essentially gives you Quick Draw for this purpose (this isn't really overpowered, being able to QD a melee dagger isn't exactly broken) consider how its going to interact with things like Flick-of-the-Wrist.

I'd say having a piece of equipment that qualifies you for a pretty nice feat, grants you the effective benefit of another feat, and also conviently conceals your weapon is a bit much.

However, it depends on your power level and other PCs. If you got a druid in the party that has a clue what he's doing, don't worry about the rogue with his fancy wrist-dagger.

2008-04-29, 09:58 AM
@ Kizara: That's an interesting idea, I remember seeing something like that a while ago..I think it was an acronym of some sort (Gnomish Spring-Loaded Quick-Draw Device, or GSLQDD, I think).

@ LordRod-As in, a bonus to damage as per the barbed dagger? Anything more, I think, would up the cost too much. I'd like to keep it affordable at low levels.

Thanks for such fast replies!

I was thinking more like a bonus to hit, since its thiner than a dagger it should be easier to put through the small open spaces of an armor. Or perhaps a bonus to initiative.

2008-04-29, 04:36 PM
I was thinking more like a bonus to hit, since its thiner than a dagger it should be easier to put through the small open spaces of an armor. Or perhaps a bonus to initiative.

A bonus to hit is covered by making it masterwork. The masterwork aspect can be described as being thiner than normal, sharper etc.

I think a bonus to initiative is inappropriate.

2008-04-29, 07:17 PM
Hm.. Even if it's just a mundane weapon?

And thank you guys for being so responsive and polite--I posted this on the Wizards forums, and all I got were dissenters and a half-troll.. I'm glad Giantitp is still a big happy family, and Wizards is still that family's grumpy, stiff parents.

Re: Masterwork-daggering
-I think this makes sense, and it does basically allow flick of the wrist, but only once/round, and only if your enemy doesn't see it (DC: 10-15 spot check maybe?)

Editing OP now.

2008-04-29, 07:39 PM
Hm.. Even if it's just a mundane weapon?

And thank you guys for being so responsive and polite--I posted this on the Wizards forums, and all I got were dissenters and a half-troll.. I'm glad Giantitp is still a big happy family, and Wizards is still that family's grumpy, stiff parents.

Re: Masterwork-daggering
-I think this makes sense, and it does basically allow flick of the wrist, but only once/round, and only if your enemy doesn't see it (DC: 10-15 spot check maybe?)

Editing OP now.

No, allow them to use the weapon in CONJUCTION with the flick-of-the-wrist feat, don't have it do it automatically. It's already granting them Quick Draw automatically and qualifying them for FotW.

As for the Spot check DC/mechanic, there are rules for concealing weapons; look them up, and then have this bracer grant a +2 masterwork bonus (as per a masterwork tool) to said check.

Also, I maintain it should cost 100 gold more (to 450).

Option 2: Make it exotic again, and base it off the kukri (1d4, 18-20/x2) to give it 18-20/x3, and the ability to function as if the wearer has Quick Draw and FotW in regards to the dagger. Also, a bonus (+2) to checks to conceal the weapon. This is fairly decent, but not overpowered for an exotic weapon.

2008-04-29, 08:20 PM
No, allow them to use the weapon in CONJUCTION with the flick-of-the-wrist feat

Oops, my bad. It's not enough sleep and I'm running on late.

As for the Spot check DC/mechanic, there are rules for concealing weapons; look them up.
Again, my bad. I'm usually pretty competent about rules. :annoyed:

Also, I maintain it should cost 100 gold more (to 450).

Option 2: Make it exotic again, and base it off the kukri (1d4, 18-20/x2) to give it 18-20/x3, and the ability to function as if the wearer has Quick Draw and FotW in regards to the dagger. Also, a bonus (+2) to checks to conceal the weapon. This is fairly decent, but not overpowered for an exotic weapon.

Well, here's where I was really hoping for help--I don't know if the hidden blade should be exotic or not! Do you think it's unusual and complex enough in design to warrant a feat? Or is it's operation (pull pinkey, punch) simple enough that it could be martial?

All based on our spider-climbing assassin, of course.

2008-04-29, 08:52 PM
Well, here's where I was really hoping for help--I don't know if the hidden blade should be exotic or not! Do you think it's unusual and complex enough in design to warrant a feat? Or is it's operation (pull pinkey, punch) simple enough that it could be martial?

All based on our spider-climbing assassin, of course.

I suppose I shall summerize my thoughts, as I have already outlined this.

Thematically and conceptually, the bracer could be treated as an exotic weapon or as a piece of masterwork equipment.

Option 1: Exotic Bracer.

Make it exotic, and base it off the kukri (1d4, 18-20/x2) to give it 18-20/x3, and the ability to function as if the wearer has Quick Draw and FotW in regards to the dagger. Also, a bonus (+2) to checks to conceal the weapon. This is fairly decent, but not overpowered for an exotic weapon.

Option 2: Masterwork bracer.

First, have it be a masterwork dagger to go with it. So thats +300 there.

Then I'd make it 1.5x to represent the added benefit and exotic masterwork construction of the bracer itself, so about 450 total.

Finally, since it essentially gives you Quick Draw for this purpose (this isn't really overpowered, being able to QD a melee dagger isn't exactly broken) consider how its going to interact with things like Flick-of-the-Wrist.

Summerization: As an exotic weapon, it allows you to functionally use both Quick Draw and Flick of the Wrist. It has a 18-20/x3 crit, and a +2 masterwork bonus to concealing the weapon. Finally, it has a +1 masterwork bonus to attack.

As a masterwork item, it allows you to functionally use Quick Draw and qualifies you to take Flick of the Wrist and works in conjunction with that. It has a 19-20/x2 crit (although you could base this off the kukri and make it 18-20/x2), and a +2 masterwork bonus to concealing the weapon. Finally, it has a +1 masterwork bonus to attack.

I suggest option 2. Both should cost 450 gold.

2008-04-30, 10:33 AM
Thanks for the summary, I appreciate it, although I for one was clear on the suggestions. :wink:

I guess what I was asking was:
What do you all think as to the question of martial versus exotic?