View Full Version : Procrastination: Help!

2008-04-29, 07:54 PM
I procrastinate a lot. It annoys me. Normally, it'd just be annoying.

But it is the time of year for the AP tests. Also, history paper. Also, some classes picking up in their normal work due to approaching the end of the year.


It isn't that I go and play instead of doing work, it's that I sit down to do work then don't work. I go on the internet, do little things. I don't even get real play done during my procrastination, and it has started to become a problem.

Any advice for dealing with this?

2008-04-29, 08:00 PM
No advice at the moment, but...

*repeats everything Icewalker just said in a slightly louder tone of voice*

2008-04-29, 08:02 PM
Eh, I'll give you advice tomorrow...

Kidding. Anyway, I don't know how to help you. I suffer from this problem as well. I think the idea is to set aside specific times for work and lazyness. |ou know 2:00-2:45 Be lazy. 2:45-4:30 work. That might help?

2008-04-29, 08:07 PM
Nope, I kind of do that but the 'work' time is left as 'do nothing except not work' time. I don't get anything real done, even good play...because I know I can't start playing something big because it'd take too much time and I'm supposed to be working.

Jack Squat
2008-04-29, 08:07 PM
Unless you need Internet, turn it off.

Reward yourself for dong some work.

Don't sleep the night before whatever it is is due.

Mix and Match to your liking (I like all three topped with some hot fudge, caramel, and webcomics)

2008-04-29, 08:09 PM
I think the turning off internet part may work alright. Sometimes I just sleep my computer, unless using it (but often I am...)

It isn't a "oh no I will turn this in late" kind of issue. Usually it isn't a real problem (if the work is actually due I will buckle down and do it...I can manage that) but when it is studying, or small contributions to a larger paper, where doing less work is possible without failing, then...

2008-04-29, 09:43 PM
Remove distractions
Turn off your internet. Put your D&D books away. Switch of the cellphone. Go to a quiet place to study away from potential distractions.

Break Your Work Up
Split your assignments up into small, easy to start on tasks. You're not "writing your history paper." You're reading the material for chapter one and writing a brief outline. Then you're taking a break.
Then you do the next small part (you're writing the part about Benjamin Franklin that you need to include).

Make "To Do" lists: these often aid procrastination; I've made my list so that's all I need to do for the day.
Keep putting it off. Commit to doing small chunks every day and finishing them. (I've done this with my Geometry homework, several sets of 12 minutes work with a short relaxation break in between (or not so short). It really works.)

These podcasts (http://iprocrastinate.libsyn.com/) are interesting, but don't use them to procrastinate: "I'm listening to the iprocrastinate podcasts so I can't do AP History."

Lastly Why are you posting on these boards?!?!!? Go do your homework :smalltongue::smallwink:

2008-04-29, 09:52 PM
Well, the last thing there is kind of a given. Stupid forum :smalltongue:

I do my best to remove distractions, but sometimes I am working on my computer and as such about 2 seconds from checking webcomics/forum. If I'm on working on the computer I'm working at it.

I'm alright at breaking stuff up. I just have trouble doing it when I try to start. Once I have started I can pull it off alright...I mainly have trouble starting the work.

Mauve Shirt
2008-04-29, 10:04 PM
PRECISELY the reason I tried giving up the forum a while ago. But then I found that the times I actually DIDN'T have anything to do were empty. So I sneaked back on. And then I got addicted again.
I just love you guys!

Raiser Blade
2008-04-30, 12:59 AM
I wish I could help you but I am currently in the boat wih you trying to bail with a spoon.


2008-04-30, 01:02 AM
I saw this right before I saw this thread. (http://motionographer.com/media/nexus/400Procrastination_final_H264_low.mov)
I find it amusing and fitting.
But watch it after you do your work!

2008-04-30, 01:13 AM
That's an awesome video.

2008-04-30, 01:39 AM
I do my best to remove distractions, but sometimes I am working on my computer and as such about 2 seconds from checking webcomics/forum. If I'm on working on the computer I'm working at it.

I'm alright at breaking stuff up. I just have trouble doing it when I try to start. Once I have started I can pull it off alright...I mainly have trouble starting the work.

I can only offer you what works for me. I often have trouble getting into something or re-getting into something. A few things that help for me to start working.

Going to a place where I will be distraction free for a few hours. Like the library.
Once at my distraction free zone, I must keep it a distraction free zone. That means no email, forums, normal music, friends, phone, internet, etc. This helps me separate so I only have my work to do.
If I find myself doing things I am not supposed to do (i.e., surfing the web) I change locations. Maybe I just move to another desk and I start working again.
I listen to classical music while I work. It seems to help calm me down and allows me to work. I cannot function with music with words. It has to be instrumental.
After working for a while [A timed amount lets say 20 minutes or until I have finished a page of writing], I will take a break (away from where I am working) and do something fun. Maybe check my email, come to the forum, etc.

I will say how Ironic it is that I am posting a message on how not to Procrastinate when that is what I am doing. Well looks like i need to find a new place to sit and maybe turn off the internet. :smallfrown:

2008-04-30, 01:46 AM
Hey, it's what I was doing when I made the thread.

2008-04-30, 01:52 AM
mark every day of your calender with work, then bite yourself every time you do something that isn't work. you'll either get a taste for human flesh, or start working.

2008-04-30, 02:03 AM
Hey, another clone of myself.
Seriously, it's exactly what I do. However, this can help:
Clear your desk or working area so that there's nothing except the essentials. 5 minutes saves, like, half an hour in my case. I get distracted so easily just by reading my Murphy's Law calendar for about a month, moving receipts to the side, reading magazines, etc.
Try not to go online. (duct tape down your wireless switch, unplug and duct tape over the plug, whatever.) If you have to do research or something, go to the library where you may feel guilty about browsing GitP or other distracting sites. (Personally, I find all the people at the library more distracting; I end up talking to them most of the time.) If you have MSN or Skype or something, tell all your contacts beforehand to yell at you if you come online.
Plan what you'll do each day, and have some kind of punishment if you don't reach that level. I don't know. I'm good at coming up with them for people I know, but you'll be the best judge here. Something that others can help you enforce is good.
Make a list of everything you want to do when you get home, daily. Include reading webcomics, lurking on GitP, exercise, couch-potatoing, whatever you want to do, and of course, stuff you have to do. Then estimate how much time each task will take, and start on your first task. Don't run over your estimated time. Leave it, and you may be able to come back to it. If you finish before your estimated time, take a break.

Good luck.

2008-04-30, 04:40 AM
I'm doing my homework now. Or rather I would be, if it wasn't so damn pointless.. (see my post to the unreasonable ranting thread) Anyway, I usually just switch to bare terminal mode and use lynx. Better for not reading webcomics. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-30, 04:44 AM
Nope, I kind of do that but the 'work' time is left as 'do nothing except not work' time. I don't get anything real done, even good play...because I know I can't start playing something big because it'd take too much time and I'm supposed to be working.

I have the same problem, especially (and ironically) while I'm in the office. My advice is find a place where you are stimulated to work effectively and don't really have much of a choice but to work. For example, I find that I get my paper-checking done a lot faster at a Starbucks outlet that doesn't have free wireless internet access. I think changing your environment is the best way to fix this problem.

2008-04-30, 04:50 AM
Work out.

*grins* I know that sounds totally unrelated, but I've noticed after a not-too-strenuous workout, (light jogging, some lifting, rock-climbing), I'm looking forward to getting homework done and kicking back.

And as always, excerising causes endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. And happy people just don't kill their husband teacher. :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-30, 08:19 AM
I'm doing my homework now. Or rather I would be, if it wasn't so damn pointless.. (see my post to the unreasonable ranting thread) Anyway, I usually just switch to bare terminal mode and use lynx. Better for not reading webcomics. :smallbiggrin:

I prefer w3m to lynx, but to each his own.

Also, switching to bare terminal mode would make me much more likely to go programming. (As I usually program in nano, I don't need no fancy GUI for creating text files)