View Full Version : Suffer not a witch [IC]

2008-04-30, 06:50 PM
Everyone: Tübingen

You come upon the river Neckar and the city Tubingen. Part-way into the city, the river splits, forming around an island. On this island, Neckarinsel, is your destination. The more worldly and sharper eyed of you will notice the island seem to house the richer and higher status of the city.

Once you enter the Neckarinsel, your message directs you to a small shop near the Stiftskirche, a large gothic church. Unlike most shops, which, at minimum, have some small token to announce what they sell, the shop is only called the White Willow. The door is unlocked and curtains hide the interior from the outside. The letter orders you to enter but doesn't tell you what awaits you inside.

2008-04-30, 09:02 PM
Timon dismounts outside the building, a slightly bemused look on his well tanned face. He makes sure his lance and bags are securely tied to his saddle bags and then, patting his light warhorse Gildren down and ordering him to guard, moves toward the building secure in the knowledge that his horse will protect itself and his bags well.

He removes his helmet revealing short cropped golden blond hair and a sharp aristocratic face with startling blue eyes. He sits the helmet under his arm, then draws out the note, Well, it says to come to this building, there is no mistake. Curiouser and curiouser...

He hesitates a moment, considering going in armed and ready to fight. After a moment he shakes his head, No, I will not show fear. If they wished to harm me these people could have easily done it at my home, they had no reason to draw me here.

Never-the-less he loosens his Longsword in its sheathe before moving to the building. The Knight then knocks on the door and, having been told to enter, goes in.

2008-04-30, 09:40 PM

If a child wondered where the blue and black clown, the one that normally is out and about on the streets to entertain them with tumbles and acrobatics, they would be surprised to see her in the plainest of garb, her hair down, leading a roan draft horse with saddle and her meager belongings down the street. She notices Timon, her aqua eyes looking complacent and peaceful.

Maglae ties her steed next to the knight's; not bothering to look impressed or awed by Timon's countenance. Just that same, far off smile on her face. Her staff clicks against cobblestones before she finally speaks.

"Ah... this is the Willow store, correct? I didn't know others were coming."

2008-04-30, 09:56 PM
The knight turns to her and blinks, "Neither did I..."

Why would they request one such as this to come at the same time as me? Hmm... I suppose all will be made clear soon enough.

2008-04-30, 10:04 PM

"Well, I suppose at least there will be pleasant enough company." Maglae looks off, remaining at the open door. "And who would you be, sir?"

2008-04-30, 10:55 PM
White Willow....Still sounds like some sort of church-approved brothel...

Folding the papers back into his backpack, Ulrich casually waltzed down the street in the direction the locals pointed him towards. It wasn't long before he spotted his destination, and the two figures standing just by the open door inside.

This must be it...and whats this?

Straightening some of his long ruffled hair in a quick hand motion, he walks up to the door and approaches the figures with a smile.

"Hello there! I wasn't aware there was a line for...whatever it is they provide here."

2008-04-30, 11:47 PM
"I am Sir Timon Stremland, at your service." He makes a slight bow.

He notices the newcomer and frowns even more, this one is scruffier than the last, "No line, Goodman, I just believe that we have each been called in to be seen at once."

He peers around, checking to see if anyone else was going to arrive before he goes in. Satisfied he knocks as intended, and then motions for the lady to go first, "After you, my dear."

2008-05-01, 12:25 AM
Walking into town leading his mule with dogs at side, Hadan noticed a small gathering around a door. Whistling sharply to the dogs, Hadan crouch and whispered "Easy boys" before walking over.

Hunching over sligthly and placing the end of his glaive on the ground he spoke to the closest person and said in his gruff voice "Is this the White Willow, I've been told to head there but I never learnt to read so these signs are of no use" as he reached up to easily tap it, knocking some dust off.

2008-05-01, 12:36 AM

"It's the White Willow, good sir," there's that calming look again, given to the barbarian without the slightest apprehension, "We were all just about to go in... though, Sir Stremland, I would prefer to remain outside for the moment to see how many other guests arrive..." A bit odd perhaps, that she doesn't want to go in first, but she doesn't displace any suspicions.

2008-05-01, 01:20 AM
Nodding at Maglae, Harad turned back look at his hounds and mule and whistled them over. Dropping his backpack into the cart, he knelt down and ruffled the hounds heads "I'll be back soon. Watch over the stuff"
Standing back up taking only his Glaive with him, Harad walked over to the door and leaning against the door frame. "So why are you guys stood out here. If you received the same note I did it said to go in." Pausing to scratch his head for a moment and muttering to himself "Unless Joseph read it wrong. Always a possibility."
Looking back down, he continued "Oh, and my name is Harad by the way" thrusting out one of his huge hands.


2008-05-01, 01:43 AM
"Well then, this is getting interesting. I certainly wasn't told to expect company. Then again, I wasn't told much to begin with."

Ulrich holds out an arm and gives the Neandarthal a firm shake.

"Well met, the name is Ulrich Grimm."

Following that, Ulrich turns to the young woman.

"I certainly have no objections if you wish to wait outside. Do let us know if we have more visitors though..."

Subtly nodding towards the Harad with his canine companions, he adds:

"...We certainly seem to be in for some odd sort of gathering so far. I'm curious if there's more we should expect."

He turns, smiling to the knight.

"Now, Sir Stremland was it honorable sir? What say you we head on in? I have a feeling there's much to be learned inside."

2008-05-01, 03:52 AM
Seeing the crowd in front of the strange shop, Genoveva narrowed her eyes as she dismounted from her heavy boned slightly swaybacked dark bay gelding. The hood of her cowl was drawn up over her head, exposing only a pointed chin, full mouth and narrow nose. She moved closer "God bless you" and bowed slightly to Timon and the others. Then she proceeded to tether her horse outside the shop and threw them a questioning glance, before shrinking into the background...

2008-05-01, 04:44 AM
"Come on Mince Meat, co-... I know you don't like cities but I need to be here. Fine... Two carrots, an apple, green, and a sugar cube, that is my final offer... Good, now come on." Emerging from the crowd a clearly foreign man leads a donkey, with a smug grin on its long face, as he checks the businesses against a sheet of parchment in his hand.

Upon reaching the White Willow, he measures up the horses, before tethering his own beast beside them, talking into one of its large ears, and heading inside. He greet those inside with a very large grin, a nod of acknowledgement, and a heavily accented "Good Day."

2008-05-01, 05:46 AM
Seeing one of the others go on in, Harad shrugged and said "Good idea", then ducking under the door way, walked in.

2008-05-01, 05:50 AM
With a shrug Genoveva followed suit, throwing back her hood. Inside, she looke around with barely disguised curiosity.

2008-05-01, 02:17 PM
Noticing that more have arrived as he walked in, Ulrich motions to anyone else left outside.

"Wonderful then, assuming we're all here for similar purposes, we can all get acquainted inside."

2008-05-01, 02:59 PM

The waif enters last, cradling her staff in the crook of her arm before crossing the threshhold, smiling and nodding at the others. She gives one last look at the outside, lightly scanning the area and taking comfort in what she sees.

"Does anyone know if this will take long?"

2008-05-01, 10:36 PM
Inside the White Willow

Inside the shop, there is a quarter-circle of roughly ten chairs with a man in the center at a desk. He appears to be dressed in the religious garb of the church. "Nice to see those of you who have made it. Please take a seat." The priest continues on, "I'd like to make an offer of employment to you all. You can separately decide to work for us or not; you will not be attacked by us unless you attack us."

At the back of the shop is a small counter with a less devout looking man looking disinterestedly over the shop. Behind the shopkeeper are shelves with very fine (in both meanings of the word) vials and other small objects.

2008-05-02, 12:51 AM
Seeing no obvious threat, Harad lent his Glaive against the wall next to the door and made is way to sit down on the largest of the available seats, hoping it wouldn't give way under his weight. "What is it you want us to do?" he asked cautiously.

2008-05-02, 12:56 AM
"Well, this is a slightly unusual way of offering employment. But who am I to argue?"

Ulrich walks up and calmly takes a seat next to Harad.

"I can't speak for anyone else, but you have my ears."

2008-05-02, 01:24 AM
The Knight tilts his head to the side in acceptance, "I also admit curiosity, and since you have sworn peace I offer the same in return."

He sits himself down on the chair closest to the door, his breastplate armor rattling as he sits himself.

2008-05-02, 02:32 AM
The darkhaired woman sits down after a fleeting glance at the wares. She drapes her staff over her knees and folds her hands. "I'm yours to command, your Grace."

2008-05-02, 06:15 AM
Inside the White Willow

"That is a tricky subject," the priest begins. "I'll try to explain by example. Subjects swear allegiance to Lords and Kings primarily for the protection their armies bring against other Lords' and Kings' armies. In peace, subjects can and will debate the virtues, vices and policies of certain Lords over another but the protection is generally more important than the politics once a war begins. Sometimes Lords will use assassins and other unfavorable methods to curtail a war, a minor sin to prevent major sins-"

"What the windbag is really trying to say," interrupts the shopkeeper, "is that sometimes the Church needs people with mine and your powers; people they cannot admit exist, let alone endorse."

2008-05-02, 07:21 AM
At these blunt words, her head snaps up. She knows this, has heard it often enough. More than once, Emanuel read her the riot act in this way. Then it sinks in and her face grows pale. He knows... How can he know? What will they do to me? Her green eyes are wide with terror as she watches the others. They are all like her? It takes every ounce of effort she can muster to stay in her seat and not bolt out of the door in panic. Oh Lord, what will come of this? She crosses herself with shaky hands...

2008-05-02, 09:53 AM
Upon hearing the shopkeeper's words, Ulrich's expression, which he had so far maintained as relaxed and faintly smiling, suddenly turns serious.

"Not that I'm admitting anything, but how would you wager that I, or anyone else in this room have "powers"? It's quite a serious accusation to throw at people you've just met."

2008-05-02, 10:33 AM
"So, this is no tournement then. Instead, you would want me to admit to a most heinous of crimes in you lands, so that you might then employ me, a sinner, to serve your saints."
The foreigner finally removes the dark lenses from over his eyes, and focuses on the holy man.
"I could not make Strasbourg in time from here, and Helibronn would not be worth my time. Perhaps you will be.

2008-05-02, 11:01 AM
"How would I wager? Well, we have a fellow, retired from the messy jobs like myself, only his specialty is hoodwinking and gathering information. At the least, if he found you, someone at least thinks you have powers enough to convince him."

"Don't worry, despite the lack of tact my ally shows, your secret, whether or not you actually have one, is in no danger," the priest adds.

"Aye, you went to great lengths to try to keep our secrets. Mostly to keep your investment by keeping us alive, I'll give you you tried, priest."

2008-05-02, 11:58 AM
"Fascinating... I knew Machiavelli had his influences, but I never thought the church would be one to take his advice to heart."

Slightly relaxed, Ulrich leans back on his seat.

"Let us humor your assumption about us for the minute...What sort of "major sin" is the church wary of, to the point it would seek to commit a lesser one for it's prevention?"

2008-05-02, 12:37 PM
Timon sits stiffly, not saying anything. The urge to draw his blade and attack these heretics is curtailed by the fact that they may actually have something on him, something stored elsewhere perhaps. And so for now he is happy to have Trineon speak for now, at least until he knows more of these people.

2008-05-02, 12:55 PM
"This is where the King-Assassin analogy breaks down. You'll be working for me, a Dean of the Stiftskirche. The Vatican..." The priest pauses. "The Vatican used to provide God-blessed men who could perform tasks to protect it's parishioners from the supernatural."

"To say that the local parish here isn't well liked in the Vatican would be an understatement," added the shopkeeper.

"In their lack, we have need to recruit more local assistance to protect our parishioners and neighbors."

2008-05-02, 01:24 PM
"This is where the King-Assassin analogy breaks down. You'll be working for me, a Dean of the Stiftskirche. The Vatican..." The priest pauses. "The Vatican used to provide God-blessed men who could perform tasks to protect it's parishioners from the supernatural."

"To say that the local parish here isn't well liked in the Vatican would be an understatement," added the shopkeeper.

"In their lack, we have need to recruit more local assistance to protect our parishioners and neighbors."

2008-05-02, 03:03 PM
She listens intently, trying to get her heartbeat under control. Emanuel would not have sent her, if this wasn't genuine, she has to trust. Her fingers toy with the staff in her lap and she asks softly: "What is it, that you do need us for, your Grace?"

2008-05-02, 04:53 PM

Throughout ALL of this, the quiet one Maglae, has kept her peaceful, contented looking face. ...though in lieu of the secret revealed, it may not be surprising no one noticed her. In fact after all of this, one might expect she was invited to the WRONG Willow store for some other meeting meeting, until...

"Are we to hunt our "own" kind?" she offers plainly, "You seem to indicate that we each have powers and skills needed to placate something... But what exactly?"

There's a pause as the girl moves her staff from her lap to be resting against her soft shoulders.

2008-05-02, 07:53 PM
"I have to say, I do not like your manner priest, to much beating around the point" Harad said, showing a similar lack of tack as the shop keeper. Standing up to his full height he continued "You seem to have researched well, and while I was sure none of my village new of anything beyond my size, it seems you do", shrugging, "If I knew what is was I am to be protecting and what I am protecting from, I will help. But I will not protect the corrupt or the evil."

2008-05-02, 08:32 PM
Upon seeing him stand up, Ulrich raises a friendly hand towards Harad.

"Now now mighty sir, let's not get so hasty yet. Questionable as it may be for the church to go adopt shady principles, I doubt it's fallen as far as nurturing evil."

Lowering his arm, he gives a studying gaze to the priest.

"Security tasks are fairly simple to handle, but am I to understand that you wish to employ us for more...offensive methods of protection? Guarding or escorting individuals against harm is one thing, seeking out to kill those who mean harm is quite another."

2008-05-02, 10:58 PM
"Honestly, I don't know what I'm sending you into." The priest frowns. "For years, this church has only sent one or two wi- arbitrators at a time to keep the peace in a small regions. And recently our agents have started disappearing. More mundane methods seemed not to protect them so we sent out for you all, all at once. We would like you to go to the region the last arbitrator disappeared from, try to find out what is happening."

2008-05-02, 11:02 PM

The same serene look.

"Who was your last... arbitrator and where were they last sent?" I have yet to agree to this but you have to understand how this could be misinterpreted... What with all the "dangerous" arbitrators that the common folk tend to call witch."

You can tell even though she's putting on a warm demeanor that last one was lined with venom, the pleasant girl suddenly seeming a bit chillier...

2008-05-03, 02:56 AM
"Arbitrators?" Genoveva frowns. That's a new one. "As I said, I'm yours to command, but please, we need more information. Those who still doubt will not find it easier to accept your proposal if you do not tell them what this is all about." Again her eyes wander over the strange group.

2008-05-03, 08:33 AM
"If they work with one thing they claim to be evil, they may also work with one that is" Harad said, turning to Ulrich. "But if people are disappearing, and the cause is not known then I will aid you in this" he continued turning to face the priest once more, re-taking his seat. "But if I feel that we are being used to further your cause without helping the innocent, I will leave"

2008-05-03, 10:22 AM
"And, there is little doubt whomever is behind this has no small measure of skill, to subdue those with skills enough to find my true nature. Such a powerfull and dangerous person, or peoples. Mince Meat and I, Djer Hami, shall aid you."
By now, Djers' grin has turned from friendly, if weary, to down right feral. Leaning back in his seat he idley begins to polish his eye lenses with the edge of his shirt. "What I could learn from such people?" he mutters quietly to himself.

2008-05-03, 11:22 AM
Taking a moment to lean back, Ulrich listens to what others have to say, but can't help but think about his situation as well.

"What manner of sources would they have to locate those like me? This could turn ugly..."

He glances about, studying the others.

"...and not just for me it seems. At least I'm not alone in the snake pit I suppose."

He leans forward to chime back in.

"I think what everyone here is wondering, with good reason, is the full nature of this investigation you wish to send us into. Who was, and how reliable was your last arbitrator? Is there anything relevant, or at least noteworthy about the region in question? Where would you have us start, and how would you have us go about it? What sort of, if any, leads or theories do you have? Finally, are we to be working for you officially, or secretively?"

He pauses for a second and smiles.

"I hope you don't mind our little inquisition here. Needless to say, one prefers to know what weather to expect before setting sail into new waters."

2008-05-04, 04:15 AM
"The last person to disappear was in Horb, about two weeks ago. We've also has a two agents disappear in Villingen and another, the first, from near Furtwangen, a month and a half ago. We've also heard of several, maybe a dozen people, with weak talent whom disappeared in the last few months and were not working for us. As to theories, I think someone is grabbing talented people for something they wouldn't be willing to join normally... Our closest guess would be someone, a ritual caster who can siphon..." He looks at the door instinctively. "magical energy into themselves to cast spells more often. For what use... I don't really know, I'm sorry."

"See, the fellow who normally tracked down good recruits disappeared while on a name gathering mission. Good at reading people, nearly to the point he knew what you were thinking nearly before you thought it but couldn't fight worth a lick. Can't say I'm any tougher but that's why we were supposed to stay in the safe. He was supposed to run at the first sign of trouble... But yes, he was a reliable fellow, in his own way."

"As for who you are working for, that would be me. The employment would be secret but I'd give you a way to find and talk to our allies once you decide if you wish to work for me. For reasons I hope you can understand, I'll wait until you decide before I formally introduce myself and my friend over there."

2008-05-04, 06:23 PM
The Knight frowns deeply, "I am afraid that you have us at an Impasse. You appear to know one of my gravest secrets, one that I would be burned for in politer company. You appear to be offering us anonymity, perhaps even payment, if we serve you yet you will not tell us, let alone prove to us, who it is we would serve."

He sighs deeply, "I would need to see some credentials before I accept service under you. While I would be willing, even happy, to serve the church I have nothing but your word that is we would work for."

2008-05-04, 08:11 PM
"I'm partially in agreement with Sir Stremland here. Your knowledge of such personal secrets is unsettling to say the least, and makes me wonder if we really have a choice in this matter..."

Ulrich crosses his arms and ponders for a few seconds.

"...Of course, my more immediate concern is the potential magnitude of this mission. I've taken up many tasks for many people, and I relish in the experience of it all...But this task, perhaps because it involves individuals who are not merely dangerous, but magically dangerous, is a challenge of new proportions for me. Any person of sound reasoning would dare not meddle with malevolent magic."

Feeling some discomfort, he shifts in his seat and stretches his arms out.

"I suppose it's a good thing I think of reason as a wise, but sometimes too plain companion, and not a master. I'll accept the task, provided I'm not alone in handling it, and compensated fairly for it of course. While I've never agreed with the notion of witch-burning, the notion of nabbing magically-able individuals, for purposes unknown is even more unsettling. And if nothing else, this should bring back some excitement I've been lacking in recently."

2008-05-04, 10:32 PM
"Credentials? Hmm, well I'm Dean Louis Rampal, a Dean at the local church, the Stiftskirche. You will find sanctuary as well as someplace to rest if you desire there." The priest says to the knight.

2008-05-05, 01:56 AM
Genoveva just shrugged. "As I've already said I'm in. Whatever is doing this must be stopped."

2008-05-05, 06:09 AM
"Well I'm in. For now." Harad said, standing and walking over to where his glaive lent.

Any similar land marks such as caves or woods with the two towns.

2008-05-05, 02:52 PM
The Knight watches as those around him agree to the mission. Knowing that it is largely inevitable he sighs, "Well, then... I suppose I accede myself. Conditional on the fact that once we have finished here I can prove to myself that you are in fact the Dean of the local church."

He stands and draws his blade and then kneels, blade point down into the ground, "My blade is the churches to command."

[Excuse Timon, he can be a little old fashioned and overly dramatic at times.]
[He is a good guy though, really. :D ]

2008-05-05, 06:18 PM
You vaguely know that the villages are to your south west

"Good. If you all are ready, I have a carriage and driver hired for you all for the next couple weeks if you have need."

2008-05-06, 08:30 AM

(Sorry, had a rough weekend and start. I'll be focused back here again)

Maglae remains quiet again until the matter of the carriage is brought up.

"Thank you but while I shall go along with this, I prefer traveling on my own horse.... Though, if I may ask, what's in this for us after our job is complete? To remain anonymous?"

2008-05-06, 04:39 PM
The knight had been hesitating for some reason, but seems to relax as Maglae speaks. It seems he wasnt willing to ask about further compensation again, but did want it as well if it was available.

2008-05-07, 12:28 PM
"That is very friendly, your Grace, but I also don't need carriage, I have a horse", Genoveva declined as well.

2008-05-07, 02:12 PM
"I on the other hand, would welcome the carriage. Riding has never been a strength of mine."

Straightening his shirt, Ulrich stands up, ready to leave.

2008-05-08, 04:53 AM
"I prefer my own to legs to a horse, but if everyone else is riding I guess I shall make use of your carriage" Harad said

2008-05-08, 05:19 AM
"I fear Mince Meat and I will not be albe to keep up with such beasts as yours. I shall join you in this carriage, once I have found him adaquate stabling."

2008-05-08, 10:17 AM

The maid becomes insistent as she glances cheerfully at the others. "Carriage or no, we really ought to be aware of what we get ourselves into; regardless if we want a reward or not. It's vital to understand what they shall give us in return... Isn't that right, Dean Rampal?"

2008-05-08, 11:41 AM
"It is not my intent to force you to work against your will. I will not reveal your secrets if you decide to leave. Does 50 gold pieces a week to cover your expenses sound sufficient?"

2008-05-08, 09:53 PM
The Knights stands and nods, "That is acceptable. We should away then."

He heads to the door, but pauses, "I would assume that the belongings of the witches, at least those that are not obviously corrupt or magical and therefor requiring sanctifying at the church, are ours to do with as we will?"

If their employer agrees he nods and heads outside, mounting up and waiting for the others to get ready.

2008-05-08, 10:12 PM
"If you desire, um.. sure, just don't go around declaring all rich people witches. A bit of discretion would be wise."

2008-05-09, 05:46 AM
The knight stiffens at what he sees as an insult, then nods curtly, "Do not worry, I am not one to abuse strength or authority."

He then nods stiffly then walks out to his mount returning his helm to his head. He then mounts with obvious skill and waits around for the others to be ready.

This expedition makes me ill at ease... I have spent a great deal of time suppressing my magics, to now seek out the magics of others... Oh well, at least the Lord might give me the chance to burn a true witch, and cleanse at least a part of the taint of evil that my own magics have brought to my soul.

[God... Timon is turning into a real pompous prick isnt he... :) ]

2008-05-09, 06:32 AM
Genoveva tenses at the Knight's idea, but she thrusts it away. You'll just have to watch he doesn't do anything wrong. It's not like you... don't know. She then rises, bows to the Dean and the shopkeeper. "If we find who is responsible, shall we return here and inform you about our tidings? Or turn them over to the local authorities?" She hugs her arms around her chest, thinking at the consequences...

2008-05-09, 12:44 PM
"If you think the local authorities can handle them, feel free to turn them over to them. If not, use your own discretion as to if you think you can bring them back here or not."

((OOC thread - here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80130).))

2008-05-10, 04:05 AM
"And after we dealt with them? We'll come back here?" The young woman wants to know.

2008-05-10, 11:54 AM
"Yes. I'd like to place you all into regions after this is all over, but until this is dealt with I don't think I have enough information to do so."

The shopkeeper has been counting out some coins into pouches while the dean has been talking. Without standing, he tosses them to the party members. There are 50 gp in each.

2008-05-10, 12:47 PM
Ulrich "The Mad Swan" Grimm


Race: Human, Male
Class: Swashbuckler 2
Current HP: 19/19
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Fort: +5, Reflex: +4, Will: +0
Full AC: 16, Touch: 16, Flat: 10
Weapons: Masterwork Cutlass (1d8), Flintlock Pistol (1d10), Short Sword (1d6)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=51147)[/table]

Catching the pouch tossed at him, Ulrich pockets it without bothering to count.

"I think we've covered as much as we can then. Once we are done with this, I'll be interested in hearing your future prospects."

Giving a quick, nodding bow to the shopkeep and the dean, he turns to the rest and smiles.

"Shall we, then?"

[OOC: Don't mind me. Trying out a quick character reference header. Should hopefully make things easier for all :P]

2008-05-11, 11:49 AM
She catches the pouch and empties it into her own. "Thank you." Bowing, she leaves the shop to get her nameless horse and mounts up.

2008-05-11, 12:37 PM
Watching the others leave, Djer barely catches the pouch of money before it passes him by. Sliding the pouch into one of the numerous pockets of his clothes, he splits his attention between those that invited him here.
"Since we seem to be eager to leave, would I be wrong in assuming that I could leave Mince Meat with either of you, to be taken to housing for the duration of this job? He has his own feed, for a week, and the silks and spices in his pack should be enough to pay for at least a month in a decent stable."
The Turk waits a few short moments, before attempting to sweeten the deal.
"He might even be willing to work for you, if you offer him green apples and carrots."

2008-05-11, 04:32 PM

Without looking, Maglae catches the pouch thrown to her while she slips out. Resting her staff over her saddlebags, the maid unhitches her horse before leading it along the way of the others before actually mounting.

After a moment of looking between the others, as if hitting upon an afterthought, she speaks up again. Cheerfully.

"...So, does anyone know which way to Horb, Villagen or Furtwangen? Or which we should try first?

2008-05-12, 06:48 PM
The Knight shrugs, not knowing the way to either. He draws out a silver coin and then calls out to one of the nearby locals, "Hail! Goodman! Which is closest, Horb, Villagen or Furtwangen? And which road must we take to get there." he holds up the coin as incentive.

2008-05-13, 03:48 PM
A sharply dressed man looks at you funny. "Horb is closest, a long day's walk southwest, you can follow the river. Villingen, I think you mean, is another two days walk further up the river. Furtwangen is to the west of Villingen." The man makes no move to take your coin.

Harad, while you don't know the area, you think you could lead a path should you desire to not take the carriage. Incidentally, a mule can walk as fast as a carriage is pulled, faster if not heavily laden.

2008-05-13, 07:59 PM
The Knight tosses the man the coin, confused as to why he isnt happy to recieve the reasonably large amount of money. [Equivelent of about $50US I think] He shrugs and turns his mount Southwest, "To Horb then!"

The Knight will ride his impressive looking Light Warhorse, and will ride beside the carriage acting like a caravan guard.

2008-05-13, 08:36 PM
The man catches the coin, shrugs and continues on.

OOC: The island part of the city is the affluent part of the city... Effectively you just offered a $50 dollar bill to a passerby in Manhattan. :/

2008-05-13, 08:39 PM
Ulrich "The Mad Swan" Grimm


Race: Human, Male
Class: Swashbuckler 2
Current HP: 19/19
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +0
Full AC: 16 Touch: 16 Flat-footed: 10
Weapons: Masterwork Cutlass (1d8), Flintlock Pistol (1d10), Short Sword (1d6)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=51147)[/table]

"Wonderful then! This should be exciting."

Ulrich takes a moment to retrieve the pouch he received as payment and empty it into his coin purse. He will gladly ride on the carriage for the journey.

2008-05-14, 04:38 AM
"Very well then. If you will not take him, he shall have to come with me." Djer steps out of the store, and over to Mince Meat talking into his ear as he untethers him.

2008-05-14, 05:41 AM

Hoping onto his cart, pausing only to check his beer was still untouched, Harad set off after the carriage. "With those directions I think I could find my way to the towns if we should get slightly lost," he said, turning to whistle at his dogs to follow after the cart. "But until then, I'll ride here with my beer"

OOC: Yes... I have 5 gallons of beer with me... Its only about 23 litres...

2008-05-14, 05:42 AM
[Yeah, I know. My character is a nobles son and has little idea of the value of money, and has little experiance dealing with anyone who isnt a noble themselves. He offered a silver because he wouldn't bother having anything smaller on him, and he honestly believes that all 'peasants' are greedy lowlives who wouldn't help him without payment.]
[He should learn quickly as his purse begins to empty. :D ]

The Knight watches his new companions with unhidden disdain, Rabble! What a strange group I am a part of, I doubt many of these will be of any value at all. Still, one works with what one has... And it is only the one mission after all, let it never be said that I cannot rise to the task when need be.

2008-05-16, 02:20 AM
Genoveva directs her horse behind the knight's and follows the others along.

"I don't think we have been properly introduced", she says a little hesistantly. "My name is Genoveva."

2008-05-16, 05:00 AM
The knight nods, giving the bow backed horse a quietly disdainful look, "Yes, greetings. I am Timon of house Stremland, Knight Errant. And you are?"

As he speaks he gives the others an annoyed glance, curious why they were taking so long to get ready.

2008-05-16, 11:43 AM
Finished sharing his secrets with his beast, Djer replaces the dark glass over his eyes, and falls into place in the cavalcade, leading his mule.

Catching Timons question, The Turk grins his 'friendly' grin. "Me?, I am Djer Hami, of Kilis. Very north in the holy lands. This is Mince Meat, also of Kilis"

2008-05-18, 06:22 AM
The carriage driver steers around a group of drunks as you all leave the city.

((Anyone have anything they wished to do in town before you left? Can I assume everyone who doesn't have a horse to ride in the carriage?))

2008-05-18, 05:34 PM
[Nothing for me. I will try to learn the names of everyone in the group, as well as try to grasp what skills they might have.]
[If asked himself he simply says he is a Knight, ignoring any questions about magic. OOC though I am a Knight and a Cleric based caster and all my spells are ones that aren't obvious unless you look for them (longstrider, purify food and water ect). ]

2008-05-21, 12:53 AM
[I don't need anything yet, too.]

2008-05-21, 05:51 AM
After a relatively uneventful day, the horses pulling the cart tire before you can make it to Horb. There are a few small hamlets you could night in, or you could camp out or force the horses to go on, risking injury.

2008-05-21, 08:14 AM
As the day gets to its end and their mounts begin to tire the knight begins looking for clearings to camp in. When he finds a decent one he turns to his companions, "I would prefer to sleep rough tonight rather than sleep in one of these towns; who knows how long the witches reach is, they could have spies in the villages and i wouldn't feel safe sleeping in such a place until we have dispatched the devil worshiper. Do any of you agree?"

2008-05-21, 12:54 PM
Ulrich "The Mad Swan" Grimm


Race: Human, Male
Class: Swashbuckler 2
Current HP: 19/19
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +0
Full AC: 16 Touch: 16 Flat-footed: 10
Weapons: Masterwork Cutlass (1d8), Flintlock Pistol (1d10), Short Sword (1d6)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=51147)[/table]

Leaning out from the carriage, Ulrich chimes in. "A good point, Sir Knight. I'm not very well accustomed to sleeping outdoors. However it won't be a first for me, and we could use the extra caution given what we're dealing with."

Straightening his hair a little, he continues. "We should probably set up some sort of watch as well. Wandering rogues or bandits would relish an opportunity to ambush travellers such as us.

2008-05-21, 08:59 PM
You find a few clearings, mostly in abandoned farms and in sparely used pastures.

2008-05-22, 05:19 AM

"I for one vote we rest in an abandoned barn," Harad said they rode past a farm. "Shelter from wind and rain, and most importantly we can hide from prying eyes. Animals tend to stay away, thus less chance if these witches control beasts"

2008-05-22, 07:00 AM
The knight nods to Harad, "I agree. I will take first watch then."

[Make camp in a barn then, I guess. I will take first watch. :) ]

2008-05-22, 07:32 AM
[Everyone who takes a watch, go ahead and roll spot/listen.]

2008-05-22, 08:16 AM

"I shall keep you company then, as I like to have a small night cap before I sleep" Harad said, digging out two tankards. "Care to join me?" he asked moving over to the first of his casks, pouring himself a mug.

If you feel it appropriate, you are welcome to add penalties to these checks if it is later in the first shift when he had had a few mugs. Will only have about two mugs an hour for the first two hours, then one an hour after that, but with con 16, and a +7 for save he is rather hardy[spoiler]

2008-05-22, 08:01 PM
The Knight nods, and sits next to the warrior, accepting his tankard. They quietly talk about nothings for the next few hours before waking the next person to watch up.

listen (1d20+0) Spot (1d20+0)

2008-05-23, 12:27 AM
Later in the night, the girl rises to take the next watch...


2008-05-24, 04:59 AM
Eventually the Turk is roused from his slumber to take guard duty.

Listen (1d20+8) [roll0]
Spot (1d20+3) [roll1]

2008-05-24, 02:22 PM
Nothing eventful happens during your watch

'The Knight'
Nothing eventful happens during your watch

An animal sniffs around the barn during your shift.

A canine sniffs around the barn during your shift.

2008-05-26, 05:35 AM
When she begins to hear something, she looks after the horses, if they are unduly nervous, before taking a look out of a window, to find the source of the noises.

2008-05-26, 07:53 AM
Spot check for the horsies. [roll0]

2008-05-26, 08:03 AM
Yes, the horses are uneasy and tugging at their leads but not panicked.

Looking outside the window you catch a glimpse of a wolf before it disappears into the shadows.

2008-05-27, 12:14 AM
She remains alert and wary for the rest of her watch and informs Djer about it, when he comes to relieve her.

2008-05-28, 08:35 AM
Taking Genovevas' warning to heart, Djer spends most of his watch patrolling from window to window, rather than taking the time to perform the regular, quiet maintanence on his equipment as he had initially intended to.

2008-06-02, 02:52 PM
Djer sees the wolf briefly toward the end of his shift but it doesn't attack.

The next day you all make it to Horb. Horb is up the hill from the river. In the town is a predominate castle, a market and a church. The city is barely awake as you enter about dawn.

2008-06-02, 08:29 PM
Timon woke early and spent an hour doing his weapon forms, outside the barn so as not to wake anyone.

When they left he stayed quiet, overly alert to anything strange, wearing his nerves raw by trying to stay in a constant state of awareness. They reach Horb without incident however, leaving him feeling slightly disappointed Where are the vicious old ladies and creeping mists..? The creeping wolves and ravens watching our every move... These Witches appear to operate outside of the traditions then.

Like us, I suppose... The idea that those they seek are likely normal people like him and the others of the group unsettles him a bit What is the differance between them and me? Is it because I serve the true God? Hmm...

He looks around at the town, frowning, "Such a simple place to hold a witch..." he says aloud without realising it.

[Welcome back! I had started to think the game had bombed; Glad I was wrong. :) ]

2008-06-03, 12:58 AM
Genoveva woke quite early in the morning and got ready, too, letting down her hair and pinning it up again at a little brook in the woods, away from prying eyes (hopefully). Riding into Horb she felt a little underwhelmed - it didn't look so different from what she knew.

"Well, what do we do now?" She asked the knight. "Ask around in the taverns about missing people?"

2008-06-03, 06:37 AM

Still yawning widely as they rode into town, Harad replied before the knight could, "I like the sounds of checking out the taverns. One can find interesting people in them, though it is a little early in the morning for most." Scratching at his forehead and rubbing at his eyes, yawning wide once more he said "We are from the church, why not ask theirs."

2008-06-04, 10:23 AM
Blinking behind his lenses Djer gauges the traffic on the streets. "That makes sense to me. Would not the local cleric be the centre of the community, not to mention a bastion against these... heresies? The local Watch would be my own recommendation to follow. The wider community can wait, until later in the day, when they are not so busy."

2008-06-07, 05:34 AM
"Then let us go to the church." Genoveva steered her horse over to that building and dismounted.

2008-06-08, 03:34 AM
The church is filling up with the the devout that attend the morning service. You can hear the monks in the background chanting.

2008-06-10, 09:12 PM
Talin walks into the church with his helmet under his arm. He sits quietly in the back of the church and joins in as appropriate in the morning service. He has always been a devout man, and he sees no urgency that requires interrupting it.

2008-06-11, 01:04 AM
Similarly, Genoveva ties her horse to a pole and also attends the service - it has been too long since she heard a mass, anyway. But she also keeps an eye on the crowd, looking for anything unusual.

2008-06-11, 01:16 AM

Following the others over towards, the church, Harad stopped outside and lent up against the wall to the left of the door, waiting for the service to finish before entering.

2008-06-11, 04:52 AM
Uncomfortable setting foot inside a church, during mass or otherwise, Djer takes up a possition on the wall to the right of the door, unwittingly mirroring Harad.