View Full Version : Goblins! (group 2)

2008-05-02, 06:13 AM
After months of grueling hard work, the invasion is finally about to start. Just over the horizon lies Valenar. They have no idea what's about to hit them. The whole fleet has been staying far from the coast to avoid being spotted. Now the fleet waits, just out of sight of the elven coast. You are all aboard the Staber, one of many ships that have been commandeered by Haruuc's army for the war. It's not built for combat, but its entire crew can fight. Most importantly, the Staber has you. You are elite soldiers. You know that they will have a special job for you. You now stand on the deck of the ship. The crew goes around with its job of caring for the ship.

2008-05-02, 11:12 AM
Rxatoz stands once again on the deck of Staber, trying to spot the coast of Valenar his homeland.

When will this waiting end? He thinks, we must strike before we are spotted by the elves otherwise it will be very hard to make landfall and secure a beachhead.

Noticing that the Captain stands by rudder, Rxatoz makes his way to the captain.

"Fine day today Captain, you think we will break for land today?"

2008-05-02, 12:53 PM
The captain Rxatoz. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm still waiting for orders. Still, we I don't think that we'll be waiting here very long."

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-02, 01:42 PM
Looking around, Mekkin Thar (http://www.thetangledweb.net/ttw/addon.php?addon=Profiler&page=view_char&cid=11814) is doing what he's been doing an awful lot of these days: waiting for something to happen. His weapons are at his sides, he having already taken an hour when he awoke to meticulously polish his kukri. Mekkin has known many an otherwise competent goblin to be slain just because his knife was stuck in its sheath from poor maintenance. The warhammer needs no polishing, as it fits in no sheath, and is currently soaked in the spray the comes up over the bow of the Staber every so often.

Mekkin surveys the rest of his companions aboard this ship. Besides the sailors, these goblins and hobgoblins seem battleworthy enough, with the possible exception of one very strange-looking goblin carrying a club with a bit of a distant, intellectual aura about him. This is the goblin Mekkin approaches.
to Vrag

http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9053/mekkintharheadfk9.png What's your name, soldier? You know how to use that thing?

Jordan The Bard
2008-05-02, 01:53 PM
Kordav stumbles onto the deck, his sheath of his longsword hitting his leg. He strums his lute singing loudly, obviously drunk. "I like sailing! Sailing is fun! I like sailing! Uhh... Dun dun dun!"

He stops in his tracks and surveys the ship. "Whatsh everyone so quiet fo'?"

He continues stumbling over to the captain. "Howdy Cap'n! Whatsh goin on?"

2008-05-02, 02:12 PM
The captain pauses for a moment, not sure what do say to the drunk soldier. He mutters something about locking up the drinks, and then responds. "We're waiting for an officer from one of the command ships. She's supposed to give you your orders. Now sit down before you fall overboard you fool."

The officer will arrive when I feel it's time. In the meantime interact a bit.

2008-05-02, 03:59 PM
A rather cumbersome hobgoblin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=51015) in full plate lumbers up from below deck, fiddling with a holy symbol of Hextor around his neck, on his hip is a fiendish looking flail that his hand often strays to but he otherwise seems unarmed. The goblinoid doesn't seem particularly stable but is not falling around to the extent of the bard that was tripping over the captain. He carefully walks over to a deckhand.
"I can heal near enough any wound but nobody has bothered with a spell to cure seasickness, you wouldn't know any remedies would you?" Gargle pats him on the shoulder with a pleading look in his eyes, making it all too clear he will throw up on him if he says no.

Since when was Jordan the Bard part of the group?

2008-05-02, 04:40 PM

Like usual the solemn hobgoblin makes no real effort to socialize with non-hobgoblins but has a challenging glare on his face provoking someone to talk to him. His Breastplate sits lightly on him made of mithral barely upsetting his balance on the rising ship. He stands on the deck unfazed by the rocking and balanced against the swell of the ocean, gripping his sword's pommel in one hand. His mind swirls with tactics formerly used by the Valenar elves when they were employed by Deneith, and feels confident in his school's powerful blows against their cunning speed.
Guuklir grumbles: "When will this begin, the salt spray rusts our steel and our nerves. Elven blood should be shed tonight.." he says this to no one in particular but stays balanced against the swaying ships swells.

2008-05-02, 05:20 PM
The deckhand backs up a few feet away from Gargle. He grabs a different deckhand that's passing by. "He can help you." The confused deckhand looks at Gargle. Seeing his seasick state he quickly gives a remedy. "Well, you could try eating some ginger. The cook might have some." Also, Kordav bursts into flames and dies because he is not in the game. The ashes are quickly swept away by the wind. No one seems to have noticed the disappearance of the character that never should have been on this ship in the first place.

2008-05-02, 05:55 PM
Also, Kordav bursts into flames and dies because he is not in the game. The ashes are quickly swept away by the wind. No one seems to have noticed the disappearance of the character that never should have been on this ship in the first place.
Absolutely classic.

Gargle nods quickly, holding his mouth shut, he then runs to the kitchen, knocking past a rather solemn looking hobgoblin who appeared to be in the middle of some kind of dramatic monologue. He half falls into the kitchen and briefly opens his mouth to say; "Ginger!!" Upon grabbing some ginger he breaks it in half and eats one half, holding one under his nose to savor the smell.

After a while Gargle walks back upstairs towards Guuklir. "Sorry, I just needed to get into the kitchen, you're one of the elite soldiers for the special mission aren't you?" Gargle then pats his flail and taps the side of his nose. "Me too, Gargle at your service, Ill be providing the healing for these missions." A coarse hand is thrust towards Guuklir and stays there awaiting a handshake.

2008-05-03, 12:52 AM
Leaning against a pole, Vrag observes his drunken brethren milling around quietly.
Surprised to hear someone addressing him, he quickly swivels his head and answers.

I'm Vrag, sir. I'm not too good at swinging sticks and blades around, He gestures at the dagger but I can handle myself in a fight, if that's what you want to know. What's your name?

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-03, 03:52 AM
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9053/mekkintharheadfk9.png Vrag, eh? Good to meet ya. My name's Mekkin Thar; just Mekkin to you I think. As I understand it, we're all (gesturing to the other PC-looking individuals on the boat) of equal rank, at least for now.

Mekkin takes up a position leaning casually on a rail next to Vrag, joining him in a survey of the half-drunk population of the boat.

So I'm gonna guess that if you're not too good at swingin' sticks an' blades around, you're to be our resident Sorcerer?

2008-05-03, 04:15 AM

Seemingly surprised by the peculiar behaviour of the hobgoblin, Guuklir takes his wrist and clasps it, looking for tell-tale brands of clan on his arm like the daggers that have been burnt into his forearms' flesh. "Gargle is it? Good to see a man who can set bones and mend flesh. Guuklir Ghor Dhakaan, and I'm in the business of rending flesh and proving mastery of this blade. What clan are you from?"

2008-05-03, 07:36 AM
Clan Yorken, me and my family aren't particularly prominent, we generally stick to ourselves. He pats his flail's handle, "I'm not much for sword mastery, I'm a bit more simple minded, but it's always nice to have someone who knows what they're doing." Gargle looks around the boat, and spotting the other PC's gestures towards them.
"Perhaps we should introduce ourselves to the other members of the group?"

2008-05-03, 01:53 PM

"Sure, you first." Guuklir motions Gargle towards the other PCs and tries to think what he's heard of (if anything) of Clan Yorken.


2008-05-04, 01:20 AM
Rxatoz nods towards the captain and walks away and finds a place to sit down by the railing near midship.

He pocks up his glaive and cradle it in his arms, speaks a few words to it that is lost in the wind and a small bolt of lighting travels from his hand and is absorbed by the weapon.

2008-05-04, 01:35 AM
"I have some skill with magic, but I'm more of a scholar than a true practitioner of magic. So, Mekkin, what brought you to join this expedition? Me, I came here because I had nowhere else to go."

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-04, 03:59 AM
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9053/mekkintharheadfk9.pngI'm tired of fightin' the abominations that are always crawlin' out of the Mournlands. Grew up in Gorgonhorn; I've been fightin' since I could swing a sword. I'm lookin' forward to killin' somethin' with only one head and two arms, for a change.

2008-05-04, 09:59 AM
"Sure, why not?" Gargle walks over to Mekkin and Vrag, "Hey guys, I'm Gargle, a healer, and a warrior whenever I can be." He holds out his hand again. "This is Guuklir, a master of the sword, or so he says, I prefer to just hit things really, More simple."

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-04, 04:02 PM
Mekkin takes Gargle's hand and shakes it once, very firmly, aware that many hobgoblins assume that true goblins are all much weaker than they. If Guuklir extends his hand as well, Mekkin repeats this.
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9053/mekkintharheadfk9.pngGood to meet ya, Gargle. I'm Mekkin Thar, and this here's Vrag. Glad to see they decided to give us a healer, for once.

2008-05-05, 07:51 PM
As you talk several of the crew members lower a rope ladder down the side of the ship. A female hobgoblin climbs up the ladder and onto the ship. On her right shoulder is a yellow triangle, signifying her as a lieutenant. She looks at you for a moment, and then approaches the Captain. "Inform the squad that I have arrived, and that they are to see me in your cabin when they are ready to receive their orders." Without another word she goes down to the captain's cabin. The captain turns to you. "Just a word of advice: Don't try to joke around with her. There's no point. She's been heartless ever since her brother died. Anyway, you heard her. Go down there when you're ready. Just don't keep her waiting too long."

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-06, 12:22 AM
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9053/mekkintharheadfk9.png Finally! I say we go see her right away, if that's all right with you lot.

2008-05-06, 01:34 AM
"I'm fine with that.

Vrag waits for the others to move to the cabin.

2008-05-06, 01:49 AM
Gargle follows suit with the others, looking to go see the lt.

2008-05-06, 08:14 AM
Rxatoz walks over to the others.

"Hello, I'm Rxatoz, I figure that we 5 are the elite team onboard this ship."

He looks at the door where the lieutenant went in.

"It seems like we finally are getting our orders"

He walks towards the door and open it and walk inside.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-06, 01:11 PM
Mekkin follows Rxatoz into the cabin.

2008-05-06, 05:47 PM

Guuklir follows his fellow goblinoids into the cabin after the lieutenant.

Metal Head
2008-05-07, 07:43 PM
Hi, Dragonprimes friend here. He got into an accident and broke his leg. He asked me to tell you that he'll be back in a few days.

2008-05-15, 04:34 PM
Sorry for the rather long hiatus. I was feeling better a few days ago, but some stuff came up. Anyway, I'm back now. Before I start again, who's still here?

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-15, 05:06 PM
I'm still here.

2008-05-15, 05:48 PM
Still here :)

2008-05-15, 10:53 PM
Rxatoz is still here. Good that you are feeling better!

2008-05-16, 03:41 AM
still here!

2008-05-16, 09:47 AM
Still here.

2008-05-22, 01:24 PM
Rxatoz reaches for the doorhandle when he suddenly stops, tilts his head left almost like he tries to hear something.

He shakes his head, trying to clear his head, but there is no use...

Fast as a very fast hobgiblin he runs up to the deck, jumps over the railing and drowns.