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View Full Version : The Fluff of Wizardry

Grey Paladin
2008-05-02, 02:32 PM
Love it or hate it, until recently the spell preparation system was an integral part of D&D, and while you can claim that god(/s) work in mysterious ways as the reason clerics must prepare spells, you cannot say the same about Arcane preparation.

This has got me thinking, how does everyone fluff classical spell-book&components Wizardry?

I'll start: I consider Wizardry to be much like programming, so I'll explain it through a programming metaphor and terminology. Reality is defined and operates according to a set of laws and parameters, all non transcendental (aka Ao, Asmodeus) beings and material obeys these laws, every action one performs changes the parameters of the universe and thus reality in a way dictated by her laws.

In essence, a spell is a piece of 'code' that directly sets or even creates parameters, some create permanent changes directly or indirectly, while others get normalized by the system (AKA end after a certain amount of time passes), as a Wizard rises in levels he learns to write better 'code' and thus prevent normalization for a longer time and access higher tiers of parameters and longer consoles(AKA caster and spell levels).

When a wizard prepares a spell, he opens a 'console' to reality and 'copies' the 'code' from his spellbook unto the 'console', then 'leaves the console open' until he needs to cast the spell, at that moment he 'Enters' the code and lets the spell 'run', thus closing the 'console'.

A wizard may only keep a certain number of 'consoles' up at a time, and not all of them are the same length (the longer the console, the more 'code' can fit in it>> the higher the spell level).

2008-05-02, 02:35 PM
That's about how I consider it, too, just because it keeps me sane, but really, so many of the spell mechanics are completely dumb that I really just ignore them when they don't have a mechanical effect.

Human Paragon 3
2008-05-02, 02:59 PM
I usually refluff wizardy depending on my needs, for example, there's a sorcerer right now who is using a dr. who-like fluff with a sonic screwdriver creating effects. Yeah, that's sorc not wiz, but that example is fairly emblematic of our play style.

Anyway, your "programming" fluff is pretty cool and if it was strongly institutionalized in your campaign setting would lead to some really cool imagery/situations.

2008-05-02, 03:25 PM
The Wizards

The history of Wizards stretches back as far as recorded history--indeed, the earliest histories known are to be found as notes and commentaries in Wizards' spellbooks. Their power comes from a knowledge of the fundamental components of reality, which they are able to shape under specific conditions and in specific ways.

The Wizard's most fundamental tool is the power to write her desires into action, which many call the power of Scribing. Through a series of practices handed down from master to apprentice, the Wizard engraves her will onto her very soul, limited by her soul's "Auctoritas", or authority, over the world. She copies the formulae and words of power she has collected in a spellbook onto her very being, and sets a trigger to activate it later. Not even the wisest mages know fully how one's soul may grow in Auctoritas, but all Wizards recognize that those who influence the world, who put their knowledge into practice and make real their desires, grow fastest. Those who hole themselves up in towers, poring over old tomes, may become very knowledgeable indeed, but their authority over the multiverse does not extend far beyond the confines of their own libraries.

When a Wizard casts a spell, she uses the trigger she has set, instructing her soul to let loose the desired effect she has already written upon it. Her soul then returns to its most static, comfortable position of emptiness, too weary to allow additional inscription without rest. Many Wizards report a feeling of anxiety and tension when carrying spells inscribed on their souls, which is replaced by exhaustion and comfort as their souls return to their natural state. Little wonder, then, that so few Wizards manage to cast spells with frequency and retain their sanity, nor that they charge such exorbitant prices for their services. Casting as a Wizard is very much an act of hubris.

2008-05-02, 03:36 PM
The way I see wizardry is that there is a force that is prevailant in the world, which I will call mana, that makes up all things. Its basically another molecule like protons, electrons, and neutrons, but it has the ability to change those things. A Wizard has the ability to change those things with his mind by way of the spells that he casts. He is actually manipulating this force in the world and bending it to his own will. The higher level he is, the more of this mana he has the ability to control, therefore the more spells he gains and the more power he has. The ability for a wizard to do this is not unlike a Psionic's mind powers, or a jedi controlling the force, only its done in a different way.

Now diviners, thats a completely different force, and one I havent completely flushed out yet, but suffice it to say that they dont use their powers the same way wizards do.

2008-05-02, 03:47 PM
Now diviners, thats a completely different force, and one I havent completely flushed out yet, but suffice it to say that they dont use their powers the same way wizards do.

That one's easy with enough squinting sideways with your brain.

Because this "Mana" or Mojo or whatever can affect everything else it also follows that it is in some way connected to everything else, or at least can be influeced by any specific thing it is focussed on. Therefore since every part of the universe is affected by every other part and piece of the universe no matter how small (see hitchikers guide for further details, vis a vee the cheese cake theory of ultimate torture) suffficiently accurate analysis of the behavior of the specific can be used to extrapolate the non-specific. This being the theory that if you stare at your navel hard enough it really will enlighten you.:smallamused::smalltongue: