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2008-05-02, 09:39 PM
You remember the cataclysm, of course. You remember the feelings, the day. It is said that everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing the day they looked out the window or door and saw that pillar of terrible white light stabbing upwards into the sky. Few have seen the sun since that point in time, four years ago. Dark, oppressive clouds rolled out in all directions from the point where the light hit the sky, covering the entire world, or so it has been assumed, for weeks. Earthquakes shook every part of the world, with devastating results. The weather is now frequently chaotic and violent, the only constant being the chaos and violence. Natural disasters are common. Worst of all, that special quality, magic, was disrupted in a way that may never be put right. The world was made darker that day in a metaphorical sense as well, as it seems the world has been thrown into greater chaos and evil then ever before. Diplomacy between the great and benevolent is breaking, the scum of Aria is on the rise, and most forms of true valor and kindness are long gone, but not forgotten - by those who choose to remember.

Even the learned have something to fear. The panic could not have been more complete than when clerics, druids, wizards, and sorcerers the world over realized that their powers were not working, essentially all at the same time. Eventually it began to subside as, one by one, the lost arts were adapted and made workable again. All disciplines claim to be back to their once great power and glory, and working towards restoring the world to its previous state, but it is painfully obvious to even the common masses that this is a lie – all has not returned to the way it was, and the organizations and orders that have assumed mastery of their fields are still injured, and still lost as to where to proceed from here.

Nowhere is that more obvious than in the creation of a new organization – one barely whispered about but known to all – the Requiem Organization, also known as the Invisible Order, the Silent Scream, and a dozen other equally-ominous and imprecise terms. Some say they are demons or restless spirits, spawned by the cataclysm to wreak havoc and terror on those who remain. What all know but none can bring themselves to say is the simple truth – there is nothing supernatural about the Requiem Organization, as it is made of ordinary mortals like you and I. What makes it special is that it is finally sapience in its lowest, most cunning form that causes the destruction, the death, and above all the fear. Worse, however, is the organization’s grasp of cause and effect. They always know what buttons to push, what to do next, and how to survive any coordinated effort against them. The only thing worse than knowing that they have a cohesive goal is not knowing what it is.

There is one other global change, one that no one can explain. Ever since the Cataclysm, there has been a sort of soft music playing a slow, mournful, but incredibly intricate and complex tune. The tune varies itself locally whenever magic, and especially bardic magic, is used – sometimes becoming cheerful or fast-paced – and also acts in accordance to the weather, which changes with the music in turn. No one knows what this means or why it may be significant. SAAOS and the clergy have both analyzed it, and no bard in the land can replicate it (among other things it never seems to repeat itself), claiming that it uses instrumentation unknown to mortals save by type.

The future is looking bleak, and not much remains but to look to events on the horizon.

Chapter 1: Opening Moves
Part 1: Some Assembly Required

{Location: Jineah}

The Rowdy Boar's Inn is crowded this evening. A dark haired half-elf bard is in the corner, playing her lute and singing loudly and merrily enough to drown out the ambient music from outside, and a fire is crackling in the hearth in the back. People are at the bar, exchanging jibes and gossip with the tavern's owner and bartender. The normal sounds are all there - the clinking and clanging of mugs, the off-key singing whenever the bard gets to the chorus of the song she's on, and the chatter is there too.

Each of you has found your way here. You're all here looking for Roland Lenski - a paladin of the Lionheart Order. All except for Roland, of course - he's looking for people who are looking for him. Nobody in the room is wearing clothing that screams "Paladin of the Order!" to you, but Lauriel Taurlindir, descending the stairs from the rooms above, may have spotted a flash of the Order's signature gold in his pack. Zinixia Gladerunner is sitting at the bar, and is scanning the room like a hawk, searching for Roland or someone matching his description. Elisabeth is in one of the corners, staying unobtrusive for now, exchanging an amusing story with the bartender. Having just entered the tavern is Nessa O'Morgen, who gets a few odd looks before settling down at a table.

Each of you has recieved a decent description of Roland and thinks he may just be that armored young man in the corner. Still, he's not displaying the Order crest or cloak. Lauriel is currently the only one who is in a position to see the gold cloth from Roland's pack.

Roland doesn't have a good description of any of the rest of you. He does know the kinds of people he's likely to meet, though.

Only Elisabeth and Roland have a good description of Tallomis Songlink. This is made moot, however, by the fact that people occasionally call her name (sometimes from across the room) - she's the bard in the corner near the stairway.

The journey begins here.

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-03, 03:03 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Gazing about the commons, Nessa looks a little out of place; an older woman, perhaps old enough to be your mother, adorned incongruously in well-kept, fitted leather armor with a wooden shield slung across her back. Her walking-stick tapping against the wooden floor, Nessa O'Morgen enters the commons. As she looks around, her angular face holds a carefully-neutral expression. She was past the days when she'd get harassed in bars, but it still paid to be cautious these days.
Moving with quiet confidence, Nessa approaches the table holding the young man vaguely resembling the description. As she walks, Nessa's iron-streaked brown hair settles softly across her shoulders and across her back a backpack clinks softly with the sound of glass inside. The green stripe and leaf of a trained herbalist is stitched along the shoulder of her armor, and she wears worn and dirty boots upon her feet, obviously footwear that has seen miles and miles of open road.

Pausing at the young man's table, Nessa smiles. "Excuse me, sir, but I'm looking for someone named... 'Roland.' have you seen anyone by that name here tonight?"

2008-05-03, 05:26 AM
Lauriel Taurlindir hesitates for a moment, her hand touching a pocket in her leather armor over her heart. I will avenge you my love, she vows to herself. Lauriel walks across the room with grace only an elf can reach to the man with the gold cloth in his pack. Anyone who can afford a golden cloth can't be an everyday commoner, she reasons. She has a strange, wild beauty about her, and she appears to look perfectly at home in her leather armor and yet somehow it doesn't seem to be fitting of her. A longbow and quiver are slung across her back with a pocket holding a finely crafted wooden flute, and a rapier and dagger are belted to her sides. Her green eyes seem to pierce deeper than skin and her long auburn hair flows behind her with every step. She also has a ring on her right index finger which looks as if it was crafted of pure gold with a leaf imprinted on it. Her other ring, on her left ring finger is far more mundane and looks to be made of some other kind of metal.

Seeing an older woman walk up to the young man that she thinks is Roland, Lauriel walks up to the table they have gathered at. She makes a quick nod of her head to both the older and the young man to avoid being rude for walking in on any conversation they might have been having. Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Her next comment is directed to the young man. My good sir, I was wondering if you knew a man I would very much like to talk to? His name is Roland.

2008-05-03, 11:50 AM
Roland Lenski

Maybe it is the menecing resting along the empty chair, or maybe just of pure coincidence, Roland manages to enjoy a whole table by himself. He had planned to ask about Tallomis Songlink from the waiter after ordering a few drinks, but not even halfway through the frist mug, he had already heard her name called several times.

Deciding not to interrupt until her performance ends, however, he is greeted by surprise. Two surprises.

As he stands up one can get a better look of his appearence. Despite having a rather young face with no beard and weavy red hair toucing his shoulders, you can see from his rough fingers exposing from the gauntlets, and how his armor show a rather dull lustre, that he is a seasoned adventurer.

What is it that sell me out? The ring or the axe? We are having a crowd here, no point with low-profile then.

"Sir Roland Lenski of Maedhros," he said with a clear and deep voice as he bows slightly to the two woman in front of him, "So how may I clear your doubts?"

2008-05-03, 06:13 PM

Rising from her chair she moves through the crowd towards Roland. Her eyes gently scanning the Inn. A gentle click accompanied her footsteps as the heel of her leather boots tapped on the wooden floor. Moving around the table directley to his side, offering her hand. "Elisabeth. Roland I asume" she said with a sly smile as she got a good look at him.

2008-05-03, 08:52 PM
Hearing him mention his name, Zinixia moves over to Roland.

"Sir Roland Lenski of Maedhros," She says with a short, curt inclination of her head. "My superior says I am supposed to meet you here. My name is Zinixia Gladerunner."

Feeling that this is enough for her to say, she returns to watching the room guardedly with her back to the wall, sipping her ale.

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-03, 09:22 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa frowns a little at the others interrupting, her weathered skin creasing about the mouth. What's this now? Another omission? I made her draught too sweet by half.
Nessa folds her arms, and with the creak of leather also comes the soft clik of stone on stone from somewhere about her.

2008-05-03, 10:46 PM
Well this is a rather large gathering just to see this one man... Lauriel ponders to herself, I wonder these others are here to see him. She decides that this isn't the time to begin questioning people however and bows her head again to Roland as a sign of respect and makes a small smile. My name is Lauriel Taurlindir, Sir Roland. I too seek your assistance. It seems as though many others wish the same. Lauriel looks around at the other three women with curiosity as she makes her last comment.

2008-05-04, 12:38 AM
The bard in the corner finishes her song, and then excuses herself for a break. She gets a drink during the previous dialogue, then wanders over to your table in time to catch Lauriel's last comment.


"Many want his help, yes. Many more need it - and still more want him not to give it." Noticing your stares, she continues. "I'm sorry, I tend to get a bit dramatic at times. My name is Tallomis Songlink, and I am the one who arranged this meeting, at the behest of Sir Logan Morren - you may have heard of him."

She looks at each of you in turn, quickly, and then addresses the group. "I'm sorry, but I can't quite shake the feeling that this group isn't composed of quite the right people. I received word that the sage Nylie Talios would be delayed a day or two - we can pick her up soon - but I don't recall ever sending anyone to collect an 'Elisabeth,' although you do look familiar... have we met before?" She turns to face Elisabeth as she says this and studies her.

2008-05-04, 03:39 PM
Roland Lenski

Seeing Elisabeth extends her hand, Roland gives a short but firm handshake in return. Tallomis' words goes into his ear at the same moment.

Friend or foe or not, they have been drawn into the light.

Without hesitation, he releases grip naturally, then walks to pick up his great axe from the table to free up some space. Positioning it by his side, with his left palm pressing the rear end of the hilt and blade downwards, he then gestures with his remaining hand towards the table.

"Please everyone, have a seat. If we are all here for what I expect, I believe that we would need some time to get to the details."

Thought it is an invitation, you can sense a bit of authority in Roland's voice. When all others sit down, he will then follow suit.

2008-05-04, 05:02 PM

Turning to Tallomis for a moment her smile dropping to be replaced with a look of concentration. After a few moments she declared "Nope. You're probably thinking of someone else, I've got one of those faces." With that she took of her loose leather coat and draps it across her chair before sitting down. Quickley readjusting her bodice realising that less cleavage may be better.

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-04, 06:18 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
The older woman remains silent for a while, watching the others with half a glance, but keeping most of her attention on the young paladin. Why had they been summoned? Finally, she sits at Roland's invitation.
"Thank ye."
Smoothing out her sleeves, Nessa rests her hands on her walking-stick, idly tracing the carved leaves and berries along its head.
"So...we've all been invitied, looks like. But most of us don't really know the why of it."

2008-05-04, 06:23 PM

Tallomis takes another look at Elisabeth. "Yes, you do remind me of someone - I think I remember her now. Anyhow, Morren said that there could be others, so long as they knew to look for Roland."

Tallomis pulls out the chair to the left of Roland and sits in it. Her cloak is already off and hanging on the chair that her lute is leaning against - on the other side of the room near the stairs. She is dressed as a typical travelling bard - a layered outfit of a loose short-sleeve tunic over a tighter longsleeve-shirt, complete with somewhat baggy pants tucked into knee-high boots. Her clothing, though, is fairly tame in color (blue and brown) comapred to that of most bards, although brighter than anything the party is wearing. A simple but wide leather headband keeps her hair back from her face, and she wears a belt over the tunic with several large squarish pouches hanging from it. It is from one of these that she withdraws two sealed letters - the seal is broken on one of them. She lays these on the table in front of her, saying, "Yes, please have a seat, this will take some explaining. Do you want to fill them in, Sir, or should I?" She addresses the last part to Roland. "I don't really know how well informed you are."


Wind has begun to pick up outside, and the room is growing somewhat colder - the weather has always been chaotic after the Cataclysm, but this is unseasonably cold. One of the men by the fire adds more wood to it.

2008-05-04, 06:37 PM
After eying Tallomis with a look of something close to disdain, Lauriel pushes her long auburn hair back, displaying her long elf ears. She adjusts her bow and quiver a little, then decides it would better to just take it off and takes the strap off and hangs it to the back of the nearest chair. She sits down in the chair cross-legged, adjusting her rapier and dagger to a more comfortable position against the sides of the chair. She doesn't say anything, but eyes the proceedings with great interest and intent.

2008-05-04, 09:34 PM
"I am, in fact, already seated," Zinixia points out, "However, it would be good if we could actually get some details on this, rather than run out of time by sitting here drinking ale."

2008-05-05, 01:31 PM
Roland Lenski

Seeing everyone sits down, Roland follows suit after leaning his greataxe to the rim of the back of his chair.

"Not to disappoint anyone, but as I expect and hope that we will work together for a long time, I will not hide this from you all. I am more like here to seek assistance, from everyone of you, rather than to provide it...To end this."

He then points his index finger to his ear, and draws out a wavey line in the air.

"This Requirm. This Requirm that started haunting everyone at anytime and anyplace since the cataclysm."

Though it sounds like he is talking about that music in in the atmosphere. But for anyone with the idea to deal with the Requiem Organization, heor she will know that is what Ronald really talking about.

"I'm no good with music, so Miss Tallomis, may you enlighten us further?"

2008-05-05, 09:52 PM

Check the PMs for various skill check results.


Tallomis makes a face at the last remark. "It doesn't make for a very good song, really." She rocks her chair back on two legs, so that it leans back at an angle against the wall - she maintains this posture by cocking her leg against the table leg nearest her. She holds her mug in one hand and leaves the other resting on her upbent knee. "The Requiem Organization, or so they call themselves, is an underground group of people with widely varying talents and a uniformly unsavory disposition. They're rumored to be behind everything bad that's happened that can't be blamed on the Cataclysm - they're becoming the proverbial boogeyman of our world."

She gestures to the opened letter. "This is a letter sent to me by none other than Sir Logan Morren - the big shot of the Lionheart Order. He's a nice guy, once you get to know him. Anyhow, he sent one of his paladins to me, and the girl gave me instructions not to read the other letter until I'd read the first. The first told me to assemble this group," she waves her hand, indicating everyone at the table, "here, and wait until you were gathered before reading the second. I was supposed to do all of this in secrecy, and seeing as I'm not dead yet, I suppose I did a good enough job."

"I'm not sure what you were told about why we're here - but it's just that - the Requiem Group. You see, a short time ago, most believed that the Requiem Group was a bunch of hoodlums banded together for mutual profit and terrorizing - in other words, people thought that the Requiem group was like the Backblader Guild only with less restraint and bad taste in music and clothing. Turns out there's a bit more to it than that."

Tallomis leans forward, bringing her chair down on all four legs and her feet down to the floor. She holds her hand palm-up and close to her chest and turns to conceal it from most of the room; she hums softly to herself for a second, and in her hand a small image forms - one that seems to be nothing more than a floating, tattered cloak hung over shadows and bandages.

"For those of you who aren't too familiar with the undead, this is a wraith. Since it's little more than some rags and a pile of negative magical energy, most were destroyed during the Cataclysm. Unfortunately, we now have reports from an ex-requiem lieutenant that something that looks a lot like this is in charge of and coordinating all the Requiem activities with some form of purpose in mind, although we don't know what it is. I've done my own research into this, and there's also a religious component to the organization, which entices those to join who can't be wooed by money or threats."

"As to the wraith itself, we know from that same person that it seems able to move about the world at will, will disappear for long periods of time, and seems to possess powerful spellcasting abilities, in addition to possessing what we typically think of as a wraith's normal attacks and attributes on a much higher level. We've taken to calling it the Dread Wraith. Members of the organization who don't just call it 'the boss' call it Requiem, thus giving the organization it's name."

The image fades, Tallomis leans back in her chair again, but does not rock it back and keeps her mug on the table. "So when all this was brought to the attention of Sir Logan Morren, he came up with this crazy idea. When he tried to stamp them out openly, with everything he had, it didn't work. It was like trying to clean up a puddle by hitting it with an axe - his words, not mine - and they just came back again stronger than before. So this time he's trying something different. He's setting up his own shadow network, and trying to fight fire with fire."

"An apt analogy, Tallomis, for a fire is weakest when it's still a spark, and can be consumed by another fire."

The voice seems to occur inside your minds, although none of the others in the room outside your group react to it.

"Jaqan." Tallomis manages to get a lot of disgust into the name. "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Many, many things, which is why I cannot come and see to your demise personally. My sincerest apologies for not being able to meet your friends. That was a nice screening spell, by the way. I can't even see you."

Tallomis speaks quietly to the group. "Jaqan is a conjurer with Requiem. I don't know how he was able to find us, but we're in for it."

2008-05-06, 12:04 AM
Zinixia sits up a little straighter and looks a little affronted, though she manages to hide it quickly.

"What happens now he's found us," she asks, "And has anyone else noted the frost on the windows? It's too damn fast for a normal frost. This 'Jaquan' guy, did he do it?

After a moment's consideration, she adds, "Did anyone bring something that'll work against wraiths? Looks like we may meet a few."

Her eyes take on a slightly manic gleam at the last statement.

2008-05-06, 03:01 AM
Lauriel's hands flash to her rapier and dagger. Her voice is filled with loosely hidden rage. How did he find us? She turns on Tallomis. How do you know him? I think you should tell us more about what's going on before we get too far in over our heads.

2008-05-06, 03:26 AM

Remember that you can speak as much as you want in combat, although it would likely be best if an entire speech isn't given in one round. If you want to say anything before the combat, though, now would be the time. I hope it's not too soon to start a fight. :smalleek:

By now, the others in the inn have noticed that something is wrong. The owner moves over to the door and quickly locks it. People are running upstairs or unsheathing weapons.


Tallomis frowns. "There's no time for my life history now. As for Jaqan... he wishes he could summon wraiths. Like I said - they just don't hold up like they used to. That said, I've seen him summon a lot of the more solid undead before - and the frost usually accompanies them. The "chill of death" isn't just poetic - they actually lower the temperature, so for them to be coating the building in ice, there's probably a bunch of them. They also tend to put out fires, although if you can get a torch to stay lit setting one on fire can work out alright." A partial silhouette of a person thumps against the frozen window. "This isn't going to be fun. Speaking of which..." She turns to Zinixia, looking a little worried. "...should you really be so excited about this?"


It seems as though Jaqan hasn't heard what's been going on. There is another thump, this one at the door, followed by a harder, sharper hit against the window. "You never were very good at understanding my work, Tallomis, but I'll put this in theatrical terms so you can understand. These minions of mine have performed very well so far - I've made some improvements, and they debuted for a select audience consisting of your SAAOS friend and her companions. The audience was most appreciative! My performers really knocked them dead..." He dissolves into insane laughter. "Anyhow, as I said before, I have other shows to put on, so I'll have to leave the actors in this horror story to their logical ends. Have fun, and break a neck!" The laughter returns, fading away in horribly cliche fashion.


Tallomis grinds out, "I'll break a neck, alright," through clenched teeth. She turns to look at the group, whom I will assume are all standing by now, and says, "I'm not exactly the tactical type. Does one of you want to take over?"

"This evening sure went to the Abyss in a hurry," says one of the patrons.

"Tell me about it."


The inn is rectangular, 60 feet long and 50 feet wide at the walls, and the ceiling is 10 feet up off the ground, with crossbeam supports taking up the top two feet. A single wide door is situated in the middle of the "bottom" wall (assuming the long axis goes up/down as you look at it from the top) and a large hearth with a slightly less large fire opposes it on the other short wall. A 4 foot high bar takes up an area - the five foot square two squares from the door, plus 4 squares "up" from that, and then the remaining two squares to the right - the last one being open, but still considered part of the "bar" space. The building itself is made out of wood of sturdy construction - support beams (also wooden) occupy the spaces 15 feet out from each corner, except over the bar. Small lanters hang from the ceiling all around the bar, which is covered in crossbeam supports. Stairs leading to the second story (I live in America, so you may need to translate that). There are tables and chairs, many overturned, scattered throughout. Two men, two women, and the owner have stayed to fight. All are lightly armed.

St = Stairs
X = Beam


Not to scale, but should give you an idea.

2008-05-06, 05:12 AM
Zinixia moves away from the wall and readys her weapons, preparing to fight.

2008-05-06, 06:04 AM
Having jumped to her feet at the prospect of impending attack, Lauriel instinctively reaches for her flute. Tactics have never really been my specialty either. What would Father do in a situation like this? He would probably try to relax first. She takes a deep breath and quickly looks around the room. She moves away from the door and closer to the hearth ((next to the end of the bar)). Try as she might to calm herself, the anxiety of waiting for undead creatures to burst through the door was getting to her. Then she remembered what her mother always used to tell her, that music would always serve as a shield against fear. She begins to play a song that her mother always used to play when she was scared. In her mind she heard mother's voice singing the words to the tune. The songs removes some of her fears.

((Inspire Courage: everyone gets a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls and save vs. fear effects))

Don't worry about it. It's never too early for a little skull smashing. :smalltongue:

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-06, 12:18 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Never one to mince words in a crisis, Nessa rises to her feet, her hair floating about her in a fog as she completes a strange chant in a language none of you know. With a crackling like tough tree roots finally crushing a rock in their grasp, Nessa's normally lean form bulges, and her loose sleeves now only barely contain bulging muscular arms. In such hands, even the lowly walking-stick she carries looks like a formidable weapon...
"Mind the windows!" she calls in a voice much deeper than before, brandishing her stick,
"Fighters forward, and if there's no back doors, you archers and casters stay back!"

Casting Bull's Strength on self, and then shillelagh, if there's time.

2008-05-06, 01:33 PM

Grabbing her chair and rushing over to the hearth shouting out "Last time I checked fire hurt them, so grab what you can." before flinging her chair into the fire, grabbing her coat just before she flung the chair into the fire.

2008-05-06, 02:01 PM
Roland Lenski

As Jaqan's hideous laughter ends, Roland starts mumbling something under his breath and rummages in his belt porch.

"In the name of Heironeus...

He then grabs his greataxe with the other hand, and walks forward away from the walls.

"...Rest in peace."

After a few steps he stops and goes slient. Suddenly, he draws out a holy symbol, holds it infront of his eyes, and shouts in a voice that echos around the room,[COLOR="orange"]"No evil will go unpunished under the eyes of Heironeus!"[COLOR]

Cast Detect evil, should be able to cover the whole 1st floor.
Knowledge(Religion) check, what would I know about the wraiths:

2008-05-06, 11:47 PM

Roland OOC:
Your vision becomes gold-tinged around the edges. Scanning through the walls in all directions reveals grim news. By your estimate there are at least two undead at each of the two windows (there is only one wall with windows - the wall that doesn't include the bar, the hearth, or the door), plus four at the door and three more climbing the walls to the next floor - if they continue to head up they might escape your sphere of detection. You don't remember much about wraiths, but these undead are acting more like zombies, albeit being much more agile and quick than the usual sort. You are now standing in the middle of the room, and your weapon is drawn.

Elisabeth OOC:
The bottom parts of your chair ignite nicely. You are now standing in the square in front of the hearth.

Nessa OOC:
You have just enough time to complete the casting of Shillelagh. The walking stick grows warm and thorny. You are now standing near the table the group was at.

Lauriel OOC:
The song seems to be working. You are now standing in the space next to Nessa, but you are closer to the wall than she is.

Zinixia OOC:
You are currently standing with weapons drawn, also flush against the wall, like Lauriel, but slightly closer to the door, to one side.


Tallomis moves over by the fire and retrieves her relevant gear, and begins to sing, harmonizing with Lauriel. She pulls out a rapier from the sheath hanging on the chair, and moves over to the square next to the window.

Everyone now acts with +2 to Attack, Damage, and Saves vs. Fear Yes, I know that two bard songs don't stack.


The bar's other patrons move to form a screen in front of the door, overturning two tables to act as cover. The owner has pulled a crossbow out from under the bar, and is in a semicrouch behind it.


During these events, the banging and thumping on the windows and doors grows quiet. Also quiet is the ambient music - it has faded into an eerie silence that only the song of the two bards in the room alleviates. Then the ambient music begins again, but instead of it's usual solemn music there is only the rapid continuous iteration of two notes in a minor chord. As the swirling emotions and magic in the room feed it, the chord shifts ever higher, until there is a loud trio of *cracks* and a fist punches through the door, right in the center. The window nearest the door itself cracks, showing a fine star pattern with shards of glass falling away. The window nearest the stairs shatters in completely, and through it come three things.

The first of these is a blast of arctic, foul smelling air that immediately extinguishes every lantern in the room, blows a number of loose objects about, and reduces the fire in the hearth and Elisabeth's chair to mere embers. The room is plunged into darkness, causing the patrons, at the very least, to cry out. The second is a flying figure of diseased and rotting flesh on a ballistic course through the air. Tallomis takes a swipe at it with her rapier as it passes but fails to strike it. It lands on one of the tables, but momentum carries it further, turning over the table, and it tumbles to its feet a scant ten feet from Roland. Just before all the lights go out, you can see it - a hunched over figure identifiable as a zombie - but moving much faster. Jaqan was apparently not just boasting - he really has made some improvements to the typical zombie.

The third thing is a sudden shift in the ambient music - It suddenly and dramatically picks up in tempo and instrumentation, shifting to a slightly less minor chord and becoming much louder, and featuring what sound like brass and heavy drums in addition to the previous high strings and woodwinds.

The room is now, as mentioned before, dark, with the prinicple light sources being the windows and what's left of the fire. Visiblity is 10 feet for humans and twice as long for those with low light vision. Roland can still see evil auras. Everyone outside those limits has concealment. The now very-cold room is uncomfortable, but not enough so to have an effect on the rules unless the fight drags on for a long time.

Events do not warrant a surprise round. Roll for initiative. :smallamused:

2008-05-07, 01:05 AM
Gotta get to work, will edit in actions later

2008-05-07, 01:49 AM
[roll0] for initiative.

2008-05-07, 01:15 PM
[roll0] for initiative.

2008-05-07, 02:14 PM
Lauriel, feeling the fear leave her from both her song and Tallomis's singing, stops playing music for now and puts her flute in a pocket. She draws her blades and starts moving toward the zombie that just burst in, and readies herself against any attacks from enemy zombies.

She readies her action to attack any zombie that gets within range.

And rolling initiative... now!


2008-05-09, 03:22 PM

Ok, so I completely failed to notice that Nessa's initiative roll was in the OOC thread (it's ok to post it here in OOC spoiler tags, I think). The initiative order, then, goes like this:

(Green for Party Members, Blue for Allied NPCs, Red for Enemies)


It is now Zinixia's turn.

2008-05-09, 11:31 PM
How far away is the zombie?
If possible, Zinixia charges it with her scimitar.


+2 if she charge.

If not, she just moves to it and attacks.

2008-05-10, 01:45 AM
Lauriel's turn is up above, sorry. I'm used to everyone posting their actions and then the DM posting a summary of the round once everyone has finished posting their turn. I'll try to post in order next time. :smallredface:

2008-05-10, 01:00 PM
Lauriel's turn is up above, sorry. I'm used to everyone posting their actions and then the DM posting a summary of the round once everyone has finished posting their turn. I'll try to post in order next time. :smallredface:

Actually, that's the way I wanted to do it, but I thought it was a little presumptuous(sp?) of me. We can do it that way - in fact, it makes life easier and faster in terms of combat.

2008-05-10, 02:43 PM
OOC: I'm ok with both ways, but I do agree that that way makes combat easier and faster.

2008-05-10, 05:41 PM
Elisabeth will spend a full-round action trying to coax a flame out of the embers, possibley futile, but zombies don't have any soft spots to jab, so she is doing her best.

2008-05-11, 12:32 PM
OOC Zinixia:

The darkness, and the fact that the floor is covered in tables, overturned chairs, personal effects, mugs, ice, broken glass, and spilled beer qualifies it as "difficult terrain," so charging is impossible without the Acrobatic Charge class ability. However, you can reach the in-room zombie and attack it this turn.

OOC Valgunn:

Unless I'm mistaken, I would need a Survival check from you to start a fire like that. Go ahead and roll one.

OOC Everyone Else:

We *are* moving to the "everyone posts and the DM sorts out the round" system, so go ahead and post your actions even if it isn't your turn, per se.

2008-05-11, 02:16 PM
Here goes nothing! [roll0]

Critical failure! Damnit!

2008-05-11, 02:24 PM
Roland Lenski

"Three are scaling up the walls!"shouts Roland as loud as possible, after taking a deep breath. He then swiftly shouts out where the rest of the undeads are, pointing towards the direction at the same time.

"Two! Windows, each!

"Four! The door!

Then metal clanking and something heavy cutting through the air can be heard.

"And you! Get down and stay down!

Attack the zombie 10ft away, PA 4, with bard song bonus included.

2008-05-13, 05:57 PM
OK, no charging.

Just the roll, then. No extra +2.

Oh, wait, bard song! +2 for that.

2008-05-13, 07:40 PM

48 hours have passed, I will be taking control of Nessa this turn.

Round 1 (DM Rolls Not Shown)


Zinixia pushes past the overturned tables and other debris between her and the zombie's square. She can't see the zombie until she arrives, but when she does she can make out enough to hit him. She successfully does so, slashing the zombie across the side of its torso with her scimitar for an amount of damage as-yet unspecified, but which will be between 4 and 9 inclusive.

It's ok to roll damage with the attack - also, there are a few things wrong with your character sheet that I didn't see before. I'll PM you about that.

Laurel has her weapons out and makes ready to attack the first zombie that gets in range.

Elisabeth successfully puts out the remaining embers on her chair, making it safe to sit on once more. :smalltongue:

Tallomis listens for a moment and readies an attack. She calls out, "They may be better than normal, but those are still the same zombie tactics. We can take them!"

The Bad Guys
After being struck by Zinixia, the zombie in the room seems to forget all about Roland and turns to her. He makes his attack - a wide, sweeping, and supernaturally strong clawing motion, which grazes Zinixia's armor as she ducks back, doing no damage.

The front door bursts in and two zombies leap into the room through it, triggering readied actions from Lauriel, who needs to make an attack roll - Dead or Undead, they'll be landing ten feet into the room, right in front of the patrons who have taken cover behind some tables.

The *other* window breaks and a zombie hurtles through it in a manner similar to the first zombie, landing just behind and to the left of Zinixia (on a corner sqare to her). Another zombie begins rapidly climbing through the first window in a less dramatic fashion - Tallomis takes her readied action and stabs it in the face, but it stays up, turning to face her while perched partially on the window sill.


The patrons wave their weapons at the zombies in front of them to no real effect - the zombies duck back effortlessly from their attacks. The bartender fires his crossbow at one of them, and his bolt thunks into the side of the zombie's head, but doesn't seem to slow it down much besides making it stagger a bit from the impact.


Nessa moves and attacks the zombie behind Zinixia (flanking with Zinixia). She strikes it with her staff successfully, but the zombie seems to shrug it off - only the magical aspect of the staff seems to have bothered it.


Roland makes his calls, and then whips his greataxe up, around, and down completely through the first zombie to enter the room, which despite it's speed can't seem to get out of the way. He cleaves completely through it, his axe biting into the floor, and as he pulls it back to a readied position the zombie turns to ash, which falls to the floor to become a pile of dust.


Things can change based on actions in the middle of combat - I wonder if it would be better in the future to have everyone who goes before the NPCs go, then the NPCs and then run rounds thereafter in the same order, but starting or ending with the NPCs so no one has their turn invalidated needlessly. It's one thing to be surprised, but another to have to repost because an enemy is already dead by the hand of another PC. What do you think? You can answer here or in the OOC thread, as I'm checking it much more frequently now.

2008-05-13, 08:27 PM
Here goes nothing...



2008-05-13, 10:18 PM
Lauriel Readied Action Sub-Round

Lauriel's rapier passes through a pre-existing hole in the zombie's chest, doing no damage, and her dagger falls short of its mark.

And of course, you are now behind Elisabeth in the initiative order.


Round two begins.

2008-05-13, 10:36 PM
Lauriel grits her teeth and pulls away for another series of strikes. The fact that her first attack missed and her renewed oneness with the music and song making her all the more fierce.

Darn it! I missed. Double darn it because I forgot to add the bard's song bonus which is pretty bad considering my character. :smallfurious:



Holy... two critical threats wasted on zombies!!!! :smallfurious: *mutters under his breath*

2008-05-14, 02:51 AM
Swearing in a very creative way, Elisabith quickley draws her cross bow, loading it and then finally fireing at the nearest zombie not currently in combat.

Free action: Draw Weapon (Quick Draw)
Move Action: Load light crossbow
Standard Action: Fire light crossbow
Attack roll, [roll0]
damage, [roll1]

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-14, 07:46 AM
Nessa O'Morgen

Readying her own assault once more, Nessa finds a moment to shout above the din to where she remembered the bar being last.
"You! At the bar! Get your foulest bottle of rotgut you've got; the stuff you'd serve to dwarves, and-"
She grunts with the effort of bringing the club around towards the back of the creature's knees, then continues,
"-And get it blazing! Light and Heat!"


2008-05-14, 01:04 PM
Roland Lenski

Though darkness have impaired his vision, Roland could still identify that the two sudden short dim-outs of light at the window means another zombie.

I'll take you all!

Then the chaos behind him break out.

The door first...We are capable of dealing with these vile creatures, but not necessary for the partons. Must clear a path for them!

"The four at the door first! We outmen them, so slay them before they reverse that!

Assuming starting the round at the middle of the bar, i.e. 30ft from door.

With movement 20ft, move towards door, and attack whichever zombie that got in from the door. If possible, will stand in a square that can cleave.

With bard song bonus included, PA 3

In case I can get a cleave,

2008-05-16, 01:23 AM
Damage for last round:

1d6, X2 for a critical.

And this round, Zinixia doesn't move, just swings her scimitar at the zombie.

1d20+10 (+2 for the bard song...is this character too powerful, or is it just me?), [roll1] for damage.

2008-05-16, 01:27 AM

Damage for last round: [roll0]

To hit for this round: [roll1]

2008-05-16, 05:11 PM

Just a reminder to go ahead and roll damage for the current attack with your attack, so that the round can resolve in one post instead of two (It also lets me know how "impressively" to describe the hit - was it a barely-effective poke or did you cleave them in two?). If you miss, the damage just won't count.

Round 2


Zinixia whirls and strikes the zombie behind her. Roll for damage, and in the future, it would make things faster to roll for damage with the attack roll. :smallwink:


Elisabeth drops her chair, then whips out a light crossbow and fires it. The bolt passes over the head of the zombie in the window nearest the door. You hear a cat screech from the alleyway by the building.


Laurel turns to track the zombie she missed before, which has landed in front of the bar patrons. Taking better aim, she stabs the zombie with both her rapier and her dagger, then tears them out.


Tallomis takes a swing at her zombie again, striking it with her rapier, and then backs away, dodging a retributive swipe from the zombie. she moves to the center of the room, behind Roland.

The Bad Guys

The two zombies near the patrons take different courses of action - the first of them (the one struck by Lauriel) turns to face her and swings, but misses by a considerable margin. The other one swings and removes the head from the shoulders of one of the bar patrons, in spite of the cover and relative awareness of the man.

The zombie in the window that Tallomis vacated finishes climbing through, and dashes towards Zinixia, swinging one of his claws but failing to hit her. The zombie in the other window moves in on Nessa, and also fails to hit.

The zombie already between Nessa and Zinixia attempts to strike at Zinixia, but without interference from the other zombie (the one now a pile of ashes), Zinixia is able to get out of the way, taking the hit as a graze on her armor.

Zinixia and Nessa seem to be getting all the "hate." I promise I have nothing against them. Like Tallomis said - Zombie tactics. :smallamused:


The other bar patrons stare at their comrade a minute, and then one of them turns and flees for the stairs, hitting them at a run. The remaining two retreat to flank the zombie on Roland - One of them successfully slashes it across the face. The innkeeper is in the process of reloading his heavy crossbow.


Nessa makes her shout out, and the innkeeper looks up in surprise, then drops his crossbow and begins rumaging around behind the counter. Nessa makes her attack - a mighty and impressive blow against the back of the neck of the zombie attacking Zinixia. The zombie staggers under the hit, and dark sparks begin to flash about its neck. It straightens with difficulty, black, foul smelling smoke rising from under it's tattered clothes, then turns around to face Nessa, its malevolent intent clear.


Seeming to not even notice the zombie on him Roland moves to the overturned tables and strikes out at the zombie before him, which ducks under the edge of his axe.

This is why I made the earlier comment about turn order - Roland may have wanted to hit the zombie that moved to him, instead of his posted action. I think we'll be ok for this fight, but we may want to discuss this in the OOC thread.

Round 3 begins as soon as Zinixia's damage is in.

2008-05-16, 07:43 PM
I did roll damage; it's in the spoiler in the first post...sorry...:smallredface:

For this round, Zinixia attacks the same zombie she just attacked, shouting an unintelligible warcry as she does so.

To hit [roll0] does the bard song wear off, if not, + another 2.

Damage [roll1]. Oh, right, +2 for bard song...I keep forgetting that...

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-16, 08:27 PM
Nessa shivers a little as the creature comes round to face her. Even after the cataclysm, this was probably the most horrible thing she'd seen. Still, her mantra had always been "don't get scared; get angry."

In the styxian gloom, the older woman's hair seems to vanish except for the silver streaks, which glow like moonlight. With another grunt, she swings the magical club again towards the thing's dessicated face.


2008-05-16, 09:36 PM
Biting her tongue to stop the flow of obsenities for a moment, she grabs another bolt from her side and loads it into her crossbow. Taking aim this time at the zombie farthest away from her that is currentyl not engaged in combat.

Free Action: Bite Tongue
Move Action: Load Crossbow
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow
Attack roll, [roll0].
Damage roll, [roll1].
Forgot about the bardic song. +2 to both of those then.

2008-05-16, 10:55 PM
Gaining more confidence, Lauriel strikes again at the zombie. She yells, Protect the other patrons!



Wow... I really screwed that one up. The second rapier attack, diregard it, and the third is the damage. Sorry.

2008-05-17, 12:25 PM
Roland Lenski

Roland backsteps for a little room, and wildly swings his greataxe.


I am getting messy about the position now:smalltongue:

Anyway, if the zombie adjecent to Roland is still there, 5ft to flank or cleave position then attack it with PA 3, with cleave position in preference:

With bard song bonus included, PA 3

In case I can get a cleave,

Else, move towards direction of bar partons, and stops to attack whatever closest zombie in the way.

2008-05-17, 09:51 PM
Round 3


Zinixia swings, striking the zombie before her in the shoulder; contrary to the damage shown, the zombie still stands when she is finished.


Elisabeth fires out the door, striking the zombie outside in the eye socket. The zombie makes no sound but straightens to look over the heads of Lauriel, two zombies, Roland, a patron, a zombie, another patron, and Tallomis, but between the people in the way and the combat seems unable to pick out who shot him.


Lauriel lashes out with her weapons at the zombie before her again, but the zombie leans back at an inhuman angle to avoid the blows.


Tallomis, standing where Roland left her a minute ago, takes a cautious step back from the melee between the patrons and the zombie there. She sings softly to herself for a moment, and then swings her arm quickly above her head. Light, not normal magical lighting but full sunlight, fills the room. Visibility is restored to "normal," but the chill remains.

You can make a spellcraft check to identify the spell if you choose, but your characters can probably figure it out.

The zombies, as one, hiss and shield their eyes for a moment.

The Bad Guys

The zombie between Nessa and Zinixia swings to no effect.

The zombie behind Nessa swings, forcing Nessa to duck to avoid the fate of the first patron.

The zombie in front of Roland swings, its claw slamming full into his armor. The armor holds, and Roland, while slightly winded, takes no harm.

There is no mechanical effect to the hit. The zombie failed to hit Roland's AC, but just barely.

The other zombie in front of Roland lashes at Lauriel, but comes nowhere close to hitting her.

The zombie in between the patrons is hampered from hitting one patron by the other patron.

The two zombies outside dash into the room, one of them with a fresh bolt in an empty eye socket, and after a quick scan for targets, settle on Lauriel. Both take a swipe at Lauriel almost simultaneously, Lauriel avoids the first one but is struck hard by the second.

Lauriel has been struck by a Jaqan-zombie claw attack. She takes 6 damage, and will need to make a Will Save vs. Fear, DC 15. Remeber that you have a +4 or a +6 morale bonus, depending on whether inspire courage stacks with aura of courage. I can't remember right now, but assume +4. If you fail, you are shaken.


The inkeeper, now holding a redundant improvised torch, throws it at one of the new arrivals - and it hits, setting the zombie ablaze.

The one of the patrons swings at the zombie near him but misses, the other seems to be intent on keeping the zombie from hitting the first patron.


Nessa makes her move, shoving her staff straight through the chest of the badly-damaged zombie in front of her. As the staff protrudes from the back of the creature, it takes the appearance of a marionette with its strings cut - first one arm, then the other, go slack. It's head rolls to one side and it's mouth hang open as it sinks to its knees. Finally, it disintegrates from the head down into a familiar-looking pile of ash, freeing the staff. Nessa then turns around to face the zombie behind her.


Roland five foot adjusts to flank with Lauriel, and then swings at the zombie there. The zombie is damaged, and distracted with Lauriel's difficulties, however, and fails to notice the greataxe speeding for its neck in time. The zombie's head goes flying from its shoulders, becoming a shower of ash in the now well-lit rafters, as its body performs the dead-puppet routine displayed by Nessa's victim mere moments ago. The second zombie in the line, however, is paying close attention to Roland, and Roland's follow-up swing comes nowhere close to the creature.


I agree with Orzorz - the fight has gotten a bit chaotic. Rather than punish you by giving you more bad full-scale drawings, however, I'll just describe the current locations of everyone, which I can do with greater precision.

Standing practically in the (ten foot wide, remember) doorway are the two newest zombies, and the last ones that were not climbing to the second floor. One of them is now on fire, and the other one is the one that Elizabeth shot. Both are interested in Lauriel, and were double-flanking Lauriel with the two zombies that were originally attacking the patrons. So of the eight squares surrounding Lauriel (once again assuming the door is at the "bottom" of the tavern), there was a zombie in the bottom left, bottom center, top center, and top right squares.

Roland, however, moved to flank the zombie in the top center position this turn. His fight with it has been over an upturned table, but the flanking and the light helped him hit it anyway. This is the one that Lauriel hit earlier, so the additional damage destroyed it, and now Lauriel is only flanked on one axis (top right to bottom left).

Moving further "up" the room, and to the left, we have what used to be a diagonal chain of units. From bottom left to top right, it used to go Nessa-zombie-Zinixia-zombie-Roland. However, Roland moved away from the end of it after killing the top zombie, and then two more zombies came, one of them moving around behind where Roland was (a short distance from Zinixia, but not within melee range. It is this zombie that the two patrons are now flanking on the top-to-bottom axis, having abandoned their place at the tables to Roland. The other zombie coming in through the south window landed behind and to the "left" (again - with relation to the room) of Nessa, flanking with another zombie on the top right-to-bottom left axis. The zombie he was flanking with is now dead (again), thanks to the combined efforts of Zinixia and Nessa, which would mean Nessa is no longer flanked.

Tallomis is over by the center of the upper half of the room, a five foot square between her and the zombie/patron melee.

The barkeep is where he always has been.

Elisabeth is still by the hearth.

Graph - As it stands now

I lied, here's another drawing.

U - A zombie used to be here, but is now a pile of ash.
N - Nessa
Z - Zinixia
R - Roland
L - Lauriel
E - Elisabeth
T - Tallomis
X - Zombie
P - Patron

...Stairs.........................Fireplace....... ....................
...Stairs.............................E........... ......................
...Stairs......................................... .......................
.................................................. .........................
.................................................. .........................
Window...X..............................T......... ..................
.........................................P........ ..........................
.........................................X........ ..........................
......................................U..P........ .........................
..................................Z............... .........................
................................U................. ..........................
Window....................N....................... .....BarBarBarBar
............................X..................... .........Bar..P..........
.....................................R............ .........Bar...............
.....................................U..X......... ........Bar..............
.....................................L............ .........Bar............
..................................X.X............. ........Bar........
..................................Door............ ........Bar.........

Obviously this isn't fully to scale. Round 4 begins!

2008-05-18, 05:03 AM
Quickly grabbing another bolt and shoving it into her crossbow Elisabeth takes aim at the same zombie she shot at before and fires.

Move Action: Load Crossbow
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow

Attack roll, [roll0]
Damage roll, [roll1]

2008-05-18, 06:29 AM
Ok, for some reason the link to my sheet isn't working quite right, I'll try to work on it. I don't remember exactly what my Will Save is, but I'm pretty sure it was +5 so +9 with the aura of courage bonus.


2008-05-18, 10:19 PM
Zinixia takes a couple of steps and attacks the zombie between the two patrons, screaming again.


2008-05-21, 11:05 AM

It has been 48 hours, I will post the next round sometime today. The Great Skenardo has PMed me (and apparently all his other DMs as well) - he has started a full time job and won't be able to post quite as often. Regardless, I will put up Round 4 later and be taking control of Roland and Nessa unless their actions are posted by then.

2008-05-21, 01:16 PM
Roland Lenski

As the second strike misses the zombie entirely, the greataxe strikes deep into the floor and jams.

This is a mistake that only a squire would make!

Assume that Roland only dropped the greataxe, and didn't have further critical mess-ups...

Suffer the AOO(s) to pickup the greataxe, 5ft step to the right, then strike at the adjecent zombie; or 5ft step to upper-right if already cross-flanked when it comes to my init.

With bard song bonus included, PA 3

Just in case, cleave!

2008-05-21, 02:00 PM
Oh I forgot to post my attacks in my last post! I'll put them here, but if it's too late then thats fine.



2008-05-21, 09:22 PM

Urgh. My sincerest apologies but I will not be able to post until tomorrow.

2008-05-22, 07:27 PM

Again, my apologies for the delay, but a whole bunch of stuff hit the fan in my life at once. It's mostly positive stuff, but still...

Round 4


Zinixia swings and strikes the zombie nearest her, making a long gash in its torso.


Elisabeth fires, and takes a small chunk from the head of the zombie behind Lauriel - a successful tricky shot, although the effectiveness can be questioned.


Lauriel is now shaken.

Lauriel swings at (I assume) the zombie between her and Roland, trying to eliminate all the targets on one side to better her defense or open an escape route. Despite her shaken state, she manages to stab the zombie twice, and yanks her weapons free.


Tallomis draws her rapier again while moving to attack the zombie that Zinixia is on. Unfortunately, she misses, her rapier passing through thin air as the zombie bends backwards at an inhuman angle to avoid it.

The Bad Guys

The zombie hanging out at the window charges Zinixia, but fails to hit her, his claws passing through the space she vacated during her attack.

The zombie near Nessa attacks to no effect.

The zombie between Roland and Lauriel swings for Roland, striking him across the chest, the claws scraping off the armor. It was a hard hit though - another inch or two more and leverage would have done some heavy damage.

The zombies behind Lauriel do even worse. One flat misses, and the other's swing carries around into his partner, damaging the other zombie. Perhaps the brain damage inflicted on it by Elisabeth meant something after all?

It did not. The zombies just rolled freakin' terrible this round, with one exception - and the light screwed up a hard hit against Roland.

The barkeep resumes loading his crossbow.

The patrons continue double-teaming the zombie, each striking it hard. Black sparks and smoke emerge from under the rags covering it.


Nessa clouts the zombie in front of her hard across the skull for 11 damage.


Roland yanks his axe free of the table, the momentum carrying it through the zombie in front of him (the one recently damaged by Lauriel). He continues his movement as the bisected zombie falls over and crumbles to ashes.

But a cleave is not possible this round. Sorry, but picking up a weapon is a move action, and no other zombies are in range. Your "movement" mentioned actually takes place next round, if you still want it to. On the bright side, no AOO against you is possible for the same reason.


Round 5 begins.

2008-05-23, 07:12 AM
"What does it take," Zinixia groans "to make you things...DIE!?

On the word "die", she lunges and attempts to sink her scimitar into the now-lacerated zombie (the one she just slashed).


2008-05-23, 08:27 PM
Deeply effected by the sickening blow from the zombie, Lauriel continues to fight, but is obviously shaken. She turns to the zombie directly behind her and strikes again.


Actually, the damage rolls should be with an extra +2 because I thought that shaken gave a -2 to damage as well but it doesn't.

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-23, 08:58 PM
Nessa Vermogen
With yet another powerful swing, Nessa strikes at the face of the zombie with her cudgel, sweating even in the chill air.


2008-05-24, 03:02 PM

With a calm gaze she loads and fires her crossbow ounce again at the zombie she shot at before.

Attack roll, [roll0]
Damage roll, [roll1]

2008-05-24, 04:16 PM
Roland Lenski

Even the hit didn't get through the armor, the force still got right through, and Roland feels his chest burning everytime he takes a breath.

That Jaqan really did toughen up the zombies with his dark means...They must all die, or it will mean more lives lost!

He charges past Lauriel, and and brings down his greataxe towards the zombies.

If the two zomibies at the door are still adjecent to each other, move to the left of Lauriel; If they moved to flank her, then move to behind her, and attack the same zombie she attacked.

With bard song bonus included, PA 3

In case I can get a cleave,

2008-05-24, 04:18 PM

Oops, forgot to remove the brackets in the previous post...

With bard song bonus included, PA 3

In case I can get a cleave,

2008-05-24, 11:35 PM

Alright! Everyone's on board again! :smallbiggrin:

Round 5


Zinixia swings her scimitar again, aiming for a re-killing shot, but succeeds only in slicing open the thing's cheek. This appears to be the proverbial back-breaking straw, however, as the zombie has simply taken too much damage to contain the negative energy within it. It disintegrates - slowly, and unlike the others does not do the broken-puppet routine. Rather, it appears to be full of fight right until its arms fall off. After another couple of seconds, it too is a pile of ashes.


Elisabeth's next shot flies over the tables Roland was in front of, under Lauriel's right arm, and into the torso of the zombie beyond that. Tallomis looks at the zombie, then at you and arches an eyebrow.


As a crossbow bolt flies from somewhere behind you to strike your zombie, you make your attack, but your shaken state prevents you from scoring a hit - and the bolt doesn't faze the zombie any more than the previous ones did.


Tallomis moves and attacks the zombie that made a run at Zinixa a moment ago, stabbing it through the shoulder.

The Bad Guys

The flaming zombie continues to burn, although the ice moving in behind and under it seems unnervingly unaffected. The zombie attempts to grab Lauriel, but fails to do so.

The zombie beside him (Elisabeth's pincushion) attacks Lauriel, but doesn't do any better.

The zombie Tallomis attacked wraps its hand around the blade of the rapier, and backhands Tallomis, who involuntarily releases her weapon.

A disarm attempt, if anyone was wondering.

The zombie that Nessa is focusing on attempts to hit her, but misses high.


The innkeeper fires at the newest, freshest zombie, hitting it in the shoulder that Tallomis didn't.

The two surviving patrons move to flank Tallomis's zombie. Each takes a swing at it, and surprisingly, both manage to stab it through the chest.


Nessa adjusts her footing, and completes a short, powerful overhead swing with her staff, bashing the zombie's head down into its torso. This zombie does go through the broken-puppet routine before it crumbles.


Roland, brushing the table before him out of his way, makes his way to Lauriel's right side, crunching through the remains of someone's drink. He levels his blade out to the right, then sweeps in a vicious horizontal arc that passes through both zombies and the last standing table in the room before it stops just short of Lauriel. The zombies crumble to dust, leaving naught but some spent crossbow bolts and a puff of flame behind.


There is one zombie left in the room - the one Tallomis and the patrons are engaged with. Round 6 begins.

2008-05-25, 01:16 AM
Zinixia attacks the nearest zombie, grunting with the exertion of the lunge.


2008-05-25, 04:59 AM
Pulling another crossbow bolt and jamming into her crossbow a small thought crossed her mind, I should try and get this enchanted to set fire to things, before launching her fourth bolt into the nearest zombie.


Attack roll, [roll0]
Damage roll, [roll1]

2008-05-25, 05:07 AM

The real damage roll.
Damage roll, [roll0]

2008-05-25, 03:51 PM
Roland Lenski

As the two zombies turn to ashes, Roland lays his greataxe blade-flat on his right shoulder, gives out a long breath, and turns around to pat on Lauriel's shoulders with his other hand, trying to reassure her.

"They are back to ashes now," he points at the remaining zombie, "We go knock that remaining one down, and it's all clear down here below! Come!"

Double move 40ft to threaten the zombie and help provide flank, or move 20ft towards the stairs, if the above conversation takes up an action.

2008-05-25, 10:31 PM
Lauriel nods to Roland. Suddenly remembering the zombies that were climbing to the second floor, Lauriel shouts, We should go upstairs to help any that are up there! She quickly moves to the stairs and starts to go up them.

Lauriel takes a double move toward the stairs and goes up a little ways if possible, but she only goes halfway up the stairs at most.

2008-05-26, 02:21 PM

Lauriel needs a reflex save.

2008-05-26, 04:17 PM
Ok, here comes a reflex save...

2008-05-27, 10:56 AM

More than 48 hours have passed, I will be taking control of Nessa this round.

Round 6


Zinixia swipes her blade across the zombie's chest, opening it. The zombie begins to smoke and crackle.


I'm not sure what luahcing is, but it sounds vicious. :smallamused:

At almost the same moment, Elisabeth loads, aims, and fires. The shot strikes the zombie in the forehead. The zombie goes through the broken puppet routine, and then falls, turning to ash as it goes.


Lauriel rushes as fast as she can over the difficult terrain for the stairs. Reaching the bottom, she looks up and immediately dives to one side as the body of the patron who fled comes flying down at her, striking the stairs only once on its fall. The man is dead, his body sporting a massive chest injury - the kind Roland would have had if not for his armor. Lauriel finishes her dive on her feet.

Lauriel can see at the top of the stairs another zombie, one with a ragged gash in his arm. It gives off a syllibant hiss which sounds suspiciously like a laugh...

But despite the zombie's attempts to be creepy, you may make another will save to try to shake off the shaken state - the DC is still 15.


Tallomis pulls her rapier out of the pile of ashes, then turns and head towards the stairs. "Three to go - let's hope those upstairs have held them off long enough!"

The Bad Guys

The zombies take no action that the party can discern at this time.

The Patrons.

The innkeeper moves out from behind the bar, and heads towards the front door. "There's a ladder that heads to the next floor out here," he says, "More can come!"

The two other patrons move to follow him.


Nessa moves over to stand by Lauriel, and readies to attack the zombie if it comes charging down at Lauriel and her.


I assume you don't want to go flank a pile of ash, so...

Roland moves 40 feet towards the stairs, placing him close behind Lauriel.


You (all of you) can hear terrified shreiks coming from upstairs. Apparently the work of the zombies up there has just begun...

Round 7 begins.

2008-05-27, 01:27 PM

Looking over the barman and then looking back to her new co-conspirators, Elisabeth grabs another bolt and jams it into her crossbow.

Reload Crossbow, Standard Action

2008-05-29, 05:17 AM
Shaking off her fears, Lauriel quickly moves up the stairs to meet the zombie head on. Be gone from this world foul corpse! She swings her blades at it.

I'm really sorry about the double post. I was in a hurry with the previous post and I really messed it up. So here are the attack and damage rolls.



2008-05-29, 01:04 PM
Roland Lenski

Seeing Lauriel charge haed-in before him, Roland grabs a vial of holy water from his belt, and flungs it towards the zombie.

Move to 1 square behind Lauriel, draw holy water on the way, and attack zombie with it.

With bard song and firing into melee included,
Ranged touch attack:[roll0]

Not sure if bard song works on holy water or not, please -2 to both if it doesn't.

2008-05-30, 02:11 AM
Zinixia attacks the nearest zombie, if she can move that far (I really should keep better track of the map :smalltongue: :smallsigh:)


2008-05-30, 05:43 PM

Zinixia cannot make it to a zombie this round. Your options are to get on the stairs behind Roland and Lauriel, or else head for the door with the other patrons. You're about equally close to both. Because of this I'll give you and Skenardo a bit more time before posting the next round.

The Great Skenardo
2008-05-31, 11:16 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Panting from exertion, Nessa motions up the ladder.
"Up you go! Come on, people are dying up there!"

2008-06-01, 03:43 PM

Ok, here it is, finally... Sorry about another delay.

Round 7


Zinixia moves up the stairs, behind Roland and Lauriel.


Elisabeth reloads.


Lauriel swings with her weapons, managing to sink one into each of the zombie's legs.


Tallomis heads for the door, ending up behind Nessa.

The Bad Guys

The zombie at the top of the stairs swings down, catching Lauriel across the arm for four damage. Lauriel will need another will save.

And with this, Lauriel wins the bad-luck award for the fight. :smallfrown:


The innkeeper and the patrons all move outside, and you hear the bang of a ladder against the side of the wall.


Nessa moves outside, ahead of Tallomis but behind the patrons and innkeeper, and tells them to get a move on. :smallamused:


Roland slings the holy water out of the vial, which strikes the zombie in the chest and sizzles there when it comes into contact with the negative energy keeping the corpse moving.

Also, the bard song gives a bonus to hit but not to damage - you are throwing the holy water, but the "holy-ness" of the water is doing the damage, not the force of your throw. :smallwink:


The upstairs is an L-shaped floor, with rooms lining each wall. Lauriel and Roland can see a zombie enter a room at the near end of the hall (very near the stairs), and Lauriel alone can see a zombie come through the window at the far end of the hall.

Round 8 begins. The combat will likely end soon, and the game can pick up speed again.

2008-06-01, 04:12 PM

Elisabeth will run after Tallomis and Nessa, grabbing her coat before she does.

2008-06-01, 06:59 PM
Lauriel turns to Roland before attacking and says, There's another coming the window.

If the one in front of her is still up then Lauriel attacks that one. Otherwise, she moves to the nearer one in the hallway and attacks that one.

[roll1] (-2 if Will Save fails)

[roll3] (-2 if Will Save fails)

2008-06-04, 01:37 AM
Zinixia continues up the stairs. She stops at the top to take stock of the situation.

OOC: Sorry about not being here. I've got exams at the moment and I couldn't find time.

2008-06-04, 03:03 PM
Roland Lenski

"Windows? I don't see one here, the other end?" he holds onto the railings to try to have a better look of what's above, then turns to Zinixia, "Zinixia, up a few steps and you would see a room, you and Lauriel deal with that zombie inside, can do?"

If the zombie right infront is still there, attack with holy water. Else, use lay on hands to heal Lauriel for 4 hp, then walk 20ft towards the far end of the second floor.

Ranged touch attack:[roll0]

2008-06-05, 09:54 PM

Giving a bit more time before posting the next round. Roland hasn't technically used up his actions, btw.

2008-06-06, 02:50 AM
"Sure thing, we can deal with that one," Zinixia replies, grinning.

2008-06-06, 05:26 PM

Ok, My assumption is that the logjam at the stairs is paralyzing the three party members there, as all three are melee warrior types, but the only one with melee access to a zombie is Lauriel. As a zombie is at the top of 5 ft. wide stairs, this means that Roland and Zinixia are pretty much stuck twiddling thier thumbs there. That said, your recent posts make me think (correct me if I'm wrong) that you're delaying your actions until the zombie is finished (it's looking pretty bad). That said, I present to you: a partial round!


Lauriel's strikes fall higher this time, and push the zombie past its limit, causing it to crumble to dust.


Elisabeth rushes outside while donning her coat, ending up behind Tallomis, Nessa, and the Patrons, all of whom are either at or heading up the ladder.


The stairs are no longer blocked, and Roland, Nessa, and Zinixia have yet to fill in thier actions for this round.

2008-06-06, 08:00 PM
Now the stairs are unblocked, Zinixia runs for the zombie and attacks it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-06-07, 12:12 AM
Round 8 Cont.


Zinixia runs up past Lauriel and around the stairs, entering one of the rooms that the inn offers overnight. A pair of men and a woman are pressed back against the wall, with nowhere left to run from the zombie standing there. The zombie looks ready to spring, but your attack distracts it. Unfortunately, you missed the zombie. It turns around to face you...

Also, your place in the intiative order is now behind Elisabeth's.


Tallomis has made it to the roof, and has unsheathed her rapier.

The Bad Guys

...and attacks, striking the doorjamb of the room as you duck back. The wood cracks under the force of the swing.

The zombie partway in the window notices the entourage coming up to the roof, and instead of climbing the rest of the way in grabs the window sill and uses it to push off, dashing quickly across the roof to take the innkeeper off the ladder. The ladder itself topples to the ground, with the innkeeper and the zombie landing heavily in the street, and the two patrons to the ground, where they lie prone. Blood begins to pool around the innkeeper.

The zombie simply tumbles to its feet, giving off that sillibant hiss, like laughter again...


The innkeeper does not move.

The two other patrons do not appear damaged, merely disoriented, they fumble around for thier weapons and get up, struggling to do so a bit because the outside appears to have been thoroughly iced by the zombies prior to the attack.


The situation has changed a bit, and I'm giving Skenardo and Orzorz a bit more time to post because of it. It is possible to end the fight this round or the next, I think.

2008-06-11, 12:44 AM

Well over 48 hours have elapsed. I will be assuming control of Nessa and Roland.

Nessa moves over to the zombie, and strikes at it. The hit crumples part of the zombie's skull and sends it to the ground, prone.


Roland finishes his climb up the stairs to find that his intended target has escaped through the window, back out onto the roof. He then turns and attacks the zombie in the doorway of the room, but his axe falls short of its mark.


The next round should see the end of the remaining zombies, and this combat will be over. Ultimately, I confess that I didn't know what I was getting into with a PbP combat, despite having participated in the core class battle, and I will be mindful of this in the future. I now return you to a regularly scheduled campaign, consisting of at least a post a day from me once this combat is over. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-12, 06:26 PM
Lauriel rushes up the last of the stairs and attacks the zombie that has the patrons cornered.



The zombie is my dodge target so I have 20 AC against it.

2008-06-12, 08:32 PM
Letting out another shout, Zinixia swings her rapier at the zombie again, cursing herself for her missed swipe.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-06-13, 12:07 PM

Now the ladder had been thrown down and her way up block Elisabeth turned her crossbow to the Zombie, and with a cool eye fired.

Standard Action: Attack

2008-06-14, 01:30 PM
Roland Lenski

"Die!"shouts Roland as he brings down the greataxe against the zombie.

Sorry for the inactivity, was sick, or the board was down when I feel well...

Attack zombie again with greataxe, with bard song bonus included, PA 3


2008-06-14, 04:37 PM
Round 9


Elisabeth fires her crossbow, striking the zombie right between the eyes. The head snaps back with as sickening crunch, and then cranks itself down again to more crunching.


Lauriel plunges her rapier and her dagger into the zombie's chest. The zombie barely seems to notice the dagger, but hisses at the rapier strike.


Zinixia's scimitar misses the zombie completely, thunking into the door frame again.


Now semi-trapped up on the roof, Tallomis irritably sheathes her rapier and sings softly, but the sound of her voice carries all over the street and into the ambient music, which begins to produce more vocal singing. A moment later, the air distorts near the zombie as a blast of noise erupts there, and little bits of the zombie go flying off from the sonic hit.

The Bad Guys

The inside zombie swings for Zinixia, but only ends up with it's arm passing between Lauriel and Zinixia as the two duck out of the way.

The outside zombie swings at Nessa, who blocks the hit with her staff. The staff makes a thunking noise on impact, but doesn't appear to be damaged.


The innkeeper continues to bleed.

The other two patrons rush up to help out Nessa. One of them falls face first onto the road from the ice, but the other manages to make it over to behind the zombie.

The three people in the room behind the zombie, upon realizing that help has arrived, appear to recover some of thier wits. They look at each other, and then all three move up and collectively grab the zombie, holding back it's arms and head. You hear one of them say "Ho... it's like ice!"


Nessa swings, and the distracted zombie with the weakened neck is decapitated as the head goes sailing away. It turns to dust.


With the zombie held in place, Roland taps his axe haft against his hand once, then settles his grip, and shoves his axe through the torso of the remaining zombie, almost hurting the patron holding its head. The final zombie goes through its broken-puppet thing, and disintegrates.


The music fades. Everyone (who is not in the party) waits with baited breath, and then exhales in relief when the music returns to it's normal soft, minor tune. The ice coatings that had been creeping about vanish - not even melting, simply retracting towards the various piles of ashes laying about.

The encounter ends. The group members (and all NPC's) reconvene inside - and hastily puts out the chair that Elisabeth had tried to light on fire, as all the natural lighting in the room came back when the last of the zombies fell. Tallomis is the last one in, supporting the innkeeper with one arm. He looks awake, but in bad shape.

We are no longer running turns for the encounter, meaning that anyone's character is once again free to act at any time, and may be responded to at any time. Isn't freedom wonderful?

Treasure: The zombies were carring nothing of value, and didn't even leave body parts behind. The patrons, however, collectively come up with a reward of 100 gold peices, which was basically all the pocket money they had. This is probably a bit much for commoners, but Jineah is a pretty affluent city...

Experience: 305 XP per character. This is the first xp award given this campaign; roleplaying and finishing up at the end of a section or quest of some sort can grant more...

The inside is a mess - virtually every bit of furniture was either overturned or broken. A quick, healthy cleanup effort from all involved (except the recovering innkeeper, who just gave directions) manages to restore, in under an hour, most of a working inn. The only things that can't be so easily fixed were the door, three windows, and the furniture destroyed/damaged by the zombies or Roland and Elisabeth. Heavy cloth was nailed down over each window, and was nailed at the top of the door, thus providing a kind of curtain over the doorway.

The bodies of the two dead patrons are taken to the local guard office for identification and burial. The patrons who returned from that duty told the group that the guard would be sending investigators to collect statements and armed men to guard the inn for the night.

The temperature in the room has returned to normal, and is in fact quite pleasant - the fire in the fireplace keeping any natural chill from outside at bay. Most patrons decide to go home after the guard is done with them, but with a promise to the innkeeper that they would return - several plan to remain, however. The innkeeper himself, introducing himself as Todd Foran, states that you can have free bedding here and as whatever supplies you like that he can supply, within reason. The inn remains fairly well stocked.

Unresolved Details include healing (Lauriel comes to mind) and the meeting itself.

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-14, 05:11 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
With the frenetic tempo of the combat settling back to the vague melancholies of normal life, Nessa draws up a chair and sinks into it. Even in the chill aftermath of battle, a sheen of sweat from the exertion shines on Nessa's brow. Her iron-black hair hangs about her shoulders, and she passes a hand wearily across her face. As the others begin helping to put the inn in good order, Nessa rises stiffly to her feet and, patting the familiar weight of her pouch of herbs, gets to work healing the wounded as best she can.

2008-06-14, 05:27 PM
Lauriel nods her head to herself and sheathes her weapons. She flips her hair back and straightens it. She walks downstairs (if we're not assuming we've already come back to the common room). Once she gets downstairs, she finds her bow and quiver in the wreckage, then allows the flow of healing magics to overtake her. She walks over to the group and stops before Roland for a moment. She does a small curtsy to him and says, "Your arm is strong Sir Roland." Truly he can help me to find your killer Aldra. My path is clear.

Does the innkeeper still need healing?

2008-06-14, 07:43 PM

Nessa begins to move about. Injuries are limited: Some of the patrons were cut up by blown in glass, another took a hit from the zombie. The ones that grappled with one appear to have caught chills. As Nessa works, hushed conversations pick up. Apparently none of them are privy to the "conversation" the party had with Jaqan.

The innkeeper is recovering, although he still appears to be in bad shape.

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-14, 07:51 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
As she dresses the innkeeper's wounds, Nessa comments,
"You were very brave out there. We'll stay for the night and keep an eye on things for you down here, but for now, I insist you get some rest. You've taken some bad injuries here, and no one likes a man who bleeds into their pint. So come on, if you think you can move, and let's get you off to rest."
The thin woman straightens up, the stone discs sewn as ornamentation in her sleeves clicking slightly. She offers the innkeeper her walking-stick and her shoulder to lean on.

2008-06-14, 08:47 PM
The innkeeper just nods, and allows you to lead him to his room in the back. This doesn't take very long.

2008-06-15, 03:43 PM
Roland Lenski

"Thank you." Roland puts his right arm across his chest, and bows lightly to Lauriel. As he raises his head, he see the two dead partons, "But only if I were stronger, then this innocent loss of life could be prevented..."

Seeing Nessa leading the innkeeper back to his room, Roland excuses himself and follows in. After helping the innkeeper to sit down, he places his hand onto the man's back, and tries to heal his wounds.

OOC:Perform lay on hands onto the innkeeper until he is fully healed, or up to 15HP.

2008-06-15, 10:47 PM
Roland IC Result

Roland, it requires only a minor bit of power to fully fix the innkeeper's remaining injuries. He drops off to sleep quickly.

You burned 4 points of lay-on-hands before you felt it wasn't doing any more good.


Back outside, the Jineah guards have arrived. Each is dressed in leather armor with tan-and-cream colored garments beneath it. Each carries a scimitar and a buckler, and all the guards look fairly fit. The style of the clothing is fairly exotic - loose and flowing, but layered - an ensemble designed for the area's chaotic weather - and their skin tones range all over, courtesy of Jineah being a big city with a great deal of foriegn influence. They move about the room and begin quietly taking witness accounts. There are 4 of them, but of the four there doesn't seem to be a definite leader.

The eventually collect all statements and accounts (including yours).

If there are any questions you want to ask the guard/investigators, you should probably do it now.

Also, you can, if you want, roll a Knowledge: (Local) check to learn more about the guards.

2008-06-16, 12:15 AM

Looking over the scene of destruction the battle had caused her first instinct was to move, find another inn. She couldn't leave without the group and the group seemed intent of staying. Flicking back a few stray hairs from her face she moved over to Tallomis (before the guards got here) moving in very close to her before whispering to her, "I think we need a private talk." then moving back a sly smile dancing on her face and then speaking again clearly now, "I don't think we should stay in the city longer then we need." moving back now towards her chair she gave it a kick before sitting down in it infront of the fire. After the guards have come round and taken their questions she will head to her room and attempt to sleep.

She will infact not go to sleep, she will be pretending to be asleep waiting for Tallomis.

2008-06-16, 05:30 AM
"Excuse me for a moment," Zinixia says, smiling at the guards. She walks to the wall on the other side of the room, kicks it viciously twice and swears for a couple of minutes. She turns out to have quite a varied vocabulary, encompassing several different languages, none of it fit for polite company and young children.

"Sorry about that," she says sourly. She appears to be in a rather short temper. "Could you tell me something, friend?" she asks one of the guards, the one who appears most leader-like. "Do you happen to have heard of a fellow named Jaquan?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-16, 07:02 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
From her chair, Nessa pipes in.
"A little decorum, young lady! There's no call for that kind of language, not even now."

2008-06-16, 02:22 PM
Yes, we don't need all of that profanity.
Lauriel walks over to one of the guards and talks to him in a whisper so that only he can hear her. Excuse me, sir. I require some information perhaps your assistance if you can give it to me. My name is Lauriel Shadowhunter. Could we talk in private? ((OOC: If he will go Lauriel either brings him to her room or and out of the way room. It doesn't matter.))

I don't have Knowledge (local), but can I make an intelligence check? Here it is if I can:

[roll2] (+2 because he's human) This probably should have waited until we actually begin talking, but oh well.

2008-06-16, 05:40 PM
Zinixia looks at Lauriel and Nessa for a moment in disbelief, opens her mouth, then weighs up her options.

"Sorry," she says again, "That was overly offensive. I was angry at myself for missing the...thing those last two times when I shouldn't have. If you are offended by it, I will try not to do it again." She considers this for a moment, then amends this with "I can't promise I won't slip, though."

2008-06-16, 09:20 PM

Zinixia: You end up approaching a tall, bald guard with tannish skin. You don't know if he's the leader or not - you're not sure there is a leader - but he seems to be friendly enough. Upon hearing your question, he stares off into space for a moment. "Jaqan... I can't say that I've heard of any Jaqan. Should I have?"


No, an intelligence check can't tell you much about these guys, but you can adapt that roll into a bardic knowledge check. In fact, make another one while you're at it. (For a total of two bardic knowledge checks)

The guard you talk to has very dark skin and long, curly black hair. He considers for a second, and says, "Alright, miss, but it will have to be after - "

The guard (and any response Zinixia could give) is cut off by a jingling noise outside, followed by the curtain being pulled aside. Through it comes a man of average hieght, sandy brown hair, fair skin, and an indeterminate build - he is dressed in multilayered combat-style robes in tan and green. He carries a distinctive staff - dark, stained wood with an iron sheathe at the top and bottom, and on his back a curious but dangerous-looking thing hangs from a leather strap that he has draped from his right shoulder to his left hip. It's similar to a staff - an iron bar seems to make up the most of it. The iron bar is at least partially hollow, opening at one end, and the other end meets with some little levers, followed by a smooth but oddly shaped wooden block.

A leather headband completes the ensemble, along with the source of the jingling - a large loop of keys at his belt. As he walks in you see that he is accompanied by four more of the same kind of guard, the guards all snap to attention where they are when he stops. He waves for the guards to relax, and then looks around the room. Upon spotting Tallomis, his face goes from neutral to seriously hacked-off. "I should have guessed."

Tallomis looks up. Her face is all forced cheer. "Alex! So good to see you again! Were you just passing through or is your broom parked outside?"

"Alex" just stares at her. "Hilarious, as always. Well, I had all kinds of questions about what happened here, but this really explains it all, doesn't it?"

The two just stand there, glaring at each other from across the room.

2008-06-17, 12:38 AM
Very well, I'll wait until this business is finished. Lauriel looks to Alex and Tallomis. Who are you? she asks Alex.


2008-06-17, 02:44 AM
The man turns to look at Lauriel. "I am Alexander Ferris, a sorcerer of some power, and I am currently working with the Jinean local government for some extra coin. I came here because I was bid to by the provincial governor." He looks over at Tallomis. "I did fly in - and without a broom, I might add - but if I'd known there was to be trash here I would certainly have brought one along."

Tallomis is still forcing cheer. "Oh, you act like you don't value our time together! You know I think of you like the brother I never had."

"I sincerely doubt that you think of me like that. Rest assured I have no such sentiments about you." He seems about to continue, but stops and calms down. "This is... silly. I thought I had let go of this some time ago. I know that you aren't responsible - you were never at ground zero of any of your schemes. My apologies to you and your new companion... I can only hope you serve her cause better than you did mine."

He turns back to Lauriel. "You are with her, are you not?"

Anyone can respond right now, even though he's directed his question to Lauriel. If no one responds within a day or so, Tallomis will answer.

2008-06-17, 02:33 PM
Ah... yes I have heard of you oh Iron Mage, Lauriel makes a quick bow to Alex, I am with Tallomis as it were. We just met before the zombies attacked the inn. My name is Lauriel Taurlindir, at your service.

2008-06-18, 02:02 AM
"I see." He gestures to the guards in the room and each of them moves over to him. After a couple of minutes, he nods, and the four guards he came in with move outside. The four original guards move back out into the room. Ferris speaks up. "These guards have been charged with protecting any who wish to stay from further harm tonight. You are all free to go, or to stay here and enjoy the remaining accomodations of the inn. I myself cannot stay - those with questions should ask them now."

With that, the crowd disperses - a few head up to their rooms, but most go. Of the guards left, two of them move upstairs, and the other two head towards the innkeeper's room. Ferris stands by the door, nodding and occasionally responding to people as they head out.

The main room of the bottom floor is now nearly empty, especially by comparison to what it was like before. Only the party and Tallomis remain.

It's anyone's move. :smallwink:

2008-06-18, 02:19 AM
"Alexander Ferris, eh?" Zinixia raises one eyebrow. Then she turns to Lauriel. "'Oh Iron Mage'? Right. Can someone tell me who this guy is? Properly; I don't really care about his profession, just tell me how you know him. A summary of how useful he's likely to be would be nice, too. No offense, Mr. Ferris. I just like to know a little about the people before I trust them too much."

2008-06-18, 07:27 PM
Lauriel turns to Zinixia, I've heard stories of him in my youth and travels since. He's a magic-user of some talent. He also has become quite good at making himself disappear. He's a mercenary, but of the stories I've heard, he is a man of his word. She turns to Alex. Thank you for the guards. She adds a tone of sarcasm to her voice. I'm sure that they will scare off any future attacks from the mindless zombies. She smiles wryly. Do you have any information about this Jaqan who sent the zombies to attack the inn? Guards or not, my path is clear. To help solve this mystery, and any information that you or anyone can give is appreciated.

2008-06-18, 08:30 PM
Ferris's interest picks up a bit. "Oh, is Jaqan in this too? Well, my goodness, this is starting to feel like a big reunion! How is he doing these days, Tallomis? I could have sworn he was dead."

"Went nuts and joined Requiem." Is Tallomis's response.

"Oooh, too bad," says Ferris, not sounding all that sorry, "you two made such a cute couple."

"You know as well as I do that it was never like that." Tallomis's tone is sharper now.

"Be that as it may, I think I may have to track him down sometime in the near future - and say hello, of course." Ferris turns to Lauriel. "Jaqan was this scrawny punk kid who thought he was Lord of the Multiverse-"

"Maybe I should tell them about him, if you're going to editorialize." Tallomis cuts in. "Jaqan was an independant wizard from Keynote City - which is where he met up with Alex here, incidentally. Alex was wandering around seeking fame and fortune at the time, and I was already with him."

Alex just nods, so Tallomis continues.

"We eventually formed an exploratory and treasure hunting group, along with a warrior from the southeast badlands here, a lore-seeking minstrel from Alten City, and a cleric of Kord from the Sword Plains. Business was good - this was before the cataclysm, when magic was working fine and goodies could be found from time to time in caves and ancient ruins, and natural wonders discovered that had previously never been seen before."

Alex chimes in, "The income wasn't steady, but there was a lot of travel and a good medical plan, so it worked out alright, for a while."

Tallomis picks back up again. "Alex and Jaqan never really got along, but they could work together, and did so quite nicely at times. And yes, Jaqan did have quite the ego, but he was good at what he did - he was into conjuration and summoning at the time."

They pause in their story here.

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-18, 08:49 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa watches the scene unfold with a sort of detached interest. She'd never been in one of those wandering parties herself, but it didn't take anyone well-traveled to see where this story was going, and where it had come from.
Folding her hands on her lap, the herbalist listens for a bit.
You'd think they were related. Or flirting.
For the moment, however, she merely listens, her dark eyes flickering in the firelight of the Inn.

2008-06-19, 10:54 PM
Roland Lenski

Roland just got back into the room as Tallomis begins her story. Not wanting to interrupt, he just bows lightly towards Alex, then stands with his arms crossed around his chest and listens.

Three people who know each other at the same city at such times. Is this really a coincidence?

2008-06-20, 12:45 AM

Tallomis continues. "The cleric-"

"Her name was Sandreaga." Alex cuts in. The name is rather obviously elven, and his tone of voice when he says it turns kind of odd.

"-Sandreaga, yes. Sandreaga Daluime. She discovered, when working with Jon - Jon Leviliamach was the bard's name, and the warrior's was Paul Simmons - anyway, she found some possible clues to the location of the Keynote."

Knowledge: (Arcana), (Religeon), or (History) can tell you about the Keynote. It's kind of a big deal. Bardic Knowledge works too.

She waits to see your reaction to this - it seems she may have told this story before.

2008-06-20, 01:48 AM
Zinixia looks Ferris up and down, looks at Tallomis, then strides over to Ferris.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Ferris. I don't trust you as far as I can throw, you, but nearly no-one gets that privelage. I'll work with you if you'll work with me. Probably 'us', if that battle was anything to go by." She holds out her hand for him to shake.

2008-06-20, 02:04 AM

Ferris looks at you for a moment, not taking your hand. He looks over at Tallomis, who gives him a confused shrug, and then back to you.

"You're a strange one. What in the Abyss makes you think I'll be working with you? Have you joined the Jinean Guard?" He looks around the room. "Oh gods, you're not setting up an adventuring group, are you?"

Somewhat odd timing for a question like that... :smallconfused:

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-20, 06:13 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa raises her eyebrows and sits up a little straighter, looking at Tallomis.
"Is that what you were doing? I suppose it makes sense, after seeing that fight. And no, I've never heard of the Keynote, but you, young lady, have a lot of explaining to do."

2008-06-20, 07:56 AM
Yes, Lauriel says, you do have some explaining to do.

Bardic Knowledge for the Keynote.

2008-06-20, 02:55 PM
Roland Lenski

"The name rings a bell, but..." Roland closes his eyes and goes silent for awhile, then turns to look at Tallomis."Please enlighten us, Miss Tallomis."

The Keynote?


What would Roland know about the Jinean Guard?
Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty):[roll1]

2008-06-21, 01:19 AM
"Ah," says Zinixia, not appearing to take offense at Ferris's standoffishness, "Right. Adventuring party. Brilliant setup, absolutely brilliant." She seems a little sour. Turning to Tallomis, she bows ironically. "I will immediately admit to being masterfully manipulated. Don't do it again."

She takes another look around the room and laughs drily to herself. "Adventuring party. How do I get into these things?"

2008-06-21, 02:21 AM
Tallomis and Alexander

Tallomis blinks a couple times at all the new hostility directed at her. "I can see this is going to be a long evening." Tallomis gets up and heads over to the bar. As she walks, she says, "Anyone want anything while I'm up?"

"Nothing for me," says Alexander as he gets up, "and as there's not much left for me to contribute to this little talk, I'll be leaving - Tallomis can fill you in on... on whatever it is she wants you to do, and on the end of our story, if you care to hear it." He grabs his staff from the corner and heads toward the door.


Anyone who wants to talk to Ferris, speak now or hold your peace for a long time. The real discussion of the task before you begins when he leaves, so if I don't hear anything by this time tomorrow, I'm going on ahead with the conversation.

Oh, and I'll get back to you on those knowledge checks by PM in a moment.

2008-06-21, 01:05 PM
The Keynote... Lauriel says, almost to herself, but that's just a legend. A fantasy for children's bedtime stories. Surely you don't mean to... She trails off, but thinks to herself, to go look for it.

2008-06-21, 03:39 PM

Tallomis seems to figure out what you meant anyway, and actually perks up a bit. "Hmm? Oh! No. No no no. Hells no. Is that what all of you are worked up about?"


I promised 24 hours to waylay Ferris, so I'm not continuing just yet... :smallwink:

2008-06-21, 05:14 PM
Roland Lenski

"One moment please, Mr Ferris," Roland calls out to the man to get his attention, "First let me introduce myself, I am Sir Roland Lenski of Maedhros. Would you mind telling after you're with the Jinean Guard, had any incident like this one here happened?

2008-06-21, 10:02 PM

Ferris pauses at the door. "Since I've been working for them? No, nothing supernatural has threatened the town. Then again, I've only just arrived."

2008-06-22, 08:19 PM
"There's just one thing that's bothering me, Mr. Ferris," says Zinixia thoughtfully, "Why are you here in the first place? You only just got here, you say, and Tallomis wants us for something, and you know each other, but also, we were just attacked by this Jaqan fellow, so which are you connected to? Things like this don't just happen by accident, in my experience. In simplistic terms, either you are connected to Jaqan somehow, or you and Tallomis are working together closer than you're leading us to believe, or you're following Tallomis or vice versa, but I believe there's probably more to it than that. Why are you here?

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-22, 08:30 PM
Nessa Vermogen
Nessa taps her walking stick on the ground, the simple wooden support giving little indication that it had just recently been used in deadly combat.
"That is not the reason why I'm 'worked up,' " Nessa's voice fairly rings with scorn.
"No, the reason why I'm 'worked up' is that I came expecting a social call, not a full-on slaughter! I shall have to leave this town as soon as possible now, you know, and probably not return for years."
Nessa taps her stick on the wooden floor for emphasis, the irritation showing plainly on her sharp, bony face.

2008-06-23, 12:23 AM

Alexander and Tallomis each strike up a conversation with thier respective "accosters" - Ferris talks to Zinixia, which is convenient as both are rather near the door. Tallomis talks to Nessa, which is a little less convenient as Nessa is near the fire and Tallomis is now behind the bar.

Some people may need to check PMs. Despite the fact that the NPCs' speech is "directed," anyone can talk.

Alexander Ferris

"*Your* experience, while valuable, is not nearly sufficient to cover all future possibilities. As mortals, we see bonds that do not exist, and miss connections that are real, and hidden... and... and worthwhile."

Tallomis Songlink

"Honestly, I expected a social call too - but you surprise me, Ms. Vermogen! Surely the circumstances of your 'recruitment' convinced you that the final cost of your travels would include much more than gold..."

She pulls a bottle down off the top shelf behind the bar, and splashes some of the amber contents into a small glass. "I take it that's a 'no' on a fine glass of... of whatever this is." She holds it up to the nearest lantern and squints at it. The bottle is not well labeled...

2008-06-23, 09:32 PM
Well I'm a firm believer in going wherever my path takes me, Lauriel says firmly. She walks over to the bar and orders a glass of fine wine. I think it's time to get down to business. Let's hear the rest of this story and then we can discuss why we were brought here. She sits cross-legged on the bar stool with nimbleness and dexterity. She looks at Tallomis expectantly, totally oblivious to any odd looks thrown her way by those who find her style of sitting odd.

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-23, 10:14 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
The older woman does indeed notice Lauriel's posture, but whatever her thoughts may be on it, she keeps to herself.
"Hmmm." she says, noncommittally.
"There is that. I suppose I owe your armored friend my thanks. But don't you think it's time you told us what we've all been 'recruited' for?"

2008-06-24, 02:28 AM
Zinixia suddenly freezes. She looks at Ferris questioningly, her gaze sweeping him up and down once. She makes eye contact for a moment, then the corner of her mouth twitches.

She talks quietly to Ferris.
"Right. OK. Thankyou. I understand a little better now. It may be in my interests to follow this a little further."

2008-06-24, 02:19 PM
Roland Lenski

Hearing Tallomis and Nessa both mention expecting a 'social call', Roland's brows knits together, giving a rather obvious puzzled look.

He takes a sit at the table they gathered. "I too see something out of my expection. But would it turn out good or bad..." he turns to look directly at Tallomis, "We shall see."

2008-06-24, 08:19 PM
Alexander Ferris

Ferris stares at Zinixia a moment. "So you were his final helper. Interesting. I have to go now, but we may meet again before too long." With that, he turns and leaves.

Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis visibly cheers up when Ferris departs. "I suppose it really is time," she says, "now that all of the distractions are out of the way."

She hunts down a bottle of decent wine beneath the counter. Her muffled voice emerges, "Lauriel, I don't think they have any 'fine' wines here. I hope this will do." She plunks down a half-empty, unlabled bottle of something that is, to its credit, red and liquid.

Tallomis straightens up, and takes a look around the room. "Make yourselves comfortable." She walks out from behind the counter and takes the seat next to Lauriel, putting everyone in something resembling a circle - Elisabeth by the fire, Roland near the window, Zinixia by the door, herself and Lauriel at the bar, and Nessa on the other side of the fire.

"Approximately a year and a half ago, all contact was lost with all of the remaining druidic circles. Eleven months ago, diplomatic ties between Olus and Maedhros were broken. Nine months ago, villages began disappearing, wiped out and looted by forces unknown. Seven Months ago, Sir Logen Morren began seeking a new solution to the growing problem."

Tallomis shifts on her stool, leaning back against the bar. She takes a sip of her drink, and continues. "It wasn't that anything like this was brand new. Occasionally a gang of bandits would get together and sack a town - even before the Cataclysm. But the freqency and violence were increasing with every hit. Some towns weren't even destroyed, but instead enslaved."

"And it wasn't that the Lionheart Order didn't do anything about it before seven months ago, either. They sent their knights to all corners of the world, aiding in relief efforts and combat. The continental governments did this too. No, it was just that seven months ago, the Lionheart Order decided to take a more proactive approach to the problem."

"So seven months ago, Morren and some of his senior knights got together and pooled their intelligence. By then, the Requiem Organization had been 'formally established,' if you want to call it that. By that I mean that their mark was showing up from time to time, and that people caught and interrogated claimed to be working for this group. Details on the organization are still sketchy. What the paladins did know was that the organization was, and still is, primarily an underground operation. What's surprising is their versatility - they've contacted a great many groups of rogues, brigands, and highwaymen, but also have thier fingers in seemingly every pot of corrupt politics from here to the Brightcrest Mountains. It's nearly impossible to determine what leads this group, and without a head to cut off, the paladins couldn't move in force against Requiem - niether could the Council of Olus or Queen Celsis, both of which would also like Requiem gone."

Tallomis leans forward again. "And that's where you come in. The final, agreed-upon plan of the meeting of the senior knights was, ultimately, to fight fire with fire. They're setting up their own organization, a counter-resistance, if you will, and you," she says, pausing and sweeping her arm around the room to indicate everyone, "are the first members of it. Our job, as it stands now, is to move about from town to town, wherever we wish, and do four things."

She holds up a finger. "Task number one, is to see if Requiem, or Requiem's influence, can be found in the area. If it is, then we, well, end it. One way or another. If we can do it legitimately, with arrests and trials and all that, great - but the senior knights suspect that there are some pockets so deep and bad that they can only be stopped by a sword's edge."

She holds up a second finger. "Task number two, which is slightly more important than task number one, is to find out who among these areas is willing to join our little group, but stay and work locally. This means determining who among local government and authority is "clean," so to speak, and also who among the townsfolk are tired of being bullied and hassled and willing to stand against Requiem in a more real sense - it's a big step to take, because believe me, Requiem is everywhere, and getting more powerful by the day."

She holds up a third finger. "Task number three, which is relatively minor but might still come in handy, is that we are to investigate any significant occurence that might signal that the situation our world is in is becoming more unstable - this means politically as well as magically, spiritually, or naturally. Apparently there are some alarming rumors concerning any number of things reaching the ears of the high and mighty, and as we would be doing a great deal of travel anyway... you get the picture."

She closes her hand. "The final thing, is that if we see that bad boy, Requiem, himself, we're supposed to kill him on sight if we can. That is to say, we'd be killing him again, since he's apparently undead."

"With that in mind, six months ago Sir Morren, in his status as the commanding knight of the Lionheart Order, put this plan into effect, and kept it quite secret, with the unfortunate exception of Jaqan's lucky break a couple hours ago. He felt that the initial group would have to be large enough to cope with threats, but small enough to travel freely, acting as either a travelling or adventuring party. He also felt that five or six knights wouldn't be able to do things any better than fifty or one - that they would need skills not normally associated with knights, and so began contacting groups like the wild dogs," she nods toward Zinxia and Lauriel, "SAAOS - although if Jaqan is to be believed, that representative is dead - and then they went looking for the remnants of the nearest druidic circle - and apparently succeeded," she gestures toward Nessa. Then she looks over at Roland. "They sent one of their own knights, of course - experienced, but not particularly famous. I myself am in the order's 'employ.'" She looks at Elisabeth. "And I'm not sure where you're from, but I wasn't involved in all of the planning."

She gets up, moves to the center of the room, and turns slowly, talking to each of you in turn. "I can't force you to do this, but you have to weigh the difficulty of the task ahead with the possibility of what will happen if Requiem goes unchecked - no one yet knows what they're up to, but groups don't grow and expand at the rate Requiem has if they're lacking effective planning and leadership. This plan is fragile, but its one that Requiem won't see coming. Nor are we supplanting all other attempts to fight this... this growing plague. Still, we're probably the best chance of ending the growing curse upon our world."

She stops, closes her eyes, and puts one hand on her hip, and the other extended out to her side, an inviting and forbidding gesture at the same time. "And so... are you going to do it? Think carefully."

2008-06-24, 09:22 PM
"I'm in," says Zinixia immediately. "I have a rather overactive curiosity and you've sparked it. I can't help it.

2008-06-26, 05:12 PM
Lauriel listens quietly to every word Tallomis says while sipping at her drink. After the final request is made she stays quiet in contemplation for a moment before saying, I have some personal business to attend to, but it may be accomplished along the way. So, I'll go with you. To herself, Perhaps an agent of the Requiem Organization was responsible for Aldra's death? This will be a good opportunity to dig up some information... and seek my revenge.

The Great Skenardo
2008-06-27, 05:48 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa frowns at that.
So we're vigilantes, are we? Recruiters too? Hmph.
Nessa lets her head loll back for a moment, but then she sits up straight.
"Fine. I'll give it a try, if only because I can't stay around here any longer."

2008-06-27, 03:48 PM

As Tallomis finished her speach she Elisabeth knew she had no choice. Leaning back even more, and running her fingers through her hair rearanging her bangs back into a pony tail. Grabing a small bit of red cloth from her pocket while holding her hair back with the other, quickly making a small knot around her held back hair. Sighing a little while letting her coat fall out a bit allowing a cool breeze to caress her, "You have me by the proverbials, I'm in." just then bringing her hands up and over her head stretching them up and over her head clasping them mid stretch a few mild clicks as she bent her fingers back a little.

2008-06-28, 02:01 PM
Roland Lenski

Putting his elbows on the table, Roland clamps his palms together loosely, and puts his head on it and listens to the others. When everyone have spoken, he closes his eyes for a short moment, and sits back upstraight.

"I thank you all in the name of the Order. Now, Miss Tallomis, I remember that there is a second letter you've mentioned?"

2008-06-28, 05:57 PM
Tallomis smiles. "Excellent!"

At Roland's query, she says, "Ah, yes. Now would be a good time to see what that was." She digs around in her belt pockets for a minute. "Um, where is it?"

A brief search reveals that the letter, envelope and all, had been cut into two approximately equal halves - possibly by an injudicious swing of a certain heavy, bladed weapon. One half was found by Lauriel, under her own bar stool. The other was found outside by Zinixia, when the suggestion was made that someone look out there. Tallomis wasn't upset by the damage. "I've been able to fix sheet music and stuff for a long time - here, give that to me."

She employs a little bardic magic, and the entire package seals itself back together. She then opens the letter, and unfolds the page within. And unfolds it. And unfolds it. "Can you even fold paper this many times? I'd heard there was a limit. I guess you could with a minor enchantment..."

She finally finishes, and when she gets a good look at it, she lets out a small laugh. "And they say that all paladins operate on faith alone!" She places the extraordinarily large sheet on the table - allowing you to see that it is a map - a very good map... although none of you can read it from your current positions.

2008-06-28, 07:41 PM
"What is that?" Zinixia asks, leaning forward.

2008-06-28, 08:08 PM
"Its... one of the most detailed world maps I've ever seen. Morren has filled in a whole bunch of extra information - rumors, sightings, possible Requiem activity, odd happenings with the weather and wildlife - and he's done this for most major areas. He's also highlighted hotbeds of activity, trade routes both land and sea, and even some details about local governments." She frowns for just a moment. "I'm surprised he had the room. Still, it was nice of him."

"The thing is, I was expecting more specific instructions. I guess we really do have a kind of autonomy concerning this project."

She looks up and around the room. "Which means that we need to get organized. We can do stuff like that now or tomorrow morning - it's getting pretty late, after all."

2008-06-30, 12:24 AM
"Hmm," Zinixia stretches. "OK, I'm going up to my room. If anyone needs me, follow the snores."

2008-06-30, 10:32 PM
Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis nods. "Tomorrow morning it is, then."

If there's anything a given PC wants to do before bed, now is the time. Otherwise, we skip to the next morning.

2008-07-01, 04:11 PM

Perking up and occasionally twisting her head to get a better listen throughout the conversation, keeping a low profile out of sheer habit. When there is mention of a map however she quickly but slowly gets up, an unhurried swiftness about it. Slowly she moves over to Tallomis and the map. With the map now infront of her, Elisabeth will quickly find their current position in the grand world view. "Tommorow would be best." She finally speaks even as she works to memorise as much information radiating outwards from their current position.

I don't know if it requires an intelligence check or not, but given her current fairly immense intelect I'd say she'd be able to remember quite a bit. Just to note she is not trying to remember all of it, just as much as she can starting with where they currently are.

2008-07-01, 05:59 PM
Roland Lenski

"I'll stand guard here tonight." Roland lays back into a more relaxed position and continues in a suprisingly lighter tone, "So see you all tomorrow morning, and I hope not anytime before that."

else, that means trouble happens...

Roland will stand guard through the night and not sleep, then use lesser restoration to remove the fagitue from that.

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-01, 06:14 PM
Nessa nods her assent, and then walks slowly up the stairs to bed.

2008-07-01, 11:26 PM
I happen to have recently stumbled into a decent job for the remainder of summer break. I should still be able to post once a day, at least, but it may slow me down a bit. Things will stop altogether for a week in August, but after that I can post pretty much whenever. Just letting you know. Next post is the next morning of the campaign.

2008-07-02, 07:33 PM
As the room empties out, Lauriel moves over to Roland. So that no one else can hear, she whispers to him, I have something very important to tell you. I also have a favor I would like to ask of you. It's something that that I have to do, but you might be able to help me and I would very much appreciate it.

2008-07-03, 08:18 AM
If you want to carry on a private conversation by PM, that's fine. Also, if Orzorz takes an inordinate amount of time responding (he did say he was sick), I may just move on and trust that you will do it like that.

New day/chapter sometime tonight/tomorrow! :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-03, 02:59 PM
Roland Lenski

Hearing Lauriel's words, Roland shifts his posture to try to get up for the chair, but freezes halfway and sits back down.

Though rational, it would be really...odd if we were seen to get into each others' room.

Pressing his volume as low as possible, he replies to Lauriel."I would gladly help if I can, for a favor to the others is a favour to oneself."

I guess we'll continue with PM. :smallsmile:

2008-07-03, 10:13 PM
Right then, moving on... Vella_Malachite has asked that Zinixia be run as an NPC during her time off the boards, so that's how it will be until she gets back.


The night passes uneventfully, an honest surprise to nearly everyone. Due to the late, late time that the group got to bed, the party rises somewhat late the next morning. One thing has changed: the music, while still slow and stately, is less melancholy, perhaps having shifted to a major key for the first time since the cataclysm. This takes you by surprise, but no one seems to be casting a spell, singing a song, or fighting, so there isn't really anything you can do about it but speculate. Before anyone can go down to get something to eat, however, Tallomis ushers each of you into her room. She has the map from the previous night spread out on the small table provided to each room, which she has dragged to the center of the floor, and the light through the unbroken window is easily enough to see clearly by. Tallomis is leaning over the map as each of you walks in, and Zinixia is leaning against the wall by the window. When everyone gathers, Tallomis looks up.

Tallomis Songlink

"Alright, everyone's here. You may remember that last night, we decided to put off things like planning and organizing until this morning. Well, this is our last shot at real privacy for a while, so we need to get busy."

She points down to the map. "As I said last night, we really are in charge of this gig. It seems that Morren doesn't want to ruin the secrecy advantage by micromanaging the group, so we're on our own for things like picking specific goals and missions, and on how we go about our business."

She straightens up. "So I suppose, then, that the first thing to do would be to choose a leader, and maybe a tactician to lead us if or when we have to fight someone. This is basically a very democratic group, but someone needs to have the final say and be able to speak for the party. I hereby don't nominate myself - just trust me on this one."

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-03, 10:40 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa purses her lips and looks around at the assembled group. The previous night hadn't gone as well as she might have liked, and although she didn't want to admit it, she'd woken up a few times in the night, heart pounding to the imagined noise of shuffling feet and the breathy wheeze of zombies.
Nessa stands just behind their impromptu host, leaning in to look at the map.
As she mulls over the prospect of travelling all these different places, she feels a strange stirring. She'd always wanted to travel, hadn't she?
Somehow that prospect seemed more attractive before there were undead abominations trying to hunt her, and before the world was turned upside-down.

Well. To business, anyways.
"Leader? Democracy? I don't see why we need any of that. Anyways, there's no sense in choosing that kind of thing when I barely even know your names, much less how you handle responsibility! Hierarchy," she says, firmly "can wait."

2008-07-03, 11:47 PM
Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis turns partway around to face Nessa, appearing to be on the verge of saying something sharp. She stops before actually saying anything, though, and considers.

"Hm. Maybe. I keep thinking of this like some sort of military unit, but we're not, are we? Perhaps acting a travelling group rather than a mercenary squad will help keep us out of unnecessary trouble."

"But we do need to agree on what we're doing. I mean, what's the point, otherwise?"

She leans on the table, causing it to creak dangerously despite the fact that she's not particularly heavy. "I suppose that what we really need to agree on is where we're going, and then on what to do when we get there. Our job is to explore and root out Requiem. To that end I'd suggest starting here, in Jineah, but I've already been told by at least a couple of you that you would prefer to leave. It doesn't really matter where we start, I suppose."

She looks down at the map, pointing at locations as she talks. "We're supposed to be setting up an anti-Requiem movement, confronting Requiem directly, and investigating odd occurences. Well, Requiem can be found in most major cities, people can be found all over, and magical occurences we'll have to take as we go."

She points to the small mini-continent of Tameran, out to the east. "The first place that comes to mind is Tameran. It has a disproportionately high number of people and metropolitan areas, a high concentration of unstable magical and elemental effects, top of the line magic item repair, and the home base of SAAOS, which means that it will be an amazing den of iniquity, intrigue, backstabbing, and sleaze whether or not Requiem is there - all carefully guilded over for the public, of course. It's a hostile environment, but a socially thriving one, and I hear that on a good day it's a very nice place to visit. The wizards aren't the friendliest bunch, but if we go there on a business pretext they'll let us in."

She points far up to the north. "Keynote and Tome city are part of the tradeway, which means that finding all manner of supplies will be relatively easy, if not cheap. There's the added bonus that I know both of those cities extremely well. Plus, the weather would be pleasant by the time we got there, unlike here." Those areas are rumored have some of the classical legendary beasties running around, but unlike Tameran there's really no chance that the ground will open up and swallow you in a geyser of elemental fire and lighting."

"Does that actually happen?" Zinixia looks a tad alarmed.

"It does in Tameran, sometimes - although not in the cities so much." Tallomis traces the coast with her fingertip, moving south. "The Barrier Range might be worth checking out, if only because it's the Barrier Range." She traces it across the ocean to the northwest. "Sentien's Crown is pretty much a dead end. Not much has happened since that report of the weird guy who showed up there almost a year ago." She traces it still further to the west, settling in Maedhros. "The Saberite Desert might be worth looking at for the weather oddities. The Sword Plains doesn't see much action though - especially Requiem action. Too many paladins. Too many towns where people can tell you're up to no good just by looking at you."

She starts tracing south again. "The Mithkin Forest might be worth checking out. If I remember correctly, most of you lived there, or near there, at one time. Aura Pass is another bust, for the same reason as the Sword Plains. The Shadow Mountains would be good to check out, if only because no one has heard much from the dwarves for a while - they're still alive, we know that much, but they're not communicating like they used to. The area south of that is supposedly where Requiem keep showing up in Maedhros. We'll likely end up going there sooner or later. This has the bonus of being relatively easy to get to by sea, unlike a few of the other areas mentioned here - especially Tameran."

She traces her hand up and to the west one more time. "Last is Lazol. The elves would be pretty accepting of a bunch of Maedhrosites like you, but the area is pretty stable - other than the fey in the area, I can't see why we would need to go there right from the start."

She pulls her hand back and lets it hang by her side. "That's about it - well, there's also Mastin City, which is just up the river from us right now." She shrugs at the party. "It's up to you where we go. What strikes your fancy? We're taking and acting on suggestions at this point."

2008-07-04, 06:59 AM
Lauriel looks at the map for a minute before answering. I would not be against staying here to investigate, as we are in the area. However going home does sound a bit nice. I guess, what the majority wants to do, I'll do. She falls silent and steps back from the map, brooding over the dream she had last night in her trances. A tear or two rolls down her cheek as she remembers with vivid clarity how in the dream she had seen her last time with Aldra, their last kiss, then a dark cloaked figure standing over his dead body. On second thought, I don't know if I could handle going home just yet.

2008-07-05, 06:57 AM

Stretching a little Elisabeth let out a long sigh as she entered the room, she hadn't made her hair or clothes yet so she was looking very messy, bed hair in the extreme. "Mornin', what's with the conspirting without me?" She speaks amidst yawns continuing to stretch. Then after listening to Tallomis talk for a while and make some attempt at sorting out her hair into a pony tail she leans against a nearby wall sighing. "We should stay here. That'd expect us to leave, so we should stay."

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-05, 10:07 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa contemplates the map once more, listening with half an ear to the conversations of the others in the group.
tracing a road absently with one calloused finger, she speaks.
"Another matter first, if you please. How are we going to support ourselves as we travel? I can get by on my own with my trade, but this..." she taps her finger against the cool vellum, indicating a few of the cities Tallomis has mentioned,
"This looks like it'd take a while. Travel and staying in inns gets expensive. And another thing I should like settled," she adds, now looking around the room,
"What on earth is our pretense? Do we march right into town proclaiming ourselves recruiting for anti-requiem forces? That's paladin tactics, no offense."
Nessa bobs her head in Roland's direction.
"If we're going to be unofficial, then we need to have some reason for travelling, some reason for staying, some reason for going suddenly in the middle of the night."

2008-07-05, 12:05 PM
Roland Lenski

"I suggest that we stay and root out that Jaqan guy. It's better to do things step by step, than to wander to somewhere else and try our luck aimlessly. he stops for a moment and compliments to Elisabeth's words. "Didn't think of the surprise factor we can get though.

He then switches his head to Nessa, "What you said is very true indeed. What I have used mostly back at the Order is taking the role of a bodyguard of another party member, which takes role of an ambessdor or diplomat; or vice versa.

2008-07-06, 12:49 AM
Tallomis thinks for a second, straightening up and taking her wieght off the table, still pondering Nessa's words. "Well, if that's what you're worried about..."

She drums her fingers on the table as she talks. "Money is pretty much taken care of." When the group gives her incredulous looks, she says, "we have permission to appropriate or confiscate any resources Requiem is using for our own use, including money and other provisions. What we can't take we can destroy, sell, give to local charities, whatever. Yes, there's a potential for corruption, but if we can keep ourselves on the straight and narrow then we essentially get twice the benefit every time we take something from Requiem, because we can use it against them."

She scratches the back of her head with the drumming hand and taps her toe agains the floor. "And, um, on the subject of corruption, we probably shouldn't extend this little power to whatever local resistance cells we set up, or we'll just create a new rogue's organization instead of a group out to end Requiem."

She stops scratching. "Ultimately, if we're relying on Nessa to feed us all, we're doing it wrong. No offense to your skills, Nessa, but we can easily pack enough rations and go town hopping to most of the places we need to get to."

"Our pretext, or pretense, or whatever you want to call it, will likely have to change from area to area. The ambassador thing will get us through alot of places, but some will ask for official papers and a bunch of other things we don't have. And some places just won't care enough to let us in because we have a VIP with us. Tameran comes to mind. For a number of places, we can simply say that we got together for protection and are passing through from point A to point B, with that town or hamlet being between them."

She exhales a snort. "We could actually pretend to be an adventuring group, which gives us a good reason for traveling around, or staying in a town between 'adventures.' We'd be ridiculed by some, but most of the people with the stuff we need will just see us as a profit center, and welcome us with open arms. In fact, this fits a lot of requirements."

"And no, we're not going to just go posting up signs that say 'Anti-Requiem faction forming, apply today!' when we go into a new town. We can stay there, hiding behind whatever our pretext is at the time, for a few days while we see how active Requiem is, or how bad the natural disruption is, and then start recruiting quietly. You can even leave the recruiting part to me, if you want."

2008-07-06, 01:19 PM

"I'm sure if I can get a sample of those documents and stuff I can could come up with something." Elisabeth says, absently thumbing through her backpack for something and after a few moments of thumbing looks back up, and then goes straight back to thumbing through her pack. "We should always maintain some form of cover. We should keep two reasons for our vist. One we give out freely to mask our second reason. This way when they pierce the veil of the first reason, they don't think to question the second. It'll require each of you to fully comit to the cover, you'll have to pretend to be pretending to work for our face reason even while you pretend to be working for our backup reason, while working towards our real goal." Her eyes widen as if she found what she was looking for and pulls out a small vial and drops it into an inside pocket. "This is of course while we pretend to be whoever we say we are at the time. Perhaps even pretending to someone pretending to be someone else?" A small coy smile plays across her face as she leans back against the wall next to the door, letting one ear press against the hard wood.

2008-07-06, 01:51 PM
Tallomis and Zinixia

Tallomis's eyes cross for a moment as Elisabeth offers her suggestion. She rubs her temples. "Ow." She gives Elizabeth an odd look as she presses her head against the door. "What are you doing?"

Zinixia gives a hint of a smile. "She's playing it by ear."

Elisabeth IC Result:
You can hear most of half of a conversation through the door - one of the guards down the hall is talking loud enough to be heard across the building and through the door, but the person he's talking to isn't.

"And I'm telling you that you can't come up here."


"I don't care what the guys outside said. I'll bet you told them you were only comin' in for a meal."


"Look, they hafta come down sooner 'r later, if you wanna to talk to them, you can just wait downstairs, can't you? Or, y'know, outside?"


"Yeah... you too."

2008-07-06, 07:14 PM

"Somebody is waiting for us downstairs. At least one. From what I heard he's come to talk to us. I'm guessing but I think our guest also had to lie to get in. The gaurd at the stairs wont let him up." Moving forward to the window slining her backpack across her back as she does so. Sliding the window open and looking down to the street floor then turning back around siting down on the window ledge. "What now?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-06, 07:21 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa frowns at Tallomis' explanation of funding and approach, and the lines on her face only deepen as the loquacious swordswoman pours on the duplicity.
Watch that one.
She sighs and rubs her wrist absently.
"So that's how it is, hm? Well, in any case, I should like to leave this city for a while. I don't like people thinking of me as more than a herbalist, and people will be remembering that fight for a while. I think..." she points to a city.
"Tameran. It sounds promising. Opinions?" she looks up at the rest of the room, her silvering hair framing her thin face.

2008-07-07, 03:03 PM
We should see what they want, Lauriel says, but be cautious. Her hands go down to her weapons and she nods at Elizabeth.

2008-07-07, 08:08 PM
Tallomis Songlink and Zinixia Gladerunner

Zinixia looks out the window, her angle letting her see the street in front of the inn. "Whoever it is hasn't left yet. I say we go down and see what he wants with us. If it's trouble, the six of us can most likely take him."

Tallomis simply waits for the group to make a decision.

2008-07-07, 10:53 PM

"I'll go down alone. No sense blowing the advantage of surprise, afterall. As far as he knows you've all slipped out the back while I distract him, so he wont expect you down the stairs if things go bad." With this she pushs off away from the window edge stepping forward to the door and holding the handle in her hand while she waits to see if there are any objections before heading downstairs.

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-07, 10:54 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa watches the door for a second or two after she leaves.
"She's a piece of work, isn't she? Where did you find her, Tallomis?"

2008-07-08, 02:24 AM
Tallomis Songlink

The half elf looks over her shoulder again at you, this time with a lopsided smile. "Hey, you were speaking to her first - I told you that I didn't recruit everyone here directly." She stares at the vacated doorway. "But if she does that regularly, we should definitely keep her around. She seems to know how to mess with your head..."

Elisabeth IC Result - Again

There are no immediate objections to Elisabeth heading downstairs. As you exchange a friendly word with the guards at the top of the stairs and descend, you find that the bottom floor is virtually unoccupied save for one inhabitant - and the innkeeper in the back, cooking something that smells pretty nice.

The occupant at the table towards the middle of the room regarding you is relatively young, male, and dressed in the style you remember seeing the old pre-Cataclysm SAAOS wizards wear when expecting trouble. An open blue robe, belted at the waist, hangs over a tunic, a shirt, pants, boots, and multiple layers of equipment. The same kind of curious device that Alexander Ferris was carrying last night hangs at an angle down his back. He is of medium height and slender build. His face is angular with high cheek bones, a sharp jaw line, and deep-set eyes. His hair is brown with sprinkles of gray at the temples.

2008-07-08, 08:32 AM

Stopping for a few moments the hard wood of the final step creaking as she stood on it, then seeming satisfied with whatever she had just done she casually sauntered over to the table the SAAOS wizard had sat himself at. Grabbing a nearby chair and twisting it around with the back facing this person she took another few moments to examine him before speaking, "Drink? I'm sure you don't get out much, studying the secrets of the universe and all that." slowly she straddled the chair back to front so she leaned her head against the back of the chair as it faced him.

Standard Action to use sense motive to deterime how strong he is compared to her (Jade knows!).
And a second action to take a real good look at him close up, looking for anything strange and also memorising his face and body language.

2008-07-08, 09:53 AM

Rebuffed by the guards at the stairs, Reardan chooses a seat in the middle of the room to wait for the group upstairs to descend. Curious about the number and nature of the group, he rummages briefly through his pack and extracts a thin piece of wood, which he taps sharply to his temple before turning his gaze on the ceiling above him. He concentrates for a long moment, looking intensely at the ceiling and running his fingers through his hair. When he hears one of the stairs squeak, he quickly turns his gaze to the stairs.

Reardan is mildly surprised when only one person comes down, but keeps his emotions to himself. Outwardly, his face is calm and his mouth curls just slightly up in one corner in a sardonic half grin. His eyes follow Elisabeth as she crosses the floor and watch silently as she sits down in the backwards chair. At the offer of a drink, he responds in a cordial tone of voice.

Please. It's been an interesting morning.

Greetings everyone! Good to be joining the group.

Reardan will use a charge from his wand of Detect Magic to scan the second story of the inn for auras. He'll concentrate for 3 rounds wherever he finds an aura, attempting to glean as much information as possible.

Spellcraft: [roll0] - to identify any auras he sees

2008-07-09, 08:51 AM

After a long and somewhat awkward silence in which Reardan slowly sips his drink, the mage speaks up again.

So...are the others coming down soon, or are they hoping to sneak out the back? I didn't see a back stair, but perhaps they're not averse to using a window. I assure you, they've nothing to fear from me.

Sorry for the double post and Reardan's lackluster previous post. I was rushing and didn't put as much thought into it as I should have.

2008-07-09, 01:03 PM

"Maybe." Elisabeth says scratching her neck a little as she spoke, acompanied by a half-smile as he said told her they had nothing to fear. "So I suppose I should fear you then? Seeing as I'm the one who came down? Either way I'd like to know why're you here and what you want before you make my head explode," Puasing for a moment to take a few gulps of her drink "or something else equaly impressive."

2008-07-09, 01:30 PM

Reardan chuckles softly and leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, his hands in plain view.

Making heads explode isn't really my style. Too...messy.

He pauses briefly to take another small sip of his drink and run his fingers through his hair before continuing.

As you've probably guessed, I'm here as a representative from SAAOS. It's the blue, isn't it, that gives it away? Anyway, you wouldn't happen to know of any knights of the Lionheart Order in town, would you? Perhaps some sort of new organization being formed?

2008-07-09, 06:41 PM

"I might've heard of something, I probably don't though. If I had, I would say that they knew their reprasentative from SAAOS was dead and you were lying." Elisbeth says her eyes never leaving him and her hand never leaving the table, her finger rapping down onto the wood in a strange rythem.

Ready Action to cut this boy down with some mad sneak attack skills should he try to work his magic mojo against her. It's just in character since right now she's fairly sure he's a spy.

2008-07-10, 08:43 AM

Reardan picks up his glass, staring into the remaining liquid while swirling it around in lazy circles.

I know, I saw her on the way here. She and her bodyguards had been attacked and killed by a strange group of zombies, fast and agile. The fight was already over by the time I got there, though. Suffice it to say, my superiors at SAAOS thought it prudent to send a second representative. My talents are of a different bent than the sage's, and might be useful.

He pauses briefly to toss back the remains of his drink (still a decent amount) with the aplomb of someone who knows his way around a bottle.

Still, we're not going to accomplish much sitting here distrusting each other. I'm not lying, but you clearly have no reason to believe me. Why don't we go up to the rest of your companions and explain the situation. If my answers aren't satisfactory, you can kill me and your little secret will be safe. At least we'll be able to talk frankly.

He gets up from his chair and gestures graciously toward the stairs with his hands.

2008-07-10, 12:38 PM

"What a gentleman. Okay, but you stay right where I can see you the whole time." With that Elisabeth stands up and twists her chair back round to it's normal facing position, she will then follow him up and direct him to their room explaining to the guards he's with her if needed.

Ready Action to cut this boy down with some mad sneak attack skills should he try to work his magic mojo against her. It's just in character since right now she's fairly sure he's a spy.

2008-07-20, 01:02 PM

As Elizabeth and Reardan reach the door to the party's room, Tallomis looks over and says, "About time. Seems like you were down there for a week."

2008-07-20, 03:11 PM
As they reenter the room, Lauriel looks to Reardan questioningly. Who are you?

2008-07-20, 10:21 PM
Zinixia looks Reardan up and down, raising one eyebrow.

"Look what the wind blew in," she says sardonically. "And an explanation would be well appreciated."

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-20, 10:39 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa shakes her head, ruefully. All it took was one attempt on your life and people would start flinching at nothing. She raises her own voice in welcome.
"Don't mind them, son, come in and take a seat."

2008-07-21, 09:46 AM

Reardan follows Elisabeth into the room, running his hand through his hair as he walks. He takes the offered seat with a nodto Nessa, pushing the chair back onto two legs until the back of the chair rests against the wall. His hand rests lightly on his belt, near his spell component pouch. He gives another half grin.

Well, you're a trusting bunch. I can tell already, we're going to be good friends. My name's Reardan. SAAOS sent me.

2008-07-21, 04:37 PM
Zinixia hides a chuckle at "trusting bunch", then looks startled at "SAAOS sent me".

"Uh-huh," she says, "What for?"

2008-07-21, 10:02 PM
Trust is earned, not given, my friend. Lauriel eyes the newcomer with suspicion.

2008-07-22, 10:15 AM

Reardan looks toward Lauriel briefly, but chooses not to rise, contenting himself with a quiet chuckle. Then, he leans forward in his chair (the front two legs thumping solidly back to the floor) and his face takes on a far more serious look.

As much as I love this mistrust and clever banter, let's get everything out in the open. You are here at the request of the Lionheart Order to form an organization with the goal of countering Requiem. The Order contacted SAAOS as well to send someone, but my superious thought that the initial candidate might not be equal to the task. Good thing too, since I ran across her mangled corpse on my way here. So...your move.

2008-07-23, 02:33 AM
"If you'll excuse the 'mistrust and clever banter', how did you find the other SAAOS representative?" Zinixia asks, slathering 'mistrust and clever banter' with sarcasm, "I'm from the Wild Dogs; I'm no stranger to sabotage."

2008-07-23, 09:02 AM

Reardan shudders slightly before answering Zinixia's question.

On my way here, actually. There's a twisting canyon on the way into town. I rounded a bend just in time to see her body being mutilated by a group of zombies. They'd killed her armed guards and the sage herself, and sprinted away. It was... *shudder* uncanny, how quick and agile these zombies were. I couldn't take them all by myself, so I waited for them to leave, built a makeshift cairn over the bodies, and made my way here.

2008-07-23, 10:49 AM
Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis frowns. "The only twisting canyons nearby are to the south and west of here. But there are no SAAOS outposts, universities, or labs in that direction. What were you doing out there?"

2008-07-23, 11:02 AM

The wizard grins at Tallomis.

We wizards have ways of travel other than boat, horse, or foot. I had some help on that regard from a colleague, and that was where we ended up. I walked the rest of the way look I'm being pretty forthcoming with information. Moreso that is probably wise, in point of fact. How 'bout something in return. You guys are the group I'm looking for, right? What's the plan?

2008-07-23, 01:09 PM
Tallomis Songlink

The half-elf gives you an evaluative look. After an extended pause, she leans over the table and taps the map on it. "We were just trying to come to a consensus on that. We have a number of goals and a lot of ground to cover, and we were discussing where to start when you walked in." She looks down and studies the map for a minute, absently tapping her fingers in a complicated rhythm on the table's edge, content to let someone else fill Reardan in.

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-23, 06:03 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa looks at the mage with a look slightly longer than necessary, but her expression is more disapproving than suspicious.
"We're figuring out where to go. Apparently we're going to travel from city to city, fighting requiem and trying to get other folks to fight requiem. I think our task is vague, although travel shouldn't be a problem. I worry more about the approach once we get where we're going."
She points a thin finger towards Reardan. "You're a magician. What's your experience with all this?"

2008-07-24, 07:11 AM

Having taken up her place at the opened window keeping an eye on this supposed magician at all times. Keeping herself quiet and observent even through the obvious suspect of his story but then when Nessa asks for his expertise on the matter she puts her hand up to her mouth to stiffle a laugh. "His experience? I doubt Reardan has any experience, despite how useful that would be, with any of this. We are also very much of the mind of staying here while our druid seems interestingly single minded about leaving."

2008-07-24, 02:01 PM

Unfortunately, I'm not really that familiar with this area. I was based in Omaos most recently, and haven't had a chance to do much traveling. I'm willing to start wherever the more well-traveled deem appropriate.

2008-07-24, 04:18 PM
Tallomis Songlink

"Well, that's why we have this," says Tallomis, tapping the map. "Jineah sounds like a great place to start to me. There are some circumstances working in our favor in this town."

2008-07-24, 07:27 PM
Yeah, like the attraction of killer zombies and mad spellcasters, Lauriel chuckles. I am fairly well traveled, but I think it would be best to start here since well, we don't have to travel very far and it so recently became a target for the Requiem. Although, I suggest that we move quickly to our next destination. She looks around a little nervously. I don't particularly enjoy city life.

2008-07-24, 11:34 PM
Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis laughs along with Lauriel. "I was thinking more along the lines of Ferris and the Backblader Guild being here. The two aren't related, but Ferris is nigh incorruptable and the Guild won't appreciate Requiem edging in on their turf - and Ferris hates the kind of people that Requiem hires or recruits. There's got to be a way we can use that."

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-24, 11:46 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa adds her own voice.
"Yes...And I think it would be best if we have a little time traveling together before we start tackling a worldwide menace. I like to work with friends, and I'm willing to try, this once, to make friends quickly."

2008-07-25, 06:31 PM
"I vote move," says Zinixia firmly. "One, we'll be harder to track if we keep moving, and we don't want the Requiem to track us down. A moving target is harder to hit. Two, if we spread our influence out a little, it'll make us a smaller target, rather than a single-minded threat. Three, I don't know about you, but I'm a little twitchy about staying in an inn where we've already been attacked by mindless super-zombies." She looks up and laughs. "I've only just met the lot of you. Especially you," she nods to the magician, "Why am I telling you all this?"

2008-07-26, 10:28 PM
Tallomis Songlink

"Because we're just that good." Tallomis gives a sly grin. "We're not exactly going to hack and slash our way through every member of Requiem. For one thing, it would take too long, and for another, we would be killed eventually. We will at some point have to stay in one place long enough to establish part of our organization and put a dent in the other side's activities, though."

She leans back from the table again. "But like I said, we can start anywhere. If, ah, Reardan, was it? If Reardan and I don't have a preference then there can't be a tie vote. We've heard from Nessa, Zinixia, Lauriel and Elisabeth. What do you think, Roland?" She looks over at the paladin, seemingly wondering if he's awake...

If he doesn't respond in the next couple of days I'm going to start running him as an NPC.

2008-07-28, 08:23 AM
Roland Lenski & Tallomis Songlink

The paladin ponders a moment. Detaching himself from the wall, he finally speaks - his first words since Reardan was detected. "I doubt I could turn my back on such a large and festering pit of corruption and bile, even to pursue another." He looks straight at Tallomis. "It seems our decision is made."

Tallomis nods. "Alright then, we start here, in Jineah." She looks around the room, and addresses the group in general, asking, "How much do you know about Jineah?"

2008-07-28, 08:40 AM
I don't know much about this place other than it's a major port and that it usually stays out of trouble. Times change though.


2008-07-28, 09:06 AM

The only thing of interest that I know about this city that you might not is that an order for a large number of magical armaments from SAAOS was put through within the last few months. An unusually large number, an order big enough to register on my radar, and I wasn't even involved in that sort of task. I don't quite know what they're trying to prepare for, but someone must expect some pretty heavy action around here. Might be a good thing to investigate, especially given the attack I heared happened last night.

Edited the post, based on the results of the following check.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-28, 10:49 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa makes a face.
That's voting for you.
Then she shrugs, her thin shoulders rising and falling beneath the sturdy brown shirt she wears.
"Not much."

2008-07-29, 08:21 AM
Roland Lenski

"Not much here either." he shakes his head lightly, and turns back to Tallomis. "I'm very interested in how Ferris got to the 'nigh incorruptable' though, mind elaborating?"

2008-07-30, 12:01 AM
Tallomis Songlink

Tallomis, about to start talking, stops and looks over at Roland before sitting on the edge of the table, causing it to creak again.

"I thought we went over this last night." She turns her head one way, then another, and when greeted with impassive looks or blank stares all around says, "Oh, right, that little story was interrupted."

She sighs, and asks, "Do you remember where I left off?"

2008-07-30, 10:16 AM

I missed out on the whole story. Who's Ferris?

Also, I updated my post at the top of the page with an interesting tidbit about Jineah's recent purchase history. FYI.

2008-07-30, 06:31 PM
Alexander Ferris or Iron Mage. He's a spellcaster of some power. Used to be a member of SAAOS and right now he's working for the guard of this city. Lauriel points to Tallomis, They used to adventure together along with a man called Jaqan who sent the zombies after us and probably the first representative of SAAOS. He works for the Requiem now.

2008-07-30, 08:33 PM
Tallomis Songlink

"Not quite. Ferris was worked on by SAAOS, but they never hired him explicitly."

Tallomis sighs. "I suppose I should start from the beginning, then. You may want to get comfortable again."

She waits a beat, and continues, staring at a bare patch of floor the whole time. "When Alexander Ferris finally escaped SAAOS, the way he escaped from SAAOS, he felt it necessary to disappear for some time, and he finally turned up in Nauss. I was working there at the time, helping a man named Leo Balins - he's dead now - on some form of library project. He was accumulating, categorizing, and analyzing rumors, myths, legends, and theories on the creation of the world. Alex shows up in town pretty much out of nowhere, looking for traveling companions. I was bored and feeling adventurous, and decided to join him. Over the course of the next year, he accumulated the travelling companions I told you about earlier, and we began our adventures. It was before the cataclysm - you could make a pretty good living just exploring ancient sites and mysterious places, if you were any good."

"The thing was, Alex wasn't good. He was amazing. More than once his raw magical ability was able to make up for when everyone fell short. We thought we'd be at it for decades, and we travelled all over the world. I think he and Sandreaga were making plans to get married. They had a stable relationship and everything was fine, until we decided to look into the location of the Keynote."

She pauses for a second, then looks up. "Right! That's where I left off last night. We looked into a number of sources, as well as the notes and records of ol' Balins, and figured we had it pegged for somewhere in the middle of the Shadow Mountains. It seemed to make sense, since some of the most magical and lush places in the mainland surround that mountain range. We found one of the really old dwarven ruins, one talked about in the stories as containing great powers and presences, and headed down there." She gives a self-depreciatory laugh. "We were so... stupid."

"We entered the ruins, got past the traps, blew through the 'formidable guardians,' just as we had a hundred times before, and finally reached the bottom chamber. It was magnificent. Treasure glittered everywhere. Gems adored the walls. A walkway lead out to a large, flattened stone pillar, and around it was a straight drop off on all sides, leading to some sort of chamber below. Light came from far above, at the top of the mountain, streaming down into the great room. The problem was, instead of the Keynote taking the central place among the treasure..."

She shivers a bit. "It was big. Not horse-big or house-big or ogre-big. The thing was the size of a good-sized castle. We'd checked, we had checked so carefully to make sure the place wasn't some kind of lair, but somehow we missed it."

She recovers. "It was a dragon. An ancient one, red, and the place stank of sulfur. It didn't give us a chance to leave. It just shut the outer doors to the lair and attacked, and I... I panicked. So did Jaqan. I heard later that it was a special power that dragons have over the minds of creatures, but that didn't help us. We ran like a mouse on fire. Alex, Jon, Paul, and Sandreaga stayed to fight."

"To this day I don't know if they killed it or not. All I know is that one blast of something finally cracked the outer walls enough to let Jaqan and me out. We stayed there a while, just catching our breaths. And then Alex came out. He was nearly insane. He said the others were dead, and blamed Jaqan and I for abandoning them. I snapped back at him like an idiot, and then he went nuts for real. He attacked the both of us, nearly killing me with one blast and then launching Jaqan off the side of the mountain with another, and then he left both of us for dead, and vanished."

Tallomis sits back. "He was getting to be somewhat famous, so his disappearance caused a bit of a stir, but it eventually died down - most assumed he was simply dead - killed by an unlucky slip into the path of a nameless trap in a ruin somewhere. I vanished too, although I wasn't so famous as to warrant much mention."

"After the while, he came back, seemingly stronger than ever. He started hiring himself out as a kind of mercenary - willing to hunt down and destroy criminals of all sorts, alone or in groups. He largely focused his trade on upper, then lower Maedhros, and as a result those areas became relatively clear of rural crime. Hells, you didn't want to be thinking about being a bandit when Ferris was around. Multiple attempts to pay him a large enough sum of gold to retire failed, as did any assassination attempt launched at him. He did this for years, and this new, tough stance against anarchy and predation earned him the name the "Iron Mage. He vanished again after the cataclysm, made a couple of brief appearences up north, and now, he's here."

She looks over at Roland. "And that is why I know he's incorruptable. He's a sorcerer of great ability with a huge chip on his shoulder, although why he's taking it out on random thugs is anyone's guess."

The Great Skenardo
2008-07-30, 09:17 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa listens patiently, taking it all in. She rests her hands on the knob of the walking-stick that just last night had bashed in decayed skulls.
She looks down at the ground.
"And...the Keynote?"

2008-07-31, 01:55 AM
Tallomis Songlink

She sighs. "We never found it. Never even found conclusive proof that it existed in the first place. Jon, Paul, Sandreaga... They died for a fairy tale, and Jaqan should have died with them."

2008-07-31, 04:41 AM
Lauriel snorts with laughter. Yeah that would have made our meeting yesterday much more pleasant.

2008-07-31, 08:37 AM

So, is this Ferris planning on staying here for a while, or is he on the move? Might he be useful to us in our little endeavour, or do we want to keep him out of it? Seems like the type to let all sorts of personal baggage get in the way of what needs to be done, but you know him better than I.

Reardan leans back in his chair, his fingers playing idly with a dangerous-looking contraption dangling near his waist.

Which brings us back to what to do. The more I think about it, the more suspicious it seems that the powers-that-be here would order a large quantity of weapons from SAAOS. Is someone expecting something dangerous to happen in the near future?

2008-07-31, 09:19 PM

"That *is* usually the point of buying a large quantity of weapons."

2008-08-01, 10:39 AM

A spasm of frustration crosses Reardan's face before being smoothed over into his normal calm expression.

Yes, but why? Jineah usually tries to stay out of conflicts, not participate. Isn't it at least possible that someone in the city's government is tied up in Requiem? If that's true, it might give us a better picture of Requiem's organization here than we have now. A picture which is, as far as I know, completely blank.

2008-08-01, 11:06 AM

Tallomis looks confused for a moment. "Possible? I think a better term would be 'very likely.' In the past, Requiem has typically started by buying or coercing as many law enforcers on the ground level as they can, and working their way up from there. Jineah has been a Requiem target for years. They could have made some serious progress by now."

The Great Skenardo
2008-08-01, 11:42 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa listens on as the other discuss corruption and plots. She wasn't really used to this kind of thing. There were politics in the village, of course, but if you saw a bear you only had to worry about whether it was hungry, not whether the rabbit had paid it to eat you.

2008-08-01, 11:07 PM

Having kept her selfless guard over the open window all the time since she had returned with Reardan and she even managed not to fall asleep when the crone piped up. Leaning back a little more looking down again at the ground below judging she could make that jump and even if she messed up nothing more than a bad bruise. "Well." Breaking her long silence, "Corrupt goverment officals? I've never heard such a thing." The sarcasm in her voice as thick as the compact mud outside "I'm sure you all could sit here and debate all day long. I have things I could be doing." Pushing off from her impromtu window seat passing behind Roland giving his shoulder a light tap, "And if you don't mind I'd like to borrow Roland. If that's alright with you of course." Her second sentence directed at Roland himself or rarther the back of his head considering her currect position.

2008-08-02, 03:26 AM
I agree, there are bound to be officials that have been corrupted by the Requiem or have ties to them, we might want to start there, Lauriel suggests.

2008-08-02, 04:52 PM
Roland Lenski

Roland lets out a sigh as he hear the corrupted official part.

"I just couldn't understand what would make people abandon their duty, and worse, side with the Requiem. A sad thing it might be, so I think..." he turns his head and eyes at the door of the bartender's room, and continues with a lower voice, "We start with someone who dared stand up against evil? His profession...

Being interrupted by the the light tap on his shoulder, he dedides to cut it short, "...would bring information. Allow me to excuse myself for one moment.

2008-08-02, 08:15 PM
Zinixia places her thumb on her cheek and massages her forehead with her fingers.

"So his friends died and he tried to get revenge on those who he believed responsible? Where have I heard that before? Honestly, sometimes it makes me think..." She stops the sentence short. "And as for what would make someone abandon their duty, plenty of things. Money, power...naivety is very unbecoming."
Turning to Tallomis:
"So just how much of a threat do Jaqan and Ferris pose?"

2008-08-02, 08:22 PM

"Ferris? Very little if you're not me, or some kind of criminal. Jaqan is a different matter, though. I can't tell just what it is he wants, but the fact is that if he can send zombies at us from a distance then he automatically wins the waiting game, and that's bad, bad news."

2008-08-04, 05:09 AM
He obviously has access to some kind of intelligence as well, whether or not it's his or not, Lauriel chuckles at her own joke but quickly turns back to seriousness, because he was able to take out one of us before they even got this meeting place.

The Great Skenardo
2008-08-04, 06:31 AM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa, still a bit out of her depth here, Looks at Tallomis.
"So...Are you saying that we're going to try rooting out corruption here? Under the nose of this paragon of law? I don't think he'll like us making our own investigation into his own officers."

2008-08-04, 08:26 AM
Tallomis Songlink

The half elf thinks on that a moment. "I'm not sure they're his guardsmen - even in an offical sense, much less in a real one. It's possible that Ferris is just here as overpaid artillery, but I don't buy it."

She sighs. "Remember, the law, and governemnt proclamation, is only as good as those who enforce it, which is why Requiem starts low and goes high. Unfortunately, we may end up having to examine things the other way around. This takes us back to your earlier question, Nessa. We need to think of a good reason why we would be staying here and asking a lot of questions."

She looks at the group. "Remember that whatever story we cook up doesn't have to include all of us, and will likely be more effective if it's mostly true, with a few details left out or altered."

2008-08-04, 04:52 PM

Now with Rolands attention Elisabeth taps him again on the other should and motions to the door. Then seeming to almost slide towards the door in what is a fairly crowded room. Opening and shutting the door before her and after Roland wandering down into the Inns main room. Allowing Roland to follow her closely each step of the way.

2008-08-06, 08:26 AM

The inn's main room happens to be occupied by the innkeeper himself. He greets you warmly. "Good morning, my good sir and lady! Will you be having anything to eat?"


The bard stares after Elizabeth as she leaves, arching an eyebrow as she does so. After the two are gone, she again leans over the map. "I recommend that each of you have a look at this at some point." Looking up, she thinks out loud. "We may be able to cover more ground if we split up and begin checking on multiple things at once."

She begins counting things off on her fingers. "First, someone needs to ask the sergeant of the watch for last night what in the hells the city gate guards were doing when a bunch of zombies showed up. Second, another someone needs to track down Ferris and let him know what we're doing. We're going to have to convince him sooner or later, and in his case it's easier to ask permission than forgiveness. Also, I probably shouldn't be with that group. Third, someone should probably check out the old Lionheart Temple, by the river docks. Fourth, someone needs to start asking around to gather what information they can on what Requiem has been up to lately, because Jaqan and flashy zombie attacks are not their main operation here, to be sure. Um, I can do that part - I've had practice. Fifth, and last, someone needs to see who in the area, be they "guildsmen" or whatever, is absolutely sick of Requiem and wants to put an end to it."

She looks at the party members scattered about the room. "That's all I can think of, unless any of you have any useful contacts in the area." She looks around inquisitively.

The Great Skenardo
2008-08-06, 04:08 PM
Nessa O'Morgen
Nessa shrugs a shoulder.
"Maybe I'll head to market, then; I brought a few things to sell, and I intended to talk to some of the healers around here."

2008-08-06, 05:31 PM
Unfortunately, this is my first time in the area, I may however be able to find some people I know. Lauriel thinks to herself, I wonder if there are any others posted here... She continues. I can go talk to the guards or Ferris I guess. I have some skills talking with people.

2008-08-06, 05:44 PM
Roland Lenski

Roland enters the room and closes the door behind him.

"What business would it be that need the secrecy, Miss Elizabeth?"

2008-08-07, 06:57 PM

"Breakfast. I'd also hardly call the middle of an empty tavern secret." Then calling back over to the Innkeeper for something warm and filling for the both of them before sitting herself in a seat with a table near the fireplace. Leaning back and looking up at the hard wood above them she twists and turns her neck several cricks are heard to pop with a sigh. "It's nice having at least one person in this group I know wont lie to me or try and cheat me. It's that paladins code aint it?"

2008-08-07, 07:46 PM

Reardan takes in Tallomis' "to-do list" with a shrug and his usual sardonic grin. He runs his hand through his hair before speaking up.

Well, like I said, Jineah isn't my normal base of operations and I don't have a lot of friends in the area, but I suppose I could start with some discreet questions and try to glean some information about Requiem. Unless you want me to talk with this Ferris, wizard-a-wizard.

2008-08-08, 12:56 PM
Roland Lenski

Doesn't she prioritize things? This...

Knowing that Elisabeth called him out of group planning for mere breakfast, rather then feeling annoyed, one can easily see Roland feeling puzzled.

Such an emotion shows on his face as he look at Elisabeth and listen to her speaking.

"Paladin code? You may say that is an essential part of it, but with the code or not," his face and voice turns suddenly rather serious, "I don't see why one would allow himself to do so."

2008-08-08, 08:07 PM

The innkeeper cheerfully takes your request and heads back towards his kitchen in the back. A few seconds later you hear a fire being started, and minutes after that a delicious smell begins to waft through the room.


"If you want to go see Ferris, do yourself a favor and pretend you're not from SAAOS. That's all I'm gonna say about that." She sniffs for a second, and then grins. "Private conversation indeed. That smells wonderful."

She looks around. "Also, I recommend that everyone checks the map before they go get breakfast and decide what they're doing."

2008-08-09, 04:34 PM
Well wizards do know their own ways. I'll speak with the guard if our new friend here speaks to Ferris. Lauriel ruefully adds in her own thoughts, It's as if we're talking about a ticking time bomb.

2008-08-10, 09:17 PM

"That's the point isn't it? You'd never have thought to come down here and fool any onlookers and so on into thinking this was just breakfast and not a secret meeting. You'd never know why somebody like me would do what I do." Her voice nonchalant and casual the whole way through her little talk her features and movements all stretchs of some kind but her final sentence took a harsh accusing edge as if she hoped to hurt him with it. "I have a contact I need to get hold off and a drop point to drop something off at and we need that cover future or present sorted out, that means we need document examples of offical papers and a decent forgers kit if we are to pretend I am a diplomat and her entourage."

2008-08-11, 04:25 PM
Roland Lenski

"I guess everyone have their own set of means and limits to bring good, that we paladins not follow, but still respect. My apologies if I let you feel offended."

He then places his hand together, palm to palm, then slightly seperates them sideways, with both palms facing Elizabeth."But it is still 'no' to the fake documents part. I will not let the name of Maedhros be dishonored and marred. It only brings trouble to reject without providing, so...I'll try my best to get real and official documents applicable to all of us, most probably from the local Maedhros official, if there is one."

2008-08-11, 11:40 PM

"You don't offend me. I've been called things that I'm sure would make an honest man like you blush red. Who said I wanted Maedhros documents? We're in Olus so it's the best bet. We'll need a little cover for you while I do my thing... how about bodyguard by day and bed warmer by night? You certainly got the... "equipment" for that cover." Her voice quite pleased with itself it seemed as she leaned back a little to take in the rarther attractive man before her ignoring the fact he was a Paladin for the moment at least.

2008-08-13, 11:31 PM

"Well, whatever you want to do, I suggest we get started. We're burning daylight, and all that..."

With that said, Tallomis heads out the door and into the hallway, presumably to her room.

2008-08-14, 10:04 AM
Roland Lenski

Eventhough that it is Elizabeth who started the flirting, Roland still feel that it is too rude to reject directly, or even...insulting to the woman infront of him.

"Well, we paladins do and should protect whoever in need, and I guess I do look like a bodyguard, so that will work. As for bedwarming..." he forms a knuckle with his right hand and knocks lightly on his chest plate, "A steel barrel is too hard and cold, I am sure that you can find many much better choices."

It can easily be recognized that Roland is trying real hard to sound humorous.

2008-08-14, 05:20 PM
Lauriel studies the map for a minute to learn exactly where the guardhouse is. Then, I think I'm going to go down and get some of whatever smells so good. With that she goes out the door and heads downstairs for breakfast.

2008-08-15, 09:53 AM

Reardan too spends a few moments pouring over the map, running his hand through his hair as he attempts to digest as much information as possible. After a few moments, he nods and heads off to an adjoining room, where he changes out of his SAAOS robes and into a worn traveler's outfit of various shades of brown and gray with some maroon accents. He stows his more unique equipment away in his pack and heads down to the first floor.

Reardan's manner is noticeably less imperious and confident when he arrives downstairs. He appears to be nothing more than an itinerant wanderer or peddler, complete with a bulging backpack. He nods a greeting to those already downstairs.

Elisabeth...Roland...Lauriel. Something smells delicious! What's for breakfast. I think I have time for a bite before I run out.

2008-08-15, 02:15 PM

"You and me? Oh I am flattered but I'm going to have to decline. Besides I always thought all Paladins got that part of them taken off. Eunuchy snip snip and all that." A laugh is stiffled and almost sympathy can be heard when she mentions his nature south of the border as it were.