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Count D20
2008-05-03, 12:18 AM
Okay, I'll level with you; I suck.
I have the reflexes of a tiny kitten only a few weeks old.
I'm the strategic equal of... I don't know, Phyruus?
tis is an exaggeration, but still, i am not very good at video games.
I had to cheat with codebreaker on: final fantasy X for infinte items, dark cloud 1 for bosses and baldur's gate dark alliance .
I really do like playing games, and do do well at some,such as how i'm progressing through castlevania rather rapidly on easy.
I have beaten so far, x-men legends and ulimat alliance and got to the end of shadow hearts, being flummoxed by the end boss.
I'm not so much interested in challenge as a good story.

what games do you recommend?:smallsmile:

2008-05-03, 12:50 AM
Hmm.... only games I've considered easy would be.... Lost Kingdoms ("Rune" if you're in Europe or Japan, I think) and MAYBE Kingdom Hearts II.

Maybe you should try some good platformers to get better?

2008-05-03, 01:07 AM
The Kingdom Hearts games have an excellent story, but I don't think they are particularly easy.

Hmm...Well, anything with an easy setting, I suppose. Not Devil May Cry though. It is quite challenging even on easy, not to mention the distinct lack of story.

I don't really know enough about games to be able to help too much.

2008-05-03, 01:17 AM
I actually have the same problem, which has lead me to acquiring stacks of games I have never, ever played through. Therefore, I recommend to you:

Jade Empire, the lovely wuxia action-rpg with a wonderful story and fun characters. Cons include battles getting a bit monotonic towards the end, and there's not much room for moral decisions.
Knights of the Old Republic I, the lovely Star Wars rpg with a wonderful story and fun characters. Cons include battles getting a bit monotonic towards the end, and there's not much room for moral decisions.

Depite the way I've presented them, they're both really good games. Also see the both Fallouts and Planescape: Torment, you'll get along just fine by just talking with everyone. Plus, wonderful stories and fun characters.

2008-05-03, 01:29 AM
Okami is rather easy as long as you don't want to go through the hardest bits in order to achieve every single bit of praise. Definitely don't try to get all the spheres for the bear to sleep on or finish the designs that the kid in the capitol think of, but as long as you stay with the main story it should be quite easy for you. And i tend to be bad at video games as well and i still managed to complete those bits. Really a fairly easy, but very good game.

Rogue 7
2008-05-03, 01:47 AM
Same for Twilight Princess- just don't try the Cave of Ordeals and you'll be fine. Story's decent, but it's more about puzzles and the like- it's fun but not particularly hard. Try Tales of Symphonia- the game's not hard at all for me, but I've got decent video game reflexes so it might be a bit more of a challenge for you. Combat's live-action, keep in mind- in its essence it's similar to Smash Bros.

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-03, 02:26 AM
GHOST Squad for the Wii is really easy (it isn't very good, from both a gameplay and plot perspective, though). I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't like KH2 much due to the plot being ridiculous as well as the magic system being made annoying (as well as other things I mentioned in the "FF Rant" thread).

2008-05-03, 04:39 AM
I'm not so much interested in challenge as a good story.

Planescape: Torment. It's an Infinity Engine game, so you can pause it and issue commands whenever you want, the game itself is all about the dialogue (25 Wis, Int and Cha wil most likely let you steamroll the game if you take the NPCs to soak up pain) and story... Oh, and it's an epic game you need to play.

If you'd like help with getting started, I can draw you up a level guide to get you to max out those three stats (The only real important ones for the PC) by level 14.

2008-05-03, 10:15 AM
I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't like KH2 much due to the plot being ridiculous as well as the magic system being made annoying (as well as other things I mentioned in the "FF Rant" thread).

I figure a majority think KH1 > KH2, but not so far as not liking KH2.

One nice thing about nearly all Square-Enix games is that nearly every problem in the main storyline can be solved by going back to the previous "dungeon" and levelling for an hour. The item customization in FFX is another boost: if you are being beaten up by fire monsters that put you to sleep, then you go back to the previous inn which will probably sell ice weapons and anti-sleep armor.

2008-05-03, 10:02 PM
I Wanna Be The Guy.

2008-05-03, 10:04 PM
I Wanna Be The Guy.

I was waiting for someone to suggest this.

2008-05-04, 12:42 AM
GHOST Squad for the Wii is really easy (it isn't very good, from both a gameplay and plot perspective, though). I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't like KH2 much due to the plot being ridiculous as well as the magic system being made annoying (as well as other things I mentioned in the "FF Rant" thread).

Yeah, I agree on the Magic system being annoying.

But I LOVED the story.

2008-05-04, 01:26 AM
I Wanna Be The Guy.

You're an evil person and should be burned at the stake.

Not that I think it's not hilarious though.

To OP: do not under any circumstances try this game. It is one of the hardest games ever made in the past 30 years.

2008-05-04, 02:15 AM
Lego Star Wars I and Lego Star Wars II (highly rated/recommended)

There really isn't any tough stuff in the game. I've played it with my 6 year old nephew, and he really enjoys it. He's so funny - when he wants his character to jump, he jumps too while holding the controller.

2008-05-04, 02:53 AM
I Wanna Be The Guy.

You are so evil.

Most Wii games seem to be really quite easy. Which is good, because I'm bad at games too. I had a great time playing Mario Galaxy in Co-Star, because the co-star could hold most of the enemies while I went to slay them, and I enjoyed the mind-warping gravity physics puzzles. Though it is annoying if your Co-Star partner is much worse at the game, because you need to hold the enemy for half an hour while they learn to ground pound. :smallannoyed:

EDIT: And Lego Star Wars is ridiculously fun, while being easy. You can't actually fail. Death just spills a few coins on the ground. And you can get invulnerable characters pretty early on, which makes death even rarer!

2008-05-04, 03:59 AM
Legend of Zelda: Parallel Worlds.

But seriously though, go with pretty much anything and everything made by Bioware. The gameplay is generally easy and repetitive, and the story is usually worth the experience.

2008-05-04, 06:02 AM
RE4, but only on the Wii. Final Fantasy Tactics (Original, not the remake.) Isn't too hard until a mission called Finath River. But that's late in the game, and it's pretty difficult to mess up early on.

2008-05-04, 06:07 AM
I Wanna Be The Guy. Heheheheheh...

2008-05-04, 07:30 AM
Temple of Elemental Evil.

No, but seriously? FFVII: Crisis Core for the PSP. After Bahamut Fury, the difficulty curve falls down to "laughable" until Hollander, who will kill you unless you've been working your materia right. I forget how many bosses there are in between. The trick is to get "Dark/Hell ___aga" as fast as possible. "Quake" is good too.

Another easy game, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. With blocking able to stop mostly any attack, you're only punished for huge mistakes. Plus it's an awesomely epic game.

Civilization III on Chieftain level is pitifully simple, because zero gold doesn't force you to drop units and buildings so you can afford upkeep.

I wouldn't say it's easy, but with a few practise characters Guild Wars (especially Factions) is reasonably easy until the level cap.

2008-05-04, 08:01 AM
It might be a bit too difficult, but You Have To Burn The Rope (http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php) is an option.

2008-05-04, 08:09 AM
Try nethack, it's fun and has lots of replay value.

2008-05-04, 08:33 AM
It might be a bit too difficult, but You Have To Burn The Rope (http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php) is an option. I feel like playing over and over now... But I had the sound off, so no idea what the music is like.

2008-05-04, 06:14 PM
It might be a bit too difficult, but You Have To Burn The Rope (http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php) is an option.

It's too hard for me. :smallfrown:

Why don't my weapons hurt the boss? :smallannoyed:

2008-05-05, 01:08 AM
I almost reduced him to zero health, almost, but my down arrow key cracked in two. Aggravating. :smallfurious:

2008-05-05, 01:08 AM
I feel like playing over and over now... But I had the sound off, so no idea what the music is like.

Oh my. They should have called it You Have To Be Able To Hear The Endgame. It's the payoff for all the hard work you put into the final boss fight.

2008-05-05, 03:41 AM
RPG's sound like the obvious choice for you, since they depend more on how much time you want to invest in them than how skilled or fast you are. But er... the fact that you had to cheat in FFX has me a bit worried... :smallfrown:

2008-05-05, 05:54 AM
I figure a majority think KH1 > KH2, but not so far as not liking KH2.
Then I am a minority for thinking KH2 was better then KH1 in every concevable way.

RPG's sound like the obvious choice for you, since they depend more on how much time you want to invest in them than how skilled or fast you are. But er... the fact that you had to cheat in FFX has me a bit worried...
FFx-2 is much easier. One problebly dont even have to level "levels". Infact you can just put a weight on the x button and take a lunchbreak (as long as atleast one of the girls is a white mage with "prayer") and come back with levelled dresspheres.
Mostly just a walkthough for story in FFx too though, with a few exceptions now and then (bevells holy beast, before the marrage can slap you around, and a few of the temples may confuse anyone the first time).

2008-05-05, 06:01 AM
Knights of the Old Republic I, the lovely Star Wars rpg with a wonderful story and fun characters. Cons include battles getting a bit monotonic towards the end, and there's not much room for moral decisionsKotORII is even easier (with the latter levels being seriously broken in terms of difficulty) but it comes with deep moral discussions and better story

2008-05-05, 06:12 AM
As well as bugs, shuttle crashes, uninteresting characters, general disdain from Yours Truly and no proper ending. :smallwink: And yes, broken. Go go Force Wave!

Okay, so I dislike it. It's not a bad game, but I'm not going to recommend it.

2008-05-05, 09:37 AM
It's a half-finished game with buggy dialogue trees, bland characters and you can walk through it with the amount of +stat things you get. I can't remember if I'd got 50 to each stat/most stats or +50 at the end of my only complete run, but whatever it was the entire game was a cakewalk. Sentinel/Weapon Master just let me dominate the entire game.

2008-05-05, 11:17 AM
I have just the game for you. Best of all, it's free! ProgressQuest (http://www.progressquest.com/dl.php) is an RPG, but you don't control it - it plays itself. So it's like having a WoW account, but you have a bot or asian gold farmer doing all the grinding for you.

Mando Knight
2008-05-05, 12:38 PM
Visit the Wii's Virtual Console, and buy Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Bros.:_The_Lost_Levels) :smallbiggrin: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM)

2008-05-05, 02:21 PM
Visit the Wii's Virtual Console, and buy Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Bros.:_The_Lost_Levels) :smallbiggrin: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM)


No deceiving the gullible newbie! Bad Mando! Go to the corner, and no more Brawl for you today!

2008-05-05, 04:04 PM
RE4, but only on the Wii. Final Fantasy Tactics (Original, not the remake.) Isn't too hard until a mission called Finath River. But that's late in the game, and it's pretty difficult to mess up early on.

Gotta disagree about FF Tactics. The 1 on 1 fight with Wiegraf, or whatever his name was? Still makes me shudder when I think about it. Tactics Advance was a lot easier (or just easier to break. Concentrate + Anything for the win!)

If you like the final fantasy series, you could get 12 is fairly easy, at least throughout the main storyline, and if you find it's getting too easy you can go after some of the optional boss hunts. Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy are fun too, it's pretty easy to get through the end boss but I don't think you'll be collecting all 120 stars in either.

2008-05-05, 05:22 PM
Wiegraf was cake. Ramza as a Ninja smites him without difficulty. Ramza smites him as a Monk. Ramza smites him as just about anything.

2008-05-06, 05:29 AM
Blue Dragon is ridiculously easy, I'd say you'd do well with that :smallsmile:

2008-05-06, 06:22 AM
I will support the previously mentioned Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Knights of the Old Republic 2.

All three of them are cakewalks that, while giving you a whole bunch of options, really only require you to point your character in the right direction and mash a button to get through any sort of combat. The options are interesting, but they're all overkill. In KHII, for example, you can get through every fight in the game using this formula:

If your health is above 1/2: Run up and attack the enemy
If you health is below 1/2 and your magic bar isn't empty: Cast Cure
If your health is below 1/2 and your magic bar is empty: Use Potion

However, you also have the option "Turn into dual-wielding Super Jesus and slaughter everything instantly". Doing so looks pretty awesome, but is wholly unnecessary.

Sadly, KHII and FFTA both have the problem that their stories are far worse than their predecessors. They're still good, entertaining stories that I recommend seeing, but they don't hold a candle to the original (which requires a lot more difficulty to get through).

KotorII, on the other hand, I thought had a better story than the original, and about the same difficulty game-play wise.

To add to the list, if you have a Gamecube, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker is a very good game and also very easy. Often times, when I would be sick with the flu, and barely able to concentrate on anything, I would just spend the day beating the game from start to finish. It's short, but, once again, has a great story.

2008-05-06, 03:37 PM
Arcanum (subtitle: of steamworks and magjick obscura) is basically an easier version of the Fallout series- with more followers and less plotting.

The key to victory is specialize in something- anything- and if it's magic turn the timing to "turn-based" instead of "active"

If you do melee, you click on stuff & it dies.

If you pick magic, you can kill most anything in one hit & teleport across the continent about a third of the way through.

If you pick gunsmithing, anyone from your party can do more damage than any enemy in the game with no training.

If you pick thievery, you don't need a single combat after the first ten minutes- you can sneak yourself around, disguise the rest of your party, and then have them walk in the front door like any other guard/worker.

If you pick diplomacy, you again never need a serious fight, but they're hilarious if you do. You have eight people (from your choice of several dozen) following you most of the game, & I think you can max at 15 at the end. They swarm your enemy, perfectly loyal unless you hit them (they might whine, but I've only had one defect- then the other seven killed him before he landed a blow), and when one dies you can replace him in almost any town. Plus you can talk the final boss into suicide.

2008-05-06, 04:48 PM
You should try Kid Icarus, the first world is the easiest, but the later ones aren't much harder at all.

2008-05-06, 10:53 PM
Wiegraf was cake. Ramza as a Ninja smites him without difficulty. Ramza smites him as a Monk. Ramza smites him as just about anything.
Oh, he isn't hard if you know he's coming and prep accordingly. The problem comes when you run into that duel like a brick wall, and you can't leave to learn new skills because you only made one save file and it's right before that battle. If you don't have the skills or the items to nullify his attacks he turns into That One Boss (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThatOneBoss) pretty quickly.

Oh, and I'm playing through FF12: Revenant Wings right now, and unless it takes a big uptick in difficulty pretty soon, I'd recommend it as easy.

2008-05-08, 03:35 PM
Oh, he isn't hard if you know he's coming and prep accordingly. The problem comes when you run into that duel like a brick wall, and you can't leave to learn new skills because you only made one save file and it's right before that battle. If you don't have the skills or the items to nullify his attacks he turns into That One Boss (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThatOneBoss) pretty quickly.

Having looked over their list, I am disheartened by the ignorance of Black Wizard Borgan from the SegaCD version of Lunar: Eternal Blue. My friends simply referred to him as "that one boss" for about six years, never having met anything that could compare.

(In brief- four targets. One's the real boss, one heals all, one does about 2/3rds max HP damage to multiple party members, and one creates a barrier around them all to block physical attacks and most magic. And, until you kill the three not-the-real-boss guys, you cannot touch the actual boss. And he has a spell which is [unless you power level] capable of killing 3 of the 5 members of your party, and leaving those two half dead.)

2008-05-08, 08:16 PM
Having looked over their list, I am disheartened by the ignorance of Black Wizard Borgan from the SegaCD version of Lunar: Eternal Blue. My friends simply referred to him as "that one boss" for about six years, never having met anything that could compare.

(In brief- four targets. One's the real boss, one heals all, one does about 2/3rds max HP damage to multiple party members, and one creates a barrier around them all to block physical attacks and most magic. And, until you kill the three not-the-real-boss guys, you cannot touch the actual boss. And he has a spell which is [unless you power level] capable of killing 3 of the 5 members of your party, and leaving those two half dead.)

I'm not sure powerleveling would help, actually. Did Eternal Blue feature bosses that scaled to the main character's level like silver star story did, or did they drop that?

He was on the list though, in the RPGs section. About halfway down the page.

2008-05-09, 02:02 PM
I'm not sure powerleveling would help, actually. Did Eternal Blue feature bosses that scaled to the main character's level like silver star story did, or did they drop that?

He was on the list though, in the RPGs section. About halfway down the page.
Also I see it now. Not sure how I missed it the first time, since I was specifically looking for him.

Not "dropped", rather "was never there." Again, SegaCD version. If you played the (astonishingly easy, far better story than PSX, but inferior in every other way) SegaCD version of TSS, you'd halfway doubt it & SSSC were the same game.

And power levelling helped because of the Magic system far more than the extra strength. You gain magicXP which you manually distribute- thus allowing you to have Ronfar's "1-shot an enemy, drain their HP, and distribute it to the whole party" spell halfway through the game, if you completely ignore giving anyone else any magic.

As for their second mention- Lunn wasn't a hard boss, he was a puzzle boss. Every move he made had a counter, which, along with doing something like 5x as much damage as it should've, usually crippled his attack totally. As long as you get the trick, the battle is almost unloseable.

Mr. Mud
2008-05-11, 09:01 PM
Not to be mean here but id recommend: Cup stacking. Can't go wrong with it. just play in a confinded space, with no wind, or... cats... *shakes a fist at his own cat*...

On a "semi-serious" note, I'd go with games like Super Smash Brothers (dont start it mando, but I love the lost levels :smallwink:. ) And maybe a Racing game, since u didn't mention much about that. As stm said, I loved Lego Star Wars, and its fairly easy.

Sorry for all the bad puns, I jsut had way too much red bull. :smallcool:

2008-05-16, 01:03 PM
Kingdom Hearts 2 for El Winno. That is in my Top 3 favorite games of all time. Every. Day.
Also, Lego Star Wars is great. Jade Empire is great. Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks isn't the best game (at all), but it's easy and kind of addictive.

Also...Paper Mario. Another in my Top 3, it's easy, fun, lengthy and it's got the sort of silly humor that I enjoy, though...it's aimed at children, so, a lot of the jokes are over my head.

Count D20
2008-05-17, 06:11 PM
What about Never winter Knights?
Is the first one available?

Child Conscript
2008-05-23, 01:37 AM
If your looking for storyline and don't really care about challenges I'd recommend either Neverwinter Nights 2 or Oblivion.

You don't need a high processing system and enriching storyline. Adjustable difficulty so its not hard at all.

2008-05-23, 02:11 AM
I don't recommend Oblivion to anybody who hasn't installed the OOO mod (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) and that level ring mod and exchanged the "five times as slow" level-up file for a normal-speed one. It's a boring game when you have to micromanage every single skill gain for maximum stats, doubly so when you realise that no matter how much you level, the enemies are doing the same.

2008-05-23, 09:16 AM
I'm surprised the Xenosaga series hasn't been mentioned yet. Very good story with interesting cut scenes. Rather easy, plus there's a spot within the game to get unbelievable amounts of cash at the casino. Magic, Robots, and Aliens, oh my!

2008-05-23, 09:30 PM
I figure a majority think KH1 > KH2, but not so far as not liking KH2.

Really? It seems that most people I've talked to who've played both prefer the 2nd. It might just depend on the types of people in the circles you run in. There are a few things that I miss in KH1 (such as MP Rage + Cure abuse) but there are so many improvements in KH2 that I can overlook them. And also, it's kind of nice not being tempted to abuse MP Rage, because in KH1 as soon as I got MP Rage, I didn't even have to try at all anymore. lol

And I think either of those games would be pretty good "easy" games as long as you don't play on the hard difficulties. KH2 even has an Easy difficulty. I've never played on it (or even on Normal mode. lol) but considering that I didn't have too much trouble on Hard, Easy mode is probably a cakewalk even for those who aren't the best at videogames.

And I disagree with the person who suggested FF:Tactics. Although it is an excellent game, it is NOT an easy one. Finnath River is NOT the first hard fight. lol. The first hard fight is the 5th scripted fight in the game: Trade City Bervenia (I think - I might have the name mixed up - it's the last fight right before Sand Rat Cellar and has an enemy archer who starts on top of a building and is free to shoot pretty much whoever he feels like). I remember dying on that fight like 5 times the first time I played it (ended up having to level up a bunch to finally beat it). And I still get a little nervous whenever I attempt it even now!

Have you played through FF7 yet? That one is pretty easy for the most part as long as you don't try to beat all the weapons and all that. The last boss might give you a lot of trouble if you don't want to spend a lot of time getting Omnislash and/or Knights of the Round though. The plot is pretty cool too. I don't love it as much as most people do, but even I have to admit that there are scenes in the game that are freaking sweet (like escaping from the Shinra building after "somebody" goes on a killing spree in there...).

And yeah, like somebody said, most RPGs are pretty easy if you at least sort of know what you're doing. If all else fails, you can usually go to GameFAQs and find quick and easy ways to beat most of the challenging fights in those games. Or just level up a bunch (just make sure it isn't one of those RPGs like FF8 where the monsters level up when you do. Heh)

Edit: I also disagree that the story of KH2 is "far worse" than KH1. I actually enjoyed the story of KH2 more (especially the ending).

2008-05-23, 10:09 PM
You may consider online First Person Shooters. Many of them are more about teamwork and team victory rather than individual achievement. Discipline and patience are more important than skill.

Take Red Orchestra for example. A player might not shoot straight, but as long as he does not take squad leader, sniper, semi-auto rifleman, machineguner, anti-tank soldier or engineer role and instead takes the rifleman role and runs around with Mosin-Nagant bolt-action gun (those are not limited) and just gets his booty wherever squad leader tells him to and captures the objectives even without firing a single shot, he will be very useful.

Ditto for a tank driver who just does exactly what gunner tells him to instead of going AFK or just keeps driving around ignorant of the fact that gunner cannot hit anything while the tank is moving.