View Full Version : Organ Harvesting

2008-05-03, 07:55 AM
...is just silly.

I know I am only a pixie in this playground and my opinion holds no sway, but I'll try anyway.

Please stop the rampaging "organ harvesting" and constant bickering. I understand why the community dislikes the fact that certain topics keep popping up again and again without any new content (most prominently the 4e conversion topic), but you should realize that pointless "I take spleen!" posts are far more useless, spammy and annoying than posting a topic for the umpteenth time.

And organ harvesting and constant bickering is not only annoying, it is disruptive for this little community. A new pixie that makes a thread about a very old idea could be enthusiastic about the comic and easily become a worthwhile addition to the discussions eventually. But the completely random (and often also mean) organ harvesting replies will only scare them away (and rightfully so).

It would be much better to simply post a single link to an older thread about the same topic in each new topic about an old theory that springs up. This way the new pixie can learn the community's opinion about the issue and at the same time get a subtle nudge that he or she should have checked whether or not the topic already existed before posting.

After this initial link, just don't post in these threads anymore and they'll quickly disappear. Don't just post to berate pixies and to complain, bumping the topic in the process.

2008-05-03, 07:59 AM
...is just silly.

I know I am only a pixie in this playground and my opinion holds no sway, but I'll try anyway.

First of all, I like to think that's not true.

Secondly, the organ harvesting thing started as a silly tradition on the Friendly Banter forum. Now i'ts move to being a silly tradition on this forum. It also has a purpose, by bumping these threads, they stay at the top, so that New pixies can see they have already been made. Usually a Pixie makes one of these threads, and then as soon as it drops off the front page, another one makes a thread.

Finally, I like to think of it as silly rather than mean.

Bavarian itP
2008-05-03, 08:01 AM
It would be much better to simply post a single link to an older thread about the same topic in each new topic about an old theory that springs up.

I do this all the time.

Emperor Ing
2008-05-03, 08:02 AM
the whole organ harvesting thing only happens if someone makes a speculation about OOTS and 4E

And BRC is right. Pixies ALWAYS make these things.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 08:31 AM
Organ harvesting should be reserved for:
Miko's alignment
V's gender
Sabine's species
Haley's not human!

Really we should have a stickied list of theories and their "evidence" to say to pixies that YOU AREN'T THE FIRST ONE WITH THIS IDEA. But they'd never see the stickied thread. They always miss the welcome thread in FB, and it's right on top.

2008-05-03, 08:34 AM
Organ harvesting should be reserved for:
Miko's alignment
V's gender
Sabine's species
Haley's not human!

Really we should have a stickied list of theories and their "evidence" to say to pixies that YOU AREN'T THE FIRST ONE WITH THIS IDEA. But they'd never see the stickied thread. They always miss the welcome thread in FB, and it's right on top.

You forgot who Terkla is.

2008-05-03, 08:35 AM
I don't post that much, but people need to learn that before saying something, they should possess information, instead of blurting out what they think.

People hate it when that happens in the real world- the blurting out of information without consideration of information already existing, not to mention the feel of the nuances of the mood on the community in which they talk.

If more people actually paid attention to what was going on around them, and responded in a way that would consider the two things I have mentioned before- the information pertaining to the subject, and the general feeling of the majority concerning aforementioned subject- the world would be a better place.

Alternatively, they could not post at all. It says that I registered in 2007- I started reading OotS way before that- but I never considered it paramount to post in these here forums, until I decided to run a game- an endeavor that failed- and then I eventually migrated here. And I followed my own advice, and sincerely hope others do as well.

2008-05-03, 08:38 AM
Organ harvesting should be reserved for:
Miko's alignment
V's gender
Sabine's species
Haley's not human!

Really we should have a stickied list of theories and their "evidence" to say to pixies that YOU AREN'T THE FIRST ONE WITH THIS IDEA. But they'd never see the stickied thread. They always miss the welcome thread in FB, and it's right on top.

Don't forget the MitD threads.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 08:41 AM
Yes, those too.

2008-05-03, 09:20 AM
Actually, if anything, we need a thread for the proper way to do Organ Harvesting. It's really gotten to become a sloppy business- people fighting over spleens, people claiming body parts that aren't organs, people claiming 4 or 5 organs at once, people claiming an organ that's already been claimed... it just goes on and on and on.

I've said this in another thread, but I'll say it again: If you're going to rip someone's guts from their living body, do it right.

Emperor Ing
2008-05-03, 09:25 AM
Organ Harvesting will be put into action upon the following creator of any of these threads

-4E and OOTS
-Miko (in general)
V's Gender we can keep those actually, cuz its really not that stupid a question
-Belkar's Alignment
-Sabine's species
-Haley's humanity
-MITD speculation
-Therkla's identity
-pointing out the crayon drawing in comic 1-something something. (cant remember which one)

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 10:08 AM
No, we shouldn't keep V's gender threads, because it says RIGHT IN THE FAQ that Vaarsuvias is neither and both. No matter how many times x character calls V "he" or "she", that's not proof. And yet threads are started all the time.

2008-05-03, 10:15 AM
Dude, I'm in ur threads venting my spleenz...

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-03, 10:18 AM
the whole organ harvesting thing only happens if someone makes a speculation about OOTS and 4E

And BRC is right. Pixies ALWAYS make these things.

Actually its just 4e and OOTS doesn't matter what's it about.

Also, OP, you have my complete agreement.

Guinness Gal
2008-05-03, 10:20 AM
does the title of this thread make anyone else want to watch some invader zim?? lol :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-03, 10:29 AM
I second the idea that Organ Harvesting is annoying.

If Pixies read the rules, then they'd know that their theory has been posted before. Also, now whenever I get in the forums, all I see are threads that have been done before, and RARELY anything that's actually interesting to read and think about.

Besides... the brains are mine.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-05-03, 10:34 AM
Wow, organ harvesting migrated into The OOtS forums?
Get over it, complaining people. Its silly.

2008-05-03, 10:52 AM
I find organ harvesting offensive, personally.

Let's see how many of YOU think its funny after your kidneys are harvested in Mexico and you wake up in a tub of ice cubes. Thanks everbody, for reminding me of the worst days of my life every single time someone makes a repeat thread.

Now then, H.E.L.P.eR., where did those boys get off to?

2008-05-03, 11:18 AM
Really we should have a stickied list of theories and their "evidence" to say to pixies that YOU AREN'T THE FIRST ONE WITH THIS IDEA. But they'd never see the stickied thread. They always miss the welcome thread in FB, and it's right on top.
I tried that, and my organs got harvested. Luckily, I have a multitude of cloned organs in my bunker.

2008-05-03, 11:46 AM
To be honest, organ harvesting is much more light-hearted and not aggressive - when compared to many other forums.

2008-05-03, 12:11 PM
I think organ harvesting is both spammy and mean.

By the way, this forum has a rule that forbids thread necromancy. Granted, threads have been restarted with old threads still on the front page but still, repeated threads about perma-interesting subjects are inevitable with that rule in place.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-03, 01:55 PM
Organ harvesting is definately spammy and I think stupid. Wouldn't it make sense to have a 4e thread for those who want to talk about it can? After all organ harvesting forces people to start new threads on the topic.

2008-05-03, 02:09 PM
I am in definite agreement that the organ harvesting replies are spammy. I mean I hardly post in this forum but this whole "You're so stupid for saying something that has been said hundreds of times before, we have decided to kill you (albeit jokingly) and call dibs on your organs."

Spam to keep newbie threads up top is still spam.

It's really juvenile. I'd rather see one snarky post with a link to another thread than thread with a dozen posts talking about taking someone's organs, because people like me will actually think there is a discussion. Silly me, I tend to think discussions happen on forums.

2008-05-03, 02:13 PM
Posting just to claim a spleen or a brain isn't fair, it ups your amount of posts and you can up status faster without contributing to the discussion. If someone starts a thread that already exists, post a link to the thread where the discussion is. Taking the brain isn't going to tell them where to contribute, or teach them to do it right next time. :smallannoyed:

2008-05-03, 02:14 PM
While I aggre that the constant posts of similar subjects is annoying. 'Harvesting' someone's 'organs' seems like a complete derailing of a thread. This can lead to a thread becoming bloated with pointless posts. This also breaks down the community that is the Forums by promoting 'eliteist' behavior. I'd rather suggest a stickied thread that contains the current debunking of all myths that exist within OOTS.

Consider this:

A 'myth buster' of Belkar's alignment will lead to people reading it with out convoluting the threads that exist throughout the forums. Any arguments should be mentioned within three meaningfull posts, only posts that provide a Sound argument against or for the myth will be considered for debate.

I belive that this would build the comunity, rather than 'bashing' our newer members or just ones who tend to lurk around the forums.

2008-05-03, 02:42 PM
I find organ harvesting offensive, personally.

Let's see how many of YOU think its funny after your kidneys are harvested in Mexico and you wake up in a tub of ice cubes. Thanks everbody, for reminding me of the worst days of my life every single time someone makes a repeat thread.

Now then, H.E.L.P.eR., where did those boys get off to?

First of all, lets not take urban legends for granted. Second, I'm pretty sure if somebody WILL cut out your kidneys they won't let you wake up, so no tub full of ice cubes for you. Let us forget about the little thing called blood loss here. And if I'm reading it right, you had your kidneys cut out? Wow man, jsut wow, if this is true. You defy the rule.

On a side note, it has been already said that rank of poster doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure if I posted tho MitD or 4th edition topic, my organs would be harvested too. And you know what? I would laught. But than again, my sense of humor is pretty... unique. But pixies do make this kind of topic most often, so they get harvested most often. There is no malice in this, just a healthy dose of black humor.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 02:44 PM
On a side note, it has been already said that rank of poster doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure if I posted tho MitD or 4th edition topic, my organs would be harvested too. And you know what? I would laught. But than again, my sense of humor is pretty... unique. But pixies do make this kind of topic most often, so they get harvested most often. There is no malice in this, just a healthy dose of black humor.

Agreed! We're just poking fun at you! By stealing your organs!
And someone will direct you to the proper thread, so does it matter that the conversation is derailed? It's already taken place.

2008-05-03, 02:48 PM
I think organ harvesting is going to wind up banned. I thought it was a much funnier derailment of an old topic when people started replacing Therkla's name in other well-known quotes, and it didn't come across as mean-spirited to the OP. I have to agree that 4th ed topics are annoying, but encouraging people to gang up on someone like what happens with "organ harvesting" has plenty of potential to lead to general unpleasantness.

lord of kobolds
2008-05-03, 05:16 PM
Quite frankly, if you would be hurt by people you don't even know joking about taking your organs, look to se if your thread has been done before. its not that hard. organ harvesting is punishment for laziness/stupidity.

2008-05-03, 05:36 PM
I find organ harvesting offensive, personally.

Let's see how many of YOU think its funny after your kidneys are harvested in Mexico and you wake up in a tub of ice cubes. Thanks everbody, for reminding me of the worst days of my life every single time someone makes a repeat thread.

Now then, H.E.L.P.eR., where did those boys get off to?

Go Team Venture!

2008-05-03, 05:46 PM
I have to agree with the thread starter.

The irony is that in an attempt to curb the utter annoyance of redundant threads; this organ harvesting trend has been itself utterly annoying.

That is, when I see people excitedly spam a thread about which organs they will harvest, I do not see them as vindictive heroes critiquing redundant threads; I see them as myopic spammers who turn a redundant thread into a retarded redundant thread. Great job, guys.

2008-05-03, 06:17 PM
Organ harvesting is only applied to threads that are outright pointless, like 4 edition and alignment discussions. And it is a good way to get the "we have already discussed the topic way beyond death" point across. Organ harvesting is just a logical continuation of way beyond death part.

2008-05-03, 06:20 PM
No, it's spam. Pure and simple. And if you want to dissuade people from making redundant threads, don't post in those threads. It cuts down on spam and chances are the creator will get a clue.

2008-05-03, 06:23 PM
Yeah I agree with the OP on a lot of what he said.

You feel embarassed by one or two people pointing out that this threads been done to death/on the page/etc.etc. but when dozens of people flock en masse to "harvest your organs"..... Is that really necessary?

2008-05-03, 06:27 PM
I thought the first organ harvesting thread I read was mildly amusing, but it quickly got stale when I got to the fifth. I find it more fun when the pattern in the responses is different for each thread (like the Therkla quote one).

IThe irony is that in an attempt to curb the utter annoyance of redundant threads; this organ harvesting trend has been itself utterly annoying.
Exactly, except the organ harvesting is actually worse. At least with the redundant threads there's half a dozen or so different ones that do the rounds. Now it seems every two out of three threads here are about organs :smallsigh:.

I wouldn't mind so much if the organ responses were postscripts to an otherwise legitimate post. But now the whole phenomena has been turned into a game I fear the whole forum will degenerate into threads like this:

"I have a theory X about character Y. Anyone else notice Z?"
"Dibs on the spleen."

2008-05-03, 06:38 PM
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the next person i see responding to a post with "dibs on the spleen" or some other such tripe, I'm going to put that person on ignore. If all he or she has to add to the topic is something that is a derailing and not conducive to conversation, then they deserve nothing less than to be ignored.

2008-05-03, 06:53 PM
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the next person i see responding to a post with "dibs on the spleen" or some other such tripe, I'm going to put that person on ignore. If all he or she has to add to the topic is something that is a derailing and not conducive to conversation, then they deserve nothing less than to be ignored.
Seconded. I can't say I enjoy the dozens of repetitive threads that seem to be filling the boards these days, but at this point I find wading through them no less irritating than wading through organ harvesting posts. It was funny at first; now, however, I no longer find it amusing.

2008-05-03, 07:02 PM
Actually, spammyness aside, Organ Harvesting is a far nicer approach than MY first thread got. When I joined, people really did SNAP at me (without linking me to anything, either, I might add), instead of the joking, funny harvesting we're doing now. Organ harvesting is quite funny (I think) and introduces newbies to the air of this forum while also letting them know what shouldn't be posted again.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 07:07 PM
No one complained this much when Organ Harvesting took place in the Friendly Banter section.
But I guess that's because there are far fewer "Hi I'm new!" threads than "X theory" threads.

2008-05-03, 07:29 PM
Harvesting organs is what I consider spam unless they add to the thread. Also, you can ignore all the "witty" people taking your cyber organs.

2008-05-03, 07:30 PM
No one complained this much when Organ Harvesting took place in the Friendly Banter section.
But I guess that's because there are far fewer "Hi I'm new!" threads than "X theory" threads.
I don't spend much time in the Friendly Banter section, so I'm not sure when and why those harvesting rules were applied.

The main problem here is that it seems to be completely derailing every theory based post. Look at Beholder1995's Another MitD Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79476). Admittedly the title makes it sound a bit generic, but it started as a debate about whether the Lantern Archons could have killed the MitD. Barely a dozen posts on and it's morphed into a debate on organ harvesting.

2008-05-03, 07:33 PM
Actually, spammyness aside, Organ Harvesting is a far nicer approach than MY first thread got. When I joined, people really did SNAP at me (without linking me to anything, either, I might add), instead of the joking, funny harvesting we're doing now. Organ harvesting is quite funny (I think) and introduces newbies to the air of this forum while also letting them know what shouldn't be posted again.

If the current air of this subforum is where most of the replies consist of organ harvesting, then what good is the use in posting in the first place?

Just because you had a bad start doesn't mean you should perpetuate the puerile spammy retorts to these newbies who don't know better.

A little civility goes a long way.

2008-05-03, 08:43 PM
Actually, I've been reading through some of the older threads, and they ALL have about 1 third/half of their posts being useless complaints about how it has been posted before. True, a little civility goes a long way, but Organ Harvesting is no worse than the previous useless posts, it's just more fun.

EDIT::: And while pointless "we've heard this before" posts are ALL stupid, this is a thread for Organ Harvesting and why it's somehow worse.

2008-05-03, 08:52 PM
I find organ harvesting offensive, personally.

Let's see how many of YOU think its funny after your kidneys are harvested in Mexico and you wake up in a tub of ice cubes. Thanks everbody, for reminding me of the worst days of my life every single time someone makes a repeat thread.

Now then, H.E.L.P.eR., where did those boys get off to?

Died during the gas leak, remember? The silent killer.

Personally, I think organ-harvesting is great.

2008-05-03, 09:16 PM
You guys take things way too seriously. Beside, if the pixies we harvest cant even take a little organs harvesting, they woudnt last long in these forums either way. The last 'V gender' thread I saw was pages of peoples saying it was done before or repeating the same arguments that were already said thousands of time. At least with organs harvest, we have fun.

2008-05-03, 09:30 PM
See my sig for my opinion on the matter.

However, as Trazoi pointed out, people are beginning to become overzealous about vivisection.

In conclusion: save it for the people who deserve it.

2008-05-03, 09:56 PM
First of all, lets not take urban legends for granted. Second, I'm pretty sure if somebody WILL cut out your kidneys they won't let you wake up, so no tub full of ice cubes for you. Let us forget about the little thing called blood loss here. And if I'm reading it right, you had your kidneys cut out? Wow man, jsut wow, if this is true. You defy the rule.

Well, I used my robot assistant as a temporary dialysis machine until I got two wonderful new kidneys from my sons, so I'm just super!


Meh, well, I'm glad a couple of you, at least, got the allusion.

Anyway, to add to the discussion at hand -- I tend to agree with the OP. While organ harvesting is less mean-spirited than other forms of spam, it remains at least as annoying as repeat threads.

Worse, it enables cliquish behavior in a forum already plagued by virtual "haves and have-nots." That's not healthy for any community.

2008-05-03, 10:06 PM
I agree that organ-harvesting has been in more threads, but I think it's because there are more threads about older topics as well, due to slower releases of new comics. If they were out regularly (I totally understand they can't be, of course), then people would keep the debate on current/new topics and repeat topics would show up far less.

As to harvesting itself, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's not a "Oh you made a stupid post so you lose a ganglia" thing. It's more of a "You made a post about a specific topic that's been more overdone than Seer's mom's fettucini so you shalt be harvested" thing. :smallbiggrin:

It's not meant in spite, and if people read the forums before or even after posting, they'll see that it's a friendly community nudge.

2008-05-03, 10:49 PM

[grumpy old man voice]Back in my days, they would not just harvest your organs for starting such threads. They would flame you for hours. Then, they would make you flame yourself for hours. Then, they would make you eat your organs.[/grumpy old man voice]

2008-05-03, 11:12 PM
Alright, let me get caught up here.

Basically, what most of the "pro-organ-harvesting" folk are saying is that, since we were flaming the repeat thread pixies before, we might as well add humor?
Well, what about in real life?
How about a horse? Let's say you whip it every day. Why not change to an electric whip? This way is MORE HUMEROUS. We get the bonus of seeing the horse whine in pain as an electric shock runs through their spine. Oh, but it'll be fine, right? Plus, the horse is still being tortured all the same, so it's not really that big of a deal. It's perfectly fine, since we're doing what was done before - the horse lived, right?

Alright, a bit of a drastic example.

Some of you may say that the organ harvesting is a friendly nudge to not post this topic. Well. A friendly nudge it may be to those of you who have been here quite a while, and will know what normal behaviour is. But for a total newbie to these forms, simply wanting to share their slightly annoying, over excited love for these comics? I'd be scared as hell.


Mauve Shirt
2008-05-03, 11:56 PM
Between "Another X thread? Dibs on the lungs!" and "Look a little before posting a new thread, dumbass." I'd take the former.

We really need something like this. (http://forums.kingdomofloathing.com:8080/vb/showthread.php?t=120535)

2008-05-04, 01:15 AM
A friendly nudge?

That's got to be the worst rationalised spin-doctored excuse I've ever heard to justify one's own selfish, elitist, and inconsiderate amusement. Aside from being more accurately described as an unfriendly SHOVE, "DIBS ON KIDNEY LOL" has nothing to do with the thread (provided it's not a thread about kidneys).

It's spam. Elitist spam, if you want to be specific. Though "pretentious, elitist spam" is a step closer towards my honest opinion.

It's not just "potentially perceived as mean to newbies" - it's downright ANNOYING to anyone else. Possibly EVERYONE else.

2008-05-04, 01:16 AM
In conclusion: save it for the people who deserve it.

Now you see, that sounds like Vigilante Moderation (with a side case of flaming thrown in) to me. But, then, I found this "gang up on people and mock them mercilessly for being a newbie" tremendously tedious the first time I saw it. Guess what? Not everybody is going to get the "joke", especially if they are new. And when you are laughing at someone who doesn't get the joke, then that's not cool.

Find the contents of a thread tedious and repetitive? Then don't respond to it or read it. Think it's utterly redundant and there are five other threads on the subject on the first page? Then Report it so the Mods can do their jobs.

It really is that simple folks. :smallamused:

2008-05-04, 04:53 AM
I think that it will almost certainly quickly lose its amusement value. I think it's just a fad. At least I hope so.

Reading through the text, I think that both sides have made an impact on me. I think I'll not do it any more (did it twice - not hooked...*twitch*), except for the VERY worst ones.

I shall use my judgement - if the person sounds keen and enthusiastic (i.e. the kind of poster we want) but just seems not to know about things, then I shall comment nicely. We like people who are fun, friendly and want to chat.

If, however, we are treated to a display of arrogance that suggests we forum-goers are idiots for overlooking the obvious fact 'X', then I shall feel that I am entitled to respond with aggravated harvestage.

I hope that this sounds reasonable.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-04, 05:28 AM
No one complained this much when Organ Harvesting took place in the Friendly Banter section.
But I guess that's because there are far fewer "Hi I'm new!" threads than "X theory" threads.

Show me the stickied non spam 4E thread.

Between "Another X thread? Dibs on the lungs!" and "Look a little before posting a new thread, dumbass." I'd take the former.

We really need something like this. (http://forums.kingdomofloathing.com:8080/vb/showthread.php?t=120535)

I'd take the latter.

Down with organ harvestinhg, up with discussion.

2008-05-04, 06:00 AM
All you do with organ harvesting is to feed the threads into staying in the first page and spamming the hell out of it. People have already begun spamming NORMAL ones with organ stealing. Do you know why? It's a trend. It's LEGAL SPAMMING, and you have created it.
It'll probably make this forum much, much worse now. Awesome.

2008-05-04, 06:22 AM
(My oppinion)
Organ harvesting is allowed and not-bothering when its just an addition to the post.

There already is a thread about this, it however is on the second page so you may have missed it.

*takes spleen*

2008-05-04, 06:42 AM
Organ harvesting may be funny to the people doing it, but dozens of posts saying, "The kidneys are mine!" and "dibs on the liver" are not going to:
A) Help the person know where to contribute to the discussion.
B) Not be spam. (I know, it is a double negative.)
C) Look cool.
D) Not frighten the person away. (Another double negative.)
E) Prevent Organ Harvesting from spreading to non-duplicate threads.

2008-05-04, 06:53 AM
Organ harvesting is allowed and not-bothering when its just an addition to the post.

But, It starts harmless like that, but then everyone just starts doing it because the first person did it, and it goes on and on and on and on and on-- you get the idea. And then it spreads to threads that aren't duplicates or have unique thoughts on the situation, and then it is even worse. If it is banned, it all must be banned, or else the ban won't work.

2008-05-04, 07:33 AM
And BRC is right. Pixies ALWAYS make these things.
You lie. Never made one and never will.

2008-05-04, 07:53 AM
It's not just "potentially perceived as mean to newbies" - it's downright ANNOYING to anyone else. Possibly EVERYONE else.

I don't find it annoying. Plenty of other people don't find it annoying. And, as far as I can tell, there was never a thread that was against the countless useless "we've heard this before!" posts that plagued the forum since newbies existed. You people are making Organ Harvesting seem worse than all the other pointless, mean posts that most newbies will get REGARDLESS. It's not. In fact, it's probably better, given that I can't POSSSIBLY imagine anyone who wouldn't take it as a joke immediately and move on to more well-thought out threads.

In addition, most threads barely have half their posts focussed on the OP's discussion. (My evidence? See the "I figured out V's gender!" Thread on the first page.) That figure really doesn't change with Organ Harvesting. This forum can't stay on topic for more than about a dozen posts, and that will NEVER change.

2008-05-04, 09:02 AM
It all comes down to something rather simple. Those opposed to the organ harvesting would rather see someone be told "Hey, we've discussed this idea before. You can find it here <link>." This will tell the perceived offender what he or she is doing wrong. If they are new they aren't going to know better if a deluge of posts come saying stuff like, "I got the duodenum!"

At it's core it is off-topic and disruptive and unnecessary.

And here is how I feel about it. I feel those who do it, and those who perpetrate it, are immature and need to grow up and learn the meaning of the word civility. Civility encourages people to post. And a certain member who I will not mention by name is the embodiment of hypocrisy when he or she makes a thread going over the rules of organ harvesting then whines when his or her thread gets overrun by the same actions. "Hey guys, you aren't supposed to do it to MY threads! >:[."

It's all about treating others the way you would be treated. Frankly I would rather be told why I posted something wrong rather than being mocked or told to "LURK MORE!" This forum is a community and the organ harvesting is disruptive and not conducive to an actual discussion.

Yes, it has been a little slow in this subforum lately, and that's because the webcomic isn't being updated as often as a number would like. (And hey, we understand you can't have it coming all the time). But when the comic isn't being updated as often, it encourages the people to reread the older comics. And of course they are going to come across something they missed the first, second or even third time around. And the thought is, "Hey, if I missed this, maybe others did too!"

People aren't stupid for making repeat threads. So don't treat them like they are.

2008-05-04, 09:10 AM
I don't find it annoying. Plenty of other people don't find it annoying.

Yes, but others do. If people who don't find it annoying want to harvest each other's organs, it doesn't bother me. But I don't think everyone should have to participate. May I suggest a protection for harvesting spell you can put in your signature? If someone creates a repeat thread who has a protection from harvesting signature, than instead of stealing body parts a link is left to where the discussion on the topic is.

This forum can't stay on topic for more than about a dozen posts, and that will NEVER change.
What about this thread? It is up to 63 posts! :smalltongue:

2008-05-04, 09:14 AM
Yes, but others do. If people who don't find it annoying want to harvest each other's organs, it doesn't bother me. But I don't think everyone should have to participate. May I suggest a protection for harvesting spell you can put in your signature? If someone creates a repeat thread who has a protection from harvesting signature, than instead of stealing body parts a link is left to where the discussion on the topic is.

One shouldn't have to change his or her signature to avoid a stupid fad. And a newbie most likely doesn't know how to change his or her signature in the first place, let alone put something in it to protect them from a "friendly flame".

2008-05-04, 09:14 AM
Actually, I think you are all making a lot of sense- but when MY thread got derailed there shouldn't have been an Organ Harvesting discussion going on, and I probably would've said the same thing if another thread was delving into Organ Harvesting discussion when there wasn't any real harvesting to be done. If I had, in fact, posted something that had already been PtD, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. But I was perfectly valid in saying that my thread didn't merit Organ Harvesting. So don't call me a hypocrite. Other than that, I have nothing to say about your argument.

EDIT::: Also, in my thread that you mentioned, they were actually DISCUSSING Organ Harvesting, not Harvesting my Organs. It would've been no different if it had went off into a V's Gender debate.

2008-05-04, 09:20 AM
You're still missing the point then.

The whole point is that organ harvesting has reached the point where it can derail the discussion regardless of what is being discussed. And since those doing it are hiding behind "It's fun!" and "It's not hurting anyone!" it doesn't help the rest of us believe they are here for more than just pointless spam.

If you make it acceptable to overrun threads in a certain way, then other threads will fall victim to the deluge of spam posts, even non-offending threads, such as yours. I found it very fitting.

2008-05-04, 09:31 AM
You ARE right. It is getting to the point where people are stating in their starting posts "I'm pretty sure that this doesn't merit organ harvesting, but if it does, then I won't feel it. Okay?". The only part I'm having trouble with is that you seem to want me to do something about it. I just started the Organ Harvesting Rules thread because I thought it would be a fun thread. I have absolutely no real authority in the matter, I'm just the only one who's been replying to your posts.

2008-05-04, 10:36 AM
I don't really know much about how the forum works, but could Organ Harvesting be reported to a mod as spam and banned? :smallconfused: Because, when it comes down to it, it is spam.

2008-05-04, 11:32 AM
I don't really know much about how the forum works, but could Organ Harvesting be reported to a mod as spam and banned? :smallconfused: Because, when it comes down to it, it is spam.
But what about cases when "dibs on lungs" follows a non-spam response.

Of course, "dibs on kidneys" with nothing else in reply is spam. But it does not make otherwise non-spammy post spammy.

2008-05-04, 12:18 PM
OOTS is a great literary achievement. So many intelligent ideas were put into it. It would be great to discuss it with the same level of intelligence. However this forum right now is getting very juvenile.

If a newbie wants to discuss Miko they should be able to. There are reasons why threads pop up about her all the time. She is a well-written character, with a lot of depth that happens to set off emotions in people. It is understandable that newbies to the forum will want to discuss her. But you people are saying that because they weren’t around when Miko was originally discussed, they shouldn’t be able too? :confused: There is no place for them to discuss Miko at all, because the experienced forum posters are bored with the topic? :confused:

I understand why the same topics coming up again and again would annoy some of you. You want to be able to see new ideas in everything that you read. It is hard to reconcile that with the newbies right to discuss what they would like, and there is too many threads to expect them to know everything that has been said already. If you don’t like the topic, the subject line is there for a reason. You only need to read the threads of the topics that interest you.

Be polite and civil. This organ harvesting is juvenile. And for the record I don’t have much to discuss about Miko, but find 4E an interesting topic. I do hope I can discuss it without my threads getting highjacked.

2008-05-04, 12:33 PM
What the heck is this "organ harvesting" that suddenly appeared on the forums? Shouldn't that be considered spam, if people make a post with the sole purpose of saying "spleen"?
Hey, I'll start posting one word comments everywhere too :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-04, 12:38 PM
But what about cases when "dibs on lungs" follows a non-spam response.

Of course, "dibs on kidneys" with nothing else in reply is spam. But it does not make otherwise non-spammy post spammy.

Sounds like you're looking for a loophole. Frankly, if you feel compelled not to spam, then don't include spam-like responses in your replies.

I mean would it even be an issue if someone included "You're an inbred retard who should go back to school and learn to spell" then followed by a well thought out response? No, it wouldn't fly. You can't flame people and organ harvesting is a just a form of flaming, especially when the buzzards flock to these people en masse.

2008-05-04, 12:40 PM

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-04, 12:44 PM
Sounds like you're looking for a loophole. Frankly, if you feel compelled not to spam, then don't include spam-like responses in your replies.

Is this spam?

I thought that was just the beginnings of the big snarl.

The OP is referring to the last panel of this. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0274.html)
But as FujinAkari says, in SoD the MITD is shown to a circus audience, and xykon calls him an ugly sumbitch, so he's definitely a recognizable creature, not the snarl.

*takes hippocampus*

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-05-04, 12:54 PM
I'm also going to say that this is one of those "No Solution" problems.

Pixies don't know that MitD being the Snarl/not the Snarl has been picked over since the first time the Snarl made Its first appearance.

Miko is a tragic, controvercial character, and her death ends nothing. As long as Roy can come back, Miko can to come back. Unless or until Rich shows her deciding not to return or that she is not able to return, she CAN come back.

The only threads that really bug me are the "I have PROOF of V's gender! It is _____ (Fill in the blank)," then the "proof" turns out to be nothing more than random NPC #47 saying "he" or "she" when refering to V.

Organ Harvesting is silly and rather pointless, but it's one of those fads that come and go on the internet. Kind of like the Pirates vs. Ninjas (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0121.html) battles that waged across the internet a few years ago. :smallbiggrin:

King of Nowhere
2008-05-04, 03:22 PM
I think there is nothing bad in adding a dibs for spleen to a meaningful post. And people who get offended by it can't take a joke.
However, organ harvesting becomes annoying when it begins to be spam. One post that claims organ can be fun, but a lot of them are annoying. Also, mass organ harvesting shows a lack of creativity in the posters; try to come up with something new! I joined this forum for the little silly things, but seeing just "taking lungs" is repetitive after a while.
So, while I think that those who are offended by a little organ harvesting are overreacting, I agree with people who complain about mass organ harvesting.

Also, if a thread is redundant and annoys you, it cost too much to not read it? I do it all the time.

2008-05-04, 04:31 PM
I'm also going to say that this is one of those "No Solution" problems.

Pixies don't know that MitD being the Snarl/not the Snarl has been picked over since the first time the Snarl made Its first appearance.

Miko is a tragic, controvercial character, and her death ends nothing. As long as Roy can come back, Miko can to come back. Unless or until Rich shows her deciding not to return or that she is not able to return, she CAN come back.

The only threads that really bug me are the "I have PROOF of V's gender! It is _____ (Fill in the blank)," then the "proof" turns out to be nothing more than random NPC #47 saying "he" or "she" when refering to V.

Organ Harvesting is silly and rather pointless, but it's one of those fads that come and go on the internet. Kind of like the Pirates vs. Ninjas (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0121.html) battles that waged across the internet a few years ago. :smallbiggrin:

Oh absolutely. All of it. This was what I was arguing for above. :smallcool:

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-04, 04:51 PM
The only threads that really bug me are the "I have PROOF of V's gender! It is _____ (Fill in the blank)," then the "proof" turns out to be nothing more than random NPC #47 saying "he" or "she" when refering to V.

Belkar's alignment threads don't bother you?

2008-05-04, 05:02 PM
Belkar's alignment threads don't bother you?

Wooah, they bother ME! It's quite clear he's Neutral Good...:smallsigh:

Haley-as-evil threads bother me, too. :smallmad:

But then again, the actual arguments within are fun. The only really frustrating bit is that when a point is disproven, the 'disproval' is usually ignored either by the person it was aimed at or others, or both. Then the argument goes around the block one more time...

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-05-04, 05:04 PM
Belkar's alignment threads don't bother you?

Not really. Just because you're Chaotic Evil like Belkar is doesn't mean you can't commit a random act of kindness. Belkar is evil through and through, but his murder of Solk Lorkyurg was (to me) what shifted him from "evil, but loveable" to "Just plain Evil, and a bit of an *******"

(I typed stars; I know the playground allows ass, but not sure about the longer version.)

2008-05-04, 05:34 PM
What about the harvesting of non-pixies? I've seen a couple 4E threads by Dwarves or even Ogres in the playground. They ought to know better. Can we harvest then? Can we? Can we? :smalltongue:

I do agree, though, that posts that are merely a *claim ___* and nothing else are somewhat annoying. If I harvest I at least TRY to contribute something at the same time. And just because I support Organ Harvesting doesn't necissarily mean I don't think it can't be useless spam.

2008-05-04, 05:38 PM
It all comes down to something rather simple. Those opposed to the organ harvesting would rather see someone be told "Hey, we've discussed this idea before. You can find it here <link>." This will tell the perceived offender what he or she is doing wrong. If they are new they aren't going to know better if a deluge of posts come saying stuff like, "I got the duodenum!"

At it's core it is off-topic and disruptive and unnecessary.

And here is how I feel about it. I feel those who do it, and those who perpetrate it, are immature and need to grow up and learn the meaning of the word civility. Civility encourages people to post. And a certain member who I will not mention by name is the embodiment of hypocrisy when he or she makes a thread going over the rules of organ harvesting then whines when his or her thread gets overrun by the same actions. "Hey guys, you aren't supposed to do it to MY threads! >:[."

It's all about treating others the way you would be treated. Frankly I would rather be told why I posted something wrong rather than being mocked or told to "LURK MORE!" This forum is a community and the organ harvesting is disruptive and not conducive to an actual discussion.

Yes, it has been a little slow in this subforum lately, and that's because the webcomic isn't being updated as often as a number would like. (And hey, we understand you can't have it coming all the time). But when the comic isn't being updated as often, it encourages the people to reread the older comics. And of course they are going to come across something they missed the first, second or even third time around. And the thought is, "Hey, if I missed this, maybe others did too!"

People aren't stupid for making repeat threads. So don't treat them like they are.

One other thing. You're focusing all your complaints on Organ Harvesting. What you're REALLY campaigning against are ALL "stupid newbie, lurk more. We've heard this 100 times before" posts. There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't like you acting like Organ Harvesting's the only useless thing that's ever been happening.

2008-05-04, 06:27 PM
OOTS is a great literary achievement. So many intelligent ideas were put into it. It would be great to discuss it with the same level of intelligence. However this forum right now is getting very juvenile.

If a newbie wants to discuss Miko they should be able to. There are reasons why threads pop up about her all the time. She is a well-written character, with a lot of depth that happens to set off emotions in people. It is understandable that newbies to the forum will want to discuss her. But you people are saying that because they weren’t around when Miko was originally discussed, they shouldn’t be able too? :confused: There is no place for them to discuss Miko at all, because the experienced forum posters are bored with the topic? :confused:

I understand why the same topics coming up again and again would annoy some of you. You want to be able to see new ideas in everything that you read. It is hard to reconcile that with the newbies right to discuss what they would like, and there is too many threads to expect them to know everything that has been said already. If you don’t like the topic, the subject line is there for a reason. You only need to read the threads of the topics that interest you.

Be polite and civil. This organ harvesting is juvenile. And for the record I don’t have much to discuss about Miko, but find 4E an interesting topic. I do hope I can discuss it without my threads getting highjacked.

Harvestings are reserved for threads with baseless logic easily countered(I figured out V's gender) and repetitive threads that are found two, three times per page(4e oots), If you want to talk about miko and there's no thread on it avalable, go ahead, it's when we see a dozen "roy will meet miko in teh afterlife" and "goblin not half orc ninjas" that we get pissed.

2008-05-04, 07:04 PM
Unfortunately, it seems now that a couple of week-old threads have been bumped up by replies, and are now staying at the top because of harvesting.

2008-05-04, 07:25 PM
One other thing. You're focusing all your complaints on Organ Harvesting. What you're REALLY campaigning against are ALL "stupid newbie, lurk more. We've heard this 100 times before" posts. There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't like you acting like Organ Harvesting's the only useless thing that's ever been happening.

Frankly, I am against people be unnecessarily rude to the newbies, but I'm really against spam responses. The Organ Harvesting is both.

2008-05-04, 07:29 PM
It's not THAT rude. And it's not like there aren't other spammy responses. Examples? In a one "The Anti-Paladin Thread" there were quite a few posts that were nothing than people smiting each other. In "I figured out V's gender!" There were many posts solely focused on what a life was and where to find one. But don't get me wrong, your values are very respectable, and you've certainly managed to guilt me into being nicer to pixies.

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-05-04, 08:30 PM
It's not THAT rude. And it's not like there aren't other spammy responses. Examples? In a one "The Anti-Paladin Thread" there were quite a few posts that were nothing than people smiting each other. In "I figured out V's gender!" There were many posts solely focused on what a life was and where to find one. But don't get me wrong, your values are very respectable, and you've certainly managed to guilt me into being nicer to pixies.

Yes, but eventually a Moderator came along and trimmed out all the "I smite you;" "No, I smite YOU" repetitive BS.

But it seems to me that the Organ Harvesting Season is slowly drawing to a close. I'm not seeing nearly as many this week as I saw last. :smallamused:

BTW, sometimes I think that it's NOT the newbies asking the same questions.

I occasionally suspect that someone who has been here for a while and sees how "spun up" some people get, goes onto a public computer, creates a new profile, then launches a spam bomb just to watch the Playgrounders start flopping and twitching. :smallfurious:

lord of kobolds
2008-05-04, 08:46 PM
Yes, but others do. If people who don't find it annoying want to harvest each other's organs, it doesn't bother me. But I don't think everyone should have to participate. May I suggest a protection for harvesting spell you can put in your signature? If someone creates a repeat thread who has a protection from harvesting signature, than instead of stealing body parts a link is left to where the discussion on the topic is.

What about this thread? It is up to 63 posts! :smalltongue:

If people don't want to be harvested, they shouldn't post a dumb thread. that simple.

your proposal would allow people to post any number f repeat threads with no fear of repurcussion

2008-05-04, 08:51 PM
That kind of speak is infuriating. "If you don't want your house burglarized don't forget to lock your doors."

Treat people as you would want to be treated. Don't discourage people from posting by being rude and unkind.

Also, I just have problems with people flocking en masse to a topic to increase their post count and spam.

I mean if I go through the forums and see a thread about Miko with 12 replies, I think someone may have some new insight, but then it's an entire thread of "dibs on the eyeball."

lord of kobolds
2008-05-04, 09:02 PM
OOTS is a great literary achievement. So many intelligent ideas were put into it. It would be great to discuss it with the same level of intelligence. However this forum right now is getting very juvenile.

If a newbie wants to discuss Miko they should be able to. There are reasons why threads pop up about her all the time. She is a well-written character, with a lot of depth that happens to set off emotions in people. It is understandable that newbies to the forum will want to discuss her. But you people are saying that because they weren’t around when Miko was originally discussed, they shouldn’t be able too? :confused: There is no place for them to discuss Miko at all, because the experienced forum posters are bored with the topic? :confused:

I understand why the same topics coming up again and again would annoy some of you. You want to be able to see new ideas in everything that you read. It is hard to reconcile that with the newbies right to discuss what they would like, and there is too many threads to expect them to know everything that has been said already. If you don’t like the topic, the subject line is there for a reason. You only need to read the threads of the topics that interest you.

Be polite and civil. This organ harvesting is juvenile. And for the record I don’t have much to discuss about Miko, but find 4E an interesting topic. I do hope I can discuss it without my threads getting highjacked.

If they want to discuss these things, that is fine, but they shouldn't start a whole new thread about it

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-05-04, 09:27 PM
If they want to discuss these things, that is fine, but they shouldn't start a whole new thread about it

Sometimes (most times, to be honest), any new idea gets lost in the noise of posting where topics "belong."

I once had someone give me flack because I started a thread on something that was being talked about on the Main Thread, but lets face it: the main thread is a mix of good new ideas, "Great Strip!" and general chatter.

In a perfect world, everything would be indexed, people would at least skim the threads before posting old ideas, and no one would start threads with Challenging Statements.

But this is an imperfect world, people are going to think that they have latched onto an original theory, or will wonder if the story will follow the real world into 4th Ed, or will ask a question they are genuinly curious about, not realising it has been asked dozens to hundreds of times before.

So unless Rich or one of the moderators puts up a sticky "New Playgrounders Read this First" thread, these problems will continue until the strip ends.

I've learned to just read the first post, then decide if this is a new idea, a new twist on an old idea, or just another "Hey, I just started reading this strip! It's awesome! But I think the MitD is a part of the Snarl. Has anyone ever suggested that before?"

Lycan 01
2008-05-04, 09:46 PM
Hey, can I voice my opinion as an unharvested newbie?

Organ Harvesting may be funny, but its important to point out that its a joke.

I joined a few weeks ago, but didn't actually started reading and posting in threads until a few hours ago. You know what the first thread I saw in the OotS section was? "Rules to Organ Harvesting," which, to me, seemed like an anti-newb tirade and instructions on how to pick on them. As I read the thread, I assumed that everyone here hated newbs, and my first few weeks of posting on here would be nothing more than people picking on me and picking at my organs. Then, after the first page or so, I realized that it wasn't all newbs who got harvested. But still, go read my posts. I was scared to even say hi!

So please, when you talk of and perform organ harvests, make sure you explain to the poor victim that its all in good fun, and no meanness is meant by it.

Worth mentioning: I was going to start a thread asking about what happened to Roy's brother, but now I'm a bit tentative to do so. I dunno if its been covered to the point where me mentioning it will cost me my dearly-beloved spleen...

2008-05-04, 11:58 PM
Worth mentioning: I was going to start a thread asking about what happened to Roy's brother, but now I'm a bit tentative to do so. I dunno if its been covered to the point where me mentioning it will cost me my dearly-beloved spleen...
Don't worry, none of us have means of harvesting organs over the internet... yet :smallamused:

Also, there is a big difference between a legit question (like "what hapened to Roy's borther?") and a pointless discussion (Belkar's alignment, 4 edition). the reason harvesting came about is that some topic were beaten way beyond death with every possible argument and counter argument presented.

You can always search for the topic. If it is there and it has the info, you're golden. If it is not there, then there is no reason not to start it.

It is true for pretty much every internet forum: it is nice to first search if a topic ezists before starting a new one. Search and you will have a lot less problems.

And even if someone harvests your spleen, interwebs will gladly provide a new one to you, so it is worth the try anyway :smallbiggrin:

That said, perhaps we should introduce a rule that pixies should not have their organs harvested? After all, it is understandable if a newbie in the forum does not know that a topic was discussed to death. However, a forum veteran should have organs harvested.

2008-05-05, 04:46 AM
Perhaps we shouldn't do the organ harvesting at all?

Seriously, regardless of if he or she has something to say to the conversation at hand, the next person who does this stupid fad earns an ignore. It's been well established that they are just trying to skirt getting modded for spamming.

Forum Staff
2008-05-05, 05:02 AM
This topic is now closed.

Note that effective immediately, the behavior of "organ harvesting" on threads that have been discussed before will earn the poster an infraction for spam. Any organ harvesting/spam on this thread that occurred prior to this announcement will earn a warning; any flaming that took place during such spam will also earn an infraction. This behavior has no place on this board.

For more information, please read the stickied thread here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4284724#post4284724

We apologize to those offended by this behavior that we did not put a stop to it earlier.