View Full Version : Favorite Photo(s) of Your Pet(s)

2008-05-04, 06:00 PM

Clicky here for the link to my DeviantArt version of the picture... (http://marikunin.deviantart.com/art/My-Dog-at-the-Local-Pond-84748423)

Put up your photo(s) of your pet(s) on this thread and comment on them! As for my photo of my dog Licorice...well, I'm entering it into my school's photo contest tomorrow. :)

2008-05-04, 06:03 PM
I don't have many but here's my Elliot:


2008-05-04, 06:24 PM
The late Tilla :smallfrown:


2008-05-04, 06:26 PM
The late Tilla :smallfrown:


awwwwwwww, my dog died about a year ago too sadly, i love dogs.

2008-05-04, 06:43 PM
I couldn't possibly pick a favorite pic of my pet, but there are some good ones. This is Yoko. She's supposedly my cousin's cat, but she loves me more. My cousin found her as a tiny kitten, hiding under a big propane tank at a gas station one dark and rainy night a few years ago, but we took her and now she's ours.

This is what I call the "deboned" position.


This was our favorite game when she was a kitten. It's called "Chair."


Here she is at Christmas, with her favorite toy (i.e., the Christmas tree).


This is one of the most recent pictures of her. We bought that Kitty Cube a year or two ago, but she just decided about two weeks ago that she wanted to sleep in it.


2008-05-04, 06:54 PM
Ok I found some pictures of my cats.


2008-05-04, 07:16 PM
Vaynor, those are some raggedy and ridiculously cute kittens you've got there.

2008-05-04, 07:19 PM
Vaynor, those are some raggedy and ridiculously cute kittens you've got there.

The pictures are old, but they're still really cute cats. :smallsmile:

The Valiant Turtle
2008-05-04, 07:42 PM
I'm sure it will be a great shock to see my pet...


This is actually pretty old, he's almost 3 times this size now. I've been meaning to take more, but our camera got left at the in-laws house a few weeks ago.

2008-05-04, 07:57 PM
I don't have many but here's my Elliot:

*Squee* Nice looking rat there! I had a beautiful Irish (all brown but a white triangle on the belly) several years back. I've been wanting to get another for a while now.

2008-05-04, 10:20 PM
My little Kiska! ^_^ Excuse the clutteredness of the room - moving back in with the folks means lots of stuff crammed into a space smaller than it was ever intended for >_<

2008-05-05, 01:34 AM
My life is way too erratic and irresponsible and frugal right now to take care of a pet properly, but I did have a very special budgie when I was younger. God rest his little soul.


That picture is four years old. His name was Sparkie.
And yeah, that's me.

Edit: Also,

Vaynor, your kitties are SO CUTE.
I love their huge frondy whiskers.

I'm da Rogue!
2008-05-05, 05:32 AM
^Awww, I had a lot of little parrots as a kid!

My bunny, Eki, (named after a football player, dad's stupid idea) in an artistic photo for a bunny contest.

She won 2nd place!:smalltongue:

She was the best bunny ever.
Died on Jan 10, 2008.

At least she had a good time with us, and we spoilt took good care of her.

2008-05-05, 05:51 AM
This has been my favourite picture of our cats, ever.

And what is more relaxing to look at than a fat cat lying in the sun?

2008-05-05, 05:51 AM
My dear Furgiecat:

2008-05-05, 06:41 AM
I've not taken any pictures of my pets! Weird! I'll take some and put them up! (I have 2 smooth newts and a common frog. Random I know but hey!

In the mean time; heres my flickr account for wild animal photos....


I hope that works!

2008-05-05, 06:41 AM
Technically these are my girlfriend's and her sister's cats, but I love them dearly:


The tortie is called Baby because it always cries/meows and the grey one is called Rulle, which translates into english as (to) roll.

My own cats all died :smallfrown:

2008-05-05, 07:06 AM
I have a few :)

Jane (the bigger one) and Pickleshttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs22/300W/i/2007/350/4/2/Pickles_by_Armenius.jpg Druhttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs23/300W/f/2008/006/5/d/dru_by_ottilia_suretofade.jpg
Sassyhttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs28/300W/i/2008/118/4/8/Yum_yum____003_by_Armenius.jpg Fat Kalihttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs26/300W/i/2008/107/9/6/Fat_Kali_by_Armenius.jpg
Trogdorhttp://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs28/300W/i/2008/107/3/7/Trogdor_in_lemon_by_Armenius.jpg Krishna http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs27/300W/i/2008/107/9/d/Krishna____002_by_Armenius.jpg
Herahttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs30/300W/i/2008/107/5/1/Angry_Hera_by_Armenius.jpg Clytemnestrahttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs29/300W/i/2008/107/5/b/Cly_by_Armenius.jpg
Reneashttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs27/300W/i/2008/107/1/0/Reneas___blinking_by_Armenius.jpg Chrishttp://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs16/300W/i/2007/148/6/f/Chris_by_Armenius.jpg
Tummyhttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs30/300W/i/2008/107/2/2/Tummy_Boy_by_Armenius.jpg and last but not least, my Avaricehttp://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs11/300W/i/2006/194/f/2/Avarice_5_by_Armenius.jpg

2008-05-05, 08:39 AM
My sis and me had several bunnies over the years. Unfortunately I have no pics from them on my PC... :smallfrown:
The last one was a little black one with a small white dot on his chest. We called him "Honk". Such a cutie but he was always looking for his freedom and last summer we couldn't find him anymore after his 5th break out. We also had a red one which my sister took with her to a new appartement. His name was "Ceasar", he was a little wild one and a ladies man, hahahahaaa... he was so having his fun with the ladies. Always reminded me of a song from NIN... Closer. :smallbiggrin::smallcool:

2008-05-05, 09:09 AM
Some gorgeous photos so far. Pole, that second one looks so... arrogantly regal. Agamid... *sigh* Can I has your life? At least the pet-filled aspect of it?
My turn:
The late, great Amy-Shmamey (and me, and Pete):

And behold, the glory that is... TEH POOZE! (aka, Moses)
Justicecat is blind. ...And sleepy!

2008-05-05, 09:21 AM



My cat Yin-Yang. Raised her from a kitten! She follows me everywhere in the house. =P

Though she's been driving me up a wall wanting affection lately... Also messed with my dreams the other night by sleeping on my shoulder, slightly pawing at my mouth and then kneading the back of my neck. In my dream the neck-clawing meant "Yin-Yang's messing with my HTML! Stop that, I'm trying to get stuff done!"

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-05, 09:27 AM
Ralph, my Rhodesian Ridgeback


With my father

And Cyrus, my African Grey


Elder Tsofu
2008-05-05, 09:53 AM
How cute they are, I have just the photo of our now dead dog, and even one of our cats - but I don't have a scanner. :smallfrown:

Well, someday when I settle down there will be some cats in my home again.

2008-05-05, 10:18 AM
Here's Odin (yes, it's a bit pompous, but we call him Oddy most of the time anyways):



And yes, he's a wolf. Gray wolf, to be precise. He had to be locked in a cage (it hurts me to do that), we had some friends coming over (and for some reason, people are uncomfortable around free-roaming wolves). And these are the only digital pictures of him that I have until I get a scanner, so I guess they'll have to do. Too bad I see him only once in 2 weeks, since he lives with my grandma in the countryside, but I try to visit him as often as I can...

2008-05-05, 11:01 AM
Here's Odin (yes, it's a bit pompous, but we call him Oddy most of the time anyways):



And yes, he's a wolf. Gray wolf, to be precise. He had to be locked in a cage (it hurts me to do that), we had some friends coming over (and for some reason, people are uncomfortable around free-roaming wolves). And these are the only digital pictures of him that I have until I get a scanner, so I guess they'll have to do. Too bad I see him only once in 2 weeks, since he lives with my grandma in the countryside, but I try to visit him as often as I can...

You have a wolf! I apologise for that abbreviation; but still, you have a wolf! Best pet ever.
Now if my cat and dogs didn't a) hate cameras and b) never pose for them I'd post some. It'd also depend on c) my Photobucket account working.

2008-05-05, 11:22 AM
You have a wolf! I apologise for that abbreviation; but still, you have a wolf! Best pet ever.

Yeah, I totally agree. There's just that awesome part when someone asks you which race is he and you can answer 'He's a wolf' and watch people go pale (or they first laugh at a joke and then go pale when they realise you're not kidding).
And he's not wild at all (we raised him since he was a month old pup), people (and all of the dogs) usually avoid him on account him being a wolf, but he's just as cudly as a puppy, since he's domesticated. Still, nobody except my familiy wants to play with him, poor thing.

I'm da Rogue!
2008-05-05, 12:12 PM
Isn't he sad, to live in a cage?:smallfrown:

2008-05-05, 12:18 PM
I'd rather die than put him forever in a cage!!! He doesn't live there, of course, he's just there when it's bad weather (he has a house and a roof), and when we have people coming over (and even then, even when it's for a couple of hours, I'm loathe to do it). He has our whole estate to run free, and he never ever leaves it (even though he could, since it has no fence).

I'm da Rogue!
2008-05-05, 12:36 PM
This sounds great!

I envy you so much!

2008-05-05, 12:40 PM

That looks just like my mom's cat! She used to be called "Patches," but as she got older and steadily meaner (think Bucky Katt from Get Fuzzy, but fat), she just took on the name Cujo.

Ralph, my Rhodesian Ridgeback


I'm gonna be honest, with a breed called the "Rhodesian Ridgeback," I fully expect a dragon. You're dog's awesome, but I'm still disappointed. :smallwink:

@Gorbash: I'd love a wolf like that, and I think Odin is a perfectly suitable name for it. Either Odin or Fenrir.

The problem is, we can't really have "outdoor pets" where I live - we live out in the country, so we've got feral cats all over the place, various natural predators, and a whole pack of dogs that, while they have "owners," are really more wild than anything. I'd be afraid that if I got a dog or a wolf, we'd have to keep him inside or in a fence so high nothing could jump in or out, or that if he was loose we'd have problems with animals fighting and/or killing each other.

2008-05-05, 12:45 PM
Blizzie or better known as Pretty Girl, she's my Polar Bear.

Junior or better known as Little Man, don't let that innocent look fool you. I once watched him chase off our neighbor's Doberman down the road.

2008-05-05, 03:38 PM
Ok I found some pictures of my cats.


KITTIES! ::spasms::

Blizzie or better known as Pretty Girl, she's my Polar Bear.

Junior or better known as Little Man, don't let that innocent look fool you. I once watched him chase off our neighbor's Doberman down the road.

I can imagine a Chihuahua doing that. XP

2008-05-05, 03:52 PM
@Gorbash: I'd love a wolf like that, and I think Odin is a perfectly suitable name for it. Either Odin or Fenrir.

The problem is, we can't really have "outdoor pets" where I live - we live out in the country, so we've got feral cats all over the place, various natural predators, and a whole pack of dogs that, while they have "owners," are really more wild than anything. I'd be afraid that if I got a dog or a wolf, we'd have to keep him inside or in a fence so high nothing could jump in or out, or that if he was loose we'd have problems with animals fighting and/or killing each other.

Yeah, but Fenrir doesn't really rolls off the tongue and you can't have a cute nickname as Oddy for it. :smallsmile:

And for the second part, I feel your pain. I live in a city, so it's impossible to raise a wolf there (Odin lived in my flat for about 4 months and even then had problems with local dogs), not to mention the cruelty of putting a wolf in a locked space... I don't get to see him as much, but hey, that's the price of having a wolf as a friend. :smallsmile:

2008-05-05, 05:27 PM
As I was going through this thread which got me looking at pictures of my cat Yonix and few suspious pics of him... now I'm convinced that he's a vampire cat.


2008-05-05, 05:32 PM
Gee, thanks Gorbash. Now everyone else's pets suck :smallannoyed:

Nah, it's a cool wolf. I'd pet him if I could reach Siberia from here. Where's a 10.000.000-foot pole when you need one?

2008-05-05, 05:35 PM
Gee, thanks Gorbash. Now everyone else's pets suck :smallannoyed:

Hurray! I win the internet, finally! :smallbiggrin: And Odin's not a pet. He's a part of the family. :smallsmile:

Nah, it's a cool wolf. I'd pet him if I could reach Siberia from here. Where's a 10.000.000-foot pole when you need one?

Siberia? Huh?

2008-05-06, 04:08 AM
Siberia? Huh?

You say potato, I say.. Siberia apparently. I posted that around midnight, meant Serbia of course.

2008-05-06, 12:39 PM
Sadly I never got to take a shot to my cat.

He was awesome. We got him abandoned in our front yard as a kitten. A HUGE pure white cat, with one blue and one green eyes (a summoner? or a mystic theurge?).

For some reason we always failed to take a pic of him. Either too blurry, or only part (tail, leg) of him.

He died suddenly (only about 6 years old) when I'm attending college in another city.

Hell Puppi
2008-05-06, 01:43 PM
Loki Butt!

Well his name's Loki, anyway.


Loki when he was little. He was about the size of my hand when we found him on the road.
Hard to believe now that he's so HUGE. I need to get a recent picture of him. The cat's like a walking shag carpet.


I also have a bunny, a Dutch, that hasn't been named yet. I've been calling him 'Bunny Man'.

2008-05-06, 01:51 PM
Here's a pic of Zeus.
He and his sister (Pandora) are half-Bengal and half-Siamese, about four or five years old now. I don't remember.
This was taken about three years ago (I think). I'm too lazy to take a new one.

2008-05-06, 02:02 PM
This thread is awesome! Particularly fond of SerenityKry and Raldor's pics.

We have a cute little beagle called Ally. She's one of my favorite photography subjects. :smallsmile: Here are a few favorites from my gallery...



..and of course



@ Raldor V: Thanks, man! :smallsmile: I've been enjoying the camera i bought over christmas (every chance i get). Still learning, but every once in a while i get a shot or three that i'm really happy with.

The Valiant Turtle
2008-05-06, 05:31 PM
Wow Penguin, those are some seriously good pictures, even considering the high quality of the subject. I may have to browse your photo gallery a little more than I usually do.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-05-06, 06:55 PM
As I was going through this thread which got me looking at pictures of my cat Yonix and few suspious pics of him... now I'm convinced that he's a vampire cat.


OMG I'm sad... I guessed what camera you used from looking at your photo even before I checked the EXIF.

2008-05-06, 07:12 PM

She's our parent's little dog. She's about 10 years old now and helped Dad greatly when diabets struck him hard.
We love her. They now also have two of her daughters living with them. :smallsmile:

2008-05-06, 07:15 PM
haha oh man. another perfect thread for me.

My baby Ashke when he was a wee lad:

Both Ashke and Isis when they were puppies:

Ashke all "look at me I can fold my arms"

Isis all "look at me im the cutest thing in the whole wide world"

My eldest dog, Doll

Doll and puppy-Ashke

Pic of Doll I took after we moved

Ashke a few months back. lookin hella studly

Isis quite awhile back, but looking mostly the same

2008-05-06, 07:40 PM
Jae, where are you from? I assumed the US, but Ashke looks like a blue heeler and Doll looks like she could have some dingo in her, both dogs I thought were only/mostly in Australia.

2008-05-06, 08:26 PM
Yes, USA. And yes, Ashke is a blue heeler. Doll is also a queensland heeler, a red. Both purebred. They are definitely around the US but yeah they come from Australia.

Im not sure how you acquainted you are with Australian Cattle dogs (Im not sure if its just a USA thing that the name has been changed to Australian Cattle because I still hear them called Heelers a lot...?) but it's a mix of collie, dalmation, and dingo. So that's just where the dingo look in her comes from :smallamused:

Isis is an Australian shepherd...I dont think we meant to get all Australian dogs haha but my mom and step dad are in love with both breeds.

2008-05-07, 04:38 AM
I'm confused... Ashke is blue heeler, Doll is a red Queensland heeler, and Isis is an Australian shepherd (don't think I recognise that one)... Which one's the mix of collie, dalmation and dingo? Is that the Qld heeler?

edit: Never mind, looked it up. Apparently heelers may have had some dalmation put in, and I didn't realise they came about by breeding collies with dingos, too...
The Australian Shepherd is a breed of working dog that was developed on ranches in the Western United States. Despite its name, the breed, commonly known as an Aussie, did not in fact originate in Australia.Interesting...

2008-05-07, 09:02 AM
I can imagine a Chihuahua doing that. XP

If only I could take the pictures from my head and show all, because it was too hillarious.

I came home after work and had to open the gate to pull my truck in to the driveway. Both dogs were outside running around. And the neighbors friggun Doberman was walking the street yet again.

I opened the gate, pulled the truck in, started grabbing my things and looked in the rear view mirrior and I caught a glimpse of Junior running out of the gate. I freaked, jumped out of the truck and ran after only to stop and nearly roll arouind laughing.

The Doberman was high tailing it back to his yard with Junior on his heels yapping a storm up. I have never seen him trot back so proudly. :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-07, 05:33 PM
The Australian Shepherd is a breed of working dog that was developed on ranches in the Western United States. Despite its name, the breed, commonly known as an Aussie, did not in fact originate in Australia.
Pretty funny, considering the mix. I'd like to know when they got dingos into western america to breed them o____O

2008-05-07, 05:55 PM
Here's Odin (yes, it's a bit pompous, but we call him Oddy most of the time anyways):



And yes, he's a wolf. Gray wolf, to be precise. He had to be locked in a cage (it hurts me to do that), we had some friends coming over (and for some reason, people are uncomfortable around free-roaming wolves). And these are the only digital pictures of him that I have until I get a scanner, so I guess they'll have to do. Too bad I see him only once in 2 weeks, since he lives with my grandma in the countryside, but I try to visit him as often as I can...

...OMGZ!!!!! (sorry that was just my reaction...)

You have a wolf?! *jealous rant thing*

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-07, 06:00 PM
I'm gonna be honest, with a breed called the "Rhodesian Ridgeback," I fully expect a dragon. You're dog's awesome, but I'm still disappointed. :smallwink:

Bah, that's what everyone says. NORBERT was a NORWEGIAN ridgeback. :P

@ Gorbash: I think I'm the fifth to say OMG THAT'S SO COOL!

2008-05-07, 06:04 PM
And Cyrus, my African Grey


I so want one of those, specialy since my old parrot misteriously disapeared
Here's a picture of him though

Best pet ever

2008-05-07, 07:02 PM
@ Gorbash: I think I'm the fifth to say OMG THAT'S SO COOL!

You have a wolf?! *jealous rant thing*


I'm long past the initial excitement of the 'OMG I HAVE A WOLF (pup at the time)!!!!1'.
To me the coolest part now is, on those rare occasions when I bring him home into city, when I walk him through a park, all other dogs flee (for those of you who don't know, ALL dogs are instinctively afraid of wolves) as fast as they can from him (yelping sounds included) with their owners having no clue on what's going on. That's so cool. :smallbiggrin:

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-07, 07:07 PM
I so want one of those, specialy since my old parrot misteriously disapeared
Here's a picture of him though

Best pet ever

Adorable! :smallbiggrin: Can he talk?

2008-05-07, 07:39 PM

I'm long past the initial excitement of the 'OMG I HAVE A WOLF (pup at the time)!!!!1'.
To me the coolest part now is, on those rare occasions when I bring him home into city, when I walk him through a park, all other dogs flee (for those of you who don't know, ALL dogs are instinctively afraid of wolves) as fast as they can from him (yelping sounds included) with their owners having no clue on what's going on. That's so cool. :smallbiggrin:

Don't people sorta... protest to a wolf being walked around town?

2008-05-07, 07:48 PM
Don't people sorta... protest to a wolf being walked around town?

They actually can't tell the difference (although his yellow eyes, longer legs and snout are quite noticable to me), so they think he's just a particulary intimidating dog and just keep their dogs out of his reach (not that he would ever attack anyone, he's too gentle for that :smallsmile:) ... I'm sure it's illegal, but if dogs are only ones who notice that, they sure won't tell on me... And I bring him home only once or twice a year, so it's not a biggie...

2008-05-07, 08:27 PM
(His eyes sorta look a little brown on the first picture... I can tell it's not a normal dog though...)

I remember once I was walking my dog, and he's a total couch potato (weird considering he's an australian Shepherd) and is totally afraid of other dogs. The other dog was walking towards him, in the exact "stalking" posture. Head slightly down, looking straight ahead. I can't describe it, but I was sure that the other dog (he or she, not sure) was going to eat my dog's ears off... but then he or she snapped out of it and started the customary sniffing.

(my dog was terrified, so maybe it was a wolf!:smallbiggrin:)

2008-05-07, 09:24 PM
Here they are, she's a cockatial and is so adorable. The problem is that right now she's brooding tiny eggs (they're so cute!) devotedly... that will never hatch. :smallfrown:

The perfect straight man.

She's quite the musician.

Gorby, do you mind if I move to Serbia to live with your wolf? :smalltongue:

2008-05-07, 09:39 PM
Pretty funny, considering the mix. I'd like to know when they got dingos into western america to breed them o____ONo, that's the heeler. I can't remember what the "Australian" shepherd had in it, but it didn't mention dingo. It was the heeler that was originally, if I recall that Wiki correctly, collie x dingo then colliexdingo x dalmation maybe.

Funny all these Autralian parrots being pets... I know budgerigars come in massive swarms through central Australia (they have issues with wind farms. Puff-of-feathers-and-it's-gone type issues), and I'm positive cockatiels are as well, but now that I think of it I can't think of where they run wild. LordRod's one, too, looks really familiar - I know the body looks a lot like a king parrot or something similar - but I can't place it...

Gorbash: If I was at that place, and saw him in that cage, the minute you assured me that he wasn't the least bit dangerous and that he was only in there for my comfort I'd demand that you let him out so I could ravish him with attention!
When I was little we had a great black beast of a dog. Labrador x samoyed, massive enough to pin ~4-year-old me to the ground and try to rape me, and that was when he was still just a puppy! Real bastard of a thing... My dad put two stakes in the ground, one at each end of the yard, so that there was about a metre underground and maybe a foot above ground, strung a wire between them and attached Toby's leash to the wire. He pulled up the whole contraption and went running around dragging it all behind him. We ended up giving him to a farmer. Unfortunately, he got shot for attacking the sheep :smallfrown: He was cool, in a terrifyingly horrible sort of a way...
Someone mentioned somewhere oddly normal names for pets? Well, I've had that dog, Toby, a Siamese-like cat called Weasel, her kittens Tigger, Socks and Panther (okay, those one's are a bit more pet-like), birds Ziff (a real name, means either Blossom or Stone, I forget), Smokey (not named by me) and Sneak, a dog called Amy (named after my stepdad's niece), a turtle called T.K. Foody (until I rereleased him) and my current cat Moses (for the "M" on his forehead). I think we do pretty well with names...

2008-05-07, 10:28 PM
Adorable! :smallbiggrin: Can he talk?

a little
he can say hi, he can say his name, and can say the dogs name. Also he can whistle

Also he can say something that would be translated to "stupid parrot" (i speak spanish), that my brothers taught him, and that he likes to say when the dog doesnt allow him to eat the dogs food.

2008-05-18, 04:57 PM
Wow, guys, you have some awesome pets. Agamid, I envy you. I want my own little dragon for years, but lacking the money and time to really care for it :smallfrown:

:smalleek: Damn! Gorbash, I envy you even more! When I get the hand on some travel money (and even more difficult, actual vacation days), don't be surprised if a crazy German rings at your door and wants to visit your wolf. And no, you absolutely don't have to put him into the cage. I may be not a "dog expert" in view of educating them, but they always like me. I'm sure it will apply to their ancestors also.

I would have some pretty cute pictures when Axel was a pup, but I need to get to a scanner first. So, here again his most cool picture. I know, it's not really unknown to you:smallwink:, but it summarizes so perfectly the cool, crazy and awesome dog Axel was(who would rather sleep in a 10 sqm reherseal room with a metal band playing full power, his nose under a red-hot oven, than to leave my side):

I'm da Rogue!
2008-05-18, 05:32 PM
I love animals who live in rehearsal studios, or stay in the rehearsal room and just watch.

How can they do that? Especially dogs.

I've seen many dogs listening to heavy/thrash/death metal rehearsals, and watching so calmly, as if it was the Swan Lake or something.

2008-05-18, 05:47 PM
D'Awwwwww.... Cute cats are cute...